Draw a man in military uniform. How to draw military equipment with a pencil step by step

A preschooler asks to draw a soldier? You should not be afraid. If you approach the process correctly, then portraying a person is quite simple.

We will need paper, a simple pencil and colored or paints or felt-tip pens. It is better to study drawing in stages, so it will be easier for a son or daughter to understand what and how to do, and for adults to explain the whole process.

Let's look at how to quickly and easily make a drawing. For young children, it is not necessary to immediately take a complex image, their perception and imagination are still poorly developed, so we will use a simple circuit. Before starting classes, show your child a finished picture in a book or on a monitor screen, tell them what you are going to draw a military man and what are the features of his form and purpose.

Where to begin

For convenience, at first it is better to outline the outline of the drawing and the main points from which we will build. The figure of a soldier must have a central part, torso, head, limbs and weapons. Some people start drawing right from the head, however, this requires the ability to accurately calculate the proportions and correctly position the drawing. If you want to teach children, then it is better to use lines first, which will set the direction.

Such a simple drawing is available for the image even little child. If you don’t know how to make complex pictures at all, then you can leave it like that, but it’s much more interesting if the figure takes on the shape of a person. Drawing with a pencil is convenient because you can erase incorrectly drawn or already unnecessary lines. If desired, you can use a ruler, as well as draw lines along which pre-placed points will be connected. Lines will help keep proportions, but they are better done with a simple pencil without strong pressure, so that after removal they are not noticeable.

How to make the image further

Having created a contour, it is necessary to make it voluminous. We draw the body, the head, mark with points how the limbs will be located, and connect these points with lines. After that, we draw the face, elements of clothing and weapons. If you have used additional auxiliary lines and figures, then they must be carefully erased with an eraser.

For young children, do not use too detailed an image and a lot of small parts, because our task is not only to make a drawing, but also to teach the child this process.

As can be seen from the figure, several simple lines, which marked the main direction, it turns out volumetric figure walking soldier.

In order for the picture to turn out more realistic and beautiful, we use paints or a felt-tip pen. The form can be marked in green or in gray, boots - black.

Drawing several soldiers, as well as figures in motion or shooting, is somewhat more difficult. It is better to keep the finished image in front of you, which will help you maintain proportions. It is for this that the method of creating pictures is used, when everything is done in stages.

Teaching small child, use simple methods drawing, show the basics first, and only then move on to complex plots. At first, it is better to limit yourself to a figure drawn in a standing position, and only then you can move on to images in motion and battle.

Time passes, years, centuries, events and experiences of terrible war days go further and further. But they are not forgotten, so each new generation draws their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers on sheets of paper, trying to capture the feat that they accomplished. How to draw a war so that it does not look like a heartless drawing that will be forgotten over time, but so that it is remembered, deposited in the soul and heart of every person?

Drawing on a military theme

Before going on the topic of "war", you should decide on several parameters. In your thoughts, you need to imagine how the drawing will look like, what will be depicted on it.
Will it be a separate character or part of a military action? Maybe it will be an image of some military equipment in the ruins of a city, or an airplane in a blazing sky, or a nurse in a hospital, or an old woman looking out the window with the hope of the return of her son or husband. The main thing is that it comes from the heart. Then the image will come out with a soul. Not a single person can remain indifferent, thinking about the past and drawing a war. A sheet of paper conveys the state of war, the hostile attitude towards it and the devastating consequences that it leaves behind.

Color and paint of military drawing

Every person who undertakes to draw on a military theme sees his future drawing in your color. The palette of war is multifaceted. It can also be in black colors - a sign of mourning, horror and loss. Maybe in red colors - a symbol of spilled blood, rage and cruelty. Also, the drawing can be “colorless gray”, the war was seen by desperate people who lived in those years in such a color. The image may be bright, lively (in the color of hope). How to draw a war, what color or many shades? This everyone decides for himself.

An example of an image of a drawing about the war in stages with a pencil

In order to complete the drawing, we need: paper, pencil and thoughts about what will be depicted. So, how to draw a war with a pencil in stages, if you decide to depict some kind of battle scene, with a crowd of people, equipment, and so on? First, mark all the main lines of the drawing with very light strokes, so that if necessary, you can correct it without harm to the picture. When drawing a building, draw the main part of it (roof, walls), then mark the details, for example, a hole in the wall where a bomb fell, or part of a collapsed staircase. What if you decide to draw several soldiers on the battlefield? In this case, you should start from the farthest. In the figure, it should be the smallest in size, and all the rest should gradually increase.

When displayed various equipment, be it a plane, a tank or a ship, you need to start in the same way as with various buildings, first drawing the base, and then gradually adding reality, color or historical nuances to them. Also, in order to make your characters, vehicles and buildings look the most realistic, you should refer to literary sources. View photographs of those years, find out, for example, what uniform the soldiers had, what tanks and aircraft they were, how they differed from each other, and pay attention to this in the picture. With the help of books and various illustrations, you can easily understand how to draw a war or various military actions.

Great Patriotic War on a sheet of paper

How to draw the Patriotic War on a sheet of paper? The Great Patriotic War is often called the "war of engines". Indeed, at that time in service Soviet troops motorized equipment begins to operate. In particular, the appearance of tanks can be noted. In this regard, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat war looks like has also changed. The drawings began to appear tanks on various backgrounds. It could be a tank in an abandoned city or on the battlefield, or a separate element of the whole drawing. Enemy tanks are drawn separately, they certainly have various elements of national identity (for example, a swastika).

In films about the Great Patriotic War, you can also see Soviet soldiers with machine guns, Shpagin pistols (PPSh), and the Nazis - with angular MPs. Also, heavy and super-powerful installations of the Baltic Fleet took part in the Great Patriotic War. They are also often seen in the drawings. Considering all this, the Great Patriotic War on a piece of paper is often depicted with drawings of various kinds of equipment and weapons.

Life without war, but with the memory of its heroes

How to draw a war light colors? It is possible to display this event without using dark and terrifying colors. The image of a soldier who returned home, or an already gray-haired veteran and his family - can also be attributed to the military theme of the drawing. The task of the picture about the war is, first of all, the memory of those terrible events and one of the ways of warning for the future. Therefore, all drawings about the war are of tremendous importance, and the younger generation learns the history of their country from these stories.

In general, drawing a person is not an easy task. We have already tried to depict eyes, a face, a human body, a smile on a sheet. You can even remember these lessons before starting. Since today the task has become more complicated. Not only do you need to determine the proportions of the body, you will need to think through the details: posture, objects in hands, clothes, facial expressions. That is, everything that will help us show a brave, armed, but at the same time painted soldier. And in general, defending the Motherland is not an easy task. So, we thought for a second, remembered films, or maybe someone from our acquaintances who goes to military uniform. Now let's get started.

Step one. Our whole drawing depends on it. We draw thin line, carefully and accurately. Oval head, with axial lines in the form of a cross. The vertical line of the neck, broad shoulders, turning into a large torso, consisting of two large parts. Confident foot stance. Two arms bent at the elbows are only outlined in large details. In this picture, our soldier seems to be holding a stick in his hands. In the future, it should turn into a worthy weapon.

Step two. We will add a chin to the oval-face, its shape will give character to a person. Rectangular will make it more masculine, triangular - more assertive, and oval - soft and kind. Let's draw the superciliary part of the headdress. Let's show the ears from eye level down.

Step three. At the intended level, draw the eyes, along the vertical line - but also the mouth. And then the details: a sharp collar, rectangular shoulder straps, a hat.

Step four. Show details firearms. Let's draw a hand.

Step five. We draw in detail the second hand, military jacket, bag, buttons and pockets on it.

Step six. A few more details on the machine and large pockets on the leg. By the way, you can determine the number and location of pockets yourself or look at the photos to find out how to draw a soldier present.

Step seven. There is little left - these are shoes

Step eight. We erase the axial lines on the face. Emphasize and outline large details. Well, our painted soldier is ready for battle. And the machine gun in his hands is almost like a real one. I'm sure you will now know how to draw a soldier with a pencil and everything will work out for you. Good luck!

Hello! In today's lesson we will tell you about how to draw a Soviet soldier.

The fact is that this topic concerns each of us - after all, "there is no such family in Russia where its hero is not remembered." Taking this opportunity, I would like to ask every reader whose heroes are alive and well to express their attention, recognition and care to them.
This article is being written on the eve of the great holiday - Victory Day, but we would very much like our Heroes to receive congratulations and respect not only on this important day, but on all the other 364 days of the year. Call yours and your grandmothers, provide all possible assistance in everyday matters, ask about their health, give them a cool complex pattern, which you personally created in their honor. Here, the team of our site can help you with the last point - let's start drawing a real Hero - a Soviet Soldier!

Step 1

This lesson is quite complicated, but we will start drawing it with a very simple stickman - a man made of sticks and circles. However, do not be deceived by its simplicity - the fact is that this stage is the most important of the entire lesson, because the mistakes made here will be very difficult to correct in the future. Before starting to draw a stickman, let's remember the basic rules of body proportions: a person's height is equal to the sum of the lengths of about 7 heads, with 3 of them falling on the body (from the neck to the waist), and 4 on the legs. The arms extended at the seams reach the middle of the distance from the waist to the knee joint, and the torso is as wide as the sum of two heads (also wide).

However, be extremely careful at this stage, because the soldier is not standing in full height(as, for example, in one of our lessons), but takes a position immediately before the shot - leans on his knee and aims.

Pay attention to the features - the arms seem too short, but this is an illusion due to their folded position and the lack of volume at this stage against the background of the head. By the way, the head should be drawn into the shoulders, that is, the neck will not be visible here - again, such a visual effect occurs due to the non-standard "aiming" position of the soldier.

Step 2

Now let's work a little on the upper part of our drawing. Let's draw a helmet line in the upper part of the head, mark the remaining lower part with two lines - vertical, which will indicate facial symmetry (note that it is slightly beveled to convey the tilt of the head) and the eye line perpendicular to it.

Let's also draw a part of the silhouette of the helmet and outline the weapon in the soldier's hands (the butt should cover the lower part of the face). Let's finish the stage by drawing rectangular fists.

Step 3

Let's add volume to the arms and upper body. In fact, in this stage we will only circle the lines outlined earlier. We will not draw muscles here, since the soldier's attire is not tight-fitting.

Step 4

Now we will do the same operation with the lower part of the torso. This will be much easier to do if you imagine the parts of the body in the form of figures - the belt and groin in the form of a triangle, the legs in the form of cylinders, the knee joints in the form of a circle and a flattened oval. Again, nothing complicated, since we do not need anatomical drawing of muscles and tendons.

Step 5

"Volumetric stickman", that is, the silhouette of a soldier is ready, you can start drawing it. If in doubt about the accuracy of the location of a soldier or the proportions of his body, bring a sketch this stage to the mirror and look at the reflection - in it all the mistakes will be very catchy and noticeable.

And now, in fact, we continue: erase the extra guide lines from the helmet and outline its outline, also draw a strap on the soldier's cheekbone. Then draw the eyes - one of them should be squinted.

The general plan will be something like this:

Step 6

Usually we draw and detail the drawings always from top to bottom, that is, in the direction from the head to the feet. And this lesson will not be an exception, therefore, we continue to detail our soldier.

Let's work on the tunic. Let's draw the sleeves, outline the folds of the fabric and cuffs. Then we will designate a belt that goes through the entire body diagonally, a collar and strokes, which will later become large pockets located on the chest.

The palms are the most mobile part of the body, so it is their drawing that causes the largest number complexities. To do this, we decided to make a couple of big plans:

Actually drawing the palms here is not particularly difficult, you just need to correctly convey their position and how they hold the weapon.

By the way, do not forget to draw the weapon itself, namely the legendary Mosin rifle. The general plan is:

Step 7

Let's go down and draw the lower part of the torso and legs of the soldier. First, let's draw a belt and side pockets, and then a bag and a loose lower part of the tunic (pay attention to the smooth bend of the tunic line in the area of ​​​​the leg closest to us, it must be marked, it emphasizes the pose).

Next is the legs. Let's erase the extra guide lines, wrap around the contours, giving the trousers a "baggy" appearance - that is, we make the contour itself slightly wavy and apply folds to the fabric. Yes, such a moment - the legs should turn out to be very voluminous, again in order to emphasize loose fit pants.

Step 8

Great, already very close to what we need. Now we will carry out the final drawing of the torso and legs of our soldier. At this stage, we outline and detail in detail the warrior’s left hand and the edge of the rifle butt.

Carefully consider our sample and try to repeat all our actions in your drawing - be sure to draw such, at first glance, inconspicuous details as a patch on the elbow, cuff edging, buttons and folds. Draw knuckles on the outside of the hand.

Step 9

Now let's repeat the same operation, but on the other, right hand from us. Here only, unlike the previous stage, the nails on the fingers are visible and we will need to mark them. Also outline the strokes of the phalanges of the fingers, but otherwise everything is the same - cuffs with a border, buttons, a patch in the elbow area and folds.

Step 10

Let's draw a Mosin rifle. Keep in mind that most parts of the barrel of this weapon were made of wood, to visually convey this material, draw a few lines along the barrel in front of it. Also mark short horizontal lines running across the trunk - the first of them is located next to the front sight, and the last one is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brush on our right hand. Draw the scope, trigger, and belt (note the belt buckles and the upside down position).

Step 11

We detail the body. Draw stripes on the collar horizontal line zippers and pockets. Pay attention to the border, which is located along the edges of the pockets and the folds coming from the belt. Don't forget to also trim the strap of the bag and draw the buckle.

Step 12

Let's draw the legs, start from the left of us. Turn it around, keeping the previously outlined wavy contour, mark the line of the fly on the pants, mark a rectangle in the knee area and draw a boot on a thick, rough sole. Apply a few short folds to the boot material.

Step 13

Now we detail the other leg. Fringe it, mark the folds, draw stripes of fabric in the lower leg area. Draw a thick sole of the boot, designate the lacing and a couple of strokes on the material of the shoe, which will indicate the folds.

Step 14

Looks good, doesn't it? Let's work on the shadows now. First, let's put a shadow on the helmet of our soldier. Before starting work, do not forget to watch the 6th stage of the lesson dedicated to it - firstly, it describes the structure of a realistic shadow, and secondly, the shadow on the grape brush in terms of distraction is very similar to the shadow that lies on the soldier's helmet from this lesson.

Before applying shadows, determine the location of the light source - we have light falling on the soldier in front, the source is approximately at the height of his growth, and since the soldier is slightly turned to the right of us, we will shade the side to our left.

We will impose a shadow on the helmet with a light but frequent cross-hatching, achieving the density we need by adjusting the pressure on the pencil and choosing the optimal number of layers of cross-hatching. Don't forget to mark the strip of reflective light that is located along the edges of the helmet.

Step 15

Let's put a shadow on our left hand. Note that almost every crease casts a slight shadow, and in the region of the trapezius and deltoid muscles, the shadow is especially thick.

Step 16

With a light cross hatching, we denote the shadows on the body, increasing the number of layers in the most densely shaded places.

Step 17

In conclusion, I would like to show you one video, a quote from which we used at the beginning of our lesson. This impressive video sequence was created from the frames of the cult Soviet film "Officers", and the music was written by the talented composer Evgeny Agranovich.

Actually, it remains to apply a very light shadow on the soldier's legs and our drawing is ready.

It was a lesson about that from the site Drawingforall, all the best to you, do not forget your grandparents - your attention is incredibly important to them. Come to us for new lessons and write in the comments your wishes regarding their topics. Happy Holidays everyone!

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Slides captions:

Step by step drawing of a soldier

Each soldier must always be neatly dressed and always have a cleaned and serviceable weapon for battle. Let's start drawing a soldier. Let's draw an oval for the head and two long lines descending from the oval.

Draw two ovals at the top of the rectangle. These ovals will be the contours for the soldier's arms.

On the left oval, add another oval with a slope to the right so that the hand salutes. Let's add another oval on the second hand. At the bottom, draw two more ovals for the soldier's legs.

Let's draw the basic shape for the soldier's rifle and other elements.

Let's add features to the face and improve the soldier's body. Draw a military pattern on the uniform.

Let's check the sketch of the soldier. Outline the drawing with a black felt-tip pen and erase all unnecessary lines.

Let's paint the soldier's uniform green and Brown color. Paint the rifle and boots black.

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