Calendar-thematic planning for drawing (preparatory group) on the topic: Advanced planning for fine arts (preparatory group). The work program of the circle on fine arts "Rainbow Palette" Podstreshnaya Ekaterina Alexandrovna for preparatory

Natalya Samokhina

Abstract of the lesson on fine arts in preparatory group « Sunset»

GOAL: Introduce artistic techniques; develop a feeling

compositions and colors and stimulate interest in visual arts.

TASKS: 1. Learn to understand the expressive means of painting (color,

line, color, rhythm) To consolidate the ability to distinguish between types of landscape.

2. Develop graphic skills (select color scheme, corresponding to a certain time of day; use different painting techniques when depicting the sky)

3. To promote the education of the individual, to cultivate a reverent attitude towards native nature.

EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: Image sunset, reproductions of paintings with landscapes, musical accompaniment, paper, wax crayons, watercolor paints, brushes.


Guys today we have an unusual occupation, we will go on a tour of our unusual museum. Guys, have you been to museums where paintings are hung, raise your hands, who was there? Let's imagine that we are in a museum where paintings hang different artists. And who are these artists? That's right, guys, this is a person who draws pictures. The artist is like a magician, a magician who in his paintings admires the beauty of nature, he depicts the splendor of expanses of fields, meadows, lakes and rivers, can show in the drawing the beauty of a flowering garden or the majesty of a mighty oak, various animals, people, the sea and sunsets. Look how many paintings we have here and they are all different, but what unites these paintings. I will give you a riddle, and you try to guess it.

You warm up the whole world

And you don't know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you.


Katya was very surprised

Looking out the window

For some reason on sunset

It became red.

Today we continue to work on the landscape. But first, let's repeat what landscapes are (urban, maritime, rural):- on my board all the pictures are mixed up ... Help me put them in their places. Here we are today, like real artists, we will draw sunset, and we will draw with wax crayons and watercolors. We have already drawn with wax crayons more than once, so we know various techniques for drawing with wax crayons. But first, let's see what are the different sunsets….See pictures from sunsets sun and listen to poetry


Sunset dazzling sun,

With a radiant pattern playful,

Watch surprisingly silently

Golden spill on the sea.

Crimson sky sparkles

A million lit fires

It is every time in a new color,

It amazes with its palette.

A fireball with a bright train,

Playing in the rush

Golden shimmering light

The sun is reflected in the water.

Instantly the luminary sets,

Only with a disk touching the water,

Lightning has disappeared from the horizon,

In the abyss, the rays go out.

Flocks of seagulls circle over the sea

Waves caress the surf,

On a wonderful evening, a huge sea,

Filled with blue again.

Maria Gordeeva 2

Sunset on the river

Having finished the day of the past accomplishment,

To give the earth a little rest,

Lord Sun with a fiery glow

Beyond the horizon completes the path.

Painting the sky with bright strokes,

And saying goodbye to the passing day,

The golden ball melted in the stream of water,

Leaving only memories of him.

Having accepted sunset into cold embraces

And dissolving his fire in the waves,

The river caresses the horizon with a kiss,

Spilling tenderness to heaven.

AT sunset hour everything is covered with mystery,

Everything froze in anticipation of miracles,

And the shadow imperceptibly approaches

In an almost extinct sunset forest.

River… Sunset. ... endless expanses ....

And the sky in fluffy clouds,

Tired the sun disappeared from the horizon ...

The Night has come, the Day has calmed in dreams….

We will draw with wax crayons on thick paper. Drawing the landscape with wax crayons is done with a chalk of the color that we will have the sun. Showing the teacher several ways to draw the sun, paint over, leaving white gaps. Then, when working with paints, these gaps will be painted over, and it will turn out beautiful effect. Strokes are best applied in the form. First, light colors, then gradually darken in the right places, creating volume with shadows.

Then we continue to paint with watercolors of several ways of toning. sky: in a raw way, when paints carefully pour color into color, you can depict contrasting color transitions, you can paint the sky with separate strokes. Do not forget that the sky in our drawing is not separate in itself. It is reflected in the water, its reflections will be present everywhere, so do not forget to add the appropriate reflections to the work. The teacher asks the students to remember which they saw the sunset, observed in nature and draw it. Children work to music.

Everyone has their own unique sunset.

Let's take a look at what expressive work you've got.

you did a good job today lesson. On this our class is over.

Sokolova, Tatiana


(preparatory group)



Other sod.: to introduce the genre of "still life", to teach children to recreate in memory and name the fruits growing in the garden, their color, shape, to teach to depict various forms, while composing a still life; give an idea of ​​the correct arrangement of still life objects, continue to teach how to sculpt different forms (apples, pears, plums, grapes from a whole piece), convey the features of each of them, develop diligence.

Material: plasticine, stacks, planks, fruit models, vase.

Previous work: looking at still life paintings, drawing up a still life from various objects, talking about fruits, their place of growth.



Exc.: continue to introduce the type of fine art - still life, learn to compare different ways of depicting a three-dimensional form (plastic and decorative-silhouette), make a composition of 2-3 objects. Continue learning to cut out symmetrical objects from paper folded in half (a vase), and several fruits (apple, pear), complete the composition with details; improve the skills of smooth cutting of rounded shapes. Fix the “rules of scissors”: keep the sharp ends away from you and down, make sure that your fingers do not get under the blades, serve with rings forward.

Material: a sheet of dark-colored cardboard (purple, blue), colored paper blanks for a vase, orange and yellow paper for fruits, green blanks for leaves, glue, brushes, oilcloth, tray, scissors, a simple pencil.

Previous work: viewing still lifes, analysis of the location of objects when performing a still life. Still life drawing and modeling.

Literature: Shvaiko "Classes in Fine Arts" p. 19


Other sod.: to teach children to visually perceive and determine the genre in art - still life, to teach children to independently compose a still life from the proposed objects, to exercise in the ability to correctly arrange still life objects; to learn to convey in the drawing the characteristic features of fruits, to teach a new technique - a two-color side stroke.

Material: table, tablecloth, replicas of fruits, vase, kitchen utensils, flowers (optional), gouache paint brushes, watercolor.

Previous work: modeling and application of a still life, learning A. Kushner's poem "What did I learn?", compiling a still life from objects of the environment.

Literature: O.A. Kurevina "Journey to the beautiful" pp. 172, 181-184


Exc.: continue to teach children how to draw a still life, exercise the ability to distinguish the still life genre from other types of art, develop skills in creating three-dimensional images, exercise in sculpting various forms of mushrooms and berries, conveying their characteristic features. To cultivate the desire to do the work accurately, independently analyze the result.

Material: plasticine, planks, basket, dummies of mushrooms and berries.

Previous work: examining dummies of mushrooms, illustrations of mushrooms, berries, exercises in drawing up a still life.


Exc.: to learn on the basis of impressions, knowledge and skills gained in previous classes, to independently determine the content of a still life, its composition, the color scheme of objects, background, as well as image methods, continue to learn to symmetrically cut round and oval objects from paper folded in half , several times, to teach to work collectively, to coordinate their actions, to cultivate tolerance, mutual assistance. Reinforce the "rules of scissors".

Material: three large sheets of paper, colored paper for cutting fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, green paper for cutting leaves, glue, brushes, scissors, a pencil, a tray, oilcloth.

Literature: Kazakova “Develop creativity in preschoolers” p. 150


Other cond.: teach to convey in the drawing the characteristic features of a birch (white trunk with black spots, thin curved branches, light crown), autumn coloring of foliage, teach the correct methods of action with a semi-dry hard brush when drawing vertical strokes to form foliage and horizontal strokes for an image black spots on a birch trunk; consolidate the skills of drawing thin curved lines with the end of the brush; through riddles, illustrations, drawings, to form in the imagination of children the image of a white-trunked slender birch. Follow the correct posture when drawing.

Material: illustrations depicting a birch, a sheet of paper to show individual ways of depicting, two brushes - soft and hard, paints.

Rich blue paper in the form of an elongated rectangle, additional sheets of white paper for fine line practice and different ways work with a hard brush; brushes are soft and bristly, gouache paints.

Literature: Shvaiko "Classes in Fine Arts" p. 29


Exc.: to introduce children to a new way of composing a three-dimensional mosaic - modular modeling, namely, composing from shapeless pieces, to teach children to pinch off, tear off or cut off small pieces in a stack and create an image of a decorated tree from them, show a way to sculpt a tree, develop in children independence in decorating crafts using natural material.

Material: sample, plasticine, stacks, boards, natural material.

Literature: I.A. Lykova "We sculpt, fantasize, play" pp. 27-29

APPLICATION "PATTERN IN A CIRCLE" (from leaves and small flowers) -decorative

Other sod.: introduce a new type of application - floristry, application of leaves, flowers, herbs; learn to make a composition of leaves in a circle, carefully stick, develop creativity, diligence, artistic taste.

Material: tinted paper in the form of a circle, dried plants (leaves, flowers), PVA glue, brush, oilcloth, scissors, rag, samples.

Previous work: collection and drying of leaves and flowers, composition of dried plants.

DRAWING "GOLDEN AUTUMN" (using natural material) - plot

Etc.: to introduce a new method of drawing using dried plants - printing flowers and herbs (TRIZ), to teach how to compose a composition, to convey the changes that have occurred in nature in it, to consolidate the ability of children to distinguish and name genres of art - landscape, to consolidate in the ability to arrange close, medium and long-range objects, the horizon line, develop creativity, artistic taste, patience.

Material: sample, dried leaves of various shapes, landscape sheet, watercolor paints, gouache, brushes.

Previous work: looking at autumn landscapes, talking about pictures, memorizing A. Kushner's poem “What did I learn?”

Literature: O.A. Kurevin "Journey to the beautiful" p. 132.

4. MODELING "TEA SERVICE" (decorative)

Exc.: continue to teach children to sculpt in a constructive way (connecting parts),

receive from cylindrical shape cups, and from a large ball - a teapot, making indentations and evenly increasing the resulting shape (stretching and stretching with your fingers, getting the walls of the dishes of the same thickness), smooth and align the edges; decorate products with a ribbon ornament, preliminarily outlining the pattern of the ornament, learn how to perform a ribbon ornament. Develop creativity, accuracy, the desire to do the job beautifully.

Material: clay (plasticine, salty dough), stacks, patterns of ornamentation, planks.

Previous work: examining ribbon ornaments, training in their modeling.

Literature: I.A. Lykova “Sculpt, fantasize, play” pp. 40-42


Exc.: to introduce a new method of making an application - cutting off, continue to learn how to select cold and warm tones for a composition, continue to learn how to transfer a stencil onto a sheet of paper, develop independence, initiative, do work carefully.

Material: album sheet, tea stencil, colored paper, simple pencil, glue, brush, rag, tray.

Previous Worker: repeat the theme "Dishes" with the children. Discuss the purpose of tea utensils. D / and “Assemble the whole from parts”, “The fourth extra” on the topic “Dishes”.

Lit .: Malysheva "Application in kindergarten" p. 98


Other sod.: to introduce a new way of depiction - monotype (TRIZ), to form drawing skills using non-traditional techniques, to develop creativity, imagination.

Material: gouache, sheet of paper, fine brush, sample.

Literature: Seminar - workshop on fine arts "Using non-traditional technique drawing at preschool age

- Introduce photocopy drawing techniques.
- Formation of skills in the technique of drawing with a candle.
development of attention through observation of frosty patterns in winter;
fostering interest in winter natural phenomena;
cultivating accuracy in execution.
Equipment: pattern samples, landscape sheet; an additional sheet, a piece of a candle; watercolor paints; a brush with a wide bristle; a glass of water, napkins, a letter.
1. Organizational moment.
Psycho-gymnastics: "Ray"
Reached for the sun
They took the ray
Pressed to the heart
And they gave it to each other.
Lesson topic message.
Guys today the topic is educational organizational activities"Frost patterns", and not just an activity, but drawing with a candle
Surprise moment.
Guys, what time of year is it? Children meet winter
It's winter now. Winter is a wonderful time of the year! Winter wonders happen! So I received a small package. Who sent it to us?
Let's see what lies in it, maybe we will find out from whom it is.
Reading the attached piece of paper to the parcel
Guys, here lies a snowflake with a riddle poem. Listen carefully to guess it. Whoever guesses will raise their hand:
Stars fall from the sky, fall on the fields.
Let the black earth hide under them.
Many, many stars, thin as glass;
The stars are cold, but the earth is warm.
What master did this on the glass
And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses. Children answer it is snowflakes, because they cover the ground with snow and look like stars
Well done guys, you are very observant, so you correctly guessed the riddles.
Introduction to the topic.
And who is a faithful and indispensable assistant in winter? Children respond frost
Correctly. With the onset of winter comes the cold. Frost knocks on every house. He leaves his messages to people: either the door will freeze - they prepared poorly for the winter, then they will leave their art on the windows - a gift from Frost. Let's see what kind of messages he sent us
I take out pictures from the parcel - with the image of frosty patterns
What is shown in the pictures? Children answer Twigs, snowflakes, ice flowers, curls and cold hooks
That's right, the guys are here and spruce branches, decorated with frost.
This is how Frost painted the windows for us without brushes and paints.
Guys, how do you think Frost draws these patterns? Children put forward their assumptions Blows on the glass with cold, by magic, throws snowflakes on the windows, and they stick to the window.
In fact, from the cold, frosty air, water droplets that are present in the air settle on cold glass, freeze and turn into ice needles. During the night, many, many of them are formed, they seem to build up on each other. And as a result, different patterns are obtained, which we have now observed with you.
Guys, what do you think, you and I could draw patterns in such a way that at first they were not visible, and then suddenly appeared, like Frost? No.
But it turns out you can. And now I will introduce you to this method of drawing - it is called "photocopy".
2. Practical part.
Pick up pieces of a candle and try to run them on a sheet of paper.
Does the candle leave visible traces? Children answer No
And now cover with any watercolor paint on top. What did you get? Lines appeared under the paint, which we drew with a candle.
Guys, why do you think the lines made by the candle didn't color? Children speak their minds
The candle consists of wax, which repels water, so the design made with water-repellent material appears after applying watercolor paint diluted with water to it. Today we will try to create a miracle - draw Frost patterns with the help of a candle.
How do we start drawing? Children are responsible to draw from the top, going down.
It is true that in order for the drawn elements not to overlap each other, it is best to draw the pattern from top to bottom. Finished drawing cover with watercolor. I would advise choosing blue or purple. And so that the sheet does not get wet, apply the paint evenly over the entire sheet, but do not draw over the same place several times.
3. Independent work of children.
I provide personalized assistance

4. Summing up
What is the name of the painting technique that we used to create such beautiful works guys? Children answer photocopy
What else do you think you can draw using the photocopy technique? Children answer flowers, patterns, the sun.
Our lesson has come to an end, I am very pleased with you and I really want to know what surprised you today? What did you like the most today?

Greetings, my friends and random visitors to my blog! Tatyana Sukhikh is with you. Do you think modeling, appliqué, drawing in the preparatory group are important for the future student, or is it better to focus on counting and writing? Why do we as educators treat pictorial views art in the system preschool education no less serious than teaching literacy and the basics of mathematics? Please, express your opinion, I'm very interested to hear it!

Today I would like to talk about what a drawing lesson is for children who will soon become first graders. I will focus on what gives five-six-year-olds the art of conveying the world around them on paper.

But first, as always, a review of useful materials for educators and parents from the Internet.

The traditionally rich assortment of online stores "UchMag" and "OZON.RU" cannot but please customers and me, of course, too.

So, I found the most interesting manuals for kindergarten teachers and active parents:

“Unconventional Drawing Techniques in Kindergarten” is an excellent material on different ways to draw, plus the basic lexical concepts that children need for speech development. The book is designed for speech therapy preschool institutions, but it is perfect if you need to develop an interesting GCD abstract for drawing in the senior and preparatory groups.

Until recently, printed workbooks were used only in schools, but today they can be introduced into the practice of kindergartens. For example, there is interesting option– series “Artistic work. Preparatory group. Such workbook will not only make aesthetic development classes more interesting, but also prepare children for similar activities that await them at school.

If you do not know how to entertain children in the summer, when they do not attend kindergarten or school, invite them to do creative work right on the pavement. The handbook "Drawing on asphalt with children 4-7 years old" very timely for the summer will help you. After all, it’s not enough just to give the baby crayons, you need to be able to interest him so that he enthusiastically spends time on fresh air and for the benefit of general development. The book contains a methodology for teaching children to depict various objects, landscapes, portraits with ordinary crayons.

Well, how can drawing take place without albums? "UchMag" offers colorful and inexpensive albums on a spiral from the series " monster high”, which girls will like first of all.

I want to note that the methodological materials I have proposed have been developed according to the Federal State Educational Standard and can be safely applied in preschool educational institutions.

What do we do in art classes in kindergarten?

Imagine that we need to draw up a perspective drawing summary for the entire academic year. Would you like to see what is written there?

So, September begins with the fact that we remember the summer. Usually we invite the children of the preparatory group to draw on the topic: “How did I spend my summer?”

Children can depict different things, basically, they draw the sea, the river, the village, the cottage. If the kid has conceived the sea and sand, you can offer the technique of wet watercolor drawing. Who does not know - this is paint on wet paper. At the same time, the colors are blurred, the contours are blurred, which creates an amazing effect ...

What are our goals for this:

we teach children to transfer their plans to a piece of paper, develop their imagination, suggest how to build a composition, teach different techniques drawing. In addition, the guys learn to work carefully, to bring their plans to the end.

Having spent the summer, we will meet the autumn!

Autumn drawing themes necessarily include the image of the gifts of autumn. The preparatory group draws still lifes: baskets with vegetables, jugs with autumn leaves etc. It turns out to be interesting to draw with the poke technique. Children draw sketches with a simple pencil, and then fill the sketch with a color with a brush, poking the paper with a brush. Tyk, tyk gouache first along the contour, then fill the space inside the contour so that there are no gaps. Beautifully done, just like a real painting!

The non-traditional drawing technique in the preparatory group is widely used; children of this age are already quite proficient in using a pencil and brush, so they easily perceive other ways of depicting. For example, if we want to draw an autumn landscape, we can do it with the technique of prints. First we draw tree trunks, and then we apply paint on a maple leaf and make an impression on paper - this is the crown of the tree. Or we apply paint on paper with our fingers, we get a lot of leaves on the trees.

What program tasks do children perform when drawing autumn? They experience an emotional upsurge, trying to convey the beauty of autumn on paper, thus enriching personal experience perception of this time of year. In addition, children consolidate the skills of mixing colors, creating new shades, distinguish between warm and cold colors.

We complete autumn with Khokhloma - we draw characteristic patterns on paper of various shapes. It can be stripes, circles, triangles. Children learn to correlate the elements of the pattern with the shape of the paper, imagining that they are painting a plate, ribbon, handkerchief.

Zimushka-winter has come!

The summary of the lesson on drawing winter includes teaching the image of the urban landscape - snow-covered streets hometown. Children learn to draw simple compositions, where there are houses, public transport, passers-by.

Non-traditional drawing on this topic in kindergarten (preparatory group) - for example, scratching. This is scratching a black background with a wooden skewer or an empty rod. ballpoint pen. In a nutshell: we rub a white or colored background with a candle, then paint over with black gouache with the addition of dishwashing detergent. When completely dry - we scratch the contours of the intended pattern.

In winter, we often draw animals in the winter forest, New Year's celebration, winter landscape. Be sure to depict the birds on the feeder using different techniques.

We also deepen our knowledge of folk types of painting. We reinforce drawing skills with paints, pencils, learn to draw living and inanimate nature using different methods.

What do we draw in spring?

Of course, March is associated, first of all, with Women's Day. We are sure to draw a portrait of mom in the preparatory group. What do we want to instill in the children during the lesson? We bring up the emotional perception of the image of the mother, develop the ability to depict a person's face close-up, we try to teach new drawing techniques, for example, using templates. You can prepare yourself or buy ready-made templates for the elements of a person's face - eyes, lips, nose. This will facilitate learning to draw a portrait and diversify activities with children.

Further on the topic: "Spring" children draw drops. This can be done in different ways. I already, it seems, talked about drawing a drop with plasticine? It's easy: draw a house with snow on the roof. Then, along the edge of the roof, we smear balls of white plasticine vertically, imitating icicles.

What spring is complete without flowers? The flower theme is very interesting, children love to depict famous and fantastic buds of all colors of the rainbow. As for fantasy, I advise you to invite children to draw a fabulous land of flowers - this is useful for developing imagination and artistic taste. In addition, we develop aesthetic perception springtime, we consolidate knowledge about color, about the possibilities various materials, learning to use white to create delicate shades.

The drawing lesson (spring) also involves illustrating fairy tales. We give children a ready-made plot or they choose the fairy tale to be drawn and the technique of drawing.

Here's how unusually you can depict a hedgehog with an apple: draw the body and apple with a brush, and needles and grass with plastic forks. Just put the tines of the fork perpendicular to the paper. This is a print technique. It turns out very realistic and expressive!

Traditionally, a drawing summary on the topic: “Spring” is not complete without a plot about May 9th. Children draw on a patriotic theme: the composition "Victory", fireworks, the flag of Russia, stories about the war, etc.

What should a child learn in the spring? A preschooler should be able to independently come up with a plot for a drawing, think over a composition, choose colors, make a sketch, decorate correctly, without leaving gaps and without going beyond the outline. He also knows how to mix colors in the right proportions and knows in advance what shade will be obtained by mixing certain colors. The preschooler has mastered ways to convey the characteristic features of living beings and objects. He knows what characterizes landscape, portrait, still life, painting.

GCD in the preparatory group for fine arts is milestone in the life of a future student. The child consolidates all the acquired skills and knowledge that he will need in the future. It develops finger dexterity, mastery of pencil and brush, trains spatial thinking, strengthens interest in creativity. All this, of course, will be useful to him in school for successful adaptation.

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1 The work program of the circle on fine arts "Rainbow Palette" Podstreshnaya Ekaterina Aleksandrovna for the preparatory group for school GBUZ "Children's pulmonological sanatorium"Salut" 204

2 Explanatory note. P.L. Kapitsa said this about art and the harmonious development of the personality: “People have the opportunity to influence the emotional activity of a person, to organize this activity. Art does this most effectively. Music, for example, accompanies the main emotional stages of a person's life. Fine arts and literature have a particularly strong influence on the development of the spiritual culture of society. They influence emotions that influence the establishment of morality and ethics both in personal relationships of people and in social ones. And art is an artistic generalization of the processes taking place in the life of people and society. The circle "Rainbow Palette" is held on the basis of the preparatory group for the school of the sanatorium. Every child from the age of two to adolescence draws complex multi-figured compositions, draws everything that he sees around, hears, knows and remembers. Adults care about results creative activity, and for the child, the process is of paramount importance. If a little artist is already able to express his emotions through color and line, he can, drawing, splash out his emotions and experiences: joy, love, fear Splashing them on a sheet of paper, the child, as it were, is freed from them, releases them into the wild and this is the psychotherapeutic effect of drawing. In the preparatory group for school, children get acquainted with various types of fine art accessible to their age. Using the best samples folk art and works of great masters, the teacher educates children's interest and ability to aesthetically perceive paintings, sculptures, folk items artistic creativity, illustrations in books, forms the basis of the aesthetic taste of children, the ability to independently evaluate works of art. Being engaged in the lessons of visual activity, students have the opportunity to express their impressions, their understanding and emotional attitude to the life around them in artistic creativity: drawing and applications. In the preparatory group for school, the teacher sets himself and implements a whole range of tasks: Acquaintance of children with works various kinds arts of the world artistic culture (painting, graphics, architecture, folk and arts and crafts); Encouragement of interest in children to contemplate beautiful objects and phenomena in the world around them; Learning to convey your idea of ​​the historical past of your homeland by depicting interiors, costumes, household items that correspond to their time, as well as creating fairy-tale characters (The Little Mermaid, Pinocchio, Leshy, Mummitrolls, etc.); Encouraging children to independently choose children's artistic images, plots of compositions, materials, tools and ways of conveying their ideas; Continuing to study the image of objects of the real and fictional world from nature or by representation, conveying the proportions and movements of objects, animals and people; Continued acquaintance with various techniques drawing with gouache, watercolor, colored pencils and wax crayons; Learning to coordinate hand movements when working with a brush and paints, as well as in working with an application.

3 As a result of joint productive activity: - there is a disclosure creativity; - the child learns new techniques and image techniques; - the child learns to compositionally correctly arrange the depicted objects on the sheet: - learns to work in the correct sequence; - develops figurative thinking, imagination and visual memory; - joining the world artistic culture, as well as the accumulation of initial knowledge about art; - Aesthetic taste is nurtured. UMK. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. School prep group. I.A. Lykov. Moscow: "KARAPUZ-DIDACTICS", Art and Pedagogy: From cultural heritage Russia XIX XX centuries: Reader, M.A. Verb. - Pskov, POIPKRO, Exemplary curricula of MDOD DSHI recommended by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation from / Fine Arts. class: Lesson plans according to the textbook by V.S., Kuzin, E.I. Kubyshkina. O.V. Pavlova. Volgograd: "Teacher", 200.

4 Educational thematic planning mug on drawing "Rainbow Palette" Teaching the basics of drawing from life, the basics of transferring shape, proportions, volume, chiaroscuro in a drawing. Autumn still life with flowers 2 Gifts of autumn. Still life with vegetables, mushrooms and berries. 3 Autumn landscape. Autumn in the park. Teaching the basics of drawing from life, the basics of transferring shape, proportions, volume, light and shade in a drawing. Acquaintance with warm and cold colors of paints. Learn to arrange the sheet depending on the image, select colors and shades. Develop imagination and memory. 4 My favorite toy To teach how to build an image of toys, to learn how to arrange a sheet depending on the object being depicted. Develop imagination and memory. 5 Butterflies Learn the basics of drawing butterflies. Learn to arrange the sheet depending on the depicted subject. 6 Autumn still life with flowers (application) Collective work. Learning the basics of the technique of creating a picture in the technique of dry felting. Learning to combine colors with each other, to give an idea of ​​the color wheel, warm and cold colors. 7 My favorite pet submission; the basics of conveying in drawings the shape, volume of the depicted animal. eight Winged swing fly, fly. Games on the playground. Learning to convey in a drawing your impressions of your favorite fun and entertainment on a walk. Teaching the basics of transferring the form of the depicted. 9 Bookmark for book view; the basics of transferring in drawings the shape, proportions, volume of the depicted animal and floral ornament. 0 Russian patterns. Khokhloma painting. Basics training Khokhloma painting. Learning how to paint with a brush of thin elements and curls. Teaching the composition and arrangement of objects and ornaments on a sheet. Tree drawing. Spruce. Continue to acquaint with visual materials: watercolor and whitewash. Aesthetic development children in visual activity. Develop artistic taste, creativity, observe the phenomena and conditions of the surrounding nature. 2 Winter forest(application). Collective work. Learning the basics of the technique of creating a picture in the technique of dry felting. Learning to combine colors with each other, to give an idea of ​​the color wheel, warm and cold colors. Composition training. Pencil, watercolor, gouache. crayons and felt sheet, wool different colors, frame for decoration. wax crayons watercolor, gouache. Watercolor, whitewash, water, brushes, graphite pencil. Felt sheet, wool of different colors, frame for decoration.

5 3 My favorite Russian cartoon character; the basics of conveying in drawings the shape, proportions, volume of the depicted object. Development of imagination and memory. 4 Winter landscape. Fixing the names of colors and shades. Building training compositional construction images, learn to arrange the sheet depending on the depicted subject. Develop memory and imagination. 5 Image of land transport 6 Fairy tale castle, fortress. presentation of transport; the basics of transmission in the figure of the form, proportions. representation of fairytale castles. Learning to draw buildings of various shapes. 7 Holiday New Year To promote the development of cognitive processes. Develop artistic taste and creativity. 8 Snowflakes A friendly round dance to the presentation of snowflakes of various shapes. Encourage children to come up with different patterns. 9 Wintering birds Teaching the basics of drawing from life, proportions, volume, light and shade. Learn to draw birds. 20 Defender of the Fatherland Day 2 “In the mountains, in the valleys” Teach the basics of composition. Introduce the concept of silhouette. Describe the compositional center. Learning to build a composite image construction. Reflection in the drawing of their ideas of natural mountain landscapes. Image of a mountain landscape. 22 At the bottom of the sea Learning to build a composite image. Reflection in the drawing of their ideas of underwater seascapes, as well as marine life and scuba divers near coral reefs. 23 I am with dad (grandfather) of a person; the basics of transmission in drawings of shape, proportions, parts of the face. Pencil, watercolor watercolor, gouache. watercolor, watercolor, watercolor, watercolor watercolor watercolor

6 24 I am with my mother (grandmother) Continue to teach the basics of drawing a portrait of a person; the basics of transmission in drawings of shape, proportions, parts of the face. 25 Still life with spring flowers. 26 Painting Easter eggs Teaching the basics of drawing from life, proportions, volume, light and shade. Learn to draw flowers. To teach the basics of visual activity: to depict objects on a plane with various graphic means: a line, a stroke, a spot. Get to know Russians folk ornaments Easter egg painting. 27 Cosmonautics Day Teach the basics of composition. Teaching structural and compositional solution; first and second plan in the composition. 28 Drawing of a human figure 29 Portrait of a man and a woman in Russian national costume Teach the basics of drawing a human figure; the basics of transmission in drawings of form, proportions. Continue to teach the basics of drawing a portrait of a person; the basics of transmission in drawings of shape, proportions, parts of the face and body. Raising interest in folk culture and history. 30 Animal drawing Teaching the basics of conveying the shape, proportions, volume of the depicted animal in drawings. Familiarize with pictorial material gouache. 3 "And it's spring outside" spring landscape. Teaching the basics of visual literacy, promoting the development of artistic creativity, educating aesthetic taste. 32 Primroses Learning the basics of drawing from life; proportions, volume, chiaroscuro. 33 Victory Holiday Introducing students to artistic culture, teaching the basics of visual literacy, educating aesthetic taste. 34 Spring thunder Introducing students to artistic culture, teaching the basics of visual literacy. Tutorial 35 Water lilies and water lilies proportions, volume depicted. Creation training plot composition. Learn how to paint with watercolors. Develop visual-figurative thinking. gouache pencils. watercolor, wax crayons, watercolor, gouache, watercolor, watercolor, wax crayons.

7 36 Blossoming May Introducing students to artistic culture, teaching the basics of visual literacy, promoting the development of artistic creativity, educating aesthetic taste. Continuation of learning to paint in watercolor in a raw way. watercolor, wax crayons. Total: 36 Conditions for the implementation of the program Classes are organized in the form of circle work and complement the content of the main educational program in the preschool educational institution in the sanatorium. The circle of fine arts is completed from among children 5-7 years old. Classes are held in the morning. Number of lessons per week - 4 per month, per year - 36 lessons. The duration of one lesson is 35 minutes. The schedule of the circle "Rainbow Palette". Monday

Powered by TCPDF ( 1. Explanatory note. the main objective art education development of the student's personality, his creative abilities, the formation of his spiritual culture, familiarization

Calendar thematic planning of fine art lessons in the 2nd grade of the lesson Date Educational topic Type of work Characteristics of students' activities 1 What does it mean to be an artist? The invoice of the subject.

2 Curriculum Duration of study 1 year Name of subject areas and subjects Classroom lessons (hours) Group lessons Individual sessions Distribution by years of study Grade 1 Attestation

State educational institution Yaroslavl region Pereslavl-Zalesskaya special (correctional) comprehensive school- boarding school 3 Address: 152025 Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl region,

Explanatory note The work program was developed on the basis of an additional general educational general developmental program of artistic orientation "Droplet" for implementation in the 015-016 academic year

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school 84 Nizhny Novgorod Approved by order of 28.08.2014 265 Work program in the subject "Fine Arts"

Information card Venue: GBOU secondary school 1256 with in-depth study of English language Implementation period: 1 year Number of children: 8-12 children Age of children: 7-9 years Duration of classes: 1 hour Educational

Explanatory note Fine arts is one of the subjects of the training program for severely mentally retarded children, which has importance in terms of development and education of students, correction of their cognitive

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten combined type Bataysk UTVE / y- Head of MB DOU 14 YYDyurina 1 order dated 01; 09.2016 The work program of the mug from "V

Explanatory note This work program of the subject "Fine Arts" for students of the class of the municipal state educational institution "Bolsheokinskaya secondary school" was developed

State budget educational institution additional education children of the city of Moscow "Children's School of Arts named after M.A. Balakirev" Adopted at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council in 20 "APPROVED"

State educational institution of the Yaroslavl region Pereslavl-Zalesskaya special (correctional) boarding school 3 Approved by the order of the director of the school: from 201 Director

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program on the subject "Fine Arts" for the second grade is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary general education,

Class Number of hours per week according to the school curriculum Federal component Regional component EQUIPMENT OF THE CURRICULUM ON THE SUBJECT "FINE ARTS". School component Requisites

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 6 named after Sirin Nikolai Ivanovich" "REVIEWED" "AGREED" "APPROVED"

Work program for the second year of study under the additional general educational general development program "Artist and Nature" Group 3 Age of students: 7-10 years old Program developer: Yulia Vezikova

Brief presentation to the working educational program teacher of additional education in fine arts Completed by: teacher of additional education in fine arts

Work program for the first year of study under the additional general educational general development program "Artist and Nature" Group 1 Age of students: 7-10 years old Program developer: Yulia Vezikova

Explanatory note The adapted educational program in the subject "Fine Arts" for the 3rd grade is compiled on the basis of the Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation» from

Work program on the subject "Fine Arts" for grade 8 students with moderate mental retardation. EXPLANATORY NOTE In the system of education and upbringing of students of moderate

MOU "Kovylkinskaya Secondary School 4" "Reviewed" Head of the Ministry of Education of Primary School Teachers Minutes of 2010 "Agreed" Deputy Director for WRM 2010 "Approve" Director

Municipal Autonomous Institution of Additional Education "Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth" municipality Kandalaksha district AGREED at the Methodological Council "05" September

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan Department of Culture of the Executive Committee of the Municipality City of Naberezhnye Chelny Children's art school 1 APPROVED: Director of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Special Education "Naberezhnye Chelny

Explanatory note The world and life can become beautiful thanks to art, therefore, familiarization with art and artistic culture must be considered a priority for education in general. Cultural

Explanatory note on the implementation of the educational and thematic plan for the 2015-2016 academic year

Explanatory note The work program was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education

Fine arts n \ n Content of the material. Lesson topic. 1. Drawing from nature. What and how artists work. "Magic Colors" 2. Application. "Color circle". 3. Decorative work "Beautiful

Introduction Program " Young artist» is a program of artistic and aesthetic direction, involves a circle in-depth level of mastering knowledge and practical skills. By functional purpose

Educational program for additional education of children in fine arts and artistic work Age of children 7-10 years Implementation period 2 years Compiled by: Buldakova Irina Aleksandrovna

CONTENT 1. Explanatory note 2. Curriculum and thematic plan 3. Content of topics training course 4. Requirements for the level of training of students 5. Methodological support of the educational process 6. Literature

Explanatory note An extra-curricular program is offered for younger children. school age. Designed in such a way as to give students an idea of ​​the system of interaction between art and

EXPLANATORY NOTE Status of the document The work program "Young Artist" was compiled on the basis of a licensed educational program for additional education for children of GBOU school 346 of the Nevsky district

2 2 EXPLANATORY NOTE 3 The fine arts program for the 7th grade is based on: The federal component of the state educational standard for basic general education in fine arts;

Explanatory note Status of the document: The work program is based on Sample program basic general education in fine arts of the federal component of the state standard

Annotation to the work program for fine arts Grade 2 Level of education: primary general education

CALENDAR-THEMATICAL PLANNING OF LESSONS n/p Theme of the lesson Number of hours Basic concepts Tasks of the lesson Illustrating the lesson of the lesson Visual, musical, literary series Date of the lesson

Department of Education of the city of Moscow State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "Izmailovskaya gymnasium 508" 05043, Moscow, st. Pervomaiskaya, 65 tel./fax: 8 (499) 367

The founder is the administration of the Pogranichny municipal district, the municipal budgetary educational institution branch "Zharikovskaya secondary school of the Pogranichny municipal district"

EXPLANATORY NOTE Drawing, fantasizing, playing, a child can imagine any situation, lose, live it and, having accumulated positive experience, develop an inner position, open up as a person, be creative

Powered by TCPDF ( 8 Sep 25 Composition autumn harvest 9 Sep 29 work 10 Oct 2 11 Oct 6 12 Oct 9 2 Features of the second year of study. Draw on the mood in nature. The study

MBOU "Ivanovo-Esinskaya secondary school" APPROVED by the Director of the school: V. A. Ukhina The program of additional education "MAGIC PENCIL" Grade 1 for the 2012-2013 academic year (1st year of study) Teacher of fine arts

Requirements for the level of preparation of students As a result of studying fine art, a 7th grade student by the end of the school year should know:

Explanatory note This program the subject "Fine Arts" for students of the 6th grade of the municipal state educational institution "Bolsheokinskaya secondary school" was developed on

EXPLANATORY NOTE This work program has been developed in accordance with the main provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, with the Concept

Work program in fine arts Grade 3 Explanatory note

Explanatory note. Fine art is the main means of aesthetic education: it allows students to express their idea of ​​the world around them, develops fantasy and imagination.

Explanatory note The program of the subject "Easel Composition" was developed taking into account the requirements for an additional educational program of artistic and aesthetic orientation in the field of fine arts.

1 Explanatory note The work program of the VII type in fine arts in grade 2 was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education;

1 WORKING PROGRAM on the SUBJECT "FINE ARTS" Grade 1 CONTENT OF THE PROGRAM " Primary School XXI century” I. Explanatory note II. The content of the subject III. Calendar-thematic

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution "Kondratovskaya Secondary School"

I. Planned results of mastering the subject. The results of the study of the subject: Personal results: in the value-aesthetic sphere - the emotional-value attitude to the world around (family,

Explanatory note Working additional general educational developing program "Drawing and Painting" of an artistic and aesthetic orientation for students aged 10-13, the second year of study. Program

Municipal budgetary educational institution Tyumentsevskaya basic comprehensive school of the Tyumentsevsky district of the Altai Territory ACCEPTED: Methodological Council of the school Minutes 12 of 08/20/2013

CENTRAL DISTRICT DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW GOU SOSH 1221 "I approve" Director of GOU SOSH 1221 N.V. Zabrodskaya 2006 "Agreed" director of the UMC TsOUO P.V. Kuzmin 2006.

Explanatory note The program has artistic - aesthetic orientation. The program contributes to the formation of skills and abilities in the field of fine arts for students from 6 years of age onwards,

WORKING PROGRAM on the subject "Fine Arts" for Grade 2 EXPLANATORY NOTE The working program in fine arts was created on the basis of the federal component of the state standard

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Gymnasium" 1 Approved: by order of MBOU "Gymnasium"

Explanatory note The program is designed for children aged 10-14. Implementation period 1 year. The Magic Colors program is designed for students in elementary school, as well as those interested in the subject, gifted

Explanatory note on the implementation of the educational and thematic plan for the 205/206 academic year

Appendix to the educational program of basic general education GBOU SO "Secondary School 2" Work program for the subject "Fine Arts" Grade 8 9 of basic general education Compiled by:

Gulyaeva Olga Ilyinichna educator MBDOU D / S 36 "Keracheen" p. Charang, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE ABILITIES IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN Abstract: this article presents a problem

Curriculum thematic plan (first year of study) Name of sections and topics Number of hours of total theory and practice 1 Introductory. 2 2 2 Drawing from nature of birch and poplar leaves (pencil, gouache) 2 2 3 Drawing

ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM "FINE ACTIVITY" Age: 4 7 years Implementation period: 3 years Elizarova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of additional education, MBOU DOD "CDO", Onega

Groups of additional education "Development of motor skills of the hand with art elements" implement their activities through the program "Development of creative abilities" (The program is recommended Russian Academy

Work program on the subject of "Fine Arts" Grade 3 Gayazetdinova Ilsoyar Nailovna teachers of the 1st qualification category 2014 2015 academic year Explanatory note Work program in fine arts


Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school 27 with in-depth study individual items Samara city district Considered at a meeting of the methodological association

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