Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Arts). Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture I. Glazunova Ural Academy of Sculpture and Architecture

About the university

Created on the initiative of Nar. artist of the USSR, rector of Acad. arts, prof. I. S. Glazunova. By order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the opening took place on November 15, 1991.
The main task of the branch is the development of the traditions of the Russian art school, the creation of a single cultural space in the educational process of the capital and the provinces. The educational process in the branch is carried out under the direct supervision of the administration of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (Moscow, Myasnitskaya st., 21). Students are recruited for the departments: "Painting", "Sculpture", "Architecture", "Design of the architectural environment", "Decorative and applied arts". A feature of the branch was the opening of a department that produces artists of decorative and applied arts. As a rule, the Academy of Arts at all times assumed the presence of basic specialties corresponding to the old definition of a higher art educational institution as a school of the “three noblest arts” - painting, sculpture, architecture. The appearance in the branch of the department of arts and crafts is a feature of regional specificity, reflecting the artistic interest in the richest material culture of the Urals. As a result of the specifics of the development of modern architecture and culture in general, in 2003 a new specialty "Design of the architectural environment" was opened, including landscape architecture, small-form architecture, interiors and building equipment.
Until 2002, the enrollment of students for all specialties was 20 people. At present (2006 data), the annual enrollment has increased to 31 students, the number of students in all departments is 174, of which 143 are on a budgetary basis. The course of study is six years in all specialties.
The branch employs 94 teachers, almost half of them are Drs. and Ph.D. Sciences. 91 of them have higher professional education. Well-known artists in the Kama region work in the branch: Nar. artist of Russia A.P. Zyryanov, Honored. artists of Russia T. E. Kovalenko, S. R. Kovalev, A. V. Ovchinnikov, L. I. Perevalov, honored. cultural workers V. A. Velitarsky, O. M. Vlasova, N. V. Kazarinova, N. V. Skomorovskaya, G. P. Khomenko, laureate of the State Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, architect N. N. Kukin, multiple laureate of restoration of architecture N. B. Belov; I. S. Borisova painters T. T. Necheukhina and A. A. Murgin, graduates of the branch.
Educational activities are carried out on the basis of state educational standards. An essential part of the educational process is the creative work of teachers and students of the branch: participation in regional, regional, city art exhibitions, competitions, reviews, festivals. The students of the branch take part in the International competitions of graduation projects "Architecture and Design", in the festival of creative works abroad "Young Russian Culture in Italy", "Days of Perm in Louisville". Teachers of the branch, together with their pupils, make a great contribution to the development of the artistic culture of the Kama region and national culture in general through personal exhibitions and architectural projects. In Perm, annual reporting exhibitions of students' diploma works are held, revealing promising areas of activity for the young creative intelligentsia of the Kama region.

Ural Branch of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education `Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov`

The Ural branch of the Ilya Glazunov Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture is a higher educational institution designed to improve the educational level of the young generation of Russian artists. This university adheres to the traditions of the Russian realistic school, which, in turn, stem from Russian academicism. The vitality of the Russian academic school is proved by the events of contemporary artistic life in Perm. The graduates of the Academy are best seen at the Perm exhibitions of the last decade; they join the ranks of the local branch of the Union of Artists of Russia, many of them enter the cultural space of the “capitals”…

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The Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov was established more than 20 years ago. This unique art university under the leadership of the famous Ilya Glazunov pursues a very consistent educational policy. The meaning of this policy is to introduce young talents to Russian realistic art, to educate patriotism without excessive pathos - as a natural love for the native fatherland, its nature and people, for its creative heritage. Since 2014, the director of the branch has been a professional painter, associate professor Alexei Anatolyevich Murgin.
The university has several specialized departments, differentiated mainly by types of art.
The Department of Painting and Composition has existed since the beginning of the formation of the Ural branch. It is headed by the representative of the first graduation of the Academy - Tatyana Timofeevna Necheukhina. In the teaching staff - Honored Artist of Russia L.I. Perevalov, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation O.M. Vlasov, artists M.V. Kayotkin, M.V. Nurulin, K.V. Suslov. The enrollment for the painting department is small, but thorough, since this art requires from a professional, in addition to rich creative talent in general, a special coloristic flair, which is not given to every person.
The selection of personnel and their further professionalization is based on a harmonious academic program, which provides for a logical sequence and firmness in mastering the craft. Thanks to many years of academic studies, the artist comprehends the mastery of composition, building form and color. It is no coincidence that the works of the Academy's graduates are distinguished by thoughtfulness and refinement of techniques, which in itself speaks of a great professional culture and a peculiar development of young talents.
Future artists will certainly work in the open air, traveling to the brightest and most picturesque corners of the Perm Territory.
An important role in the development of a painter is played by acquaintance with the world artistic heritage, both in theoretical and practical terms - for example, when copying works of famous Russian artists from the collection of the Perm Art Gallery.
Young artists are trained in all genres of painting, but, according to academic tradition, at the head of their interests is the revival of a historical painting, designed to reflect both the glorious past of Russian history and the dramatic nature of modern events that form a historical canvas.
The Department of Academic Drawing, Watercolor and Decorative Painting, working under the guidance of the Academy graduate Alexei Anatolyevich Murgin, is one of the “youngest” in the branch: it was founded in 1997. And her education is far from accidental - after all, drawing is the basis of every type of fine art. The teaching staff includes Honored Artist of Russia A.T. Amirkhanov, V.A. Ostapenko, V.V. Rakisheva, E.L. Murgina-Zagarskikh and other teachers.
Drawing is taught to students of all departments from the 1st to the 5th year. Education is conducted according to the academic program, which provides for the gradual mastery of the skill of a draftsman - from copying plasters to creating compositional portraits and sketches for a historical painting. At this department, young artists acquire a deep knowledge of anatomy (there is a special subject - "anatomical drawing"). Work with nature plays an important educational role: artists draw a “living head” from the second semester, and further studies from nature are obligatory. In principle, young artists draw everything, trying to achieve maximum freedom in the possession of a pencil, charcoal, sanguine. Teachers always achieve a meaningful, thoughtful drawing, and not mechanical copying of some real objects.
Graduates of all departments, according to the established academic traditions, are simply obliged to master, and even better, to shine with their correct and accurate drawing. But each department develops its own specificity of drawing: the painters are dominated by tonal-spatial drawing, the sculptors and applied artists - decorative-plastic, architects and designers - structural-linear. In any case, the best graduates of the Academy achieve a high level of drawing skills, which is the main merit of the teachers of the Department of Academic Drawing, Watercolor and Decorative Painting.
The Department of Sculpture is one of the most serious "graduating" departments. Since 2003, the department has been headed by associate professor Ivan Ivanovich Storozhev, who has gathered a strong teaching team. Teachers of the department R.M. Huseynov, A.A. Matveev, E.A. Simanov, along with searches in the field of monumental sculpture, create easel works, with which they participate in regional, all-Russian, international exhibitions, and also take part in symposiums, festivals and competitions on sculpture from stone, wood, metal, snow and ice. The department develops new programs, writes various methodological manuals, helps graduate students to build complex, socially significant projects.
The Department of Arts and Crafts, headed by Valery Ivanovich Mineev, is one of the most popular. The programs of this department are very broad and are heavily influenced by local heritage. These programs not only give students an idea of ​​the main stages and general patterns of the evolution of arts and crafts, but also familiarize them with the history of the Kama region, from the Permian animal style to modern works in stone, wood and metal. The connection between utilitarian and aesthetic functions, the dialectics of content and form in works of decorative and applied art is comprehended very deeply, comprehensively, on living and concrete examples.
The teaching staff includes Honored Artist of Russia R.B. Ismagilov, E.A. Zobacheva, R.R. Ismagilov, L.P. Perevalova, E.A. Mavrina, Yu.A. Shikin and others.
The Department of Design of the Architectural Environment, closely related to the Department of Arts and Crafts, is one of the newest. It is headed by Andrey Andreevich Zhukovsky, Candidate of Architecture, an authoritative designer and talented teacher of this complex art, which is closely related to technological progress. Having a complex nature, design requires the appropriate training of future craftsmen. The department takes into account these conditions, providing students with a wide range of artistic and technical disciplines, creating opportunities for the interaction of departments in the creation of individual graduation projects. The interaction between design and architecture should be recognized as the closest.
The teaching staff includes honorary architects of Russia A.A. Metelev and M.A. Popova, I.V. Tyunina, T.B. Soloviev and others.
The Department of Architecture, on the contrary, is one of the oldest. It was founded twenty years ago, during which it was headed by Alexander Sergeyevich Terekhin, Sergey Ivanovich Tarasov. Since 2003, the department has been headed by Associate Professor, Honorary Architect of Russia Viktor Petrovich Shchipalkin, who brought together a strong teaching team - architects E.I. Ostarkova, T.V. Shchipalkina, V.Yu. Shuvanov and others. One of the main merits of the department is the education of "environmental thinking" of future architects.
As it appears from specific works, young architects think broadly and spatially. They treat the formation of the urban environment as the creation of some kind of plastic and organic unity. They perceive architecture as a living body in space. And it's always an individual performance. Hence - the desire for unusual, unique solutions, for the development of an individual style, craving for personal projects that allow you to express your "own" knowledge about architecture.
The training of architects includes a fairly wide practice. The curriculum provides for both continuity in teaching and the logical sequence of architectural design. Projects of temples, chapels, park pavilions, public and residential buildings demonstrate the versatility and variety of artistic solutions. In a number of projects, a special dramaturgy of the environment arises, which is set by whimsical "arabesques" of quarters, well-thought-out light and shade effects, and an expressive color scheme.
The unifying moment in the activities of all divisions of the Academy can be considered the attitude towards the educational process, towards the creation of a future artist. To educate one's attitude to nature, to man, to the world in general is one of the important tasks of the teaching staff of the Academy, who believe that the main support of future creators is realism, the mainstream of Russian art for many centuries.

The Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov, based in the homeland of S.P. Diaghilev in Perm.

The history of the emergence and formation of the Ural branch is very remarkable as an example of creative activity at a time, as it seemed then, of a hopeless collapse in the country - social, economic, and most importantly - spiritual. Today, the work of the branch is of considerable interest to the cultural life in the Russian provinces.

Today, the Ural branch of the Academy is the only full-fledged academic university in the Urals that influences the formation of artistic life throughout the region. The words of the first director of the branch, the remarkable Perm architect S.I. Tarasov, said at one time, speak of the initially laid down principles of his activity: “There is a battle for Russia, not for geographical space, but for the space of the Russian soul.”

About a hundred teachers work in the branch to educate young masters of art, almost half of whom are doctors and candidates of sciences, twelve have honorary titles. Among them are well-known masters of fine arts not only in the Kama region, but also in the country: People's Artist of Russia A.P. Zyryanov, Honored Artists of Russia T.E. Kovalenko, S.R. Kovalev, A.M. Ovchinnikov, L.I. Perevalov, A.T. Amirkhanov, laureate of all-Russian competitions of architectural projects V.P. Shchipalkin, multiple laureate of competitions for the restoration of architecture N.B. Belov. Among the teachers there are young graduates of the branch, talented painters, participants in many exhibitions T.T. Nechukhina, A.A. Murgin and others.

About 200 students from Perm, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Kirov, Izhevsk, Glazov and other cities study at the five departments of the branch - painting, sculpture and architecture, arts and crafts and design of the architectural environment. The educational process is combined with a very successful participation of teachers and students in exhibitions, competitions, reviews, festivals - from regional to international.

The staff of the branch is involved in all cultural programs of the city. Graduates are in great demand and the demand for them is increasing every day. They work in all regions of the Urals, and not only in the field of fine arts. For example, Vsevolod Averkin became the chief artist of the regional drama theater. Another pupil, working in the opera and ballet theater, also went along this path. Young artists influence the formation of the artistic sphere of the Kama region. Sculptor T. Koneva and designer M. Kholkina became the winners of the competition for the development of a memorial monument to the famous Perm choreographer E. Panfilov. A graduate of the sculpture department A. Igoshev is the author of the reconstruction of the monument to Alexander II in Yugo-Kamsk. Students and teachers are actively involved in the preservation of historical and cultural monuments of the Perm Territory. Over the past ten years, projects have been drawn up for the restoration of architectural monuments of the late 18th - early 20th centuries, including buildings designed by the famous Perm architect I.I. Sviyazev: the House of the Noble Assembly, the Church of All Saints, the house of N.N. Krylov and others. The names of many graduates are increasingly appearing in various projects of the all-Russian and international level.

Created on the initiative of Nar. artist of the USSR, rector of Acad. arts, prof. I. S. Glazunova. By order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the opening took place on November 15, 1991.
The main task of the branch is the development of the traditions of the Russian art school, the creation of a single cultural space in the educational process of the capital and the provinces. The educational process in the branch is carried out under the direct supervision of the administration of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (Moscow, Myasnitskaya st., 21). Students are recruited for the departments: "Painting", "Sculpture", "Architecture", "Design of the architectural environment", "Decorative and applied arts". A feature of the branch was the opening of a department that produces artists of decorative and applied arts. As a rule, the Academy of Arts at all times assumed the presence of basic specialties corresponding to the old definition of a higher art educational institution as a school of the “three noblest arts” - painting, sculpture, architecture. The appearance in the branch of the department of arts and crafts is a feature of regional specificity, reflecting the artistic interest in the richest material culture of the Urals. As a result of the specifics of the development of modern architecture and culture in general, in 2003 a new specialty "Design of the architectural environment" was opened, including landscape architecture, small-form architecture, interiors and building equipment.
Until 2002, the enrollment of students for all specialties was 20 people. At present (2006 data), the annual enrollment has increased to 31 students, the number of students in all departments is 174, of which 143 are on a budgetary basis. The course of study is six years in all specialties.
The branch employs 94 teachers, almost half of them are Drs. and Ph.D. Sciences. 91 of them have higher professional education. Well-known artists in the Kama region work in the branch: Nar. artist of Russia A.P. Zyryanov, Honored. artists of Russia T. E. Kovalenko, S. R. Kovalev, A. V. Ovchinnikov, L. I. Perevalov, honored. cultural workers V. A. Velitarsky, O. M. Vlasova, N. V. Kazarinova, N. V. Skomorovskaya, G. P. Khomenko, laureate of the State Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, architect N. N. Kukin, multiple laureate of competitions in restoration of architecture N. B. Belov; I. S. Borisova painters T. T. Necheukhina and A. A. Murgin, graduates of the branch.
Educational activities are carried out on the basis of state educational standards. An essential part of the educational process is the creative work of teachers and students of the branch: participation in regional, regional, city art exhibitions, competitions, reviews, festivals. The students of the branch take part in the International competitions of graduation projects "Architecture and Design", in the festival of creative works abroad "Young Russian Culture in Italy", "Days of Perm in Louisville". Teachers of the branch, together with their pupils, make a great contribution to the development of the artistic culture of the Kama region and national culture in general through personal exhibitions and architectural projects. In Perm, annual reporting exhibitions of students' diploma works are held, revealing promising areas of activity for the young creative intelligentsia of the Kama region.

Lit .: Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Ural branch. 1992-2000: inform. catalog. Perm: Lazur, 2000. 126 p.;
S. T. [Tarasov S. I.] Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture // Architects and architectural monuments of the Perm Kama region: a brief. encycle. dictionary. Perm: Knizhny Mir, 2003, pp. 132-133.

Full description

The Ural branch of the Ilya Glazunov Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture is a higher educational institution designed to improve the educational level of the young generation of Russian artists. This university adheres to the traditions of the Russian realistic school, which, in turn, stem from Russian academicism. The vitality of the Russian academic school is proved by the events of contemporary artistic life in Perm. The graduates of the Academy are best seen at the Perm exhibitions of the last decade; they join the ranks of the local branch of the Union of Artists of Russia, many of them enter the cultural space of the “capitals”…
The Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov was established more than 20 years ago. This unique art university under the leadership of the famous Ilya Glazunov pursues a very consistent educational policy. The meaning of this policy is to introduce young talents to Russian realistic art, to educate patriotism without excessive pathos - as a natural love for the native fatherland, its nature and people, for its creative heritage. Since 2014, the director of the branch has been a professional painter, associate professor Alexei Anatolyevich Murgin.
The university has several specialized departments, differentiated mainly by types of art.
The Department of Painting and Composition has existed since the beginning of the formation of the Ural branch. It is headed by the representative of the first graduation of the Academy - Tatyana Timofeevna Necheukhina. In the teaching staff - Honored Artist of Russia L.I. Perevalov, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation O.M. Vlasov, artists M.V. Kayotkin, M.V. Nurulin, K.V. Suslov. The enrollment for the painting department is small, but thorough, since this art requires from a professional, in addition to rich creative talent in general, a special coloristic flair, which is not given to every person.
The selection of personnel and their further professionalization is based on a harmonious academic program, which provides for a logical sequence and firmness in mastering the craft. Thanks to many years of academic studies, the artist comprehends the mastery of composition, building form and color. It is no coincidence that the works of the Academy's graduates are distinguished by thoughtfulness and refinement of techniques, which in itself speaks of a great professional culture and a peculiar development of young talents.
Future artists will certainly work in the open air, traveling to the brightest and most picturesque corners of the Perm Territory. The Ural nature is extraordinarily beautiful. Severe, powerful, magnificent, it provides inexhaustible material for the formation of the painter, for the search for his creative "I". The remarkable Russian writer Viktor Astafiev, living in Perm, dreamed of the time when "young talented artists are found and will pay tribute to the beauty of the Gray Urals." In the new century, this becomes achievable.
An important role in the development of a painter is played by acquaintance with the world artistic heritage, both in theoretical and practical terms - for example, when copying works of famous Russian artists from the collection of the Perm Art Gallery.
Young artists are trained in all genres of painting, but, according to academic tradition, at the head of their interests is the revival of a historical painting, designed to reflect both the glorious past of Russian history and the dramatic nature of modern events that form a historical canvas.
Graduate theses cover a wide range of historical topics. Here are the tales of the Urals and folk holidays, St. Stephen of Perm and the conqueror of Siberia Ermak, the breeders Demidovs and the Stroganovs salt producers. Yaroslav the Wise is looking at us from the depths of centuries, building the St. Sophia Cathedral and Peter I, pacifying the Baltic. Young artists are fascinated by the patronage of Catherine II and the arrival of Alexander I in Perm. One of the most popular is the theme of the procession. Diploma students create not so much a picture of a Russian religious procession as an image of the spiritual rebirth of the people. Their work has a clearly optimistic, life-affirming meaning.
The range of touches on history is wide and varied, but it is always the history of Russia and Russia, the history of the Perm Territory as the eastern outpost of the ancient Russian state. All this speaks of the spiritual concentration of young creators, their deep attraction to their native history and its outstanding creators.
Gradually, the household genre focused on modern topics is gaining weight. Genre works often reflect a variety of customs and rituals. Some works have a folklore, even a magical beginning - here we can note the paintings of Tatyana Timofeevna Necheukhina, who now heads the department of painting and composition, giving her strength and experience to the younger painters.
A large number of works are devoted to the largest figure in Russian culture S.P. Diaghilev and his ballet performances. The compositions of A.A. Murgina, M.V. Nurulina, V.V. Kovalenko. Yulia Kostenkova's diploma work "Rehearsal" is dedicated to contemporary ballet in Perm.
Remarkably lively and convincingly solved modern genre scenes by such young painters as A. Usatov, K. Golovenko, T. Denisenko, E. Naimushina, D. Permyakov. Sharply and dynamically they build their compositions, competently solve color problems, confidently model object forms. Many genre scenes are dedicated to the artistic life of the Kama region.
The Department of Academic Drawing, Watercolor and Decorative Painting, working under the guidance of the Academy graduate Alexei Anatolyevich Murgin, is one of the “youngest” in the branch: it was founded in 1997. And her education is far from accidental - after all, drawing is the basis of every type of fine art. The teaching staff includes Honored Artist of Russia A.T. Amirkhanov, V.A. Ostapenko, V.V. Rakisheva, E.L. Murgina-Zagarskikh and other teachers.
Drawing is taught to students of all departments from the 1st to the 5th year. Education is conducted according to the academic program, which provides for the gradual mastery of the skill of a draftsman - from copying plasters to creating compositional portraits and sketches for a historical painting. At this department, young artists acquire a deep knowledge of anatomy (there is a special subject - "anatomical drawing"). Work with nature plays an important educational role: artists draw a “living head” from the second semester, and further studies from nature are obligatory. In principle, young artists draw everything, trying to achieve maximum freedom in the possession of a pencil, charcoal, sanguine. Teachers always achieve a meaningful, thoughtful drawing, and not mechanical copying of some real objects.
Graduates of all departments, according to the established academic traditions, are simply obliged to master, and even better, to shine with their correct and accurate drawing. But each department develops its own specificity of drawing: the painters are dominated by tonal-spatial drawing, the sculptors and applied artists - decorative-plastic, architects and designers - structural-linear. In any case, the best graduates of the Academy achieve a high level of drawing skills, which is the main merit of the teachers of the Department of Academic Drawing, Watercolor and Decorative Painting.
The Department of Sculpture is one of the most serious "graduating" departments. Since 2003, the department has been headed by associate professor Ivan Ivanovich Storozhev, who has gathered a strong teaching team. Teachers of the department R.M. Huseynov, A.A. Matveev, E.A. Simanov, along with searches in the field of monumental sculpture, create easel works, with which they participate in regional, all-Russian, international exhibitions, and also take part in symposiums, festivals and competitions on sculpture from stone, wood, metal, snow and ice. The department develops new programs, writes various methodological manuals, helps graduate students to build complex, socially significant projects.
The Department of Arts and Crafts, headed by Valery Ivanovich Mineev, is one of the most popular. The programs of this department are very broad and are heavily influenced by local heritage. These programs not only give students an idea of ​​the main stages and general patterns of the evolution of arts and crafts, but also familiarize them with the history of the Kama region, from the Permian animal style to modern works in stone, wood and metal. The connection between utilitarian and aesthetic functions, the dialectics of content and form in works of decorative and applied art is comprehended very deeply, comprehensively, on living and concrete examples.
The teaching staff includes Honored Artist of Russia R.B. Ismagilov, E.A. Zobacheva, R.R. Ismagilov, L.P. Perevalova, E.A. Mavrina, Yu.A. Shikin and others.
The Department of Design of the Architectural Environment, closely related to the Department of Arts and Crafts, is one of the newest. It is headed by Andrey Andreevich Zhukovsky, Candidate of Architecture, an authoritative designer and talented teacher of this complex art, which is closely related to technological progress. Having a complex nature, design requires the appropriate training of future craftsmen. The department takes into account these conditions, providing students with a wide range of artistic and technical disciplines, creating opportunities for the interaction of departments in the creation of individual graduation projects. The interaction between design and architecture should be recognized as the closest.
The teaching staff includes honorary architects of Russia A.A. Metelev and M.A. Popova, I.V. Tyunina, T.B. Soloviev and others.
The Department of Architecture, on the contrary, is one of the oldest. It was founded twenty years ago, during which it was headed by Alexander Sergeyevich Terekhin, Sergey Ivanovich Tarasov. Since 2003, the department has been headed by Associate Professor, Honorary Architect of Russia Viktor Petrovich Shchipalkin, who brought together a strong teaching team - architects E.I. Ostarkova, T.V. Shchipalkina, V.Yu. Shuvanov and others. One of the main merits of the department is the education of "environmental thinking" of future architects.
As it appears from specific works, young architects think broadly and spatially. They treat the formation of the urban environment as the creation of some kind of plastic and organic unity. They perceive architecture as a living body in space. And it's always an individual performance. Hence - the desire for unusual, unique solutions, for the development of an individual style, craving for personal projects that allow you to express your "own" knowledge about architecture.
The training of architects includes a fairly wide practice. The curriculum provides for both continuity in teaching and the logical sequence of architectural design. Projects of temples, chapels, park pavilions, public and residential buildings demonstrate the versatility and variety of artistic solutions. In a number of projects, a special dramaturgy of the environment arises, which is set by whimsical "arabesques" of quarters, well-thought-out light and shade effects, and an expressive color scheme.
The city is often presented to future architects as a landscape complex - bushes, lawns, trees, green curtains among the stone masses. Probably, the city-garden from Perm will no longer be possible, but to preserve the human ratio of sizes in it, probably, is the primary task of future architects. They must rethink the entire habitat, as a result of which the city will become a global architectural project, in which the artistic image dominates, a synthesis of a higher order is created. The environment is built as an organism acquiring the properties of polyphonic music. "Environmental" thinking helps to find the compositional connection of architecture with the landscape, first of all, with the expanses of water of the Kama - the basis for creating an image, and plasticity, and structure ...
The unifying moment in the activities of all divisions of the Academy can be considered the attitude towards the educational process, towards the creation of a future artist. To educate one's attitude to nature, to man, to the world in general is one of the important tasks of the teaching staff of the Academy, who believe that the main support of future creators is realism, the mainstream of Russian art for many centuries.

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