Sand painting courses. sand painting


  • Program (for children from 2.5 to 3.5 years old)
  • Program (for children from 3.5 to 7 years old)
  • Program (for children 1.5-2.5 years old)
  • Program (for children 5-7 years old)
  • Program (for children from 7 years old)
  • Program (for teenagers 11-14 years old)
  • Program (from 2 years old)
  • (from 3.5 years old)
  • (from 3 years old)

Specialists of the SandPRO Sand Painting Studio have developed a wide range of sand painting programs for children and adults, aimed at solving almost any problem that can be solved with the help of interaction with sand. For toddlers and older preschoolers, these are, of course, educational programs; for older children - programs for successful adaptation to school, development of communication skills; for parents with children - parent-child relationship programs; for adults - programs of psycho-emotional regulation and many others.

In general, our programs, regardless of age orientation, are aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • develop cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, figurative-logical thinking, spatial imagination), self-regulation processes;
  • develop sensory-perceptual sphere, creativity, form communication skills;
  • train fine motor skills of the hands;
  • harmonize the psycho-emotional state;
  • develop a positive attitude towards yourself.

Watch this short video to find out how the classes with the artist work:

We figured out how to combine developmental principles along with the artistic component, and optimized all the benefits of communicating with sand: we draw and play with sand. For example, today many children's institutions have baths for sand and water. But few people know how best to use them. Often to our questions: “Why do you need this? How do you and your children play in the sand?”, many experts answer: “Sand and water are needed to make children feel like summer in winter, but you don’t even need to play with them - they do it themselves.” Of course, the spontaneity of the manifestation of a child in sand games is important, but this is only the beginning of understanding the principle of interaction with sand as an art-therapeutic method.

Sand has the ability to let water through. In this regard, parapsychologists claim that it absorbs negative mental energy, interaction with it purifies a person’s energy, stabilizes his emotional state. Observations and experience show that sand painting has a positive effect on the emotional well-being of children and adults, and this makes it an excellent tool for the development and self-development of a child.

As you can see, sand painting is not just an exciting activity, for a child it is the discovery of a new magical world of sand “castles”. Under our strict guidance, he will learn how to create both self-sufficient paintings and entire films, which will become a powerful developing factor for his artistic and aesthetic perception. And as mentioned above, given the drawing technique that involves fine motor skills of the hands, as well as coordination, plasticity and other factors, the program is certainly the strongest stimulus for the overall development of the child.

See also programs for adults:

Young children love to get dirty, fiddle with loose materials, create fantasy images, and devote themselves entirely to the creative process. Combine the child's hobbies into one whole, you get drawing in the sand.

Surely you yourself were fascinated by watching such performances on TV, watching chic animations by famous world authors. Try to repeat the show at home with your child. And our article will tell you how to draw with sand on glass and how to teach a child to make sand compositions.

From this article you will learn

What is the benefit of this lesson

American animator Carolyn Leaf gave an interesting idea to teachers and parents on how to organize kids' leisure time and engage in the development of multidirectional skills at the same time.

She created a sand video. The heroes came to life, acted on a luminous board. The artist painted them with her fingers using sand. The idea was picked up by other animators. The method of creating images and plot deserved high praise.

Gradually, drawing on a special board with sand came into the life of ordinary people. Teachers began to practice such activities with children of different ages. The fascinating method of pedagogical work was studied from the point of view of psychology, physiology, didactics. Practicing innovation teachers and educators of preschool educational institutions noticed the following useful properties of such activities:

  • Painting with sand on glass is fun and interesting. 99% of children receive a charge of positive emotions during the lesson, entertainment.
  • The method has no special rules. The kid can draw with his palm, one or more fingers, create any shapes and erase them quickly if something doesn’t work out.
  • The absence of restrictions relieves emotional stress. Children are relaxed, moderately excited, they feel like the creators of a unique masterpiece.
  • Motor skills develop. Kindergarteners are tired of plasticine, pencils, it is no less useful to train the dexterity of fingers with the help of a light tablet and sand. Along with motor skills, speech develops.
  • Improving graphomotor. Schoolchildren develop the ability to follow the contour, hold the pen correctly, and observe the rhythm of movements.
  • Suitable for any age. Kindergartens, schoolchildren and adults draw on the board with pleasure. The magic of loose animation leaves almost no one indifferent.
  • Getting rid of stress. Work with sand is included in the course of psychotherapy for the treatment of neuroses, tics, insomnia. Healthy children in the classroom also calm down, find peace of mind, forget about troubles.
  • A unique method helps to reveal creative potential, to find yourself. The child shows imagination, shows hidden abilities, is not afraid of evaluating the result.

If we consider the methodology from the point of view of organization and material costs, the following advantages are revealed:

  • Consumables are cheap. Sand is not necessary to buy, use semolina, ground coffee.
  • You can make a drawing tablet with your own hands. You will need a lamp, plexiglass, a wooden box. The equipment takes up little space in the room and does not require special care.
  • Any mom, dad, grandmother can teach a kid to draw with sand. You don't need any special education or courses to take classes. Look at examples of work on the Internet and feel free to start creating.

Drawing materials and tools

Without special home-made or store-bought equipment, learning to draw in the sand will not work. Small set of tools and consumables:

On a note! Buy quartz sand at a pet store, shopping centers in the "Toys", "Everything for creativity" department.

Drawing techniques

The art of creating animations is based on simple drawing techniques. In kindergarten, at home, show your child how to hold hands, pour out sand so that the picture is clear, bright and real. Use the following techniques for beginners.

Pour sand from one palm to another

Great option to get started. Kids tune in to work, get acquainted with the material, feel its weight, warmth or coolness, texture.

We collect sand in a fist and scatter

You need to watch how much sand a preschooler picks up in his palm. It should be a little so that the movements are easy, the layer of material on the glass is thin.

Throwing out the sand

With the help of a stream from the palm of your hand, children draw lines of different thicknesses. If you hold the pen high and shoot in a thin stream, you get a light version of the line. If you pour roughly, almost unclenching your fist, you will draw a dark wide curve. At this stage, it is important to work out both techniques so that the child controls the saturation of the picture with color, creates almost invisible lines.

Draw with fingers

Children can use each finger individually or the entire palm. Let them depict grass, hair, trees. Large objects are drawn with a fist - a mountain, a stone. Pillows - fruits, stars.

For students who have mastered simple ways of drawing, offer such exciting exercises.

Maple Leaf

Fill the outline for the maple leaf, trying to keep its shape. Correct the lines with your fingers. Move the excess sand to the edge of the painted sheet to make the outline darker. Draw a petiole. Draw internal lines (veins) with your fingernail. Place a circle in the petiole area with your fingertip.


The material is scattered on the glass from the palm of your hand or with a pinch. Levels out. Against this background, write the letters of the Latin or Slavic alphabet according to the model. The child learns to be attentive, to repeat the pattern. Graphomotor skills develop.


Pour sand over the entire surface of the container. Using four or five widely spaced fingers, draw wavy lines. Make horizontal lines with your fingernail - this is a ripple. Then draw the horizon and remove the excess at the top of the glass. Draw clouds on the same composition.


The sand is clenched in a fist. We make circular movements with a hand with a small amplitude, scatter the material over the sandbox. Small lines can then be drawn with a fingernail to make the clouds lush.

Young artists at the initial stage of mastering an exciting hobby will like these exercises using additional tools.


Take stamps, coffee stencils, plastic bottle caps. Leave footprints on the sand table. With the help of different figures, large plot compositions are created.


It is much easier to disperse sand through a baby sieve. You can form mountains, make a thin coating on glass. The next step is to draw with your fingers on the resulting sand space.


A wide-mouth tool helps to make a high mound. Children enthusiastically watch the sand stream, repeat the action with the help of a fist.

Draw animal tracks

This exercise requires careful work from the fingers. Draw traces with a fist, making the main background. Small details are drawn with sticks, fingertips, nails.


Attach beads of different sizes to the ropes. Swing the pendulum so that traces of the load remain on the glass. Toddlers learn to control strength, observe the rhythm of movements. This is an excellent therapy for emotional overload.

Color linings for the background

Colored cardboard, colorful pictures are placed on the glass. Sand is spread over a thin layer. Children draw circles, zigzags. The colored fragment protrudes partially. It turns out the original picture.

pattern prints

You can play with a non-standard item with patterns - a toilet paper sleeve. Apply drawings on it with a glue gun, let dry. Swipe the tool over a thin surface of sand, leaving a mark. Girls love this type of work.

There are many options for selecting additional elements, tools for creating a sand masterpiece:

  • Take combs with rare or frequent teeth - you get a wave.
  • Toothpicks help to draw the thinnest lines, to make the image of the hero expressive, real.
  • Children's rakes are suitable for drawing relief on landscape compositions.

Fantasize, do not limit yourself and your child in the creative process.

sand animation

The child will be able to perform the first simple animation in three or four lessons, having mastered the technical basics of drawing. Invite the student to draw an apple tree on the glass. A step-by-step master class is given below:

  1. Prepare the sand and screen. Treat the table surface with an antistatic agent, remove excess.
  2. Take some sand in your fist and sprinkle it on the light table. The surface must be covered evenly.
  3. Draw a trunk with your thumb, press on the entire pad.
  4. Rising to the top of the apple tree, sharpen the line. Draw not everything with a pillow, but with a half, then with a fingernail.
  5. Use your little finger and index finger to draw thin and thick branches. Curve the lines to make the apple tree look like a real one.
  6. Draw a crown. Collect sand, generously sprinkle around the branches, at the top.
  7. Leave a little for the bottom of the picture. Scatter it under a tree. It will be weed.
  8. Use your fingerprints to draw apples on the branches. Determine their number yourself. It is important that the circles are not blurry, the edges should be clear.
  9. If you draw three or four apples under a tree, on the ground, you get an autumn version of the picture.
  10. Now clear the background. Draw a contour around the crown, remove excess sand from the surface. The tree will have a shape.

On a note! For animation, use a multi-colored drawing set. With the help of green, yellow, white, gray sand, changing the hue of the image backlight, professionals achieve the effect of a live picture.

How to draw a pig

How to draw a mouse

How to draw a Hippo

Game exercises

At home, in kindergarten, in early development classes, kids learn through play. This is the best way to teach the complex through the simple. A board sandbox with high sides and play activities for preschoolers will help you with this.

We train fingers

Start your first acquaintance with animation not with theory, but with practice. Give the opportunity to touch, smell, explore the material. Turn on the lights in the sandbox. You can put on soft music so that the kids immerse themselves in the whole process, understand that something unusual will happen now.

Ask preschoolers to draw any object, figure on the glass with their finger. Let them tinker with sand. At the same time, motor skills, imagination, and attention develop.

We play hide and seek

You will need a rake, shovels and a thick layer of sand. Distribute small toys to students (kinder figures). Ask to bury unnoticed by others. Arrange a competition who will quickly find a friend's toy with their eyes closed using their fingers.

What a surprise for me

The teacher hides various small items in the sandbox (buttons, rags, pieces of paper, figurines, balls, coins). The task of the children: to find one object with their hands, guess what it is, by touch. In the process of understanding, feeling the subject, you need to talk about your feelings, assumptions.


Sand should be poured into a deep container or chest. Put pirate treasures inside: beads, coins, map, "precious stones". You need to look for treasure with one finger. Associate a fascinating story with each find. Tell it yourself or come up with the children.


Find a cobblestone on the street. Let it be unpleasant to the touch: cold, slippery, rough and so on. Bury the item in the sand. Ask the children to touch an unknown object at the same time, to tell what they feel, why they feel uncomfortable, and so on.

Continue research as a group when the stone is removed from the sandbox. Tactile sensations are responsible for the formation of speech, train emotional endurance.

Important! For games of hide and seek, when children do not see an object under the sand, pick up toys with rounded edges, made of fabric, rubber so that the kids do not hurt their fingers.

You need to master an unconventional method for early development, entertainment for children after watching video tutorials or recommendations from professionals. For beginners, it is useful to know the following:

  1. Place dots with the pads of different fingers. Remember what size they will be. This will help not to make a mistake in choosing a finger when drawing eyes, fruits, drawings on the body of animals.
  2. Before the lesson, try to fill an even layer of sand on the glass. Use a sieve, funnels, fists a little later.
  3. Do not smooth the surface with your fingers. Prints leave an unaesthetic mark.
  4. As your little ones learn how to create simple images, try creating compositions with small details using the tools at hand.
  5. Professionals minimize the number of touches to the sand. Movements should be sweeping, confident.
  6. Choose the best drawing for your level. Practice the technique of its creation to perfection. Rehearse the scheme several times.
  7. Before drawing a stroke, consider its length and width.
  8. You can draw with sand on a light and sound board, a black polished table, a kitchen baking sheet. The most important thing is the contrast between the surface and the bulk material.

Important! Watch master classes for free on the Web. Periodically show children complex compositions on video. This gives impetus to development, spurs interest and desire to improve the technique of drawing.

How to make a sand animation table with your own hands

Playing activities in the family circle are much more useful for young children than group classes in development centers. A backlit sand drawing tablet can be made at home from improvised materials. Dads will need:

  • wooden box;
  • a suitable piece of plexiglass;
  • nails;
  • electrical tape, adhesive tape;
  • wood paint;
  • flashlight, lamp.

The manufacturing process will take no more than 1-2 hours, and there will be no limit to children's joy. Make a table bigger so that the whole family can use it at the same time. The instruction consists of the following steps:

  1. Clean the wooden box from excess, reduce the height of the sides. The average depth of space is 10–15 centimeters.
  2. Remove the bottom cover or make a slot to install the glass.
  3. Place the transparent part on the bottom half.
  4. Secure the glass carefully with the strips underneath.
  5. On the sides, make compartments for storing small items (sticks, sieves, rakes). To do this, nail the strips, retreating from the edge a couple of centimeters.
  6. Install the legs on the table. Choose the height according to the height and age of the youngest child.
  7. Place a bright lantern or electric lamp with good power under the table.
  8. The workplace for the little artist is ready.

Watch the video tutorial on how to make your own sand painting light table at home:

Interesting fact! In Tibet and India, traditions of creating images of the supreme God with the help of multi-colored grains of sand have been preserved. This art has a name - mandala. Bright round pictures are made only by monks initiated into tantric secrets. It takes 1-2 weeks to make one mandala. The picture is made up of millions of sand grains.

Sand compositions cannot be hung on the wall, left as a keepsake to show to friends and relatives. This is the only negative of such creativity. But there is a way out. Record successful classes on the camera, take pictures of drawings. Make a video with music over the slides.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the first

Sand Art is the art of sand, where, unlike other pictorial methods, the artist controls the elements. Sand is like water, it is fluid and able to take a variety of forms, often unexpected. And sand is time. Learning the technique of sand art is not a quick process, but the future artist gets something more as a reward - the ability to control nature, and therefore eternity. You can master this skill at the school of the wonderful artist Elena Begma.

The artist has been engaged in sand animation since childhood and has received a number of awards and a gold medal from the Russian Academy of Arts. And she got them for this:

This art is taught in school. Under the guidance of Elena Begma, courses and master classes for adults and children from 3 years old are held here. Individual and group lessons are possible, family lessons are held. Groups are selected small, up to 10 people.

Sand painting takes place on the glass surface of a special table, illuminated from below. With the help of a video camera and a projector, the process of creating a picture is broadcast on the screen.

Classes last 1.5 hours, of which an hour is spent on a master class, and half an hour on free drawing. The subjects of the drawings are very different - from Russian and foreign fairy tales to landscape patterns and portrait images.

What are the benefits of sand painting?

1) For children, this is an ideal activity for developing fine motor skills and imaginative thinking.

2) For some adults, this is a great way to relieve stress and relax, for others - a subtle, unusual creative hobby.

Sand Show

This concept includes animated videos with various bulk materials and live performances in front of the public. Usually a standard sand show lasts no more than 12 minutes, and contains about 10 paintings in the plot. Elena Begma has the most popular video "Love Story", for example, costs about 25,000 rubles. But animation is also possible with completely new, original plots.

  • The level of education:


  • Form of study:

    using distance learning technologies

  • Start of classes: Anytime



Course Curriculum

Module #1. Introduction to sand art

  • 1.1. The origins of Sand art
  • 1.2. Directions of contemporary art Sand art
  • 1.3. Sand is a medium for 3D display
  • 1.4. Why has Sand art become so popular all over the world?
  • 1.5. Why do children need to do Sand art?

Module number 2. The impact of Sand art on the development of children

  • 2.1. How do Sand art classes affect the development of children?
  • 2.2. How to organize Sand art classes
  • 2.3. Types of activities with children using Sand art
  • 2.4. Recommendations for working with children using the method - drawing on a light table
  • 2.5. The world of symbols in Sand art

Module number 3. Introducing a child to drawing on a light table

  • 3.1. Basic exercises for developing sand drawing skills
  • 3.2. Teaching kids how to draw concentric shapes
  • 3.3. Why you need to learn to draw archetypal images

Module number 4. A set of activities with children: Journey into the world of emotions

  • 4.1. I section of the complex of classes:
  • 4.1.1. Journey to the Land of Emotions: "Joy"
  • 4.1.2. Journey to the Land of Emotions: "Sadness"
  • 4.1.3. Journey to the Land of Emotions: "Fear, Fright"
  • 4.1.4. Journey to the Land of Emotions: "Anger, Anger"
  • 4.2. II section of the complex of classes:
  • 4.2.1. Exercise: What happened?
  • 4.2.2. Exercise: "Snowman"
  • 4.2.3. Exercise: “Look how I look!”
  • 4.2.4. Exercise: "My family"
  • 4.2.5. Exercise: Lake of Emotions

Module number 5. Drawing in the sand as the best method for teaching children correct speech and writing

  • 5.1. Why should a child learn to draw on a light table?
  • 5.2. Algorithmic schemes for drawing in the sand
  • 5.3. Card file of algorithmic drawing schemes
  • 5.4. Drawing life situations on the light table
  • 5.4.1. Exercise "Looking for twins"
  • 5.4.2 Exercise "How I Helped the Carpenter"
  • 5.4.3. Exercise "Cups, spoons, ladles"
  • 5.4.4. Exercise "I know!"
  • 5.4.5. Exercise: "Autumn leaf fall"
  • 5.4.6. Exercise: "Goldfish"
  • 5.5. Drawing on the sand of heroes of fairy tales, books, cartoons
  • 5.6. Card file of images of heroes of fairy tales, cartoons

Total: 120 acad./hours


Ryazan, educational psychologist

I liked the organization of the learning process (remote learning, the opportunity to study at any convenient time, the form of presentation of the material and its conciseness). I would recommend this course to beginners, as well as to those who have just begun to be interested in this topic.

Course Description

Why is sand painting on a light table gaining such popularity all over the world?

At present, the need for new, non-standard ways of thinking has become more and more acute in the world. The ability to find unexpected solutions and to accept any situation as an opportunity to solve an interesting problem is becoming increasingly valuable. Companies do not spare money for training their employees, they conduct trainings where they teach people to think creatively. But, unfortunately, teaching adults this ability is a rather difficult task.

No one doubts that the development of creative potential should begin from an early age, when the child is just beginning to discover the world around him. Thus, one of the most important tasks for teachers, psychologists and parents at the present stage is an individual approach to the development of the child's creative potential. In solving this urgent problem, the course "Art Therapy: Drawing in the Sand" can help you.

What effect do sand painting classes have on children?

Creating drawings in the sand opens up amazing opportunities for teachers, educators, speech therapists, psychologists, as well as parents who want to diversify their child's leisure time and spend it with benefit. Rich in tactile experience, such activities help children to better understand the material being studied and significantly improve fine motor skills. They also stimulate the development of speech and spatial thinking.

In addition, the illuminated table is an amazing canvas that can change as the little artist creates whimsical swirls or magical paintings. Perhaps no other form of fine art provides so much creative freedom for self-expression.

Sand painting classes with children using a light table, sand painting games are an immersion in the world of a fairy tale, in a world of emotions. Drawing with sand on glass has a great impact on the development of children, namely, it helps to:


  • cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, figurative-logical thinking, spatial imagination);
  • self-regulation processes;
  • sensory-perceptual sphere;
  • creative potential;


  • communication skills;
  • positive attitude towards the environment;


  • fine motor skills of the hands;


  • psycho-emotional state.

What is needed for sand painting lessons with children on a light table?

To teach children how to draw with sand on a light table, you will need:

1. Light table with impact-resistant glass on legs with small sides and with or without a compartment. A compartment may be needed for auxiliary materials. The size of the table directly depends on the age of the children you will be dealing with. We recommend the following light table sizes:

  • 2.0 - 3.5 years: 24cm x 50cm
  • 4.0 - 10 years: 50cm x 65cm
  • Over 10 years: 60cm x 80cm

2. LED lights with a remote control, with which you can choose any backlight for your sand painting.

3. Pure quartz sand . To obtain beautiful stains that form a pattern, only a fine fraction of sand is needed. Any inclusion of larger grains of sand can spoil the result of creativity. To create a greater effect of sand paintings, you can use colored sand.

Sand painting courses for teachers

In order to use any innovation in the field of child development, you must first get to know it yourself. Courses with sand will allow you to master a new tool, thanks to which the guys will be able to work more efficiently. You can learn how to work in this technique online. Thanks to Internet technologies, students study in Moscow without attending full-time classes. This is extremely convenient, because you can study at any convenient Internet access point: in a cafe with a laptop, with a tablet in a sunny park, or at a stationary computer at home.

After completing distance learning courses for teachers, the graduate will receive a certificate of passing the CPC, as well as the knowledge and skills necessary for further work. Specialists are pleased to note the extraordinary ability of this type of creativity to calm, give a sense of security, and at the same time allow you to express the most vivid emotions. We offer you to master and successfully use a wonderful technique in your work.

What result will you get and what will you learn on the course?

The multimedia advanced training course "Art Therapy: Drawing on the Sand" is presented in the format of video, audio and slide lectures. Acquaintance with this course will help you learn how to independently organize sand painting classes with children. For your methodical piggy bank you will receive: Card file of algorithmic drawing schemes; Card file of images of heroes of fairy tales, cartoons; exercises that you can immediately use in your practical work.

State license

License for educational activities

Check in Rosobrnadzor

License No. 039454 dated 06/26/2018 (LIFELONG), issued by the Moscow Department of Education. You can check the license on the website of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor).

Term: indefinite
PSRN: 1197700009804
Series, form number: 77L01 0010327
TIN: 7724442824

Application for training

It is very useful for children to "communicate" with sand, as with any bulk materials. Sand art is not only entertainment for a child, it is also the development of tactile sensations, fine motor skills of hands, speech, figurative and spatial thinking, and the child's creative potential. Such classes will help teach children to create not only sand paintings, but also the first animated versions.




Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

“Drawing with sand on glass”.

Teaching the technique of painting with sand on glass in a joint activity of children and adults.

Prepared by the educator:. Korsakova E.N.

St. Petersburg 2013

There are a huge number of unusual ways and techniques of drawing, but sand painting is fascinating. Sand is a material that attracts to itself. Its flowability attracts both children and adults. Remember the hourglass, although they are designed to count time, but how difficult it is to take your eyes off the falling grains of sand.
You will never have a question "What to do with a child?" if there is a sandbox in the yard. Cooking Easter cakes, digging tunnels, building castles - all these activities are loved by kids, only thanks to the sand and its properties.
Parapsychologists say that sand takes away negative mental energy, and the touch of sand stabilizes the emotional state.
Now special programs for children's "sand therapy" have already been developed and exist. In many cities, studios for painting with sand on glass are opening, where visitors have the opportunity to tinker with sand on a special table with a glass surface and backlight for an hour or two. By attending classes, you can learn how to create not only sand paintings, but also animation options.
It is very useful for children to "communicate" with sand and any bulk materials. Playing with sand is not only entertainment for a child, it is the development of tactile sensations, fine motor skills of hands, speech, figurative and spatial thinking, and the child's creative potential.
Sand painting is very useful for hyperactive children. Being engaged in this type of drawing, the child calms down, frees himself from "extra" energy, learns to better understand himself, his friends and parents. Sand painting gives the child the opportunity to immerse himself in the world of his notions, fantasies and imaginations.
Sand painting is especially indicated for children with developmental delays. This type of creativity stimulates the accelerated development of both thinking and speech of the child. Psychologists explain this by the fact that when working with sand there is a colossal change in the figurative and figurative-logical thinking of the child.
The very texture of the sand makes it possible for children to develop coordination of hand and finger movements while drawing. Sprinkling sand from palm to palm, grabbing sand into a fist, leveling sand on glass - all these movements involuntarily affect the development of the child. Children develop dexterity of hands and fingers. And as you know, fine motor skills are directly related to the development of speech, so all speech therapists recommend games with bulk materials.
Sand painting on glass is available to children of all ages.
Toddlers can create the simplest drawings by drawing with their fingers on an evenly poured layer. In order to change the drawing, you do not need an eraser or a new sheet, just run your finger over the sand.
Older children will be able to create paintings using the sanding technique to create a sand painting.
Painting with sand on glass is very attractive to teenagers. Pencils and paints are no longer relevant at the age of 12-15, but a modern and creative activity is what you need.

Be sure to try this drawing method. Take your child to a sand painting studio. If there is none in your city, then try it at home. To paint with sand on glass, all you need is a backlit glass table and sand. The table can be made by yourself or bought in the online store.
Sand for the table can be collected on the beach, or purchased at the store. But this is not at all necessary. Instead of sand, you can use salt, semolina, ground coffee.
It is best to draw with sand to pleasant music in the twilight. Then an unforgettable atmosphere of magic and creation will appear.

Direct educational activity.

Target : Create children's interest in sand games and exercises, turning them into an entertaining game;


To form an idea of ​​​​sand as an object of inanimate nature, its properties (flowability, friability, you can sculpt from wet sand).

Develop mental activity, ingenuity, the ability to compare, put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions.

Develop cognitive processes: perception, attention, memory, imaginative thinking.

Develop speech activity in the process of cognition,

Vocabulary work: vocabulary activation: dry, loose, opaque;

Vocabulary Enrichment: Sand Painting Sand Paintings:

Develop tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands.

Learn how to make a sand painting.

Cultivate an aesthetic sense.

Cultivate accuracy when working with sand.

Build communication skills.

Materials and equipment:

Electronic presentation "Sand and us"

Multimedia film "Drawings in the sand", computer projector.

Table-tablet with backlight for drawing with sand, sand.

"Magic wand", thick paper, glue, colored peso to.

Lesson progress:


Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you. Imagine for a moment that we have a magic wand. Where would you like to be?


Educator: Great! I have a magic wand and I invite you to the island of miracles and discoveries

Around yourself you turn on the island of wonders you find yourself. Music, light, but why does no one meet us in a new wonderful country?

There is something hidden under the cover. You can find out what is here by guessing the riddle.

It is both yellow and loose,

Heaped in the yard.

If you want, you can take

Play it all day.


Educator: What do you think, why does a person need sand?

CHILDREN respond.

Educator: Very interesting assumptions.

Quite right, sand is used in the construction of roads and buildings, in the manufacture of glass and utensils, in hourglasses, they sprinkle paths in winter. Children and sometimes even adults play with sand. It turns out that adult artists also love to draw in the sand. Today we will try to find out about it.


Educator: Now get up, it's time to check what's in this magic box ...

CHILDREN approach the table.
The teacher pours sand. It's really sand.

The sun is shining brightly

And the kids invite

Play "Sand Yard"

Yellow warm sand

Affectionate friend since childhood

He wants to give us joy.

It is very interesting,

Amazing, wonderful.

See what comes out of the sand

It is very interesting,

Amazing, wonderful

Even our guests

You see, they smile.

TEACHER: (Draws the sun on the sand)

Guys, let's say hello to the sand. Let's touch it alternately with the fingers of the right hand.

Listen to your feelings. What kind of sand? (Answers of children).

Let's warm the sand with our own hands, give it a piece of our warmth. To do this, we will press on the entire surface of the sand with our palms. Let's make the sand even and smooth so that it is convenient to draw on it.

Introduction to sand.

Game progress:

On a flat sand surface, children and an adult take turns making handprints: the inside and the outside. It is important to hold your hand on the sand, slightly pushing it in, and listen to your feelings.

Teacher: I'm glad. I feel the coolness (or warmth) of the sand. And you? (children's answers)

When I move my hands, I feel small grains of sand. What do you feel? (children's answers)

I turned my hands, my feelings changed

Now I feel the sand in a different way, in my opinion it has become a little colder. What do you feel?

It's not very comfortable for me to hold my hands like that. And you? What do you feel?

Children discuss their feelings.

Educator: Let's "slide" our palms on the surface of the sand. When drawing circles and zigzags, imagine that a car, a sled, or a snake crawled through

Place your palm on the edge and perform the same movements

Walk with your hands along the paved routes, leaving your footprints, imagining that we are traveling with you

And now, with the help of our palms, fingers, cams, we will draw bizarre magical patterns on the surface of the sand.

Now we will draw on the surface of the sand separately with each finger alternately with the right and left hands.

Then - at the same time (first only with the index fingers, then with the middle, nameless, large and, finally, little fingers)

Let's play on the surface of the sand like a piano

And now let's draw with you the sun from the prints of our hands ......

We have determined that the sand is now warm, dry and loose.

I will wet it. Let's check if the properties of the sand have changed? How and why? Touch the sand. What has he become?

CHILDREN: cold, damp.

Educator. Wet sand perfectly retains its shape, so it is easy to sculpt from it. You yourself have done this many times.

What will happen to the building when the sand dries? (fall apart).

And it’s good to draw on wet sand.

Get up in 2 teams, we will play

in game "Sand Telegraph".

The teacher draws with a finger on the back of the child standing last, an image of a house, for another team-sun. The one who received the "message" must pass it on to the next player. The one who stands by the sand box draws a picture in the sand.

Educator: Guys, look what picture you got. I really want to participate in its creation. Katyusha, please draw a “message” on my back

Well done, and now draw on the sand each of your mood

Ah, now I'll turn on the backlight, our sand will dry. And, you and I will be able to draw and see wonderful sand paintings.

Dynamic pause. The game "The sea is worried ..."

Teacher: Did you like the pictures? Come on, and we'll try to draw something.

Exercise "Unusual traces"

Purpose: development of tactile sensitivity, imagination.

“Cubs are coming” - the child presses the sand with fists and palms with force;

“Snakes are crawling” - the child makes the surface of the sand wavy with relaxed / tense fingers;

"Jumping hares" - the child hits the surface of the sand with his fingertips, moving in

Different directions.

“Spider bugs are running” - the child moves all his fingers, imitating the movements of insects (you can completely immerse your hands in the sand, meeting hands with each other under the sand - “bugs say hello”

Exercise "Drawing figures in the sand."

Purpose: to teach a child to draw spatial bodies and planar figures based on tactile representations

Game progress: the teacher invites the child to touch the figure, and then draw it with his finger in the sand and say that he is drawing. The adult says to the child: “I will close your eyes with a bandage, I will give you a figure in your hands, you will touch it, and then, opening your eyes, draw it in the sand. Tell me, why did you draw this figure? etc.

"Magic Transformations"

The teacher draws a circle in the sand and ask the child what it looks like, and then offers to finish the picture so that it immediately becomes clear what it is. The circle can be turned into a sun, a ball, a face, a ball, an apple, a watch and much more

Educator. And now try to come up with something yourself and draw

(children work independently)

The ritual of "exit" from the Sandland


Now children, stretch your arms over the sandbox and make a motion as if you are rolling a ball. Now put it on your heart and repeat after me:

We take with us everything important that was with us today, everything that we have learned!”

At the end of the work, the teacher invites the children to wash their hands and collects everyone on the carpet.

Educator: What wonderful drawings you get.Can you please tell us if we can place them at the exhibition or give them to someone? Why?

Children. No. They will crumble.


(It is necessary to draw a glue path, sprinkle sand on it, shake off the excess). Sand will linger on paper with glue.

Educator: You can continue working with sand already at the tables

Try to draw your pictures on the silhouettes of glue and then they will remain in the memory of our meeting.

Reflection of the lesson:


Children, today we have begun our acquaintance with a magical land. Learned what sand to the touch. What is the difference between dry sand and wet sand? I am now in a very good mood: I learned a lot of new things. What new did you learn? (children's answers)

Children talk about their work.

Works are placed on the exhibition.

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