Step-by-step drawings for children 5 6. Lessons in drawing with a pencil step by step

Drawing lesson with a pencil for children 5-6 years old. Senior group

Master class on drawing "Unusual island"

Ivanova Yulia Vasilievna, educator, MBDOU "DSOV No. 83", Cherepovets, Vologda region.

Purpose: I bring to your attention a master class on drawing with a simple pencil for educators and parents. You can use the material as a drawing lesson with children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old) or as an example of different lines for independent creative activity of children.
Target: The development of aesthetic feelings and artistic skills in children of senior preschool age.
Tasks: Teach children how to draw using different lines. Help me remember their name (straight line, broken line, wavy, "curls", "loops", tubercles"). In a playful way, train children in drawing with a simple pencil. Develop imagination, eye, sense of rhythm and composition, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements. Cultivate independence, accuracy and respect for their drawings.
Materials: A sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser (eraser).

unusual island

Simple Pencil was very fond of drawing. He practiced a lot and learned how to draw different lines. But Pencil didn't know what to do with it. He was very sad. He sat and watched how all his friends, who also lived at the artist's table, were drawing. The Wax Crayons draw flowers, the Paints draw the sea and ships, the Colored Pencils are almost done drawing the zoo, and the Felt Pens draw the whole city. The pencil was very upset and sad. After all, he was usually called to draw the outline of objects or animals, and the real picture was obtained only when all this was painted by his friends. But then the artist came, took a pencil in his hands and ... He drew the sea (wavy lines at the bottom of the sheet).

Then he drew an island (a large semi-circle).

This island is unusual, it is divided into several parts (straight vertical lines are drawn that divide the island into approximately equal parts).

Each part of the island is decorated with different lines (straight horizontal, wavy, broken, "loops", "tubercles").

As soon as the whole island was decorated, trees grew on it. Birch appeared first.

Then spruce grew.

A light sea breeze blew and the branches of the trees swayed.

And suddenly magical flowers appeared on the island (the middle of the flowers is drawn with a "curl", and the petals are drawn with different lines).

Pencil really liked the unusual island. But flowers and trees will not grow without the sun, and the artist has already left. What to do? Pencil decided to invent and draw the sun himself.

The sun is shining and everyone is happy! The pencil carefully looked at the picture, thought and drew a cloud. Let the cheerful summer rain water the magical flowers.

It's a real picture! The pencil was pleased with his work. Now he knew that the picture did not have to be multi-colored.
Children's drawings(senior group 5-6 years old)

Drawing is a very interesting kind of applied art, drawings with paints for children allow you to develop personal qualities in children, instill in them a sense of taste. Studying with a child, you can teach him to think, think, feel. It is especially useful to draw with paints with young children. After all, drawing a year, they develop fine motor skills of the hand, which is very useful for mental development.

At two years old, children not only willingly play with blocks, but also show interest in drawing. Here, mom has the opportunity to show all her creative imagination. You can draw almost anything. It can be chairs, toys, dishes, a beloved cat.

Drawings with paints for children will help to fully prepare the baby for further education at school. Firstly, hand coordination and fine motor skills for 4 years improve, and secondly, intelligence can be developed.

Well, making precise movements with a brush or pencil is a great way to prepare your hand for writing.

You can teach in a playful way to distinguish colors and paints, determine sizes and teach elementary counting. Drawing helps to cope with psychological complexes up to 7 years.

Since simple paint drawings can be started early enough, it is not necessary to wait until the child asks for drawing tools. To begin with, you can draw yourself, saying “look what I will draw,” and the baby can easily act as a spectator. A baby at 4 months of age will not yet be able to hold a pencil or brush.

At the same time, not only pencils and paints can act as materials. You can master finger painting with the help of fingers and palms.

What colors are suitable for children's creativity

To date, in stores you can buy paints that are ideal for children's creativity. Among them:

  • Special finger painting kits for children 2 years old.

  • Gouache paints - from the age of four.

  • Watercolor from 6 years old.

Since we plan to start drawing lessons from 2-3 years old, it is worth choosing finger ones. For children 3-4 years old, you can switch to gouache and watercolor.

Drawing with paints for children should not be monotonous. It is not necessary to color a regular sheet of paper. You need to gradually add new elements.

On the video: how to simply and beautifully draw an octopus with paints.

What drawings should I start with?

If we are learning to draw, then we need to start with the simplest. As you gain experience and skills, the task will become more difficult. Working with a child, you do not need to ensure that he does everything right. Children must go through the stage of marania. This stage continues until about two years of age. At first, the baby will simply scribble pencils on paper.

However, a little more can be taught at this time. Note:

  1. With children 2-3 years old, you can master the skills of working with a pencil, felt-tip pen and brush.
  2. From five, carefully put dots, make lines, circles, an oval, paint over drawings with strokes.
  3. With seven, it’s really possible to master the skills of composition.

Easy Drawing Lessons for Toddlers

These simple drawing lessons I usually spend with kids. Very interesting are children's drawings in the technique of finger painting. Here's how to do it:

  1. Invite your child to dip their finger into the paint. Now put your finger on a sheet of paper, you get a speck.
  2. Help draw a petal or some kind of caterpillar.
  3. Drawing lines, draw rays, like the sun.

Now let the child try to draw something himself. As his hands become more confident at 5 years old, you can teach him how to use a brush. You need to show the kid the three basic skills of drawing with a brush, show how to rinse it before picking up new paint.

There are several ways to paint with a brush:

  • Soaking. We draw, lightly touching the paper, and immediately remove the brush, causing spots of paint. Have a 3-year-old child observe how the image is made.
  • Brushstroke technique. Carefully draw lines from the age of 3 in a variety of directions. Let them differ in length.
  • Draw a sketch with a pencil with 8. First, make the main lines and sketch with a pencil, and then paint.

As skills develop, the tasks will become more difficult. There are some very interesting techniques. They can be mastered by conducting regular classes with the child. To consolidate a particular skill, several lessons are required.

How to draw a rainbow and a butterfly (2 videos)

Ideas for children's drawings (19 photos)

Lilia Sergeevna Barieva

"Sunset on the sea". Master class in gouache painting with children 6-7 years old.

Job title: teacher of additional education.

Place of work: State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education of the Republic of Mari El "Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth", Yoshkar-Ola.

The target audience: parents, teachers of additional education, educators, teachers.

Appointment of the master class: making a gift, decorating the interior, creating a landscape for a thematic exhibition.

Target: presentation of the experience of a teacher of additional education in order to popularize joint creative activities for children and adults.


Contribute to the leisure activities of parents and children in a creative creative form.

To develop the ability of children to draw in the technique of multilayer painting.

Develop the ability to build an image taking into account the space of the sheet. Develop the ability to use color to convey shades and artistic expressiveness of the image.

Develop the ability to use some techniques for depicting perspective.

Develop hand-eye coordination.

Cultivate accuracy in work, patience, self-control.

Materials and equipment:

watercolor paper A3 format,

gouache 6 colors,

water container,

paper napkins,

flat brush №22 /bristle/,

round brush №3 /synthetics/,

simple pencil, eraser,

Step by step creation of a picture

Ideas for painting a landscape can be found on the Internet. You can take a photo yourself. Then the picture will evoke memories of a trip to the sea.

In this work, the painting by Dmitry Rybin is taken as a basis.

Place a sheet of paper horizontally. Just below the middle, draw a horizon line. You can use a simple pencil, or you can immediately paint. On the left we outline the setting sun. In the lower part, approximately, on the thickness of a finger, we mark the coastline with a small mound.

Put a stack of yellow and red gouache in the palette. We mix. We get orange. Paint over the sky with wide horizontal strokes from left to right and right to left with brush number 22.

We spread yellow gouache in the palette. And paint over the sea.

Lay out white gouache. With a brush number 3, draw the rays diverging from the sun. We draw intermittently. Long strokes! Correct the sun if necessary.

Add red rays. We add red strokes to the sea.

In addition to red strokes, we add orange, dark green and yellowish-greenish colors to the sea.

With white paint, brush number 3, draw the reflection of the sun in the water.

Mix red and green to get brown. We put more red than green. We paint over the strip of the coast.

Draw a tree on the hill. We try to make a smooth transition from the hill to the trunk. Remember the top of the tree.

Adding branches.

We draw single-masted sailing ships. Closer to the shore - a larger sailboat. He is on the left. Farther from the coast - the sailboat is smaller.

For sails we use white and pale lilac paints. And for the ship's hull - yellowish-greenish. We draw the reflection of ships and sails in the water. Dark green will make the shadow on the hull of the sailboat.

With dark green paint, using the “sticking” method, draw the leaves.

Add yellowish-greenish leaves.

With light movements of the brush from the bottom up, draw a yellowish-greenish grass.

Add dark green blades of grass. We draw grass in different directions. And different heights. If you really want, then we can add weed. To be thick and juicy. You can stop there and finish the picture.

But we decided to draw small flowers in the grass. White, yellow and red.

Use the tip of the brush! The photo is shown large.

Now the landscape is ready! Joyful orange, shining sun, sailboats and dotted flowers caused a lot of positive emotions among the pupils.

Painting by Amina Mingazova, 7 years already at the exhibition.

I wish you creative success!

Material used:

Dmitry Rybin. Golden sunrise.

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Today, with the help of a detailed step-by-step lesson, we will learn draw a child with a pencil. The article describes the stages of building and creating a shadow. The portrait of a baby differs from an adult in its parameters. The eyes and cheeks will be more expressive, while the nose and lips will be less. So, let's start drawing and find out how how to draw a child right.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper;
  2. Simple pencils (hard and soft);
  3. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. At the first stage, with a simple pencil, we sketch a rectangle without using a ruler. Making a freehand drawing:

Photo 2. Let's calculate the size of our form. The height of the rectangle should fit in the width one and a half times, which means - one and a half of the height. If everything fits in size, you can proceed to the next step. But it is worth taking the sizes responsibly, because if they are not calculated correctly, then the drawing will not turn out correct and beautiful. So let's double check:

Photo 3. We will use our rectangle as the basis for the face. From above, draw a slightly rounded upward line. The right side will be located lower than the left:

Photo 4. Using the eraser, delete the upper horizontal line of the rectangle. Rounding the bottom corners

Photo 5. Let's draw a similar curved line on top. Let's make serifs for the cheeks:

Photo 6. Now let's make a construction for the eyes. We retreat half a centimeter from the edge to the left and right and divide the segment into equal three parts. From the middle segment we lower down two lines, which will diverge slightly towards the bottom. At the bottom, define the chin and make it rounded. The nose will be located in the middle of the face, and from the nose to the chin we will make a notch for the mouth:

Photo 7. Add large oval eyes. To the edge they will be more pointed. Add holes to the nose. We can make the cheeks more “loose”, round them up:

Photo 8. Adding a header image. It will have a drawing of a bear cub and his ear on the right. The cap will show curls and small creases. On the left, check the vertical line. We detail slightly the lines of the collar of jackets. There will be several. Don't spend too much time on clothes. The main task for the portrait is the face:

Photo 9. Determine the darkest places and hatch them. Let's take the eyes, the openings of the nose, the lines of the mouth and the background on the left. We slightly direct the outlines of the face. It is worth remembering that the baby's face is distinguished by its smooth lines. Draw the eyelids above the eyes with a thin line:

Photo 10. Determine the main direction and location of the shadow. The light will fall on the right from above, which means the shadow will be located on the left. Grab the forehead, neck, left side of the nose, cheeks and chin:

Photo 11. Now with the help of the shadow we create the shape of the face. It is important to remember that the direction of strokes helps to create volume. Add a shadow around the eyes, forehead and nose. But on the cheeks, you shouldn’t lay a lot of shadows, because they stick out a little and get a lot of light:

Photo 12. Add strokes to the hat and ear. In parallel, we work out the features of the face and the shadow on it:

Photo 13. We continue to work on volume. At this stage, we will be able to prescribe a little clothes, revealing folds on it:

The role of creativity has long been known as one of the dominant human needs along with natural ones. In the formation of a child's personality, the process of creativity occupies a huge place, cultivating unique mental and physical qualities. One of the main creative directions for children is drawing.

Throughout the process of becoming a personality, drawing acts as a conductor of the development of individual abilities and a way of knowing the world around. This creative industry will help in the upbringing of children and their development.

Along with natural ontogenesis, the process of drawing also has its own stages of development, depending on the age of the children. This is especially important in the first years of a child's life, when the formation of his basic physical and mental processes is observed. Creativity in this case performs a huge number of functions, stimulating the versatile development of the individual at each age stage.

Drawing at an early age

At the age of 1 to 1.5 years, children are already actively showing a craving for creativity. Unconsciously, the child impulsively “decorates” the wallpaper and floor with the help of improvised materials. At the initial stages, it is still difficult to talk about any motives in creativity, however, with due attention, children's expression can already form a drawing skill.

Under supervision, you can provide the “artist” with a canvas and paints. With the help of his hands, he will splash out all his creative potential in a playful way on paper, without spreading his "painting" on walls or furniture. Such an activity contributes to the development of creative skills, developing elements of the plasticity of consciousness and forming neural connections for creative thinking.

  • Finger paint. It is one of the safe and environmental options. You can buy at a low price or make your own.

Creativity from 2-3 years

At this stage of life, children begin to show signs of self-awareness. The identification of the “I” itself is formed. Develops the distinction of objects in their shape, color and size. Drawing for children 2-3 years old is an activity that helps in the study of new objects and their properties, stimulating memory processes. At this age, it is possible to form creative skills at a conscious level.

Creativity at this stage is still impulsive. However, the child's mind is already catching individual images and trying to capture them on paper with the help of spots, blots and lines. The development of spatial object perception is being improved.

  • Wax and ordinary crayons.
  • Paints: gouache or watercolor.
  • Slate pencils.

What to draw?

Drawing on stones for children

With the help of paints or ordinary crayons, children will be happy to transform ordinary stones into works of art, give them a new look and properties. Such creations can later serve as an addition to some games. With the help of adults, they can also turn into a decorative element.

Form hatching

Figures drawn by adults are an area for practicing accuracy and precision. The skill of using tools is being formed. When shading, children use "constraints" to complete the shape. You can use a squared notebook for simple shapes.

Lines and dots

Important are the basic skills of drawing neat lines and points. This improves fine motor skills, masters the "soil" for developing calligraphic skills and handwriting in the future.

It is recommended to introduce a game element during classes: give tasks, find logical solutions with the children and help. It is also required to encourage activity and try to guess or suggest the images depicted.

Drawing in the younger group

Creativity 3-4 years

Children begin to show signs of introspection, become more mobile and coordinated. Increased sensitivity to art. In creative processes, a logical sequence begins to appear, movement towards an intentional goal and the fulfillment of certain tasks. However, classes still cannot last long, as the object of attention is quickly lost.

Drawing for children 3-4 years old involves consolidating and improving basic knowledge, such as the names and shades of colors, improving the use of tools (pencil, brush), honing the skill of leading lines, shading.

  • Hard lead pencils.
  • Pastel crayons.
  • Paints: gouache, watercolor.
  • Non-traditional means for drawing (sponges, cotton swabs).
  • Stamps and strokes.

What to draw?

Simple objects

Simple, easy to remember figures, such as vegetables and fruits. The technique of their implementation should be simple and unconstrained. The main forms, color ratios and meanings of objects are remembered. The accuracy of shading and filling of the form space is improved.

elements of nature

More complex, composite objects such as trees. On the examples of birch, flowers, the sun, children improve the maintenance of straight and winding lines. The elements of smoothness and flexibility of the hands are being worked out. Children continue to explore the world around them. The aesthetic aspect of world perception is brought up. At this stage, you can make simple pictures of the gardens.

Combination with non-traditional drawing techniques is welcome: children can perform elements of foliage, rays of the sun or other objects with their own fingers, cotton buds, etc.

colored spots

In the spots made, children can guess the images and complete them with details. You can use sponges or new aerosol markers. Such drawing with the help of paints develops imagination and creativity.

Drawing in the middle group

Creativity 4-5 years

A pupil of the middle group has the ability of introspection and consciousness of his actions. He understands his likes and dislikes. The ability to study an object arises not only from simple interest, but also from the desire to discover something new. Drawing for children 4-5 years old becomes a conscious way of self-expression and communication with the world. Children take the initiative to learn new things, to learn new properties of phenomena. Compositional vision develops.

What to draw?

Children step by step learn to draw more complex objects. Based on the knowledge of simple figures, they study the technique of creating objects such as a dog, a cow, a cat and simple insects. Step-by-step drawing for children structures previously acquired knowledge, improves comparative perception and analytical thinking, cultivates aesthetic qualities.

In the future, step-by-step drawing is fundamental for children to compose complex compositions and landscapes that require a spatial vision of objects.

Favorite object or animal

Children love to actively share their emotions and impressions. Creativity for them is an opportunity to show others their preferences and talk about them. Most often, they like to depict inanimate objects that they have carefully and long studied. For example, toys: dolls, planes, balls, cars, etc. By displaying their favorite subject on a sheet, kids cultivate their individuality, strengthen the position of personal opinion and their own point of view, excite memory processes, improving and strengthening them.

Optional: molding

The process of making a three-dimensional figure has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the hands, finger coordination and flexibility, and continues to develop fine motor skills. Just like painting, it requires a step-by-step process: making simple parts and putting them together into a larger object. The modeling technique also involves working with small elements, which develops accuracy, perseverance and accuracy, for example, hedgehog needles or cat ears. Volumetric perception is also developed by painting the finished product.

Drawing in the senior and preparatory group

Creativity 5-6 years

Will and responsibility appear in the foreground of consciousness. There is an awareness of oneself in society. In children of the older group, communicative and social skills are actively beginning to emerge. Value judgment and perception develop. Pupils evaluate not only themselves as a person, but also evaluate the personality of other people. The child begins to feel the nature and mood of phenomena. Drawing for children aged 5-6 contributes to the development of an aesthetic perception of the world, sharpens the identification of objects and phenomena by their properties, deepens artistic perception. Classes in groups improve social and social skills.

Creativity at 6-7 years old

Pupils of preparatory age already have the necessary personality traits for a full-fledged learning process in the first grade. There is awareness based on the judgments of peers and adults. Personality is evaluated in time: the concepts of the past and the future are realized. Drawing for children aged 6-7 consolidates the learned material, continues to improve their personality, develops creative abilities and moral and aesthetic perception.

What to draw?

Pictures of nature, landscape

With the necessary step-by-step building skills, children can continue to develop skills in building and visualizing object properties. The accumulated experience and memory allows them to create simple landscape compositions. The seasons are the hot topics. The themes of spring, summer, winter and autumn landscapes continue to develop the skills of color perception of the world. Also, with the help of a palette, emotional shades are identified, for example, spring is a bright range, inspiration. During the creative process, the mastery of tools is honed. There is a learning of the arrangement of elements in space. The child strives for the expressiveness of the display of his inner vision, consolidates knowledge about the world around him.

Draw a person

In these types of classes, students get acquainted with the elements of human anatomy, the structure of the face, analyze and differentiate the features and qualities of each person. Deepen their skills of personal perception of other people. Topics such as "drawing a portrait", "my future profession" or "my family" contribute to the development of reflection and perception of one's personality in this world.

It is best if the lesson is supported by means of musical and artistic expression in order to be able to evoke a creative and emotional response in the process of creation. Joint creative work will be interesting for children from five to seven years old inclusive. Children will be happy to be included in the common work.

Right hemispheric drawing

A technique based on intuition. Right hemispheric drawing for children acts as an alternative technique that rejects the logical perception of objects and phenomena. The work involves inverted pictures, schemes that have no apparent meaning. The principle of the technique is to temporarily suppress the work of the left hemisphere. This allows the right hemispheric creative sector to become more active. This method of drawing partially runs counter to the basic standards of teaching fine arts in kindergarten, however, this technique has success not only in developing the creative skills of pupils, it reveals their mental potential.

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