Job descriptions of the artistic director on labor protection. "Kursk House of Culture"

What is an artistic director? What are his job responsibilities? What he is responsible for and what are the requirements for the position of artistic director, you will learn them in this article. We will immediately write down the opinion of the site administrator Donkovier - the artistic director for a cultural institution, this is the father, mother, owner and tyrant for the creative team, the person on whom everything depends.

Who is xartistic director

The Artistic Director is responsible for creative ideas, developing the action plan, implementing the artistic vision, and guiding the arts and creativity institution. Such a position as artistic director, or abbreviated as artistic director, exists in the staff of all theaters, with various directions: musical theater, comedy theater, drama and all the others, have their own artistic director. In other cultural institutions, you can also often meet an artistic director, these are houses and palaces of culture, clubs, cultural centers, philharmonic societies, circuses, everywhere there is an artistic director on staff.

The work of the artistic director

The artistic director usually reports to the chief administrative officer, although, in some cases, these two positions are combined into one, especially if it is a theater institution.

In a cultural institution artistic director is responsible for the creative process, and also makes decisions on the development of aesthetic values ​​and the spiritual and moral activities of the creative team. Carries out consultations with the chief administrative officer on the strategy and development of a cultural institution. The artistic director writes scripts and composes concert programs, if it is a House of Culture, or a Philharmonic.

Artistic director: job responsibilities

  • The artistic director hires, supervises and evaluates artistic personnel, including performers, artists and directors.
  • Hires, supervises and evaluates key technical personnel, including the head of ancillary operations.
  • Develops, implements and evaluates annual and monthly programs.
  • With the chief administrative officer, develops the institution's annual budget.
  • Acts as press secretary for the artistic evaluation of the creative team in the media.
  • Negotiates with sponsors to raise funds for the implementation of creative projects.
  • Builds relationships with other cultural organizations and partners.
  • The artistic director reports on the work of the creative team, creates reports for conferences and reports to higher organizations.

The artistic director controls the content of the written procedures for the establishment, checks and controls the work of their own media: website, newspaper, magazine, video channel, and other options for positioning a cultural institution.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The artistic director belongs to the category of leaders.

1.2. Qualification requirements:
Higher professional equipment and work experience in the specialty for at least 1 year or secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years.

- the main legal documents regulating the activities of the enterprise;
– theory and practice of artistic and stage work;
— basics of interpersonal communication and etiquette;
— professional terminology;
— fire safety rules and requirements;
— forms and rules for reporting and internal documentation;
- mode of operation of the enterprise;
— internal clothing standards (uniforms);
— Fundamentals of labor legislation;
- Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.4. Appointment to the position of artistic director and dismissal from office are made by order of the general director on the proposal of the art director.

1.5. The Artistic Director reports directly to the Art Director.

1.6. To ensure his activities, the artistic director is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.

1.7. During the absence of the artistic director (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities

Artistic director:

2.1. Recruiting and preparing staff for the performance.

2.2. Conducts rehearsals and general runs according to the established schedule.

2.3. Engaged in the preparation, organization and implementation of thematic shows - programs in accordance with the club's work plan.

2.4. Develops scripts and direction for themed parties and shows.

2.5. Invites artists to participate in parties and show programs in accordance with the budget and thematic focus of the show.

2.6. Gives the task to the DJ on the selection and preparation for the work of audio and video materials.

2.7. Responsible for the production of programs and organizing parties.

2.8. Responsible for internal discipline in the team. Maintains time sheet. Trains subordinate personnel in certain etiquette of behavior.

2.9. Thinks over the design of the show with costumes and accessories.

2.10. Responsible for the costumes, props, accessories provided by the club for professional activities.

2.11. In his professional activities, he fulfills instructions, rules and one-time requirements of the complex.

2.12. Present at organizational meetings of the art department. Participates in the work of the artistic council.

2.13. Observes production discipline, work schedule, safety precautions, fire safety rules.

3. Rights

The artistic director has the right:

3.1. Request and receive from the structural units information, reference and other materials necessary to fulfill the duties stipulated by this Job Description.

3.2. Issue instructions to subordinate employees.

3.3. Take measures upon detection of disciplinary violations of subordinate employees and report these violations to the head of the enterprise in order to bring the perpetrators to justice.

3.4. In agreement with the head of the enterprise, involve experts and specialists for consultations, preparation of conclusions, recommendations and proposals.

3.5. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

3.6. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Instruction.

3.7. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure the organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

The Artistic Director is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this Job Description, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Collection of job descriptions

The collection includes job descriptions compiled in accordance with the qualification characteristics contained in the Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37, as well as in accordance with other regulations on tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements).
The collection consists of two sections: the first includes industry-wide job descriptions for managers, specialists, technical performers, the second - job descriptions for industries (editing and publishing, transport, banking, trade, research activities, education, healthcare).
For heads of organizations, employees of personnel and legal services.

Artistic director

Artistic director

Job responsibilities. Analyzes and organizes the work of creative amateur teams. Draws up a schedule of classes together with the leaders of the groups, approves the repertoire, the plan of rehearsal and concert activities. Controls the maintenance of a journal of the work of creative teams or other reporting documentation. Keeps a journal of club work. Attends classes of subordinate creative teams and provides them with methodological assistance. Organizes the study and exchange of experience of amateur art groups, their participation in festivals, reviews, competitions, and other creative programs. Participates in the development of programs for the development of a cultural and leisure organization, in the preparation of scenarios, cost estimates for the maintenance of creative teams and the implementation of creative projects and events.

Must know: laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation on cultural issues; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the production and financial and economic activities of cultural and leisure organizations; the structure of the cultural and leisure organization; technology of creative and production process; the procedure for drawing up and coordinating creative and production plans; market methods of managing and managing; the procedure for concluding and executing contracts; artistic and creative, scientific, technical achievements and problems in the field of culture, art, folk art and cultural and leisure activities; forms and methods of organizational and creative work with the population, taking into account national and demographic characteristics; the procedure for the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements and the regulation of social and labor relations; theory and practice of management; management psychology; sociology of cultural and leisure activities; fundamentals of the history and theory of art, directing mass performances and theatrical holidays; formation of repertoire, organizational and methodological work with creative teams; the specifics of club work and work with amateur art groups; fundamentals of labor, civil legislation, copyright; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements.

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Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees (CEN), 2017
Section "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers of culture, art and cinematography"
The section is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2011 N 251n

Artistic director

Job responsibilities. Plans and organizes work on the methodological guidance of amateur art groups. Takes part in the development of regulations on festivals, competitions, reviews. Coordinates the work of the creative departments of the cultural and leisure organization for holding artistic events. Directly manages the basic teams of the cultural and leisure organization. Participates in the work of the jury of festivals, competitions and reviews. Leads the development and implementation of scenarios for holding large mass artistic events (theatrical holidays, folk festivals, song festivals, etc.), and also participates in the development of criteria and expert evaluation of provisions and guidelines on major artistic events, comprehensive and targeted programs for the development of creative genres. Prepares proposals and recommendations for the heads of creative teams on the formation of the repertoire of teams, as well as on the content of information and methodological literature published by the organization.

Art Director

Provides methodological assistance to creative workers, organizes and takes part in the work of creative seminars and master classes. Maintains contact with creative unions and public organizations.

Must know: laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the production and financial and economic activities of cultural and leisure organizations; technology of creative and production process; the procedure for compiling and coordinating prospective repertoire, production and financial plans, preparing productions; market methods of managing and managing; the procedure for concluding and fulfilling contracts; artistic and creative, scientific, technical achievements in the field of culture, art, folk art and cultural and leisure activities; forms and methods of organizational and creative work with the population, taking into account national and demographic characteristics; the procedure for the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements, regulation of social and labor relations; theory and practice of management; management psychology; sociology of art; fundamentals of the history and theory of art, directing mass performances and theatrical holidays; formation of repertoire, organizational and methodological work with creative teams; the specifics of club work and work with amateur art groups; fundamentals of labor, civil legislation, copyright; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education (culture and arts) and work experience of at least 3 years or secondary vocational education (culture and arts) and work experience of at least 5 years.

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The above qualification characteristics of the position of "Artistic Director" are intended to address issues related to the regulation of labor relations and the provision of an effective personnel management system in various organizations. Based on these characteristics, a job description of the artistic director is developed, containing the rights and responsibilities of the employee, as well as a specific list of his job responsibilities, taking into account the characteristics of the organization and management of the enterprise (institution).

When compiling job descriptions for managers and specialists, it is necessary to take into account the general provisions for this edition of the directory and the introduction with general provisions for the first issue of the job directory.

We draw your attention to the fact that the same and similar job titles may appear in different editions of the CSA. You can find similar titles through the job directory (in alphabetical order).

director of the house of culture, club


1.1. The director (manager) of the house (palace) of culture, club (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee") refers to the leaders.
1.2. This job description defines the functional duties, rights, obligations, responsibilities, working conditions, relationships (positional relations) of the Employee, criteria for assessing his business qualities and work results when performing work in the specialty and directly at the workplace in "______________" (hereinafter - " Employer").
1.3. The employee is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the order of the Employer in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation.

Artistic director of the house

(center) of folk art, other similar

organizations providing guidance

organizations of cultural and leisure type

—————————— (name of organization) I APPROVE JOB INSTRUCTION —————————— (name of position) 00.00.0000 N 000 ——— ——————- (signature) ( initials, surname) Artistic director 00.00.0000

The artistic director of the house (center) of folk art, other similar organizations that provide methodological guidance to organizations of a cultural and leisure type, belongs to the category of specialists<1>.


<1>In accordance with OKPDTR.

1.2. A person who has a higher professional education (culture and arts) and at least 3 years of work experience or a secondary vocational education (culture and arts) and at least 5 years of work experience is accepted for the position of artistic director.

1.3. The artistic director must know:

— Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture, other federal laws on issues of culture and art;

- Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation (Regulations on the basics of economic activity and financing of cultural and art organizations, Regulations on the theater in the Russian Federation, etc.), regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation that determine the development of culture;

— Fundamentals of civil law (regulation of copyright issues, rights related to copyright);

- orders and other regulatory documents of higher authorities on issues of culture and art;

- the structure of ________________________________________________________________, (name of the institution (organization) of culture) the main functions of its divisions; - the main composition of the _____________________________ audience; (viewing; listening)

– technology of the creative and production process;

- the procedure for compiling and coordinating prospective repertoire, production and financial plans, preparing productions;

— market methods of managing and managing; the procedure for concluding and fulfilling contracts;

artistic and creative, scientific, technical achievements in the field of culture, art, folk art and cultural and leisure activities;

- forms and methods of organizational and creative work with the population, taking into account national and demographic characteristics;

- the procedure for the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements, regulation of social and labor relations;

— theory and practice of management;

— management psychology;

- sociology of art;

- the basics of the history and theory of art, the direction of mass performances and theatrical holidays;

– formation of repertoire, organizational and methodological work with creative teams;

— the specifics of club work and work with amateur art groups;

— basics of labor organization;

— basics of labor legislation;

— Internal labor regulations;

— rules and norms of labor protection and safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

— ______________________________________________________________________.

1.4. The artistic director in his work is guided by:

— Regulations on ________________________________________________________; (name of the institution (organization) of culture) - by this job description; — __________________________________________________________________________. (other acts and documents directly related to the work function of the artistic director) 1.5. The artistic director reports directly to __________ (the head of the _______________________________________________. artistic and production part; to another person)

1.6. During the absence of the artistic director (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by an employee appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

1.7. ___________________________________________________________________.

2. Functions

2.1. Organization of the creative activity of the theater.

2.2. Providing the theater with qualified personnel.

3. Job responsibilities

The Artistic Director has the following responsibilities:

3.1. Plans and organizes work on the methodological guidance of amateur art groups.

New Artistic Director of Tabakerka Appointed

Takes part in the development of regulations on festivals, competitions, reviews.

3.3. Coordinates the work of the creative departments of the cultural and leisure organization for holding artistic events.

3.4. Directly manages the basic teams of the cultural and leisure organization.

3.5. Participates in the work of the jury of festivals, competitions and reviews.

3.6. Leads the development and implementation of scenarios for holding large mass artistic events (theatrical holidays, folk festivals, song festivals, etc.), and also participates in the development of criteria and expert evaluation of provisions and guidelines on major artistic events, comprehensive and targeted programs for the development of creative genres.

3.7. Prepares proposals and recommendations for the heads of creative teams on the formation of the repertoire of teams, as well as on the content of information and methodological literature published by the organization.

3.8. Provides methodological assistance to creative workers, organizes and takes part in the work of creative seminars and master classes.

3.9. Maintains contact with creative unions and public organizations.

3.10. __________________________________________________________________.

4. Rights

The artistic director has the right:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the management of the institution (organization).

4.3. Sign and endorse ____________________________________________. (types of documents)

4.4. Participate in the discussion of issues related to their official duties.

4.5. Require the management of the institution (organization) to assist in the performance of his duties and rights.

4.6. _______________________________________________________________. (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The Artistic Director is responsible for:

- for improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

- for offenses committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

- for causing damage to an institution (organization) - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ___________________________________________________________________.

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description was developed on the basis of the Qualification characteristics of the position "Artistic director" (Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees. Section "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in culture, art and cinematography", approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 30, 2011 N 251n) , ___________________ (details of other _____________________. acts and documents) 6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job description is carried out upon employment (before signing the employment contract). The fact that the employee is familiarized with this job description is confirmed by ____________________________________________________________ (by signature in the familiarization sheet, which is an integral _________________________________________________________________________________ part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions _________________________________________________________________________________); in a copy of the job description kept by the ________________________________________________________________________________. employer; other way)

6.3. ___________________________________________________________________.

Classification of information products

Chapter 2. Classification of information products

Article 6. Implementation of the classification of information products

Information about changes:

3. The classification of information products is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law for the following categories of information products:

1) information products for children under the age of six;

2) information products for children who have reached the age of six;

3) information products for children who have reached the age of twelve;

4) information products for children who have reached the age of sixteen;

5) information products prohibited for children (information products containing information provided for by Part 2 of Article 5 of this Federal Law).


For the definition and age limit of the main television program, taking into account the content of the messages of the "creeping line", see the information of Roskomnadzor dated January 22, 2013.

Information about changes:

4. The classification of information products intended and (or) used for the education and upbringing of children in organizations engaged in educational activities for the implementation of basic general education programs, educational programs of secondary vocational education, additional general education programs is carried out in accordance with this Federal Law and legislation on education .

Information about changes:

5. The classification of films is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law and the legislation of the Russian Federation on state support for cinematography.

Information about changes:

6. The information obtained as a result of the classification of information products is indicated by its manufacturer or distributor in the accompanying documents for information products and is the basis for placing the sign of information products on it and for its circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Article 7. Information products for children under the age of six

Information products for children under the age of six may include information products containing information that does not harm the health and (or) development of children (including information products containing episodic non-naturalistic images justified by its genre and (or) plot). or a description of physical and (or) mental violence (with the exception of sexual violence) subject to the triumph of good over evil and expression of compassion for the victim of violence and (or) condemnation of violence).

Article 8. Information products for children who have reached the age of six years

The information products allowed for circulation for children who have reached the age of six years may include information products provided for in Article 7

1) short-term and non-naturalistic depiction or description of human diseases (with the exception of serious diseases) and (or) their consequences in a form that does not degrade human dignity;

2) a non-naturalistic depiction or description of an accident, accident, catastrophe or non-violent death without demonstrating its consequences, which may cause fear, horror or panic in children;

3) episodic depiction or description of these actions and (or) crimes that do not incite to the commission of antisocial actions and (or) crimes, provided that their admissibility is not substantiated or justified and a negative, condemning attitude towards the persons committing them is expressed.

Article 9. Information products for children who have reached the age of twelve

Information products allowed for circulation for children who have reached the age of twelve years may include information products provided for in Article 8 of this Federal Law, as well as information products containing justified by its genre and (or) plot:

1) episodic depiction or description of cruelty and (or) violence (with the exception of sexual violence) without a naturalistic display of the process of deprivation of life or mutilation, provided that compassion for the victim and (or) a negative, condemning attitude towards cruelty, violence (with the exception of violence used in cases of protecting the rights of citizens and legally protected interests of society or the state);

2) an image or description that does not induce antisocial acts (including the consumption of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, beer and drinks made on its basis, participation in gambling, vagrancy or begging), episodic mention (without demonstration) of narcotic means, psychotropic and (or) intoxicating substances, tobacco products, provided that the admissibility of antisocial actions is not substantiated and not justified, a negative, condemning attitude towards them is expressed and there is an indication of the danger of consuming these products, means, substances, products;

3) episodic non-naturalistic depiction or description of sexual relations between a man and a woman that does not exploit interest in sex and is not of an exciting or offensive nature, with the exception of the depiction or description of sexual acts.

Article 10. Information products for children who have reached the age of sixteen years

Information products allowed for circulation for children who have reached the age of sixteen years may include information products provided for in Article 9 of this Federal Law, as well as information products containing justified by its genre and (or) plot:

1) depiction or description of an accident, accident, catastrophe, illness, death without a naturalistic display of their consequences, which may cause fear, horror or panic in children;

2) depiction or description of cruelty and (or) violence (with the exception of sexual violence) without a naturalistic display of the process of deprivation of life or mutilation, provided that compassion for the victim and (or) a negative, condemning attitude towards cruelty, violence (with the exception of violence) is expressed used in cases of protecting the rights of citizens and legally protected interests of society or the state);

3) information about narcotic drugs or psychotropic and (or) intoxicating substances (without their demonstration), about the dangerous consequences of their consumption with a demonstration of such cases, provided that a negative or condemning attitude is expressed towards the consumption of such drugs or substances and contains an indication of danger of their consumption;

4) individual swear words and (or) expressions that are not related to obscene language;

5) images or descriptions of sexual relations between a man and a woman that do not exploit interest in sex and are not offensive in nature, with the exception of images or descriptions of actions of a sexual nature.

Artistic director

For twenty years I have been the head of the Vakhtangov Theatre, but it is difficult to talk about myself as an artistic director. Therefore, I would like to dwell only on some general aspects of my activity.

When I was offered to take this position, I thought about it for a long time, it was not easy for me, because I imagined the responsibility that this position imposes, and I experienced a completely understandable feeling of fear: will I manage? But nevertheless he agreed, because he knew that the Vakhtangov people would not accept the “Varangian”. Also, and this was shown by the then experience of the Moscow Art Theater, it is impossible to manage the theater collegially. It can only be led by one person. Only one person can lift it. And, having weighed all the pros and cons, I hoped that I would still be able to maintain the prestige and level of our theater. Therefore, I took office with the main task before me - to preserve the Vakhtangov Theater, to prevent its team from disintegrating into small groups.

To do this, he formulated three points of his program. First, attracting well-known directors to the theater to stage individual performances. Secondly - reliance on talented dramaturgy. And thirdly, already having experience in theater and film directing, I promised not to stage performances myself, because I knew that as soon as the artistic director starts staging performances, they immediately become the dominant feature of the repertoire. I don't have a real director's gift. If I understand where, then only in acting.

During these twenty years, our theater was judged in different ways. In the difficult decade after perestroika, some said that the theater was ruined, others only complained that its former glory had faded. However, at first we survived when, along with the collapse

Much of the Soviet perished in the USSR, and then the theater came to life and is now actively developing, and in this I partly see my merit.

There was a time when we to some extent shared the fate of all theaters: with a sharp drop in the ideological pressure, we seemed to have been struck by a disease like a caisson. Indeed, for decades everything was strictly regulated, sometimes only slightly weakened the valve and suddenly declared complete freedom! Is it not a sharp change in pressure?.. And we had to live in a new way in the conditions of a market economy that are unusual for us.

The destruction of the aesthetics of associative art turned out to be a big disaster for the theater. Aesopian language suddenly turned out to be unnecessary in our country. And Shatrov's Brest Peace, which played to a full house even abroad, began to play with half-empty halls, and it had to be removed from the repertoire. The audience also took a cool look at the play “The Ides of March” by Wilder, which is acute in meaning.

What can I say, even if in Taganka, where violent, civic performances were staged, everything also became “normally cool” from the suddenly reduced attention of the audience. And the theatre-wrestler Yuri Lyubimov seemed to pause in bewilderment: with whom to fight? For some time he lost his voice. This strange time of change demanded new colors and words from theaters. And it was getting harder and harder to find them.

People were much less likely to go to the theatre, not least because ticket prices were out of reach for an impoverished society. Of course, people lost a lot, but the theater suffered no less, devoid of reflections, experiences, and feelings in common with the audience. He simply did not keep up with life when events fell like a rockfall on the confused citizens of Russia. How could they have been shaken by a theatrical performance, when life itself was constantly surprising and shocking? Therefore, more than one of our theaters lingered at the crossroads: what direction to choose now in their work, where to look for points of contact with the audience? But I didn’t want to go to any lengths in pursuit of him, to lose face, sinking to the level of the service sector, or even outright connivance with lack of culture. But there was a great desire to preserve the eternal values ​​​​of art in the theater in the new conditions!

And many commercial theaters were created around, which lived and live, in fact, for the sake of the ruble. By and large, not a single significant performance was staged there, not a single actor was brought up. Because it is profitable to take already recognized pros there, and they go because they pay well there! Humanly, they can be understood: who does not want to earn more money and quickly. And well-known actors in one place cannot linger for a long time, they are expected everywhere. Hence the hack work, the decrease in the level of the game, the surprise of the peripheral viewer: where did the talented actor imyarek go? And he labored in some French trinket. After all, it was, is and will be. And let it be, at least in order to maintain a gray background for a sharp drawing in the foreground of real theatrical discoveries!

With all the difficulties that we had to endure in the past, we still did not fully feel what a spiritual crisis is. You can be ironic about this as much as you like, but we still have a lot of educated people, although there was a moment when education was not in fashion. What was this phrase worth: “Why are you so poor, since you are so smart?” But our public - and this is noted by everyone - has remained the most sophisticated in terms of art, whether it be theater, music or painting. And I don't want that level to drop at all. And there are reasons for concern.

See what's happening on our stage. Who is the idol of youth, the hero, so to speak, of our time? Philip Kirkorov. He has a lot of admirers and admirers. He is praised in every way. He is imitated and envied. Yes, he is not devoid of talent and beauty. But they envy not so much this as his wealth. In fact: he flies almost on his own plane, his Lincoln is also loaded there, because only in Lincoln can an idol enter Krasnoyarsk or some other city. But even this is not so bad, because Kirkorov, at least, is recognizable, he has an individuality. However, new fads from mass culture have tricked us into some kind of “star factories” that churn out faceless performers, and those performers change in batches as part of precocious vocal groups without harm to their commercial program. However, there is nothing special to harm there, if we consider the issue from the standpoint of culture.

I understand, all this is advertising, outrageous. However, if our Vakhtangov Theater wanted to advertise any of its performances, it would not have found even a hundredth of the funds spent by show business on the promotion of its favorites. In addition, it seems to me that the theater will not learn how to advertise itself at all. He is old-fashioned, he seems to be dressed in ancient clothes that restrict movement. He is embarrassed to talk about himself and retains his dignity.

It seems that through the joint efforts of public and private structures, the country can be brought out of the general economic crisis. But each theater is looking for a way out of its problems almost alone. This is a difficult path, but the road will be mastered by the walking one.

When Yevgeny Rubenovich Simonov left us, he did not break ties with the Vakhtangov Theatre. The name of this director went down in the history of the theater, which I, like all Vakhtangovites, hold sacred - with all our victories, defeats, gains and losses. And we will not rewrite it, "adjusting" the past to the advantageous alignment of the present. Evgeny Simonov devoted his last years to the creation of the Theater named after his father, considering it his filial duty to perpetuate his memory. And the theater has been around for many years. It is located in the Arbat lanes very close to us, and today it is directed by one of the leading actors of the Vakhtangov Theater Vyacheslav Shalevich. And we solve many problems of today's life together: the Vakhtangov Theatre, the Shchukin Theater School, the Ruben Simonov Theater, actors and directors of all generations of Vakhtangov.

We are still looking. We are looking for in the precious pantries of Russian classics, in modern dramaturgy. Our goal is to defend the theater as a temple of culture. Capturing the emotional attraction of the viewer is the key to success. And all theaters today are in search of that, perhaps, a very simple stage action that will bring people to the auditoriums, eager to understand who we are today, what we need in order to feel our human height, our necessity in life. I think that literature, theater, and art in general are needed by themselves in order to increase, add to the amount of kindness in the world. So that people can draw from this source of truth and justice, faith and love as much as they can.

When you think about what is most important in the art of theater, you understand that it is skill, professionalism, an ear that hears today's time, a voice that can tell about time.

This skill should be possessed first of all by the director. By creating a performance, he becomes everything: an actor, an artist, a musical designer, a magician, a creator, a liar, a dreamer - everything! Finally, he releases a play, and it lives on its own, regardless of its creator.

The current problem with directing is that a kind of “hammock” has arisen, sagging between a cohort of great theater connoisseurs of the 20-30s of the last century - Stanislavsky, Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vakhtangov, Meyerhold, Tairov, their students Ruben Simonov, Zavadsky, Okhlopkov , Akimov, Lobanov, Tovstonogov - and modern directors.

The generation of "teachers" has not brought up its succession, which has a tangible effect on the director's field. I feel that this reproach of mine is unjustified: to raise a director from a person who does not have a natural gift for it is the same as intending to teach someone to become a great writer. Georgy Alexandrovich Tovstonogov stated bluntly: "The director cannot bring up a successor, because it is artistically impossible." And if he does not know all the director's directions.

Modern directors for the most part did not grow up naturally by “gradual maturation”, but pumped up their muscles. "Kachki" put on a lot, they are energetic, skilled, they cannot be accused of ignorance of their business, but the lack of a school affects their work. Philosophical understanding of the theme, spirituality and convincing life “equipment”, which was present in the performances of famous directors of the recent past, who proceeded in their work from the deep essence of theatrical art, is very lacking in current productions.

I can’t judge everyone, I speak based on my own observations of the artistic director of the theater. From what young directors bring us, I see that they are "brainy", coldly prudent professionals. This is not their fault: they live in an era when old concepts and familiar categories are broken in the theater, and in everyday life a person does not always feel solid ground under his feet. Here, as they say, there is no time for spiritual comprehension and gazing into the heavens, here many are thinking about how to get settled in this extravagant world, what to cling to in this “Brownian movement”, in the ongoing commotion. And the directors bring this mess to the theater. And spiritual comprehension of the beautiful requires peace and creative leisure. But in the pursuit of the material, neither one nor the other exists for anyone today. Unfortunately, the needs of the audience have also changed: having run into business, the modern public, for the most part, wants one thing from any staged action - the opportunity to let off steam. Here comes the talk show "To the Barrier" on television. It is led by the most talented journalist Vladimir Solovyov, he skillfully manipulates the actions of the most influential politicians in the country and just famous people. They are his actors. But what does his transfer decide? Nothing! This is all empty talk, the cries of stage puppets insisting on their rightness, but none of them listens to anyone. To some extent, this is beneficial for the talk show participants - this is how they attract public attention. What does the viewer get? Fatigue, a tiring bedtime story, a portion of a kind of sleeping pills and - at the same time - slow-acting doping, taking which, after a few hours of rest, you can again rush headlong into the hustle and bustle of affairs. So now talk about the fact that the directors are the priests of the beautiful ...

The same picture in modern dramaturgy: there seem to be many plays, but they all talk about the same thing - how bad it is for us today and how good it will be if we do this and that. That's really what the viewer will not surprise!

In this regard, for some reason, I remembered the play "Oginsky's Polonaise" by Roman Vikgyuk. There was a general collapse. And what did this performance reveal to me? That the world has gone crazy? I already know it. That people turn into cattle through temptations? I have often seen this in my life. That they don't know where to go? I sometimes feel it myself. So why such a performance, if they don’t tell me how to get out? If there is no light in it? But they pour salt on my wounds in it and pour it! For what?

Real theater is not a sedative drug, but it is also not a psychotropic drug to excite warped souls. I would say that he is an example of a more normal, smarter and more integral world than the one that often remains outside the auditorium. Ideal world? It is quite possible, since art is almost always the pursuit of an ideal.

Yes, the theater must be modern, but the audience, and the actor, needs more figures and collisions that contain timeless values. And they remain valuable because they always have something in common with what is happening today. But also a reminder that life is not only the dollar exchange rate and operational reports of the police. However, being in the seething cauldron of everyday life, we are far from always able to grasp the essence of what is happening, and therefore we cannot ourselves answer the questions that reality poses to us. Then the classic comes to the rescue. It contains eternal spiritual riches - answers to the questions of human existence, which means that it is a support for all those living today.

It is impossible to imagine what we would do today without Ostrovsky, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Shakespeare! But you can't just put on a classic today. It must be read anew in every new era, at every new turn of time. After all, everything is constantly changing. Something dies and is born in society. A person is changing, his attitude, tastes. Updated aesthetics. And the performance should organically fit into our "crazy, crazy, crazy world." It’s impossible to feel complacency over a cup of tea with jam, against the backdrop of a painted wooden Zamoskvorechye from the 19th century, when skyscrapers made of glass and concrete are being built behind the wall.

But there is something that unites both scenery - the recognizability of human passions and the immutability of moral values, which in all ages allows the theater to draw and draw from a truly bottomless well of dramaturgy of all times and peoples.

Love ... No matter how much we talk or write about it, no matter how deeply we experience it ourselves, it remains a mysterious, intimate, incomprehensible feeling. There is no definition of love that fits all occasions. She is always a revelation. It is difficult to predict what act it will inspire or push a person to. Yes, almost all the classics are love stories. And none of them is like the other. To paraphrase the poet, we can say: love is the only news that is always new ...

The classics are always new too. But it doesn’t always happen that you scooped it up - and here it is, the goldfish of success! And we are hoarsely arguing in the theater about what to take into the current repertoire. The director offers The Inspector General or Chekhov's The Seagull. It seems to me that it has become a kind of obsessive fashion - all the time to interpret Chekhov and Gogol in your own way. As if every theater is trying to find something in Chekhov that no one else has found. Yes, both Chekhov and Gogol are great connoisseurs of man, but I am afraid of fashion, which even in the theatrical repertoire becomes as indispensable as jeans.

Once, when I became artistic director, I set myself the task of opening the doors of the Vakhtangov Theater wide for new topical dramaturgy and sharp, modern-sounding classics. For this, it was necessary to invite both serious well-known directors and young, but already interesting, directors promising to reveal themselves in their own way. I worked on this, and there were successes along the way, although no one gave me insurance against failures. Only successes and failures are normal for creative pursuit. You can't list everyone I invited. However, I will mention that Robert Sturua, Pyotr Fomenko, Arkady Katz, Roman Viktyuk, Vladimir Mirzoev, Vyacheslav Shalevich, Sergei Yashin, Alexander Gorban revealed their directorial ideas. Under their leadership, such performances as “Brest Peace”, “Lessons of the Master”, “The Ides of March”, “Guilty Without Guilt”, “Alibaba and the Forty Thieves”, “Chasing Two Hares”, “Dedication to Eve”, "Cyrano de Bergerac", "Nbch iguanas" and many others. But, of course, not all of what was done was crowned with laurels of great audience success. Nevertheless, these performances are stages in the formation of our theater in difficult years, when in Russia all our compatriots were looking for their own, often new place under the sun.

But this, so to speak, is the creative part of the concerns of the artistic director, and it is based on the economic foundation and partly depends on interpersonal relations in the troupe - and this also has to be thought about. Such problems were extremely exacerbated in the 90s of the last century, and, probably, it would be easiest for me to brush them aside and take some comfortable and somewhat distant position. But, to be honest, to this day I still feel responsible for the cause that I have been serving all my life - for the theater.

At one time, the perestroika euphoria ended, and it turned out that, along with some administrative independence, theaters acquired a bunch of problems, but they did not master the mechanisms for solving them. And I had to do a lot myself.

Our props were worn out, stage equipment was outdated, and in a failed financial situation (it is well known what was happening in the economy in that era), the theater did not have the means to eliminate this hole. So, we must go to officials, chiefs, whose name has always been legion. We still have more bosses than workers. There were many, and there were even more. Wherever you go, there are a lot of committees, parliaments and departments. It would also be good for officials to introduce uniforms - then we would absolutely become similar to Nikolaev's "stick" Russia, as it was described in Soviet times. Only then we did not dream of what we have now! Walking around high offices is akin to Dante's circles of hell: it's not a fact that the required will be allocated, but you will definitely endure humiliation. And you need to go so that your business does not stop, so that the best traditions of theatrical art, domestic culture in general, which are already breathing heavily in many ways, are not ordered to live long.

Here I went. For example, near our theater on the Arbat for a long time there was a wrecked house that was not subject to restoration and did not belong to anyone. We, like air, needed a second stage for experimental activities in the theater, for expanding the repertoire, and finally, for providing work for the entire troupe. And it was not possible to get land in the neighborhood with the wording "in full management" in order to attract investors and builders. There was only one answer to our requests and reasons: “no funds, no opportunities.” And it could all end with the fact that some smart businessman or the ubiquitous mafia would put their paw on these ruins and another casino would appear in the middle of the Arbat. Indeed, in post-Soviet Russia, it happened that even under theatrical signboard dubious shops were opened for the sake of profit, and for this, newly-minted businessmen easily forgot about the true significance of the performing arts for society. However, the Vakhtangov Theater still managed to prove its case, and the land was allocated to us.

There were difficulties with the tour. It even happened that due to economic troubles, for two or three summer off-seasons, Moscow was left without invited theater groups - there was simply nothing to invite them to. Then even the journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow was fraught with considerable problems. Moreover, the country was really threatened by the loss of a single cultural theater space. Moreover, the metropolitan troupes were also in serious difficulty in organizing their creative trips to the periphery. We got out of the situation as best we could. And got out! In early 2002, the Vakhtangovites went on tour in Kyiv in full force, gave performances at the Lesya Ukrainka Theater. This means that the employment of the troupe in productions was full.

How to engage all the actors in performances, provide them with opportunities for creative growth and a decent income - this is a special conversation. The problem is not unique to Vakhtangov, it is universal for all theaters. While there was no money, until we learned how to earn it, theatrical troupes, which were created over the years, began to resemble huge clumsy dreadnoughts. On the one hand, young actors came - they have not yet gained enough experience to drag the repertoire, but they already need to be given a perspective. On the other hand, there were a lot of pensioners who played less and less for health reasons, but they should not be fired in any case - the pensions were meager, and taking away a role in the next production from a well-deserved person, your long-term comrade on the stage, means putting him to the brink of a half-starved existence. Therefore, as much as I could, I fought to maintain a precarious balance between the older generation of actors and the youth, so to speak, creatively supported the old people, still orienting the theater towards young, fresh blood. And here is the result: over the past twenty years, real masters have grown up on the Vakhtangov stage - A. Dubrovskaya, M. Aronova, E. Sotnikova, N. Grishaeva, S. Makovetsky, M. Sukhanov, V. Simonov, E. Knyazev, A .Zavialov, you can list more names. Many of them are known abroad as excellent professionals, they are invited to cooperate at various theater and film sets, and they constantly appear in our troupe. But my old actor friends are still in honor - on the example of many, many wonderfully played roles, they raised a worthy replacement for themselves, this is their merit. And then very young guys, recent graduates of the theater school, gradually begin to make themselves known ... And all the actors of our theater have their own creative voice, they have the right to tell the viewer something important from the stage.

Some of the greats have a wonderful statement about the difference between the oratory of Cicero and Demosthenes. When Marcus Tullius Cicero delivered a speech, the Roman Senate was ecstatic: “God, how he speaks!” And when Demosthenes spoke to the Greeks, the Athenians shouted: “War to Philip of Macedon!”

The same can be said about the difference in art and directing and acting. Art in general has many faces - and this is what makes it interesting. Art is limitless - and that's what makes it beautiful. Art is omniscient - and that's what makes it wonderful.

Today, art is still looking for ways, like in a littered mine, to people, to the light, and often finds them with the help of the classics. And also a classic - a staff in the hand of a weary traveler, wandering through life.

If necessary, in difficult years, we relied on it, but we also included works by contemporary authors in our repertoire. Both those and other plays could go with full houses and without.

But it is important that with their help the Vakhtangov Theater survived. He also survived thanks to his amazing, sparkling acting school. For twenty years, I did my best to preserve our traditions, and now, looking back, I can state with satisfaction: on my segment of the path, I succeeded. Perhaps because I perceived the success of any director, any actor in our theater as my own. And I did not see any benefits for myself, except for the success of the theater.

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Takes measures to provide the theater with qualified personnel, their proper placement and rational use. 2.1.8. Creates the necessary conditions for the creative growth of the artistic staff. 2.1.9. Provides an organic combination of economic and administrative methods of management, moral and material incentives for the development of the activity of employees in creative and industrial activities. 2.1.10. Contributes to the formation and preservation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team. 2.1.11. He entrusts the solution of certain issues within his competence to other theater workers. 2.1.12. . 3. RIGHTS 3.1. The artistic performer has the right: 3.1.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the organization (theater) relating to his activities. 3.1.2. Participate in the discussion of issues related to their official duties. 3.1.3.

Job descriptions in small and medium-sized businesses

Present at organizational meetings of the art department. Participates in the work of the artistic council. 2.13. Observes production discipline, work schedule, safety precautions, fire safety rules. 3. Rights The artistic director has the right to: 3.1. Request and receive from the structural units information, reference and other materials necessary to fulfill the duties stipulated by this Job Description.

3.2. Issue instructions to subordinate employees. 3.3. Take measures upon detection of disciplinary violations of subordinate employees and report these violations to the head of the enterprise in order to bring the perpetrators to justice. 3.4. In agreement with the head of the enterprise, involve experts and specialists for consultations, preparation of conclusions, recommendations and proposals.

Job description of the artistic director

The artistic director must know: - the laws of the Russian Federation and the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of culture and art; - orders, instructions and other regulatory documents approved by the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and the head of the organization (theater); — organization of theatrical (musical) production; — psychology of management and creative work; – modern and classical domestic and foreign dramaturgy and musical literature; — classical and modern repertoire of musical theaters and concert organizations; — history and modern problems of domestic and world theatrical and musical art; — basics of labor organization, labor legislation and copyright; — rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection; - the provisions of this job description.

Job description of the artistic director of the theater

Organization of the creative activity of the theater. 2.2. Providing the theater with qualified personnel. 3. Duties The artistic director performs the following duties: 3.1. Plans and organizes work on the methodological guidance of amateur art groups.
3.2. Takes part in the development of regulations on festivals, competitions, reviews. 3.3. Coordinates the work of the creative departments of the cultural and leisure organization for holding artistic events. 3.4. Directly manages the basic teams of the cultural and leisure organization.
3.5. Participates in the work of the jury of festivals, competitions and reviews. 3.6.
Rights The artistic director has the right to: 3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law. 3.2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the leadership of the Cultural Institution regarding its activities. 3.3. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management. 3.4.

Within the limits of its competence, inform the immediate supervisor of all shortcomings identified in the course of activities and make proposals for their elimination. 3.5. Require the management of the Cultural Institution to assist in the performance of their duties and rights. 3.6. Improve your professional qualifications. 3.7. Other rights provided by labor legislation.

4. Responsibility The artistic director is responsible for: 4.1.

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General provisions 1.1. The artistic director belongs to the category of leaders. 1.2. Qualification requirements: Higher professional equipment and work experience in the specialty for at least 1 year or secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years. 1.3. The artistic director must know: - the main legal documents governing the activities of the enterprise; - the theory and practice of artistic and stage work; - the basics of interpersonal communication and etiquette; - professional terminology; - fire safety rules and requirements; - forms and rules for reporting and internal documentation; - the mode of operation of the enterprise; - internal standards of clothing (uniforms); - the basics of labor legislation; - the rules and norms of labor protection.


GUARANTOR: For the determination and age limit of the main television program, taking into account the content of the messages of the "creeping line", see the information of Roskomnadzor of January 22, 2013. Information on changes: Federal Law of July 2, 2013 N 185-FZ part 4 of Article 6 of this Federal Law set out in a new edition, which comes into force on September 1, 2013.

See the text of the part in the previous edition 4. The classification of information products intended and (or) used for the education and upbringing of children in organizations engaged in educational activities for the implementation of basic general education programs, educational programs of secondary vocational education, additional general education programs is carried out in accordance with this Federal Law and the legislation on education. Information about changes: Federal Law of July 28, 2012

Responsibilities of an Artistic Director


Leads the development and implementation of scenarios for holding large mass artistic events (theatrical holidays, folk festivals, song festivals, etc.), and also participates in the development of criteria and expert evaluation of provisions and guidelines on major artistic events, comprehensive and targeted programs for the development of creative genres. 3.7. Prepares proposals and recommendations for the heads of creative teams on the formation of the repertoire of teams, as well as on the content of information and methodological literature published by the organization. 3.8. Provides methodological assistance to creative workers, organizes and takes part in the work of creative seminars and master classes.

3.9. Maintains contact with creative unions and public organizations. 3.10. . 4. Rights The artistic director has the right to: 4.1.

Responsibilities of the artistic director of the theater

Close Chapter 2. Classification of information products Article 6. Classification of information products
the text of the part in the previous wording 1. The classification of information products is carried out by their producers and (or) distributors independently (including with the participation of an expert, experts and (or) expert organizations that meet the requirements of Article 17 of this Federal Law) before the start of their circulation in the territory of the Russian Federation. Federation. 2.

Responsibilities of the Artistic Director of the House of Culture

This job description was developed on the basis of the Qualification characteristics of the position "Artistic director" (Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees. Section "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in culture, art and nematography", approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 30, 2011 N 251n), (details of other. Instructions for familiarizing the employee with this document) 6.2. carried out at the time of employment (before the signing of the employment contract).
The fact that the employee is familiar with this job description is confirmed (by signature in the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the job description familiarization log); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; other way) 6.3.

Job responsibilities of the artistic director of the House of Culture

For failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

Responsibilities of the artistic director of the theater

General Section of the Job Description This section of the job description describes the general aspects of working as an Artistic Director:

  1. The full name of the position, as it is fixed in the staff list, indicating that it belongs to the category of specialists.
  2. The procedure for appointing and dismissing an employee.
  3. The order of subordination (to whom the artistic director reports, who is subordinate to him).
  4. The procedure for replacing the artistic director during his absence.
  5. The list of documents that the artistic director should be guided by in his work (regulations on the house of culture, internal acts, etc.).
  6. Qualification requirements.
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