Who is parsley in grief from the mind. Characteristics of the hero Petrushka, Woe from Wit, Griboyedov

The main idea of ​​the work "Woe from Wit" is an illustration of meanness, ignorance and servility to the ranks and traditions, which were opposed by new ideas, genuine culture, freedom and reason. The protagonist Chatsky acted in the play as a representative of the same democratically minded society of young people who openly challenged the conservatives and serfs. All these subtleties that raged in social and political life, Griboyedov managed to reflect on the example of a classic comedic love triangle. It is noteworthy that the main part of the work described by the creator takes place within just one day, and the characters themselves are displayed very brightly by Griboyedov.

Many of the writer's contemporaries honored his manuscript with sincere praise and stood up to the king for permission to publish the comedy.

History of comedy writing

The idea of ​​writing the comedy "Woe from Wit" visited Griboedov during his stay in St. Petersburg. In 1816, he returned to the city from abroad and found himself at one of the secular receptions. Deep inner indignation caused in him the craving of Russian people for foreign things, after he noticed that the nobility of the city bowed to one of the foreign guests. The writer could not restrain himself and showed his negative attitude. Meanwhile, one of the guests, who did not share his convictions, retorted that Griboyedov was crazy.

The events of that evening formed the basis of the comedy, and Griboedov himself became the prototype of the main character Chatsky. The writer began work on the work in 1821. He worked on comedy in Tiflis, where he served under General Yermolov, and in Moscow.

In 1823, work on the play was completed, and the writer began to read it in Moscow literary circles, receiving rave reviews along the way. The comedy was successfully distributed in the form of lists among the reading population, but for the first time it was published only in 1833, after the request of Minister Uvarov to the tsar. The writer himself was no longer alive by that time.

Analysis of the work

Comedy main story

The events described in the comedy take place at the beginning of the 19th century, in the house of the capital official Famusov. His young daughter Sofya is in love with Famusov's secretary, Molchalin. He is a prudent man, not rich, occupying a minor rank.

Knowing about Sophia's passions, he meets with her by calculation. One day, a young nobleman Chatsky arrives at the Famusovs' house - a family friend who has not been in Russia for three years. The purpose of his return is to marry Sophia, for whom he has feelings. Sophia herself hides her love for Molchalin from the main character of the comedy.

Sophia's father is a man of the old way of life and views. He grovels before the ranks and believes that the young should please the authorities in everything, not show their opinion and serve the superiors selflessly. Chatsky, in contrast, is a witty young man with a sense of pride and a good education. He condemns such views, considers them stupid, hypocritical and empty. There are heated arguments between Famusov and Chatsky.

On the day of Chatsky's arrival, invited guests gather in Famusov's house. During the evening, Sophia spreads a rumor that Chatsky has gone crazy. The guests, who also do not share his views, actively pick up this idea and unanimously recognize the hero as crazy.

Turning out to be a black sheep at the evening, Chatsky is going to leave the Famusovs' house. While waiting for the carriage, he hears Famusov's secretary confessing his feelings to the servant of the masters. Sofya also hears this, who immediately drives Molchalin out of the house.

The denouement of the love scene ends with Chatsky's disappointment in Sophia and secular society. The hero leaves Moscow forever.

Heroes of the comedy "Woe from Wit"

This is the main character of Griboyedov's comedy. He is a hereditary nobleman who owns 300 - 400 souls. Chatsky was left an orphan early, and since his father was a close friend of Famusov, from childhood he was brought up with Sophia in the Famusovs' house. Later, he became bored with them, and at first he settled separately, and then completely left to wander the world.

From childhood, Chatsky and Sophia were friends, but he felt for her not only friendly feelings.

The main character in Griboedov's comedy is not stupid, witty, eloquent. A lover of mockery of the stupid, Chatsky was a liberal who did not want to bend before his superiors and serve the highest ranks. That is why he did not serve in the army and was not an official, which is rare for the era of that time and his pedigree.

Famusov is an aged man with gray hair at the temples, a nobleman. For his age, he is very cheerful and fresh. Pavel Afanasyevich is a widower, his only child is Sophia, 17 years old.

The official is in the public service, he is rich, but at the same time windy. Famusov does not hesitate to pester his own maids. His character is explosive, restless. Pavel Afanasyevich is obnoxious, but with the right people, he knows how to show proper courtesy. An example of this is his communication with the colonel, to whom Famusov wants to marry his daughter. For the sake of his goal, he is ready for anything. Submission, servility to the ranks and servility are characteristic of him. He also values ​​the opinion of society about himself and his family. The official does not like to read and does not consider education to be something very important.

Sophia is the daughter of a wealthy official. Pretty and educated in the best rules of the Moscow nobility. Left early without a mother, but being in the care of the governess Madame Rosier, she reads French books, dances and plays the piano. Sophia is a fickle girl, windy and easily carried away by young men. At the same time, she is trusting and very naive.

In the course of the play, it is clear that she does not notice that Molchalin does not love her and is with her because of her own benefits. Her father calls her shameful and shameless, while Sophia herself considers herself a smart and not cowardly young lady.

Famusov's secretary, who lives in their house, is a single young man from a very poor family. Molchalin received his title of nobility only during his service, which was considered acceptable in those days. For this, Famusov periodically calls him rootless.

The surname of the hero, as well as possible, corresponds to his character and temperament. He doesn't like to talk. Molchalin is a limited and very stupid person. He behaves modestly and quietly, honors ranks and tries to please everyone who is in his environment. He does it purely for profit.

Aleksey Stepanovich never expresses his opinion, due to which others consider him to be quite a handsome young man. In fact, he is mean, unscrupulous and cowardly. At the end of the comedy, it becomes clear that Molchalin is in love with the maid Lisa. Having confessed this to her, he receives a portion of righteous anger from Sophia, but his characteristic sycophancy allows him to remain in the service of her father further.

Puffer is a secondary comedy hero, he is a non-initiative colonel who wants to become a general.

Pavel Afanasyevich refers Skalozub to the category of enviable Moscow suitors. According to Famusov, a wealthy officer who has weight and status in society is a good match for his daughter. Sophia herself did not like him. In the work, the image of Skalozub is collected in separate phrases. Sergey Sergeevich joins Chatsky's speech with absurd reasoning. They betray his ignorance and lack of education.

Maid Lisa

Lizanka is an ordinary servant in the Famus house, but at the same time she occupies a rather high place among other literary characters, and she is given a lot of different episodes and descriptions. The author describes in detail what Lisa does and what and how she says. She makes the other heroes of the play confess their feelings, provokes them to certain actions, pushes them to various decisions that are important for their lives.

Mr. Repetilov appears in the fourth act of the work. This is a minor, but bright comedy character, invited to Famusov's ball on the occasion of the name day of his daughter Sophia. His image - characterizes a person who chooses an easy path in life.


Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky is a secular reveler without ranks and honors, but he knows how and loves to be invited to all receptions. Due to his gift - to be pleasing "to the court."

Hurrying to visit the center of events, “as if” from the outside, the secondary hero A.S. Griboyedov, Anton Antonovich, himself, is invited to an evening at the Faustuvs' house. From the very first seconds of the action, it becomes clear with his person that Zagoretsky is another “shot”.

Madame Khlestova is also one of the secondary characters in the comedy, but still her role is very colorful. This is an older woman. She is 65 years old. She has a Spitz dog and a dark-skinned maidservant - arapka. Khlestova is aware of the latest court gossip and willingly shares her own life stories, in which she easily talks about other characters in the work.

Comedy quotes

"Who are the judges?"Chatsky

« I would be glad to serve, it's sickening to serve» Chatsky

“No other model is needed when the example of a father is in the eyes”Famusov

"Yes, a smart person cannot but be a rogue"

Comedy composition and storylines

When writing the comedy Woe from Wit, Griboyedov used a technique characteristic of this genre. Here we can see a classic story where two men claim the hand of one girl at once. Their images are also classical: one is modest and respectful, the other is educated, proud and confident in his own superiority. True, in the play, Griboyedov placed the accents in the character of the characters a little differently, making Molchalin, and not Chatsky, attractive to that society.

For several chapters of the play, there is a background description of life in the Famusovs' house, and only in the seventh appearance does the plot of a love story begin. A fairly detailed long description in the course of the play tells of only one day. A long-term development of events is not described here.

Each of the images described by Griboyedov is multifaceted. Even Molchalin is interesting, to whom, already in the reader, an unpleasant attitude arises, but he does not cause obvious disgust. It is interesting to watch him in various episodes.

There are two storylines in the comedy. These are conflicts: love and social.

In the play, despite taking the fundamental constructions, there are certain deviations to build the plot, and it is clearly seen that the comedy was written at the junction of three literary eras at once: flourishing romanticism, emerging realism and dying classicism.

Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" gained its popularity not only for the use of classical plot-building techniques in non-standard frameworks for them, it reflected obvious changes in society, which were then just emerging and putting out their first shoots.

The work is also interesting in that it is strikingly different from all other works written by Griboyedov.

Continuing to look at the site, I often wonder who, in fact, are the positive characters here, and who are the negative ones? And I can not clearly answer this question. It would seem that the most negative heroes, in the future, do very good deeds, and the heroes, it would seem, positive - quite the opposite. Books Petrushka is a minor character in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" Petrushka is a minor character in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", this is a servant, a barman in the house of Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, a manager in a state-owned place. And it is to Petrushka that Famusov addresses with words that have become winged: “Read not like a sexton, but with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.” Source: comedy "Woe from Wit" Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov View: Characters of the comedy "Woe from Wit" Petrushka, being a minor or even tertiary character in Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", nevertheless, makes up one of the corners of one of the many love triangles of the play: Lisa, Sophia's maid, daughter of the owner of the house, is in love with Petrusha. Thus, Petrushka is one of the twins of the main characters, but closer to the image of Molchalin than Chatsky, since in his wordlessness lies his desire to please. Petrushka in the play practically does not make speeches, the owner of the house Famusov completely disposes of him, ordering him “Go”, “Go, hurry up”.

And he obeys. parsley is exactly that boy-husband and husband-servant whose image frightens Chatsky and becomes a role model for many representatives of a typical Moscow society of those times: for example, Platon Mikhailovich Gorin. The double or even triple doubleness of Petrushka shows the level of skill of the author, Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov, who does not enter a single character into the text of the play just like that, only with intent. In a conservative Moscow environment, husbands were not allowed to open their mouths, so the wordlessness of parsley in the play is a speaking image. Quotes Well, people in this side! She to him, and he to me, And I ... only I crush love to death.

And how not to fall in love with the barman Petrusha! Read not like a sexton, but with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.

1782, William Bell - a character in the TV series Fringe Walter Bishop's longtime lab partner, now head of Massive Dai... Dubrovsky Andrei Gavrilovich - a minor character in Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky" Dubrovsky Andrei Gavrilovich is the father of the protagonist of the novel, Vladimir A... Troekurov Kirila Petrovich - the hero of Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky" Troekurov Kirila Petrovich - one of the main characters of Pushkin's novel Du...

Evgeny Bazarov - the hero of the novel "Fathers and Sons" The novel is set in the summer of 1859. Molo... Eugene Onegin - characterization of the hero Eugene Onegin - the hero of the novel in verse by A. S. Pushka... Capt. Jack Sparrow Pirate Jack Sparrow is a colorful, mannered pirate...

Probably, negative characters are liked because they are first beautiful, second they all have a sad story, thirdly they must be smart, fourthly he must be unhappy and lonely. But I think that the negative characters are mysterious, brave, but it's a pity that sometimes these characters often die at the end of the movie or at the end of the anime... But some heroes realize their guilt and begin to fight for the side of good.

Continuing to look at the site, I often wonder who, in fact, are the positive characters here, and who are the negative ones? And I can not clearly answer this question. It would seem that the most negative heroes, in the future, do very good deeds, and the heroes, it would seem, positive - quite the opposite.

Petrushka is a minor character in Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit"

Petrushka is a minor character in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", this is a servant, a barman in the house of Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, who is a manager in a government place. And it is to Petrushka that Famusov addresses with words that have become winged: “Read not like a sexton, but with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.”

Source: comedy "Woe from Wit"

View: Characters of the comedy "Woe from Wit"

Petrushka, being a minor or even tertiary character in Griboyedov's comedy Woe from Wit, nevertheless, makes up one of the corners of one of the play's many love triangles: Lisa, Sophia's servant, daughter of the owner of the house, is in love with Petrusha. Thus, Petrushka is one of the twins of the main characters, but closer to the image of Molchalin than Chatsky, since in his wordlessness lies his desire to please.

Petrushka in the play practically does not make speeches, the owner of the house Famusov completely disposes of him, ordering him “Go”, “Go, hurry up”. And he obeys. parsley is exactly that boy-husband and husband-servant whose image frightens Chatsky and becomes a role model for many representatives of a typical Moscow society of those times: for example, Platon Mikhailovich Gorin.

The double or even triple doubleness of Petrushka shows the level of skill of the author, Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov, who does not enter a single character into the text of the play just like that, only with intent. In a conservative Moscow environment, husbands were not allowed to open their mouths, so the wordlessness of parsley in the play is a speaking image.


Well, people in this side!

She to him, and he to me,

And I ... only I crush love to death. -

And how not to fall in love with the barman Petrusha!

Read not like a sexton, but with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.

William Bell - a character in the TV series Fringe

Walter Bishop's longtime lab partner, now head of Massive Dai...

Dubrovsky Andrei Gavrilovich - a minor character in Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky"

Dubrovsky Andrei Gavrilovich is the father of the protagonist of the novel, Vladimir A...

Troekurov Kirila Petrovich - the hero of Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky"

Troekurov Kirila Petrovich - one of the main characters of Pushkin's novel Du...

Evgeny Bazarov - the hero of the novel "Fathers and Sons"

The novel is set in the summer of 1859. Molo...

Eugene Onegin - characterization of the hero

The hero of the novel in the verses of A. S. Pushka...

Capt. Jack Sparrow

Pirate Jack Sparrow is a colorful, mannered pirate...

Probably, negative characters are liked because they are first beautiful, second they all have a sad story, thirdly they must be smart, fourthly he must be unhappy and lonely. But I think that the negative characters are mysterious, brave, but it's a pity that sometimes these characters often die at the end of the movie or at the end of the anime... But some heroes realize their guilt and begin to fight for the side of good.

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  1. 1. Maxim Mishkov Pupil of the 9th grade of School No. 3 of the city of Ershov Images of heroes in A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”
  2. 2. Russian diplomat, poet, playwright, pianist and composer, nobleman, state councilor.
  3. 3. Images of the heroes of the comedy: Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, Sofya Pavlovna Famusova, manager at the state-owned place, his daughter. Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin, Famusov's secretary, who lives in his house. Alexander Andreevich Chatsky. Colonel Skalozub, Sergei Sergeevich. Repetilov Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky. Natalya Pavlovna and her husband Platon Mikhailovich Gorichi Tugoukhovsky Hryumina Khlestova sister-in-law Famusova Lizanka, maid Petrushka, servant
  4. 4. The surname “Famusov” comes from the Latin word “Fama”, which means “rumour”: by this Griboyedov wanted to emphasize that Famusov is afraid of rumors, public opinion, but on the other hand, the root of the word “Famusov” is the root of the Latin word “ famosus" - famous, famous.
  5. 5. A wealthy landowner and a major official. He is a famous person in the circle of the Moscow nobility. A well-born nobleman: related to the nobleman Maxim Petrovich, closely acquainted with the chamberlain Kuzma Petrovich. According to his views, he is an "Old Believer", an ardent defender of the rights of the feudal nobility, an opponent of everything new, progressive. Admirer of the customs and lifestyle of the Moscow nobility. Hospitable, hospitable host, interesting storyteller, loving and caring father. An imperious gentleman, in the service is strict with his subordinates but patronizes his relatives. Not devoid of a practical worldly mind. good nature. Capable of lies and pretense, quick-tempered, flattering in front of those on whom it depends. The speech of the hero is diverse, contains proverbs, folk expressions. In intonations, Famusov's attitude to other heroes is clearly traced: rudely dismissive of those who are "lower" or equal; flattering and ingratiating notes with those who have influence and power: affectionately patronizing in relation to Sophia.
  6. 6. Smart, proud, with a strong character, with a warm heart, dreamy. Ridiculous, vengeful. Gives very accurate descriptions of guests in his father's house. Her mind is manifested in statements of a generalized nature: "Happy hours do not watch." “Just think how capricious happiness is, but grief awaits from around the corner.” “This is a mixture of good instincts with lies, a lively mind with the absence of any hint of ideas and convictions, confusion of concepts, mental and moral rashness - all this does not have the character of picnic vices in her, but appears as common features of her circle.” (A. I. Goncharov "A Million of Torments").
  7. 7. Low worshiper and businessman. The desire for a career, the ability to serve, hypocrisy - this is what forms the basis of the character of the hero. He is laconic: "not rich in words", "because now they love the wordless." He speaks in short sentences, choosing his words carefully, depending on who he is talking to. He developed his own tactics of behavior to achieve the cherished chain - a high position in society and material well-being. He has two talents: "moderation and accuracy." He has no moral ideas about the happiness and duty of a citizen, about love and fidelity. He is disdainfully patronizing towards Chatsky, trying to teach him how to live in the world.
  8. 8. Lisa: "... so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp ..." Sophia: "Sharp, smart, eloquent. especially happy in friends ... "
  9. 9. The mind of Chatsky is a powerful force in the fight against inertia and despotism. In this context, "smart" is synonymous with the concepts of "free-thinking", that is, a person of independent, freedom-loving views. A patriot who sincerely wishes prosperity to his Fatherland. He despises servility and careerism. He condemns serfdom, speaks of the injustice of the past century of “submission and fear”, “the age of flattery and arrogance”. He condemns the imitation of everything foreign, the worship of French or German traditions, stands up for the development of the national, Russian. He believes that a person deserves respect not for his origin or the number of serfs, but for his personal merits.
  10. 10. Colonel. Lisa: "And a golden bag, and aims at the generals."
  11. 11. Career officer: "If only I could get into the generals." Mentally, he is a narrow-minded person (Sofya about Skalozub: "he did not utter a clever word from his birth"). Expresses condemnation of all education and enlightenment. condemning his cousin. "Constellation of Maneuvers and Mazurka". Not devoid of aplomb and arrogance.
  12. 12. The surname comes from the French word "relet", meaning "to repeat."
  13. 13. Strives to be known as an advanced person. He does not have his own convictions, since he does not understand everything he talks about, but simply repeats with a significant and important look. Talkativeness, quick transitions from one topic to another characterize the inner emptiness of the hero. "Noisy and only." By its own definition - "blank".
  14. 14. “A notorious swindler, a rogue”, “don’t sit down at cards: he will sell!” "He is a liar, a gambler, a thief." Sometimes the assumption is made that the hero may be close to a political detective. Always ready to participate in scandalous stories, gossip, "Master of service." Despite its dubious reputation, it is accepted in all noble houses: “We are scolded everywhere, but accepted everywhere,” says Gorich.
  15. 15. This is a typical Moscow couple. Chatsky knew Platon Mikhailovich before the latter's marriage. He was a cheerful, lively person, but after marrying Natalya Dmitrievna, he changed a lot: he fell under the heel of his wife, became "a husband-boy, a husband-servant." Natalya Dmitrievna does not even let her husband “open her mouth”: she answers Chatsky’s questions for him, speaks to him in an orderly tone: “Listen once, dear, fasten up quickly.” Gorich perfectly understands his position and has already come to terms with it.
  16. 16. They are spouses, and came here mainly to look for rich suitors for their daughters. Chatsky also falls into their field of vision, but since he is not rich, they quickly lose interest in Chatsky. Prince Tugoukhovsky, following the logic of his surname, is deaf. Almost all of his lines are interjections. He is henpecked, he does not disobey his wife in anything. The princess is distinguished by an evil disposition and causticity.
  17. 17. Countess Hryumina: grandmother and granddaughter. The granddaughter is a mean old maid. Chatsky responds to her caustic remarks no less sharply. He compares her with French milliners.
  18. 18. The old woman Khlestova, Famusov's sister-in-law, is a minor character in the comedy "Woe from Wit" by Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. She is a living ruin of the past, a remnant of the Catherine's age, a typical lady of Catherine's time. In her speech, one can hear many of the ideas that are common to "everyone in Moscow." Her little dog (pug) and the maid of African descent (a girl-Arapka) are on the same level for her, about the same as the gift knick-knacks. The only one of the entire female Moscow society, she does not bow to everything foreign, there are no foreign words in her speech, and she almost does not understand army regiments. With all this, the author makes it clear how far she is from modern Moscow society due to her advanced age (she is sixty-five years old).
  19. 19. In the comedy Woe from Wit, Lisa's characterization is largely based on what assessment she gives to other heroes of the play. This girl is well versed in people, seeing in them the very essence. It is she who, even before Chatsky appears on the stage, gives him the most accurate description: "Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp, like Alexander Andreyich Chatsky." Liza is also distinguished by sincerity, the ability to keep up the conversation, listen and even offer practical advice. It is no coincidence that it was with her, as the maid recalls, that Chatsky shared his fears before leaving abroad: “No wonder, Liza, I cry: who knows what I will find when I return? And how much, perhaps, I will lose! Despite the fact that in the play "Woe from Wit" the image of Lisa refers to secondary characters, without her it would be impossible to imagine this comedy. The heroine is a link between all parts of the work, has a significant impact on the development of the action of the comedy, on the disclosure of the characters of other characters. Without Lisa, the outcome of the comedy would have been completely different.
  20. 20. Servant Petrushka in "Woe from Wit" is one of the secondary characters in the comedy. Servant Petrushka - Mr. Famusov's serf: "...Famusov's servant..." Petrushka is a competent servant. He can write and read. This was rare among serfs. Parsley helps Famusov to write things down in a calendar (that is, a diary): "... Get out the calendar; / Read not like a sexton..." Praskovya Fyodorovna to the house / On Tuesday I was called for trout ... "Petrushka is not a very neat servant. He always walks around with a torn elbow. For this, Famusov scolds him in one of the scenes: "... Petrushka, you are always with a new thing, / With a torn elbow ..."
  21. 21. Griboyedov's comedy called "Woe from Wit" is a work that does not need much effort to revive and make it modern. On the one hand, his characters can often be found in everyday life, and on the other hand, their experiences are sometimes present in the reality of many readers. What is the uniqueness of the work "Woe from Wit"? The meaning of this comedy is not killed by time! And this is one of the unique cases of its kind in the history of not only Russian, but also world literature. Years have no power over this creation. Over the past two hundred years, several generations succeeding each other have been able to discover a new meaning
  22. 22. The very name of the comedy touches on those life circumstances that almost every reader has to experience from time to time. The opposition of mind and stupidity is very important for any person. Indeed, at each stage of their growing up, people constantly gain experience, become wiser, and develop. What is the meaning of the name? "Woe from Wit" relies precisely on those events that happen to any person in reality. This opposition is one of the most important dramatic collisions that exists in world literature. And the idea that the mind is a dangerous property of the human body is mentioned by many authors in their works. But only Griboyedov conveys the meaning of the work "Woe from Wit" in a comedic form.
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