Municipal Institution of Additional Education Children's Music School, Zaozersk. Regional children's and youth pop-jazz competition "Phonograph-Debut" Regional competition "Phonograph-Debut"

The "Phonograph-Debut" competition will be held with the support of the regional fund for assistance to civil initiatives "Time of Good" in the congress hotel "Meridian".

The organizers of the creative competition name the following goals of the event:
  • development of the creative potential of children,
  • detection talented performers,
  • promotion of children's creativity,
  • performance improvement,
  • aesthetic and cultural education of the younger generation,
  • attracting public attention to culture and art.

The competition is held in 2 nominations - "Solo vocal performance" and "Solo instrumental performance" - among children aged 6 to 11 years and from 12 to 17 years.

The competition is open to students of musical institutions, as well as performers studying outside educational institutions.

Laureates of the 1st degree in each age category of each nomination are invited to participate in the Phonograph-Debut gala concert in Moscow, accompanied by the Phonograph-Jazz Band orchestra.

To participate in the competition, you must submit an application no later than March 27. Applications are accepted in in electronic format by mail [email protected]

Jury President

- pianist, conductor, composer and teacher, honored artist Russian Federation. Supervisor musical groups, united by the common name "Phonograph".

The Phonograph-Sympho-Jazz Orchestra conducted by Sergei Zhilin is a regular participant in various festivals in Russia and abroad. The famous team collaborates with many stars Russian stage and provides musical accompaniment shows "Two Stars", "Property of the Republic", "Voice" and "Voice. Children".

04/09/2017 Phonograph-Debut regional competition

The Kola School of Arts will be presented at big stage in Moscow.

The regional competition "Phonograph-Debut" was held in Murmansk on April 7 and 9 with the support of the regional fund for assistance to civil initiatives "Time of Kindness". The competition is organized in the nominations "Solo vocal performance" and "Solo instrumental performance". The competition was attended by students of musical educational institutions of the Murmansk region and young musicians of the region, practicing independently, from 6 to 17 years old.

The competition was judged by a competent jury.

Chairman: Honored Artist of the Russian Federation - Sergey Sergeyevich Zhilin, pianist, conductor, composer and teacher, leader of musical groups united by the common name "Phonograph". The Phonograph-Sympho-Jazz Orchestra conducted by Sergei Zhilin is a regular participant in various festivals in Russia and abroad. The team collaborates with many Russian pop stars and provides musical accompaniment to the shows "Two Stars", "Property of the Republic", "Voice" and "Voice. Children".

Jury members: Tatyana Syomina - vocal teacher and leader vocal group television programs "Dancing with the Stars" ("Russia", 2005-2009), "Two Stars", the show "Voice" and "Voice. Children", choirmaster of the Phonograph-Sympho-Jazz orchestra, vocal teacher at creative studio pop-jazz art"Phonograph";

Elena Pronevskaya - choreographer and stage director, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, winner of the Grand Prix of the All-Russian television competition "Morning Star", choreographer solo concerts F. Kirkorov, A. Stotskaya, M. Shufutinsky, K. Lel, numbers for the Eurovision television contests, “ New wave”, to films and clips. Choreography teacher at the creative studio of pop-jazz art "Phonograph".

Students of the Kola District Children's Art School pleased with their results. The jury highly appreciated Enns Victoria's performance level (teacher Elena Evgenievna Khan, accompanist Elena Alexandrovna Khudyakova). Sergey Sergeevich Zhilin said a lot of laudatory words about Vika, was pleasantly surprised by the skill of the student, noted the quality of education at the Kola School of Arts. For a long time I did not want to let Anns Victoria off the stage, I was interested in her creative plans, wished to adequately represent the Murmansk region on the big stage in Moscow.

As a result of the competition, Enns Victoria received unique opportunity to take part in the gala concert of the competition in Moscow, accompanied by the Phonograph - Jazz - Band orchestra under the direction of Sergei Zhilin. Another student of the school, Daniil Abdurakhmanov (teacher Viktor Viktorovich Bolelov, accompanist Elena Vitalievna Shlapova), was awarded the opportunity to study in Moscow at the Phonograph pop-jazz art studio of Sergei Zhilin.

The school is proud of the success of its students.

April 7 and 9, 2017 Regional children's and youth pop-jazz competition took place in Murmansk "Phonograph Debut" with the support of the Murmansk Regional Foundation for the Promotion of Civil Initiatives "Time of Kindness". The competition is aimed at developing the creative potential of children, identifying talented performers, popularizing children's creativity, aesthetic and cultural education of the younger generation. Jury Chairman Honored Artist of Russia Sergey Zhilin(Moscow), famous pianist, conductor, composer and teacher. The leader of musical groups united by the common name "Phonograph". The orchestra under his direction provides musical accompaniment to such shows as: "Two Stars", "Property of the Republic", "Voice", "Voice of Children". The jury members are teachers, choreographers, directors of various television competitions, such as "Dancing with the Stars", "Five Stars", "Muz-TV Prize", "New Wave".

The competition is held in two categories:

- "Solo vocal performance"

- "Solo instrumental performance"

A few months before the specified date, an absentee stage was held, to which videos and questionnaires were sent music school students.

In the first vocal nomination, Beata Krivosheina, a pupil of the vocal studio "Exclusive" (headed by Shevchenko O.M.) of the City House of Culture and a student of the violin class of the Children's Music School, received an invitation to the internal stage of the competition. Beata adequately presented her performance "Excellent student", having received a "Letter of thanks" and a memorable photo.

April 8 at the Murmansk Philharmonic students, parents and teachers of the competition were able to attend the concert for free Honored Artist of Russia Sergei Zhilin with the Phonograph-Jazz-Band orchestra with the participation of graduates of several seasons of the Voice. Children” and pupils of the creative studio of pop-jazz art. The performances of highly professional artists left an indelible impression on children and adults. The concert was attended by the governor of the Murmansk region Marina Kovtun.

On April 9, four students of the Children's Music School, who passed the selection after the correspondence competition, performed in the "Instrumental Performance" nomination.

With great excitement, teachers and parents were waiting for the little contestants near the media screens, where the live broadcast of the performances took place, because the entrance to the hall was open only to members of the jury and, of course, young performers.

After listening to all the participants of the competition, the jury retired to sum up the results, spending much less time on everything than expected according to the regulations. All participants of the event held their breath… Thank you letter and a valuable prize from the Governor of the region were awarded Sofya Aparovich (piano) (teacher Saraeva A.Yu.) and Yuliana Shepeleva (saxophone) (teacher Slobodenyuk I.S.)

Anna Krasitskaya (piano) (teacher M.V. Alekseeva) was awarded with a letter of thanks and a valuable prize from the representatives of the Time of Kindness Foundation;

The title of Laureate of the 2nd degree and the prize of the competition - "Certificate of the 2nd degree" for the opportunity to attend classes at the creative studio of pop and jazz art "Phonograph" by Sergey Zhilin (Moscow) was given to Polina Zhuravel (teacher Vinnichenko N.Yu.) Polina Zhuravel's performance made all of us worry, since the immediacy and energy of the performance of the "Movement" attracted the attention of S. Zhilin, who asked her to perform "something else from her program." It so happened that Polina got a small solo concert of three pieces. In addition, Polina received several valuable advice from the great master of his craft Sergey Zhilin. The title of Laureate of the 1st degree and the Grand Prix was not awarded to anyone, so we can say with confidence that Polina was the best in her nomination.

As soon as the excitement subsided, Sergei Zhilin himself gathered the guys around the piano and held a real master class for them and all those present. “A lot of very interesting guys. It is very pleasant that here you have all this cultivated and developed. The most important thing is that the guys have an interest, their eyes are burning. They want to learn something new,” Sergey Zhilin emphasized.Under shouts of delight and a stormy applause of a hall competition has come to an end. All those present took autographs from the master.

The saying of Pythagoras very accurately characterizes this unforgettable day: "Life is like games: others come to compete, others to trade, and happy ones to watch." We have tested everything!

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1 Regulations on the competition Honored Artist of Russia Sergey Zhilin (Moscow) presents the Regional Children's and Youth Variety and Jazz Competition "Phonograph-Debut" ” with the support of the Murmansk Regional Foundation for the Promotion of Civil Initiatives “Time of Kindness”. Venue: Meridian Congress Hotel, M-Club (5/23 Vorovskogo St.) Aims of the competition: Development of children's creative potential. Identification of talented performers. Popularization of children's creativity. Improving performance skills. Aesthetic and cultural education of the younger generation. Attracting public attention to culture and art. The competition is held in the following nominations: I. "Solo vocal performance" II. "Solo instrumental performance" The competition is held in the following age groups: Group I from 6 to 11 years old; II group from 12 to 17 years. Students of musical educational institutions, as well as performers studying outside educational institutions, can take part in the competition. one

2 The order of the competition. The competition is held in four stages. I. Qualifying round Conducted remotely. To participate in the competition, you must submit an application no later than March 27, 2017. Applications are accepted electronically by mail. The application consists of a questionnaire, photo, video and audio materials. Requirements for all materials specified in the application are contained in the Appendix to this Regulation. Jury members in Moscow conduct a remote selection of participants. Those selected to participate in the competition are called by a representative of the organizers and informed on what day the competitive audition is scheduled. Notification of participation is also duplicated to the address indicated in the questionnaire Email. Each contestant is informed of the day and time of the full-time stage of the competitive audition (the order of performances is determined by the organizers). II. Competition Full-time stage. Competitive auditions are held within 2 days. The sending party shall pay for the travel, food and accommodation expenses of the participants and guests of the competition. Registration takes place within competition day in accordance with the schedule of performances of the participants (1.5 hours before the performance). When registering, you must provide a birth certificate or passport. The host party provides three rooms: two chanting/acting rooms and a waiting room. Also, the host party must provide three administrators for registration and escort of the contestants. Each contestant is given 15 minutes to sing / act out (time is controlled by the administrator). The performance of each contestant should not exceed 5 minutes. The program of the performance of vocalists should include one piece a cappella or accompanied by an accompanist (guitar/piano). The program of performances of instrumentalists includes one piece solo or accompanied by an accompanist. 2

3 JURY OF THE COMPETITION: Chairman: Sergey Sergeevich Zhilin pianist, conductor, band leader, arranger, composer and teacher. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2005). The leader of musical groups united by the common name "Phonograph". The Phonograph-Sympho-Jazz Orchestra conducted by Sergei Zhilin is a regular participant in various festivals in Russia and abroad. The team collaborates with many Russian pop stars and provides musical accompaniment to the shows "Two Stars", "Property of the Republic", "Voice" and "Voice. Children". Jury members: Tatyana Syomina, vocal coach and head of the vocal group of the television programs “Dancing with the Stars” (“Russia”, years), “Can you? Sing!" (Channel One), "Two Stars", all seasons of the show "Voice" and "Voice. Children". Choirmaster of the Phonograph-Sympho-Jazz orchestra conducted by Sergei Zhilin. Vocal teacher at the creative studio of pop-jazz art "Phonograph" by Sergei Zhilin. Elena Pronevskaya choreographer and director, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. Winner of the Grand Prix of the All-Russian television competition " Morning Star". Choreographer of solo concerts by F. Kirkorov, A. Stotskaya, M. Shufutinsky, A. Russo, K. Lel, numbers for the Eurovision, Five Stars, New Wave, Muz-TV Prize, movies, series and music videos. Founder and artistic director show-ballet "Lumiere". Choreography teacher at the creative studio of pop-jazz art "Phonograph" by Sergei Zhilin. Chairman of the jury S.S. Zhilin has the right to make changes to the jury. III. Order of awarding Solemn awarding takes place in the city of holding after listening to each age category in each nomination. The winners and prize-winners are awarded the titles of the Laureate of the competition I, II and III degrees in each nomination and each age group, as well as certificates for training in the creative studio of variety and jazz art "Phonograph" by Sergei Zhilin in Moscow. The jury has the right: not to award all prizes; to share prizes among the participants; award special awards. 3

4 Jury decisions are final and not subject to revision. Possibly establishment special prizes from sponsors of the competition. 1st place Certificate of the 1st degree A course of 10 lessons in the Phonograph creative studio.* Performance in a concert with the Phonograph-Jazz-Band orchestra conducted by S. Zhilin in Moscow. 2nd place Certificate II degree Course of 7 lessons in the creative studio "Phonograph".* 3rd place Certificate of the III degree Course of 5 lessons in the creative studio "Phonograph".* * The number of lessons in each certificate can be increased if the organizers from the city wish. IV. Gala concert in Moscow Winners of the 1st degree in each age category of each nomination are invited to participate in the Phonograph-Debut gala concert in Moscow, accompanied by the Phonograph Jazz Band orchestra. The date and venue of the gala concert is announced 1 month before it is held. Contact phone: Leading manager Olesya Malyutina +7 (968)

5 Annex QUESTIONNAIRE Attention: ALL items are mandatory! 1. Last name, first name, patronymic 2. Gender 3. Date, month, year of birth 4. Age at the time of participation in the competition 5. Region (region) 6. City and home address 7. Place of study (school, class) 8. Contact phone number 9. Name and contact phone number of one of the parents 10. E-mail address () 11. Chosen nomination 12. Professional level 13. Experience of performing (where and when) 14. Have you ever collaborated with famous performers, groups, teams (with whom, where and when) 15. Preferred musical style 16. On which musical instruments play (indicate skill level) 17. Idols among musicians (if any) REQUIREMENTS FOR VIDEO, AUDIO AND PHOTO 1. Video in any format up to 3 minutes must be uploaded to any file hosting service and send a link (unmixed recordings!). 2. Send audio in mp3 format either as an attachment to the letter, or as a link to a file hosting service (unmixed recordings!) different photos in jpg format. 5

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, - "APPROVED" Director MOUDOD DShI 1 Volgograd 2 T.A. Plyushch; 2015 "I APPROVE" & / Zhvolgogradconcert>) Shch ^ I.A. Kirpichenkova Off 2015 REGULATIONS III International festival-competition young performers

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1 Vocal: Academic Folk Variety ATTENTION! New nomination ENSEMBLES! Theory and history of music: Solfeggio Music literature Age categories: Instrumental and vocal performance Children's

AGREED Head of the Department of Culture of the City Hall of Yaroslavl O.V. Kayurova 20 14 APPROVED Director of Children's Art School 7 E.A. Razzhivina 20 14 DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE OF THE MARY OF THE CITY OF YAROSLAVL CHILDREN'S SCHOOL OF ARTS

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