Contents of a thank you note. How to write a thank you for a good job sample

  • Who can and should write a letter of thanks.
  • How to write a thank you letter.
  • What is the use of a thank you letter?

Find a reason to write thank you letter almost always possible.

For example, a letter of thanks for cooperation in the business community is considered a sign of good taste, an element of respect for sponsors, partners, clients or investors.

It is also customary to follow the achievements and excellent work of the staff. Here, a letter of thanks addressed to the employee for a special contribution to the development of the industry, company, participation in an important project, performance of a special assignment, anniversary birthday or anniversary of work in the company would be appropriate. There can be many options, and such attention is pleasant for any person - you show that you have not forgotten.

I know managers who personally write a letter of thanks to the parents of especially distinguished specialists.

Thank you letter is an after-sales service

Aleksey Ivanov, director of the creative agency with marketing thinking "MasterUm", Moscow

Writing a thank-you letter to a customer is a great after-sales service. At the same time, a thank you letter should be written by hand. Such a gesture seems to say: the CEO is ready to find time for his clients. For example, in dry cleaners, you can put such thank-you notes in the clothes of the client after washing.

To whom to write a thank you letter and for what merits

In a few words - for any action that a person has done in your favor. Absolutely for any action. The more unexpected the thank you note, the better. There are no special restrictions here: it all depends on the specifics of the field of activity and your imagination.

Why are they so important

  1. Writing a thank you letter is the right thing to do from a moral standpoint: you are showing personal respect.
  2. Competitive advantage.
  3. Motivation of the client (employee, partner), his readiness for new cooperation and work with your company.

3 Examples of Emails You Should Send to a Customer Thank You for a Purchase

How to Write a Thank You Letter

Usually, a thank you letter is written in any form. But nevertheless, it remains a business document, so you need to follow a few rules.

Firstly, The letter of thanks is written on the letterhead of the company. Sections of the letter should include:

  1. Header of the letter - indicating the specific company or person to whom gratitude will be expressed.
  2. Addressing the one you thank.
  3. The text of the letter - it reflects the essence of the appeal.
  4. Information about the person who expresses his gratitude - full name, position, signature.

If you are writing a thank you note by hand, choose a subtle and simple card. A reliable solution would be a white or cream-colored card with "Thank you" embossed on the front. Cards with messages on the back, overly embellished, cluttered and "cute" should be avoided.

Handwriting deserves special attention. If you are unsure of the clarity and quality of the handwriting, show a copy to a substitute. Try to practice a few times before writing. As a last resort, you can ask a person with calligraphic handwriting. But don't forget to sign the letter yourself.

If there is no recipient's email address, sending an email is the only solution. This option is also preferable if you communicated with a client or partner by e-mail. The only drawback is the high probability of ignoring such letters. After all, leaders receive a lot of letters every day. In order to stand out from the rest, it is still not worth composing an overly luxurious email or sending an e-card using a third-party site. After all, such mail will be perceived as advertising, because of which it can be ignored. Keep your email short, simple, and timely.

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Second. Please contact the addressee. Employees in companies are traditionally addressed as "Dear (-th) ...". Such an appeal will emphasize a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor. Refuse to address "Dear (s)" or "Mr. (Madam)" - such appeals look insincere and awkward, going beyond the official style. If you are in a close relationship with the recipient, the expression "Dear" can be left.

The appeal "Dear, dear (name, patronymic)" will be appropriate for a personal appeal. If you are writing gratitude to the team, it is better to use the appeal “Dear colleagues!” And in the text of the letter, specify which team you are thanking.

When sending a letter of thanks to a partner company, an appeal to the head is provided, and gratitude to the organization itself and the team is already noted in the text itself.

3. Specify the initiator of gratitude. Write who and whom thanks. You can express gratitude on behalf of the company, yourself personally or the head of the structural unit. For example:

  • “LLC “Karavan” thanks”;
  • "Management of the company" AVS "...";
  • “On behalf of the LLC Rassvet team and on my own behalf, I thank ...”.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account - on behalf of the whole company they express gratitude for the provision of goods, services or opportunities. When thanking the team or employee of the organization, it is preferable to address on behalf of the head:

  • “We are sincerely grateful…”;
  • "We thank …";
  • "I express my gratitude to your team ...".

An unconventional and solemn appeal can be: “I, as the head (director) of the Company, want to thank with all my heart ...”.

It is worth resorting to such a wording in exceptional cases when gratitude is expressed for a contribution that is significant for the entire company.

4. Indicate who you are thanking. You can send a letter of thanks in relation to the entire organization, its management, team or individual employee. Due to personal gratitude, you will single out a person from the team for their professionalism, successes and achievements. Personalization in this situation involves addressing the addressee to you:

  • “On behalf of the entire Company, I would like to thank you.”
  • "Thank you".

If you write to partners and want to thank the whole team for the services and opportunities, you should specify to whom the gratitude is directed:

  • “We sincerely thank the staff of your company”;
  • “ABC Company thanks your company”.

When thanking the team, it will be useful to indicate personalities (however, no more than five to seven people):

  • "Dear colleagues! I, as a leader, am very grateful to the team of the scientific and editorial department of our company, namely…”.

In the case of a large team, it is not worth listing everyone by name, you can specify the leader of this team.

Practitioner tells

Alexey Dmitriev, Corporate Development Director of the Enter retail chain, Moscow

Every month, department heads choose one or two employees who have demonstrated super results over the past period. This assessment is subjective. In particular, an employee who, on his own initiative, has taken on the duties of a colleague who went on vacation, can count on the recognition of a manager.

In order for managers to remember the need to nominate employees, they are sent letters with a link to the appropriate section of the corporate portal.

The award for the selected employees is the medals “Number One in October”, “Best Employee of September”, etc. The award ceremony is held in the conference hall in a solemn atmosphere. For each medal received, employees are awarded points as part of the Olympiad rating. Among other things, we send letters of thanks to the parents of the medalists.

5. State what you are grateful for. Gratitude is expressed for something. However, thank you completely for everything is not worth it.

WRONG: “Dear …! The company team thanks you for everything you have done for us.” Here we see a formulaic and general phrase without specifics. But specificity in a letter of thanks is necessary.

What should you be grateful for? This largely depends on the reason for the expression of gratitude. If you send a letter to an employee, you can express gratitude for the professionalism in solving problems, vigilance and perseverance. You can thank partners for providing opportunities, support, equipment, services, a platform, etc.

CORRECT: “Dear …! The company team thanks you for your special contribution to the development of our partnerships and the provision of insurance services in the VMI system for our employees.”

6. Detail and concretize gratitude. Stop at a moment that worked particularly well. It is due to this that the letter becomes individual. The more individual this part of the letter is, the better: the recipient will feel his value as a person and personality.

7. Praise the addressee, but without flattery. This part is the most difficult to write. Here you should take into account the general wording of praise in relation to the recipient or his company. Example: "Your account management experience is second to none."

8. Leave wishes to the addressee for the future. Gratitude is a letter with a positive message. Look into the future and wish a few kind words to your partner. "We wish you new original ideas, inspiration and inexhaustible optimism."

9. Express your hope for further cooperation. An extremely important element in a thank you letter. You express your interest in further cooperation. If the prospect of further cooperation is not indicated, such a letter will have the effect of farewell. "We look forward to further fruitful cooperation with you."

10. Correct and review the text of the letter. A thank you note, depending on the circumstances, can be relatively simple and short - usually on the order of half an A4 sheet. With a long letter, you need to check the absence of unnecessary verbosity - in addition to the word "Thank you", you need to indicate each item only once. Check the constancy of your style in everything. You can involve 1-2 people to correct grammatical and lexical errors.

11. When you are sure of your letter text, send it immediately. The faster the letter is sent, the more effective and memorable it will be.

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Thank you letter rules

  1. The entire text of the letter should fit on one sheet so that you can place the letter on the wall in a beautiful frame. That is why you should responsibly approach the choice of form, avoiding tasteless decisions.
  2. Usually a letter of thanks is written from one leader to another. The letter indicates from which company the letter is sent, to which organization represented by the head.
  3. In a few words, you should indicate what gratitude is expressed for. In your expressions, try to choose kind and warm words whenever possible. It will be very useful to indicate the positive business qualities of the management and staff of the organization receiving the letter.
  4. At the end of the letter, express your sincere hope for cooperation in the future.
  5. The letter must be signed by the head himself, putting the seal of the enterprise.
  6. Before sending a letter, you should once again carefully check the correctness of the name of the organization or department, the position of the addressee, etc.
  7. When writing several thanks, try to avoid monotony.
  8. If you are unable to write such a letter yourself, you can use the services of professionals.

2 sample thank you letters

Dear Ivan Alexandrovich,

On behalf of the entire team, let me thank you for your trust and agreement to cooperate with our young company, which is making its first steps in the market.

In many ways, we owe our rapid development to your trust and support of your company.

We wish you and your organization success and prosperity!


Andrey Alekseev

Sputnik-Video LLC sincerely thanks and expresses its deep gratitude to Igor Nekrasov for the development, promotion and continuous improvement of the www…

His laborious, responsible and painstaking work allowed us to expand our client base several times over.

Competence, professionalism and prompt problem solving make cooperation efficient and pleasant. We wish Igor further success in his work!

Sincerely, General Director of Sputnik-Video LLC A.A. Kolesnikov

What should not be in a thank you letter?

  1. Familiarity must be completely absent.
  2. Eliminate references to the mistakes that were made during your cooperation.
  3. Showing numbers is not always appropriate.
  4. Be sure to eliminate spelling errors in the letter.

7 qualities that will make your thank you letter a winning one

  • living language;
  • personality;
  • description of project details.
  • caring for a person, business interests;
  • unique design - without the use of frames.
  • exclusivity of the letter, abandoning templates;
  • an invitation to further cooperation.

Also, a letter of thanks can be accompanied by a gift - in the form of a personal bonus or discount; business proposal; an invitation - to social networks, to attend an event or meeting.

A new course at the "School of the General Director"

Colleagues, my dears, thank you very much for our close-knit, friendly team. Thank you for keeping your optimism even in the most difficult, stressful situations. It is comfortable and easy to work with you, which is quite important and necessary for productive work. You know, each of you is a special, amazing person who contributes to our common cause. Thanks to our abilities, we have created a unique team that is not only hardworking, but also very cheerful! I thank you, my beautiful ones, for the fact that our everyday days are not an ordinary, depressing routine, but are distinguished by brightness and originality.

I want to say a big and sincere “thank you” to my dear and wonderful colleagues. Dear, you have always been my support and support, you have become true friends and true comrades for me. Thank you for your teamwork, hard work and revenue at the right time, thank you for the warm and friendly atmosphere in the team, for the excellent mood and optimistic attitude. I wish you all continued success, great victories and great plans.

Dear colleagues! It is my pleasure to work side by side with you. You are all reliable people, good specialists, an excellent team and loyal comrades. I wish you all success, achievements and recognition. Thank you for your collaboration.

Dear colleagues, today I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the years of joint work, for friendship and pleasant communication, for understanding and support, for bright moments and brilliant ideas, for unanimity and collective strength. I want to wish everyone all the best and the best, but, most importantly, health, confidence, strength, perseverance, great opportunities, good luck, love and prosperity. Thank you friends.

I want to say a huge thank you to you, my colleagues. Thank you for your support and support in difficult situations, thank you for your willingness to help when it is really needed, thank you for the fun and joy that you gave me, and simply, thank you for being you. I also thank fate for bringing us together.

Dear colleagues, I want to thank you for everything. It has always been fun and interesting to work with you, thanks to your support I have always been able to overcome all obstacles on the way to my goal. I want to wish you all health, demand and recognition in work, well-being and happiness in life. Thank you, friends, stay the same kind, sincere, cheerful, good people.

Thank you, dear colleagues, for being true professionals in your field and just good people! Working with you is incredibly pleasant and easy, and I really appreciate it! I know that we are waiting for the conquest of new peaks and a sea of ​​brilliant victories!

My dear colleagues, today I want to say “thank you” to you for the pleasant company and cheerful working atmosphere, for the trust and help, for the support and optimism you gave. May everything continue to go well for everyone, may each of you certainly achieve great heights in life and work.

Dear colleagues, dear friends and comrades, together we have traveled many roads and overcome many obstacles on the way to success. Thank you for your words of support, for your help in business, for your respect and understanding, for the kind and pleasant atmosphere in our team. As a token of gratitude, I would like to wish you all well-being in life, love, happiness, good luck, great opportunities and little worries.

Dear Colleagues! I would like to express my gratitude to you! I am very glad to work in the same team with such bright, kind, open people! May all the good things said and done by you always come back to you in double size!

A thank you letter is an opportunity to express in writing gratitude to a certain person for any merits. In this article, we will look at how to write a thank you letter. In addition, at the end of the article, you can download some samples of thank-you letters: to an employee, educator, doctor, teacher, student, organization, for cooperation.

A letter of thanks is written in free form. It can be issued on a regular sheet of paper or on the letterhead of the organization (if the letter of thanks is written on behalf of the organization). You can also purchase a special printing form on which to write your own text with words of appreciation and gratitude.

Most often, such letters are addressed to employees of various organizations. Also, the organization can send a letter of gratitude to its partner for cooperation, for hosting the event, and so on.

A letter of thanks is one of the types of moral encouragement of an employee. Also, an employee can be encouraged with a certificate of honor on the basis of.

How to write correctly?

This type of letter refers to business, informational. Despite the free style of writing, you still need to remember to write a number of details to give the letter an official style.

First of all, it is obligatory to address the addressee - it can be a specific person or an organization as a whole. If the letter is addressed to a person, then it is reasonable to indicate his name, patronymic. Also, for politeness, you can add words such as "dear", "respected".

If a letter of gratitude is addressed to an organization, then, as a rule, an appeal is made to the head of this organization.

The letter of thanks must be signed by its originator.

As examples, we suggest downloading samples of writing a thank you letter for various occasions and situations.

A letter of thanks is considered one of the types of business document. It is compiled at the favorable end of the enterprise, event, interaction, and so on. Also, a letter of thanks can be sent before any solemn event. In the first case, it will be of an initiative nature, and in the second, it will serve as a response to an invitation or congratulation. Consider further how to write the text of a thank you letter.

In what cases is such paper needed?

The reasons for compiling this document can be very different. So, for example, quite often they write a letter of thanks to a kindergarten. This may be on the occasion of the participation of the team in any cultural event, competition, competition. Often write a thank you letter to the teacher. The time a child spends at school is of particular importance to him. Of course, many parents tend to express their gratitude to the teachers.

As a rule, the paper is drawn up by the graduation party, in the last year of being at school. Along with this, the teaching staff can write a letter of thanks to the parent for his active participation in the life of the class or school. It is also customary in business circles to send such documents. This is considered a sign of good taste, a manifestation of respect for partners. The head of one enterprise can send a letter of thanks for cooperation to the director of another organization. In addition, it is customary in companies to notice the achievements and good work of specialists. In such cases, the manager can write a letter of thanks to the employee, noting and encouraging him and his activity.

Content Features

How to write a thank you letter? First of all, pathos should be avoided. When writing a letter, you do not need to be hypocritical, exaggerate the actions of the addressee. It is also advisable not to use empty and loud phrases. The greatest value in this case will be sincerity, simplicity of presentation. For example, if a letter is being written to a teacher, then it should be noted that his activities left a good memory of him as a person, we can also say that he contributed to the formation of the personality of the students.

The teacher will also be pleased to read about specific instructions that helped to make an important decision at the right time. The letter should be thanked for the knowledge that the teacher gave, for his reverent attitude towards the pupils. At the same time, when expressing your thoughts, arrogance should be avoided - it will give a negative reaction. In the letter, it is important to make it clear to the teacher that only warm feelings and respect remain for him.

Important point

It should be remembered that a thank you letter is always welcome. Not so many people take the time to mark the activities of this or that person or enterprise in this form. For example, an employee of an organization will be very pleased to receive a letter of thanks for his contribution to the development of the company. This will indicate that the activity of the specialist did not go unnoticed and really contributed to the achievement of some important results. In general, the letter of thanks is not so long and voluminous in content. But even a few lines will give strength to the addressee, please him.

Thank you letter: sample

Usually the presentation is carried out in an arbitrary form. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that this is a business document. In this regard, some rules should be observed when compiling. The enterprise may have its own form for such documents. For example, if the leadership of the preschool educational institution or the school decided to send a letter of thanks to the family of the pupil. In such cases, the details of the organization are present on the form. The document should follow the structure:

  • Hat. It should indicate the addressee. It can be an enterprise or a specific person to whom, in fact, gratitude is expressed. However, this item is considered optional.
  • Appeal.
  • Content. This should be the essence of the letter.
  • Information about the compiler.

Let's consider these points in more detail.


At the enterprises, the wording "Dear (th) ..." is traditionally adopted. Such an appeal indicates a respectful attitude towards the addressee. When composing a letter, it is not recommended to use the phrases "Dear (s)" or "Madam (sir)". If, for example, an employee is encouraged, then such treatment will look somewhat awkward and even insincere.

In the end, such wording does not correspond to the norms of official business style adopted today. The name and patronymic after the appeal "Dear (th)" will be appropriate for personal gratitude. If the document is addressed to the staff of the enterprise, then the phrase "Dear colleagues" is more suitable here. Further in the content, it will be possible to clarify to which team the appeal is addressed. If the letter is sent to another enterprise, then it is addressed to the head. The content expresses gratitude to the whole company or a certain team.

Information about the compiler

It is more expedient to indicate who exactly expresses gratitude after the appeal. The initiator can be both the management of the enterprise and a structural unit. For example:

  • "OOO (name) thanks ...".
  • "Management of the company (name) ...".
  • "Accounting of the company (name ...", etc.)

In this case, it should be noted that, on behalf of the enterprise, they usually thank the other organization as a whole for providing an opportunity, supplying a product or providing a service. If the document is sent to the team or employee of your own company, then you need to state the essence on behalf of the management:

  • "We sincerely thank you..."
  • "We are grateful..."
  • "On behalf of the entire enterprise, I would like to express my gratitude to…".

The following phrase will look very solemn and unconventional:

"I, as the director of the company, would like to express my gratitude with all my heart…".

This option is used in exceptional cases. For example, if you should mark a contribution that was of great importance to the enterprise.


You can thank one person, and the team, and the department, and the enterprise. Individual appreciation sets the worker apart from the rest of the staff. So the management notes his professionalism, skills, abilities, achievements for the benefit of the organization:

  • "Thank you…".
  • "On behalf of the entire company, I would like to express my gratitude to you…".

If the letter is addressed to the manager with gratitude to the entire enterprise for the services provided, goods delivered, and so on, then in the content it is necessary to clarify to whom exactly it is expressed:

  • "Company (name) expresses gratitude to your organization ...".
  • "We sincerely want to thank the staff of your enterprise…".

If the manager addresses the team of his company, then it will not be superfluous to list the employees:

"Dear colleagues! As a director, I am sincerely grateful to the staff of the accounting department of our enterprise, namely…".

If there are many employees in the structural unit, then it is not worth listing their names. Here it is better to contact the head of the department:

"Dear Colleagues! As a director, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the accounting department led by…".

What are they grateful for?

Thank you always for something. The appeal should not express gratitude "for everything." In this case, there is nothing specific, it will be somewhat incomprehensible to the addressee. A person should know what exactly he is grateful for. Thank you for many moments. For example, if an appeal is sent to an employee, then one can note his professionalism, vigilance, perseverance, shown in some situations:

"We express our gratitude for the creative work, devotion to the company for 20 years, loyalty in work, and we also want to note your high professionalism, determination, leadership qualities, which contributed to the achievement of significant success and allowed the company to take a leading position in the market among competitors."

Business partners can be thanked for timely support, equipment, services, and so on:

"JSC (name) sincerely thanks LLC (name) for the opportunity to participate in the exhibition dedicated to…".


It will not be superfluous in the letter to detail what exactly turned out well. It is this moment that gives individuality to the whole appeal. It should also be remembered that a thank you letter is positive. Therefore, it is advisable to look into the future in circulation:

"We wish your enterprise prosperity."

Before the traditional conclusion, one should also express the hope for continued cooperation. At the end of the appeal, they usually write: "With respect (position, full name)".

How to thank a person or a group of people if the budget is rather limited? A great option would be to write a thank you letter. But how to teach it? Download a ready-made sample or compose it yourself? In this article you will find examples of thank you letters, on the basis of which you can create your own unique text.

Thank you letter for good study

Most schools in our country are budgetary organizations. As in all structures of this type, their funding is very limited. But how to encourage capable and talented children for participating in school competitions and for academic success? A thank you note would be a great option. An example of this type of promotion:

Dear student. Thank you so much for helping your school maintain its status as one of the best educational institutions in our area. Thanks to people like you, our country is getting better every year. After all, it is capable children who will occupy leadership positions in the future and will develop our economy, culture and politics. Maybe now it seems strange to you that the connection between winning the Olympiad in social science and the prosperity of our society is strange. But still know that it is the knowledge of this subject that will help you become a successful and respectable citizen of our country.

Sincerely, School Director.

We write a thank you letter for participation

The best way to encourage students for active school activities is to write them a letter. Today, admission to prestigious universities requires as many thanks and various medals as possible. Of course, you shouldn’t write out a diploma for participating in a school concert, but you can express gratitude for performing in a city team, for example, KVN. After all, such activities of students maintain the prestige of the educational institution. Thank you letter example:

Dear student! Thank you for your active extracurricular activities. It was your participation in the concert that helped make it memorable and interesting. Your enthusiasm will not go unnoticed, remember that. Our entire teaching staff is proud of the talented guys, one of which you are. Keep up the good work and we will always support you.

Classroom teacher.

How to write a thank you letter to a teacher?

It's always nice to hear kind words. But oral phrases will sink into oblivion, but written gratitude will remain. That is why letters of thanks to the teacher from parents are popular today. If you come across an excellent teacher and mentor of your kids, be sure to thank him. After all, talented educators are becoming less and less. And each of them wants to see that his work is not in vain and that his activity resonates both in the hearts of children and their parents. Thank you letter example:

Dear teacher! Thanks for being you. Our children are very lucky to see such an attentive, caring and sensitive mentor every day. Children enjoy going to kindergarten, where they receive new knowledge. Thanks to your efforts, all the children in our group have learned to read, draw beautifully and can quickly count to ten. Without your participation, the children would not be so friendly, sensitive and well-mannered. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your efforts.

Parents of older children.

Example of a thank you letter to a teacher

How many honorable professions in the world. But unfortunately, few people today dream of becoming a teacher or educator. Most young people go to study to be marketers, lawyers or designers. So it is worth treating with trepidation those who want to connect their lives with teaching. Talented people should be encouraged both verbally and in writing. The text of a letter of thanks from the principal of the school to the teacher of history:

Dear Lydia Semyonovna! You have been teaching at our school for 5 years and during this time you have found an approach to more than one hundred different students. Thanks to your patience, diligence and a non-trivial approach to learning, all your students show an interest in history. I really hope that our cooperation with you will be long and fruitful. I wish you good health and good luck!

Sincerely, School Director.

Writing a thank you note to parents

With the end of the school, it is customary to congratulate not only graduates. After all, they would not have gone this long way without the help of their parents. It is they who, first of all, should be congratulated on the fact that the children have successfully completed one of the stages of their lives and are now on the threshold of another. The text of a letter of thanks to parents from the principal of the school:

Dear Sofia Alexandrovna! Thank you for raising a wonderful son. It is thanks to your diligence and diligence that your boy was able to achieve incredible success in his studies. Our teachers made every effort to ensure that Alexander could become one of the best students in the school. But it is to you that he owes the fact that he has become a worthy member of our society. Health to you and success in all spheres of life!

Sincerely, School Director.

Thank you letter from the team

Employees of the organization can express their gratitude not one by one, but all together. This is especially necessary when one team needs to thank another. In this case, you can write a letter that talks about what success the company has been able to achieve through cooperation. And you can express gratitude for the impression that the team received, for example, during a business trip. To whom to express gratitude? Yes, at least the hotel workers. Such a noble gesture will not go unnoticed and next time the employees will receive an even warmer welcome. An example of a collective thank you letter:

Thanks to the hotel staff for organizing such a warm welcome for our company. We literally felt at home. All our requirements were satisfied at the first request, and it is worth noting that we had to demand almost nothing. All our desires were foreseen in advance. Special thanks to the manager Igor, who quickly resolved all issues, helped with the organization of the conference and quickly found ways out of difficult situations. We look forward to further cooperation.

Alliance team.

How to write a thank you letter for a job well done?

People must be encouraged. You can come up with different ways to do this: a cash bonus, a trip or a letter of thanks for good work. A person always wants to hear that his work is not in vain. Both children and adults need to hear that they are simply wonderful, unique and very talented. It is especially pleasant when a paper with the director's signature lies at home, which raises self-esteem. Thank you letter example:

Dear Alexey Yakovlevich! Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the firm. Your high level of qualification helped our production to enter a new market and increase profits many times over. Thanks to you, our company was able to grow and is now successfully developing. You are respected by both colleagues and management. We hope that you will continue to find a non-trivial approach to solving problems. Health to you and longevity.

Sincerely, the director of the company "Vasilek".

An analogue of a thank you letter for help in organizing the event

Any activity needs encouragement. After all, expressing gratitude both verbally and in writing is not so difficult, and people will be pleased. Therefore, if your organization was helped to organize a conference or corporate party, then you can write a letter of thanks for organizing the event. Example:

Thanks to the Astra restaurant for the wonderful holiday organized by its employees for our company. Our team had a wonderful time enjoying an interesting program. The service was top notch, for which many thanks to the waiters. And special thanks to the chef, who managed to pleasantly surprise us with culinary masterpieces.

The team of the company "Interstroy".

An example of a thank you letter for cooperation

Very often, two firms are forced to cooperate in order to help each other. And usually such mutually beneficial cooperation gives good results. That is why you should not be afraid to write letters of thanks for the help provided. After all, perhaps in the future more than once you will have to use the services of an organization that rescued you from trouble. Writing a letter of thanks for fruitful cooperation will not take even ten minutes, and the benefits can be enormous. Example:

Our team is grateful to your company for your help. We highly value collaboration. Thanks to cooperation, our company has increased its turnover, and this is primarily your merit. We look forward to a long and fruitful cooperation. Good luck and prosperity to your company.

Yours faithfully, the director of firm "Mikroblok".

How to write a thank you letter for help

Very often budgetary organizations such as schools, kindergartens and theaters need additional funding. This may be a one-time financial assistance, or it may be sponsorship of an event. And sometimes there is simply nothing to thank for the good deed. Although patrons rarely accept any gifts from the donee, everyone is pleased to receive written confirmation of their generosity. Therefore, an excellent way out would be to present a letter of thanks for the assistance provided. Example:

Dear Petr Ilyich, thank you very much for financing our performance. Our theater is just getting on its feet, so we work almost on the same enthusiasm. We are glad that you have rendered us all possible assistance in tailoring new costumes. Thanks to people like you, art will never die and will only flourish every year. Health to you and longevity.

Sincerely, the staff of the theater "Romashka".

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Fish is a source of nutrients necessary for the life of the human body. It can be salted, smoked,...

Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

Modern tool Where to start Burning methods Instruction for beginners Decorative wood burning is an art, ...

The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...