Festival of National Cultures “Pereplyas. Festival of National Cultures of the Moscow Region

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Seven-year-old Abakar Mungiev, dressed as if in five minutes he will represent his country at some important international reception, sniffs. He's cold. Abakar, however, does not give up: clinging to his father, he patiently waits and does not whine.

I immediately told him - until we see how our countryman Gorkhmaz Akhundov performs with his "Nightingales of Azerbaijan", we will definitely not go anywhere! - Abakar's dad, 36-year-old economist Ahmed, explains the current situation. “Although I still want to look at others, but I’m telling you this in secret until Abakar hears.

Similar plans were nurtured here, however, by many. The former teacher of the Russian language, and now just a metropolitan pensioner, Anna Petrovna Zaritskaya, admitted to the correspondent of "VM" that she was at all three concerts of "Peoples of Moscow" that took place in Moscow, listened to everything from beginning to end, which she is very glad about, and now plans do the same thing.

Apparently, in order not to force Anna Petrovna to stand for too long, the First Deputy Head of the Department for National Policy and Tourism of Moscow Vitaly Suchkov who told about the this moment representatives of 160 peoples live in the capital, and that all of them at one time stood up as a wall to protect our city, and what’s there - the country - from a formidable enemy. And that kind of friendship is worth it.

He was followed by Georgy Rudnitsky, General Director of the Vechernyaya Moskva newspaper, Chief Editor newspapers "Evening Moscow" Alexander Kupriyanov and Director of the Moscow House of Nationalities Vladimir Tarasov.

Editor-in-Chief of the Vechernyaya Moskva newspaper (third from left) and CEO JSC "Editorial office of the newspaper" Vechernyaya Moskva" Georgy Rudnitsky (far right) performed at the opening of the festival "Peoples of Moscow" Photo: Alexander Kazakov

Well, here comes the real fun! The concert has begun. Its participants - representatives of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ossetia, Mordovia, Mari El, Karelia, Tuva, as well as many other countries and regions - climbed the stage in turn. And having performed, they themselves became spectators, with pleasure supporting their colleagues with applause and dancing.

Here the dancers "floated" across the stage, performing the "Ossetian Suite" - the dance of the bride and groom: at first slowly - because they depicted matchmaking, after - much faster, because why not speed up in anticipation of the wedding.

I myself moved to Moscow from Vladikavkaz only nine years ago, - tells "VM" fifteen minutes later, the head of the Ossetian dance ensemble "Art-dance" Alan Bagaev. - But I got used to it pretty quickly, for which there are already several reasons. First, I am also Russian. Secondly, due to my character, I very quickly find with everyone mutual language. Well, and, thirdly, the bustle of the capital suits me very well.

Video: Alexander Belozerov

Here the representatives of Mordva - participants sang the "Rural Song" folk group Azorava.

To understand what this song is about, - says the head of "Azorava" Anna Sugraeva, - you first need to learn what a pose is - a low-alcohol drink like kvass or sugar beet mash, traditional for Mordovian cuisine. So, a scene is played out on the stage, where two rural girls call their girlfriends to go to visit their neighbor Semyon, who, according to rumors, has a pose at home. For Muscovites, this is all exotic, but for me it is commonplace: after all, I was born in Mordovia and sang there for many years at the Philharmonic. And in 1987, having married, she moved to Moscow, gathering her ensemble here. By the way, he helped me somehow immediately feel at home in this city. Well, and only then did my favorite places appear in the capital - for example, Sokolniki Park, where my friends and I often gather to sing ...

Rationale for the relevance of the project

The relevance of the problem of forming a culture of interethnic relations is largely determined by the nature of the social transformations taking place in our country.

The most vulnerable area of ​​human relationships in a transforming multicultural society is the relationship between different ethnic groups. It is here that economic, social and political problems are most often projected. Therefore, interethnic relations are one of the most significant areas of human relations.

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The formation of interethnic tolerance is the formation and support of a positive attitude towards one's own people.

The formation of a positive attitude towards one's own people, combined with a positive attitude towards other peoples, is the main condition for the development of intercultural competence.

Russia is a country of age-old culture and great spirituality, rich history, customs, traditions of the peoples inhabiting it. The centuries-old friendship of peoples always remains important achievement all Russians. Culture is what justifies the existence of the people and the nation, it is the shrine of the nation, which it collects and preserves. And the brightest folk traditions appear in creativity.

Currently, representatives of more than 70 ethnic groups. The cultures of different peoples, when they live together on the same territory, grow roots into each other, complement and enrich one another.

The administration of the Yaroslavl municipal district pays great attention to the issues of strengthening the all-Russian civil identity and spiritual community of the multinational people of Russia, the preservation and development of the ethno-cultural diversity of the peoples of the country.

The festival of national cultures "Yaroslavl Kaleidoscope" is creativity, interaction, it is the activation of the dialogue of cultures. This is an opportunity for communication, the formation of friendships, new meetings and acquaintances. Every year our festival develops and expands its boundaries. Every year we get acquainted with the history, customs and traditions of the peoples living in our region.

It is no coincidence that the date of the festival is timed to coincide with the national holiday - the Day State flag Russian Federation. The national flag is state symbol Russia, which unites all peoples living on the territory of our country. main meaning of our event lies in the fact that the Yaroslavl Territory, like the whole of Russia, is our common home, and everyone should be calm, safe and comfortable in it.


Mechanisms for the implementation of the project: forms of activity, techniques, methods (methodology or scenario plan).

Event form - mass holiday in open area, consisting of several blocks - competitive, game, concert. The Yaroslavl municipal district consists of 1 urban and 7 rural settlements, each of which has a cultural and sports center. Each settlement is represented at the festival by a team-delegation, which includes cultural workers, participants in amateur performances, specialists local government, volunteers. The Assembly of the Peoples of Russia also presents its national teams-delegations at the YRA festival.

Preliminarily, with the help of a draw, it is determined which nationality each of the teams will represent.

In accordance with the regulations of the festival, the teams prepare a competitive program consisting of three creative tasks:

  1. Artistic design of the tent-module in the style of the traditions of the chosen nationality ( life, clothes, works of masters applied art etc.)
  2. game program, which includes traditional games that reflect the culture and identity of the chosen nationality;
  3. Presentation of national pastries and traditional drinks of the chosen nationality.

Continues the event concert program“Talents of all nationalities, unite!”, at the end of which the teams-delegations are summed up and awarded.

Project partners

The main partner of the project, who is directly involved in the organization and holding of the festival, is the Yaroslavl regional branch of the Assembly of the Peoples of Russia. The department was established in June 1999. The Council includes representatives of all major diasporas of the region, scientists, culture and business.

In its activities, the Yaroslavl branch is guided by the main chains and tasks of the Assembly of the Peoples of Russia to ensure a constructive dialogue between the authorities and the public, aimed at improving and harmonizing interethnic relations in the city of Yaroslavl and the region, strengthening mutual understanding and friendship between representatives of all peoples living in our region.

In the implementation of the goals set, the main attention is paid to solving the socio-economic problems of representatives of different peoples, protecting citizens from discrimination based on nationality, promoting the preservation and development of cultures and languages, disseminating knowledge about the history, traditions, customs of all nationalities, and expanding ethno-cultural interaction between the peoples of the region.

The Yaroslavl branch takes an active part not only in solving the ethno-cultural, educational problems of the peoples of the region, but also. Together with representatives of the internal affairs bodies, she is engaged in the prevention of offenses on ethnic grounds, and the resolution of conflict situations.

Our partners are also:

  • Yaroslavl regional public organization for the revival of Russian culture and traditions "Petropavlovskaya Sloboda" (participation in the work of the jury);
  • GUK YAO " Regional House folk art” (participation in the work of the jury);
  • LLC "Alokozai - Yaroslavl" (provision of prizes);
  • Guild of Holiday Masters LLC (ensuring the operation of entertainment venues);
  • representatives of private business on the territory of the Yaroslavl municipal district (ensuring the operation of entertainment, trading platforms)

The program of the festival of national cultures

"Yaroslavl Kaleidoscope - 2016"

11:00 - 11:20 - Grand opening of the festival.

11:20 - 13:00 - Creative competition

"Traditional Folk Games":

  • Presentation of tents - modules of representatives of nationalities;
  • Performance national games;
  • Presentation of national pastries and traditional drinks.

13:00 - 15:40 - International concert

"Talents of all nationalities, unite!".

15:40 - Summing up, awarding the winners.

Closing of the festival-competition.

Expected results

Expected results, criteria for economic and social evaluation of the effectiveness of the project, the social effect achieved, the possibility of further implementation of the project.

The culture of interethnic relations is the level of relationships between people and ethnic groups various nationalities which is based on moral principles, legal norms, as well as norms of mutual trust and respect.

Festival of National Cultures "Yaroslavl Kaleidoscope":

  • promotes the development of interethnic cooperation, mutual assistance and respect for representatives of other peoples;
  • helps in the formation of culture international communication
  • helps promote values Russian society- multinationality, tolerance, active life and citizenship;
  • actively contributes to the development and preservation of national folk cultural traditions,
  • communication and exchange of creative experience between cultural workers, participants in amateur performances, representatives of ethnic groups of the Yaroslavl region, region.

When evaluating a project, the following criteria must be taken into account:

  1. public and social significance Events;
  2. accessibility for all categories of the population, including the socially unprotected;
  3. development and support of groups of amateur artistic creativity;
  4. detection, storage and broadcast traditional culture;
  5. sustainable positive dynamics of event attendance;

If we talk about economic efficiency project, then, since it is non-commercial, we can take into account the possibility of achieving the planned result while using resources economically. The ratio between the effectiveness and efficiency of our project is optimal.

The festival is important event in cultural life district and region, arouses wide interest of the public, the media, is popular with the residents of Yaroslavl and the Yaroslavl region, has support from the regional authorities.

The administration of the Yaroslavl municipal district pays great attention to the issues of state national policy, the strengthening of the all-Russian civic consciousness and spiritual community of the multinational people of Russia, the preservation and development of the ethno-cultural diversity of the peoples of the country.

Therefore, the festival of national cultures "Yaroslavl Kaleidoscope" can become powerful tool communication with a wide audience, ensuring cultural exchange with other regions of Russia and foreign countries.

Project Description

Festival of National Cultures "Yaroslavl Kaleidoscope" - a space for the dialogue of national cultures, a celebration of friendship and creativity!

In August, on the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation, the Department of Culture, Youth Policy and Sports of the Administration of the NMR and the MUK "Regional Coordination and Methodological Center" of the NMR with the participation of the NMR "Assembly of the Peoples of Russia" hold the "Yaroslavl Kaleidoscope".

Traditionally, the festival is held on the territory of the Karabikha rural settlement and gathers up to 1000 participants, guests and residents. Our festival is unique in that we, supporting the ideas of tolerance and friendship of peoples, tried to cover as many nationalities as possible that live on the territory of the NMR. The festival of national cultures "Yaroslavl Kaleidoscope" is creativity, interaction, it is the activation of the dialogue of cultures.

This is an opportunity for communication, the formation of friendships, new meetings and acquaintances.

The event is attended by representatives of ethnic groups inhabiting our region - Dagestanis, Chechens, Ingush, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Jews and other peoples. basis creative program is a competition of teams-delegations from all settlements of the Yaroslavl region, which represent Tatars, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Gypsies, Cossacks, Georgians, peoples of the north.

Honored guests open the holiday: Head of the Yaroslavl Municipal District Tatyana Ivanovna Khokhlova, Head of the Karabikha rural settlement Yevgeny Viktorovich Shibaev, Chairman of the Council of the Yaroslavl regional branch of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia Nur-El Abdulovich Khasiev.

In 2105, the event was highly appreciated by Irina Vladimirovna Grigoryeva, who was present at the celebration, the head of the department for working with the public relations department of the Government of the Yaroslavl region. Ilya Vladimirovich Osipov, chairman of the Yaroslavl Regional Duma, also visited the holiday.

The first festival took place in 2014. The proverb “Friendship and brotherhood is more precious than wealth” became its motto, and national cuisines became its main theme. The program of the festival was not only rich and interesting, but also required a lot of work, creativity, and imagination from the participants. The festival began with a solemn parade of nationalities.

At the head of the parade, representatives of different nations carried a 7-meter tricolor, followed by delegations in national costumes with the flags of their nationalities. Despite the rain, the organizers were able to inspire the participants and cheer them up with an unusual daytime fireworks. The festival continued competitive program, which consisted of 3 nominations: the design of the tent - module, business card delegations and presentation of a traditional dish national cuisine.

All participants approached the task very responsibly and, of course, creatively. Bright costumes, songs, dances, music, potato pancakes, dumplings, gorilka, borscht, chak-chak, fish dishes, dolma, myriad meat dishes- a real kaleidoscope of colors, sounds, tastes, smells met the members of the festival jury in each tent-module. Based on the results of the competition, the jury decided not to choose winners and losers, Friendship and Brotherhood won at our festival. All delegations were awarded diplomas and wall clock with the symbols of the festival.

In 2015, the organizers chose an extensive and very interesting topic"National wedding rites". At the festival, guests of the holiday were met by wedding delegations different nationalities inhabiting the Yaroslavl region: Belarusian, Ukrainian, Dagestan, Tatar, Gypsy, Uzbek, Russian, Georgian and others.

Each of the delegations presented a national wedding ceremony. At the competition of national pastries and traditional drinks, the participants of the holiday introduced themselves unique opportunity try incredible culinary masterpieces, prove yourself in judging, choose the most original, beautiful and delicious food and drinks.

Highly great job conducted by employees of the administration of the Karabikha rural settlement and locals. In just a few days, the newly opened stadium was turned into a concern and exhibition site with street scene, tents for participating teams. "Design workshops"

The cultural and sports centers of the region, veteran organizations, associations of interest - teams of curious, creative people, those who liked and who managed to offer and implement something interesting - became the competition.

The festival of national cultures "Yaroslavl Kaleidoscope" is of great interest and support from the regional authorities. The administration of the Yaroslavl municipal district pays great attention to the issues of state national policy, the strengthening of the all-Russian civic consciousness and spiritual community of the multinational people of Russia, the preservation and development of the ethno-cultural diversity of the peoples of the country.

On January 29, 2016, in the hall of the Administration of the Yaroslavl municipal district, a round table "Interaction between municipal authorities and national and cultural organizations in the implementation of the regional strategy of the national policy of the Russian Federation" was held, which was attended by employees of the NMR Administration, members of the NMR LLC "Assembly of the Peoples of Russia" and its chairman Nur-El Abdulovich Khasiev, prosecutor of the Yaroslavl region Sergey Aleksandrovich Secretaryov, chairman of the Public Board of the NMR Petr Aleksandrovich Mukhanov, employees of the District Department of Internal Affairs, representatives of the media.

AT anniversary year On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Yaroslavl region, the stadium of the village of Krasnye Tkachi once again blossomed with a riot of colors and became a territory of friendship, creativity, communication and hospitality. Russian tricolors flew proudly over the field, flags of different nationalities and the costumes of the participants in the festival of national cultures "Yaroslavl Kaleidoscope - 2016" sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow.

The weather generously endowed us with summer heat and bright sun. honor of raising Russian flag was given to the young residents of the village of Krasnye Tkachi - members of the Buggy technical education club, who drove through the stadium in a festive parade.

Teams of nationalities were measured by creative forces in the competition "Games of the Peoples of Russia". Spectators of all ages participated with pleasure in the Cossack, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Tajik, Russian amusements.

In the humorous - international game-show "Big Races" serious passions were in full swing. Athletes-zorbonauts, wearing huge inflatable zorb balls, recklessly fought for the right to be called the strongest, dexterous, courageous and fast. Bumperball championship of the Yaroslavl region left an unforgettable impression on the audience and participants.

Not only did the ball fly out of the field at the speed of a cannonball, but the bumperball players themselves in zorbs, who, fortunately, protected the athletes from injuries, collided with each other in the heat of battle, flew several meters, sometimes landing upside down.

Competitive programs submitted by the participants are evaluated by an authoritative jury.

In addition to honored guests, every year we invite professionals to its membership: the chairman of the committee of the Yaroslavl Regional public organization revival of Russian culture and traditions "Petropavlovskaya Sloboda", historian, ethnographer, local historian, member of the presidium of the Yaroslavl regional branch of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia, Yaroslavl city branch of the society for the protection of historical and cultural monuments, Yaroslavl regional branch of the Russian Folklore Union, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Baluyeva and methodologist of the department of analysis and methods of cultural and leisure activities of the regional House of Folk Art, screenwriter, director of mass events Olga Yuryevna Kurakina. The jury evaluates the level of craftsmanship, ethnographic accuracy, content and originality of performance, the design of the tent in national traditions.

The traditional final decoration of the festival is a bright creative gift from all participants - the concert "Talents of all nationalities, unite!".

Under the shadow of national flags fluttering in the wind, a real Yaroslavl kaleidoscope of songs and dances, bright outfits and smiles, Caucasian passion and Russian warmth, Tatar passion, Ukrainian prowess and gypsy fun shines and shimmers on an impromptu stage.

In opening remarks she emphasized the role of NGOs in the formation of civil society and the formation of a democratic rule of law. The meeting was also attended by the Head of the Administration of Khimki, Moscow Region V. Sleptsov, the Chairman of the Commission for the Harmonization of Interethnic and Interregional Relations of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation I. Diskin, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the APR N. Abduganiyev, the representative of the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region O. Dyadkov, the leaders of the National Cultural Associations MO (A. Skripel, N. Dzhimsheleishvili, E. Kim, D. Makaikin), head of the House of Friendship in Pushkino Yu. Levina.

The guest of honor of the Festival was the repeated Olympic champion in figure skating Irina Rodnina.
Chairman of RTNKA MO F. Mukhtasarov noted in his speech active interaction Autonomy with the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region, as well as the General Directorate of Social Communications. He then emphasized three areas further development national-cultural movement in the Moscow region.

The first is an active exchange of experience on new forms of work (innovations) being developed in organizations. He gave an example about the project of the Regional NCA of Azerbaijanis of the Ministry of Defense (chairman G. Agayev) “Azerbaijan through the eyes of Russian schoolchildren”, thanks to which many children from different regions were able to visit Azerbaijan. F. Mukhtasarov also noted the projects of RTNKA MO. One of them is the festival Musical art Tatar people- Moscow suburbs. In 2016, it was successfully held in the city of Orekhovo-Zuyevo. Thanks to the creative and responsible approach of the head of MTNKA of Orekhovo-Zuevo I. Izmailov, it became even more representative and meaningful. And the director of the Festival F. Isaeva became the initiator of the expansion of geography - it became interregional.

Another project is the Moscow regional holiday Sabantuy. It also has a lot of novelty. As part of the Sabantuy program, essay and drawing competitions are held, dedicated to the holiday Sabantuy, friendship of peoples, outstanding personalities of the Tatar people; Children's Sabantuy, Round table on interethnic relations. Very important is the fact of preparation and conclusion of Cooperation Agreements between the regions of the Moscow Region and the Republic of Tatarstan. The signing of the Agreement between RTNKA MO and the Administration of the region of the Republic of Tatarstan, thanks to which there was an additional opportunity to send children to summer camps rest in Tatarstan.

The second is the introduction of new forms of work aimed at versatile support of the activities of national-cultural associations. Among them are civic education for leaders and activists of public associations, training in active forms of communication, training in the correct preparation of projects for grants, legal support and much more. All this is part of the tasks of the Resource Center of the Moscow Region, the decision to establish which was made at a recent meeting of the Council of the Regional Branch for the Moscow Region of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia. The Resource Center is the brainchild of the Assembly of the Peoples of Russia, and at present they have already been established in a number of regions of Russia.

The third is the activation of creating an infrastructure for the activities of NGOs in municipalities MO. First of all, this includes the opening of Friendship Houses and Centers of National Cultures. Today they work in Pushkino and Dubna. Passes through them organizational work with the population, including preschoolers, schoolchildren, youth and adults. Good experience has already been accumulated in the named Centers.
F. Mukhtasarov supported the proposed draft Decision, adding items related to organizational support for the creation of the Resource Center and the exchange of experience in the activities of the Center for National Cultures in Dubna.

At the end of the meeting, E. Khaimurzina, on behalf of the Governor of the Moscow Region, presented certificates of honor to the leaders of the National Cultural Associations of the Moscow Region, and I. Izmailov, Chairman of the Local NCA and the Muslim Religious Community of the Orekhovo-Zuevsky District - Chest sign Governor.

After the business part, the Festival continued in the City Park of Culture and Leisure.
There were deployed tents for national cuisine, exhibitions of household items, clothing and literature. Collectives of amateur performances of different nations performed on the stage.

From RTNKA MO, after a congratulatory speech by F. Mukhtasarov, the Yalkyn Ensemble (leader F. Sharifgalieva) performed on stage. Tatar cuisine was worthily presented by G. Samosadkina (entrepreneur), a long-standing and reliable partner of Autonomy. An exhibition of existing household items and clothing, books and banners was designed by activists Rumiya Azisovna (Khimki), M. Mukhtasarova and E. Salakhetdinov (Dubna), and R. Valiev and A. Gazidova in a national vest and dress conscientiously played the role owners of the Tatar corner.

The people were in high spirits. Even the rain that fell intermittently could not spoil it.
The first Festival of National Cultures of the Moscow Region took place.
Press Center RTNKA MO

The grand opening of the festival for children took place on September 4, 2016 at the Moscow Palace of Pioneers.

The event is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow, where more than 7 million people participated in total. This is more than in Berlin operation included in the Guinness Book of biggest battle Second World War.

Learning culture from childhood

The festival is designed to show the features of folk art, reveal the wealth and show the importance of developing a dialogue different cultures. The event helps children and youth to join cultural heritage to instill in them respect for national traditions and cultures, to form spiritual values ​​and an active citizenship, and the desire for peace and harmony among peoples.

The festival of national cultures is held on the initiative of public national associations. Students of the city of Moscow from 5 to 21 years old take part in a large-scale event: you can take part as part of creative team as well as on an individual basis.

Festival program

  • 4.09.2016
  1. Opening of the festival and presentation of the program of the event;
  2. Conducting a concert with the participation of invited representatives of various nationalities;
  3. Speech by famous athletes, the implementation of sporting events at the stadium of the Palace of Pioneers. Anyone who wishes is given the opportunity to pass the TRP standards.
  • From 1.09.2016 to 30.09.2016

The preparation stage of the festival, during which applications are collected from Moscow public associations and cultural and national autonomies.

  • From 1.10.2016 to 30.05.2017

The fundamental stage is being carried out: the days of national cultures of the Russian Federation and Moscow are held in the city.

  • 1.06.2017

The festival will end bright holiday « My home is Moscow ».

For guests of the festival are held special programs with an entertaining and educational component: a variety of quizzes, exhibitions, master classes and more.

It is possible for a child to gain knowledge not only at school. children's festival « My home is Moscow » - a great opportunity to learn more about different nations and feel the spirit of unity and community.

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