Theater studio for teenagers. The program of the theater circle "creative workshop"

Our country is rich theater history and promising present: in addition to the well-established "shelters of Melpomene" with a classic look at creative process and a well-established repertoire, new bands appear - modern, daring, searching. All this is of great interest to the audience - both adults and children. Moreover, many guys themselves want to participate in performances and productions, try on the role and status of an actor.

Nothing is impossible: theater studios, clubs, creative associations in which boys and girls can learn the basics acting skills, speech techniques, stage movement. In this they will be helped by attentive and experienced teachers-mentors - people who are directly related to art.

Classes in theater associations allow to form a harmonious personality, participate in the spiritual, moral and physical education of the younger generation. Firstly, the guys liberate themselves, overcome constraint and complexes, secondly, reveal their abilities, improve speech, memory, find like-minded people, thirdly, improve health, muscles, posture - after all, much attention is paid to the physical training of young artists: in particular , choreography, gymnastics, rhythmics.

How to increase the expressiveness of a young actor

Any actor, even the smallest one, must look on stage so that no one can say: “I don’t believe,” as Stanislavsky once did. Therefore, stagecraft requires that the artist be truthful and expressive. Perhaps the simplest, but at the same time effective way is pantomime. It creates artistic image without words, but with the use of the plasticity of his own body. It will be very useful for children, and, in addition, it will develop their imagination and give fun. For example, you can "get used to the role" of some animal, hero or tree.

What are the benefits of stage speech classes for children?

Stage speech classes will be useful not only for those who dream of being an actor. Many other public professions require correct and persuasive speech skills. The success of any speech in front of a school class - reading poetry, a report, defending a project - is 90% dependent on how the student speaks. In stage speech classes, children do breathing exercises, are engaged articulatory gymnastics, train diction and eliminate its shortcomings. The child is fond of games, reading tongue twisters, setting the voice, and all this in a relaxed way helps to develop important qualities and skills. The student becomes proactive, but at the same time coordinates his actions with the team, overcomes constraint and fears, learns to express thoughts, trains imagination, memory, ear for music. A big plus of classes in stage speech in a healing effect. With the development of the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system is strengthened in parallel. So, the benefits of stage speech classes are undeniable.

To make sure the visit theatrical circle- is not children's activity you should go for a free trial lesson.

We tried hard to make acting program so that all students can get full theoretical knowledge and a sufficient number of practical exercises.

We do not give superficial knowledge, the whole program is divided into blocks, each of which solves certain tasks. We also offer to choose a specific acting course. Each client has the right to receive answers to their questions and expect the solution of specific problems. Someone wants to loosen up and learn how to communicate, someone needs to make serious public speeches, and someone treats acting classes as an easy pastime and wants to give free rein to their creative potential.

Acting class for adults

Theatrical acting classes solve numerous problems with speech and diction. Fast or slow speech, not clear pronunciation, accent and dialect, broken retelling and not interesting presentation of the text, unpleasant voice, monotony.

Every day we communicate in a team, there are many forms of dialogues, genres public speaking, human characters and ways of interacting with them. To deal with them effectively requires special knowledge and training, which is carried out in theater courses.

Stage speech is significantly different from colloquial speech: there are no trifles in it. Content and expressiveness, originality of presentation and, of course, the image of the speaker are taken into account.

Theater clubs for adults in Moscow are also a unique platform for practicing special techniques for influencing the audience. Teachers of the acting studio tell how to avoid uncomfortable questions, answer them in monosyllables, incline in their direction.

Theater circles in Moscow offer a special program adapted to any level of training literary material. As a rule, adults can put on 1-2 performances of an intermediate and reporting type per course.

If you want an in-depth study of acting techniques, penetrate into the methods of reincarnation and work on the role, learn the secrets of famous, talented actors, then theatrical circles for adults are just right for these purposes.

In them, students are taught how to quickly remember the lines of their hero, understand what emotion the character is experiencing, and how to demonstrate them to the viewer using generally accepted “stamps”. In the classroom, an acting teacher teaches improvisation, the art of being authentic, vivid, and memorable.

Many adults cannot boast of the ability for an independent process of self-improvement. They can't or don't like to study with a self-help guide or call friends for help to rehearse a role with him. In this case, you need theater classes for adults. Like-minded people gathered in them, people united by a certain, common goal. It is not difficult and not funny for them to work for 30 minutes on the pronunciation of a sound that is difficult to extract. Here they work together on the same goals.

Theater circles and acting schools may also include joint out-of-studio outings "in the light": literary evenings, trips to the theater or cinema. Groups are also found for skits and games of "Mafia".

If you enjoy playing on stage, then this could easily become your hobby. The Acting Club will help you with this. That is, you put into practice what you have a soul for.

It must be said that it often happens that a person's hobby fascinates him much more than work. It even happens that a person does not like work at all, but playing in the theater - this inspires him. Now, if he had tied all his professional activity with the theater, it would be much better, because it is recommended to do exactly what the soul lies in. Then the potential hidden in a person is realized.

The problem with most people is that they don't take their hobbies seriously. And they remain simple hobbies, a means of getting rid of unnecessary stress. And the potential remains to sit in a person for a long time, often a lifetime. Maybe it's worth doing only what causes real joy, what inspires, what draws you, to the area in which fate provides maximum opportunities? And then, perhaps a person realizes himself in life to the maximum.

To be interesting not only to yourself, to be able to beautifully express your thoughts or just give vent to emotions, or maybe find fans - the reasons why people come to are endless. The theater group for adults is interesting, at least just in the original pastime.

Trying on the role of another person or expressing what has long been accumulated in the soul - everyone had such thoughts. So why not waste time, pass as a means of developing yourself in many ways important areas in life?

The theater group for adults in Moscow does not train metropolitan artists and world-class stars. He gives them the opportunity to be.

Emancipation on stage helps to become brighter, freer from standards, communicate and live in such a way that career and personal life become richer.

Professions associated with the manifestation of the acting principle simply require a visit to the theater circle. Teachers, deputies, managers every day face the need to show themselves to others.

Performing in front of the general public or going to visit - theater training is nowhere superfluous. After all, every day a person conducts mini-presentations of himself in various situations.

How many people who are closed in themselves cannot find a way out in the psychological framework that they have built for themselves.

Concerning people who came to courses for the sake of professional acting career, it's safe to say that they need it. For a future actor, it is vital. All the basics, all the necessary baggage can and should be obtained at acting courses.

The art of oratory, body language and emotions - this should be the "luggage" of every future applicant or just successful person. Signing up for an adult theater group is easy. New own abilities will surprise everyone who enters unusual world.

What will the acting classes give as a result? Competent speech and proper breathing, the ability to quickly navigate the situation, openly and boldly communicate even with strangers, development of imagination and bright sides of his personality. And most importantly, find yourself. In communication, in personal life or career. People of any age can come to the stage. Talents are not born, they really become.

In our time to be popular actor fashionable and prestigious. But children not only therefore strive to become them. Their soul is open to everything new, flexible and supple due to age. Theater for children is a game in which they can try on new roles, realize the dream of becoming someone else, at least on stage. Therefore, they are very popular in schools, and in big cities, kids and teenagers have the opportunity to attend acting classes, improving their skills and gaining new knowledge.

What is useful

In the process of learning, children learn not only to play, they acquire the skills necessary for an actor. Experienced teachers help to open up, stop being constrained, squeezed, overcome shyness. for children, this is a mandatory development of speech, the ability to restrain emotions, coordinate movements, and develop communication skills. A diverse repertoire develops the intellect, broadens the horizons of the child.

Acting or theater helps the harmonious development of their personality. Acting skills for children are taught by experienced teachers. During the learning process, various exercises are used, during which the child not only learns to perform, but also acquires the skills of interacting with other characters on stage. This experience will be needed in real life when you have to communicate with other people. Acting skills will also be useful for those children who are not going to become artists, but attend classes in order to develop oratory skills, to stop being afraid of the public.

Who will suit

In each child, talent wakes up individually. someone with kindergarten likes to perform in front of the public, takes part in productions music director. Others ripen later, seeing the experience of their comrades or thinking about future profession. However, there are acting classes that children of any age can attend. Parents should encourage their child's interests of this kind. After all similar classes- it's fun, interesting and just great. Since acting classes are in high demand, there are several places in Moscow where they teach children.

School "KinoChild"

Here children are taught to be liberated, confident. The school has its own acting base, which the child automatically enters after completing this course. After completing the training, children are not afraid of the camera, successfully participate in castings and get roles in television series, films or commercials. conducted by actors with specialized education and experience television filming. Among them are the host of the Jump-Skok Team program on the Karusel channel, and Sergey Druzyak, who is familiar to the children of Kalyak-Malyak from the same TV channel. The program of classes includes acting, vocals, speech development. In addition, children are shown how to work with the script. They learn what dramaturgy is, role drawing, the emotional state of the characters, how they work for film set. In addition, famous filmmakers hold master classes at the film school. Acting skills for children can be taught here according to an individual program.

Theater Studio for Children "Reflection"

It does not set global goals. She invites children to her classes precisely in order to improve communication and self-presentation skills, revealing the creative potential of the child. The studio program consists of three stages. First, children learn acting skills. At the end of the first reporting concerts. At the second stage, the development of dialogues, stage pauses and actions begins. At the third stage, children are offered to get acquainted with the work of playwrights and poets. They are taught to improvise, to work with objects on stage. As a result, children take part in a full-fledged performance. The study continues literary genres. Passing through all the stages means that acting skills are fully mastered and offer other options for classes.

Children's professional studio "Actor"

The program consists of core and additional classes. Trainings are held in the following areas: acting, stage movements and speech, casting methods, vocals and dances, teaching film acting techniques. Additionally, theories of cinema and theater, the work of a journalist, voice acting are studied. Held workshops with directors, make-up artists, master classes famous actors. Children visit museums and theaters as part of their overall development.

Theater Studio "GlazAlmaz"

The learning process takes place in groups divided by age of children from 5 to 18 years. The program includes acting, staging sketches, improvisation. In addition, classes in choreography, music. Acting mastery obtained here means for children the opportunity to participate in performances, as well as various public events, concerts in Moscow.

Higher School of Acting "Galatea"

Both children and adults can study here. Depending on the age, a training program is also offered. The nursery consists of three stages. The first is the development of plastics, correct breathing, articulations. Children are introduced to professional concepts. New for them is the possibility of using their emotions and feelings to create an acting sketch. This stage lasts one year. At the end of this period, children already master acting skills, reveal their talent. The second year is the beginning of the second stage of training. Here the emphasis is on staging a professional performance. To do this, children learn more deeply the ways of acting on stage, acquire the skills of improvisation. At the end of the third stage, they are able to independently work on the role and with the text, they are able to perform on different stages.

If it is not possible to take your child to special acting classes, you can improve his skills at home. Encourage him to theatrical activities, put on performances, at least for family members. This will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the communicative, oratorical qualities of the child, help to communicate in a team and not be shy about public speaking.

  • 1998 - 2002 Graduated with honors from RATI-GITIS ( Russian Academy theatrical art) - Directing Department, Workshop of the Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor Skandarov M.V. and Professor Golomazov S.A. Specialty: Actor drama theater and cinema.
  • 2002 - 2005 Postgraduate study at RATI-GITIS, specialty: Actor's skill.
  • 2005 - 2007 Institute of Competing for the Degree of Candidate of Art Criticism at RATI-GITIS, specialty: Mastery of the actor.
  • 2013 Entered and graduated from the Nikita Mikhalkov International Summer Film Academy.

Theater experience:

  • 2002 - 2012 Theater "Satyricon" under the direction of the People's Artist of Russia Konstantin Raikin.
  • 2010 - present. "Theater of Taste" under the direction of Yuri Makeev.

Pedagogical experience:


  • 2003 - 2007 Assistant trainee in the skill of an actor in the Workshop of the Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor Skandarov M.V. acting department.
  • Final work: Diploma performance "School of Mothers" by play of the same name PC. de Ch. Marivaux.

  • 2007 - 2011 Lecturer in the skill of an actor at the Workshop of the Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor Skandarov M.V. acting department.
  • Final work: Diploma performance "Bachelorette Party" based on the novel "Beautiful Bodies" by Laura Cunningham (dramatization, special photography, costumes, make-up, musical arrangement and staging by A. Oganyan).

  • 2011 - present. Senior Lecturer in Actor's Skill at the Workshop of the Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor Skandarov M.V. acting department.
  • Final work: Diploma performance "Petty Bourgeois Wedding" based on the play of the same name by B. Brecht.

  • 2014 - present. Senior lecturer in the skill of the actor at the Workshop of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor S.I. Yashin.
  • 2014 (October-November) Master class for students of the London College of Art "East 15 Acting School" (UK) as part of the International educational program RUTI-GITIS.
  • Final work: Composition based on the play by A.P. Chekhov "Fatherlessness".

  • 2017 (January) “Your own dogs bite, don’t pester someone else’s” - a comedy (the second part of the trilogy about Balzaminov) A.N. Ostrovsky - graduation performance by students of the Workshop of the People's Artist of Russia, Professor Yashin S.I., acting department RUTI-GITIS, Educational and theater complex GITIS.


  • 2008 - present. Teacher of acting and stage speech:
  • Junior group - preparation for admission to the theater college and university (prose, fables, poems, monologues)

    Senior group - exercises for communication, trust, emancipation, disclosure, interaction; team building

    Annual final showings and control lessons of etudes, observations and excerpts. Directing work:

  • 2010 Performance "Faryatyev's Fantasies" based on the play of the same name by A. Sokolova.
  • 2014 Performance " The Cherry Orchard» A.P. Chekhov.
  • 2015 Performance " Dead Souls» N.V. Gogol.
  • Producer center «CAMPION»

  • 2009 - 2011 Teacher of acting and stage speech.
  • Producer center "HOLIDAYS"

  • 2012 - present. Teacher of acting and stage speech.
  • 2014 August. "Titanic" - jazz-dramatic performance (based on movie of the same name) is the final work.
  • 2015 August. "Miracle! - "Seagull"! - dramatic performance (based on the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Seagull" and the biography of Valentina Karavaeva) - the final work.
  • 2016 January. winter fairy tale"Kai and Gerda" by motives G-X. Anderson " The Snow Queen"- the final work.
  • 2016 August. "Dost.Quest" - a dramatic performance (based on the novel "The Idiot" by F.M. Dostoevsky, the stories "Yushka" by A. Platonov, "Dostoevsky-trip" by V. Sorokin) - the final work.
  • 2016 August. "Singing in the Rain" - a musical (based on the film of the same name) - the final work.
  • 2016 August. "Lidochka and Lyubochka" - a dramatic performance (based on poems by A. Barto) - the final work.
  • January 2017 "12 Months" - dramatic performance (based on the fairy tale by S. Marshak) - final work.
  • Television and radio company "GLAS"

  • 2012 - 2013 Stage teacher.
  • School of acting and stage speech "BENEFIS"

  • 2015 - present. Acting Instructor.
  • November 2015 literary composition"Russian poetry of the XX century" - the final work.

Participation in competitions and festivals

  • April 2001 VII Theater Festival "Young Stars" (Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic) - winner of the award for the role of Triletsky in the play "Fatherlessness" by A.P. Chekhov directed by Sergei Golomazov.
  • March 2002 Annual student reading competition "Pages of Favorite Works" (Moscow) - second place for the performance of the story "Champagne" by A.P. Chekhov, director, teacher of stage speech People's Artist RF Antonina Kuznetsova.
  • June 2002 International Festival theater schools(Warsaw, Republic of Poland) - winner of the award for the role of Triletsky in the play "Fatherlessness" by A.P. Chekhov directed by Sergei Golomazov - best male supporting role.
  • 2007 October. The festival " Golden Mask in Latvia" (Riga, Republic of Latvia) - participant, the play "Richard III" by W. Shakespeare directed by Yuri Butusov, the role of the Lord Mayor of London.
  • March 2011 VI International Youth Theater Forum "" (Mogilev, Republic of Belarus) - participant, performance "Ruins" by Y. Klavdiev directed by Kirill Vytoptov, the main role Irakli Neverin.
  • May 2012 XXI International theater festival"Contact" (Torun, Republic of Poland) - participant, the play "Ruins" by Y. Klavdiev directed by Kirill Vytoptov, the main role of Irakli Neverin.
  • April 2013 Youth Festival"Future theatrical Russia"(Yaroslavl) - participant, performance" Pagliacci. Drama" by Ruggiero Leoncavallo directed by Leonid Lavrovsky-Garcia, choreographer - National artist USSR, Professor Lavrovsky M.L., the main role of Sanio.
  • February 2014 X International Theater Festival "Five Evenings" them. Alexandra Volodina (St. Petersburg) - participant, the play "Ruins" by Y. Klavdiev directed by Kirill Vytoptov, the main role of Irakli Neverin.
  • November 2014 Festival "Moscow roadside" STD RF (Moscow) - award for the best male supporting role, the role of the Captain in the play "Woyzeck" by G. Buchner directed by Maria Pavlovskaya.
  • July 2015 International Art Festival "Garden of Geniuses" L.N. Tolstoy" Yasnaya Polyana" (Tula region) - participant, the play "Princess Marya" based on the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" staged by Sergei Poselsky, the role of Prince Vasily Kuragin.
  • October 2015 XIII international competition independent student works on the theme "Fables of Jean de Lafontaine", XIII International director's workshops theater institute named after Boris Shchukin (Moscow) - Grand Prize for Best Actor and Main Prize for Best Director (director Kristina Rabotenko) fable "A middle-aged man and his two lovers"
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