Economics presentation on the topic "Interesting facts of the world of money" free download. Interesting historical facts about trade and consumers

- one of the most ancient and superstitious professions. In the arsenal of merchants, there are a dozen signs and unspoken rules that help to succeed in selling. Why is it impossible to exchange money before the appearance of the first buyer, what promises a trifle picked up from the ground and why large bills are placed on top of small ones? Rjob learned about the most common superstitions of sellers.

Man is for profit

From time immemorial, there has been an opinion among sellers that trading during the day will be successful if the first buyer is a man. To heighten the effect, it is necessary to spend the money received from him over the counter. It is believed that such a maneuver will help increase earnings.

If the first purchase from the seller is made by a woman, then her money is usually hidden and in no case is used for exchange and change. If you break this rule, then luck will turn away from the seller.

"My pre-e-very..."

Some sellers lure good luck with the help of talismans. Often superstitious merchants use three small coins, which are drilled holes. A red cord is threaded into the coins and hung around the neck. The talisman can be carried both in a pocket and in a purse. However, over time, the miraculous power of coins weakens, they need to be “recharged”. To do this, the seller warms the talisman in the palms. Fingering coins with their fingers, merchants think about how they will get rich. As a result, the talisman is fueled by the positive energy of its owner.

lucky sock

Sellers have their own lucky thing. It can be a shirt, a hat or socks, putting on which, a person has no doubt that the trade will be brisk. Usually such a thing is carefully stored and they are afraid to wash and iron it - this adversely affects its magical properties.

large bill

Sellers firmly believe that if the first proceeds consist of large bills, then there will be no end to buyers on this day. The greater the denomination of the banknote that the client hands to the merchant, the higher the likelihood of the latter's future financial well-being. Therefore, some workers in the trade sector consider it a blessing to exchange large bills.

And a few more sellers

In the morning, quarrels with customers should be avoided. How you start the day is how you spend it.

With the money received from the first buyer, you need to touch the goods.

You can not pick up a trifle that has fallen on the floor.

For good luck, you can put a coin under the scales. Some vendors scatter change around their sales area.

On the new moon, you should take money out of your wallet and count it. You can show bills to the new month. So they attract good luck for several weeks in advance.

If any product falls on the floor in the morning, it will be sold out first.

Money cannot be stored by folding banknotes in half. The best option is to sort banknotes by value. Small ones are placed at the bottom, covering them with larger ones, which close the money cycle.

It is customary to give a discount to the first and last buyer, this promises good earnings.

The product will leave sooner if you put it in the place of the one just sold.

It is believed that luck will accompany the seller who leaves the market or shop last.

Taking money from the hands of the buyer is a bad omen. Therefore, sellers are asked to put banknotes on the counter.

After sunset, you can’t ask a superstitious seller for a loan. Borrowing money after sunset is at a loss.

On the first proceeds you need to blow.

A merchant whose goods have been touched by other sellers is doomed to failure. According to the sign, by stroking someone else's goods, sellers take away its positive energy.

In the evening, the seller does not recalculate the proceeds; it is better to do this in the morning of the next day.

If on the way home the seller meets a beggar, he needs to give alms, saying: "The hand of the giver will not fail."

Psychologist and author Dale Carnegie was one of the first to point out the importance of public speaking for a successful sales career. He developed a method of public speaking, which was subsequently applied in the field of sales.

You can study in specialized colleges. They train controllers-cashiers, cashiers of the trading floor, sellers of food and non-food products.

The majority of modern trade workers are women. Male salespeople are more common in electronics stores, hardware stores, and car dealerships.

The cash register was invented over 100 years ago. Previously, cashiers manually entered the cost of goods. Now this is done automatically by scanning a barcode.

American Joe Girard became the most famous salesman in history. He started his career at the age of 35. A native of a poor family, he was able to win the title of the best car seller, having sold more than 13 thousand cars in 15 years. Girard's achievement was included in the Guinness Book of Records, and to this day no one has broken this record.

Superstitions are not only sellers

If the suit is hemmed directly on the actor, then the performance will be a failure.

A fallen jockey's whip - to failure at the races.

Astronauts do not schedule rocket launches for Monday, which is an unlucky day.

Pilots do not like to be photographed before the flight, it will scare away luck.

Do not whistle in the car - otherwise the traffic cop will stop.

The times of subsistence farming are long gone. Modern life is arranged in such a way that a person is forced to purchase various goods and services. And this applies not only to household items, clothing or food. Entertainment and utilities, souvenirs and toys, and even knowledge and transportation services have long been commodities.

The industrial industry is trying to satisfy all human needs at an accelerated pace. But the link between the manufacturer and the buyer has long been the people involved in the trade. It is to them that the holiday is dedicated, which is celebrated annually on the fourth Saturday of July.

Mankind got acquainted with the experience of the first trade deals, probably, even before it came out of the caves and learned how to make tools.

Natural exchange has long been an effective way of survival.

Later, monetary units appear and, of course, enterprising individuals who have become a kind of intermediaries between people who wanted to get rid of surpluses or purchase the necessary goods.

The first merchants were respected by the population, and especially successful merchants established entire trade routes and even voyages for outlandish goods to foreign lands.

The appearance of trading shops greatly simplified the trading process, and fairs and bazaars became not only a place for trading operations, but also a kind of prototype of entertainment services.

Trade is developing at a rapid pace and not only individuals, but entire artels, factories and countries act as sellers.

The development of the economy and the well-being of the people directly depends on trade services. Without buying and selling it is impossible to imagine either the production process or personal life.

The first merchants were only men. Today, women are also involved in trade. In addition, professions related to the sale of goods and services have no age restrictions.

The fact that a huge part of the population does not have a professional holiday was first thought by government bodies in the 60s.

In the Soviet Union, Trade Day has been celebrated on the fourth Sunday of July since 1966.

However, for unknown reasons, the holiday in 1988 was moved to the third Sunday of March.

Today's date, which falls on the fourth Saturday of July, was legalized in 2013 by presidential decree.

Who celebrates Trade Day?

The sphere of trade services is so extensive that people of many professions consider trade day their professional holiday.

First of all, these are employees of shops, supermarkets, warehouses and other organizations involved in the trade sector.

And these are not only the sellers behind the counter, but also people who are associated with market research and demand, with the provision of stocks and logistics, warehousing and movement of goods.

People who provide buyers with household and communal services also consider their holiday. Service is an integral part of trading.

Therefore, on the Day of the trade worker, people who are engaged in water supply, electricity supply, maintenance of communications and buildings, cleaning and repair, and household services are also congratulated.

Modern realities are changing trade relations, and many transactions are carried out through local networks.

Online stores, although a virtual structure, have very real sellers who monitor and adjust the process, collect applications, purchase goods and mail out. Therefore, Trade Day can be safely called the holiday of virtual traders.

Millions of people are involved in these areas. Therefore, taking into account the families and relatives of the heroes of the occasion, almost a third of the population celebrates the holiday of trade.

Day of trade workers in Russia: traditions

Usually trade workers celebrate their holiday at the workplace. After all, the schedule for most workers in this area is floating, and Saturday is often a working day.

At work, management tries to highlight the best workers, for which it encourages them with cash bonuses, prizes, and even vacation packages. At the state level, solemn events are held with festive speeches, concerts and, of course, the presentation of distinctive prizes.

The highest award is the title of Honored Worker of Trade of the Russian Federation.

It is assigned to trade workers in various fields.

And, of course, do not forget about the holiday and home. The culprit is congratulated on his professional holiday. They often organize trips to nature, where they invite both relatives and colleagues.

In addition to the usual name of the ancient merchant "merchant", there were many funny trade-related professions.

So, prasols were engaged in buying goods and raw materials in villages and villages.

Ofeni sold haberdashery and manufactured goods.

Small merchants who carried their goods in special boxes were called peddlers.

Khodebshchik went around the houses and offered small goods. In addition, he necessarily had a kind of billboards.

The scribbler traded only in haberdashery goods.

The word “salesman”, familiar to us, appeared in everyday life only by the end of the 19th century.

At this time, the first department stores and large stores began to open, which required employees to carry out sales.

The very first fair was called "kholopya". No, they didn’t sell slaves there. The name is associated with the area where it was organized. It was the village of Kholopye in the Volga region.

Everyone could trade at the fair. Therefore, there were the most outlandish goods that were traded directly from the ground or from carts.

The merchants were notable PR people. They called customers with funny sayings, used cunning tricks with discounts and prizes.

But the market day was considered Friday. It was on this day that it was possible to purchase goods on credit, promising to pay off exactly one week later on Friday.

This is where the saying came from: “Seven Fridays in a week”, referring to people who do not keep their promises.

Only wholesale trade took place in Gostiny Dvory. In some cities, Gostiny Dvor could occupy an entire block.

Goods were stored and sold on the first floors of such buildings. And the upper floors were rented to merchants for housing.

After all, the merchant did not leave Gostiny Dvor until he had sold all the goods he had brought.

The flea market appeared for the first time in France. To remove junk workers from the streets, a special area was assigned to them.

But since the goods were old, used, and sometimes antique things, fleas quickly bred on the market, which became the reason for the now familiar name that all flea markets in Europe have.

Many people wonder why a camel is depicted on the coat of arms of the Ural city of Chelyabinsk. It would seem that the animal is not typical for this area.

It turns out that it was through Chelyabinsk that the Great Silk Road passed, which connected Europe with Asia. And the best vehicle was just a camel - a hardy and hardworking animal. And so the ship of the deserts became a symbol of the harsh Ural city.

No matter how you talk about the laws and principles of trade, the profit of the seller largely depends on luck. Therefore, various signs and superstitions are honored by modern merchants, who are quite superstitious. Common signs of sellers in our time are associated with actions during trading.

  • A first-time buyer discount is sure to guarantee big sales throughout the day.
  • If all the goods are stroked with banknotes from the first sale, everything will be sold.
  • Until the end of the day, these bills can neither be spent nor borrowed.

But the Guinness book sales record holder was Joe Girard, who, having entered the trade at the age of 35, managed to sell 13,000 cars in 15 years.

Keep in mind that he only traded with private buyers, without making a single wholesale transaction. This record has not been broken to this day.

Modern merchants, sellers, marketers put a lot of effort and money to attract buyers to their product and make their business as profitable as possible.

Interesting facts from the history of money The origin of the word "money" in Russian

  • The word "tamga" is translated into Russian as a "sign", "stamp".
  • On its basis, the name of the coin "tenga" arose.
  • Denga (in Tatar “ringing”) was called only one coin until the 19th century.
The need for money
  • Money is a tool for managing the life of an individual and society as a whole.
  • Money fetishism has a much stronger influence on the individual and social psychology of people, and hence its negative and positive influence on people's behavior, their destinies and social processes.
Types of money
  • - coins;
  • - banknotes;
  • - treasury notes;
  • - money surrogates, or substitutes for money;
  • - electronic money;
  • - world money.
  • Primitive forms of the first money:
  • 1 - cowrie shells (molluscs);
  • 2 - pearl pendants;
  • 3 - a bunch of money-shells;
  • 4 - a bunch of metal money-rings;
  • 5 - iron hoe;
  • 6 - bronze hatchet;
  • 7 - iron bars from the temple of Hera in Argos;
  • 8 - iron ingot from Britain;
  • 9 - golden disc from Mycenae;
  • 10 - bronze ingot from Mycenae;
  • 11 - copper ingot from Italy;
  • 12 - Roman ingot with brand.
Interesting facts about money
  • Cattle is probably the oldest form of money. In some parts of Africa, it was used in this capacity until the middle of the 20th century.
  • In Burma, until the 20th century, salt and brick tea were used as money.
  • In Mexico, bags of cocoa beans.
  • Money in different countries were: tobacco, dried fish, grains of rice, corn.
  • In Melanesia, bundles of dog teeth and shells acted as money.
Interesting facts about money
  • During the period of inflation in the early 20s of the 20th century, porcelain coins were issued in Germany, which, however, had a very short period of circulation.
  • Porcelain coins were used in Thailand in the early 18th century.
  • In the 13th century, salt money was widely used in Tibet - a kind of "natural money", which was sticks or pieces of salt with a special stamp that guaranteed the quality and weight of the salt.
Interesting facts about money
  • In China, many centuries ago, standard pieces of silk served as money.
  • The first paper money appeared in China in 812 AD.
  • Banknotes made of polymer plastic are now in use in Australia, Brazil, Malaysia, Thailand and other countries.
  • The most popular banknote in the world is 500 euros.
Interesting facts about money
  • Frank H. McNamara became the inventor of the credit card after he ran out of money after having dinner with friends. This is how Diners Club appeared.
  • The first ruler who ordered to mint his person on coins was Alexander the Great.
Interesting facts about money
  • The monetary unit of Botswana (Africa) - pula - translates as "rain". Also the word pula is a greeting in one of the languages ​​of this arid country.
  • On the Yap Islands in the Pacific Ocean, for a long time, the function of money was performed by huge stone coins with a hole in the center - “rai”. The largest stones reached 3 meters in diameter and weighed 4 tons, therefore, when buying them, they often did not move from place to place, but simply wrote the name of the new owner on them. Today, these stones retain their symbolic meaning for the locals as attributes of wealth.
  • The English king Henry VIII instead of making silver shillings began to mint them from copper, then covering them with silver. The silver quickly wore off, especially on the most protruding parts, which included the king's nose. Because of this, the king received the nickname "old copper nose".
Interesting facts about money
  • According to experiments, on one banknote there can be several hundred thousand microbes. Tip #1: Wash your hands often!
  • Ordinary coins regulate the course of the most famous clock in the world - Big Ben in London! If the clock moves forward, then the head clock keeper puts a onepence coin on the pendulum, which subtracts a second!
  • A coin is used by football referees when choosing a goal before a game.
  • In Japan, the bells of peace were cast from coins collected by children. One of them is in New York.
Interesting facts about money
  • The Roman goddess Juno had the title Moneta, which in Latin means “warning” or “adviser”. Near the temple of Juno on the Capitol there were workshops where metal money was minted. That is why we call them coins, and in English the common name of money - "money" - came from this title.
  • In medieval England, the word "pygg" was a type of clay from which household utensils were made. People often kept their savings in pots made of such clay and called them "pygg jar". Over time, the term turned into “pig bank”, and thanks to this consonance, piggy banks began to be made exclusively in the form of a pig.
Interesting facts about money
  • Initially, the largest weight and monetary unit in Ancient Greece, Babylon, Persia and other areas of Asia Minor was called talent. From the gospel parable about a man who received money and buried it, being afraid to invest in a business, there was an expression "to bury talent in the ground." In modern Russian, this expression has acquired a figurative connotation due to the new meaning of the word talent and is used when a person does not care about developing his abilities.
Interesting facts about money
  • The most unusual material for money was seal skin.
  • The Russian-American company at the beginning of the 19th century put into circulation 10 thousand monetary units in the amount of 42 thousand rubles. Until 1826, this money was in circulation. At the moment, one of these coins is worth as much as a piece of gold equal to it in weight.
Interesting facts about money
  • There is a funny version of why coins have ribbed edges. Previously, all coins had a denomination equal to the amount of gold or silver contained in them. The solution to the problem was proposed by Isaac Newton, who was part-time employee of the British Royal Mint. Fraudsters took advantage of this by trimming the edges of the coins, thus reducing their denomination. Of course, the scraps were sent for remelting. That is why the ribbed edges of the coins subsequently eliminated this type of fraud. This part on the coins is made in this way to this day and is called the edge.
Interesting facts about money
  • Indian banknotes always have pinholes in the left margin. They arise because in this country it is customary to stitch banknotes in bundles. Previously, they were stitched with threads.
  • The most common currency is the franc. Francs are calculated in 34 countries of the world.
  • Kuna, the monetary unit of Ancient Russia, which was in circulation until the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th centuries. The term originated from the name of marten fur, which was in circulation as an exchange value in the 10th - 11th centuries.
  • Today the monetary unit in Croatia.
Interesting facts about money
  • Money from the crisis of 1921 in Germany. These banknotes surprise with their graphic design.
Interesting facts about money
  • 2008 Zimbabwe banknotes of 10 million dollars and 100 trillion. Dollars in hyperinflation
  • November 3, 1923 100 trillion marks issued in Germany
History of electronic money
  • At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, vending and slot machines, as well as traveler's checks, appeared.
  • In 1906, Charles Kettering invented the electronic cash register, whose name is associated both with the invention of the automatic starter for automobile engines and with the first engine-powered generator.
History of electronic money
  • In 1918, the US Federal Bank transferred money for the first time via the telegraph. This is how the first electronic money appeared.
  • In 1920, the first collection vehicle appeared.
  • In 1937, the first loan was issued in the United States.
  • In 1939, the first ATM appeared! The first cash dispenser was installed on June 27, 1967 in the Enfield area in north London (UK) in a branch of the British bank Barclays.
History of electronic money
  • In 1950, Frank McNarma issued the world's first credit cards to his customers.
  • In 1974, Roland Moreno patented the first microprocessor called the "smart card", which allowed information to be exchanged with a central computer.
  • Four years later, Dan Bricklin revolutionized accounting with his spreadsheets that inspired today's Excel.
  • Monument to the ruble in Tomsk
The origin of the word "ruble"
  • The word "ruble" appeared in the XIII century for the name of "short, humpbacked ingots" of the hryvnia. The hryvnia was chopped and hence the word "ruble" appeared. At that time, the ruble was a counting unit, and in 1654 (according to other sources in 1704) the ruble became a coin for the first time.
  • Konstantinovsky ruble.
  • It is considered the most famous Russian coin. Only six complete test copies were made.
Russian history
  • The first equating of 1 ruble to 100 kopecks took place in Russia in 1704. Before that, there was no exact ratio of money.
  • During the monetary reform of 1535 in Russia, the image of a rider with a saber on the coins was replaced by the image of the Grand Duke with a spear. On an old Russian silver kopeck, George the Victorious was depicted with the same spear. Later, such coins were called kopecks.
  • The word "penny" appeared under Ivan the Terrible. At that time, silver coins were printed with the image of a prince with a spear in his hand. that's where "spear money" came from.
  • The smallest coin in Russia was a "half", it was equal to 1/8 kopeck. However, there were also coins with the original name "flakes".
  • In the 13th century, the hryvnia was the monetary and weight unit in Russia, divided into 4 parts (“ruble”). A particularly weighty remnant of the ingot was called the "long ruble". The expression about big and easy earnings is connected with these words - “chasing a long ruble”.
Russian history
  • Coins of small denominations were a great inconvenience for people. Even M.V. Lomonosov himself, who once received an award of 2 thousand rubles, felt them for himself. The weight of this premium amounted to more than three tons.
  • During the entire existence of the Soviet Union, the only gold coin was the Soviet chervonets. It is noteworthy that it was also the only hard currency in the entire Soviet history. The first such items were minted in 1923 and were produced until the 80s.
  • Zlatnik, gold, weight 4.15g. After the adoption of Christianity in 988. By minting such first gold coins, Russia declared the sovereignty of its state. The weight of the zlatnik for a long time became the Russian unit of weight called the spool.
  • Russian history
Russian history
  • The largest coin was minted during the reign of Catherine I in 1725. Its size was 18 by 18 centimeters, thickness 5 millimeters. The weight of the coin was serious: 1 kilogram 636 grams. In the history of modern Russia, the largest silver coin weighing 3 kilograms was issued in 1999
  • Russian leather money put into circulation by the Russian-American Company in Alaska in 1816, 1826 and 1834.
Russian history
  • In 1897, Russia, on the initiative of the Minister of Finance S.Yu. Witte almost lost the ruble as a monetary unit. He proposed to put into circulation a new currency with the name "Rus" or "Rus".
  • In 1919, an attempt was made in Russia to put into circulation very specific money called "sovznaki". They were matchbox-sized credit notes and looked more like large stamps. They were printed on one sheet of 25 pieces, so that if necessary, bills had to be cut off from the sheets.
Prices in Russia of the 16th century
  • Horse - 1 ruble 38 kopecks
  • Cow - 67 kopecks
  • Chicken - 1.5 kopecks
  • Duck - 3 kopecks
  • 100 eggs - 5 kopecks
  • Pud of honey - 41 kopecks
  • 12 hours of work - 1 kopeck
Features of Russian banknotes
  • All banknotes have a single style and character of compositional design.
  • The theme of design and size of the new banknotes did not change and retained the plot images of sightseeing places and monuments of Russia.
  • Bank notes are printed on high quality, hard, crisp paper. This paper can withstand up to 2,000 folds in the same place. For each denomination, paper with an individual color shade is used.
  • Monument "Millennium of Russia" against the backdrop of St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod.
  • Bridge across the Yenisei River and a chapel in Krasnoyarsk.
  • The dam of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station.
  • Sculpture at the base of the Rostral Column with the Peter and Paul Fortress in the background.
  • Stock Exchange building and Rostral column in St. Petersburg.
  • Quadriga on the portico of the building of the Bolshoi Theater (Moscow)
  • The building of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow.
  • Monument to Peter I against the backdrop of a sailboat in the port of Arkhangelsk.
  • Solovetsky Monastery.
  • Monument to Yaroslav the Wise, a chapel against the backdrop of the Kremlin in Yaroslavl.
  • Belfry and Church of John the Baptist in Yaroslavl.
  • Monument to N.N. Muravyov-Amursky, embankment in Khabarovsk.
  • Bridge over the river Cupid in Khabarovsk.
  • Thank you for your attention!

As long as mankind exists, so much trade exists.

Trade has long turned from a banal exchange of banknotes for goods into one of the most powerful means of communication.

With the help of trade, you can capture new territories, influence and promote your ideas. With the advent of the Internet, trading has risen to a new level, the scale of which is simply amazing.

In this article, we have collected for you some interesting facts about trading both offline and online. We wish you happy reading!

Have you ever wondered what is the best-selling product in the world? Probably the first answer that can come to a person's mind is bread. We may upset you, but you guessed it wrong! Gasoline is the world's best-selling commodity, closely followed by coffee, which is worth two billion US dollars annually. You can read about what products are still popular and in demand at.

Here you will also find information that the first ATM appeared in 1967 in London. The device issued money to customers in exchange for one-time paper vouchers, which were purchased from a cashier at a bank. Agree, it was not very convenient, but today, having a plastic bank card, each of us can make purchases without getting up from the couch. Thanks to the World Wide Web and IT-technologies!

The fact that the ability to exchange goods via the Internet has raised trade to a new level, we said a little higher.

10 curious facts about e-commerce and online stores

Fact number 1.

Over 94% of Internet users from Russia have bought something via the Internet at least once. This is evidenced by data from Mediascope Europe.

How useful is this information for the owner of an online store? You can estimate the scale of your potential audience, taking into account the fact that the number of Internet users in Russia is constantly increasing. And who said that one-time purchases cannot be turned into permanent ones? But this is already a story about knowing the needs and requirements of your target audience.

Fact number 2.

The first online sale took place in 1995. A book was sold on

Books are still selling well over the Internet, just remember the same Amazon or the Russian online stores LitRes and Labyrinth. With the development of online trading, household appliances, clothing, plane and train tickets or theater tickets, household goods, goods for children, and various gifts have also become popular goods in online stores.

Fact #3.

China became the No. 1 market in e-commerce, while the US market had to fall back to second place. Third place today is occupied by the UK, and Russia is ranked 9th among the markets.

In principle, this is good news, as we have room to grow. True, you will have to withstand strong competition from Chinese online stores. It is hardly a secret for anyone that the majority of those same 94% of Russian Internet users who made purchases on the Internet, the lion's share of such purchases fell on the Chinese giant Aliexpress.

Fact number 4.

Mandatory registration on the website of the online store leads to the fact that 20% of consumers abandon their shopping carts, refusing to complete the order.

We advise you to definitely use a module similar to the module " ", which is in the ReadyScript engine. This will allow you not to lose a fifth of your profits, and the potential buyer will feel quite comfortable shopping on your site.

Fact number 5.

Free shipping in 96% of cases pushes the user to make a purchase.

It is hardly worth commenting on this curious fact. It's just that the owners of online stores should immediately adopt it if they want to be one step ahead of the competition. More food for thought: Consumers tend to pay for trackable shipping even if they have to wait a little longer for their purchase.

Fact #6.

If the delivery is not only free, but also fast, then the online store will not lose the majority of customers.

Statistics show that buyers usually expect their goods to be delivered within 1-3 days. True, we are talking about developed countries. Alas, Russia, due to its vast distances and undeveloped infrastructure in many territories, is not yet one of them.

The consumer is not interested in the identified problems. He is interested in the speed with which his purchase will be delivered. So the smartest representatives of e-commerce have already started the battle in this field. Currently, one can observe the active construction of distribution points throughout Russia, and finally the problem can be solved within 3-5 years.

Fact number 7.

More than 30% of all transactions on the Internet are carried out using mobile devices. This figure continues to grow.

Experts talked about increasing the "mobility" of potential buyers of online stores throughout 2016. We have to admit that not all owners of online stores have heard them so far, who have not found the time and opportunity to make sure that the design of the online store website is adapted for comfortable viewing from devices with different screen sizes and resolutions. First of all from smartphones.

Fact number 8.

One of the trends in the e-commerce market is the expansion of payment options. Along with the use of traditional tools, the demand for innovative methods is also increasing.

In particular, today we can already say that the majority of users who make purchases through mobile devices are owners of Apple smartphones and widely use the new contactless payment method Apple Pay.

Fact number 9.

71% of buyers believe that they will be offered a more interesting price on the Internet than in a regular offline store.

A persistent stereotype that buying on the Internet is cheaper than in a regular store really exists. In some cases it is true and in some it is not. A lot depends on the type and range of goods, the relationship of the owner of the online store with suppliers, the ability to monitor market conditions and optimize their own costs. The trend of 2017 is to attract a buyer not so much by the lowest price as by the quality of goods, service and after-sales service.

Fact number 10.

Before making a final purchase decision, about 46% of potential buyers study information about the product and the reputation of the online store in social networks.

It is hardly worth it for owners and administrators of online stores to participate in useless disputes about whether to create a community or a group on social networks or abstain. If you cannot give answers to your users to their burning questions here, then you will simply lose part of your profit.

Instead of an afterword

We limited ourselves to only ten curious facts from the e-commerce sphere. Of course, there is much more such information, but it is hardly reasonable to publish it all at once in one article. Follow the publications on our website, we promise that new materials on it will be just as interesting and useful!

February 27, 2017 12:26 pm, Dmitry Kosenko Tell friends:

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Interesting facts from the history of money The work was done by Chuklin Dmitry, a student of grade 3 Supervisor: primary school teacher Fedotova L.A.

The object of research is the types of money. The subject of the study is interesting facts from the history of the appearance of coins and paper banknotes. The purpose of the study is to get acquainted with the history of money. Research objectives: 1. Find out the history of the emergence of money. 2. Get acquainted with the types of monetary units.

The relevance of my research is that money is familiar to us from early childhood, people get acquainted with money in the family, through their parents, but most children know little about the origin of money. Hypothesis. It is possible that there was no money before, or it did not look the same as it does now. Research methods: 1. Collection and analysis of information on this topic 2. Visiting the library; 3. Use of Internet resources and encyclopedias; 4. Conducting a survey among students in their class.

One of the first money was the shells of the kauri sea mollusk. They were mined in the southern seas, drilled and strung on a rope, like beads. They were inexpensive. 1 bull = 1000 shells. . People tried a lot of "money" until their development led to metal money. "Money" was in the form of bars, rings, half rings, twigs, ingots.

The name "coin" appeared in ancient Rome. The wife of Jupiter, the main god of the Romans, had the title of Juno-Moneta, which meant "Juno-teacher." She was considered the goddess of the moon and the patroness of the family. At her temple on the Capitoline Hill in Rome, the first mint was built. .

In the old days in Russia, women wore a necklace made of precious metal - hryvnia around their necks. For a hryvnia they gave a piece of silver of a certain weight. This weight was called the hryvnia. . Russia, early 13th century. (silver, copper, weaving, leather)

In the VIII - IX centuries, dirhems appeared in Russia - large silver coins with Arabic inscriptions. . The first Russian coins - gold coins and silver coins. The Grand Duke of Kyiv and a kind of coat of arms were depicted on the coins.

Silver ingots - hryvnias began to serve as money. Weight - from 170 to 200 grams, rectangular or hexagonal shape. Hryvnia began to cut in half. This is how "rubles" were born. 1 hryvnia = 200 squirrel skins. Denga - "Muscovite" of the times of Ivan the Terrible A horseman with a sword was depicted on a small silver coin. On bigger money, they minted a rider armed with a spear. Such coins began to be called penny - hence the word "penny" came from.

The first paper money in Russia was introduced by Catherine II. This bill was called "Katya".

My collection of banknotes banknotes from the time of Nicholas II banknote 1898 banknote 1905

My collection of banknotes banknotes banknote 1909 banknote 1918

Modern money

Questionnaire "What do you need money for?" Buy food, clothes 22 students Go on vacation to another country 8 students Good education 1 student Help sick people; grandparents; keeping homeless animals 8 students Lending 1 student Saving 1 student "Be happy" 1 student

Conclusion: - money appeared very much and changed over time; - there is a science that studies the history of coinage and money circulation - numismatics; - money has its own history; - money can also tell the history of the country; Our life cannot be imagined without money.

Thank you for your attention

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