Sasha Kondratiev episode with the battalion commander. Understanding the need for what he does

Zaretskaya Olga Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: Sukhobuzimsky district Krasnoyarsk Agricultural College
Locality: Krasnoyarsk
Material name: methodical development
Topic: Kondratiev "Sasha"
Publication date: 06.05.2016
Chapter: complete education


/ based on the story by V. Kondratiev

"Sasha" /

Lesson Objectives:
1. to reveal the specifics of the image of the war and the character of an ordinary soldier in the story of V. Kondratiev; to prove the main idea of ​​the writer: even in inhuman conditions, a person must save his soul, not tarnish his conscience, remain a man; 2. develop a culture of reader perception of a literary text, understanding author's position; figurative and analytical thinking (the ability to analyze the episode, explain its connection with the problematic of the work, the ability to compare, highlight the main thing, generalize); 3. educate a spiritually developed personality, form a humanistic worldview, national identity, a sense of patriotism.
Lesson plan:
1. Listening to the beginning of the song "A long time ago there was a war ...". 2. opening speech teachers. 3. Messages from students.  V.Kondratiev - front-line writer.  Reading A. Tvardovsky's poem “I was killed near Rzhev…”.  History reference about the battles near Rzhev.  The writer's path to Sasha. 4. Analysis of the story.  Artistic details that recreate the picture of the war.  Sasha as a man and a fighter.  Three tests.  Problem situation.  Characteristics of the story. 5. Written work. 6. Generalization on the lesson. 7. Summing up. 8. Homework.

War - there is no crueler word.

War - there is no sadder word.

War - there is no holier word ...
A.T. Tvardovsky
Preliminary homework:

Group task:
1 group:
prepare a report about the front-line writer V.L. Kondratiev.
2 group:
prepare a report on the history of writing the story "Sasha".
3rd group:
prepare a historical background on the battles near Rzhev.
Read the story by V. Kondratiev "Sasha" and complete the following tasks: 1. What details, pictures, facts create in the story the atmosphere of the battles near Rzhev? (make notes in notebooks). 2. Analyze the story of the captured German and answer the following questions:  What spiritual qualities of Sashka are shown in this episode?  What is moral issues this part of the story? 3. Analyze the story with Zina and answer the following questions:  What does the image of his relationship with Zina add to the disclosure of Sasha's character?  How do you explain and evaluate Sasha's behavior at the end of the second part of the story? 4. Analyze the story with lieutenant Volodka and answer the questions:  What are the motives of Sasha's intercession for the lieutenant?  How do you assess his behavior?

Draw illustrations for the story (individual task).
Prepare an expressive reading (by heart) of an excerpt from A. Tvardovsky's poem "I was killed near Rzhev ..."

I. Listening to the song "A long time ago there was a war ...".

II. Introductory speech of the teacher
. The volleys of the Great Patriotic War. On May 9, 2016, our country will celebrate the 71st anniversary of the Victory Day. But we will be arguing about this war, opening new pages in the history of this terrible war, getting acquainted with honest and talented books about it for a long time to come. L.N. Tolstoy admitted that every time he picked up new book with the same thought about the author: what kind of person are you and what new things can you tell about life? So what kind of person is Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratiev? What's new about the Great Patriotic War, he told us in his story "Sasha"?

III. Student messages.

one). V.Kondratyev is a front-line writer.
Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratiev came to literature quite late, many years after the war, in the late 70s. He was born in 1923. In 1939, from the first year of the institute, he joined the army, served in Far East. In December 1941, among the junior commanders, he was sent to the front, in 1942 he was near Rzhev, where the fighting was especially difficult, and our losses were especially numerous. We can judge the severity of those battles by the fact that at first he was an assistant platoon commander, then a platoon commander, and then he took over a company - and all this in just one week. Then new battles, painful, unsuccessful, such as Alexander Tvardovsky wrote about in the poem "I was killed near Rzhev ...".
2). Reading an excerpt from the poem by A. Tvardovsky “I was killed under

Rzhev ... "
(from the beginning - to the words: "... for the dead are cursed - this punishment is terrible"). Vyacheslav Kondratiev was not killed, he got wounded and the medal "For Courage". After a vacation due to a wound, the front was again, serving in the railway troops, in intelligence. At the end of the 43rd - a serious wound, six months in the hospital, and after - demobilization due to disability.




a business


- so ends the story of Konstantin Simonov about the military fate of the front-line writer Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratyev. (Simonov K. " Bon Voyage, Sashka "-" Friendship of Peoples ", 1979, No. 2)
3). Historical information about the battles near Rzhev.
The battles near Rzhev were terrible, exhausting, with great human losses. Marshal G.K. Zhukov writes about this in his memoirs: 3
“During the offensive, the rate of ammunition consumption was set - 1-2 shots per day per gun! Therefore, huge losses. Troops are weakened. The command asks to stop the offensive, to allow them to gain a foothold on the achieved lines. But the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, by the Directive of March 20, 1942, rejected this request and demanded an energetic offensive. In late March - early April, the fronts of the Western direction tried to fulfill the order - to defeat the Rzhev-Vyazma grouping of the enemy. Zhukov writes that "for obvious reasons, the efforts turned out to be fruitless", and adds: only after that the Stavka was forced to accept the proposal to go over to the defensive on this line. K.K. Rokossovsky also spoke about the terrible burden that befell those who fought in this direction: “There were not enough soldiers, machine guns, mortars, artillery, ammunition in the regiments and divisions; there were only a few tanks left ... Paradox: the strongest defends, and the weaker advances. And in our conditions, waist-deep in snow.” (Zhukov G.K. Memoirs, reflections. - M., 1969. - p. 375-377)

The writer's path to Sasha.
Vyacheslav Kondratiev is asked how it happened that in his middle years he suddenly took up the story of the war.
Apparently, summer has come,

maturity came, and with it a clear understanding that war is the most

the most important thing in my life,
- admits the writer
Memories began to torment me, I even felt the smells of the war, I did not forget, although the 60s were already going on. At night, guys from his native platoon came to his dreams, smoked cigarettes, looked at the sky, waiting for a bomber. Read voraciously military prose, but did not find his own war in it, although there was only one war. Even the works of Vasil Bykov, Yuri Bondarev, Grigory Baklanov, in which real war, did not reflect what Kondratiev himself saw in the war.
“Apparently, each of the millions who fought had their own war. But

It was my war that I did not find in the books. My war is resilience and

the courage of soldiers and officers, this is a terrible infantry battle, this is wet



a lack of


- so wrote V. Kondratiev. The author understood:
“...Only I myself can tell about my war. And I

must tell. I won’t tell - some page of the war will remain

Kondratiev began to look for his Rzhev brother-soldiers, but he did not find anyone and suddenly thought that maybe he alone had survived. So, the more he should tell about everything! This is his duty! four
And so







to his former front line, I saw that tormented,

all the Rzhev land dotted with craters, on which there were also

rusty punctured helmets, and soldier's bowlers ... more plumage stuck out



It was



unburied remains of those who fought here, maybe those who

knew with whom he drank liquid millet from one pot or with whom he huddled in

one hut during mine shelling, and I was pierced: to write about this

only the strict truth is possible, otherwise it will be simply immoral.”
The writer revealed to us the truth about the war, smelling of sweat and blood, although he himself believed that "Sasha" -


a fraction



to tell about

Soldier, Victorious Soldier.
(Kondratiev V. While we are alive ... - "Questions of Literature", 1979, No. 6; Kondratiev V. Not everything has been written about the war. - Sat. "Land of birth, land of fate." - M., 1987.)
5). Teacher:
Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratiev is no more. On September 23, 1993, he tragically passed away, shot himself. But what does "gone" mean? We leave - sooner or later - we all, any person. But, unlike "anyone", the writer remains on the ground. He remains in his work, in his works, his living voice continues to sound from their pages, trembles ... his wounded, but continuing to hurt - for all of us! - the heart ... On them, these pages, History itself lives; reading and re-reading them, we “plunge” into the past again and again, relive it anew, ... take over the baton of times. (Kogan A. Lived and died like a soldier. - “Literature at school”, 1995, No. 2) Vyacheslav Kondratiev prefaces his story as follows: “This story is dedicated to all those who fought near Rzhev - the living and the dead” About the story of V. Kondratiev “ Sashka "we'll talk today in the lesson,
which: to reveal the specifics of the image of the war and the character of an ordinary soldier in the story; prove main idea writer: even in inhuman conditions, a person must save his soul, not tarnish his conscience, remain a man.
IV. Analysis of the story "Sasha".

1. Two months on the front line. Life of war.

QUESTION: Name the essential artistic details, paintings,






picture of the battles near Rzhev.
1) “And the night floated over the front line, as usual. Rockets splashed into the sky, scattered there with a bluish light, and then with a spike, already extinguished, went down to the ground torn apart by shells and mines ... Sometimes the sky was cut through by tracers, sometimes silence was blown up by machine-gun bursts or distant artillery cannonade ... As usual ... "(We are talking about terrible things, drawn creepy picture, and for the hero all this is a normal, familiar state (“as usual”). “Sasha is already used to this, he got tired of it ...”). 2) “The villages that they took stood as if dead, there was no movement in them. Only flocks of nasty howling mines, rustling shells flew from there, and tracer threads stretched. From
they only saw
, which, counterattacking, fired at us, rumbling with engines and pouring machine-gun fire on them, and they rushed about on the then snowy field ... Well, our forty-five yelped, drove away the Fritz. (War is war, and it only brings death, a strange combination - "live tanks"). 3) “It’s bad with bread. No Navaru. Half a pot of liquid millet for two - and be healthy. 4) "In the middle of the patch, their beaten-killed company crowded around the political instructor wounded in the leg." 5) “The fact that you have to touch a dead body did not bother him - they got used to the corpses. Scattered all over the grove…” 6) “… how it howled overhead, it rustled, and then explosions rumbled all over the grove, and it started… And the shelling was great – mines burst one after another, in batches, as if some hefty machine-gunner was scribbling a burst… He looked back, and really terrible things are happening there - gaps all over the forest, clods of earth are thrown up, uprooted trees are falling "7) "Although there is nothing there - no shelters, no trenches, no cracks, only huts - but got used to it (grove), like a home…” 8) “…felt… a pulling feeling of emptiness in the stomach from within, which seized them all several times a day.” 9) “... on the move after the night march they threw them into the attack on Ovsyannikovo, but not once or twice ... Then every day they expected - today they will go on the offensive again. Why suffer before death, dig trenches in the frozen ground? The earth is like a stone. Can you overcome with a small sapper shovel? Then, in April, the whole grove was flooded with water, each tiny funnel was filled with it. Well, now, when it has dried up a little, there are no more strengths, they are completely exhausted, and we are waiting for a change from day to day. What is there to dig? Fresh ones will come, let them dig for themselves ... "10) "I always went through the second company, and there I took a smoke break to chat with friends. True, there are almost no fellow soldiers left in the Far East, one or two per company ... "6
11) “Only Sashka forgot that there were still unburied dead lying nearby, and the Germans didn’t need to look at them.” 12) “And Sashka was curious about a lot: how the Germans have food, and how many cigarettes they get a day, how much rum, and why there are no interruptions with mines ... Of course, Sashka would not talk about his life, being, there is nothing to boast about yet . And with grub tight, and with ammunition. 13) “Sashka himself knows that it’s bad, but he doesn’t have the strength to bury the guys, no ... After all, he can’t dig a trench for himself, alive.” 14) “It was empty in the village ... Sashka noticed how this already small village was decreasing, and now I saw: there was no barn where they took refuge the first night, there was no last house either, only firebrands, well, there were more funnels. 15) - “How many people did you have in your company? the captain asked. - One hundred and fifty ... - How much is left? - Sixteen ... "(In 2 months, out of every ten people died, nine!) 16)" At night, after their very first offensive, the Germans fired at the rear, and twelve of his fellow soldiers from the Far East were buried under this barn. And the guys didn’t reach the front end, but they were all young, Sasha’s same-year-olds. The shed still smells like a corpse.” 17) “On the front line, this is the order: if you get hurt, go to the rear, give your machine gun to the rest, and take your dear three-line shot, sample of one thousand eighty-ninety-one years, the thirtieth, which you will hand over in the rear.” 18) “The first one didn’t have trenches or dugouts, there was water all around. Even small craters from mines were filled with it, and huddled beaten-killed in huts. Only the company commander had a thin dugout, dug out on a hillock, but there was water up to the knee in it. (The miserable words - "hut", "trench", "dugout" emphasize the precariousness, insecurity of the situation). 19) “... I knew for sure that there would be no meetings with many of those who remained here, and which of them to stay here, on this Rzhev land swollen with blood, this is fate ...” 20) “But he didn’t look so hot: burned , a quilted jacket stained with mud, full of holes, trousers wadded in tatters, other trousers, diagonal, also worn, were visible from the holes on the knees, and beige warm underpants were visible from them, and then the body turned blue; the earflap, hit by a bullet (helmets were not always worn), was also torn to pieces, the windings lost their color and the redness from adhering clay, and the hands were black, burned ... They warmed them over the fire, and when you doze off for a moment, they fell into the fire lifelessly, because and burns. 21) “... but now he felt the weight of two months of dirt on himself and dreamed of a bath: how he would warm up a completely frozen body in a steam room, how he would tear off 7
from him a scab of overgrown dirt, how to put on hot underwear after roasting and how to finally get rid of the nasty, harassing all of them constantly ... " twenty bayonets!)” 23) “One young lieutenant came up and asked: “Well, how are you? - Yes, nothing, - Sasha answered and didn’t seem to palter. From afar, everything that had passed did not seem so terrible, as if nothing special had happened. “It looks like you got it,” the lieutenant said slowly and somehow thoughtfully, shaking his head. - Will you smoke? - It's a pleasure. Tobacco didn't matter. - And what's good? - he grinned, holding out a wrapped cigarette to Sasha. Sashka thanked, but kept silent when asked - there is no need for the lieutenant to know ahead of time, everything is ahead of him: he will burn, and get hungry, and roll in the mud ... "24)" The wounded told such things - the heart went cold ... "25)" You understand, this is impossible ... You can’t have fun when all the fields are ours!” 26) “And it seemed to Sashka how in an hour his own company in blown huts would tremble and how he would certainly slap someone today ... how the company commander would say to the soldiers standing near the dead: “Guys, only without sentimentality, war is war,” and how they will shower him with spruce branches, and then they will scatter over their beds, scraping the last tobacco from their pockets. 27) “Whatever you say, while the war, while his battalion bleeds, while the unburied ones turn white with underwear in the fields, what holidays can there be, what dances?” 28) “They realized that there was hunger and hardship in the rear, and that no one looked at them as heroes ... They saw that the war had gone through these country roads, through these villages, ruined, these people had their mouths full of worries, not up to soldiers , who can be blamed for allowing the war to reach them…” 29) “Only they got rid of the German, they just began to recover a bit, improve the economy, and then a river of crippled people flows past, and shelter everyone, feed everyone, but with what? ... About a hundred will pass in a day, but since February, how did the offensive start, and how many until now? 30) “Prod-point?... There was it, a pro-point! In winter! And now I’m not there, they’ve transferred me somewhere! ... I’ve been stomping for the second day, begging potatoes from women ... ”31)“ We were digging potatoes with our hands. Slugy, sour tubers spread in the hands, and at first it was not possible to eat such a thing, but when the bluish flesh was squeezed out of the peel, kneaded in the hands, salted 8
and began to bake in a frying pan, then already from the smell ... it swirled in my head and ached sweetly in my stomach ... "32)" ... Haven't you made sure at the front that the German is still stronger than us, more organized, more skillful ... "33)" You are privates, you that you did not drive anyone to death ... Nothing will be written off. All my life I will remember how the guys looked at me when I laid out the order for them to attack ... All my life ... "34)" My sergeant, assistant platoon commander, who advised me for the second time in the war to start a platoon behind a beam and wait a little there, he felt, the offensive will choke ... But I won’t! Onward and onward! And the guys are mowed down on the left, then on the right. Shreds from the platoon fly, and I go on and on. Then they lay down, it was impossible to continue, and after a minute or two they left. If they had waited in this beam, consider that half a platoon would have been saved. 35) “The army seemed to be standing here in the winter, ... there were shot-through helmets lying around, bags from gas masks, zinc boxes from cartridges, rusty windings, scraps of bloodied bandages, and they even noticed one corpse, but they didn’t come up - that’s enough, they’ve seen enough for a lifetime !" 36) “It's been an offensive path. And the main insult is that these damned subdivisions, as if on purpose, move from place to place - and no one knows where. So you have to dig potatoes in full view of people, and hide your hungry eyes when spending the night ... And they imagined what it was like for women to receive guests every night and share the last piece with them ... A monument to them, these women from front-line villages, after the war should be erected ... " 37) “Tell me, why are you walking like that? Skin and bones. One is more beautiful than the other. They don’t feed you in the war, or what, or, by the time you get here, are you emaciated? 38). “After all, they trampled a hundred miles, but on such grub, and wounded, and after the limber, on which they didn’t know a day of real sleep ... Weakness and impenetrable fatigue made themselves known ... "39)" ... The worker asked where Sashka fought, were there big fights? Sashka didn’t spread much - there were fights of local importance, but he got it all the same. The worker shook his head and repeated: local value you say? This means that they didn’t indulge in technology, they probably hoped for a rifle more? - And how were they fed? - Mudslide ... - And this is understandable, - the fellow traveler grinned again ... "
The author paints a terrible true picture of the battles: the troops suffered monstrous losses, the survivors did not have the strength and opportunity to bury the dead, so the corpses were lying everywhere; the soldiers had nowhere to rest, dry off, they were starving; there were not enough weapons, ammunition, equipment. The author shows the "routine" of extreme situations. 9

2. Sasha as a person and a fighter.


one). In what episodes with special force Sasha is revealed as a person

and fighter? State the motives behind his actions.

Sasha gets boots for the company commander.

(“For myself, I wouldn’t climb for anything, these boots would go to waste! But it’s a pity for the company commander. His pims were soaked through with water - and you won’t dry out over the summer ...”)
The wounded Sasha under fire returns to the company to say goodbye to the guys and return the machine gun. (“But then his PPSh company will not get it ... Yes, it would be necessary to say goodbye to the guys and the company commander ...”)
Sasha leads the orderlies to the seriously wounded. (“... he knows, you can’t drag these Sanzvodov’s men to the front with a lasso. They’ll come back and say that they didn’t find, they say, or that he was already wounded. Who will check them? .. But he gave his word. To the dying - the word!”)
The story of a captured German. (“Sashka saw a lot of deaths during this time - live up to 100 years, you won’t see so much - but the price human life did not diminish from this in his mind.")
The story of Zina (“And again, having gone through everything that he and Zina had that day and evening, recalling again all their conversations and imagining her life here for these months, he came to the conclusion that Zina is beyond the jurisdiction ... Just war ... And he has no evil on her.")
Sasha rescues Lieutenant Volodka. (“Well, what is the demand from me, an ordinary vanka? It’s a pity to waste time on me, when it’s still a marching and limber in a month. And you’re a lieutenant. It’s a different conversation with you - they can demote you, and give them to the tribunal.”)
Episode with Pasha. (“Here, Pasha,” said Sashka. “We met by chance and didn’t spend a day together, but I’ll remember you all my life ... - Quit pouring something! I know you ... - No, really, Pasha. I’m not lying I love ... "- As if I'm leaving home ... - I took a nap, then? - That's not the point ... A very good woman, warm-hearted. She called to stay for a week ... - I guessed. Why are you? - It’s useless ... - he answered in thought Sasha…”) 10

2). Why, out of the entire front-line life of their hero, were these

(These episodes reveal the identity of Sasha with different sides, he, as it were, passes tests for endurance, for humanity, for fidelity in friendship, in love, tests of power, unlimited power over another person.)

3. Three tests.

V. Kondratiev led his hero "through trials of power, love and friendship."
How did Sasha survive these tests?

1) The story with the German ("test by power").

a) Concise summary.
(Sashka ran into German reconnaissance (when he got boots for the company), rushed to the grove to warn his own, and ran into the company commander, who gave the order to retreat beyond the ravine. The Nazis captured the "tongue" and began to hastily retreat. German mines flew: the Germans wanted to cut off their reconnaissance from ours. Sasha broke away from his own, rushed through the fire and then saw a German. Sasha shows desperate courage - he takes the German with bare hands: he has no cartridges, he gave his disk to the company commander. But how many guys died for "language"! Sasha didn't hesitate for a minute. However, he does not consider himself a hero. When the company commander asks how it happened, he replies: “But the jester knows him. Durik". The company commander interrogates the German to no avail, then orders Sashka to take the German to headquarters. On the way, Sashka tells the German that they do not shoot prisoners in our country, and promises him life. The battalion commander, not having obtained any information from the German, orders him to be shot. Sasha disobeys orders.)

1. Why doesn't Sasha obey the order?
(It would not have been difficult for Sasha to kill a German in battle ("That's when they rose from under the hill - gray, scary, some kind of non-humans - they were enemies", "Sashka would shoot these arsonists mercilessly if they got caught"). the German was a prisoner, unarmed, he could not shoot him, since 11
promised to save his life (“We are not you. We don’t shoot prisoners”, “he is not the kind to mock a prisoner and unarmed”). Between two soldiers - Russian and German - they are tied human relations: both wash and clean before coming to headquarters; the German treats Sasha with cigarettes; Sashka addresses the prisoner differently than at first (not “fascist”, but “fritz”, more neutral, because Fritz is german name); Sasha already wants to talk to him, ask about life, it's a pity he doesn't know German. Sashka saw in the prisoner not just an enemy, but another person: “... when he took this Fritz, fought with him, feeling the warmth of his body, the strength of his muscles, he seemed to Sashka ordinary person, the same soldier as he, only dressed in a different uniform, only fooled and deceived ... That's why he could talk to him like a human, take cigarettes, smoke together ... "). Sasha has very strong moral principles: if he gave his word, he must keep it (“Sashka has seen a lot of deaths during this time - live to a hundred years, you won’t see so much - but the price of human life has not diminished from this in his mind ").
2). At what moment did a thought flash through with a "second flash"

obey the order of the battalion commander?
(When the battalion commander without an overcoat and a hat walked with Tolik to the ashes near which Sashka and the prisoner were, “Sashka turned pale, cringed, doused his body with icy sweat, his heart sank ... and with a second flash flashed - well, what if ... slap the German now and run to the captain: “Your order has been fulfilled ...” And all the confusion was removed from the soul ... And ... only turning to the German, he saw Sashka, he read this second thought, his eyes were covered with a death veil ... No, I can’t ... And, when I decided irrevocably, like it became calmer, only this peace is mortuary…”)
3). When Sashka was leading the German to the battalion headquarters, then at one moment

he became afraid. Why?

(“And then Sashka realized what a terrible power he had over the German. After all, from his every word or gesture he either faints, then he enters into hope. He, Sashka, is now free over the life and death of another person. If he wants, he will bring him to the headquarters alive Sashka even somehow felt uncomfortable ... Only the German does not know what kind of person Sashka is, that he is not the kind to mock the prisoner and unarmed ... And Sasha somehow felt uneasy from the fallen his almost unlimited power over another person”).
four). What is the position of Tolik, the liaison battalion commander?
(Tolik's motto: "Our business is calf ... Ordered - fulfilled!" He tries on the watch of a German who has not yet been killed ("... grabbed the watch on his hand with a tenacious glance and did not let go"). 12
I’m ready to bargain with Sasha so as not to miss the “trophy” (“... I would give you a loaf of blackies ... for a watch ... Makhry can give a pack in addition.”) The company commander, for example, behaves quite differently: “the company commander took a lighter, struck, lit a cigarette and gave fire to Sasha ... He turned the lighter, examining it, and handed it back to the German. He doesn’t have a “barrier, a barrier” in his soul, like Sasha’s, he, without hesitation and without pangs of conscience, would have shot an unarmed one (“... if he doesn’t split - against the wall! ... Why mess around with him? Once he is silent, and that's where he's going." Sasha understands that "Tolik loves to boast, but he is a weakling." Sasha and Tolik are opposed as responsibility and irresponsibility, sympathy and indifference, honesty and selfishness.)
5). What spiritual qualities of Sasha are shown in this episode?

(Active kindness; effective humanism; firmness of moral principles; attitude to life as highest value; fear of unlimited power over another person; great sense of responsibility for everything, even for things for which he could not be responsible).
6). What is the moral issue of this part of the story?

(- Problems of humanism, truth, moral choice, values ​​of life. - The problem of power: power as a right and power as a responsibility).
c) Generalization:
The author notes that "there is a barrier in his soul, or a barrier that he cannot cross."
d) Teacher:
In a case from life, which formed the basis of the story, the finale of the story with the prisoner ended more tragically: the commander did not cancel his order, and the prisoner of war was shot, and the person who followed the order (and later told this story to Kondratiev) tormented all his life: was he right? entered?
2) Relationship with Zina (“test by love”).


1). What does Zina mean in Sasha's life?
(Sashka saved Zina's life when he covered her with his body during the bombing. This is his first love. He is so looking forward to meeting! But he is on the front line 13
does not allow himself to think about it, because the war, and anything can happen, because "they are used to living at the front for an hour, or even a minute." On the way to the hospital, when the terrible tension of the front line gradually lets go, when joy floods into his soul that he is alive, Sashka allows himself to think about Zina, a sister from the sanrota. He was worried about how they would meet, because after all, 2 months had passed. And they had nothing, only kissed a few times. But at parting, he realized that he had no one closer and dearer to him, that he was ready to do everything for this girl in an overcoat, if only she would feel good and calm. And then, on the offensive, he imagined that he was going to defend her, Zina, who promised to wait for him, and it became easier for him. But, waiting for Zina, he always thinks about his company: she will again tremble in huts, and “she will certainly slap someone today,” “and he is vaguely and kind of ashamed that he is here, and they are there.” When he finds out about the party, it makes him angry: “What dancing! You lie, Zina! It can’t be!” and “it even shook him.” He says sternly: “You see, it’s impossible ... You can’t have fun when all the fields are in ours!” Even in the rear, he cannot live according to other laws than the laws of the front line. When meeting with Zina in the evening, Sashka caught that “there is more pity in the caresses of the Zinins ... and she kept saying miserable words: dear, stupid, poor thing ... Maybe out of pity she decided to do everything, and even because she considers herself to be indebted to him for life ". It seems to him that their love with Zina will be as short as a rocket flash: “It won’t burn for long, it won’t have time to warm up properly and ... it will go out - the war will separate them in different directions.”)
2). Why did Zina go to the party anyway?
(The lieutenant came, persuaded her, because they were sending him to the front line, he wanted to say goodbye to Zina. Zina Sashka said on a walk that the lieutenant liked her, that he was taking care of her in a good way. And Zina seems to like this lieutenant. )
3). How did Sasha react to the fact that she went to the dance?
(When he finds out that Zina is there, dancing with the lieutenant, he is bitter, hurt: “And the fact that Zina is now there, at the evening, hurt, and something nauseating began to rise to his throat. He breathed intermittently, heavily and hastily, with a disobedient hand, he began to pull on his tunic." "Something cold, heavy grew in a lump in his chest, approached his throat, pressed ... ""... as if it had burst in Sasha's head," when he saw Zina in the window, he was ready to throw it into the window opening a piece of brick if someone offended her.But Zina's words brought him even greater suffering when she said to the lieutenant: 14
“- No need, Tolya ... - and took his hands away softly and angrily. If the earth had risen nearby from the explosion, Sasha would not have been so stunned. And not a word, not an address by name, but this gesture of the deceased, even affectionate, with which she took his hands away, as if she had power against the lieutenant, hit Sasha in the very heart and assured him that they had love ... Sasha was thrown back.”
four). How do you assess Sasha's behavior in the finale of the second part


Sasha behaved in this situation in the highest degree with dignity. Despite the shock, pain, resentment, remembering their meeting, conversations and “imagining her life here over these months, he came to the conclusion that Zina is incontestable ... It’s just a war ... And he has no anger at her ...” Sashka realized that they had love , and since love, what right does he have to interfere with her? And Sasha leaves without hurting Zina with unnecessary talk. The kindness, sensitivity, nobility of the hero prevailed here too. He awakened the ability to respect other people's feelings, to understand and forgive a loved one, not to hurt him. This is true love. A.S. Pushkin also wrote:
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How God forbid you beloved to be different.)

3) The story of Lieutenant Volodka (“test of friendship”).

a) Reading the episode in the hospital. (p. 231-234)


one). What are the motives of Sasha's intercession for the lieutenant

(“Well, what’s the demand from me, Private Vanka? It’s a pity to waste time on me, when it’s still a marching and limber in a month. And you’re a lieutenant. It’s a different conversation with you - they can demote you, and give them to the tribunal.” so let's agree - if they start sewing on me, then do as you know, but for now we'll wait. Maybe everything will cost.")
2). How do you evaluate his action?
(We sympathize with Sashka and admire his deed: he, who does not look at all heroic, not a dashing soldier, turns out to be stronger and bolder than the desperate lieutenant from Maryina Roshcha, rescues him from trouble. , into the war, and not terrible, because all the terms of the front line are replaced, and there - before the first blood, as wounded, he redeemed himself, and Sashka still can’t get away from the front, as the wound heals, so go there But it sucked in my soul disgustingly - for a long time Sashka was not under any trial-investigation ... "" But he did not regret what he had done. He considered himself more prudent than Volodya and more cunning, maybe. "A couple of days later they called Sasha again ... He walked with his sister to that building, and my heart was vague, some kind of fear froze my heart, only one thing eased: maybe everything will turn out completely, the unknown is the worst of all. then Sasha didn’t give a damn at all.
4). The originality of the main character.

QUESTION: What can you say about Sasha, the main qualities

his character?

1. Great sense of responsibility.
(one). “They slept here without waking up, but for some reason Sashka left sleep twice and once even got up to check on his partner - it hurts unreliable ... And he was even glad when his rest came to an end, when he took over the post - he was reliable on himself then more." 2). “Sashka helped him, and then, hastily recharging the disk, he rushed to where the company commander remained”, 3). “He unhooked his disk from his belt and put it in the hand of the company commander.” four). “... he understood: the Germans were cutting them off from their intelligence ... And it became so insulting - they would leave, infections, with impunity - that Sashka got up and rushed through the fire.” 5). “The fact that he had no cartridges, Sashka remembered and understood what he was doing, but there was no other way out, otherwise you would miss the German, and how many guys from intelligence were put down while they were climbing for the“ language ”, Sashka knew. 6). “If only someone could. But Sashka did not call for help - a mortar cutting-off fire rushed from behind, as if someone had been nailed if they started to break through.
2. An inquisitive mind and a critical look at what is happening.
(one). “For the first time in his entire service in the army, during the months of the front, Sashka encountered in a desperate contradiction the habit of obeying unquestioningly and a terrible doubt about the justice and necessity of what he was ordered.” 2). “He changed his mind about many things here over these months, Sashka got his fill under these Rzhev villages, which they took, took, but could not take ... But he never doubted victory. 3). “He also understood that the matter was not only in the lack of shells and mines, but also there was not enough order. They have not yet learned how to fight properly, both commanders and privates. And that this study is on the go, in battles goes through Sasha's life itself.
3. Conscientiousness.
(one). "... He strove to be in front of the German, blocking the clearing with his body, on which ours lay." 2). “No matter how hard Sashka tried to lead the German so that they didn’t come across the dead, no, no, yes, they stumbled upon them, and again Sashka was ashamed that they were not buried, as if he himself was to blame for something.”

3). “... but it’s somehow embarrassing and ashamed - here he is leaving, and the guys and ... the company commander should stay here, in this trash and wetness, and no one knows if any of them are destined to leave here alive, as he, Sashka, is leaving now " . four). “And it became vague in my soul and it seemed ashamed that he was now in a quiet ... village ... and his comrades and his company commander were there.”


4. Understanding the need for what he does.

one). “But Sasha did all these terrible two months, which is reluctant. And in the offensive, and in reconnaissance - all this is through force, overcoming oneself, hammering fear and thirst to live deep into, to the very bottom of the soul, so that they do not interfere with doing what is supposed to be, what is necessary. 2). “... but he didn’t lose his nerve and did his soldier’s business as best he could, although he didn’t seem to perform any special heroism. And I didn’t think at all that just being here, in the cold and hunger, without shelters and trenches, under hourly shelling, is already a feat.
5. Intelligence.
1) “Reluctantly, reluctantly, Sashka approached one hut and knocked timidly.” 2) "Sashka's fellow traveler trampled a little more, ... Sasha touched his hand - let's go, they say, there is nothing for yourself and the hostess to collect the soul." 3) "... sorry, grandfather, we are nervous from the front ..."
4. Problem situation.

“... the company commander used to, before ordering something, slapped Sashka on the shoulder and said:“ It’s necessary, Sashok. Understand,
". And Sashka understood that it was necessary, and did everything that was ordered, as it should. It was necessary in the war.

There is a "must" and "above". Sasha, according to critic Igor Dedkov, does more than necessary.
What do you think?
(The article "Span of the Rzhev Land" - "Literary Review", 1980, No. 5).
5. Independent work(by groups): note features


The peculiarity of the organization of the narration (inappropriately direct speech, which allows you to see the "Rzhev meat grinder" through the eyes of a simple soldier and at the same time evaluate his character, his everyday heroism.
Composition features:
lack of a single plot; a chain of microplots revealing the character of the protagonist; eighteen

test by power, love and friendship;
lack of battle tension, extreme situations;
gradual peering into the hero, which determines the slow pace of the narrative;
Sashka's movement from the front line into the depths of the country and the "movement" into the depths of the hero's soul;
the author's desire to tell not only about the war, but also about universal problems.
The meaning of the name of the story (the most common name, given in a reduced everyday form, makes the hero as close as possible to the reader; the meaning of the name (“protector”).
IV. Lesson summary.

V. Astafiev in his novel “Cursed and Killed” says that the cruel force of the war did not extinguish in his heroes “the light of goodness, justice, dignity, respect for one’s neighbor, for what was, is in a person from mother, from father, from the native home, from the motherland, Russia, finally, it was mortgaged, transferred, bequeathed.

Can we say that this also applies to Sasha -

the hero of the story by V. Kondratiev?

“Well, Sashok ... You are a man ...” Lieutenant Volodka will tell Sasha when, on the way to the hospital, he hears from him a story about a captured German. “We are people, not fascists,” Sashka will say simply. Lev Aizerman wrote about V. Kondratiev's story: “In an inhuman, bloody war, a person remains a person, and people remain people. This is important for a writer. This is what the story was written about: about a terrible war and preserved humanity.
V. Summing up.
(A word to the leaders of the groups about the results of the work of students in groups - in preparation for the lesson and in the lesson).
VI. Homework.
Prepare for the lesson

The story of Vyacheslav Kondratyev "Sashka" tells about a young Russian boy who, by the will of fate, ended up at the front. The war changed the lives of entire generations, took away peaceful life, the opportunity to live and work.

However, human ideas about honor, conscience, good and evil cannot be eradicated in a person. Sasha is surprisingly kind, he is characterized by mercy and compassion for his neighbor. Sasha manages to capture a young German. If they were destined to meet in battle, there would be no doubt what to do. And now the prisoner is completely helpless.

The battalion commander orders Sasha to shoot the prisoner. This order provokes the strongest resistance in the guy. The idea that he should shoot a defenseless person seems monstrous to Sasha. The captain guesses about the state of Sasha, so he orders another fighter to check the execution of the order.

In the minds of every person lies the belief that human life is sacred. Sasha cannot kill a defenseless captured German. It is not by chance that he finds in the captured German a resemblance to his good friend. To top it all off, he cannot forget the leaflet he showed the German. The leaflet promised life, and Sasha cannot understand how this promise can be broken.

The value of human life is an important factor. And although Sasha is too simple to turn to the theories of great philosophers and humanists, in his soul he clearly realizes that he is right. And this is what makes him delay the execution of the order.

Even in the conditions of war, Sashka did not become hardened, universal human values ​​did not lose their meaning for him. It is no coincidence that after the battalion commander canceled the order, Sasha realized: “... if he remains alive, then out of everything he experienced in the front, this case will be the most memorable, the most unforgettable for him ...”.

Sasha had to go to the rear because of the wound. Excited about the upcoming meeting with the girl Zina, who was a nurse. And let Sashka realize that he had nothing serious with Zina, but still the thought of her warmed his soul, inspired hope.

Suddenly, someone else's distrust falls on Sasha, which shocks him. He was wounded in left hand, and the lieutenant present at the inspection considered that this was done purposefully by the fighter himself in order to leave the battlefield and go to the rear. Sasha did not immediately understand what was at stake. “But then, catching a suspicious, intent look at himself, he guessed: this neat one, ... who hadn’t drank even a thousandth of what happened to Sashka and his comrades, suspects him, Sashka, that he ... himself ... Yes, in the most dashing days, when it seemed simpler and easier - a bullet in the forehead, so as not to suffer, such a thought did not occur to Sashka.

The meeting with Zina was not as exciting as expected. Not immediately, but Sasha finds out about her betrayal.

And he becomes sad and sad. At first, he had a desire “tomorrow morning go to the front end, let them finish it off.” But then Sasha realized that he had a mother and a sister, and he couldn’t manage his life so recklessly.

Sasha is open and sincere, he is all at a glance, he does not hide anything. This is the type of a simple Russian person who, in general, won the war. How many of these Sashas, ​​young, sincere, kind and pure soul, died in the Great Patriotic War!

The story ends with Sasha's reflections, which arise when he looks at calm, almost peaceful Moscow. And Sasha understands: “... the more strikingly this calm, almost peaceful Moscow differed from what was there, the clearer and more tangible the connection became for him between what he did there and what he saw here, the more significant he saw his the thing is…”

Each work about the war seeks to convey to subsequent generations the entire tragedy that the Soviet people had to face in the period from forty-one to forty-five. The more time separates us from that terrible period, the fewer living people remain who remember that bloody meat grinder. And that is why works about the war must be read and reread in order to have a reliable understanding of difficult fate Russia.

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Analysis of the story by V. Kondratiev "Sashka"

Topic:"The character of the Russian soldier and the problem of moral choice in the war" (based on the story of V. Kondratiev "Sashka").

Goals: cause students to reflect on what they read, experiences, emotional response; consider the problem of moral choice in war; showing the character of the Russian soldier by the writer; improve the ability to analyze text.

Lesson equipment: family relics of the Great Patriotic War, photographs, memoirs of writers and poets - front-line soldiers; a disk with records of songs about the war, a video film "Sashka".

Methodical methods: text analysis, conversation, problem questions.


I. Introductory speech of the teacher

In one interview, V. L. Kondratiev said: “Each writer should have a super task. For me, it was to tell the truth about the war that has not yet been written.
Vyacheslav Kondratiev walked along the front lines with his future heroes. He wrote about those who fought and died near Rzhev. But the front-line soldiers who fought near Moscow, Stalingrad, on Ladoga and the Dnieper recognized themselves in his stories, their feelings and thoughts, their life experience, their joy and pain.

In the center of the lesson today is the character of the Russian soldier and the problem of moral choice in the war.
I hope that we will come to the eternal that the Russian carried classic literature. What is higher, what is more important: an order, general opinion, circumstances, the will of someone who is higher than you, or are you yourself with your understanding of conscience and goodness? The old and eternal test of man: to cross or not to cross?

II. Writer's biography (student's report)

VL Kondratyev was born on October 30, 1920 in Poltava. Prose writer. One of the writers of the front generation. From the first year of the institute in 1939 he was drafted into the army. He served in the railway troops in the Far East. In December 1941 he went to the front. In 1942 he fought near Rzhev as part of a rifle brigade. He was wounded and awarded the medal "For Courage". After leaving for injury, he served in the railway troops, was seriously wounded again, spent six months in the hospital, and became disabled.
In 1958 he graduated from the Moscow Correspondence Polygraphic Institute. For many years he worked as a graphic designer. The first story - "Sashka" - was published in February 1979 in the magazine "Friendship of Peoples". In 1980, the Znamya magazine published the story "Victory Day in Cherniv", the novels "Borka's Ways and Roads" and "Vacation for Wounds".
All works by V. Kondratiev are autobiographical. His novels "Vacation on injury", "Meetings on Stretenka" and the novel "Red Gates" are united by a common hero - Lieutenant Volodka. In the first of them, after a short respite in Moscow, he returns to fight near Rzhev. The second story and the novel are books about the return of the hero from the war, about the difficulties of entering everyday peaceful life.
V.Kondratyev wrote his novels and stories about the main thing in the life of his generation, about those who fought and died near Rzhev, although they did not receive the official status of a hero city, but remained in the memory of everyone who fought there, one of the most heroic and tragic pages Great Patriotic War. His prose, his "Rzhevsky novel", according to V. Astafiev's definition, became an immersion in the past, re-experiencing "his war".
K. Simonov said this about the military fate of the front-line writer V. Kondratiev: “I didn’t get to Berlin, but I did my job in the war.”
The writer committed suicide during a serious illness on September 21, 1993. V.Kondratiev bequeathed to dispel his ashes on the Ovsyannikov field. It was there, at the turn in front of the villages of Nanovo, Ovsyannikovo, Usovo, where all spring the forty-second troops of the 30th Army attacked the German defenses with varying success. Villages passed from hand to hand, and in the fields, at almost every step, lay the dead. This is where the company in which the writer served died.
The testament of V. Kondratiev remained unfulfilled. But the search engines took land to the grave of the writer from the very grove where there was a line for attacks on Panov and Ovsyannikovo, a helmet and a sapper shovel of one of his dead comrades. And on the edge of the grove, the search engines put a cross in memory of Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratiev. According to wartime maps, this grove was called "Chicken", now it is a reserved grove bearing the name of the writer.
And how many as yet nameless groves and fields throughout the vast expanse, which was called the "Rzhevsky ledge" on wartime maps?!

III. The history of the creation of the story "Sasha"

In July 1943, Ilya Ehrenburg wrote: “Wonderful books about the war will be written not by spies, but by participants who now sometimes do not have the opportunity to write a letter to their relatives ...”.
And so it happened: the most poignant, most truthful books about the war were written by its participants - soldiers and officers of the front line, "comfreys".
Passionate faith in what he is obliged to tell, and people should learn about the war, about his comrades who laid down their lives in the battles near Rzhev, led Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratiev.
Kondratiev's literary debut was an unexpected phenomenon. He published "Sasha" at a respectable age, a year later he turned 60 years old.
The difficult, winding path of the writer to "Sasha". Kondratiev was asked how it happened that in his middle years he suddenly took up a story about the war. “Apparently, the summers have come, maturity has come, and with it a clear understanding that the war is the most important thing that I had in my life,” the writer admits. Memories began to torment me, I even felt the smells of the war, I did not forget, although the 60s were already going on. At night, guys from his native platoon came to his dreams, smoked cigarettes, looked at the sky, waiting for a bomber. He eagerly read military prose, but "in vain he searched and did not find his own war in it," although there was only one war. I realized that “only I can tell about my war. And I must tell. If I don’t tell you, some page of the war will remain undiscovered.”

IV. Reading a poem by A.T. Tvardovsky "I was killed near Rzhev"

Apparently, the battles near Rzhev were terrible, exhausting, with huge human losses.

V. An excursion into the history of the city of Rzhev

Here is how E. Rzhevskaya writes about this: “It turns out that the old coat of arms of Rzhev is a lion on a red field. Wisdom? Power? Military prowess? Rzhev was a transit point to both the Dnieper and Lake Ilmen. Here the interests of the major political forces of Moscow, Tver, and Lithuania intersected. And from the first, marked by the annals of the siege of Rzhev, wars continue for four more centuries: it is the object of contention between the princes, then the booty of Lithuania, then it is recaptured for Russia by the Russian lands, and with the weakening of it goes to Moscow. He stood on the western outskirts of Russian lands, and more than once he was attacked by the blow of enemies rushing into the depths of Russia.
The attention of history did not bypass the city, but during the years of the Great Patriotic War, he paid an unreasonably terrible price for this attention. The Germans called the Rzhev ledge "the Führer's impregnable line." Near Rzhev, as many Germans died as, for example, residents in Cottbus or Ingolstadt, that the German command forced the soldiers to persevere, Hitler announced: “To surrender Rzhev is to open the way to Berlin for the Russians.”

VI. Memoirs of marshals Zhukov and Rokossovsky (individual assignments).

In memories Zhukov facts are given that are hard to believe. Behind each of them is the bitter truth, the predetermined death of people. Just imagine: during the offensive period, the rate of ammunition consumption is set - 1-2 shots per day per gun! Therefore, huge losses. The troops are overworked, weakened. The command asks to stop the offensive, which is impossible in such conditions, to allow them to gain a foothold on the achieved lines. And what? By a directive dated March 20, 1942, the Supreme Commander rejected this request, demanding an energetic offensive. In late March - early April, the fronts of the Western direction tried to fulfill this order - to defeat the Rzhev-Vyazma grouping of the enemy. It was impossible to do so. Zhukov writes that "for obvious reasons, the efforts turned out to be fruitless." And he adds: only after that the Headquarters was forced to accept the proposal to go over to the defensive on this line.

Rokossovsky also spoke about the terrible severity that befell those who fought in this direction, including near Rzhev: “There were not enough soldiers, machine guns, mortars, artillery, ammunition, tanks in the regiments and divisions ... Paradox: the strongest defends, and the weaker comes. And in our conditions, waist-deep in snow.”

VII. Analysis of the story "Sasha"

- Let's mentally transport ourselves to that time and to that land, which we learned about from the memoirs of military leaders and read in the story "Sasha".
Sasha has been fighting for two months. Is it a lot or a little?

- Read out those significant details, from your point of view, that helped the writer to recreate this time.

- A few days of front-line life.

1. Life of war. The one about which the writer will say: “... the whole war consisted of this life. The battles themselves were not the main part of a person's life in the war. The rest was life, exorbitantly difficult, associated with hardships and with enormous physical exertion.

- How is military life shown in the story?
- So why does Kondratiev write out this miserable life of the war so meticulously?

– We understand that this truth of the details, of everyday life leads to the very main truth for which our literature lives, to the truth of a person who has decided to remain a person in this terrible war.

  1. Sasha gets boots for the company commander.
  2. The wounded Sasha under fire returns to the company to say goodbye to the guys and return the machine gun.
  3. Sashka leads the orderlies to the wounded, not relying on the fact that they themselves will find him.
  4. Sashka takes a German prisoner and refuses to shoot him.
  5. Meeting with Zina.
  6. Sasha rescues Lieutenant Volodya.

2. The episode of the capture of the German. Trial by power

Retelling of the episode with text

- How do we see Sasha in this episode?

Sasha evokes sympathy, respect for himself with kindness, compassion. Humanity. The war did not depersonalize, did not discolor Sasha's character. He is inquisitive and inquisitive. Every event has its own point of view. Sashka is not comfortable with almost unlimited power over a person, he realized how terrible this power over life and death can become. We appreciate in Sasha a great sense of responsibility for everything. Even for things he couldn't answer for. It is a shame before the German for useless defense. For the guys who were not buried: he tried to lead the German so that he would not see our dead and not yet buried soldiers, and when they did stumble upon them, Sasha was ashamed, as if he were guilty of something.

In the memoirs of V. Kondratiev there are the following lines:

We didn't even try to bury them.
Himself - alive - can not dig trenches ...
I don’t recognize ... But we were here,
Still full of footprints
That terrible and distant were
They stare with empty eye sockets
Skulls whitening in a ravine.

- Why didn’t Sasha follow the order? After all, this is an unthinkable event in the army - disobedience to the order of a senior in rank.

Sashka pities the German, has no idea how he can break his word. "The price of human life has not diminished in his mind."
And Kondratiev will write amazing words: “Sasha sighed deeply, with a full chest ... and thought if he remains alive, then out of everything he experienced in the front, this case will be the most memorable, the most unforgettable for him ... ".

- Why?

Sashka went on attacks, often hopeless and therefore deadly, repelled attacks by German intelligence, fought one on one with a German, saw death, but the most memorable day is the one when he didn’t kill a German. Didn't kill to stay human.
The German not killed by him is the strength of the soul fighting such a victorious, such a mighty evil. And Kondratiev convinces us that we won not because we were stronger, but because we were higher. Spiritual, purer.

Watching this scene in a movie

- Did the director of the film manage to convey the state of mind of Sasha and the German in this episode, which Kondratiev writes about in the book?

3. Role episodic hero, liaison battalion commander Tolik

The motto of Tolik is “our business is calf”. But Sasha doesn't want to be a calf, he wants to be a human. Sasha and Tolik are opposed as responsibility and irresponsibility, sympathy and indifference, honesty and selfishness.

4. Meeting with Zina. love test

Discussion: Does Sasha's behavior contradict your opinion about his character, or, on the contrary, confirms the opinion that has already been formed about him?
Sasha remains Sasha: justice, kindness prevailed here too. Sashka did not become hardened, did not become coarse, he managed to understand Zina and not condemn her, although he was bitter and hurt. "Zina is incontrovertible ... Just a war ... And he has no anger at her! .."
Since they are in love, what right does he have to interfere with her? And Sasha leaves without hurting Zina with unnecessary talk. He wouldn't be able to do it any other way.

5. Short front-line friendship with Volodya. test of friendship

Retelling of the episode with the involvement of the text.

Discussion: How does Sashka behave during a brief front-line friendship with Lieutenant Volodya?

The author sympathizes with Sashka: he, who does not look at all heroic, not a dashing soldier, turned out to be stronger and bolder than the desperate lieutenant from Maryina Roshcha, helps him out of trouble. “This story cost nerves, to be honest, Sasha didn’t give a damn at all.”

VIII. Solution moral problem

- There is a "must" and "above". Sasha does "over"? Or is it the conscience?
From Sasha's point of view, this is the norm, nothing supernatural. He cannot do otherwise. There are no two consciences - a conscience and another conscience: either there is a conscience or it is not there, just as there are no two patriotisms.

- What did your acquaintance with Sasha give you?
- Do you think it is easy or difficult to have a friend like Sasha?

IX. conclusions

The character of Sasha is the discovery of Kondratiev. An inquisitive mind and innocence, vitality and active kindness, modesty and self-esteem - all this is combined in the whole character of the hero. Kondratiev discovered the character of a man from the midst of the people, shaped by his time and embodied the best features of this time. “The story of Sasha is the story of a man who found himself in the most difficult time in the very difficult place in the most difficult position - the soldier's. “... If I hadn’t read Sasha, I would have missed something not in literature, but simply in life. Together with him, I had another friend, a person I fell in love with, ”wrote K. Simonov.

Against the backdrop of the last frames of the film, the song "Belorussky Station" is played by a student with a guitar.

X. Word of the teacher. Times today are difficult, unpredictable and sometimes frightening. You never know where the wind will blow from and what it will be - crazy, sweeping away everything in its path, or caressing the soul. Most of us are like on a spring ice floe: if you stand on one side, the other threatens to turn over.... And the old people, they are like children, detachedly looking at all this, closer to the middle they huddle. They are ashamed of the young. They, torn off by the epoch, are trying to save for us a reserved place that has not yet been trampled down - dignity. They, who survived the great wars, the great famine, the great construction projects, do not consider this a shameful stain on their biography and do not complain about anything, accepting life as it is. Why am I talking about this? And besides, our old people deserve a good word. Don't skimp on it. May fresh flowers always bloom on the graves of heroes. This is necessary for the living, so that their hearts do not harden, so that an invisible warm fire of gratitude to their ancestors always trembles in them for the good they have done. And the humane principle “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten” has become established in our lives.
That's when bird cherry will always bloom in your hearts.

XI. Homework: Write an essay-reasoning: “Is it easy or difficult to have a friend like Sasha?”

Among the works that truthfully tell about the terrible front-line everyday life of the Second World War is the story of the writer-front-line soldier V. Kondratyev "Sasha". There is no beautiful words praising the feat of a soldier who sacrificed his life in a terrible battle. The author does not show valiant victories Soviet troops. Everyday life a simple warrior, "who found himself in the very hard time in the most difficult place," is main topic works "Sasha" Kondratiev. An analysis of the actions of the hero helps to understand what worried and tormented a person who was torn out of peaceful life and thrown into the very muzzle of war.

From the history of the creation of the story

Kondratiev went to the front in December 1941. As part of a rifle brigade, he took part in the fierce battles for Rzhev that unfolded in the 42nd, was wounded, awarded a medal. impressions from those terrible years remained for life, as evidenced by the analysis of the story "Sashka". Kondratiev, who took up the pen at a fairly mature age (the story "Sashka" was published in 1979, and in the 80th its author turned 60), every night he was disturbed by dreams in which he saw comrades-in-arms from near Rzhev. He even tried to find fellow soldiers, but he did not find anyone, which gave rise to a terrible thought: “Maybe I alone survived?”

The writer admitted that he had read many works about the war, but did not find in them that which did not let go of his soul. And then he decided to talk about “his” war, otherwise some of its pages would “remain undisclosed.” From that moment began his literary activity Vyacheslav Kondratiev.

"Sasha": a summary of the story

The action takes place in early spring. The main character, Private Sashka, has been fighting for the second month on the front line near Rzhev, but for him everything here is “as usual”. The Germans keep beating and beating, but they are bad with food (because of the thaw, even bread is not enough), and with shells, and there is nowhere to dry clothes and shoes. Military life with the smallest details looms in the story "Sashka" Vyacheslav Kondratiev. An analysis of these scenes leads to the thought of how difficult it was for a person in such conditions to remain a "Man" and not step over the laws of conscience.

  • he gets boots for the company commander (not for himself!), whose pims are so thin that you can’t even dry them;
  • captures a German, whom the hand never raised to shoot;
  • takes on someone else's guilt and saves a young lieutenant from the tribunal;
  • meets with nurse Zina and leaves her path after learning that she is in love with another.

This is the plot of the story "Sasha" by Kondratiev. An analysis of these scenes helps to understand how the hero managed to go through the prepared trials and not lose his dignity.

The capture of a German

This scene is one of the key in the work. Sasha takes the tongue with his "bare hands", as he was unarmed. And suddenly at that moment he, who had been in the most dangerous and hopeless attacks, saw in the guise of a prisoner not an enemy, but a person deceived by someone. He promised him life, since on the leaflet, picked up on the way to the headquarters, it was written that Russian soldiers did not mock the prisoners. On the way, Sashka constantly felt a sense of shame both because their defenses were useless and because their dead comrades lay unburied. But most of all, he felt awkward from the fact that he suddenly felt unlimited power over this man. Such is he, Sasha Kondratieva. An analysis of his state of mind shows why he was never able to shoot the prisoner and, as a result, violated the order of the battalion commander. Feeling right, he managed to look directly into his eyes, which is why the commander was forced to cancel his original decision to shoot "tongue". Later, Sashka thought that if he remained alive, the German captured by him would be the most memorable event of the war for him.

Here it is - one of the main qualities of a Russian warrior: always preserve humanism in yourself, remember that you are a person. This is especially emphasized in the story Kondratiev. Sashka - the analysis of the work is proof of this - was able to oppose good to evil in one of the most difficult periods of his life.

Lieutenant's defense

Another important episode- a case in the hospital, when Sasha stood up for his new acquaintance (a young lieutenant) in front of a special officer. They knew nothing at all, but Sashka was well aware of what could threaten a lieutenant who had a rank, a quarrel started by Vladimir. And nothing will happen to him, an ordinary soldier: they won’t send him further than the front anyway. As a result, the lieutenant remained in the hospital, and Sasha was forced to go further to Moscow himself. The desperate and ardent lieutenant in fact turned out to be weaker than the private who surpassed him in strength of spirit and courage - an analysis of the story "Sashka" by Kondratiev leads to this.

love test

During the war, Sasha met Zina. Acquaintance with her warmed his soul, since there was no one dearer to her for the hero. Vyacheslav Kondratyev conducts his hero through the traditional test of love in literature. Sasha ( summary whose relationship with his girlfriend fits into several scenes) and behaves with dignity here: the ability to understand another person and spiritual kindness are stronger.

At first, he looks forward to meeting the girl, and when she took place, he finds out that Zina has appeared new love. Sasha is experiencing deep disappointment at this moment. This is also a misunderstanding of how you can have a party when there, on the front line, all the fields are “ours”. This is the pain from the fact that she preferred Sasha to another. But he just leaves, without reproaching Zina for anything and without demanding any explanation from her.

So what is he, Sasha Kondratieva?

Analysis of the story and actions of the protagonist helps to understand the most important thing that the author wanted to convey to the reader: it is possible to go through the terrible trials of the war and keep the Man in oneself. He emphasizes this with a phrase belonging to Sasha: “We are people, not fascists.” And these soldiers were the majority. Many front-line soldiers saw their comrades in the image of a hero. And this means that just such warriors won the victory, including V. Kondratiev himself, Sashka.

Analysis of the work helps to recreate the image of a Russian soldier: courageous, hardy, who managed to maintain humanism, faith in victory.

Year of Literature


(Based on the novel by V. Kondratiev "Sashka")

The purpose of the lesson: Analyze the story of Kondratiev "Sasha"

Lesson objectives:

1. to reveal the specifics of the image of the war and the character of an ordinary soldier in the story of V. Kondratiev; to prove the main idea of ​​the writer: even in inhuman conditions, a person must save his soul, not tarnish his conscience, remain a man;

2. develop a culture of reader perception artistic text, understanding the author's position; figurative and analytical thinking (the ability to analyze the episode, explain its connection with the problematic of the work, the ability to compare, highlight the main thing, generalize);

3. educate a spiritually developed personality, form a humanistic worldview, national identity, a sense of patriotism.

Lesson plan:

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

2. Messages from students.

· V. Kondratiev - writer-front-line soldier.

· Reading a poem by A. Tvardovsky "I was killed near Rzhev ...".

3. Analysis of the story.

· Artistic details that recreate the picture of the war.

Sasha as a person and a fighter.

· Three trials.

6. Summing up.

7. Homework.

War - there is no crueler word.

War - there is no sadder word.

War - there is no holier word ...


I . Introductory speech of the teacher .

The volleys of the Great Patriotic War have long died down.

But we will be arguing about this war, opening new pages in the history of this terrible war, getting acquainted with honest and talented books about it for a long time to come.

admitted that each time he picked up a new book with the same thought about the author: what kind of person are you and what new things can you tell about life?

So what kind of person is Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratiev? What's new about the Great Patriotic War, he told us in his story "Sasha"?

II . Student messages.

one). V. Kondratiev is a front-line writer.

Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratiev came to literature quite late, many years after the war, in the late 70s.

He was born in 1923. In 1939, from the first year of the institute, he joined the army, served in the Far East.

In December 1941, among the junior commanders, he was sent to the front, in 1942 he was near Rzhev, where the fighting was especially difficult, and our losses were especially numerous. We can judge the severity of those battles by the fact that at first he was an assistant platoon commander, then a platoon commander, and then he took over a company - and all this in just one week.

Then new battles, painful, unsuccessful, such as Alexander Tvardovsky wrote about in the poem "I was killed near Rzhev ...".

2). Reading an excerpt from A. Tvardovsky's poem "I was killed near Rzhev ..."(from the beginning - to the words: "... for the dead are cursed - this punishment is terrible").

Vyacheslav Kondratiev was not killed, he got wounded and the medal "For Courage". After a vacation due to a wound, the front was again, serving in the railway troops, in intelligence. At the end of the 43rd - a serious wound, six months in the hospital, and after - demobilization due to disability.

“I didn’t reach Berlin, but I did my job in the war”, - so ends the story of Konstantin Simonov about the military fate of the front-line writer Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratyev.

(Simonov K. "Good luck, Sashka" - "Friendship of Peoples", 1979, No. 2)


Vyacheslav Kondratiev prefaces his story as follows: “This story is dedicated to all those who fought near Rzhev - the living and the dead”

We will talk about the story of V. Kondratiev "Sasha" today in the lesson,

III . Analysis of the story "Sasha".

1. Two months on the front line. Life of war.

QUESTION: Name the essential artistic details, paintings, facts with the help of which the author draws a true, reliable picture of the battles near Rzhev.

1) “And the night floated over the front line, as usual. Rockets splashed into the sky, scattered there with a bluish light, and then with a spike, already extinguished, went down to the ground torn apart by shells and mines ... Sometimes the sky was cut through by tracers, sometimes silence was blown up by machine-gun bursts or distant artillery cannonade ... As usual…»

(We are talking about terrible things, a terrible picture is drawn, and for the hero all this is a normal, familiar state (“as usual”). “Sashka is already used to this, he got used to it ...”).

2) "The villages they took stood as if dead, there was no movement in them. Only flocks of nasty howling mines, rustling shells flew from there, and tracer threads stretched. From alive they only saw tanks, which, counterattacking, fired at us, rumbling with engines and pouring machine-gun fire on them, and they rushed about on the then snowy field ... Well, our forty-five yelped, drove away the Fritz.

(War is war, and it only brings death, a strange combination - "live tanks").

3) “It’s bad with bread. No Navaru. Half a pot of liquid millet for two - and be healthy.

4) “In the middle of the patch crowded them beaten-killed company near the political instructor wounded in the leg.

5) “The fact that you have to touch a dead body did not bother him - they got used to the corpses. Scattered throughout the grove ... "

6) “... how it howled overhead, it rustled, and then explosions rumbled all over the grove, and it went ... And there was a lot of shelling - mines burst one after another, in batches, as if some hefty machine-gunner was scribbling a line ... I looked back, and it really was going on there terrible - gaps all over the forest, clods of earth are thrown up, trees uprooted are falling.

7) “Although there is nothing there - no shelters, no trenches, no cracks, only huts, - but got used to it (the grove), like a dear home ... "

8) “... felt ... a pulling sensation from the inside voids in the stomach, which took them all several times a day.

9) “Sashka himself knows that it’s bad, but he doesn’t have the strength to bury the guys, no ... After all, he can’t dig a trench for himself, alive.”

10) - “How many people did you have in your company? the captain asked.

- One hundred fifty…

- How much is left?

- Sixteen…"

(In 2 months, out of every ten people, nine died!)

11) “At night, after their very first offensive, the Germans fired at the rear, and twelve of his fellow soldiers from the Far East were buried under this shed. And the guys didn’t reach the front end, but they were all young, Sasha’s same-year-olds. The shed still smells like a corpse.”

12) " No trenches, no dugouts the first one didn't have water all around. Even small craters from mines are filled with it, and huddled beaten-killed in huts. Only the company commander had thin dugout dug out on a hillock, but there is water up to the knee in it.

(The miserable words - "hut", "trench", "dugout" emphasize the precariousness, insecurity of the situation).

13) “... I knew for sure that there would be no meetings with many of those who remained here, and which of them would stay here, on this Rzhevskaya, earth swollen with blood, this is fate ... "

CONCLUSION: The author paints a terrible true picture of the battles: the troops suffered monstrous losses, the survivors did not have the strength and opportunity to bury the dead, so the corpses were lying everywhere; the soldiers had nowhere to rest, dry off, they were starving; there were not enough weapons, ammunition, equipment. The author shows the "routine" of extreme situations.

2. Sasha as a person and a fighter.

1). In what episodes Sasha is revealed with special power like a man and a fighter? State the motives behind his actions.

1). Sasha gets boots for the company commander.

(“For myself, I wouldn’t climb for anything, damn these boots! But it's a pity for the commander. His pims were soaked through with water - and you won’t dry out over the summer ...”)

2). The wounded Sasha under fire returns to the company to say goodbye to the guys and return the machine gun.

(“But then his PPSh company will not get it ... Yes, it would be necessary to say goodbye to the guys and the company commander ...”)

3). Sasha leads the orderlies to the seriously wounded.

(“... he knows, you can’t drag these Sanzvodov’s men to the front with a lasso. They’ll come back and say that they didn’t find, they say, or that he was already wounded. Who will check them? .. But he gave his word. To the dying - the word!”)

4). The story of a captured German.

(“Sashka saw a lot of deaths during this time - live to be 100 years old, you won’t see so much - but the price of human life did not decrease from this in his mind.”)

5). The story of Zina

(“And again, having gone through everything that he and Zina had that day and evening, recalling again all their conversations and imagining her life here for these months, he came to the conclusion that Zina is beyond the jurisdiction ... Just war ... And he has no evil on her.")

6). Sasha rescues Lieutenant Volodka.

(“Well, what is the demand from me, an ordinary vanka? It’s a pity to waste time on me, when it’s still a marching and limber in a month. And you’re a lieutenant. It’s a different conversation with you - they can demote you, and give them to the tribunal.”)

7). Episode with Pasha.

(“Here, Pasha,” said Sashka. “We met by chance and didn’t spend a day together, but I’ll remember you all my life ...

- Stop pouring something! I know you...

- No, really, Pasha. I don't like to lie..."

"It's like I'm leaving home...

- You got it, you mean?

- That's not the point ... A good woman is very, cordial. Invited to stay for a week...

- I guessed. What are you?

“There’s no need for this ... - Sasha answered in thought ...”)

2). Why were these events chosen from the entire front-line life of their hero?

(These episodes reveal Sasha's personality from different angles, as if he is being tested for endurance, for humanity, for fidelity in friendship, in love, tests of power, unlimited power over another person.)

3. Three tests.

Teacher: V. Kondratiev led his hero "through trials of power, love and friendship." How did Sasha survive these tests?

1) The story with the German ("test by power").

a) Concise summary.

(Sashka ran into German reconnaissance (when he got boots for the company), rushed to the grove to warn his own, and ran into the company commander, who gave the order to retreat beyond the ravine. The Nazis captured the "tongue" and began to hastily retreat. German mines flew: the Germans wanted to cut off their reconnaissance from ours. Sashka broke away from his own, rushed through the fire and then saw a German. Sashka shows desperate courage - he takes the German with his bare hands: he has no cartridges, he gave his disk to the company commander. But how many guys were killed for "language"! Sashka did not hesitate for a minute, but at the same time he does not consider himself a hero, when the company commander asks how it happened, he replies: "But the jester knows him. Durik."

The company commander interrogates the German to no avail, then orders Sashka to take the German to headquarters. On the way, Sashka tells the German that they do not shoot prisoners in our country, and promises him life. The battalion commander, not having obtained any information from the German, orders him to be shot. Sasha disobeys orders.)

1. Why doesn't Sasha obey the order?

(It would not be difficult for Sasha to kill a German in battle ("That's when they rose from under the hillock - gray, terrible, some kind of non-humans - they were enemies, "" Sashka would shoot these arsonists mercilessly if they were caught"). The same German was a prisoner, unarmed, he could not shoot him, as he promised to save his life (“We are not you. There are no prisoners we shoot”, “he is not the kind to mock the prisoner and unarmed”).

Between two soldiers - Russian and German - human relations are established: both wash and clean themselves before coming to headquarters; the German treats Sasha with cigarettes; Sashka addresses the prisoner differently than at first (not “fascist”, but “fritz”, more neutrally, because Fritz is a German name); Sasha already wants to talk to him, ask about life, it's a pity he doesn't know German.

Sashka saw in the prisoner not just an enemy, but another person: “... when he took this Fritz, fought with him, feeling the warmth of his body, the strength of his muscles, he seemed to Sasha an ordinary person, the same soldier as he, only dressed in a different uniform, only fooled and deceived ... That's why he could talk with them as human beings, take cigarettes, smoke together…”).

Sasha has very strong moral principles: if he gave his word, he must keep it (“Sashka saw a lot, a lot of deaths during this time - live up to a hundred years, you won’t see so much - but the price of human life has not diminished from this in his mind”).

2). At what moment did the thought flash through with a "second flash" to carry out the order of the battalion commander?

(When the battalion commander without an overcoat and a hat walked with Tolik to the ashes, near which Sashka and the prisoner were, "Sasha turned pale, cringed, drenched his body in icy sweat, his heart sank ... and a second flash flashed - well, if ... slap the German now and run to the captain: “Your order has been fulfilled ...” And all the confusion was removed from the soul ... And, ... just turning to the German, I saw Sashka, he read this second thought, his eyes covered with a death veil ... No, I can’t ... And when I decided irrevocably, it seemed to become calmer, only this peace is dead ... ")

3). When Sashka was leading the German to the battalion headquarters, at one moment he became scared. Why?

(“And then Sashka realized what a terrible power he had over the German. After all, from his every word or gesture he either faints, then he enters into hope. He, Sashka, is now free over the life and death of another person. If he wants, he will bring him to the headquarters alive Sashka even somehow felt uncomfortable ... Only the German does not know what kind of person Sashka is, that he is not the kind to mock the prisoner and unarmed ... And Sasha somehow felt uneasy from the fallen his almost unlimited power over another person”).

four). What is the position of Tolik, the liaison battalion commander?

(Tolik's motto: “Our business is calf ... Ordered - fulfilled!”

Trying on the watch of a German who has not yet been killed ("... grabbed the watch on his hand with a tenacious glance and did not let go").

Ready to bargain with Sasha so as not to miss the "trophy" (“... I would give you a loaf of blackies ... for a watch ... I can buy a pack in addition.”)

The commander, for example, behaves quite differently: “The company commander took the lighter, struck it, lit it and gave fire to Sasha ... He turned the lighter around, examining it, and handed it back to the German.”

He doesn’t have a “barrier, barrier” in his soul, like Sasha’s, he, without hesitation and without suffering the pangs of conscience, would have shot an unarmed (“... if he doesn’t split - against the wall! ... Why mess around with him? Once he is silent, he is dear there”).

Sasha understands that "Tolik loves to boast, but he is a weakling."

Sasha and Tolik are opposed as responsibility and irresponsibility, sympathy and indifference, honesty and selfishness.)

5). What spiritual qualities of Sasha are manifested in this episode?

(active kindness; active humanism; firmness of moral principles; attitude to life as the highest value; fear of unlimited power over another person; great sense of responsibility for everything, even for things for which he could not be responsible).

6). What is the moral issue of this part of the story?

(- Problems of humanism, truth, moral choice, values

Power issue: power as a right and power as a responsibility).

d) Teacher: In a case from life, which formed the basis of the story, the finale of the story with the prisoner ended more tragically: the commander did not cancel his order, and the prisoner of war was shot, and the person who followed the order (and later told this story to Kondratiev) tormented all his life: was he right? entered?

2) Relationship with Zina (“test by love”).

1). What does Zina mean in Sasha's life?

(Sashka saved Zina's life when he covered her with his body during the bombing. This is his first love. He is so looking forward to meeting! But on the front line, he does not allow himself to think about her, because the war, and anything can happen, because “We got used to living at the front for an hour, or even a minute.”

On the way to the hospital, when the terrible tension of the front line gradually lets go, when joy floods into his soul that he is alive, Sashka allows himself to think about Zina, a sister from the sanrota. He was worried about how they would meet, because after all, 2 months had passed. And they had nothing, only kissed a few times. But at parting, he realized that he had no one closer and dearer to him, that he was ready to do everything for this girl in an overcoat, if only she would feel good and calm.

And then, on the offensive, he imagined that he was going to defend her, Zina, who promised to wait for him, and it became easier for him.

But, while waiting for Zina, he thinks about his company all the time: she will again tremble in huts, and “someone will certainly be slapped today”, “and he is vaguely and kind of ashamed that he is here, and they are there.”

When he finds out about the party, it makes him angry: “What dancing! You lie, Zina! It can’t be!” and “it even shook him.” He says sternly: “You see, you can’t do this ... Have fun it’s impossible when all the fields are in ours!” Even in the rear, he cannot live according to other laws than the laws of the front line.

When meeting with Zina in the evening, Sashka caught that "in the caresses of the Zinins more pity ... and the words she said were all miserable: dear, stupid, poor thing ... Maybe out of pity she decided on everything, and even because she considers herself to be indebted to him for life.

It seems to him that their love with Zina will be as short as a rocket flash: “It won’t burn for long, it won’t have time to warm it up properly and ... it will go out - the war will separate them in different directions.”)

2). Why did Zina go to the party anyway?

(The lieutenant came, persuaded her, because they were sending him to the front line, he wanted to say goodbye to Zina. Zina Sashka said on a walk that the lieutenant liked her, that he was taking care of her in a good way. And Zina seems to like this lieutenant. )

3). How did Sasha react to the fact that she went to the dance?

(When he finds out that Zina is there, dancing with the lieutenant, he is bitter, hurt: “And the fact that Zina is now there, at the evening, was painfully touched, and something nauseating began to come up to her throat. He breathed intermittently, heavily and hastily with a disobedient hand began to pull on his tunic.

“Something cold, heavy was growing like a lump in my chest, it was coming up to my throat, it was pressing…”

"... as if something had burst in Sasha's head", when he saw Zina in the window, he was ready to throw a piece of brick into the window opening if someone offended her.

But Zina's words brought him even greater suffering when she said to the lieutenant:

“- No need, Tolya ... - and took his hands away softly and angrily.

If the earth had risen nearby from the explosion, Sasha would not have been so stunned. And not a word, not an address by name, but this gesture of the deceased, even affectionate, with which she took his hands away, as if she had power against the lieutenant, struck Sasha in the very heart and assured him that they had love ...

As if with a blow under the breath, Sasha was broken and thrown back.

4). How do you assess Sasha's behavior in final second part of the story?

( Sasha behaved in this situation in the highest degree with dignity. Despite the shock, pain, resentment, remembering their meeting, conversations and “having imagined her life here for these months, he came to the conclusion that Zina is incontestable ... Just a war ... And he has no anger at her ...”

Sashka understood that they had love, and since love, what right does he have to interfere with it? And Sasha leaves without hurting Zina with unnecessary talk.

The kindness, sensitivity, nobility of the hero prevailed here too. He awakened the ability to respect other people's feelings, to understand and forgive a loved one, not to hurt him. This is true love.

3) The story of Lieutenant Volodka (“test of friendship”).

one). What are the motives of Sashka's intercession for Lieutenant Volodka?

(“Well, what is the demand from me, Private Vanka? It’s a pity to waste time on me, when it’s still a marching and limber in a month. And you’re a lieutenant. It’s a different conversation with you - they can demote you, and give them to the tribunal.”

“Let's agree on this - if they start sewing on me, then do as you know, but for now we'll wait. Maybe everything will work out.”

2). How do you evaluate his action?

(We sympathize with Sasha and admire his deed: he, seemingly not at all heroic, not a dashing soldier, turns out to be stronger and bolder than the desperate lieutenant from Maryina Roshcha, helps him out of trouble.

“Whatever you say, my heart is still scraping. Let the tribunal now, in the war, and not terrible, because all the terms of the advanced are replaced, and there - before the first blood, as it hurt, it redeemed its guilt, but Sashka still can’t get away, as the wound heals, so and go there! But it sucked in my soul disgustingly - Sashka has never been under any trial-investigation ... "

“But he did not regret what he did. He considered himself more prudent than Volodya and more cunning, perhaps.

“A couple of days later, Sasha was called again ... He and his sister walked to that building, and it was vague in his soul, some kind of fear froze his heart, only one thing eased: maybe everything will turn out completely, the unknown is the worst of all.”

“Whatever one may say, but this story was worth the nerves, to be honest, Sasha didn’t give a damn at all.”

Sasha's character traits.

1. Great sense of responsibility.

2. An inquisitive mind and a critical look at what is happening.

3. Conscientiousness.

4. Understanding the need for what he does.

5. Intelligence .

Problematic situation.

Teacher:“... the company commander used to, before ordering something, slapped Sashka on the shoulder and said:“ It’s necessary, Sashok. Understand, necessary". And Sashka understood that it was necessary, and did everything that was ordered, as it should. It was necessary in the war.

There is a "must" and "above". Sasha, according to critic Igor Dedkov, does more than necessary. What do you think?

IV . Lesson summary.

Teacher: V. Astafiev in his novel “Cursed and Killed” says that the cruel force of the war did not extinguish in his heroes “the light of goodness, justice, dignity, respect for one’s neighbor, for what was, is in a person from mother, from father, from the native home, from the motherland, Russia, finally, it was mortgaged, transferred, bequeathed.

- Can we say that this also applies to Sasha, the hero of V. Kondratiev's story?

Teacher:“Well, Sashok ... You are a man ...” Lieutenant Volodka will tell Sasha when, on the way to the hospital, he hears from him a story about a captured German. “We are people, not fascists,” Sashka will say simply.

Lev Aizerman wrote about the story of V. Kondratiev: “In an inhuman, bloody war, a person remains a person, and people remain people. This is important for a writer. This is what the story is about: terrible war and preserved humanity.

V . Summarizing.

What made you think about this story?

VI . Homework. A written answer to the question: “What did this story make you think about?”

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