Love in everything: the main lessons from the biographies of successful people. The richest people and their success stories

Wealth is the main goal of almost every person. How do the richest people live? What is their history? Let's delve into the chronicle of the life of successful people. Everyone wants to be successful in their favorite business and earn a lot of money. What is needed for this? Probably, first of all, to have a head on your shoulders. However, luck and success are important factors. Looking at the lives of billionaires, we always wonder how they got there. Sometimes we are simply tritely jealous and dream of being in their place. Some people simply admire the success of rich people, and some try in every possible way to learn from their experience.

All these people, one way or another, worked very hard and believed in their future. Over the years, they studied the structure of their activities, gained experience and made an invaluable contribution to their development. By tradition, Forbes magazine periodically publishes and updates the list of the richest people, where we will look.

Rich people statistics

The list of "Rich People of the World" for February 2015 has 1827 names. Their total fortune is equal to 7 trillion dollars! It's hard to believe, but it's true. Just think about this number. Compared to last year, statistics show that the total fortune of all the lucky ones has increased by $650 billion. In just one year, 285 new names entered the list of rich people. An interesting fact is that all newcomers are citizens of the Republic of China.

Bill Gates story

His financial condition is about 75 billion dollars. It's no secret that Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft. This is a man with a capital letter who changed the fate of mankind in the direction of computer technology. Bill Gates is a citizen of the United States of America, this is his native country, where he was born, raised and has lived for 59 years.

For many years, Bill has been at the top of the Forbes list of all the billionaires in the world. The creation of new computer technologies and investment continue to enrich the owner of Microsoft. Over the past year, his fortune has increased by 8.5 billion dollars. The continuous victories of the computer genius are confirmed by the fact that he became the leader of the list 15 times!

You can talk a lot about Bill Gates, but the most important thing that I want to note is that he is the main philanthropist of mankind. The richest people also have a sense of humanity, well, at least some of them. Thanks to Gates, a family fund for the needy was created, which has already used over $27 billion. At the moment, the family foundation has risen to the fight against such a disease as polio. Aid is directed mainly to third world countries.

Media Mogul Carlos Slim

The capital of the owner of a large telecommunications network Grupo Carso is 72 billion dollars. Carlos was born in Mexico and is 75 years old. For the past four years, Carlos Slim has been at the top of the Forbes list of the richest people. However, with the depreciation, he shifted and lowered his position. Unfortunately, this is the only person on the list of the top 10 "Richest People of the World" who has lost his fortune by $ 1 billion in the last year.

The Mexican financial corporation encompasses many different companies. Huge flows of money turnover haunt even government officials. Carlos' holdings include such well-known companies as Gruppo Carso, Gruppo Finacieo Inbursa and many others. The name of a Mexican can often be heard on television news, in various reports and statistics.

Amancio Ortega's secret to success

The Spaniard has a total fortune of $64 billion. Amancio is the main representative and owner of the largest trading platform Inditex. This includes brands such as Zara, Pull and Bear, Bershka and others. The Spanish oligarch is the richest man in Europe!

Over the past year, Amancio has increased his capital by $6.5 billion. This is an incredible figure, but do not forget that the year before last, Ortega managed to earn over $ 20 billion. At the moment he is not the king of Inditex. There is now another manager in his chair, but nevertheless Amancio still controls over 60% of the company's shares.

Ortega is a well-known collector. The subject of his collecting is real estate! The total estimated value of all facilities is about $4 billion. The most significant part of his ownership is a 43-storey skyscraper in Madrid called Torre Picasso. It is in this skyscraper in Madrid that the main branch of Google in Spain is located. In 2013, the billionaire purchased 26 new buildings for about $835 million.

Amancio Ortega grew up in a modest family of a railroad worker. The future businessman began his career in a clothing store. Ortega doesn't even have a high school education! The first production came out in 1972, hence his meteoric career began.

American dream. Warren Buffett

This man knows a lot about investments. The academic knowledge gained at the university and the difficult life experience helped him to reach a fortune of 58 billion dollars. The 84-year-old American is the second richest person in the United States of America.

Warren is not embarrassed by his advanced age, so he continues to work actively and make new financial transactions, which are discussed with obvious interest on the pages of international media. According to the statistics of the past year, Buffett became richer by 5 billion dollars.

He managed to get such an excellent profit thanks to the purchase of a large Heinz ketchup holding, as well as a successful investment in the Central Asian oil industry. The American does not forget about charity! His most recent donations to those in need amounted to $3 billion, and all-time over $20 billion.

As the billionaire himself says, his success largely depends on the book he read in his youth. The Smart Investor - This business and investing textbook by Benjamin Graham inspired a young businessman to great feats. Buffett has acquired basic investment skills and the right approach to this business. The eternal advice that can be heard from Warren Buffett: "You should not turn your attention to short-term investing, which can be scattered over trifles to smithereens, you should always focus on long-term investments and wait."

Larry Ellison - America's Information Genius

Born in the USA and has about 48 billion dollars. Larry enters big business as an IT representative. His company is named Oracle. Ellison is already 70, and he is not going to stop his activities. His credo is to always be the first in everything. The tech genius has overstated his fortune by $5 billion over the past year. He often likes to talk about competing companies that fail in his opinion. Similar statements could be heard against companies such as Google and Apple.

Larry Ellison also likes to collect real estate. The largest cluster of his private objects is located in the city of Malibu. In addition, he is the owner of a small island in Hawaii. The cherished dream of a billionaire is to build a house on the island of Lanai, which will combine all the signs of paradise on our planet.

Charles and David

The fortune of the brothers Charles Koch and David Koch totals about 80 billion dollars for two. They share 6th and 7th place in the top "List of World Billionaires". Each has about 40 billion. The American brothers have long passed over 70. Charles is 79 years old, and David is 74 years old.

In 1967, Charles Koch becomes chairman of the board of directors and part-time CEO of Koch Industries. This company ranks second in the United States in terms of profit. Last year, the company managed to earn $120 billion, while Koch himself replenished his capital by $6 billion.

The Koch brothers own over 80% of the shares of Koch Industries. Younger brother David Koch is considered the richest Mr. of New York City. Charles and David are involved in charity work and are among the 10 most influential philanthropists in the world.

Sheldon Adelson - the king of the gaming empire

He is an interesting and incredibly talented person. His source of income is the gaming business, namely the Las Vegas Sands casino. At the age of 81, Adelson has $38 billion. In 2013, Sheldon made $33 million overnight. This incident helped the billionaire rise to the top of the World's Billionaires List. The king of the gaming empire got rich in the shortest possible time due to the introduction of his business in the countries of Southeast Asia.

To date, countries such as Macau and Singapore have become very popular. All this thanks to the largest playgrounds where the richest people from all over the world like to gather. In Southeast Asia, $12 billion was earned.

And Sheldon Adelson does not think to stop there. His plans include opening large casinos in Western Europe. Not far from Madrid, Adelson is developing a new project in which $30 billion has already been invested. Such business strategies are incredibly risky. However, the billionaire achieves his goals, which as a result gives him the growth of all shares up to 3% per month.

Paradoxically, Sheldon Adelson supports the Republican Party of the United States of America. The multi-billionaire invests huge sums for the provision and goals of the party. Recently, thanks to Sheldon, a ban on online casinos in the United States has been made public.

Members of the Walton family

There are 4 billionaires in the Walton family. The fortune of Christy Walton is 37 billion, Jim Walton - 35 billion, Alice Walton - 34.5 billion, Robson Walton - 34 billion. All members of the clan are tied to the Retail company. The age of billionaires is 70, 67, 65, 70 respectively.

A rare case when almost the whole family is on the Forbes list. Christy Walton is the richest female billionaire in the world. The founder of Retail is John Walton (Christie's late husband). Over the past year, the retail chain's shares have risen 6%, generating $460 million in earnings.

The Retail Empire was founded in 1962. At the moment, the company has about 11 thousand different branches and franchises around the world, and the total number of employees of the company is over 2 million people. In addition, the family also owns ArvesBank banks and the Hyatt Hotels chain.

Forbes: list of rich people in Russia

Among the most wealthy in the Forbes list there are also Russians. The number of rich people from Russia has more than 100 people. Each of them is followed by the press, and statistics are kept for the American Forbes magazine. Almost everyone on this list once started working for a penny. They are always talked about on television, in newspapers, and just on the streets.

It is impossible to determine the capital of a billionaire with 100% accuracy. Their financial condition is changing every second. For some it grows, for others it falls. Some people make significant changes, some don't.

Here is a list of the top ten places taken from the 100 richest people in Russia:

  • Vladimir Potanin - about $15.4 billion.
  • Mikhail Fridman - $14.6 billion
  • Alisher Usmanov - approximately $14.4 billion.
  • Viktor Vekselberg, his fortune is estimated at $14.2 billion.
  • Alexey Mordashov has $13 billion.
  • Vagit Alekperov - just over $12.2 billion;
  • Leonid Mikhelson - $11.7 billion
  • Vladimir Lisin - $11.6 billion
  • Gennady Timchenko occupies the penultimate place with a fortune of $10.7 billion.
  • Closes the list of billionaires Mikhail Prokhorov. His net worth is $9.9 billion.

Most of the Russian list began to walk up the career ladder in the early 90s. All of them also studied at schools, higher educational institutions, worked and worried about their future. They all believed in the good old saying: "Patience and work will grind everything."

Pavel Valerievich Durov (born October 10, 1984, Leningrad) is a Russian programmer, one of the creators of the VKontakte social network (among other co-authors of the resource are his brother, Nikolai Durov).

Winner of scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, three-time winner of the Vladimir Potanin scholarship, winner of olympiads in linguistics, computer science and design.

In October 2011, Pavel Durov was noted by Forbes magazine as one of the 9 most unusual Russian businessmen - crazy people, eccentrics and eccentrics.

1. Do what you like. Learn. Learn. Develop. Change yourself from within. The golden rule says - do what gives real pleasure, and then you will become much happier.

2. Give up the garbage you eat, drink and smoke every day.

3. Learn foreign languages. There are 60 million Russian-speaking Internet users. English speakers - a billion. Knowledge of English is no longer just a whim of intellectuals, but a vital necessity.

4. Read books. The golden rule is to read/listen to at least one book a week. That's 50 books a year that will change your life.

5. Make the most of every weekend.

6. Set goals, fix them on paper, in Word or blog. The main thing is that they be clear, understandable and measurable. If you set a goal, you can either achieve it or not. If you do not put, then there are no options for achieving at all.

7. Learn to type blindly. Time is one of the few treasures you have, and you should be able to type almost as fast as you can think. And you should not think about where the desired letter is, but about what you write.

8. Ride time. Learn to manage your affairs so that they work almost without your participation. For starters, read Allen (Getting Things Done) or Gleb Arkhangelsky. Make decisions quickly, act immediately, do not delay. All things either do or delegate to someone.

9. Give up computer games, aimless social networking and stupid Internet surfing. Minimize communication in social networks, leave one account. Destroy the TV antenna in the apartment.

11. Learn to get up early. The paradox is that in the early hours you always have more time than in the evening. A person needs 7 hours of sleep, subject to high-quality physical activity and normal nutrition.

12. Try to surround yourself with decent, honest, open, intelligent and successful people.

13. Go in for sports. Yoga, rock climbing, cycling, horizontal bars, parallel bars, football, running, plyometrics, swimming, functional training are the best friends of a person who wants to restore tone to the body and get a surge of endorphins. And forget about the elevator.

14. Do unusual things. Go somewhere you've never been before, take a different route to work, sort out a problem you don't know anything about. Get out of your "comfort zone", expand your knowledge and horizons. Rearrange furniture at home, change appearance, hairstyle, image.

15. Get rid of junk.

16. Forget about what happened in the past. Take with you from there only experience, knowledge, good relations and positive impressions.

17. Do not be afraid. There are no insurmountable obstacles, and all doubts live only in your head. You don't have to be a warrior, you just need to see the goal, avoid obstacles and know that you will achieve it without a single chance to experience failure.

Warren Buffett is the most famous and richest investor in the world. According to Forbes, he ranks second in the list of world's billionaires - after Bill Gates. Warren Buffett's net worth is estimated at $46000000000. Bogush Time has published 10 Warren Buffett tips for investing.

1. Investing is about investing money today and getting more money tomorrow. Warren Buffett has always maintained a rather modest lifestyle. Instead of living in expensive cottages and eating in restaurants, he invested every free penny in stocks. For 35 years, he managed to increase the initial amount of $ 100,000 by 200,000%.

2. Buy shares of companies whose products you personally like. At one time, Warren Buffett significantly increased his fortune by buying a 9 percent stake in the company that produced his favorite Gillette razor.

3. Don't invest in areas you don't understand. It is much more profitable to invest in a business that you can understand.

4. Don't be "shy" with losing stocks. If your forecast did not come true and instead of profit the company makes losses - sell the shares and do not waste your nerves.

5. Behind every stock that goes up, there is a successful business. If the company is doing well and the income is growing - and the shares will grow.

6. Invest in international business.

7. There are winning stocks on the market and you need to find them. As a rule, some companies grow faster than others. From which follows the next, the eighth rule of Warren Buffett.

8. If you use calculations, you will definitely reach the top. But at least protect yourself from the biggest risks. Use analysis to stand out from the general crowd of uneducated investors. This way you will increase your income.

9. The main thing is the history of the company. Investors often make the same mistake - they try to assess the situation by "looking in the rear-view mirror", i.e. paying attention to a short period of time. On the other hand, Warren Buffett is sure that you need to see the whole history of the development of the company, and not a short fragment of it.

10. Don't rush or get nervous. "When I buy stocks, I don't care what happens to them the next day," says Buffett. "The main thing is that it's easy for me to predict what will happen to the market in the long term."

Billionaire Donald John Trump, whose fortune is estimated at $ 3 billion, gave ten tips to those who want to get rich. In Trump. How to get rich” real estate mogul gives aspiring entrepreneurs tips on how to make their first billion.

1. Always dress appropriately for your cultural level. I used to take pride in buying cheap suits and other clothes. It didn't make sense to pay thousands of dollars when you could buy things for $100. Who will know? But over the years, I realized that I was wrong. Now I buy very high quality shoes, and they seem to last forever, while the cheap ones, I remember, quickly wore out and looked exactly as much as I paid for them. Clothing says a lot about us even before we open our mouths.

2. Deliberately damage your reputation. Throw out carefully selected bits of information, express thoughtful provocative opinions to see what the reaction will be. By saying something unexpected, you can get a revealing response. I would make an outrageous remark in a meeting to see if the other participants agreed or resisted. This is a good way to evaluate those with whom you sit at the table.

3. Become your own financial advisor. A lot of people hire financial advisors, but I've seen advisors bring people to ruin. When choosing an adviser, rely on your own judgments based on what you read on the business pages of respected publications. By reading them, you begin to get a feel for what's going on in the market, including which advisors are the best. Hold on to the winners.

4. Let's change! If you are pressured, respond in kind. If you are insulted, attack with all possible force and energy. An eye for an eye. Be distrustful. I know you don't look too good in this case, but even your best friend can encroach on your spouse or your money.

5. Don't neglect hairdressing. I am often criticized for the way I comb my hair. The New York Times called my hair “a complex construction that is best left to the judgment of architectural critics.” I think she looks good, but I never claimed that the hairstyle is my strongest point. However, it surprises me how often I get asked if I wear a wig. Answer: categorically no. I don't wear a wig.

6. Try to avoid handshakes. Some administrators believe in a firm handshake. I believe in no handshakes. Often I have to deal with the fact that a person who clearly has a cold comes up to me and says: "Mr. Trump, I want to shake your hand." Microbes are known to be transmitted in this way. There was a case when a person came out of the toilet, shaking off water from his still wet hands. He came up to my table and said, “Mr. Trump, you are a great man. May I shake your hand?" In this case, I decided to shake hands because I was in a hurry and I knew that if I shook his hand, I would not be able to finish the meal.

7. Follow your instincts. Entrepreneurship is not a group activity. You must trust yourself. You may have solid academic degrees, but without instincts, it will be difficult for you to climb up and stay there. This is one of those gray areas that remains a mystery even to those with sophisticated business instincts. There are subtle signs that can signal whether or not it is necessary to conclude this or that deal, to enter into contacts with certain people.

8. Stay optimistic, but be prepared for failure. There are ups and downs, but you can survive them if you are ready for them. Anticipating problems has saved me from wasting energy and will save you from unpleasant surprises. Ups and downs are inevitable. I am a very cautious person, but this does not mean that I am a pessimist. Call it positive thinking with an eye to reality.

9. Pay attention to details. If you don't know every aspect of what you're doing, you're setting yourself up for unpleasant surprises. I once read about a respected neurosurgeon who was fanatically obsessed with the details and organization of an operation. He prepared for the upcoming operation by taking a morning jog. He mentally imagined all the details, remembered all that he knew, all the difficulties and complications that he might face. But you don't have to be a neurosurgeon to pay attention to details.

10. Make marriage contracts. If I had not made a marriage contract, this book would be written by a man who has lost a lot. It took a bus to bring Yvonne's lawyers to court, but luckily I had a prenuptial agreement. A friend who was about to get married for the fifth time said to me: "I'm so in love that I don't need a marriage contract." A year later, his marriage fell apart and he had to go through hell. He looked like a frightened puppy. I didn't have the courage to say the words on my tongue: you're a loser!

Steve Jobs is one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time. His success story has become a legend. Adopted at an early age, dropped out of college 6 months after starting school, slept on the floor in his friends' rooms, turned in 5-cent cola bottles to eat, this man created Apple and the Pixar animation studio.

1. Do what you love. Find your true passion. The only way to accomplish something truly great is to love what you do.

2. Be different. Think differently. "Better to be a pirate than a sailor."

3. Do the best you can. In any case, strive for the best of what you could. Do not sleep! Success brings more success. Crave success! Hire cool people who are passionate about perfection.

4. Conduct a SWOT analysis. Once you have your own company, write down on a piece of paper a list of the strengths and weaknesses of you and your company. Don't hesitate to throw rotten apples out of the company.

5. Be adventurous. Set a new big goal each time. Among the many ideas, find those that need to be implemented quickly and decisively and ... jump with them into the window of new opportunities. Sometimes, the first step is the hardest. Just do it! And have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition.

6. Start small, think big. Don't think about many things at once. Start with a few simple ideas, and then get to more complex ones. Think not only about tomorrow, but also about the Future. “I want to shout to the whole world,” Steve Jobs once said.

7. Strive to be the market leader. Own leading technologies, control them in all areas of your activity. If a better technology exists, use it, even if no one is using it. Be the first to set industry standards.

8. Focus on the result. People judge you by your actions, so focus on the result. Be the measure of quality. Not all people are accustomed to the environment of the highest quality. Let them know. If they don't know about the quality, they won't buy the product. Pay attention to design. "We've made buttons so beautiful you'll want to lick them." "Design is not about the look or feel, but how it works."

9. Ask for advice. Ask advice from people from different areas. Everyone will give you one useful thought. If you are the main link, sometimes they will not give you honest answers, because they will be afraid. Then disguise yourself or collect feedback from other sources. Focus on those who will use your products, listen to consumers first.

10. Change. Innovation distinguishes the leader from the followers. Delegate. Let other leaders do 50% of the work routine, keep the other 50% for innovation. Say "no" to a thousand things so that you have the confidence not to slip into the wrong path and not waste your strength on too much. Focus on really important ideas and radical innovations. Hire those people who want to create the best things in the world. Even in a tech company, you need to create a culture of product-oriented people. Many companies have a lot of great engineers and smart people, but in the end it takes a unifying force to bring everyone together.

11. Learn from your mistakes. Sometimes, when creating something new, you make mistakes. It is best to quickly recognize and eliminate them, improving your other developments.

12. Learn all the time. You can always learn "something else". Share your thoughts with other people inside and outside your company. Learn from consumers, competitors, partners. If your partner is with people you don't love, learn to love them, praise them and take advantage of it all. Learn to openly but honestly criticize your enemies.

83 rules for success from rich people

John Rockefeller (1839-1937) was an American businessman and multimillionaire, a man whose name has become a symbol of wealth. ""

Rules of Wealth from John D. Rockefeller:

1. Work less for someone (manager, director) you need to work only for yourself. The more time you work not for yourself, the naturally worse you live

2. Know how to save money. Find where you can buy goods cheaper and in bulk. Make a shopping list ahead of time and buy what's on your list

3. If now you have little money, you need to do business. If you have no money at all, you need to do business urgently, not to postpone, but right now.

4. The road to the greatest wealth lies through one path - passive income! Income that comes to you on its own, it works on autopilot. Create many sources of passive income, enjoy life to your heart's content.

5. Think about how to earn $50,000 (fifty thousand dollars) a month. Only more. Can't be less. This figure is recommended by John Rockefeller for a reason, but the fact is that the richest people in the world spend no more than $ 50,000 every month.

6. Communicate more. Money comes into your pocket through other people. People who are unsociable rarely become rich.

7. A poor environment constantly pulls you into poverty. Even the richest people always have relatives, friends, and other beggars who, if you don't shove them, will quickly empty your pockets, goals, and your dreams. If you are still poor, then surely in your environment they simply do not like, do not respect, many even hate the rich. Always communicate only with Winners and Optimists.

8. Responsibility for your life - 100%. Poverty manifests itself when one shirks responsibility. Don't come up with any excuses why you can't start moving towards your goal right now.

9. Learn from the best. Study the biographies, actions, thinking of the rich people of the world.

10. Dreams are the most important thing in your Life. The main thing is to dream and believe that dreams will come true. A person begins to die when he stops dreaming or does not dream at all.

11. Help people. Not for something and not for money, but from a pure heart. It is for those people whom you yourself want to help. And this is not necessarily yours or someone else's relatives or friends. Give 10% of profits to charity.

12. Create business systems, enjoy life, enjoy your earned money.

1. Many problems come from the mind. They are not the result of any events, failures, or the actions of other people. They arise because of our bad mental habits. Get rid of these 10 behaviors, and immediately get rid of the many problems that each of them causes:

2. Don't jump to conclusions. This habit can make life difficult in two ways. First, we assume we know what is going to happen, so we turn our attention away and start acting on that assumption. People are useless soothsayers. Most of their assumptions are wrong, and hence their actions are wrong. The second side of this habit is that we imagine that we can read minds, and as if we know why other people do, what they do, or what they think. Again wrong, and fundamentally wrong. It is this stupidity that destroys relationships like no other.

3. Don't be dramatic. Many make up deadly catastrophes out of petty misfortunes, and react accordingly. The habit of making an elephant out of a fly creates an anxiety that either does not exist or is so small that there is nothing to worry about. Why do they do it? Who knows? Maybe to look and feel more important. Either way, it's as stupid as it is pernicious.

4. Don't make up rules. A huge part of all these "shoulds" and "shoulds" that you run around with are probably useless. All they give you is nervousness and guilt. What for? By following these imaginary rules, you fill your brain with unnecessary obstacles and childish routines. And when you try to transfer these rules to others, you turn into an intimidating tedious whiner or self-confident fanatic.

5. Avoid stereotypes and labels. The words you use can set you up. The language of negativity and criticism breeds the same mindset. By trying to cram things into certain categories, you stop seeing their real meaning, thereby limiting your thinking to absolute uselessness. Look - what's there. Don't label. You will be surprised by what you see.

6. Don't be a perfectionist. Life is not only “black or white”, or “all or nothing”. In most cases, “enough” means just enough. If you look for the perfect job, you will most likely never find it. At the same time, all other works will seem worse to you than they really are. You will look for the perfect relationship, and you will probably spend your whole life alone. Perfectionism is a mental disease that will not let you enjoy, but will send you every time in search of what is not.

7. Don't generalize. One or two failures is not a sign of permanent failure. And an accidental triumph does not make you a genius. A single event - good or bad - or even two or three events is not always a sign of a lingering trend. As a rule, things are what they are and nothing more.

8. Don't take it to heart. Most people, even your friends and colleagues, don't talk, think, or care about you 99% of the time. The people from your organization, or those living in the neighborhood, have probably never even heard of you. Yes, actually, and does not want to hear. The ups and downs of life, the warmth and indifference of other people have nothing to do with you personally. If they pretend, it will only make you feel more miserable than necessary.

9. Do not trust emotions. How you feel is not always a true indicator of what is really happening. Just because you feel it doesn't mean it's true. Sometimes the source of emotions can be fatigue, hunger, irritation, or just a runny nose. Whether you feel good or bad, the future will not change. Feelings may be true, but they are not truth.

10. Do not give in to apathy. Practice being an optimist. If you expect bad things in life and at work, you will find them. A negative attitude is the same as looking at the world through distorting, dirty glasses. You will notice only flaws, not paying attention, or not noticing everything else. It's amazing how you can see something that isn't there if you just start looking. And of course, if you start looking for positive things, you will find them too.

11. Don't live in the past. This tip is the most important of all: forget it and move on with your life. Most of the anger, frustration, unhappiness, and despair in this world comes from people holding on to past hurts and problems. The more you scroll through them in your mind, the larger they will seem to you, and the worse you will feel. Don't fight adversity. Forget and move on. Do this, and thereby deprive him of the power to hurt you.

To begin with, we simply must set ourselves a specific goal - how much money we want to receive from our site. I will not tell you a big secret if I say that in this life no one has achieved something by accident. Any success is solely the result of the goal that each particular person has set for himself, and therefore, the more significant your goal is, the more success you will achieve.

But remember that "big goal" and "impossible" are two huge differences!

3. Preparation.

I have already said this more than once, but I will repeat it - any work on the site begins with the birth of an idea. And this is not just a desire that can be described with the words "I want a site, the same as that of ..." - here you substitute the desired option. The best idea is the one that can be formulated as follows: "this has not happened yet, and I will be the first."

However, the originality of the idea is not yet a guarantee of a successful business. In addition to it, you should know the answer to one more question - "does your site need network users who have already seen everything that can be seen and who have billions of existing sites at their disposal."

I would advise any Internet project to start with approbation. There are two options here - you can immediately send it to the network to see the reaction of users to your product: is it visited, needed and interesting? Or, having launched its test version, invite independent experts to evaluate it. Not your friends and relatives, who will evaluate your site solely on how they treat you, but people who do not know you, and therefore will be able to evaluate your work objectively.

In any case, in 2-3 months you will receive results that will allow you to judge the commercial prospects of the entire future project.

5. Attachments.

Without money, alas, no serious Internet business is possible. Even if it seems to you that you are a good programmer or copywriter, or photographer, or master of promotion, you still cannot cover everything. Therefore, initially determine the amount that you can invest in your site. Moreover, the best attitude to this money will not be as an investment, but as funds that you will lose with a 99% probability.

Accept the loss in advance, because only this will allow you to remain free both in decision-making and in creativity.

7. Requirements for design and content.

8. "Who's around?"

9. The position of your site in the network.

When they enter the network, and, having typed in the name of their product (service), they see that your site is higher than the site of their company, they simply cannot help but pay attention to you. What is needed for this? Work hard and hard to make the site interesting for those who will become potential clients of your employers. That's why I want to say to all of you: if you do not feel the strength in yourself to create a website of the first magnitude, then initially give up trying to make money on it, as if you were wasting your time.

And besides, the site is your brainchild, the result of months of hard work and sleepless nights, and no manager will ever worry about it the way you do.

12. Or just know how to wait.

After all, in the end, the main thing in the success of any Internet project is not the actions that you take around it, but how you make the project itself. After all, it is he himself - his quality consisting of many components - that determines the profit he brings.

Many people want to be successful in some activity, but are quite sure that they will not succeed. In fact, everything is possible if you believe in yourself and work on your knowledge and skills. Motivating stories of successful people are one way to boost morale and set yourself up for victory. Each of them started small, gradually striving more and more for victory, for their goal. To make sure that you have the ability to achieve the desired result in any business, read the life stories of successful people who, like you, did not know if they could achieve their goal.

Incredible people live all over the world. There are a huge number of them in Russia, much more than anywhere else. Therefore, you should not make excuses that you do not live in a promising country. So, read the stories of successful people in Russia who had nothing at first. But let's not forget about other countries.

Andrey Krylkov

Andrei Krylkov is a man whose story begins with the fact that he is given a terrible diagnosis. The boy lived with cerebral palsy since childhood. When it was time to go to school, he was assigned to a special orphanage where children with disabilities studied. Among these children, Andrei stood out for his intelligence, ingenuity and resourcefulness. In his position, the boy never lost hope of recovery.

One day Andrei heard from another attending physician that, if desired and striving, he could cure himself on his own. So, the guy begins to read medical literature, actively go in for sports. Andrei's family began to seriously worry about his state of mind, so much the boy wanted to get on his feet.

The guy's first simulator was a homemade barbell. Studying sports literature, the young man trained at home. Over time, his hands and feet began to obey. He was very impressed by the medical commission when he independently came for an examination.

Today, Andrei Krylkov is a successful bodybuilder, although he still cannot do more delicate work, such as screwing nuts or repairing small items. But the guy does not lose hope. He has a great desire to act and unshakable faith in himself, so no one doubts that Andrei will soon defeat his diagnosis completely. And therefore, it is this incredible biography that often opens all the stories of successful people in Russia.

David Smith

Today, many people, especially the fair sex, dream of getting rid of the hated fat folds, but cannot find motivation for this. David Smith is a man who, without special methods, was able to lose as much as 186 kilograms.

The story of this guy begins with the fact that he could not move without assistance. His weight was 268 kilograms, and he decided it was time to change his life.

Surely you will ask how a young man of 26 years old brought himself to such a state. The fact is that the guy from childhood suffered from a tendency to be overweight. When his mother, to whom he was deeply attached, died, he tried to fight his despair with food. Less than a year later, the guy no longer knew how to get rid of the fat layer.

With the help of sports and proper nutrition, David got himself in shape, but he had to turn to professional surgeons because his skin was very sagging.

Now the young man, satisfied with his result, lives a full life and is not going to stop there.

Ingeborg Mootz

Surely you are interested in the stories of financially successful people. If so, then you will like the biography of Ingeborga Mootz, who is already 83 years old. She, like any old woman her age, lives in a small private house, which is lined with old-fashioned furniture inside. Ingeborga keeps photos of friends and relatives and leads a normal life. It would seem that there is nothing surprising in this phenomenon. But Ingeborga stands out because she is a successful German stock trader.

Once, when her husband died, the old woman realized that she simply had nothing to live on. The starting capital of the woman was the shares bought earlier by her husband. Not missing her chance, Ingeborga began to play on the stock exchange. In a short time, the woman was able to earn 500 thousand euros. Moreover, her relatives entrust their capital to her so that she can multiply them.

Today, the pensioner is not going to stop there, she wants to earn a million and is actively moving towards her goal. Moreover, Ingeborga gives practical advice to everyone, helps poor people and conducts courses for people who want to play the stock exchange.

Mark Goffany

No story of successful people begins with pleasant circumstances. So the biography of Mark Goffeny is interesting in that the guy dreamed of learning to play the guitar, but one difficult circumstance prevented him. The young man is disabled, both arms are missing.

Any history of successful people in the world fades when it becomes known that the guy has become a skilled guitarist, and he plays his favorite instrument with his feet. His music is filled with a special charm, so Mark already has thousands of fans around the world. The guy gives guitar lessons, enjoys life and is not going to stop there, improving his skills and continuing to work on himself.

Zhang Yin

History is bound to have its oddities. So, Zhang Yin, the owner of a small company that only a few people knew about, was able to make a fortune by studying US garbage dumps. Having bought most of them, she supplied waste paper to China, where the raw materials were recycled and arrived in America already in the form of packing boxes.

Zhang Yin is the first lady of China. Any incredible story of successful people begins with the fact that a person does not imagine that he is capable of achieving great results. But in Zhang Yin's case, things are much more serious. In China, a woman is assigned the role of a housewife and a secondary person. It is unthinkable that a woman, without education, start-up capital and family ties, takes leadership positions and becomes the country's first business woman.

This biography motivates and inspires a large number of people around the world. The main lesson that Zhang Yin gives is that everything can be profited from, even garbage, and everything can be achieved, there would be a desire. To date, the queen of landfills is very popular, she is not going to stop, she plans to develop her business in order to reach an even larger level.

Serikbol Kuldeibaev

All the stories of successful people in business begin with the fact that they dream of earning a certain amount of money. So, Serikbol Kuldeibaev, who has been a disabled person of the first group since childhood, dreamed of becoming a millionaire. It would seem that his wish is impossible. But the guy proved to the whole world that nothing is impossible.

After graduating from school in an orphanage for the disabled, the guy learned to sew. In this area, he worked for seven years, saving small amounts of money. Later, he decided that repairing shoes was not an occupation for him, and opened six shoe outlets with deferred finances. But this was only Serikbol's first step as a businessman.

The guy located points throughout the city where you could buy soda, later he decided to open his own barbecue. Since he did not want to buy expensive meat from private entrepreneurs, he bought his own farm. So Serikbol first earned a million.

But there were also difficulties in life associated with the transfer of the capital in which he lived to another city. A man with his family decided to try himself in a new place. Serikbol had to experience a lot of difficulties in order to open a business in a new city, read a lot of books and get to know a lot of people. But the result quickly made itself felt.

Today, a man lives in abundance, but the craving for new achievements has not left him. He assures that nothing would have happened if he had not come across kind and sympathetic people who helped him in his endeavors.

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Stories of rich successful people are always interesting. Now it is very difficult to find a person who would not hear such a name as Jean-Claude Van Damme. Indeed, this is a world famous actor, but few people know that his path to success was extremely difficult.

Jean begins his development with admission to the ballet school. Thanks to his talent, hard work, self-confidence and a strong desire to succeed, the guy quickly conquers the world of sports and becomes its star. But the dream of becoming an actor haunts him.

At the age of 20, leaving everything, Jean goes to Hollywood. The first few years were very difficult, because the guy had to work in the worst positions in order to somehow earn his living.

Fate disposed of Jean's life in such a way that one day he met Chuck Norris, who helped the guy get a small role in his first film. The talent of the young man was noticed immediately, so he was invited to auditions, to give the main roles. Jean soon became the Hollywood star he had always dreamed of. Such a biography once again proves that it is categorically impossible to give up when there is at least a small chance of winning.

Susan Boyle

The stories of the most successful people in the world are connected not only with business. Susan Boyle most recently was an ordinary woman of 47 who did not stand out from the crowd. She does not have a bright appearance and does not seek to win the love and attention of all the people of the world. She just has a dream, which is to become a singer. With this thought, the woman decided to go to the British talent show.

When Susan entered the stage, the audience in the hall and the members of the jury took her appearance with a somewhat skeptical attitude. Everyone was amazed, looking at the appearance of the woman, that she really wants to become a singer. But after Susan's grandiose performance, the amazed audience and jury bathed her in a standing ovation.

Literally an hour after the broadcast was broadcast, millions of Internet users watched the video of the woman's speech. Today, the number of Susan's fans is growing exponentially, and the woman is glad that she was able to muster up the courage and fulfill the dream of her life.

Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch is a man who teaches that the life stories of successful people don't have to end on a positive note. The man is not known for his incredible wealth, successful film career or phenomenal talent in the field of music. All people know him as the author of the so-called "last lecture".

At the age of 45, Randy learned about the fatal diagnosis. A man who was well versed in philosophy and computer science, who sought to acquire knowledge and apply it to improve the world, had no more than 2 months to live.

Usually in this situation, people despair, go into themselves and stop hoping for the best. But this is not about Randy. Before his death, he gave a lecture about life, about how important it is to appreciate every moment, how to live in such a way as not to regret things that were not done. This story touched and motivated millions of people around the world. The guy left behind a trace in history that will never be erased.

The biography of Randy Pausch proves that it is not necessary to be full of strength and energy, it is not necessary to look far into the future in order to succeed and do good to people around.

Tatyana Bakalchuk

The stories of successful people in business continue. This time we will talk about This woman is the owner of one of the largest online stores.

Tatyana's story begins with the fact that she was on maternity leave. At this time, the woman decided to open a virtual clothing store. The warehouse was right in her apartment. Since 2004, Tatyana has managed to promote her business, multiplying her capital several times over. To date, Tatiana's fortune is 380 million US dollars.

The example of this woman shows that even while on maternity leave, you should not sit idly by. Perhaps fate will meet you halfway, and you will become one of them. After all, Tatyana did not have connections and large start-up capital, she only had a desire to work, ingenuity and the ability to feel the needs of customers.

Edward Tiktinsky

Eduard Tiktinsky is an exemplary businessman. From a young age, he was sure that he wanted to become an entrepreneur. His dream came true, but Edward had to work hard to make it come true. His biography continues the history of successful people in Russia.

Since the guy was born in a poor family, his career began as an assistant to one of the leaders of a real estate company. Soon Eduard's talent was noticed and he became the marketing manager of one of the leading firms, and after that he founded his own holding.

The man assures that there is simply no one and only way. To achieve the desired result in work, you need to enjoy it. Therefore, go to your dream, turn what you want into reality, without thinking that something may not work out.

Vadim Kulubekov

Vadim Kulubekov is a guy who, at the age of 21, managed to create his own company, while having 100,000 rubles in his pocket, which became his starting capital.

The story of this man, like most biographies of successful people, began with a tragic event. When Vadim was 19 years old, his father died, who always supported the guy in everything. Then he realized that in this life there is no one else to rely on.

Having a strong character, Vadim did not want to work for a stranger, while receiving a penny. After reflecting on his future fate, the guy decided to become an entrepreneur. He found a small room where the employees of his company lived and the office of this company was located at the same time. Thanks to his abilities and love for his work, Vadim managed to expand production and become one of the most promising entrepreneurs of his time.

Albert Einstein

Who today does not know Einstein? This is the most outstanding scientist of the last century, it would seem that his life should have been filled with successful discoveries. But this is far from true.

When little Albert was born, no one guessed even close that phenomenal success awaited him. The boy began to speak only at the age of 4, and when his peers already knew how to write, he could hardly read. Parents and other adults considered Albert a mentally retarded child, teachers had long given up on him.

But in fact, the already growing young man simply thought differently from other people. He stood out from the crowd. And soon Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics. Then he made discovery after discovery, gradually becoming the greatest scientist of the century. No one dared to say that Albert is an inferior person, since he left a visible mark on the history of science.

Walt Disney

What story of successful people would do without the creator of Disneyland and our favorite childhood cartoons? Walt Disney, starting his career, suffered setback after setback. Lacking creative ideas, he was fired from the newspaper and his animation studio went bankrupt.

To get funding to create Disneyland, Walt had to work hard. 302 times he was refused, after which he was nevertheless given this chance.

The most famous cartoonist of his time suffered as many failures as any person striving for success would have dared to endure. Perhaps that is why he achieved his goal. This story proves once again that one should not give up in order to gain recognition.

Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg was expelled from two schools, which did not particularly upset the young man. He tried to enter film school three times, but all these attempts failed miserably. The members of the selection committee answered the guy that he was mediocre and could not achieve anything.

However, Stephen was able to get into one of the popular universities. He studied hard, trying to be as close to his dream as possible. His efforts were not in vain, as Spielberg became the director of the most significant films in the history of cinema. Without much difficulty, he managed to get 3 Oscars. By the way, the film school, which he never managed to enter in his youth, awarded the already adult and successful Spielberg an honorary degree.

There are many more awards in the man’s collection, and he managed to earn more than one billion US dollars, but this is not a priority for him. His main goal was to achieve his dream of mastering his favorite profession and becoming successful, which he achieved by overcoming all obstacles.

Marilyn Monroe

It's hard to believe, but Marilyn Monroe, the most famous blonde of all time, the sex symbol of many generations and just a successful actress, suffered many setbacks on the way to her goal. So, the girl decided to try her luck in Hollywood, but one of the companies refused her, citing the fact that she is not attractive and cannot adequately play a movie.

The young woman did not give up, continuing the struggle for her happiness. She faced many trials both in her career and in her personal life. Rumor has it that Marilyn was not a happy person, as she tried to commit suicide several times.

Nevertheless, the girl is the most popular blonde of our time, the ideal of beauty and the standard of femininity. So think twice. If you were refused, perhaps fate gives you a chance to try your hand at another, more successful place for you.

Thus, these motivational stories make you think that you do not have to be the ideal of beauty or the smartest person in your environment to achieve phenomenal success. It is enough to love what you do and do it with your soul, skillfully bypassing all obstacles. Believe in yourself, then success will knock on your door. Don't stop there, but don't become a slave to what you do. Most likely, you will be haunted by failure, perhaps in large numbers. But this means only one thing: fate is testing you for strength in order to give you the success that you have dreamed of and for which you have been striving for so long.

Everyone has their own path to wealth and prosperity. Many seek to read advice from the rich and successful in order to repeat their scenarios exactly, but this does not work.

To get off the ground, it is not enough to apply any one recommendation at random to your life. Success comes to those who know how to think right and do a lot. In this article, we have collected the best business advice from famous entrepreneurs who have achieved a lot. Read, get inspired and apply!

1. Build business from the heart.

« If you want to succeed, your heart must be in your business and your business must be in your heart.» © Thomas John Watson

« If you do something that improves people's lives, then it is really valuable.» © Mark Zuckerberg

When a person wants to earn as much as possible without thinking about what he will give to the world in return, the business has no chance to survive for a long time. The law of conservation of energy works here too. If you want to get a lot, think about what benefit you will bring to humanity.

2. Define a goal.

« I am often asked: “Where did you start?”. With the will to live. I wanted to live, not to vegetate» © Oleg Tinkov

Why do you need your own business? What will you get by doing it? What is your strategic goal? The answers to these questions will pave the right path to learning the secret to success.

3. Be unique.

« To succeed, you need to separate yourself from 98% of the world's population» © Donald Trump

Learn to think differently from the majority and be different from everyone else. The surest way to do this is to be yourself, or rather the best version of yourself. You will succeed!

4. Improve your skills.

« Young people should invest, not save. They should invest the money they earn in themselves in order to increase their value and usefulness.» © Henry Ford

They pay a lot to true professionals in their field. One day you can make money by accident, but only the best people in their field constantly have a high income. How to become rich and successful person? The advice is simple: upgrade your competencies, be cooler than the rest in what you do.

5. Create the right environment.

« Smart people are those who work with people smarter than themselves.» © Robert Kiyosaki

« Surround yourself only with people who will pull you higher. Life is already full of those who want to drag you down» ©George Clooney

The people in your circle influence thinking more than you might think. Successful people's advice on how to become successful is full of recommendations for connecting with those you admire.

6. Take action.

« Knowledge is not enough, you must apply it. Wishing is not enough, you have to do» © Bruce Lee

What makes a successful person stand out from the crowd? The ability to quickly move from thoughts to actions. This does not mean that you need to rush headlong into everything that you dreamed about at night and seemed brilliant. This means that you need to clearly think over and write down the strategy and tactics, and then do your best to achieve your goal. Advice from successful people confirms this.

7. Value your time.

« The only difference between the rich and the poor is how they use their time.» © Robert Kiyosaki

« When you have a good idea, act immediately» © Bill Gates

Time is an irreplaceable resource. In any list of quotes about success, you are sure to find business advice for beginners: learn to prioritize and spend time on the most important things. The advice of successful people is that in order to succeed in something, you need to catch trends and bring ideas to life faster than others can.

Try your hand at the 10-day business game "Your Start", in which you will start earning on your business, using your talents and strengths!

8. Be confident.

How to become a successful person in life? The advice of experienced people makes it clear that without faith in oneself and one's own strength one cannot go far.

If you have problems with this, admit them right now and go to a psychologist before starting your entrepreneurial journey. If you lack self-confidence, it will be so difficult for you to survive the first difficulties that will inevitably arise that there is a high probability of falling out of the race. Do not expose yourself to unnecessary stress and pump up your personal qualities in advance.

9. Know that you are not worse than others.

« Never underestimate yourself. Everything that others do, you can do» © Brian Tracy

Remember the saying "Gods don't burn pots"? When it's scary to approach something very desirable, it always seems that we are worse than those who are close to perfection in this matter. In fact, this is only partly true: the beginner simply has less experience. But that's just for now. To earn it is a very real task, and not an exorbitant dream. Business advice from successful people to help you: you, too, can achieve everything that others achieve. Remember this.

« Learn from your mistakes, admit them and move on» © Steve Jobs

An entrepreneurship and marketing guru wouldn't give business advice just like that. Admitting mistakes is difficult, but necessary. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes. If something didn't work out the first time, it will definitely work out the fifth time.

Thinking about how to be successful? The advice of successful people will prompt the right direction of thought, but will not stand your fate for you. Study, be inspired by the examples of successful people and build your success according to your own rules!

Rockefeller's name has become a symbol of wealth.

John Rockefeller was the second child of six children.

He recalled that from an early age his father told him about the enterprises in which he participated, explained the principles of doing business.

Rockefeller wrote of his father: “He often bargained with me and bought various services from me. He taught me how to buy and sell. My father just “coached” me to get rich!”

When John was seven years old, he began to raise turkeys for sale, worked part-time digging potatoes for neighbors.

He recorded all the results of commercial activities in his little book. He invested all the money he earned in a porcelain piggy bank, and already at the age of 13 he lent $ 50 to a farmer friend at the rate of 7.5% per annum.

His father's upbringing was continued by his mother, from whom he learned hard work and discipline. Since the family was large, and her father's enterprises did not always end well, she often had to save money.

At 13, John went to school in Richford. In his autobiography, he wrote that it was difficult for him to study and he had to study hard to complete the lessons.

Because John Rockefeller was one of the eldest children in the family, at the age of 16 he went to look for work.

This goes on six days a week for six weeks. Finding a job was difficult, but Rockefeller did not want to return to the farm. With great difficulty, he got the position of assistant accountant, and this was a turning point in his life, because he entered the world of business and became part of it.

He was quickly able to establish himself as a competent professional, and as soon as the company's accountant left his post, Rockefeller was immediately appointed in his place. At the same time, the salary was set at $ 600 dollars, while his predecessor received $ 2,000, because of this, Rockefeller left the company, and this was his only hired job in his biography.

Rockefeller was only 19 years old, but he already had some start-up capital earned over 3 years of work. In addition, he borrowed some money from his father. This was done in order to organize a small business selling flour, grain, pork and other products.

His business successfully developed and prospered, and at some point John Rockefeller thought about investing in the real sector of the economy. And then he faced the question of finding an effective investment object.

One late evening, he was walking down the street and noticed that lights were on in every house - people lit kerosene lamps. "So what?" Any other person would say.

After all, what was oil at that time? It was something new that was used to make industrial kerosene. Gasoline was not even mentioned.

But Rockefeller understood: the world does not stand still, cities are growing and the need for lighting is also, so the oil from which kerosene is produced will soon become the main commodity that will be valued no less than gold.

John Rockefeller became systematically invest into oil, and this tactic was successful: he caught a good macroeconomic trend, because "black gold" has become one of the most needed commodities.

His company Standard Oil was established in 1870.

At the beginning of his career, the future billionaire noticed that the entire oil business was some kind of chaotic machine. He understood that only by putting things in order in his work, it would be possible to think about some kind of commercial success.

The business began to generate income, and Rockefeller began to gradually buy up other oil firms one at a time, small enterprises that were not very expensive.

Already by 1880, thanks to numerous small and medium-sized mergers, 95% of America's oil production was in the hands of Rockefeller.

The Rockefeller children were to inherit a huge fortune and that was a big responsibility.

Rockefeller knew that God's gift should not be thrown to the wind, and he did his best to teach children to work, modesty and unpretentiousness.

John Rockefeller Jr. later said that as a child, money seemed to him a mysterious substance: “They were omnipresent and invisible. We knew that there was a lot of money, but we also knew that it was not available.” For someone who was dressed in girls' dresses until the age of eight (the Rockefellers wore old things one after another, and they did not have a second boy), the future billionaire put it extremely mildly.

John Rockefeller Sr. created a model of a market economy at home: he appointed his daughter Laura as "general manager" and told the children to keep detailed ledgers.

Each child received two cents for killing a fly, ten cents for sharpening one pencil, and five cents for an hour of music lessons.

A day of abstaining from sweets cost two cents, each subsequent day was estimated at ten cents. Each of the children had their own vegetable garden—ten weeds pulled out were worth one penny.

Rockefeller Jr. earned fifteen cents an hour for chopping wood, one of the daughters received money for going around the house in the evenings and turning out the lights.

Little Rockefellers were fined one cent for being late for breakfast, they got one piece of cheese a day, and on Sundays they were not allowed to read anything but the Bible.

The wife was in no way inferior to her husband: the generous Rockefeller was about to buy a bicycle for the children, but she said that extra bicycles were not needed in the house: “Having one bicycle for four, they will learn to share with each other ...”

The results of such upbringing were rather contradictory.

John Rockefeller was one of the greatest philanthropists in American history.

All his life he will pay the church tithe - 10% of his monthly income.

In addition, he will build the University of Chicago, Spelman College, Rockefeller University, the Museum of Modern Art, the monasteries and the Rockefeller Foundation, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.

In 1917, John Rockefeller will hand over all his affairs to his eldest son. And 20 years later, the oil tycoon will die.

And his charitable foundation still exists, bringing benefits to people.

Now listen to the story of one slave.

His name was Telyumzhin, he was an illiterate man.

There was nothing on his resource bowl. On the second bowl - huge, powerful states: China, India, Iran and many others, smaller.

By that time, China had not only an innumerable human resource, but paper, gunpowder had already been invented, the Great Wall of China had already been built.

On the side of Iraq, Iran - an army of 250 thousand people and the richest financial resources.

Imagine this historical scale: on the one hand, gigantic territories, advanced science, troops and wealth, on the other, one illiterate beggar.

Not even a state, not a principality, because the Mongols at that time lived in uluses, families, tribal communities, but only one person. His father headed the family, but the neighbors ruined his ulus, killed his father, and sold him into slavery.

The first thing he did was to escape from slavery and gain freedom.

Returning to his native land, he gathered in his own ulus relatives scattered throughout the steppe. The struggle between the uluses reached its climax by that time. The Mongols killed each other and therefore were easy prey for the invaders.

The former slave set a goal - to unite the uluses and stop the massacre.

As a result of a fierce struggle, Telyumzhin managed to unite Mongolian families. By the time he was proclaimed the head of all the uluses at the big Khural, he was already 51 years old.

From this moment begins the history of the great khan - Genghis Khan.

Over the next 35 years, he captured half the world.

Every country he went to fell. They could not oppose this man neither their troops, nor inventions, nor wealth.

An illiterate slave became the ruler of Eurasia. But what is even more amazing is that he created an empire that lasted for centuries.

He created one of the most perfect systems of tax collection, the most perfect system of roads for his time, an uninterrupted post office, a system of law and order - robbery and violence were stopped within this great empire.

In practice, he created a new economic space, which gave impetus to the rapid development of the conquered lands.

According to the code of laws created by Genghis Khan, his descendants ruled these endless territories for centuries.

What did the illiterate slave manage to create?

An empire that lasted for centuries after his death.

Luck, on closer inspection, is the result of hard work and careful preparation.
Bodo Schaefer

- this is a man who made many brilliant discoveries, the most famous of which is an electric light bulb.

In addition, he created the General Electric Company, a business empire worth several hundred billion dollars.

When this outstanding scientist and businessman was a little boy, he, like all of us, went to school, but studied there for only 2.5 months.

After that, the principal of the school called his mother and said: “Your son is mediocre! He is a dumbass and can't study with normal kids! Get him out of school!"

To which this great woman replied: “My son is the most brilliant child in the world! Idiots and stupid - it's you!"

Little Thomas really lagged behind his peers, and the school program was not given to him, but his mother, with her attitude, in her own words, gave him such a powerful impetus in development that changed his future. She made his future Great!

Today, without electric light, we simply cannot imagine our life.

But, habitually pressing the switch, few people think about the history of this invention.

To create an electric light bulb, Thomas Edison did more than ten thousand (!) Experiments.

All his colleagues have long lost faith in the possibility of creating a working model.

Edison said, "Yes. Every failure we endure is the only path to truth. Every failure brings us closer to the right decision. Each time we learn that this path will not lead to success, but immediately choose a new path and make a new experiment.

Only for the 1016th time thomas edison light bulb caught fire and changed the course of our civilization.

An everlasting monument to perseverance and the right attitude to failure.

As that first electric light flickered on his lab bench, Edison already saw “huge cities illuminated by substations, a complex system of machines and wires carrying light to city streets, shops, offices, and homes.”

It seemed to many a wild dream, but he lived to see the day when his dream came true.

Two young guys organized a small pizzeria near the University of Michigan.

They didn't have the money to set up a restaurant with seating, so they used an old Volkswagen to deliver pizza to the dorms.

They came up with a brilliant idea: a pizza delivery business.

But at the start, the business did not flourish, so the partners sat down to discuss the current situation. It seemed that the business could never feed two.

Therefore, one of the partners said: “I am leaving and leaving you my half of the enterprise. But I want to get a Volkswagen.”

(Tom Monaghan), second partner, agreed to the deal. He didn't want to quit the business he started.

Thus the company was born Domino's Pizza».

Continuing to develop the enterprise, he created a network, which now costs about 1 billion dollars.

The second partner received a heavily used Volkswagen.

Monaghan created the world's largest pizza delivery firm based on the principles of simplicity and efficiency.

His strategy worked, and statistics from 1989 showed that Domino's made more than half of all pizza in America.

It was the absolute guarantee of delivery within thirty minutes that brought him to the market leaders.

In the early 80s, Monagen had five hundred stores, and by the end of the decade there were already more than five thousand.

His pioneering spirit has made him the ‘King of Pizza’ for home delivery.

“Traditional education encourages you to learn the facts and then emotionally trains you to be afraid of making mistakes. And it's holding you back physically.

To live and be afraid is bad for health, mind, emotions, physical and financial situation.

As stated earlier, I have a lot of money, not because I am stronger in academic knowledge, but because I made more mistakes, recognized the right to mistakes and learned from them.

I was on my way to make more mistakes... and look forward to more... while most people work hard to avoid making mistakes in the future... that's why we have different futures.

You cannot improve your future if you are not willing to try new things, take risks, make mistakes and learn from them.”

Robert Kiyosaki
Honda brand

Soichiro Honda was the firstborn of a very poor family, the son of a poor blacksmith who repaired bicycles.

His family was so poor that five of the children starved to death in infancy.

An illiterate locksmith from a small Japanese village dreamed of starting his own business.

Having collected all the money, even selling his wife's jewelry, he set up the production of piston rings for the Toyota automobile company.

His fellow villagers were puzzled and surprised - how could an illiterate person open a business?

In addition to making piston rings, Honda was constantly working on his technical inventions. For a long time he did nothing.

Colleagues laughed at him, they believed that we should just continue to produce these rings and not invent anything new, otherwise he would soon go bankrupt.

They mocked him, and it always happens, because little people who are afraid to take risks, afraid to take a step, in general, to do something themselves, enthusiastically accept any of your defeats.

They are glad that you didn't succeed either. This is an excuse for their gray, boring, beggarly life. This is an internal guarantee that they live correctly, do not stick out, do not take risks and do not suffer.

Imagine how you felt Soichiro Honda, when I heard those jokes.

But it was at this moment that a miracle happened. Soichiro figured out how to ride a bike without expending effort. He attached a small motor to his wife's bicycle and made his first moped.

If at that moment he had listened to the “well-wishers” and refused to continue inventing, maybe all his life he would have been just one of the thousands of Toyota suppliers. Nobody knows, but quite wealthy person.

It was from failure that the great Honda empire was born, which is now one of the five largest automotive giants and produces 75% of all motorcycles in the world and a huge amount of necessary household appliances.

Here Soichiro Honda's formula for success:“Success comes only through repeated failure and introspection. In fact, success is only 1% of your work, and the other 99% is failure.”

Honda did for motorcycles what Henry Ford did for cars. He took a dormant stagnant market and made it active and dynamic.

His relentless drive to realize his dream of a superb car has translated into elegant cars.

Honda was a constant trendsetter in motorcycle design throughout the world from the mid-fifties to the early nineties.

Honda's Acura became the world's best-selling car in 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992, according to Car and Track magazine ('Car and Road').

In 1991 they also created the hugely popular sports car, the NSX.

In 1993, they again won accolades from J.D. Power - 'Acura' was again named the most popular model in the United States.

'Honda' holds the status of the largest company formed after the Second World War in Japan.

This recognition and success is the merit of a man who came out of a beggarly environment of a small Japanese town with a modern mindset and a willingness to take risks in search of a new one that appealed to the Americans.

In Japan, a country where public loyalty is at the forefront, Honda was a real non-conformist. His nickname, 'Mr. Thunder’ seemed so out of proportion to the small stature and incomprehensible demeanor of a typical Japanese executive.

He is an example of perseverance, humility, pleasant manners and the ability to perceive mistakes as a valuable asset.

Stallone dreamed of acting in films.

He went to screen tests, participated in extras, but no one took him.

A couple of times he was filmed in extras, where in the background someone punched him in the face - this was all that he achieved in several years of knocking on the thresholds of studios, directors and film producers.

At twenty-five, he was still unknown to anyone. He didn't even have acting experience!

Who needed him in Hollywood, where from morning till night 250,000 talented, already established actors are waiting for invitations and ready to fly like a bullet to any meeting that provides a chance?

The likelihood that Stallone would be invited to the main role was not just zero, it was negative.

Only in delirium can a person imagine that he will develop a career with such competition, insignificant personal data and no track record in the cinema!

With his dream to act in films, he annoyed absolutely everyone. He ran out of money. His wife told him many times, “Listen, get on with the real thing. Stop delusional, stop living in illusions! We don't have anything to live on anymore."

Indeed, by that time they had to sell all the worthwhile things from the house. Soon the wife herself slammed the door and left this "crazy man".

Stallone has only one dog left and an empty apartment without heating and electricity, because in America they quickly turn off gas, electricity, and water for debts.

He turned into a beggar, he was terribly poor - there was no money even for food. But this dreamer really wanted to act in films. All his friends and relatives told him: “What are you doing? Stop! You don't stand a chance!"

Sylvester Stallone still lived his dream. When it became cold and it was impossible to be in the house, he went to warm himself in public libraries, flipped through magazines and read books there.

And then one day he said to himself: “I will write a script, I will achieve the main role through this script, and my dream of becoming an actor will come true!”

He began to write one script after another, but no one accepted these scripts, he received rejection after rejection.

When it got really bad and there was nothing to eat, he was forced to sell his only friend - his dog. When he was selling it, he told the buyer: “I will definitely find you. I don't sell friends, I don't sell my dog ​​- I just don't have anything to feed it. When I have money, I will definitely find you, and I will definitely ransom you.”

But there was no money, and no chance either.

Complete dead end, complete loneliness, complete poverty.

What to do? Maybe refuse? Oh no! I will play in the movies! I will achieve my goal.

And then one day, when he saw the fight of Muhammad Ali on TV, it dawned on him!

He felt such inspiration, such a tremor in his body, he was literally “sausaged”. He took a pen and paper and wrote the script for the movie Rocky.

Inspired by his work, he went for the thousandth time in an endless circle from producers to directors, from directors to producers.

But no one wanted to take his script. Everyone refused to even pay attention to him.

This went on for several weeks until two young producers read the script. They told him, “Great, man. Good script. Here's $15,000 for you. We buy it, and be happy!”

To which they received an unexpected answer: “No! I'm not giving away the script just like that. I have to play the lead role." They were amazed at his impudence and sent Sylvester Stallone to hell.

But after a while they called him again and offered him $100,000. He again disagreed.

The producers popularly explained to him, “Look at you. You are small, unattractive, you have no talent, you are unprofessional. What the hell is the lead role? Take the money! We'll hire a good actor and make even more money, and we'll give you a percentage of the box office."

Being in the most distressful situation, experiencing a terrible need, Sylvester Stallone answered: “No! I disagree. I have to play the lead role!”

Again he was sent to hell, again time passed, and again the conversation took place: “250 thousand dollars, a very good, profitable percentage of the box office - and all your problems will end. Well, why do you need this main role? Why are you missing out on maybe your only chance in life?”

"Not! Stallone said. “I will sign the documents only on the condition that I play the lead role.”

More time has passed. Since these producers really liked the script, they spat and agreed.

Naturally, they only gave him $15,000 and a percentage of the box office gross. By the way, he gave these 15 thousand in order to return his dog, because. the buyer, who heard about his luck, agreed to return the dog, bought for only $ 50, to him only after Stallone laid out his entire fee - $ 15 thousand.

Today Sylvester Stallone is a cult actor.

His scripts, his films, his roles have become classics of world cinema.

He achieved his dream, he achieved his goal.

Judge for yourself how true he was to his dream, and through how many trials he had to carry his dream of becoming an actor!

Nothing is easier than being busy and nothing is harder than being Productive.”
Alan Mackenzie

How did Napoleon work?

Listen to the story.

A young man comes from the city of Kryzhopol without any connections, only with his own mind and efforts, at the age of thirty he becomes the president of Russia (and how old are you now?), And after only ten years, Russia, lying in ruins, becomes one of the strongest European powers …

Fiction? Guess what: it was.

One young man, just like you, only in France, really did it. He was originally from the province of Corsica, and his name was Napoleon.

So, once again: he was no different from you. Well, maybe just your ability to work.

This is a short excerpt from the book Ben Vader "Brilliant Bonaparte".

He seeks to foresee everything that should happen, since one cannot rely on chance, one should always be ready for anything, act without delay.

Such superhuman activity amazes even the least enthusiastic of all people, the pessimistic philosopher Schopenhauer, who exclaims in rapture: "Bonaparte is the most excellent embodiment of the human will."

There is nothing of an ideologue in him, for his spirit is eminently characterized by the three great qualities of a statesman: realism, common sense and imagination.

A realist, he directs his immense genius to solve the most banal issues.

- Every day has its own dirty work, each circumstance has its own law, each creature has its own nature.

A realist, he knows how to get the most out of the people he evaluates with one glance.

“Come to me,” he suggests to the young royalist leaders who are fighting against him in the Vendée, “my government will be the government of youth and intelligence.

He engages his employees, both civilian and military, in a whirlwind of work.

After eight hours of deliberation, as night falls, the ministers collapse from exhaustion; he passes behind the chairs, shaking them by the shoulders:

- Well, well, citizens ... It's only two o'clock in the morning ... We must properly work off the money that France pays us.

He often says, as if convincing his entourage:

- Day - what a century!

A realist, he puts the interest of the state first, both out of necessity and out of inner conviction, exercising power not only with undiminished energy, but also with unflagging meticulousness. The technical organization of the emperor's working days is clear evidence of his diligence in this area.

Rising at dawn, in a dressing gown, he looks through personal correspondence and newspapers, receiving a doctor, architects or his librarian during the morning toilet; while he lies in the bath, urgent dispatches are read to him.

He dresses, leaves his apartment at 9 o'clock, receives officers, members of his family or dignitaries. This protocol rise is at the same time part of the working day, since it summons to itself those civilians and military persons whom I would like to ask certain questions or from whom I intend to demand explanations.

Short audiences follow, for like Goethe he knows the secret of time, and often his blue eyes darken to black when some garrulous visitor tries his patience too long.

He has breakfast at 9.30, but not always, as protracted audiences often allow him to come to the table only by 11 o'clock.

It is a pity for him to waste time on food, and he gets rid of this unpleasant duty in 7-8 minutes. But he uses this short pause to receive artists or scientists and ask them a lot of questions.

After a short rest in the apartments of the Empress, he goes to his office and plunges into work, that is, into the management of an empire that occupies half of Europe and has 83 million inhabitants.

Maps, plans, diagrams and statistical tables are spread out in the next topographic office, they are always at hand in case of need.

He throws his hat and sword on a chair and, pacing back and forth, dictates to the secretary. His texts bear the imprint of this nervous walk: the phrase is beautifully constructed, but simple, as only ideas occupy his attention.

Occasionally he stops to leaf through a report or a letter: all the topics of his dictations fit - interspersed - in the pantries of his memory. While the secretary cleanly rewrites this verbal stream to turn it into the text of dispatches, Napoleon opens the ministerial dossiers sent to him and reads them without missing a single detail, constantly demanding comments, dotting almost all documents with notes.

Then follows the signing of orders, diplomas, dispatches, which will inform the whole of Europe of the will of the emperor or express his displeasure.

What other monarch studied so many details with such care! Nothing escapes him.

He is scrupulous in regard to the imperial… “Received 44,800, expended 39,800, balance 5,000, plus 15,000 receipts in March, which ends, a total of 20,000. March 30th. N."

He finds time to write articles for the official newspaper The Monitor, preside over the Council of State, and write with his own hand to kings or members of his family.

The wall clock in his office strikes six times - it's dinner time, and the empress, charming, with a natural hairdo, dizzyingly coquettish, calms the guests.

It happens that the clock strikes seven, eight, nine strikes, sometimes eleven ... The emperor, who had gone headlong into work, forgot about dinner. When he finally sits down at the table for a short quarter of an hour, he has time to give instructions to the marshal, read urgent dispatches or listen to excerpts from the press.

After coffee, he returns to the office, leaving Josephine to take care of the guests, and resumes his dictation or reading.

Having settled down at 10 o’clock, he rises in the middle of the night, reads reports, and most importantly, studies army affairs in detail, putting aside in his memory the movement of regiments, the stages of a difficult march, the number of batteries, monitors the daily state of the treasury and finances.

Often wakes up the secretary, and dictations resume.

The same activity during military campaigns, between two battles, at any bivouac. After Eylau, residing in Fimkenstein Castle thousands of kilometers from his ministers, he continues to rule with the same confidence, calmness and punctuality as from his office in the Tuileries: 310 letters will go into his "Correspondence" in these five weeks.

If you took part in the work of one of the companies and were disappointed by not earning the money that the leaders of these companies earned, if you lost faith in opening your site and did not receive the profit you expected, listen to the stories of people who were not disappointed in business due to initial failures.

Perhaps you will benefit from their experience.

"Too many people break down without even realizing
how close to success they were at the moment when they lost heart"

Today, few people remember how they shaved a few decades ago.

For daily shaving, men used the so-called "straight razor", similar to a sharp-sharp penknife. The razor had to be sharpened periodically using a special leather strap.

In 1900 King Gillette was a traveling salesman.

One morning, on a Midwestern highway, King dropped his straight razor. She split in half.

If you are on the road and cannot shave in the morning, this is a big problem.

However, the shattered blade gave King an idea. He glued two pieces, as a result of which his razor had two cutting edges. He sent a telegram to his wife. It said: “Wow! We are rich!

When King returned to Boston a month later, he found a company that could make him a prototype of this reversible razor.

Then he started selling it.

He sold three in his first year. Seven next year. Razors with two blades became his fixed idea.

A year later, King Gillette sold eleven razors.

This went on for several years.

His obsession hasn't waned. His friends poked fun at him: “Hey King, how are you with razors? Hehehehe."

But King didn't give up.

He believed and continued to sell razors - ten, then two or three dozen a year.

The First World War interrupted his activities.

Gillette took the train and went to Washington.

He offered his invention to the army for free.

The army loved free stuff. The razor was portable and no longer needed a strap to sharpen it.

When the blade became dull, you just had to insert a new blade into the razor.

Blade purchased from a young company Gillette Safety Razor Company.

Its sales exceeded one million pieces that year.

She spent a typical childhood of a girl from a small town without any troubles and upheavals. Years later, she gave the date of her birth to her favorite hero, Harry Potter.

As a child, Rowling, in her own words, was an insecure, chubby girl with horn-rimmed glasses, a nerd and a nerd.

Few parents paid attention to this, but indeed, before Harry Potter, in most schools in Russia, Europe, and the whole world, strong, hooligan, cocky, bright children were heroes, but not "nerds" at all.

This amazing writer, with the help of her books, introduced a fashion for knowledge.

After graduating from school, Joan enters the University of Exeter, where she chooses the specialization "Philology", studying in depth French, Latin and ancient Greek.

Joan began writing her first Harry Potter book back in 1990, when she was twenty-five years old and worked as a secretary in a London publishing house.

She did not have a computer, she wrote her bestseller on pieces of paper and put them in a shoe box.

Soon, in 1990, her beloved mother dies of multiple sclerosis at the age of 45, and Joan and her sister are left alone.

At the age of 26, Joan goes to Portugal to teach English and soon meets Jorge Arantes, a journalist and playboy, and marries him a year later.

The ambitious husband could not find a job for a long time, and therefore Joan, in order to support her family, had to teach English almost until the birth of her daughter Jessica. And already in October, Joan, whose family life did not work out, with a three-month-old Jessica in her arms, went to the only relative and close person - to her sister in Edinburgh.

She became a semi-poor single mother and lived on state benefits on the outskirts of the city in a gloomy slum. Rowling received only 70 pounds a week, which was completely spent on food and some clothes for Jessie. She was very embarrassed by her plight, literally turning into a beggar.

When Joan first went to the post office to receive cash assistance, she felt “as if there was a neon arrow burning over my head, pointing everyone to me. I quickly stuffed my deposit book into my pocket so that no one in line could see what it was.

Another episode that Rowling recalls with pain and sadness is the distribution of old toys in the form of humanitarian aid. Jessica got such a dirty teddy bear that Joan refused to take it: "I felt that my previous humiliation was nothing compared to what I felt when I saw this teddy bear."

The death of her beloved mother, the constant lack of money, the difficult separation from her husband, who literally pushed her out of the house with a small child in her arms, contributed to the development of severe depression.

Sometimes on rainy evenings, when her daughter was sleeping, it seemed to Joan that this black streak of life would never end. From the terrible reality, Joan escaped only at the desk.

Joan wrote her first book for almost five years. Joan sent the manuscript of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone retyped on an old typewriter to various publishers, from where the standard replies came: “Too difficult for children. The kids won't care."

But in 1995, the streak of terrible failures finally ended - the manuscript ended up in the Bloombury publishing house, which specialized in the production of children's books.

The first professional to take notice of her books was literary agent Christopher Litel. He saw something unusual in the young writer and recommended that the publisher give the manuscript of the book to a special children's expert council, consisting of boys and girls of different ages, so that they could evaluate the manuscript. The children were delighted with the book, and it was decided to publish The Philosopher's Stone.

Then the literary agent of the writer Christopher Litel took the "Philosopher's Stone" to the largest book fair in Europe in Frankfurt.

And soon the Bloombury publishing house paid JK Rowling an advance of $ 2,250 - a fantastic amount for her.

For the first time in her life, Joan went to a jewelry store and chose an aquamarine ring to match the color of her eyes.

From this moment in fate Joanne Rowling there is an amazing turn - the ugly duckling turns into a beautiful swan.

The first book was published in July 1997, the same year Joan received a grant of 12 thousand dollars and finally bought a computer.

Further more. The Americans bought the rights to The Philosopher's Stone from her for $110,000, and by the summer of 2000, the first three books had sold thirty-five million copies and were translated into 36 languages.

Rowling was finally able to leave her job - she taught French - and fully concentrate on creativity.

Harry Potter books literally conquered the whole world. And Rowling herself has become a superstar, a cult writer of our time.

The woman writer who made over a billion dollars!

Only in the USA in the two months since the publication of the sixth volume Harry Potter, eleven million copies of the book have been sold.

The sales level of the sixth volume reached seven million copies already within the first day from the date of publication.

And this means that on average more than 250 thousand copies were sold per hour, which broke the record of the fifth book "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", when five million books were sold in the first day.

At the same time, it is worth noting that, now already famous and outstanding, the writer remained a sympathetic, modest, noble person.

  • The idea was simple. In the morning, for a few minutes, famous people had to tell the whole country how they had achieved success.

    Especially for this program, an amazing scenery was invented - I talked to people in a huge beautiful elevator that endlessly rises into the sky, like the epitome of climbing to the top.

    Due to our busy schedule, we managed to film only 64 programs, but it was a very interesting experience in my life - I had the opportunity to directly ask sixty-four famous people in Russia about their formula for success.

    And then my friend and teacher Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov came to one of the programs.

    His answer then surprised me, because I was young and did not think at all about many things that I understand and know today.

    When I asked Vladimir Yakovlevich: “What is your formula for success?”, He unexpectedly answered: “This is a disaster. This is defeat."

    I was in a hurry. I was even speechless for a split second.

    At that time, I did not understand the deep meaning of the master. When you endure blow after blow for maybe decades, it is almost impossible to believe in it.

    Defeat is the only way to start your life over.

    Only a few years later I understood the great meaning of Voroshilov's words. When I myself experienced a disaster and managed to get out of it.

    I will briefly describe a few episodes from his life.

    The first defeat, the first blow of fate, he received even when he was just starting to work on television and was a small fry, in my opinion, a sound engineer.

    It is difficult for young people to understand this today, but earlier in the Soviet Union people were forbidden to criticize our system. And during a live program about bards, this criticism, of course, in Aesopian language, but sounded. The secretary of the Novosibirsk Regional Party Committee calls the Central Committee and says: “Are you stunned? We put such people in jail, and you let them on TV?”

    A terrible scandal broke out, someone needs to be punished. Voroshilov is punished. They simply explain: “You are still non-party, you are still a Jew, so you will be a switchman.” He is kicked out of television. Resentment, pain, disappointment, he is deprived of his favorite job.

    The next blow of fate. He creates a wonderful transmission of "Come on, guys!" The older generation remembers her, as do I.

    On the set, a guy accidentally, ridiculously dies. Again they close the program, again they are kicked out of television. Hard times are coming, Voroshilov has no money even for food. His friends feed him under various pretexts.

    Injustice, resentment, pain. He invents and hosts the famous program “What? Where? When?".

    Most people of the older generation remember that no one has seen the face of the mysterious presenter for many, many years. Why? This was not the artistic intent of the transmission.

    It's just that when the party leaders looked at the script for the program, they said, “Well, okay. Let this program go on the air, but only on one condition - that this Jewish face is not on the screen. Again humiliation, again pain.

    I have told only a few episodes of his difficult journey.

    And now, having gone through this path, he really became a great master, really made one of the most interesting programs on our television, which has been living for the third decade.

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