History of military music in Russia. folk music

State budget educational institution

higher education in Moscow

Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke"

conducts among students of secondary vocational education and universities studying folk music and traditional culture,

Fifth All-Russian Open Competition

I sing my Fatherland!

Goals and objectives of the competition:

  • awareness of the wealth and beauty of the heritage of ancestors;
  • study of culture, art, creativity of the peoples of Russia;
  • promotion of international cooperation aimed at identifying the diversity of cultural and national traditions different ethnic groups;
  • strengthening mutual understanding and friendly relations between representatives of different ethnic groups;
  • association of students different nationalities on the principles of peaceful coexistence and creative mutual understanding;
  • preservation, support and promotion national instruments;
  • expanding the horizons and intellectual level of young people;
  • solution of urgent problems of spiritual and moral education, formation moral values youth;
  • creating conditions for the creative self-realization of young musicians (musicologists and performers) and their social adaptation in the field of culture;
  • performers and their social adaptation in the field of culture;
  • identification and support of gifted creative youth of Russia and other countries, education, patriotic and aesthetic education, strengthening of a unified cultural space, conservation and development cultural potential subjects of the Russian Federation.

The terms of participation

Students of SVE and universities prepare a speech (no more than 15 minutes) and a presentation about their Little Motherland (ethnos, region, area, locus). Information material may affect aspects of local history (settlement history, natural conditions), ethnography (housing, crafts, traditional costume, rituals), musical folklore(folk instruments, song and instrumental genres, authentic performers and masters). The message must contain a study of the music of the studied region and musical illustrations, including a personal performance by a contestant or a group of participants of instrumental or vocal ethnomusic, as well as samples of choreographic folklore.

Dates and venue

st. Marshal Sokolovsky, house 10


Chairman Shcherbakova Anna Iosifovna - acting rector of Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke, doctor pedagogical sciences, Doctor of Cultural Studies, professor, member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education and the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation.

Deputy Chairman Alyabyeva Anna Gennadievna - Head of the Department of Philosophy, History, Theory of Culture and Art, Doctor of Art History, Professor, Member of the Society of Orientalists of the Russian Federation, Member International Council in traditional music ICTM) at UNESCO.

Zaitseva Elena Alexandrovna - Ph.D. in Art History, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, History, Theory of Culture and Art of the A.G. Schnittke Moscow State Institute of Music, Member of the International Union of Musicians, Academician of the International Academy of Creativity, artistic director folklore ensemble"Key".

Vasilenko Alexander Ivanovich - laureate of All-Russian and international competitions, Senior Lecturer, Department of Folk Performing Arts, Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke.

Shabshaevich Elena Markovna - Doctor of Arts, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, History, Theory of Culture and Art of the A.G. Schnittke Moscow State Institute of Music, Scientific Director of the Center scientific creativity students.

Ganicheva Yuliya Vladimirovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, History, Theory of Culture and Art of A.G. Schnittke Moscow State Institute of Music, Senior Researcher of the Department of Publishing and Research Work.


Project coordinator - Elena Aleksandrovna Zaitseva 8-916-535-11-81

[email protected] mail.ru

Information, as well as the results of the competition, will be published on the official website of the A.G. Schnittke

AT application marked "I sing my Fatherland" should indicate:

  • Full name of the contestant
  • educational institution, level of education, department, specialty, course
  • Topic
  • Full name, academic degree and position of supervisor
  • Contact phone, email address

Send application by email. address: [email protected]

The entrance fee indicating “For participation in the competition “I sing my fatherland”” in the amount of 1000 rubles must be paid by transfer to the settlement account of the A.G. Schnittke. Scan (photo) of the receipt should be sent to e-mail to the address [email protected] until 05/10/2019.

Musical traditions my family. Chastushki.

Party" href="/text/category/vecherinka/" rel="bookmark">party , and when just a lonely blizzard winter evening I want to sing, accompanying myself on the piano. We give special honor to Russian folk songs. We know a lot of them, we sing, laying out the song into voices, male, female, children's ... and yet I want to tell you more about one genre of Russian music, loved by all members of our family:

"There is joy in the song, there is grief in the song,

In song and fun.

I find only in the song

Heart of consolation "-

learned? Of course it's ditties! There is no such person in Russia who would not know ditties. He did not remember at least one of these, sometimes mischievous, sometimes sad songs, whether he was a city dweller or a villager. What only shades, experiences, mischief and jokes does not she carry in her four lines! You are amazing! Chastushka is huge world, sparkling and mischievous. “Small and remote” - they talk about ditties, because these short songs have a lot of humor and wit. Chastushka is a funny story, small musical story. New Year, Maslenitsa, Easter, Trinity, birthday - none of our family holiday does not do without ditties.

Traditionally, ditties were performed to one melody in whole series during festivities to the accordion, balalaika, “under the tongue” or without musical accompaniment. Some scholars believe that the ditty was born a very long time ago, that songs similar to ditties were sung and danced to by wandering artists - buffoons - back in the 17th - 18th centuries. Others are convinced that the ditty as a special song form appeared no earlier than the middle of the last century. In the famous four-volume explanatory dictionary Dal does not have the word “chastushka” (in the sense of “short song”), so the second point of view seems to me more convincing.

“... She lives like a person,

And she is not forgotten by the people.

Everyone loves and passes it on

From generation to generation.

Hear once - there is no rest,

You will be with this one for the rest of your life.

You kids, only seven years old,

Chastushka 100, maybe 200!”

At that time, only young boys and girls sang them while dancing, on a walk. In a close circle, boys and girls, stomping, to the sounds of an accordion, sentenced ditties.

The word "chastushka" was coined by the Russian writer Gleb Uspensky, before that, as soon as these funny short songs were not called: "korotushka", "ihohoshka", "talker", "matanya", "quirk". Most of the ditties are very funny, not without reason the ditty was nicknamed - a musical joke. In ancient times, the elderly did not consider ditties to be serious songs, they considered them the fun of the young, but time passed, the young grew old, and they did not forget the songs of their youth. Gradually, the ditty became a song of all ages: girls go to the forest for mushrooms and berries, sing forest ditties, escort a soldier to war, sing front-line ditties, there are ditties - incoherent ones:

“A tractor climbed onto a birch,

Ripped off all the knees

Well, who cares

Maybe that's where his nest is! -

but still main topic ditty jokes - love and lovers. Meetings, courtship, dates, partings. Ditties about love are called "suffering." With special warmth, the suffering performed by my mother sounds:

"We'll stand next to you

Shoulder on shoulder

So that it does not ache, does not suffer

Heart for you…”

The song in our family is approached with soul. Otherwise you can't...

In its best examples, the ditty not only keeps the inexhaustible riches of Russian speech, but also willingly absorbs the words and expressions brought by the new time. Completely new ditties are constantly being created, in which the old is only a melody, a familiar form and inexhaustible folk humor.

In musical terms, the specificity of the ditty is the absence of an individual tune. There are local types of tunes, which are performed by most of the ditties of a particular region, locality. Meet "Pavlovsk ditties" - the result of our family creativity, folk music, words - Orlyukovs.

Pavlovsk ditties

Our small town

It's called Pavlov.

We sing about him with soul,

The song goes on and on.

More beautiful than Pavlovsk land

Can't be found anywhere in the world.

Here the people are skilled

Metalworkers, craftsmen.

Not bored all year round

And dancing and singing

Pavlovchanin, Pavlovian-

Amazing people!

All Russia knows us

Produces the city of PAZ.

Half the country swear

The brakes are breaking!

Pavlovskaya streets,

crooked lanes,

Oksky conversations,

Fighting goose.

Someone is going abroad

To the sea shores

Well, a wave caresses us

Blue-eyed Eye.

Yellow pavlovian lemon

For Russia, the whole is familiar.

From the ground grows in a pot,

A piece of sun on the window.

So a million money

And in the Pavlovsk side

Lemons ripen on the window.


noble people,

From old to small

We send you greetings from Pavlov!!!

The emotional tone of most ditties is major, musical basis- short one-part, less often two-part, melodies performed in a semi-spoken or melodious manner. When you listen to ditties, you vividly feel their connection with the old traditions of our people, with its character, with the centuries of its history, with all those relatives and friends that are included in the concept of Russia for all of us. Everything, literally everything, can be expressed in a ditty, these short songs: crafty, lively, sincere, funny and sad are loved by many. And in our time, every person, when asked if he knows what a ditty is, will answer in the affirmative, and possibly perform one of them.

What is so attractive in ditties? And the fact that you can perform a ditty everywhere: on the street, in the field, on a walk, at a meeting, on the stage, at a party with friends, at a family celebration and on a campfire. And the fact that adults, youth, and children can sing them. Russian ditty is amazing. The word "chastushka" is clear to everyone without exception. So let the ditty live, disperse sadness - melancholy, teach the mind - the mind. Let's keep her in our hearts - cocky, tricky and mischievous, she deserves it!


"Singing Russia" publishing house " Soviet composer", Moscow 1989.

Uporov Ignat

Origins of Russian folk song. The second life of folk music in remixes, films, scenography.



MOU "Average comprehensive school No. 79"

Competition of projects "First Steps"

folk music:

Tradition and innovation

Artist - Uporov Ignat

4th grade student

MOU "Secondary School No. 79"

Teacher - Uporova I.A.

Perm, 2009


1. Introduction …………………………………………………………… .4

2. Folk music: traditions

2.1. “Where are you from, Russian, originated, music…”…………5

2.2. Genre diversity of folk songs………………6

2.3. Musical folklore ………………………………… 7

2.4. folk instruments ………………………………….. 7

3. Folk music: innovation…………………………………... 8

  1. Conclusion…………………………………………………………. 9
  1. Bibliography……………………………………………………… 10
  1. Musical application………………………………………………... ...11


This project is relevant and of interest to any person - a musician or a layman. After all folk songs about our life. Folk art is a school of patriotic education.

The child grows from lullabies to epics, prepares for comprehension complex world. Folklore attracts the attention of children and youth to history and culture native land. Folk songs contribute comprehensive development personality.

Song and music help to overcome the language and cultural barrier between grandparents and grandchildren.

The work is structured as follows:

The second section reveals the origins of the folk song, its richness. Introduces musical folklore and a variety of musical instruments.

The third section reveals the role of folk songs in human life, traditions and innovation.

The application of this work contains a musical application, music tracks of folk melodies in modern arrangements, as well as a presentation and videos.

1. Introduction

The role of folk song in human life

The customs of our ancestors are far away,

and very close today. They are hidden

in manuscripts, archives, alive in many

features of our day. And even trampled

it seemed, cleanly, they come to life in the hearts.

MM. Gromyko

slide 3 Russian folk song- a treasury of songwriting, "an example of truth and beauty", an invaluable asset of the Russian people, which is a representative of Russia, and therefore a spokesman for its interests, history and culture. Russian folk song is a confession Slavic people about Russia, its great past, present and future.

“As the pinnacle of folk poetry, where the word is of paramount importance: “the song affects, and the melody comes by itself,” they said in the old days, Russian folk songs leave a trace of an exalted state and illumination in the soul of everyone with their melodies, speaking of spiritual qualities Russian person. Covering his whole life, they express his fate, way of life, work, spiritual world and character traits, and therefore they have a huge wealth of their diverse and diverse arsenal, the inimitability of their shades- intonations: these melodies are sometimes sublimely simple, strict, contemplative, sometimes tender, touching, sad, sometimes mischievous, mocking, ironic songs of love, wedding, ritual, dance, labor, coachmen, etc.” 1

Russian folk songs were and remain loved by their people, they have a special way to human soul: they make us kinder, cleaner and stronger, healing our souls.

Based on a folk song folk culture singing, all modern academic professional vocal cultures and schools arose and developed, took shape characteristics and features of national musical cultures. Acquaintance with the folk song expands the understanding of the folk musical and poetic language.

And today the Russian folk song lives among the people with its own range of images, original musical expressiveness, with its "weaving", dressed in clothes artistic truth, which in itself deeply touches, giving rise to experiences.

Nevertheless, the Russian folk song enriched and today enriches everything. musical genres. Singing compositions of the people were sung and today are sung by individual singers who own natural voices, preserving for the current generation of people the art of singing - speaking, especially for Russian youth, who must realize the greatest value, spiritual beauty, boundless musicality, which are hidden in Russian folk song.

1 Vitvitsky K.Z. "Soulful Bel Canto". - Perm Typography LLC Book, 1990

2. Folk music: traditions

“Where are you from, Russian, originated, music ...”

Where are you from, Russian?

Music originated?

Whether in an open field,
Is it in a hazy forest?

Is it in joy? In pain?

Or bird whistle?

You tell me where

Sadness in you and prowess?

In whose heart did you beat

From the very beginning?

How did you come?

How did you sound?

Ducks have flown

They dropped the pipes.

The geese have flown

They dropped the harp.

They are sometimes spring

Found, not surprised.

Well, what about the song?

With a song

Born in Russia.

G. Serebryakov

Many folk songs were composed back in a time far from us, when no one was taught music, when there were no musical instruments, music schools(and ordinary ones, too), when it was almost impossible to meet a musically literate person. In those days, songs were composed by self-taught, amateurs and masters of singing and playing instruments that they invented themselves. They were very talented people- this can be seen from the many beautiful old songs that have come down to us.

The most ancient folk songs (peasant) were composed in the villages, then in the cities (workers', revolutionary). The melody and lyrics were almost always composed at the same time, often by the same person. The folk song was created in labor, it is an integral part of the existence of the peasants, these are their joys and sorrows, holidays, winter gatherings ...

Folk songs were not written down (after all, they were composed by people who did not know how to read and write), but were sung by ear, passing from one person to another, from family to family, from village to village, from generation to generation. slide 4

Acquaintance with folk art begins with a person from the cradle, with lullabies, pestles, nursery rhymes. Old Russian wordto lull, to lullmeans not only to speak, to persuade, but also to speak. They often sang spiritual verses to lullaby music. The lullaby puts you to sleep, soothes. Lullabies are conspiracies, amulets based on magical power influence of words and music.

From the very first minutes of his existence, the child finds himself not in a chaos of sounds, but in the power of words and music. Even the most ordinary sips were accompanied by songs - sentences. As a result, imperceptibly, by the age of two or three, the child is fully prepared for independent creativity. He passed the necessary musical and creative school(See Musical Appendix, p.10)

Genre variety of folk songs

Genre - french word, it denotes a historically established type, type of work in art. In music, the following genres are distinguished:

  1. According to the method of performance (vocal - solo, ensemble (several people), choral; vocal - instrumental; instrumental - solo, ensemble and orchestral)
  2. By appointment (march, dance, song, lullaby, ditty, etc.)
  3. By place and conditions of performance (theater, concert, chamber music, etc.)

slide 5 “The song is the soul of the people,” we hear from the musicians. One of the three whales on which all music rests was called the song by D. B. Kabalevsky. There are very different songs: lullabies, children's jokes, counting rhymes, teasers, wedding songs, lingering, lyrical songs, telling about female lobe, epics telling about the exploits of the ancient heroes. In songs, as in a kind folk encyclopedia, all human life is told, that is, the genre content of Russian folk songs is diverse.

In the Russian village, the song accompanied a person literally all his life. Songs lulled the baby in unsteadiness, older children sang counting rhymes, teasers, nursery rhymes. Boys and girls sang when they danced in the meadow. They sang for needlework, on the road and at home, at work and on vacation. There was no wedding ceremony without songs. And a man left life to the sounds of a funeral parable - a song - crying.When the landowners forced their peasant women to harvest in the gardens, orchards, they demanded that women and children sing songs so that they would not eat their berries, vegetables and fruits. When people worked hard, the song helped them to do something at the same time, as a team, and this made their work easier. For example, when building a house, a cowshed, a barn, or in the work of barge haulers with a song, it was easier to keep pace or pull a barge loaded with the master's goods.

Russian man has always been sensitive to beauty, he loved the fields and forests of his homeland, its nature and sang it in poetry, and in songs, and in drawings, and in music.

slide 6 One of the favorite genres of the Russian people was and remains a ditty. Chastushka - cheerful, mischievous couplets, often satirical content. It goes to idlers, lazybones and couch potatoes, sluts and money changers.

The word "chastushka" comes from "frequent", i.e. fast. Somewhere ditties are called"chants". These are fast songs with a clear rhythm. Their melody is very short, only one verse, which is repeated many times with different words(see sheet music p.12)

musical folklore

Slide 7 Folklore - folk art. English folk - people, lore - teaching. Together these words folk lore - translated as"folk wisdom".That is how, respectfully and even sublimely, it is customary all over the world to call oral musical and literary folk art. In fact: in the works of oral folk art folk experience, traditions, worldview were embodied, that is, folk wisdom was really transmitted.

Musical folklore is folk songs and dances, epics and instrumental tunes. Unlike instrumental music folklore does not know authorship. The work lives in the oral tradition, is transmitted from one performer to another, sometimes modified. “Folk songs, like musical organisms, are by no means the compositions of individual musical and creative talents, but the works of a whole people,” wrote A.N. Serov. Each of them is a product of the whole life of the people, its history and way of life.

Slide 8 The most ancient layer of folklore, i.e. folk music, is peasant songs: calendar songs (for each season - their own), incantations, sentences, and later urban ones appeared: soldiers', workers' folk songs. Children's folklore- nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles, fables - also reflected in children's folk music(See Music Appendix p.11)

folk instruments

Slide 9 The man listened to the drawn-out singing of the bowstring, the blows of clubs on dry tree trunks, the whistle of cut reeds. History has not preserved the names craftsmen who made the first musical instruments- psaltery, balalaikas, pity, horns, pipes, rattles, spoons. The balalaika and accordion are considered the musical symbol of the Russian people.

Guitar - plucked string instrument, one of the most common instruments. Any vocal - instrumental ensemble starts with the guitar. Tourists, going on a hike, do not forget to grab a guitar: it is well sung around a campfire in the evening! The guitar sounds at home and on the stage, in the forest and in concert hall. And in my project -"Folk Music: Traditions and Innovation", folk songs and melodies will be performed in modern arrangements performed by the guitar.

3. Folk music: innovation

Slide 10 For many centuries, the peoples of the world have composed songs as a chronicle of their lives. They contain joys and sorrows, good luck and difficulties, rituals and games, memories of the past and dreams of the future.

For a poet, composer, artist, as well as for each of us, there can be no nature without man, just as there can be no man without nature.

Folk song as a source of living water gave composers inspiration, taught them beauty and skill. Simple song melodies in the works of composers often turn into richly decorated orchestral melodies.

Folk song, and more broadly all musical folklore, is the basis of a professional composer creativity. “The people create music, and we, the artists, only arrange it (we shift the music, decorate it),” M.I. once said. Glinka. In many works of Russian composers, we hear the tunes of folk songs, the rhythms of dances. And without exception, all Russian music is imbued with intonations drawn from native folklore, minute turns, which create the difference between one national musical culture from another.

Folk music, folk tales, epics, legends formed the basis of many works of great composers:

  • P. Tchaikovsky First Piano Concerto (Ukr. n. p. "Vesnyanka")
  • M. Mussorgsky opera "Khovanshchina" (in the opera there are melodies very similar to folk, and genuine Russian folk songs)
  • N. Rimsky - Korsakov Opera - fairy tale "The Snow Maiden" (Lel's songs, each as if woven from folk tunes. It was these songs and Lel's shepherd tunes that warmed the Snow Maiden's cold heart, filled it with love)
  • M. Glinka "Kamarinskaya"
  • G. Sviridov "Kursk Songs"
  • S. Prokofiev cantata “Get up, Russian people…”(see music app)

In films and cartoons, directors use folk melodies, rhythms, songs, but already interpreting them in modern rhythms (see Music Application).

  • K \ f "We are from the future"
  • M / f "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin snakes"

4. Conclusion

slide 11 Folk music is a mirror of the life of the people, which reflects not only certain events in the life of the people, but also the spirit, the atmosphere of their whole life. Folk music has played and continues to play a huge, decisive role in the emergence and development of professional musical creativity and performance.

Through musical folklore we come into contact with the traditions of our ancestors, rituals and customs. The activity, which is based on the principles of folklore creativity, develops the artistic, imaginative, associative thinking, and fantasy of the child. The very nature of musical folklore suggests its improvisational basis, combining poetry, music, plasticity of movements.

Song and melodiousness character traits Russian folk music and composer music that grew out of it. If they say about some song that it has become folk, this is the highest rating for a song or instrumental music.

5. Bibliography

1. Video materials from the film "We are from the Future", from the film "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin - a snake"

2. Gromyko M. M. "The World of the Russian Village" - Moscow "Young Guard",

1991, 446s, ill.

3. Kritskaya E.D. Music 2, 3, 4 class - Moscow "Enlightenment", 2002. -

127 p.

4. Maksimova T.S. Music grade 4 - Volgograd "Teacher", 2006. - 141 p.

5. Mikhailova M. A. “And at our gates there is a cheerful round dance”

(folk holidays, games and entertainment) - Yaroslavl: Academy

Development: Academy holding, 2001 - 224p.

6. Popov V.S. "Russian folk song in the children's choir" - Moscow,

"Music", 1985 - 80s.

7. "One, two, three, four, five, we're going to play." (Russian children's

game folklore). Compiled by Novitskaya G. M., Naumenko G. -

Moscow "Enlightenment", 1995 - 240 s.

8. Reader children's reading- Moscow "Rosmen", 2007. - 464 p.

6. Music application

1. Kitten - cat


Oh you kitty cat

Kitten gray tail!

Come, cat, spend the night,

Download my Sonechka.

I'm for you cat, cat

I will pay for the work:

I'll give you a piece of the pie

I'll fill a lid of cottage cheese,

I will knit a scarlet scarf,

I'll tie your neck.

2. Lambs



They walk in the mountains

They roam the forests

They play violin

Vasya is amused.

3. A goat walked along the bridge

And wagged her tail.

Caught on the railing

Went straight into the river.

Who does not believe - this is it.

Get out of the circle!

4. One, two, three, four

1. One, two, three, four, 2. I jumped, I danced,

They taught me to read and write - I broke my leg

Just jumping across the field Mommy began to feel sorry.

Perm region 5. Burn, burn brightRecorded by St. Petersburg Conservatory,

6. Chastushka

  1. In gym class

I go for sports

I will play basketball

And then I'll go home.

  1. We are sitting in class

And we look out the window.

Let's play, let's drink

Together we will go home.


Explanatory note

The study of music in elementary school aims to achieve the following goals:

# formation foundations of musical culture through emotional, active perception of music;

# upbringing emotional_value attitude to art, artistic taste, moral and aesthetic feelings: love for one's neighbor, for one's people, for the Motherland; respect for the history, traditions, musical culture of different peoples of the world;

# development interest in music and musical activity, figurative and associative thinking and imagination, musical memory and hearing, singing voice, educational and creative abilities in various types musical activity;

# developmentmusical works and knowledge about music;

# mastery practical skills in educational and creative activities: singing, listening to music, playing elementary musical instruments, musical_plasty

chesky movement and improvisation.

The goals of general music education are carried out through a system of key tasks of personal, cognitive, communicative and social development.

listening to music. Experience of emotional-figurative perception of music, different in content, character and means of musical expression. Enrichment of musical-auditory ideas about the intonational nature of music in all its diversity of types, genres and forms.

Singing. Self-expression of the child in singing. The embodiment of musical images in the learning and performance of works. Mastering vocal_choral skills and abilities for the transfer of musical_performing intent, improvisation.

instrumental music making. Collective and individual music-making on elementary and electronic musical instruments. Learning and performing music_

rock works. Experience in creative activity (composition, improvisation).

Musical#plastic movement. General idea of ​​plastic means of expressiveness. Individual_personal expression of the figurative content of music through plasticity. Collective forms of activity in the creation of musical_plastic compositions. Dance improvisations.

Dramatization of musical works. Theatrical forms of musical_creative activity. Musical games, dramatization of songs, dances, dramatization games. Expression of the figurative content of musical works using the means of expression of various arts.

The main content of education in the exemplary program is represented by the following content lines: “Music in human life”, “Basic laws of musical art”, “Musical picture of the world”. Such a construction of the program allows a variety of options for structuring the content of textbooks, different distribution educational material and time to study it. A reserve of free study time is provided - 15 study hours for 4 academic year. This reserve allows developers of copyright programs to fill in the specified content lines at their discretion.

Music in human life. Origins of music. The birth of music as a natural manifestation of the human condition. The sound of the surrounding life, nature, moods, feelings and character of a person. A generalized idea of ​​the main figurative-emotional spheres of music and the variety of musical genres and styles. Song, dance, march and their varieties. Song, dance, marching. Opera, ballet, symphony, concert, suite, cantata, musical.

Folk musical traditions of the Fatherland. Observation of folk art. Musical and poetic folklore of Russia: songs, dances, actions, rituals, tongue twisters, riddles, dramatization games. A generalized view of the historical past in musical images. Folk and professional music. Compositions of domestic composers about the Motherland. Spiritual music in the work of composers.

Basic laws of musical art. The intonational_figurative nature of musical art. Expressiveness and figurativeness in music. Intonation as an internal voiced state, expression of emotions and reflection of thoughts. Musical and speech intonations. Similarity and difference. Intonation is the source of the elements of musical speech. The main means of musical expressiveness (melody, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, timbre, harmony, etc.). Musical speech as a way of communication between people, its emotional impact on listeners. Composer - performer - listener. Musical speech as works of composers, transmission of information expressed in sounds. Polysemy of musical speech, expressiveness and meaning. Musical notation as a way of fixing musical speech. Elements musical notation. A system of graphic signs for recording music. Modern musical notation, stave. Recording notes - signs for designating musical sounds.

Comprehension of the general patterns of music: the development of music - the movement of music. Development of music in performance. Musical development in the juxtaposition and collision of human feelings, themes, artistic images.

Forms of construction of music as a generalized expression of the artistic-figurative content of works. One-part, two- and three-part forms, variations, rondo, etc.

Musical picture of the world. intonation richness of the world. General representations about the musical life of the country. Children's choral and instrumental groups, song and dance ensembles. Outstanding performing groups (choral, symphonic). Musical theatres. Competitions and festivals of musicians. Music for children: radio_ and TV shows,

video films, sound recordings (CD, DVD).

Various types of music: vocal, instrumental;

solo, choral, orchestral. Singing voices: children's,

female, male. Choirs: children's, female, male, mixed. Musical instruments. Orchestras: symphonic, wind, folk instruments. Folk and professional musical creativity of different countries of the world. The diversity of ethno-cultural, historically established traditions. Regional musical-poetic traditions: content, figurative sphere and musical language.

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Grissini are crispy bread sticks from Italy. They are baked mainly from a yeast base, sprinkled with seeds or salt. Elegant...
Raf coffee is a hot mixture of espresso, cream and vanilla sugar, whipped with an espresso machine's steam outlet in a pitcher. Its main feature...
Cold snacks on the festive table play a key role. After all, they not only allow guests to have an easy snack, but also beautifully...
Do you dream of learning how to cook deliciously and impress guests and homemade gourmet dishes? To do this, it is not at all necessary to carry out on ...
Hello friends! The subject of our analysis today is vegetarian mayonnaise. Many famous culinary specialists believe that the sauce ...
Apple pie is the pastry that every girl was taught to cook in technology classes. It is the pie with apples that will always be very ...