Analysis of the work of Eugene Onegin chapter by chapter. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" - analysis

The poem "Eugene Onegin" is a real encyclopedia of the life of a Russian person in the 19th century. The novel in verse was created during the years 1823-1831. It clearly shows the stylistic features of realism. The different strata of the Russian population of that time period are depicted very succinctly and accurately. The initial chapters were written by a young poet, and in the final chapters it is felt that the author is a person with great life experience. This novel traces the maturation of A. S. Pushkin as a creator.

History of creation

The great poet worked on his brainchild for more than seven years. The author considered the novel "Eugene Onegin" a magnificent creation. Along with "Boris Godunov" he called him a feat. In a fascinating work, the dramatic fate of the noble intelligentsia is revealed. All this takes place against the backdrop of pictures of Russian life.

Work on the essay began in May 1823 in Chisinau. At this time the poet was in exile. Pushkin decided to write a realistic novel in verse, abandoning romanticism as the leading creative principle.

But still, the first pages still have romantic features. The original idea was to have nine chapters. However, due to political issues, one chapter had to be removed - Onegin's Journey. Some of its fragments are present in the application. Researchers of Alexander Sergeevich's work indicate that this chapter describes how Eugene Onegin becomes an observer near the Odessa pier. After that there were quite sharp judgments and remarks. Fearing possible persecution by the authorities, Pushkin destroyed this fragment.

Time of the novel

The poem "Eugene Onegin" covers numerous events (from 1819 to 1825). Firstly, it was the reign of Alexander the First. Secondly, those were the years of the development of Russian society. Thirdly, the period from before the Decembrist uprising.

The time of action and creation of the novel practically coincide. Indeed, in general, it reflected the important events of the first quarter of the 19th century.

Like a poem by Lord Byron called "Don Juan" A. S. Pushkin created his own novel. "Eugene Onegin", whose poems seem to be collected in colorful chapters, is rightfully considered the best literary creation of the 19th century.

It is not for nothing that the novel is called the encyclopedia of its time. From the text you can learn about tastes and their preferences in clothes, about fashion, as well as about values. “Eugene Onegin” describes literally the whole of Russian life.


The poem was published gradually, in separate issues, each of which included one chapter. The brightest passages were published in almanacs and magazines. Each chapter was awaited with great impatience, it was perceived as a great event in Russian literature. The very first chapter was published in 1825. Readers could purchase the complete edition in one volume from 1833. Shortly before the death of Pushkin (in January 1837), the printing house of I. Glazunov released the novel in mini-format.

It was planned to sell 5,000 copies during the year (five rubles per book). However, after the death of the poet, the entire circulation was sold out in a week.

In 1988, a circulation of 15,000 copies was published (Kniga publishing house).


The poem opens with the lamentations of a young nobleman about the illness of his uncle. Already here the character of Eugene Onegin is manifested. He has to come to St. Petersburg to say goodbye to the patient. The first chapter tells about the origin, family and life of the protagonist before receiving the sad news.

Secular entertainment and love affairs filled the life of a young man in St. Petersburg. But all this bothers him. When Eugene comes to his uncle in the village, he learns that the relative has already died. The young man becomes his sole heir.

Eugene Onegin falls into a deep depression (an analysis of his image is in a separate section). He begins to make friends with his neighbor Lensky, who is the complete opposite of Onegin. Vladimir is an ardent and passionate romantic poet who is in love with Olga Larina. Eugene is quite surprised by the choice of a friend, hinting that he would have chosen Tatyana. The latter falls in love with Onegin and writes him a frank letter with declarations of love. However, the cold nobleman rejects her.

Onegin finds himself at a dinner with the Larins. Out of boredom, he begins courting Olga, making his friend jealous. Lensky challenges him to a duel. The duel ends with Vladimir's death, and Yevgeny leaves the village.

Another meeting with Tatyana who fell in love with him happens three years later. Now she is an important society lady, the wife of a general. Onegin falls in love with her, but attempts to woo the girl end in failure. Now she refuses him, although she does not hide that she still loves. But fidelity and family are beyond feelings for her.

This is where the story ends. The characterization of the novel "Eugene Onegin" continues with a description of the main characters.


  • Onegin.
  • Tatyana Larina.
  • Vladimir Lensky.
  • Olga Larina.
  • Nanny Tatiana.
  • Zaretsky (second).
  • Husband of Tatyana Larina, whose name is not indicated.
  • Author (Pushkin himself).

Dmitry and Praskovya Larins (father and mother), uncle Evgeny, Moscow cousin of the Larins, and others are mentioned.

"Eugene Onegin". Analysis of Tatyana's letter

A young provincial girl in a letter to Onegin confesses the feelings that have flared up in her. In the 19th century, it was not customary for young ladies to be the first to declare their love. However, Tatyana consciously crosses over moral prohibitions. Her pride suffers from this, she torments herself with doubts, she is overcome by conflicting feelings. Despite all this, the girl acts decisively. The letter reveals her subtle and romantic nature. It is not at all surprising that Tatyana is experiencing such passionate feelings. The girl from childhood loved French novels. She always dreamed of finding her hero so that she could throw out emotions. The choice fell on Onegin not by chance. He seemed special to her, not at all like other villagers. He was mysterious and enigmatic to her. It was about such a hero that Tatyana dreamed. She believed that Eugene would certainly understand and love her. She is very worried about the written lines and is ashamed of them. Suddenly, the nanny who enters notices a blush on the girl's face, but considers this a sign of health. Tatyana gives the letter and fearfully awaits the result.

Characteristics of the main character

The image of Eugene Onegin is very complex and controversial. This is a young landowner who did not receive proper attention and proper education in childhood. He grew up without a mother, deprived of the necessary affection and warmth. The father had nothing to do with his son. He entrusted it to tutors. Therefore, Onegin became a selfish person. He was only concerned with his own desires, and the suffering of other people was absolutely uninteresting. The image of Eugene Onegin is striking in its composure. It can touch the nerve of almost anyone. Eugene is able to offend greatly, without noticing that he has done a bad deed. Unfortunately, everything good and beautiful that was hidden deep in his soul remained undeveloped. Eugene's whole life is sheer laziness and boredom. Saturated with monotonous pleasures, he does not see anything joyful in life.

non-fictional hero

The image of Eugene Onegin is not invented. This is a typical young man of that time. Such youths are different from the representatives of the ruling class. They are nobler, more conscientious and smarter. Such themselves, social structure and personal environment. Onegin has high views and demands on life. Having met Lensky, who graduated from the best university in Germany, he can argue with him on any topic. He appreciates friendship with Vladimir very much. In relation to Tatyana and Lensky, such a feature of him as goodwill is revealed.

By the end of the novel, the image of Eugene Onegin is transformed. We already see a sincere lover. He is different. But his love came too late. Tatyana, although she has feelings, is not ready to betray her husband. Now Eugene understands how stupid he was before. He regrets that he missed such a girl and possible happiness. But awareness comes too late, nothing can be changed.

The poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is one of the best creations of the 19th century. The poet worked on his brainchild for seven years. The work can be called a socio-psychological novel in poetic form. It is written in simple and easy language. The author pays much attention to the depiction of the characters and emotional experiences of his characters: Onegin, Lensky, Tatyana, Olga, the girls' mother, nanny and others.

The Russian reality of the 20s of the XIX century appears before the reader in the novel of the great poet of reality Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". This work is of great importance in world literature. The author was able to combine romanticism and realism, humor and elegy, truth and dream in it. Beautiful verses combined with lyrical digressions and conveyed amazing pictures of Russian national life. Pushkin subtly describes the urban reality of Moscow and St. Petersburg, village life, seasons. The great critic Belinsky's novel "Eugene Onegin" called it an encyclopedia of Russian life. An analysis of the work will show you its significance and grandiosity.

How was the novel created?

Analysis of "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin proves that the novel was created over several periods of the poet's work. The genius himself said that work on the book lasted a little over 7 years. The novel was published in parts as it was written, and in 1833 a complete edition appeared. Pushkin had always made some amendments to the text before that. As a result, the master turned out to be a masterpiece, consisting of 8 songs, or parts, and the appendix "Excerpts from Onegin's Journey". Pushkin wrote another chapter, but since it contained some dangerous political allusions related to Decembrism, the author had to burn it. The poet began work on the book while in exile in the south (in Odessa), finished work in the village of Boldino.

Orientation and genre originality of the work

"Eugene Onegin" is a realistic novel with a socio-psychological direction. It is written in poetic form. There was no such work in Russian literature of that time. Alexander Sergeevich retreated from the romantic canons and gave his creation more realism.

What did A.S. want to show in his book? Pushkin? The reader sees a young man, Eugene Onegin, a typical hero of that time. Next to him, the poet draws a few more images, their characters, behavior, situations in which they find themselves. By this, the author explains various social problems. The formation of the views and character of the hero took place under the influence of various events in secular society. A detailed and thorough description of the actions of the characters allows us to call the novel a social one.

The love story of the work is devoid of the usual romance. Pushkin shows the mutual feeling that the heroes have to eradicate under the influence of external circumstances. In addition to the world of the heroes of the work (Eugene, Tatyana, Lensky), the world of the author-narrator is clearly traced in the novel, which is reflected in lyrical digressions. This allows us to attribute the work to the lyric-epic genre.

Brief analysis of "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin

The masterpiece of Alexander Sergeevich begins with an appeal to the reader, where he characterizes his work, calling its chapters half funny, half sad, common people and ideal. Get acquainted with the plot and a brief analysis of "Eugene Onegin" by chapters:

  • name day. Lensky made an offer to Olga and is preparing for the wedding. The Lenskys invite Yevgeny to Tatyana's name day. Before that, the girl sees a prophetic dream in which Onegin kills Lensky. Excited Tatyana at the party does not know how to behave in front of Yevgeny. He noticed this confused behavior of the girl and is angry with Lensky, who brought him there. As a sign of revenge, Eugene courts Olga, and she flirts with him. A jealous poet challenges Onegin to a duel.
  • Duel. An analysis of the 6th chapter of "Eugene Onegin" is very important for a general understanding of the entire novel. Eugene is aware of his mean act, but still agrees to a duel. Onegin shoots first and kills Vladimir. A poet who could have become famous all over the world died.
  • Moscow. Olga did not grieve for Lensky for a long time and soon got married. Tatyana still loved Onegin. After some time, she is taken to Moscow to be married off. One general became her husband.
  • Wandering. big light. Onegin traveled the world for several years. Upon his return, at one of the balls in the capital, he met Tatyana, who turned into a secular lady. He falls in love with her and writes several confession letters. The changed Tatyana still loves him, but chooses the honor of her family and husband. The novel ends with a touching farewell between the characters.

Mirror composition of the novel

Alexander Sergeevich used the method of mirror composition to create his masterpiece. This method reveals the spiritual formation of Onegin and Tatyana. At the beginning of the work, the reader sees Tatyana in love, suffering from unrequited feelings. The author strongly supports, sympathizes and sympathizes with his heroine.

At the end of the novel, Evgeny, in love, opens up to everyone, but Tatyana has already married. Now the author sympathizes with Onegin. Everything is repeated in a mirror sequence. Examples of the boomerang effect are two letters: one from Tatyana, the other from Onegin.

Another example of mirror symmetry is Tatyana's dream and her marriage. The bear that saved her in her dream was her future husband.

Main themes and issues

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Alexander Sergeevich showed the typical nature of his era in their formation. The reader sees representatives of different strata of society: the capital's high society, the provincial nobility, ordinary urban residents and peasants. Depicting realistic images of the nobility, Pushkin touches on the following topics:

  • education;
  • upbringing;
  • family relationships;
  • cultural traditions;
  • love;
  • friendship;
  • politics;
  • customs and manners;
  • historical issues;
  • morality.

The novel is full of lyrical digressions, where the author's reflections on life are most clearly visible. Pushkin talks about literature, theater, music. The author reveals the most important social and moral and philosophical problems:

  • purpose and meaning of life;
  • real and false values;
  • destructiveness of egoism and individualism;
  • fidelity to love and duty;
  • transience of life;
  • the value of moments.

Main idea and pathos

Pushkin's novel is named after the protagonist, which indicates the importance of this character in the book. The task of the author was to create a hero of that time. And he did. Pushkin shows that a happy life awaits only those who think little, who know little, who do not strive for anything spiritual and lofty. People with a sensitive soul are waiting for suffering. Some, like Lensky, perish, others languish in inaction, like Onegin. People like Tatyana are destined to suffer in silence.

Pushkin does not blame the heroes for everything, but the environment in which their characters were formed. She made beautiful, noble and intelligent people unhappy. Moscow and St. Petersburg high society, the writer draws critically. To portray him, Pushkin uses satirical pathos.

Hero of his time - Eugene Onegin

Onegin represents the highest Petersburg light. He grew up selfish, not accustomed to work, his training was joking. He spends all his time on secular entertainment. This led to the fact that he could not understand the feelings of young Tatyana, her soul. The life of the hero did not work out the way he wanted it to. The reason for this misfortune is that he did not understand the simple truth - happiness next to a devoted friend, a faithful woman.

An analysis of the hero of "Eugene Onegin" proves that many events influenced his transformations, especially the death of Lensky. The inner world of Onegin at the end of the book became much richer.

Tatyana Larina - the sweet ideal of the poet

Pushkin's image of Tatiana Larina is associated with ideas about the Russian national character. Russian soul, she absorbed all the traditions and customs of the Larin family. The heroine grew up among Russian nature on fairy tales and legends of her nanny. The heroine has a very thin inner world and a pure soul.

Tatyana is a strong personality. Even at the end of the novel, she remains simple and natural. She sacrifices her love for moral purity, fidelity to duty, sincerity in relationships.

Vladimir Lensky

Another representative of the nobility, Lensky, is a young romantic dreamer. The author sympathizes with this hero, admires him, sometimes sad and smiles. Vladimir strives for heroism, lives in an imaginary world. He is very passionate, impetuous and far from reality.

Holy concepts for Lensky are love, nobility and honor. In a heroic impulse, Vladimir dies during an absurd duel with a friend.

"Eugene Onegin" rightfully stands apart among the works of Russian literature of the 19th century. This is one of the most harmonious in composition and rich in content of Pushkin's works. Alexander Sergeevich devote more than 8 years to his brainchild: having started work on a novel in verse in the spring of 1823, he completed the work only by the autumn of 1831. This was the most painstaking and lengthy work on a work in his life.

He then quit work on "Eugene Onegin", then again proceeded to it. Conventionally, the work on the novel can be divided into four stages, during which many events happened in Pushkin's life: the southern exile, the Boldin autumn, and a series of stormy novels. All chapters were published gradually, as they were written, one after another. The last author's version saw the light in 1837. According to the description, the actions in the novel cover a period of time for 6 years. In the process of narration, the characters grow up, go through some life path and turn from dreamy young men and women into mature, established personalities.

Thanks to the expression of the emotions of the characters through the poetic form, the novel gets more lyricism and expressiveness, thus, the reader becomes understandable and accessible to the entire palette of feelings that the author laid in the foundation. In addition, Pushkin introduces himself into the novel as one of the heroes of the story, he keeps Tatyana's letter and meets with Onegin in St. Petersburg. There are many lyrical digressions in the novel, where Pushkin shares his thoughts and experiences with the reader, as if alienating himself from the course and the main line of the story.

Analysis of the work

The main plot of the work

The plot is based on a love line: young Tatyana Larina falls in love with the bright extraordinary personality of Eugene Onegin. Still quite young, he is already tired of the noisy fuss and tinsel surrounding him, and calls his soul cooled. A young girl in love decides to take a desperate step and writes a letter of confession, where, with the ardor characteristic of her youthful nature, she pours out her soul to Eugene and expresses hope for the possibility of a romantic relationship between them. The hero does not reciprocate Tatyana, which hurts her very much. A decisive explanation takes place between the young people, and Onegin gently tells Tatyana that his callous soul is no longer able to love, even such a young and beautiful girl as Tatyana. Later, when Larina becomes a married woman and, it would seem, finds quiet family happiness, the paths of the heroes cross again. Onegin understands what a terrible mistake he made, but, unfortunately, it is no longer possible to fix anything. Tatyana pronounces her famous "... but I am given to another, and I will be faithful to him for a century ...", which puts an end to the failed love story.

A lot of mistakes that people tend to make, especially in their youth, prevented young heroes from being together, despite their mutual love. Only after going through a series of emotional upheavals, Onegin realizes that Tatyana is the very girl with whom he could be very happy, but, as usual, he understands this too late. All this, of course, makes the reader think about whether he is making a similar mistake. And, perhaps, it immerses you in memories of past sad experiences or makes you relive passionate and tender first feelings.

main characters

One of the main characters is Eugene Onegin. A reserved young man with a complex character. The author deliberately does not idealize his image, endowing him with all the shortcomings that are usually inherent in a real person. Since childhood, he did not know the need for anything, being the son of a St. Petersburg nobleman. His soul did not gravitate to work, was pampered by novels, balls and scientific works of his favorite authors. His life was as empty as that of a million of the same lordly offspring of that time, filled with revelry and debauchery, senseless burning of life. As usual, as a result of this lifestyle, Eugene became a real callous egoist, thinking only about his own pleasures. He does not put a penny on other people's feelings and easily offends a person if he does not like him or utters a phrase that is inappropriate in his opinion.

Meanwhile, our hero is not without positive traits: for example, throughout the entire novel, the author shows us how much Onegin gravitates toward science and knowledge. He is constantly in search of what can replenish and expand his consciousness, studies the works of philosophers, conducts intellectual conversations and disputes. In addition, unlike his peers, he very quickly gets bored with the fuss of balls and senseless pastime. Very soon, the reader can observe his personal growth, while his friends inevitably degrade one by one, turning into flabby landowners.

Despite his disappointment and dissatisfaction with the way of life that he is forced to lead, he lacks the mental strength and motivation to break this vicious circle. He did not grab onto that saving straw that the pure and bright girl Tatyana holds out to him, declaring her love.

The turning point in his life is the murder of Lensky. At this moment, Onegin's eyes open, he understands how insignificant all his former existence is. From a sense of shame and remorse, he is forced to flee, and sends him to conquer the expanses of the country in the hope of hiding from the “bloody shadow” of his murdered friend.

From a three-year voyage, he returns a completely different person, mature and conscious. Having met Tatyana again, who was already married at that time, he realizes that he has feelings for her. He sees in her an adult intelligent woman, an excellent companion and a holistic mature nature. He is amazed at her grandeur and secular coldness, not recognizing in her that timid and gentle country girl, as he knew her before. Now she is a loving wife, tactful and benevolent, restrained and calm. He falls in love with this woman without memory, and he is mercilessly rejected by her.

This served as the finale of the novel, the further life of Onegin and Tatiana remain unknown to the reader. Pushkin does not give any answer to questions about whether Eugene was able to reconcile and forget his love and how did he spend his subsequent days? Was Tatyana happy in the future married to an unloved man? All this remained a mystery.

No less important image described in the novel is the image of Tatyana Larina. Pushkin describes her as a simple noblewoman from the provinces. A modest young lady, not endowed with special beauty and external attractiveness, however, she has a surprisingly deep, multifaceted inner world. Her romantic poetic nature captivates the reader and makes her sympathize and empathize with her suffering from the first to the last line. Pushkin himself more than once confesses his love for his fictional heroine:

« Forgive me: I love so much

My dear Tatiana!

Tanya grows up as a rather closed, immersed in her own feelings, closed girl. Books became her best friends very early, in them she looked for answers to all questions, through the pages of novels she learned life. All the more strange for the reader is Tatyana's unexpected impulse and her frank letter to Onegin. Such behavior is not at all characteristic of her character and indicates that the feelings that flared up for Eugene were so strong that they overshadowed the mind of a young girl.

The author makes us understand that even after the refusal, and after the long departure of Onegin, and even after marriage, Tanya does not stop loving him. However, the great nobility and self-esteem does not give her the opportunity to throw herself into his arms. She respects her husband and protects her family. Renouncing Onegin's feelings, she manifests herself as an exceptionally reasonable, strong and wise woman. Duty is above all for her, and this decision of hers makes the reader feel deep respect for the heroine. The suffering and later repentance of Onegin is the natural ending of his lifestyle and actions.

(Illustration by K. I. Rudakov "Eugene Onegin. Meeting in the garden", 1949)

In addition to the main characters, the novel describes many secondary characters, but no one else receives such a vivid description as Tatyana and Onegin. Unless the author pays some attention to Lensky. With bitterness, he describes his tragic fate with an unfair ending. Pushkin characterizes him as an exceptionally pure young man, with an unsullied reputation and high moral character. He is talented and impetuous, but at the same time very noble.


The description of nature in the novel stands apart: the author devotes a lot of time to it. We can find beautiful pictures on the pages of the novel that recreate before our eyes Moscow, St. Petersburg, Crimea, Odessa, the Caucasus and, of course, the wonderful nature of the Russian hinterland. Everything that Pushkin describes is ordinary pictures of the Russian village. At the same time, he does it so masterfully that the pictures created by him literally come to life in the reader's imagination, fascinate him.

Despite the disappointing ending of the novel, it cannot be called pessimistic at all. On the contrary, the abundance of bright living moments makes the reader believe in a wonderful future and look into the distance with hope. There are so many bright, real feelings, noble impulses and pure love that the novel is more capable of bringing the reader to positive emotions.

The whole composition of the novel is built surprisingly harmoniously, which is surprising, given the long intervals with which the author again began to work on it. The structure has a clear, slender and organic structure. Actions flow smoothly from one another, throughout the whole novel, Pushkin's favorite technique is used - a ring composition. That is, the place of initial and final events coincides. The reader can also track the specularity and symmetry of the events taking place: Tatyana and Evgeny find themselves in similar situations several times, on one of which (Tatyana's refusal) the action of the novel is interrupted.

It is worth noting that not a single love story in the novel has a successful ending: like her sister Tatyana, Olga Larina was not destined to find happiness with Lensky. The difference between the characters is shown through the opposition: Tatyana and Olga, Lensky and Onegin.

Summing up, it is worth noting that "Eugene Onegin" is truly a confirmation of Pushkin's remarkable poetic talent and lyrical genius. The novel is read literally in one breath and captures from its first line.

The full text of the novel in verse "" can be found at the link.

The novel "Eugene Onegin" can rightfully be called an epic poetic novel. Events in the work cover a large time period. The poet accurately depicted various social structures and people whose characters were formed under the influence of these structures. Pushkin began writing the novel in 1823 and continued to work for about eight more years. Only in 1833 the work was published and immediately became incredibly popular in Russia.

In the center of the work, Eugene Onegin is a young rich man who spends his days in idleness. Despite his youth, he is quite educated, perfectly oriented in society. Distinctive features of his character are fatigue from life and boredom. He sees life in the countryside as an attempt at entertainment.

Lensky is Onegin's closest friend. He is a poet, the owner of a pure and sublime soul. Unlike Yevgeny, Lensky has not yet lost faith and hope in love and a happy future. He is naive and takes everything that happens too close to his heart.

Tatyana Larina is the main female character. This is a young girl who grew up in the village and is unfamiliar with high society. She is characterized by a strange thoughtfulness and complete immersion in herself. A timid girl has strong passions that are just waiting to be awakened.

Olga Larina is Tatyana's younger sister. She is beautiful, always cheerful and carefree. She perceives life as a game. She is not overshadowed by serious thoughts and deep feelings.

The central events of the novel are Tatyana's love for Onegin and his duel with Lensky. Tatyana's love turned her life upside down. Sleeping passions awakened in the girl’s soul, she gave herself completely to them and, not yet knowing human deceit, opened herself to her lover. Onegin is surprised by this. Having started courting the girl out of boredom, he did not expect such an early victory. Moreover, after that she became completely uninteresting to him.

Onegin's duel with Lensky is the most tragic episode. Best friends were forced to shoot because of Olga's windiness, and also because of Eugene's indifference. The murder of his best friend lay like a heavy stone on Onegin's soul and became his eternal punishment.

The final conversation of the grown-up Onegin and Tatyana reveals the guilt of the social structure in the tragedy of their lives. Onegin became an indifferent and insensitive person under the influence of the deceitful way of life that surrounded him from childhood. His coldness destroyed the hopes of the young girl. Having met her again and fell in love, he can no longer count on reciprocity. Tatyana survived the misfortune, it made her stronger. But at the same time, all sincere feelings and passions died in her. She realized that they would be an eternal source of suffering due to the prevailing opinion of society. She still loves Eugene, but, being married, she cannot violate her sacred marital duty for the sake of love.

If the first two chapters of the novel "Eugene Onegin" can be called introductory, in which the author introduces readers to his characters, then analyzing the third chapter, we see the plot plot. Lensky says goodbye to Onegin in order to go to the Larins, but Yevgeny becomes interested in where and with whom Vladimir spends his evenings, and he also begs to visit. Knowing the hospitable nature of the Larin family, Vladimir invites him to go with him.

The third chapter of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is one of the most romantic chapters. And at the same time, it is very dramatic and dedicated to Tatyana and her suddenly flared feeling. Therefore, the analysis of the 3rd chapter of Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" will be devoted to Tatyana. This chapter contains the experiences of the main character after the first meeting with Onegin, her love excitement. Although at the time of the first meeting, Pushkin does not draw the attention of his reader. He devoted only 7 lines to this episode.

Appeared; im lavished

Sometimes difficult services

Hospitable antiquity.

Rite famous treats:

They carry jam on saucers,

On the table put waxed

Pitcher with lingonberry water.

How did this meeting happen? What was said? All this the poet invites readers to think for themselves. Most likely, nothing out of the ordinary happened in those moments. The Larin family gave the young gentlemen a warm welcome. Tatyana, perhaps, looked at Yevgeny the way she looked at other young and not very landowners who visited their house. She did not immediately, and did not suddenly realize that she was visited by the first feeling of love, about which she read a lot in French novels, and dreamed in the depths of her soul. Love dreams were fueled by gossip gossip about the upcoming wedding of Lensky and Olga. The whole chapter of the novel is filled with the love of a young girl for Onegin. It fully reveals the image of Tatyana.

Tatyana expected that Onegin would come to them with Vladimir, but the days went by and he did not appear. Reading books, now she imagined herself in the place of the main characters of her favorite novels. She dreams of Eugene sitting in a room by the window, or walking in the garden, and one fine day she decides to confess her love to him.

Tatyana writes a letter to Onegin. This letter is one of the best parts in Pushkin's poem. By the construction of verses, rhyme, rhythm, writing differs from the general composition of a work presented in the genre of a novel in verse. And at the same time, it serves as a vivid characteristic of a girl who is ready to fight for her happiness.

The main plot of the poem is set out in 14-line stanzas, and in writing the stanzas are different in length, and the poetic rhythm also changes.

Tatyana decides to be the first to confess her love for Onegin. This was not accepted in a noble society, and Tatyana is well aware that she can become a byword for all county gossips if her bold act is known to society. That's why she confesses:

Now I know in your will

Punish me with contempt.

But you, to my unfortunate fate

Even if you keep a drop of pity, you will not leave me.

And at the end he adds:

I'm cumming! Scary to read...

I freeze with shame and fear ...

But your honor is my guarantee,

And I boldly entrust myself to her ...

Pushkin notes that the declaration of love was written in French. In the 19th century, in Russian noble society, knowledge of the French language was mandatory. Pushkin himself wrote his first children's poems in French. The French language emphasized education, distinguished the nobles from the mob, allowed them to communicate with each other so that the servants did not understand them, which made it possible to keep family secrets within the family.

Each line of Tatiana's Letter is like a pearl in a poem's necklace. It is no coincidence, therefore, that over the next years, in every generation, there were always girls who, confessing their love to young people, rewrote Tatyana's letter.

This letter was written so touchingly, and with such a sense of genuine sincerity, that it touched even such a skeptic as Onegin.

Drama is also filled with Tatyana's expectation of an answer to her letter. She understood that after her act, Eugene could not but answer. Since he has not yet written an answer to her, it means that he will come himself and explain himself to her. She had been waiting for this moment with excitement and anxiety. The song of the girls, which diluted the "Onegin stanzas", only emphasizes, adds an accent to the dramatic picture of the moment.

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The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
The first mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...