What is the value of modern Russian society. Basic national values ​​of Russian society

"Spiritual and moral education in the Federal State Educational Standard" - To develop pedagogical technologies that reveal the resources of the individual. Main directions and value bases. educational outcomes. The acquisition of social knowledge by the student. Spiritual and moral education within the framework of the GEF of the new generation. Education of industriousness, creative attitude to learning, work, life.

"Spiritual and moral education of junior schoolchildren" - Program of spiritual and moral and civil and patriotic education. Marine classes. Network school. Innovative educational program. Maritime glory of Russia. Knowledge Day. First victories. Marine class magazine. Long-term cooperation. Excursions to enterprises. Excursion. Sea voyage to the world of fairy tales.

"The program of spiritual and moral education of students" - The team of the class. Creation of a unified socio-educational and educational space of the school. Spiritual and moral education of the younger generation. Module "World of beauty". Senior students. Areas of work. The main directions of the organization of education. Directions of work on modeling the educational system.

"Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren according to the Federal State Educational Standard" - Planned results. Conceptual foundations of the Federal State Educational Standard. Flexibility and adaptability of the system. The need to revive the traditional system. Modern national educational ideal. Priorities of educational policy. Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Fate. A family. Ways to implement GEF. graduate model.

"The concept of spiritual and moral education of the individual" - The main tasks of the spiritual and moral development and education of schoolchildren. The process of gradual expansion and strengthening of the value-semantic sphere of the individual. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia. Modern national educational ideal. Planned results.

"Spiritual education of schoolchildren" - Spiritual and moral education. Religious education. Expert groups. Religion teaching. ORSE course program. Mastering scientific knowledge. Spiritual and moral education at school. Basic concepts and definitions. Worldview sociocultural groups in the Russian Federation. ORKSE experiment. The structure of the ORKSE course.

There are 18 presentations in total in the topic

01 October 2014 As you know, the values ​​of any society are traditionally associated with its mentality - a deep layer of social consciousness, a set of collective ideas contained in the consciousness of values, behavior patterns and stereotyped reactions that are characteristic of society as a whole. In a special study, dozens of significant values ​​of the Russian state were identified, which are also characteristic of the Russian mentality, grouped into 12 universal value blocks. Labor, soul (spirituality), collectivism, intangible values, love (family, children), innovation, altruism, tolerance, value of human life, empathy, creativity, striving for excellence (Table 1).

At the same time, it was revealed that the listed basic values ​​for the Russian state have a universal character for all mankind. We note that these values ​​are generally characteristic of Russian society both in the past and in the present. For example, most of the population declares collectivist values ​​(Fig. 1), predominantly non-material motivation of activity (Fig. 2) and expresses a desire to help others (Fig. 3).

Rice. 1. The value of collectivism

Rice. 2. Life goals and plans of Russians

Rice. 3. The value of altruism (Source: World Values ​​Survey, 2005–2008)

As for the attitude of Russians towards traditional values, the majority tend to support them (and their share is gradually increasing) rather than the values ​​of initiative and entrepreneurship (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Attitude towards traditional values ​​(2011)
Moral values ​​rooted in the national mentality are traditionally associated with religion. Most Russians consider themselves believers and belong to the leading denomination - Orthodoxy. According to polls by the Levada Center conducted in 2009–2012, the average number of people who identify themselves as Orthodox is 77%. Religion for Russians is rather a national tradition and a set of moral rules than faith itself (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Religion for Russians (data from VTsIOM polls in 2006 and 2008)

At the same time, the religiosity of Russians is superficial: in order to participate in religious services, only 11% of Russians go to church; in order to confess and take communion - 7% (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Religion for Russians (data from a survey by the Levada Center in November 2012)

Thus, among those people who call themselves believers, there are not so many who actually practice this or that religious tradition. According to data from the Levada Center in 2012, 73% of Russians surveyed believed that many people want to show their involvement in faith and the church, but few truly believe. The majority of Russians (54%) trust the ROC, but according to opinion polls, only a small number of respondents (18%) consider religious institutions responsible for the moral and spiritual state of society. At the same time, 48% of those polled in 2012 agree that society can now find strength for the spiritual revival of the country only in turning to religion, to the church. 58% agree that the Orthodox Church saved the country during difficult periods in Russia's history, and now it must do it again. The Russian Network Intelligence expert community is generally critical of the real impact of the ROC on Russian society: 37% believe that the Orthodox Church only influences its parishioners, while 31% assess the influence of the church as insignificant (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Assessment by the Russian Network Intelligence expert community of the real impact of the ROC on Russian society

At the same time, 24% of respondents believe that the ROC has a great influence on Russians. Thus, the church, after a period of forced alienation, has not yet been able to assume the role of the spiritual guide of Russian society. What is the attitude of modern Russians towards moral norms and rules? Quite a large number of people continue to consider moral standards unshakable: 55–60% (according to 2007 data). However, first of all, middle-aged (who are already over 35) and older people think so. The opinions of those who consider the achievement of personal well-being to be the highest goal (50.5%) and those who consider moral traditions and faith more important (42.5%) are roughly divided in half. Ideas about the most important qualities of a worthy person over the course of ten years (1997-2007) have not changed significantly. These are decency, devotion to the family and tolerance (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Qualities of a worthy person (data from VTsIOM polls in 1997 and 2007)

Rice. 9. Immoral actions (data from a VTsIOM poll, 2007)

In 2007, VTsIOM respondents indicated that they consider drug addiction, poor parenting, cruelty to animals, and drunkenness to be the most immoral acts (Fig. 9). Approximately equally divided opinions about adultery: 48% do not see any justification for this, and 44% do not agree with them. Among these actions, there are those that every third or fifth respondent considers acceptable in some cases or requiring leniency. These are drunkenness and alcoholism, 19% consider them sometimes acceptable, and 4% urge to treat them condescendingly. Enrichment at the expense of others (18 and 4%), prostitution (13 and 9%), rudeness, rudeness, obscene language (23 and 3%), public manifestation of hostility towards people of a different nationality (22 and 7%), business non-obligation (22 and 7%), giving and receiving a bribe (29 and 4%). According to a survey by the Levada Center (August 2012), alcohol abuse is considered morally unacceptable by 64% of respondents; marijuana smoking - 78% of respondents; passion for gambling - 56% of respondents (of which 24% believe that this is not a matter of morality); tax evasion - 53% (of which 24% also believe that this is not a matter of morality); adultery is considered unacceptable by 58%, polygamy - 73%, sex outside of marriage - 23%; abortion - 36%; receiving a bribe - 63%, giving a bribe - 56%. Despite a rather tolerant attitude towards homosexuality, the proportion of those who negatively assess the idea of ​​allowing same-sex marriages increased significantly over the period 1995-2005. from 38 to 59%. According to VTsIOM data in 2012, 74% of Russians consider homosexuality a vice, and already 79% oppose the legalization of same-sex marriages. At the same time, 86% of those polled by VTsIOM in 2012 support the introduction of a ban on propaganda of homosexuality among minors. According to a survey by the Levada Center (August 2012), homosexuality is considered morally unacceptable by 81% of respondents. Obscene language is widespread in Russia, where, according to a 2008 VTsIOM survey, 61% of citizens use it. 42% of Russians are forced to listen to obscene language in their inner circle (data from VTsIOM 2012). At the same time, the absolute majority of Russians (80%) consider the use of swear words in a wide audience unacceptable. But at the same time, swearing has become the “working discourse” of a significant part of the youth, although in this regard, the students are still perceived as behaving in a more civilized manner than the main part of the younger generation. Thus, the values ​​of Russians remain fairly traditional and conservative. In Russian society, the value of security, order and law-abidingness is rising, which is why these issues, including psychological security, are so actively discussed in society. Despite the desire for moral values, judging by the indicators of many sociological studies, Russian society is experiencing a value and moral crisis. Thus, the family for Russian citizens remains the last value point of support and is nominated as the main value (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Values ​​of Russians (data from the FOM survey 2000 and 2011)

Rice. 11. The level of value destruction in Russia (“0” - complete destruction) (data from World Values)

At the same time, the majority of the population not only fears the onset of a value crisis (Fig. 12), but also believes that it has already occurred, or assumes a high probability of its onset in the near future (Fig. 13).

Rice. 12. Fears of the population regarding the loss of moral values, etc. (data from a VTsIOM survey, 2010)

Rice. 13. Probability of losing moral values, etc. (data from a VTsIOM survey, 2010)

This testifies to the population's feeling of moral degradation in society and its concern about the loss of moral traditions. According to surveys by the Levada Center, the crisis of morality, culture and morality is considered by most respondents to be acute social problems. In 2010–2011 this problem worried, respectively, 28 and 29% of the respondents. This is also confirmed by the data of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2011), according to the surveys of which the moral state of society in the 2000s. received a leading position among the spheres of social life in which the state of affairs worsened during these years, overtaking such areas as the standard of living, the state of the social sphere (health, education, culture), the fight against corruption and the state of law and order. At the same time, moral decline is characterized as the main vector that guides and determines the development of society in the last 20 years. A careful study of contemporary Russia reveals a process of mental dynamics based on the borrowing of "Western", American values, on turning to historical heritage through "Russian" and "Soviet" value patterns, and also based on innovation through the formation of new, so-called "Russian" values. » cultural samples. All these values ​​and patterns coexist in Russia and form a polystylistic mosaic of the modern Russian mentality. However, as a result of apex political transformations, borrowing dominates over other elements. Imposed values ​​that are not perceived by the bulk of the population give rise to a crisis between existing mental models and stereotypes that have come. The upper strata and lower strata of society, numerous marginal groups of the population, are most affected by this situation. However, from the point of view of mental deformations, these two levels of Russian society are initially the most vulnerable. Since such social diseases as alcoholism and drug addiction can be considered significant indicative characteristics of society, let us consider in more detail the available data on these diseases in Russia. According to Rosstat data, consumption of recorded alcohol per capita in the country increased from 5.38 liters of absolute alcohol in 1990 to 10 liters in 2008, or 1.8 times. However, according to the WHO, the level of alcohol consumption in liters of pure ethanol per capita (aged 15 and over) is higher. In 2005, it amounted to 11 liters of recorded consumption and 4.7 liters of unaccounted. According to other sociological data, the level of alcohol consumption per capita in 2010 amounted to about 18 liters. Despite a significant reduction in registered cases of morbidity, the level of alcoholism and mental disorders in Russia remains high. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, in 2008 the number of patients with alcoholism, taken under dispensary observation with the diagnosis established for the first time in their life, amounted to 173.4 thousand people (24% less than in 2003); and in 2011 - 138.1 thousand people (20% less than in 2008). In total, in 2011, alcoholics in Russia were recorded in the amount of 2 million people. The number of drug addicts taken under dispensary observation with a diagnosis for the first time in their life, according to Rosstat, in 2003 was 22.9 thousand, but in 2007 it increased to 30 thousand people. However, since 2008, their number has decreased and in 2011 amounted to 21.9 thousand people. In total, 342 thousand people were registered in Russia as drug addicts in 2011 (in 2003 - 349 thousand people). As can be seen from Table. 2, against the background of other countries, including the Western area, Russia occupies a leading position in terms of indicators of the state of society, indicating its degradation and, as a result, a decline in the level of morality.

Returning to the question of the value characteristics of the state of Russian society, it should be noted that there is evidence that in our country, in comparison, for example, with the United States, the number of respondents in the affirmative answer the question of whether a person can break the law and at the same time to be right. And the number of people who believe that laws cannot be violated under any circumstances, that is, those who are truly law-abiding, at least in words, has practically not changed over the past 15 years and amounts to 10-15%. There is a noticeable deformation of the value foundations of the worldview of young people. According to a survey by the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, already 55% of young people (that is, the majority) are ready to overstep moral norms in order to succeed. A significant part of young people consider prostitution, enrichment at the expense of others, rudeness, drunkenness, giving and receiving bribes, abortion, and adultery acceptable. The most acceptable of those indicated in Table. The 3rd immoral practice for Russians is the practice of deliberately deceiving someone to achieve their goals.

At the same time, among young people only a little more than a third are its opponents, and 41-45% of young people resorted to it (and 27% of Russians over 35 years old). Thus, deception for the sake of profit is considered the norm among young people. This is very significant, since this area is regulated only by moral standards and is not supported by legislative restrictions and prohibitions. More than half of the respondents under the age of 36 are not opposed to giving bribes, and 18-22% of representatives of different age cohorts admit that they themselves gave bribes. Thus, young people are actively included in the field of non-legal and socially unapproved interactions, and their tolerance for such practices is higher than that of the older generation. For the most part, Russian youth have a rather negative attitude only towards drug use, although in this respect their tolerance to the relevant practice is 19% higher than in the group over 35 years old (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Percentage of opponents of immoral acts in different age groups (data from ISPI RAS, 2011)

In general, the proportion of opponents of immoral acts has been increasing over the years. The share of opponents of drug use increased from 79% to 90%, the use of sexual relations for personal gain - from 71% to 77%, tax evasion - from 45% to 67%. The value orientations of most Russian youth have changed. Wealth (59%) and success (40%) are preferred by family (29%) and dignity (18%) (Figure 15).

Figure 15. Hierarchy of value orientations of Russian youth

Rice. 16. Choice between morality and success (data from ISPI RAS, 2003 and 2011)

The proportion of the population that prefers success to any moral norms and principles, equality of income, position, living conditions to equality of opportunity, is increasing (1.5.17).

Rice. 17. Dynamics of value orientations of Russians (data from ISPI RAS, 1993, 1995, 2003 and 2011)

In general, it can be stated that the value preferences of Russian society are constant, however, modern ideas promoted in the information space have largely influenced the minds of young people, as having less psychological stability and a flexible moral core, and therefore primarily falling under their influence. . So far, this has not changed the overall picture of the value orientations of society. The overwhelming majority of respondents of all ages tend to the first choice in the alternative answer to the question of what a person should strive for (spiritual harmony or income) - a level of 85% and above (see Fig. 17). At the same time, even among young people, this level does not fall below 75%. As for the question of what is more important - income equality or equality of opportunities for the manifestation of a person's abilities, the majority prefers equality of opportunity (60% of respondents in 2011), and among young people under 30 - 67-68%. The isolation of the younger generation from their national and cultural identity is also evidence of a moral crisis. 73% of young people and 80% of the older generation are sure that today's young people have little interest in the history and culture of their country and are mainly focused on Western values. Idols for young Russians are rock and pop stars, successful businessmen and heroes of television series. By the beginning of the 2000s. a generation has entered adulthood whose mentality is largely determined by asocial orientations (Table 4).

Representatives of the older generation also became characterized primarily by a material interest in choosing a future profession for their children. To the question "Who would you like to see your son (daughter, grandson)?" respondents answered as follows (Table 5).

A comparative analysis of the preferences of young Russians with the preferences of peers from Western Europe reveals a higher degree of depravity among Russian youth (Fig. 18).

Fig.18. Survey data of Russian and British youth on the subject of intolerance to sexual promiscuity (% of persons with a negative attitude towards various manifestations of sexual promiscuity)

It is impossible not to mention extremist sentiments among young people. According to the analysis carried out by the Institute for Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2008, extreme moods are clearly seen in their life orientations. This can be judged by the way young people have ideas about modernity. As an extreme manifestation, the importance of one's own superiority over others was considered. A similar idea of ​​modern criteria for social advancement is shared by two-thirds (59.8%) of young people. A high level of extremeness of radical orientation in this indicator is manifested among 15.5% of young people. The disrespect of today's youth for their elders is also regularly stated. Such a phenomenon as ageism has become widespread, covering negative stereotypes regarding old age and aging, as well as related discriminatory practices, which exacerbates relationships between age generations. With all the variety of such phenomena, as well as the processes characterized by the above statistical data, they can be summed up under a common denominator, which is the complex and systemic moral degradation of modern Russian society, which, however, has stable traditional values. How do Russians themselves assess the change in the moral climate over the past 10–15 years? The majority of respondents (60-80%), according to the VTsIOM poll, believe that it has changed for the worse. It is noteworthy that, according to VTsIOM data for 2005, Russians evaluate their own environment much more positively than society as a whole, which implies that society prefers to see the problem somewhere outside rather than within itself. At the same time, 66% of Russians surveyed in 2008 were not satisfied with what is happening in the country in the field of morality and ethics.
Polls by the Levada Center conducted in 2009–2010 also show that since 2001, about 75% of Russians are not satisfied with what is happening in the field of morality and ethics. At the same time, 44% of respondents believe that over the past 10 years the level of morality in society has decreased; 26% of respondents named the crisis of morality, culture and morality among the most acute problems of our society. According to the polls by the Levada Center (2006-2011), concerning the most acute social problems in Russia, the crisis of morality, culture and morality is referred to as such by: in 2006 - 26% of respondents; in 2008 - 30%; in 2010 - 28%; in 2011 - 29%.

How exactly is the moral climate changing? According to Russians, cynicism (57%) and aggressiveness (51%) have risen sharply, while camaraderie (52%), disinterestedness (59%), sincerity (62%), benevolence (63%), and patriotism, traditional for the Russian moral tradition, have weakened. (65%), trust (65%), honesty (66%) and sincerity (67%) (Fig. 19).

Rice. 19. How have the moral qualities of the people around you changed over the past 10–15 years (data from a VTsIOM survey, 2005)

Among the main reasons for amoralization in post-Soviet Russia, one can note the destruction of the usual ideological and social system, which led to a crisis of public morality and the popularization of crime, the pseudo-liberal understanding of freedom as non-compliance with any rules and prohibitions, as unbridledness and irresponsibility, as well as ignoring the traditional Russian unity of education and education of the younger generation. This affects the psychological state of society. According to a survey by the Levada Center (December 2012), the following feelings emerged and became stronger among Russians: fatigue, indifference (37%); hope (30%); confusion (19%); bitterness, aggressiveness (18%); resentment (13%), envy (12%); despair (12%), fear (12%). At the same time, according to a VTsIOM survey conducted in 2010, the loss of moral values, immorality, the spread of drug addiction, pornography, prostitution, gambling, etc. are considered likely in our country in the near future by 63% of respondents. Anxiety about this (up to a strong fear) is experienced by 83% of respondents.

Fragment of the 1st chapter of the monograph ""

Thus, in the process of transformation of Russia, two systems of values ​​collided - the liberal one, which replaced the socialist one, and the traditional one, which has developed over many centuries and generational change. Outwardly, the choice seems to be simple: either the rights and freedoms of the individual, or traditional values, when the idea of ​​communality, emphasized anti-individualism, comes to the fore.

However, such straightforwardness distorts and excessively ideologizes the real meaning of this value confrontation and is fraught with the loss of continuity. In a liberal society, its own "communality" is formed and functions, just as bright individuals appear in a traditional society, internal freedom is preserved, initiative and initiative are valued and encouraged in their own way.

Of course, in their ideological and cultural preferences, both types of society differ significantly and noticeably from each other, but in the sphere of everyday values ​​- family, security, justice, well-being, etc. They have a lot in common and similar. If traditionalism is usually reproached with conservatism, etatism and paternalism, then on the same basis liberalism should be charged with destructive anthropocentrism and the substitution of rivalry for soulless competition.

In our opinion, a split in values ​​is dangerous because, by constantly stimulating the growth of an uncomfortable state in a person, it can lead to such social consequences that will practically destroy all the achievements of modernization. Being the core of thoughts, actions, creativity of people, social groups, society as a whole, the conflict of values ​​as a phenomenon of social pathology makes people maneuver, which leads to internal vacillations, to the struggle of both society and the individual with himself, to the constant reproduction of instability and, in in the end, to the emergence of a desire to overcome the state of such a split.

The reason for the split in modern Russian society can be associated, first of all, with the unpreparedness of Russian society for innovation. The formation of a new type of society necessarily requires the development by each member of society of new ideals, behavior patterns, rules of communication, other labor motivation, etc. Not all Russians were up to such a task. This was the reason for the split into those who are capable of innovative behavior and those who cannot master it.

Another reason for the split is social differentiation. The Russians turned out to be unprepared for the fact that the former "equality in poverty" was destroyed and gave way to a division into "rich" and "poor." Social stratification has led to the fact that the previously uniform for all members of society scale of values, illuminated by ideology, no longer seems to be a monolith, and the first positions of numerous "ladders" of social preferences are occupied by unequal values.

The situation in the field of ideology also generates a split situation. After the collapse of the communist ideology that permeated all levels and structures of Soviet society, many group micro-ideologies arose, insufficiently substantiated, internally unbalanced, but thanks to their leaders quite convincing and shared by a part of society. There is a constant clash of some political ideas with others, some social programs with the opposite. It is quite difficult for an ordinary person to understand the nuances of the differences between them.

Another reason contributing to the reproduction of the split is the cultural heterogeneity of the response to modernization. Today, the discrepancy between the social changes taking place in Russian society and the assessment at the cultural level of their long-term significance is quite obvious. These discrepancies are due to the socio-cultural heterogeneity of society, in which today, at the level of the constitution, differences in economic, political, national, and cultural interests are officially recognized. Accordingly, different points of view are expressed on the nature of the current socio-cultural situation in Russia. For example, Russia is understood as a "split society" (A. Akhiezer) or a "crisis society" (N. Lapin), in which a stagnant contradiction between culture and the nature of social relations blocks the mechanisms of social development. According to A. Akhiezer, the brake is a split in the public consciousness, blocking the transition of society to a state of more efficient reproduction and survival. Thus, the authors converge in the diagnosis of society, in determining the limits of social transformations, to which they include the value restrictions of public consciousness, the insufficient prevalence of liberal innovative values.

Following the methodology of socio-cultural analysis, understanding and overcoming the split, A. Akhiezer believes, first of all, should be achieved in culture, in the growth of reflection of history, because split is a state of public consciousness that is unable to comprehend the integrity, in this case, the history of Russia.

The conflict of values ​​in Russia also turned out to be connected with the destruction of the traditional scheme of socialization, which was always based on three foundations - family, teacher and social ideals. The family as a social institution is called upon to play a crucial role in shaping the child's personal qualities, the foundations of morality, ideas about the norms and rules of behavior. But the family in modern Russia can no longer give children full-fledged socialization, lessons in morality and a healthy life, not only because many families are heavily infected with anomie and "deviant" behavior, but also because even cultured and morally healthy parents have lost clear guidelines regarding values. and norms to be aspired to.

Basically, for the same reasons, there was a strong degradation of the school as a carrier of positive values, an agent of socialization. Transformed in society and the teacher. The nature of his behavior in society and at school has changed. He ceased to combine in himself a teacher and an educator. The teacher has ceased to be a comrade, friend, adviser, he has become either an indifferent contemplative, indifferent to his work, or a cruel tyrant, deliberately using an authoritarian way to control his students. A poor teacher is no longer an authority for many students. Naturally, such a teacher and the values ​​instilled by him met with resistance among adolescents, they were learned in a painful way or not learned at all, which led to conflicts in the "teacher-student" system.

It should also be taken into account that, next to state educational institutions, private schools, lyceums, colleges, etc., have also become widespread, which promise higher social statuses and roles in various spheres of society. The process of socialization cannot but take into account this reality of breeding children through various educational systems to opposite social poles. Therefore, in general, socialization in childhood and school age, i.e. in the most important period of the formation of a person's personality, contains deep contradictions and dysfunctionality, laying the foundations for the deviant behavior of a huge number of people.

The crisis of the family and teachers is accompanied by the crisis of former social ideals. It did not come with the start of market reforms. His influence was felt even before the era of glasnost. In order for the social system to continue to exist for some time, it is required that each generation inherit at least part of certain socio-cultural attitudes adopted by the older generation, otherwise the "connection of times" will break. In other words, in order to overcome the split, it is necessary that in modern Russian society the socio-cultural values ​​and norms shared by the majority of members of society, and first of all, by the younger generation, be reproduced.

The marginalization of the transition period could not but be compensated. Therefore, the role of religion has significantly increased in the sphere of moral culture. In spiritual culture, pre-revolutionary works, creations of foreign compatriots, and traditional culture became a source of replenishment of values. The liberal-democratic ideologemes put forward did not correspond to real economic and social relations, as well as to the "crisis of consciousness" of the intellectual elite, deprived of the usual ways of social self-affirmation. In fact, the unified field of moral guidelines turned out to be destroyed in Russian culture. Ideas about what is good and bad, what is desirable and undesirable, moral and immoral, fair and unfair, and many others, are extremely fragmented and most often reflect purely group interests. As a result, solidarity, consolidation, unity of purpose, mutual trust, and open dialogue have fallen into deep decline. Everywhere and at all levels, the principle "everyone survives alone" has prevailed. In sociology, such a state of the social system is denoted by the concept of "anomie". Anomie is the disintegration of moral values, the confusion of value orientations, the onset of a value vacuum. Anomie is incompatible with the progressive movement of society.

The country experienced a crisis of national spirit and self-consciousness: the former collapsed; the communist system of values ​​and, not having time to assert itself, its liberal alternative was called into question. Society found itself in a state of anomie, mismatch and loss of value orientations, and psychologically - confusion and depression in the face of the failure of two social experiments - communist and liberalist. Twice interrupted and broken connection of times over the course of one century has put society and the individual in a perplexed position in relation to their past, present and future. Frustration, existential vacuum, loss of the meaning of life have become typical states of mass and individual consciousness. Protagoras said that man is the measure of all things. The world is stable if this measure is solid, the world is shaky if it turns out that this measure is unstable. The loss of value orientations led to the emergence of a marginal "split" personality, thoughts, actions, decisions which were based on aggression, were characterized by disorganization. The reproduction of the "split man" continues today.

The "split man" of modern Russia, who, on the one hand, wants to live in a society professing traditional values, and at the same time enjoy the achievements of modern science and technology, is the main problem in the process of reforming Russian society. This person still doubts the value of the individual and relies on the strength of an archaic, almost tribal "we", on the strength of authority. Existing in a situation of a value split, a fracture of cultures, such a person masters a contradictory culture, forms a tense conflicting inner world. Hence, this conflict permeates all levels of Russian society, breaking the emerging positive developments.

The radical economic measures of the 1990s to bring Russia out of the crisis had to correspond to a different system of values ​​compared to the then dominant one, capable of neutralizing anomie and consolidating society.

It is important to note that socio-cultural values ​​could not and should not have been introduced by government decree. However, to believe that they could arise solely by themselves in the fabric of society - in the family, school, church, media, culture, public opinion, etc. - is also erroneous. There should have been a counter movement of power and society, but this did not happen. The moral side of the Russian reforms was ignored by both the authorities and the leaders of social movements, the creative intelligentsia. In this case, it is appropriate to once again draw attention to the fact that the Russian intelligentsia, always regarded as a conductor of moral consciousness, has not fully fulfilled its historical role. As the humanitarian-politicized elite of the intelligentsia lost its monopoly on the development of value systems, entrepreneurs and bankers put forward their own values, and they selected from the values-symbols those that corresponded to their worldview and interests. In the key areas of ideological discussions of the 1990s, there has been a movement towards the synthesis of liberal democratic and traditionalist values ​​and attitudes, while radical value orientations are gradually being pushed to the periphery of public consciousness.

At the beginning of the new century, a synthesized system began to prevail in Russian society, including elements of various ideas - from liberal to nationalist. Their coexistence does not reflect the ideological clashes of irreconcilable opponents and not an attempt to synthesize the opposing principles, but rather the incompleteness of the processes of forming new value and political-ideological guidelines in the mass consciousness, in the perception of the Russian authorities and the elite as a whole. The successive modernizations carried out over the course of two centuries failed to establish Western values ​​in Russia - individualism, private property, and the Protestant work ethic. The most active resistance to the reforms was provided by the traditionalist consciousness and its features such as collectivism, corporatism, the desire for equalization, the condemnation of wealth, etc.

Modernization in Russia has a deep specificity, connected with the fact that society has "split", polarized; value diversity turned not only into a conflict of values, but into a conflict clash of civilizational types. The civilizational dualism of Russian society (a split according to civilizational preferences between the modernization elite and the rest of the population) gave rise to contradictions that stopped the progress of modernization.

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Topic: "Values ​​in modern Russian society"

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Introduction 3

Values ​​in modern Russia: results of an expert study 4

Dominant values ​​6

Material well-being 6

The value of "I" (individualism) 7

Career (self-realization) 7

Stability 8

Freedom 9

Respect for elders 9

God (faith in God) 10

Patriotism 10

Duty and honor 11

Antivalues ​​12

“Ideal” consolidating values ​​13

Conclusions: key trends in the development of the Russian value doctrine 14

Conclusion 15

References 16


Value is a characteristic feature of human life. For many centuries, people have developed the ability to identify objects and phenomena in the world around them that meet their needs and to which they treat in a special way: they value and protect them, they are guided by them in their life. In ordinary word usage, “value” is understood to mean one or another meaning of some object (thing, state, act), its dignity with a “plus” or “minus” sign, something desirable or harmful, in other words, good or bad.

No society can do without values, as for individuals, they have a choice - to share these values ​​or not. Some are committed to the values ​​of collectivism, while others are committed to the values ​​of individualism. For some, money is the highest value, for others - moral impeccability, for others - a political career.

At the present time, the problem of value is of great importance. This is explained by the fact that the process of renewal of all spheres of public life has brought to life many new, both positive and negative phenomena. Developing scientific and technological progress, industrialization and informatization of all spheres of modern society - all this gives rise to the growth of a negative attitude towards history, culture, traditions and leads to the devaluation of values ​​in the modern world.

The lack of spiritual values ​​is felt today in all spheres. Many of our ideals have changed drastically in the course of change. The spiritual balance was disturbed, and a destructive stream of indifference, cynicism, disbelief, envy, and hypocrisy rushed into the resulting void.

The purpose of my work is to study these changes and identify new, modern values ​​of Russian society.

Values ​​in modern Russia: results of an expert study

In the period from July 15 to September 10, 2007, specialists from the Pitirim Sorokin Foundation conducted a study entitled "Values ​​in Modern Russia". It became the first stage of a large-scale project of the same name aimed at helping to develop a value base capable of consolidating various groups of Russian society.

The relevance of the study is due to the obvious demand of society for a new understanding of the value foundation. Various state and social institutions respond to such a request by intensifying the discussion of this topic, but it is not accompanied by a study of the fundamental foundations on which the expected correction of the value doctrine of society should take place. How do Russians understand the concept of “value”? What moral standards are capable of consolidating society? What ideology should these values ​​serve to form? The initiators of the research project will try to find answers to these and other questions.

The purpose of the first - this - stage of work was to study the value trends of Russian society. In particular, the following tasks were proposed for solution:

    To study opinions about the key values ​​that dominate Russian society at the present stage.

    Determine the vector of correction of the axiological preferences of various religious, ethnic and age groups of Russians.

    Record the understanding of the concept of "national ideology" by various audiences, as well as experts' forecasts regarding the development of the national idea of ​​Russia.

    Determine the value priorities of the Russian youth, associated political preferences and electoral plans.

The study was conducted through an expert survey and focus groups with various youth audiences.

According to the opinion of social scientists surveyed, the Russian value system is still chaotic, undergoing transformation, and in its new quality has not yet fully formed.

The reasons for such a long process of registration are " numerous cataclysms that befell Russia in the past century and reflected in the collective consciousness of the population. Experts believe that " people still have not recovered from the feeling of the ground knocked out from under their feet“According to the estimates of social scientists, today in Russia there is no single value system.

However, many value subsystems coexist in the country, spontaneously formed in accordance with the interests and needs of certain social groups.

Some experts called the modern value picture of Russia " a situation of valuable fragments", when " various parts of society use their wreckage».

Dominant values

Among the axiological attitudes that are characteristic of modern Russian society, the participants in the study - experts and actors of youth focus groups - indicated the following values ​​(ranked according to the principle of descent of the noted significance):

    Material well-being.

    The value of "I" (individualism).

    Career (self-realization).

  1. Stability.

  2. Respect for elders.

    God (faith in God).


    Duty and honor.

Material well-being

The priority of the values ​​of material well-being and consumer prosperity (colloquially - mercantilism) for most of the modern Russian society is noted by many experts. First of all, these values ​​are highlighted by the social scientists surveyed, who have the opportunity to follow the dynamics of social demands in the course of their professional activities. They note that the consumer orientation for Russia is unconventional, since it began to take shape only in the period of the 90s, when “idealist” generations left the socially active life.

Analyzing the reasons for the dominance of consumer orientation as a value, the experts pointed out the massive propaganda of the consumer lifestyle and the urbanization of the country as such.

The value of "I" (individualism)

The respondents believe that it is precisely in the concentration of an individual on his own needs and, accordingly, “ in the perception of the surrounding world through an egocentric prism is the essence of individualism as a value.

Such a situation, according to experts, is a consequence of the introduction of the idea of ​​a consumer society, when a hypertrophied orientation towards prosperity focuses a person only on personal interests. Individualism is a response to the empty niche of "common" values, the Soviet system of which was destroyed, and a new one was not created.

The dominance of individualist values, according to a number of respondents, limits the socio-psychological wealth and cultural prospects of the country.

Career (self-realization)

A kind of conversion of the individualistic priorities of modern Russian society is the presentation by experts as an important value of self-realization, which primarily means a successful career. According to a large part of the respondents, it is she who gives Russians, especially young people, “ feeling of worth in the eyes of others", testifies to" social standards" gives the feeling that " you have achieved something in life". Self-realization as the dominant value at the current stage was identified by both experts and young people who participated in focus groups.

A family

The basic nature of the value of the family was noted by all participants in the study without exception.

However, the nature of loyalty to family values ​​differed in a number of expert groups. A significant part of the respondents confidently insist that the family in Russia has been and remains a key element of the social system.

Supporters of this position note that in the new Russia the trend of growing importance of the family is increasing and insist on the need for systematic work to introduce family values ​​into the public consciousness.

For another number of experts, the appeal to the family as a value is external - inertial - in nature: this value is indicated as fundamental, but subsequent discussions about it demonstrate a peripheral attitude to the institution of the family in reality.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the position of young people regarding the family: an unexpected result of the study was the fact that, despite the erosion of the institution of the family in a modern globalized society, the vast majority of the young audience states the importance of the family, points to the importance of preserving and protecting the family institution.


The vast majority of respondents - experts and participants in youth focus groups - noted stability, which means the absence of socio-political and economic cataclysms, as a value that is basic for them.

Young people associate the likelihood of their success in life with stability. Experts of middle and older age explain the desire for stability by fatigue from the “epoch of change”.

Society's desire for stability, experts say, has socio-psychological and pragmatic aspects. Firstly, the correction of the circumstances of existence from extreme to comfortable requires the instinct of psychological self-preservation of society. Secondly, Russians associate the prospects for a personal and national economic breakthrough with stability.


Freedom as a basic socially significant value in the course of the study was noted mainly by representatives of the youth audience. At the same time, it is worth pointing out the semantic dichotomy of the value of freedom, which manifested itself in connection with which youth groups spoke out on this issue.

Basic national values ​​are the main content of moral and patriotic development and education.

A society is only capable of setting and solving large-scale national tasks when it has a common system of moral guidelines. And there are these landmarks where they keep respect for their native language, for their original culture and for their original cultural values, for the memory of their ancestors, for every page of our national history.

Education plays a key role in the moral and patriotic cohesion of society. The school is the only social institution through which all citizens of Russia pass. Personal values, of course, are primarily formed in the family. But the most systematic, consistent and profound moral and patriotic development and upbringing of the individual takes place in the field of education. Therefore, it is in the school that not only the intellectual, but also the spiritual, cultural life of the student should be concentrated.

A child of school age, especially in elementary school, is most receptive to development and upbringing, but the shortcomings of this development and upbringing are difficult to make up for in subsequent years. Experienced and assimilated in childhood is characterized by great psychological stability.

Education should be focused on achieving a certain ideal. To what ideal does the Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the individual direct us?

The modern national educational ideal is a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his own, aware of the responsibility for the present and future of his country, rooted in the spiritual and cultural traditions of the multinational people of the Russian Federation.

What are our traditional sources of morality? This is Russia, our multinational people and civil society, family, work, art, science, religion, nature, humanity. Accordingly, they define basic national values:

patriotism- love for their small Motherland, their people, for Russia, service to the Fatherland;

citizenship- law and order, freedom of conscience and religion, the rule of law;

social solidarity- personal and national freedom, trust in people, institutions of the state and civil society, justice, mercy, honor, dignity;

humanity– world peace, diversity of cultures and peoples, human progress, international cooperation,

the science- the value of knowledge, the desire for truth, the scientific picture of the world;

a family- love and fidelity, health, prosperity, respect for parents, care for older and younger, care for procreation;

labor and creativity- respect for work, creativity and creation, purposefulness and perseverance;

traditional Russian religions- an idea of ​​faith, spirituality, religious life of a person, tolerance, formed on the basis of interfaith dialogue;

art and literature- beauty, harmony, human spiritual world, moral choice, meaning of life, aesthetic development, ethical development;

nature– evolution, native land, reserved nature, planet Earth, ecological consciousness;

Basic values ​​should underlie the way of school life, determine the lesson, extracurricular and extracurricular activities of children.

To organize such a space, the interaction of the school with the family, public and religious associations, institutions of additional education, culture and sports, and the media is necessary. The purpose of this interaction is to jointly provide conditions for the moral and patriotic development and education of students.

Extra-curricular activities of schoolchildren - a concept that unites all types of schoolchildren's activities (except educational), in which it is possible and expedient to solve the problems of their upbringing and socialization - this is an integral part of the educational process at school. It contributes to the implementation of the requirements of federal educational standards for general education. Its advantages: providing students with the opportunity for a wide range of activities aimed at the development of the student.

First level of results- the acquisition by the student of social knowledge (about social norms, about the structure of society, about socially approved and disapproved forms of behavior in society, etc.), understanding of social reality and everyday life

Second level of results- the formation of positive attitudes of the student to the basic values ​​of society (individual, family, Fatherland, nature, peace, knowledge, work, culture), a value attitude to social reality as a whole.

Third level of results- obtaining by the student the experience of independent social action. "Actions for people and on people" of a range of activities aimed at the development of the student.

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