Extra-curricular event "Day of the theater. Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of the Fairy Tale Theater

The children take their seats in the auditorium. From this moment begins their journey into the world of the Theater, acquaintance with acting skills. Games and competitions are held to develop this skill. The winners of the competitions show a performance at the end of the event.


Development cognitive interest to the theater world.


The stage is decorated balloons, paper flowers. You can arrange an exhibition "Theater through the eyes of children." There is a curtain on the stage. The host before the performance is in front of the curtain.


  • Tickets indicating the row and seat;
  • Theatrical mask;
  • Chamomile with petals - mood descriptions;
  • Cards - tongue twisters;
  • Cards with the names of objects for pantomime;
  • Costumes and scenery for the performance "Turnip".


  • presenter

Event progress

Before entering the hall, children receive tickets that indicate the row and seat. Children take seats (not necessarily those indicated on the ticket).

Presenter: Guys, hello! How are you doing? Good or bad? If you're doing great, clap your hands! That's lovely! And what is the mood? If it's good, go for it! I have a great one too! And all because today a real journey awaits us. But where we will be today is a surprise!

Dance number "Surprise".

Presenter: Guys, today we have prepared a real surprise for you! This is a journey to Magic world theater! Want to get behind the scenes? Then go ahead! But... where are your tickets? Show me them!

Children raise tickets, show the presenter.

Presenter: Now check to see if you are in your seat.

The guys check the row and place indicated on the ticket with the place where they sit. They come to the conclusion that they are in the wrong place.

Presenter: Oh no no no! We urgently need to correct the situation! Approach the stage. Now find your seat and take it.

To the music, children look for the places indicated on their ticket.

Presenter: Actor and actress, premiere, intermission, playbill and, of course, a full house - all this can be called in one word - theatrical art. Do you know the name Greek muse patronizing this art? Her name is Melpomene!

Melpomene comes out, reads a monologue. Then he bows and leaves.

Presenter: Guys, where does the theater begin? That's right, from the hanger. But we have already safely passed it and ended up in the auditorium. They took their places, now it's time for us to go to the fairy tale! So today we'll take a trip to magical land, whose big name"Theatre". Even Shakespeare said that our world is a theater, and we are actors who play different roles. So today I suggest everyone to decide on their role, and an unusual mask will help us in this.

Gets theatrical mask, half of which represents sad mood the other is joy.

Presenter: Look what an unusual mask. Guys, why do you think she is a symbol of theatrical art?

Children answer that an actor must be able to play a role regardless of his mood, he must be able to transform.

Presenter: Can you tell me what the mood of this mask is?

One half is sad, the other is happy.

Presenter: Here is our first actor play. You need to determine the mood of the music and convey it with facial expressions.

The game "Acting skills" is held.

Children listen to excerpts classical works conveying different moods, facial expressions depict the nature of the music. Sad - the corners of the mouth are lowered, cheerful - raised. You can use the eyes and eyebrows.

Presenter: You are amazing actors! You all did great. Well, now we will conduct a casting for best actor. I invite everyone to the stage!

The game "Theatrical Daisy" is being held.

Children need to say the same phrase: “I love going to school,” but with a different mood. They stretch out the petal and determine the nature of the spoken phrase: cheerful, sad, neutral, thoughtful, aggressive. The winner is chosen by the reaction of the audience - who clapped louder. He gets the role of grandfather in the play and goes backstage to get ready, the rest return to their places.

Presenter: An actor must be able not only to transform, but also to speak loudly and clearly so that the audience can hear him even from the back rows! Guys, can you speak loudly? I invite the loud voices to the stage!

Presenter: Now let's get acquainted with the concept of "Intermission". Guys, do you know what it is? This is the name of the break for actors and spectators. At this time, they can rest. I suggest a physical session!

Presenter: Rested, you can continue to prepare for the performance. The actor must be able to turn into his hero. Let's see if you can transform! Who wants to try their hand at magical art?

Competition "Animal choir" is held.

Those who wish are divided into three groups: dogs, cats, mice. Line up in a random order. The host sings a line from famous song, the participants continue to sing in turn in "their" language. For example, the presenter sings “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”, the dog should bark the second line, the cat should meow the third, the mouse should squeak. The one who loses the rhythm, sings not in "their" language - is out of the game. Three winners distribute among themselves the roles of Bugs, cats and mice.

Presenter: Main actress in the theater - prima. She has the most significant role in the play, she has more fans, she is loved and respected. Here we are now choosing an actor for leading role in the play. Please come on stage!

Competition "Pantomime" .

Participants receive a card with the name of the dish. Their task is to show the subject without words so that the audience guesses what is being shown. If the audience cannot guess the object, the participant is eliminated from the game. The remaining participants proceed to the second stage of the casting - they show a vegetable in pantomime, at the third stage they show an animal. The competition continues until the winner is revealed, who will play the role of Repka. He goes backstage.

Presenter: In the meantime, our actors are preparing, I propose to move the convolutions!

Presenter: The actors are ready. Are the audience ready? Then I ask you to sit quietly, listen carefully, react violently at the end of the performance! Attention, the fairy tale begins!

Demonstration of the fairy tale "Turnip". After the end of the performance, the actors go out to bow, the audience clap.

Back forward

Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested this work please download the full version.

Goals: to introduce students to the history of the development of theater and cinema in Nizhny Tagil.

Equipment: projector, presentation.

Song about the theater (Theatrical music sounds) Presentation slide 1 “Magic World”

Pupils in different masks or theatrical costumes go on stage:

Seats are filled in the auditorium,
Before the spectacles, the hunter is everywhere.
Plain hanger at the very beginning,
And then - the miracle that is called the theater.

The open curtain will open the stage,
A labyrinth of scenery will emerge from the darkness,
And characters, heroes will find life,
In which the actors will begin to incarnate.

And the hall enthusiastically follows the plot,
Explodes with laughter and falls silent in sadness.
And everyone understands - the game is just all this,
After all, in life they played the same games.

On the stage, the real action is being performed,
It is the result of daily efforts,
The result of hard work, rehearsals,
Actor's ideas, director's searches.

Masterpieces on the stage are born in pain.
After all, you need to be able to link together
Costume, props with lighting, sound,
Phenomena, actions, acts, pictures...

And the gloomy voice of the director: “I don’t believe it!”
FROM sole purpose is always distributed
So that the viewer, entering the theater doors,
Believe in everything you see.

The fire of sympathy will not be extinguished.
It will light up once, to continue to flare up.
We wish the theater on the holiday of the theater
More sold out and a lot of applause!

Leading. Guys! You talked a lot about theater and cinema. Listen to riddles about the types of theaters and name the theaters in question. Presentation slide 2 “What are the theaters?”

Plays, comedies, dramas.
On the stage - the artists laugh and cry
Dialogues are being held on the stage
The plot is conveyed to us historical
And all this in the theater - .... (Dramatic)... Presentation Slide 3

In this theater, they only sing on stage
Delivered by academic voices.
Or dance gently, on toes
In charming tutu suits (Opera and Ballet theatre) ... Presentation Slide 4

Only for children
This theater was created
For the younger generation
Fairy tales and performances
Kids love it, no doubt. (Young Spectator Theatre) ... Presentation Slide 5

Puppets - the main thing in the theater -
Only small children believe in fairy tales
Forgetting that people bring dolls to life. (Puppet Theatre) ...Presentation Slide 6

Leading. Presentation Slide 7 “Mysteries about the theater”

What else do you know about theater?
They offer you guys
Theatrical riddles
Keep listening carefully
Do not make noise, but calmly answer!

Riddles about the theater ... Tell me a word

12. Presentation Slide 7

If someone gave you a gift
Miracle countermark,
It means - bestowed
you such a gift.
With her free will
Entry and visit
Or theater, or cinema -
Wait for the show!
There is no trick here at all -
Given to you as a gift entrance ... (TICKET!)

Presentation Slide 8

To store the clothes of visitors,
Theatergoers or moviegoers
To make them comfortable and not hot -
There is a wardrobe. Or easier -... ( LOCKER ROOM!)

Presentation Slide 9

Both actress and actor
(Whether he is ordinary, or a mime)
Very appearance changes
Makeup skillful - ... (MAKEUP!)

Presentation Slide 10

In the design of the face -
Wigs, coloring,
And chignons, and overlays,
And stickers, masks -
That's all for makeup
Everything is needed, no doubt.
Makeup artist needed
Artist-... (to the make-up artist!)

Presentation Slide 11

To make the show look more interesting,
Ovations were heard in gratitude,
It is necessary on the stage decoration:
House, trees and more... (SCENERY!)

Presentation Slide 12

If suddenly a long performance -
There is an intermission for sure.
This is a short break
Like at school... (TURN!)

Presentation Slide 13

To light up the stage
That's right, excellent -
lighting fixture
Absolutely needed:
So that everything goes on “Hurrah!”,
They give light... (SPOTLIGHTS!)

Presentation Slide 14

Everything you see on stage
What lies, hangs, stands,
All items of presentation
This, you know... (PROPS!)

Presentation Slide 15

He is a theatrical worker -
Productions "conductor",
Performance Manager -
It's right, ... (PRODUCER!)

Presentation Slide 16

The cinema has a wide screen
In the circus - arena or arena.
Well, in the theater, the usual theater,
The site is special... (SCENE!)

22. Presentation Slide 17

When the show is over -
Heard "Bravo!", compliments;
To all the actors, in gratitude,
We give... (APPLAUSE!)

Presentation Slide 18

Who is a show lover
I looked through their darkness, a lot,
Who is an admirer of the theater -
He is called... (THATER LOOKER!)

Leading. (Presentation Slide 19 “Tales in a new way”)

Theater is always amazing. To be an actor, a person who creates this miracle, even on a small, modest stage - what could be more exciting? And a fairy tale on the theater stage is a double miracle. “A miracle in a square!” Don't believe? Please!

“Old tales in a new way”

Song about the theater (artists take the stage) Characters:

Storyteller, Little Red Riding Hood, wolf, grandmother, three fairies, goat, kid, three little pigs.


Grandma used to
She read bedtime stories to us.
We switched roles
And we'll tell our own story.
Our story is not simple...
Such an unusual one!

Storyteller: There lived a girl. And her name was Little Red Riding Hood. Somehow, mom says: “Here's a basket for you, daughter. I put jam pies in it. Pass them on to Grandma, please. Look, beware of the wolf! He is very cunning!”

"Red Riding Hood Song"

Little Red Riding Hood: walks “along the path”.
Don't worry mommy, everything will be fine.
I know from a fairy tale - the wolf is terribly ugly!
Little Red Riding Hood keeps going

Storyteller: Little Red Riding Hood walked for a long, short time, her path led straight into the forest. That's where she met Grey Wolf.

A wolf appears in an elegant suit, hat and with a cane, sings a wolf song to the soundtrack dfrom m\f Song of the wolf “Grey Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood”


Hello! Oh, sorry, bon zhur-r-r, dear child! Where are you going?

Red Riding Hood:

Hello Mr Gray Wolf! Mom strictly forbade me to talk to wolves. And I will never tell you that I am going to my grandmother and bringing her pies ... Oh! (Closes his mouth with his hand.)


Ha ha ha! Well, don't be so upset, my dear baby! I'm not interested in your grandmother at all! What about pies?

Red Riding Hood:

With jam .... oh! (Embarrassedly stops)


Imagine how happy grandma will be! Well, go ahead. Here is the shortest path, go along it and do not turn anywhere. Hello grandma! (Imperceptibly changes pointers, runs away).


The cunning wolf ran along the shortest path, and Little Red Riding Hood went along the longest. On the way, she picked flowers and sang funny songs.

2nd song of the Little Red Riding Hood d from the film “Little Red Riding Hood”

Fairy children with flowers in their hands dance and sing along with Little Red Riding Hood

Red Riding Hood:

Good afternoon, who are you - flowers or butterflies?

1 fairy Three very cute fairies were sitting on a bench.

2 fairy And having eaten a roll with butter, they managed to get so dirty

3 fairy That these fairies were washed from three garden watering cans.

Chorus: We, fairies, flutter through the flowers, collect nectar.

Red Riding Hood:

I'm Little Red Riding Hood, I'm going to visit my grandmother. Come with me, grandma will be happy.

Fairies: Okay, here's the shortest track.

Red Riding Hood: But Gray Wolf said it wasn't a short track at all.

Fairies: You cannot trust the wolf, he is evil and cunning, but we will outwit him. (Flip the pointers to the starting position).


Little Red Riding Hood and three fairies went along a short path and met three piglets.

Three little pigs dance and sing a song.

4 Song of pigs "Little Red Riding Hood:

Good afternoon! I'm Little Red Riding Hood, these are my friends. And who are you?

Piglets in order: Nif-nif, nuf-nuf, naf-naf.

Red Riding Hood: Come with us, grandmother will be glad to have guests.

Storyteller: Little Red Riding Hood went on with her friends. Suddenly everyone heard someone crying. It was a small goat.

Kid: I lost my mom...

Red Riding Hood: Do not Cry! We will sing a song, your mother will hear and find you.

5 G. Struve “About a goat” (children sing a song) Mother Goat comes out and sings:

Dear goat, dear,
Finally we are together.
We won't part with you.
No way.

Goat: What a blessing to have found you! Thank you friends!

Red Riding Hood: We are going to visit my beloved grandmother. Come with us.

Storyteller: Everyone went merrily along the path. Soon a house appeared on a hillock. Grandmother stood on the threshold and greeted the guests.

2 song Little Red Riding Hood:

Hello grandma! Mom handed you pies with jam. And these are my friends. They helped me along the way.

Grandmother: Hello dear guests! Come into the house!

Storyteller: And what about the wolf? Ah, so he complained. For a long time I ran along a long path.

Granny, open it, it's me, your granddaughter - Little Red Riding Hood!

Red Riding Hood: And I'm already here, Mr. Gray Wolf!

Wolf: What a shame! (Walks, thinks). Knock Knock!

Grandmother: Who's there?

Wolf: Oink-oink, I am a poor, homeless pig Nif-nif. Let me sleep!

Nif-nif: And I'm already here!

Wolf: And I forgot, my name is Nuf-nuf!

Nuf-nuf: And I'm here!

Wolf: Well, then I like you, that is me: Naf-naf!

Naf-naf: I'm here too!

Wolf (walks, thinks): Invented! Sings: "Ding-dong, I'm your mother! I am your mother, this is my home!”

Goat: Sings the song of the goat from the movie "Mom".

goat song

Wolf: Ah well! Well, since you're all here. I'll eat you all! Basta, little ones! All dancing is over!

Kid: To die, so with music! Sing, brothers!

7 Song of Friends” Children join hands, sing a song of friends from the movie “The Bremen Town Musicians”.

The wolf begins to howl and cry sadly:

Woo! I'm so lonely! Nobody loves me. No one understands me.... Ooo... no one wants to be friends with me.

Grandmother: Aren't you ashamed, wolf? You hurt my friends. Ask them for forgiveness!

Wolf: Forgive me, I will never offend anyone again! And I will protect the little ones!

All: Okay, we forgive you.

The wolf addresses the goat: Madam, let me invite you to dance!

8 tangos (based on “Together it's fun to walk” A wolf and a goat dance tango.

At the end of the dance, all the artists join hands, as in a theater.

Grandmother: I invite everyone for tea and heartily congratulate you.

Storyteller: This is how the story ends happily.

They bow.

From auditorium the actors are given flowers.

The performance is over, they leave with a bow
His characters are live actors.
And suddenly the tear-stained clown smiled,
The heroes are laughing, all the roles are played!
For the audience joy, applause in the hall
The actors played their parts perfectly!
Delight from the theater on people's faces
They are waiting for new ideas!

Presentation Slide 20-25

9 Sounds music “Cinema, cinema, cinema” Children come out with photos Russian actors movies and TV series who lived or studied in Nizhny Tagil (Anatoly Vasiliev, Anvar Libablov, Pavel Chukreev, Alexei Konovalov, Vasily Sigarev, Maria Zimina, Anatoly Zhuravlev).

Admit it, going to the cinema, you do not think that you are going to meet a miracle. You are used to movies in the same way as, for example, to cars: inventions that have become commonplace, everyday occurrence. Cinema was once called the miracle of the 20th century. Much has changed in modern cinemas, but the ritual has been preserved: you bow to the box office, get a ticket, go to the auditorium, sit in a chair and wait for the lights to slowly go out. The film has not yet begun, and you are already ready to be in the life that the movie will offer you. And then you leave the dark hall, close your eyes too bright light and return to real life, not screen.

Music, theater, painting, dance were born before our era. Cinema is her firstborn.

24. In 1910-1911, the son of a local merchant, Vikul Karpovich Khlopotov, opened the first cinema in Nizhny Tagil, Illusion, on the first floor of his house on Aleksandrovskaya Street (Lenin Avenue).

25. Cinema "ILLUSION" in Soviet times was renamed "ISKRA"

26. Cinema "Rodina" was opened in 1957, and since 2002 it was renamed into "KinoMax"

27. The Rossiya cinema was founded in 1963. In 2013, it turns 50 years old. Currently, it is the Cinema and Video Leisure Center “Russia”.

28. There are many cinemas in our city in different parts of the city. Some are still active today, and some have ceased to exist. Tagil residents know such cinemas as: Cinema "Sovremennik", Cinema "Ural", Cinema "Krasnogvardeets", Cinema "Steel", Cinema "Mir" and others.

Presentation Slide 26 Presenter. You now know a lot about theater and cinema. I wish you to be real cultured people - I wish you to become true theater-goers and film lovers. Visit theaters and cinemas.

Our holiday has come to an end. See you soon!

1 Song about the theater Sounds music about the theater. The spectators disperse.

"I want to be an actor!"
Before the start of the program, all children are given tickets with different image(only three types).
Music plays in the background. The leader appears.
Host: Good afternoon Dear friends! Do you love theater as much as I do? So spoke the heroine of the play by Bernard Shaw. And I ask you the same question. Of course, each of you has your own attitude to the theater as a spectacle, but today I invite you to look at it from the other side, from behind the scenes. So, the spotlights are lit, the curtain opens, and the audience invites the actors to the stage with applause. And today you will be the actors. After all, your tickets, which we distributed at the beginning of the program, are not only spectator tickets - they have different colors and serve as passes for participation in competitions. And now I will ask you all to divide into three teams, and your tickets will help you with this.
The guys are divided into three teams.
Host: Concepts and terms unknown to you will be explained on the screen. Attention please.
The facilitator points to the screen, which shows the interpretation of the terms.
Host: For each task, the team that won it will receive these points tokens. It is very important for the actor to convey the image of the hero to the viewer. And the first task of our program is to show what is written on the cards with pantomime. You have no more than 5 minutes to prepare. Then one team completes the task, the other two look and try to guess what the opponent is depicting.
Task number 1 "Pantomime show what is written on the cards."
1. Snake, frog, flower
2. Monkey, cat, tree
3. Pig, sparrow, crab
Host: The actors are preparing for performances. But after all, the theater is not only the actors who play the performance, but also all those people who participate in the preparation of this miracle, create a theatrical atmosphere, that is, people of different theatrical professions. The next task that you have to complete is written on the cards different professions, your task is to emphasize those professions that are related to the theater. Time for execution 1 minute.
Task number 2 "Emphasize those professions that are related to the theater"
1.actor, illuminator, playwright, barman
2.director, make-up artist, prompter, bricklayer
3.dresser, artist, property owner, collector
Host: Attention to the screen. It tells what profession means what.
Host: On theater stage performances of various genres are staged. The next task, the names of fairy tales and the genre in which you should depict this fairy tale are written on the card. Preparation time 10 minutes.
Task number 5 "Depict a fairy tale in a different genre"
1. Gingerbread man - action movie
2. Turnip - comedy
3. Hen-ryaba - a tragedy
Host: And now we come to the most important point. What is shown on stage? Performance. Or, in other words, setting. She prepares very long and carefully. But there are some plays that do not require long preparation. These are impromptu theater plays.
Task number 6 "Impromptu Theater"
Host: Everything comes to an end. So, let's summarize.
Host: After the performance, the actors go backstage, the music subsides, the curtain closes, the spotlights go out and the hall is empty. Our journey into the world of theater has also ended. See you again!

Ekaterina Yurchenko
holiday script, dedicated to the day Theater " Dreamland».

Target: expand children's knowledge of international holiday"Day theater» .


Unite children in creative process, reveal them interesting world theatrical art;

To intensify the activity of each child in the search and transmission scenic images using a variety of expressive means;

Raise a willingness to be creative;

Contribute to the development of creative abilities.

Materials and equipment: musical accompaniment, colorful poster, costumes, theatrical paraphernalia.

Conduct form: costumed celebratory event.

preliminary work: learning poems, role-playing training theatricalization.

Event progress

Children enter the hall to the music in costumes and take their seats.

What a miracle to be in fairy tale

With the heroes of suddenly revived legends!

We are surprised by their costumes, masks,

Captures the action of the moment.

They sing, mourn, meditate...

Glow passions are transmitted to us.

The game of their souls ignite us.

Their art is theatre, not a farce.

Today we praise the skill of actors,

Happy Birthday we hurry them to the theater,

Make-up artists, dressers and prompters -

Thank you all for the magic!

Leading. Good afternoon, dear viewers! Before starting our holiday I want to ask you riddle:

There is stage and backstage,

Both actors and actresses

There is a poster and intermission,

Scenery, full house.

And, of course, the premiere!

You guessed it, probably.


March 27th is the International Day of theater. We are also preparing for this. holiday and we are very glad to welcome you to our festive competitive program « Dreamland» . The program includes poems, songs, jokes, skits and theater quiz for viewers. The jury at the end of the program will sum up the results and name the best participants.

Jury presentation.

Theatre! How much does a word mean

For everyone who has been there many times!

How important and sometimes new

There is action for us!

We die at performances

We shed tears together with the hero.

Although sometimes we know very well

That all sorrows are for nothing!

Forgetting about age, failures,

We aspire to someone else's life

And from someone else's grief we cry,

With someone else's success, we are rushing up!

In performances, life is in full view,

And everything will be revealed in the end:

Who was the villain, who was the hero

With a terrible mask on his face.

Theatre! Theatre! How much do they mean

For us sometimes your words!

And how could it be otherwise?

AT theater life is always right!

Millions of people around the world respect theatrical art, but with particular regard to theater for children: because it is on their favorite fairy tale characters come to life on stage.

Song about theater performed by children.


I want some talk about the history of the theater.

Word « theatre» Greek. It means both the place where the spectacle takes place and the spectacle itself. Theatrical art arose a very long time ago, more than two and a half thousand years ago.

AT Ancient Greece performances went on sometimes for several days. Spectators came to them, stocking up on food. Huge crowds of people were seated on dais, and the action itself took place in the arena, located right on the grass. On March 27, the Great Dionysia took place in Ancient Greece - holidays in honor of the god of winemaking Dionysus. They were accompanied by processions and fun, there were many mummers.

And since 1961, this day, March 27, began to be celebrated all over the world as the International Day theater. In Russia, the emergence of a national theater associated with folk games and rites. In the 11th century, buffoons appeared in Russia - itinerant actors. AT mid-eighteenth century appeared and the first theater in Yaroslavl. After 100 years, a children's theatre(1779) in the Tula province, in the estate of the counts of Bobrinsky, the manager, the famous scientist and encyclopedist Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov (1738 - 1833) .

The most popular puppet character is Petrushka.

Now in Russia there are about 200 children's theaters.

Every day our theaters open their doors to hundreds of young spectators. AT theatre all people come dressed up, smart, and although they want to talk, they restrain themselves, try to speak more quietly and laugh out loud. They came to theatre.

Take a closer look: already in the foyer, that solemnly upbeat atmosphere reigns, which, as it were, warns you about the upcoming meeting with a miracle. Because as soon as the performance begins, you will be transported to another time, another place.

Poem (read by children of the younger group).

AT theater for children

To the people! To the people!

Wherever you look,

For every pass

There is a wave of guys.

But suddenly the lights went out

Silence has come

And ahead of the ramp

The wall opened up.

And the children saw

Clouds over the sea

stretched networks,

The fisherman's hut.

All this knew the tale

About the golden fish

But it was quiet in the hall

Like it's empty.

He woke up, clapped,

When the fire was lit.

Knock your feet on the floor

Palm on palm.

And the curtain flutters

And the lights flicker

Applauds so loudly

Half a thousand guys.

S. Ya. Marshak

But it depends on you whether the visit brings theater joy or leave indifferent, cause a feeling of annoyance or grief.

How can one disagree with the rules of conduct that state that when going to theatre, to a concert, to the library, to the cinema, you need to especially meticulously examine yourself and carefully put your clothes, shoes, hair in order. This is one of essential rules, which must be adhered to by one who goes to theatre.

There is another rule that must be followed all: in theatre, you need to come to the cinema 15-20 minutes in advance. before the start of the performance, in order to have time to undress and calmly find your place in the hall. And it happens that the performance has already begun, and the audience is still wandering along the aisles, looking for their place, and obscure those who are sitting scene, you should pass facing the people who have already taken their places. They, in turn, can get up, letting you through.

Coming in theatre, you will see scene, curtain. The curtain not only separates stage from the auditorium. It separates the fuss, conversations, trifles of everyday worries from why we came to theatre. The curtain rises. Quiet! The meeting with art begins. But we also meet such guys who miss any performance. They are not carried away by the skill of the actors, they are indifferent to the art of the artist, they are not touched by wonderful music. It happens guys So:


Once a children's theater play

I had to watch the dunce.

He sat, clapping his ears,

He looked, he ate candies,

And in the intermissions, they say

Drinking sparkling lemonade.

Someone for the sake of interest

A day later he asked the dunce:

You are in theater was, is not it?

What did you like about the performance?

And the dunce said in response:

I liked the buffet!

Was the play good?

In vain to ask the dunce,

What do you learn from him?:

He did not understand a belmez.

This means - nothing!

I. KOZLOVSKY. "NO Belmes".

Is in theatrical language such a word - intermission. It comes from two French words, meaning in translation between and action. Guess what "intermission" means? That's right, a break between the actions of the performance, the sections of the concert. It is intended for performers to rest and change the scenery.

The performance has not yet ended, and some are already in a hurry to leave the hall, drowning out the shuffling of their feet last words actor. Is it polite to leave early, and even without thanking the actors for the pleasure?

Do you guys know how theater say thank you actors After the performance (Children's answers.)

You liked the acting - applaud. Applause is a form of expressing gratitude to artists, authors. Do not forget to thank the artist for the beautiful scenery, the orchestra and conductor for the music.

Giving flowers to actors, singers, musicians is one of the most ancient and most beautiful theatrical customs. Flowers can be handed to the artist by going to stage, or transfer with an employee theater.

Tell me what theaters are? (puppet, drama, operetta, opera and ballet.)

That's right, well done! Have you been to theatrical performances(children's answers)

In all theaters a lot of people work. Who works in theater(answers children: artists, directors, musicians, prompters, etc.)


To become an artist, you need to learn a lot, to be able to do a lot of things.

What should an artist be able to do?

(Good, understandable, speak clearly; breathe correctly; move beautifully, etc.)

I suggest you try to become artists today.

Let's remember the phrases.

Children stand in a circle and say tongue twisters.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

There is a priest on a shock, a cap on the priest, a shock under the priest, a priest under the cap.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.

Karl stole the corals from Clara, Clara stole the clarinet from Karl. Clara severely punished Karl for stealing the coral.

Prokop came - dill boils, Prokop left - dill boils. And under Prokop, dill boils, and without Prokop, dill boils.

The heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died.

The weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.


And without a suit, children can

Turn, say, into the wind,

Or in the rain, or in a thunderstorm,

Or a butterfly, a wasp?

What will help here, friends? (Gestures and of course facial expressions).

What is mime? (These are body movements, no words)

The leader conducts the game with the kids (children repeat the movements for the leader)

As soon as we entered the forest, mosquitoes appeared.

- Suddenly we see: at the bush, the chick fell out of the nest.

Quietly we take the chick and put it back in the nest.

We go to the clearing, we find a lot of berries.

Strawberries are so fragrant that you are not too lazy to bend over.

A red fox peers out from behind a bush.

We will outwit the fox, we will run on toes.

In the swamp, two girlfriends, two green frogs

Washed early in the morning, rubbed with a towel,

They slapped their paws, they clapped their paws.

Paws together, paws apart, paws straight, paws sideways,

Paws here and paws there, what a noise and what a din!

fabulous quiz "How well do you know fairy tales?”

(for children of the middle group)

1 Competition.

He got leeches

Karabasy sold,

The whole smell of marsh mud,

His name was. (Not Pinocchio, but Dyremar.)

He lived in Prostokvashino

And he was friends with Matroskin.

He was a little simple

They called the dog. (Not Totoshka, but Sharik.)

He walked boldly through the forest,

But the fox ate the hero.

At parting, the poor thing sang.

His name was. (Not Chebyrashka, but Kolobok.)

Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,

He is looking for a magic key.

He has a terrible look

This is a doctor. (Not Aibolit, but Karabas.)

For many days he was on the road,

To find your wife

And the ball helped him,

His name was. (Not Kolobok, but Ivan Tsarevich.)

Knows everything, peeps

It hinders and hurts everyone.

She only cares about the rat,

And they call her. (Not Yaga, but Shapoklyak.)

And beautiful and sweet

Only very small!

slender figure,

And call. (Not the Snow Maiden, but Thumbelina.)

Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years

Finally saw the light

He has grown a beard

This one is kind. (Not Santa Claus, but Old Man Hottabych.)

With blue hair

And big eyes

This doll is an actress,

And call her. (Not Alice, but Malvina.)

He somehow lost his tail,

But the guests returned him.

He is grumpy like an old man

This one is sad. (Not Piglet, but Eeyore the Donkey.)

He is a big naughty and comedian,

He has a house on the roof.

Boastful and arrogant,

And they call him. (Not Dunno, but Carlson.)

For passers-by on the track

He plays the harmonica.

Everyone knows the harmonist

His name (Not Shapoklyak, but Gena.)

Heals animals in Africa

kind doctor (Not Barmaley, but Aibolit.)

I have a bun for you

Come visit me at least once.

Master of all mischief

The best in the world (Not Karabas, but Carlson.)

Where is your ball gown?

Where is the crystal slipper?

I'm sorry I was in a hurry

My name is (Not Scarecrow, and Cinderella.)

2 Competition.

We continue the competition for the best knowledge fairy tales.

What song did Kolobok sing?

What did the Goat sing to her seven kids?

Who can call Sivka-Burka?

Who can call Ivanushka's sister Alyonushka?

Emelya's vehicle?

3 contest "Who is it?"

a) fairy tale heroine, the owner of the first aircraft? (Baba Yaga)

b) fairy creature , an inhabitant of the forest, the so-called Spirit of the forest? (Goblin)

4 competition "Who says so?"

a) “Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red? (Morozko)

b) “As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets.” (Fox)

5 competition "Who sent the telegrams?"

“He left his grandfather, he left his grandmother. I'll be with you soon."

“Save! We were eaten by the Gray Wolf.”

"I've already laid a simple testicle."

“Come visit us, there is enough space for everyone.”

6 contest (for babies)

Wax on your neck

Under your nose.... (blot; "Moydodyr")

The fly went to the market

And I bought... (Samovar; "Fly - Tsokotuha")

And again a bear: - Oh, save the walrus!

Yesterday he swallowed a sea ... (hedgehog; "Phone")

Look into the tub

And you will see there... (frog; "Fedorino grief")

With elephants on the go

Played in (leapfrog; "Barmaley")

The sea is on fire

Ran out of the sea... (whale; "Confusion")

It's a shame for the old to roar

You are not a hare, but ... (bear; "The Stolen Sun")

But like a black iron leg

She ran, jumped... (poker; "Fedorino grief")

Here the soap jumped

And clung to the hair

And wilted, and lathered,

And bit like... (wasp; "Moydodyr")

Fleas came to Mukha

They brought her... (boots; "Fly - Tsokotuha")

The frogs came running

Watered from… (tubs; "Confusion")

But here comes the Gorilla because of the Nile,

The gorilla is coming... (the crocodile leads!; "Barmaley")

Hare looked out the window

It became a bunny ... (dark; "The Stolen Sun")

Hey you stupid cymbals

What are you jumping like... (squirrels; "Fedorino grief")

Yes, long live scented soap

And a fluffy towel

And tooth powder

And thick... (scallop; "Moydodyr")

And came to Aibolit Fox:

Oops, I got bitten... (wasp; "Aibolit")

We're sorry without the sun

In the grain field... (not seen; "The Stolen Sun")

The fish are walking across the field,

Toads across the sky... (fly; "Confusion")

Shark scared

And with fear...(drowned; "Barmaley")

Quiz about theater(for high school students).

What the country is considered the birthplace of the Theater(Ancient Greece).

Where does it start theatre? (Hanger).

How in theater called break? (Intermission).

Invisible theater prompter? (prompter).

What types theaters you know(Opera, ballet, operetta, puppets, etc.)

What is the name of puppet theater(Puppet).

First theatrical doll in Russia(Parsley).

How the audience expresses their gratitude to the artists (Applause).

What was the name of the text by which the actors learn their text? (Role)

Performance text. (Scenario)

What is the name of the installed theatrical action environment (Decoration).

The workout is over...

You have tried now.

Now for the surprise guys!

AT fairy tale invite you.

scene"Emelya and the princess"(available on the internet)

scene"What happened?"(available on the internet)

scene"Goat and four cubs"(Attachment 1)

Hall games (while the children are preparing for the performance)

« Theatre»

The hall is divided into four parts. The first plays the role of the right wings ( right hand as if they were pulling back a curtain words: "Whack. Zipper". The second is the left side (same thing, only left hand). The third group will be an orchestra. Each depicts an instrument. Fanfare sounds. The fourth group is the audience. Stormy applause. So, is everyone ready? Begin. The right side was opened. The left side was opened. Orchestra - fanfare. Audience applause. The show starts!

Fun attention game "I'm not myself".

(Children and adults play sitting on chairs:

on the "I"- stand up, hands up; "not me"- sit down).

Who loves chocolate?

Who loves marmalade?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who loves pomegranate?

Who loves grapes?

Who loves apricots?

Who doesn't wash their hands?

Who loves ice cream?

Who loves cake?

Who loves toffees?

Who laps from a bowl?

Who loves tomatoes?

Who fries fly agarics?

Who loves cinema?

Who broke the window?

Who loves cookies?

Who loves jam?

Who loves honey?

Who lies all the time?

Who wants dumplings?

Who wants a banana?

Who is stubborn like a sheep?

Who wants "Coca - Cola"?

Who will clean up the whole school?


The hall is divided into two halves. With a wave of the leader's hand, one half usually clap their hands. The second part of the children claps their hands, folding them into a boat. The presenter alternately waves either his left or his right hand - in response to a wave of his hand, the audience alternately claps, depicting the sound of train wheels, gradually speeding up the pace. If the leader raises both hands above his head - children shout: "Tu-tu!"

At the end, the children say the words:

Hold hands, friends, and take a deep breath,

And what we always say, now you are loud to everyone tell:

I swear now and forever cherish the theater,

To be honest, kind person and worthy of being a spectator.


Rewarding the best artists and connoisseurs theater.


"Goat and seven wolf cubs" (fairy tale opposite) .

presenter: Listen to my guys a fairy tale, fairy tale opposite, at first glance the same story Yes, but it's the other way around. And what's wrong with it - see for yourself! Whether it's true or not, it's up to you.

Once upon a time there was a she-wolf and she had four cubs: (go out in order)

1st - fluffy, - fluff,

2nd - - nimble, - nimble,

3rd - nimble, - nimble,

All wolf cubs are smart, and the 4th is smart from smart girls, well, just smart.

Wolf cubs lived like a wolf friendly and cheerful, and very fond of each other. (dance)

presenter: What is the name of the mother of the wolf cubs?

cubs: She-wolf.

presenter: And here she is. (dancing she-wolf runs out).

She-wolf: Wow, here I am!

She-wolf: And I'll go to the fair, like, like to the market

cubs: Wu-u-u (dance continues).

presenter: The she-wolf gathered at the market and says cubs:

She-wolf: Wolf children, wait for me at home and don’t open it to anyone, they say a hefty goat wanders around our district, named "Boxthorn".

presenter: Her muzzle is long, her horns are large and sharp, she walks and butts everyone, and whom she cannot gore, she intoxicates. Here (goat runs out).

presenter: Goat - dereza, black eyes, crooked leg, sharp horns, What did you eat, what did you drink?

Goat: I did not eat, did not drink, I grazed myself. I’ll stomp, stomp with my feet, I’ll block you with horns, and sweep you with my tail ...

All: Goat, get out ...

cubs: Wu-u-u (in run away in fear) .

She-wolf: Wolf children, wait for me at home, don’t go anywhere and don’t open the door to anyone, you saw what a hefty goat. Nicknamed "Boxthorn"?

cubs: Yeah.

(The she-wolf runs away)

cubs: While mom.

presenter: Only the she-wolf left the house, and the goat was right there, crept up quietly, bleated with her terrible voice:

Goat: Meee, hey-gey, wolf cubs, kids, it's me, your mother has come, open, open ...

cubs: You are not a mother ...

1st: Our mother howls like she sings a song!

2nd: You "goat dereza"- that's who you are!

3rd: We will never open the door for you!

Together: Go away, stupid goat!

presenter: And wolf cubs from howled like a wolf.

cubs: Uuu…

presenter: Then the goat turned on her ingenuity and hit the idea in her head: she decided to eat honey so that her voice would be honey.

Goat: ha ha ha (runs away)

(wolves come out from behind the scenes)

presenter: The goat ate honey, returned to the she-wolf's lair and bleated with a voice as sweet as honey.

Goat: Wolves - kids, it's me - your mother has come, open up, open up.

presenter: All the cubs believed her and told her:

cubs: Mother Mother!

presenter: But the wolf cub- "smart ass" did not believe and said through the door"goat-derese":

wolf cub: Show us your paw!

Goat: That's how tender my paw is.

presenter: And the cubs, when they saw a hefty hoof, growled in unison.

cubs: Go away, stupid goat! Our mother's paw is gray, clawed. And you have a paw like an elephant. (and howled) uuuu…

presenter: The goat did not realize that the elephant had no hooves, but remembered that she really had hefty hooves, she fled and how she hit the door with all her goat strength.

Goat: Beeee I’ll go sharpen my horns ... beeeee

presenter: And the cubs from fear fled and hid in all directions, and hid, shhh ...

But the goat is not a bast of a shield, she set up her witchcraft nets and went to look in all corners. As he finds the wolf cub, he begins to apply his witchcraft spells, hypnotize the kids.

Goat: There is a horned goat, for small wolf cubs, who does not eat porridge, does not drink milk. - gore. Gore…

Make horns, bow down, follow me (3 times)

Now everybody follow me (takes the cubs away).

Addresses the audience:

Goat: First I gore the cubs, and then I will come to butt you, I will conjure.

presenter: The goat bewitched all the wolf cubs, she did not find one clever man. That's why he's a wise guy, so as not to succumb to tricks.

Goat: I can’t find one smart guy, he hid somewhere cleverly (looks around). But we'll find nothing.

presenter: In the meantime, the clever man was hiding, he came up with such a spell to return the wolf cubs back, and make the goat kind.

Remember, repeat so as not to forget!

smart ass: Chok-chok, piglet,

I'm smart, not stupid

I'm that gray wolf

What will grab the barrel.

You spin like a top

And get better...

presenter: I came up with and ran to save my brothers and sisters. Run...

And then the she-wolf returned from the market.

She-wolf: Wolves - kids, it's me - your mother has come, open, unlock.

presenter: A she-wolf entered the house, and there ...

Goat: And now you, she-wolf, butt, conjure will: a horned goat is coming ...

cubs (together):

Chok-chok, piglet,

I'm smart, not stupid

Goat-dereza, do not goggle your eyes,

I'm that gray wolf

What will grab the barrel.

You, goat, spin like a top,

And get better...

Goat: Something is wrong with me, it seems I have become kinder, beeeee ...

She-wolf: What about my wolf cubs, where are they?

Goat: And I taught them to dance.

She-wolf: How?

Goat: But like this!

(wolves run out, dance with balls).

She-wolf: Wolf kids, don't it hurt you?

cubs: No, mom, we have a lot of fun!

She-wolf: Well, if you have fun, then let everyone have fun. Come follow me!

Goat: And I?

She-wolf: And you ... where without you ...

presenter: So they became friends. They all went to the bazaar together to dance, and to amuse and entertain people, they probably dance there even now. Don't believe? Go, look, and tell me, But people say that since then, all goats are kind. Anyway, this year...

Targets and goals:

  1. To unite children in the creative process, to reveal to them the interesting world of theatrical art.
  2. To intensify the activity of each child in the search and transmission of a stage image using a variety of expressive means.
  3. Cultivate creativity.


Hello kids, girls and boys!Hello, friends!

It's good to have a theatre!
He was and will be with us forever
Always ready to claim
Everything that is human in the world.
Everything is fine here - gestures, masks,
Costumes, music, game.
Here our fairy tales come to life
And with them the bright world of goodness!

(fashion theatre, costume show)


- Tell me, what theaters are there? (puppet, drama, operetta, opera and ballet.)

- That's right, well done. What theaters do we have? ( Musical Theatre, puppet, dramatic.)

- There are a lot of people working in all theaters. Who works in the theatre?

Children (theatrical and game fairy tale therapy) read poems:

In all theaters across the country
Works are important.
But still, no matter how you turn it,
BUT main man- artist.

And, of course, the director
Artist, props, make-up artist;
Show you where everything is
Responsible for props.

The choreographer will stage the dances,
The choirmaster will take care of the voice,
In the orchestra for the selection of talents,
What a conductor, what musicians,
And there is simply no equal in the world

Such artists in the world.

Shows are always on
A worker with a stage driver.
Suit made to measure
With love, our costumers.
Fix wheezing, spikes, whistles
Leading radio operators.
Watching everything with an eagle eye
Our friend is an assistant director.

There are locksmiths and carpenters here,
Plumbers and painters, cleaners and ushers,
And commandants, and watchmen;
Follows everything in the world
Head post, supply manager, supply manager, manager.
That the teacher is an erudite
The fireman at the post does not sleep,
Barmaids and cooks
Cutters and doctors
Cashier, accountant and driver,
But the most important thing is the viewer!
(Vasilenko V., “ Preschool education”, № 9, 2001.)


Do you like to read fairy tales?
Do you want to become artists?
Then tell me friends
How can you change yourself?
To be like a fox?
Or a wolf, or a goat,
Or a prince, a Yaga,
Or the frog in the pond?

(You can change your appearance with a costume, makeup, hairstyle, etc.)

Invite the children to take their handkerchiefs.

To the music depict:

  1. princess
  2. fox
  3. bear
  4. rooster


And without a suit, children can
Turn, say, into the wind,
Or in the rain, or in a thunderstorm,
Or a butterfly, a wasp?
What will help here, friends? (Gestures and of course facial expressions)

- What is mime? (These are body movements, no words)

The host plays the game

- As soon as we entered the forest, mosquitoes appeared.
“Suddenly we see: a chick has fallen out of the nest near the bush.
Quietly we take the chick and put it back in the nest.
- We go to the clearing, we find a lot of berries.
Strawberries are so fragrant that you are not too lazy to bend over.
A red fox peers out from behind a bush.
We will outwit the fox, we will run on toes.
- In the swamp, two girlfriends, two green frogs
Washed early in the morning, rubbed with a towel,
They slapped their paws, they clapped their paws.
Paws together, paws apart, paws straight, paws sideways,
Paws here and paws there, what a noise and what a din!

7. Well done. What is mimicry? (Expression of our face).


Here's the news! I almost fell off the porch!
Everyone has a facial expression!
I am frightened, but what am I expressing in my face?
Probably courage, probably mind!
And suddenly, if in facial expressions I am not boom-boom?

Let's try to check. Let's all go to the mirror.

There is, no doubt, a different mood,
I will call him, try to show him.

Show: sadness, joy, calmness, surprise, grief, fear, delight, horror, happiness.

And now the time has come
Communicate with gestures, yes, yes!
I tell you a word
In response, I expect gestures from you.

“Come here”, “go away”, “hello”, “goodbye”, “quietly”, “do not indulge”, “wait for me”, “you can’t”, “leave me alone”, “I think”, “understood”, “no ", "Yes".

(fashion theater)


- To become an artist, you need to learn a lot, to be able to do a lot of things.

What should an artist be able to do?

(Good, understandable, speak clearly; breathe correctly; move beautifully, etc.)

- Do you want to become artists?

- I suggest you try to become artists today. Let's imagine that we are in a theater workshop.

Let's start by restoring correct breathing. Everyone sit down, straighten your back, put your hand on your stomach. Breathing exercises is carried out by the child.

2. Breath

  1. Inhale through the nose and slowly exhale through the mouth.(1 time)
  2. Inhale - exhale with the sound s-s-s-s-s(so the wind whistles).
  3. Inhale - exhale with the sound of sh-sh-sh-sh(so the trees rustle).

Imagine that there is a feather on the palm. Inhale and exhale slowly so that the feather remains on the palm.

3. And now we will do gymnastics for the lips and tongue.(Gymnastics is conducted by a child).

For lips.

  1. Pull closed lips forward, like a piglet's heels; stretch your lips in a smile without exposing your teeth.
  2. Closed lips (piglet) move up and down; now to the right, then to the left.

For language.

  1. "Injections". With a sharp tongue, alternately touch the inside of the left and right cheeks. The lower jaw is immobile.
  2. "Chatterbox".

Children chat with different intonations (tell something interesting).

- Well done. And now let's remember the phrases.

4. Children stand in a circle. Transmit theater ticket and say tongue twisters in turn.

- Tongue Twisters.

  1. The bull is stupid, stupid bull, the bull has a blunt lip.
  2. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
  3. There is a priest on a shock, a cap on the priest, a shock under the priest, a priest under the cap.
  4. Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.
  5. Grek rode across the river, he sees Grek - there is cancer in the river. The Greek put his hand into the river cancer for the hand of the Greek tsap.
  6. Karl stole the corals from Clara, Clara stole the clarinet from Karl. Clara severely punished Karl for stealing the coral.
  7. Prokop came - dill boils, Prokop left - dill boils. And under Prokop, dill boils, and without Prokop, dill boils.
  8. The heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died.
  9. The weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.

5. It's time to make things harder. A child comes out and reads a poem.

One, two, three, four, five -
Do you want to play?

The game "Warm-up theatrical".

  1. You need to go along a narrow path, clinging to each other with their backs.
  2. Through the swamp.

scene "What happened?" (Appendix No. 1)

The workout is over...
You have tried now.
Now for the surprise guys!
I invite you to a fairy tale.

(fashion theater)

There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
But live in the world
We cannot do without them.
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead
A fairy tale will knock on the door -
Let's say to the guest: "Come in."

Scene - Ulya and Filya, (Appendix No. 2)

Scene - Thomas and Fedul (Appendix No. 3)

Scene - Yaga and Chur (Appendix No. 4)

Today I am a forest fairy. I am very glad to see you in my domain, but willows are not children, forest dwellers. What kind…. We will go to the magical land of Tili-Mili-Tryam, for a flower of joy. (They go by train)

— I have a flower of joy. He will definitely help fulfill all desires. Let us take a piece of this flower in our hands carefully so as not to lose it. Let's apply it to the heart. You feel that now everyone has a kind, warm, pure flower of joy. Let's give our flower of joy to each other.

I see a lot of people smiling. Why? (answer)

Now we all have a warm, joyful mood. I just want others to see the flower of joy. How to do it?

Draw, design, mold, as our guys did, and now you.

(master class on making)

Flower children run out:

1 How much sun, how much light Spring has brought for everyone!

2 Flowers of unprecedented beauty bloom in the clearing near Spring!

3 Nature wakes up, washes with dew!

4 And, of course, all the animals wake up in the spring!

The poem "Hedgehog"


Picking flowers is easy and simple
Children of small stature
But to one who is so high
It's not easy to pick a flower!



Snowdrop peeked out
In the semi-darkness of the forest -
little scout,
sent in the spring.
Let more over the forest
The snows rule
Let them lie under the snow
sleepy meadows,
Let on the sleeping river
Ice is still,
Once the scout came
And spring will come!

E. Serova

Lily of the valley.

lily of the valley was born
May Day
And the forest keeps it.
It seems to me that his behind -
It will ring softly.

E. Serova


On the edge of the sun
violet blossomed,
purple ears
Raised it a little.
She's buried in the grass
Doesn't like to jump ahead
But everyone will bow to her
And take it carefully.

E. Serova


There is nothing to call him to us, -
He himself will come;
Blossom trustingly
Right at the gate
Buttercup golden.

E. Serova

Water lily

A water lily lies on a leaf,
As on a green raft;
And float down the river
To distant friends
Yes, that's the trouble - the raft is tied,
He won't swim anywhere.
And when the evening comes
The petals will roll up the flower:
"Until morning! Before new meeting!” -
And extinguish the fire.

E. Serova


They are visible, invisible
Don't count them!
And who only invented them -
Merry, blue?
Must have been torn off
A piece from the sky
Slightly conjured
And they made a flower!

E. Serova


wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress;
Grow up - dress up
In a white dress
light, airy,
Obedient to the wind.

E. Serova


Look, look,
What is the red light?
It's a wild carnation
New day celebrates.

E. Serova


golden mean,
And the rays go around, -
It might be a picture
Is the sun in the blue sky?
No, not the sun on a piece of paper,
Chamomile flower in the meadow.

E. Serova


Bell blue
Bowed to you and me;
bluebell flowers
Very polite…
And you?

E. Serova

Hush, guests, you are sitting!
Do not scare our fairy tale!
Miracles happen here, where do they hide?
We will now tell the tale, and we will tell and show.

Host: Today we have gathered in this hall because we love fairy tales very much. No wonder they say “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows- lesson". How is a fairy tale different from other literary works?

(In a fairy tale, good always triumphs over evil, maybe various heroes, magical transformations).

Today the children will show how well they know various fairy tales.

Scene "Three Little Pigs"

II. Contests.

1. Warm up.

“Do you know fairy tales well?”

Illustrations from fairy tales are shown, the teams take turns determining where they are taken from (illustrations are taken at random).

2. Task

“Name the fairy tale” (who will quickly identify the fairy tale).

- Which fairy tale contains a recipe for making an outlandish dish, unique in its taste, from a carpentry tool? (“Porridge from an ax”)

- What fairy tale says about how the hare became a homeless person, and the red-haired cheat took possession of all the hare's property and only the intervention of a person helped to restore justice? (“ hare hut”)

- What is the name of the Russian folk tale which tells the story of a long journey bakery product to the consumer? (“Kolobok”)

Scene "Dunno"

3. Competition for the best knowledge of fairy tales(assignment to teams).

What song did Kolobok sing?

What did the Goat sing to her seven kids?

— Who can call Sivka-Burka?

- Who can call Ivanushka's sister Alyonushka?

four . Auction.

“Whose team will name more fairy tales, where it would be said about the Wolf or the Fox, Baba Yaga or Ivanushka.”

- Who is it?

a) Fairy-tale heroine, owner of the first aircraft? (Baba Yaga)
b) A fairy-tale creature, an inhabitant of the forest, the so-called Spirit of the Forest? (Goblin)

— Who says so?

a) “Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red? (Morozko)
b) “As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets.” (Fox)

- For what needs did the kings send their sons on the road? (For the bride, the firebird, rejuvenating apples etc.)

Items that supposedly someone lost are taken from the black box. (Golden key, crystal slipper, little red riding hood, golden egg, bulk apple, ball).

Scene "Thumbelina"

5. Competition

1 team

Walks to school with a primer
wooden boy
Gets instead of school
In a linen booth.
What is the name of this book?
What is the boy's name?

There was a girl
In a flower cup
And there was that girl
A little more than a fingernail
Who read this book
Knows a little girl.

2 team

Now let's talk
About the other book -
There is a blue sea
Here is the seashore...
The old man went to the sea
He will cast a net,
Will someone get caught?
And ask for something?

someone for someone
Grabbed tight:
- Oh, no way to pull!
- Oh, sat down tight!
Who sat down so tight?
Maybe this …

A “postman” enters the hall and hands several telegrams to the host. The teams must find out who sent the telegrams: “He left his grandfather, he left his grandmother. I'll be with you soon."

“Save! We were eaten by the Gray Wolf.”

"I've already laid a simple testicle."

“I live without any glory among the green oak forests with seven heroes.”

6. Homework display.

1 team - scene "The Princess and the Pea"

2 team - scene "Puss in Boots".

Today we will make a trip to the theater. And we will get into fairy world- Puppet Theatre. What is a puppet theatre? (children's statements)

Puppet Theatre - This is a type of theatrical spectacle in which puppets operate, controlled by actors - puppeteers, usually hidden from the audience by a screen. Dolls differ in the device and their control system.

Now it is impossible to say exactly when the first doll in the world appeared. From archaeological excavations and extant historical sources we can conclude that at all times the dolls were the constant companions of man.

Art puppet theater by nature folk. Puppet theaters are now everywhere: in schools, in recreation centers, in large families, circles.

Let's remember our childhood. Each of you must have had your own puppet theater. It did not have a screen, scenery, specially made dolls. He existed simply in the world around us and a little bit in our imagination. But how rich and varied it was! Playing in the sandbox you erected fortresses, their steep walls stormed tin soldiers. The simplest paper boats compete in fast merry streams, but now they are high-speed schooners, frigates, caravels ... Puppet theater begins with these games. Playing with an object.

The simplest puppet theater is a tabletop one. Where scenery and characters are displayed on the table. Such a theater resembles a revived children's drawing.

From the simplest theater on the table, now let's move on to more complex forms of puppet theater.

According to the method of control, dolls are divided into two main types - RIDING and FLOOR.

The horsemen are those that the actor-puppeteer controls from below because of the screen and the viewer does not see him.

Floor, unlike riding, are below the actor, right on the floor. The actor is nearby and sets the puppets in motion right in front of the audience

GLOVE - In Russia, there have long been parsleys - actors who performed with puppets - Petrushkas, worn on the hand. The basis - the body, such a doll is a glove sewn on the actor's hand.

FINGER - the basis - the body, such a doll is a finger. An image of a character is created on each finger.

SHADOW - the basis of these dolls is a silhouette (showing an outline drawing)

CANE - puppets are controlled by special mechanisms with the help of canes. The basis of such dolls is a wooden construction-gapit. Canes to control the hands of the doll are attached to her hands.

Puppets - puppets controlled from above, most often with the help of threads. The puppets are propelled by the vag. This is a wooden cross, to which a doll is hung on strings.

We got acquainted with many interesting puppet systems for puppet theater and made sure that their variety is endless. But this diversity has its own patterns and strong ties. Yes, from glove doll at one time, a cane was born, and from a puppet - a LARGE OUTDOOR DOLL. Outwardly, these dolls resemble the “parents”, only they are larger in size, and they do not have any threads. It is very interesting to work with such dolls. They are led "in the open" by one, and most often by two performers. But then huge dolls appeared on the stage. Big puppet heads, huge palms, hefty shoes .... And what is most surprising, there are no puppeteers next to them. But the dolls jump, dance, dance with the audience. These are DOLL PEOPLE. The actor puts on a huge head-mask and turns into a living doll.

(Fashion Theater)

ditties (appendix No. 5)

In conclusion, the children say the words:

Hold hands, friends, and take a deep breath,
And what we always say, now you say out loud to everyone:
I swear from now and forever to cherish the theater sacredly,
To be an honest, kind person and worthy to be a spectator.

It is very good to live in this world,
So that the sun shines during the day, and the moon at night.
They should be friends, they can't quarrel,
Then everyone will be happy, kindness will win.

This world is so beautiful, this world is so beautiful.
We grow happily under the sun, we sleep peacefully under the moon.

The world is so colorful, beautiful and big.
There is enough space for everyone under the sun and moon.
And if suddenly when you quarrel, friends
You will remember about the fairy tale, and know that it is not in vain.

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