Material on the topic: Competitive - game program "When everyone is having fun" for elementary school graduates. Scenario of the game program "fun troubles"

Game program for summer camp

Rules of the game

1. 5 teams play (you can vary).

2. Each team receives a "Route sheet", which the commanders present at each stage and in which points (or passage time) are put down.

3. All stages can be completed in any order except the first one.

4. The first stage for each team is indicated in the route sheet.

5. When winning, the number of points scored at all stages is taken into account.

6. The team that comes to the finish line first gets 10 points; the second - 8 points; third - 6 points; fourth - 4 points; fifth - 2 points.

7. The squad from stage to stage runs "express", that is, each student holds on to the one in front.

8. Throughout the route, teams collect chips of various colors, each squad has its own color.

I squad - red;

II squad - blue;

III squad - beige;

IV squad - white;

V squad - green.

The color of the chips is also marked on the route sheet. Task: collect as many chips of your (!) color as possible. Other people's chips cannot be touched, if violations are noticed, all points for chips from the detachment are removed.

9. All stages are marked with signs.


1. Tent city.

a) temporarily dismantle and put up a tent (5 people from the team participate);

b) the rest of the team members must write the military ranks in order.

2. Planet of the Humanoids. Put on a gas mask. Who quickly?

3. Running centipedes. Children are distributed in 3 hoops, take their hands on the next one and in this form run to the indicated place. The competition is held on time.

4. Country of rodents. Running in bags against the clock.

5. Field of football players.

To hit the ball from a certain distance into the "gate" on the ground.

6. Basketball court.

Hit the ball in the basket (each participant once).

7. Rally runners.

Running with the ball between the knees for a while.

8. musical country.

Remember and name (sing) as many songs about sports as possible.

9. Valley of ravines.

Using the rope attached to the tree, jump over the "ravine".

10. The strongest.

Boys pull up, girls push up. 2 participants from the team are called, each pull-up and push-up adds 1 point to the team.

At the stages, teachers and high school students stand as a jury.

The results of passing the stages are recorded by the jury both in the route sheet and in the report sheet of the jury, who then calculate the result based on them.

Route sheet

Squad, Commander

Stage name

Stage jury

Where is located

Travel time

Jury painting

Tent city

Planet of the Humanoids

Centipede running

Rodent country

Field of football players

Basketball playground

Rally Runners

musical country

valley of ravines


Your chips are red; they give extra points

Short description

The script is dedicated to the holiday of April 1 - April Fool's Day. It is intended for the organization of leisure of children of the senior school age.


Scenario of the competition program "Laugh more"
Explanatory note The scenario is dedicated to the holiday of April 1 - April Fool's Day, designed to organize leisure activities for children of senior school age. Goals: · education in children of a sense of humor, the desire for victory, activity among peers; · development of imagination, ingenuity, ingenuity, curiosity, observation; · organization of pupils' leisure. Props.2 cans, change. Package with things. Lot 1. Ostrich. Lot 2. Monkey. Lot 3. Gait of Michael Jackson. Whatman, colored chalk. Long scarf. 2 buckets and 6 bulbs. Envelope, pencil, brush, eraser, bag, handkerchief, potato, tram ticket, disposable spoon, apple. Preliminary preparation. · Set up a playroom. · Select music for competitions. Scenario plan. 1. Opening remarks (from the history of the holiday). 2. Competition "Small people". 3. Competition "Designer". 4. Competition "Pantomime". 5. Game with spectators. 6. High jump competition. 7. Competition "Who is faster?". 8. Archery competition. 9. Comic lottery "Crown miser". Leading.Hello! I congratulate all of you on the holiday of spring! Today we have fun party. The custom of deceiving friends and acquaintances on April 1 has been around for a long time. He went from the ancient Greeks and Romans. In Russia april fools appeared under Peter I . He himself liked to joke and never took offense when they joked about him. But why is this day also called “Boobies Day” or “Day of Fools”? On April 1, 1860, an announcement was printed in London stating that all residents of the city were invited to attend by 11 a.m. palace square where will take place solemn ceremony washing white lions. Long before 11 o'clock, crowds of people rushed to the Tower Palace. The curious waited for this extraordinary spectacle for a long time, but their expectations were in vain. No washing of the lions followed. And then everyone realized that they were fooled. Since then, the people began to call April 1 "Day of Fools" or "Day of Fools", and also dubbed the "Day of fun, humor and laughter." Leading.And now to your attention contests for everyone. Competition "Small people". This contest requires 2 people. Players are given a handful of change, and are invited to put it in a jar. The jar is at some distance, and the change is transferred all at once, sandwiched between the legs. The player who was able to transfer, without spilling, more change into the jar is declared the winner. Leading.Next competition "Designer". This competition requires 7 people. Participants stand in a circle (music plays), one of the participants is given a package with things, the package is passed around the circle. When the music is paused, the player who currently has the package puts on the item that was in the package, the music starts playing and the package is again passed around. The winner is the one who remained undressed, to announce at the end of the competition. Leading. Competition "Pantomime". This contest requires 3 people. A choice of tasks is provided. Within one minute, you need to come up with and depict what is indicated in the lot. The winner is the one whose performance the audience guessed the fastest. Lot 1. Ostrich. Lot 2. Monkey. Lot 3. Gait of Michael Jackson. While our participants are preparing, a game with the audience is offered. Comic questions about fairy tales. 1. The farmer has grown a record crop. But he cannot cope with the cleaning and invites 5 more helpers. Who are they? (The tale "Turnip": grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse.) 2. Simple worker Agriculture creates products from precious metal. Its owners, elderly spouses, begin to test products for durability. Suddenly, someone appears, breaks a valuable work. What is this fairy tale? ("Ryaba Hen"). 3. Which fairy tale character cannot be cut off his head? (Kolobok). 4. A lonely dreamer, 12 meters tall, weighing 4 tons, will give fiery love to a tender three-headed girlfriend. (Dragon). Leading.Our participants have prepared and now let's see what they will present to us. Leading. High jump competition. For this competition, 2 people are required, preferably young men. On the wall, just above the participant's head, a sheet of paper is strengthened. Participants are selected approximately the same height. Competitors take colored crayons. Task: stand with your back to the wall holding a chalk in your hand, jump as high as possible and make a mark on a piece of drawing paper. The winner is the one who can do it above all. Leading.Next competition "Who is faster?". 4 participants are required (2 girls and 2 boys). Pairs play, one of the players has a long scarf tied around the waist, with several knots on the back. The second player from the pair unties these knots, but at the same time stands facing the partner. The pair that completes the task the fastest wins. Leading. Archery competition. This competition requires 6 people (3 people per team). The target will be an ordinary bucket, a bow - an ordinary onion. Bucket - the target must be set 5 meters further than the finish line. Put the bulbs on the finish line, their number must correspond to the number of participants. Participant No. 1, on a signal, begins to move from the start to the finish line. Running to the finish line, he takes the onion and throws it, trying to get into the bucket. After the throw, he returns to the team to pass the baton to the next participant. The team that quickly and accurately throws the bulbs into the bucket wins. Leading.The last final stage of our competition program comic lottery "Crown miser". 1. Thought transmitter at a distance (envelope). 2. You got a pencil, it was nobody's, now it's yours (pencil). 3. We give as a gift an excellent modern vacuum cleaner (brush). 4. Washing machine "Baby" (Eraser). 5. There is no more practical gain than a plastic bag (package). 6. Palace 2x3 (handkerchief). 7. Happiness fell into your hands, you got three potatoes (potatoes). 8. We give you this ticket to travel around the world (tram ticket). 9. You will never disappear with such a companion, you will not come home hungry from any guests (a disposable spoon). 10. To avoid a quarrel, eat an apple of discord (apple). List of used literature. 1. Peshkun, L. Cool humor // Education of schoolchildren.- 1999.- N 1.- P. 62-64. 2. Snegirev, I. M. First of April: [The beginning of the custom to deceive on the first of April is lost in the darkness of time...] // History.- 1996.- N 13 (April).- P. 15. 3. Titova, V. A. Yumorina: [Script of the holiday] // Last call.- 2002.- N 1.- S. 8-9 4. Tubelskaya, G. April Fool's Day - “today everything is the other way around”: [Games for April 1] // Obruch.- 2000.- N 2.- P. 13-15.

Yard club "Iskra"

Scenarios of the competitive program

Compiled by the teacher - organizer Zholdasova.Zh.S

Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear guys. Today we have a tough job ahead of us.

Host 2: We'll have to have fun. For your own benefit. After all, today's our game program is called "Funny Troubles"

Presenter 1: Our participants will have to compete in difficult competitions. Host 2: You are ready? Then let's start.

First you need to gather two teams and come up with a name.

Presenter 1: Are the teams ready? Then we will proceed to the first competition, which is called "rope" each team is given a rope. Task: in 30 seconds you need to tie the largest number nodes.

Presenter 2: The second competition is also called "Rope". Exercise : who will untie the knots faster.

(Music sounds, teams complete the task)

Presenter 1: For the next competition, one representative from each team is invited.

On the table is small money. Your task is to count the money while answering my questions. This contest has a hint system.

(Time ticks.)

Your full name?

How many people are in your family?

And how many children are in the family?

What is your mother's full name?

What street do you live on?

Your phone number?

How old are you?

What floor are we on now?

What is your father's name?

Do you have a dog or a cat?

How many fingers are on two hands?

What's 2 2?

What grade are you in?

What does the cow drink?

Do you think you will win today?

Presenter 1: It's time for the competition "Guess." I have an item in a box. The teams take turns asking questions, to which I answer either YES or NO. The team that guesses what is in the box wins.

(Teams do tasks)

Host 2: And now I want to invite our teams to "bluff club". What is it, you ask? We answer.

Presenter 1: You need to answer the questions "Do you believe?". Choose one person who will express the opinion of the team.

    In Japan, students write on the blackboard with a colored ink brush. (Right)

    In Australia, the use of disposable blackboards is practiced. (Not)

    The ballpoint pen was originally used only by military pilots. (Right)

    In Africa, fortified pencils for children are produced. (Yes)

    For a lengthy letter, 2 - 3 goose feathers were needed. (right)

Host 2: Our next contest is called « strong hand»

Each team is invited to one participant.

Each is given a newspaper. Whoever quickly gathers it into a fist, while not helping with the other hand and not bending the arm at the elbow, will bring victory to the team.

Competition "Strong hand"

Presenter 1: It's time to check how our teams are united. And do they have the strength to make the last spurt to victory.

Our latest contest is called "I + You" This competition is designed for quick response, orientation, team cohesion. On the clap of the palm, he suggests quickly lining up:

by hair color (from light to dark);

alphabetically by the first letters of the names;

by shoe size (from smallest to largest);

eye color (from dark to light).

Host 2: But that's the end of our today's program.

Presenter 1: And it's time for the main event.

Host 2: This is the award ceremony. And in a difficult struggle, the team ____________________ won. Congratulations!

Presenter 1: And we ask the losing team not to worry, because you can still take part in other competitions and be winners.

Host 2: Therefore, we do not say goodbye, but we say until we meet again!

Methodical development

Competitive game program

"When Everyone's Having Fun"

for graduates elementary school

Target : Create a festive mood for graduates, decorate leisure.

Compiled by: Faizova Tatyana Vladimirovna

physical culture teacher

MBOU Oktyabrskaya Secondary School No. 2


Fanfare sounds.

Today we sum up the results of the study ...
Let's discard fatigue, all fears, doubts.
The heroes of today's meeting are ready.
For them we will speak passionate speeches.
Well, friends, stand in a row,
Stop jokes, talk,
We will honor now
Elementary School Graduates!

The guys go into the hall and stand in two rows.


Nimble, athletic, bold, active,
Smart, inquisitive
Generally attractive.
Everyone is smart, beautiful, crafty, happy.

Is your class the best? (YES!)
The friendliest? (YES!)
But what makes you different from others?

1st student: In our class there is Irina, Luda, Alexander, Polina,
2nd student: Lyuba, Sasha, Gleb and Dasha.
3rd student: Let's not forget about Sasha
4th student: There is Andrey and there is Nikita,
5th student: There is Dinara and Milan, Vanya, Ksyusha - good,
6th student: And also Artyom and Sasha, Alya is a bright soul.
7th student: Let's call Magdalene,
8th student: Lera - there is no such thing in the world!
9th student: Chorus: This is our graduation class!

Let's remember how it all began...

(Children sing to the tune of the song "Plasticine Crow".)

1.One simple fairy tale, or maybe not a fairy tale, 3. Outside the door, dad and grandmother,

Or maybe we want to tell you not a simple one. Outside the door, mom and grandpa

When we were seven, maybe aunt and uncle

Or maybe eight, Left to wait.

Or maybe six years - And in the classroom with us,

We will not specify. Or maybe not with us.

In one simple school, and maybe not school, Only the teacher remained

Or maybe not a simple mother brought us. And he began to teach us.

It was an autumn day, or maybe not autumn,

Or maybe he did not stand - they still brought us.

2. We stood for half an hour, but maybe we didn’t,

With briefcases, with flowers

Under the sun, not in the shade.

But to the school where our class was,

Or maybe not our class,

Or maybe they didn’t take us to school after all.

1st boy: How long ago was that!
2nd boy: And do not say! Now it's even funny to look at how small, stupid, inept we were.
1st boy: They didn't know how to act, they didn't know anything.
2nd boy: And now? It's quite another matter! Shall we show?
1st boy: We'll show you!

All the boys come forward.
1st boy:
One day my best friend and I
So tired - no strength:
In a change in a small heap
I messed with a friend.
2nd boy:
We fell asleep in class.
The desk is softer than the bed.
We yawned so that the cheekbones
There was no one to lead.
3rd boy:
What did the teacher do?
He didn't utter a word
And without getting to the heart of the matter,
I called my dad right away.
4th boy:
Oh what a blast
Ah, what a scolding!
This is hardly the best way.
Understand the soul of a child!
5th boy:
If class time
Flowing very slowly
We, forgetting the strict textbook,
We draw whatever comes to mind.
6th boy:
On a notebook and on a map,
On the board and on the wall
On the briefcase and on the desk,
Neighbor on the back.

7th boy:
Sabers, sea battle, guitars,
Wolf, seven kids,
Knights from old films -
We draw everything.
8th boy:
To quickly over the problem
Our brains thought
We eat packs of gum
What's tastier than pies.
We are tired of learning.
Ah, I wish I had a day off.
Soon all the suffering will end!
Mom, I want to go home!

The guys sit at the tables.

Presenter: May four and September four
Lead us down this road
On which they walked not in vain
Where we learned so much!

Parents read the wishes written on the cards.

1st parent. So that you grow up as good people,
2nd parent. They were kind and nice!
3rd parent. Be healthy and happy
4th parent. Have fun on weekdays and holidays!
5th parent. Like trees, grow freely.
6th parent. Parents in joy, power to the rescue!

All parents unanimously say “Congratulations!” 3 times in chorus, applause.

Leading: After such touching moment I think that you still have enough strength, love and patience. Are your parents ready for the vow?
Oath of parents.
We will always help children in learning. YES!
To make the school proud of the children. YES!
We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks. YES!
Formulas to remember are nonsense for us. YES!
We swear never to beat children. YES!
Just a little scold sometimes. YES!
We will be calm, like water in a river. YES!
We will be wise, like a star in the sky. YES!
We will get up in the morning in the cold. YES!
To be in time here and there. YES!
When it's time to finish your studies,
Let's go for a walk with the kids! YES!

Presenter: We have come to you today
Take everyone to fifth grade!
Are you all right, friends?
Children: Yes!
Solve riddles...
All letters from "A" to "Z"
On the pages... -
Every student must
Take with you to school...
A diary!
To write with pens
We'll prepare... -
Well done!
Who will color our album?
Well, of course... -
So that suddenly he does not disappear,
Let's take him to... -
Pencil case!

Presenter: Have fun honest people

The holiday is coming to visit us.

Postpone everything

Let's walk until the morning

I invite girls and boys to the game program


Make 2 teams (boys and girls) of 8-12 people. The task of each team is to quickly follow the leader's commands. The speed and correctness of execution is evaluated.

  • line up by the initial letter of the names;
  • line up by the initial letter of the surnames;
  • build on the initial letter of the month in which he was born;
  • unite in groups, those who have a sister, brother;
  • unite in groups, those who have a cat, dog, other house animal.

"Hedgehogs, Hedgehogs"

Presenter: “Who is friendlier: girls or boys? Do you want to know? This game will help you. We repeat all together the words and movements:

Two clap (clap)

Two stomp (stomp),

Hedgehogs - hedgehogs (perform a movement reminiscent of screwing in light bulbs) ...

Forged - forged (one fist knocks on the other),

Scissors - scissors (perform the movements of cutting scissors),

Running in place, running in place (imitate running),

Bunnies - bunnies (depict bunnies flapping their ears) ...

Come on, together, come on, together ... "

After these words, the girls shout loudly: “Girls!!!”, - the boys: “Boys!!!”, - and then they all shout together. The host, summing up the results of the game, says that it turned out the most amicably when everyone shouted together.


You need to draw a portrait of your first teacher. To do this, the first player is blindfolded, given a felt-tip pen in his hands. He goes to the poster, which is attached to the wall, and draws one detail of the portrait (for example, the head, eyes, or something else), returns to the team, passes the blindfold and felt-tip pen to the next player. He draws the next detail on the poster, and so on, until everyone in the team puts his hand on the portrait. Whose portrait will be closer to the original?


Try to hang noodles on the ears of your classmate.
One player is seated opposite his team. In the hands of each participant is a string symbolizing noodles. At the signal of the leader, the first player runs up to the person sitting on the chair and hangs “noodles” on his ears. Then the second one enters the game, and so on. Whose team will complete the task faster?


On the chairs located in front of the teams, there is a bell each. Two players are blindfolded and placed near their chair. At the signal of the leader, they need to go around the opposite chair, go back and ring their bell. Who will complete the task faster?


Try to read the primer again, but only at an accelerated pace.
Before each team is a primer, open on the same page. Three representatives from each class begin to blow so that the pages turn over by themselves. Who will be able to “read” as many pages as possible in 2 minutes?


One hoop is issued per team. You need to put the whole team there in any way. Time to complete the task - 5 minutes.


One person per team participates in the competition. It is necessary to roll the longest pointer from a paper napkin.


Each team is given the same line. Use it to measure the width of the room. Who will give the answer faster and more correctly?


We have a very honorable and responsible mission and assignment.
Here are 2 envelopes for you - you need to collect signatures from the boys as soon as possible ( girl ), and for you - for girls(boy).

Presenter: I'm curious what you signed up for.
(opens boys envelope, reads)
"We the undersigned commit to take the stage and dance with the girls."
(similar text on the envelope for girls)

Dance competition.

Get up in pairs. We dance in the agreed way: hands on each other's shoulders, back to back, nose to nose, hands up, ear to ear, knee to knee, arm in arm, forehead to forehead. After a pause, the pairs quickly change places.

Invite everyone to the table.Video "Our Yeralash"

Leading: As you can see, our graduates have a lot of talents, even now shoot the Yeralash TV magazine!
1st scene.
1st student: Have you heard? The teacher put a blot in the journal. To the main page! I saw it myself.
2nd student: That would be on my unit!
3rd student: That would be on my deuce!
4th student: Ouch! If only not for my top three!
2nd scene.
Teacher: Are you chatting in class?
Student: No.
Teacher: Are you copying?
Student: What are you!
Teacher: Are you fighting?
Student: Never!
Teacher: Do you have any shortcomings?
Student: I lie a lot.
3rd scene.
The bell rings. The students are seated.
Teacher: Find the root in the word "locomotive". Who will answer quickly?
Pupil: It has no roots, but a lot of wheels. And there are two more shift drivers.
Teacher: Sasha, you are prompting Lyuba. I'll give you two for a hint.
Student: Two? But I told Dasha too! Maybe put four?
4th scene.
Teacher: ______________, your essay about a dog is word for word similar to your sister's essay.
Student: So after all have us one dog for two.

Games at the table

Presenter: Guys, strong friendship
Take it to the 5th grade
And for many years
Everyone save!
As always, "one for all"
Be in charge
Then everyone will tell you:
"These are the children!"


Presenter: I propose to repeat the text and movements to it together.

We're friends!

You and I are one family:

You, we, you, me.

Touch the nose of the neighbor on the right,

Touch the neighbor's nose on the left

We're friends!

You and I are one family:

You, we, you, me.

Pinch the neighbor on the right

Pinch the neighbor on the left

We're friends!

You and I are one family:

You, we, you, me.

Hug the neighbor on the right

Hug the neighbor on the left

We're friends!

You and I are one family:

You, we, you, me.


Let's close our eyes and imagine that the sun is shining brightly outside, but suddenly, a cloud appeared in the sky, which gradually turned into huge cloud. And so, one drop fell (we knock with one finger of the hand), the second fell, and it started to rain (we knock with all the fingers). Suddenly lightning flashed (clap our hands) and thunder rang out (stomp our feet), blew strong wind. But gradually the rain began to subside, and now 3,2,1 droplets fell on the ground and the sun came out.

Presenter: Are you ready to keep playing? Listen carefully to the task.

It is necessary to repeat the last syllable of the phrase twice, remember?

Get together kids!-pa, pa
The game starts!-pa, pa
Are you always good? - Yes Yes
Or only sometimes? - Yes Yes
How does a rooster crow in the village?- uh, uh
Yes, not an owl, but a rooster!- uh, uh
What time is it? - hour, hour
How much will it be in an hour? - hour, hour
Think, think head! - wa, wa
Tired of answering? - chat, chat
Isn't it time to be quiet? - chat, chat (those who do not repeat the last syllable lost).

The presenter invites one boy who correctly completed the game and asks one questionAnd what do we need for a good holiday? …………………………

Presenter: And also good company needed!

Invite three more to your company good fellows. (Shirts for guys)

Calls three more boys.

Ah, what a daredevils

Well done and well done

They see girls' faces in the hall

How can you not boast! presenter introduces guys

1. Staten and very broad-shouldered

And what about the girls

Let's just say - groovy

Yes guys, I am!

2. He is not a braid, and not a boss

Will answer any question

And the character is golden

Yes guys, I am!

3. Modest and not rushing forward

But everything can, if it takes

Admires kindness

Yes guys, I am!

4. The guy is so enviable

You can see it from the end of the village

He is smart and businesslike

Yes guys, I am!

Presenter: Good fellows, invite the red maidens to the company.

(They invite - girls put scarves on their shoulders)

Presenter: Nice to see you girls

Well done bow to the earth

Let's meet first

All embarrassment down.(Answer to the words of the presenter in the card).

1. Look at the girl -

There is no better master!

And what an entertainer!

I'm a fighting girl!

2. And beautiful and smart

Full of enthusiasm and fire.

Not lame, not skinny!

I'm a fighting girl!

3. Though she beckons with affection,

Devils dance in her eyes

Tempting everyone in the neighborhood.

I'm a fighting girl!

4. Slender camp, pava gait,

Well, the look is so sly!

Dancing, knocking down heels

I'm a fighting girl!

A team of 8 children is recruited, they go to the hall and invite a team - rivals for one adult each (girls - dads, boys - moms).

Games for children and parents.

Presenter: So let's start our game. Are the teams ready? Then listen to the first task.


Before you are stacked letters. From them you must collect the name of your team.

Names "Donut" and "Bar".

(Prepare cards with letters and fold them into two bags).


Leading: The next task is the competition of captains. In order for the team to correctly follow the course to victory, the captains must work hard. I propose to guide the team through the difficult fairway blindfolded. To do this, you need to go between 6-8 pins, do not knock them down.(Kingleys and blindfolds 16 pcs.)


Presenter: And now - I propose a game« Slippery target."

The task of the players is to throw the bag on the stool so that it does not slip off the surface. Whose team will complete the task correctly the fastest, that one wins.

(Shops, sandbags according to the number of players).


Presenter: game "Funny hoops"

Participants (girls and mothers) send the hoop forward in a straight line. While it is rolling, each player from the team (boy and dad) should try to run back and forth through the hoop several times (snake). The one who jumped through the hoop wins more once.(2 hoops)


Presenter: Brick by brick game. Counter relay. Each player stands on two bricks, holding two more in his hands. On a signal, he bends down, places the bricks in front of him and, stepping on them, continues to move. The goal of the game is to go as quickly as possible to the end along the drawn path (5 meters) without getting off the ground and pass the bricks to the next player. The team that completes the path faster wins.(8 bricks, made of wood).


Presenter: Counter relay."Race to the bottom" - with a toy clutched in your knees, jump to another participant and pass the toy without the help of hands. (2 toys)


Presenter: Competition - "Hopeless Bagel". The teams are already hungry, it's time for them to eat. With a pencil in your mouth, pass the bagel to another - do not touch it with your hands!

(16 pencils, 2 bagels)


Presenter: Relay "Centipede" Participants stand one after another, the ball is clamped between the back of the previous one and the stomach of the next one. Hands down. And now - let's go! You need to walk 5-7 meters to the chair, go around the chair and return to the beginning of the distance. The caterpillar that does not crumble along the way has won! (16 inflated balloons)


Presenter: Competition - "In one bundle." It is necessary to “sew” all the members of the team with a rope, passing the rope through the strap, loop, strap and tying a knot.

(Two long ropes)

Awarding of the participating teams.

Presenter: Attention! Attention!
I hasten to inform you
What is a cake for fifth graders
It's time for us to contribute.
Let there be applause
In honor of this wonderful moment.

A cake with 5 candles is brought in to applause, parents sing the song "Loaf". Children perform dance moves.

Song to the melody "Karavai"

To say goodbye to school
A delicious cake we baked
So that they can admire
Candles were lit for you.

Chorus: Here is such a width,
Here's a dinner.
This is the height
Here is such a low.
How beautiful is this cake
So he asks in his mouth.

Leading. So let's not yawn
Blow out the candles together!

The children blow out the candles.

Leading. We invite everyone to taste the birthday cake!

"Tea - pause"

Music screensavers


Two students come out.
1st: Attention! Attention!
2nd: Our microphone is installed in school number 2.
1st: Five minutes left until the end of the break.
2nd: In the locker room by the window we see _____________________ and _____________________
1st: Both are in good shape. Suddenly ______ gives a slap on the back of the head _______. __________ responds with a series of light blows.
2nd: Three more guys join them.
1st: As a result of this "pentathlon" _____________ and _____________ lose their shape.
2nd: ______________'s sleeve is torn off and one button flies off.
1st: ______________ has a huge bruise the size of a chicken egg under his eye.
2nd: The competition continues!
1st: One of the sambo wrestling techniques, namely the “pain hold”, was carried out by _______________: he pulled _____________________________ by the hair.
2nd: A shame ___________! They are in different weight classes! But then the bell rang.
1st: At the entrance to the classroom, competitions in "weightlifting" begin. Particularly different is ____________________. He presses, pushes, snatches and... breaks into the class first!
2nd: But he was late. ____________ is already lying under the desks and blowing soap bubbles.
1st: There is very little left before the lesson starts.
2nd: ____________________ and __________________ in the last seconds finish the exercise ... given at home.
1st: All sorts of surprises have been prepared for the participants in these unsportsmanlike games.
2nd: Starting from a deuce in behavior and ending with an extraordinary call of parents to school.
1st and 2nd (together): This concludes our report. Thank you for your attention!

Oath of the fifth grader.
Entering the ranks of middle school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of my parents, in the face of my teachers, I solemnly swear:
1. Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not letting a single question pass your ears, even the most difficult and tricky one. I swear!
2. Do not bring teachers to a boiling point - 100 C. I swear!
3. Be fast and swift, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km / h when moving along the school corridors. I swear!
4. To draw from teachers not veins, not to squeeze out sweat, but strong and accurate knowledge and skills. I swear!
5. Swim only "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths.

I swear!
6. Be worthy of your teachers. I swear!

Dance break.

Fanta - chips - coca-cola

All those present are divided into 5 teams and stand one after another, grabbing the waist of the person in front. The first is handed a ball on a string.
At the leader's command, everyone must perform the following movements:

on the word "fanta" - step with the right foot; on the word "chips" - step left;
to the words "coca-cola" - do Roundabout Circulation hips.

During the dance-game, the leader offers to take hold of the waist of the player who is in front of the one in front, i.e. the second from the dancing player, then around the waist of the third person, and so on until it becomes completely crowded.


The dancers are divided into pairs. One of the pair is given a headdress of some fruit. At the leader's signal, everyone starts dancing. As soon as the music stops, the “fruit” kneels, and his partner, running around him from left to right, sits down on his knee. The last pair to complete the task is out of the game. The dance game continues until one pair remains.

Mass Games.

Knead, knead the dough

The guys stand in a circle, holding hands. Repeating together the words: "Knead, knead the dough, knead, knead the dough", converge as tightly as possible. Under the words: “Inflate the bubble and don’t burst, inflate the bubble and don’t burst!”, they disperse as widely as possible, trying to break the circle. Two people, whose knot has broken, become in a circle, and they are already "kneaded" Those in the circle have the right to help break the "bubble" with their backs

Wrapped up

In the rules of the game, the host reports: “At the word“ wrapped up ”you need to hug yourself, and at the word“ unwound ”- spread your arms to the sides.” The leader's words can be as follows: Wrapped up - unwound. Wrapped up on a neighbor on the left - unwound. Wrapped up on a neighbor in front - unwound. Wrapped up on a neighbor from behind - unwound. ” Wrapped up at Oksana Alexandrovna - unwound.

elephant sneeze

The facilitator asks the children if they heard an elephant sneezing, and invites them to listen to his sneezing. To do this, he divides all the players into three groups. At the signal of the leader, the first group begins to shout: “Boxes!”; the second: "Cartilage!"; the third: "Dragged!". The host conducts several rehearsals. First, the groups take turns saying the words. Then the start of the game is announced. At the signal of the leader of the group, they simultaneously begin to shout loudly. After that, the host says: "Be healthy!".

Music scarf.Assistants in the game - an ordinary handkerchief and ... a broom. Music begins to play, and the handkerchief is quickly passed around. Then the host says loudly: “Stop, the music is interrupted, and the one who did not have time to pass the handkerchief to the neighbor is out of the game. Again the music sounds, again the handkerchief flies in a circle. Whoever is left is the winner.


And in the hands of the host appears a broom. He asks everyone standing in a circle to pay by numbers. The musician plays a cheerful polka or waltz. Holding hands, everyone dances, moving first in one direction, then in the other. But now the host calls the number and releases the broom from his hands. If the player under this number did not have time to pick up the broom, he is out of the game. Success - becomes the leader.

Atoms and molecules.

All players randomly move around playground, at this moment everyone is "atoms". If the host says: "The reaction goes in threes!", This means that the players must stand in threes. If the host says: "The reaction goes in fives", then five people should already join hands. At the words: "The reaction is over" everyone disperses. Those who, at the command of the leader, did not manage to fulfill the condition, leave the game.


Now I will name two animals in your ear. Do not tell each other who I have named you. Now stand up, hold hands. When I call aloud the animal that I said in your ear, you should sit down, and your neighbors should hold you and not let you sit down. Did everyone understand? Begin.
Whale and octopus, whale and shark, whale and seal, whale and dolphin, whale and jellyfish.

"Tea - pause"

Chrychalka "We compose a fairy tale"

The old castle - in the thick of the forest,
Sleeping in this castle ... (princess).
The forest hides a dense castle,
Prince brave to the castle ... (jumps)
It is clear to everyone what will happen next:
Prince beauty ... (wake up).
Loy Kashchei is not stupid at all:
He guards the old ... (oak),
On a chain of a hundred rings
Golden hanging ... (casket).
Guarding that casket is no joke.
The hare is in it, and in the hare - ... (duck).
On Kashchei, the duck is evil,
There is an egg in it, and in it - ... (needle).
Who will secretly get the needle,
He is stronger than Kashchei ... (becomes).

Presenter: The program continues!

To the inhabitants of the portfolio - dedicated to ...

Both teams and individual players can compete.

  1. Who can name more accurately the number of pages in the school class magazine?
  2. Who will quickly "wrap" 10 notebooks in covers without crushing the "crust" of the notebooks?
  3. Who can more accurately name the weight of the thickest textbook?
  4. And who has the longest line in the class? And whose team from the rulers will lay out the longest track?
  5. Who will quickly draw the fields in a 12-sheet notebook - neatly, with a red felt-tip pen?
  6. Who will get the pencil into the pencil holder faster?
  7. Relay race: whose team will quickly collect a pencil, pen, eraser, triangle, felt-tip pens, notebooks, etc. into a briefcase located 3-5 meters from it, moving only one school supplies at a time.

We played, we had fun
But the hour of farewell has come
Our holiday turned out to be fun
I thank you all!
Our holiday has come to an end
We wish you friends
With jokes, games, fun
In the world of friendship always live!

I want to wish before a long journey,
Not so little, not so much;
So that the sun shines, so that it is joyful,
Walk the ladder of knowledge with friends.
So that grief-misfortune bypasses you all,
To have fun growing and dreaming!
Stay so good and so wonderful always!

Pesegova Galina
Scenario of the competitive and entertainment program "Visiting a Fairy Tale"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education for children

Creativity Development Center.

Scenario of competitive and entertaining

programs"AT visiting a fairy tale»

(methodological development for children in grades 1-5)

Pesegova Galina Ivanovna

teacher - organizer

Creativity Development Center

8(39031) 2- 26-64

Chernogorsk 2017.

Scenario for holding a competitive and entertaining

programs"AT visiting a fairy tale» .

Targets and goals:

To develop children's attention, observation, quick wits, resourcefulness;

To rally children - participants in sports;

Teach children to work in a team certain rules, develop a sense of camaraderie;

Increase interest in competitive games. Develop attention, memory, thinking.

Time spending: 1 hour. Place holding: auditorium. Necessary material:

Emblem blanks for each team member;

Tokens for dividing participants into teams;

Cards with written long words;

Paper mittens with different patterns;

Pincushion and flowers for scoring;

Bucket (2 pcs);

Rope (2 pcs);

Clothespins (10-12 pcs);

Handkerchiefs (10-12 pcs);

Balls by the number of participants;

Newspapers, paper;

Music to accompany competitions;

Melodies of songs for musical competition.

Event progress:

On the stage for any cheerful music the leader comes out.

Leading. Good afternoon guys! Today we will go to a wonderful and Magic world- world fairy tales. Children attending different circles gathered in our hall, probably you have already met someone and already know many, but you will meet someone during our event.

Guys, with early childhood you heard a lot fairy tales. When you were little, you adults told and then you went to school and taught yourself how to read them. And today, as in childhood, I want you tell a story, she is called "Country Needlework".

The host reads fairy tale(see Appendix No. 1)

Today in our program there will also be heroes fairy tales.

So, welcome to Competitive entertainment program"AT visiting a fairy tale» .

Jury presentation. Now attention here!

To have understanding

I present to you the jury

You look more carefully.

Now I will check which of you reads a lot and knows a lot.

1. Competition"Lucky case".

The facilitator asks the children questions. For the correct answer, the child receives a token. (blue or red) and goes to the leader. Thus, the children are divided into two teams, 6-7 people each.


2. Without what dish is it impossible to have lunch in Russia? (no bread)

3. What was the name of the towel before? (towel)

4. hanging cradle? (cradle)

5. which dish is salted three times (dumplings)

6. what is poured into the pan, and bent four times? (pancakes)

7. what a lady, very gozha: sits on a spoon, legs dangling? (noodles)

8. where they put Gvidon and his mother in the ocean « Tale of Tsar Saltan...» A. Pushkin? (barrel)

9. who is Artemon's mistress fairy tale A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key? (Malvina)

10. which one fabulous the hero had a straw head? (at the Scarecrow)

11. Who gave Papa Carlo a talking log? (carpenter Giuseppe)

12. what fairy tale Charles Perrault has a hero named Carabas? (Pinocchio)

13. what is the name Tale of Kai and Gerda? (The Snow Queen)

14. what bakery product Can you walk and talk on your own? (kolobok)

15. what was your name fabulous vet doctor? (Dr. Aibolit)

Let's get acquainted. And the first to you exercise: agree and come up with a name for your team. Write the name of the team on the emblems, (emblems are prepared in advance according to the number of children for two teams).

In the meantime, the teams are preparing, I invite the audience to work too.

2. Playing with the audience: puzzles "Smarts and Wise".

Two brothers, one heart

Two ends, two rings

Carnations in the middle. (scissors)

The more I turn

The more I get fat (spindle)

Who walks the night and walks the day

Not knowing what laziness is. (watch)

Back then forward

Walks, wanders the ship.

Stop - grief:

You pierce the sea. (iron)

I am small, thin and sharp.

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I drag my tail behind me. (needle and thread)

In a black field, a white hare

Jumped, ran, made loops.

His trail was also white,

Who is this hare? (a piece of chalk)

In this narrow box you will find

Pencils, pens, pens, paper clips, buttons -

anything for the soul. (pencil case)

He does not take and does not give to sparrows


Now I'm in a box, then in a line.

Feel free to write on them.

You can also draw. What is me? (notebook).

Your pigtail without fear

She dips herself in colors

Then a dyed pigtail

In the album leads on the page (tassel)

My girlfriend lives like this: In the morning she drinks ink,

Then I give her a notebook, she goes for a walk on it. (a pen)

Thin, long, one-eared, sharp,

red all over the world. (needle)

small round

Do not lift by the tail. (ball of thread)

sits astride

does not know on whom. (hat)

3. The host invites the guys to continue the name fairy tale hero :

Woman (Yaga)

Cat (in Boots)

mouse (norushka)

Ali (Woman)

Fly (Tsokotuha)

Fox (Alice)

Ivan (Prince)

Nightingale (Rogue)

Doctor (Aibolit)

Dad (Carlo)

Alyosha (Popovich)

Red (Cap)

Boy (with thumb)

Grey (wolf)

Golden (fish)

Old man (Hottabych)

Serpent (Gorynych)

Baron (Munchausen)

Koschey (Immortal)

At the end competition commands are being presented.

Leading: children guess the name fairy tale heroine:

When I happened to get to the ball,

The prince lost his head from love.

And I lost my slipper at the same time,

Who am I, who will tell me? (Cinderella).

I announce the following competition:

4. Competition"Cinderella and Stepmother".

Game conditions: each team is divided into two - Cinderella and stepmothers, stand in a column one after another. First "stepmother" takes a bucket of garbage - there is crumpled paper in the bucket, runs to the flag and pours out the garbage from their bucket. Comes back with an empty bucket and hands it over "Cinderella". The next member of the team - Cinderella - runs to the flag and collects garbage, passes the full bucket to the next member, who depicts "stepmother".

The jury sums up.

For a positive result, the team receives a small souvenir (flower). At the end of the competition, the number of souvenirs is counted (colors) on every team. Who will have more flowers in the flower bed (pincushion).

5. Competition"Make a Word".

Each team gets one longest word.

Exercise: need to compose as much as possible more words using the letters of this word. The words: deputy, book depository, examination, vegetable store, video equipment, discipline, clerk, misanthropy. (see Appendix No. 2)

Game with spectators. In the meantime, the teams are preparing, I want to read you lines from one work, and you can guess what it's called. (Dunno in the sunny city N. Nosov). So listen...

(See Appendix No. 3)

We also have mittens day today and they are like in fairy tale all mixed up.

Exercise: While the music is playing, collect as many pairs as possible.

(see Appendix No. 4)

After the game with the audience has passed, the composed words of the team are read out.

The jury sums up.

Guys, guess which heroine is in question in the following riddle?

The girl almost died

After all, her stepmother lured her into the forest.

But sheltered in a house,

Her funny gnomes. (Snow White)

6. Competition"AT Visiting Snow White»

The contestants need to help Snow White hang the gnomes' handkerchiefs to dry. You need to take a handkerchief, run to the rope, hang up the handkerchief, attaching it with a clothespin, and return back to the team. Runs next. The winner is the one who hangs the handkerchiefs faster and more accurately.

The jury sums up.

7. Next we will dedicate the contest to the song.

Everyone takes part. You must guess the name of the song or name a line from this song.

Well, they sang, and now it's time to dance.

8. Dance competition"At the ball".

Music sounds. All team members have become beautiful ladies and cavaliers. Let's see who dances better than others. Each participant stands on a newspaper and begins to dance. First, the newspaper is folded in half, then in four, and so on. You need to dance carefully, you can not step on the floor. Who is better?

In the meantime, the jury is working, I announce the next competition.

9. Competition with balls.

In that competition all children participate. You need to split into two teams, each team has the same number of balls. On command, while the music is playing, you must throw the balls to the opposing team. The team with the fewest balls left on their territory wins.

The jury sums up.

Teams are rewarded and diplomas are presented. Fans are encouraged - participants.

Here comes the end of our competitive program . How beautiful pictures kaleidoscope changed contests. But, unfortunately, all interesting things come to an end quickly.

Friends! We are infinitely happy

To all who received awards!

Well! time to say good-bye!

close our program,

Good luck and happiness to you!

You in guests are waiting again!

Application No. 1

Story"Country Needlework"

AT fabulous country Needlework lived colored buttons, sharp needles, threads, pins and many others.

Buttons spoke: - we are the most beautiful, and if we want, we can decorate the whole world.

Needle spoke: - I'm so strong that I can go through any fabric.

thread spoke: - I am so strong that I can tie and connect almost everything. They lived apart, and nothing went right with them.

Once a doll came to this country, she walks, cries, no one can help her. Pins came up to her and asked: - why are you crying?

The doll answered: - my button came off and my pocket was torn, so no one plays with me.

We will help you.

And the pins led her to the house where the buttons lived. Buttons was glad that they could help, and gladly set to work. But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't do anything. The threads that watched what was happening began laugh:

You can't do anything without us!

This laughter was immediately picked up needles:

What do you mean, nothing will come of it without us.

Then the doll began to beg for help. But needles and threads answered her: - We have never worked together, and we are not going to work.

Due to the fact that no one could help the doll, she sat down and cried.

Then, out of nowhere, the brothers of the master came - a hoop, they took a thimble, a needle, threads, buttons, and they all sewed and sewn so deftly that the doll became more beautiful than it was.

The doll thanked the masters and ran back home.

Since then the residents fabulous Needlework countries live in peace and help each other.

Application No. 2

Words for cards competition"Make a Word".

Deputy Book Depository

Survey Vegetable storage

Video equipment

Clerk Discipline

Application No. 3

An excerpt from the work of N. Nosov


“... Having reached the crossroads, our travelers saw a crowd of short men who had gathered at the corner house. Above, on the roof of the house, there were several babies with large baskets. They took out something from these baskets and threw handfuls right into the crowd. Coming closer, Dunno and his companions saw that mittens were falling from above. They were various: blue, white, red, green, pink. Those standing below grabbed them on the fly, lifted them from the ground, put them on their hands and immediately began to exchange among themselves, trying to pick up a pair of mittens of the same color.

What it is? Why are gloves being dropped? Button asked.

Today is the day of mittens, or as it is called, the holiday of solar brothers, - said the wizard.

- On this day, mittens are scattered everywhere.

Everyone takes these mittens and changes among themselves. Those who have exchanged become solar brothers. ... "

Clear idea? Then get to work. We will collect pairs of gloves.

Application No. 4

Glove options (there are 25 pairs). It is possible and more.

List of used literature:

Cool cool things in elementary school: Methodological developments educational affairs in the classroom / Ed. E. N. Stepanova, M. A. Alexandrova. Issue. 1. - M.: TC Sphere, 2004. - 160s.

Piggy bank games Sibiryachka. Games, fairy tales, counting rhymes, teasers, nursery rhymes, puzzles, crafts / Compiled by S. N. Aflamova, artist Ya. Yu. Lisitsina. - Irkutsk: Editorial magazine "Siberian", 1995. - 480s., ill. (Library ( "Siberian - for kids").

N. Nosov "Dunno in the Sunny City".

Selection of magazines "Last call".

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