National games of different countries of the world. Children's outdoor games of the peoples of the world

Children's outdoor games of the peoples of the world are outdoor games that children from different countries.

1 Russian folk game"Bees and Swallow".

Game progress. Playing children - "bees" - squat. "Swallow" - in its "nest".

bees (sitting in a clearing and humming).

Bees fly, collect honey!

Zoom, zoom, zoom! Zoom, zoom, zoom

Martin. The swallow is flying

The bee will catch!

"Flies out" and catches "bees". Caught becomes a "swallow".

2 Russian folk game "Cabbage".

Purpose: to develop motor activity of children.

Game progress. The circle is a garden. In the middle, shawls are folded, denoting cabbage. The "master" sits down next to the "cabbage" and says:

I'm sitting on a stone

I am amusing small pegs.

I am amusing small pegs,

I have my own garden.

So that the cabbage is not stolen,

Did not run into the garden

Wolves and tits, beavers and martens,

Mustachioed hare, clubfoot bear.

Children try to run into the "garden", grab the "cabbage" and run away. Whoever the "owner" catches is out of the game. The participant who took the most “cabbages” is the winner.

3 Russian folk game "Ball up".

Target. develop the ability to hit the target.

Game progress. The players stand in a circle, the leader goes to the middle of the circle and throws the ball, saying: “The ball is up!” The players at this time try to run as far as possible from the center of the circle. The driver catches the ball and shouts: “Stop!” Everyone should stop, and the driver, without leaving the spot, throws the ball at the one who is closer to him. The player hit by the ball becomes the leader.

4 Russian folk game "Wolf".

Game progress. All the players are “sheep”, they ask the “wolf” to let them go for a walk in the forest: “Let us, wolf, take a walk in your forest!” He replies: “Walk, walk, but just don’t pinch the grass, otherwise I won’t have anything to sleep on.” "Sheep" at first only walk in the forest, but soon forget the promise, nibbling grass and singing:

We pinch, we pinch grass, a green ant.

Grandma on mittens, grandfather on a caftan,

To the gray wolf of dirt on a shovel!

The "wolf" runs across the clearing and catches the "sheep", the one who is caught becomes the "wolf", the game resumes.

Rules of the game. Walking through the forest, the "sheep" should disperse throughout the clearing.

5 Russian folk game "Wandering ball".

Purpose: to develop attention, dexterity of movement.

Game progress. All players, except the driver, stand in a circle at arm's length. They pass each other a big ball. The driver runs outside the circle and tries to touch the ball with his hand. If he succeeds, then he goes to the place of the player in whose hands the ball was, and the player goes out of the circle. The game is repeated.

Rules of the game. When passing the ball, the players must not move. You can not pass the ball through one, you can only be a nearby player. The player who dropped the ball becomes the driver.

6 Bashkir folk game "Sticky stumps".

Purpose: to develop dexterity and speed of movement.

Game progress. Three or four players squat as far apart as possible. They depict sticky stumps. The rest of the players run around the court, trying not to come close to them. "Stumps" should try to touch the children running past. Those who are touched become "stumps".

Rules of the game. "Hemp" should not get up.

7 Belarusian folk game "Vanyusha and swans".

Game progress. A circle with a diameter of 10 m is drawn on the ground. This is a forest, and in the middle a square is a forester's house. Vanyusha is placed in the square and a "forester" is chosen. The rest are swans. "Swans", flying into the forest, try to pick up Vanyusha, and the "forester" - to catch the "swans" with his hand. The “swan”, who manages to lead Vanyusha out of the forest, becomes the “forester” himself, and the game starts all over again.

Rules of the game. It is impossible to run into the house of the "forester". Caught "swans" are eliminated from the game until the change of roles. "Lesovik" does not have the right to leave the forest and stand near the house all the time, he must move around the site.

8 Udmurt folk game "Water".

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed.

Game progress. Outline a circle. Is it a pond or a lake. The driver ("water") is selected. The players run around the "lake" and repeat the words: "There is no water, but there are a lot of people." The "water" runs in a circle ("lake") and catches the players who come close to the "shore" (circle line). Those caught remain in the circle. The game continues until most of the players have been caught.

Rules of the game. "Vodyanoy" catches without going beyond the line of the circle. Those who are caught also become traps. They help the "water".

9 Caucasian folk game "Tugging".

Purpose: to develop strength, agility.

Game progress. A large circle is drawn on the site. It is divided in half by a line. On both sides of it, with their backs to each other, two participants in the game become. A steel hoop is put on them. On a signal, both players begin to pull each other out of the circle. Whoever pulls out wins.

Rules of the game. You should start pulling at the same time on the command: “March!” You need to pull only forward due to the body and legs.

10 Mordovian folk game "Circular".

Purpose: to develop accuracy, speed of reactions.

Game progress. The players are divided into two teams, draw a large circle and agree on who will be in the circle and who will be outside the circle. Those who remain outside the circle, evenly distributed, try to hit the children in the circle with the ball. If anyone in the circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to hit any other child outside the circle with it. If he succeeds, then he has a point in reserve, if not, then he leaves the circle. When the ball hits all the children, the players change places.

Rules of the game. The ball can only be caught from the air, caught from the ground does not count. A child who catches the ball and hits a player outside the circle remains in the circle. If he is hit, he stays in the circle as he has a spare point.

11 Game of the peoples of the North "Drag".

Purpose: to develop strength, speed of movement.

Game progress. Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 3-4 meters from one another. The players, divided into two teams, stand behind these lines facing each other. One of the players own will and with the consent of the comrades with a cry of "I'll pull it over!" runs to another team, each member of which extends his right hand forward. The one who runs up takes someone from the opposing team by the hand and tries to pull him across the court to his own line. If he succeeds, he places the prisoner behind him. If he finds himself behind the line of the enemy team, he becomes its prisoner and is located behind the back of the player who pulled him over to his side. The game continues. Now the attacking player is sent by another team. The game ends when one team draws all the players from the other team.

12 Caucasian folk game "Blind Man's Buff Man".

Game progress. A small table is placed at one end of the site, 10 small toys are laid out on it. At the other end of the site, 10-15 steps from the table, there are two chairs. Two porters are chosen from among the players. They sit on chairs facing the table, both are blindfolded. Each porter must transfer 5 items from the table to his chair. The one who finishes the job first wins.

Rules of the game. Both porters start the game at the same time, on a signal. You can only transfer 1 item. During the game, it is necessary to ensure that the porters do not collide when walking towards each other.

13 The game of the peoples of the North "Catching deer."

Purpose: to develop accuracy, speed of movement.

Game progress. Among the players, two “shepherds” are chosen, and the rest are “deer”, which become inside the outlined circle. "Shepherds" are behind the circle, opposite each other. At the signal of the leader "One, two, three - catch!" The “shepherds” take turns throwing the ball at the “deer”, and they run away. The deer hit by the ball is considered to be caught. After four or five repetitions, the number of "deer" caught is counted.

14 Tatar folk game "Guess and catch up."

Purpose: to develop attention, speed of reaction, dexterity.

Game progress. The players sit on a bench or grass in one row. The driver sits in front eyes closed. One of the players approaches the driver, puts his hand on his shoulder and calls his name in a whisper. The driver must guess who it is. If he guesses correctly, he quickly removes the bandage and catches up with the escaping. If the driver called the player's name incorrectly, then another player comes up. If the name is called correctly, the player touches the driver on the shoulder, making it clear that you need to run.

Rules of the game. If the driver does not understand the friend, you can repeat the name again. Having caught the player, the driver sits at the end of the column, and the one who is caught becomes the driver. The game has a strict order.

15 Russian folk game "Keys".

Purpose: to develop attention, speed.

Game progress. Playing children stand in circles drawn on the ground. The driver approaches the player and asks: “Where are the keys?”, He answers: “Go to Sasha (Serezha), knock.” During this conversation, the players try to switch places. The driver must quickly take a circle that is free during the run. If he can’t take it for a long time, he can shout: “I found the keys.” All players must change places at the same time, and the driver takes someone's circle. A child left without a place becomes a driver.

16 The game of the peoples of the North "I am".

Purpose: to develop motor skills.

Game progress. Children are divided into two identical teams. In the middle of the site, at a distance of 2-3 meters, two lines are indicated, behind which two lines are built against each other. The players of the fleeing team clap their hands together, turn around and quickly run to their edge of the court. The driving team runs after them, trying to catch at least one of the runaways before they cross the line that outlines the area. The player who is touched must shout loudly: “I am!” After that, he and his entire team turn and catch the players of the driving team, who are trying to run over the line at the end of their court.

Rules of the game. You can catch any player. Caught must necessarily shout: "I am!" It is not allowed to run over the sideline of the court.

17 Russian folk game "The Herd".

Purpose: to develop memory, attention.

Game progress. The players choose "shepherd" and "wolf", and all the rest - "sheep". The house of the "wolf" is in the garden, and the "sheep" have two "houses" at opposite ends of the site. "Sheep" loudly call "shepherd":

Shepherd boy, shepherd boy, play the horn.

The grass is soft, the dew is sweet,

Drive the herd into the field, take a walk in the wild.

The "shepherd" drives the "sheep" into the meadow, they walk, run, nibbling grass. At the signal of the "shepherd" "Wolf!" all the "sheep" run into the house on the opposite side of the site. The "shepherd" gets in the way of the "wolf", protects the herd. Everyone caught by the "wolf" is out of the game.

Rules of the game. During the run, the “sheep” cannot return to the house from which they left. The "wolf" does not catch the "sheep", but touches them with his hand. The “shepherd” can only shield the “sheep” from the wolf, but should not delay him with his hands.

18 Belarusian folk game “Prela-burned”.

Game progress. The leader, together with the driver, hide toys in different places, accompanying the actions with the words:

Prela-burned over the sea flew,

And as she flew in, she sat down somewhere,

Whoever finds it first gets it!

After these words, everyone scatters around the site, looking for hidden objects. Whoever finds the most wins.

Rules of the game. You can start looking for items only after the spoken words. During the unfolding of toys, everyone should stand with their eyes closed and not peep. Hide toys quickly.

19 Belarusian folk game "Ring".

Purpose: to develop attention, observation.

Game progress. The players stand in a circle, holding their hands in front of the boat. One leader is chosen. In his hands he has a small shiny object (It can be a ring, a foil wrapper). The host goes in a circle and seems to put a ring in each hand. At the same time he says:

Here I go in circles

I give you all a ring,

Hold your hands tight

Yes, watch out, don't yawn!

He imperceptibly puts a ring to one of the children, and then leaves the circle and says: “Ring, ring, come out on the porch!” The one who has a ring in his palms runs out, and the children should quickly join hands, try to hold him, not let him out of the circle.

20 Dagestan folk game "Pick up the toy."

Purpose: to develop dexterity of movements.

Game progress. Players stand in a circle, in the center of it they put any large toy. The teacher hits the tambourine, all the players move in a circle. At the end of the ringing, each participant in the game tries to be the first to pick up the toy.

Rules of the game. You can not pull the toy and leave the circle before the tambourine stops sounding.

21 Kazakh folk game "Scarf with a knot."

Purpose: to develop dexterity and coordination of movements.

Game progress. The leader gives one of the participants a scarf tied in a knot. Participants stand in a circle around the driver. At the command of the driver "One, two, three!" all participants run away. The driver must catch up with the player with the scarf, touch his shoulder and pick up the scarf. At the time of the pursuit, the player with the headscarf

22 Russian folk game "Snow Woman".

Purpose: to develop the motor apparatus, dexterity.

Game progress. The "snowman" is chosen. She sits down on the box at the end of the site. Children go to her, stomping.

The snow woman is standing,

Slumbers at night, sleeps during the day,

Quietly waiting in the evenings

At night, everyone is going to be scared.

At these words, the “snow woman” wakes up and catches up with the children. Whomever he catches becomes a "snowwoman".

23 Buryat folk game "Needle, thread and knot".

Purpose: to develop attention, dexterity.

Game progress. The players stand in a circle, holding hands. With a counting room, choose a "needle", "thread" and "knot". They all run into the circle one after another, then run out of it. If the "thread" or "knot" came off (lagged behind or incorrectly ran out of the circle for the "needle" or ran into the circle), then this group is considered a loser. Other players are selected. The winner is the three that move quickly, deftly, correctly, keeping up with each other.

“Needle”, “thread”, “knot” are held by the hands, they must be let out of the circle without delay and immediately close it.

24 Georgian folk game "Day and Night".

Purpose: to develop physical activity.

Game progress. Two lines are drawn at some distance from each other. Boys line up on one line, girls line up on the other. leader between them. The boys team is Night and the girls team is Day. On the command "Night" the boys catch the girls, on the command "Day" the girls catch the boys. The one who is caught goes to the opposing team.

25 Buryat folk game "The Wolf and the Lambs".

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed of movement.

Game progress. One player is a “wolf”, another is a “sheep”, the rest are “lambs”. The "wolf" is sitting on the road along which the "sheep" with the "lambs" is moving. She is in front, the “lambs” follow her one after another in single file. Approach the wolf. The “sheep” asks: “What are you doing here?” "I'm waiting for you," says the "wolf." "Why are you waiting for us?" "To eat you all!" - with these words, he rushes at the "lambs", and the "sheep" blocks them. The "lambs" hold on to each other and to the "sheep".

Rules of the game. The "wolf" can only catch the last "lamb". "Lambs" must deftly make turns to the side, following the movements of the "sheep". The "wolf" cannot be repelled by the "sheep".

26 Dagestan folk game "Put on a hat."

Purpose: to develop attention, coordination.

Game progress. The boy is sitting on a chair. The driver is taken 8–10 steps away from him, turned to face the person sitting, so that the driver can find out where he is sitting. They close their eyes to the driver, turn around and give a hat in their hands. He must take a certain number of steps and put a hat on the boy. The rest of the players count the steps of the driver aloud and cheer for him. When the game is repeated, other children are assigned to these roles.

Rules of the game. The driver should not peep; the players should not help the driver, prompt him.

27 Belarusian folk game "Hare-month".

Purpose: to develop the speed of movement.

Game progress. The players stand in a circle. The leader and the children begin the roll call:

- Hare-month, where was it? - Where did you put it?

- In the woods. - Under the deck.

- What have you been doing? - Who stole it?

- He cut the hay. - Chur.

Whoever gets the word "chur" catches up with the children, and they scatter in all directions.

Rules of the game. You can run only after the word "chur". A player who is touched by the one who catches is considered to be caught.

28 Georgian folk game "Children and Rooster".

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed.

Game progress. One of the players portrays a rooster. "Rooster" comes out of his house, walks around the site and crows three times. The players answered: “Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb, butter head, silk beard! Why do you get up so early, do not let the children sleep?

After that, the “rooster” crows again, flaps its “wings” and begins to catch children who, having left their houses, run around the playground.

Rules of the game. It is not allowed to catch children in the house.

29 Tatar folk game "Crackers".

Purpose: to develop speed, agility.

Game progress. On opposite sides of the site are marked with two parallel lines two cities. The distance between them is 20–30 meters. All children line up near one of the cities in one line: the left hand is on the belt, the right hand is extended forward, palm up. The leader is chosen. He approaches those standing near the city and pronounces the words:

Clap yes clap! - This is the signal.

I run and you follow me!

With these words, the driver lightly slaps someone on the palm. The driver and the stained run a race to the opposite city. Whoever runs faster will stay in the new city, and the one who is behind becomes the driver.

Rules of the game. Until the driver touches someone's palm, you can't run. While running, players must not touch each other.

30 Tatar folk game "Interceptors".

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed.

Game progress. At opposite ends of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are located in one of them in a line. In the middle, facing the children, is the driver. The children say the words in chorus:

We can run fast

We love to jump and jump.

One, two, three, four, five,

No way to catch us!

After the end of these words, everyone runs in all directions across the platform to another house. The driver tries to tarnish the defectors. One of the stained becomes the driver, and the game continues. At the end of the game, the best guys who have never been caught are marked.

Rules of the game. The driver catches the players by touching the shoulder with his hand. The stained depart to the appointed place.

31 Tatar folk game Chanterelles and chickens.

Purpose: to develop physical activity.

Game progress. At one end of the site are "hens and roosters in a chicken coop." On the opposite side is a "chanterelle". “Chickens” and “roosters” walk around the site, pretending to peck grains, look for worms, etc. When a “chanterelle” sneaks up on them, the “roosters” shout: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” At this signal, everyone runs to the “chicken coop”, a “chanterelle” rushes after them, which tries to catch any of the players.

Rules of the game. If it is not possible to tarnish any of the players, then the "chanterelle" leads again.

32 The game of the peoples of the North "Fifteen on a sled".

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed of movement.

Game progress. Several couples are playing. In each of them, one player carries the other on a sled. A pair of drivers is selected. Drivers tend to catch up with any other pair and tarnish one of them. A player sitting on a sled catches, he does it only with a touch of his hand. If in a pair one player is touched, this pair becomes the leader.

Rules of the game. You have to play within a certain area. A pair that has driven outside the site becomes the driver, and the game continues. You cannot catch the players of the pair that has just been leading.

33 The game of the peoples of the North "Catching deer."

Purpose: to develop accuracy, dexterity.

Game progress. Among the players, two “shepherds” are chosen - the rest are “deer”. They become inside the outlined circle. "Shepherds" are behind the circle, opposite each other. At the signal of the leader "One, two, three - catch!" The "shepherds" take turns throwing the ball at the "deer", and they run away from him. The deer hit by the ball is considered to be caught. After four or five repetitions, the number of "deer" caught is counted.

Rules of the game. The game must be started only on a signal. Throw the ball only at the feet of the players. A direct hit counts, not after a rebound.

34 Russian folk game "Big Ball".

Purpose: to develop dexterity of movements, speed.

Game progress. You need a big ball to play. The players stand in a circle and hold hands. The driver with the big ball is in the middle of the circle. He tries to roll the ball out of the circle with his feet, and the one who missed the ball becomes the leader and stands behind the circle. The players turn their backs to the center. Now the driver needs to roll the ball into the circle, the players again turn to face each other, and the one who missed the ball stands in the middle. The game is repeated.

In the section of the game of the peoples of the world, the most famous and time-tested games are collected. The presented games have a wide geography and an interesting history of origin. Games of the peoples of the world help to better understand, and maybe take a different look at other nationalities. Games of the peoples of the world reflect the culture and identity of the people. It can be noted that one people is dominated by mobile, team games, and the other desktop, logical. You can also find very similar games in different peoples but with different names.

auto racing

Car racing German game for two or more people. To play, you need to take two car toys, two wooden sticks and two long cords (about 6-9 m).
Toy cars should be tied to cords. which, in turn, are tied to sticks.
Wooden sticks should be held in the hands of two children. The essence of the game is to, on command, wind the cord around the stick as quickly as possible, thus pulling the car towards you.


Kagome is a Japanese children's game. One of the children is chosen as a "demon", he closes his eyes and sits down.

The rest of the children dance around him and sing a game song. When the song ends "demon" says the name of the person behind him and if the "demon" is right, that person replaces the "demon".

Stork and Frog

This Japanese game can be played by 4 or more people. To do this, you need to draw on the asphalt big lake with bays, islands and capes. Players choose one leader - "stork", and the rest all players become "storks".

“Frogs” sit in the “water”, not having the right to get out on the “land”.

The "stork" should walk along the shore and try to catch the "frog". “Stork” has the right to jump from “island” to “island”, but cannot enter “water”. The last "frog" caught - becomes a "stork".

White stick

White stick (Tajikistan) can be played by more than 10 people.
Participants must choose a leader according to the counting rhyme, divide into 2 equal teams and choose a place for a white stick. Then the host must discreetly hide the wand, and the players must look for it. The one who finds the wand carries it to the chosen place, and at this time the players of the other team try to stop him. The wand can be passed to members of your team.


Argentinean game for seven or more people. Before the game, the participants are divided into the driving "locomotive" and the rest of the players "cars". On a large platform, players, each for themselves, "build a depot" outlining a small circle.

In the middle of the site is a driver - a steam locomotive. He does not have his own depot. The driver goes from one player to another. To whom he approaches, he follows him. This is how all wagons are assembled. The locomotive suddenly whistles, and everyone runs to the depot, the locomotive too. The player left without a place becomes the driver of the locomotive.

Ball in the palm

A game from Burma played by at least six players with one ball or stone. Players line up at a distance of 30 - 40 cm from each other. Outstretched arms with open palms are held behind the back. One of the players is behind them. He has a ball or a pebble in his hand. Walking along the line, he pretends to want to drop the ball into someone's palm. Players must not look back. Finally, he drops the ball into someone's hand. The player who received the ball suddenly breaks out of the line.

Neighbors to the right and left must grab him before he moves. But at the same time, they do not have the right to leave the line. If they fail to catch him, he can return to his place, and then the game continues. If he is caught, he changes places with the leader.

A statue

A statue- Armenian game for 5 - 20 people.

Players are divided into catchers and evaders. For every 5 people, one catcher is appointed, for 20 people - four catchers. By appointment of the leader, the catchers go out of the field, and the runaways are freely located on the site. On a signal, the catchers chase the rest of the players, trying to catch one of them.

Caught must immediately stop to freeze in place in the position in which he was caught. The one who is frozen can be "freed" by any player by touching him. The game ends when all players are caught. After that, new catchers are chosen, and the game continues.

The runaway, who by inertia ran out of the field, is considered to be out of the game.

Pull out the handkerchief

Pull out the handkerchief is an Azerbaijani game played by 10 or more people.

Scarves are used as inventory. Two teams line up opposite each other at some distance. A line is drawn between them. Each has a handkerchief or scarf tucked into his belt behind his belt. By lot, one of the teams becomes the leader. At the command of the judge, the children move forward (the drivers stand still), cross the line, and then the judge shouts: “Fire!” The players run back, and the opponents (drivers) try to catch up with them in order to pull a scarf from their belt. Then the teams switch roles.


Pin, this is a Belarusian game where, in the center of the field, a wooden bar-pin is installed, the driver becomes next to it, and around the rest of the players with bats in their hands.

Their task is to throw the bat and hit the peg with it so that it rolls as far away from the center as possible. If one of the players succeeded and the peg rolled far away, the driver must run up, take it and set it again in the center of the field. At this time, the players run after their bats and pick them up.

The driver, having installed the peg, should try to capture any of the bits, ahead of its owner. If he succeeds, he becomes a player, and the player who did not have time to return his bat becomes the driver. (Sticks flying into the peg can hit the driver, so he needs to be careful not to get hit by the bit).

Steal the banner

An Italian game in which two teams are each placed at their own line at some distance from each other, the leader stands in the middle. He holds a scarf and calls out numbers. The players whose numbers he called run towards him. The one who snatches the headscarf from the leader and is the first to return to his place earns a point.



A Peruvian game in which players draw circle houses for themselves, and the driver remains "homeless". Everyone yells "Calabaza!" (Go home!) and scatter in their circles. "Homeless" refers to one of the players: "Do you sell eggs?" He replies: "I - no, but he may be selling" and points to a friend, to whom the "homeless" is heading. In the meantime, the players should change places. If the driver manages to occupy someone else's house, then he becomes his master, and the one who remains outside the circle leads.

Alone in a circle

This is a Hungarian game in which players form a circle with a diameter not exceeding 10 m. The leader becomes the center of the circle. Players throw a small ball to each other. The driver tries to intercept him. At a convenient moment, any of the players can throw the ball at the driver.

If the driver fails to dodge the ball, he remains in the center of the circle.

If successful, he leaves the circle, and his place is taken by the player who threw the ball.

If the driver managed to intercept the ball thrown at him, or during the transfer from player to player, he can throw the ball at any player.

If it hits, the player will take his place, if not, it remains to drive on.

Oksak hag

"Karga" in translation from Uzbek - "crow", "oksak" - "lame". Why is the crow lame? Because the one who depicts this crow jumps on one leg. And the second leg is bent and tied, say, with a belt or a scarf. (On which leg the crow limped is not important). Play the game the way you want. If there are only two of you, just jump in a race. If at least three (dad, mom and me) - you can get crow tags. A lot of people have gathered - arrange a jump relay, breaking into two teams. At the same time, the belt or scarf with which the leg is tied up passes from one “crow” to another.


This is a Georgian jumping game that will require several sticks like city bats (no more than 5 cm thick). Sticks are placed on the ground parallel to one another at a distance of half a meter. The more sticks, the harder the game will be. Next to the first stick and the last - on a flat stone: here the jumpers can rest (not for long!). A beginner in the game must, jumping on one leg, bypass all the sticks with a snake. On the way back, you need to jump over the sticks, placing your feet perpendicular to them. And again to the stone - but now the feet are placed parallel to the sticks. End the game by jumping from stick to stick.

If you get lost, make a mistake, you immediately give way to the next jumper, and, having waited for your turn again, you start all over again. We have talked about four ways to jump, but you can come up with new ones yourself; you can somehow put the sticks in a different way ... In general, the competition program will largely depend on your desire and on your ingenuity. In any case, the winner will be the one who, with fewer attempts, will complete all the agreed tasks without errors.


This is a Lithuanian game in which five people participate. A rectangular square with a side of 10 m is drawn on the ground or asphalt. Four participants stand in the corners of the square. In the center of the square, a circle with a diameter of 1.5 m is drawn, the fifth player, the fifth, becomes it. Corner players throw the ball at him, and the fifth tries to dodge the ball without leaving the circle. The player who got into the fifth takes his place.

Fire brigade

This is a German game, for 10 or more people. Chairs according to the number of players are set in a circle, backs inward. The players (firefighters) walk around these chairs to the sound of music (beats of a tambourine, drum). As soon as the music stops, the players must place a piece of clothing on the chair they are standing next to. The game continues. When each participant removes 3 items (they end up on different chairs), an alarm sounds: “Fire!”. Players must quickly find their belongings and put them on. Whoever gets dressed the fastest wins.

Salki in a circle

This game is played in Tanzania by 10 or more people. You need a leaf from a tree. Players stand in a circle facing the center. The leader walks behind them and touches the palms of the players with a sheet. Then he puts the leaf in someone's hand and runs. The sheet player is behind him. If the driver runs a circle and is not caught up, he will stand in an empty place, and the player chasing him becomes the new driver.

Good morning, Hunter!

This is a Swiss game, for 10-15 people, in which players stand in a circle, choose a hunter who walks behind the backs of the players. Suddenly, he touches the player's shoulder. The one who was touched turns and says: “Good morning, hunter!”, and immediately goes in a circle, but in the opposite direction to where the hunter goes. Having bypassed half a circle, they meet, the player again says: “Good morning, hunter!”. And both run to take an empty place in the circle. Anyone who did not have time to do this becomes a hunter.

sick cat

This is a Brazilian game for five or more people, where one player is a healthy cat trying to catch everyone else. Each player who has been tarnished must place his hand exactly on the spot where he was tarnished. He also becomes a cat, but sick and helps a healthy cat when catching. A sick cat can only stain with a healthy hand. The player who is not tarnished wins. He becomes healthy cat for the next round.

tightrope walkers

This Uzbek game is played by 5 or more people. On the site, the guys draw a straight line 6 - 10 m long. You need to move along it, like on a tightrope. You are allowed to hold your hands out to the sides. Those guys who go off the line lose - "fly off the rope." According to the rules, one of the players follows the "rope walkers" and the one who got off the "rope" becomes an observer.


This Belarusian game is played by 10 or more people. The participants of the game are divided into two equal groups. The players of each group hold on to each other and form one chain with their arms bent at the elbows. Ahead of the chain are becoming stronger and more dexterous participants - "clockwork". Standing against each other, the “clockwork” also take each other by the arms bent at the elbows and pull each in their own direction, trying to break the enemy’s chain with them, or pull it over the intended line. According to the rules, they start pulling exactly at the signal.


Belarusian folk game. The leader, together with the driver, hide toys in different places, accompanying the actions with the words: Prela-burned over the sea flew, And when she flew in, she sat down somewhere, Whoever finds it first will take it for himself! After these words, everyone scatters around the site, looking for hidden objects. Whoever finds the most wins. Rules of the game. You can start looking for items only after the spoken words. During the unfolding of toys, everyone should stand with their eyes closed and not peep. Hide toys quickly.

Event scenario"Games of the peoples of the world".

Each game is taught by animators in national costumes. They help children learn the rules, remember the names of games, etc.

(1-2-3-4) Our world is large and diverse. It is inhabited by millions of people in all parts of the world. And depending on where you live weather conditions, all people look different. They have different skin colors, hair, different eye shapes, different noses, and they all dress differently. And most importantly, lead different image life. And this is the greatest wealth in the world. After all, every nation makes the world so bright and colorful as we are used to seeing it!

(5-6-7) Look at each other - you and I are so different: someone is taller - someone is lower, someone has gray eyes, and someone has brown, or maybe even green ... Everyone is different hair, - and this already suggests that we all belong to different peoples. Studying the culture and way of life of the peoples of the world is not only exciting and interesting, but also useful, because it is in the diversity of peoples on earth that the source of wisdom and kindness is stored.

(8) And I will reveal one secret to you! It is she who will help us to get acquainted with different peoples of the world! Ready!? Then listen...

“Once upon a time, the wise men decided to hide all the secrets of their peoples so as not to lose them and preserve their uniqueness. And they agreed that they would never talk about them out loud, but would pass them on to their children so that they could pass them on to theirs. And so it happened! And until now, children learn all the secrets, strength and wisdom of their people through special ceremonies - we call them "GAMES"!

(9) Indeed, children of every people and nationality play their own games, and it is through them that they learn how dexterous, fast, strong, how to value friendship and respect an opponent.

(10) And today I want to introduce you to five amazing peoples of the world who live in different countries, each nation has its own peculiarity and its own religion: - Russia (Christianity), China (Buddhism), India (Hinduism), Israel (Judaism), Azerbaijan (Islam).

  1. Azerbaijan.

(11) The inhabitants of Azerbaijan - sacredly observe their national traditions. Traditions accompany Azerbaijanis from the moment of birth and throughout their lives.

(12) A lot of things in the country are subject to age-old customs and traditional Islamic norms, so you should observe certain rules behavior. In public places, neatness in dress is highly valued. themselves locals, especially women, dress quite strictly, preference is given to dark colors. But much attention is paid to bright decorations.

(13) Holidays are accompanied by true Caucasian hospitality, taking into account all the traditions!

(14) A special feature of Azerbaijanis is AGGRESSION, COURAGE AND SPEED! It is these qualities that are imparted to children.

Game "Get the Hat"

Players are divided into two teams, up to ten people in each. At a distance of 1015 m are caps. The players in both teams get into pairs and move towards the hats, performing different movements. First, the first pairs move, then the second, etc. For example, the first pairs move forward, jumping on one leg, the second pairs move on all fours, the third pairs walk on their heels, the fourth pairs half-crouch, the fifth pairs move in a deep squat.

Rules of the game. Only the pair that reached first has the right to take the hat. The team with the most hats wins. When Continuing the game, it is better to change the types of movements between pairs. You can choose other movements.

  1. Israel.

(15) The life of the people of Israel consists in keeping Jewish traditions- Religious and cultural. Opening hours correspond to the Jewish calendar. That's how everyone comes National holidays. On Saturdays and holidays, all transport (except taxis) stops working.

(16) Since Israel is a deeply religious state, it is recommended to observe the conditions for visiting temples: women with a covered head, in long skirts, hands must be covered; men should wear trousers (i.e. not wear short shorts). Israelis are religious and careful attitude to environment and your heritage.

(17) This is what they bring up in their children, accustoming them to their special games.

(18) Game "Find afikoman"

Jewish children play this game on Passover evening. At the beginning of the evening, the father, the head of the family, takes one sheet of matzah and breaks it into two pieces. The smaller piece is called the afikoman. The father tells the children that he will now hide the afikoman, and they will have to look for it, the one who finds it will receive a prize. After that, the afikoman hides so that he can be found. Children look for afikoman during the evening.

Rules of the game. If the Easter evening is held at home, the children who live in this family play. If the evening is held in public place, Then all the children present take part in the game. The finder of the afikoman receives a prize at the end of the evening.

  1. India.

(19) India is a country with a mysterious culture!

(20) Hindus are a friendly and cheerful people, strictly observing common traditions and rules. Everything that these people do makes them admire and freeze in surprise.

(21) This primarily concerns clothing.

(22) All girls and women put on a beautiful long robe that covers the whole body - a sari, made of expensive and bright fabrics.

(23) The culture of this country is inextricably linked with religion, and mythological, full of mysteries and secrets. For example, the veneration of animals: a cow, a tiger, a snake or a frog are considered sacred animals. And the children of all the peoples of India strive to imitate their dexterity and wisdom ...


Game "Stork and Frog".

This Indian game can be played by 4 or more people. To do this, you need to draw on the pavement a large lake with bays, islands and capes. Players choose one leader - "stork", and the rest all players become "frogs".

Rules of the game “Frogs” sit in the “water”, not having the right to get out on the “land”.

The "stork" should walk along the shore and try to catch the "frog". “Stork” has the right to jump from “island” to “island”, but cannot enter “water”. The last "frog" caught - becomes a "stork".

  1. China.

(25) China is known as the state of etiquette and ceremony.

(26) Even greeting each other is a whole ceremony. The tea ceremony is especially famous.

(27) A Chinese can be found in a dressing gown, long, to toe, - this National clothes. The girls have a beautiful long kimono, made of very beautiful fabrics.


China is the birthplace of the fearless samurai. Chinese warrior clothes are expensive fabrics. The warriors of China are brave and fast, just like their symbol.

(29) China is also famous for its sacred animals - dragons and turtles. Power, wisdom, strength and courage - this is what Chinese children train in their games.


The game "Catch the dragon by the tail!"

This old Chinese fun game is suitable for a large company.

At least ten people take part in the game. They should line up one behind the other in such a way that they put their right hand on the right shoulder of the person in front. The one in front is the dragon's head, and the last one is its tail.

Rules of the game. The essence of this outdoor game is that the dragon's head catches itself by the tail. The line is constantly in motion, the body follows the head. The head tries to grab the last player. In this case, the line should not be broken. The players on the side of the tail do not allow the head to grab the tail. However, if the head grabs itself by the tail, then the player standing last in the line goes forward and becomes the head, and the player who was the penultimate one in the line becomes the new tail.

  1. Russia.

(30-31) Russia is a truly unique country that, along with a highly developed modern culture carefully preserves the traditions of his nation, deeply rooted not only in Orthodoxy, but even in paganism.

(32) Russians continue to celebrate pagan holidays, believe in numerous folk omens and legends.

(33) Russians celebrate their holidays widely and on a grand scale: Christmas, Easter, Saints' Days, which are accompanied by games, chants, rituals and games.

(34) Our people especially appreciate the beauty of their nature and glorify it in songs and even games.

The game "Dawn - lightning"

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:


Red girl.

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys

With the last words, the leader carefully places the tape on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both quickly run to different sides round. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game is repeated.

Rules of the game. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses who to put a handkerchief on his shoulder.

(35) Our world is large and diverse. It is inhabited by millions of people in all parts of the world. They are all different: clothes, religion, traditions, history ... But we all have something in common, one for all - this is the world in which we live, this is blue sky, above our heads and happiness,

(36) and most importantly - FRIENDSHIP, which unites us all! As long as we are united, we are invincible!


Games of different nations

Children play games everywhere: in the vicinity of the Kalahari Desert, and in the Far North. Some of the games are known everywhere and do not have a clear territorial affiliation (hide and seek, hide and seek).
But there are games that even the children of the neighboring region are not aware of. And, of course, each nationality has its own original national games.
Here are some of the games played by children from neighboring countries.

Lithuanian game: fifth
The game is played by five people. A rectangular square with a side of 10 m is drawn on the ground or asphalt. Four participants stand in the corners of the square. In the center of the square, a circle with a diameter of 1.5 m is drawn, the fifth player, the fifth, becomes it.
Corner players throw the ball at him, and the fifth tries to dodge the ball without leaving the circle. The player who got into the fifth takes his place.

Ukrainian game: storks
The game involves 6-8 people. They represent storks. All storks become one general circle. Each stork draws a circle around him with a diameter of one meter - a nest. The driver does not have a nest, he stands in the center of the circle.
At the signal of the driver, all storks raise their right leg and stand on one left.
The driver jumps in a circle on one leg, chooses any nest for himself and jumps into it.
As soon as there are two storks in the nest, both of them should jump out of the nest and, jumping on one leg, go around the general circle - one on the right, the other on the left; leg can be changed.
The rest of the storks may lower their leg at this time. The one who returns to the nest first occupies it, the latecomer becomes the leader.

Tajik game: safed - forelock to
plays even number participants, at least 6 people. Players line up and count by numbers.
Even numbers will be one team, odd numbers will be another. The distance between players is 1 m.
The players of each team are given small sticks painted in a certain color. Each stick has a player number on it.
The players memorize the color of their team's sticks and exchange them with a neighbor.
At the signal, everyone should throw the sticks as far as possible, at the next signal, run after them. Everyone must find and pick up their wand (which was abandoned by a neighbor). If sticks of another team come across along the way, they can be thrown even further.
The winner is the team whose all players return to their place with their sticks first.

Turkmen game: aksak - tauk ("lame chicken")
The players are divided into teams of three and stand along the start line. Those standing on the edge in each trio join hands, and the one standing between them throws his left leg on their joined hands and puts his hands on their shoulders.
On a signal, each trio on five legs goes to the finish line, which is located at a distance of 20-30 m from the start.
The first three to reach the finish line wins.

Belarusian game: peg
A wooden peg is installed in the center of the field, the driver becomes next to it, and around the rest of the players with bats in their hands.
Their task is to throw the bat and hit the peg with it so that it rolls as far away from the center as possible. If one of the players succeeded and the peg rolled far away, the driver must run up, take it and set it again in the center of the field. At this time, the players run after their bats and pick them up.
The driver, having installed the peg, should try to capture any of the bits, ahead of its owner. If he succeeds, he becomes a player, and the player who did not have time to return his bat becomes the driver. (Sticks flying into the peg can hit the driver, so he needs to be careful not to get hit by the bit).

Latvian game: balteni
This game is best played in the summer in a forest clearing or in a park.
All participants lie face down on the grass and close their eyes. The driver throws the bat (balteni) as far as possible into bushes or thickets of grass so that it is difficult to find it.
At the signal of the driver, the players get up and run to look for balteni. The one who finds it becomes the leader.

Armenian game: berd ("fortress")
Byrd in Armenian means "fortress". The game is designed for a large number participants, it can be played in the yard or on the sports ground.
Two teams are participating. One of them is the defenders of the fortress, the other is the attackers. The defenders are located around a large stone or stump, you can use a wooden chock - this will be the fortress. The attackers are dispersed throughout the area. On a signal, the attackers seek to penetrate the "fortress" and capture it. The fortress is considered taken if the attacker has touched it with his hand or stepped on with his foot. For this, the attacking team receives a point. The defenders of the fortress seek to overpower the attackers.
The tagged attacker is out of the game. Attackers can take defenders prisoner. To do this, you need to take the defender away from the fortress, and then run between the fortress and the defender.
If the attacker managed to make such a run, then the defender is considered a prisoner and is eliminated from the game.
If there are few defenders left, they are allowed to close in a tighter circle, if there are few attackers left, the teams are offered to switch roles, giving the defenders one point.
The first team to score 5 points wins.

Hungarian game: one in a circle
The players form a circle with a diameter not exceeding 10 m. The leader becomes the center of the circle. Players throw a small ball to each other. The driver tries to intercept him. At a convenient moment, any of the players can throw the ball at the driver.
If the driver fails to dodge the ball, he remains in the center of the circle.
If successful, he leaves the circle, and his place is taken by the player who threw the ball.
If the driver managed to intercept the ball thrown at him, or during the transfer from player to player, he can throw the ball at any player.
If it hits, the player will take his place, if not, it remains to drive on.

If your child is not yet able to show Pakistan or Armenia on the map, and you really want this, organize for him and his friends outdoor games of the peoples of the world, popular with small residents of distant countries. But first, invite the children to find these states on the globe, and then tell us about the culture and customs of the people inhabiting them, about the nuances and then acquaint them with the rules of the fun games of the peoples of the world.

Baby moving funny Games from around the world

Children's game from Chile: "Run, Guaracha, run!"

Explain to the young company that in Chile, a state in the southwest South America, speak Spanish, and "Guaracha" - a word that is not in the dictionary, was invented for fun.

Number of players: five or more, ages 5 and up.

What you need: A handkerchief.

How to play: Children sit in a circle. Looking back is prohibited. The task of the leader, who is outside the circle, is to quietly put a handkerchief on the back of one of the players. If the child felt this, he must catch up with the leader, and he is eliminated from the game. If it is not possible to catch up, the game continues without the offending participant.

Children's game from Greece: "Agalmata".

Greece, a state in southern Europe, is famous for its antique marble statues. Find the most famous of them on the Internet and show the young company food before the game starts.

Number of players: four or more, ages 10 and up.

How to play: One of the players stands with his eyes closed in the center of a large open area and slowly counts to ten. The rest at this time try to take the pose of any statue they like. For the authenticity of the image, it is not forbidden to use improvised objects - sticks, balls, etc.
“Agalmata” (“statue” in Greek), the host shouts, and the players freeze. If the "statue" does not keep its balance, it leaves, the host tries to make the players laugh. I announce the most persistent as the new leader. This is the perfect game for developing motor coordination.

Children's game from Pakistan: "Up and down"

The young inhabitants of Pakistani cities, a state in South Asia, love to laugh and scream. This fun, active game helps them release their excess energy.

Number of players: four or more, ages 4 and up.

What you need: An open area with stumps, a slide, swings, rocks, or sturdy benches.

How to play: if the host shouts the word “Down”, you can’t stay on the ground - you need to jump onto a stump, bench, slide as quickly as possible ... If the “Up” command sounded, everyone should go down to the ground. The one who is “salted” becomes the leader.

Children's outdoor game from Ghana: "Pilolo!"

The little inhabitants of the rural areas of Ghana, the state in West Africa, few toys, but they find tons of ways to have fun.

Number of players: six, ages 4 and up.

What you need: sticks, pebbles or one coin per player.

How to play: appoint a leader and a judge, determine the finish line. Children turn away and wait for the leader to hide coins or pebbles. When he calls out "Pilolo!" (“Search!”), the judge turns on the stopwatch, and the players find the coins and run with them to the finish line. The one who arrives first gets one point. Then the coins are collected, a new host and judge are appointed, and the game continues. The winner is the one who scored more points (to remember who has how many points is the duty of the judge).

Children's game from the UK: "Get a gift"

This fun is very popular among the inhabitants of the island state in northern Europe, especially at birthday celebrations. A gift in a bright package is passed to the music.

Number of players: five or more, ages 4 and up.

What you need: Surprise gift colored paper, music.

How to play: pack the fun toys in several layers of paper different color, have the children sit in a circle and turn on the music. The gift is passed around in a circle until the host turns off the sound. The child, in whose hands the surprise turned out, removes the first layer of paper. The game continues until the package is completely removed. The gift goes to the winner, and a new souvenir is passed around the circle. Adults must ensure that all players receive gifts.

Children's game from Australia: "Skippiru Kangaroo"

Australia is both a country and a continent where amazing animals live: the Tasmanian devil, the platypus, the wallaby, the wombat, the koala, the kookaburra and, of course, the favorite of all kids - the kangaroo.

Number of players: five or more, ages 3 and up.

How to play: the children sit in a circle, the leader asks one of them to go to the middle, sit on the floor, lean forward and close their eyes - this is the sleeping kangaroo Skippyru. The rest are hunters. The host calls the name of one of the children, he touches the "kangaroo" and says: "Guess who caught you?" If the child called the name of the "hunter", the players change places.

The game continues until all participants have been kangaroos. This game is popular in Australian kindergartens because it helps children get to know each other faster and develops their ear.

Children's game from Armenia: "Battle on eggs".

This game is very popular in Transcaucasia, where one of the former Soviet republics is located. Ukrainians know the fun as Easter.

Number of players: two, ages 3 and up.

What you need: A couple of hard-boiled eggs.

How to play: standing facing each other, the children lightly push the eggs with sharp ends until one of them cracks. Then they repeat the battle, but with blunt ends. Experience shows that hard-boiled eggs crack only after 3-4 hits and do not pour at the same time. The winner gets both eggs. After the game, trophies are used to make salad or sandwiches for the whole company.

Thank you for your attention, play with your children - it will benefit everyone!

Folk outdoor games

During the historical path, each nation develops its own distinctive features. national culture. Folk outdoor games are called upon to help children comprehend the originality, beauty, harmony of cultures of different peoples. This is a great educational and educational value national games. Moreover, it is clear that familiarity with cultural traditions improves aesthetic taste in children.

National games play an important role in physical development children. They bring up the will, courage, desire for victory.

It will be important to note that folk outdoor games were the basis of all subsequent games.

Russian game "Kite"

Roles are distributed among the players: one becomes a “kite”, the other becomes a “chicken”, all the rest become “chickens”. "Chickens" line up in a column behind the "chicken" in a fashionable way, holding tightly to each other's belt. The game starts with a dialogue:

Kite, kite, what's wrong with you? the “chickens” ask in unison.

I lost my shoes, - the kite answers.

These? - the chicken and after it the "chickens" put their right foot to the side.

Yes! - shouts "kite" and rushes to catch "chickens".

At the same time, the “chicken” protects the “chickens” without pushing the “kite”. The caught "chicken" is out of the game.

Russian game "Forged Chains"

Two lines of children, holding hands, stand opposite each other at a distance of 15 - 20 m. One line of children shouts: “Chains, chains, break us!”. Another asks: "Which one of us?". The first, after conferring, answers: "Dima." Dima runs up and tries to break the second line. If he breaks, then he takes into his line the pair of participants that he broke. If he does not break, then he stands in a line that he could not break. The team with the most players wins.

Russian game "Dodgeball"

Participants are divided into two teams: leading and playing. A rectangle is outlined - the "city". Leaders are on opposite sides. They have a ball. In the middle of the "city" are the players. The leaders alternately throw the ball at the players, trying to hit them. Whoever gets hit by the ball is out of the game. Which of the children caught the ball is counted as a "candle", i.e. he can stay in the game if he hits him. You can also give your “candle” to one of those who have already been knocked out. The leaders alternately throw the ball until they knock out all the players without crossing the line of the "city". Then the teams (leading and playing) can change places and continue the game.

Karelian game "I am" ("Olenta")

The game is played on a court 50-60 m long and no more than 10 m wide. The players are divided into two equal teams and determine by lot which of them will go out first. In the middle of the site, 2 lines are marked, with a distance of 2 - 3 meters, behind which teams line up against each other in lines. The game begins with the players of the fleeing team clapping their hands together, quickly turning and rushing to their edge of the court. The driving team rushes after them, trying to touch any escaping before he crosses his line. The player who was hit must say loudly: “Olenta!” ("I am!"). After that, he and his entire team turn around and start catching the players of the leading team, who are trying to run over the line at the end of their site.

The game continues until one of the teams succeeds in in full force run to hell. Then the other team leads.

Tatar game“We sell flowers” ​​(“Chulmak prices”)

The players ("sellers") form a circle, the driver - behind the circle. The driver, approaching one of the "sellers", begins to bargain:

Hey buddy, sell the flower.


How many rubles to give you?

The “seller” calls a number no more than 3. After that, the driver touches the owner of the flower with the hand as many times as the “seller” agreed to sell the flower; then both the driver and the "seller" run around the circle towards each other the appropriate number of times. Whoever runs to a free place faster becomes the “seller”, and the player left without a place becomes the driver.

Turkmen game "Hold the tail" ("Chuyruk tutdy")

The game requires the distribution of roles: the driver is the "wolf", all other players are the "sheep". The driver is in the center of the circle, which is formed by the "sheep". The "wolf" pretends to be asleep, the "sheep", moving in a circle, sing some song. Gradually, the “sheep” slowly begin to converge towards the center, trying to touch the “wolf”. The "wolf", suddenly jumping up, begins to catch the "sheep". It is important to remember that the driver can only start the game after one of the "sheep" touches him. The caught "sheep" becomes the "wolf", and the game continues in the same way.

Georgian game "Sakhreoba"

Each player has a sakhre (thin sticks 1 cm in diameter, 70-80 cm long) in their hands. The players lay them out on the ground with an interval of 50 cm. The more participants, the longer the row of sticks, the more difficult and more interesting game. Flat stones are placed at the beginning and at the end of the row. They are a kind of place to relax, which takes no more than 1 minute.

Task options:

    The participants in the game must take turns, jumping on one leg, bypassing all the sticks with a snake. (The task can be performed three times).

    Players must jump over all the sticks, placing their feet perpendicular to them. Coming back, you should put your feet parallel to the sticks.

As the game progresses, new tasks can be invented with a new arrangement of sticks. The new rules are binding on everyone. The winner is the one who completes all the exercises without errors. The one who stumbles is out of the game.

Yakut game "Bulchuta" ("Hunters")

The game is played on a terrain with clearly defined boundaries. An even number of "hunters" ("butter") is selected from among the players, for example, 8 "hunters" for 20 participants.

The game can be organized in different ways. In one case, the "hunters" are divided into pairs and form a "lasso", holding hands. With the help of the "lasso", "hunters" can catch any player. To whom the caught player is facing, with that he forms a new "lasso". The task of each player is to get out of the “lasso” as quickly as possible or never to play the role of a “hunter” at all.

In another case, each player caught becomes a "hunter", thus, the "lasso" is gradually increasing. The game ends when the last player becomes the "hunter".

Attention! During the game, it is forbidden to run out of the field, you can also catch "hunters".

Khakass game "Ala hucha" ("Motley ram")

The game "Ala Khucha" is also known as "Sakhtangchy" ("Watchman").

All players become pairs, join hands, line up in a column. Ahead of the column is "ala hucha" or "watchman". He looks ahead and holds the hands of the first couple. At this time, the last couple separates and runs forward. "Ala Khucha" should have time to grab them before they overtake him. If he does not catch the fleeing, then they become ahead of him. If he grabbed someone, then the player left without a pair takes his place.

Uzbek game "Tea-tea!"

All players are located on the court (10x12m), circled by a line. The driver shouts: “Tea-tea!” - and, raising his hand, runs across the site. The rest of the players must catch up with him and touch him with his hand. The player who managed to touch becomes the "ringleader". He, too, shouting: “Tea-tea!” - raising his hand, runs across the site. The game is restarted. The player who manages to remain uncaught for a long time is considered the winner.

Rules of the game: players must not leave the area; violating the rules do not take part in the game during one of its construction.

Belarusian game "Lenok"

Circles are drawn on the ground - nests, which are one less in number than the players. Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands. The leader in the circle makes various movements, everyone repeats them. At the command "Plant flax!" players occupy the nests, the one who did not have time to occupy the nest is considered “planted”: he is “planted” in the nest until the end of the game. Then one nest is removed on the ground, and the game continues. The one who takes the last free place wins.

Ossetian game "Chepena"

Choose a leader (chepen). He starts the game with:

Left foot, chepena! (Jumps left foot to the left)

Goy, goy, chepena! (Children respond and repeat the leader's movements)

Right foot, chepena! (Jumps on right foot to the right)

Goy, goy, chepena! (Children repeat the same)

Let's go ahead, bitch! (Walks forward with hands up)

Goy, goy, chepena! (Children walk in small steps forward, raising their hands up)

Let's go back, bitch! (Small steps goes back with lowered hands)

Goy, goy, chepena! (Children repeat the same)

We all dance, chepena! (The dance begins)

Around, around, chepena! (Children begin a circle dance to Ossetian music)

Attention! The pace of the game must constantly increase.

Latvian game "Sieve"

The players line up. One of the participants in the game remains outside the row - he is a sieve. The sieve fits standing first in the row to the player and says:

This, this, sieve!

He asks:

What do you want, sieve?

The sieve answers:

Small flour.

The player addressed by the sieve player says:

Run after her!

After that, the “sieve” runs after the last player in the row and tries to catch him. He runs away and seeks to stand first in a row. If he succeeds, he is saved. If the “sieve” catches the evader, then they change roles, the former “sieve” becomes the first in a row.

Rules of the game: you cannot run out of the row before all the words have been spoken.

Lithuanian game "King of Beasts"

All the players are “beasts”, one of them is the “king of beasts”. Each "beast" must tell the "king" its name, but in such a way that others do not hear (tiger, wolf, hare, etc.). "Beasts" line up in one row opposite the king a few steps away from him. At the feet of the "king" lies the ball. "King" calls some animal, he must run, and the "king" tries to hit him with the ball. If the ball hits the beast, he goes to the king and helps him (brings the ball, etc.). After the king names two or three animals, he says: “I catch all the animals!” Everyone is running, and he is trying to hit someone with the ball.

Rules of the game: "King" must throw the ball without going beyond the outlined line; new king is chosen after three or four animals have been caught.

Kazakh game "White bone"

The participants in the game line up, take a white bone (you can use a rubber ball, a wooden key, carved sticks, etc.) and sing:

- White bone - a sign of happiness, a key,

Fly to the moon

To the white snowy peaks!

Resourceful and happy

Who will find you in an instant!

After that, the leader throws a bone for a line of players. At this point, no one should look back to see which way the bone is flying. When the bone falls, the host announces:

- Looking for a bone

Find happiness soon!

And he will find it

Who is faster and more agile!

The purpose of the action is to quickly find the bone and bring it to the leader unnoticed by the others. If the other participants notice her, they chase the player and, after lightly hitting the shoulder, take away the bone, then they also run to the leader.

In order to be unnoticed and without obstacles to bring the bone to the leader, it is necessary to show dexterity, ingenuity and resourcefulness. One player, under the pretext that he cannot find a bone, goes to the leading step, thereby diverting the attention of rivals different ways(for example, he speaks loudly, pointing to another, and claims that he supposedly has the bone, etc.). If the player found a bone, i.e., turned out to be lucky, then the whole group or one of the group fulfill his desire: they sing songs, read poetry, imitate the voices of animals.

Rules of the game: the noticed player with a white bone is obliged to immediately pass it; it is impossible to look back during the transfer of the bone; it is allowed to search for it only after the leader's signal; whoever violates the rules of the game is punished at the behest of the winner.

Mass Games

The biggest popularity in the conditions of the All-Russian children's center"Ocean" enjoy massive games. They can be used both indoors and outdoors. In the course of organizing and holding such games, moral and volitional qualities are formed, organizational skills are developed. The main task of the organizer mass games is to teach children how to use their imagination to the maximum. The work of the imagination stimulates the process of play.

"Vaska - Petka"

The host divides the entire hall into two teams, one - "Petka", the other - "Vaska". Then they all sing together:

On a sunny meadow

Costs green house,

And on the porch of the house

A cheerful gnome is sitting.

The host asks: “What is your name dwarf?”, - and points to one of the teams, which answers with a tongue twister:

Petka! I have a plaid shirt

I came to you children

To eat candy.


Vaska! I have polka dot pants

I came from a fairy tale

Because I'm good.


All this is carried out several times, the leader shows either one or the other team, then both at once, and one of them must shout over the other.

"Hedgehogs, hedgehogs"

The host asks the participants of the game: “Who is friendlier: girls or boys? Do you want to know? This game will help you. We repeat all together the words and movements:

Two clap (clap)

Two stomp (stomp),

Hedgehogs - hedgehogs (perform a movement reminiscent of screwing in light bulbs) ...

Forged - forged (one fist knocks on the other),

Scissors - scissors (perform the movements of cutting scissors),

Running in place, running in place (imitate running),

Bunnies - bunnies (depict bunnies flapping their ears) ...

Come on, together, come on, together ... "

After these words, the girls shout loudly: “Girls!!!”, - the boys: “Boys!!!”, - and then they all shout together. The host, summing up the results of the game, says that it turned out the most amicably when everyone shouted together.

"We are one family!"

The facilitator suggests repeating the text and movements to it together.

You and I are one family:

You, we, you, me.

Touch the nose of the neighbor on the right,

Touch the neighbor's nose on the left

We're friends!

You and I are one family:

You, we, you, me.

Hug the neighbor on the right

Hug the neighbor on the left

We're friends!

You and I are one family:

You, we, you, me.

Pinch the neighbor on the right

Pinch the neighbor on the left

We're friends!

You and I are one family:

You, we, you, me.

Kiss the neighbor on the right

Kiss the neighbor on the left

We're friends!


The host invites everyone to repeat the text together and perform the appropriate movements:

We are lion hunters

We are not afraid of him

We have a big gun.

And a sharp sword - wow!


Do not crawl under it

Do not fly over it


We are lion hunters

We are not afraid of him

We have a big gun.

And a sharp sword - wow!

Oh what is this? Oh what is this? Oh what is this?


Do not crawl under it

Do not fly over it

It can not be bypassed: the road is straight!


We are lion hunters

We are not afraid of him

We have a big gun.

And a sharp sword - wow!

Oh what is this? Oh what is this? Oh what is this?


Do not crawl under it

Do not fly over it

It can not be bypassed: the road is straight!


We are lion hunters

We are not afraid of him

We have a big gun.

And a sharp sword - wow!

Oh what is this? Oh what is this? Oh what is this?


Do not crawl under it

Do not fly over it

You can’t get around it: the road is straight!


And finally, the lion himself: “Rrr!” Throughout the game, the emotions of the players are growing, so at the end of the whole room with the sound of "rrrr!" shouts in unison in fear and shows how he runs from the lion through the desert, sea, forest, swamp, accompanying his path with onomatopoeia “Shhh!”, “Bul!”, “Whack!”, “Chap!”. In conclusion, they rub their foreheads, showing how nicely they hunted.

"Wound up"

In the rules of the game, the host reports: “At the word“ wrapped up ”you need to hug yourself, and at the word“ unwound ”- spread your arms to the sides.” The host's words may be as follows: “Wound up - unwound. Wrapped up on a neighbor on the left - unwound. Wrapped up on a neighbor in front - unwound.

"Elephant Sneeze"

The facilitator asks the children if they heard an elephant sneezing, and invites them to listen to his sneezing. To do this, he divides all the players into three groups. At the signal of the leader, the first group begins to shout: “Boxes!”; the second: "Cartilage!"; the third: "Dragged!". The host conducts several rehearsals. First, the groups take turns saying the words. Then the start of the game is announced. At the signal of the leader of the group, they simultaneously begin to shout loudly. After that, the host says: "Be healthy!".


The host at the beginning of the game may ask the players if they have been to the races, and offer them to be in the role of horses. The game begins with the words: "To the start, attention, march!"

The “horses” clattered their hooves along the road (everyone performs alternate clapping with their right and left hands on their knees),

Suddenly - a barrier (hands raise up and hit the knees),

They galloped through the swamp (they pull the right and left cheek),

Double barrier (hands raise up and hit the knees, and so 2 times),

They galloped along the pavement (they hit their chests with their fists),

On the sand (rub palms against each other),

triple barrier,

On the way to.

And now the finish line is in sight. Who is faster?

After all the players have reached the finish line, the facilitator invites the participants to put their right hand on the head of the neighbor on the right, pat on the head and say: “Good horse! - then pat yourself on the head and say, "But I'm better anyway!"


The leader depicts a wave with one hand, and a fish with the other. As soon as the “fish” appears from the water, the participants need to catch it with cotton. Laughter and fun are guaranteed!


The host invites all participants to compete in the ability to clap. To do this, he says how many times you need to clap. At the signal of the leader, everyone begins to clap the specified number of times as quickly as possible. There is a small competition between the participants and the leader, while the leader constantly increases the number of claps.

"Silent" song

The host invites everyone to sing together and perform the appropriate movements:

Teapot (with arms extended parallel to each other, draw vertical lines in the air)

With a lid, (make a horizontal line in the air with your hand)


With a bump, (the hand is clenched into a fist)


With a hole, (forefinger and thumb depict a hole)

From a hole

Steam goes (imitate the movement of steam).

Then the text and movements are repeated from the end:

Steam comes from the hole

hole in the stump,

knob in the lid,

Lid in a teapot.

Further, the leader suggests not to sing the first word, but only to show movements to it. Then the first and second words are not sung, and so on. It is important not to merge, but to correctly perform a silent song to the end.

"Grandma bought"

At the beginning of the game, the facilitator gives a setting for memorizing words and their corresponding movements, because. throughout the game they will be repeated, and it is important not to make a mistake.

Leader's words:

My grandmother bought a chicken for herself (2 times, all together alternately hit their knees with their right and left hands),

Chicken on grains cackle-tah-tah (2 times, imitate shifting grains from one palm to another).

After that, the last line of the previous phrase will be added to each new couplet, for example:

My grandmother bought a duck for herself (2 times, alternately hit the knees with the right and left hands),

Duck cha-cha-cha-cha (2 times, make a “snake” with your hand),

Chicken grains where-tah-tah.

My grandmother bought herself a turkey (2 times, alternately hit the knees with the right and left hands),

Futa-chickpea turkey (2 times, leaning forward, move either the right or the left shoulder),

Duck cha-cha-cha-cha,

Chicken grains kudah-tah-tah.

Examples of the following phrases:

Piglet grunts-grunts (show with their hands at the level of the nose a nickel of a pig);

Cow of flour-flour (depict the horns of a cow);

Horse tsok-tsok (make movements with hands, as if holding a bridle)

and etc.


The host invites everyone to sing the song together 3 times, while performing the appropriate movements:

Aram-sam-sam, aram-sam-sam (everyone slaps their knees),

Guli-ghuli, ghoul-ghoul (imitate pigeon feeding with both hands, holding the right one above the head, the left one under the head),

Aram-sam-sam, aram-sam-sam (everyone slaps their knees),

Oh, uh, oh, uh (make east movement with hands);

Aram-sam-sam, aram-sam-sam (everyone slaps their knees).

Guli-ghuli, ghoul-ghoul (imitate feeding pigeons with both hands, holding the right one above the head, the left one under the head)

Aram-sam-sam, aram-sam-sam (they slap the neighbors on the right knees),

Guli-ghuli, ghoul-ghouls (imitate feeding pigeons with both hands, holding the right one above the head, the left one under the head).

Oh, uh, oh, uh (make east movement with hands);

Guli-ghuli, ghoul-ghouls (imitate feeding pigeons with both hands, holding the right one above the head, the left one under the head),

Aram-sam-sam, aram-sam-sam (they slap the neighbors on the right knees),

Oh, uh, oh, uh (make east movement with hands);

Guli-ghuli, ghoul-ghouls (imitate feeding pigeons with both hands, holding the right one above the head, the left one under the head),

Aram-sam-sam, aram-sam-sam (they slap the neighbors on the right knees),

Guli-ghuli, ghoul-ghoul (at the head of a neighbor on the left, they imitate feeding pigeons with both hands, holding the right one above the head, the left one under the head)

Aram-sam-sam, aram-sam-sam (they slap the neighbors on the right knees),

Guli-ghuli, ghoul-ghouls (at the head of the neighbors on the left, they imitate feeding pigeons with both hands, holding the right one above their head, the left one under their head).

Oh, uh, oh, uh (make east movement with hands);

Aram-sam-sam, aram-sam-sam (they slap the neighbors on the right knees),

Oh, uh, oh, uh (make east movement with hands);

Guli-ghuli, ghoul-ghoul (at the head of the neighbors on the left they imitate feeding pigeons with both hands, holding the right one above their head, the left one under their head),

Aram-sam-sam, aram-sam-sam (they slap the neighbors on the right knees).

The pace of execution must be constantly increased!

"I'm a musician"

The host says the phrase and performs the appropriate movement towards it, then invites those in the hall to repeat this:

I am a musician (points to himself);

We are musicians(circles the hall with his hands);

We are musicians, camp is talent.

I can play (points to himself);

We know how to play (circles the hall with his hands).

We can play the tambourine (emphasis on "e"; raises both hands up and to the left),

Tambourine (7 times; claps hands raised up and to the left),

After that, the leader begins to repeat the text from the beginning, but a little faster, while the second part changes each time.

We know how to play the trumpet (depicts the process of playing the trumpet),

Trumpet after all (7 times; depicts the process of playing the trumpet),

Hey (spreads his arms in different directions).

We can play the puse (emphasis on "e") of the neighbor on the left;

We can play on the heel (emphasis on "e") of the neighbor on the right;

We know how to play on the nerve (emphasis on "e").


Presenter: “How quickly time flies! Watches are a necessary item for each of us. Let's all listen to the clock ticking together and see what happens if we treat it carelessly.

Rules of the game: for one clap, the right side of the hall says in chorus: “Tick”. To two claps, the left side of the hall answers: “So.” The host first alternates the claps correctly, then gives two claps twice in a row, then two times one at a time.


The facilitator invites the children to learn the words of the song:

We dance together

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

Our cheerful dance -

This is Lavat.

Are our hands good?

All: Good!

Host: And the neighbor?

All: Better! (join hands and sing the song first).

The facilitator then asks, "Are our ears good?"

All: Good!

Host: And the neighbor?

All: Better! (they take each other by the ears and sing the song first).

The facilitator can ask questions such as: “Are our heads good?”, “Are our knees good?” etc.

"Hee hee, ha ha"

The host offers to repeat with him the words and movements to them:

Four (omit left hand down left)

Five (raise your right hand up to the right).

Ha-ha (lean back).

One (raise your right hand up to the right),

Two (raise your left hand up to the left),

Three (lower the right hand down to the right),

Four (we lower the left hand down to the left).

Hee hee (lean forward slightly)

Ha-ha (lean back).

One (raise your right hand up to the right),

Two (raise your left hand up to the left),

Three (lower the right hand down to the right).

Hee hee (lean forward slightly)

Ha-ha (lean back).

One (raise your right hand up to the right),

Two (raise your left hand up to the left).

Hee hee (lean forward slightly)

Ha-ha (lean back).

One (raise your right hand up to the right).

Hee hee (lean forward slightly)

Ha-ha (lean back).

They all shout together: "Ha!".

The pace of pronunciation must be increased from verse to verse.

"John Brahms Boy"

The host invites you to sing a song with him:

John Brahms Boy oiled the skis

John Brahms Boy oiled the skis

John Brahms Boy oiled the skis

And went to the Caucasus. Oh John!

Then the leader makes the installation not to pronounce the last word "ski" in each line, but to clap his hands in this place; next time replace with claps two last words in each line, and so each time, repeating in full only the words: “And he went to the Caucasus. Oh John! The result is 15 claps and the words: “And I went to the Caucasus. Oh John!


The facilitator suggests repeating the words and movements to them:

Oh la tarira! (hitting knees with palms).

Oh-la-ku-ku! (saying “cuckoo”, they click their fingers).

"Cuckoo" can cuckoo ten or more times, while the tempo accelerates each time.

"The deer has a big house"

The facilitator learns the words with the children and explains that each word is played with the appropriate hand movements. The tempo gradually increases as the song is played repeatedly.



The deer has a big house.

He looks out his window.

The hare runs through the forest

There is a knock on his door.


"Knock Knock,

Open the door.

There in the forest

Evil hunter!

Fast open doors,

Give me a paw."

hands above the head depict the roof of the house;

parallel hands in front of the face show a square window;

depict running in place;

depict a knock on the door with a fist;

knock with the right foot on the floor;

open the door;

right hand with a protruding thumb point back;

depict a gun with their hands;

with the right hand they imitate an invitation to the house;

arms extended forward with palms facing out.


Actor roles


Old man

Old woman








"No problem!"

"It's not meant to be!"

"Tighten up!"

"Sure sure!"

"Tea, coffee, let's dance!"

"What time is it now?"

"I'm going home..."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm not like this!"

Having distributed the roles, the presenter tells the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". When he calls one of the heroes, the team with the corresponding name must quickly say their phrase. The facilitator's task is to tell the story in the most interesting and confusing way possible.


The host divides all the participants in the game into teams corresponding to the roles, while naming phrases for them:

Actor roles









"Oh, colossus!"

"Tyks - s!"

"I would have killed!"

"I'm ready!"


“Well, lay down on me, well, lay down!”

"By screws!"

Having distributed the roles, the presenter tells the tale "Turnip". When he calls one of the heroes, the team with the corresponding name should quickly say his phrase. The task of the facilitator is to tell the tale as interesting and confusing as possible.

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