Radchenko L.A. Organization of production at catering establishments



Product quality, indicators and methods for assessing its level

1 Product quality: basic concepts, terms and definitions

2 Classification of product quality indicators

3 Methods for assessing the level of product quality

Analysis and evaluation of the quality of products of JSC "Omskshina"

1 Characteristics of the enterprise

2 OAO Omskshina policy in the field of quality

3 Evaluation of the quality of products of JSC "Omskshina"

The main directions for improving the quality of products of JSC "Omskshina"

1 Foreign and domestic experience in product quality management

2 Ways to improve product quality at the enterprise


List of used literature


One of the main tasks of any modern enterprise is to ensure the high quality of its products.

Quality is a very complex, controversial and non-obvious category. It permeates all aspects of people's lives, is the most important incentive for the activities of each person and society as a whole.

The quality requirement is determined by the international standards ISO 9000.

According to ISO 8402 "Quality is a set of characteristics of an object related to its ability to satisfy the stated and implied needs of consumers."

According to ISO 9000:2000 "Quality is the degree to which inherent characteristics conform to specified requirements."

The difference between the above definitions of the term "quality" is of fundamental nature, since the words "needs" and "requirements" have different meanings: requirements often do not correspond to needs.

The quality system of the enterprise, which meets the requirements of these standards and the principles of general quality management, is focused on providing such a level of product quality that the consumer needs.

In the conditions of developed competitive relations, the quality of goods is most often considered as the degree of their compliance with the specific requirements of specific consumers. Quality improvement work should begin with identifying the needs of the consumer and end with the identification of his perception of the results of this improvement.

Quality improvement is justified only in those cases when it is perceived by the consumer. Only those enterprises can ensure the required quality, in which each employee is focused on quality, has the appropriate motivation and qualifications, and actively contributes to meeting the needs of both internal and external consumers.

Variability is a very controversial phenomenon, as it can be controlled and spontaneous, positive and negative. It is the result of the action of the most important philosophical law of the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones. Under the influence of certain factors in the product, an evolutionary accumulation of quantitative changes gradually occurs, leading to a significant change in its quality, which is called a quantitative leap.

Quality improvement is achieved, in essence, by purposefully providing the necessary positive quantitative jumps and eliminating negative natural ones, which are the result of a gradual deterioration in product properties.

Small improvements are achieved, as a rule, by minor changes in technology, storage, and transportation of products. A new qualitative state is possible only with the use of cardinal measures of influence, the search for and improvement of which is constantly being pursued by mankind.

The purpose of this study is to identify ways to improve the quality of products in the enterprise.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

to study the basic concepts of product quality, indicators and methods for assessing its level;

analyze and evaluate the quality of Omskshina products;

study foreign and domestic experience in minimizing non-compliance and improving product quality;

determine ways to improve the quality of Omskshina products.

The object of research in this work is the quality of the products of JSC "Omskshina".

The subject of the study is the indicators, methods and quantitative side of the quality of products.

Theoretical aspects of product quality were studied in the works of famous scientists, which, first of all, include the works of V.V. Efimov, T.A. Salimova, V.M. Mishin, V.I. Gissin, S.D. Ilyenkova, O.V. Aristov, E.V. Minko, M.M. Kanne, Yu.T. Shestopal and others.

However, the issues of theory, methodology and practice of product quality management in the quality system of an enterprise are still poorly understood.

The information base of this thesis is the annual reports of the enterprise, the balance sheet, profit and loss statements and various documents, and the reports of the technical control department of JSC "Omskshina". As well as the magazines "Quality Management", "Certification", "Quality Standards", "Quality Management Methods" and others.

The practical significance of this work lies in the fact that the ongoing analysis of the financial results of the enterprise with an inseparable analysis of product quality made it possible to identify the main causes of defects and complaints and, accordingly, to make adequate proposals for improving the quality of products. The proposed measures are of practical importance and can lead to an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

This thesis consists of an introduction, conclusion and three chapters. The first chapter examines in detail the basic concepts of product quality; a classification of product quality indicators is carried out and the main methods for assessing the level of product quality are determined.

The second chapter describes the activities of JSC "Omskshina"; the policy of the enterprise in the field of quality is considered and the quality of the products of JSC "Omskshina" is assessed using indirect indicators.

The third chapter studies domestic and foreign experience in product quality management and determines ways to improve the quality of Omskshina products.

1. Product quality, indicators and methods for assessing its level

.1 Product quality: basic concepts, terms and definitions

In modern conditions of transition to a market economy, among the many problems associated with ensuring both the survival and subsequent normal development of enterprises and organizations, the main and decisive problem is the quality of products, works and services. In the coming years, those enterprises that can provide not only the highest labor productivity, but also high quality, novelty and competitiveness of products will be in a better position.

Quality is a very complex, controversial and non-obvious category. It permeates all aspects of people's lives, is the most important incentive for the activities of each person and society as a whole.

Despite the fact that the concept of "quality" has existed for many centuries, discussions about what it is do not stop. The variety of concepts of "quality" is caused by a variety of phenomena and relationships that determine the processes of human existence, the formation of needs, the state of production and consumption of goods. Each of the concepts corresponds to the specific situations in relation to which it is used.

Concepts and terms used in the field of quality management are defined by international and national standards. The international standard ISO 8402 - 94 establishes quality terms, explains their essence and how they are applied in the ISO 9000 series of standards "Quality systems".

Quality is defined as a set of characteristics of an object related to its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs.

Dr. Edward Deming, who made a huge contribution to the theory and practice of quality management, noted that quality management does not mean achieving excellence. It means the efficient production of products that have a quality that meets the expectations of the market.

Joseph-M. Juran, the world-famous American management scholar, drew attention to two different meanings of the term "quality". One is consumer-oriented quality. These are the properties that make people want to buy a product. At the same time, there is a quality that characterizes the technical level of manufacturing products - defects and failures that necessitate rework.

For a long time, at many domestic industrial enterprises and in trade, product quality was perceived as the degree of its defectlessness, since it was precisely defects, failures and other non-compliance of products with the requirements of regulatory documents that were controlled by technical control departments in industry and quality control services in trade.

Quality improvement work should begin with identifying the needs of the consumer and end with the identification of his perception of the results of this improvement. Quality improvement is justified only in those cases when it is perceived by the consumer. Only those enterprises can ensure the required quality, in which each employee is focused on quality, has the appropriate motivation and qualifications, and actively contributes to meeting the needs of both internal and external consumers.

An object is something that can be individually described and considered, that is, it is a broad concept that includes not only a product, but also an activity or process, an organization or a person.

The introduction of the concept of "object" made it possible to consider quality not only in relation to products, but also to any objects related to quality assurance, which made it possible to design each process in the quality system as a set of resources (personnel, facilities, raw materials, technology) and activities.

Products are considered as the result of an activity or process, that is, the result of a set of interrelated or interacting activities that transform an input into an output.

According to GOST 15467 - 79 "Product quality management" basic concepts, terms and definitions, product quality is a set of properties that determine its suitability to satisfy certain needs in accordance with the purpose.

When dealing with quality issues, it is important to know that products, like everything else, are subject to constant variability (variability), due to a variety of reasons.

A product property is an objective feature that manifests itself during the creation, operation or consumption of a product. The term "exploitation" is applied to such products, which, in the process of use, consume their resource, and "consumption" refers to those, which, when used, are consumed by themselves. Properties can be divided into simple and complex.

Process? it is a series of interrelated or interacting activities that transform inputs into outputs, during which added value is created.

For the functioning of the process, inputs, control actions and resources are supplied to it.

Input - materials or information converted by the process to create outputs.

The output is the result of the transformation of the inputs.

Resources are contributing factors that are not convertible into outputs. Resources include people, equipment, materials, facilities, and environmental requirements.

The essence of the process approach is that the performance of each work is considered as a process, and the functioning of the organization - as a chain of interrelated processes necessary for the production of products or the provision of services. Any process has boundaries determined by the initial situation (input) and final (output). The input is the resources of the process. The input of processes are materials and information that meet all the necessary requirements for the smooth and economical implementation of processes. The output data must meet the established requirements, requirements and expectations of consumers. Often the output of one process directly forms the input of the next. It is important to establish the interaction of all processes that are "input" or "output" in relation to each other. On fig. 1 shows the general scheme of the process approach.

Rice. 1 - General scheme of the process approach

Control? a procedure for evaluating conformity by observation and judgment, followed by appropriate measurements, tests or calibrations.

Test - determination of one or more characteristics according to an established procedure.

Non-compliance - non-fulfillment of the requirement.

A defect is a failure to fulfill a requirement related to a proposed or stated use.

Corrective action? action taken to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation

Preventive action? action taken to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other potentially undesirable situation.

Preventive action is taken to prevent the occurrence of the event, corrective action is taken to prevent the occurrence of the event again.

Documented procedure? an established, documented, implemented and maintained established way of carrying out an activity or process.

Verification? confirmation, based on the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have been met.

Validation? confirmation, based on the presentation of objective evidence, that the requirements for a particular intended use or application are met.

The terms "verification" and "validation" are the most difficult to understand when developing, internal and external audits, QMS certification. Due to their misunderstanding, there are often gross procedural errors in the documentation. The differences between them are as follows. Verification is aimed at confirming those requirements that must necessarily be met when creating a QMS. To achieve these requirements, the organization carries out internal audits, corrective actions and improvements. The term "verified" is used to indicate the corresponding status.

The term "validation" means the confirmation of only those requirements for the product that are associated with its use. At the same time, in certain situations, ensuring that the output data matches the input data may not be necessary.

Analysis? activities undertaken to establish the suitability, adequacy, effectiveness of the object under consideration to achieve established goals. The analysis may also include a determination of effectiveness.

Quality policy? the general intentions and direction of the organization in the field of quality, formally formulated by the general management. The quality policy is consistent with the overall policy of the organization and provides the basis for setting quality objectives.

Quality objectives? something that is achieved or aspired to in the field of quality. Quality objectives are usually based on the organization's quality policy and are usually set for the relevant functions and levels of the organization.

Quality planning? part of quality management aimed at setting quality objectives, determining the necessary operational processes of the product life cycle and the corresponding resources to achieve quality objectives.

In accordance with the requirements of ISO 9000:2000, an organization must plan for quality and determine how this planning can be implemented. Quality plans should be consistent with the quality policy, should be regularly reviewed to make changes to them due to the changed requirements of the customer, society and other interested parties.

One of the domestic creators of the theory of quality, Professor A.V. Glichev deeply and comprehensively investigated the category of quality, showed its complexity and versatility, emphasized the need for a comprehensive consideration of the technical, economic and other aspects of quality in unity and interconnection.

Quality control? part of quality management aimed at meeting quality requirements. It includes process control and corrective actions to eliminate the causes of unsatisfactory functioning of organizational units at all stages of the life cycle and create products that satisfy the interests of the consumer. Management consists in the sequential implementation of the PDCA cycle (“plan - execute - check - act”). The cyclic nature of the management process is manifested in the fact that the control of the results obtained should serve as the basis for correcting previously implemented actions and setting subsequent goals and objectives.

In accordance with GOST 15467, product quality management is the actions carried out during the creation and operation or consumption of products in order to establish, ensure and maintain the required level of its quality.

Quality assurance? part of quality management aimed at creating confidence among management and the customer that quality requirements will be met. It includes planned and systematic actions to fulfill requirements, including oversight of everything related to quality in the organization.

Quality improvement? part of quality management aimed at increasing the ability to meet quality requirements.

Consumer satisfaction? consumers' perception of the degree of fulfillment of their requirements.

Complaints are a common indicator of low customer satisfaction, but their absence does not necessarily imply high customer satisfaction, even if customer requirements have been agreed upon and met.

Efficiency? degree of implementation of planned activities and achievement of planned results.

Efficiency? relationship between the result achieved and the resources used. The indicator of economic efficiency characterizes the ability of the QMS operating in the organization to produce an economic effect.

Continual improvement is a repetitive activity to increase the ability to meet requirements.

Permanent improvement? one of the basic principles of modern quality management. The process of setting ever higher goals in the field of quality management and looking for opportunities for improvement in the organization's activities is a constant process in creating a QMS and ensuring its functioning. Improvement is carried out on the basis of the results of internal and external audits, a comprehensive analysis of data on the activities of the organization and the state of the QMS, analysis by management, as well as using other means. Elimination of identified nonconformities and their causes is then carried out with the help of preventive and corrective actions.

System? a set of interrelated and interacting elements.

Management system? a system for developing policies and goals and achieving those goals. The management system of an organization may include various management systems, such as a quality management system, a financial management system, an environmental management system, and others.

Quality Management System? a management system to direct and control an organization with regard to quality.

To carry out practical work in the field of quality management and the creation of a QMS, all subjects related to it must use a single standardized terminology. With the standardization of terms, the basic concepts are established and classified. This ensures mutual understanding of all those who are professionally involved in solving problems in the field of quality, and to a large extent determines the success in the development of quality management systems.

The QMS is part of an organization's management system aimed at meeting the needs, expectations and requirements of interested parties in order to achieve results in accordance with quality objectives. Quality objectives complement other organizational objectives related to development, finance, profitability, environment, health and safety. The various parts of an organization's management system can be integrated together with the quality management system into a single management system using common elements. This can make it easier to plan, allocate resources, set additional goals, and evaluate the overall performance of the organization. An organization's management system can be assessed against the organization's own requirements. It can also be verified against the requirements of international standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. These audits (checks) can be carried out separately or together.

1.2 Classification of product quality indicators

Depending on the nature of the tasks to be solved for assessing the quality of products, indicators can be classified according to various criteria.

Table 1 shows the classification of product quality indicators.

Single indicators that characterize one of the properties of products can refer to both a unit of production and a set of units of homogeneous products.

Complex indicators jointly characterize several simple properties or one complex one consisting of several simple ones.

Table 1 - Classification of product quality indicators

Sign of classification of indicatorsGroups of product quality indicatorsBy the number of characterized propertiesIndividual Complex IntegralBy characterized propertiesAssignments Reliability Economical Ergonomic Aesthetic Manufacturability Standardization and unification Patent-legal Environmental Safety TransportabilityBy way of expressionIn physical units (kg, mm, points, etc.) In value termsBy stages of determining the values ​​of indicators Forecast Design Production Operational

Integral indicators reflect the ratio of the total beneficial effect from the operation of products to the total costs of its creation and operation.

The calculation of integral indicators (I) for technical devices with a service life of more than one year can be made according to formula 1:

where? the total beneficial effect from the operation of a technical device for the billing period or useful life of use;

The cost of creating a technical device in the year t;

The cost of operating a technical device in the year t;

Coefficient of reduction of multi-time costs to one year;

T - billing period.

Purpose indicators characterize the properties of the product, which determine the main functions for which it is intended, and determine the scope of its application. They are divided into indicators of functional and technical efficiency; constructive; indicators of composition and structure.

Reliability indicators characterize the properties of reliability, durability, maintainability, and persistence.

Reliability shows the property of the product to continuously maintain operability for some time or some operating time, expressed in the probability of failure-free operation, mean time to failure, failure rate.

Maintainability is a property of a product, which consists in its adaptability to the prevention and detection of their consequences through repairs and maintenance. Single indicators of maintainability are the probability of restoration of a working state, the average recovery time. Restorability of the product is characterized by the average recovery time to the specified value of the quality index and the level of recovery.

Preservation - the property of products to maintain a serviceable and operable state suitable for consumption during and after storage and transportation. Single indicators of shelf life can be the average shelf life and the assigned shelf life.

Durability - the property of the product to maintain performance until the limit state occurs with the established system of maintenance and repairs. Single indicators of durability are the average resource, the average service life.

Ergonomic indicators that characterize the system "man - product - environment of use" and take into account a complex of hygienic, anthropometric, physiological and psychological properties of a person are divided into the following groups:





Economic efficiency indicators determine the perfection of a product in terms of the cost of material, fuel, energy and labor resources for its production and operation.

Aesthetic indicators characterize the information and artistic expressiveness of the product, the rationality of the form, the integrity of the composition.

Manufacturability indicators are related to such product design properties that determine its adaptability to achieve optimal costs in production, operation and restoration of the specified values ​​of quality indicators. Single indicators of manufacturability - specific labor intensity, material consumption, energy consumption of manufacturing and operation of the product, etc.

Indicators of standardization and unification characterize the saturation of the product with standard, unified and original components, which are the parts, assemblies, assemblies, sets and complexes included in it. This group includes the coefficient of applicability, the coefficient of repeatability, the coefficient of unification of a product or group of products.

Patent-legal indicators characterize the degree of patent protection of the patent purity of technical solutions used in a product, which determines its competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets.

Environmental indicators determine the level of harmful effects on the environment during the operation or consumption of the product.

Safety indicators characterize the features of products that determine the safety of humans and other objects during its use. They should reflect the requirements for measures and means of protecting a person in an emergency situation that is not authorized and not provided for by the rules of operation in a zone of possible danger.

The indicator by which the decision is made to evaluate the quantity of production is called the determining one. The properties taken into account by the determining indicator can be characterized by single and complex quality indicators.

Generalizing indicators are the average value. Taking into account quantitative estimates of the main properties of products and their weight coefficients.

The optimal value of the product quality indicator is the one at which the greatest beneficial effect is achieved from the operation of the product at a given cost for its creation and operation, the calculation of which can be made according to the previously given formula.

The quality indicators discussed above can be used mainly to evaluate industrial products. They are similar to indicators of the quality of consumer goods, but they must take into account the specifics of the purpose and use of these items.

When evaluating domestic goods for the population, indicators such as variety, complexity group, brand, quality category are used.

In world practice, in order to assess the degree of superiority of products, gradation is used? a category or rank assigned to products that have the same functional application but different quality requirements. In a numerical designation, the upper class is usually assigned the number 1, and in the designation by the number of any characters, such as asterisks, usually the lower class has a smaller number of such characters.

According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" dated December 5, 1995, for durable goods, the manufacturer is obliged to establish a service life, but for food, perfumes, medicines, household chemicals? best before date. These two indicators establish the terms after which the product poses a danger to the life, health and property of the consumer or becomes unsuitable for its intended use.

Features of assessing the quality of industrial and technical products and consumer goods are reflected in the industry normative and technical documentation, which regulates the choice of the nomenclature of quality indicators, methods for their calculation and scope.

1.3 Methods for assessing the level of product quality

Product quality level? this is a relative characteristic of its quality, based on a comparison of the values ​​of the quality indicators, based on a comparison of the values ​​of the quality indicators of the evaluated product with the basic values ​​of the corresponding indicators. The base value of the indicator is the optimal level that is actually achievable for a certain period of time.

On fig. 2 considers the classification of methods for determining product quality indicators.

The measuring method is based on information obtained using technical measuring instruments. Using the measuring method, the following values ​​are determined: product mass, engine speed, product size, vehicle speed, etc.

Rice. 2 - Classification of methods for determining product quality indicators

The calculation method is based on the use of information obtained with the help of theoretical or empirical dependencies. This method is used in the design of products, when the latter cannot yet be the object of experimental research. The calculation method is used to determine the values ​​of the mass of the product, performance indicators, etc.

The organoleptic method is based on the use of information obtained as a result of the analysis of the perceptions of the sense organs: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste. At the same time, the human senses serve as receivers for receiving the corresponding sensations, and the values ​​of the indicators are found by analyzing the sensations received on the basis of existing experience and are expressed in points.

The registration method is based on the use of information obtained by counting the number of certain events, items or costs.

Depending on the source of information, methods for determining the values ​​of product quality indicators are divided into traditional, expert, sociological.

The traditional method is carried out by officials of specialized experimental and settlement departments of enterprises and institutions.

The expert method for evaluating product quality indicators is implemented by a group of expert experts. With the help of the expert method, the values ​​of such quality indicators are determined, which cannot be determined by more objective methods.

The sociological method for determining product quality indicators is used by actual or potential consumers of products. The collection of consumer opinions is carried out through surveys or with the help of special questionnaires, exhibitions, conferences, etc.

Methods for assessing the level of product quality apply differential, complex or mixed methods.

The differential method for assessing the level of product quality is based on the use of single indicators to determine which of them reached the level of the base sample and which values ​​differ most from the base ones. The calculation of relative indicators of product quality () is carried out according to formula 2:

where Pi is the numerical value of the i -th indicator of the quality of the product being evaluated;

Pib - the value of the i - th basic indicator; = 1, ..., n - the number of assessed quality indicators.

As a result of the calculations made according to formula 1, both an increase and a decrease in the relative indicator can correspond to an improvement in quality. If there are regulatory restrictions for quality indicators, the relative indicator is calculated according to formula 3:

where is the normative value of the i-th indicator.

If some relative indicators according to the results of calculations turned out to be better, while others are worse, a complex or mixed method of evaluation is used. The quality level of the evaluated products, for which the value of each indicator is essential, is considered to be lower than the base one if at least one of the relative indicators is worse.

The complex method is based on the use of a generalized indicator of product quality, which is a function of individual indicators. The generalized indicator can be expressed as the main indicator, reflecting the main purpose of the product, as an integral or weighted average.

If the necessary information is available, the main indicator is determined and its functional dependence on the initial indicators is established.

The integral indicator is used when it is possible to establish the total beneficial effect from the operation or consumption of products and the total costs for the creation and operation of products. Its calculation is made according to the above formula 1.

Weighted averages are used if it is impossible to establish the functional dependence of the main indicator on the initial quality indicators, but it is possible to determine the weight parameters of the averaged indicators with a sufficient degree of accuracy.

The mixed method is based on the simultaneous use of single and complex indicators for assessing product quality. It is used in cases where the set of single indicators is quite extensive and the analysis of the values ​​of each of them by the differential method does not allow to obtain generalizing conclusions, or when the generalized indicator in the complex method does not fully take into account all the essential properties of the product and does not allow drawing conclusions about groups of properties.

With a mixed method, it is necessary to combine some of the individual indicators into groups and determine the corresponding complex indicator for each, while individual important indicators can not be combined, but used as single ones. On the basis of the obtained set of complex and single indicators, it is possible to assess the level of product quality already by the differential method.

To assess the quality of a set of types of heterogeneous products, quality and defect indices are used.

The quality index is a complex indicator of the quality of heterogeneous products, which is equal to the weighted average of the relative values ​​of the quality indicators of these products. Determined by formula 4:

where is the weight coefficient of the i-th type of product;

a complex indicator of the quality of the i-th type of product;

The basic complex indicator of the quality of the i-th type of product; = 1, ..., s - the number of types of products.

In turn, the weight coefficient is determined by formula 5:

where Ci is the cost of products of the i-th type in the period under review.

The defectiveness index () is a complex indicator of the quality of heterogeneous products manufactured during the period under review, equal to the weighted average of the defectiveness coefficients of this product.

Determined by the formula:

where? the relative defectiveness rate of products of the i-th type, which is an indicator of the quality of product manufacturing.

The defectiveness coefficient (Q) can be calculated by formula 7:

where D is the value of the defectiveness coefficient of products manufactured in the period under review;

The base value of the coefficient of defectiveness of products manufactured in the base period.

Indices of quality and defectiveness are universal indicators that can be used to assess the quality of an enterprise's products as a whole and analyze its changes over a number of years.

To assess the quality and competitiveness of a product, it is possible to use the scoring method, according to which each quality parameter of the product is assigned a score, taking into account the significance of this parameter for the product as a whole and the scale chosen for evaluation - 5-10-100 points. After that, the average score of the product is determined, which characterizes the level of its quality in points. By dividing the price of the product by the average score, the cost of one average score is calculated using formula 8:

where P is the price of the product;

The average score of the product, taking into account the parameters of its quality.

It is advisable to carry out such a calculation in a comparative analysis of products to resolve the issue of their launch into production or the effectiveness of the proposed qualitative improvements.

The quality parameters can include both technical and economic parameters, as well as aesthetic, organoleptic properties, compliance with fashion, etc. To calculate the price of new products, you can use the following formula 9:

where Рн is the price of new products, den. units;

The price of basic products, den. units;

The sum of points characterizing the quality parameters of basic products;

The sum of points characterizing the quality parameters of new products;

The average price of one point characterizing the quality parameters of the base product.

The unit price method is similar to the scoring method. It consists in determining the price based on the calculation of the unit cost of the main quality parameter: power, productivity, etc. formulas 10 and 11 are used for calculation:

where? the value of the main quality parameter of the base product, score;

The value of the main quality parameter of a new product, score;

The ratio of the main quality parameters of the new and basic product.

In practice, to decide on the choice of a product for launching into production, all types of project analysis should be carried out: commercial, technical, organizational, social, environmental and economic. To do this, use all available methods in each specific situation. Only such an analysis can be considered complete and give an objective result for making a management decision.

In some industries associated with special production conditions and requirements for product quality. Enterprises of such industries in their plans provide for technological losses that take this percentage into account. With an increase in the actual yield of good products, the costs of technological losses are reduced.

The actual yield of suitable products is determined by formula 12:

where? the number of products manufactured in the reporting period in accordance with the scientific and technical documentation and delivered to the warehouse;

The number of sets of parts and assembly units received in the reporting period for the operation adopted for this type of product when determining the value of the technological output as the initial operation.

Change in the amount of balances of work in progress at the beginning and end of the reporting period, given to the initial operation.

Then the value of 100% - will correspond to the percentage of costs for products that do not meet the specifications.

The general quality indicator can be calculated using formula 13:

where Kk - quality factor;

The cost of products rejected in the production process, den. units;

The cost of defective products, for which a fine has been paid according to claims, den. units;

The cost of products subjected to warranty repair, den. units;

The cost of products actually sold during the reporting period, den. units

The closer the value of the quality factor to zero, the better the company works.

The formation and maintenance of product quality occurs at all stages of its life cycle, which include: research and justification of development, development, production, operation and repair.

At the initial stage, work is carried out to form the initial requirements for products, which, as a rule, include: drawing up an application for development and development, creating a preliminary project, research work and preparing a technical assignment.

The main requirements for the development and production of new products for industrial purposes are established by GOST 15.001-8 and the corresponding recommendations for its use.

The terms of reference, as a rule, consist of the following sections: name and scope of products, basis for development, purpose and purpose of development, technical requirements, economic indicators, stages and stages of development, control and acceptance procedures, applications.

The customer forms the initial requirements that provide a real opportunity to create products of the required technical level, reduce the time and cost of developing and putting products into production, and avoid errors in the future due to a thorough preliminary study of the main issues. The initial requirements should be based on forecasting the market demand for this type of product, taking into account its development trends, as well as improving production processes and the service sector where the product will be used.

The developer develops the terms of reference based on the initial requirements of the customer, as well as taking into account the results of the performed research and experimental work, analysis of the advanced achievements of domestic and foreign technology, progressive types and systems of machines and equipment, the study of patent documentation, the requirements of external and internal markets. The terms of reference can be developed for a specific product for their group - a standard size range or part of it. For a group of products characterized by a common design and purpose, a standard specification can be developed.

The terms of reference may provide for the development of a technical proposal, in which, based on the analysis of various options for technical solutions, the final requirements for technical characteristics and quality indicators not noted in the terms of reference are established. The technical proposal agreed with the customer allows us to develop design documentation in accordance with the requirements of ESKD.

The customer together with the developer in the terms of reference determine the procedure for the process of delivery and acceptance of development results:

types of manufactured samples;

consideration of the results at the acceptance committee and its composition;

documents submitted for acceptance;

The term of reference ends after the approval of the act of the acceptance committee.

The manufacturer determines the need for the developer to participate in the preparation and development of production based on ESTPP, conduct qualified tests.

The most important tasks at the production stage are: ensuring stable product quality, analyzing data on the results of operation, identifying possible areas for improving products, performing work on preparing for certification and organizing service maintenance.

Thus, studying the quality of products, indicators and methods for assessing its level, we can draw the following conclusions:

quality improvement work should begin with identifying the needs of the consumer and end with the identification of his perception of the results of this improvement. Quality improvement is justified only in those cases when it is perceived by the consumer. Only those enterprises can ensure the required quality, in which each employee is focused on quality, has the appropriate motivation and qualifications, and actively contributes to meeting the needs of both internal and external consumers;

One of the basic principles of modern quality management is continuous improvement. The process of setting ever higher goals in the field of quality management and looking for opportunities for improvement in the organization's activities is a constant process in creating a QMS and ensuring its functioning. Improvement is carried out on the basis of the results of internal and external audits, a comprehensive analysis of data on the activities of the organization and the state of the QMS, analysis by management, as well as using other means. Elimination of identified nonconformities and their causes is then carried out with the help of preventive and corrective actions;

there are various methods for determining the assessment of the level of product quality, such as: measuring, calculating, organoleptic, registration, expert, sociological and traditional methods.

2. Analysis and evaluation of the quality of products of JSC "Omskshina"

.1 Characteristics of the enterprise

Open Joint Stock Company "Omskshina" is the largest enterprise in the tire industry in Russia and the CIS. In the ranking of world tire companies, Omskshina ranks 20th among 98 companies.

The main activity is the production of tires for cars, trucks, light trucks, agricultural machinery, buses.

JSC "Omskshina" is integrated into the petrochemical business - direction of JSC "Omskneft" - the management company LLC "Omskneft-Neftekhim" and consists of a mass tire plant, a truck tire plant and the production of passenger radial tires.

The assortment of Omskshina includes more than 150 standard sizes and models of tires. Most of the manufactured products are supplied to auto plants - AvtoVAZ, KamAZ, IzhMash, and others.

The company produces every third tire produced in Russia - more than 12 million pieces per year.

About 20 percent of the Company's products are exported to countries near and far abroad. Tires are shipped to the CIS countries, as well as England, Holland, Iraq, Finland, Jordan, Cuba and other countries.

JSC "Omskshina" has been working for 8 years in a quality management system that meets the requirements of international standards ISO 9001. Constantly modernizing the existing production, the Company pays great attention to the introduction of new modern lines and production. The organization of the production of high-performance passenger car radial tires, the launch of a new preparatory production with the introduction of the latest technologies from the world's leading tire manufacturers indicate that the company's products meet the most stringent consumer requirements.

One of the main priorities of the Company is environmental protection and ensuring industrial and industrial safety.

OJSC "Omskshina" is a socially oriented enterprise. Boss assistance to educational institutions, charitable assistance to public organizations of veterans and disabled people, educational and healthcare institutions, sponsorship of athletes, cultural and art workers, financial assistance to pensioners, maintenance of the Shinnik sports complex, Chaika and Naratlyk recreation centers, polyclinics, organization rest and treatment of workers in healthcare facilities

The Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation is by no means a complete list of areas of social policy implemented by the Company.

The enterprise as an independent legal entity has existed since 1971. The enterprise includes: a mass tire plant (ZMSh), a truck tire plant (ZGSH), the production of passenger radial tires (PLRSh) and auxiliary divisions located on the same production site and having a unified transport, energy and telecommunications infrastructure.

ZMSh was designed to provide tires for the Volga Automobile Plant, the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant and the fleet of cars in the regions adjacent to the plant. The main assortment is tires for passenger cars, light trucks and agricultural machinery.

ZGSH was designed taking into account the provision of KamAZ tires. The main assortment is tires for trucks.

The main range of PLRSh (new production, put into operation in 2004 and producing products according to the Pirelli technology) are passenger and light truck tires of the KAMA-EURO type for foreign cars and new models of AvtoVAZ vehicles.

The mission of OJSC "Omskshina" is to provide the market with high-quality tires that meet the requirements and expectations of consumers, in fulfillment with a high degree of reliability of supplies to the enterprises of the Russian automobile industry and for export.

The strategic goal of OJSC Omskshina is to strengthen the position of the leader in the tire industry of the Russian Federation through a global reconstruction and modernization of production facilities that allow the production of tires using more efficient technologies, updating the range of products, improving their quality, and developing new markets.

Strategic objectives of the Company until 2012:

updating the range of tires produced, based on market requirements and development trends in the automotive industry;

participation in the assembly of car assembly plants in Russia, including newly created foreign automobile plants;

ensuring financial stability and economic stability of the Company;

increase in production volumes of highly competitive products for positioning in more profitable price segments;

formation and implementation of an innovation-oriented engineering policy for the development of new technologies, tire designs, formulations and the development of new types of technological equipment;

updating the range of materials for tire production with stable quality indicators and consumer properties;

creation and development of new industries that allow the production of tires using more efficient technologies using the KNOW-HOW of global tire manufacturers and high-precision European-made equipment;

increasing and stabilizing the quality level of manufactured products throughout the entire production and technological chain;

technical re-equipment of production, modernization and reconstruction along the entire production and technological chain;

ensuring environmental and industrial safety of production in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

ensuring satisfaction with the Company's activities of a wide range of stakeholders: employees, consumers, shareholders and investors, business partners, government authorities and public organizations.

JSC "Omskshina" was established in accordance with the Decree of the President "On measures to transform state enterprises, organizations and associations into joint-stock companies" No. UP-466 dated September 26, 1992 and Law No. 1403-KhP dated February 5, 1992 "On the transformation state and communal property (On denationalization and privatization).

In accordance with the privatization plan, 51% of the shares were assigned to the state, the remaining shares were placed among the labor collective, allied enterprises and residents of the city of Omsk.

Part of the state package was placed among the residents.

In 2000, the state-owned stake in OAO Omskshina was transferred to OAO Omskneft in accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers dated 20.09.2000. No. 679, which approved the investment conditions for the transfer of the state block of shares.

The authorized capital of OJSC "Omskshina" is 65,701,081 rubles. Shares issued - 65,701,081 units. with a nominal value of 1 ruble each, including:

ordinary - 63,731,171 units, share in the authorized capital - 97%;

privileged - 1,969,910 units, share in the authorized capital - 3%.

The total number of shareholders of the Company is 14,792, of which 14,700 are individuals and 92 are legal entities.

In 2008, the share of legal entities increased from 88.33% to 89.49%. The share of individuals decreased from 11.67% to 10.51%.

In accordance with the Charter of JSC "Omskshina", the supreme management body of the Company is the general meeting of shareholders. Once a year, the Company holds a general annual meeting no earlier than two and no later than six months after the end of the financial year. In addition to the annual general meeting of shareholders, extraordinary meetings may be convened.

General management of the Company's activities is carried out by the Board of Directors. He makes decisions on key issues of the Company's activities, with the exception of issues referred by the current legislation to the competence of the general meeting of shareholders. The Board of Directors consists of 11 people. Members of the Board of Directors are elected, and their powers are terminated by the general meeting of shareholders.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Omskshina" - General Director of OJSC "Omskneft".

The functions of the sole executive body of OAO Omskshina under the transfer of authority agreement No. 7 dated 15.08.2002 are performed by the management company OOO Management Company Omskneft-Neftekhim. The management company is accountable to the general meeting of shareholders and carries out its activities in accordance with the Company's charter and current legislation.

The collegial executive body of the Company is the Board of the Company, which includes 7 people. The Management Board organizes the current activities of JSC "Omskshina" within the power of attorney issued by the management company.

Fulfilling obligations in relation to shareholders, investors, employees, partners and society as a whole, OJSC Omskshina strictly follows the adopted legislation, international law, the requirements for listing stock exchanges, implements in its practice the internal corporate management standards of the Omskneft group.

Equal treatment of all shareholders Members of the Board of Directors and executive bodies undertake to manage the Company in the interests of all shareholders.

Protecting the rights of shareholders.

Officials of the executive body of the Company assume obligations to act in the interests of shareholders, ensuring their rights provided for by law, the Charter and internal documents of the Company, including: the right to participate in the management of the Company; the right to regular and timely receipt of complete and reliable information about the activities of the Company.

Mutual trust and respect.

Relations between shareholders, members of the Board of Directors and executive bodies of the Company are based on mutual trust and respect. Shareholders, members of the Board of Directors, executive bodies of the Company and other interested parties, in order to create and maintain mutual trust and respect, undertake to perform their duties in good faith.

Openness in making corporate decisions.

The governing bodies consider it necessary to follow the principles of openness when making corporate decisions. The Company follows the standards of the Omskneft Group for disclosure of information based on fairness, promptness, reliability and completeness.

Personal responsibility of members of the Board of Directors and executive bodies and their accountability to the Company and its shareholders.

Members of management bodies are accountable to shareholders and are responsible for the performance of their duties in accordance with applicable law.

Adherence to business ethics standards.

The Company, following the standards of business ethics of the Omskneft Group, ensures the observance of the interests of shareholders, as well as other stakeholders - the workforce, the local population, partners and consumers on the basis of corporate social responsibility and commitment to environmental safety policy.

You can clearly see the management structure at JSC "Omskshina" in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3 - The management structure of JSC "Omskshina"

The personnel management policy of OAO Omskshina is based on the principles of ensuring: a high professional level of employees and specialists, the commitment of employees to the mission and corporate values ​​of the Omskneft group of companies, increasing employee motivation, and observing a single corporate culture.

The personnel policy of OJSC "Omskshina" is aimed at achieving the strategic goal of the Company - obtaining a stable profit through the production of competitive products that meet the requirements of consumers.

To organize vocational training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, the Company has established a training and course center. The list of professions for the training and retraining of workers at JSC "Omskshina" includes 88 professions.

Advanced training of specialists and managers is carried out in the MRCKP RT (Interregional Republican Center for Personnel Training), operating on the basis of the Institute of Additional Professional Education of the Kazan State Technological University.

Personnel assessment is carried out on the basis of the results of attestation, which is carried out every three years in order to establish the level of knowledge and qualifications of the position held. Thus, in 2007, 129 employees of the Company passed certification, which resulted in 66 specialists being upgraded. Evaluation of personnel based on the results of certification serves as the basis for identifying employees with high managerial potential.

The investment activity of JSC "Omskshina" is aimed at improving the existing production and developing new production of competitive tires in order to meet the needs of the car assembly plants existing in the Russian Federation and the secondary tire market.

The company's own funds are mainly used to improve the existing production. The implementation of large investment projects related to the organization of new production facilities based on modern foreign technologies, with the purchase of equipment from leading foreign manufacturers, is carried out with the support, direct participation and attraction of funds from OAO Omskneft.

The investment program of OJSC "Omskshina" includes a set of investment objects related to the consistent and comprehensive development of the enterprise in accordance with the chosen strategy.

The formation and implementation of the investment program is carried out in accordance with the “Regulations on the procedure for the formation of investment programs for enterprises of the petrochemical complex of OAO Omskneft and control over their implementation.

The investment program of JSC "Omskshina" for 2008 was formed on the basis of the following priority tasks: minimization of low-profit investments; introduction of high-tech and progressive production technologies; introduction of resource-saving and energy-saving technologies; ensuring a constant increase in the level of environmental and industrial safety of production; development and implementation of IT - technologies in order to build an effective management system.

Management of investment activities at JSC "Omskshina" is carried out in the conditions of increasing requirements for the success and efficiency of investment projects, improving the procedure for organizing expertise. The managing and coordinating center is the Investment Committee of Omskneft-Neftekhim Management Company LLC.

For each investment project, an individual procedure of technical, technological and financial and economic justification is carried out with an expert opinion of the specialists of the Management Company OOO Management Company Omskneft-Neftekhim on the investment attractiveness (feasibility) and profitability of the project. For investment projects worth more than 1 (one) billion rubles, as well as for projects involving sources attracted from OAO Omskneft, an additional examination is carried out by the Investment Department of OAO Omskneft.

Contractors and suppliers are determined on the basis of tender selection. Financing is carried out within the allocated limits.

Monitoring of ongoing projects is carried out according to the main indicators at all stages of the investment and post-investment periods.

The main direction of investment in 2008 is the continuation of work on the project "Program for the development of tire production (factory of mass tires) for 2008-2010" (hereinafter referred to as the Program).

The implementation of the Program began in 2005. The program provides for the purchase of basic technological equipment in order to replicate f. Pirelli and increased production of high performance radial tires.

The purpose of the Program is to develop tire production, increase production, improve the quality and performance of radial passenger and light truck tires. The total cost of the project (according to the approved feasibility study) is 1,676.2 million rubles. with VAT., of which investments in fixed capital - 1,291.8 million rubles. VAT included.

Financing of the project is planned both at the expense of own and borrowed funds. From the beginning of the project until the end of 2008, investments in fixed assets under the project were financed in the total amount of 743.0 million rubles. with VAT, disbursed - 402.8 million rubles. without VAT.

As part of the project implementation in 2007-2008, the following were put into operation:

the first modernized assembly complexes A-70M and TR-20M;

line for the release of the hermetic layer;

device for the production of rubber bands;

assembly unit 248S;

filler line.

In addition to the implementation of the Program, in the reporting period, investments were directed to:

for the implementation of measures for the reconstruction, modernization of existing production plants of mass and truck tires;

for the creation of a temporary storage warehouse and a customs clearance and customs control department on the territory of OAO Omskshina;

in targeted replacement of equipment;

in the development of information and energy-saving technologies;

in objects of labor protection and ecology.

2.2 The policy of JSC "Omskshina" in the field of quality

One of the priorities of OJSC "Omskshina" is the constant renewal of the range of tires produced, based on market requirements.

The share of innovative products in the total tire output in 2007 amounted to 58.5% against 59.7% in 2006. During 2007, 16 new tire models were mastered.

During 2007, together with LLC STC Kama, a lot of work was done on testing and introducing new structural materials into production, which makes it possible to positively influence the improvement of the quality characteristics of tires: reducing weight, power heterogeneity, and dynamic imbalance.

The use of mesh impregnated fabric LSAT f. "Milliken" for the shielding layer of passenger radial tires instead of textile cord brand 132A. When using such a fabric, the technological processes of rubberizing and cutting are excluded, which significantly increases the productivity of the processes.

The use of textile impregnated cords "Grodno-khimvolokno" has been introduced into serial production, which have more stable performance in terms of physical and mechanical properties and technological properties, which has a positive effect on increasing the operational mileage of tires, and also frees up production areas for expanding production.

Work has been carried out on the widespread introduction of a mineral filler with a small specific surface in the formulation of cover rubbers, which can significantly increase the output characteristics of the tread of truck and agricultural radial tires in terms of fatigue endurance in the mode of multiple deformations, reduce heat generation, increase resistance to crack propagation, and reduce hysteresis losses. This improves the performance properties of the tread and has a positive impact on the environmental situation.

The use of oil-filled styrene-butadiene rubber in serial production makes it possible to reduce tire rolling losses, and therefore, fuel consumption during operation. Work has begun and is being successfully continued on the introduction into production of a fundamentally new rubber DSSK, the properties of which also make it possible to significantly improve the operational properties of the tire tread, increase their safety and reliability.

In recent years, carbon black grades N have been widely used in rubber formulations for various ranges and purposes, which also leads to an increase in their strength characteristics and a decrease in tire failure.

The replacement of the modifying system in the lining rubber of truck and passenger radial tires made it possible to stabilize their adhesive characteristics, increase the bond strength in the tire layers and preserve them during operation.

Activities to ensure industrial safety and labor protection in JSC "Omskshina" are carried out in accordance with the current legislation and internal regulatory documents. JSC "Omskshina" has developed, implemented, maintained in working condition and is constantly improving an effective industrial safety system. The overall organization and control of the industrial safety management system is entrusted to the Production Control Commission.

Production control over compliance with the level of industrial safety and sanitary standards in the Company is carried out by the labor protection service, the production control department and the sanitary industrial laboratory. In accordance with the approved schedule, studies of the air environment and physical factors of the production environment are carried out: illumination, noise, microclimate, levels of electromagnetic fields at workplaces with a PC. Based on the results of the control, the necessary corrective and preventive measures are developed and implemented.

To solve problems in the field of industrial safety at hazardous production facilities in 2007, funds were allocated: for examination of buildings and structures, diagnostics, examination, insurance, registration of hazardous production facilities - 5,705 thousand rubles. for training in industrial safety

1,350 thousand rubles for the training of commanders and members of a non-standard emergency rescue team - 112 thousand rubles.

In the reporting period, the following works were carried out: diagnostics of pipelines, vessels and tanks; technical certification and examination under contracts with KSTU "Soyuzkhimpromproekt"; ecological expertise of Rostekhnadzor of the new preparatory production building; industrial safety expertise for the transportation and unloading of dangerous goods by rail.

At hazardous production facilities of OJSC Omskshina, systematic work is carried out to control and improve the level of industrial safety, 8 plans for the elimination of accidents have been developed, a safety data sheet for hazardous production facilities of Omskshina OJSC has been developed, which defines the hazard calculations for blocks of all hazardous production facilities. In order to eliminate emergencies, JSC Omskshina signed an agreement with the Society of Volunteer Rescuers of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2007. OAO "Omskshina" created a training class for certification on industrial safety issues by the attestation commission of OAO "Omskshina".

JSC "Omskshina" carried out certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions with subsequent certification. In 2005, a Safety Certificate was obtained, which certifies that labor protection work in the Company complies with the established state labor protection requirements. The inspection control carried out in 2007 confirmed the validity of the Safety Certificate.

The Company constantly takes measures aimed at creating safe conditions and labor protection in order to preserve the life and health of employees in the course of their work. A "Program for improving working conditions and labor protection for 2007-2009" has been developed. In 2007, 24,821.3 thousand rubles were spent to carry out the activities of the Program.

In order to create healthy and safe working conditions, OJSC Omskshina annually draws up a plan of labor protection measures aimed at reducing injuries and improving working conditions.

The plan sets out measures for labor protection, deadlines for implementation and their cost, as well as the number of employees who improve working conditions. The cost of labor protection increases every year. In 2007, 98,788.5 thousand rubles were spent for these purposes; labor protection costs per employee amounted to 9,465 rubles.

Maintaining the current QMS in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2000.

Improvement of the QMS in accordance with the requirements of ISO/TU 16949:2002 “Quality management systems. Special requirements for the application of the ISO 9001:2000 standard for organizations - manufacturers of serial and spare parts for the automotive industry "- according to the requirements of automobile plants.

Compliance of the QMS with the international standard ISO 9001:2000 was confirmed by the auditors "Intercertifica TUV together with TUV Thüringen" and the certification body URS UK, which resulted in the issuance of a certificate according to ISO 9001:2000 No. 28292/А/0001/UK/Ru valid until December 11 2010.

Customer satisfaction according to the comprehensive assessment was 99 points out of 100 possible, which corresponds to the assessment "consumer delighted".

The following satisfaction indicators have improved:

for automobile plants (the transition from 5 to 10-point rating scale was made): average satisfaction ratings for all indicators assessed in the survey increased compared to the 1st half of the year.

The average satisfaction score was:

for the 1st half of the year - 8, for the 2nd half of the year - 8.5 points out of 10 possible;

the number of component parts of automobile plants increased from 13 to 21;

there are no claims and economic sanctions for non-compliance with the delivery schedule due to the fault of the Company and notices of insufficient quality (PRR).

The level of PPM products does not exceed the norms established in the supply contracts, and amounted to:

for OAO AvtoVAZ - 0, at the norm - no more than 50;

for KamAZ OJSC - 264, for UralAZ OJSC - 208, at the norm - no more than 500;

ratings were received from OAO AvtoVAZ and OAO KamAZ - "Excellent supplier", from OAO UralAZ - "Reliable supplier".

Dealer network:

the degree of satisfaction for the six months was 7.1 and 7.3 points out of 10 possible (the transition from 5 to 10-point rating scale was made); compared with the first half of the year, the average satisfaction scores for all indicators assessed in the survey have increased.

For enterprises conducting performance tests of tires:

satisfaction increased from 4.6 to 4.7 points (out of 5 possible).

To meet the requirements of consumers, work continued on the "Program for improving the QMS according to ISO / TU 16949:2002". A preliminary audit was carried out in accordance with ISO/TU 16949:2002, based on which conclusions were made about the Company's readiness for certification.

In 2008, the preparation of the QMS for certification for compliance with ISO / TU 16949:2002, which regulates the requirements for the QMS for suppliers of automobile plants, was completed. This task was set by the Security Council under the President by decision No. 29 of 04.06.07 and was carried out in accordance with the requirements of consumers-car plants, the Policy and Quality Objectives of Omskshina JSC. In February 2008, the Omskshina QMS was successfully certified according to ISO/TU 16949:2002 and its domestic counterpart GOST R 51814.1-2004.

At present, the compliance of the QMS with international and state standards is confirmed by various certificates.

This allowed JSC "Omskshina" not only to fulfill the contractual requirements of automobile plants, the decision of the Security Council under the President, but also to interest potential consumers, such as Sollers-Elabuga, GM, Volkswagen, and other world-famous companies that open new auto productions in Russia.

The efficiency of the QMS is confirmed by audits of potential consumers, which increases the chances of Omskshina OJSC to become their real suppliers. As a result of these audits, high

assessments that allow moving on to the next stages of work: tire testing at the consumer. Tires 205/75K16S NK-131 and 205/70K15S NK-131 received official approval from Sollers-Elabuga for production and delivery to the car plant. The highest rating for 2008 - "Excellent Supplier", received from AvtoVAZ and KamAZ.

In 2008, Omskshina JSC began to introduce the Lean Production production system, which should ensure the optimization of production resources, the reduction of non-productive costs and, ultimately, the increase in the competitiveness of products.

In order to develop the creative activity of Omskshina personnel, organize systematic work on initiative proposals, the Regulations on stimulating employees of Omskshina OJSC for making proposals aimed at improving production efficiency were developed and put into effect.

2.3 Evaluation of the quality of products of JSC "Omskshina"

As noted in the first section, product quality refers to the totality of the characteristics of an object related to its ability to satisfy the established and implied needs of consumers, or the degree of compliance of inherent characteristics with established requirements. At the same time, the assessment of product quality can be carried out by analyzing the financial results of the enterprise. This is due to the fact that an increase in sales volume and financial stability indicates that the company has a positive and long-term relationship with its partners, and this, in turn, indicates the quality of the products offered to meet the needs.

Table 2 shows the main financial results of JSC "Omskshina" for 2006-2008.

The table shows that at the time when there is an increase in revenue from the sale of goods, products, works, services, there is also an increase in the cost of goods sold, products, works and services.

This trend had a negative impact on the main financial result of the enterprise. In this case, we are talking about profit indicators, meaning gross profit, profit from sales, profit before tax and, of course, net profit.

Thus, we can conclude that the increase in revenue from the sale of goods and, accordingly, the satisfaction of consumer needs is not always accompanied by the achievement of optimal financial results. That is why the management of OJSC "Omskshina" must take all necessary measures to reduce the cost of manufactured products and improve the quality of products. Only in this way can an enterprise ensure financial stability on the one hand, and on the other hand, maximum customer satisfaction.

Table 2 - Financial results of activities of OAO "Omskshina" for 2006 - 2008 thousand rubles.

Indicator 200620072008Proceeds (net) from the sale of goods, products, works, services (net of value added tax, excises and similar obligatory payments)5 425 9976 324 4597 409 233Cost of goods, products, works, services4 899 3535 781 0626 899 657Gross profit54426 397509 576Profit (loss) from sales460 473543 397509 576Profit (loss) before tax57 668174 28382 280Net profit (loss) of the reporting period39 85334 564183 445

Table 3 reflects the absolute and relative increase in the financial results of JSC "Omskshina" for 2006 - 2008.

Table 3 - Absolute and relative growth of financial performance indicators for 2006-2008

Indicator Growth in 2006-2007 Growth in 2007-2008 Growth in 2006-2008 thous. rub.% thous. rub.% thous. RUB %Proceeds (net) from the sale of goods, products, works, services (net of value added tax, excises and similar obligatory payments)898 46216.6108477417.2198323636.6 Cost of goods, products, works, services sold881 709181 11859519.3200030441 Gross profit16 7533.18-33821- 6.2- 17068-3.2 Profit (loss) from sales82 92418- 33 821- 6.24910310.7 Profit (loss) before tax116 615202.2- 92 003- 532461243 Net profit (loss) of the reporting period - 5 289-13.2148 881431143592360.3

Analysis of this table shows that the relative increase in revenue in 2007 compared to 2006. amounted to 16.6%, while the cost of goods sold, products, works and services increased by 18%. Nevertheless, gross profit increased by 3.8%, profit from sales by 18%, profit before tax by 200.2%, but net profit decreased by 13.2%. The decrease in net profit indicates the company's debts to the tax authorities for previous years. In 2008, compared to 2007, the volume of proceeds from the sale of goods, works, services continues to grow at a rate of 17%, while the cost of goods, products and services is growing by 19.3%. This situation had a cardinal effect on all profit indicators of the enterprise. Where gross margin of 6.2%, profit from sales decreased by 6.2%, pre-tax profit decreased by 53%. And surprisingly, net profit increased by 431%. This is most likely due to extraordinary tax-deductible income.

In 2008, as compared to 2006, almost all financial results of JSC "Omskshina" tend to increase, with the exception of gross profit, which decreased by 3.2%.

Table 4 analyzes the structure of the financial results of JSC "Omskshina" by years.

The table shows that in 2006 the share of the cost of goods sold, products, works and services was 90.3%. In 2007, this indicator increased by 1% and amounted to 91.4%. In 2008, the increase in the share compared to 2007 was approximately 2%, since the share of production costs in this year reached 93.1%. Without a doubt, the growth in the cost of goods sold, products, works and services affected the share of profits for the period under study. In other words, all profit indicators tended to decrease.

Table 4 - Analysis of the structure of financial results of JSC "Omskshina" by years

Indicator 200620072008 Proceeds (net) from the sale of goods, products, works, services (net of value added tax, excises and similar obligatory payments), % 100100100 Cost of goods, products, works, services sold, % 90,391,493.1 56.8Profit (loss) from sales, % (loss) before tax, %1,062.71.1Net profit (loss) of the reporting period, %

Table 5 reflects the main performance indicators of JSC "Omskshina" for 2007 - 2008.

Table 5 - Key performance indicators of JSC "Omskshina" for 2007-2008 thousand pieces

Indicator 2007 2008 Tire shipments, total including: 12,423.711,281 exports 2,594.91,982.7 domestic market9,828.89 298.3 equipment2,738.33 283.1 secondary market7,090.56,015.2

Conducted data show that the volume of tire shipments in physical terms decreased in 2008 compared to 2007. This also applies to export shipments and shipments of tires to the domestic market. Conducted performance indicators of the enterprise in physical terms indicates that the increase in sales proceeds is mainly due to an increase in prices for marketable products. Since the volume of sales in physical terms decreased in the analyzed period. This indicates a decrease in demand for the company's products from consumers. This allows us to conclude that the products produced do not meet the requirements of buyers. Including the price factor.

The degree of decrease in the volume of tire shipments in 2008 compared to 2007 can be seen in more detail in Table 6.

Table 6 - Absolute and relative increase in performance indicators of JSC "Omskshina" for 2007 - 2008

IndicatorGrowth in 2007 - 2008 thousand. pcs. Table 7 contains data on the structure of performance indicators of JSC "Omskshina" for 2007 - 2008.

Table 7 - Analysis of the structure of performance indicators of JSC "Omskshina" for 2007-2008

Indicator 2007 2008 Tire shipment, total %, including: 100100 Export, % 2117.6 Domestic market, % 79.182.4 Equipment, % 2229.1 Secondary market, % 5753.3

Structural analysis showed that the share of exports in 2007 accounted for about 21%, while the share of the domestic market is 79%. In 2008, the share of exports decreased and amounted to 17.6%, which led to an increase in the share of the domestic market.

The loss of Omskshina's position in the foreign market is most likely due to fierce competition from global tire manufacturers and a decrease in the company's competitive advantage.

Table 8 shows the revenue and profit indicators of JSC "Omskshina" in comparison with the revenue and profit of the tire industry of the Russian Federation for 2007-2008.

Table 8 - Indicators of revenue and profit compared with revenue and profit of the tire industry of the Russian Federation for 2007 - 2008 million rubles

Indicator 2007 2008 Sales proceeds from the tire business 21,798.720 484.5 Proceeds from the sale of OAO Omskshina, total 6,324.57 409.2 Profit before tax from the tire business 1,700.8493 Profit before tax from OAO Omskshina 174,382.3 An analysis of Table 8, including Table 9, shows that sales revenue from the tire business in the Russian Federation as a whole decreased by 6%. Whereas this indicator at JSC "Omskshina" increased by 17%.

When analyzing profit before tax, it can be seen that this indicator for the entire tire business decreased by 71%, while the scale of the decrease at OJSC Omskshina was about 53%.

This suggests that the financial condition of JSC "Omskshina" in comparison with the tire business of the Russian Federation is more or less in a better condition, but this does not mean that in this case it is necessary to calm down, on the contrary, all efforts should be directed to increasing profits annually.

Table 9 - Absolute and relative increase in revenue and profit for 2007-2008

IndicatorGrowth in 2007 - 2008 thousand. % Proceeds from sales of the tire business-1314.2-6 Proceeds from the sale of OAO Omskshina, total 1084.717.1 Profit before tax on the tire business-1207.8-71 Profit before tax of OAO Omskshina-92-53

Table 10 analyzes the share of Omskshina's revenue in the total revenue of the tire industry of the Russian Federation for 2007-2008.

products quality systematic approach

Table 10 - Share of proceeds of JSC "Omskshina" in the total proceeds of the tire industry of the Russian Federation for 2007-2008

Indicator 20072008 Sales proceeds from the tire business, %100100 Sales proceeds from OJSC Omskshina, total, %2936.2 Conducted data show that the share of proceeds from sales at OJSC Omskshina amounted to 29% in 2007, and in 2008 this figure increased by more than 7 percent and amounted to 36.2%.

This testifies to the strengthening of the production position of JSC "Omskshina" among the main manufacturers of tire products in Russia.

Nevertheless, the analysis of product quality at an enterprise cannot be limited only to financial results, since the financial results of an enterprise are affected not only by product quality, but also by many other factors, such as the price factor, competition, supply and demand, market conditions, and others. That is why, when analyzing product quality, it is necessary to additionally analyze the indicators of claims, defects, etc.

The documents of JSC "Omskshina" show the trend of claims for the enterprise as a whole, so in 2006 this figure amounted to 0.0048% of the gross output, in 2007 there was a significant downward trend in claims and amounted to 0.0041% of the gross output due to with the introduction of the "Quality Guide" at the enterprise. And by 2008 it decreased to 0.0025% of the gross output.

The calculation is made according to the formulas:

Gross output

Despite the fact that in the analyzed period the volume of claims as a whole tends to decrease, however, this does not mean that the volume of claims is reduced over the analyzed period, since the warranty period for the manufactured products of Omskshina OJSC is five years. That is, we may encounter a trend where in 2011, for example, the degree of claims may be higher than in 2006.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that the level of claims in relation to the total output does not exceed the normative indicators at the enterprise.

If the analysis of the claim shows us the level of defective products that could not be detected during the production process at the enterprise, then probably the most qualitative indicator reflecting the effectiveness of the quality management system within the enterprise is the indicator of the final marriage, as well as the indicator of repair marriage.

Table 11 shows the dynamics of the final marriage for three years from 2006 to 2008, including by months.

This table shows that the rate of final marriage in 2006 was 0.12%, and in 2007 it was 0.11%. Whereas in 2008 the level of final marriage of tires again reached 0.12%.

At the same time, the analysis of the table shows that the share of final marriage had the highest level in June 2006 and amounted to 0.17%, and the lowest level of final marriage was observed in February and March 2007 and amounted to 0.08%.

Table 11 - Final marriage by months for 2006-2008

NameJanuary, % February, % March, % April, % May, % June, % July, % August, % September, % October, % November, % December, % year, % ,12Final rejection of tires in 20070,110,080,080,100,110,120,160,120,120,110,130,120,11Final rejection of tires in 20080,120,100,130,140,140,130,130,110,140,11

Rice. 5 - Final marriage by months for 2006 - 2008

Table 12 analyzes the repair marriage at JSC "Omskshina".

The analysis of repair defects for the period 2006 - 2008, as can be seen from the table, showed that, as well as the dynamics of the final marriage, the level of repair defects has a spasmodic character.

The highest level of repair defects was observed in February 2006 and amounted to 0.628% of the total output of tires.

Table 12 - Repair defects by months for 2006-2008

Name January, % February, % March, % April, % May, % June, % July, % Aug., % Sept., % Oct., % November, % December, % year, % .0,3980,6280,4670,4970,4360,4980,4890,4930,3710,3750,4650,4500,452 Repair marriage of a/tire in 2007 0,4550,4070,3160,3190,3530,6050,4170 ,4650,4680,4590,5180,413 Repair defective car/tyres in 2008

Rice. 6 - Repair defects by months for 2006-2008

At the same time, the lowest level of repair defects was reached in April 2007 and amounted to 0.316%.

These indicators should be considered from the point of view of the reasons for the increase and decrease in the level of marriages in general.

Let's consider the main characteristics of the final marriage by type of product at JSC "Omskshina" for the 4th quarter of 2008 (table 13).

The table shows that among the main types of products manufactured by Omskshina OJSC are cargo chambers, agricultural chambers, passenger chambers and chambers for loaders.

Table 13 - Final defective products for the 4th quarter of 2008

No. Name of products Gross output, pcs. .305.Total: 2,591 5849481000.037 For the 4th quarter of 2008, the volume of the final marriage of cargo chambers amounted to 350 pieces, that is, 0.0358% of the gross output. The volume of the final marriage of agricultural cameras amounted to 45 pieces, that is, 0.0779% of the gross output. At the same time, the volume of the final marriage of passenger cameras was designated in the amount of 78 pieces, that is, 0.0303% of the gross output. As for the final marriage of cameras for loaders, this figure reached 475 pieces, that is, 0.0366%. Analyzing the amount of final scrap, at first glance it seems that the amount of final scrap occurs most in the production of cameras for loaders, however, the relative indicator shows that the level of final rejection is the highest in the production of agricultural cameras, since this figure is 0.0779% of the gross output . It should be noted that the size of the final marriage in all types of cameras produced does not exceed the limit level. That is, it does not go beyond the permissible level, however, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to reduce the level of final marriage in order to bring it closer to the standards of tire manufacturers in developed countries. On fig. 7 you can clearly see the relationship between the limit and actual levels of the final marriage.

At the same time, when analyzing defects in the manufactured products of any manufacturing enterprise, not only volume is important.

Rice. 7 - Final defective products for the 4th quarter of 2008

marriage and its relation to the total volume of gross output, but also a set of reasons for which marriage occurs. In this case, the Pareto diagram proposed by Professor Kaoru Ishikawa of the University of Tokyo in 1953 most clearly allows you to identify those causes of marriage that have the greatest impact on the result and, therefore, allows you to identify and eliminate the main causes of low-quality products. In table 14 and in fig. 8 to carry out data on the volume of the final marriage of chambers of cargo dimensions for the 4th quarter of 2008 and the reasons for their occurrence.

It can be seen from the table and figure that the main reason for the occurrence of the final rejection of chambers of cargo dimensions is bubbles, since the rejection volume for this reason is 100 pieces, that is, about 29% of the total rejection volume of this product.

In second place, the main reasons for the occurrence of the final marriage for these products fall on the underpressure of the chambers, while the third place is occupied by the divergence of the joint and foreign inclusions.

Table 14 - Analysis of the final rejection of chambers of cargo dimensions for the 4th quarter of 2008

Defects Quantity of rejects in pcs. Combs14310Raw8318Other32350Total350

Rice. 8 - Analysis of the final marriage of chambers of cargo dimensions for the 4th quarter of 2008

Table 15 and fig. 9 shows the data on the number of final marriage of cameras of agricultural dimensions for the 4th quarter of 2008 and the reason for their occurrence. It can be seen from the table and figure that bubbles also account for the bulk of defects in these products. the number of marriages for this reason is 17 pieces, that is, almost 38% of the total number of final marriages.

Table 15 - Analysis of the final rejects of agricultural-sized chambers for the 4th quarter of 2008

Defects Quantity of rejects in pcs.

Rice. 9 - Analysis of the final scrap of cameras of agricultural sizes for the 4th quarter of 2008.

Table 16 and Figure 10 contain data on the number of final rejects of passenger size cameras for the 4th quarter of 2008 and the reason for their appearance. The analysis showed that the occurrence of the final marriage for these products is associated with 3 main reasons. this is primarily a divergence of the joint - 15 pieces. the second reason is foreign inclusions - 12 pieces, and the third reason is custard rubber - 11 pieces.

Table 16 - Analysis of the final rejection of passenger size cameras for the 4th quarter of 2008

Defects Quantity of rejects in pcs.

Rice. 10 - Analysis of the final rejection of passenger size cameras for the 4th quarter of 2008

Table 17 and fig. 11 you can see the amount of final rejects on cameras for loaders for the 4th quarter of 2008 and the reason for their occurrence. It can be seen from the table and figure that the main reason for the appearance of the final marriage in this case is due to bubbles - 119 pieces, that is, more than 25% of the total volume of the final marriage.

Table 17 - Analysis of the final rejects on cameras for loaders for the 4th quarter of 2008

DefectsNumber of rejects in pcs.Cumulative totalsBubbles119119Exp. Joint58177Underpressing the chamber50227Foreign inclusions49276Cut rubber39315Local thinning33348Comb pressing23371Blind valve21392Mech. Damage21413Breakdown13426Other49475Total475

Rice. 11 - Analysis of the final scrap on cameras for loaders for the 4th quarter of 2008.

Thus, the ongoing analysis and evaluation of the quality of Omskshina products allows us to dwell on the following significant points:

In 2007, work on the quality management system (QMS) was carried out in two directions:

Improvement of the QMS in accordance with the requirements of ISO/TU 16949:2002 “Quality management systems. Special requirements for the application of the ISO 9001:2000 standard for organizations - manufacturers of serial and spare parts for the automotive industry "- according to the requirements of automobile plants;

The efficiency and effectiveness of the QMS was confirmed by the analysis of the fulfillment of indicators for 2007:

The quality objectives for 2007 have been met.

analysis and shipment of tires in physical terms showed a decrease in sales in 2008 compared to 2007. This also applies to export shipments and shipments of tires to the domestic market. This indicates that the increase in sales proceeds, as can be seen from the analysis of the financial results of the enterprise, occurs mainly due to an increase in prices for marketable products. This allows us to conclude that the products produced do not meet the requirements of buyers. Including the price factor;

The ongoing analysis of the final scrap showed that its level in all types of produced tubes does not go beyond the permissible limit, however, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to reduce the level of final scrap in order to bring it closer to the standards of tire manufacturers in developed countries.

3. The main directions for improving the quality of products of JSC "Omskshina"

.1 Foreign and domestic experience in product quality management

To date, the ISO 9000 series standards are recognized by almost all countries of the world, accepted as national and implemented by many companies. The lack of a quality system certificate is increasingly becoming the main obstacle for a company to enter a foreign market. Transnational companies require their sub-suppliers to implement mandatory international ISO 9000 series standards in their manufacturing plants.

Our domestic quality management systems were heavily clogged with strictly mandatory requirements of state standards and had to ensure their implementation. Modern approaches to quality management, and the very concept of this concept, associated with a market economy, are not immediately recognized by business leaders. Those few enterprises that have implemented the ISO 9000 series standards and received certificates for the quality system, as a rule, were forced to do this one way or another under pressure from foreign partners, i.e. are participants in foreign economic activity. An important factor is the fact that the implementation and certification of a quality system is an expensive undertaking and in today's conditions beyond the reach of many Russian enterprises. There are other reasons specific to each enterprise separately. Apparently, effective incentives are required for business participants to introduce international standards for quality systems. Such work in Russia began in the 1990s and is carried out in several directions. First of all, this is the establishment of the Russian Federation Prize for Quality. The quality award exists at the international, regional, national and corporate levels. Among the criteria for assessing the applicant enterprise is the state of the functioning product quality management system. For Russia, this is a new type of activity in the field of state regulation of product quality, and the regulation on the premium for quality was created on the basis of accumulated international experience. According to experts, the Russian criteria for evaluating an enterprise are close to the European regulation on premiums for quality.

The enterprise must know the criteria for evaluating its work. In this regard, the experience of the United States is noteworthy, where more than 100 enterprises annually participate in the competition for the national quality award, and a brochure with a list of evaluation criteria has a circulation of 200,000 copies. It turned out that enterprises that do not participate in the competition tend to learn the criteria and use them for self-assessment. This makes it possible for enterprises not only to evaluate themselves, but also to compare with the leaders, moreover, in specific areas, i.e. set specific areas for improvement. Such self-assessment has become so popular that many firms require subcontractors to provide not only a quality system certificate, but also proof of their application of the self-assessment mechanism.

Another way to stimulate Russian enterprises is the competition for the title of "Best Quality Manager". Apparently, the main criterion here should be the state of the quality system, which means the introduction of ISO 9000 series standards and system certification.

Standardization of the quality system should not turn into a formality, otherwise it will become an obstacle to improving quality management in the enterprise.

The fact that new concepts of quality management have now appeared does not at all diminish the importance and popularity of the ISO 9000 series international standards, which are so widely recognized in the world. But they are already getting a new sound, as it were. The ever-increasing degree of competition in world commodity markets is forcing firms to improve product quality not only in the technical, but also in the economic aspect, and in quality systems.

System quality management today is the main way to create competitive products. Of course, provided that the system is effective.

World experience in product quality management has shown that it is impossible to ensure a stable quality of a product if the stability of the quality of raw materials is not achieved. Therefore, there is a trend towards ever closer interaction between the manufacturer of products and suppliers of raw materials, materials, components. This is the case in both developed and developing countries, albeit in different forms. It is no coincidence that the international standard proposes the supplier selection procedure as an element of the quality assurance system.

Currently, the most advanced experience in the field of product quality and the application of a systematic approach to product quality management has been accumulated in various companies in industrialized countries. At the same time, various models of product quality management systems have been developed. The models of Feigenbaum, Ettinger-Sittig and Juran, K. Ishikawa, G. Taguchi are of the greatest interest.

The Feigenbaum model is a triangle, with the sides divided into five parts by horizontal lines, and each part, in turn, is subdivided by vertical lines, which forms a total of 17 functions (sections) in all five parts, which are practically based only on control product quality;

The Ettinger-Sittig model, developed by the European Organization for Quality Assurance (EOQC), is graphically represented by a circle divided into sectors. Each sector is a certain stage of work. This model already takes into account the impact of demand on product quality, and also provides for the study of sales markets;

The Juran model is an upward spiral, not a closed triangle or circle. The spiral more fully reflects the stages of continuous formation and improvement of product quality. It includes the two previous models, it also provides for a constant study of demand in the sales market and operational quality indicators, which leads to a complete orientation of production to the requirements of consumers and the sales market.

K. Ishikawa introduced into world practice a new original graphical method for analyzing cause-and-effect relationships, called the Ishikawa diagram, which became part of the very simple quality control tools.

The merit of G. Taguchi lies in the fact that he found simple and more convincing methods and arguments that made the planning of an experiment in the field of quality a reality. G. Taguchi called his concept "quality engineering".

Based on them, systems for managing and ensuring product quality have been developed in detail, in particular, in Japan and the USA. In Japan, as elsewhere, in the beginning, work in the field of product quality developed on a wider use of product quality control methods. A special place in the initial period began to be occupied by statistical methods of control. At the end of the 50s in Japan, comprehensive intra-company quality control penetrated the industry throughout the industry, providing for control by all employees of the company, from workers, foremen and ending with management. From that moment, systematic training of all employees in quality control methods began to be carried out. In the future, the training system turned, in essence, into a continuous and permanent system of educating workers in a respectful attitude towards the consumer and the qualitative results of their labor. When implementing all activities for training, education and implementation of product quality control systems, Japanese specialists have taken into account and take into account: the specifics of products, the traditions of firms, culture and life, the level of education, labor relations.

Summarizing Japan's experience in product quality management, its main features for the present period of time include the following:

long-term, consistent and purposeful solution of quality problems based on all the advanced, modern that the theory has accumulated and creates practice in this area;

fostering a respectful attitude towards the consumer, his wishes and requirements;

participation of all departments and employees of the company in ensuring and managing product quality;

continuous systematic training of personnel in issues of security and PCD, which gives a high level of training in this area to all employees of the company;

effective functioning of a wide network of quality circles at all stages of the product life cycle. There are currently one million quality circles in Japan with about 10 million participants;

use of a developed inspection system for all activities to ensure and manage product quality;

widespread use of advanced quality control methods, including statistical methods, in the provision and PCD, with priority control of the quality of production processes;

development and implementation of deeply developed integrated quality control programs and optimal plans for their implementation;

the presence in the sphere of production of high-quality means of labor (with an age composition of up to 5-7 years);

the presence of an exceptionally developed system of propaganda for the creation of high-quality products and the promotion of conscientious work;

strong influence on the part of the state on the fundamental directions of improving and ensuring the quality of products,.

In the USA, the tasks of improving the quality of products are considered as top priorities. At the same time, most of the impacts on the UKP are mainly of a technical and organizational nature. Quality assurance is carried out by a specialized quality management department. American firms pay very serious attention to product quality control, which covers all stages of the product life cycle. When conducting such control, its most important aspects are:

) involvement in the performance of the functions of product quality control of the widest range of performers;

) performance of the most important quality control operations by specialized services.

When managing the quality of products, services actively study and analyze the costs and expenses for ensuring the production of quality products.

Company executives devote at least 50% of their working time to quality issues.

One of the common methods for ensuring product quality in American firms, as well as in Japan, is the method of statistical quality control. For its implementation, technical means are used that automatically collect, accumulate, process data and issue the results of applying the statistical method. Of great importance in the management of product quality are the issues of studying and forecasting the needs of consumers and demand for products. Therefore, companies pay great attention to this issue, improving not only the technical indicators of product quality, but also the economy in accordance with market requirements. When manufacturing defective products in the United States, there is a rather strict liability of manufacturers, which affects a significant reduction in the production of defective products and an improvement in warranty and service activities.

A comprehensive product quality management system in US firms is an effectively structured and well-established program aimed at introducing a set of measures according to the “man - machine - information” scheme that ensures product quality that actually meets consumer requirements and reduces the cost of quality carried out by the company. Modern American systems of PCD ensure not only the interaction of all services, but also the full satisfaction of consumer requests for quality, as well as reducing the cost of achieving it and economically spending all types of resources.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), taking as a basis the existing standards and guidelines for quality assurance systems and supplementing them with consumer requirements, has developed and approved by the ISO Council a series of international standards for QCD that establish requirements for product quality assurance systems. These standards summarize and concentrate all the experience of leading countries in the field of product quality management, accumulated in recent decades. In accordance with the guidelines of the standards, the quality system should operate simultaneously with and interact with all other activities that affect product quality. The impact of the system extends to all stages of the PCD, implemented in a closed, as it were, quality loop, basically corresponding to the quality spiral. The use of international ISO standards for product quality management in enterprises is a generally recognized guarantee of entering the international market.

We note the following characteristic features of the American experience in the field of quality:

quality control of manufacturing products using methods of mathematical statistics;

attention to the process of production planning in terms of quality indicators, administrative control over the execution of plans;

improvement of company management.

US efforts to continuously improve product quality have bridged the quality gap between Japan and the US, making America more competitive in the world market.

The movement for improving the quality of products in Russia has existed since the period of industrialization. Over time, it became clear that sustainable improvement of product quality can be achieved through a systematic and integrated, interconnected implementation of technical, organizational, economic and social activities on a scientific basis, you can quickly and steadily improve product quality.

Let us trace the sequence of implementation of a systematic approach to the organization of work to improve product quality in domestic practice.

In the 1950s, the Saratov system of organizing defect-free manufacturing of products and delivering them from the first presentation (BIP) became widespread. The purpose of the system is to create production conditions that ensure the production of products by workers without deviations from technical documentation. The main criterion used to quantify the quality of the worker's work was the percentage of products delivered from the first presentation, which is calculated as the percentage of the number of batches accepted from the first presentation to the total number of batches made by the worker and presented to the Quality Control Department.

The material and moral incentives of the performer depended on the percentage of delivery of products from the first presentation on a certain scale. The introduction of the BIP system made it possible to: ensure the strict implementation of technological operations, increase the personal responsibility of workers for the quality results of their work, more effectively use the moral and material incentives for workers for the quality of their work, and create the prerequisites for the widespread development of a movement to improve product quality.

Moral stimulation led to the appearance of the titles "Master of Golden Hands", "Excellent Worker of Quality", etc. Over time, the functions of the Quality Control Department changed - control was carried out selectively, and self-control became the basis. It was the latter who revealed defects that were not dependent on the worker, which led to the holding of “Quality Days” among the management and the creation of permanent quality commissions. At a number of enterprises, the percentage of delivery from the first presentation of batches of products was replaced by the percentage of the number of working days without marriage from the total number of working days.

At the same time, the BIP system had a limited scope, it applied only to workers in the main production shops.

The BIP principle, then extended to the functional divisions of the plant and shop, to research institutes and design bureaus, formed the basis of the system of defect-free labor - SBT.

The Lvov version of the Saratov system - the system of defect-free labor (SBT) was first developed and introduced at the Lvov plant of telegraph equipment and some other enterprises in Lvov in the early 60s. The purpose of the system is to ensure the production of products of excellent quality, high reliability and durability by increasing the responsibility and stimulation of each employee of the enterprise and production teams for the results of their work.

The main criterion characterizing the quality of labor and determining the amount of material incentives is the coefficient of labor quality, which is calculated for each employee of the enterprise, each team for a specified period of time (week, month, quarter) by taking into account the number and significance of production violations. A classifier of the main types of production violations is installed in the system: each defect corresponds to a certain reduction factor. The maximum assessment of the quality of work and the maximum amount of the bonus are established for those employees and teams that did not have a single violation during the reporting period.

The introduction of SBT allowed: to quantify the quality of work of each employee, each team, to increase the interest and responsibility of each employee, each team for the quality of their work, to improve the labor and production discipline of all employees of the enterprise, to involve all employees of the enterprise in competition for improving the quality of products, to reduce losses from marriage and reclamation, increase productivity.

The Lvov SBT, as well as the Saratov BIP system, consisted in the fact that it extended mainly to the stage of manufacturing products. There are known attempts to apply the principles of defect-free labor in research and design organizations, however, SBT has been widely used in industrial enterprises to assess and stimulate the quality of performing (not creative) work.

The KANARSPI system (quality, reliability, service life from the first products) was first developed and implemented at machine-building enterprises in the city of Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) in 1957-1958.

In this system, emphasis was placed on improving the reliability of products by strengthening the technical training of design bureaus and production technologists, who accounted for 60 - 85% of defects found in operation. Prototypes of assemblies, parts, systems and products as a whole were created and their research tests were carried out. Pilot production, standardization and unification, general technical systems of standards, such as the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD), the Unified System for Technological Preparation of Production (ESTPP) have received significant development.

Characteristic of the CANARSPI system is that it goes beyond the production stage and covers many types of work at the research and design stage and at the operational stage.

At the stage of research and design in the manufacture of a prototype, much attention is paid to identifying the causes of failures and eliminating them in the pre-production period.

The solution of this problem is carried out through the development of a research and experimental base, an increase in the unification coefficient, the widespread use of prototyping and modeling methods, accelerated tests, as well as design and technological development of products in the process of technological preparation of production. The results of product operation are considered in the system as feedback and are used to improve the design of the product and its manufacturing technology.

In CANARSPI, the principles of defect-free labor and defect-free manufacturing of products are widely used.

The introduction of the CANARSPI system at a number of enterprises in the Gorky region made it possible to: reduce the time for finishing new products to a given quality level by 2–3 times, increase the reliability of manufactured products by 1.5–2 times, increase the service life by 2 times, reduce labor intensity and the cycle of assembly and assembly works in 1.3-2 times.

Planning for improving product quality and managing product quality according to this criterion, as well as spreading attention to quality throughout the life cycle of products, have been developed in the NORM system.

The NORM system (scientific organization of labor to increase motor resources) was first developed and implemented at the Yaroslavl Motor Plant in 1963 - 1964. The purpose of the system is to increase the reliability and durability of manufactured engines.

The NORM system is based on the principle of consistent and systematic monitoring of the level of motor resource and its periodic increase on the basis of increasing the reliability and durability of parts and assemblies that limit the motor resource, the main indicator in the system is the engine resource before the first overhaul, expressed in hours. The growth of this indicator in the system is planned.

The organization of work in the system is based on the principle of cyclicity. Each new cycle for increasing the motor resource begins after reaching the previously planned level of motor resource in production and provides for: determining its actual level, identifying parts and assemblies that limit the motor resource, planning the optimal level of increasing the motor resource, developing and verifying engineering recommendations to ensure the planned level of motor resource, developing a comprehensive a plan of design and technological measures for the development of an engine with a new resource in production, a complex of design and technological measures and experimental research work, consolidating the achieved resource in production, maintaining the achieved level in operation.

At the production stage, the NORM system includes the provisions of the BIP and SBT system, at the design stage - the main provisions of the CANARSPI system.

The introduction of the NORM system made it possible to increase the resource of Yaroslavl engines before the first overhaul from 4 thousand to 10 thousand hours, increase the warranty period on the engine by 70%, and reduce the need for spare parts by more than 20%.

Achieving the planned quality level became possible due to an integrated approach to product quality management by summarizing the experience of previous systems at all stages of the product life cycle.

In 1975, integrated product quality management systems (QMSKP) appeared at the leading enterprises of the Lviv region. The purpose of KSUKP was to create products that correspond to the best world analogues and achievements of science and technology. Since 1978, the Gosstandart has developed and approved a system of the main functions of the UKP. In connection with the introduction of KSUKP at enterprises: metrological support of production (MOP), multi-stage analysis of defects, statistical quality control were developed, quality groups were created, quality programs began to be developed, product certification was introduced, a network of head and base organizations and a network of institutions for advanced training of specialists in the field of PCD, courses on standardization and PCP were introduced into the training programs in universities

In 1985, it was noted that over a decade with the help of KSUKP: it was possible to create and successfully sell competitive products, increase the share of products of the highest quality category by 2 - 3 times, significantly reduce losses from marriage and claims, reduce by 1.5 - 2 times terms of development and development of new products.

At the same time, it was pointed out that in many enterprises, when creating quality management systems (QMS), the basic principles of an integrated systematic approach were violated, which led to formalism in this work and, in essence, to the absence of a system. The main reasons for this are the economic disinterest of enterprises in improving the CP, and, consequently, in the quality management system, the introduction of QMS at enterprises by excessively administrative methods. This has led many to believe that QMS have not justified themselves and should not be dealt with.

With the restructuring of the economy and the transition to economic accounting, it became clear that the quality of products is becoming the main condition for the viability of enterprises, especially in the foreign market.

Further development of the QMS took place as part of higher-level management systems: sectoral and territorial, up to the state level, based on the development of “quality” programs and their inclusion in national economic plans. Thus, the external environment of the CP control systems was organized. In 1978, the Basic Principles of the Unified System of State Management of Product Quality (ESGUKP) were developed and approved by Gosstandart.

In the transition to market conditions, directive methods of management disappeared, and competition between commodity producers appeared, which directly felt the requirements of the world community for product quality.

A great merit of Gosstandart during the transition period to the market was the work on harmonization of domestic standards for quality systems with international ones, which also reflected domestic experience in product quality management.

Despite the negative consequences of the economic crisis, Russia is focusing on improving product quality.

Quality issue? complex, it can be solved only by simultaneously implementing an appropriate policy in the areas of legislation, economics, technology, education and upbringing, as well as on the basis of the coordinated work of manufacturers, operators and consumers, scientific and engineering structures, legislative and executive authorities. The coordinating federal executive body in the three most important areas of activity for ensuring the solution of the quality problem - standardization, certification and metrology - is the State Standard of Russia.

The technical policy of the State Standard in the field of quality management provides for assistance to domestic producers in the implementation of quality systems at enterprises in accordance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9000 family.

Domestic experience of integrated quality management is a good foundation for the development of ISO 9000 standards, which represent a higher level of development of the science of quality management.

achieving the required product quality (taking into account the price) with minimal costs;

delivery of products to consumers on time;

the main criteria for achieving goals in the field of product quality is the satisfaction of consumer requirements and the release of competitive products;

in order to master the progressive world experience in quality management, it is necessary to implement a set of supporting measures, including the development and implementation of a system of measures and benefits that stimulate work. This should be the aim of the organizational structure being created in the country, which conducts the assessment and recognition of quality systems, as well as the training of specialists capable of performing all types of work in the field of quality assurance, control and improvement.

3.2 Ways to improve product quality at the enterprise

Product quality is the basis of business competitiveness. At the same time, it should be remembered that quality is not an end in itself, quality is a process during which a certain product is produced. Therefore, you should firmly know what results the company wants to receive, for whom they are designed.

At the present stage, the methods of quality economics are very diverse and include the following main areas:

improving the concept of cost management for providing and improving products;

development of A. Feigenbaum's concept of cost management for quality assurance based on the PAF model;

the concept of quality loss cost management;

formation of the concept of cost management within the processes.

The concept of cost management within business processes is one of the latest and is currently in development. At the same time, it was based on D. Juran's idea of ​​dividing costs into necessary and unnecessary (in the modern version - "money spent" and "money lost"). This model proceeds from the fact that production management is the management of a system of processes that bring profit to the organization.

One of the main advantages of applying the process approach to building a quality management system is that in this case there is the possibility of "considering processes in terms of adding value and achieving results in terms of work and efficiency" (ISO 9001:2008). And this means that the cost management model for the quality of processes, on the one hand, fully complies with international requirements for quality management systems, and on the other hand, is aimed not only at increasing customer satisfaction, but also at achieving economic results and benefits for the manufacturing organization. In addition, this concept is fully consistent with modern organization management methods based on process and resource models, and on the basis of business process reengineering. And besides, it was the concept of cost management for the quality of business processes that served as the basis for the development of personal and organizational balanced scorecards, as well as the concept of process-oriented profitability analysis, which can also be considered methods of quality economics.

One of the principles that form the basis of ISO standards for quality management systems is the application of the process approach. A process can be any activity that uses resources to transform inputs into outputs. At the same time, the use of a process approach in a quality management system (both for activity management and resource management) "allows you to achieve the desired results more efficiently" (ISO 9000:2005 "Quality management systems - basics and vocabulary").

Thus, one of the main characteristics of the process is efficiency. This means that the formation and use of a process model in a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9000 series standards will bring the most tangible results and benefits to the enterprise in the event that processes are evaluated not only in terms of achieving results, but also in terms of the effectiveness of management processes in the organization. Another principle of building quality management systems is to consider continuous improvement of performance as a permanent goal of the organization.

At the same time, the main tool for quality management and achieving satisfaction of all stakeholders is the use of economic methods, since it is monitoring the costs that make up the cost of quality that allows you to quickly make management decisions in the field of quality, evaluate the economic consequences of these decisions, systematically approach the distribution of responsibility and authority in the organization, improve the efficiency of the quality management system processes. At the same time, in the process of planning quality goals at the organization level, it is necessary to clearly formulate economic goals in order to monitor the economic consequences of their implementation.

Nevertheless, despite the fact that the standards have declared the obligation to carry out activities to determine and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of processes and the quality management system as a whole, its practical implementation is rather complicated and time-consuming. Obviously, it is not possible to determine efficiency without using quality costs and process costs. It turns out a vicious circle: it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the QMS processes, for this it is necessary to establish criteria for economic performance (performance, defined in monetary terms) and efficiency and determine the cost of the quality of the process (including the total cost of quality), but there are no unambiguous criteria for efficiency and effectiveness , and the cost of the process is not known. Obviously, it is precisely because of the complexity and ambiguity of solving such problems that the practical implementation of the economic aspects of a quality management system for many organizations becomes a pipe dream.

The practice of applying the ISO 9000:2000 series standards has proved that "the process approach is so effective that its application seriously changes not only the level of income and expenses, not only the organization of work and the structure of the enterprise, but also the psychology of the personnel." The process approach in the quality management system is as effective as it is implemented (or how much we want to implement it), and the economic aspects of quality are not a part (characteristic) of the processes themselves and the process approach, but a mechanism for their evaluation.

An economic model can be created for any process in an organization. It can be used to identify and monitor process costs for specific aspects of the organization, such as training personnel, reviewing the quality management system, or designing new products. Process costs are the sum of process compliance costs and nonconformity costs to form the total cost of the process. Compliance costs (cost of conformance) - the costs necessary to fulfill all the established and proposed needs of customers (consumers) in the absence of deficiencies (failures) in the existing process. Cost of nonconformance - the cost of time, materials, resources, associated with the process of receipt, production, shipment and correction of unsatisfactory products and services. In other words, the cost of process compliance is the total cost of fulfilling the process requirements in the most efficient way, while the non-compliance cost is the total cost of not meeting the process requirements, including lost opportunities and benefits.

This implies that a process can be considered efficient if its result, if all the specified requirements are met, cannot be achieved at a lower cost. Therefore, nonconformity costs are costs due to process inefficiency, i.e. excess costs of human resources, materials, increase in equipment operation, arising from process inconsistencies (errors, rework, lost benefits and other losses). That is, all costs incurred in excess of the costs of the process that is most efficient are costs due to process inconsistency. Improving the process will lead to an increase in its efficiency, and therefore, to a change in the ratio of costs for compliance / losses due to non-compliance. With this interpretation of the cost of the process, all the costs that make it up will be classified according to the principle of "utility".

The next steps in applying process economics will be to simultaneously monitor and analyze process costs, process performance and efficiency to identify opportunities for improvement. If an opportunity to improve the process is found, it is necessary to conduct an economic analysis of the implementation of the improvement in terms of its feasibility. The possibilities for improvement are endless, but how much will these improvements cost and will the next improvement lead to an increase in the cost of the QMS process or other processes in the process model chain?

On the one hand, the principle of continual improvement is a fundamental principle of building quality management systems, and, according to ISO 9000, "the continuous improvement of the organization as a whole should be considered as its unchanging goal." But on the other hand, according to the same standard, quality improvement should first of all be understood as an improvement in effectiveness, efficiency, and with an increase in the cost of the process, efficiency may decrease. Therefore, the stage of evaluating the economic feasibility of improvements is one of the most important.

The analysis carried out in the previous chapter showed that OJSC "Omskshina" has an effective quality management system that meets the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2008, which is confirmed by quality certificates. The implementation of the quality management system gave JSC "Omskshina" the following benefits:

the quality management system of JSC "Omskshina" complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, is a guarantor of the stability of the enterprise and creates confidence in it on the part of consumers (according to the statistics available in JSC "Omskshina" more than 95% of buyers require the company to have an ISO International Standard certificate) ;

increased the manageability of the company; the company clearly defines the responsibility and authority of employees;

the joint-stock company demonstrates the ability to produce products of the required quality;

when concluding contracts, they began to establish requirements for products more clearly; improved traceability of contracts;

tightened input quality control of purchased materials; OJSC "Omskshina" gives preference to suppliers with a certified quality management system;

increased operational control at all stages of production.

The introduction of the quality management system also affected the economic results of the enterprise: sales volumes increased, the profit of the enterprise increased.

At the same time, the analysis made it possible to identify a number of problems that impede the successful functioning of the quality management system at JSC Omskshina:

the quality of incoming raw materials and materials does not always meet the requirements;

significant moral and physical wear and tear of equipment, preventing the production of quality products, etc.;

the presence of marriage and, accordingly, losses from marriage.

In this regard, for the continuous improvement of quality, ensuring the growth of competitiveness of products and achieving success in the market, a quality management system according to international ISO standards is not enough. The quality management system at JSC "Omskshina" based on MS ISO 9001:2008 allowed fixing a certain level of management and opened the way for the company to the foreign and domestic markets. In order to take a stable position in the market and solve economic and social problems in a complex, it is necessary to orient the enterprise to work according to the principles of TQM (Total Quality Management), which will allow you to work more successfully in the market conditions, use modern approaches and management methods.

The main elements of TQM that Omskshina should strive for include:

revaluation of values, i.e. a more critical assessment of the activities of employees and the enterprise as a whole, focusing on continuous improvement in the quality, performance of all operations and the interaction of all employees to achieve these goals;

the process of constantly monitoring inconsistencies with the norms and rules in the activities of the enterprise (marriage, errors, etc.) and finding ways to correct them (improve the quality of work), which involves all employees of the company;

change and improvement of training and career development systems in the company to adequately motivate employees to cooperate and improve the quality of all operations;

building such a system of work with suppliers and customers of the company, which would be focused on the process of continuous quality improvement.

In addition, Omskshina's efforts should be aimed at reducing the level of depreciation of fixed production assets, which requires additional investment costs in order to modernize and renew them. The implementation of these measures will help, on the one hand, improve the quality of products and reduce the amount of defects and complaints, on the other hand, this will reduce the overall cost of production, which increases its competitiveness.

An important event, in this case, is the training and continuous professional development of personnel. Since, depending on the level of knowledge and ability of industrial and production personnel, the quality of products, the amount of defects and claims depends a lot.

Conduct special events aimed at increasing the interest and motivation of staff for quality work.

In our opinion, in this case, it is possible to apply various methods of innovation management, in particular, methods of persuasion, methods of inducement and methods of coercion.

An analysis of the causes of defects in manufactured products showed that many reasons are associated not only with the production technology, but also with the quality of the purchased raw materials and materials, which requires special measures aimed at eliminating this factor.

Thus, improving the activities of JSC "Omskshina" in the field of improving product quality requires the following specific activities:

orient the enterprise to work not only according to international ISO standards, but also according to the principles of TQM (Total Quality Management), including the recognition and implementation of integrated and systematic approaches as the most effective methods for achieving goals in the field of product quality;


Summing up, it is necessary to draw the following conclusions:

quality is a very complex, contradictory and non-obvious category. It permeates all aspects of people's lives, is the most important incentive for the activities of each person and society as a whole;

according to GOST 15467 - 79 "Product quality management" basic concepts, terms and definitions, product quality is a set of properties that determine its suitability to satisfy certain needs in accordance with the purpose;

in accordance with GOST 15467, product quality management is the actions carried out during the creation and operation or consumption of products in order to establish, ensure and maintain the required level of its quality;

QMS is part of the organization's management system aimed at meeting the needs, expectations and requirements of interested parties in order to achieve results in accordance with quality objectives;

only those enterprises in which each employee is focused on quality, has the appropriate motivation and qualifications and actively contributes to meeting the needs of both internal and external consumers can ensure the required quality;

product quality indicators are classified according to the following criteria: by the number of properties characterized, the properties characterized, the method of expression, and the stages of determining the values ​​of the indicators;

there are various methods for determining the assessment of the level of product quality, such as: measuring, calculating, organoleptic, registration, expert, sociological and traditional methods;

Summarizing the best practices of product quality management in industrialized and developing countries, the following can be noted:

goals and objectives in the field of increasing, ensuring and improving product quality are at the center of the economic policy of each firm, company, concern. At the same time, it is considered the main thing - meeting the needs and requirements of consumers;

the achievement of the required product quality occurs (taking into account the price) with minimal costs;

delivery of products to consumers is carried out in a timely manner;

recognition and implementation of integrated and systematic approaches to product quality management as the most effective methods for achieving goals and solving problems in the field of product quality;

use of high-quality labor means in the production of competitive products;

continuous and systematic education and specialized training of highly qualified personnel in the field of product quality assurance and management;

constant, conscientious and creative work of all employees to improve, ensure and improve the quality of products;

educating each manufacturer of products, performer, all employees of a respectful attitude towards the consumer, customer;

creating an atmosphere of respect for employees of any job category and attention to their needs, requests, everyday life;

The ongoing analysis and evaluation of the quality of Omskshina products allows us to dwell on the following significant points:

the strategic goal of OJSC Omskshina is to strengthen the position of the leader in the tire industry of the Russian Federation through a global reconstruction and modernization of production facilities that allow the production of tires using more efficient technologies, updating the range of products, improving their quality, and developing new sales markets;

the company's own funds are mainly directed to improve the existing production. The implementation of major investment projects related to the organization of new production facilities based on modern foreign technologies, with the purchase of equipment from leading foreign manufacturers, is carried out with the support, direct participation and attraction of funds from Omskneft OJSC;

In 2007, work on the quality management system (QMS) was carried out in two directions:

Maintaining the current QMS in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2008.

Improvement of the QMS in accordance with the requirements of ISO/TU 16949:2002 “Quality management systems. Special requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 for organizations - manufacturers of serial and spare parts for the automotive industry "- according to the requirements of automobile plants;

The efficiency and effectiveness of the QMS was confirmed by the analysis of the fulfillment of indicators for 2007:

The quality objectives for 2007 have been met.

Consumer satisfaction according to the comprehensive assessment was 99 points out of 100 possible, which corresponds to the assessment “consumer delighted”;

in 2008 JSC "Omskshina" started the implementation of the production system "Lean production", which should ensure the optimization of production resources, reduction of non-productive costs and, ultimately, increase the competitiveness of products;

analysis and shipment of tires in physical terms showed a decrease in sales in 2008 compared to 2007. This also applies to export shipments and shipments of tires to the domestic market. Which indicates that the increase in sales proceeds, as can be seen from the analysis of the financial results of the enterprise, occurs mainly due to an increase in prices for marketable products;

The analysis of complaints showed that the level of this indicator in relation to the total output does not exceed the normative levels at the enterprise. Nevertheless, the presence of such a volume of tire claims indicates that the ongoing quality management system and the existing production process do not provide a 100% guarantee of bringing the volume of claims to zero;

The ongoing analysis of final scrap showed that its level in all types of produced tubes does not go beyond the permissible limit, however, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to reduce the level of final scrap in order to bring it closer to the standards of tire manufacturers in developed countries.

the analysis of the causes of the final marriage of various types of auto-chambers showed that the main type of defect is bubbles, with the exception of passenger-sized chambers, where the reasons for the occurrence of marriage include joint divergence, foreign inclusions and custard rubber. At the same time, when analyzing the causes of marriage using the Pareto method, it is important to reflect the size of the marriage for each reason, not only in physical terms, but also in value terms, which allows us to assess the scale of the loss from the marriage and focus on the most unprofitable causes of marriage.

In our opinion, in order to improve the quality level of Omskshina's products, it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

orient the enterprise to work not only according to international ISO standards, but also, according to the principles of TQM (Total Quality Management), including the recognition and implementation of integrated and systematic approaches as the most effective methods for achieving goals in the field of product quality;

renewal and modernization of fixed production assets and the use of high quality labor tools;

continuous and systematic training and advanced training of personnel in the field of product quality assurance and management;

ensuring the interest and motivation of personnel for quality work;

establishing reliable relationships with suppliers in order to purchase high-quality raw materials;

to improve the quality of manufactured products with minimal production and commercial costs;

The transition of the enterprise to integrated quality management systems will help to solve the above recommendations and ensure the financial stability of the enterprise.

List of used literature

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The development and success of any organization is determined by many factors, both external and internal environment. The development of the economic potential of Kazakhstan is largely associated with the development of basic industries, among which the machine-building complex plays a leading role. Its effectiveness is influenced by the organizational and methodological conditions of management. Kazakhstan's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) further intensifies the competition for markets and will require enterprises of the machine-building complex, incl. and from tool manufacturing organizations, continuous improvement of management, allowing to bring to the market new quality products that satisfy the consumer.

Product quality is one of the most important indicators of the activity of enterprises of any form of ownership. Achieving high and stable product quality at the enterprise allows:

− increase the volume of sales, and consequently, profits;

− ensure the competitiveness of products;

− improve the image of the enterprise;

− reduce the risk of bankruptcy and ensure the stable financial position of the enterprise.

The main ways to improve the quality of products and their competitiveness:

− increasing the technical level of production;

− improving the level of qualification of the personnel;

− improvement of the organization of production and labor, including the deepening of the specialization of production;

− introduction of selective and complete input control over the quality of raw materials, materials, components supplied to the enterprise;

− improving the efficiency of OTK;

− raising the technical level of the metrological service at the enterprise;

− education of the team in the spirit of pride in the quality of the manufactured products and the brand of their own enterprise;

− material and moral incentives for the staff for the high-quality performance of their duties;

− creation of a marketing service;

- the introduction of new, better materials in the manufacture of products;

− reduction of costs for production and sale of products;

− study of the requirements of buyers to the quality of products and market conditions;

- carrying out effective advertising, etc.

This list could be continued, but these are all separate measures, the implementation of each of them can lead to an improvement in the quality of products, but does not solve the problems of quality in general. This requires a comprehensive approach to solving this problem, that is, at each enterprise (especially large and medium-sized ones) a product quality management system should be developed and implemented.

The study showed that quality management issues are not relevant only for every tenth Kazakh company. Although this figure seems small, in developed countries this figure would generally be close to zero. The fact that 10% of companies do not reflect their position on quality in their documents proves that the Kazakhstani market remains insufficiently competitive. Indeed, in the opposite case, it is the quality of products or services that would be one of the most important factors for business success and, ultimately, the survival of the company in the market. In the Kazakh case, technological features are such that a high degree of monopolization remains in many industries. Accordingly, product quality is not a decisive factor in determining what share of market demand a company manages to obtain. Therefore, in the documents of the company, quality is given insufficient space.

Solving the problems of improving product quality necessitates the development of methods for quantifying the quality of work of individual employees, teams of departments, associations, enterprises and organizations as a whole, as well as other management objects based on objective criteria that take into account their tasks and functions.

The solution to the problem of improving the quality of products is now at a new stage, radically different from the previous ones. This difference lies in the fact that at the moment the product quality control system is being replaced by a product quality management system, which is an organized set of structural elements, factors, conditions and organizational, economic and technical methods and activities coordinated among themselves, aimed at the formation of quality. products during their design, production and operation.

However, when solving the problem of improving product quality, it is important to single out the main link. In this regard, it is necessary to emphasize with all certainty that quality, considered not utilitarian, but from the standpoint of scientific and technological progress, is based on more advanced tools, materials and technological processes, industrial designs, in which the unity of high technical and aesthetic merits of the newly created products.

Knowledge of the main directions of solving the problem of improving the quality of products is necessary for all industrial workers and, first of all, for specialists in the services of standardization and quality control of industrial products.

Of great importance in solving the problem of improving product quality, strengthening discipline and organization at all stages of production is the creation in associations and enterprises of non-departmental quality control - state acceptance of products.

One of the important features of the current stage of solving the problem of improving product quality is its intersectoral nature.

Of exceptional importance for a systematic approach to solving the problem of improving product quality is the development of scientific foundations for standardization and basic standards, analysis of the technical level of the most important types of products and linking the requirements of standards for finished products with the requirements for raw materials, materials and components, and their quality indicators, as well as with the requirements for equipment and tooling.

This principle provides for: a significant increase in the interaction of industries in solving the problem of improving the quality of products; coordinated impact on all elements of production in order to improve product quality; active use of the levers of economic, material and moral incentives for improving the quality of products on the basis of further improvement of the mechanism of economic incentives; all-round development and purposeful use of the creative activity of the working people, various forms of socialist competition for improving the quality of products.

Significant importance in solving the problem of improving the quality of products and the efficiency of organizing the work of the State Acceptance at enterprises have tests and quality control of products. An indispensable condition for the effective functioning of the testing system, which provides obtaining objective and reliable information about the actual values ​​of product quality indicators, is the level of readiness of testing organizations and departments. Tests are the basis for an objective assessment of the conformity of product quality indicators and making appropriate decisions at all stages of the product life cycle - when putting it into production, certification by quality categories, determining the possibility of continuing or the need to stop serial production.

The development of a number of measures in the educational and consulting areas of activity, as well as measures to motivate the use of quality systems, should contribute to the widespread introduction of quality systems.

1. Policy in the educational sphere. The introduction of effective quality systems requires high professionalism, knowledge by employees and managers of all levels of methods and methods of quality management, principles for designing quality systems based on advanced domestic and foreign experience and international standards.

2. Policy in the field of development of consulting activities. To assist enterprises in the implementation of quality systems and in order to improve the efficiency of these systems, it is necessary to develop a network of qualified consulting organizations.

3. Policy in the field of development of certification of quality systems. Certification of quality systems is an objective evidence of their effective functioning in enterprises. The state should promote the entry of Kazakhstani organizations and certification bodies into international and regional unions and agreements, as well as the accreditation of Kazakhstani certification bodies and testing laboratories abroad.

4. Policy to support the implementation of quality systems when placing federal orders for the supply of products for state needs. Orders for the supply of products under government contracts must be placed at enterprises, organizations and institutions that have quality systems certified by the relevant Kazakhstani authorities.

In market conditions, the presence of investments will not save the enterprise if it cannot ensure the competitiveness of its products, where the basis of competitiveness is quality. To ensure the required level of quality, enterprises need not only advanced technology, the necessary material base, qualified personnel, but also rational organization of work, effective enterprise management, with the involvement of a quality management system. A special place in the tool industry is occupied by the production of tools made from superhard materials (SHM), the demand for which is constantly growing. This is due to their use in such developing industries as construction, gas and oil production, medicine, etc. Reliability and the possibility of their effective application are of great importance when using STM tools. The latter can be achieved to a large extent on the basis of an increase in the efficiency of quality management, which makes it possible to increase the level of competitiveness of the tool. One of the promising options for the formation of competitive advantages of enterprises - commodity producers of tools is the organization of their activities, based on the application of the principles of quality management based on the international standards ISO 9000 series.

In the conditions of fierce competition in the world market of machine-tool products, the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism that contributes to improving the quality of manufactured products is of particular importance. This involves taking into account all the factors and conditions that affect the quality of the end product of the industry, among which a special place is occupied by the implementation of the principles of quality management at all stages of the product life cycle.

One of the main criteria for sustainable economic growth, improving the quality of products and improving the management system can be the development of an effective process control organization system that guarantees a given level of quality and allows improving the organizational and methodological basis of quality management throughout the entire production and sales stage.

An analysis of the state and trends in the development of the market for tool products and the identification of the main parameters that affect the level of competitiveness of tools made it possible to identify and recommend the main directions for improving the quality of products. At the same time, the improvement of the quality of tool products is ensured not only by the introduction of advanced technical, technological techniques and methods, but also by the use of effective quality management processes.

The formation of an effective product quality management system in the machine tool industry should be based on scientifically based methods and indicators that allow to quantify the products of tool production on the market, and could also serve as a tool for managing the quality of products in this industry.

The results of the study showed that the problem of improving product quality management in tool industry enterprises can be solved by using the IQRS rating model, which improves the efficiency and competitiveness of products in the sales market using the principles of product quality management at all stages of its formation.

The results of the study showed that:

1. The development of the modern economy is closely related to the improvement of the quality of products, which is the basic basis for improving the quality of lifestyle. With the development of competition, the depletion of natural resources, quality began to play a special role for producers. The successful solution of quality problems in a particular enterprise directly determines its economic situation. The evolution of views on the problem of quality has led to the understanding that quality is an object of management. The modern interpretation of the scope of quality management is very broad. We can talk about managing the quality of products, services, systems, labor, etc., so the object of management is considered in a broad sense in its essence. It can be argued that any activities aimed at solving a quality problem are identical to the functioning of a quality system.

2. Quality management systems operating in different organizations are individual. At the enterprises of the tool industry, quality management is at a different level, which is due to the following reasons: violation of established economic ties as a result of thoughtless hasty privatization; the transition of enterprises to various forms of ownership for which they were not ready; lack of time to master the concept of competition based on the production of high quality products.

3. Branch features of machine-tool production lie in the fact that it provides the technical level of other sectors of the national economy. The most important factors affecting the reliability and distribution of private label tools are not only the quality of auxiliary cutting materials, assembly work, geometry, the level of design and technical parameters, but also the level of economic decisions and the level of development of a particular industry.

4. When forming a QMS for enterprises of the tool industry in order to work effectively in the goods market in the conditions of an increase in the flow of goods and profits, it is necessary to go through the following stages: decisions of shareholders, managers on the work of enterprises with a high level of quality; resolving issues related to engineering and technical solutions; identification of information about losses; application of statistical methods of quality control and management with subsequent certification.

5. Based on the theory of reliability and considering it as the “foundation of quality”, it seems reasonable to conduct periodic tests in the process of production and operation of tools from private labels, according to the results of which to adjust the quality indicators, determining the efficiency of the products of the machine tool industry, which is associated with its competitiveness. In order to reduce the risk for users of tool industry products, it is recommended to use the analysis of the consequences and causes of failures - FMEA, whose task is to identify defects that cause the greatest risk to consumers and their causes, followed by the development of corrective measures.

6. To achieve the main goal - making a profit in the long term, tool industry enterprises must go through a phased process, improving their activities in the following management transformations: develop a goal and a Mission for 5-10 years; establish your market segments; using the QMS, move to the models of national awards and TQM; improve the organizational structure, forming mechanisms for identifying nonconformities and their warnings; building an organizational team. This will allow enterprises to increase profits, improve their image in the market and become a reliable partner that ensures the supply of high quality products.

In general, improving the quality of products at the present stage makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of the Russian economy on the basis of improving the quality parameters of domestic products. The problem of improving the quality of manufactured products in Russia is currently the most acute. This problem is especially relevant in the context of Russia's forthcoming entry into the WTO. At the same time, quality issues are relevant for absolutely all goods and services. This is especially evident during the transition to a market economy, during which the quality of products not only does not improve, but, on the contrary, deteriorates. In such a situation, domestic products may lose their competitiveness and subsequently be replaced by higher quality foreign products. In such a situation, organizations of any form of ownership that do not pay attention to quality issues will simply be ruined. Often, the technology of domestic production, the technical level of capital equipment, is much lower than in developed countries. But even if the modernization of production is carried out quickly enough, new technologies are created, it will be possible to justify these investment costs only through the production of competitive products or services that are in demand by the consumer.

At the same time, Russia's forced accession to the WTO may harm the Russian economy. There is a possibility that after joining the WTO, domestic enterprises will lose their competitiveness. Given the insufficiently high effective demand for certain types of products in the domestic market, this may adversely affect all parameters and general trends in the development of the complex.

The government actively advocates that the Russian Federation become a WTO member, since the economy cannot develop being isolated from the processes of world trade, from international competition, in conditions of low labor costs, low energy prices, and a reduction in the tax burden.

An important point is that without membership in the WTO, Russia is isolated from participation in the development of new rules of international trade and its interests are not taken into account at all. An important element of today's stage of the negotiation process is the agreement on the terms of membership in this organization. Meanwhile, a number of experts in various sectors of the economy are in favor of a longer process of opening the domestic market for the products of Western companies, explaining their position by the fact that an accelerated entry into the WTO could harm the Russian economy. Russia's accession to the WTO as a whole meets the long-term interests of the country's development, they believe that it is necessary to develop measures to protect the products of Russian manufacturers in the domestic market for a longer period than proposed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

There are several reasons for this. Firstly, this is export, since the main export items are products of a shallow processing of raw materials. The inefficient export nomenclature is determined by the demand for cheap Russian products of a shallow processing of raw materials on the part of developed countries, which focus their own production on the production of goods with high added value. This demand will continue in the future, regardless of whether our country is a member of the WTO or not. Russian products with a high degree of processing of raw materials are less competitive in the world market: they are inferior in quality and price due to the backwardness of technology, high consumption rates of energy and raw materials, poorly developed infrastructure, etc.

The liberalization of the foreign trade regime as a result of Russia's accession to the WTO in the conditions of low competitiveness of Russian products may lead to the displacement of domestic producers from their own market by foreign suppliers. The narrowing of the sales market will lead to a decrease in the degree of capacity utilization, which will reduce profitability and further increase the gap between prices for Russian and imported products.

To prevent this, it is necessary to increase the initial level of the customs tariff and increase the duration of the transition period for the most sensitive products in terms of competitiveness (iodine, calcium carbide, certain types of plastics and resins, tires, paints and varnishes). As for products purchased due to the lack of own capacities, it is necessary to establish minimum initial levels of customs tariff bonds, as well as to achieve the maximum degree of protection for Russian producers.

In addition, in conditions when the export potential of the Russian Federation is practically exhausted, the most important task is to maintain the achieved level of foreign exchange earnings. The solution to this problem will depend not on membership in the WTO, but on the price competitiveness of domestic products, which, in turn, will be determined mainly by the growth rate of prices for products and services of natural monopolies. Experts believe that the reduction of import tariffs will exacerbate the problem of low price competitiveness of domestic products, which, given the rising cost of energy resources and the lack of funds for the modernization of production, may lead to further displacement of Russian goods by foreign analogues to the detriment of domestic producers. Thus, when setting levels of binding import tariffs, defend a differentiated approach. At the same time, it is not the degree of processing of raw materials that should be taken as a basis, but such factors as: the importance of the product in ensuring economic and defense security; availability of own production facilities capable of meeting the demand for competitive products; limited technical and economic conditions for increasing competitiveness.

In general, the effective integration of Russian enterprises into the international division of labor is impossible without stable quality and ensuring the competitiveness of domestic products on this basis.

The high level of quality of Russian goods can be a condition for the country's entry into the world market, accession to the European Union and the World Trade Organization (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). And only if Russian manufacturers meet the requirements of the world market for product quality will it allow them to become equal partners in international trade.

Most developed countries have achieved a high level of quality of life due to the heightened attention to this problem by their governments, leaders and employees of organizations. For example, Japan and Germany, which found themselves in a crisis situation in the post-war years and, thanks to their attention to quality and the improvement of management methods, managed to overcome severe consequences, ensure the revival of the economy and take their rightful place in the world economic system. It must be remembered that it is the quality of work, products and services that is one of the most effective means of overcoming the crisis, which is called upon to play the role of a determining factor in the success of the ongoing market reforms. A high level of product quality can ensure the competitiveness of Russian goods in the markets, and, consequently, lead to economic stabilization.

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The problem of improving product quality is relevant for any enterprise, especially at the present stage, when the factor “product quality” plays an increasingly important role in improving production efficiency, ensuring its competitiveness.

As you know, in order to successfully solve a problem, you need to know it well. In this regard, a number of questions can be posed: how long ago the problem of product quality arose and what are the reasons for its inception; why the urgency of this problem is increasing at the present stage; how this problem is solved at domestic and foreign enterprises, etc. Briefly, these questions can be answered as follows.

The analysis shows that the problem of quality originated, manifested itself and objectively revealed itself with the development of social production. It reflects the historical process of increasing the efficiency of human labor, the development of scientific and technological progress - STP, in one form or another manifests itself in all socio-economic formations.

In the early stages of the industrial revolution, objects of labor were created by individuals or small groups of people who knew the needs of consumers and planned to satisfy them. With the development of industrial production and the division of labor, the list of work performed has increased so much that the worker has lost sight of the final product of labor. As a result, the quality problem has increased dramatically. There was a need to determine intermediate indicators of product quality. Quality control services began to appear at enterprises.

The question of why the urgency of the problem of improving product quality is increasing at the present stage can be answered as follows.

First, the requirements of scientific and technical progress have increased, which dictate fundamental qualitative changes in all areas of scientific and industrial activity. The requirements for the properties and characteristics of products are becoming more stringent, especially such as reliability (durability, storability, non-failure operation, etc.), aesthetics, efficiency in operation, etc. This is due to the fact that modern technology operates in difficult conditions, under critical conditions and colossal loads. The failure of a piece of equipment entails huge losses for the enterprise. products quality cost savings

Improving the quality of finished products, in turn, requires improving the quality of raw materials, materials, components, the introduction of new advanced technologies and methods of organizing production and labor. Therefore, the task of improving the quality of products becomes complex and affects all industries.

Secondly, there is a further deepening of the social division and cooperation of labor, which leads to the complication of intra-industry, inter-industry and interstate production relations. The quality of even medium complexity equipment begins to depend on the work of dozens or even hundreds of enterprises in various industries. Today there are no secondary production sites. The high quality of any product requires equal and unconditional responsibility for the conscientious work of each worker, engineer, regardless of the stage of production he is at. As a result of their joint work, the final product satisfies the needs only if each unit, block, part strictly complies with the standards and specifications.

Thirdly, as the need for means of production and consumer goods is satisfied in quantitative terms (the time when quantity played a decisive role has passed), their qualitative characteristics come to the fore. The point is that there are natural, if not rigid, limits to quantitative consumption. For example, businesses can only use a limited number of labor items. In the qualitative development of needs, such boundaries do not exist, since as a result of social development new needs arise, requirements for product quality grow.

To improve quality means to turn out products from the same quantity of raw materials and materials that more fully satisfy social needs.

Fourth, trade and economic ties with other countries are expanding, which predetermines a constant improvement in product quality (competition for sales markets). Those enterprises, whose product quality is higher, successfully sell their products.

Fifth, improving the quality of products allows us to solve not only technical and economic, but also social problems.

The problem of improving product quality is being addressed in all countries of the world, as evidenced by numerous publications on the theory and practice of improving product quality. Research in this area shows that addressing the problematic issues of improving product quality has become a national movement in many countries. For example, in the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, product quality management has been brought to the state level. In many countries, National Councils for Quality and Reliability, associations for the implementation of product quality control in industry, statistical quality management, standards associations and other organizations have been established.

In 1986, the international standard MS ISO 8402-86 “Quality. Dictionary", and in 1987 - a set of ISO 9000 standards, which contains progressive forms and methods for organizing quality management work and covers all stages of the product life cycle.

In the former USSR, the problem of improving product quality and increasing production efficiency was also given great attention. If until the 1950s there was a product quality control system that performed only one management function - control of finished products, then later different enterprises began to create and implement product quality management systems (QMS), the development of which continues to the present. QMS become the mechanism by which it is possible to more effectively solve the problems of improving product quality.

In the 1980s, in the USSR and later in the Russian Federation, obsolete standards for machinery and equipment were revised. The new standards, along with other quality characteristics, include requirements that ensure a reduction in the weight of engineering products, a reduction in fuel and electricity consumption during their operation, as well as the unification of parts, assemblies and devices. Currently, the State Standard of the Russian Federation in the field of quality management assists domestic producers in the implementation of international standards ISO 9000 family, which represent a higher level of development of the science of quality management.

The effect of improving product quality has various forms of expression - direct savings in materials and energy, obtaining more products per unit of labor costs, reducing costs and increasing profits, accelerating the turnover of working capital, accelerating the economic and social development of the enterprise.

Both manufacturers and consumers, as well as the state, are interested in improving the quality of products. The effect of improving product quality for stakeholders is shown in Figure 1.1.

Rice. 1.1 The effect of improving product quality

Basic concepts and indicators for assessing product quality

The concept of "product quality" as an economic category and an object of economic science is closely related to the category of use value, which manifests itself only in the process of using the product. K. Marx wrote: “The usefulness of a thing makes it a use value. But this usefulness is not up in the air. Conditioned by the properties of the commodity body, it does not exist outside of this latter. Therefore, the body of commodities ... is itself a use-value or good.”

Use value is characterized, on the one hand, as a material object, and on the other, as a thing that is capable of satisfying certain human needs.

Objective consumer properties of products become useful only if there is a need for their use. Thus, many natural resources, without which the development of the economy of any country is currently unthinkable, were not previously use values, although their qualitative properties have not changed since then (various ores, oil, gas, rubbers, etc.). Unlike an object of nature, a product becomes a real product only in the process of consumption.

In modern conditions, in most cases, the same use value is intended for a large number of consumers who make different demands on it. As a result, the same product parameters can be evaluated differently. At the same time, a very specific social need can be satisfied by various things that have the same purpose and differ in quality. All kinds of products satisfying the same need can be considered as a total use-value.

Thus, the economic content of the quality category is determined by the assessment of the social utility of the product. The measure of this utility is the socially necessary quality. It predetermines the achievement of such a level of consumer properties of products that would ensure the satisfaction of the needs of society with the most rational use of the material, financial and labor resources at its disposal.

K. Marx wrote: "A product, the consumer properties of which are higher than the consumer properties of other products of the same purpose, is recognized as a product of higher quality." It is not the characteristics of the product that are essential here, but its consumer properties, to what extent and to what extent they are able to satisfy the specific needs of society. The consumer is not interested in the nature of the commodity as such. It is important for him that the given use-value has the properties it needs. The combination of certain useful properties of the product makes it the subject of consumption. Evaluation of use value according to the degree of satisfaction of a specific need determines the quality of the product.

Quality embodies the extent to which a product objectively satisfies a given need. Here we are talking about quality as a quantitative characteristic of social use value, the degree of usefulness of the product of labor. However, its quality is determined not only by consumer properties. They can remain unchanged, while the degree of satisfaction of the need by this product as a result of the emergence of new social needs will change. (For example, the production of black-and-white televisions, computers of the Minsk-32 type, etc.) Obviously, at all stages of the development of social production, such a quality is needed that meets the needs of society based on its capabilities in specific conditions.

Until now, among specialists there is no unity in the definition of the concept of "product quality". As a rule, all these definitions are incomplete, diverse, and inaccurate. However, in each case they meet the specific needs of society.

Table 1.1 shows the variety of formulations of product quality concepts. However, for specific conditions of joint activities of people, this terminology needs to be specified or standardized.

In 1979, the USSR State Committee for Standards developed and adopted GOST 15467--79 “Product Quality Management. Terms and definitions”, which defines the concept of “product quality” and related properties, indicators, levels. According to the specified GOST, "Product quality is a set of product properties that determine its suitability to satisfy certain needs in accordance with its purpose."

Table 1.1 Dynamics of definitions of quality concepts

Formulation of quality definitions

Aristotle (III century BC)

The difference between subjects; differentiation on the basis of "good - bad"

Hegel (19th century AD)

Quality is first of all a determinateness identical with being, so that something ceases to be what it is when it loses its quality.

Chinese version

The hieroglyph denoting quality consists of two elements - “balance” and “money” (quality = balance + money), therefore, quality is identical to the concept of “upscale”, “expensive”

Shewhart (1931) K. Isikova (1950)

Quality has two aspects: objective physical characteristics and the subjective side (how good a thing is). Quality is a property that really satisfies consumers.

J. Juran (1979)

Suitability for use (fit for purpose). The subjective side is the degree of consumer satisfaction (in order to realize quality, the manufacturer must know the requirements of the consumer and make his product such that it satisfies these needs)

GOST 15467-- 79 International Standard ISO 8402-86

Product quality is a set of product properties that determine its suitability to satisfy certain needs in accordance with its purpose. Quality is a set of properties and characteristics of a product or service that gives it the ability to satisfy conditional or implied needs.

International Standard ISO 8402-94

Quality is a set of characteristics of an object related to its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs.

A property of a product is understood as its objective feature, which manifests itself during production, operation or consumption.

There are production and consumer properties of products. Production includes the entire set of properties created in the production process. It represents a potential quality.

Consumer properties of products characterize only that set of indicators that is among the most important and significant for the consumer. This is real product quality.

The product of labor created in the production process, before being sold to the consumer, has only a potential quality, which turns into a real quality only when it enters the process of sale and consumption, that is, when this product begins to participate in the satisfaction of specific social needs. If this need is not satisfied, there is no need to talk about any quality.

A quantitative characteristic of properties and indicators (economic, technical, etc.) is called an indicator of product quality.

According to the number of characterized properties, all quality indicators are divided into single, complex, defining and integral.

Single quality indicators characterize one product property (for example, speed, power consumption, etc.).

Comprehensive quality indicators characterize the combination of several product properties (for example, reliability, TV reproduction of a typical test table, etc.).

The defining indicators of quality are evaluative, they are used to judge quality.

Integral quality indicators are expressed through the corresponding sum of economic or technical indicators (for example, the overall beneficial effect of product operation, the total cost of creating and operating the product).

The quality indicators of products of mechanical engineering and radio-electronic instrumentation are very diverse. Therefore, for each type of product, an appropriate nomenclature of indicators should be selected that most fully characterize its quality. So, for engineering products, the following nomenclature of quality indicators can be established (Fig. 1.2).

Rice. 1.2 Product quality indicators

The measurement of the numerical values ​​of quality indicators is carried out using instruments, measuring instruments, experimentally or by calculation and is expressed in natural (points, other units) or in value terms.

To evaluate some product properties (for example, aesthetic ones), technical means are unacceptable, therefore, measurements are made by organoleptic methods (using the senses according to a point system). Sometimes the properties of products are evaluated by sociological surveys of consumers or experts.

The nomenclature of quality indicators listed above is the basis for a quantitative assessment of the quality of a particular type of product. Moreover, the level of product quality can be assessed depending on the goal set, differentiated by single, complex or integral indicators, production or consumer group. Thus, the level of quality is a relative characteristic based on a comparison of the values ​​of the quality indicators of the evaluated product with the corresponding indicators of the product taken as a basis for comparison.

This indicator is determined by the formula

where Qi o, Qi6 -- respectively, the value of the i-th quality indicator

evaluated and base product, points;

i = 1, 2, 3, ..., and - the number of product quality indicators. Along with the level of quality, the technical level of products is determined - a relative characteristic obtained by comparing a certain set of quality indicators for products of the type in question with the corresponding set of basic indicators. The technical level of products is usually assessed during the development of new or certification of mass-produced products according to the nomenclature of indicators presented in Figure 1.2. The composition of the nomenclature includes only technical indicators of the production and consumer groups.

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Product quality is a set of product properties that determine its suitability to satisfy certain needs in accordance with the purpose. It is fixed for a specific period of time and changes when more advanced technology appears.

The quality of products in the conditions of modern production is the most important component of the efficiency and profitability of the enterprise, so it needs to be given constant attention.

To manage product quality and improve it, it is necessary to assess the level of quality. When determining the feasibility of improving product quality, it is important to take into account quality indicators. The amount of costs of the enterprise depends on the improvement of quality according to its individual indicators, therefore, it is necessary to take into account the financial and production capabilities of the enterprise when planning quality improvement. The same indicators may have a different degree of significance for the enterprise, depending on the products. The product quality indicator numerically characterizes the degree of manifestation of a certain property that is part of the quality. Product quality is a set of properties that are quantitatively expressed in terms of quality. The classification into ten indicators is generally recognized.

1. Purpose indicators - characterize the beneficial effect of the use of products for their intended purpose and determine the scope of the finished product.

2. Reliability indicators - non-failure operation, storability, maintainability and durability of the product. Depending on the characteristics of the evaluated products, both all 4 and some of the above indicators can be used to characterize the reliability. 3. Manufacturability indicators characterize the effectiveness of design and technological solutions to ensure high labor productivity in the manufacture and repair of products. It is with the help of manufacturability that the mass production of products is achieved, the rational distribution of the costs of materials, funds, labor resources and time during the technological preparation of production, manufacture and operation of products.

4. Indicators of standardization and unification - this is the saturation of products with standard, unified and original components. The fewer original products, the better for both the manufacturer and the consumer. 5. Ergonomic indicators - reflect the interaction of a person with a product and a complex of hygienic, anthropometric, physiological properties of a person that manifest themselves when using the product.

6. Aesthetic indicators - characterize informational expressiveness, rationality of form, integrity of the composition, perfection of performance and stability of the presentation of the product.

7. Transportability indicators - express the suitability of products for transportation.

8. Patent-legal indicators - characterize the patent purity of products and are an essential factor in determining competitiveness. 9. Ecological indicators may be completely absent in products when the production of this product cannot be environmentally hazardous - in principle, for example, with televisions, CDs. This is the level of harmful environmental impacts that occur during the operation or consumption of products.

10. Safety indicators - characterize the features for the safety of the buyer and maintenance personnel, that is, they ensure safety during installation, maintenance, repair, storage, transportation, consumption of products.

The modern policy of advanced domestic and foreign enterprises in the field of quality lies in its interconnectedness and inseparability from the general policy of the enterprise. The strategy for improving the quality of goods is the most important part of the company's strategy.

According to domestic and foreign experts, the quality of products is laid down in the design and technological documentation, and both should be assessed accordingly. 1) You need to start with the development of the production of goods that are in demand, i.e., to produce what someone will buy, and if you improve this product, then the number of its buyers will grow, the economic performance of the enterprise will improve and it will be possible to find funds for the implementation of the following stages of solving quality problems. However, the product that is in demand is most often a new product. Therefore, it is necessary to start with studying the demand in the market and taking it into account when creating and mastering the production of new products.

2) You need to have a dealer, sales network, as well as distribution of goods and information about it. If this is not the case, no product quality will save the enterprise. 3) It is necessary to minimize production costs. To this end, it is necessary to recalculate everything, rethink the material and technical base of the enterprise, abandon everything superfluous, and restructure. Without doing this, it is not even worth starting a fight for quality. 4) You need to learn how to manage finances, and this is an art, and not an easy one at that. First of all, it is necessary to debug financial control. Lack of control is the path to financial losses, their plunder and bankruptcy of the enterprise. All four prerequisites for the successful operation of enterprises, noted above, are considered in various quality concepts, but there we are talking about their improvement. At the majority of Russian enterprises, these conditions need to be created practically from scratch. And only after the enterprise has somehow coped with this task, it can begin to solve the quality problem by creating and certifying quality systems that meet the requirements. From the point of view of the enterprise, there are two approaches to achieve a certain level of quality. The first approach is the possibility of achieving a given level of quality in one cycle, or stage. The second approach is the phased financing of quality improvement as funds are accumulated for this purpose. In a market economy, any of the considered approaches can be tactically justified. Obviously, the implementation of the first approach is more risky due to the longer period of forecasting and planning and requires more careful study. In recent years, the first approach has become more relevant, as it has quite significant advantages. First, it provides greater centralization and coordination of all stages of design and production of products. Secondly, this approach brings the enterprise to the frontiers of the world level of quality or its advance. In this regard, the company can enjoy all the benefits of global integration: - lower costs associated with the use of the international division of labor; - accelerated terms of introduction to the market; - the possibility of using information technologies; - availability of sources of raw materials; - using modern technologies, inventions, etc. Thirdly, a "jump" in the level of quality is achieved, which provides the enterprise with higher-order benefits in a longer time interval. The objects of forecasting are product quality indicators that are inferior to those of competitors' products. At present, for the stable operation of any enterprise, the main focus should be on the implementation of measures that guarantee the release of products of a stable level of quality, while ensuring quality is considered as the main strategic task.

Based on the factors affecting product quality, it is easy to determine the main ways to improve product quality and competitiveness. They are the following:

Raising the technical level of production;

Increasing the level of personnel qualification;

Improving the organization of production and labor, including deepening the specialization of production;

Implementation of selective and continuous input control over the quality of raw materials, materials, components and assemblies entering the enterprise;

Improving the efficiency of the QCD. The main emphasis should be placed not on the sorting of manufactured products, but on the prevention of production in order to prevent the release of low-quality products;

Raising the technical level of the metrological service at the enterprise;

Education of the team in the spirit of pride in the quality of products and the brand of their company;

Material and moral incentives for personnel for high-quality performance of their duties;

Establishment of a marketing service;

The introduction of new, better materials in the manufacture of products;

Reduction of costs for production and sale of products;

Studying the requirements of buyers for product quality and market conditions;

Establishment of the optimal selling price, etc.

More on the topic Product quality: concept, indicators and ways to improve its level:

  1. Classification of quality indicators. Quality assessment. Product certification. Quality standardization. Assessment of the quality level of industrial products in the Republic of Belarus. Quality control systems - methods and types of control. Quality management system. Standards for organizing a quality assurance system. Cost analysis for ensuring product quality.
  2. Competitiveness of products: essence, assessment and ways to improve.
  4. Chapter 5. The concept of the effectiveness of enforcement technology and ways to improve it
  5. Main factors and ways to increase the return on assets
  6. Competitiveness of an enterprise: essence, assessment methodology and ways to improve

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