The message of what is more important is the mind or feelings briefly. Psychology is easy

Composition in the direction: Reason and feeling. graduation essay 2016-2017

Reason and feeling: can they possess a person at the same time, or are they mutually exclusive concepts? Is it true that in a fit of feelings a person commits both vile deeds and great discoveries that drive evolution and progress? What is a dispassionate mind capable of, a cold calculation? Finding answers to these questions takes the best minds mankind since the beginning of life. And this dispute, which is more important - reason or feeling - has been going on since antiquity, and everyone has their own answer. “People live by feelings,” says Erich Maria Remarque, but immediately adds that in order to realize this, reason is needed.

On the pages of the world fiction the problem of the influence of the feelings and mind of a person is raised very often. So, for example, in Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" two types of heroes appear: on the one hand, this is the impulsive Natasha Rostova, the sensitive Pierre Bezukhov, the fearless Nikolai Rostov, on the other hand, the arrogant and prudent Helen Kuragina and her brother, callous Anatole. Many conflicts in the novel come precisely from the excess of feelings of the characters, whose ups and downs are very interesting to watch. A vivid example of how a burst of feelings, thoughtlessness, ardor of character, impatient youth influenced the fate of the heroes is the case of Natasha's betrayal, because for her, laughable and young, it was incredibly long to wait for a wedding with Andrei Bolkonsky, could she subdue her unexpectedly flashed feelings for Anatole the voice of reason? Here we have a real drama of mind and feelings in the soul of the heroine, she faces a difficult choice: to leave her fiancé and leave with Anatole or not to succumb to a momentary impulse and wait for Andrei. It was in favor of feelings that this difficult choice was made, only chance prevented Natasha. We cannot condemn the girl, knowing her impatient nature and thirst for love. It was feelings that dictated Natasha's impulse, after which she regretted her act when she analyzed it.

It was the feeling of boundless, all-consuming love that helped Margarita reunite with her lover in Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. The heroine, without a second's hesitation, gives her soul to the devil and goes with him to the ball, where the killers and hangmen kiss her knee. Rejecting a secure, measured life in luxurious mansion With loving husband, she rushes into an adventurous adventure with evil spirit. Here prime example how a person, choosing a feeling, created his happiness.
Thus, the statement of Erich Maria Remarque is absolutely true: guided only by reason, a person can live, but it will be a colorless, dull and joyless life, only feelings give life indescribable bright colors leaving emotional memories. As written great classic Leo Tolstoy: "If we assume that human life can be controlled by reason, then the very possibility of life will be destroyed."

Mianiye Mikhail Yurievich: "Wisdom, Love and Strength - the trinity of the Human Soul" .

These are three equally important foundations for the harmonious development of any person, each Soul.

The rejection of one and the absolute deification of the other leads a person to extremes and dead ends, which inevitably makes development one-sided, and a person is somehow limited and weak.

This becomes obvious when viewed from an esoteric point of view.

When a person says " they say, the most important thing is love, and everything else does not matter ...”- he automatically devalues ​​and blocks the other centers of his Soul, which are responsible for Strength and Struggle ( , etc.), for reason, understanding, decision-making ( , etc.), etc. Although it is obvious that it is necessary to develop all the components and Souls of a person.

Such people, accustomed to go to extremes, often fall into the traps of their own mind. When, for example, a person confuses love with self-pity, etc. On such substitutions, a lot of weaknesses are nurtured in a person.

Such people, most often, do not want to understand and admit that in order for great love to live in your heart and shine on the whole world, you must become a very strong and intelligent person!

After all, what kind of love can live in the untrained heart of a foolish and weak man? Each person in this life can only have what he is able to protect. A person who is weak in spirit, will and mind will have the same “zilch”, until the first insult, until the first critical word addressed to him, until the first frustration.

If a person is weak, his bright feelings can be destroyed by the first person he meets, the very first trouble or obstacle on the way, with which he will not have the strength to cope.

In the same way, power without love loses all meaning, and without reason, it is sure to become destructive and uncontrollable. Any extreme will inevitably lead to negative consequences.

Feelings, Reason or Strength - so what is more important?

1. A person has a mind, consciousness, thinking, mind - therefore, he needs the right knowledge, wisdom in order to accept the most powerful and wise decisions that lead to effective actions and the most positive consequences. That's why they say "Knowledge is primary", they either make a person successful and wise, or stupid and incapable of anything. Knowledge determines beliefs! positive and strong convictions- lead us to success and happiness, negative and rotten beliefs - make a person weak, stupid, spineless, insolvent.

2. Also, a person has a heart, first of all, his Spiritual Heart (), in which, ideally, tall light ones live. The rejection of love, of feelings - makes a person incomplete, miserable, callous and unhappy, just like the rejection of reason, makes a person stupid. Therefore, Feelings, Love must be developed and cultivated so that the heart and soul are alive, in order to experience joy and happiness, and positive impressions from life in an excellent degree.

You need to understand that “a holy place is never empty”, and if bright feelings such as joy, gratitude, respect, love do not live in your heart, negative feelings and emotions will accumulate in your heart (, claims, contempt, hostility, etc.).

3. A person needs strength as well as Feelings and Reason. Life is not a walk on rose petals. There is everything in life - creation and struggle, gifts and trials. Because in our world there are and and! And in order not to break, not to be trampled by someone, humiliated and destroyed - a person must become Strong! At any time can send you a test. You can pass it with dignity if you are strong in Spirit and Will, or you can break down, lose faith, close yourself in a shell and live the rest of your life as a loser in a state of insignificance if you are weak!

The levels of destiny, the levels of the goals of life, where a person can rise - these are the levels of his strength. If a person who is weaker in his spirit, willpower, and in his personal qualities does not correspond to the desired goal, it remains unattainable. This is why spiritual and energetic development exists, and for this personal growth is needed in order to become stronger and achieve tomorrow those goals that you could not achieve today.

What strength does a person need: strength of mind, willpower, energy strength, strength of personal qualities (responsibility, stability, discipline, etc.), etc.

Therefore, do not give up anything, but develop in yourself all three components of the Human Soul: reason, love and strength - equally!

Sincerely, Vasily Vasilenko

Direction "Mind and feelings"

An example of an essay on the topic: “Should reason prevail over feelings”?

Should reason take precedence over feelings? In my opinion, there is no single answer to this question. In some situations, you should listen to the voice of reason, and in other situations, on the contrary, you need to act in accordance with feelings. Let's look at a few examples.

So, if a person is possessed by negative feelings, one should curb them, listen to the arguments of reason. For example, A. Mass "Difficult Exam" refers to a girl named Anya Gorchakova, who managed to withstand a difficult test. The heroine dreamed of becoming an actress, she wanted her parents to come to the performance in Kid `s camp, appreciated her game. She tried very hard, but she was disappointed: on the appointed day, her parents never arrived. Overwhelmed by a sense of desperation, she decided not to go on stage. The reasonable arguments of the teacher helped her cope with her feelings. Anya realized that she should not let her comrades down, she needed to learn to control herself and complete her task, no matter what. And so it happened, she played the best. The writer wants to teach us a lesson: no matter how strong negative feelings are, we must be able to cope with them, listen to the mind, which tells us the right decision.

However, the mind does not always give the right advice. Sometimes it happens that actions dictated by rational arguments lead to negative consequences. Let us turn to A. Likhanov's story "Labyrinth". The father of the protagonist Tolik was passionate about his work. He enjoyed designing machine parts. When he talked about it, his eyes sparkled. But at the same time, he earned little, but he could have gone to the shop and received a higher salary, as his mother-in-law constantly reminded him of. It would seem that this is a more reasonable decision, because the hero has a family, has a son, and he should not depend on the pension of an elderly woman - mother-in-law. In the end, yielding to family pressure, the hero sacrificed his feelings for reason: he abandoned his favorite business in favor of earning money. What did it lead to? Tolik's father felt deeply unhappy: “The eyes are sick and as if calling. They call for help, as if a person is scared, as if he was mortally wounded. If previously owned light feeling joy, now - deaf melancholy. This was not the kind of life he dreamed of. The writer shows that decisions that are not always reasonable at first glance are correct, sometimes, listening to the voice of reason, we doom ourselves to moral suffering.

Thus, we can conclude: when deciding whether to act in accordance with reason or feelings, a person must take into account the characteristics of a particular situation.

(375 words)

An example of an essay on the topic: "Should a person live in obedience to feelings?"

Should a person live in obedience to feelings? In my opinion, there is no single answer to this question. In some situations, one should listen to the voice of the heart, and in other situations, on the contrary, one should not succumb to feelings, one should listen to the arguments of reason. Let's look at a few examples.

So, in the story of V. Rasputin "French Lessons" it is said about the teacher Lidia Mikhailovna, who could not remain indifferent to the plight of her student. The boy was starving and, in order to get money for a glass of milk, he played gambling. Lidia Mikhailovna tried to invite him to the table and even sent him a parcel with food, but the hero rejected her help. Then she decided on extreme measures: she herself began to play with him for money. Of course, the voice of reason could not help but tell her that she was violating the ethical standards of the relationship between teacher and student, transgressing the boundaries of what was permitted, that she would be fired for this. But the feeling of compassion prevailed, and Lidia Mikhailovna violated the generally accepted rules of the teacher's behavior in order to help the child. The writer wants to convey to us the idea that “good feelings” turn out to be mind is more important nyh norms.

However, sometimes it happens that a person is possessed by negative feelings: anger, resentment. Overwhelmed by them, he commits bad deeds, although, of course, he is consciously aware that he is doing evil. The consequences can be tragic. A. Mass's story "The Trap" describes the act of a girl named Valentina. The heroine has a dislike towards his brother's wife Rita. This feeling is so strong that Valentina decides to set a trap for her daughter-in-law: to dig a hole and disguise it so that Rita, having stepped on it, will fall. The girl cannot but understand that she is doing a bad deed, but her feelings take precedence over reason in her. She carries out her plan, and Rita falls into a prepared trap. Only suddenly it turns out that she was in her fifth month of pregnancy and as a result of a fall she could lose a child. Valentina is horrified by what she has done. She did not want to kill anyone, especially a child! "How can I live on?" she asks and finds no answer. The author leads us to the idea that one should not succumb to power negative feelings, because they provoke cruel acts, which you will then have to bitterly regret.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion: you can obey feelings if they are kind, bright; the negative ones should be curbed, listening to the voice of reason.

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An example of an essay on the topic: "The dispute between reason and feeling ..."

The dispute between reason and feeling... This confrontation is eternal. Sometimes the voice of reason turns out to be stronger in us, and sometimes we follow the dictates of feelings. In some situations, no right choice. Listening to feelings, a person will sin against moral standards; listening to reason, he will suffer. There may not be a path that would lead to a successful resolution of the situation.

So, in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" the author tells about the fate of Tatyana. In her youth, having fallen in love with Onegin, she, unfortunately, does not find reciprocity. Tatyana carries her love through the years, and finally Onegin is at her feet, he is passionately in love with her. It would seem that she dreamed about it. But Tatyana is married, she is aware of her duty as a wife, she cannot tarnish her honor and the honor of her husband. Reason prevails over her feelings in her, and she refuses Onegin. Above love, the heroine puts moral duty, marital fidelity, but condemns both herself and her lover to suffering. Could the heroes find happiness if she made a different decision? Hardly. A Russian proverb says: “You can’t build your other happiness on misfortune.” The tragedy of the heroine's fate is that the choice between reason and feeling in her situation is a choice without a choice, any decision will only lead to suffering.

Let us turn to the work of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". The writer shows what choice one of the heroes, Andriy, faced. On the one hand, he has a feeling of love for a beautiful Polish woman, on the other hand, he is a Cossack, one of those who besieged the city. The beloved understands that he and Andriy cannot be together: “And I know what your duty and covenant is: your name is father, comrades, fatherland, and we are your enemies.” But Andriy's feelings take precedence over all the arguments of reason. He chooses love, in the name of it he is ready to betray his homeland and family: “What is my father, comrades and homeland to me! .. Fatherland is what our soul is looking for, which is dearest to her. My homeland is you! .. And everything that is, I will sell, give, ruin for such a homeland! The writer shows that wonderful feeling love can push a person to terrible deeds: we see that Andriy turns weapons against his former comrades, together with the Poles he fights against the Cossacks, among whom are his brother and father. On the other hand, could he leave his beloved to die of hunger in a besieged city, perhaps become a victim of the cruelty of the Cossacks in the event of its capture? We see that in this situation the right choice is hardly possible, any path leads to tragic consequences.

Summing up what has been said, we can conclude that, reflecting on the dispute between reason and feeling, it is impossible to say unequivocally which should win.

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An example of an essay on the topic: "A great person can also be thanks to his feelings - not only to his mind." (Theodore Dreiser)

"A great person can also be thanks to his feelings - not only to the mind," - Theodore Dreiser argued. Indeed, not only a scientist or commander can be called great. The greatness of a person can be concluded in bright thoughts, the desire to do good. Such feelings as mercy, compassion, can move us to noble deeds. Listening to the voice of feelings, a person helps people around him, makes the world a better place and becomes cleaner himself. I will try to support my idea with literary examples.

In B. Ekimov's story "The Night of Healing", the author tells about the boy Borka, who comes to his grandmother for the holidays. The old woman often sees wartime nightmares in her dreams, and this makes her scream at night. The mother gives the hero reasonable advice: “She will only start talking in the evening, and you shout:“ Be silent! She stops. We tried". Borka is going to do just that, but the unexpected happens: “the boy’s heart was flooded with pity and pain,” as soon as he heard the groans of his grandmother. He can no longer follow reasonable advice, he is dominated by a feeling of compassion. Borka soothes the grandmother until she falls asleep peacefully. He is willing to do this every night so that healing can come to her. The author wants to convey to us the idea of ​​the need to listen to the voice of the heart, to act in accordance with good feelings.

A. Aleksin tells about the same in the story “In the meantime, somewhere ...” Main character Sergey Emelyanov, accidentally reading a letter addressed to his father, learns about the existence of ex-wife. The woman asks for help. It would seem that Sergei has nothing to do in her house, and his mind tells him to simply return her letter to her and leave. But sympathy for this woman, who was once abandoned by her husband, and now adopted son, makes him ignore the arguments of reason. Serezha decides to constantly visit Nina Georgievna, help her in everything, save her from the most terrible misfortune - loneliness. And when his father invites him to go on vacation to the sea, the hero refuses. Yes, of course, a trip to the sea promises to be exciting. Yes, you can write to Nina Georgievna and convince her that she should go to the camp with the guys, where she will be fine. Yes, you can promise to come to her during the winter holidays. But a sense of compassion and responsibility takes precedence in him over these considerations. After all, he promised Nina Georgievna to be with her and cannot become her new loss. Sergei is going to hand over a ticket to the sea. The author shows that sometimes actions dictated by a sense of mercy can help a person.

Thus, we come to the conclusion: a big heart, just like a big mind, can lead a person to true greatness. Good deeds and pure thoughts testify to the greatness of the soul.

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An example of an essay on the topic: “Our mind sometimes brings us no less grief than our passions.” (Chamfort)

“Our mind sometimes brings us no less grief than our passions,” Chamfort argued. And indeed, there is grief from the mind. Making a reasonable decision at first glance, a person can make a mistake. This happens when the mind and heart are not in harmony, when all his feelings protest against the chosen path, when, having acted in accordance with the arguments of the mind, he feels unhappy.

Let's turn to literary examples. A. Aleksin in the story "In the meantime, somewhere ..." talks about a boy named Sergey Emelyanov. The protagonist accidentally learns about the existence of his father's ex-wife and about her misfortune. Once her husband left her, and this was a heavy blow for the woman. But now a much more terrible test awaits her. The adopted son decided to leave her. He found his biological parents and chose them. Shurik does not even want to say goodbye to Nina Georgievna, although she raised him from childhood. When he leaves, he takes all his things. He is guided by seemingly reasonable considerations: he does not want to upset foster mother farewell, believes that his things will only remind her of her grief. He realizes that it is difficult for her, but considers it reasonable to live with her newly found parents. Aleksin emphasizes that with his actions, so deliberate and balanced, Shurik inflicts a cruel blow on the woman who loves him selflessly, causing her inexpressible pain. The writer leads us to the idea that sometimes reasonable deeds can cause grief.

A completely different situation is described in A. Likhanov's story "Labyrinth". The father of the protagonist Tolik is passionate about his work. He enjoys designing machine parts. When he talks about it, his eyes sparkle. But at the same time, he earns little, but he can move to the shop and receive a higher salary, as his mother-in-law constantly reminds him of. It would seem that this is a more reasonable decision, because the hero has a family, has a son, and he should not depend on the pension of an elderly woman - mother-in-law. In the end, yielding to the pressure of the family, the hero sacrifices his feelings for reason: he refuses his favorite job in favor of earning money. What does this lead to? Tolik's father feels deeply unhappy: “The eyes are sick and as if calling. They call for help, as if a person is scared, as if he was mortally wounded. If earlier he was possessed by a bright feeling of joy, now it is a deaf longing. This is not the kind of life he dreams of. The writer shows that decisions that are not always reasonable at first glance are correct, sometimes, listening to the voice of reason, we doom ourselves to moral suffering.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to express the hope that a person, following the advice of reason, will not forget about the voice of feelings.

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An example of an essay on the topic: “What rules the world - reason or feeling?”

What rules the world - reason or feeling? At first glance, it seems that the mind dominates. He invents, plans, controls. However, man is not only a rational being, but also endowed with feelings. He hates and loves, rejoices and suffers. And it is the feelings that allow him to feel happy or unhappy. Moreover, it is the feelings that make him create, invent, change the world. If there were no feelings, the mind would not create its outstanding creations.

Let us recall the novel by J. London "Martin Eden". The main character studied a lot, became famous writer. But what prompted him to work on himself day and night, to tirelessly create? The answer is simple: it is the feeling of love. Martin's heart was won by a girl from high society, Ruth Morse. In order to win her favor, to win her heart, Martin tirelessly improves himself, overcomes obstacles, endures need and hunger on the way to writing. It is love that inspires him, helps him find himself and reach the heights. Without this feeling, he would have remained a simple semi-literate sailor, would not have written his outstanding works.

Let's turn to another example. The novel by V. Kaverin "Two Captains" describes how the main character Sanya devoted himself to searching for the missing expedition of Captain Tatarinov. He managed to prove that it was Ivan Lvovich who had the honor of discovering northern land. What prompted Sanya to go to his goal for many years? Cold mind? Not at all. He was driven by a sense of justice, because for many years it was believed that the captain died through his own fault: he "carelessly handled state property." In fact, the real culprit was Nikolai Antonovich, because of whom most of equipment was unusable. He was in love with the wife of Captain Tatarinov and deliberately doomed him to death. Sanya accidentally found out about this and most of all wanted justice to prevail. It was the sense of justice and love of truth that prompted the hero to relentless search and ultimately led to a historical discovery.

Summing up all that has been said, we can conclude: the world is ruled by feelings. To paraphrase famous phrase Turgenev, we can say that only they keep and move life. Feelings induce our mind to create something new, to make discoveries.

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An example of an essay on the topic: “Mind and feelings: harmony or confrontation?” (Chamfort)

Mind and feelings: harmony or confrontation? It seems that there is no single answer to this question. Of course, it happens that the mind and feelings coexist in harmony. Moreover, as long as there is this harmony, we do not ask ourselves such questions. It's like air: while it's there, we don't notice it, but if it's not enough... However, there are situations when mind and feelings come into conflict. Probably, every person at least once in his life felt that his "mind and heart are out of tune." An internal struggle arises, and it is difficult to imagine what will prevail: reason or heart.

So, for example, in A. Aleksin's story "In the meantime, somewhere ..." we see the confrontation between reason and feelings. The main character Sergei Emelyanov, having accidentally read a letter addressed to his father, learns about the existence of his ex-wife. The woman asks for help. It would seem that Sergei has nothing to do in her house, and his mind tells him to simply return her letter to her and leave. But sympathy for the grief of this woman, once abandoned by her husband, and now by her adopted son, makes him neglect the arguments of reason. Serezha decides to constantly visit Nina Georgievna, help her in everything, save her from the most terrible misfortune - loneliness. And when his father offers him to go on vacation to the sea, the hero refuses. Yes, of course, a trip to the sea promises to be exciting. Yes, you can write to Nina Georgievna and convince her that she should go to the camp with the guys, where she will be fine. Yes, you can promise to come to her during the winter holidays. All this is quite reasonable. But a sense of compassion and responsibility takes precedence in him over these considerations. After all, he promised Nina Georgievna to be with her and cannot become her new loss. Sergei is going to hand over a ticket to the sea. The author shows that the feeling of compassion wins.

Let us turn to the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The author tells about the fate of Tatyana. In her youth, having fallen in love with Onegin, she, unfortunately, does not find reciprocity. Tatyana carries her love through the years, and finally Onegin is at her feet, he is passionately in love with her. It would seem that she dreamed about it. But Tatyana is married, she is aware of her duty as a wife, she cannot tarnish her honor and the honor of her husband. Reason prevails over her feelings in her, and she refuses Onegin. Above love, the heroine puts moral duty, marital fidelity.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to add that reason and feelings underlie our being. I would like them to balance each other, allow us to live in harmony with ourselves and with the world around us.

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Direction "Honor and dishonor"

An example of an essay on the topic: "How do you understand the words" honor "and" dishonor "?

Honor and dishonor ... Probably, many thought about what these words mean. Honor is a sense of self-worth, moral principles that a person is ready to defend in any situation, even at the cost of own life. At the heart of dishonor is cowardice, weakness of character, which does not allow one to fight for ideals, forcing one to commit vile deeds. Both of these concepts are revealed, as a rule, in a situation of moral choice.

Many writers have addressed the theme of honor and dishonor. So, in the story of V. Bykov "Sotnikov" it is said about two partisans who were taken prisoner. One of them, Sotnikov, courageously endures torture, but does not tell his enemies anything. Knowing that he will be executed in the morning, he prepares to face death with dignity. The writer focuses our attention on the thoughts of the hero: “Sotnikov easily and simply, as something elementary and completely logical in his position, now made the last decision: to take everything upon himself. Tomorrow he will tell the investigator that he went to reconnaissance, had a mission, wounded a policeman in a shootout, that he is a commander of the Red Army and an opponent of fascism, let them shoot him. The rest are not here." It is indicative that before death the partisan thinks not about himself, but about the salvation of others. And although his attempt did not lead to success, he fulfilled his duty to the end. The hero courageously meets death, not for a minute does the thought come to him to beg the enemy for mercy, to become a traitor. The author wants to convey to us the idea that honor and dignity are above the fear of death.

Comrade Sotnikova, Rybak, behaves quite differently. The fear of death took over all his feelings. Sitting in the basement, he only thinks about saving his own life. When the police offered him to become one of them, he was not offended, not indignant, on the contrary, he “felt acutely and joyfully - he would live! There was an opportunity to live - this is the main thing. Everything else - later. Of course, he does not want to become a traitor: “He did not at all intend to give them partisan secrets, let alone join the police, although he understood that it would not be easy to evade her.” He hopes that "he will get out and then he will certainly pay off these bastards ...". Inner voice tells Rybak that he has embarked on the path of dishonor. And then Rybak tries to find a compromise with his conscience: “He went to this game to win his life - is this not enough for the most, even desperate, game? And there it will be visible, if only they would not be killed, tortured during interrogations. If only to break out of this cage, and he will not allow himself anything bad. Is he his enemy? Faced with a choice, he is not ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of honor.

The writer shows the successive stages moral decline Rybak. Here he agrees to go over to the side of the enemy and at the same time continues to convince himself that "there is no great fault for him." According to him, "he more possibilities and cheated to survive. But he is not a traitor. In any case, he was not going to become a German servant. He kept waiting to seize a convenient moment - maybe now, or maybe a little later, and only they will see him ... "

And now Rybak takes part in the execution of Sotnikov. Bykov emphasizes that even Rybak is trying to find an excuse for this terrible act: “What does he have to do with it? Is it him? He just pulled out this stump. And then by order of the police. And only walking in the ranks of policemen, Rybak finally understands: "There was no longer any way to escape from this ranks." V. Bykov emphasizes that the path of dishonor chosen by Rybak is a path to nowhere.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to express the hope that we, faced with a difficult choice, will not forget about higher values: honor, duty, courage.

(610 words)

An example of an essay on the topic: "In what situations are the concepts of honor and dishonor revealed?"

In what situations are the concepts of honor and dishonor revealed? Reflecting on this issue, one cannot but come to the conclusion that both of these concepts are revealed, as a rule, in a situation of moral choice.

Yes, in war time a soldier may face death. He can accept death with dignity, remaining faithful to duty and not staining military honor. At the same time, he may try to save his life by embarking on the path of betrayal.

Let us turn to the story of V. Bykov "Sotnikov". We see two partisans captured by the police. One of them, Sotnikov, behaves courageously, endures cruel torture, but does not tell the enemy anything. He retains self-respect and, before execution, accepts death with honor. His comrade, Rybak, is trying to escape at all costs. He despised the honor and duty of the defender of the Fatherland and went over to the side of the enemy, became a policeman and even participated in the execution of Sotnikov, personally knocking out a stand from under his feet. We see that it is in the face of mortal danger that the true qualities of people are manifested. Honor here is loyalty to duty, and dishonor is a synonym for cowardice and betrayal.

The concepts of honor and dishonor are revealed not only during the war. The need to pass a test of moral strength may arise before everyone, even a child. To preserve honor means to try to protect one's dignity and pride, to know dishonor means to endure humiliation and bullying, being afraid to fight back.

V. Aksyonov tells about this in the story “Breakfasts of the forty-third year”. The narrator was regularly the victim of stronger classmates who regularly took away from him not only breakfasts, but also any other things they liked: “He took her from me. He took everything - everything that was of interest to Him. And not only for me, but for the whole class.” The hero was not just sorry for the lost, the constant humiliation, the awareness of his own weakness, was unbearable. He decided to stand up for himself, to resist. And although physically he could not defeat the three overage hooligans, but the moral victory was on his side. An attempt to defend not only your breakfast, but also your honor, to overcome your fear has become milestone in his growing up, the formation of personality. The writer brings us to the conclusion: one must be able to defend one's honor.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to express the hope that in any situation we will remember honor and dignity, we will be able to overcome spiritual weakness, we will not allow ourselves to fall morally.

(363 words)

An example of an essay on the topic: "What does it mean to walk the path of honor?"

What does it mean to walk the path of honor? Let's turn to explanatory dictionary: "Honor - worthy of respect and pride moral character person." Walking the path of honor means standing up for your moral principles no matter what. Right way can be associated with the risk of losing something important: work, health, life itself. Following the path of honor, we must overcome fear of other people and difficult circumstances, sometimes sacrifice a lot in order to defend our honor.

Let us turn to the story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". The main character, Andrei Sokolov, was captured. For carelessly spoken words, they were going to shoot him. He could beg for mercy, humiliate himself before his enemies. Perhaps a weak-minded person would have done just that. But the hero is ready to defend the honor of a soldier in the face of death. On the offer of the commandant Muller to drink for the victory of German weapons, he refuses and agrees to drink only for his own death as a deliverance from torment. Sokolov behaves confidently and calmly, refusing snacks, despite the fact that he was hungry. He explains his behavior in this way: “I wanted to show them, damned, that although I’m dying of hunger, I’m not going to choke on their handouts, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride and that they didn’t turn me into cattle, as didn't try." Sokolov's act aroused respect for him even from the enemy. The German commandant admitted moral victory Soviet soldier and saved his life. The author wants to convey to the reader the idea that even in the face of death, one must preserve honor and dignity.

It is not only a soldier who must follow the path of honor in time of war. Each of us must be ready to defend our dignity in difficult situations. In almost every class there is a tyrant - a student who keeps everyone else in fear. Physically strong and cruel, he delights in torturing the weak. What to do to someone who is constantly faced with humiliation? To endure dishonor or stand up for your own dignity? The answer to these questions is given by A. Likhanov in the story "Clean Pebbles". The writer talks about Mihaska, a student elementary school. He more than once became a victim of Savvatei and his cronies. The hooligan was on duty every morning at the elementary school and robbed the children, taking away everything that he liked. Moreover, he did not miss the opportunity to humiliate his victim: “Sometimes he snatched a textbook or notebook from a bag instead of a bun and threw it into a snowdrift or took it for himself, so that, after moving a few steps later, throw it under his feet and wipe his felt boots about them.” Savvatei specially “was on duty at this particular school, because in elementary school they study until fourth grade And the kids are all small. Mikhaska has repeatedly experienced what humiliation means: once Savvatei took away from him an album with stamps, which belonged to Mikhaska's father and therefore was especially dear to him, another time a hooligan set it on fire new jacket. True to his principle of humiliating the victim, Savvatei ran a “dirty, sweaty paw” over his face. The author shows that Mikhaska could not stand the bullying and decided to repulse a strong and ruthless opponent, before whom the whole school, even adults, trembled. The hero grabbed a stone and was ready to hit Savvatea, but suddenly he retreated. Retreated because I felt inner strength Mihaski, his willingness to defend his human dignity. The writer focuses our attention on the fact that it was the determination to defend one's honor that helped Mikhaska win a moral victory.

Walking the path of honor means standing up for others. So, Pyotr Grinev in the novel by A.S. Pushkin “ Captain's daughter"Fought a duel with Shvabrin, defending the honor of Masha Mironova. Shvabrin, being rejected, in a conversation with Grinev allowed himself to offend the girl with vile allusions. Grinev could not bear this. As a decent man, he went to the duel and was ready to die, but to defend the honor of the girl.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to express the hope that every person will have the courage to choose the path of honor.

(582 words)

An example of an essay on the topic: "Honor dearer than life"

In life, situations often arise when we are faced with a choice: to act in accordance with moral rules or to make a deal with conscience, to sacrifice moral principles. It would seem that everyone would have to choose the right path, the path of honor. But it's often not that easy. Especially if the price right decision- life. Are we ready to go to death in the name of honor and duty?

Let us turn to the novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". The author talks about the capture Belogorsk fortress Pugachev. The officers had to either swear allegiance to Pugachev, recognizing him as sovereign, or end their lives on the gallows. The author shows what choice his heroes made: Pyotr Grinev, just like the commandant of the fortress and Ivan Ignatievich, showed courage, was ready to die, but not disgrace the honor of the uniform. He found the courage to tell Pugachev to his face that he could not recognize him as sovereign, refused to change the military oath: “No,” I answered with firmness. - I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the empress: I can’t serve you.” With all frankness, Grinev told Pugachev that he might fight against him, fulfilling his officer's duty: “You know, it’s not my will: they tell me to go against you - I’ll go, there’s nothing to do. You are now the boss yourself; you yourself demand obedience from your own. What will it be like if I refuse service when my service is needed? The hero understands that his honesty can cost him his life, but the feeling of long and honor prevails in him over fear. The sincerity and courage of the hero so impressed Pugachev that he saved Grinev's life and let him go.

Sometimes a person is ready to defend, not sparing even his own life, not only his honor, but also the honor of loved ones, family. It is impossible to meekly endure an insult, even if it is inflicted by a person who is higher on the social ladder. Dignity and honor above all.

M.Yu. tells about it. Lermontov in "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young guardsman and a daring merchant Kalashnikov". The guardsman of Tsar Ivan the Terrible liked Alena Dmitrievna, the wife of the merchant Kalashnikov. Knowing that she married woman, Kiribeevich still allowed himself to solicit her love. The offended woman asks her husband for intercession: “Don’t let me, your faithful wife, / Evil swindlers in reproach!” The author emphasizes that the merchant does not doubt for a second what decision he should make. Of course, he understands what the confrontation with the royal favorite threatens him with, but the honest name of the family is more precious than even life itself: And such an insult cannot be tolerated by the soul
Yes, a brave heart cannot bear it.
How tomorrow will be a fistfight
On the Moscow River in front of the tsar himself,
And then I will go out to the guardsman,
I will fight to the death, to the last strength ...
And indeed, Kalashnikov goes out to fight against Kiribeevich. For him, this is not a fight for fun, this is a fight for honor and dignity, a battle not for life, but for death:
Not to joke, not to make people laugh
I came out to you, son of a fool, -
I went out to a terrible fight, to the last fight!
He knows that the truth is on his side, and he is ready to die for it:
I will stand up for the truth to the last!
Lermontov shows that the merchant defeated Kiribeevich, having washed away the insult with blood. However, fate prepares a new test for him: Ivan the Terrible orders Kalashnikov to be executed for killing his pet. The merchant could justify himself, tell the king why he killed the guardsman, but did not do this. After all, this would mean publicly dishonoring the honest name of his wife. He is ready to go to the block, defending the honor of the family, to accept death with dignity. The writer wants to convey to us the idea that there is nothing more important for a person than his dignity, and you need to protect him, no matter what.

Summing up what has been said, we can conclude: honor is above everything, even life itself.

(545 words)

An example of an essay on the topic: "To deprive another of the honor means to lose one's own"

What is dishonor? On the one hand, this is a lack of dignity, weakness of character, cowardice, inability to overcome fear of circumstances or people. On the other hand, dishonor brings upon itself the outwardly apparent strong man, if he allows himself to defame others, or even simply mock the weaker ones, humiliate the defenseless.

So, in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Shvabrin, having received a refusal from Masha Mironova, slanders her in revenge, allows himself insulting allusions to her. So, in a conversation with Pyotr Grinev, he claims that it is not necessary to seek Masha's favor with verses, hints at her accessibility: “... if you want Masha Mironova to come to you at dusk, then instead of gentle rhymes, give her a pair of earrings. My blood boiled.
Why do you think of her like that? I asked, holding back my indignation with difficulty.
“Because,” he answered with an infernal grin, “I know from experience her temper and custom.”
Shvabrin, without hesitation, is ready to tarnish the honor of the girl just because she did not reciprocate. The writer leads us to the idea that a person who acts vilely cannot be proud of an unsullied honor.

Another example is A. Likhanov's story "Clean Pebbles". A character named Savvatey keeps the whole school in fear. He takes pleasure in humiliating those who are weaker. The hooligan regularly robs students, mocks them: “Sometimes he snatched a textbook or notebook from a bag instead of a bun and threw it into a snowdrift or took it for himself, so that, after moving a few steps away, he would throw it under his feet and wipe his felt boots on them.” His favorite technique was to run a “dirty, sweaty paw” over the face of the victim. Even his “sixes” he constantly humiliates: “Savvatei looked angrily at the guy, took him by the nose and pulled him down hard,” he “stood next to Sasha, leaning on his head.” Encroaching on the honor and dignity of other people, he himself becomes the personification of dishonor.

Summing up what has been said, we can conclude: a person who humiliates dignity or discredits the good name of other people deprives himself of honor, dooms him to contempt on the part of others.

(313 words)

People are driven by different impulses. Sometimes they are driven by sympathy, a warm attitude, and they forget about the voice of reason. You can divide humanity into two halves. Some people constantly analyze their behavior, they are used to thinking through every step. Such individuals are practically not amenable to deception. However, it is extremely difficult for them to arrange their personal lives. Because from the moment they meet a potential soulmate, they begin to look for benefits and try to derive a formula perfect match. Therefore, noticing such a mindset, others move away from them.

Others are completely subject to the call of feelings. During love, it is difficult to notice even the most obvious realities. Therefore, they are often deceived and suffer greatly from this.

The complexity of relations between representatives of different sexes is that at different stages of the relationship, men and women use a reasonable approach too much, or vice versa, trust the choice of a course of action to the heart.

The presence of fiery feelings, of course, distinguishes humanity from the animal world, but without iron logic and some calculation it is impossible to build a cloudless future.

There are many examples of people suffering because of their feelings. They are vividly described in Russian and world literature. An example is Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. If main character she would not fall in love recklessly, but would trust the voice of reason, she would remain alive, and the children would not have to experience the death of their mother.

Both reason and feelings must be present in consciousness in approximately equal proportions, then there is a chance for absolute happiness. Therefore, one should not refuse in some situations the wise advice of older and more intelligent mentors and relatives. Exists folk wisdom: "A smart person learns from the mistakes of others, and a fool learns from his own." If you draw the correct conclusion from this expression, you can humble the impulses of your feelings in some cases, which can adversely affect fate.

Although sometimes it is very difficult to make an effort on yourself. Especially if sympathy for a person overwhelms. Some feats and self-sacrifices are made from Great love to faith, country, own duty. If the armies used only cold calculation, they would hardly raise their banners over the conquered heights. It is not known how the Great Patriotic War if not for the love of the Russian people for their land, relatives and friends.

Composition 2 option

Mind or feelings? Or maybe something else? Can reason be combined with feelings? This is the question every person asks himself. When you are faced with two opposites, one side screams, choose the mind, the other screams that you can’t go anywhere without feelings. And you don't know where to go and what to choose.

The mind is a necessary thing in life, thanks to it we can think about the future, make our plans and achieve our goals. Thanks to our mind, we become more successful, but it is the feelings that make people out of us. Feelings are not inherent in everyone and they are different, both positive and negative, but it is they that make us do unimaginable things.

Sometimes, thanks to feelings, people perform such unrealistic actions that it took years to achieve this with the help of reason. So what to choose? Everyone chooses for himself, having chosen the mind, a person will follow one path and, perhaps, be happy, choosing feelings, a completely different road promises a person. No one can predict in advance whether it will be good for him from the chosen path or not, we can draw conclusions only at the end. As to the question whether the mind and the senses can cooperate with each other, I think they can. People can love each other, but understand that in order to create a family, they need money, and for this they need to work or study. Here in this case, the mind and feelings act together.

It seems to me that these two concepts only start working together when you grow up. As long as a person is small, he has to choose between two roads, little man it is very difficult to find points of contact between reason and feeling. Thus, a person always faces a choice, every day he has to fight with it, because sometimes the mind can help in difficult situation, and sometimes feelings are pulled out of a position where the mind would be powerless.

Brief essay

Many believe that the mind and feelings are two things that are completely incompatible with each other. But to me, they are two parts of the same whole. There are no feelings without reason and vice versa. Everything we feel, we think about, and sometimes when we think, feelings appear. These are two parts that create an idyll. If at least one of the components is missing, then all actions will be in vain.

For example, when people fall in love, they must turn on their mind, since it is he who can evaluate the whole situation and tell the person whether he made the right choice.

The mind helps not to make mistakes in serious situations, and feelings are sometimes able to intuitively suggest the right path, even if it seems unrealistic. Mastering the two components of one whole is not as easy as it sounds. On the life path you will have to face considerable difficulties until you yourself learn to control and find the right facet of these components. Of course, life is not perfect and sometimes it is necessary to turn off one thing.

You can't always balance. Sometimes you need to trust your feelings and make a leap forward, this will be an opportunity to feel life in all its colors, regardless of whether the choice is right or not.

Composition on the topic Reason and feelings with arguments.

Final essay on literature Grade 11.

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MIND is the ability to comprehend and conclude correct consistent thoughts, to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
FEELINGS, on the other hand, are stable emotional experiences of a person, always subjective, sometimes contradictory; stable feelings determine the worldview and value system.
The behavior of the individual depends more on feelings than on his rational considerations. No wonder so often we are advised not to succumb to our feelings and emotions. We try to control them if they are negative, but they still break through into the light. Either they take over us, or we cope and pull ourselves together, turning anger into repentance, hatred into love, envy into admiration.

BECAUSE THERE WERE A STRONG FEELING IN HIM TO DO NOT SUBMIT TO THE ELEMENTS OF THE SEA, EVEN DESPITE THE THAT THE FORCES WAS NO LONGER THE SAME, AND HOW HE PLAYED WITH HIS MIND, TRYING TO DECEIVE HIM, and the boy from participation played along with him. BUT WITH TIME THE OLD MAN BEGINNING TO UNDERSTAND THAT HE IS NOT THE ONE AS BEFORE, AND HUMILITY ENTERS HIS SOUL IN A WAY TO DECREASE HIS CREDO OF LIFE IN ANYTHING: "Never give up and fight to the very end." Gradually, the old man begins to take his inevitable old age more calmly, and he still has dreams: to see his beloved shore; save his life and rejoice that he did not die at sea; dream of meeting imaginary lions in a dream.

In the next story by K. PAUSTOVSKY "TELEGRAM" I want to analyze a topic where feelings still won, and this turned into a tragedy or loss, when a person cannot recover from his experiences for a long time, as from such blows of fate. In his story "Telegram", K. Paustovsky describes how the girl has been living in Leningrad for several years, spinning in the hustle and bustle, helping to organize exhibitions, but at this time the old mother is far from her daughter and is dying; and her daughter should be next to her, but she is late to arrive, and mother is buried without her.
AT last letter the mother writes, addressing her daughter: "My dear, my beloved," and asks to hurry up to her, ..., it is clear how the old woman loves her daughter, no matter what. Having arrived already late, not finding her mother alive, the daughter in the throes of conscience cries all night in an empty house; burning with shame, sneaks around the evening village, leaves unnoticed. And this heaviness in her heart remains with her for the rest of her life.
Sometimes people cannot get up and move on, cannot come to terms with some already irreparable situation that they could not overcome, and in their thoughts they keep returning to it. Similar heartache can endlessly take away a person’s strength and energy to live on, rejoice at what is and calm down at the expense of what is already impossible to change.
And here we can cite the prayer of the Optina Elders as a consolation:
"Lord! Give me the strength to change in my life what I can change, give me courage and peace of mind to accept what is not in my power to change, and give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other."
“Reason and feeling are two forces that equally need each other, are dead and insignificant one without the other,” said V. G. Belinsky, and I completely agree with him. I also came to the conclusion that it is good when the mind follows the feelings, and the heart responds in time to the call to be close to those who need you. It is equally important to overcome your feelings in time with the help of the mind and stop futile attempts fight where you are powerless to change something, but rather learn to live in harmony with the world around you.

Let us turn to the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The author tells about the fate of Tatyana. In her youth, having fallen in love with Onegin, she, unfortunately, does not find reciprocity. Tatyana carries her love through the years, and, finally, Onegin is at her feet - he is passionately in love with her. It would seem that she dreamed about it. But Tatyana is already married, she is aware of her duty as a wife, she cannot tarnish her honor and the honor of her husband. Reason prevails over her feelings in her, and she refuses Onegin.

But sometimes feelings are not controlled by consciousness and reason. How often we are faced with the fact that the mind tells us one thing, and feelings - quite another.

What will passion-feelings submit to, and how will the mind of the prince become clear? After all, the incessant dispute of the heart and mind inevitably leads to trouble. In connection with the creation of a family, the prince experienced both a bright feeling of joy and a deaf melancholy, but still, from time to time, a ray of hope shone that the presence in further spouses Catherine will save him. An internal struggle arises, and at the beginning of the work it is difficult for the reader to imagine what will prevail - the mind or feelings of the protagonist, and only a chance meeting with a young nun saves the life of the prince from complete corruption and final death: the nuns call on the dying person to change their lifestyle.
"Morality is the mind of the heart" - the words of Heinrich Heine. It is not for nothing that it is customary to remain faithful to marital duty, not succumbing to a sense of temptation. "The main reason for the mistakes made by a person lies in the constant struggle of feelings with reason," Blaise Pascal said so, and I completely agree with him.
In some situations, one should listen to the voice of the heart, and in other situations, on the contrary, one should not succumb to feelings, one should listen to the arguments of reason. Let's look at a few more examples.
So, in the story of V. Rasputin "French Lessons" it is said about the teacher Lidia Mikhailovna, who could not remain indifferent to the plight of her student. The boy was starving and, in order to get money for a glass of milk, he gambled. Lidia Mikhailovna
tried to invite him to the table and even sent him a parcel with food, but the hero rejected her help. Then she decided on extreme measures: she herself began to play with him for money. Of course, the voice of reason could not help but tell her that she was violating the ethical norms of relations between teachers and students, transgressing the boundaries of what was permitted, that she would be fired for this. But the feeling of compassion prevailed, and Lidia Mikhailovna violated the generally accepted rules of the teacher's behavior in order to help the child. The writer wants to convey to us the idea that “good feelings” are more important than reasonable norms. However, sometimes it happens that a person is possessed by negative feelings: anger, resentment. Overwhelmed by them, he commits bad deeds, although, of course, he is consciously aware that he is doing evil. The consequences can be tragic.
A. Mass's story "The Trap" describes the act of a girl named Valentina. The heroine has a dislike for her brother's wife Rita. This feeling is so strong that Valentina decides to set a trap for her daughter-in-law: to dig a hole and disguise it so that Rita, having stepped on it, will fall. The girl cannot but understand that she is doing a bad deed, but her feelings take precedence over reason in her. She carries out her plan, and Rita falls into a prepared trap. Only suddenly it turns out that she was in her fifth month of pregnancy and as a result of a fall she could lose a child. Valentina is horrified by what she has done. She did not want to kill anyone, especially a child! "How can I live on?" she asks and finds no answer. The author brings us to the idea that one should not succumb to the power of negative feelings, because they provoke cruel acts, which later will have to be bitterly regretted.
Thus, we can come to the conclusion: you can obey feelings if they are kind, bright; but the negative ones and those that interfere with living in harmony should be curbed, listening to the voice of reason. But it is impossible to be guided only by reason, living among people. In human society it is necessary human feelings, to give warmth, love, and reason is given to us in order to educate and develop these feelings, to direct them in the right direction. It is the intellect, warmed by good feelings, that makes a person a Human.
I would also like to add in conclusion that human coexistence is constantly in the unity and struggle of opposites, according to the idea from Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit that sometimes there can be a reconciliation of feelings with reason, or, conversely, there is an eternal struggle and contradictions of which; but it is only true that feelings and reason in human relations cannot exist without each other.

Registration number 0365314 issued for the work: TOPIC - WHAT WILL CONQUER REASON OR FEELINGS?
Mind and feelings: harmony or confrontation?
It seems that there is no single answer to this question. Of course, it happens that the mind and feelings coexist in harmony. However, there are situations when the mind and feelings come into conflict. Probably, every person at least once in his life felt that his "mind and heart are out of tune." An internal struggle arises, and it is difficult to imagine what will prevail: reason or heart.
MIND is a spiritual force that can comprehend and conclude correct consistent thoughts, establish cause-and-effect relationships.
Feelings - stable emotional experiences of a person, are always subjective, sometimes contradictory; stable feelings determine the worldview and value system.
“Our mind sometimes brings us no less grief than our passions,” Chamfort argued. And indeed, there is grief from the mind. Making a reasonable decision at first glance, a person can make a mistake. This happens when all the feelings of a person protest against the chosen path, when, having acted in accordance with the arguments of reason, he feels unhappy.
The behavior of the individual depends more on feelings than on his rational considerations. No wonder so often we are advised not to succumb to our feelings and emotions. We try to suppress them if they are negative, but they still break through into the light. Either they control us, or we control them, turning anger into repentance, hatred into love, envy into admiration.
Let's turn to literary examples. In his story "The Old Man and the Sea", E. Hemingway sincerely described the case of the old man's unwillingness to come to terms with his old age, which led him into a state of constant struggle with the elements, symbolizing his feelings, not subject to reason.
BECAUSE THERE WERE A STRONG FEELING IN HIM TO DO NOT SUBMIT TO THE ELEMENTS OF THE SEA, EVEN DESPITE THE THAT THE FORCES WAS NO LONGER THE SAME, AND HOW HE PLAYED WITH HIS MIND, TRYING TO DECEIVE HIM, and the boy from participation played along with him. BUT WITH TIME THE OLD MAN BEGINNING TO UNDERSTAND THAT HE IS NOT THE ONE AS BEFORE, AND HUMILITY ENTERS HIS SOUL IN A WAY TO DECREASE HIS CREDO OF LIFE IN ANYTHING: "Never give up and fight to the very end." Gradually, the old man begins to take his inevitable old age more calmly, and he still has dreams: to see his beloved shore; save your life rejoice that you did not die at sea; dream of meeting imaginary lions in a dream.

In the next story by K. PAUSTOVSKY "TELEGRAM" I want to analyze a topic where feelings still won, and this turned into a tragedy or loss, when a person cannot recover from his experiences for a long time, as from such blows of fate. Sometimes people cannot get up and move on, cannot come to terms with some situation that they could not foresee in time and then overcome, and even in their thoughts return to it all the time.
In his story "Telegram", K. Paustovsky describes how the girl has been living in Leningrad for several years, spinning in the hustle and bustle, helping to organize exhibitions, but at this time the old mother is far from her daughter and is dying; and her daughter should be with her, but she is late to arrive, and mother is buried without her.
In the last letter, the mother writes to her daughter, addressing her: "My dear, my beloved," and asks her to hurry up to her, ... it is clear how the old woman loves her daughter, no matter what. Arriving late, but not finding her alive, the daughter in the throes of conscience cries all night in an empty house, burning with shame, sneaks around the evening village, quietly leaves. And this heaviness in her heart remains with her for the rest of her life.
Sometimes people cannot get up and move on, they cannot come to terms with some situation that they could not overcome, and even in their thoughts they return to it all the time, such mental pain can endlessly take away a person’s strength and energy to live on, to enjoy that , what is and to calm down at the expense of what is already in the power to change is impossible.
And here we can cite as an example the prayer of the Optina elders:
"Lord! Give me the strength to change in my life what I can change, give me courage and peace of mind to accept what is not in my power to change, and give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other."
“Reason and feeling are two forces that equally need each other, are dead and insignificant one without the other,” said V. G. Belinsky, and I fully agree with him. I also came to the conclusion that it is good when the mind follows the feelings, the heart responds in time to the call to be near those who need you. It is equally important to overcome your feelings in time with the help of your mind and stop vain attempts to fight where you are powerless to change something, but rather learn to live in harmony with the world around you.
I consider it important to emphasize that the mind allows us not to make irreparable mistakes and gives us the opportunity to control feelings in order to preserve energy and fortitude.

The dispute between reason and feeling... This confrontation is eternal. Sometimes the voice of reason turns out to be stronger in us, and sometimes we follow the dictates of feelings. In some situations, there is no right choice. Listening to feelings, a person will sin against moral standards; listening to reason, he will suffer. There may not be a path that would lead to a successful resolution of the situation.
Let us turn to the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The author tells about the fate of Tatyana. In her youth, having fallen in love with Onegin, she, unfortunately, does not find reciprocity. Tatyana carries her love through the years, and finally Onegin is at her feet, he is passionately in love with her. It would seem that she dreamed about it. But Tatyana is already married, she is aware of her duty as a wife, she cannot tarnish her honor and the honor of her husband. Reason prevails over her feelings in her, and she refuses Onegin.
A Russian proverb says: “You can’t build your other happiness on misfortune.” Above love, the heroine puts moral duty, marital fidelity.
Summing up what has been said, we can conclude that, reflecting on the dispute between reason and feeling, it is impossible to say unequivocally what should win - reason or feelings. Tatyana's tragedy is that, neglecting her feelings, she deliberately abandoned her desires.

But sometimes feelings are not controlled by consciousness and reason. How often we are faced with the fact that the mind tells us one thing, and feelings - quite another.
A.N. Tolstoy also sensitively writes about the internal struggle of a person with his passions in his novel "The Lame Master". The author skillfully leads the reader that it is possible to change one's sinful way of life, and there are all conditions for this, but it is not so easy to do this without the outside help of one's neighbors. Contrasted in the novel to each other young, pure soul, wife Katya, and her husband - Prince Alexei Petrovich, who has already seen life and is mired in his passions; his soul is in a painful struggle in its impulses to return to the old connections, despite the marriage; the prince suffers from this and goes into a heavy binge. In this case, the author describes all the torments that occur at the behest of feelings, with which a person is unable to cope on his own, and even the mind is not an assistant here.
What will passion-feelings submit to, and how will the mind of the prince become clear? After all, the incessant dispute of the heart and mind inevitably leads to trouble. In connection with the creation of a family, the prince experienced both a bright feeling of joy and a dull longing, but still, from time to time, a ray of hope shone that the presence of his wife Katerina would save him in the future. An internal struggle arises, and at the beginning of the work it is difficult for the reader to imagine what will prevail - the mind or the heart of the protagonist, and only a chance meeting with a young nun saves the life of the prince from complete corruption and final death: the nuns call on the dying man to change his lifestyle.
"Morality is the mind of the heart" - the words of Heinrich Heine. It is not for nothing that it is customary to remain faithful to marital duty, not succumbing to a sense of temptation. "The main reason for the mistakes made by a person lies in the constant struggle of feelings with reason," Blaise Pascal said so, and I completely agree with him.
I would also like to add in conclusion that human coexistence is constantly in the unity and struggle of opposites, according to the idea from Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit that sometimes there can be a reconciliation of feelings with reason, or, conversely, there is an eternal struggle and contradictions of which; but it is only true that feelings and reason in human relations cannot exist without each other.

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Modern tool Where to start Burning methods Instruction for beginners Decorative wood burning is an art, ...

The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...