Summary of a lesson on literary reading on the topic L. N

Primary school teacher

MOUSOSH No. 9, Kaliningrad

Kirpushko Natalya Yaroslavovna

EMC "School of Russia"

3rd grade.

II class

L.N. Tolstoy "Philippok"

Lesson Objectives:

    Learn to understand the content of the story using the plot-compositional triangle.

    Develop logical thinking, attention, the ability to concentrate, the ability to work in pairs, groups, listen to the opinion of a friend

    To characterize the hero of the work, express their opinions on the work, express their emotional attitude to what they read.

    To form reader activity through selective reading.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

- smile at each other, smile at the guests and say hello to them

II. Examination homework.

What piece did we learn in the last lesson?

( The work of L.N. Tolstoy "Philippok")

- Today we will continue to work on this work, but first we will believe how carefully you read the work.

(3 people work at the board)

* Whiteboard work (slide marker)

1 student connects written on the board incomprehensible words from the work with their explanations

2 students make a work plan written on cards

(cards are shuffled) (cards are placed correctly,

slide check)


Bored at home

Bored at home

Filippo goes to school

Dangerous part of the road to school

familiar road

Meeting with the teacher

Dangerous part of the road to school

Reflections on the doorstep of school

Reflections on the doorstep of school

"You wait to boast"

Meeting with the teacher

Filippok reads

Filippok reads

familiar road

"You wait to boast"

The rest of the children work in pairs.

* Work in pairs

- Open p.124, task 11.

- Read the assignment (1 student reads aloud: read and explain the proverbs, name the works of L.N. Tolstoy that correspond to them).

- Check, the work is ruffled at the blackboard (signal cards)

Proverb on the board:

All is well that ends well.

- read, explain the meaning of another proverb

- let's all together once again discuss the correctness of your judgments using the example of the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Filippok"

III. Generalization, knowledge testing. Work on the work.

On the desk:

*B *W *R *W

* Building a storyline. Selective reading. Role reading. Characteristics of the hero.

- Let's look at the scheme, what is it called? (story line)

- What are the main stages of the storyline of the work (introduction, plot, climax, denouement, conclusion)

— Let's build storyline. Open page 112.

And so, the introduction. (children take the name of the parts (plan) and alternately attach to the diagram)

- Where does the story begin? ( Bored at home) Read the introduction.

Why didn't Filippok go to school with the kids? (o / in) (was small)

- Tie. How do events begin in the story? What does Philippok decide? (Filippo goes to school ) (o / w)

What happened to the boy on the way? Find and read about it in the story. ( familiar road ) (Dangerous part of the road to school )

— What happened next? (o / w) (The kid came to school and got scared) ( Thoughts on the doorstep of school

Why do you think he got scared? (o / c) (confused, the woman screamed)

- Climax. Find climax works where events have reached the most intense, exciting, turning point. (Meeting with the teacher ). We will read this part of the story by roles. Whose words should be spoken? (Author, teacher)

— And how would you feel if you were in Philippko's place?

- Interchange. End of excitement. Everything worked out. Filippo in the classroom. ( Filippok reads )

How did he start spelling his name? Let's continue with the roles. Whose words shall we speak? (Author, teacher, student)

You wait to boast")

- Conclusion. How did the story end? (o / c) (Philippok began to go to school)

- Find and read the conclusion

* Physical minute: gymnastics for the eyes

Name the main character of the story. Let's create an image of it. On the board are phrases from a work about Philip. Find the words that say what kind of boy was at the beginning. How do we see him at the end of the story?

slide marker:(go out 1, choose and underline with 2 colors)

Boring alone. He rushed to run, began to scream, stumbled, fell. "You're still small, don't go." Found fear. I'm a passion, what a dexterous one! The teacher is afraid. I started going to school with the kids. My throat was dry with fear. He knew the letters, he could read a little. Dare.

let's estimate

— Who helped Philipp to change? (teacher guys)

— And how do you feel about Philip?

Let's get back to the proverb. Remember how you explained it at the beginning of the lesson, do you agree with your opinion now. Whether this proverb fits the story, prove with your answers. (Filippok was afraid, but the first day of school ended well)

- Can you say that Philipp's everything is over? (No, everything is just beginning. Studying is hard, but very interesting work)

IV . Outcome

    Group work ( each group has cards with questions)

Hero's Passport

1. Where does he live? (in the village)

    What does he do? (bored) - Do the guys from the other group have additions?

    What actions does he do? (decided to go to school)

    What is the character of the hero? (decisive, courageous, smart) - Who will complement?

    What did you like or dislike about the character?

(bold, inquisitive, but naughty)

Feedback on the work

    genre, title

    Theme, what the work is about (about school, about the boy’s desire to study)

    name the main characters

___________ (other group)

    Describe the characters (small but inquisitive)

    What did this text teach you (to achieve your goal, not to be afraid)

- What did you learn in class? (they built a storyline, characterized Filippok, listened to each other's opinions, read expressively, read by roles)

- Did you like it? You did a good job, well done. Clap yourself.


Draw an illustration for any work by L.N. Tolstoy and retell it

Sources: Klimanova L.F. etc. "Native speech"

Lesson topic: Lev Tolstoy. "Philip".

Class: 2 "B"

Lesson type: learning new material.

Target: Creation of conditions for the formation of the reading competence of schoolchildren

Planned result

Item Skills

Independently predict the content of the text by title, author's name, illustrations, keywords;

self-formulate main idea text;

Express and argue your attitude to what you have read;

Perform text analysis:

find in text artistic means(epithets, metaphors, comparisons);

Personal UUD:

The ability to recognize and define their emotions;

Ability to recognize and determine the emotions of other people, sympathize, empathize;

Show interest in reading, in dialogue with the author of the text;

Orientation in the spiritual and moral content of the texts.

Metasubject UUD:

Independently formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson;

Plan a solution learning problem together with the teacher;

Work according to plan;

Measure the success of your own work and the work of others.

Technical training aids

A computer

media projector

Lesson plan.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Actualization of knowledge and communication of the topic of the lesson.

1) Intonation warm-up.

2) Articulatory warm-up.

3) Reporting the topic of the lesson.

3. Learning new material.

3) Vocabulary work.

4) Physical education.

5) Reading the story by the teacher.

6) Reading the story by students.

7) Conversation on questions.

4. Primary fastening new material.

3) Selective reading.

4) Work with proverbs.

5) Reading by roles.

5. Reflection.

6. Marking for the lesson.

7. Homework.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

Teacher: Hello!

With what mood did you enter this wonderful class?

What contributed to this?

How do you need to study so that everything works out at school?

II. Actualization of knowledge and communication of the topic of the lesson.

1) Intonation warm-up.

"Learning must be fun in order to study well."

Read this expression in such a way that you really have fun.

Now highlight the word I'm pointing to.

Let these words be the motto of our lesson.

2) Articulatory warm-up.

Inflate and deflate the balloon.

Reading the patter. (Quiet, louder, louder)

"By the river, by the river

There were only girls."

Learn to speak confidently, clearly, competently.

"Ra" - strong it's raining since morning;

"Co" - the wheel is inflated;

"Zhi" - very sharp knives;

"Shi" - kids go to the nursery;

"Cha" - I knock with a hammer;

"Ry" - all girls have balls;

"Chi" - and the boys have balls;

"Rock" - so the lesson began.

3) Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today, it is not by chance that we have chosen such a motto: "Learning should be fun in order to study well."

III. Learning new material.

1) The teacher's story about L.N. Tolstoy.

Teacher: Let's remember what we know about the work of L.N. Tolstoy (view presentation)

He has an open, intelligent face. Attentive, insightful look. He lived long life and has written many books for adults and children.

LN Tolstoy was very fond of working. He plowed the land, mowed grass, sawed and chopped firewood, built huts, sewed boots. Lev Nikolaevich believed that any work is useful and necessary. You can respect the person who works all his life. For a very long time he lived in his house in Yasnaya Polyana. Now there is a museum that is visited by people from all over the world.

AT neighboring village he organized a school for poor children and began to teach them from textbooks that he wrote himself.

He spent a lot of time with the children. In winter, I went sledding and skiing with them, and in summer I went with them to the forest.

In their short stories for children, he writes about sympathy and helping the weak, about true friendship and courage, about doing good to people, about the need to learn, and about many other things.

2) A conversation about how children studied in a pre-revolutionary school.

This story is about a boy. His name was Philippok. He really wanted to go to school. At that time, not every child could go to school. People lived in poverty. Someone had nothing to wear, other children helped at home with the housework and they had no time to study. And the schools were not like they are now - large, bright, beautiful, in which you study now.

The school was located in a rural hut. Where did the children study in the same class different ages. And the teacher is one for all. He had the right to punish children for the slightest offense. For an unlearned lesson or for disobedience, children were beaten with rods. But Lev Nikolaevich taught children in such a way that they were interested. He never punished his students. And the children loved their teacher.

3) Vocabulary work.

Canopy - a room between the residential part of the house and the porch.

Floors - the lower part, opening in front.

Run at full speed - run very fast, rush.

Mute - unable to speak.

The shooter is a mischievous, tomboy.

Sloboda - walked on his side, street

4) Physical education.

We will slightly press the breast, we will begin to stroke the neck,

And rub behind the ears. We will twist under our eyes,

We will rub our eyebrows lightly. We will do exercises for the ears,

We clean the nose - like this. Let's cut each finger.

We will stroke the hands again - now we are all healthy.

5) Reading the story by the teacher.

Did you like the story?

6) Reading the story by students.

7) Conversation on questions.

What was the boy's name? (The boy's name was Philippok)

Where did he go? (Filippok went to school)

Who met on his way? (On his way he met dogs)

What were their names? (The dogs were called Zhuchka and Volchok)

What did teacher Filipka ask? (The teacher asked his name)

8) Work on correct reading

IV. Primary consolidation of new material.

1) Reading in a chain, dividing the text into parts

Locate in right order

2) Wellness minute "Gymnastics for the eyes."

- If your eyes are tired, do the following exercises:

Close your eyes and then open them. Repeat 5 times.

Do circular motion eyes: left - up - right - down - right - up - left - down. Repeat 10 times.

Stretch your hand forward. Keep your eyes on the fingernail, slowly bringing it closer to the nose, and then slowly move it back. Repeat 5 times.

Look out the window into the distance for one minute.

3) Selective reading.

Answer the questions with words from the text.

Who did he see at school?

“... The whole school was full of children. Everyone shouted their own, and the teacher in a red scarf walked in the middle ... "

What did the teacher Filipka ask about?

“What are you? he shouted at Philip. Filipok grabbed his hat and nothing

did not tell. - Who are you? Filipok was silent. Or are you dumb?

What did the guys say?

"- This is Filipok, Kostyushkin's brother, he has been asking for school for a long time, but his mother does not let him go, and he came to school furtively."

4) Work with proverbs.

The proverb is short and wise saying with instructive meaning.


How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?


What other proverbs about learning do you know?

What are all these proverbs about? (about learning that you need to study all your life, then you will be comprehensively developed interesting person)

Why did Philippok, overcoming fear, go to school? (in order to study)

5) Reading by roles.

Let's read an excerpt from the story "In the classroom" by roles.

What characters in the story are found here? (Author, guys, teacher, Philippok)

V. Reflection.

What piece did you learn in class?

What did you take away from this lesson?

VI. Grading a lesson.

Rate your work. Who at the lesson was clear, coped with all the tasks - puts himself "5". It was difficult for someone who did not keep up with the guys, something was not clear: he has the opportunity to prepare at home and get a good grade at next lesson.

VII. Homework.

With. 138-140 reading by roles

Public lesson reading 4th grade. Theme: "Filipok" L. Tolstoy

Prepared and conducted by the teacher of elementary hours

Ovechkina Irina Alexandrovna

Target: formation of skills of correct smooth syllabic and conscious reading.


Educational :

. to introduce students to the story of L. Tolstoy "Filipok"

. teach correct, smooth syllabic, conscious reading;

. learn selective reading;

. vocabulary expansion.


. correction of oral speech through reading by roles;

. correction of the development of thinking (establishment of cause-and-effect patterns of the onset of spring);

. expanding horizons.


. promote education cognitive interest;

. cultivate a love of reading.

Equipment and visibility :

Z. N. Smirnova, G. M. Guseva “Reading grade 4 textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions VIII species "M.," Enlightenment "2012, multimedia projector, laptop, speakers, presentation

During the classes

I Org. moment

Draw conclusions and reason.

And so that the lesson goes to everyone for the future,

Get active, my friend!

Today we have guests at our lesson. Let's show them what we know and what we can do.

II Articulation gymnastics

In order for you to read the lesson quickly and easily, we need to stretch our tongue. To do this, let's do some exercises:

a) Articulation exercises :




b) Breathing exercises:

Blow out the candle.

* Take a deep breath and exhale all the air at once. Blow out one large candle.

* Imagine that there are three small candles on your hand. Take a deep breath and exhale in three proportions. Blow out each candle.

*Imagine that you have a big birthday cake in front of you. It has a lot of small candles on it. Take a deep breath and try to blow out as many small candles as you can with as many short breaths as you can.

c) H and s t o g about o r k and:

LO-LO-LO - snow cover

EG-EG-EG - the first snow fell on Wednesday

SU-SU-SU - there is snow in the forest

GA-GA-GA - the blizzard howls

EL-EL-EL - a snow blizzard sweeps

G) The game "Words in words"

Remove one or two letters from the first column of words to get a new word

park steam

maple linen

scarf ball

One hundred dough


thunderstorm rose

III Repetition of what has been learned

What section of reading are we studying?

("Winter the Witch is Coming")

What work about winter did we study in the last lesson?

Let's read it.

I. Surikov's poem "Childhood"

Children read a poem (optional by heart)

What mood did this poem evoke in you? (fun, joy...)

IV Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson

But who is this? I suggest you read the name of this writer. It is hidden in a chain of letters.


V Learning new material

Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born in 1828. He lived 82 years and devoted his whole life to literature. His books have been translated into many languages ​​and are read all over the world.

Complete Works - 90 volumes. He worked hard. I reworked my compositions several times, rewrote them 10-12 times to make them better.

Tolstoy studied history, music, drawing, medicine. But most importantly, he loved children very much.

At that time there were still very few schools, and in the villages there were none at all. The children of poor people could not study at all. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy opened a school for peasant children. He wrote a textbook for children and taught them himself. The kids love going to this school. The school was attended by 30-40 boys and girls aged 7-13. School lessons began at eight o'clock in the morning and often continued until two o'clock in the afternoon; there was a break from two to five o'clock. At dusk, classes resumed and ended at eight nine o'clock in the evening .. He spent a lot of time with the children: in winter he went sledding, skating, skiing with them; in the summer I went with them to the forest. But there were very few books for children, simple and understandable. And although the writer always had a lot of work L.N. Tolstoy found time for children's educational books.

For many years, children all over Russia learned to read from his books. And still in many educational books there are his fairy tales, stories, there were also fables.

    Introduction to the work

The name of the new work is also up to you.

.and. and. about. kplf

You have a record. Let's complete the task together.

There is one word in the title, I wrote only vowels, there are 3 of them, consonants are written next to it. Your task is to find a place for each consonant.

1 consonant the letter denotes a sound that is paired with a soundin

2 consonant denotes a voiced unpaired consonant sound that is in the name of the writer with whom we are meeting today

3 consonant hides in the last sound of the word lesson

4 consonant found in the alphabet immediately after the letter o

What word came out?

Look at the cover and guess who this book is about?

What time do the events take place?

a) Initial acquaintance with the work

Listen to the text, check and clarify your assumptions.

(slide film "Filipok")

Did your assumption match the content of this work?

b) Vocabulary work

Could the events of the work actually happen or is it just an invention of the author? The work is based on a case that Lev Nikolayevich himself observed in his school.

What genre does the work "Filipok" belong to? (It's true)

What does the word "life" mean? (A true story is what happened in reality, in life). Let's look in the Ozhegov dictionary

In the text you come across unfamiliar words, let's read what they mean.

Daily work- working days off.

Sloboda - a large village, village.

shooter - mischievous, tomboy.

Senets, canopy - a room between the residential part and the porch.

troublesome - smart, bold.

Shop - a large bench.

4. Physical Minute

in)student reading

reading the work in a chain

reading the work in a chain. (parts 1-3, pp. 132 - 133)

1 ) reading the first part (p. 132) in a "chain":

What kind characters appeared here?

( Boy Philip, mother, father, grandmother, children ).

What did you learn about the mother? (mother went to work )

What did you find out about your father? (father went to the forest )

What did you find out about your grandmother? (grandmother sat on the stove )

What did you find out about the guys? (the kids went to school )

What did you find out about Philip? (that Filipok was small and did not go to school )

How did he get to school? (I looked for a hat but couldn't find it. Took my father's old one and went to school )

2) reading the second part (p.132-133) "in a chain ":

Was the school far? (Behind the village, one had to go through the whole village.)

Why did the dogs bark at Filipko? (The dogs barked because they didn't know him. They never saw him.)

What were the names of the dogs that barked at Filipko? (Top, Bug )

Who drove these dogs away? (a man came out and drove the dogs away )

What was the name of the man Filipka? (shooter )

3 ) reading the third part (p. 133) to yourself. What feeling came over Filipka when he ran to the school?

- Where did Filipok run to? (to school )

What did he hear on the porch? (how the voices of the guys are buzzing )

Why didn't he come to class? (fear came over him that the teacher would drive him away )

Why didn't you want to go home? (I was afraid that the dog would bite )

Who pushed him to school? (woman with a bucket )

d) Work in groups

Restoration of the deformed plan of the story.

Let's believe how carefully you read these parts of the work.

You have small pieces of paper on your tables. You need to arrange them in the correct sequence.

Students reconstruct the events in the order in which they occur in the story.

Bored at home

Bored at home

Filipok goes to school

Filipok goes to school

familiar road

familiar road

Dangerous part of the road

Dangerous part of the road

Reflection on the doorstep of the school

Reflection on the doorstep of the school

Who main character story? Let's characterize it and draw up its passport

Characteristics of the main character

Hero's Passport

1. What is the name?

2. Where does he live? (in the village)

    What does he do? (bored) - Do the guys from the other group have additions?

    What actions does he do? (decided to go to school)

    What is the character of the hero? (decisive, courageous, smart) - Who will complement?

    What did you like or dislike about the character?

(bold, inquisitive, but naughty)

    Checking the acquired knowledge

Let's take a test and see how you remember the parts of the story we read.

A) I. Surikov

B) N. Nekrasov

C) L. N. Tolstoy

2. What is the name of the work

A) childhood

B) "Filipok"

C) "Garden of Friends"

3. With whom did Filipok stay at home?

A) with a brother

B) with grandfather;

B) with grandma .

4. The names of the dogs that scared the boy .

A) a bug;

B) spinning top;

B) Julia.

5. Why did the boy fall on the way?

A) scared

b) tripped and fell

B) dropped by a dog

    Reflection of activities in the lesson

In January 1908, Leo Tolstoy received a phonograph as a gift from Thomas Edison. The writer decided to use it primarily for dictating answers to letters. He said that sometimes he "wants, after reading a letter, immediately, under a fresh impression, to answer it, and it is easier and faster to say the answer into a phonograph than to write on paper." So some of Tolstoy's letters have come down to us, as well as excerpts from his works, not only in written form, but also in sound form.

Once schoolchildren came to visit Lev Nikolaevich. They asked the writer to show them the "wonder machine", so the recording appeared" Appeal to the students of the school

Back forward

Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested this work please download the full version.

LESSON TYPE: communication of new knowledge

TECHNOLOGY: developmental education



To acquaint students with the new work of L.N. Tolstoy

Build comprehension fluent reading skills


To develop students' oral speech for a deeper and more accurate transmission of thoughts and feelings

Enrich vocabulary

Learn to analyze the actions of heroes

Learn to work with deformed text

Develop emotional-sensory perception and imagination by means of fine arts


Cultivate respect for people

Develop skills to work in pairs, in groups, learn to listen to the opinions of comrades

Cultivate strong-willed qualities, the desire to learn


Children should get acquainted with a new literary work

Learn to make a verbal portrait of the main character according to the key words

Learn to work with a deformed and picture story plan


Portrait of L.N. Tolstoy by the artist I.E. Repin “L.N. Tolstoy in the Yasnaya Polyana office”

Reproductions of paintings by N.P. Bogdanov-Belsky “At the door of the school”, “New students”

Reproduction of A. Venetsianov's painting "Zakharka"

Phonochristomathy for elementary school

Dictionary Russian language S.I. Ozhegov

Handout Old Church Slavonic alphabet

Word cards for pair work

Deformed plan cards for group work

Picture cards for drawing up a picture plan

Goose quills and ink

PowerPoint presentation


1. Organizational moment.

2. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1).Introduction to the topic.

2) Vocabulary work.

3) Primary reading of the story

4) Listening to an audio recording of an excerpt

7) Drawing up a verbal portrait of the main character.

8) Work on the plan.

3. Lesson summary.

4. Reflection

5. Homework


1. Organizational moment.

Today, at the lesson of literary reading, we will continue to study the works of the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy, get acquainted with the paintings of famous Russian artists N.P. Bogdanov-Belsky, A.G. Venetsianov, I.E. Repin, we will learn the interpretation of new words for you, we will work on drawing up a story plan.

We begin our lesson with an acquaintance with the portrait of L.N. Tolstoy by the artist I.E. Repin “L.N. Tolstoy in the Yasnaya Polyana office”.

2. Work on the topic of the lesson.

one). Introduction to the topic.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with a new story by L.N. Tolstoy.

What the events taking place in the story will be connected with, you will find out by deciphering the word. (Work in notebooks on literary reading).

Unscramble the word by eliminating extra letters in each line:

  • e b g sh in g- all letters stand for voiced consonants,
  • a sh- denotes a voiceless consonant
  • x c h to sch- all consonants represent unpaired voiceless consonants,
  • a to- double consonant
  • f l d c t about rf- all letters stand for consonants, and about- vowel
  • b c d e l h f- all letters denote consonant voiced pairs,
  • a l- unpaired voiced consonant
  • e o i a Yu- all vowels are iotated, and a- No.

Got the word school.

Why is the word school will be the “key” for our lesson?

How is the school related to the writer?

L.N. Tolstoy created a school for peasant children in his estate Yasnaya Polyana and taught there with his daughters.

He compiled the "Russian Alphabet" and wrote many stories for children, which he included in this book.

Slide #5

Together with the hero of the painting “At the door of the school” by the artist N.P. Bogdanov-Belsky, we will be transported 100 years ago to the school of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which was during the time of L.N. Tolstoy.

We'll take a look at the lesson.

What are the children doing? (All children write).

Slide #6

Let's open the door to another class.

What are the guys doing here? (Learn the alphabet).

This picture was painted by the same artist N.P. Bogdanov-Belsky, and it is called “New Students” (approx. or “Beginners” - a different interpretation of the name of the picture).

These guys will help us decipher the title of a new story by L.N. Tolstoy.

Slide number 7

Work in notebooks.

According to the name of the first letters from the Old Russian alphabet, make up a word that will be the name of the story that we will study in the lesson.

2) Vocabulary work.

In the story you will meet unfamiliar words:



Find an explanation of these words in the dictionary at the end of the textbook.

Slide #9

Physical education minute

3) Primary reading of the story by a trained student until the words “Filipok already knew them and could read a little.”

4) Listen to an audio recording of an excerpt from the story.

5) Questions after the first reading of the story.

What is this story about? (About how a little boy went to school).

Who is the main character?

What other characters are in this story?

What words and phrases did you not understand?

Work with the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov.

Day work - work with pay on the days worked.

Stealthily - performing an action so that no one notices, does not recognize.

Floors - the lower part of the clothes that open in front.

Senets - non-residential part of the premises between the house and the porch.

Slide #10

Do you think this story could actually happen?

What is the name of this genre of work? (False).

The story was written over 100 years ago, it's a true story.

So that you can imagine your peer, let's turn to the artist

A.G. Venetsianov, who painted a portrait of a boy. This is Zaharka. This is what children looked like in the 19th century.

Slide #11

6) Re-reading the story and analyzing the text.

Why didn't the mother let the boy go to school?

Why did Filipok decide to go?

How was the boy going to school?

Where was the school?

Did the kid know the way?

What dangers did he encounter along the way?

Why did Filipok hesitate to enter the school?

How did he behave when he entered the classroom?

How did the guys explain the appearance of the boy at school?

Read how Filipok began to add his name.

How did the kid behave after the praise of the teacher?

How do you imagine Filipko, what character traits are inherent in him?

Let's make his verbal portrait.

7) Drawing up a verbal portrait of the main character. Work in pairs.

You have word cards on your table. Choose the words that characterize the boy.

Small, adult, independent, brave, fearless, lazy, timid, inquisitive, smart, stupid, persistent, sad, cheerful, serious, purposeful.

Courageous (one went to school), fearless (not afraid of dogs), timid (embarrassed in front of a stranger), inquisitive and smart (learned to add letters when his brother read), purposeful (really wanted to learn), cheerful.

How do you imagine a teacher? (The teacher is kind, did not drive the boy away, stroked his head, began to ask, listened to him carefully, laughed when Filippok read his name, promised to talk to his mother so that she would let the boy go to school).

eight). Working on a plan. Group work.

Each group has a story plan that does not follow the chronological sequence of events. You must put the parts of the plan in line with the parts of the story.

To make you feel the atmosphere of the school of the 19th century, you will write with goose quills.

Dangerous part of the road

bored alone

familiar road

Filipok is going to school

Reflections on the doorstep of school

Meeting with the teacher

Filipok becomes a student

The boy goes to school

A group of weakly motivated students is invited to draw up a picture plan for the story (2 types of picture plan are presented)

Slide #13 (#14-15)

9) Checking the drawn up plan.

a) One representative from the group writes the correct number in the paragraph of the plan on the board.

b) Checking according to the picture plan.

3. Lesson summary.

What story by Leo Tolstoy did you get acquainted with?

What new, interesting and instructive things did you learn?

What character traits of Filipka would you like to cultivate in yourself?

4. Reflection.

What did you like about the lesson?

How would you rate your work?

  • Red smiley - I understood everything, I liked the work in pairs and groups;
  • Yellow - some points in the lesson were incomprehensible, did not always agree with the opinion of comrades;
  • Blue - did not understand anything in the lesson, did not like work in pairs and groups, did not agree with the opinion of classmates.

Slide #16

5. Homework.

Prepare the retelling were "Filipok" according to the plan.

Slide #17


1. Textbook on literary reading for grade 2. L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky Moscow 2006

2. Lesson developments in literary reading. S.V. Kutyavina Moscow 2010

3. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov.

4. Literary and artistic phonochristomy for elementary school. N.V. Ilchuk Moscow. Message - TDA

Goals: to introduce students to the story of L.H. Tolstoy "Filipok"; develop the ability to divide the text into parts, compose and analyze different kinds plan; learn to distinguish between the author and the hero; improve Creative skills children; exercise in word drawing; develop speech, thinking, attention.

Planned results: Students should be able to listen works of art; correlate the meaning of the proverb and prose work; retell the text in detail, selectively; characterize the characters of the story based on an analysis of their actions, copyright to them.

Equipment: portrait of L.N. Tolstoy, his books; cards (text for speech warm-up, tasks).

Lesson 1

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

Under the mountain near the pine forest

There lived four old women.

Once upon a time there lived four old women,

All four big talkers.

III. Checking homework

- Tell about your family.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Introduction to the topic

- In the last lesson, you got acquainted with the biography of L.N. Tolstoy. What do you especially remember? (Children's statements.)

- Lev Nikolaevich created a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana. And the story that we will read today is connected with this. Specify what the story will be about. (About a school for peasant children.)

- Find out if you answered correctly. Read the title of the story on p. 112, and on p. 115 look at the illustration. Be specific about what the story is about. (Time is given to think about the task and make assumptions.)

Well, let's check your assumptions. It's time to get to know the story.

2. Primary reading and vocabulary work

(The story is read by the teacher and students. In parallel, vocabulary work is being done - with obsolete words.)

Daily - related to the account, accounting or calculation by day (daily work, payment).

Sloboda is a large village, village. Shooter - fidget, naughty.

Senets, canopies - in village huts and in the old days in city houses, a room between the residential part of the house and the porch. Trouble - nimble, bold.

3. Discussion of the story

- Where does the story begin?

Why didn't Filipok go to school with the boys?

What happened to the boy on the way?

How did events develop at school?

How did the boy begin to spell his name?

- How did the story end?

V. Physical education


Raise your shoulders

Jump, grasshoppers,

Jumping gallop,

Jumping gallop.

We sat down, we eat grass,

Let's listen to the silence.

Hush, hush, high

Jump on your toes easily.

VI. Consolidation of the studied

1. Re-reading

(Students read the story.)

2. Story test

Let's see if you've read carefully.

1. With whom did Filipok stay at home?

a) with a brother

b) with grandfather;

c) with my grandmother. +

2. Why did the boy fall on the way?

a) scared

b) stumbled +

c) the dog dropped it.

3. Why did he stand on the porch of the school for a long time, which

a) what the teacher will drive away; +

b) that the teacher will force to study;

c) that the guys will laugh.

4. What task did the teacher give Filipok?

a) solve the problem;

b) write your name;

c) put down your name. +

b) Kosciuszka; +

VII. Reflection

What would you praise yourself for?

What would you like to do after this lesson?

VIII. Summing up the lesson

What story did we read in class?

- What is he talking about?

- What did you especially like about it?

Course of lesson number 2

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

- Read the poem briefly.

Lazy in the morning Vova

comb through,

A cow came up to him -

She combed her tongue.

G. Ladonshchikov

III. Setting lesson goals

Today we will learn to divide the text into parts, and then retell according to the plan on behalf of the author and on behalf of the hero.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Drawing up a story plan

- Before you is a distorted (rebuilt) plan of the text. Restore it. (Students work independently.)

1. Dangerous part of the road to school.

2. Familiar road.

3. "You just wait to boast..."

4. Filipok goes to school.

5. Meeting with the teacher.

6. Bored at home.

7. Reflections on the doorstep of the school.

8. Filipok in the classroom. (Answer. 6.4, 2, 1,7,8,5,3.)

2. Text retelling

- According to the received plan, retell the text.

V. Physical education


We put on a record

And we go to the workout.

To charge, to charge

Get on the charger!

Let's start running in place

The finish line is two hundred meters away!

One-two, one-two!

One-two, one-two!

One-two, one-two!

One-two, one-two!

Enough, enough - come running,

Stretch, breathe!

VI. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

1. Work on the retelling

- Now we will learn to retell the text on behalf of the main character. What's his name? (Filipok.)

- What words will we use when retelling instead of the words "boy", "Filipok", "he"? (Me, me, me.)

(Children do the task.)

2. Work with proverbs

- Open your textbook to p. 124, complete task 10. (Children work in pairs. Read proverbs, remember examples from life when you can use them.)

VII. Reflection

- What did you learn in today's lesson?

What would you commend yourself for?

What would you like to do after this lesson?

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