Another divorce, or how to win at roulette. How to win at the casino, or what roulette can teach those who do not like gambling Is it possible to beat the casino

If you set yourself the goal of finding a system that will allow you to get a guaranteed profit from playing roulette, you can safely say that you are most likely just wasting your own time. The search for a win-win strategy for the game can be compared to a perpetual motion machine - more precisely, attempts to invent it. Like, in theory, everything is simple and very clear, but any attempts to create it eventually break down on the law of conservation of energy.

In roulette, everything is absolutely identical - if you are looking for roulette methods that will bring victory over online casinos, you can not waste your time. All existing strategies simply do not stand the test of the simplest mathematical laws - in particular, the theory of probability.

In other words, no matter what strategy you play, the casino will in any case get an advantage due to the presence of an extra cell on the wheel in the roulette, and there are two of them in the American version of the game. In the long run, this advantage can be expressed in the amount of 2.7% - of all players' bets.

Regardless of what is written under the descriptions of various “win-win” systems, it is important to remember that no one will give a 100% guarantee of winning. The maximum that a player can count on is that he will not lose more than 2.7% of the amount (we are talking about a long distance). It is for this reason that such a strategy is called “win-win”, and not at all winning.

How to win at roulette?

It is necessary to start with the fact that it is still possible to win at roulette and this has been proven in practice. However, despite popular belief, this is not about some kind of magic strategy, but about an unmistakable game and luck. By the way, you don’t even need much luck to play roulette - you can win here even when you are lucky, as they say, quite a bit.

If you add together all the losses and wins (of all the players who have ever played roulette), then in the end the sum of milestone wins will be 2.7 percent less than the sum of losses, but the number of unlucky players is greater than the number of lucky ones on the same 2.7%. Thus, there is a chance to get into the group of lucky ones, because it is not much smaller than the group of those who are not lucky. What needs to be done for this?

About Advanced Playing Methods

It’s worth starting with the fact that all methods of playing roulette will at best reduce the dispersion and the likelihood of a big loss, but they will not be able to give a 100% profit, no matter what the sellers of such systems say. However, this is not so bad - even if you get relative insurance against a big loss, then there will be much more chances to wait for the desired sector to fall out on the roulette table and, ultimately, to win a decent amount due to personal luck, but not due to the system.

Of course, each of us has heard about the Martingale strategy. It is safe to say that this is the most popular roulette system, which involves the so-called "winning the odds" (a striking example: red-black). Under this system, the player must repeat and double the bet in case the previous bet was lost. Thus, sooner or later, the chance will play and all the bets that were made earlier will return in the amount of the original bet.

The most popular game systems:

  1. Karl Alexander system
  2. System "Progression 31"
  3. Gütting progression
  4. D'Alembert system
  5. Oscar Whitaker System

It is worth saying that the vast majority of roulette strategies involve exclusively playing "on the odds" - this is not an accident. Judge for yourself - playing "on the odds" will make it much easier to predict events, minimizing the likelihood of a major loss. However, it is very difficult to win a big win in this case.

To the attention of the reader, we offer a system of complementary numbers. Like other strategies, they will not guarantee a 100% win, however, the player will still have a 2.7% expected win. This technique includes all the advantages of the best strategies, which makes it possible to get a chance to win big.

Complementary number system

The first and most important thing to say about such a system is that it is simple and very effective. You need to act in the following sequence:

Each time it is proposed to make three bets at the same time:

  1. Color (choose between black and red)
  2. For one of the dozen
  3. For a single number

Initially, we choose a color - let's say we preferred "black". Now you need to choose any black number, as well as the dozen in which this number is located. We make bets, observing the proportion - we bet $ 1 on the number, $ 3 on the dozen, and $ 4 on the color. The result is 8 dollars.

So, if a different color or zero comes up (51.3 percent chance), you lose money. The following bets are required to be doubled.

In 33 percent of cases, your color will play, but a bet on a dozen and a number, respectively, loses. We don't make a profit, but we don't win anything either - the $4 bet on black doubles, but the $1 bet and the three dollars we made on the number and the dozen are gone. It turns out that the player can try their luck a second time for free.

In 16% of cases, only a dozen wins, the number and color lose. The profit is: $9-$8=$1. You don't need to raise or lower the rate.

Similarly, in 16% of cases, a dozen or a color will win - respectively, the player's profit will be $9+$8-$8=$9. If before that you raised the bet (doubled) - we go down to the initial level.

But in one case out of 37 (the probability of this is 2.7%), your number wins - respectively, both the dozen and the color win. Profit, in this case, is $36+$9+$8=$54.

If the last option is implemented, and you are in the black, you should think three times before continuing to bet. An important point is that the more you play, the more opportunities the casino has to realize its own advantage and receive a “legitimate” profit of 2.7%, which, as we remember, is guaranteed by mathematical laws. The best method of playing roulette is to be able to stop correctly and go in the black.

People come to gambling for various reasons. Today, you don't even have to leave your house to do it. It is enough to turn on the computer and use the services of an online casino. Someone wants to tickle their nerves and test their luck. Someone, on the contrary, seeks to relieve nervous tension. A separate category of casino visitors are people who want to earn money. One of the most popular games is roulette. And, sooner or later, all players begin to wonder: "How to beat roulette in a casino?" Is there a way to keep winning? In fact, the idea of ​​making money this way is not new. Since this game can be predicted within certain limits, it is mathematically possible to calculate the probability of winning.

Roulette types

To date, there are two types of roulette - European and American. The casino profit is 2.7% and 5.3% respectively. The principle of the game in both versions is the same: there is a wheel with numbered cells, there is a ball. The player needs to guess the number or color of the sector where the ball will fall. Based on the above figures, it is already clear that it is easier to beat the casino at roulette if you choose a table with a European version of the game. There are a lot of methods and ways to beat the casino at roulette. All of them are equally applicable to both real gambling establishments and their online competitors. All these methods are mathematically justified and fair only if the casino plays honestly and there are no blockages on a series of identical bets. But, as you know, any gambling is a scam and a risk. And you need to outwit fate. Otherwise, how to win in a casino at roulette?

Martingale method

The easiest and most common way to beat roulette. The essence of the method is as follows:

1. Choose the minimum bet with which we will start the game.

2. After each loss, we double the amount so that when you win, the profit is equal to the initial bet.

3. Won? Excellent! We immediately return to the minimum bet.

The method is old, it was invented back in the 18th century, but even today it has not lost its relevance. After all, everything that we have new is long forgotten old. In each cycle of the game, you must bet on one of the options - red or black, and in no case change your choice when increasing rates.

Is it possible to beat an online casino in roulette in this way? Most likely not, because it is known to everyone, and the rules of the game may take into account its application. First of all, we are talking about limiting the number of identical bets. That is, at a certain move in the series it will be impossible to bet on the same sector. Also, some casinos in their rules limit the maximum amount - 10-100 initial bets.

Fibonacci Method

The method is similar to the previous one. How to beat roulette in a casino with it? It is enough to follow the following rules:

1. You need to choose a minimum bid.

2. After each loss, we increase it by a multiple of the Fibonacci series (who does not remember, this is 1-1-2-3-5-8 and so on).

3. When you win, you do not need to return to the minimum bet - you need to step back two numbers in the Fibonacci series.

4. The game loop ends as soon as you have returned to the minimum.

It is necessary to bet in each series on the same color - black or red.

The main difference between this method and the previous one is that the probability of reaching the maximum bet is much lower, due to which it is possible to significantly extend the series. Also, each game can end with both a negative balance and a positive one.

Labouchere system

This is a fairly simple strategy game. She also answers the question: "How to beat roulette in an online casino?" With this method, it is quite easy to control bets and keep track of the funds won.

The essence of the method is as follows:

1. We will use the game for equal chances: black-red, even-odd and the like.

2. At the very beginning of the game, you need to come up with a random number from 1 to 9; optimally, if there are 4-6 numbers (for example: let our series be 4-1-7-3).

3. We determine the rate by adding the extreme numbers of our series (in our case it is 4 + 3 = 7).

4. If you win, the extreme numbers are crossed out (we are left with 1-7). If the row is over, a new list is created.

5. In case of loss, it is necessary to add in equal to the lost bet (we have it 7, and the row will look like this: 4-1-7-3-7, which means that the next bet is 4+7=11).

There is also a "Reverse Labouchere". In this case, when you win, the last bet is added, and if you lose, the extreme numbers of the row are crossed out.

"Three for three spins" system

How to win at roulette following this strategy? Much easier and faster than previous versions. The idea is to make three bets at the same time in one spin. A series of games lasts three spins.

The probability that you will be able to beat the roulette in this way is very high, but also the minimum bet has a higher size - a multiple of 17. You need to bet in a ratio of 9:6:2 on the following positions:

  • 9 units - to "less";
  • 6 units - for the third dozen;
  • 2 units - on the corner of numbers 19, 20, 22, 23 or 20, 21, 22, 24.

In this case, with a bet on 17, the win will be - 18. For one spin, you can win one unit (at a bet on 17 - 1, at a bet of 34 - 2). You can also lose in this case: if zero falls out or the numbers 21 and 24 (depending on the chosen corner).

The chances of winning with such a game are very high, much greater than when using the previous three methods.

Dozen and a half system

The essence of the method is as follows:

  • we expect the appearance of non-winning numbers 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24;
  • skip one spin;
  • we place equal bets on the smaller number and on the third dozen;
  • in case of a smaller drop, we return the bet back, in case of a third dozen, we return one and a half bets;
  • after winning, we continue to wait for the numbers from point 1 to fall out, if we lose, we increase the bet using the Martingale method.

It is worth noting that when "zero" falls out, the player also loses his bet.

System "31"

This is the most convenient game when betting on equal chances. How to beat roulette in a casino in this way? You need to follow the instructions:

1. Initial bet - 1 for equal chances.

2. In case of a win, we double it.

3. In case of loss, increase the bet according to the progression 1-1-1-2-2-4-4-8-8. If we win a spin, we return to the initial one.

The minimum amount of funds for this game method is $31. This amount will allow you to withstand ten losing spins. It should be noted that this is rather unlikely, but also possible.

If you win twice in a row, you should return to the initial bet. This will reduce the risk of completely losing all the money at roulette. After all, winning gives rise to excitement and the erroneous belief that luck is on your side.

Albert Suarez system

The essence of the whole game is as follows.

1. We collect statistics of the last 75 spins.

2. Based on the results of the games, we determine the undrawn numbers. If there are none, then we take statistics from another table.

3. We bet one chip on the missing numbers during the next 37 games.

4. If any number falls out, the bet on it is increased by one chip. But you can not do this, but always set the same.

5. For 37 subsequent spins, one of the numbers will fall out at least twice, and you can get an excellent profit on this.

Belle's repeating number system

The method is very similar to the one described above. Because it also uses the statistics of previous games. The method looks like this:

1. We skip a series of spins until some number falls out twice.

2. Once this has happened, place 1 bet on this number for the next 37 spins.

3. If during the series a certain number fell out twice, we start betting on it too.

4. If this number has not fallen out again in 37 spins, then we make the next selection according to statistics.

These are just a few of the most popular and easiest ways to beat roulette in a casino. There are still a lot of them: different in terms of minimum financial support for one game series, differing in their complexity. Nothing will prevent you from developing your own way of playing roulette - this will only increase the likelihood of winning.

It is worth noting that the casino administration knows about all the known methods of achieving regular winnings at roulette. It is in their interests to protect themselves from clients who use these methods. This is the goal of the administration of both real gambling establishments and online casinos. Therefore, an integral companion of any successful player, like a hundred or two hundred years ago, is luck, without which it is difficult to win in gambling.

Roulette is a world-famous gambling game that can both bring a fabulous win and completely ruin the player. It is the opportunity to get rich quick that attracts in this game. However, easy money does not come to everyone, which greatly reduces the attractiveness of entertainment and can even make it dangerous. It is because of this that the game of roulette (as well as all gambling fun) is officially banned on the territory of the Russian Federation. However, you can visit an online casino or just play in a warm friendly company. In the second case, you are unlikely to get a lot of money, but you can have an interesting time with completely legitimate entertainment.

Roulette strategies

It often seems to an inexperienced person that they win at roulette solely due to luck, but this is far from the case. In fact, the game has many undercurrents, and you need to be able to correctly distribute all the bets in order to finish the game with minimal losses. A big win in this case is a nice bonus, but nothing more (at least that's how it should be treated). That is why experienced players are able to enjoy the game as a whole, and not how much money they have earned in this way.

In order to minimize the profit of the casino (you can be sure that the gambling establishment always remains in the black), special strategies are used. They do not give a 100% guarantee for a big win, but at the same time they will help to minimize your losses.

The most common way to win a certain amount in a casino is the Martingale method. Its essence is that each new bet is twice the previous one. First you bet $1, then $2, then $4, and so on ad infinitum. However, at the beginning of such a game, it is worth considering that usually the number of bets in one game is limited, which means that your game may well end in full swing.

Winning big money using the Martingale method is almost impossible. It is designed so that you can make a small profit from the winning bet, fully paying off all the previous ones. As practice shows, the risks of losing with such a strategy are very high, and the gains are, in principle, small, so its use can hardly be called expedient.

But the game according to the Fibonacci method can bring a fairly stable income with the lowest possible losses. By playing this system, you can stay in the black even after a significant losing streak.

This method was based on the Fibonacci numerical sequence 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21 and so on. Following it, you make all bets in the same order. If you win at any stage, you just need to go back two spins (if you played a bet of 8 dollars, the next one should be in the amount of 2 US rubles).

In addition to special strategies, there are also special game systems in betting. Most of them are designed in such a way as to maximize your chances of winning. Most of these systems are based on the theory of probability, so each player must first of all rely not on blind luck, but on their mathematical abilities. Usually this is some sequence of numbers that are most often bet on. For example, when choosing the Cuban system, you bet equal amounts on black and the third column several times in a row. The probability of winning in this case can be increased by additionally using the Fibonacci method or Martingale.

By the way, if you want to play in a real casino, but are not ready to leave a large amount of money there, then this is quite possible (albeit slightly illegal). So, you can come to a gambling establishment together with a friend, but at the same time pretend that you do not know each other. He bets on black and you bet on red. In the end, none of you will be able to win, but you will return home with your own money in your pocket. However, we repeat, you will not be able to do this on the territory of Russia, since casinos are prohibited here at the legislative level. It is also undesirable to engage in casino fraud - you can be detected by the security system, and in this case you will have problems.

Learning to play roulette is a very exciting experience. And to study all the systems of the game, to find out which type of roulette is better to choose, and to soberly assess your chances is at least not easy. But even in such a pragmatic case, miracles sometimes happen. After all, everyone remembers that “beginners are always lucky,” so it is quite possible that Fortune will smile at you even without any calculations and strategies.

Roulette Rules

A detailed and lengthy study of the features of the game of roulette is not needed - it is quite simple and has rather concise rules. You will need a playing field, a roulette wheel, which is divided into 36 fields, and a ball. You must bet on a certain number or color of the cell. The croupier (dealer, host) spins the wheel and carefully lowers the metal ball. If it hits the hole with the number that was wagered, you win.

In this game, you can bet money on a specific number (this guarantees the maximum win), or choose combinations of several numbers, as well as even (odd) numbers or a specific color of the cell.

If you manage to get into a real casino, then in addition to other players, you will meet a croupier near each gaming table. This is a specially trained person who accepts bets, spins the roulette wheel with the ball and announces the result of the spin. He also distributes the winnings among the participants. In the board game, you can choose a person for this position, while in real life he represents the interests of the gambling house.

Many of those who have ever won in this game are really addicted to it. These people spend their whole lives looking for ways to play roulette and win using not entirely honest methods. However, it is difficult to succeed in such ways, since the croupier, the security service, and even the waitresses always make sure that all the rules of the game are strictly observed.

If you want to play roulette to earn a lot of money, forget about this option right away. In any case, the casino always remains in the black - this is not guesswork, but a statement of fact. That is why treat it philosophically and do not spend a lot of money on fun, because you will not be able to return them.

European roulette rules: how not to lose?

There are several varieties of this game: European, American and French. European roulette uses 37 gaming sectors - these are numbers from 1 to 36 and 0 (zero). In the American variety, there are 38 of them - the number of cells increases due to 00 (double zero). Also in this form there is an amusing rule - Surrender rule. It applies to all players if roulette rolls 00. In this case, half of the amount of all money wagered is "frozen" and an additional chance is given to win it back during the next game. In the European variety, there is a similar rule - En Prison, but here all the money remains safe. But in French roulette they also use La Partage - a system where, when zero falls out, only half of the bet remains.

With the development of computer technology, you can also play electronic roulette in online casinos. To do this, you just need to register on a special site, replenish your virtual account and start your combination.

However, it is worth remembering that playing any of these varieties, you will not have a 100% guarantee of winning.

You have probably heard of Russian roulette. However, this dubious entertainment has nothing to do with the popular game. This is an incredibly dangerous game with weapons, where the participants in the duel are eliminated forever after an unsuccessful shot. The winner is the one who never drops a loaded cartridge.

Drunk Roulette Survival Game

This fun is the most obvious way to say that, if desired, you can turn a prohibited gambling action into a fun and completely legal pastime. Alcohol roulette is a game for adults who can adequately calculate their strength and turn an ordinary drinking party into an enchanting action. Usually, special sets with stacks are sold for it. It includes a wheel, a ball and 16 stacks of red and black. If you don’t have one, then do it yourself by simply drawing numbers on ordinary glasses.

The rules of the game of alcoroulette are quite diverse: you can pour alcohol into all glasses or only some of them. The main thing is that everyone has a good fun - this is the goal of this fun. As you understand, there are no losers and winners in this entertainment.

You have probably seen blogs or videos with tips on how to beat the casino. And it is not easy to beat, but constantly beat and have good dividends from this. Not? But I occasionally run into them. At first glance, these proposals seem tempting and doable. But this is only at first glance. In fact, I think that only the owner of the casino can make money on roulette. And for everyone else, just like in lotteries, you can only hope for one-time winnings. Let me justify my conclusion.

Can you beat the casino?

You can answer this question with a dry "yes" or "no", but it will be unfounded. I suggest you first get acquainted with the basic strategy or method of beating the casino.

System to beat the casino

All methods of beating roulette are based on increasing bets in case of loss. For example, according to the Martingale system, you play roulette for "red" and "black". You bet 1 bucks on "red" and won 2 bucks. Great! Now with a probability of 50% (no, a little less, there is also a “zero”) the ball should hit the “black”. So, we put a buck on the "black". Lost? We increase the bet by 2 times - and again on " black». Now, if we lose, we bet 4 bucks, with a new loss - eight. And so we double the bet until we win ... After winning, we change the color and set the minimum bet. And then again and again ... until ... tired.

The scheme is simple, but does it work? Undoubtedly. Only there are a few "BUT".

The first "NO". Why does an offline casino have a limit on the bet limit and the maximum bet, while online casinos often do not have such limits? Don't ask yourself, "Why?" Are online casino owners really that unmercenary? Or maybe the fact is that online games, unlike offline casinos, are electronic, that is, it is a program in which you can put all known roulette betting systems, like the already mentioned Martingale system, and such as:

  • Cuban;
  • Five out of six;
  • Biarritz or Makarova;
  • Whitaker;
  • Parlay;
  • Fibonacci;
  • D'Alembert;
  • Oscar Grind.

The program recognizes all these systems very easily and will also easily free you from all your extra rubles, bucks and euros. Of course, this is disgusting on the part of the owners of online casinos. But they have the right to call your actions (the use of roulette beating systems) the same word from the zoological lexicon. Is not it? Their main task is to enable gambling boobies to lose their hard-earned money effortlessly, but not to give anyone the opportunity to earn at their expense. There are no altruists among casino sharks. Alas…

Surely there are honest casinos!

Of course, not all casinos use gray and black ways to withdraw our (your) money. There are whites, in which everything is honest. Here they have a limit, for example, 7 bets.

If we play constantly up to 7 bets, then according to the theory of probability, out of 100 games played, we should win 99, say, rubles, and lose 64. That is, 35 rubles in plus. However, the theory of probability will be close to such results if you play not 100, but 100 thousand games. Well, in practice - for a hundred bets you may have not one probabilistic loss, but 2, 3 or even more. And this is already (-28 rubles), (-135 rubles), (-208 rubles), ...

Let's say you are lucky - and you made 300 bets and won everything, earning 300%. What are your next steps? Continue to play 1 p.? Hardly! You have already believed in your lucky infallibility and decide that it's time to play big - already for 100, 200, 500 ... And here you are - you went against the statistics, increasing the probability of losing many times over. Moreover, this loss will be tens or even hundreds of times greater. Casino owners know that all the money once won from them will come back, and with a profit.

There are two cases when you should not visit gambling houses - when you have money, and when you don't.

I'm not saying that no one has ever won at a casino, by no means. There are such lucky ones, but they only win according to the calculation of the casino itself in order to warm up the excitement of others.

Verdict. Only one person can earn in the casino - the owner of this casino. After all, think for yourself, do you know at least one person who made a fortune playing in a casino? Usually the opposite is true, people are treated for addiction to visit such institutions, as they lose everything to the last.

How to make money in an online casino without playing?

And for dessert, I'll tell you a little secret. Why is it so common to see ads in which a video shows a person beating a casino?

Sorry that at first I misled you, not only one owner earns in the casino. Almost all online casinos have an affiliate program, and the person who recorded the video simply participates in it. In other words, from all the deposits that you would throw at the casino, he is entitled to a percentage of advertising. The scheme is as old as the world, but it's so insulting that it is still being pursued.

Learn, not to waste money, harboring the illusion that you are lucky!

Beat the casino in principle, you can play roulette, but in this article, I will not talk about any clear instructions for beating, but I will talk about one of a species that has long thrived on the Internet. You will find out how, according to the scheme of scammers, I beat the casino for $4790 in 5 days, but did not withdraw a penny.

You can also read about: phishing, online shopping and more

How to beat the casino at roulette online?

I would not recommend playing in an online casino with my own money, because it is not known who created it and what algorithms are programmed in it. Now anyone can create their casino on the Internet, and completely free of charge, except for the domain and hosting.

Casino scam scheme

This is a similar story that I'm talking about. Then I didn’t know that it was a scam, because I was new to the Internet and knew little about scams. This time, I deliberately played along with the scammers, so that later I could post the video on YouTube, and write an article in the blog.

Just like that time, I saw an offer on the site for a well-paid remote job, clicked on the banner and the work went at full speed.

I wrote to the man, hoping that he would offer something worthwhile, but he suggested a scheme to beat the casino:

I answered him that I agreed with everything, and after that he gave me a clear plan on how to beat the casino at roulette.

Let's move on to the game system itself and what you need to remember. We play only in casinos that I have checked, where the system has already been tested more than 100 times. We squeeze everything out of the casino, and in a week we have to earn $5400. We earn $ 700 every day, after which we withdraw everything to zero.

Why only a week? Yes, because the first week you are considered a beginner in the casino, and the casino gives newcomers an inflated chance of winning in order to drag you in and make you a regular customer.

Betting system: we play only European roulette. I call this method of betting the boost method. For example: always bet on the number 8 for 5 dollars, bet until it falls out; as soon as 8 has fallen out, we bet on a number that has not fallen out before.

In order to understand what number to bet on, write down on a piece of paper all the numbers that fall out. If everything is clear, I will make you an office and replenish your account. As you study, unsubscribe that you are ready to continue.

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