Dream Interpretation interpretation of dreams marriage did not take place. What do you dream about marriage? Miller's dream book: the right choice

It has long been believed that dreams are the harbingers of an imminent wedding. If the girl dreamed of some certain things, events or animals, then the whole family was preparing for the holiday, waiting for a marriage proposal from the chosen one of the young bride. This tradition has been preserved to this day: many women are still looking for the interpretation of dreams in order to find out about the near future. For these purposes, dream books are used, which help in their interpretation.

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      When did you have a dream?

      It is very important to consider the period in which the dream occurred. Esotericists claim that prophetic visions are dreamed from Thursday to Friday or from Monday to Tuesday. They can also be seen during the winter or summer solstice. In the old days, it was believed that if a dream about a wedding had a dream at Christmas time or from Christmas to Epiphany, then the girl would definitely get married.

      • The moon in esotericism has always been considered a symbol of intuition. At this time, a person experiences a special craving and ability to clairvoyance. If a woman sees a dream in the growing moon, then with a high probability it is prophetic.

        Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

        What do you dream about getting married soon?

        For an early marriage, you may dream of a situation that has nothing to do with marriage. It is worth looking at the images more deeply. It is important to learn to notice the details of your dreams in order to give them the most accurate interpretation.

        If you dreamed of any paired objects or animals, then soon the young man will propose to his girlfriend.

        Why does the ex-husband dream - interpretations in dream books


        Birds are frequent images in the dreams of girls who are about to get married. A bird's nest is dreaming - for the imminent beginning of a relationship with a person from whom children will subsequently appear.

        Some animals portend a quick marriage:

        • If you dream of a pair of doves - to marriage. This dream has no other meaning, regardless of the details.
        • Swans - to the sincerity and fidelity of the future husband.
        • Storks - to a successful marriage.
        • Rabbits - the obedience of future partners to each other.
        • Lions in a dream are a sign that portends the beginning of a new relationship and a possible marriage.
        • A brown or polar bear in a dream is a sign that the dreamer will marry the reliable man she dreamed of.
        • A pack of wolves - the wedding will be soon.
        • A snake in a dream is a strong marriage union.
        • Dolphins - marriage will be happy.
        • Kittens - to tender, warm and trusting relationships in the family.
        • Red dog - for the long-awaited marriage.
        • Caterpillar fishing is a dysfunctional family relationship.

        Agricultural herd animals: pigs with piglets, goats with kids, cows with calves - dream of a large and friendly family.


        Food is less common in dreams, but is an important symbol that portends changes in personal life:

        • If a girl dreams of tomatoes, then this is also a symbol of an imminent marriage.
        • Cabbage is seen to a large and close-knit family, which the dreamer will acquire in the future.
        • Garlic - to a marriage of convenience.
        • There are chocolates - for love adventures.
        • There are cakes - there is a chance to meet a lover who wants to deceive the dreamer.
        • There are grapes from the brush - a sign that portends many admirers, from whom you will have to choose whom to marry. And there are pitted brown grapes - to family life without quarrels.
        • Cutting a citrus or exotic fruit is a quick marriage that will not bring happiness.
        • Strawberries - for a quick meeting with a future husband.
        • Peaches or apricots - the newlyweds will be happy and kind to each other.

        If the products in a dream are rotten, then the marriage will be unhappy. A girl who has been poisoned in a dream meets with a chosen one who fools her head and is not going to marry.

        Plants: flowers and trees

        Dreams in which flowers appear in most cases have a positive meaning:

        • Roses of light shades - the dreamer has a timid admirer.
        • Scarlet or burgundy roses - to passion and new love, which does not always lead to marriage.
        • Wildflowers: chamomile, cornflowers, buttercups - marriage with a simple but reliable person.
        • Exotic flowers - the husband will have unconventional thinking.
        • White flowers - to spiritual unity between partners, sexual relations in marriage will fade into the background.

        Yellow rosebuds dream of parting or disappointment in a partner. If you dreamed of any other flowers of yellow shades, then this symbolizes the beginning of a relationship that will lead to nothing.

        A tall and strong oak dreams of a strong and long marriage. If the tree is rotten or dry, then family life will be short-lived. Grass is also a good sign. The dreamer can mow, tear grass, collect it in haystacks - this is for the wedding. If it is nettle that dreams, then the woman will have to choose between several men. Burning this plant - it will be very difficult to choose.

        Accessories and decorations

        An excess of gold in dreams speaks of the greed and vanity of a future partner.

        If a girl dreamed of rings, then this means a wedding with her man. But there should be exactly two rings - no more and no less. If they just hang in the air, then the marriage will not take place soon. And if the jewelry is on a pillow, in a box or on a hand, then the celebration will take place in the near future. A ring donated by a man that does not fit the dreamer in size is a sign that the lady will not be able to accept the marriage proposal due to some circumstances. Finding, taking away, stealing jewelry is a portent that a woman will take a man away or live the same way as a lady whose ring was stolen in a dream.

        Seeing a necklace in a dream is a sign that speaks of the limitations that the dreamer will experience. Restrictions will be related to family obligations.

        Sometimes women dream of chains or bracelets - they are symbols of dependence on someone. Perhaps a spouse or one of his family members.

        Accessories in the form of crosses portend an unhappy family life.

        Interior and household items

        If in dreams it is seen that the dreamer receives keys from a man, then the partner will be provided, especially when the product is gold. It can be a bunch of keys, and a separate key to an apartment or car. Often a vision predicts a marriage of convenience, but not serious feelings. Buying some household items promises a lady a quick family life. It can be carpets, household appliances, dishes, some furniture. At the same time, marriage between people can be unofficial.

        A broken clock in the house is a symbol of the fact that there will be problems in the field of sexual relations in marriage.

        The interior and furnishings in dreams have an important role:

        • A beautifully renovated kitchen is a symbol of comfort, warmth and well-being in a relationship between two people.
        • Wallpapering - to changes in the love sphere of life.
        • Doors in the apartment - a meeting of a lover, a new level in relationships.

        Shoes and clothes

        If a woman sees that she is trying on men's trousers, then this is also a positive sign, portending family life.

        A pair of shoes means moving, traveling, meeting, dating, romance. Usually such a vision is interpreted as pre-wedding. Shoes can be absolutely anything - boots, boots, and shoes. The main thing is that the shoes fit the dreamer. If it does not fit, then the relationship in marriage will be difficult, the partners are too different people. It is believed that the higher the sole or heel, the higher the growth of the future groom will be.

        Terrain, nature, buildings

        To dream of a port, a marina or a shore - soon loneliness will end and a new happy life in marriage will begin.

        A beautiful sunrise on the seashore is not only a wonderful dream, but also a harbinger of the fact that the bride will walk down the aisle in a beautiful dress.

        Looking at the moon - soon a woman will experience feelings for a new person. This may be an old acquaintance with whom an affair will spin. Moonlight signifies an open heart for new relationships.

        If spring suddenly dreamed, then this promises the lady an unexpected meeting, which can develop into something more. Spring weather in a dream - to great love.

        If you dreamed of a building under construction, then this is the beginning of family life. It is important that there is a solid foundation in dreams - then the groom will be reliable.

        Dream details

        When interpreting a vision, one should pay attention to details that could be associated with marriage and relationships on a subconscious level. Affects self-perception in a dream. Such a dream is a reaction of the brain to what happened in life, and portends something on an intuitive level.

        The dreamer should pay attention to the colors and atmosphere of her dreams. The abundance of red, pink, ocher, crimson can testify to unconscious love.

        If dreams hinting at marriage are dreamed for a year or several months, then the woman experiences some kind of emotional discomfort or suffers from an excess of feelings. Sometimes, on the contrary, it is a phenomenon that a girl is absolutely happy and satisfied with her relationship with her boyfriend.

        Important nuances in the interpretation of dreams

        A dream for an imminent marriage does not always contain any wedding attributes. Many women mistakenly believe that if you had a dream about a ceremony, then this is a positive change. But the engagement, as a rule, dreams of not very good news. But if you dream of trying on a veil or choosing a dress, then this is a good sign for the future bride.

        A woman who sees a wedding with an old man in a dream can become seriously ill. Marrying a young and handsome man is good news not related to relationships.

        To see marriage from the outside - to a meeting with an old acquaintance or acquaintance. Divorced or unmarried, this image portends an imminent stormy romance. In the event that a free girl sees the wedding of her friend, then this is a sign portending great love. For married ladies, such a dream promises danger.

        A bride in a white dress lying in a coffin is a symbol that the marriage will be short and unhappy.

        Older women who dream of a man calling for marriage should take a closer look at their surroundings. This means that there is a person who loved her very much throughout her life. Another interpretation of sleep - throughout his life, the spouse was faithful to the dreamer.

In a dream, did you see how you were getting married? It is possible that in your life you are intensively preparing for this event and the subconscious mind projects it in a dream. And if this is not the case, let's find out how the dream book interprets marriage.

Dream Interpretation: what is marriage for?

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

In itself, this is a joyful image that marks pleasant events in your life.

If you are already married and you dreamed about this celebration, then this is a favorable sign for those who want to have a baby. Be more active in the coming days - there is a high probability that luck will smile at you in this endeavor.

And if a single girl had such a dream, then take care of your health, pay attention even to small changes in it. In addition, the dream book also interprets marriage as the onset of a series of disorders in the dreamer.

In a dream, did you see yourself as a married lady with a life that is due to this? You will be successful in any area of ​​life, do not miss your chance.

Congratulate your girlfriend on an event or see her getting married - you will have a carefree and fun period in your life. But do not forget about the labors at this time - there is a chance to make good money.

Women's dream book

This dream book notes that if you have doubts about the marriage proposal received in a dream, it means that you are too frivolous about your life, which creates a not very flattering opinion about you.

Freud's dream book

Such a dream symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your personal life, sometimes its absence. Perhaps you are trying too hard to find a partner, or you are not satisfied with the available option and want to find a better one.

Online dream book

You cannot give a definite answer to the proposal - such a dream carries a warning that you need to be more serious and responsible. Otherwise, you will fall even more in the eyes of your surroundings.

An unmarried dream book prophesies if she saw her imminent marriage, unhappy life events, to a married person - take a closer look at your colleagues and be careful with them, something is being plotted against you, the widow dreamed of this - do not hope for the implementation of your plans.

dream interpreter

Marriage dreams of unexpected joy.

Gypsy dream book

In a dream, agree to a marriage proposal from your partner - in life you will have to wait for such an event, and if it is already scheduled, then something will prevent him from passing on time, shifting it for some time.

Still dreaming about marriage, some interpret it as a symbol of idleness and thoughtless entertainment. Take a closer look at your pastime, do you distribute and spend your time correctly? Are you getting any benefit from what you do? Isn't it time to spend time more productively and change your leisure time?

A very interesting dream is marriage. Why is this event dreaming, dream books say. A dream does not always mean a quick wedding, but for its correct interpretation, all the details must be taken into account. It often happens that other dreams indicate a close marriage to girls. What dreams of marriage is not always directly related to it. For example, when an unmarried person, this may portend an imminent wedding and replenishment in the family. Dreaming of dough or earrings donated by someone may indicate an imminent marriage. Below we will talk about how the dream of marriage itself is interpreted.

Eastern female dream book

If a lady dreamed that she hesitated about making a decision about marriage, then in reality the people around her consider her a frivolous person. When a girl dreams that she married another person on the eve of her wedding, this means that her choice is the right one.

Modern dream book: marriage, why dream?

For in which some of his relatives got married, it means that he himself did not have long to walk in bachelors.

Women's dream book: marriage what is dreaming of?

A dream does not portend anything good, in which a lady cannot decide in any way regarding her own marriage. This dream is considered an unequivocal warning that she should analyze her own behavior. Thanks to some actions, others consider the girl limited and frivolous.

Dream Interpretation of Summer Dreams

If a lady is in reality, she needs to prepare to meet her future spouse.

Dream interpretation of autumn dreams: marriage what is dreaming of?

This dream suggests that the girl is not destined to marry. She will always be an old maid.

Dream Interpretation of Spring Dreams

If a widow dreams of marriage, then in reality this portends loneliness. For a girl, the same dream promises a new acquaintance.

Grandma's dream book: why dream of marriage

If a girl marries a widower in a dream - to danger, and if she marries a foreigner - to trouble.

Gypsy dream book

As a rule, for a young lady, a dream in which she accepts an offer to marry from her beloved indicates that there will be some delay with her wedding.

Dream interpretation bitch

As a rule, marriage is dreamed of for joy, peace, happiness and pleasure.

Dream interpreter: marriage what is dreaming of?

This dream portends some unexpected pleasure.

Freud's dream book

In a dream, marriage is an unfavorable sign. It speaks of trouble and unsettled personal life. The person who had this dream does not want or cannot find a partner for himself.

Dream interpreter from A to Z

For a young unmarried lady, the dream of marriage is a harbinger of deceit and sadness. For a woman who is already married, this dream can be considered a warning about intrigues in a women's team or some kind of community. For a widow, this dream speaks of deceived hopes and expectations.

Modern dream book

If a lady sees herself in a dream in a wedding dress, this is a warning that she needs to take care of her health. Wedding hairstyle - for money, profit, win. Trying on a wedding ring that is not yours is a failure.

You could be visited by twofold emotions about this dream. On the one hand, wedding chores, even in a dream, leave a good impression on the dreamer. Again, it all depends on the details. Marrying an unwanted husband, such as an abusive ex, can be a terrible nightmare for a girl, not a sweet dream. So, why dream of getting married?

Marriage varies from dream book to dream book. A vision can signify both a favorable sign, a promotion, or a real marriage, as well as an illness, a dismissal, or a divorce.

Interpretation of sleep in separate plots - to marry a husband, a stranger, a former

We invite the reader to tune in and remember all the details of sleep. In most cases, the success of the interpretation of a dream depends on the reader, namely his ability to find a creative approach and recall the details of the dream for further analysis. Not all details are important, but the identity of the husband, the place and circumstances of the wedding are worth remembering. So, try to find the interpretation of your dream below:

  • They propose to you in a dream. In real life, people's respect for you will increase, you will make a serious decision, the outcome of which will be favorable for you;
  • Seeing a friend getting married. Being at a friend's wedding and being sincerely happy for her is a favorable sign in most dream books. It symbolizes strong friendship, recovery from illness, promotion and improvement of material well-being;
  • You are marrying your ex in a dream. You are not yet ready for a new relationship, adhere to conservative views and what is familiar to you is the best. You yearn for the former, and the wedding is suffering, since this will not happen in real life;
  • An unfamiliar girl becomes married in your dream. You are completely unfamiliar with this girl in a veil, but are somehow involved in the ongoing event - such a dream predicts a cloudless future for you;
  • In a dream, you had to get married no matter what. Such a vision symbolizes internal complexes, loneliness and bad mood for the dreamer. We recommend finding the cause of such thoughts and dealing with them before you fall into depression;
  • In a dream, you become the wife of your loved one in real life. The dream is positive, the event is good, but dream books never connect this fictional event with reality, so going to the registry office immediately after such a dream is a reckless idea, whatever one may say;
  • You are not getting married, but your own daughter. Most dream books consider such dreams to be harbingers of well-being for both you and your daughter;
  • To become the wife of her husband for the second time. Marrying a husband for the second time, but already in a dream, is a bad sign. Dream Interpretations warn that you could become a victim of an energy vampire, you need to reconsider your priorities, company and field of activity;
  • If you looked at yourself in the mirror for a long time before marriage. Loneliness awaits you, you often strive for self-satisfaction and do not really want a serious relationship;
  • To marry a native (cousin). In real life, you have to tame your obstinacy, stop prejudicing people and finally settle down;
  • To dream about how your own mother is getting married. Such a dream portends conflicts to the dreamer, the solution of which will take quite a lot of time. Not everyone will be able to recover from it, and your relationships with distant relatives and friends will be hopelessly damaged;
  • The dreamer did not want to get married. If you were literally forced to marry, forced to be blackmailed, or simply pressured hard, such dreams portend troubles for you that are not always associated with something bad;
  • If in a dream you needed to get married urgently, you literally ran to the altar, for you it was something of a salvation. In reality, you will have an interesting job, you will be able to raise the well-being of the family to a new level and provide for yourself;
  • The bride's hairstyle was unnaturally lush, more like a "nest". In the near future, you will have the opportunity to earn a huge amount of money, make a good deal or subscribe to a mutually beneficial project;
  • You were very shy during this process, you constantly had to comfort yourself. In real life, you have a very nondescript image, you are afraid to attract attention to yourself as a girl, because of this you have problems on the personal front. Our site is sincerely recommended to overcome these stupid fears and show yourself in all its glory;
  • Cry at the wedding ceremony. The events that will happen in the near future after a dream with a similar plot are not always unambiguous, so for some time after sleep you do not need to trust new friends, get involved in adventures and subscribe to unfamiliar and strange projects;
  • You had absolutely no affection for the person you were marrying. Such a dream has an extremely interesting interpretation - if you begin to become emotionally attached to your colleagues, help and support them at every step, then in the end they will betray you, hoping to take your warm place. Such is human psychology, it is worth trusting dream books;
  • If you experience extremely positive feelings during marriage, then you should interpret such a dream as a harbinger of joyful change. You will achieve your goal, to which so much effort has been made. You will be able to change the way of your own life beyond recognition.

Interpretation of sleep by famous personalities - Vanga, Miller and Sigmund Freud

  1. Interpretation of a dream according to Miller. Being the main character in a dream series about marriage, in real life you really have a lot of problems with men. However, you do not feel left out, but you are trying with all your might to change the attitude, but you are moving, perhaps not quite in the right direction;
  2. Sigmund Freud. Freud, as always, sees the root, but he also agrees with the rest of the somnologists and dream books - in real life, you lack both romantic and sexual relationships. It is not easy for you to forget betrayal and betrayal, you become attached to people very quickly and you lack emotional support from men;
  3. Bulgarian seer Vanga. The psychic agrees with the rest, but nevertheless, in her teachings, one can find that a dream about a wedding can mean the same wedding in the dreamer's real life. So, according to Vanga, a wedding is not just a symbol of uncertainty in relationships and psychological deprivation, it is a great chance for any woman to start her life from a completely clean slate, correcting her attitude.

Why dream of marriage

Freud's dream book

Marriage - is a symbol of disorder or trouble in personal life. You cannot or do not want to choose a partner.

Why dream of marriage

Family dream book

Marriage - If you were proposed in a dream, expect a change in business for the better, peace and stability. The cancellation of the wedding suggests that you will commit rash acts that will entail a number of unpleasant changes in your life.

If a girl sees herself in a white dress, she should be afraid of illness.

Seeing yourself trying on someone else's wedding ring - you will quarrel with one of your relatives, and either demotion or dismissal awaits you at work.

Marriage - If in a dream you are late for your own wedding, expect some losses in the near future.

If a girl dreams of her future married life, this means pleasant changes both in her personal life and in her career. It is possible that the authorities will notice your talents and appreciate them (new position, salary increase, etc.).

If you do not work, but study, then such a dream means that you will successfully pass all the exams and begin to receive an increased scholarship. If you see yourself without a wedding ring, expect the betrayal of a close friend or husband. It can also mean a quarrel with friends or relatives.

Marriage - If you dream that you have become a widow, this warns you not to take on too many responsibilities. You may not be able to handle them.

Why dream of marriage

Dream interpretation from A to Z

For a young girl, a dream about marriage portends deceit and sadness, for a married woman - intrigues in the women's team, for a widow - deceived hopes.

Why dream of marriage

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that you hesitated when making a decision about marriage, then in real life you are considered a person prone to frivolous acts. For a young man, a dream in which his relative is getting married means that he will stay single for a long time. If a young woman, shortly before the wedding, dreamed that she was marrying another, then in reality she can be calm that she made the right choice.

Why dream of marriage

Eastern dream book

I dreamed that you hesitated when making a decision about marriage - it means that others consider you a person prone to frivolous acts.

Why dream of marriage

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Married woman - You see a married woman in a dream; perhaps this is your old friend who boasts a golden ring on her finger - no changes are expected in your life in the near future, but this is not bad; everything in your life is thoroughly, safely. An unmarried girl sees herself married - changes are expected in this girl's life; some lucrative offer will turn her fate for the better.

Why dream of marriage

Old Russian dream book

Marriage - portends unexpected pleasure; getting married portends a happy life, this is how what you dream about in a dream is deciphered.

Why dream of marriage

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Marrying a widower is a danger; for a foreigner - a nuisance.

Why dream of marriage

Dream interpretation for women

If you were made an offer in a dream, expect a change in business for the better, peace and stability. The cancellation of the wedding suggests that you will commit rash acts that will entail a number of unpleasant changes in your life. If a girl sees herself in a white dress, she should be afraid of illness. Seeing yourself trying on someone else's wedding ring - you will quarrel with one of your relatives, and either demotion or dismissal awaits you at work. If in a dream you are late for your own wedding, expect some losses in the near future.

If a girl dreams of her future married life, this means pleasant changes both in her personal life and in her career. It is possible that the authorities will notice your talents and appreciate them (new position, salary increase, etc.). If you do not work, but study, then such a dream means that you will successfully pass all the exams and begin to receive an increased scholarship. If you see yourself without a wedding ring, expect the betrayal of a close friend or husband. It can also mean a quarrel with friends or relatives.

If you dream that you have become a widow, this warns you not to take on too many responsibilities. You may not be able to handle them.

Why dream of marriage

Online dream book

If you dream that you can’t make up your mind about your upcoming marriage, the dream book does not promise you anything positive.

If you hesitate in your choice - this dream means that your environment considers you a frivolous person. This dream is a warning, as you will need to think carefully about your behavior and stop being such a frivolous person.

A dream in which a young girl sees that she will soon go down the aisle promises her grief and even betrayal in reality. If such a dream was dreamed of by a person who in reality has long been married

Why dream of marriage

Women's dream book

Marriage - a dream does not bode well, in which you cannot make any decision regarding your own marriage. This is a kind of warning that you should think about your own behavior: those around you are not entirely flattering about you, consider you a frivolous and limited person.

If in a dream on the eve of the wedding you decide to marry another applicant, then you can be completely sure that your choice is the only right one.

Why dream of marriage

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Marrying a woman is a worry.

To marry a girl is at a loss.

Why dream of marriage

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