Utyasheva is getting divorced. From friendship to great love: how tragedy rallied Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva

In newspapers and magazines, as well as in electronic publications, rumors about stellar life are often spread, attributing to celebrities not real novels and breakups. Therefore, journalists tried to figure out what was really happening in the family of Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva.

Rumors that the star couple is not in order with relationships have been circulating for quite a long time. After all, Pavel is known for his temper, and Laysyan has a fairly independent and stubborn character.

The reasons that caused the rumors about the divorce of Utyasheva and Volya

Where such rumors could originate, I would like to know. Perhaps the fact is that Volya is famous for his sharp jokes and plausibly created for himself the image of a bastard on the stage of the Comedy Club, and it is difficult for the public to imagine such a person as a respectable family man. But it often happens that an actor on stage and in real life are two different personalities.

But we can say with confidence about Pavel Volya that he is a gifted person and tried himself in life in various roles. He began his career by becoming the captain of the KVN team from Penza. Then he acted in films, in 10 films, became the host of a show called "Improvisation" and recorded 4 music albums.

The merits of Volya's wife also look impressive, she has repeatedly become the world and European champion in rhythmic gymnastics, and also brilliantly coped with the role of a TV presenter.

Rumors that the star couple were breaking up have already arisen more than once, however, when young people announced their intention to tie the knot in 2012, the rumors subsided.

Of course, spouses sometimes have disagreements and they even arrange jealousy scenes for each other, this still does not mean that they are ready to break off relations. Presumably, the cause of the divorce rumor was the incident that happened to Utyasheva at the casting of the show "Dancing 3", during which one of the participants kissed her. Naturally, the gymnast's husband did not like this. But viewers should not take this seriously, as what is filmed on camera is often simulated.

The realities of the life of the spouses Volya and Utyasheva

As for the realities of life of the spouses Volya and Utyasheva, they love each other and are not going to get divorced. Although it often happens that a couple sorts things out. This is due to the fact that Paul is very jealous.

Another proof that the star couple is all right is their joint pictures posted on Instagram, as well as Paul's post, in which he lovingly addresses his soulmate.

Laysan Utyasheva is a world-famous rhythmic gymnast, she left the sport in 2006. After that, she realized herself as a presenter, actress, writer, and also a director of dance shows.

A girl appeared on the set in 1985 in Bashkiria, this is in Russia. On June 28, the celebrity turned 33 years old. Laysan's father was a historian, and his mother worked in the library. As a teenager, the girl changes religion, at first she professed Islam, and then became an Orthodox Christian.

Some time after the birth of the future athlete, her family moved to live in the city of Ufa, and then in Volgograd.

At first, the parents' plans were to send the girl to a ballet school, but fate decreed otherwise, Laysan caught the eye of a rhythmic gymnastics coach, whose name was Nadezhda Kasyanova. The latter noticed that the child had flexibility and took her under her guidance.

When the future celebrity was in the 3rd grade, she earned her first money, with which she bought a gift for her mother.

Childhood and career of Laysan Utyasheva

At school, the gymnast studied well, as she gave her mother a promise that playing sports would not affect her academic performance. In childhood, the athlete's parents divorced, which was a great tragedy for her mother. The reason for this was the constant drinking of his father, and then it turned out that he was leaving for another woman.

In 1997, the gymnast moved to live in Moscow. In 2001, the girl becomes the absolute world champion in rhythmic gymnastics in the capital of Germany. In 2002, the athlete changes her coach, she starts working with Irina Viner. Then Laysan manages to win the international tournament held in Slovenia, the unofficial French championship.

One day, a misfortune befell the girl, she broke one of her legs and injured the other, the doctors could not even guarantee that Utyasheva would be able to walk. But the athlete was lucky, she got a talented surgeon who put her on her feet. And already in 2004, the gymnast again takes part in competitions, which brings her new victories. In 2006, Laysan leaves the sport.

In honor of a talented and hardworking girl in rhythmic gymnastics, 4 very difficult elements were named after her.

After completing her sports career, Laysan did nothing for about 6 months, but simply lay on the couch and watched movies, while she began to eat a lot of sweets, which she could not afford before. And got better from it. At first, the celebrity tried to lose weight with the help of jogging. But then I found entries in my diary about the athlete's diet. From that moment on, the girl begins to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle, thanks to which she becomes slim again.

An admirer of subtle humor, a master of sharp witticisms, a welcome guest at social events and parties - the “glamorous bastard” Pavel Volya is used to being the center of attention and receiving compliments. The Comedy Club star has never been deprived of the attention of ardent fans. Curious female fans have always been interested in what Pavel Volya's wife looks like, what this lucky woman does, and how she managed to fool Snezhka himself. The heart of a man with a reputation as a convinced bachelor was melted by a modest attractive young lady - the Russian athlete Laysan Utyasheva.

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva: the path from a fleeting acquaintance to true love

The "bad" guy and the "good" girl met at work - together they led a secular party. After a fateful collaboration, the couple began to communicate. Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya for a long time treated each other exclusively in a friendly way: they exchanged a few words when they met, discussed working moments, or simply chatted about nothing. For three years, the Comedy Club resident was considered the common-law spouse of TV presenter Maria Kravtsova, and Laysan was generally of little interest in matters of the heart.

Gymnast Utyasheva actively built a career, constantly participating in several projects at the same time. Young people from television screens seemed to the audience to be completely different people. No one could have imagined that "mother's daughter" Laysan Utyasheva would become the wife of Pavel Volya. Faced once with a personal tragedy, the athlete lost the joy of life and fell into a severe depression. Pavel Volya helped a girl he knew overcome mental pain. Beauty Laysan immediately realized that Pasha was his own person.

Pavel Volya and future wife Laysan

Friend is known in trouble

Mom Zulfiya was for her famous daughter Laysan both a friend, a colleague, and an adviser. The gymnast's peers changed gentlemen like gloves, and the enviable bride Utyasheva even appeared at parties with her mother hand in hand. Zulfiya divorced her husband a long time ago, but she did not become limp, she took care of her health and even dreamed of giving her beloved daughter a brother or sister. A young 47-year-old woman from a family of centenarians died suddenly from acute heart failure. The future wife of Pavel Volya was left alone.

The TV personality was expected every day at the shooting and parties, working days were scheduled by the minute - and no one around could imagine how hard it was for the girl to smile at the camera. The TV presenter worked on autopilot, and after work she poured out her soul to psychologists. A friend helped the rising star survive the bitterness of the loss - so sarcastic on stage and so kind-hearted in life, Pavel Volya.

Yesterday's shy woman became Pavel Volya's wife: wedding details, photos, secrets of family happiness

Pavel Volya's wife often admitted in an interview that she was shy and quiet by nature. Bright makeup and revealing outfits are just a working “dress code”. After the death of her mother, Laysan matured - and returned to her real self. At that moment, a long-awaited feeling of love for a man arose in her heart. Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya started dating. They walked in parks, visited cafes, appeared at exhibitions and concerts. The lovers did not hide from the paparazzi, but, paradoxically, no one around knew about the special relationship of the stars. The journalists still had no idea what the name of Pavel Volya's wife was and whether he had one at all.

The wedding of the inveterate bachelor Pavel Volya

On April Fool's Day, information about the wedding of Pavel Volya appeared on the network - everyone considered the reliable news to be an April Fool's joke. In memory of Laysan's mother, the wedding of two famous persons was modest - without a limousine, elaborate decorations and fireworks. The newlyweds celebrated the holiday in a narrow family circle.

After the wedding, Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya decided to abandon their honeymoon, but allowed themselves to take a break from work. Laysan happily took up needlework, went on a leisurely shopping trip and began to create culinary masterpieces in the kitchen every day. Pavel Volya has become an exemplary family man - caring and affectionate. Laysan is proud of her husband, calls him a mentor, "big dad". Even being tired and broken, Utyasheva gives her beloved smiles and never makes scandals. “I have too much respect for my man - and I have no right to take out his brain,” says the happy wife of Pavel Volya.

Children of Laysan and Pavel Volya - the meaning of life and great happiness

Soon after the wedding, the newlyweds learned that they would become parents. The news was joyful and exciting. The first child of Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva was born in Miami in the chic Memorial Regional Hospital.

The young father refused partner childbirth, but in difficult times he was next to his wife. The first months, the newly minted mom and dad did not leave their crumbs. Pavel Volya joked: "A little boss has appeared in the house." On the advice of his great-grandmother, the baby was named Robert. The couple in practice learned everything about teeth, colic and tears. Happy spouses were engaged in the development of the baby from the cradle - they showed him pictures, talked to him and rejoiced at each new achievement of the firstborn. After the wedding, the wife of Pavel Volya was once again convinced that her marriage was a gift from heaven.

Volya's wife thought about the second baby literally immediately after the first birth. And very soon her idea came true - the little princess Sophia was born. Robik tries to share the care of his little sister with his mother - he shares his adorable cars with her and brings diapers. Both relatives and colleagues do not have a soul in the children of Laysan and Volya. Even father Laysan, who left the family a long time ago, tries to catch up and tirelessly nurses his grandchildren.

Laysan Utyasheva and daughter Sofia

Pavel Volya: I married for love, for real! I'm a happy person!

Pavel Volya admits that the children radically changed his life. The “glamorous bastard” now experiences inexpressible tenderness when he receives an SMS from his wife with the magic word “we”: “We ate, smile, play.” Even the stars, it turns out, need so little to be happy! After the marriage, noisy parties in the life of an outrageous guy faded into the background - they were replaced by quiet domestic joys. A first-class wit is in no hurry to share pictures from his personal archive - photos of Pavel Volya's wife and children are rarely found on the network. Apparently, the star is afraid to frighten off his happiness.

The wife of Pavel Volya happily builds a family nest - every day she is responsible for the comfort in the house and a hot dinner. The couple, after much deliberation, chose a nanny for their angels. The childcare assistant was severely "tested" by all the relatives of the famous couple. Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya continue to move up the career ladder. Now they have a great incentive to work and a reliable rear - a strong family and wonderful children.

True or just rumors? One of the most beautiful couples in show business is breaking up. Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva divorced in 2017. How did it happen that the relationship, which the whole country watched with bated breath, is coming to an end. All fans of Laysan and Pasha looked with delight at the beautiful couple. Suffice it to recall their joint video, in which the eyes are filled with love and tenderness for each other. What could have happened in this exemplary family. Is it true that Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya are getting a divorce?

Pavel Volya - Biography

Pavel Volya - the real name of the showman Denis Dobronravov, was born in 1979 in the city of Penza. As a child, he was fond of the humanities, he was very fond of literature. After leaving school, Pavel entered the Penza Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature.

At the institute, he began performing in KVN. After graduating from the institute, almost the entire team of kvnschikov moved to Moscow. Pasha was no exception. From that moment on, Pavel's career took off. He worked as a DJ at Khti FM, wrote scripts for Igor Ugolnikov's program.

Celebrity and success came to the young man from the moment he became a resident of the Comedy Club show. All his performances were based on insulting the guests of the show, which were presented in the form of jokes. It became a token of Will.

For a long time, Pavel collaborated with Vladimir Turchinsky. Together they hosted the Comedy Battle program. In memory of his colleague, Pavel continues to lead this program.

Pavel Volya participant of the Comedy Club show

Pavel can be seen not only in humorous programs. He successfully acted in films. The very first film where Pavel got the role was the series "Club" in 2006. Later, he took part in the filming of the film "The Best Movie". In 2008, in the film "Plato" Pasha played a major role.

Pavel Volya has been building a serious musical career since 2004. Every year he released a new album.

The outrageous young man has always been in the center of attention of girls. His personal life worried many. Pasha was single for a long time. But in 2013, the media exploded with the news of his wedding and the birth of a child. What was the surprise of the fans that the gymnast Laysan Utyasheva became the chosen one of Pasha. A calm, sweet girl is the exact opposite of an explosive young man.

Laysan Utyasheva - how it all began

Laysan was born in 1985 in the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the village of Raevskoye. When the girl was 4 years old, the family moved to Volgograd. Since childhood, Laysan dreamed of becoming a ballerina. She was a fragile and flexible girl. Parents were very far from art, but they decided to support their daughter's desire. Mom enrolled her in a ballet school.

But by chance, instead of ballet, Laysan got into a sports class. The girl was immediately noted and invited to do rhythmic gymnastics. Already in the first year of training, Laysan began to achieve good success.

When the girl was 12 years old, her parents brought her to Moscow. Here, the most famous coaches continued to work with her. At the age of 14, Laysan successfully passes the standards for a master of sports. In 2001, Laysan performs at the World Cup and becomes the winner in six categories. Laysan is a famous gymnast in the past.

Coach Irina Viner was preparing the gymnast for the Olympics, but in 2002 there was a fatal fall. Laysan hurts his leg. The first examination does not reveal serious damage, and the girl continues intensive training. The old trauma constantly made itself felt. The girl could not train for a long time, her leg began to hurt badly. Irina Viner insisted on a thorough examination, which showed that there were cracks in the injured leg. In addition, regular loads led to damage to the second leg.

The gymnast had to take a break, a complex operation was performed on her leg. After a long rehabilitation, the girl returned to the sport. Her dream was to participate in the Olympics. But this was not destined to come true. The pain in my leg has returned.

Doctors argued that continuing to play sports would lead to the fact that the girl would be in a wheelchair. In 2006, Laysan decides to leave the sport.

The girl suffered a career disruption. But after a small psychological crisis, she found herself as the host of television programs about health and sports. Now she has organized her own dance show.

Laysan's first romance was with businessman Valery Lomadze. But two years later, the relationship ended in a legal scandal over joint property.

In 2012, a tragedy happened in Laysan's life. Her mother died at the age of 47. The girl shut herself up. Her condition almost caused a career breakdown. But at this time, Pavel Volya appears next to Laysan, who became her salvation. The relationship of young people reached the wedding, which fans learned about in 2012. And now there are rumors in the press that Utyasheva Laysan is filing a divorce from Volya. Is it true?

Relationship history

So different, but so happy! Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva always attracted admiring glances. The loving, happy couple captivated fans. They harmoniously complement each other. Pavel's impulsiveness was smoothed out by the calmness of his wife.

They hid their relationship for a very long time. Fans learned about the novel only after the couple had a son. Young people met at a social event. They were the hosts of this event, and then continued to communicate. There were moments when they could see each other at work, but their romance did not happen immediately.

The impetus for starting a serious relationship was grief in the Laysan family. Her mother died. The girl begins a terrible depression, from which Pasha helps her get out. He proved himself to be a reliable man, behind whom the girl was, like behind a stone wall. It was at this moment that a stormy romance began between young people. The wedding was played in the same year.

The wedding was very quiet and modest. Pavel and Laysan signed at the registry office without ceremony. The press could not even think that two such different people would be together.

Rumors began to spread at a time when the girl's pregnancy was no longer possible to hide. There was a real buzz around the couple. To protect the young wife from journalists, Pavel took her to Spain, and then to the USA. Their first son, Robert, was born there.

With the advent of his son, a completely different Pavel Volya appeared before the fans. It was no longer possible to call him a “glamorous bastard”. It turned out to be a very caring, gentle and attentive father and husband. And in May 2015, a daughter appeared in the family.

relationship problems

Showman Pasha Volya and charming gymnast Laysan Utyasheva have always been considered the strongest couple in show business. But every family has its own problems. So, here, Laysan often admitted that Pavel is very quick-tempered, and often arranges scenes of jealousy in front of everyone.

For the first time, she spoke about Laysan's divorce in Yulia Menshova's program “Alone with Everyone” in December 2016. Already at this time, there were many rumors that the couple was on the verge of parting. But the gymnast denied this fact in an interview with Julia. The conversation was very frank. Laysan told how she herself lived without a father. The girl's parents divorced due to constant drinking.

Rumor has it that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva are getting a divorce.

Mom was very worried, regularly tried to return him, send him for treatment, but no attempts were successful. As it turned out, the father already had another family, secretly from his daughters and Laysan's mother. In this program, Laysan reassured the fans, saying that everything was fine in her family. She is very happy with Pasha.

But as it turned out, not everything is so rosy in the couple's family. First of all, the main problem is that Laysan devotes all his time to raising children. This has a very negative effect on the relationship between the spouses, since she does not have time for Paul at all.

The well-known psychic Natalya Vorotnikova prophesied that the couple would not be together. Natalya predicted that immediately after the birth of the child, the family would fall apart through the fault of Paul. He is very freedom-loving, and family relationships will weigh him down. The woman prophesied two marriages to both spouses. How true the prophecy, time will tell. But so far it hasn't come true. Pavel and Laysan already have two children, and Natalya predicted a divorce after the first child appeared.

The last scandal associated with the star couple occurred during the casting for the Dancing-3 project. At the competition, one of the participants expressed a desire to kiss Laysan. Pavel did not like this very much, he expressed his dissatisfaction publicly.

Despite the disagreement in the couple, there is no official information that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva are getting divorced in 2017. Most likely, this is just gossip of the yellow press.

Laysan Utyasheva shared with the subscribers of her social network Instagram a photo from the next issue of the Dancing project. Fans were immediately embarrassed by the fact that in the picture the athlete poses without a wedding ring. Laysan explained her act very simply - she forgot to put it on. Laysan also added that the ring did not fit the image that the stylists had collected for her.

Laysan Utyasheva provoked rumors of a divorce from Pavel Volya by taking off her wedding ring

Laysan Utyasheva is a famous athlete of the Russian Federation, as well as a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Many people know her as the wife of the famous comedian and resident of the Comedy Club Pavel Volya. The couple have been together for over 6 years. They are married and have 2 children. Their marriage is considered by many to be ideal, because they continually confess their love to each other.

Recently, the athlete posted a photo on one of her social networks, which scared her fans very much. On it, she was captured in a luxurious red dress on the set of the new edition of the TV show "Dancing". But it was not her beautiful outfit that confused the users. In the picture, Laysan showed off without a wedding ring.

Utyasheva never takes off her wedding ring. When she appeared in public without him, rumors immediately began to spread on the network that there had been a quarrel in the family of Pavel and Laysan. Users of the social network Instagram immediately began to bombard the athlete with comments about what happened in the star couple.

Laysan Utyasheva commented on the rumors about the breakup of marriage with her husband Pavel Volya

Laysan Utyasheva did not keep her fans waiting long and decided to answer the rumors about the upcoming divorce from Pavel Volya. In the comments under the photo, she answered the subscriber's question why the athlete appeared before the audience without a wedding ring.

Laysan Utyasheva explained her act very simply. She forgot to wear her wedding ring that day. The athlete also explained that her ring did not fit the image that was compiled for her by the stylists of the project. With all this, it turned out to be very funny that this day she made a remark to a married girl who went on stage without a ring on the ring finger of her right hand.

Laysan Utyasheva in a happy marriage with Pavel Volya showed grown children

Laysan and Pavel lead a rather hidden lifestyle. They do not talk about what is happening in their family and do not publish photos of their children. According to the artists, they do not want to get into the personal space of their son and daughter. Parents want their kids to decide when to start using social media and what pictures to post.

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva divorced in 2018. How did it happen that the relationship, which the whole country watched with bated breath, is coming to an end. All fans of Laysan and Pasha looked with delight at the beautiful couple. Suffice it to recall their joint video, in which the eyes are filled with love and tenderness for each other. What could have happened in this exemplary family. Is it true that Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya are getting a divorce?

Pavel Volya - biography

Pavel Volya - the real name of the showman Denis Dobronravov, was born in 1979 in the city of Penza. As a child, he was fond of the humanities, he was very fond of literature. After leaving school, Pavel entered the Penza Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature.

At the institute, he began performing in KVN. After graduating from the institute, almost the entire team of kvnschikov moved to Moscow. Pasha was no exception. From that moment on, Pavel's career took off. He worked as a DJ at Khti FM, wrote scripts for Igor Ugolnikov's program.

Pavel Volya in his youth

Celebrity and success came to the young man from the moment he became a resident of the Comedy Club show. All his performances were based on insulting the guests of the show, which were presented in the form of jokes. It became a token of Will.

For a long time, Pavel collaborated with Vladimir Turchinsky. Together they hosted the Comedy Battle program. In memory of his colleague, Pavel continues to lead this program.

Pavel Volya participant of the Comedy Club show

Pavel can be seen not only in humorous programs. He successfully acted in films. The very first film where Pavel got the role was the series "Club" in 2006. Later, he took part in the filming of the film "The Best Movie". In 2008, in the film "Plato" Pasha played a major role.

Pavel Volya has been building a serious musical career since 2004. Every year he released a new album.

P. Will is a shocking person

The outrageous young man has always been in the center of attention of girls. His personal life worried many. Pasha was single for a long time. But in 2013, the media exploded with the news of his wedding and the birth of a child. What was the surprise of the fans that the gymnast Laysan Utyasheva became the chosen one of Pasha. A calm, sweet girl is the exact opposite of an explosive young man.

P. Will now

Laysan Utyasheva - how it all began

Laysan was born in 1985 in the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the village of Raevskoye. When the girl was 4 years old, the family moved to Volgograd. Since childhood, Laysan dreamed of becoming a ballerina. She was a fragile and flexible girl. Parents were very far from art, but they decided to support their daughter's desire. Mom enrolled her in a ballet school.

Laysan Utyasheva in childhood with her parents

But by chance, instead of ballet, Laysan got into a sports class. The girl was immediately noted and invited to do rhythmic gymnastics. Already in the first year of training, Laysan began to achieve good success.

When the girl was 12 years old, her parents brought her to Moscow. Here, the most famous coaches continued to work with her. At the age of 14, Laysan successfully passes the standards for a master of sports. In 2001, Laysan performs at the World Cup and becomes the winner in six categories.

Laysan is a famous gymnast in the past

Coach Irina Viner was preparing the gymnast for the Olympics, but in 2002 there was a fatal fall. Laysan hurts his leg. The first examination does not reveal serious damage, and the girl continues intensive training. The old trauma constantly made itself felt. The girl could not train for a long time, her leg began to hurt badly. Irina Viner insisted on a thorough examination, which showed that there were cracks in the injured leg. In addition, regular loads led to damage to the second leg.

The gymnast had to take a break, a complex operation was performed on her leg. After a long rehabilitation, the girl returned to the sport. Her dream was to participate in the Olympics. But this was not destined to come true. The pain in my leg has returned.

Laysan Utyasheva as host

Doctors argued that continuing to play sports would lead to the fact that the girl would be in a wheelchair. In 2006, Laysan decides to leave the sport.

The girl suffered a career disruption. But after a small psychological crisis, she found herself as the host of television programs about health and sports. Now she has organized her own dance show.

Laysan's first romance was with businessman Valery Lomadze. But two years later, the relationship ended in a legal scandal over joint property.

Laysan Utyasheva now

In 2012, a tragedy happened in Laysan's life. Her mother died at the age of 47. The girl shut herself up. Her condition almost caused a career breakdown. But at this time, Pavel Volya appears next to Laysan, who became her salvation. The relationship of young people reached the wedding, which fans learned about in 2012. And now there are rumors in the press that Utyasheva Laysan is filing a divorce from Volya. Is it true?

Relationship history

So different, but so happy! Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva always attracted admiring glances. The loving, happy couple captivated fans. They harmoniously complement each other. Pavel's impulsiveness was smoothed out by the calmness of his wife.

They hid their relationship for a very long time. Fans learned about the novel only after the couple had a son. Young people met at a social event. They were the hosts of this event, and then continued to communicate. There were moments when they could see each other at work, but their romance did not happen immediately.

Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya

The impetus for starting a serious relationship was grief in the Laysan family. Her mother died. The girl begins a terrible depression, from which Pasha helps her get out. He proved himself to be a reliable man, behind whom the girl was, like behind a stone wall. It was at this moment that a stormy romance began between young people. The wedding was played in the same year.

The wedding was very quiet and modest. Pavel and Laysan signed at the registry office without ceremony. The press could not even think that two such different people would be together.

Rumors began to spread at a time when the girl's pregnancy was no longer possible to hide. There was a real buzz around the couple. To protect the young wife from journalists, Pavel took her to Spain, and then to the USA. Their first son, Robert, was born there.

The couple often travel together

With the advent of his son, a completely different Pavel Volya appeared before the fans. It was no longer possible to call him a “glamorous bastard”. It turned out to be a very caring, gentle and attentive father and husband. And in May 2015, a daughter appeared in the family.

relationship problems

Showman Pasha Volya and charming gymnast Laysan Utyasheva have always been considered the strongest couple in show business. But every family has its own problems. So, here, Laysan often admitted that Pavel is very quick-tempered, and often arranges scenes of jealousy in front of everyone.

For the first time, she spoke about Laysan's divorce in Yulia Menshova's program “Alone with Everyone” in December 2016. Already at this time, there were many rumors that the couple was on the verge of parting. But the gymnast denied this fact in an interview with Julia. The conversation was very frank. Laysan told how she herself lived without a father. The girl's parents divorced due to constant drinking.

Rumor has it that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva are getting a divorce

Mom was very worried, regularly tried to return him, send him for treatment, but no attempts were successful. As it turned out, the father already had another family, secretly from his daughters and Laysan's mother. In this program, Laysan reassured the fans, saying that everything was fine in her family. She is very happy with Pasha.

But as it turned out, not everything is so rosy in the couple's family. First of all, the main problem is that Laysan devotes all his time to raising children. This has a very negative effect on the relationship between the spouses, since she does not have time for Paul at all.

The well-known psychic Natalya Vorotnikova prophesied that the couple would not be together. Natalya predicted that immediately after the birth of the child, the family would fall apart through the fault of Paul. He is very freedom-loving, and family relationships will weigh him down. The woman prophesied two marriages to both spouses. How true the prophecy, time will tell. But so far it hasn't come true. Pavel and Laysan already have two children, and Natalya predicted a divorce after the first child appeared.

The last scandal associated with the star couple occurred during the casting for the Dancing-3 project. At the competition, one of the participants expressed a desire to kiss Laysan. Pavel did not like this very much, he expressed his dissatisfaction publicly.

Despite the disagreement in the couple, there is no official information that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva are getting divorced in 2018. Most likely, this is just gossip of the yellow press.

Do you like the couple of Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva?

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