Attitude towards love Bunin and Kuprin. Love in the works of Bunin and Kuprin - composition (Grade 11)

The theme of love in the work of Bunin and Kuprin occupies a special place. Of course, writers described this feeling in different ways and discovered new aspects of its manifestation. There are also similar features: they talk about both an all-consuming passion and a tragic feeling that cannot stand the test of life situations. The theme of love in the work of Bunin and Kuprin shows it in all its diversity, allowing you to see new facets of this feeling.

Playing with contrasts

The theme of love in the work of Bunin and Kuprin is often shown in opposition to the characters of the main characters. If we analyze their works, it can be noted that in most of them one of the lovers has a stronger character and is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of his feelings. The other side turns out to be weaker, for which public opinion or personal ambitions are more important than feelings.

This can be seen in the example of the heroes of Bunin's story "Dark Alleys". Both heroes met by chance and remembered the time when they were in love. The heroine, Nadezhda, carried love through her whole life - she never met someone who could outshine the image of Nikolai Alekseevich. He married, however, not having a strong feeling for his wife, but he did not really regret it. To think that the owner of the tavern could become his wife, the mistress of the house - for him it was unthinkable. And if Nadezhda was ready for anything to be with her beloved and continued to love him, then Nikolai Alekseevich is shown as a person for whom social status and public opinion are more important.

The same contrast can be seen in Kuprin's Olesya. The Polissya witch is shown as a girl with a warm heart, capable of great feelings, ready to sacrifice not only her well-being, but also the peace of her loved ones for the sake of her lover. Ivan Timofeevich is a man of a gentle nature, his heart is lazy, incapable of experiencing the love of the strength that Olesya had. He did not follow the call of his heart, his movement, therefore, only the beads of the girl remained in his memory of this love.

Love in the works of Kuprin

Despite the fact that both writers considered a bright feeling to be a manifestation of goodness, nevertheless, they describe it a little differently. The theme of love in the work of Bunin and Kuprin has various manifestations, if you read their works, you can understand that most often the relationships they describe have differences.

So, AI Kuprin most often talks about tragic love, sacrificial, for the writer, true love must certainly be accompanied by life's trials. Because a strong and all-consuming feeling could not bring happiness to loved ones. Such love could not be simple. This can be seen in his works, such as "Olesya", "Garnet Bracelet", "Shulamith", etc. But for the heroes, even such love is happiness, and they are grateful that they had such a strong feeling.

Love in Bunin's stories

For writers, a bright feeling is the most beautiful thing that could happen to a person. Therefore, the theme of love in the work of Bunin and Kuprin occupied a special place, which is why their works so excited readers. But they understood it each in their own way. In the work of I. A. Bunin, love is a flash of emotions, a happy moment that suddenly appears in life, and then just as abruptly ends. Therefore, in his stories, the characters evoke conflicting feelings among readers.

So, in the story "Sunstroke" love-flash is shown, love-instant, illuminating the life of two people for a brief moment. And after they broke up, the main character felt older by many years. Because this fleeting love took away all the best that was in him. Or in the story "Dark Alleys" the main character continued to love, but she could not forgive her lover's weaknesses. And he, although he understood that she had given him the best years, continued to believe that he had done the right thing. And if in the work of Kuprin, love was certainly tragic, then in Bunin it is shown as a more complex feeling.

The unusual side of light feeling

Although love in the works of Bunin and Kuprin is a sincere, real relationship between two people, sometimes love can be completely different. It is this side that is shown in the story "The Gentleman from San Francisco". Although this work is not about love, in one episode it is said that one happy couple walked around the ship and everyone, looking at her, saw two lovers. And only the captain knew that they were hired specifically to play a strong feeling.

It would seem, what could this have to do with the theme of love in the works of Bunin and Kuprin? This also happens - this also applies to actors who play lovers on stage, and such couples who were hired on purpose. But it also happens that a real feeling can arise between such artists. On the other hand, someone, looking at them, gains hope that he will also have love in life.

The role of details in the description

The description of the feeling of love in both A. I. Kuprin and I. A. Bunin takes place against the background of a detailed description of the everyday life of the characters. This allows you to show how a strong feeling flows in a simple life. How can the attitude of heroes to familiar things and phenomena change. And some details of the life of the characters allow you to better understand the nature of the characters. The writers managed to organically combine everyday life and a bright feeling.

Can everyone feel

In the essay "The Theme of Love in the Works of Bunin and Kuprin" it is also worth noting that only strong people can experience a real feeling, sacrifice everything for a lover and love him all his life. After all, why can't the heroes of their works be together? Because a strong personality falls in love with someone who cannot experience a feeling of equal strength. But thanks to such a contrast, the love of such heroes looks even stronger and sincere. A. I. Kuprin and I. A. Bunin wrote about a bright feeling in its various manifestations, so that readers understand that whatever love is, it is happiness, that it happened in life, and a person should be grateful that he has the ability to love.

At all times, poets and writers have turned to the theme of love, because it is the ability to love that is the main dignity of mankind. But still, I think no one knew how to talk about this wonderful feeling like Kuprin and Bunin. Reading the works of these writers, most often you come to the idea of ​​how complex and multifaceted love is.
I think that the life of the heroes of Kuprin and Bunin is full of conventions, subject to calculation, incomprehensible ambitions, and everything is so false that it is sometimes difficult to discern true feelings and thoughts. And this, in my opinion, is the main problem that writers deal with. However, there is something life-affirming and beautiful in all the stories of Kuprin and Bunin dedicated to love.
The main characters know how to truly love, which happens very rarely in people's lives. It is this feeling that helps the characters break out of the circle of the ordinary, boring, vulgar. It is possible to escape just for a moment, even paying for this happiness with your own life, but still to know and experience a feeling that is inaccessible to many people.
I think that I.A. Bunin and A.I. Kuprin in their works about love most often resort to contrast, opposition of lovers, because they are too different people, both spiritually, morally, and socially.
In the stories and short stories of Kuprin and Bunin, one can single out amazing accuracy in describing everyday details, recreating life in every detail. So, Lieutenant Romashov in Kuprin thinks of himself in the third person, which makes him much more significant in his own eyes. In "Easy Breathing" Bunin resorts to such details as the diary of Olya Meshcherskaya, which gives greater truthfulness to this story.
In my opinion, writers have a slightly different understanding of what true love is. For Kuprin, this feeling is always tragic, true love cannot be happy to the end, it is always suffering and pain. According to Kuprin, love must be given without a trace, experiencing constant torment and a feeling of happiness at the same time. For him, love is an ideal, so everyday life and this feeling are incompatible, hence the tragedy of the fate of the heroes. So pure and kind Romashov sacrifices himself for the prudent Shurochka Nikolaeva. Zheltkov's chivalrous, romantic love for Princess Vera Nikolaevna, which swallowed up his whole being, is also tragic. Zheltkov dies without complaints, without reproaches, saying: "Hallowed be thy name." Shulamith from the story of the same name, despite all the suffering, thanks King Solomon for the happiness given to her.
The theme of beauty and love in Bunin's work is represented by very complex and sometimes contradictory situations. Love for him is madness, a surge of emotions, a moment of unbridled happiness, which ends very quickly, and only then is realized and understood. This is exactly the meeting of the lieutenant with a beautiful stranger in "Sunstroke". It was a moment of happiness that cannot be returned, resurrected. When she leaves, the lieutenant sits “under a canopy on the deck, feeling ten years older,” for this feeling suddenly arose and suddenly disappeared, leaving a deep wound in his soul, but still it was happiness.
An amazing meeting of people who loved each other many years ago in "Dark Alleys" is also amazing. Nadezhda carried this feeling through her whole life, and could not get married and live a different, new life: “No matter how much time passed, she lived all alone. I knew that for a long time you were gone, that for you it was as if nothing had happened, but now ... It’s too late to reproach now. People passed by each other, and love is alive, despite the past years. Yes, of course, life did not work out for either Nadezhda or Nikolai Alekseevich, however, it could not be otherwise: “But, my God, what would happen next? What if I hadn't left her? What nonsense! This same Nadezhda is not the keeper of the inn, but my wife, the mistress of my St. Petersburg house, the mother of my children?! It was impossible. He closed his eyes and shook his head.
In my opinion, love according to Bunin is realistic, it is not ideal, but still beautiful. It is known not by many, but only by sensual people. I think that Kuprin and Bunin believed that love arises in the life of only strong people who know how to sacrifice themselves.

"Is there an unhappy love?" (Ivan Bunin).
(According to the works of Ivan Bunin and Alexander Kuprin).
Every love is a great happiness, even if it is not divided.
I. Bunin
Russian literature of the late 19th and early 20th centuries is represented by the brilliant names of Leo Tolstoy, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin and other great writers. Critical realists reflected in their works the crisis state of the world, the process of distortion of human nature, the loss of human features by people. But, depicting the world in such colors, writers of the turn of the century see positive ideals in high love. They have similar concepts of this feeling. One can compare the opinions of Bunin and Kuprin. The extraordinary strength and sincerity of feeling are characteristic of the heroes of their stories. Kuprin firmly believed in love. In his work, a high system of feelings is resurrected, which was inherent in the works of earlier writers who created inspired hymns of love. Bunin, too, always succeeded in stories about a high feeling, because they came from the depths of the heart. Love captures all the thoughts of a person, all his strength. But something always goes wrong, and the lovers are forced to leave. Reading the works of these writers, one can assume that love is something that causes people only suffering and misfortune. Indeed, the ending of Alexander Kuprin's Garnet Bracelet is tragic: the protagonist commits suicide. Yes, and in "Sunstroke" or "Dark Alleys" by Ivan Bunin there is no happy ending. All "in love" writers live in anticipation of love, looking for it, and most often, scorched by it, they die. But still, let's try to figure out whether the love of the main characters in the works of Bunin and Kuprin was unhappy.
In order to understand Kuprin's attitude to love, in my opinion, it is enough to understand whether love was happiness for the hero in the writer's most powerful story "Garnet Bracelet". This work, written in 1911, is based on a real event - the love of telegraph operator Yellow P.P. to the wife of an important official, a member of the State Council - Lyubimov. Lyubimova's son, the author of well-known memoirs, Lev Lyubimov recalls this story. In life, everything ended differently than in the story of A. Kuprin - the official accepted the bracelet and stopped writing letters, nothing more is known about him. In the Lyubimov family, this incident was remembered as strange and curious. Under the writer's pen, he appears as a sad and tragic story of the life of a little man, who was exalted and destroyed by love. Yes, she ruined him, because this love was unrequited, but is it possible to say that she was unhappy for Zheltkov? I think it's impossible. Zheltkov died not with fear of foreboding death, but with a pleasant feeling that this love was still in his life. This is evidenced by the expression on the face of the deceased: "Deep importance was in his closed eyes, and his lips smiled blissfully and serenely ...". For the hero, love, although it was not mutual, was the only happiness. He writes about this in his last message to Vera Ivanovna: “From the bottom of my heart I thank you for being my only joy in life, my only consolation, my only thought.” “But that means there was no reason for suicide if he was happy ...” - said some critics of that time. Perhaps because he did this act, so as not to cause inconvenience to his beloved. Zheltkov would have to stop writing to her and mention his existence. Vera Ivanovna herself asked him about it, but he was unable to force himself to do it. And the lyrical hero saw no other choice but to commit suicide. So we can say that Zheltkov died not from unhappy love, but, on the contrary, because he loved passionately and ardently. According to Kuprin, true happy love cannot last forever. He was a realist, which is why there is no happy ending in this writer's love stories. The lovers must part.
Now let's turn to the stories of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. His opinion about love is perfectly expressed by the line from "Dark Alleys": "All love is a great happiness, even if it is not shared." As we have already said, this opinion is shared by Alexander Kuprin. That is why I took this line as an epigraph. In thirty-eight short stories of "Dark Alleys" amazing female types pass before readers. Here is Hope from the story "Dark Alleys". She carried through her whole life love for the master, who had once seduced her. The lovers had not seen each other for thirty years and accidentally met at the inn, where Nadezhda is the hostess, and Nikolai Alekseevich is a random traveler. He is not able to rise to her high feelings, to understand why Nadezhda did not marry "with such beauty that ... she had." How can you love only one person all your life? Meanwhile, for Nadezhda, Nikolenka remained an ideal for the rest of her life, the one and only: “No matter how much time passed, everyone lived alone. I knew that you were gone for a long time, that it was as if there was nothing for you, but ... It’s too late to reproach now, but it’s true, you left me very heartlessly. Having changed horses, Nikolai Alekseevich leaves, and Nadezhda remains forever at the inn. For one - an accidental hobby of youth, for another - love for life. Yes, perhaps Nadezhda is not happy now, after many years, but how strong that feeling was, how much joy and happiness it brought, that it is impossible to forget about it. That is, love for the main character is happiness.
In the story "Sunstroke" love is something instantaneous, a flash that sweeps past leaving a deep imprint in the soul. Again, the lovers part, which causes suffering to the main character. Life itself without a lover is suffering. He does not find a place for himself either in the apartment or on the street, remembering those happy moments spent with her. Reading a short story after a short story, you begin to realize that in order to make sure of the sincerity of feelings, according to Bunin, a tragedy is certainly needed. But despite all their tragedy, a light feeling seizes the reader when the last page of the collection is turned over: an extraordinary light power and sincerity of feelings are characteristic of the heroes of these stories.
Bunin's love does not live long - in the family, in marriage, in everyday life. A short, dazzling flash, illuminating the souls of lovers to the bottom, leads them to a tragic end - death, suicide, non-existence. In the work of Kuprin, each of the characters has similar features: spiritual purity, dreaminess, ardent imagination, combined with impracticality and lack of will. And they are most clearly revealed in love. All of them treat the woman with filial purity and reverence. Willingness to die for the sake of a beloved woman, romantic worship, chivalrous service to her and at the same time underestimating oneself, disbelief. All Kuprin's heroes with a fragile soul fall into a cruel world. The theme of pure and beautiful feeling runs through all the work of these two Russian writers. "Every love is a great happiness, even if it is not divided" - these words from the story "Dark Alleys" by Bunin could be repeated by all the heroes.

The theme of love in the works of Bunin and Kuprin, two Russian writers belonging to the first half of the 20th century, is common in their works. The heroes of their stories and stories are characterized by extraordinary sincerity and strength of feeling. It subjugates all human thoughts. However, the theme of love in the work of Bunin and Kuprin is almost always revealed tragically. The main characters are invariably doomed to suffering. In order to maintain their feeling, they should part forever. We see such an ending in all the stories of Ivan Alekseevich. The theme of tragic love is revealed in great detail.

Love in the works of Bunin

The heroes of his works live in anticipation of love. They strive to find it and often die, burned by it. This feeling in his works is selfless, disinterested. It does not require a reward. About such love, you can say: "Strong as death." It will be a joy for her, and not a misfortune, to go to torment.

Bunin's love does not live long - in marriage, in the family, in everyday life. This is a dazzling short flash, illuminating to the very depths of the heart and soul of lovers. A tragic ending is inevitable, death, oblivion, suicide.

Ivan Alekseevich created a whole cycle of stories dedicated to describing the various shades of this feeling. You probably won't find a single piece with a happy ending. The feeling described by the author, one way or another, is short-lived and ends, if not tragically, then at least dramatically. One of the most famous stories of this cycle is "Sunstroke".

In it, the heroine goes to the monastery, and the hero is tormented by longing for her. He loved this girl with all his heart. However, in spite of everything, his feeling for her remains a bright spot in his life, although with an admixture of something mysterious, incomprehensible, bitter.

Love of the heroes of the works "Olesya" and "Garnet Bracelet"

The theme of love is the main theme in Kuprin's work. Alexander Ivanovich created many works dedicated to this feeling. In the story "Olesya" by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, the heroine fell in love with a "kind, but only weak" person. The theme of tragic love in Kuprin's work is also revealed in his other work - "Garnet Bracelet".

The author tells the story of a certain poor employee Zheltkov, describing his feelings for a wealthy married princess Vera Nikolaevna. For him, the only way out is suicide. Before committing it, he says, like a prayer, the words: "Hallowed be thy name." In the works of Kuprin, the characters may seem unhappy. However, this is only partly true. They are already happy that in their life there was love once, and this is the most wonderful feeling. Thus, the theme of tragic love in Kuprin's work has a life-affirming connotation. Olesya from the story of the same name regrets only that she did not have a child from her beloved. Zheltkov dies, saying a blessing to his beloved woman. These are romantic and beautiful love stories that are so rare in real life...

The heroes of Kuprin's works are dreamy personalities endowed with an ardent imagination. However, they are at the same time laconic and impractical. These traits are fully revealed after they pass the test of love.

So, for example, Zheltkov did not talk about love for Vera, thus dooming himself to torment and suffering. However, he could not hide his feelings, so he wrote letters to her. Yolkov from the story "Garnet Bracelet" experienced an unrequited, sacrificial feeling that completely took possession of him. It would seem that this is a petty official, an unremarkable person. However, he possessed a truly great gift - he knew how to love. He subordinated his whole being, his whole soul to this feeling. When her husband asked him not to bother her with his letters anymore, Zheltkov decided to die. He simply could not imagine existence without a princess.

Description of nature, opposition of love and life

Kuprin's description of nature plays a very important role. It is the backdrop against which events take place. In particular, the love that broke out between Ivan Timofeevich and Olesya is presented against the backdrop of a spring forest. The theme of love in the work of Bunin and Kuprin is characterized by the fact that in the works of these authors a high feeling is powerless in the face of ambition, calculation and the cruelty of life. After a collision with the ordinary, it disappears. Instead, there is only a feeling of satiety.

Love is passing by

In the works of these authors, everyday life and love, everyday life and this high feeling cannot be combined. However, it also happens that people, not noticing their happiness, pass by it. And from this side the theme is revealed. For example, the heroine of the "Garnet Bracelet" Princess Vera notices Zheltkov's feelings for her late, but at the end of the work she finds out what all-consuming, disinterested love means. For a brief moment, it lit up her life.

Human imperfection and life-affirming moments

In the man himself, there is probably something that prevents all of us from noticing goodness and beauty. This is selfishness, which is often expressed in the desire to be happy at any cost, even if the other person suffers from it. In the works of Kuprin and Bunin we find all these reflections. However, despite the drama present in them, one can also see something life-affirming in stories and novels. A high feeling helps the characters of Kuprin and Bunin to go beyond the circle of vulgarity and everyday life that surrounds them. And it does not matter that it is only for a moment, that the price of this moment is often a whole life.


So, we answered the question of how the topic is revealed. In conclusion, we note that the stories and novels of these authors teach us the ability to discern a real feeling, to be able not to miss it and not hide it, because one day it may be too late. Both Bunin and Kuprin believe that love is given to a person in order to illuminate his life, to open his eyes.

It can be seen that both authors in works devoted to this feeling most often resort to the method of contrast. They contrast two lovers in their stories and stories. These are different people both morally and spiritually. In addition, they often have a big difference in social status.

The theme of love was one of the main ones in the work of writers of the 20th century. Love has been written about in all ages, and even with the advent of modern times, it does not go unnoticed. This problem worried all generations of writers, among whom were A. Kuprin and I. Bunin. In the prose of A Kuprin, I. Bunin and other major artists of the era, a common aspiration was expressed in a peculiar way. Writers were attracted not so much by the history of the relationship of a loving couple or the development of their psychological duel, but by the influence of the experience on the hero's understanding of himself and the whole world.

The boundless spiritual possibilities of a person and his own inability to realize them - that's what worried A. Kuprin, and was already captured in his early stories. Kuprin closely associated the awakening of the personality with the eternal feeling of love.

In Kuprin's prose of the 1890s and early 1900s, there are many stories about the death of love, the fragility of love unions. The initial inclination towards beauty and self-sacrifice is very important for the author. Especially dear to Kuprin were solid, strong natures.

"Garnet Bracelet" is one of the most remarkable works in the work of Kuprin.

The rarest gift of unrequited worship of a woman - Vera Sheina - became "great happiness", the only content, the poetry of Zheltkov's life. The phenomenality of his experiences raises the image of a young man above all others. Not only the rude, narrow-minded Tuganovsky, Vera's brother, her sister, a frivolous coquette, but also the smart, conscientious Shein, the husband of the heroine, who reveres love as the "greatest secret" Anosov, the beautiful and pure Vera Nikolaevna herself are in a clearly reduced household environment.

From the first lines there is a feeling of withering. This can be traced in the autumn landscape, in the sad form of non-residential cottages with broken windows. All this is connected with the monotonous life of Vera, whose calmness is disturbed by Zheltkov.

Not finding reciprocal love, Zheltkov decides to arbitrarily die. The psychological climax of the story is Vera's farewell to Zheltkov's ashes, their only "date" - a turning point in her spiritual state. Only with his death does Sheina learn about true love, which she never had.

Bunin's prose reflects dislike rather than love. Nevertheless, the attraction to this feeling is full of poetry and passionate force.

He created a wonderful story "Mitya's Love". Its plot is very simple. Passionately loved by Mitya, Katya spun in a fake, bohemian environment and cheated on him. The suffering of a young man is the content of the story, but ends with his suicide.

In both works, a tragic ending can be traced, which was inevitable.

A person cannot live only with his heart and only in a woman or a man find the whole meaning of life: in this way he could reach the very opposite of true love - selfishness.

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