What to prefer in a person: reason or feelings. What is more important: Feelings or Reason or maybe Strength? What to choose


MIND is the ability that can comprehend and conclude correct sequential thoughts, establish cause-and-effect relationships.
FEELINGS are a person’s stable emotional experiences, always subjective, sometimes contradictory; stable feelings determine the worldview and value system.
The behavior of an individual depends more on feelings than on his rational considerations. It’s not for nothing that we are so often advised not to give in to our feelings and emotions. We try to manage them if they are negative, but they still break through. Either they get the better of us, then we cope and pull ourselves together, transforming anger into repentance, hatred into love, envy into admiration.

BECAUSE HE HAD A STRONG FEELING NOT TO SUBMIT TO THE ELEMENTS OF THE SEA, EVEN DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE FORCES WERE NO LONGER THE SAME, AND HOW HE PLAYED WITH HIS MIND, TRIED TO DECEIVE HIM, and the boy played along with him out of participation. BUT WITH TIME, THE OLD MAN BEGINS TO REALIZE THAT HE IS NO LONGER THE SAME AS BEFORE, AND HUMILITY ENTERS HIS SOUL IN A WAY THAT DOESN’T DEMILIATE HIS CREDO OF LIFE: “Never give up and fight until the very end.” Gradually, the old man begins to feel more calm about his inevitable old age, and he still has dreams: to see his beloved shore; save your life and be glad that you didn’t die at sea; dream of meeting imaginary lions in your sleep.

In the next story by K. PAUSTOVSKY "TELEGRAM" I want to examine a topic where feelings still won, and this turned into a tragedy or loss, when a person for a long time cannot recover from his experiences, as from similar blows of fate. In his story “Telegram,” K. Paustovsky describes how a girl has been living in Leningrad for several years, spinning around in the bustle of vanities, helping organize exhibitions, but at this time the old mother is far from her daughter and is dying; and her daughter should be next to her, but she is late to arrive, and her mother is buried without her.
IN last letter the mother writes, turning to her daughter: “My dear, my beloved,” and asks to hurry up to her... it’s clear how the old woman loves her daughter, no matter what. Arriving late, not finding her mother alive, the daughter, in agony of conscience, cries all night in an empty house; Burning with shame, he sneaks through the evening village and leaves unnoticed. And this heaviness in her heart remains with her for the rest of her life.
Sometimes people cannot get up and move on, they cannot come to terms with some already irreparable situation that they could not overcome, and in their thoughts they constantly return to it. Such mental pain can endlessly deprive a person of strength and energy to live on, rejoice in what is and calm down about what can no longer be changed.
And here we can cite as consolation the prayer of the Optina elders:
“Lord! Give me the strength to change what I can change in my life, give me courage and peace of mind to accept what is not in my power to change, and give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.”
“Reason and feeling are two forces that equally need each other, one is dead and insignificant without the other,” said V. G. Belinsky, and I completely agree with him. I also came to the conclusion that it is good when the mind follows the feelings, and the heart responds in time to the call to be close to those who need you. It is equally important to overcome your feelings in time with the help of reason and stop futile attempts fight where you are powerless to change anything, but it is better to learn to live in harmony with the world around you.

Let us turn to the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. The author talks about the fate of Tatyana. In her youth, having fallen in love with Onegin, she, unfortunately, does not find reciprocity. Tatyana carries her love through the years, and finally Onegin is at her feet - he is passionately in love with her. It would seem that this is what she dreamed about. But Tatyana is already married, she is aware of her duty as a wife, and cannot tarnish her honor and the honor of her husband. Reason takes precedence over her feelings, and she refuses Onegin.

But sometimes feelings are not controlled by consciousness and reason. How often do we come across the fact that our mind tells us one thing, but our feelings tell us something completely different.

What will the feelings-passions submit to, and how will the prince’s mind become clearer? After all, the constant debate between the heart and mind inevitably leads to trouble. In connection with the creation of a family, the prince was worried and bright feeling joy, and dull melancholy, but still a ray of hope shone from time to time that the presence in future spouses Katerina will save him. An internal struggle arises, and at the beginning of the work it is difficult for the reader to imagine what will prevail - reason or the feelings of the protagonist, and only a chance meeting with a young nun saves the prince’s life from complete corruption and final death: the nun calls on the dying man to change his lifestyle.
“Morality is the mind of the heart,” said Heinrich Heine. It is not for nothing that it is customary to remain faithful to marital duty without succumbing to temptation. “The main reason for the mistakes a person makes lies in the constant struggle between feelings and reason,” Blaise Pascal said, and I completely agree with him.
In some situations you should listen to the voice of your heart, and in other situations, on the contrary, you should not give in to your feelings, you need to listen to the arguments of your mind. Let's look at a few more examples.
Thus, V. Rasputin’s story “French Lessons” talks about the teacher Lydia Mikhailovna, who could not remain indifferent to the plight of her student. The boy was starving and, in order to get money for a glass of milk, he played gambling. Lidia Mikhailovna
tried to invite him to the table and even sent him a parcel of food, but the hero rejected her help. Then she decided to take extreme measures: she herself began to play with him for money. Of course, the voice of reason could not help but tell her that she was breaking ethical standards relationship between teachers and students, she violates the boundaries of what is permitted, and she will be fired for this. But a feeling of compassion prevailed, and Lidia Mikhailovna violated the generally accepted rules of teacher behavior in order to help the child. The writer wants to convey to us the idea that “good feelings” are more important than reasonable standards. However, sometimes it happens that a person is possessed by negative feelings: anger, resentment. Captivated by them, he commits bad deeds, although, of course, with his mind he realizes that he is doing evil. The consequences can be tragic.
The story “The Trap” by A. Mass describes the action of a girl named Valentina. The heroine dislikes her brother’s wife, Rita. This feeling is so strong that Valentina decides to set a trap for her daughter-in-law: dig a hole and disguise it so that Rita, when she steps, will fall. The girl cannot help but understand that she is committing a bad act, but her feelings take precedence over reason. She carries out her plan, and Rita falls into the prepared trap. Only suddenly it turns out that she was five months pregnant and could lose the baby as a result of a fall. Valentina is horrified by what she has done. She didn't want to kill anyone, especially a child! “How can I continue to live?” - she asks and finds no answer. The author leads us to the idea that we should not give in to power negative feelings, because they provoke cruel acts, which will later be bitterly regretted.
Thus, we can come to the conclusion: you can obey your feelings if they are good and bright; but the negative ones and those that interfere with living in harmony should be curbed by listening to the voice of reason. But you cannot be guided only by reason when living among people. In human society it is necessary human feelings, to give warmth, love, and intelligence is given to us in order to nurture and develop these feelings, to direct them in the right direction. It is the intellect, warmed by good feelings, that makes a person a Human.
I would also like to add in conclusion that human coexistence is constantly in the unity and struggle of opposites, according to the thought from Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit” that sometimes there can be a reconciliation of feelings with reason, or, conversely, there is an eternal struggle and contradictions of which; but the only thing that is true is that feelings and reason are in human relations can't be without each other.

Registration number 0365314 issued for the work: TOPIC - WHAT WILL WIN, REASON OR FEELINGS?
Mind and feelings: harmony or confrontation?
It seems that there is no clear answer to this question. Of course, it happens that reason and feelings coexist in harmony. However, there are situations when reason and feelings come into conflict. Probably every person at least once in his life felt that his “mind and heart were not in harmony.” An internal struggle arises, and it is difficult to imagine what will prevail: the mind or the heart.
MIND is a spiritual force that can comprehend and conclude correct, consistent thoughts, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.
Feelings are stable emotional experiences of a person, always subjective, sometimes contradictory; stable feelings determine the worldview and value system.
“Our reason sometimes brings us no less grief than our passions,” argued Chamfort. And indeed, grief from the mind happens. When making a decision that seems reasonable at first glance, a person can make a mistake. This happens when all a person’s feelings protest against the chosen path, when, having acted in accordance with the arguments of reason, he feels unhappy.
The behavior of an individual depends more on feelings than on his rational considerations. It’s not for nothing that we are so often advised not to give in to our feelings and emotions. We try to suppress them if they are negative, but they still come to light. Either they control us, then we control them, transforming anger into repentance, hatred into love, envy into admiration.
Let's turn to literary examples. In his story “The Old Man and the Sea,” E. Hemingway soulfully described the case of an old man’s unwillingness to come to terms with his old age, which led him into a state of constant struggle with the elements, symbolizing his feelings that are not subject to reason.
BECAUSE HE HAD A STRONG FEELING NOT TO SUBMIT TO THE ELEMENTS OF THE SEA, EVEN DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE FORCES WERE NO LONGER THE SAME, AND HOW HE PLAYED WITH HIS MIND, TRIED TO DECEIVE HIM, and the boy played along with him out of participation. BUT WITH TIME, THE OLD MAN BEGINS TO REALIZE THAT HE IS NO LONGER THE SAME AS BEFORE, AND HUMILITY ENTERS HIS SOUL IN A WAY THAT DOESN’T DEMILIATE HIS CREDO OF LIFE: “Never give up and fight until the very end.” Gradually, the old man begins to feel more calm about his inevitable old age, and he still has dreams: to see his beloved shore; save your life and be glad that you didn’t die at sea; dream of meeting imaginary lions in your sleep.

In the next story by K. PAUSTOVSKY "TELEGRAM" I want to examine a topic where feelings still won, and this turned into a tragedy or loss, when a person for a long time cannot recover from his experiences, as from similar blows of fate. Sometimes people cannot get up and move on, they cannot come to terms with some situation that they could not foresee in time and then overcome, and even in their thoughts they always return to it.
In his story “Telegram,” K. Paustovsky describes how a girl has been living in Leningrad for several years, spinning around in the bustle of vanities, helping organize exhibitions, but at this time the old mother is far from her daughter and is dying; and her daughter should be next to her, but she is late to arrive, and her mother is buried without her.
In the last letter, the mother writes to her daughter, addressing her: “My dear, my beloved,” and asks her to hurry up to her... it’s clear how the old woman loves her daughter, no matter what. Arriving late, but not finding anyone alive, the daughter, in agony of conscience, cries all night in an empty house, burning with shame, sneaks around the evening village, and leaves unnoticed. And this heaviness in her heart remains with her for the rest of her life.
Sometimes people cannot get up and move on, cannot come to terms with some situation that they could not overcome, and even returning to it in their thoughts all the time, such mental pain can endlessly rob a person of the strength and energy to live on, to enjoy it , what is and to calm down about what you can no longer change.
And here we can cite as an example the prayer of the Optina elders:
“Lord! Give me the strength to change what I can change in my life, give me courage and peace of mind to accept what is not in my power to change, and give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.”
“Reason and feeling are two forces that equally need each other, one is dead and insignificant without the other,” said V. G. Belinsky, and I completely agree with him. I also came to the conclusion that it is good when the mind follows the feelings, the heart responds in time to the call to be close to those who need you. It is equally important to overcome your feelings in time with the help of your mind and stop futile attempts to fight where you are powerless to change something, but rather learn to live in harmony with the world around you.
I think it is important to emphasize that reason allows us not to make irreparable mistakes and gives us the opportunity to manage our feelings in order to preserve energy and fortitude.

The dispute between reason and feeling... This confrontation has been eternal. Sometimes the voice of reason is stronger in us, and sometimes we follow the dictates of feeling. In some situations no the right choice. By listening to feelings, a person will sin against moral standards; listening to reason, he will suffer. There may be no way that will lead to a successful resolution of the situation.
Let us turn to the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. The author talks about the fate of Tatyana. In her youth, having fallen in love with Onegin, she, unfortunately, does not find reciprocity. Tatyana carries her love through the years, and finally Onegin is at her feet, he is passionately in love with her. It would seem that this is what she dreamed about. But Tatyana is already married, she is aware of her duty as a wife, and cannot tarnish her honor and the honor of her husband. Reason takes precedence over her feelings, and she refuses Onegin.
A Russian proverb says: “You can’t build your own happiness on misfortune.” The heroine places moral duty and marital fidelity above love.
Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that, reflecting on the dispute between reason and feelings, it is impossible to say unequivocally what should win - reason or feelings. Tatyana's tragedy is that, neglecting her feelings, she deliberately abandoned her desires.

But sometimes feelings are not controlled by consciousness and reason. How often do we come across the fact that our mind tells us one thing, but our feelings tell us something completely different.
A.N. Tolstoy also writes sensitively about a person’s internal struggle with his passions in his novel “The Lame Master.” The author skillfully lets the reader know that you can change your sinful lifestyle, and there are all the conditions for this, but it is not so easy to do this without the help of your neighbors. In the novel, the young, pure-hearted wife Katya and her husband, Prince Alexei Petrovich, who has already seen life and is mired in his passions, are contrasted with each other; his soul is in a painful struggle in its impulses to return to old connections, despite the marriage; the prince suffers from this and goes on a heavy drinking binge. In this case, the author describes all the torments that occur at the behest of feelings, which a person cannot cope with on his own, and even reason is not an assistant here.
What will the feelings-passions submit to, and how will the prince’s mind become clearer? After all, the constant debate between the heart and mind inevitably leads to trouble. In connection with the creation of a family, the prince experienced both a bright feeling of joy and dull melancholy, but still a ray of hope shone from time to time that the presence of his wife Katerina would save him in the future. An internal struggle arises, and at the beginning of the work it is difficult for the reader to imagine what will prevail - the reason or the heart of the protagonist, and only a chance meeting with a young monk saves the prince’s life from complete corruption and final death: the nun calls on the dying man to change his lifestyle.
“Morality is the mind of the heart,” the words of Heinrich Heine. It is not for nothing that it is customary to remain faithful to marital duty without succumbing to the feeling of temptation. “The main reason for the mistakes a person makes lies in the constant struggle between feelings and reason,” Blaise Pascal said, and I completely agree with him.
I would also like to add in conclusion that human coexistence is constantly in the unity and struggle of opposites, according to the thought from Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit” that sometimes there can be a reconciliation of feelings with reason, or, conversely, there is an eternal struggle and contradictions of which; but the only true thing is that feelings and reason in human relationships cannot exist without each other.

Text Psychology "What is more important: feelings or mind?":

Feelings and reason - what is more important? This question has occupied people at all times. Based on what to do life choices: on the heart or on the head? And the answer is simple, and it is on the surface: both feelings and reason are equally important. It is necessary to listen to them equally.

Feelings and reason. I want and need

If a person listens exclusively to the mind, he risks suppressing his feelings, forgetting how to feel, and losing his intuition. Such a person is forced to live in the grip of “should” and “correctly”. He begins to make the same demands on others, condemn them and punish them for the “excess” of feelings that he himself is deprived of.

If a person listens only to feelings, he risks being captured by his passions, getting lost in his desires, and losing the distinction between “I want” and “I need.” Blindly following feelings leads to self-indulgence. And it’s very difficult to regain your will later.

Some people choose to rely on reason and listen to their feelings as a guide. It is not without reason that a person feels a craving for something, it is not without reason that he sympathizes with someone or avoids someone. There is always a reason and a purpose for this. Before making decisions, it is important to understand both the cause and purpose of your desires.

Other people consider their feelings more important and use their mind as a guide. They evaluate how not to do something stupid and not lose the ground under their feet by following their desires.

However, the difference between the first and second paths is not significant. It is not so important whether feelings or reason are primary. It is important that they are balanced.

How to find a balance between feelings and reason?

When you are faced with a choice between your “wants” and “shoulds,” do not allow yourself to make hasty decisions or draw hasty conclusions. Stop and watch the pendulum within you.

Don't try to drown out your feelings or your mind. Listen to yourself, focus. Live, breathe, see. The pendulum continues to swing, but it is very important not to push it! On the contrary, with every movement, try to slow down the swing. Keep watching.

At the moment when the pendulum has almost stopped swinging between “I want” and “I need”, the easiest and right decisions. Know how to wait, and perhaps the situation will resolve itself.

An essay on the topic “What controls a person to a greater extent: reason or feelings?”

What controls a person more: reason or feelings? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to define its main components. Reason is a person’s ability to think logically: analyze, establish cause-and-effect relationships, find meaning, draw conclusions, formulate principles. And feelings are the emotional experiences of a person that arise in the process of his relationships with the outside world. Feelings are formed and developed during the development and upbringing of a person.

Many people think that they need to live only by reason, and they are right in some ways. Reason is given to man so that he thinks everything over and makes the right decisions. But man is also given feelings. They always fight with the mind, showing that they are the ones who should pay more attention to. Feelings are important for each of us: they help make our life more rich and interesting. Sometimes the heart tells us one thing, but the brain tells us completely the opposite. How to be? I would like them to live in peace and not argue with each other, but this is unattainable. The soul desires freedom, holiday, fun... And the mind tells us that we need to work, work, take care of everyday little things so that they do not accumulate into insoluble everyday problems. Two opposing forces each pull the reins of power, so in different situations we are governed by different motives.

Many writers and poets raised the topic of the struggle between mind and feelings. So, for example, in W. Shakespeare’s tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” the main characters belong to the Montague and Capulet clans at war with each other. Everything is against the feelings of young people, and the voice of reason advises everyone not to give in to the outbreak of love. But emotions turn out to be stronger, and even in death Romeo and Juliet did not want to part. We never know for sure what will happen if feelings take over reason, but Shakespeare showed us the tragic development of events. And we willingly believe him, because a similar plot has been repeated more than once both in world culture and in life. The heroes are just teenagers who probably fell in love for the first time. If they had tried to at least calm down and try to come to an agreement with their parents, I doubt that the Montagues or Capulets would have preferred the death of their children. They would most likely compromise. However, teenagers in this situation did not have enough wisdom and worldly experience to achieve their goal in other, reasonable ways. Sometimes feelings act as our inner intuition, but it also happens that this is just a momentary impulse that is better contained. I think Romeo and Juliet succumbed to the impulse inherent in their age, rather than intuitively forming an unbreakable bond. Love would push them to solve the problem rather than commit suicide. Such a sacrifice is only the dictates of capricious passion.

In the story " Captain's daughter“We also see a clash between reason and feeling. Pyotr Grinev, having learned that his beloved Masha Mironova is being forcibly held by Shvabrin, who wants to force the girl to marry him, contrary to the voice of reason, turns to Pugachev for help. The hero knows that this could threaten him with death, because communication with a state criminal was severely punished, but he does not give up on his plans and ultimately saves own life and honor, and later receives Masha as his lawful wife. This example is an illustration of the fact that the voice of feeling is necessary for a person to make a final decision. He helped save the girl from unjust oppression. If the young man had only thought and wondered, he would not have been able to love to the point of self-sacrifice. But Grinev did not neglect his mind: he made a mental plan on how to help his beloved as effectively as possible. He did not sign up as a traitor, but took advantage of Pugachev’s disposition, who appreciated the courageous and a strong character officer.

Thus, I can conclude that both the mind and feelings must be strong in a person. You cannot give preference to extremes; you must always find a compromise solution. What choice to make in a given situation: obey your feelings or listen to the voice of reason? How to avoid internal conflict between these two “elements”? Everyone must answer these questions for themselves. And a person also makes a choice independently, a choice on which sometimes not only the future, but also life itself can depend.

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Final essay

By thematic area"Reason and Feeling »

Reason and feeling...What is it? These are the two most important forces, two

components inner world each person. Both of these forces

need each other equally.

The mental organization of a person is very complex. Situations that

happen and happen to us, they are very different.

One of them is when our feelings prevail over reason. For another

The situation is characterized by the predominance of reason over feelings. It also happens

third, when a person achieves harmony, this means that the mind and

feelings have exactly the same influence on a person’s mental organization.

The topic of reason and feeling is interesting to many writers. Reading

works of the world fiction, including

Russian, we come across many such examples that tell us about

manifestation different situations in the lives of fiction heroes

works when it happens internal conflict: feelings come out

against reason. Literary heroes very often they find themselves facing

a choice between the dictates of feeling and the prompting of reason.

Thus, in the story by Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin “ Poor Lisa" we see,

how the nobleman Erast falls in love with the poor peasant girl Lisa. Lisa

Confusion, sadness, crazy joy, anxiety, despair, shock-

These are the feelings that filled the girl’s heart. Erast, weak and

flighty, lost interest in Lisa, he doesn’t think about anything, reckless

Human. Satiety sets in and a desire to get rid of the boring


The moment of love is beautiful, but long life and reason gives strength to feelings.

Lisa hopes to regain her lost happiness, but it’s all in vain. Deceived in

best hopes and feelings, she forgets her soul and throws herself into the pond

near the Simonov Monastery. A girl trusts the movements of her heart, and yes

only “tender passions.” For Lisa, the loss of Erast is tantamount to the loss

life. Ardentness and ardor drive her. to death.

Reading the story by N. M. Karamzin, we are convinced that “mind and

feelings are two forces equally in need of each other.”

In the novel by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy you can find several scenes and

episodes related to this topic.

L. N. Tolstoy’s favorite heroine, Natasha Rostova, met and fell in love

Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. After Prince Andrei left abroad, Natasha

I was very sad for a long time without leaving my room. She's very lonely without

loved one. During these difficult days, Anatole meets in her life

Kuragin. He looked at Natasha “admiringly, affectionately

glance." The girl was recklessly infatuated with Anatole. Natasha's love and

Andreya was put to the test. Not keeping this promise

wait for her beloved, she betrayed him. The young girl is too young and

inexperienced in matters of the heart. But a pure soul tells her that she

doesn't act well. Why did Rostova fall in love with Kuragin? She saw in him

someone close to her. This love story ended very sadly:

Natasha tried to poison herself, but she remains alive.

The girl ardently repents for this before God and asks him to give

to her peace of mind and happiness. L. N. Tolstoy himself considered history

relationship between Natasha and Anatole “the most important place novel." Natasha

should be happy, since she has enormous power of life and love.

What conclusion can be drawn on this topic? Remembering Pages

works of N. M. Karamzin and L. N. Tolstoy, I come to the conclusion that

that in both works we see internal human conflict:

feelings oppose reason. Without deep moral feeling

“a person can have neither love nor honor.” How are they connected?

reason and feeling? I would like to quote the words of the Russian writer M.M.

Prishvina: “There are feelings that replenish and darken the mind, and there are

the mind that cools the movement of the senses.”

Final (final) essay-reasoning on the topic: Mind and feelings.

Reason and feeling...What is it? These are two most important forces in a person’s inner world that need each other. The human soul is very complex. There are situations when feelings prevail over reason, and sometimes reason takes precedence over feelings. No wonder Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues said: “The mind cannot comprehend the needs of the heart.” After all, it is true that a person, with all his desire, is not able to control real feelings, which overshadow the reason that contradicts them.

We can observe such a plot in the novel by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, where main character Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov, being a nihilist, denied literally everything, including love. His inner principle was against any romance or feelings. He considered it “nonsense, unforgivable nonsense...”. The decisive feature that contradicted his views was the meeting with Anna Odintsova, a woman who was not like everyone else. The hero sincerely falls in love with her, but these feelings were unacceptable and terrible for Eugene. Anna did not have the same heartfelt inclinations that Bazarov had. He tried in every possible way to hide it, because previously only reason could control his life. The hero could not control everything that was happening, because the struggle of the mind and heart was doing its job. But having finally confessed his love to Odintsova, he is rejected. This leads Bazarov to the original principles, where emotional impulses are simply nonsense compared to reason. But it doesn’t happen that love simply goes out, even before death, but in Eugene it still flares up and stands up against his mind, ultimately winning. He again remembers his love for Anna, since the mind can never comprehend the heart.

Another one of bright examples The confrontation between reason and feeling is the work of N.M. Karamzin “Poor Liza”. The main character The story is about the sentimental poor peasant woman Liza, who falls in love with the rich nobleman Erast. It seemed that their love would never stop. And now the sensitive girl completely surrenders to her lover, her heart takes over her mind. But, unfortunately, the feelings of the young nobleman gradually cool, and soon he leaves for a military campaign, where he loses his entire fortune and, under duress, marries a rich widow. At this point, Lisa’s patience breaks down and she jumps into the pond. After all, for a girl, the act of her beloved was with a strong blow who brought heartache, which she wanted to get rid of only by suicide. Her mind contradicted this course of events, but she could overcome passionate feeling he failed.

Thus, the struggle of the two the most important forces the inner world of a person is one of the most complex processes in everyone's soul. Or feeling surpasses reason or the mind of feeling. Such contradictions are an endless duel. But still the mind will never comprehend sincere feelings.

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