What is a legend examples. The meaning of the word legend in the explanatory dictionary of Efremova

legend it originally a term of medieval Catholic writing, later - a genre of medieval narrative and didactic literature (biography of saints, then - any texts of religious and edifying content). The collections The Golden Legend by Iakov Voraginsky (13th century), The Great Mirror (1481) and others, which penetrated Russia in the 17th century, played an important role in the spread of legends. In Western European medieval writing, there are panegyric, courtly-religious legends, travel legends (associated with the Crusades and penetration into the countries of the East), fablio legends. By the 17th century, a parody of religious legends arose, including in Russia (“The Tale of How a Hawk Moth Enters Paradise”). Nevertheless, individual plots of legends were periodically revived in literature, responding to the needs of the new time (about Faust, Don Juan, Ahasuerus). Plots of legends were widely used by F.Novalis, L.Thick, A.Mickiewicz, V.Irving; they were addressed by V. Scott, V. Hugo, G. Flaubert, A. France, T. Mann and others.

Legends in folklore

In folklore, legends are a genre of non-fairytale prose that fantastically comprehends events associated with phenomena of living and inanimate nature, the world of people (tribes, peoples, individuals), with the supernatural and creatures (God, saints, angels, "unclean spirits"). Folklore legends are based on the idea of ​​a miracle, perceived as authenticity, which determines their structure, systems of images, and poetics. Unlike myths, legends are independent of ritual; unlike legends, the events of legends take place simultaneously in the past, present and future. The first (and only) collection of Russian folklore legends was published by A.N. Afanasiev in 1859 (Novosibirsk, 1990). Russian folklore legends existed both in oral and written form. The church referred to native written legends as “repudiated books” (apocrypha), since their content did not quite coincide with the official dogma. In Russian folklore, etiological, religiously instructive, and socio-utopian legends stand out. Etiological legends were cognitive in nature, they explained the origin of the world, man, animals. The group of religious and edifying legends is especially numerous: about God the Father, about Christ, about angels and saints; plot interpretations of the church calendar, the names of saints; stories warning against violating church prohibitions; about the holy elders and the holy fools. Socially utopian legends, expressing the people's dream of a just social order, called for action (among them are the legends about the "golden age", "about distant lands", about the "returning savior").

The idea of ​​the "golden age" contains the legends "About the city of Kitezh". Belief in the "distant land" is captured in the legend of Belovodie, which was so popular among the Ural Old Believers that it led to the emergence of a special sect - the runners. The legends about the "returning kings (or princes) deliverers" were "the content form of the ideology of popular movements." These legends were used by many impostors. In the oral tradition, Christian legends often took the form of fairy tales. In part, this led to the expansion of the fairy tale repertoire, even a trend was indicated for the design of a new genre, the legendary fairy tale (“Marko the Rich”, “Handless”). The traditional moral world of Russian fairy tales, with their deep sympathy innocently persecuted, could naturally acquire a Christian coloring. At the same time, fantasy, associated with the images of God, Christ, saints, angels, devils, often served in a fairy tale to comprehend social relations and contradictions, so fairy tales of legendary origin approached anecdotal (“Solomon the Wise”, “Priest in a goat's skin”; in the collection of legends Afanasyev - "Ilya the prophet and Nikola"). Plots and images of folklore legends were used by Russian writers (A.S. Pushkin, A.K. Tolstoy, N.S. Leskov, P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky) and composers ( opera by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov a “The Legend of the City of Kitezh”).

The word legend comes from Latin legenda, which in translation means - what should be read.

How often do we hear these days cliché words and expressions like "the birth of a legend" without thinking about what a legend actually is. If we turn to the primary sources, then the word legenda comes from the Latin language. Thus, there is reason to believe that the legends are the know-how of the Romans, but this statement is debatable. Its translation sounds like “reading”, “readable”. There are monographs on this type of traditional genre by the Russian scientist of the 19th century, the classic of linguistics R. O. Shor.

And where does reading, if we are talking about oral folklore? This question is quite natural. Indeed, once in Rome, legends were intended for illiterate citizens, they contained historical, religious information that they understood. From them people drew knowledge, moral principles.

Legends and traditions. What is the difference?

The meaning of the word "legend", which is borrowed, is close to the meaning of the Old Russian word "tradition". The latter comes from the words "transmit", meaning by word of mouth. Tradition, as a rule, is tied to a certain area, people. The legend was originally distinguished by the assessment of events and people according to religious norms.

Christian legend traditionally includes an assessment of events according to Christian standards of life. It is more generalized than legend. The common thing for both narrative and legend is their common basis - certain historical events. The latter are usually dramatic.

Expanded understanding of the legend

Let's try to answer in more detail the question of what a legend is. A religious legend, as already noted, can take the form of a dramatic miracle (a medieval story about miracles performed by saints). However, there are legends in other religions: Buddhism, Judaism, Islam. The genre has acquired a broader, non-ritual meaning. Its subject was the story of a hero, historical figure or event. Examples of such works will be discussed below.

famous legends

Recall, To do this, we give some of the most famous examples of this genre. Such is the legend about the journey of the hero Jason with his comrades on the ship Argo in search of the golden fleece to Colchis. This story has survived centuries and has come down to our days. The legend of the Trojan War, its heroes and the drama of the confrontation also passed through the thickness of time. Even today, Achilles and Hector inspire many creative people to remake this legend in various art forms.

Allegorical and instructive is the story of the victory of the hero Theseus over the monster Minotaur, who lives in the palace labyrinth of the king of Crete. The Aeneid tells us about the courageous founder of Rome - the hero Aeneas, a Trojan who fled after the destruction of his native city-kingdom by the Greeks.

Three hundred Spartans, who gave a heroic battle to the Persians in the Thermopylae Gorge, also became a legend.

The legend of the "Flying Dutchman" is widely mentioned in literature. The captain brought a curse on his ship, swearing on his mother's bones that no one would go ashore, and doomed his soul to eternal wandering. A meeting with this ship, appearing in the Indian Ocean, promised death to the sailors, and wreck to other ships.

The Middle Ages are decorated with knightly and heroic legends. Russian legends are also known about the miraculous victory over the serpent, about the heroes.

The French are proud of their national hero - the knight Roland.

In British folklore, the legend of King Arthur, who united around him

School program

In educational institutions, as a genre, the legend is studied in literature. Grade 5 of the program includes both the most famous works and local legends. This one is child friendly. Legend is a genre of literature related to small forms of folklore. It is capacious, rather concise, which is important for children's perception. In addition, this genre traditionally uses expressive concepts of love and hate, good and evil, justice. It is somewhat like a fairy tale.

The legend genre was developed in the 19th century by the titans of literature: L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, I. S. Turgenev. For example, Lev Nikolayevich wrote the essay “The Destruction of Hell and its Restoration”, “The Christmas Legend”. Fyodor Mikhailovich wrote a monumental work - "The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor". Ivan Sergeevich - "Eastern legend", "The legend of St. Julian the Merciful."


The considered genre is very dynamic. Therefore, speaking about what a legend is, it should be noted that today this genre is experiencing a rebirth. Society, faced with the unknown, the unknown, begins to create new legends. For example, about aliens abducting people, about a monster about a system of pyramids and other objects that prevent the destruction of civilization, about human heroes - our contemporaries. In addition, legends are also born from literary works, if, of course, they were written by a real master. For example, Tolkien's novel "The Lord of the Rings" is perceived by the British as an epic. The stories told in this trilogy have become legends.


lay down e nda

1) a) A poetic fantasy tale (usually with a religious content).

b) A fantastic story, a poetic legend about some event or person.

2) An instrumental piece of a narrative nature, often embodying some kind of musical means. folk legend.

3) What seems incredible; invention, invention.

4) Fictional biography of the intelligence officer for the purpose of conspiracy.

5) trans. The inscription on the coin.

6) trans. Explanatory text and a set of symbols for a plan, drawing, map, etc.

Efremov. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is LEGEND in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • LEGEND in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    - here: the inscription on the coin, ...
  • LEGEND in the Dictionary of Literary Terms:
    - (from lat. legenda - what should be read) - a genre of oral folk art: a story of instructive content about an outstanding ...
  • LEGEND in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    [from the Church-Latin "legenda", the form of sets. number of nouns. the neuter gender "legendum" - "a passage to be read" - meaningful later as a form of the only ...
  • LEGEND in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from lat. legenda letters. - what should be read), 1) in medieval writing - the life of a saint and a religious and moral story, a parable; …
  • LEGEND in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (from lat. legenda - what should be read). - In the everyday life of medieval Catholicism, L. was called praise and the life of a saint, which ...
  • LEGEND in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from the Latin legenda, literally - what should be read), 1) in medieval writing - the life of a saint and a religious and moral story, a parable ...
    [from the Latin legenda what should be read] 1) a folk legend about the life of a person or about an event; legend ...
  • LEGEND in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    s, w. 1. Poetic tradition about some. historical event. Ancient legends. L. about the city of Kitezh. Live l. (about who...
  • LEGEND in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -s, w. 1. Poetic tradition about some. historical event. Medieval legends. 2. trans. On the heroic events of the past (book). Human …
    LEGEND of the map, set of cond. signs and explanations for ...
  • LEGEND in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    LEENDA (from lat. legenda, lit. - what should be read), in the Middle Ages. writing - the life of the saint and religion. - moralizes. story, parable; in …
  • LEGEND in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (from lat. legenda - what should be read). ? In the everyday life of medieval Catholicism, L. was called praise and the life of a saint, which ...
  • LEGEND in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    lege "nda, lege" ndy, lege "ndy, lege" nd, leg "nde, lege" nda, leg "ndu, leg" ndy, leg "ndy, leg" ndy, leg "ndy, leg" nde, ...
  • LEGEND in the Dictionary of the Great Russian language of business communication:
    a story or explanation invented for outsiders ...
  • LEGEND in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -s, well. 1) In folklore: an oral folk story, which is based on a miracle, a fantastic image or representation, perceived by the narrator or ...
  • LEGEND in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    Gray-haired ...
  • LEGEND in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (lat. legenda what should be read) 1) initial. - biography of the saint; later - a legend, an unusual and unreliable story, ...
  • LEGEND in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [ 1. original - biography of the saint; later - a legend, an unusual and unreliable story, usually associated with some sl. place; 2. fiction, ...
  • LEGEND in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    cm. …
  • LEGEND in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    fable, fiction, fiction, speculation, myth, inscription, fiction, fable, belief, belief, tradition, tales, legend, ...
  • LEGEND in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    and. 1) a) A poetic fantasy tale (usually with a religious content). b) A fantastic story, a poetic legend about some event or person. 2) ...
  • LEGEND in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    legend, ...
  • LEGEND in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    legend, ...

LEGEND, -s, f. 1. Poetic tradition about some. historical event. Medieval legends. 2. trans. On the heroic events of the past (book). A man of legend (a man with a glorious past). Live l. (about a man with a glorious heroic past). 3. Fictional information about yourself from someone who performs a secret mission (special). L. resident. 4. Explanatory text, as well as a set of conventional signs for a map, plan, scheme (special). || adj. legendary, -th, -th (to 1 value). L. genre.

Watch value LEGEND in other dictionaries

Legend- legend
Synonym dictionary

Legend- and. lat. sacred tradition, belief about an event related to the church, faith; chetiya, chetya; in general, a legend about a miraculous event.
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Legend- legends, (Latin legenda - what you need to read) (book). 1. A poetic fantasy tale of religious content. || Any fantastic story, poetic legend ........
Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Legend J.— 1. A poetic fantasy tale (usually with a religious content). // Fantastic story, poetic legend about some. event or person. 2. Instrumental........
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

Legend- the inscription on the coin, medal.
Economic dictionary

Legend- It goes back to the Latin legenda, which literally means "what should be read", formed from the verb legere - "read".
Etymological Dictionary of Krylov

Legend- - here: inscription on the coin, medals.
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Legend- maps - a set of conventional signs and explanations for the map.
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Legend to Geographical Maps
:: more than 1 million inhabitants
:: from 250 thousand to 1 million inhabitants
:: from 100 thousand to 250 thousand inhabitants
:: less than 100 thousand inhabitants
It is in capital letters........
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Map Legend- legend of the map - a table of conventional signs used on the map with textual explanations for them. Gives the key to reading the map, reveals the logic (system) of the classification of the depicted ........
Geographic Encyclopedia

Legend- - the term originated in medieval Catholicism. Initially - the life of the saint, which was read on the day of his memory, later - a parable about animals, plants, Christian objects ........
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Legend- (from lat. legenda, lit. - what should be read) - music. a work of lyrical-epic nature, reproducing the content of Nar. or religious. L. Akin to the ballad genre L .........
Music Encyclopedia

We all often hear: "This event will become a legend! Yes, it is simply legendary! There are legends about it!" What is a legend, really?

The very word "legend" came to us from the Latin language and is translated as "readable" or "a list of passages from the liturgy for reading every day." It is believed that this is one of the varieties of oral folk art, but unlike a fairy tale, there is no magical beginning there. The legend, as a rule, describes the events that actually happened. But since most legends began to form even when there was no written language, and therefore were passed from mouth to mouth, each of the storytellers added some new elements, new colorful details, and the legend gradually transformed. Legends are also found in religious literature - descriptions of the lives of the saints, the deeds of the apostles, parts in the Holy Scriptures.

The best way to understand what a legend means is with a specific example. Everyone has heard the legend of Atlantis - the mysterious city-civilization, which was developed to an unspeakably high level, which angered the gods and went under water. Part of this story - the existence of the city of Atlantis - is true. The rest - the wrath of the gods, the level of development of civilization, the strength of the inhabitants themselves - the Atlanteans - may be true, or may be the conjecture of the narrators.

What is the difference between myth and legend

Myth is a certain literary genre that conveys a person's understanding of the origin of the world, and natural phenomena, and the place of man himself in this world. The essence of myth and legend, in principle, is the same, but has a significant difference in time frames.

In the earliest period of human development (Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece), when the order of chronology was only in its infancy, myth was the main thing in the human worldview. It was thanks to myths that people explained to themselves the most important human issues.

Gradually, with the development of mankind and the emergence of monotheistic religions (where there is only one creator God, and not several), legends appeared - more realistic stories that help describe not the entire universe as a whole, but some of its individual elements.

The concept of a legend was rethought, and now we also call people and events that have become world famous as a "legend". For example, the legends of rock are The Beatles, Queen, Led Zeppelin, and the legends of domestic show business are Alla Pugacheva, the VIA Gra group and others.

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