Anton Shoka's brother committed suicide: latest news. Anton shoki biography Foster mother party house 2 anton shoki

Anton Shoki was born on November 25, 1995 in the city of Cheboksary. Russian surname Anton - Batrakov. According to the sign of the zodiac - Sagittarius, according to Eastern calendar- pig.
Anton had a rather difficult childhood. He was born into a family that led an asocial lifestyle. Father left mother early, and she drank a lot, brought home different men, got involved in crime stories. So, after another illegal activity, Anton's mother is imprisoned, and at the age of 3 he is sent to an orphanage.

Anton lived in the orphanage for 11 years. After, when the boy was 14 years old, he was adopted by a family from America. Anton hoped that now his life would change, that he would be able to achieve success in a new country. However, joy young man was short lived. The American family did not want to do anything with the boy, did not teach mother tongue. There was always a language barrier between foster parents and Anton. In addition, the foster family took him to various psychiatric clinics, as a result, he passed for n2 weeks in psychiatric clinic. After Anton left her, his parents accused him of sexual harassment towards their other children, as a result they abandoned the boy, handed him over to an American shelter.

Anton lived in it for 3 years, when he turned 18 he returned to his homeland. AT social organs found out that he was deprived of any benefits, therefore he could not apply for housing. O sad story Anton Batrakov is recognized by Andrey Razin, who is a politician and producer, and helps the boy to his feet. Buys nice apartment in the capital, offers participation in the group "Tender May". In addition, in Russia, Razin finds a good foster family for Anton. Organizes an internship at the State Duma.

Arrival to the project

Anton Shoki came to television show House 2 February 6, 2017 with his foster mother Oksana. Oksana at the frontal place told everyone about Shoka's difficult childhood, his story touched each participant. Anton expresses sympathy for Lilia Chetrara, but after the execution, he meets Vika Komissarova. Sympathy immediately arises between young people, they begin to build relationships. However, Victoria could not confess her love to a young man, she was looking for various excuses.

Anton Shoki said on the frontal that he had come for a relationship, but he would also like to communicate with people, to resolve issues without the help of fists. Due to a difficult childhood, Anton gets into a fight at any opportunity. Despite his lean physique, Shoki is always the first to pick on guys who are many times bigger than him. He is not afraid to get in the face, and he does not miss the opportunity to hit.

Relations on the project of Anton and Vika began to crack after the parents of both participants expressed dissatisfaction with the choice of their children. Komissarova's father insisted that she leave the project or break up with Anton. Shoki's adoptive mother was also unhappy with Victoria, she believed that the girl was not serious about the guy, she would leave him at any moment. She even came to the place of execution to reason with her adopted son.

The final discord in the relationship between the guys was brought by Dmitry Pshenichny, who expressed sympathy for the blonde, Victoria immediately switched to a new member. She stated that Anton is small for her, she wants an older young man. Out of jealousy, Anton more than once got into a fight with Pshenichny, still he could not keep his beloved, she broke up with him.

After a short time, Komissarova realized that Dmitry was boring for her, broke up with him, began to look for ways to reconcile with Anton. After a large number attempts Anton gives up, put up with his beloved. The team kicks Victoria out in one vote, Anton leaves after her.

According to the new rules, the viewer voted for Anton Shoki to return to the project. The second arrival of the young man took place on February 21, 2018. After the arrival, Anton in his social networks spoke unflatteringly about the participants, said that everything was a game, there was no honest relationship. The presenters set tough conditions for the young man, if he does not find a girlfriend for himself within a week, he will go home.

Anton Shoki - the infamous ex-participant of the Dom-2 project The young man had countless fights on his account, he flew out of the show twice and each time tried to denigrate the management of the television set in front of the audience.

Childhood and youth

At birth, Anton bore the surname Batrakov. The boy was born in Cheboksary in a dysfunctional family. When the child was three years old, the mother went to prison, and Anton ended up in an orphanage, where he lived for 11 years. The teenager was adopted by the Shoki family from America, since then the young man has had their last name.

It seemed that great opportunities had opened up in order to build a happy life, but in the States only disappointments awaited. American dream turned into a nightmare - soon the parents abandoned their adopted Russian son. At the same time, with a scandal - Anton was accused of sexual harassment of other children from this family, the young man first ended up in a psychiatric clinic, and from there for escaping to a special institution for teenagers, who are branded as juvenile delinquents.

By the age of 16, Anton Shoki had changed four foster families. Not finding understanding and happiness in a foreign land, he wanted to return to his native land, but according to the law, it is impossible for a child under 18 to leave. I had to wait. As soon as the young man reached adulthood, he immediately left the land of dreams with the help of the children's ombudsman.

Anton Shoki before the project "Dom-2"

However, problems awaited in Russia - Anton was an unusual orphan, unlike children who grew up in their homeland without parents, the young man was not entitled to benefits and free housing, and there were difficulties with replacing a passport. Shoki settled in a boarding school of his relatives in Cheboksary.

But the difficult fate of the young man marked the beginning of his popularity. Anton became a real star, was a guest on a talk show on television, where he shared his ordeals in America with the public. As a result, he was taken under the wing of a politician and music producer.

Shoki ended up in Moscow, thanks to the patronage of Razin, he changed his documents and acquired a capital residence permit. The producer even bought the young man an apartment in the golden-domed one, which he announced on the program “Live”, and then in Sochi - he opened the “Vozrozhdeniye” charity office there, headed by the ward. In addition, Anton light hand Andrei Razin found a new foster mother named Oksana.

However, there was a conflict between Shoki and Razin, and their paths diverged. Anton went for another portion of fame to the TNT project - Dom-2.

"House 2"

The young man came to the glade of a long-playing show about the construction of love in early February 2017 in the company of his mother, who spoke about the difficult fate of her adopted son. Anton Shoki was going to win the heart, but on the day of arrival he was fascinated by Victoria Komissarova. So much so that after three days the young people declared warm feelings and settled together.

Like all couples in the city of love, Anton and Victoria's relationship was far from ideal. Accompanied by frequent quarrels, partings and stormy reconciliations, the couple even tried to survive each other from "House-2".

Anton Shoki in the show "Dom-2"

Shoki turned out to be a big "brawler". Once he had a fight with Dmitry Pshenichny, a newcomer to the project, who decided to fight off Komissarov. For such a courageous act, Vika rewarded the chosen one with a declaration of love.

Anton did not stay on the project - he left after Victoria, who did not receive immunity. Shoki accused the leadership of Dom-2 of deceit, the young man was allegedly sent from the show "without severance pay" - bonuses to the main rate.

Personal life

History is silent about the personal life of Anton Shoka before the Dom-2 project. On the first day of appearing on the show, the young man admitted: before that, there was not much experience in communicating with the opposite sex. He complained that a feeling of deep loneliness haunts all his life, and sees happiness in mutual love and warmth. In his free time, he writes poetry, loves rap and sometimes reads it himself.

After leaving the television set with Victoria Komissarova, Anton parted for a short time. After the former lovers met and realized that the feelings are still alive. For two weeks, the ex-participants of Doma-2 lived in a rented apartment in the capital of Russia, and when the money ran out and they asked to vacate the housing, Vika went to her parents in Krasnodar. Anton could not find a job for a long time, spent the night with friends and even at the station.

Another version of the development of relations says that the couple allegedly began to live together in parental home girls in Krasnodar. Vika wrote on social networks that the young man does not work and does not even think about looking for a place. Komissarova's clothing store served as a source of income. Anton Shoki left for Moscow, and in turn began to accuse his beloved on the page of

Not all participants come to the project with a well-lived life behind them. One of these households can be safely called Anton Shoki- 21 year old boy from the city of Cheboksary. The guy very quickly gained popularity and not quite good reputation, perhaps this is due to the guy's childhood, which undoubtedly left an imprint on his whole life. Biography of Anton Shoka elicited sympathy from many. The fact is that he was always an orphan, he lived in an orphanage for a long time. It definitely left its mark on his character. He grew up quite rude and quick-tempered, but no one blamed him for it. He was adopted, but over time new family also rejected it. The guy lived abroad, but decided to return to his homeland. In Russia he got new family who adopted him. He had a young mother and father.

With his mother, Oksana, he came to the project. The woman immediately informed that the guy did not have a penny. Also, Anton did not receive an education other than school. The main hobby for a guy is writing poetry. He often raps.
At the time of joining the project, Anton did not have much experience in communicating with the opposite sex. He came to Dom-2 in order to discover in himself best features, realize hidden talents and meet a soul mate. Anton came to Lilia Chetrara, but the team immediately announced that this girl was not for him. After all, this young lady with great demands on men and material wealth is of great importance to her.

next to whom Anton Batrakov- that's exactly what it sounds like real name guy, - put his eyes, became. Before Anton had time to come to his senses, Vika had already surrounded him with her attention and was already trying to please his foster mother.

At first, the guy behaved quietly, modestly and shyly and practically did not speak. All the dialogues for him were conducted by his "mother". The presenters gave the guy a chance to open up, and were afraid to send him to "free swimming" outside the clearing. But Shoki revealed himself in a very unexpected way. Fights, swearing, insults to the team - this is not the whole list. Everyone tried to endure, remembering the story of his childhood. The hosts largely made concessions and did everything so that the team would not be hostile to the guy.

Perhaps all the negativity that came from Anton was due to quarrels with his girlfriend. After all, Victoria was constantly dissatisfied with something and tried to change it. The couple constantly quarreled, parted, reunited. turning point for the guy was a betrayal of Komissarova. Anton very painfully endured this act. The scale of the quarrel increased due to the conflict between Victoria and Anton's mother, who came to the project to support the guy in such a difficult period for him. She was even offered a job in the meadow so that she could come and visit her adopted son.

The reconciliation of young people turned out to be very unexpected for everyone. So on a talk show, they announced that they still love each other and are ready to forgive everything. Anton was not even stopped by his mother's disagreement. The couple was immediately nicknamed fictitious, according to the participants, everything was planned for broadcasts.

After this application, the relationship on the project did not last long, Anton and Vika left the TV set, without the right to return. On your page in social network Anton accused the hosts of cheating. They did not pay the full amount for participation in the project within 3 months, did not provide the promised job for his mother. The couple considered it necessary to leave this place.

On the this moment the couple is still in a relationship, but already outside of the reality show.

Many people think that the main idea television project"DOM-2" is a collection of the most prominent representatives golden youth from all over the great and vast Russia, and even from beyond its borders. There are many rumors among viewers that everything that the participants say about themselves is entirely a farce and inventions of screenwriters, but in reality they are all just children of successful and influential people who want to appear on television and earn easy money. In fact, everything is not so - in any case, among the household there is one who has never spent a penny from his parent's wallet, because he had neither a father nor a mother. Story Anton Shoki very popular in the vastness of the network and known not only within the framework of reality - the guy grew up without knowing parental care, he had to change his place of residence more than once, leaving abroad and returning back to Russia. When he lived in an orphanage agreed to take him married couple but later foster parents abandoned the boy, sending him to a boarding school. In the end, there were still those kind people that they agreed to take custody of the guy, although by that time he had already become quite mature and independent. Shoki obviously did not come to the DOM-2 TV project for the sake of fame - he already managed to take part in in large numbers programs on domestic TV. The young man really wants to learn how to love, and also to become loved by a special girl - after all, this is the happiness that Anton managed to know so little, being lonely. Years of living alone have made him rude and callous - the boy himself does not hide this and is not ashamed, but really wants to rectify the situation by gaining humanity, and with it new friends and the love of his life.

Initially, Shoki did not show much initiative at the frontal place - but she spotted the guy and decided that she herself should act first. She managed to establish contact with Anton, and then the guys began to gradually get closer, until they declared themselves a couple and started dating. Since then, they have been perhaps the brightest tandem of the project - many fans worry about their relationship almost more than their own. And although young people quarrel very often, by some miracle they always manage to find mutual language and reconcile.

The new member of House 2 Anton Shoki, judging by the reviews about him on the network, is sympathetic to many fans of the show, however, there are also such viewers who consider the guy insolent and even inadequate. Anton was brought to the project by his adoptive mother, on the “frontal” she told about the difficult fate of the “son”: an orphan without a penny in his pocket, he lived in the USA for four years, where he had a very difficult time.

The biography of Anton Shoka (Batrakov) is really very interesting. Anton is from a dysfunctional family, at the age of three he ended up in an orphanage, as his mother was sent to prison. At the age of fourteen, the teenager was adopted by the Americans - the spouses of Shoki. The temperamental Anton did not get along with foreign “parents”, the guardians accused him of sexual harassment of their children and wrote a statement to the police.

Anton was sent to a psychiatric hospital for examination, and then to special. camp for difficult children with criminal tendencies. During his time in the US, Shockey went through four foster families. At the age of sixteen, Anton decided to return to the Russian Federation, he turned to the Russian consulate for help. Shoki had to wait two more years to come of age, that's the law. When Anton turned eighteen, he was helped to leave America.

The arrival of Anton Shoka to the project Dom 2 watch online:

Upon arrival at home, Shoki found out that he was deprived of benefits and, therefore, could not apply for housing, and there were problems with replacing an American passport with a Russian one. Anton came to Cheboksary, where he comes from, and found refuge in a boarding school. Thanks to the publicity in the media, Shoki came to the attention of Andrey Razin - music producer and politics. Razin took Anton Batrakov to Moscow, helped with paperwork and registration.

Razin gave Shoki an apartment in Moscow, arranged for him an internship at the State Duma, and offered to try himself as an artist - a member of the Laskovy May group. Andrey Razin decided to found a charitable center "Return", for Anton the politician assigned the role of project curator. Razin bought Shoki another apartment - in Sochi, where it was supposed to open the main office of the center. After a conflict with Razin, Anton Shoki went to the House 2 project.

21-year-old Anton Shoki became a member of the Dom-2 show. As it turned out, he has a very difficult fate: he grew up in an orphanage, then he was adopted in the USA, but the adoptive parents abandoned the boy, and then he tried with all his might to return to his homeland.

Anton gave candid interview"", telling what he had to go through: "I don't really like to remember the past in the boarding school and talk about it. Because everyone in orphanages lives the same way. My story is the same as the stories of a thousand children: they were found “in a landfill”, sent to the Baby House, then to Orphanage"Herringbone" ... "

When the boy was adopted in the USA, it seemed to him that a new and happy life. However, the adoptive parents never managed to establish contact with the child, and in the end they sent him to a psychiatric clinic altogether.


"They had a very religious Orthodox family. Every holiday they went to church, any technology, gadgets, etc. were considered “demonic”. I was forbidden a lot. I believe in God, but not to that extent, not that religious. In general, my foster parents created such a situation (I do not want to go into details) that I ended up in a boarding school for juvenile delinquents again. I mean, they basically gave up on me. After a year and a half of being there, I got the Internet, and I got the opportunity to call Russia. I immediately contacted the Russian embassy with a request to take me home. But this was possible only after reaching adulthood. And then I was only 16 years old, ”recalls Anton.

During his entire stay in America, Anton managed to change 4 foster families, but nowhere could he meet truly native people. Then he himself began to try to achieve a return to his homeland: “I wrote appeals to the website of the President of Russia, to the children's ombudsman Astakhov, to the Russian embassy. As usual, Astakhov and other officials promised me mountains of gold upon my arrival in Russia. I was really taken out of the USA, I returned to Cheboksary. I have no relatives in this city, but I was adopted from the Cheboksary orphanage, so I returned to this city. For a year and a half, I was left almost to myself. I was denied housing. They called me to Channel One, filmed stories, but then - silence. I took any job, sought orphan benefits, which I still have not received. ”

Now Anton has become a member of the Dom-2 reality show, where he is actively trying to build his own family: “In fact, I came to the casting of Dom-2 on TNT three times. I knew about this TV project. The first time I was approved, but for some reason I changed my mind. The second time I went there straight from the State Duma, in a suit: I wanted to impress a certain girl. But the image of the deputy did not inspire the producers at all, so they refused me. And only the third time they took me.

Now Anton Shoki can call himself a happy person, because, as it seems to him, he has already met his only one: “I came to the TV project in order to improve my spoken language, to loosen up a little, to understand how and what modern young people live in Russia, to learn be more confident in yourself and, of course, find your soul mate. Not just a girl for 2-3 months, but a life partner. After all, it is here that it can be “tested”, living in one space and getting into different situations. But I think I've already found it. Here on the project everything develops more rapidly than in life. I am madly in love with Vika Komissarov. Vika recently confessed her love to me too. And although our relationship is very stormy (this can be seen on the air), I want to be only with her, at the moment I see my future with her. I’m ready to do various crazy things for her sake, and I’m already doing it. Sometimes it is difficult to understand her behavior, but it seems to me that I am on the right track. In fact, at Dom-2 I seem to be living my childhood, which I didn’t have. For me, this is a real home where I can express my thoughts, point of view and where they listen to me, here I see opportunities for development.”

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