What do schoolchildren read at literature lessons in Europe, the USA and Japan. What do schoolchildren read in literature lessons in Europe, the USA and Japan Literary works of the school curriculum list

Traditionally, the main result of studying literature at school is the development of books included in the so-called national literary canon. Whose names and works should be there? Each writer has his own lobby in academic and pedagogical circles; the same authors who claim the status of classics during their lifetime can personally take part in the struggle for the right to appear in a textbook. There was even a concept of "school canon" - this is also a list, hierarchically organized and derived from the national literary canon. But if the great national canon is formed by the very mechanisms of culture, then the list of compulsory reading for schoolchildren is compiled differently. So, the selection of a specific work for the school canon, in addition to the generally recognized artistic and cultural-historical value, is influenced by:

  • the age of the reader, that is, to whom it is addressed (the school canon is divided into reading groups - classrooms);
  • the visibility of the embodiment in it of literary or social phenomena that are studied at school (at the same time, average rectilinear works can be much more convenient than masterpieces);
  • educational potential (how the values ​​embedded in the text, ideas, even its artistic features can have a beneficial effect on the mind of the student).

In the USSR, the school canon strove for immutability and, at the same time, was constantly changing. Literature programs of different years - 1921, 1938, 1960 and 1984 - reflected all the changes that took place in the country, as well as the processes in literature itself and the education system.

Attention to the student and the absence of strict regulations

War communism gradually ended, and the NEP era began. The new government considered education one of the priority areas of its activity, but the crisis that began after the revolution did not allow to radically rebuild the pre-revolutionary education system. The regulation “On the Unified Labor School of the RSFSR”, which guaranteed everyone the right to free, joint, non-class and secular education, was issued back in October 1918, and only in 1921 did the first stabilized program appear. It was made for a nine-year school, but due to the lack of money for education in the country and the general devastation, education had to be reduced to seven years and divided into two stages: the third and fourth years of the second stage correspond to the last two graduating classes of the school.

Program composition
The list of books basically repeats the pre-revolutionary gymnasium programs

Number of hours
Not regulated

III year of the second stage 3rd year of the 2nd stage

  • Oral poetry: lyrics, antiquities, fairy tales, spiritual poems
  • Old Russian writing: "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", "The Tale of Julian Lazarevskaya"; stories about Ersh Ershovich, about Grief-Misfortune, about Savva Grudtsyn, about Frol Skobeev
  • Mikhail Lomonosov. Lyrics
  • Denis Fonvizin. "Undergrowth"
  • Gavrila Derzhavin. "Felitsa", "God", "Monument", "Eugene. Life Zvanskaya "
  • Nikolay Karamzin. "Poor Lisa", "What does the author need?"
  • Vasily Zhukovsky. "Theon and Aeschines", "Camoens", "Svetlana", "Unspeakable"
  • Alexander Pushkin. Lyrics, poems, "Eugene Onegin", "Boris Godunov", "The Miserly Knight", "Mozart and Salieri", "Tales of Belkin"
  • Mikhail Lermontov. Lyrics, "Mtsyri", "Demon", "Hero of Our Time", "Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov"
  • Nikolay Gogol. “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”, “Taras Bulba”, “Old-world landowners”, “The Tale of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich”, “Overcoat”, “Portrait”, “Inspector”, “Dead Souls”
  • Alexei Koltsov, Evgeny Baratynsky, Fedor Tyutchev, Afanasy Fet, Nikolai Nekrasov. Selected lyric poems

IV year of the second stage 4th year of the 2nd stage

  • Alexander Herzen. "The Past and Thoughts" (excerpts)
  • Ivan Turgenev. "Notes of a Hunter", "Rudin", "Noble Nest", "On the Eve", "Fathers and Sons", "Nov", "Poems in Prose"
  • Ivan Goncharov. "Oblomov"
  • Alexander Ostrovsky. “Own people - we will count” or “Poverty is not a vice”, “Profitable place”, “Thunderstorm”, “Snow Maiden”
  • Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. Fairy tales (three or four at the choice of the teacher), "Poshekhonskaya old times"
  • Fedor Dostoevsky. "Poor People", "The Brothers Karamazov" or "Crime and Punishment"
  • Lev Tolstoy. "Childhood", "Boyhood", "Youth", "War and Peace", "Hadji Murad", "Confession", "Alyosha Pot"
  • Gleb Uspensky. "Morals of Rasteryaeva Street", "Power of the Earth"
  • Vsevolod Garshin. "Artists", "Red Flower"
  • Vladimir Korolenko. "The Dream of Makar", "The Blind Musician", "The River Plays", "The Forest Noises"
  • Anton Chekhov. "Steppe", "Guys", "Cherry Orchard"
  • Maksim Gorky. "Chelkash", "Song of the Falcon", "Former People", "Song of the Petrel", "At the Bottom", "Mother", "Childhood"
  • Leonid Andreev. "Once Upon a Time", "Silence", "Life of a Man"
  • Konstantin Balmont, Valery Bryusov, Alexander Blok. Selected poems
  • Peasant and proletarian poets of our time

In 1921, the State Academic Council of the People's Commissariat for Education presented in the "Programs for the I and II stages of the seven-year unified labor school" the first stable list after the confusion of post-revolutionary lists. The literary critic and linguist Pavel Sakulin led the work on creating the program in literature, and it clearly shows the ideas that were discussed in the pedagogical environment shortly before the revolution, in particular in 1916-1917 at the I All-Russian Congress of Teachers of the Russian Language and vocabulary. Sakulin reproduced in his program many principles formulated at this congress: variability in education (four program options instead of one with four corresponding lists of works), attention to the interests and needs of not only teachers, but also students. The basis of the program was mainly the Russian literary classics of the 19th century, while the literature of previous centuries, as well as the only emerging Soviet literature, occupied a rather modest place in it.

Literature lesson at the school at the factory "Red Bogatyr". Early 1930s Getty Images

The task of overcoming this list in its entirety was not set - for the compilers of the program, emotional perception and independent comprehension by schoolchildren of what they read were much more important.

“The attention of students, of course, is fixed all the time on the text of the works themselves. Classes are conducted by the inductive method. Let the students first learn about Rudin and Lavretsky, and then about the philosophical moods of the Russian intelligentsia, about Slavophilism and Westernism; let them first get used to the image of Bazarov, and then they will hear about the thinking realists of the sixties. Even the writer's biography should not precede students' direct acquaintance with the works. At the school of the second stage there is no opportunity to strive for an exhaustive study of historical and literary trends. If necessary, let the teacher exclude certain works from the list below, even one or another writer. One more time: non multa, sed multum "Many, but not much" is a Latin proverb meaning "many in value, not in quantity.". And most importantly, in the center - the works of art themselves " Programs for the I and II stages of the seven-year unified labor school. M., 1921..

Literary education, closely connected with the pre-revolutionary one, could hardly suit the ideologists of the party state, in which literature, along with other forms of art, should serve to propagate the ideology of power. In addition, the program initially had a limited scope - both because there were few second-level schools in the country (most first-level graduates joined the ranks of the proletariat or peasantry), and because many regions had their own educational programs. Within a few years, it lost the power of a regulatory document, remaining a monument to Russian humanitarian and pedagogical thought.

Teacher and textbook are the only sources of knowledge

Between the programs of 1921 and 1938 lies the same gulf as between the revolution and the last pre-war years. The bold searches of the 1920s in various fields of science, culture and education gradually came to naught. Now the task of science, culture and education has become the construction of a super-industrial and militarized totalitarian state. As a result of purges and political repression, the composition of those who led the changes in education and culture changed dramatically.

Program composition
80% Russian classics, 20% Soviet literature

Number of hours
474 (since 1949 - 452)

8th grade

  • Oral folk poetry (folklore)
  • Russian epics
  • "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
  • Mikhail Lomonosov. "Ode on the day of the accession to the throne of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna", "Conversation with Anacreon"
  • Gavrila Derzhavin. "Felitsa", "Invitation to Dinner", "Monument"
  • Denis Fonvizin. "Undergrowth"
  • Alexander Radishchev. "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" (excerpts)
  • Nikolay Karamzin. "Poor Lisa"
  • Vasily Zhukovsky. “Svetlana”, “Theon and Aeschines”, “Forest King”, “Sea”, “I am a young muse, it happened ...”
  • Kondraty Ryleev. "To the temporary worker", "Citizen", "Ah, I'm sick of it ..."
  • Alexander Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit"
  • Alexander Pushkin. Lyrics, odes, "Gypsies", "Eugene Onegin"
  • Vissarion Belinsky. "Works of Alexander Pushkin"
  • George Gordon Byron. "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" (excerpts)
  • Mikhail Lermontov. Lyric, "Hero of Our Time"

9th grade

  • Nikolay Gogol. "Dead Souls", vol. 1
  • Vissarion Belinsky. "The Adventures of Chichikov, or Dead Souls", a letter to Gogol dated July 3, 1847
  • Alexander Herzen. "Past and thoughts"
  • Ivan Goncharov. "Oblomov"
  • Alexander Ostrovsky. "Thunderstorm"
  • Ivan Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons"
  • Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. "Gentlemen Golovlevs"
  • Lev Tolstoy. "Anna Karenina"
  • Vladimir Lenin. "Leo Tolstoy as a Mirror of the Russian Revolution", "L. N. Tolstoy and the modern labor movement”, “L. N. Tolstoy and his era»

10th grade

  • Anton Chekhov. "Gooseberry", "Cherry Orchard"
  • Maksim Gorky. "Old Woman Izergil", "Konovalov", "At the Bottom", "The Artamonov Case"
  • Vladimir Lenin about Maxim Gorky
  • Vyacheslav Molotov. "In memory of A. M. Gorky"
  • Alexander Serafimovich. "Iron Stream"
  • Alexander Fadeev. "Rout"
  • Vladimir Mayakovsky. Poems, poems
  • Songs of the peoples of the USSR

By 1923-1925, literature as a subject disappeared from the curricula, dissolving into social science. Now literary works were used as illustrations for the study of socio-political processes and phenomena in order to educate the younger generation in the communist spirit. However, in the second half of the 1920s, literature returned to the grid of subjects - significantly updated. For the next fifteen years, the programs will be polished, adding works of Soviet literature.

By 1927, the GUS issued a set of programs that were stabilized, that is, unchanged for the next four years. The teacher has less and less rights to replace one work with another. More and more attention is paid to "social ideologies" - first of all, revolutionary ideas and their reflection in the literature of the past and present. Half of the ninth, graduating class of the nine-year school was given to young Soviet literature, which had just celebrated its tenth anniversary: ​​next to Gorky, Blok and Mayakovsky are the names of Konstantin Fedin, Vladimir Lidin, Leonid Leonov, Alexander Neverov, Lidia Seifullina, Vsevolod Ivanov, Fyodor Gladkov, Alexander Malyshkin, Dmitry Furmanov, Alexander Fadeev, most of whom are known today only to the older generation and specialists. The program set out in detail how to interpret and from what angle to consider this or that work, referring to Marxist criticism for a correct opinion.

In 1931, a draft of another stabilized program was prepared, even more ideologically verified. However, the thirties themselves, with their upheavals and constant rush, the purge of the elites and the restructuring of all the foundations on which both the state and society rested, did not allow the programs to settle down: during this time, three generations of school textbooks were replaced. Stability came only in 1938-1939, when a program was finally prepared, which lasted without any special changes until the Khrushchev thaw, and in its main core - to the present day. The approval of this program was accompanied by the suppression of any attempts to experiment with the organization of the educational process: after the recognized unsuccessful experiments with the introduction of the American method, when the teacher had not so much to give new knowledge, but to organize the independent activities of students in their extraction and application in practice, the system returned to the traditional class-lesson form known from pre-revolutionary times, where the teacher and the textbook are the main sources of knowledge. The consolidation of this knowledge was carried out according to the textbook - the same for all schoolchildren. The textbook should be read and outlined, and the acquired knowledge should be reproduced as close as possible to the text. The program strictly regulated even the number of hours devoted to a particular topic, and this time did not involve detailed work with the text, but the acquisition, memorization and reproduction of ready-made knowledge about the text without much reflection on what was read. The greatest importance in the program was attached to memorizing works of art and their fragments, the list of which was also strictly defined.

At a meeting on the teaching of literature in secondary schools on March 2, 1940, the well-known teacher and teacher of literature, Semyon Gurevich, expressed great concerns about the new approach:

“First of all, one big trouble we have in teaching literature is that teaching has become a stencil ... The stencil is incredible. If you throw out the last name and start talking about Pushkin, Gogol, Goncharov, Nekrasov, etc., then they are all folk, they are all good and humane. The word “publication” of literature, put into words by someone, has taken such a place in the teaching of literature, as these sociological definitions occupied several years ago ... If a few years ago the guys left school with the opinion that Nekrasov - this is a penitent nobleman, Tolstoy is a philosophizing liberal, etc., but now all writers are such amazing people, with crystal-clear characters, with wonderful works who only dreamed of a social revolution.

At the end of the 1930s, the general list of the literature course coincided by more than two-thirds with the list of 1921. According to the calculations of the non-German researcher Erna Malygina.. The basis was still the works of Russian classics, but the main task of these works was rethought: they were instructed to tell about the “lead abominations of life” under tsarism and the maturation of revolutionary sentiments in society. About what these moods led to and what successes were in building a new state of workers and peasants, the young Soviet literature narrated.

Literature lesson in the 5th grade. At the blackboard - the future young guard Oleg Koshevoy. Ukrainian SSR, Rzhishchev, January 1941 Newsreel TASS

The selection of works was determined not only by their unconditional artistic merits, but also by the ability to fit into the logic of the Soviet concept of the literary development of the New and Contemporary times, reflecting the country's progressive movement towards revolution, the construction of socialism and communism. In 1934, school education became a ten-year course, and the history and literature course took three years instead of two. Before the works of folklore, Russian and Soviet literature, there was another important educational task - to give examples of genuine heroism, military or labor, which young readers could be equal to.

“To show the greatness of Russian classical literature, which has educated many generations of revolutionary fighters, the enormous fundamental difference and the moral and political height of Soviet literature, to teach students to understand the main stages of literary development without simplification, without schematism - such is the historical and literary task of the course VIII-X classes high school." From the secondary school program in literature for VIII-X grades in 1938.

Shortening hours and expanding the list: the collapse of hopes for an item update

After the devastation of the war and the first post-war years, there came a time of severe ideological pressure and campaigns: entire branches of science became objects of repression, facts were distorted for the sake of ideology (for example, the superiority of Russian science and its primacy in most branches of scientific knowledge and technology were extolled). Under these conditions, the teacher turned into a conductor of the official line in education, and the school - into a place where the student is subjected to ideological pressure. Humanitarian education is increasingly losing its humanistic character. Stalin's death in 1953 and the thaw that followed were accompanied by hope for changes in the country, including in the field of education. It seemed that the school would pay attention to the student and his interests, and the teacher would get more freedom in organizing the educational process and selecting educational material.

Number of hours

8th grade

  • "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
  • Denis Fonvizin. "Undergrowth"
  • Alexander Radishchev. "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" (selected chapters)
  • Alexander Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit"
  • Alexander Pushkin. Lyrics, "Gypsies", "Eugene Onegin", "The Captain's Daughter"
  • Mikhail Lermontov. Lyrics, "Mtsyri", "Hero of Our Time"
  • Nikolay Gogol. "Inspector", "Dead Souls", vol. 1

9th grade

  • Ivan Goncharov. "Oblomov" (selected chapters)
  • Alexander Ostrovsky. "Thunderstorm"
  • Ivan Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons"
  • Nikolay Chernyshevsky. "What to do?" (selected chapters)
  • Nikolai Nekrasov. Lyrics, “Who is living well in Russia”
  • Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. “The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals”, “Konyaga”, “Wise Piskar”
  • Lev Tolstoy. "War and Peace"
  • William Shakespeare. "Hamlet"
  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe. "Faust", part 1

10th grade

  • Maksim Gorky. "Old Woman Izergil", "At the Bottom", "Mother", "V. I. Lenin "(abbreviated)
  • Vladimir Mayakovsky. “Left March”, “The Sitting Ones”, “To Comrade Netta - a Steamboat and a Man”, “Poems about the Soviet Passport”, “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”, “Good!”, Introduction to the poem “Out loud”
  • Nikolay Ostrovsky. "As the Steel Was Tempered"
  • Mikhail Sholokhov. "Virgin Soil Upturned"
  • Alexander Fadeev. "Young guard"

As already mentioned, the Soviet school canon, which had developed by the end of the 1930s, subsequently changed little. There was still no place in it for the “doubtful” Dostoevsky and Yesenin, the melodramatic “Anna Karenina” with its “family thought” was replaced by the patriotic “War and Peace” with its “national thought” during the war years, the currents of the turn of the century were squeezed in at six o'clock at the very end of the ninth grade. The tenth, graduation, class was entirely devoted to Soviet literature.

Schoolgirls in the Pushkin Museum-Reserve "Boldino". 1965 Zhiganov Nikolai / TASS Newsreel

During this period, the quadriga of Russian classics is defined, captured on the pediments of typical school five-story buildings of the 1950s: two great poets - the Russian pre-revolutionary genius Pushkin and the Soviet Mayakovsky - and two great prose writers - the pre-revolutionary Leo Tolstoy and the Soviet Gorky At one time, instead of Tolstoy, Lomonosov was sculpted on the pediments, but his figure violated the geometric harmony of the quadrangular pyramid of the school canon, topped by the first authors of their era (two poets - two prose writers, two pre-revolutionary - two Soviet authors).. The compilers of the program devoted a lot of time to studying Pushkin: in 1938 - 25 hours, in 1949 - already 37. Soviet classics, school canon.

Talking not only about updating the composition of the school canon, but also about approaches to its formation and content, as well as the principles of organizing literary education as a whole, was possible only in the second half of the 1950s, when it became clear that the country has taken a course towards some softening of the ideological regime. A publication for teachers, the journal Literature at School, printed transcripts of discussions of the draft of a new program on literature, as well as letters from ordinary teachers, school and university methodologists and librarians. There were proposals to study the literature of the twentieth century not one, but the last two years, or to include it in the course of 8-10 grades. There were even daredevils who argued that "War and Peace" should be studied in full: according to the teachers, most of their wards were unable to master the text.

Literature lesson in 10th grade. The student reads a poem by Alexander Blok. Leningrad, 1980 Belinsky Yury / TASS Newsreel

However, the long-awaited program, released in 1960, was a great disappointment to all who hoped for change. A larger volume had to be squeezed into an even smaller number of hours - the compilers of the program suggested that the teachers solve the problem themselves and somehow have time to go through everything prescribed without sacrificing the depth of comprehension.

Neither the study of some works in an abbreviated form, nor the reduction of hours for foreign literature saved. In the study of literature, the principles of systematicity and historicism were proclaimed: the living literary process fit into the Leninist concept of "three stages of the revolutionary liberation movement in Russia" The periodization of the pre-revolutionary literary process in post-war programs and textbooks was based on three stages of the revolutionary liberation movement in Russia, identified by Lenin in the article “In Memory of Herzen” (1912). The noble, razno-Chinsky and proletarian stages in the history of literature corresponded to the first and second halves of the 19th century and the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. After that, the history of Russian literature ended, giving way to the Soviet one.. The material was still required to be simply memorized in the presentation of the teacher and (or) the textbook.

“It is necessary to warn teachers against an overly detailed analysis of the work, as well as from simplified interpretations of literary phenomena, as a result of which the study of fiction may lose its figurative and emotional essence.” From the secondary school program for the 1960/61 academic year.

Education of feelings instead of ideology

After the thaw, the whole country lined up for a shortage - and not only for Yugoslav boots or domestic televisions, but also for good literature, the shelves with which it became fashionable to decorate the interiors of apartments. The flourishing of the book market, including underground, mass cinematography, Soviet literary and illustrated magazines, television, and for some, became serious competition to the dull Soviet school subject "literature", saved only individual ascetics teachers. The education of feelings comes to replace ideology in school literature: in heroes their spiritual qualities begin to be especially valued, in works - poetry.

Program composition
The list is gradually expanding, on the one hand, at the expense of previously unrecommended works of Russian classics (Dostoevsky), on the other hand, at the expense of works of Soviet literature of recent years, which should be read independently with subsequent discussion in the classroom

Number of hours

8th grade

  • "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
  • Jean-Baptiste Molière. "The tradesman in the nobility"
  • Alexander Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit"
  • Alexander Pushkin. “To Chaadaev” (“Love, hope, quiet glory ...”), “To the sea”, “I remember a wonderful moment ...”, “Prophet”, “Autumn”, “On the hills of Georgia”, “I loved you ...”, “Again I visited ...”, “I erected a monument to myself ...”, “Eugene Onegin”
  • George Gordon Byron. "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" (I and II songs), "My soul is gloomy"
  • Mikhail Lermontov. “Death of a Poet”, “Poet”, “Duma”, “How often, surrounded by a motley crowd ...”, “I go out alone on the road”, “Motherland”, “Hero of our time”
  • Nikolay Gogol. "Dead Souls"
  • Vissarion Belinsky. Literary and critical activity
  • Anatoly Aleksin. “In the meantime, somewhere ...”, “In the rear as in the rear”
  • Chingiz Aitmatov. "Jamilya", "First Teacher"
  • Vasil Bykov. "Alpine Ballad", "Live Until Dawn"
  • Oles Gonchar. "Man and Weapon"
  • Savva Dangulov. "Trail"
  • Nodar Dumbadze. "I see the sun"
  • Maksud Ibragimbekov. "For all good - death!"
  • "Names are trustworthy. Poems of soldiers who fell on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War»
  • Vadim Kozhevnikov. "Toward Dawn"
  • Maria Prilezhaeva. "An Amazing Year", "Three Weeks of Peace"
  • Johan Smuul. "Ice book"
  • Vladislav Titov. "All deaths out of spite"
  • Mikhail Dudin, Mikhail Lukonin, Sergey Orlov. Selected poems

9th grade

  • Alexander Ostrovsky. "Thunderstorm"
  • Nikolay Dobrolyubov. "A Ray of Light in a Dark Realm"
  • Ivan Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons"
  • Nikolay Chernyshevsky. "What to do?"
  • Nikolai Nekrasov. “The Poet and the Citizen” (excerpt), “In Memory of Dobrolyubov”, “Elegy” (“Let the changeable fashion tell us ...”), “Who should live well in Russia”
  • Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. "Wise Gudgeon", "Wild Landowner"
  • Fedor Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment"
  • Lev Tolstoy. "War and Peace"
  • Anton Chekhov. "Ionych", "Cherry Orchard"
  • William Shakespeare. "Hamlet" (review)
  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe. "Faust": "Prologue in Heaven", scene 2 - "At the City Gates", scenes 3 and 4 - "Faust's Study", scene 12 - "Garden", scene 19 - "Night. Street in front of Gretchen's house, scene 25 - "Jail"; Faust's last monologue from Part II (review)
  • Honore de Balzac. "Gobsek"

For conversations on Soviet literature

  • Ales Adamovich. "Partisans"
  • Sergei Antonov. "Alenka", "Rain"
  • Mukhtar Auezov. "Abay"
  • Vasil Bykov. "Obelisk"
  • Boris Vasiliev. “And the dawns here are quiet…”
  • Ion Druta. "Steppe Ballads"
  • Afanasy Koptelov. "The Big Beginning", "The Flame Will Kindle"
  • Willis Latsis. "Towards a New Shore"
  • Valentin Rasputin. "French lessons"
  • Robert Christmas. "Requiem", "Letter to the XXX century"
  • Konstantin Simonov. "Alive and Dead"
  • Konstantin Fedin. "First Joys", "Unusual Summer"
  • Vasily Shukshin. Selected stories

10th grade

  • Maksim Gorky. "Old Woman Izergil", "At the Bottom", "Mother", "V. I. Lenin
  • Alexander Blok. “Stranger”, “Factory”, “Oh, spring without end and without edge ...”, “Russia”, “About valor, about exploits, about glory ...”, “On the railway”, “Twelve”
  • Sergey Yesenin. “Soviet Russia”, “Letter to Mother”, “Uncomfortable liquid moonlight ...”, “Bless every work, good luck!”, “Kachalov's dog”, “Feeder sleeps. The plain is dear…”, “I am going through the valley. On the back of the head is a cap ... "," The golden grove dissuaded ... "," I do not regret, I do not call, I do not cry ... "
  • Vladimir Mayakovsky. “Left March”, “The Sitting Ones”, “About Rubbish”, “Black and White”, “To Comrade Netta - a Steamboat and a Man”, “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris on the Essence of Love”, “Conversation with the Financial Inspector about Poetry”, “Poems about the Soviet passport”, “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”, “Good!”, “Out loud” (first introduction to the poem)
  • Alexander Fadeev. "Rout"
  • Nikolay Ostrovsky. "As the Steel Was Tempered"
  • Mikhail Sholokhov. "Virgin Soil Upturned", "The Fate of Man"
  • Alexander Tvardovsky. “I was killed near Rzhev”, “Two forges”, “On the Angara” (from the poem “Far beyond the distance”)
Schoolchildren write an essay for the final exam. June 1, 1984 Kavashkin Boris / Newsreel TASS

The number of hours devoted to literature in grades 8-10 continues to decline: in 1970 it was only 350 hours, in 1976 and for the next four decades - 340. The school curriculum is mainly replenished with works that are especially are close to conservatives: in the early 1970s, the novel Crime and Punishment, which opposes rebellion against existing orders the idea of ​​personal salvation. Next to the "urbanist" Mayakovsky stands the "peasant" Yesenin. The block is mainly represented by poems about the Motherland. Mosfilm, KinoPoisk

A shot from Sergei Solovyov's film The Stationmaster. 1972Mosfilm, Filmania.ru

A still from Vyacheslav Nikiforov's film The Noble Robber Vladimir Dubrovsky. 1988"Belarusfilm", "KinoKopilka"

A still from Eldar Ryazanov's film Cruel Romance. 1984Mosfilm, KinoPoisk

In the 1960s and 70s, films were made based on many works of the school canon, which immediately gained wide popularity: they solve problems and misreading, and adaptation of complex or historically distant meanings of classical works to their perception by the broad masses, shifting the emphasis from ideological issues to the plot, the feelings of the characters and their fate. The idea that the classics are universal is becoming more and more firmly established: it seems to combine the accessibility of mass literature with the highly artistic nature of enduring masterpieces (in contrast to non-realistic works, especially “modernist ones”, addressed mainly to individual groups "aesthetes").

“Classical literature is literature that has reached the highest degree of perfection and has stood the test of time, preserving the value of an immortal creative example for all subsequent writers.” S. M. Florinsky. Russian literature. Textbook for the 8th grade of high school. M., 1970.

Works about the revolution, the Civil War and collectivization go into an abbreviated or review study (four hours on “How the Steel Was Tempered”) or to extracurricular reading The concept of extracurricular reading existed even in gymnasiums, but in the 1930s it began to be regulated: it was proposed to choose from approved lists., the volume of which is increasing. On the other hand, more and more works about the Great Patriotic War: eight hours, previously spent on studying Sholokhov's Virgin Soil Upturned, are now divided between this epic and the story The Fate of a Man. The literature of the last decades is read at home on their own, after which one of four topics is discussed in the class: the October Revolution, the Great Patriotic War, the image of Lenin, the image of our contemporary in the works of contemporary authors. Of the 30 prose-cal works of Soviet writers offered for discussion in grades 8-9, ten books are devoted to wartime, three - to the revolution and the Civil War, five - to the life and work of Lenin. Nine out of 24 writers represent the national literatures of the USSR. However, the very appearance of the section “For Conversations on Soviet Literature” became a sign of the approach of new times in domestic education, including literary education: from a lecture followed by a survey, the lesson at least sometimes turns into a conversation; at least some variability appears in the mandatory list, albeit only in the choice of works of the current literary process. And yet, despite these concessions, the literary education of the late Soviet period offered a falsified, ideologically and censoriously shredded history of Russian literature, in which very much had no place. The authors of the 1976 program, the text of which migrated almost unchanged to the 1984 program, made no secret of this:

“One of the most important tasks of a teacher is to show students what Soviet literature has in common with the progressive heritage of the past, how it continues and develops the best traditions of classical literature, and at the same time reveals a qualitatively new character of the literature of socialist realism, which is a step forward in artistic development of mankind, the class basis of its universal communist ideal, the diversity and aesthetic richness of Soviet literature.

Tenth-graders before the lesson of Russian literature. Kazakh SSR, 1989 Pavsky Alexander / Newsreel TASS

In a few years, another state will arise in place of the USSR, and in place of the bloated mandatory list, an even more voluminous recommendatory one, finally again, as in the early 1920s, entrusting the teacher with the right to choose from the proposed list names and works, taking into account interests and the level of students. But this will be the history of the post-Soviet school canon, no less dramatic, in which the parent community, the pedagogical community, and even the country's top leadership will take an active part.

The novel gives an extensive picture of the socio-political life of Russia at the end of the 19th century. The Russian intelligentsia is one of the main historical problems of our country. Problems in the sense that this social stratum could never find itself, define its own ideals. Intellectuals, liberals, terrorists - after reading the novel, you will have no questions why in the Russian Empire these concepts were synonymous for many.

2. "Uncle Vanya", Anton Chekhov

Gorky, after watching the theatrical production of Uncle Vanya, wrote to Chekhov: “Uncle Vanya and The Seagull are a new kind of dramatic art […]. Other dramas don't divert a person from reality to philosophical generalizations - yours does." What can we say, Chekhov's plays are really the most powerful in Russian literature.

"Uncle Vanya" is in no way inferior to "The Cherry Orchard" or "Three Sisters". But the Ministry of Education for some reason excluded the play from the list of required reading books, which affected its current popularity. If you decide to read it, then keep in mind that the work is heavy and the narration in it goes in a serious tone unusual for Chekhov.

3. "Red laughter", Leonid Andreev

"Red laughter" if it is mentioned in literature lessons, then only briefly. The main attention is paid to another story of the author - "Judas Iscariot". But “Red Laughter” is such a stylistically verified work that goosebumps run down the skin not from the horrors of the war described, but from the sonorous rich syllable.

So no one wrote about the war. So no one wrote at all. If you want to clearly and clearly understand what the word "style" means in literature, read Andreev.

4. Head of Professor Dowell, Alexander Belyaev

Creativity Belyaeva is entertaining. Therefore, probably, his works did not get into school textbooks. However, the ability to entertain while maintaining a great art style is also worth a lot. Let Belyaev now be regarded as a classic of fiction, but we don’t always have to read to think about the problems of the world, right? "Professor Dowell's Head" is the most fascinating experiment in science fiction literature of its time.

5. Collected Works, Daniil Kharms

Kharms is a prankster and daredevil of Soviet literature. His absurdist prose is devoid of a clear moralistic message, which is why schoolchildren continue to receive certificates without learning anything about the most original Soviet writer. It is quite difficult to single out the central work of Kharms, so we recommend reading the first thing that comes to hand. Here, for example, is the whole story "The New Anatomy":

One little girl grew two blue ribbons on her nose. The case is especially rare, for "Mars" was written on one tape, and "Jupiter" on the other.

This novel needs no introduction. The phrases of Ostap Bender have long been disassembled into quotes and have become winged. Even if for some reason you did not have a chance to read the legendary novel about the great schemer, you have probably seen one of its many adaptations. However, this is the case when none of the film incarnations can be compared with the literary original. After all, it's like Shanghai leopards compared to Mexican jerboas. Infinitely better.

7. "The Living and the Dead", Konstantin Simonov

The trilogy by Konstantin Simonov is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. It is based on the personal experience of the author, and perhaps that is why it turned out to be so inspired and sincere. This is a chronicle of the events of 1941-1945, filed through the prism of the view of the participants in the war. The work is fundamental, large-scale, with many deeply written images, strong dialogues and storylines. "War and Peace" of the XX century.

It is strange why Soviet science fiction classics are still not included in the school curriculum. Almost every one of their books is philosophical and covers a wide range of topics. "Roadside Picnic" is perhaps the most famous work of the authors. The Stalker series of books originates here. The "Zone", even before becoming a popular place for the works of literary epigones, was introduced by the Strugatskys as the deepest metaphor. A metaphor that summarizes all human activity and endows it with the universal meaning of the pursuit of happiness.

9. Razor's Edge, Ivan Efremov

"Razor's Edge" is a novel in which Efremov expressed his entire worldview. Therefore, it is so multifaceted and touches on a huge number of different topics: science, philosophy, mysticism, love, yoga. The writer carried out such complex work on the synthesis of materialistic, metaphysical and mystical teachings that his book can be considered not only as a work of art, but also as a kind of philosophical treatise. It is not surprising that after writing the novel, Efremov acquired the status of a spiritual guru.

10. Novels, Vladimir Nabokov

Why there is no Lolita in the school curriculum, we can understand. But why so little time is given to other works of the author, such as Luzhin's Defense or Invitation to Execution, is a mystery. Nabokov discovered a completely new dimension of the Russian language - one that was unknown to either Pushkin or Tolstoy. His words sound, smell, feel on the skin and tongue. This is a synesthetic feast of sounds and colors, where not the most traditional topics for Russian literature are raised, such as the relationship between the author and his creation, the illusory nature of the world.

11. "Generation" P "", Viktor Pelevin

"Generation "P"" is the bible of the nineties. What is the new Russia, what are the values ​​of the emerging world, where are their origins and what is the meaning of the media - Pelevin, of course, digs much deeper than the level of an entertaining story about the adventures of a talented PR man Vavilen Tatarsky. The age-old problem “Who is living well in Russia?” is transformed into “What is Russia? What is good? And what, after all, does it mean to live?

Ideologically, Pelevin's work is somewhat outdated: there are already other realities in the yard. However, his approach to explaining phenomena, which combines postmodern ideas and the metaphysics of Indian and Iranian philosophy, is completely unique. The method of analysis of social phenomena discovered by Pelevin endows his creation with a timeless meaning.

12. "Boris Pasternak", Dmitry Bykov

The works of this writer cannot be found in the school curriculum for one simple reason: they have not yet managed to get there. Dmitry Bykov is one of the most prominent representatives of modern literature. This is a classic writer with a good sense of language and a desire for extensive disclosure of character images.

"Boris Pasternak" is a biographical work, however, thanks to Bykov's literary talent, it reads like a work of art and gives a textured understanding of Pasternak's life path.

And what books that remained outside the school curriculum do you remember?

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1 The main works of art for compulsory reading in the subject of "literature" in a secondary school grade 5 Russian literature: Russian folk tales: "The Frog Princess", "Ivan the Peasant's Son and the Miracle Yudo" Zhukovsky V. "The Sleeping Princess", "The Cup » Pushkin A. “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs” Pogorelsky A. “Black Hen or Underground Inhabitants” Gogol N.V. “The Enchanted Place” Turgenev I.S. "Mumu" Tolstoy L.N. "Prisoner of the Caucasus" Chekhov A.P. "Surgery" Korolenko V.G. "In bad society" Bazhov P.P. "Mistress of the Copper Mountain" Paustovsky K.G. “Warm bread”, “Hare paws” Marshak S.Ya. "Twelve months" Platonov A.P. "Nikita" Astafiev V.P. "Vasyutkino Lake" Sasha Cherny "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Igor-Robinson" Kim Yu.Ch. "Whale Fish" Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece (edited by N. Kuhn) Andersen G.-H. "The Snow Queen" Stevenson R.L. "Heath Honey" Gauf W. "Dwarf Nose" Defoe D. "The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" Twain M. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

2 6th grade Russian literature of the XIX century Pushkin A. "Tales of Belkin" "Dubrovsky" Turgenev I.S. "Bezhin meadow" (from "Notes of a hunter") Nekrasov N. A. "Railway" Leskov N.S. "Lefty" Chekhov A.P. "Thick and thin" Kuprin A.I. "Wonderful Doctor" Green A.S. "Scarlet Sails" Platonov A.P. "Unknown flower" Simonov K.M. “Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region” Astafiev V.P. "Horse with a pink mane" Rasputin V.G. "French Lessons" Iskander F.A. "The thirteenth feat of Hercules" Poetry Blok A.A. "Summer Veche", "Oh, how crazy outside the window" Yesenin S.A. “Small woods. Steppe and distance” Akhmatova A.A. “There are such days before spring” Rubtsov N.M. "Star of the Fields" Homer. "Iliad" and "Odyssey" Schiller I.F. The Glove Antoine de Saint-Exupery The Little Prince

3 7th grade Russian literature of the XIX century Pushkin A. "The Bronze Horseman", "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg" Lermontov M.Yu. "The Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilievich" Gogol N. "Taras Bulba" Turgenev I. "Biryuk", Poems in prose Nekrasov ON THE. "Russian women". Poems Saltykov-Shchedrin M. Tales Tolstoy L. "Childhood" Chekhov A. "Chameleon", "Intruder" and other stories Russian literature of the XX century Gorky M. "Old Woman Izergil", "Makar Chudra", "Childhood" Zoshchenko M. " Trouble" Andreev L.N. "Kusaka" Abramov F.A. “What horses cry about” Nosov E.I. "Doll" Poetry Tvardovsky A.T. “The snows will darken blue”, “At the bottom of my life” Yesenin S.A. "Swamps and swamps" Zabolotsky N.A. “I was brought up by harsh nature” Rubtsov N.M. “My Quiet Homeland” Robert Burns “Honest Poverty” O. Henry. "The Gift of the Magi" Ray Douglas Bradbury "Vacation"

Grade 4 8 From Russian literature of the 18th century Fonvizin D.I. "Undergrowth" From Russian literature of the 19th century Krylov I.A. "Convoy" Pushkin A. "The Captain's Daughter" Poems. Lermontov M.Yu. "Mtsyri" Gogol N. "Inspector", "Overcoat" Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. "History of one city" (excerpt) Leskov N.S. "Old genius" Tolstoy L. "After the ball" Chekhov A.P. "About love" From Russian literature of the 20th century Bunin I.A. "The Caucasus" Kuprin A.I. "Lilac bush Shakespeare W. "Romeo and Juliet". Sonnets by Molière J. B. "The Tradesman in the Nobility" Scott W. "Ivanhoe" Shelley M. "Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus" Yamamoto S. "Dialogue about the Song"

5 Grade 9 Russian literature "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" Lomonosov M.V. "Ode on the day of the ascension of Elizabeth Petrovna 1747" Derzhavin "Monument" Karamzin N. "Poor Lisa" Zhukovsky V. A. "Svetlana" Griboyedov A. "Woe from Wit" Pushkin A. "Eugene Onegin", poems by Lermontov M. "A Hero of Our Time", poems by Gogol N. " Dead Souls" Dostoevsky F.M. "White Nights" Chekhov A. "Longing", "Bear" Bunin I.A. "Dark Alleys" and other stories Yesenin S.A. “Golden grove dissuaded”, “Letter to a woman” and other poems Bulgakov M.A. "Heart of a Dog" Sholokhov M.A. "The Fate of Man" Solzhenitsyn A.I. "Matrenin Dvor" Poetry of the XX century: Akhmatova A. Blok A. Mayakovsky V.V. Yesenin S. Tsvetaeva M. Zabolotsky N.A. Pasternak B.L. Tvardovsky A.T. Shakespeare W. Sonnets

6 grade 10 Russian literature Turgenev I.S. "Notes of a hunter", "Inn", novel "Fathers and Sons" Chernyshevsky N.G. "What to do?" Goncharov I.A. "Oblomov", "Cliff" Ostrovsky A.N. "Thunderstorm" Nekrasov N.A. "To whom in Russia it is good to live." Poems Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. "History of one city", "Lord Golovlevs". Tales Dostoevsky F.M. "Crime and Punishment" Tolstoy L.N. "War and Peace", "Childhood", "Boyhood", "Youth", Sevastopol stories Leskov N. S. "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk district" Chekhov A.P. "Cherry Orchard", "Ionych", "Man in a Case", "Gooseberry". Stories Poetry Tyutchev F.I. Fet A.A. Nekrasov N.A. Stendhal F. "Red and Black" Dickens "Dombey and Son" Balzac O. "The Human Comedy" Maupassant G. "Necklace" Bernard Shaw "Pygmalion"

7 Grade 11 Prose of the end of the 19th beginning. 20th century Bunin I. Poems, stories: "Mr. from San Francisco", "Sunstroke", Sat. "Dark alleys" (2-Zraskaza) Kuprin A. "Olesya", "Garnet bracelet" and others Averchenko A. Stories (2-3) Zoshchenko M. Stories (2-3) Poetry of the "silver" age Balmont K. Poems at the choice of students Bryusov V. Poems at the choice of students Gumilev N. Poems at the choice of students Literature of the 20s Gorky M. "At the bottom", "Old Woman Izergil" Block A. A cycle of poems, for example, "Poems about the Beautiful Lady", Poem "The Twelve" Yesenin S. Poems of different years Mayakovsky V. Poems, poem "A cloud in pants" Literature of the 19s Bulgakov M. "Heart of a Dog", "Master and Margarita" Platonov A. Stories (2-3) Tsvetaeva M.I. . Poems by A.N. Tolstoy "Peter I" (survey study) Akhmatova A. Poem "Requiem", poems of students' choice Pasternak B. Poems from the novel "Doctor Zhivago" and others Sholokhov M. "Quiet Don", "Don stories" of students' choice Great Patriotic War war in the literature of the 40s and subsequent years Nekrasov V. "In the trenches of Stalingrad" or Vorobyov K. "Killed near Moscow" Bykov V. A work of the choice of students, for example, "Sotnikov" Poems about the war Simonov K., Tikhonov N , Surkov A. and others. Literature of the years Solzhenitsyn A. "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", "Matrenin Dvor" Tvardovsky A. Review of creativity. "Vasily Terkin" Rasputin V. "Live and Remember", "Farewell to Matera" "Village" prose: V. Astafiev, V. Shukshin (2 stories each) Dramaturgy: Vampilov A. "Elder Son" Literature of the Russian Diaspora: Nabokov C. Stories, for example, "Mashenka" or Shmelev N. "Summer of the Lord" Author's song: Vysotsky V., Galich A., Okudzhava B., Tsoy V., Talkov I. and others.

List of references in all areas of the final (graduation) essay 2016-2017 Direction Works by A.P. Chekhov, play "The Cherry Orchard"; A.S. Pushkin, the story "The Captain's Daughter", the novel "Eugene Onegin";

List of literature for the summer for the 10th grade (basic level) Pushkin A.S. Gogol N.V. Goncharov I.A. Ostrovsky A.N. Turgenev I.S. Nekrasov N.A. Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. Tyutchev F.I. Fet A.F. Tolstoy L.N. Dostoevsky

List of works studied at literature lessons in grades 5-11 Grade 5 1. A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess." 2. C. Perrault "Sleeping Beauty". 3. G. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling",

Grade 5 - Myths of Ancient Greece (On the creation of the world, about Zeus, about Hercules) - Russian folk tales Krylov I.A. Zhukovsky V. A. Lermontov M. Yu. Gogol N.V. Nekrasov N.A. Turgenev I.S. Korolenko V.G. Tolstoy

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To help the applicant navigate the most difficult questions offered in literature tests. 2. Aim at identifying skills by the ability to analyze the literary text of the epic


METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE Academic discipline _Literature Topics of methodological developments (lectures and practical exercises) 1. Lecture Introduction. The development of Russian literature and culture in the first

1. Purpose and objectives of the program implementation

5th grade Russian folk tales ("The Frog Princess", "Ivan the Peasant's Son and the Miracle Yudo", "Crane and Heron", "Soldier's Overcoat") Riddles, ditties, sayings, songs. From ancient Russian literature. "Feat

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Regional state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Smolensk State Institute of Arts" Department: Humanities and socio-economic sciences INTRODUCTION PROGRAM

Name Media type Fiction 1 Andreev L. Novels and short stories AK 2 Astafiev V. Somewhere war roars AK 3 Brodsky I. Selected AK 4 Bulgakov M. The Master and Margarita AK 5 Bulgakov M.

Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Journalism AGREED Head of the customer's organization I.O. Surname (signature) 20 (if necessary) APPROVED Head

Explanatory note on literature correspondence class Work program on literature at 0, developed in accordance with the FC GOS 004; the curriculum of the educational organization; Exemplary Secondary (Full) Program

CALENDAR-THEMATIC PLANNING Class: 8 Subject: Literature Curriculum: State Teaching Methods: Edited by V.Ya. Korovina - M: Education, 2010 Number of hours per week: 2 Total

HOLIDAYS-2014 ATTENTION STUDENTS AND PARENTS! We offer you a list of fiction for reading in the summer: WORKS FOR SUMMER READING List of books for summer reading Grade 5 Title


THE PROGRAM OF THE ENTRANCE TEST IN LITERATURE (ORAL) FOR APPLICANTS TO THE ACTOR AND DIRECTOR'S FACULTIES (full-time, part-time education) This program is based on the "Mandatory minimum

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Books for summer Grade 2 1 E Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends" 2 Fairy tales 3 N Nosov "The Adventure of Dunno and his friends" 4 J. Rodari "The Adventure of Cipollino" 5 Myths, legends, legends 6 Fairy tales

Date of the lesson (number of the school week) Calendar - thematic planning Subject literature Class 8 Name of sections and topics of lessons, forms and topics of control Introduction - hours Number of hours a week Literature

Qualifying stage. Tasks grades 10-11 Round 1 Option one Vladimir Lensky character: the poem "Mtsyri" the story "Student" the poem "Railway" the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" In which poems,

APPROVED Order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus 03.12.2018 836 Tickets for an exam in the order of an external student when mastering the content of the educational program of secondary

Calendar-thematic planning in literature in grade 11 for the 2008-2009 academic year. Planning is focused on work on the training set edited by V.P. Zhuravlev. 102 hours. (basic program)

1 Annotation of the work program of the discipline "Literature" The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to study the current state of development of literature and methods of literature as a science; acquaintance with the most

List of literature for summer reading in grade 5 I. S. Turgenev "Mu-mu" L. N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus" A. P. Chekhov "Surgery" I. A. Kuprin "The Wonderful Doctor" A. Platonov "Nikita" P. Bazhov "Stone Flower"

List of books to read in the summer when moving to grade 5 1. A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila" 2. I. Krylov "Fables" 3. G.Kh. Andersen "The Snow Queen" 4. M. Zoshchenko, stories 5. N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas"

Grades 10-11 Round 1 Which works of Russian literature of the first half of the 20th century combine the features of realism and romanticism? What artistic effect do their authors achieve with the help of such a combination?

CALENDAR AND THEMATIC PLANNING FOR LITERATURE Grade 9 Dates Quantity Theme of the lesson Planned Actual p / n hours date date 1 Masterpieces of Russian literature 1 06.09 2 Origins and beginnings of ancient Russian literature.

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List of literature for students in grade 5 Russian folk tales "The Frog Princess" "Ivan the Peasant's Son" Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky "The Sleeping Princess" Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess

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List of literature for future fifth-graders Tales: "The Frog Princess", "Ivan the Peasant's Son and the Miracle Yudo", "The Crane and the Heron", "The Soldier's Overcoat"; Old Russian literature: "The feat of the boy-Kiev and

Admission to the Unified State Examination: final essay on literature 2015 Director of the GBOU Gymnasium 1542 Svetlana Nikolaevna Sakharova “To learn how to ride a bike, you have to ride a bike. To learn how to write, one must

Quarter Academic week Number of hours THEME Testing work Topics of laboratory work, workshops, experimental work and creative assignments I Introduction Literature and history. 2 Oral folk art.

LITERATURE Topics included in boundary tasks Grade 10 Topics 1 milestone Grade 10 1. A.N. Ostrovsky. "Thunderstorm". The nature of the conflict. Life and customs of the Russian merchant class. 2. I.A. Goncharov. "Oblomov". Creation methods

PROGRAM of entrance examination in literature for foreign citizens applying for undergraduate and specialist degree programs Requirements for the level of preparation of applicants Applicant

The procedure for passing general education exams, the direction of preparation 52.03.05 "Theater Studies" Russian language, literature (USE certificates) In the above general education subjects, the Institute accepts

Ticket 1 1. Epics as works of oral folk art. General characteristics of epics. Epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber". Expressive reading of the passage proposed by 2. A. S. Pushkin "To Chaadaev."

LIST OF LITERATURE FOR GRADE 5 1. Russian folk tales 2. I. A. Krylov "Fables" 3. A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" 4. V.A. Zhukovsky "The Sleeping Princess" 5. Anthony Pogorelsky

Thematic planning. Literature class. 02h. lesson topic of the lesson. Main content Introduction. The fate of Russia in the 20th century. The main directions, themes and problems of Russian literature of the 20th century. Hours

Preparing for exams Problem 1. The problem of the role of a book in a person Examples 1. A.S. Pushkin Evgeny Onegin F.M. Dostoevsky Crime and Mike Gelprin "The Candle Was Burning" 2. The problem of the role of the book in shaping

The manual contains a detailed planning of literature lessons in the 7th grade of general educational institutions, studying according to the V.Ya. Korovina. All stages of the lesson are considered: checking homework

TICKETS for transfer certification in literature Grade 5: Ticket 1. 1. What is folklore? Tell us about the genres of children's folklore. Give examples (by heart). 2. Prove that the product of A. Pogorelsky

Calendar-thematic planning of educational material in literature for grade 5 for the 2018 2019 academic year Correspondence education Planning is based on the literature program in grades 5-11

/ Theme of the lesson Terms ZUNA grade 11 Organization of the educational process 1 Russia at the turn of the XIX XX centuries 2 Russian literature at the turn of the century 3 Essay on the life and work of I. Bunin Know the basic facts of life and work


Round 1 Registration test 1. "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy is a) a novel b) a poem c) a historical chronicle d) what the author wanted and could express in the form in which it was expressed 2. The action of M.

Calendar-thematic planning in literature in the 8th grade 68 hours Planning is based on the Federal component of the state educational standard of basic general education



Library GBOU gymnasium 57 of St. Petersburg. Princess E.M. Oldenburg. Electronic educational resources. p/n 23.0.2004 4 Geography. Solution ex. problems 2 23.0.2004 5 Physics. Solution ex. tasks

Reading list for summer 5th grade. "Russian folk tales". Russian chronicle. The Tale of Bygone Years. "The feat of the lad-Kiev and the cunning of the governor Pretich." M.V. Lomonosov "Two astronomers happened

WORKS FOR INDEPENDENT READING 5 11 CLASSES Programs of educational institutions. Literature. Edited by V.Ya. Korovina. 5-11 grades. Grade 5 1.: 2. Russian folk tales: "Vasilisa

CALENDAR AND THEMATIC PLANNING FOR LITERATURE 9 CLASS Quantity Dates Theme of the lesson Planned Actual p / p hours date th date 1 Masterpieces of Russian literature 1 04.09 2 Origins and beginnings of ancient Russian literature.

SUGGESTED LIST OF WORKS FOR WRITING THE FINAL ESSAY IN GRADE 11 for 2017-2018 1. "Loyalty and treason" -L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" -N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" -A.S. Pushkin "Captain's

Reading list Grade 5 Oral folk art Small genres of folklore. Children's folklore (lullabies, pestles, sentences, tongue twisters, riddles) Russian folk tales. "Princess Frog",

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Smolensk State University" Entrance Exam Program in Literature

Annotation to the work program in literature. Grade 9 This program has been compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education, which recognizes the spiritual and moral value as a priority

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platov Shakhty Institute (branch) SRSPU (NPI) named after. M.I. Platova LITERATURE Methodical

ANNOTATION TO THE WORKING PROGRAM OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE Specialty: 36.02.01 Veterinary Medicine Name of discipline: BD.01 Russian language and literature Aims and objectives of the academic discipline: As a result of mastering the academic

Approximate list of literature for grades 5-9 Astafiev V. Shepherd and shepherdess. Vasyutkino lake Afanasyev A. Folk Russian fairy tales (after Akhmatova A. Poems Bazhov P. Malachite box. Copper Mountain

Olympiad for schoolchildren "Conquer Sparrow Hills" in literature 2016/2017 Final stage Essay General criteria for evaluating works Thematic. The topic must be understood correctly and disclosed deeply and fully.

Explanatory note 1. The author's literature program for grades 5-11 was taken as the basis for the work program in literature. Authors V. Ya. Korovina, V. P. Zhuravlev and others / Moscow, Education, 2009. Textbook:


1 16 000

Relegated as unnecessary to the second row, with the advent of the "presidential" essay, literature returned to the ranks of the most important subjects in the Russian school. But parents and students are still concerned about the extent to which our education in this area is able to compete with foreign ones.

Let's see how and what works students of foreign schools study. In each list, we included 10 main authors of the school curriculum.


There is no division into two different subjects, “French Language” and “French Literature”, for schoolchildren. At the lessons of literature, young French people practically do not pay attention to plots, images, and the development of characters in works. The main thing is style! And the style of authors before the 19th century is considered ideal. Schoolchildren often complete tasks to write a passage on a given topic in the style of Molière (Racine, Corneille, etc.). Ancient Greek and Roman authors are seriously studied.

in the required program

  1. Chretien de Troy. "Lancelot".
  2. Jean Baptiste Molière. "Stingy".
  3. Pierre Corneille. "Sid".
  4. Pedro Calderon. "Life is a dream."
  5. Victor Hugo. "Rejected".
  6. Emile Zola. "Germinal".
  7. Gustave Flaubert. "Madam Bovary"
  8. Honore de Balzac. "The Human Comedy"
  9. Antoine de Saint-Exupery. "The little Prince".
  10. Albert Camus. "The fall".


As such, there is no single school curriculum in literature in the United States. In English classes, they read and discuss those works that the teacher chooses. The main selection criteria: the artistic value of the text, fascinating content, the ability to learn moral lessons from it. Today it is customary to include more books about the war, the Holocaust, US history and democratic values ​​in the list of studied works.

in the required program

  1. Theodore Dreiser. "American Tragedy", "The Financier".
  2. William Faulkner. "Sound and Fury"
  3. Robert Louis Stevenson. "Treasure Island".
  4. Joseph Conrad. "Heart of Darkness".
  5. George Orwell. "Barnyard".
  6. Terry Pratchett. "Flat world".
  7. Edith Wharton. "Age of Innocence".
  8. Herman Melville. "Moby Dick".
  9. Daniel Keyes. "Flowers for Algernon".
  10. Edgar Poe. Poems and poems.

Great Britain

The English read at school what is considered to be the classics of English literature. The form of studying large topics is often chosen by each class by voting. For example, "English Literature of the 19th Century" is a topic that students may want to take in the form of a discussion, writing essays, individual lessons, preparing group projects, and so on. Some programmatic works are familiar to Russian graduates since childhood, and the names of many authors are somehow well known due to frequent mentions.

in the required program

  1. J. Chaucer. "The Canterbury Tales".
  2. K. Marlo. "The Tragic History of Doctor Faust".
  3. D. Defoe. "Robinson Crusoe".
  4. J. Swift. Gulliver's Travels, Clothmaker's Letters.
  5. S. Richardson. "Clarissa, or the Story of a Young Lady", "Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded".
  6. G. Fielding. "The Story of Tom Jones, Foundling".
  7. Charles Dickens. "The Adventures of Oliver Twist", "Dombey and Son".
  8. William Thackeray. "Vanity Fair".
  9. George Eliot. "The Mill on the Floss".
  10. S. Coleridge. "Old Sailor"


Literature is handled differently in different types of schools. In ordinary schools, mostly works by German authors are taught. There are many grammar schools in the country with a humanitarian bias, where they study in detail works from ancient authors to the most modern ones. In some educational institutions, the literature course is divided according to the topics raised in the works. For example, "Law and Justice", "Homeland and Abroad", "Science and Responsibility" and others. Thus, F. Schiller's drama "Robbers" belongs to the topic "Law and Justice", his "Mary Stuart" is studied in the section "The Conflict of Man and History", and "Deceit and Love" naturally falls into the section "Love Stories".

in the required program

  1. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. "Nathan the Wise".
  2. Friedrich Schiller. "Robbers", "Mary Stuart", "Cunning and Love".
  3. Johann Wolfgang Goethe. "The Sorrows of Young Werther".
  4. Heinrich Heine. "Journey through the Harz".
  5. Thomas Mann. "Buddenbrooks", "Magic Mountain".
  6. Heinrich von Kleist. "Marquise d" O.
  7. Friedrich Durrenmatt. "Visit of an old lady", "Physicists".
  8. Amadeus Hoffman. "Little Tsakhes", "Worldly Views of the Cat Murr".
  9. Eduard Moricke. "Artist Nolten", "Mozart on the way to Prague".
  10. Georg Buechner. "Death of Danton".


In the upper grades of Japanese schools, literature is studied in more or less detail, depending on the chosen direction, literature textbooks are also used very different - there is no single standard. Just as in Russia, Germany and Great Britain, the main attention is paid to the study of Russian literature. The greatest interest for the Japanese - including Japanese schoolchildren - are those works where you can observe and analyze the process of formation of the character of the hero.

  1. Murasaki Shikibu. "The Tale of Genji".
  2. Sei-Shonagon. "Notes at the Headboard".
  3. Higuchi Ichiyo. "Peers".
  4. Yukio Mishima. "Golden Temple".
  5. Kobo Abe. "Woman in the Sands".
  6. Soseki Natsume. "Heart".
  7. Ryunosuke Akutagawa. "Rashomon".
  8. Oh, Mori. "Dancer".
  9. Haruki Murakami. "Sheep hunting".
  10. Shiki Masaoka. Poetry.

Everyone reads this

Of course, domestic literature always comes first. But there are works of world literature that are included in the advanced school course for high school students of almost all countries. So, the "world ten":

  1. Homer. Iliad, Odyssey.
  2. William Shakespeare. Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet.
  3. Harper Lee. "To Kill a Mockingbird".
  4. William Golding. "Lord of the Flies".
  5. Charles Dickens. "Great expectations".
  6. Mary Shelley. "Frankenstein".
  7. Johann Wolfgang Goethe. "Faust".
  8. Franz Kafka. "Transformation".
  9. Lev Tolstoy. "Anna Karenina".
  10. Fedor Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment".

None of the countries considered attaches great importance to the main principle by which literature is studied in the upper grades of Russian schools - the historical and artistic method: classicism, romanticism, realism, etc. Meanwhile, it is precisely this approach that is closest to the scientific view of literature - it can be considered an advantage of our education system.

It requires systematic theoretical knowledge. And if school teachers are forced to sacrifice literature lessons, preparing graduates for the Unified State Examination, then a good tutor can fill in the gaps and form in the student's mind a coherent picture of the entire history of the literary process. After all, it is precisely this knowledge of the subject that will be required during entrance tests in literature to prestigious universities.

Alena Baltseva | 01/18/2016 | 20348

Alena Baltseva 18.01.2016 20348

If there is a schoolboy in your family, this is a great occasion to re-read with him the best books included in the literature program. We can bet that many works will open up to you from an unexpected angle and become an occasion for frank conversations on important topics.

Everyone knows that in the novel "Fathers and Sons" Turgenev touches on the topic of generational conflict, but this work is much deeper. Here is not only the story of the relationship between an eccentric son and elderly parents who do not have a soul in him and at the same time are afraid of him. This small book is about the conflict of worldviews, human values, the meaning of life.

Perhaps, rereading "Fathers and Sons" with your child, you will recognize each other there. Why not a great opportunity to call the child to an open discussion and learn from the mistakes of others, albeit literary ones?

A censored novel written behind prison bars that caused a real storm in the Russian Empire and beyond - it seems that this is enough to intrigue a teenager, doesn't it?

In many ways, this philosophical work of Nikolai Chernyshevsky is a response to Turgenev's Fathers and Sons. In Notes from the Underground, his ideas were challenged by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. And Lenin and Mayakovsky, for example, admired him.

So what is the mystery behind this book? Is the new society about which Chernyshevsky wrote possible? Try to figure this out together.

“I am a trembling creature, or do I have a right?” - this question tormented not only Raskolnikov, but at certain moments of life it also arises before each of us. Is evil acceptable for good? Does the offender have a chance for redemption and forgiveness? The teenager must find answers to all this first of all with his parents. Read "Crime and Punishment" together.

Be honest: did you master all four volumes of War and Peace at school without missing a single line about the war? If you answered in the affirmative, your endurance can only be envied!

In fact, Tolstoy's epic novel has only two drawbacks that scare away schoolchildren - this is an abundance of quotations in French and an impressive volume. Everything else is all virtues: a fascinating plot (love for girls, war for boys), dynamic narration, bright characters.

Help your child see the beauty of this piece. And to make reading more fun, add an element of competition: who will finish the first volume faster? And second? How about reading the whole book to the end? You will not regret that you decided to re-read the great work.

“The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us”, “We all learned a little something and somehow”, “We honor everyone with zeros, and ourselves with ones”, “But I am given to another and I will be faithful to him forever "- the list of catchphrases from this poem can be continued indefinitely. No wonder Pushkin considered this work one of the most significant works of his own composition.

In this book - the story of the first unrequited love of a romantic girl, the story of the idle life of a young dandy, the story of loyalty and self-denial. All this will appear in colors before your eyes if you arrange family readings on the roles of this masterpiece of Russian literature.

Fonvizin's hysterically funny play about the Prostakov family won instant success on the day of its premiere at the end of the 18th century and continues to amuse readers at the beginning of the 21st. They say that Grigory Potemkin himself praised Fonvizin with the following words: “Die, Denis, you won’t write better”.

Why did this play fall into the category of immortals? Thanks to at least two quotes:

  • “I don’t want to study - I want to get married!
  • "Here are the worthy fruits of wickedness."

As a maximum - thanks to a biting satire that exposes ignorance. Another brilliant story about the relationship between parents and children.

Quoting Griboedov, "happy hours are not observed." Especially when they hold “Woe from Wit” in their hands, because reading it is a real pleasure. As Pushkin predicted the work, almost half of the poems passed into the category of proverbs.

This brilliant tragicomedy only superficially touches on the love theme, denouncing sycophancy and servility. Important questions for every person, whether he is 15 years old or 40.

Gogol's most famous novel is a reference example of Russian ironic prose, a kind of "Odyssey" describing the journey of the enterprising landowner Chichikov through the Russian provinces, an encyclopedia of archetypes.

To learn how to recognize plush, manila, boxes in life, you should read Dead Souls in your youth. And in order not to “lose your knack” - re-read it in adulthood.

The plot of this ironic, witty novel is obscenely simple: for the most part, the main character lies on the couch in an old dressing gown, occasionally distracted by attempts to arrange a personal life. Despite this, "Oblomov" is read easily and with interest.

Unfortunately, “Oblomovism” strikes not only lazy bachelors at just over 30, but also respectable fathers of the family already over 40, and is born in the minds of spoiled children under 18. In order to prevent this acute disease, read Goncharov with the whole family!

Unlike Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, the heroes of Chekhov's plays are quite active, but the result is the same - indecision and mental anguish, which in the end does not lead to anything good. To cut down the garden or not to cut down? To lease the land or not?

Indeed, what would you do if you were the main character of Ranevskaya's play? Good topic for family discussion.

Orest Kiprensky, "Poor Lisa"

This dramatic novel is a good occasion to discuss with a teenager the ethics of relations with the opposite sex, to talk about male decency and girlish honor. The story of poor Lisa, who committed suicide because of the betrayal of the young man who seduced her, unfortunately, is repeated too often in real life in various variations to be considered only a literary fiction.

An epic work, the main character of which is the classic "bad guy", skeptic and fatalist Pechorin. A Hero of Our Time is inspired by the romantic works of Walter Scott and Lord Byron, as well as Pushkin's Eugene Onegin.

The gloomy protagonist will seem in many ways close to a teenager, and to an adult who has seen the views too.

Enrich your vocabulary with Ella Shchukina's concise phrases, learn to beg in several European languages, get a master class on turning skins of dubious quality into Shanghai leopard fur, learn 400 relatively honest ways to extort money? Easy!

While a schoolchild is likely to see only a sparkling humorous story in the novel of a talented writing duo, his parents will appreciate the subtle irony of the authors.

Another work, literally dispersed into quotes. Re-read the brilliant satire of Mikhail Bulgakov to remind yourself and explain to the child that "devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads."

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