The wild landowner is the main character characteristic. The protagonist of the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner"

Brief analysis Tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin wild landlord»: idea, problems, themes, image of the people

The fairy tale “The Wild Landowner” was published by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in 1869. This work is a satire on the Russian landowner and the common Russian people. In order to circumvent censorship, the writer chose a specific genre of "fairy tale", within which a notorious fable is described. In the work, the author does not give his heroes names, as if hinting that the landowner is collective image all landowners in Russia in the 19th century. And Senka and the rest of the men are typical representatives peasant class. The theme of the work is simple: the superiority of the industrious and patient people over mediocre and stupid nobles, expressed in an allegorical manner.

Problems, features and meaning of the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner"

Tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin are always distinguished by simplicity, irony and artistic details, using which the author can absolutely accurately convey the character of the character “And that landowner was stupid, he read the Vesti newspaper and his body was soft, white and crumbly”, “he lived and looked happy at the light”.

The main problem in the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" is the problem difficult fate people. The landowner in the work appears as a cruel and ruthless tyrant who intends to take away the last from his peasants. But having heard the prayers of the peasants about a better life and the desire of the landowner to get rid of them forever, God fulfills their prayers. The landowner ceases to be disturbed, and the "muzhiks" get rid of oppression. The author shows that in the world of the landowner, the creators of all goods were the peasants. When they disappeared, he himself turned into an animal, overgrown, stopped eating normal food, since all the products disappeared from the market. With the disappearance of the peasants, a bright, rich life left, the world became uninteresting, dull, tasteless. Even the pastimes that had brought pleasure to the landowner before - playing pulca or watching a play in the theater - no longer seemed so tempting. The world is empty without the peasantry. Thus, in the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" the meaning is quite real: the upper strata of society oppress and trample the lower ones, but at the same time they cannot remain at their illusory height without them, since it is the "serfs" who provide the country, but their master is nothing but problems, unable to provide.

The image of the people in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin

The people in the work of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin are hard-working people, in whose hands any business “argues”. Thanks to them, the landowner always lived in abundance. The people appear before us not just a weak-willed and reckless mass, but smart and insightful people: “The peasants see: although they have a stupid landowner, they have a great mind.” Also, the peasants are endowed with such important quality like a sense of justice. They refused to live under the yoke of the landowner, who imposed unfair and sometimes insane restrictions on them, and asked God for help.

The author himself treats the people with respect. This can be seen in the contrast between how the landowner lived after the disappearance of the peasantry and during its return: “And suddenly again there was a smell of chaff and sheepskins in that district; but at the same time, flour, and meat, and all kinds of living creatures appeared in the market, and so many taxes were received in one day that the treasurer, seeing such a pile of money, only threw up his hands in surprise ... ”, - it can be argued that the people are driving force society, the foundation on which the existence of such "landlords" is based, and they certainly owe their well-being to a simple Russian peasant. This is the meaning of the finale of the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner".

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The book "Fairy Tales" was created during 1882-1886. The collection includes the main satirical themes, over which the writer worked in different periods your creativity. All works are fragments of a single whole, and they can be divided into several groups: a satire on the government and the life of the upper class (“The Bear in the Voivodeship”, “The Wild Landowner”, “The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals” etc.), a satire on liberal intellectuals (“ selfless hare», « sane hare”, “Karas-idealist”, etc.), fairy tales about the people (“Konyaga”, “Kissel”). The genre of the fairy tale allowed the satirist to present generalizations wider and more capacious, to enlarge the scale of the depicted and give it an epic character. Use of tradition folk tale about animals helps M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin show the typicality of human vices, without going into details. "Aesopian language" allows the satirist to appeal to the widest sections of society.

Each fairy tale by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin includes both traditional devices found in oral folk art and author's findings that turn the work into a caustic socio-political satire.

The tale "The Wild Landowner" (1869) is a satire on the masters of life. The fairy tale begins with a traditional folk opening: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there once lived ...”, but already in the first paragraph it becomes clear that the reader has a very “modern” story, because the hero of the fairy tale is a landowner, moreover, "that landowner was stupid, he read the newspaper" Vest "and his body was soft, white and crumbly." The hero was pleased with everything, but one concern bothered him - "a lot of peasants divorced in our kingdom!" The efforts of the landowner to "reduce" the peasant were ultimately crowned with success: "Where did the peasant go - no one noticed, but only people saw, when suddenly a chaff whirlwind rose and, like a black cloud, the peasant's trousers swept through the air." However, not only the author, but also all those around the landowner call him "stupid": the peasants, the actor Sadovsky, the generals, the police captain. This epithet becomes constant within the fairy tale and performs a leitmotif function.

Having lost peasants, the hero gradually degrades and turns into a beast. Saltykov-Shchedrin uses the grotesque in the description of the landowner, bringing him to the realized metaphor of “completely run wild”, which becomes the culmination of the plot: “And so he went wild. Although autumn had already come at that time, and the frosts were decent, he did not even feel the cold. All of him, from head to toe, was covered with hair, like the ancient Esau, and his nails became like iron. He had long ago stopped blowing his nose, but he walked more and more on all fours and was even surprised that he had not noticed before that this way of walking was the most decent and most convenient. He even lost the ability to utter articulate sounds and acquired for himself some special victorious click, an average between a whistle, hiss and bark. But the tail has not yet acquired. Material from the site

The image of the people in a fairy tale. The image of the peasants in the fairy tale is accompanied by the inclusion of an allegory technique: “As luck would have it, at that time a swarm of peasants who had spawned flew through the provincial town and showered the entire market square. Now this grace has been taken away, put in a basket and sent to the county.” It is no coincidence that the writer speaks of a peasant "swarm": here there is an association with the image of a bee, traditionally considered a symbol of hard work. It is the simple peasant, according to M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, who is the fundamental principle of life, because with his “placement” in the estate of a stupid landowner, the life of the latter takes on a human character again.

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Other grotesque works of the satirist are also associated with history and its laws. The appearance in these works of absolutely incredible images, situations, events is also motivated both functionally and conceptually. Unprecedented characters fictional by the writer and impossible in real life scenes are based on a deep understanding of the tendencies of the historical movement of society and are conditioned by these tendencies. “There are types,” Saltykov emphasized, “that it is not useless to explain, especially in the influences that they have on modern times. If it is true that in every state of affairs the main architect is history, then it is no less true that one can meet individual individuals everywhere who serve as the embodiment of the “position” and represent, as it were, the answer to the need of the moment. To understand and explain these types means to understand and explain the typical features of the situation itself, which not only is not obscured by them, but, on the contrary, with their help becomes more visible and embossed”

This theoretical reasoning characterizes an extremely significant feature of Shchedrin's satire. Moreover, this provision applies not only to those socio-political and socio-psychological types that were depicted by the writer in their real, concrete historical form, but also to their grotesque variants.

Generals who ended up on a desert island, a wild landowner, reckless advisers Udav and Dyba, a zealous boss and many, many others grotesque characters, created by Shchedrin's fantasy, also served as a vivid embodiment of the "state of things" and were, as it were, the personification of certain trends in history.

The real social and political conflicts of the time were also expressed by those fantastic situations that were put by the writer as the basis for the plot of grotesque works. It was these genuine conflicts of reality that caused the absolutely incredible actions and events that we encounter here.

Let us turn, for example, once again to the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner". It would seem that before us is an absolutely “timeless”, “ahistorical” work. In fact, this work, full of fantastic events, bears distinct traces of the time of its creation. It is historical through and through, although historicism this time also manifests itself not in its concrete form, but in an “indirect” one.

However, there are also specific historical details. It is mentioned, for example, that the peasants are “temporarily liable”. Thanks to this small detail, it immediately becomes clear that we are talking about the post-reform period. The newspaper "Vest" is repeatedly mentioned, which stubbornly insisted that the landowners should pursue a "firm" policy towards the peasants.

Main character fairy tale is inspired by the writings of this newspaper and follows its advice. He believes that the peasants "eat" him, and seeks to "reduce" them in every possible way:

“If a peasant chicken wanders into the master's oats - now it, as a rule, into soup; if a peasant gathers to chop wood in secret in the master's forest - now this very firewood is for the master's yard, and from the chopper, not the rule, a fine.

And when the peasants disappear all over the space of the hero’s possessions (“Where did the peasant go - no one noticed, but only people saw how suddenly a chaff whirlwind rose and, like a black cloud, the peasant’s trousers swept through the air”), then this is a fantastic event is a logical consequence of the policy pursued by the landowner towards the peasants. The disappearance of men, all without exception, is in no way explicable from the point of view of worldly reliability. Io it is motivated historically.

Certain historical collisions and circumstances also determine the events that we encounter in other fairy tales of Shchedrin, including fairy tales about animals. In some of them we even encounter the word "history" itself.

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Title of the work: wild landlord
Mikhail Saltykov - Shchedrin
Genre: story
Year of writing: 1869
Main characters: landowner, men, police officer


There lived a certain rich but stupid landowner who had everything, but he constantly complained that there were too many peasants around and the spirit from them was not good. He asked God to save him from the peasants, but God did not listen to him. Then the master himself began to oppress the peasants, and they prayed to God: “Help us!”, And God listened to them, and all the peasants on the landowner’s estate disappeared. The master was delighted at first, but then he realized that he himself could not do anything without the services of Senka and other peasants. The police officer came to visit him, marveled at strange life landowner and was even more surprised at his stupidity. But the master did not give up and continued to assert that life is better without men. He stopped washing, dressing, blowing his nose, overgrown with hair, he had iron claws and he began to eat live hares.

The police officer reported to Petersburg that the peasants and the landowner had disappeared. It was ordered to catch the peasants and put them in their place. They were found, and then bread, meat, and fish reappeared. And the landowner was also caught in the forest, washed, cut, dressed and given under the supervision of Senka - his lackey, so that he would constantly supervise him.

Conclusion (my opinion)

All satirical tales M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in allegorical form reveal the post-reform situation of the peasants in Russia at the end of the 19th century. The stupid landowner himself could not do anything and did not want to, but he did not at all appreciate those people whose labor he lived and fed himself.
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