Actress Vera Vasilyeva is 90 years old. Vera Vasilyeva: My husband knew that I love another, and quietly waited

A very Russian actress - Vera Vasilyeva - for her creative career she played both comedic roles and a strong drama, but no spiritual breakdown or anguish can extinguish the happiness that lives in her. There are no traits of grotesque and stage sarcasm in her acting, her humor is soft. Simplicity, naturalness, sincere lyricism are the eternal properties of the Russian acting school, and the actress does not change them. She loves her viewer, and he loves her back.

Vera Kuzminichna Vasilyeva was born on September 30, 1925 in Moscow, in a working-class family. Vera was not even five years old when she first got into the theater - to the opera " royal bride". This performance shook the girl's imagination, and she fell in love with the theater. IN school years Vera enrolled in a drama club at the Palace of Pioneers. She was a modest and dreamy girl, she studied well at school, but her whole real life was focused on books and theater. Vasilyeva disappeared for hours in the theater library, where she reread the memoirs of great artists, old reviews and everything that could be found about the theater, and also constantly ran to the Moscow Art Theater.

When did the Great Patriotic War, Vasilyeva went to work at the factory and at the same time studied at night school.

Despite the difficulties of the war years, she did not forget her dream of becoming an actress, she studied in a drama circle, and in 1943 she entered the Moscow City theater school. Cinematography brought Vasilyeva national fame.

She made her film debut while still a student in 1945. episodic role in the comedy "Gemini", and the next - the role in the film by I. Pyryev "The Legend of the Siberian Land" (1948) - brought her incredible popularity and audience love.

In 1948, Vasilyeva graduated from college and became an actress of the Theater of Satire, with which her whole life is connected. creative life, where her first work was the main role in the play "Lev Gurych Sinichkin". Then there were many other works.

By the beginning of the 1950s, Vera had already become a recognized young star, she was happy in the theater, and after the play "Wedding with a Dowry", even greater fame came to her. This play was played 900 times, and in 1953 the eponymous Feature Film, for the role in which Vasilyeva was awarded the Stalin Prize.

In general, Vasilyeva acted in films a lot. Despite the success in the cinema, the theater has always remained the main thing for Vera Kuzminichna. All her life she worked in the theater of Satire, which is impossible to imagine without her. In total, Vasilyeva played over 50 roles on the stage of this theater.

Vasilyeva was also invited to performances and other theaters, where she received the best and interesting roles. Vera Kuzminichna also worked in animation, voiced cartoons - “Umka is looking for a friend”, “The Magician emerald city”,“ The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov ”and others. She also tried herself as a performer of romances.

Vera Vasilyeva - People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Stalin Prizes and the State Prize of the USSR, theater award"Crystal Turandot" and the Yablochkina Prize, holder of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV and III degrees, awarded the prize "For Honor and Dignity" of the National Theater Award " golden mask and other awards. Vasilyeva - Chairman of the Social Commission. To the best of her ability, she helps the needy, the sick, the offended. In 2000, her book of memoirs Continuation of the Soul. The actress's monologue. The husband of Vera Kuzminichna is actor Vladimir Ushakov (artist of the Theater of Satire).

Their wedding took place in 1956, and they were happy together for more than half a century. The actress says that main secret such marital longevity - in the absence of attempts to remake each other. But, unfortunately, in 2011 Vladimir passed away. Today, Vera Kuzminichna Vasilyeva, despite her age, continues to work in the theater and is happy with it. She loves nature, her home and friends, she still looks amazing both in life and on stage.

The legend of the Siberian land

Wedding with dowry

Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro

married bachelor

Creative evening Vera Vasilyeva at the Satire Theater for the 85th anniversary

Vera Vasilyeva is a favorite actress of millions of Russian and Soviet TV viewers, born on September 30, 1925, a native Muscovite.


Vera's mother was from Moscow, but her father is a real Russian village peasant from the village of Dry Ruchey, in the Kalinin region. In the early thirties, famine began in the cities, and the family, in which Verochka was already the fourth child, decided to move closer to the land, where it was easier to feed herself.

In young age

Father and little Vera felt great there - magnificent nature, clean air, simple and healthy food. But the mother was too burdened by such a life. She did her best to put in order and equip their modest dwelling. But a few years later, the parents nevertheless returned to the capital, where both got a job at a factory.

Vera went to a Moscow school. And, although at first much was unusual for her, she soon made new friends. Shortly before the war, the only boy was born in the family, who immediately became everyone's favorite. Since there were enough nannies in the family, Vera had a lot of time to read and dream about how one day she would appear on the big stage.

The girl became interested in theatrical art at school, when she first took part in a small children's production. But after she got into real theater with a friend of her mother, she just fell ill with the stage and decided after school to go to the theater without fail. But the war intervened.

Fortunately, Moscow was recaptured. My father did not go to the front for health reasons, but he went to work as a driver and did not go home for days. Vera did not leave for the evacuation with her mother, but remained in the capital with him. During the day she continued to go to school, and at night she was on duty on the roof, like many other teenagers, and put out firebombs with sand.


But all bad things come to an end. By 1943, life in Moscow began to gradually improve. Vera graduated from high school and applied to the circus variety school. But then her first disappointment awaited her.

Passing exams with ease acting skills, she failed at physical training. Not only was her height only 163 cm, but she also did not like physical education in her childhood.

Then she went to try her luck at the theater, and was accepted on the first try. Already in 1945, she made her debut on the big screen in the comedy "Twins", and three years later she played her debut leading role in "Tales of the Siberian Land", for which she received Stalin Prize, becoming a new star of Soviet cinema.

In the same 1948, Vera graduated from college and was accepted into the troupe of the Theater of Satire. She madly liked even the very atmosphere that reigned there - light, laid-back, with harmless banter at each other. The young artist quickly joined the team and after a couple of years became one of the leading actresses.

There she received her second Stalin Prize for the play "Wedding with a Dowry". But the audience remembered her more in the role of the charming and gentle Countess Almaviva from The Marriage of Figaro. As a guest actress, Vera Vasilyeva often appeared on the stages of other leading metropolitan theaters. And each of her new role was a real treat for the audience.

Her filmography is also very rich, she has about fifty large and small roles. Nose theater career she cannot be compared - Vasilyeva has more than a hundred performances and screened productions on her account.

And she went on stage to a ripe old age. In 2016, she appeared as Lara's grandmother in the production of "The Feast of Disobedience. And in 2015 she worked on voicing a full-length Russian cartoon.

Personal life

All her life, Vera Vasilyeva spent next to the only man - actor Vladimir Ushakov, whom she met while still a student. Vera then believed that it was too early for her to marry, and for three long years Vladimir persuaded her to become his wife. Finally, a modest student wedding took place, after which they settled in a tiny dorm room.

It turned out that Vera was completely unsuited to housekeeping and housekeeping. Being sophisticated and sublime since childhood, she didn’t even really learn how to cook. Then the husband simply decided to hire an assistant. Since then, he solved all the issues of everyday life alone, allowing his beloved to completely immerse himself in creativity.

Every day, the husband proved his love for Vera, and she reciprocated and greatly appreciated such care. At the golden wedding, she finally wore a wedding dress and the couple exchanged gold rings. Unfortunately, God did not give them children. Therefore, after the death of her husband, who had a sick heart, Vera Vasilyeva was left completely alone.

With Vladimir Ushakov

She is still going through this loss very hard, realizing that there is no other such man in the world. She tries to numb the pain with work. And in free time plunges into memories that fall on paper, turning into memoirs.

At 90, she looks great, tries to travel and lead an active lifestyle. She managed to maintain a magnificent figure, although she admits that she is not averse to indulging in delicious. When asked what is the secret of her youth, she answers that she has to work hard and enjoy every day.

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Actress Vera Vasilyeva turns 90 / The famous actress has played in more than 50 productions of the Satire Theater

The actress went to family and professional happiness in a difficult way - in order to eventually find her only one and become national favorite. “I want to live at any age,” the actress said, “and dream of new roles too.” On her 90th birthday, Vera Vasilyeva plays a performance at her native Theater of Satire. On this topic:

Vera Vasilyeva. "The Legend of the Siberian Land", 1947

Vera Vasilyeva likes to say that she has an extremely boring biography, since she worked all her life in the same theater and lived with one husband. This, however, does not prevent the actress from celebrating her 90th birthday in the status of a star and a living legend. She started acting career with the main role in the film by Ivan Pyryev "The Legend of the Siberian Land", received the Stalin Prize for her and all-Union fame. Throughout her life, Vasilyeva acted in films quite a lot, played memorable roles, but she devoted her main energies to working on the stage of the Theater of Satire. Vera Vasilyeva has been associated with this theater since 1948. She made her debut as Liza in the vaudeville Lev Gurych Sinichkin, played in famous performances based on Mayakovsky's plays, the countess in The Marriage of Figaro, Anna Andreevna in The Inspector General. Until now, she remains the leading actress of the theater. Vera Vasilyeva enjoys a special attitude from the public: she was loved as soon as she appeared on the screen and stage, and they continue to love her directly now, in the days of her big anniversary. Vera Vasilyeva was born in a simple family: father is a driver, mother is a housewife. The whole family lived in a communal apartment in a small room. Little Vera had to wash, and clean, and darn clothes, and even cook dinner. So the days dragged on after days, the girl grew up, but nothing changed in life, the same communal apartment, the same neighbors. But when she came home to this tiny room, she dreamed of a theater, a stage, spotlights, all her wealth, the pennies accumulated from dinners, the girl spent on tickets that let her into that unusual, romantic, colorful, completely different from her the monotonous life of the world.


Vera Vasilyeva in the musical television program "Benefits", 1978

And then one day, either adolescence affected, or really despair was so strong, but Vera, deciding that nothing would change in her life, picked up a razor and ran it several times over her hand. There was not much blood, she almost did not touch the veins, but she was frightened in earnest. She immediately ran for the bandage and hid traces of her weakness under it. She told her parents that she was hurt. And then Vera Vasilyeva swore to her best friend: “I will still be an artist!” And she kept her word.


Vera Vasilyeva in the performance based on the play by Lev Slavin "Intervention". Moscow Academic Theater of Satire, 1967. Photo: RIA Novosti / Miroslav Murazov

She became an actress, got into the theater, was in great demand in the cinema. young beautiful actress was popular with colleagues - actors and boss directors. She couldn't resist one of them. Her romance with the director Boris Revenskikh lasted for 7 years. The young girl listened to every word of the master. He, too, was in love at first, and then gradually moved away, went headlong into rehearsals, in which other actresses took part. Vera decided to cut to the quick, did not beg, ask, return. She took it herself and left. Forever.


Vera Vasilyeva during the musical TV show "Benefits", 1978. Photo: RIA Novosti / Rybakov

Feelings for the only husband in my whole life were completely different, more calm, measured, real. She didn't sigh, she didn't suffer, she didn't cry because of him. Perhaps it was this regularity of feelings, reality, the feeling of a real support in life that attracted Vera Vasilyeva to the actor. Vladimir Ushakov. future husband, looking adoringly into the eyes of the bride, vowed with oath: "You will no longer work around the house, there are other people for this." For cleaning the room in the hostel and for the cooked dinner, he paid the former cook Anna Ivanovna, who was a little blind and often left leftover food, cleaning and scraps in the common kitchen. So, secretly from her husband, Vera still had to do something around the house, despite the presence of Anna Ivanovna.


Vera Vasilyeva and Vladimir Ushakov, 1953. Still from the film "Wedding with a Dowry"

The young people got married only after 7 years. And even then it is strongly said - "married." They just went and signed at the registry office, without a veil, without Mendelssohn's march, and even without rings.


But the wedding still took place, although it was already “golden”. Vera Vasilyeva in a chic dress and her husband Vladimir Ushakov in an elegant suit celebrated the celebration with their closest friends and colleagues at the Actor's House. This time, after all, the bride and groom brought rings to the wedding. For all these years, Vera Vasilyeva never remembered her first love and was always faithful to her husband. Although once she nevertheless gave him a reason for jealousy, but not of her own free will. Somehow the troupe of the Theater of Satire went on tour. The stars of the stage gathered in one compartment, among them Vera Vasilyeva and Andrey Mironov. Mironov decided to joke, began to stealthily diligently look after Vera Vasilyeva, and sometimes squinted at her husband with his eyes. And not in vain. Suddenly, Vladimir took the imaginary rival by the breasts and expelled him from the compartment. It is not known what kind of conversation took place in the vestibule of the train, but after it Andrei Mironov and Vladimir Ushakov became bosom friends.


Vera Vasilyeva (Countess Almaviva) in a scene from the play directed by V. Pluchek based on the play by Pierre Beaumarchais "A Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro", 1978. Photo: RIA Novosti / Rybakov

Vera Vasilyeva and Vladimir Ushakov lived together for 55 years. Vera Kuzminichna always noted that with this man, who became her fate for more than half a century, she never had a conflict during all this time. He simply did not give her a single reason for conflicts. The reason for the final and irrevocable separation could only be his illness. Now Vera Kuzminichna was caring for her husband. For 15 years she took him to hospitals, worked, earned money for medicines, for doctors, supported him, tried to encourage him as much as she could. These days, weeks, months, years, she was not an actress, she was a wife, stone wall, and she was also the eyes of her husband: after all, at the end of his life, Vladimir was completely blind.


Crazy Day, or the Marriage of Figaro, 1973

The third heart attack was the last for Vladimir Ushakov. The wife managed to call an ambulance, the doctors even took him to intensive care, but they failed to save her husband Vera Vasilyeva. After the funeral, Vera Vasilyeva disappeared. IN literally this word. She closed herself from friends, acquaintances, colleagues. The only person she allowed near her was girl Dasha, "goddaughter", as Vera Vasilyeva herself calls her.


They met when Ushakov was alive. The famous actress got to the hospital to her husband by public transport, Vera Kuzminichna could not spend money on a ride. In the hands of heavy bags, the road is long. The only person who decided to help was the same Dasha. She walked Vera Vasilyeva to the hospital itself, they started talking, as a result, gradually, a random fellow traveler became for the actress both an assistant, a friend, and an adopted daughter. Vera Kuzminichna herself now calls Dasha's daughter her granddaughter, and Dasha - her daughter. Actress Vera Vasilyeva has a family again.


People's Artist of the USSR Vera Vasilyeva, who turns 90 on September 30, will play the main role in the play "Fatal Attraction" on the stage of her native Moscow Theater of Satire on her anniversary.


Chuk and Gek, 1953

“The role is big and difficult,” says the birthday girl. “I play in heels, change shoes, change clothes a dozen times during the play. But such a performance is best gift for the anniversary. In general, in my old age, somewhere after 70, I was lucky to play such roles that I dreamed of in my youth.


Vera Vasilyeva (center) in the film Star of the Screen, 1974

The creative life of Vera Vasilyeva began not on the stage, but on the screen. While still a student at the theater school, she starred in the film by Ivan Pyryev "The Legend of the Siberian Land", received the Stalin Prize and became famous throughout the country.


Vera Vasilyeva as Anna Andreevna (left) and Alexander Shirvindt as Dobchinsky in the play "The Government Inspector" on the stage of the Satire Theater, 1974

“At first I was not presented for the award,” the actress recalls. “However, Stalin, who always watched all the films, seemed to ask:“ Where did you find this charm? ”He was told that Vasilyeva was just a third-year student. And he, allegedly, said: “She played well, we must give her an award.” I was instantly included in the lists, and I was among the laureates. I don’t know how true this is, but they told me so, ”the actress noted.


Vera Vasilyeva (center) with Polish colleagues during a meeting at the Belorussky train station with participants in the days of Polish-Soviet friendship, 1974

She soon played main character in "Wedding with a dowry", and was again awarded the Stalin Prize. So at the age of 25, Vera Vasilyeva already had two government awards.


Tatyana Vasilyeva and Vera Vasilyeva in the play "Her Excellency" on the stage of the Theater of Satire, 1979

In the future, she practically did not act in films, but after graduating from college she came to the theater famous actress. Vera Vasilyeva entered the Moscow Theater of Satire on March 27, 1948 and was enrolled in the troupe as an actress of the 2nd category.


Vera Vasilyeva during a concert in the Hall of Columns, 1987

“However, I never liked satire and didn’t even understand it,” Vasilyeva unexpectedly declares. “I was full of sentimental novels and dreamed of Larisa from The Dowry.” Valentin Pluchek, who was then in charge of the Theater of Satire, apparently felt the young actress’s dislike for the satirical genre and didn't overburden her with work.


Alexander Voevodin and Vera Vasilyeva in the performance of the Theater of Satire "Warrior", 1989

Nevertheless, over the 67 years that Vera Vasilyeva has been serving in the theater, several dozen roles have accumulated on her account, many of which have gone down in history. domestic art. This is Olga from "Wedding with a Dowry" (the performance was shown about 1 thousand times), and Countess Rosina in "The Marriage of Figaro", and Vyshnevskaya in " profitable place", and Anna Andreevna in the "Inspector", and Domna Platonovna in "The Warrior".


Vera Vasilyeva after the performance "Guilty Without Guilt" on the stage of the Peoples' Friendship Theater, 1991

However, there were times in the life of an actress when she did not receive roles in her theater for years and played in the provinces. “Ten years she played Ranevskaya in Tver, twelve - “Guilty Without Guilt” in Orel,” Vera Kuzminichna listed. “And there was also“ Bliss ”- at the New Drama Theater in Moscow and“ Strange Mrs. Savage ”at the Obraztsova Puppet Theater. Only this really nourished me."


Vladimir Zeldin and Vera Vasilyeva at the annual theatrical prize "Crystal Turandot" in the estate of Count Sheremetyev "Kuskovo", 1996

Now, despite her advanced age, Vasilyeva is happy that she is in demand. “I want to live at any age,” says the actress, “and dream of new roles too.”


"The Legend of Til", 1976


"Carnival", 1981

Vera Vasilyeva was born on September 30, 1925 in Moscow (according to other sources - in the village of Dry Ruchey, Tver province). Her father was a driver, her mother was a housewife.


Vera Vasilyeva during festive evening in honor of her 80th birthday at the Theater of Satire, 2005

In 1948 she graduated from the Moscow City Theater School (later became part of the State Institute theatrical art; now - Russian University theatrical art - GITIS). Studied on the course of Vladimir Gotovtsev.


Anniversary evening of Vera Vasilyeva, 2005

Since 1948 she has been an actress of the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire. Vasilyeva's debut was Liza in the vaudeville "Lev Gurych Sinichkin" (based on the vaudeville of Dmitry Lensky, edited by Alexei Bondi). She played in more than 50 productions of the Theater of Satire, worked with directors Valentin Pluchek, Andrei Goncharov, Boris Ravenskikh, Mark Zakharov, Alexander Shirvindt. Among the most famous works actresses - Olya in "A Wedding with a Dowry" by Nikolai Dyakonov, Countess Almaviva in the comedy "Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro" by Pierre de Beaumarchais, Anna Andreevna in Nikolai Gogol's "Inspector General", Celia Peacham in "The Threepenny Opera" by Bertolt Brecht, Domna Platonovna in "Warrior" based on the novel by Nikolai Leskov, Camellia in "Requiem for Radames" by Aldo Nikolai and others. currently busy in performances of the Theater of Satire "Fatal Attraction", "Talents and Admirers", "Molière (The Cabal of Saints)" and "Ornifl".


Alexander Shirvindt (Molière) and Vera Vasilyeva (Madeleine) in a scene from the play "Molière" at the Theater of Satire, 2009

Also performed a series dramatic roles in productions of other theaters: she played Ranevskaya in "The Cherry Orchard" by Anton Chekhov (Tverskoy Theatre of Drama), Kruchinin in "Guilty Without Guilt" by Alexander Ostrovsky (Orlovsky Drama Theatre), Mrs. Savage in "Strange Mrs. Savage" by John Patrick (Puppet Theater named after S. V. Obraztsov), Countess in "The Queen of Spades" by Alexander Pushkin (Maly Theater ).


Vera Vasilyeva in a scene from the play "Molière", 2009

Movie roles

The very first work in the cinema brought Vasilyeva wide popularity: while still a student, she played Anastasia in Ivan Pyryev's musical drama The Legend of the Siberian Land (1947). In total, the actress's filmography includes more than 30 films, including "Chuk and Gek" (1953), the film version of the play "Wedding with a Dowry" (1953), "The Adventures of a Dentist" (1965), "The Legend of Til" (1976), " Minors" (1976), "Carnival" (1981), "Dandelion Wine" (1997). She voiced cartoons: "First Violin" (1958), "Firefly number 6" (1965), "Umka is looking for a friend" (1970), "The Wizard of the Emerald City" (1974), "The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov" (1981).


Vera Vasilyeva (Countess) and Alexander Driven (Hermann) in the play " Queen of Spades"staged by director Andrei Zhitinkin at the Maly Theater, 2012

For a long time she worked in the Central Social Commission of the All-Russian theater society(now Union theatrical figures), was engaged in helping actors who find themselves in difficult life situations.


Vera Vasilyeva and Alexander Driven in the play The Queen of Spades, 2012

People's Artist of the USSR (1986). She was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, Honor (1995), "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV (2000) and III (2010) degrees. Twice winner of the Stalin Prize (1948, 1951).


Alexander Shirvindt and Vera Vasilyeva in the performance-parody of the anniversary "Sad, but funny" staged by Alexander Shirvindt and Yuri Vasilyev at the Satire Theater, 2014

Today, congratulations on the anniversary are accepted by Vera Vasilyeva. The popularly beloved actress turned 90, but she admits that her feelings can be described by Gogol's phrase: "I have an extraordinary lightness in my thoughts." Vera Vasilyeva says that she always lived just the way she liked, never asked for anything, and received all her awards and titles without much effort. The main thing for the actress was and remains audience love and recognition.

Smiling, charming, cheerful and easy. At 90, which she does not hide, Vera Vasilyeva flies up the stairs with enviable ease, plays in several performances and constantly demands new ones.

“What could be better for an actress? You can't wait for a better gift!" - recognized People's Artist USSR Vera Vasilyeva.

In the year of the anniversary, director Andrey Zhitinkin staged for Vera Vasilyeva new performance- "Fatal Attraction". Vasilyeva here - collective image great actresses.

“This is a fantastic actress who immediately tells the director that she will never play old women. She absolutely does not hide her age, and when she, at 90, says in the play: “I have never looked as good as I do now,” there is a standing ovation in the hall. Because she really looks amazing, she has an amazing figure and plasticity, ”says director Andrei Zhitinkin.

The heart of Vasilyeva, of course, belongs to the theater. But she also has an affair with the cinema: she is still filming. And it all started with the Siberian woman Nastenka, whom I saw in her famous Ivan Pyriev. For this first serious role, Vasilyeva, still a student, received her first Stalin Prize. Almost all, she admits, she spent on new dresses.

The second Stalin Prize was brought by the role of Olga in "Wedding with a Dowry". The performance at the Theater of Satire was played 900 times. In 1953, the screens came out film of the same name. Until now, there is not a single meeting with the audience where she would not be asked to perform this song.

According to the script, the actor Vladimir Ushakov, who fell in love with the heroine Vasilyeva, soon became her husband. Together they lived happily for more than half a century. A rare acting couple. In the life of the outwardly fragile Vera Kuzminichna, the numbers are large and serious: almost 70 years in the only theater - Satires, more than 60 performances, a little fewer roles to the cinema. He has been friends with Alexander Shirvindt for 60 years.

“And I have not ceased to be surprised these 60 years. What? Everything! Completeness complex. Smart, wise, beautiful, talented, moderately cunning, diplomatic, - says artistic director Theater of Satire Alexander Shirvindt - looks at 57 and runs at 57, plays at 34. She is indefatigable, she is greedy for work in a good way.

Vera Kuzminichna comes to the theater long before the performance, prepares in solitude and is terribly worried every time. She wants not to be touched by her already famous dimples, but to notice a talent that does not get tired of looking and finding new things. This, it turns out, is not difficult if you know the secret that journalists do not get tired of asking Vasilyeva.

“Love is a secret. In general, of course, people are very kind, and in return I also want to correspond to the attitude that I experience from people. People are very kind, so I really want not to offend or sadden them in anything, ”admits Vera Kuzminichna.

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