Women who are carried on their hands. A woman of incredible strength

A Polish athlete often referred to as the World's Strongest Woman. Indeed, Aneta shows strength that is completely unfeminine - she is able to squeeze 500 kg in powerlifting, and, in addition, Aneta also has more fun records. For example, she is the female record holder in lifting people, and here her record is 12 adult men lifted over their heads and thrown in 2 minutes of time.

Aneta Florczyk was born in 1982 in Poland. She entered weightlifting at the age of 16, her first sport was powerlifting. Having won the Polish championship several times, in 2000 Aneta became the European champion.

Since 2002, Florchik began to take part in strongman competitions, and it was at this time that her name became widely known among fans of this sport around the world.

The loudest record of Aneta Florczyk was a very unusual championship. So, strong women raise adult men above their heads, and, holding them for fixation on elongated

hands, thrown away. Having discarded one, the strong woman immediately takes on the other.

Aneta Florchik managed to lift and throw 12 people in 2 minutes - this became the official world record, which was recorded in the Guinness World Records.

Florchik's official achievements are the title of World's Strongest Woman (The Most Strong woman world) in 2002, 2005, 2006, and then in 2008.

Simultaneously with participation in competitions of female strongmen, Aneta manages to do weightlifting and arm wrestling.

She does not bypass television shows

- so, within the framework of one of them, also held under the auspices of the Guinness Book of Records, Aneta set a record for twisting pans, twisting 5 pieces in 1 minute of time. By the way, this competition is very spectacular - an ordinary kitchen pan is twisted into a tube with bare hands, and in strong hands Aneta and other contestants obediently rolled steel products into tubes, like paper ones. It was this video posted on the Internet that made Aneta incredibly popular, giving her career a new impetus, and giving the girl herself a sense of pride and support from fans.

Generally, g

looking at Aneta, a very pretty brunette with beautiful long hair, it is impossible to suspect such unexpected strength in it. However, a real fire is hidden behind a pretty appearance - a rare man can boast of such strength as this girl has.

By the way, the title of the strongest woman in the world

Previously, questions and disagreements never arose when the statement “men are the stronger sex, and women are the weaker one” sounded. We really were weak and defenseless, and the men took care of us, took care of us, were real earners. For the sake of his girlfriend, for the sake of his family and children, men were ready for literally anything. Remember jousting, duels, family feuds - they were all based on wrestling. The fight of men for the lady of the heart. The struggle of people for love. However, now the situation has changed a little, the priorities of the sexes have changed the axes to the opposite ones, and now the expression “strong - a woman, weak - a man” is more accurate, now a strong girl carries a guy in her arms. Why is everything like this? Why did we cease to be those princesses for whom feats were performed? Or why did men cease to be those knights who performed these very feats?

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Photo gallery: Strong girl carrying a boy in her arms

So, is it true that in our time the strong is a woman, the weak is a man? Why is a strong girl carrying a guy in her arms? Not in literally, of course, but figuratively, although here one could even say "wears around the neck." It is impossible, of course, to say with 100% accuracy that this is the truth. And that real men: strong, courageous, courageous and responsible do not exist, only effeminate boys remain? I doubt it, to be honest. Each of us in life met such men, different ages and statuses marital status, but still met - so I want to believe that not everything is lost. However, it cannot be denied that the percentage of men who imitate girls is constantly growing, which plunges everyone into sadness, especially women. After all, and so "for ten girls according to statistics" you yourself know how many guys. And you also need to subtract from these nine guys alcoholics and drug addicts, men with gay. And what will be left for us? More precisely, who? Coming soon real war among women for normal men. How can a woman not become strong?

Well, if no jokes, why do these processes occur? Why do men weaken, lose the line between the sexes? Why do women become strong and responsible when before they could just sit at home, cross-stitch and raise numerous children?

Do you know what people call it? "For that fought for it and ran". Quite recently the whole world was trembling under powerful revolutionary movements, with flags and banners chanting that they want gender equality. What is feminism alone worth! Women who dared to put on pants instead of the usual skirts and dresses and smoke in the camera lens, strive to career growth and generally in no way lag behind men. We ourselves wanted to be strong and independent - that's what we got. Although, of course, it is not necessary to attribute this ideology to all women: most of of us would still like to be feminine, soft and a little subservient to men. Depend on them, rely on them. To know that they can rely on this strong shoulder of their man, and that behind his back you can always hide from the ups and downs of life.

Probably, it was all these fashion trends and Western trends that made us like that, changed the places of a man and a woman. Although something else is interesting: where did these trends come from in the West? However, interesting movements are always born there, and we are happy to intercept them and try them on ourselves, paying tribute to fashion. And, surprisingly, sometimes we even sincerely believe that this will bring us happiness!

Why is the man so weak? Here the question is not even in the physical development of his muscles - this is a completely different question, although it is very regrettable to see a young man with a fair "beer" tummy (as well as a girl who does not take care of herself - but this is everyone's own business). We are talking about the weakness of the moral, spiritual. Where do sluggish and pliable "plasticine" men come from, who have never achieved anything in their lives, and moreover, they don't even want to do it. What for? If first there are loving parents who will provide everything you need. Then there will be a wife who will take on all homework and will also have time to build a career more abruptly than her man. And why bother again? It looks like some kind of genetic glitch. The peasant has become smaller today, the wrong one has gone: but the reason for this is the temptations that await them at every turn of life. We also have them, and considerable ones, but for some reason they temper us.

A strong woman is a consequence of the emergence of weak men. After all, someone has to be strong! It all started, perhaps, with the fact that the family ceased to be the highest value in society. Again, many temptations began to interfere with the stable devotion of the spouses - someone began to look for someone on the side to brighten up the dull everyday life. Someone plunged headlong into a new hobby and forgot about the family. And most often this “someone” was a man, since he is more susceptible to weaknesses and his concept of family is not as strong as that of women on a subconscious level. And, left alone, at the age of 30-35 with a broken trough, having two kids and a couple of years of experience in a meat processing plant, it is difficult to understand: what to do next? But you need to live, you need to raise children to their feet. So the woman took on a feasible burden, went to look for better fate. And next to her, from now on, there was not a wayward lazy man, but a weak loving boy who obeyed her every command and served as a chain house dog. Only there was not much use from him, as he was sluggish and lacking initiative. They found each other, such couples: a strong woman and a weak man, weak woman and strong man. Only over the years the first became more and more, unfortunately. Or even the woman was left alone, realizing that the burden on her neck in the form of such a man was just an extra hassle.

And the weak man did not want to work, but he wanted to live well. So the man went to Alphonse - in general, he became a prostitute in trousers. And all because some of the women were lucky with money and they could live without straining. And he, such a sweet and handsome cherub with an angelic smile and curly curls, had to work without sparing himself. He is tired, cherub. Tired, he wanted a sweet life - and leaned into financial slavery to a strong but stupid woman. Come and understand: is it good to be strong in order to while away a century with a weak man?

After all, a strong man will not tolerate the same strong woman: the competition is severe, and it is difficult for the two of them, the commanders, to get along. So it turns out: they wanted to be independent of men - they became independent of men. And now men depend on us. Now a strong girl carries a guy in her arms, spoon-feeds like a small child. Not always, of course, but it happens. It's a pity that you can't turn back time and get back to the time of knights and ladies in order to enjoy the company of normal men with might and main!

How to get money, how to return a departed man and how to become a woman who is carried in her arms (that is, they adore, admire, care, give gifts) are the most pressing questions on our project. Everyone wants money, but this, as a rule, is a “calm” desire, while the return of a man and “carrying in his arms” are necessary, often with overwhelming importance, and these two issues are interconnected. From a woman who is carried in her arms, they do not leave. With the return of a man, in general, the situation is acute: many are ready for anything, use magic, love spells, different techniques, in the best case, at least influence the power of thought or prayers, and we receive a variety of questions about how best to do this. We answer: we are against any impact on a particular person. This is wrong, it can only aggravate the situation.

But why did it happen that the man left? Very often this happens when a woman does not value herself and does not love herself, she simply dissolves in a man. Yes, it dissolves. And in the end, he puts pressure on the man with his pressure and love so much that he simply cannot withstand such an onslaught, besides, he gets bored.

Almost all of us are afraid of losing our man, but at the same time we do not think that we are losing ourselves. We lack the attitude: “I am a beautiful girl who needs to be cherished, appreciated, afraid to lose. I am a precious flower that needs to be cherished and cared for.” And the opposite happens: our man is a diamond, for which we are intensely hunting, and then we blow off the dust particles, and would carry it on our hands if we could lift it ... Or we saw him, find fault, but behind this there is also a desperate need for attention and love.

This happens because we ourselves cannot give ourselves enough attention and love, we ourselves do not consider ourselves a jewel. (There is, of course, the opposite situation, when a girl is too arrogant, arrogant and looks at all men like a cheap case. For such women, self-love goes on a par with aggression towards the world around them, in particular towards men. A man she likes , does not want to build a family with her, because her inner unconscious negativity repels.If a woman does not love and does not value herself, this is a negative towards herself, if she does not love and does not value others - this is also a negative that is transmitted to the outside world and people feel great about it.)

We recently received a question. Why do men take care of some women, give them gifts, appreciate them, carry them in their arms, while others do not. What do they have?

Having gone from a woman whom no one cared for and no one loved, to the one that is carried in the arms, they give gifts, compliments, care, attention, love, I can safely answer you: it's all about your attitude towards yourself, your energy , in what you think of yourself, how you treat yourself, as well as in your attitude towards people and men in particular.

Look at yourself from the side. Are you interested in yourself? Do you consider yourself worthy of love, gifts, do you consider yourself unique? Do you see your features, your talents? Do you find yourself beautiful, sexy?

If you were a man, would you like to have such a girl, a wife? Would you like to take care of yourself, cherish yourself, be afraid of losing yourself? Are you gentle, feminine? Answer all questions honestly, honestly to yourself.

Girls, we are not talking about self-deception and illusions. You really have to be something: watch your appearance(there can be no love for yourself if you weigh 100 kg, have long abandoned elementary face care, nails, etc., do not try to look beautiful and charming), develop in your profession, have hobbies, do not forget about spiritual growth .

We are talking about a situation where you look great, have hobbies, work, friends, are open to the world and people, but still don’t get along with personal relationships. In this case, you need to deal with the settings in your head.

How should you tune in to yourself?

First, learn to fanate from yourself. A clear setting should settle in your head: “I deserve mutual love, care, gifts, happiness”. It is important that this is not a temporary installation, and for this you need to prove to yourself, to yourself that you really deserve it.

If you are unhappy with yourself, then lamenting that you have a fat butt, big belly, crooked teeth and, in general, not very interesting, will not help, but will only aggravate the situation. Start changing, stop sad thoughts and complaints, start changing.

Also work on increasing your female energy.

Self-sufficient girls, beautiful, smart, often remain lonely because they have taken on the role of a man. “I can do everything myself, why do I need a man? I am a warrior!"

Men do not need a warrior, he needs a gentle feminine companion in life. A man needs female energy for his realization and success in life, and what can a warrior woman give him?

See how you feel about men? Do you admit that they can take care of you, give you gifts and care? Or do you think that he will not pull it, I will do better, can I do it myself?

When you are in last time allowed yourself to be weak? Nowadays, women, like unsinkable robots, solve any problem and save the world.

We have become too smart and strong, and men often do not have a chance to take the initiative.

Many complain that the husband does not work and sits on his neck. So we ourselves, with our inner subconscious desire to control everything or prove our worth, have taken on all the problems and are pulling this train with a hidden sense of superiority: well done! I'm strong!

And then we understand that it’s still hard, we start crying, we want him to work. But almost no one can ever reveal the internal settings. To them is added (again, unconscious) disrespect for men: he can’t, he won’t do anything right, it’s better that I do everything myself.

Then everything gets boring, the relationship breaks up, and new man does not appear or appears for a short time, because the excess of male energy and the “I myself” attitude work against you.

Allow yourself to be feminine, allow yourself to be weak.

An elementary example: a company arrives for a picnic. The girl, spoiled by the attention and care of her husband, the one who bathes in love and gifts, takes the smallest light bag, and then her husband takes it, she kindly gives it back. The girl, who is all by herself, constantly complains that she pulls the whole family on her, grabs the biggest and heaviest packages, and as soon as the guys do not try to take them from her, she does not give them back. She will cringe from gravity, but will not give up, because she is not used to help and care, she is all on her own.

So in life, we, like blind kittens, see only what our attitudes dictate to us.

Think about similar situations in your life when you did not feel like a woman.

Perhaps you refused to be paid for in a restaurant, helped carry a bag, treated you to coffee, gave way. You were given a compliment, and you replied that it was not so.

Think about what actions show the man in you. Analyze how you feel about men? In the marathon “Changing loneliness for love”, it turned out to be a very important exercise for girls to accept men and work out the blocks associated with men in general. They had no idea that they actually treat the male sex with distrust, sometimes even with aggression. On the outside, everything looked great.

Maybe you also have something similar?

Recently I was lucky enough to talk with a wonderful woman who has been happily married for over 30 years. She says this: “It is impossible to keep a man. And why keep it, you need to love and appreciate yourself, develop, be a mystery, so that not you hold, but your man clings to you and is afraid to lose his treasure.

People often ask me: “Are you not afraid that your husband will cheat on you or leave?” I always answer: “Why should I be afraid, why should I think about what is not there, why invent problems for myself. I am enjoying my happiness right now, and I do not want to call trouble until it looks in my direction.

A lot of letters come with a similar question: “I’m dating a guy and I’m afraid that he will suddenly leave me.” Yes, the chances are really high, because these fears are like a “leave me” command, which eventually comes true.

Surely you have read about various experiments, how thoughts affect our reality. For example, if you take a flower and say various nasty things to it, very soon it will wither and die, but if you start saying words of love to it, and also how beautiful and beautiful it is, it will bloom.

So are you.

Each of us is a beautiful flower. Start saying words of love to yourself, start focusing your attention on the beautiful, and you will begin to blossom, others will notice it and admire you.

Direct all your thoughts to the beauty around, send love to others, stop thinking about all sorts of nonsense, betrayal, negativity, don't call it into your life.

If suddenly you are dumped, switch from trying to get him back on yourself. Everything in life changes when you change. Perhaps he will feel your changes (nobody has yet canceled the energy rope) and will return, or maybe this is not the man with whom you will be happy. Time will pass, and you will say thank you that he left, because you will meet the one who will adore you, it is with him that you will be calm and confident.

Women who are carried in their arms are absolutely, unshakably, confident in their worth. Internally confident, but this is certainly reflected in the external plan.

Each of you, absolutely each, is worthy of love and great attitude, remember this, set the “love and happiness” program in your head and do not deviate a single step from this setting.

And more about the importance of installation. I repeat: you must really be something of yourself. But it won't work if you don't tune in internally. We easily obtained evidence of this by running the New Me marathon, giving mostly esoteric tasks and meditations that change these very settings. In the outside world, almost nothing changed (well, maybe a couple of tasks were only directed to the outside), but the results were amazing. This marathon, like all the previous ones, does not return the former, but helps to reach a new level, to become feminine, sexy, charming, to become the very girl who receives love, attention, gifts .. When a woman becomes like this, it is not surprising that all the former then bite your elbows. Her real beautiful flower, which was previously hidden, opens and wakes up. This transformation starts from within and has an impact on the outside world. Here's how it looks (I will give only a couple of reviews in abbreviation for case study my words):

Today, thanks to the marathon, I again believed in myself, saw my uniqueness, saw that I am beautiful, regardless of external factors, but simply beautiful always, every second. Looking in the mirror, I now always compliment myself and involuntarily smile. Yes, and again I learned to “spin, spin” in front of this very mirror and spend a lot more time in front of it) Every day I wash my face with my magic water from a bottle, after washing I seem to blossom - an amazing feeling! I am learning to be softer, more feminine, I shift men's affairs onto the shoulders of my husband and learn to fully trust him, reduce my control.[...]
My husband noticed my internal (and external) changes, became more tender, and also made a completely unexpected gift for Valentine's Day - he made a tattoo in the form of the first letter of my name on the ring finger of his hand, next to the ring! To say that I am pleased is to say nothing! In general, my mood, my inner worldview has changed, as if I were 18 again - I am smiling again (and it was my husband who fell in love with my smile and the ability to meet everything on the way), I seem to glow from the inside. I feel spring inside me! I catch the rays of the sun and am filled with it!

With her husband on the verge of a divorce, but something happened to him in recent times, or rather with me. I feel like a queen, and I think my husband noticed this too, I just can’t explain his awakened interest in me otherwise. For the first time in 5 years, he gave me flowers and jewelry, and before that, only quarrels and talk that I did not suit him.

I wish you to bathe in love and happiness,

Your Svetlana Kuleshova.

Read also:



A very inspiring article. Thank you. It makes you look at yourself differently, on the other hand, and apply all methods in life.


I'm just like the description in your article - smart, beautiful, self-sufficient, but again alone. Last husband literally ran away, saying that it was impossible to live with me (obviously, he was offended that she did not want to forgive him for betrayal). But the question is different - how can you be able to "not all by yourself" if you have two children and there is no one else to help you, except, again, from yourself? Involuntarily, the state “I can do everything myself” turns on, because you can’t force children to starve until their mother finds a new husband. Undoubtedly, the masculine state is transmitted to the world, and not the feminine. I think that I'm not the only one .... How in this case to combine the incompatible?
Answer: You did not really understand the meaning of the article, it's good that you consider yourself smart, beautiful, this is a plus. The question is, how do you feel about men, how feminine, sexy, how tender are you. When there was a marathon "Changing loneliness for love", 70% of the girls were sure that they were beautiful and smart and they had no blocks in relation to men, but in fact it turned out that all these girls consider men to be monsters that bring pain, fatigue , suffering and other problems. The fact that your husband cheated on you .. is not only his fault. Both are always to blame for cheating. I think you had time to analyze and understand why this happened. The state of "not all by yourself" does not mean sitting down and waiting for a prince who will solve all your problems. You need to learn to look at men with different eyes, if you are offered help, for example, open the door, help with bags, help in something else, do not make yourself an independent lady, allow yourself to be weak. Start working on your feminine energy, start seeing the good in men, decide what kind of relationship you would like, what kind of man. The site has an article with an excellent exercise, I advise you to do it.


When is the next marathon planned?
Answer: perhaps in the fall, we do not know yet.


Hello! I want to sign up for the Trade Loneliness for Love marathon, but I'll be on vacation traveling away from home during that time. Can I complete tasks? Or is it better to sign up next time?
Answer: if you have internet, you can. You can get immunity. Decide for yourself.


I absolutely agree with everything. So it happened with me "I dissolved" in my (already former) man, he did not appreciate me, gifts became a rarity, the relationship disappeared. Probably part of this was my fault - I myself became for him "already read a book." In the end, we parted - or rather, he went to another. Having sobbed and cried out everything - I began to diligently insert brains into myself - "that everything is for the best" and began to prepare for "the appearance of the best something in my life." I started reading books on self-improvement, took up feng shui, started pumping my ass))) I went into lard and dyed my hair in a cardinal color for me - from a brunette to almost a blonde. I began to spend more time with friends, new acquaintances began to appear by themselves, - fans - and now they don’t choose me, but I have the right to choose))) everyone noticed the changes - I was told in one voice "you just glow with happiness"))) ) and from such words and compliments I was even more bursting "shining")))))) right - because I myself love myself, appreciate myself, sometimes they just buy flowers for themselves - for Have a good mood))) in another book I read a phrase that became my motto - "do not run after a man, take care of yourself - so that a man runs after you))) I wish the same to everyone - love yourself, make nice gifts for yourself - take care of yourself , love your body - develop as a person and as a woman.)))


What kind?)
Answer: a lot of things follow from self-love: your attitude towards your own appearance, the ability to please, etc., but it is also very important how capable you are of empathy, how open or blocked your sexual flow is, and a lot of everything. But it all starts with tuning in on yourself, then on others.


Well, that is, self-love, and an attitude that is worthy, and an increase in energy, and so on. Correctly??? Thanks!!
Answer: in general, yes, but there are other things.


That is, you can return your loved one only by loving yourself? then the beloved will return, and if not, will there still be happiness with another person?
The most difficult, but also the most 1000% way..
did I understand correctly?
Answer: Self-love is not enough.


Good afternoon! I liked the article. Do you plan to hold your marathons in Astana? and in which city are you?
Answer: we run all marathons in online mode, so there is an opportunity to participate for everyone, anywhere in the world. We rarely conduct trainings in the format of personal meetings, mainly in Moscow, Crimea. However, we are considering proposals from the organizers of the inviting party.


Thank you, wonderful article! And just in time, under the circumstances of life. You have to work on yourself, love yourself, you're right) Thanks a lot!


Svetlana, hello! I can't resist commenting on your latest post! I confirm your every word, like a girl who has not seen care and true love from the side of men never and which saw only tears and suffering. I started working on myself in October 2014, convincing myself that I deserve to be EXACTLY carried in my arms! This is exactly the wording I have spinning 24 hours a day. You're right, it won't work in a week. In July 2015, for the first time in 30 years, I had a relationship in which I feel like a queen, a little girl and a princess in one bottle)) It's amazing!!! I so want to just hug you and thank you like a woman for your work with me, your methods and marathons! I would never have known happiness in my personal life if I had not wandered into my favorite site!!! And then I wandered in order to return the former!))) What a horror, he is not worth a penny compared to my prince, I have been waiting for him all my life and not in vain !!! The painful 30 years of waiting were not in vain! I write without fear of jinxing! In June it will be a year since we are together! And I never for a moment lost myself in these relationships. I am strong inside, self-sufficient, self-confident, I can get up and leave at any moment if I don’t like something in this relationship, because I am in the first place henceforth and always! And he, apparently, feels it)) And fills me with care so that I don’t doubt what I did right choice))) Thank you a thousand times!!! And Ekaterina never gets tired of writing gratitude for her work! Girls, you are magical fairies)))


This is a very much needed article and actual topic for me. Svetlana, I don't know how you manage to give information to the most right time, and as they say at the right time. I constantly follow updates on the site and constantly new article or the marathon turns out to be what I really need in this moment. I even think you are a psychic)))). Thank you for your work, your articles give me a boost of energy, help me look at many problems in a different way. Have a nice day and good luck.


Thank you! A very necessary article. And you just need to love yourself, praise yourself, want to be a woman, feminine. And I never did it, although I knew, I understood. I just lived, worked, hurried home, to my son, to cook dinner. I never thought about myself. Didn't dress well. She always dressed simply and cleanly. I never thought that men would like me. And time goes by... it will be 50 soon.
Answer: come to our marathons. Reboot, Change loneliness for love, New Me - all are somehow connected with transformations. The new me will start the day after tomorrow. The rest, tentatively, in the summer.


Svetlana is a wonderful article, I read it in the morning and that's how long, I can't get your words out of my head. But the truth is, I also do not allow myself to help and carry heavy bags. I assemble furniture myself, etc. "I myself" is the motto of my life, now a lot has become clear to me, I analyzed my life situation and understand why this is happening. Thank you for such a kick, this is a very important topic for me.


Thanks to)


"Having gone from a woman whom no one looked after and no one loved, to the one who is carried in her arms ..", Svetlana, and for what period? Thank you! The article is wonderful!
Answer: for a year of daily work on yourself. I have changed completely, including outwardly. The attitude of those around me has also changed, my life has changed completely. When you start to love yourself, appreciate yourself and your life, treat everything around you with love, then this love simply envelops you. The external mirror mirrors your internal state. Then for several years I studied the topic of female energy, and this also changed me. Everything became easier for me and I became comfortable. I allowed myself to be a woman, gentle and feminine, although I used to be a warrior: "I myself, I am the strongest." Strong women are constantly sent obstacles and difficulties so that they are convinced of their strength. When I realized this, I again began to work on myself and raise beautiful woman inside yourself and move a man who did not want to give up his position. In general, I constantly work on myself, this is my pleasure, this is my lifestyle. You can’t love yourself in one day or a week and change radically. It is necessary that new installations and programs firmly take their positions.


Thank you, a very inspiring article, Svetlana, you always energize and push for change. I will start working on myself.

From time immemorial, there have been legends about women of incredible power: Spartan women, Amazons, gladiators, Brunnhilda, Mikulichna and other epic heroines.

Since the sixteenth century, people have admired strong women who performed weight exercises in squares and markets. The women carried weights attached to their hair and tossed up heavy iron balls. They performed a "living bridge" - they lay down, leaning on two chairs with their neck and feet, and holding weights on their chests - an exercise that few strong men could perform. There were also such strong women who tossed and caught heavy weights and invited men from the public to repeat these exercises; very few people could do it, not everyone could even lift these weights. Women held horse teams with a rope, lifted carts, tore thick bundles of paper with their hands, and in later times - telephone books, they broke nails and iron rods in half, they danced a waltz with three men on their shoulders. The representation was popular: a woman lifting and holding a group of people on weight.
The highlight of the program has always been the invitation of male viewers for a visual comparison of their power capabilities with those of a woman - this comparison was always not in favor of men. Without a doubt, in all eras it was easy to hurt male pride, especially if a man came to the performance with a lady.

In the London newspapers for 1724, a performance was announced, in which, along with other numbers, the performance of the famous "Italian Woman Samson" was especially noted. He bent down, and a block of marble weighing 900 or 1300 kilograms was placed on her back, she held it for a while, and then threw it two meters without the help of hands. On December 19, 1751, a London daily newspaper announced a performance of "The Little Woman from Geneva" in which this little woman holds a structure with 5-6 men. In another issue, an anvil is placed on it and two men beat it with sledgehammers. In 1854, the Les Femmes Fortes trick was demonstrated in Paris - strong women who held a huge load on their stomachs, resting their feet on one chair and their heads on another.

Although evidence of women of extraordinary strength has been preserved from more ancient times, it was only from the 1880s that reports about strong women began to appear regularly in sports publications of the Polis newspaper (), a publication that had a huge impact on the development of power sports in America and in the world.

The athletic boom of the late 19th and early 20th century captured women as well. They tried not to yield to men in anything. Female wrestlers entered the arena to the music, the jury from the public took their places at the judges' table, pairs were announced, and a demonstration of "double nelsons", wrestling "bridges" and "suples" began on the carpet. And sometimes "mysterious masks" also appeared on the carpet. But still, the public did not take women's wrestling championships seriously, and they were not popular. Another attitude was towards female athletes.

Some of the names of prominent strong women of that time have survived to this day.

Charmion. Photo by Taschen, resource Flickr

According to the rank of the strongest women at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the top five looks like this:

1. Sandwina (Katie Brunbach), Germany
2. Athlete (Van Houffelen), Belgium
3. Volcano (Kate Williams), Britain
4. Luisita Leers (Luise Krökel), Germany
5. Atelda (Francis Reilander), Britain

Considering that most of the strong women of that time performed in circuses, theaters, vaudeville productions or music halls, their strength indicators were rarely reliable enough.

Charmion. Lavery Vallee, née Cooper (1875–1949), known as Charmion, was an American vaudeville actress and strongwoman. Charmion began all her performances by raising the curtain, behind which she stood, dressed in a closed robe Victorian era. She climbed onto the trapeze and on the move, while performing complex acrobatic stunts, she took off her extra clothes, remaining in an acrobatic leotard. She started performing in young age and maintained its repertoire until at least 1996-98. Charmion performed a risky trapeze striptease for Edison's 1901 film "Undressing on a Trapeze". Possessing an impressively developed musculature, she became the first woman to demonstrate the muscles of an almost completely naked torso. Charmion can be considered a bodybuilding pioneer. Unlike modern pumped bodybuilders, Charmion combined beautiful female forms and well-developed muscles.

Miss Lala. Olga was born in 1858 and performed under the stage name Lala. The famous Miss Lala (or La La) in the 1860s-1880s performed power acrobatic trapeze acts and toured Europe with the Follies Bergere (Mad Shepherds) troupe. She was also known as "Olga Mulatto", "Olga Negro", "African Princess" and "Cannon Woman". The artist Edgae Degas painted her portrait "Miss Lala at the Fernando Circus". In 1880, the artist Jules Cheret created a poster for the Follies Bergere troupe, and the Parisian lithographer Appel depicted Miss Lala performing with the Cairo troupe.

Madame Ali-Braco (Cannon Woman). This strong woman has been working in circuses since 1875. She worked as an acrobat, but her most famous trick was that she took a real gun and put it on her shoulders. In another exercise, Ali-Braco, hanging upside down (clutching her feet to the trapezoid), lifted a heavy cannon with her teeth (without the help of her hands).

Madame Yucca. Madame Yucca. Outstanding American strongwoman of the 1880s-1890s. She performed with the troupe of the Barnum and Bailey Circus, which presented her as follows: "American Hercules performing record, unsurpassed exercises with weights. Manipulates with weights and heavy cannonballs, carries several men through the air at once and even lifts them off the ground live horses. An elegant athlete with the strength and energy of Samson."

Louise Armindo. Louise Brisbois (Louise Armindo), an outstanding athlete of the late 19th century, strongwoman, champion of her time in cycling. Born in the 1860s in Quebec (Canada). Being a petite woman (158 cm / 55 kg), she could hold two men hanging from a rope, which she held in her teeth, for a minute. She demonstrated this number at a performance at the Athens Gymnasium in Chicago. In the very late XIX century, she became the first woman to run 20 miles (32 km) without stopping average speed 9.5 miles (15 km) per hour. On a "bicycle" (the then common type of bicycle with a huge wheel), she covered 760 miles (1223 km) in six days. At the Tank Park in Maryland, she broke the record for this kind of bike held by a man, Chet Jenkins. It was said that she lifted a barbell of 36 kg and lifted a weight of 345 kilograms off the ground. It should be noted that reliable data on her records have not been preserved (as, indeed, on all women's weightlifting records until the middle of the 20th century) and it is not easy to believe in these figures. In 1911, Louise finished her sports activities and worked as a waitress in a restaurant in Minneapolis.

Minerva. Josephine Blatt, née Schauer ("Minerva"). American strongwoman and world record holder in weightlifting (1869-1823). With a height of 173 cm, she weighed 75 kg, her biceps had a circumference of 45 cm (however, her husband, in an interview after her death, claimed that he was the same weight as her, namely 204 kg). In 1889, she married a local strongman, and they began to perform joint strength exercises until 1910. During the 1890s-1900s, Minerva worked with various weightlifting numbers and participated in tours of the States of America and Europe. In her performances, she broke horseshoes with her bare hands, tore iron chains on her chest, caught cannonballs weighing 11 kg, which were fired by a cannon from a distance of 10 meters from her, lifted a chair with a man weighing 60 kg sitting on it with her hands and lifted it in front of her on outstretched arms. . She could lift a stone weighing 165 kg on a rope with one finger, tied to a ring worn on her finger. In April 1895, at the Bijou Theater in Hoboken, Minerva stood on a high platform and her body was strapped to another platform below it with 23 men with a total weight (including platform and ropes) of 1650 kg. Minerva lifted the platform off the floor. However, some sports experts doubt the reality of this record.

Miss Apollina. Elisa Gillen Erbine (Miss Apollina). She was born in the village of Tongrin, Belgium in 1875. grew up in large family and from childhood she participated in hard games on the street, played hockey and fought with the boys. At the age of thirteen, she began working as a loader, unloading wagons with her hands. At the age of fifteen, Apollina began to train, imitating the strong men and dreaming of becoming an athlete. On her own, without studying, she learned to repeat the power numbers of the Antwerp strongman Jean Larre. She then went to Paris, where she trained in wrestling and power sports at the Arasse-Gymnasium, which brought together wrestlers and wrestlers from all over Paris. After incredible efforts and overcoming difficulties, she went to Hamburg, from where she returned famous, having won the wrestling championship. She won the title of world wrestling champion in international competitions in Liege, Brussels, Ghent, Charleroy and Mons, where she defeated forty wrestlers. No one officially took this title from her. Then she went to London and the main cities of England, performing with power numbers and delighting the public, challenging local amateur wrestlers to fight. Apolina regularly wrestled men at her performances. Apollina married and adopted an abandoned three-year-old child, who later became the famous "professor of strength". Apollina had the following physical parameters: height 165 cm (5-4 "), weight 84 kg, neck diameter 38 cm, shoulder width 53 cm; chest circumference 106 cm, arm length 68 cm, relaxed biceps circumference 35 cm, tense - 39 cm. circumference of the forearm at the elbow 30 cm; hip 66 cm , calves 41cm Apollina's strength numbers: held 20 kg on an outstretched arm; threw up a 20-kg load and caught it in a small hoop; with one hand pulled out 48 kg at once without bending her arms; eight times in a row she lifted a 50-kg weight with both hands; with two with her hands she lifted an 80-kilogram weight in two steps, without spreading her legs and without squatting; she rose from her haunches with a load of 250 kg on her shoulders, walked with him and even danced.

athlete((Van Houffelen). The daughter and granddaughter of athletes, she was born in 1868 in Anvers, Belgium and received the name that she later fully justified. At 18, she married Guo Houffelen, and gave birth to three daughters - Brada, Louise and Anna who followed in the footsteps of their mother.With an absolutely harmonious physique, the Athlete had the following anthropometric data at the age of 30: height - 170 cm, weight - 73 kg, chest circumference - 102 cm, waist - 68 cm, biceps - 42 cm, hip - 61 cm, calves 43 cm, forearm 30 cm, neck 38 cm. The athlete went to England, where she was waiting for no less success.Subsequently, she traveled all over Europe and America, demonstrating weight exercises.The athlete participated in countless performances, manipulating the most various weights. For example, she danced with three men at once, sitting on her shoulders, carried a heavy beam on her shoulders with four men dressed in soldier uniforms hanging on it ... In 1905, having earned a significant amount, Athlete decided to finish her performances and built a castle "Village Athletes" countryside near Anver and lived there with her husband and daughters. Some personal records of the Athlete are as follows: jerk with two hands - 90 kg, snatch with one hand - 49 kg, for a minute on an outstretched arm in her palm she held a large brick weighing 19.6 kg. According to the current canons of beauty, the Athlete would not be able to succeed in a beauty contest, and yet, she still remains a model of a harmoniously developed, strong and beautiful woman.

Daughters of Atdeta:
Anna, Brada, Louise
Photo courtesy of Orrin Heller

Continuing the work of their famous mother, Athletes, her daughters, Brada, Louise and Anna also performed with power numbers. At first they performed together with their mother, and then as an independent trio - in the famous Parisian nightclub "Folies Bergere" (mad shepherds). However, they failed to achieve the glory of their mother. In 1905, when Athlete visited the "French Weightlifting Club", an eighteen-year-old eldest daughter Brada (170cm/70kg) lifted a pig weighing 70kg over her head; Louise, sixteen years old (168cm/40kg), lifted 40kg, and the youngest Anna, fourteen years old (165cm), lifted 50kg overhead and 55kg to shoulder level.

Madame Montagna. Born in Bologna, Italy in 1874. She married a strong man who weighed 115 kg. Madame Montagna became famous for carrying a 105 kg cannon on her back, loaded with 200 g of gunpowder, which she fired blanks at the same time, while Montagna stood motionless. In 1909, an Algerian newspaper reported that Madame Montagna was able to break a deck of 110 in five seconds. playing cards, and then halve each half.

Her parents, Philippe and Johanna Brumbach, performed as a pair of strong men at fairs and circuses (Johanna's biceps were 40 cm in circumference) and had fourteen children. The three sisters Katya, Barbara, Maria and Evgenia also had great physical strength and performed with power numbers. But Katya became the most famous of the four sisters. Barbara and Maria performed as a duet called Braselli. For many years, Katya has participated in circus performances with your family. The most dramatic moment was when the father offered 100 marks to any man in the audience who could beat Katya in a wrestling match. According to family legend, no one managed to earn these hundred marks, which were a fortune in those days. Her husband, with whom she lived for 52 years, was among those reckless daredevils who accepted the challenge. Here is what happened in his own words: “When I entered the arena, I thought that if I won this 100 marks, this would be the most extravagant way to make money in my life. But the only thing I remember was the sudden rotation of my body in air, with the blue sky reflected in my eyes, then falling to the ground. Finally, I realized that I was lying on the floor in a semi-conscious state and breathing heavily, and at this time this girl leaned over me and asked: "I don't mind you didn't hurt? Then she took me in her arms and carried me to her tent."
It so happened that the famous Eugene Sandov, with whom an entire era in strength athletics is associated, visited a small athletic club in New York and accepted Katya's offer to measure strength in weight exercises. Katya began to lift loads - heavier and heavier, and Sandov picked them up and also lifted them. In the end, Katya lifted 136 kg to the level of her head, while Sandow managed to lift it only to chest level. As a result, Katya won the competition. Having overpowered Sandov herself, Katya decided to take the artistic pseudonym Sandwina (a female derivative of Sandov). She could lift her husband, who weighed 75 kg, above his head with one hand. Indeed, she used it in her performances as a kettlebell. She twisted (bench press with a strong torso deviation) with one hand she pushed 75 kg, and with two hands - 100 kg. Among the exercises performed by Sandwina are the following: she tossed fourteen-kilogram balls and caught them on her back; 14 men sat on a pole, which she held on her shoulders and spun like a carousel; broke iron bars 5 centimeters thick; held a team of 4 horses ...
In the twenties, thirties and early forties Sandwina worked in the USA. In 1941, at the age of 57, she was still doing power tricks for the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus. At the age of 64, she was still able to break horseshoes and iron bars with her bare hands, and lift her husband with one hand. Then she and her husband opened a restaurant in New York. Their son, Theodor Sandwina, was a famous heavyweight boxer (187cm/95kg) in the 1920s and early 1930s - my mother's son

Volcano. Kate (Katty) Roberts, née Williams ("Vulcana"), a famous lightweight strongwoman, was born in 1883 in Wales to Irish parents. In her youth, she loved to run non-stop, climb trees and do all the things that girls were not supposed to do. When she was in high school, she surprised her classmates by enduring a hefty school musical organ. Together with strongman William Hadley Roberts (better known as Atlas), Kate toured the music halls of Britain, Europe and Australia with the power performance "Atlas and Vulcan, an athletic community group". Atlas and Vulcana were presented to the public as brother and sister, although in fact they lived for a long time in a civil marriage, having children whom they took with them on tour. Kate adopted the artistic name Vulcan while performing power acts at the English Music Hall (alone and with Atlas). Her specialty was to carry men.
Vulcan's height of fitness and popularity was reached around 1910. In May 1913, at the Haggar Theater in Yanelli, Wales, Sandwina competed in strength with another outstanding strongwoman, Atelda. Vulcana managed to lift the bar, which Atelda was unable to lift, spending 25 minutes trying. Vulcana was a big hit in France when she wowed the attendees at the France weightlifting club in Paris with her strength training. The "father of French bodybuilding", Professor Edmond Desbonnet, awarded Vulcan with a medal, and her photograph graced the cover of Women's Sports magazine. During her career, Vulcana has been awarded over a hundred medals. Her best recorded strength achievement: she squeezed right hand 56.4 kg (some experts believe that her record is 66 kg).
Although her numbers were typical strongwoman numbers and were not innovative, Vulcana was the first to include the "Tombstone of Hercules" trick in her repertoire, which very few men before her could perform. The number consisted in the fact that the performer stood in the position of the "rear bridge" - with his stomach up, leaning his hands and feet on the floor, and a large platform was placed on his stomach. Then two horses with riders drove onto this platform and stayed there for several seconds. She urged women to engage in their physical development. She fought against the tradition of wearing corsets, proving that this female identity was unnatural and was torture for the grandmothers of her era. There were many legends about her strength and courage. In 1898, on the streets of Bristol, 13-year-old Kathy saw that a furious horse was racing a cab without a coachman, in which a woman with a child was sitting. Katie rushed towards the horse and hung on the reins. Passers-by arrived to help, and the cab was stopped. In 1901, in London, she managed to free a stuck wagon by lifting it in front of an astonished audience. Once in Paris, she detained a thief, grabbed him and brought him by force to the police station. She has received awards for rescuing drowning children and leading horses out of a burning Edinburgh theater after sustaining severe burns. For this feat, the city authorities thanked her and presented her with an award.
In the 1920s, Vulcana and Atlas and their family moved permanently to London. Vulcana finished performing in 1932. In 1939, she was hit by a car, after which she remained unconscious for a long time, and the doctors considered her dead. She lived for several more years with brain damage, not much outliving Atlas and youngest daughter who died like her in 1946.
Kate was physically strong and physically beautiful, but without that aggressiveness and arrogance inherent in some muscular ladies, because of which many believed that physical strength and femininity are incompatible. Vulcana urged women to pay attention to their own physical development. The journal "Health and Strength" in 1904 wrote: "Vulcana is the true Venus of the form"

Marina Lurs Maria Loorberg ( stage name Marina Lurs), one of the strongest women Russian Empire in the 1900s - 1910s. Maria Loorberg was born on April 10, 1881 in Reval (now Tallinn, Estonia, then a province tsarist Russia) and died on March 30, 1922. Maria had a powerful physique (weight 80 kg with a height of 168 cm). In 1903, she became a student of the Russian athletics coach Adolf Andrushkevich (he was also the first coach of the famous Gakkenshmidt). Two years later, in 1905, Maria already performed at carnivals and circuses in Estonia and other regions of Russia - as a manipulator with weights.
Maria could hold two men weighing 66 kg over her head with one hand and spin the third by the rope that she held in her teeth. She easily juggled two two-pound weights (a pound - 16 kilograms), pushed 5 pounds with two hands, pulled out 3 pounds with one hand. Particularly spectacular were the numbers when she lying down 32 times squeezed a light bar with her feet, on which two people sat (total weight 184 kg), held nine people on her raised legs. She set a kind of record in August 1913: resting her hands on her knees, Lurs kept thirteen people on their outstretched legs with a total weight of 55 pounds (880 kg - almost a ton). Her trick - "live merry-go-round" - spinning with the feet of the platform with people caused the invariable stormy delight of the audience - the eyes rippled from the frantic pace with which Lurs spun the rocker with the "live load" at the ends.
Of the athletic tricks of Lurs, the following should be noted: lying on her back, she squeezed out a light barbell with two people at the ends (total weight 184 kg) 32 times and in the same position on raised legs held 9 people on the crossbar. In 1913 (August 27) she set a record: she kept on her feet, resting her hands on her knees, 13 people. The total weight is 55 pounds! (The famous athlete Arthur Saxon kept on but-gah 65 pounds.). Lurs easily juggled two-pound weights, pushed 5 pounds with both hands, pulled out 3 pounds with one hand. The eyes of the audience rippled from the frantic pace with which Marina Lurs spun the rocker with a "live load" at the ends.
The artistic name Lurs is probably the female version of the surname borne by the famous strong man, Maria's countryman, Georg Lurich. At one time, Maria gained immense popularity, and in Estonia she was called the Kalev woman (Kalev is an Estonian folk epic hero). She is still revered in Estonia as an outstanding strongwoman and wrestler.
Here is a message from the chronicle of sports, placed in the journal "Hercules" for 1913: "Special attention is drawn to the athlete Marina Lurs. Superbly built, with massive, but gracefully contoured muscles, Lurs does such numbers that fit a good male athlete." This is how I. V. Lebedev characterized Marina Lurs: “She has become a good “number” - she works like the Hercules of the good old circus. and even amazes with its soft plastic lines... Let in the cities where the posters of Marina Lurs appear on the circus walls, city ladies go to the circus to see her to see this daughter of Eva, who is rightly proud of her strength and harmony of forms.

Lillian Leitzel. Alitza Pelican (Lillian Leitzel). Beautiful strongwoman and acrobat. Lillian Leitzel was born in 1892 in Breslau (Germany, now Wroclaw, Poland) in a family of circus performers. Her father was a Hungarian army officer and tatra artist, and her mother was a Czech acrobat. Lillian weighed only 43 kg with a height of 143 cm. Unlike other strong women, this little lady became famous thanks to her incomprehensible acrobatic numbers, which required truly Herculean strength.
Although she received a good education and was preparing to become a concert pianist, she joined a group of aerial acrobats in which her mother performed. In 1910 she traveled to the United States with a circus group and performed there with the Barnum and Bailey Circus. After the breakup of the group and the departure of many of its members to Europe, Leitzel remained in America and performed in vaudeville performances. She then landed a contract with the Ringling Brothers, and after her merger with Barnum & Bailey, she became a first-rate star and top performer.
Leitzel's number began with successive diving jumps, alternately on one or the other hand. jump down one hand. She repeatedly rotated her body around her shoulder, sometimes hundreds of times in a row, demonstrating incredible endurance and making the audience count rotations aloud. She was also distinguished by her ability to establish flirtatious contact with the public.
Although petite, she nevertheless possessed an explosive temperament and exactingness towards men. Despite the fact that many rich people harassed her hands, she married circus performers several times, leaving no children behind. Her last husband was a trapeze acrobat, Alfredo Cordona. In 1931, at a performance in Copenhagen, Lillian fell off the trapeze after the hinge on which the trapeze was attached was damaged by frost. Cordona, speaking in another city, hastened to Copenhagen. They boarded a train bound for Berlin, where Cordona had business. But two days later, Leitzel passed away at the age of 39.

Elvira Sansoni and her sisters. The Sansoni sisters, including the eldest of them, Elvira, worked in the "Rensi Circus" performing power numbers. Usually they manipulated loads weighing from 36 to 68 kg. One of the numbers consisted in the fact that the performer peed her feet and hands back to the floor, forming a bridge with her body, on which a small orchestra was located: a pianist and a violinist. Each of the sisters could hold three men on their shoulders: one sitting, and the other two hanging on an axis. Elvira splendidly performed numbers with cannonballs. Her power trulli were extremely popular, and Elvira herself became world famous.

Mary Ford. She was born in 1900. in Olean Township, New York. Being a very slender woman (163cm / 59kg), she was a versatile athlete - she was engaged in weightlifting, boxing, wrestling, marathon running. She also worked in the circus as an acrobat. Mary Ford was an unusually strong athlete for her time. Remarkably developed shoulders and biceps allowed her to perform such power numbers as moving poles with 30-kilogram weights. She could raise the front wheels of a Model T car enough to place a jack under the front axle. In one of her performances, she hammered a nail into a board with her hand to a depth of 2.5 cm.
When she traveled around America with her performances, she called volunteers of both sexes from the hall to a boxing or wrestling match (there was one restriction for men who wanted to box with her: they should not be heavier than her and not be professional boxers) . According to her trainer, her extraordinary strength and excellent boxing technique allowed her to easily defeat any woman in a duel to the end.
Particularly spectacular were the boxing fights of the compact Mary Ford with simple hefty women from the Midwest, hardened physical work and not shying away from male occupations. They usually went ahead of Mary, waving their fists. Mary deftly evaded blows, dragging her opponent into a grueling positional struggle, exhausting her physically and mentally. Then, when the excitement of the audience reached the limit, and the opponent was exhausted and at a loss, Mary contrived, dived under her and delivered her signature blow - a crushing uppercut to the jaw. The fight usually ended there - either her opponent was knocked out or unable to continue the fight.
In terms of her boxing skills and technique, Mary Ford was not inferior to the best male boxers of her time. She, in essence, can be considered the founder of modern pankration, "mixed wrestling" (MMA) - a combination of fisticuffs and wrestling. During fights with spectators in this style, she acted like modern "no rules" fighters: first, she "softened" the opponent with accurate and strong blows from unexpected directions, and then (if the opponent has not yet been knocked out) with a powerful grip (most often by the neck) threw him (her) to the floor and quickly extinguished. In those days, they fought only to the touch, and not to capitulation.

Lucita Leers. Lucita Leers (née Louise Krokel) was born in Wiesbaden, Germany in 1909. Being physically strong, she became famous for her unusual aerial acrobatics. Lucita did not know her biological father, who left the family when the girl was 2 years old. Her mother remarried aerial acrobat Guido Krokel. Guido took care of Lucita's upbringing, but without undue tenderness, and trained her so that she became an outstanding strongwoman out of her. Lucita's professional debut took place on March 8, 1920 in Cologne, when the girl was only 11 years old. Then she worked in a chain of air crobats. Soon, she was already able to perform the “planche” and “iron cross” with one hand (standing on one hand, which only men had performed before her), and was also able to hold her stepfather on one hand. In 1926 she started solo performances, her first solo number was in strength exercises on the trapeze, to which she demonstrated an unusual strength for a woman. Her unusual number quickly brought her wide popularity and she was invited to the most prestigious circuses and variety shows - from Wintergarden to Skal in Berlin to Roxy in New York. From 1928 to 1933 She performed in the famous troupes Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey. There she occupied a central position in the arena, in which the most famous acrobats performed - Winnie Coleano, Kodonas, Sigrist-Sibons and Lillian Leitzel. In 1936, Lucita returned to Germany and soon her career ended.

Iron March. Martha Farra was born in 1903 in Vienna, Austria. Her maiden name was Martha Khan. She weighed only 55kg. Her parents were circus acrobats early childhood she knew that she would be a tightrope walker and would perform somersaults. In 1924, she announced that she was the strongest woman in the world - she could lift a platform weighing 1587kg to a height of 75cm. preserved famous photo, on which Martha raises a platform with a young elephant. Later it turned out that it was a clever trick. In addition to lifting weights, she also engaged in wrestling and participated in wrestling matches.
Here is what she said about herself: “I am the strongest woman in the world. I understand that this is debatable, but I prove it every day, I am a real strong woman. You look at me and say “the weaker sex.” But , I will prove to you the opposite. Louis Cyr, the recognized master of "iron" held up to two tons on his back, but weighed 160 kilograms. I weigh only 60 kilograms, but I can hold 1,700 kilograms on my fragile shoulders. Calculate for yourself - which of us is stronger? Of course, I do not show my strength by my appearance. But, the newspapers call me "Satin in a skirt" and "Hercules Woman". Give me a horseshoe - and I will straighten it with my bare hands. Give me a piece of steel - and I will fashion everything you want from it. And don't imagine me as a sort of monster with bulging eyes and veins swollen from tension, disfiguring my beauty. I am beautiful, any diva will envy my face, but not every one of them has such a body as mine! I I believe that only athletically developed women are truly beautiful and only classes with weights give a woman true beauty!

Testing durability of Ada Ash

Ada Ash. This powerful blonde was born in 1906 in Hamilton, Ohio. She was extremely short, her height was only 153cm. In the 1930s, she worked in performances with power numbers. In one such performance, her husband El Shash, driving a 4-ton truck, ran over a board lying on Ada's stomach. Ada once wrestled with a crocodile, receiving several severe bites to her jaw, arms and legs. Another number was that she lifted a horse standing on a wooden platform. She also bent iron bars in half and performed many other power tricks, for example, she played the role of an anvil: lying in the “bridge” position, she held an anvil on her chest, which her husband beat with a sledgehammer (see photo). In addition to being exceptionally strong and lifting huge weights, she was also an excellent wrestler and wrestling coach and (with her husband, who was also an excellent wrestler) wrote three books on judo and self-defense. It was during her time that women's wrestling was evolving from competitive (or semi-competitive) to entertaining, now known as the lucrative "professional wrestling" show. During a wrestling match with another famous wrestler, Nell Stewart, Ada unsuccessfully fell from the ring to the floor and seriously injured her spine. After that, she was paralyzed for almost two years, but she recovered thanks to the care and devotion of her husband, who was with her all the time and gave her daily massages.

Joan Rhodes. Her real name was Joan (Josie) Terena. She was born in 1920 (?) in England. Being thin (170 cm / 65 kg) she devoted her whole life to the circus. She left her father's house at the age of 13 and began working in the circus, where she performed various roles - she worked as a trapeze artist, an acrobat and a power stunt performer. She bent iron bars in half, broke six-inch nails and tore thick telephone directories with her bare hands. In one of her numbers, Joan grabbed Atlas, a huge Belgian weighing 200 kg, and put him on her shoulders. After the number with the bending of the rod, she invited the men from the public to unbend it. After repeated but unsuccessful attempts by the men from the audience to unbend the bar, she unbent it herself without the slightest external tension. Once Joan performed at a nightclub in Vienna, where two Olympic weightlifters were among the spectators. They said that they could easily do everything that she does. Then Joan asked them to break the fifteen-centimeter nail that she used in her numbers. Despite the fact that both tried very hard to do this, neither succeeded. After that, Joan herself broke the nail. For some time, John worked as a trainer at the Ivy Russell Gym and also taught judo at the Dave Crawley Club in London. Joan was fluent in French, German and Spanish.

Gertrude Leandros. She was born in Antwerp (Belgium) in 1882. Her parameters are (167cm / 72kg). She was the daughter of the famous athlete of the time, Filipi. In her numbers, Gertrude, together with her husband, who weighs only 60 kg, performed a variety of exercises that required tremendous strength and exceptional dexterity. She lifted her husband and manipulated his body in the most sophisticated ways, including balancing on one arm with her husband standing on it. Gertrude had a unique physique and outstanding muscles for a woman: chest volume - 100 cm, step - 100 cm, thigh - 62 cm, calf - 41.5 cm, ankle - 17 cm, forearm - 30 cm, biceps - 37.5 cm

Carolina Bauman. Born in Austria around 1905. In 1910, she moved with her family to Chicago. Until the age of eighteen, Carolina suffered from overweight, and at the end high school this fact began to oppress her greatly. As a last resort, she asked for the help of Attila, a veteran Ginasta who had trained many athletes and strongmen, including the famous Eugene Sandow. He just lived and worked in Chicago. Under his leadership, Carolina achieved stunning success - she soon ceased to be fat, her muscles acquired a beautiful shape. After a year of training, she began to weigh 61 kg and developed extraordinary strength. She became so strong that she lifted the barbells meant for Sandow! Carolina's success in transforming her body inspired her to organize physical training for other women in order to improve their physical proportions. She became a coach and opened her own school for women.

Many other strong women lived and worked at the beginning of the 20th century - they lifted and held huge weights (including people and large animals) - the most different ways. Among them, the following strong women should be noted: Mademoiselle Ani, Miss Berta, Madame Stark, Miss Perlein, Germanas Rubio, Miss Ella, Roberta (strongwoman from Cuba), Mademoiselle Madro (France), Madame Robusta (considered European champion), World (French champion ), Frau der Welt (Germany), Ethel Hart (USA), Rosa la Perle and many others.

The information and illustrations below are reprinted from the web.

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