Who meets Kamensky. Husband of Nastya Kamensky - photo, personal life, latest news

Nastya Kamensky pleases her many fans not only with slender forms, but also with vocal talent and artistry. In the work of a member of the Potap and Nastya duet, there is always a lot of positive and drive, thanks to which their songs have long become hits. In addition to working in a team, the artist took part in a TV show, and also tried her hand as a TV presenter. Now Nastya demonstrates the model parameters of her figure, which she managed to put in order in 2015. No wonder that after such a transformation, she starred in numerous photo shoots for glossy magazines. Yes, and in the personal life of Kamensky, important changes are coming: according to the assurances of the press, she is getting married.

Anastasia was born in 1987 in Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR. Her parents are creative people: her father, a former volleyball player, became the concert director of the choir, and her mother is a singer. It is not surprising that the future artist studied at a music school and studied vocals from an early age. But, besides this, the girl managed to dance in ballet and play tennis. After leaving school, she decided to get an economic education by enrolling in the Ukrainian-American Institute for the Humanities.

The first success in it came in 2004, when Kamensky took part in a music festival and won the Grand Prix. Thanks to his acquaintance with Alexei Potapenko, in 2006 the duet "Potap and Nastya" was born. Its participants in a short time were able to earn fame and popularity, as well as numerous awards and prizes.

In the photo Nastya Kamensky and Vladimir Dyatlov

In Anastasia's personal life, there were many fans who dreamed of an affair with a beautiful girl. For some time she liked older men, however, such relationships very quickly began to strain her. While studying at the university, she became close to a classmate, Volodya Dyatlov, however, love did not arise between them immediately. Due to problems in the family, the young man left for another city, but the lovers found time to meet. At that time, the artist's career developed at a rapid pace, so distrust appeared in the relationship between the lovers. After parting in 2009, they remained good and close friends.

The joint musical career of Kamensky and Potap left an imprint on their personal lives. For several years, journalists have attributed a romantic relationship to them, however, the stars themselves deny their romance, calling it a kind of public game to intrigue their fans. Over the years of working together, Potap married producer Irina Gorova, who bore him two children. Nastya also had a relationship that she hid from the press. The singer believed that her time would come when she would marry and have children.

In the photo Nastya Kamensky and Potap

However, cunning journalists learned that Potap had not been living with his wife for several years, and then filed for a divorce. Moreover, they reported that Nastya and her colleague wanted to get married in the summer of 2016, however, due to the fact that the singer broke her leg during an unsuccessful parachute jump, the wedding was postponed. Then Potap commented on these rumors, calling them journalistic inventions.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 20.09.2016

Personal life, sports, diets, difficult periods in life. Nastya admitted that for a long time she was insecure and even turned to a psychologist for help, because she “ate” her experiences with food. The singer managed to overcome the complexes - the artist pulled herself together, went in for sports, changed her lifestyle and changed both externally and internally. So, from 78 kilograms Nastya managed to lose weight to 62.

The artist does not hide - she is a very soft, kind and trouble-free person. And the most important thing in life for her is love.

“The most important thing for me is love. She conquers everything. And I will endure, suffer, suffer, but for the sake of love I am ready for anything. A million percent. This is stupid, perhaps, but for some reason it seems to me that this is such a cool feeling that, in principle, you can do anything for it. I am for love. And ready to go to the end. I'm crazy in this regard, ”admitted Nastya.

The artist also spoke about her personal life. The singer admits that she does not like to talk about her relationship, because in the past she had a bad experience. However, at the meeting, Nastya nevertheless said that now her heart is not free and she is happy in a relationship.

“When I had an accident, I met with the guy Vova. Now I adore him, I love him, he is my friend. Then I put my relationship on display. She showed and told everything. And we broke up with him. There were, of course, different reasons, but then one person told me that happiness loves silence. When you have a family, you want children, it is better that no one knows this. Now I advise everyone that not only publicly, but even girlfriends and friends do not need to tell. Now I am a very loving person, very happy. I'm fine with this. I think that over time you will learn everything about my personal life, but for now I want to take care of it and drag myself away from it myself, ”the artist admits.

Nastya also told about the duet with Potap. The singer noted that at the beginning of their career they often quarreled, but for 10 years they have learned to accept each other as they are.

“The duet was created by the universe. By chance we started to sing a song and everyone liked it madly. But we had confrontations at the very beginning. We are both very similar: we are both Taurus, both are very creative. It was like that for two months we went on tour every day and did not talk to each other, we lived in different hotels so as not to catch each other's eyes. Behind the scenes, we literally sent each other. But at some point we realized that people really like our work. And we have to do it for the people, not for ourselves. And we started to work. And the most important thing is that we are still talking about it, we are proud of our achievements. Everyone has their own place: Potap is smart, Nastya is beautiful. We sing merry, merry songs. Now this is really our pride,” said the singer.

Having existed for 11 years, the duet "Potap and Nastya" ceased its activities, however, Nastya Kamensky is sure that the group in the same composition will return to the stage. In the meantime, a new project has appeared in the singer's creative biography, which, for sure, will be appreciated by her devoted fans.

It was not easy for Kamensky to turn the page and go beyond one, but she nevertheless began her solo career, choosing the pseudonym NK.

Childhood and education

Nastya was born in 1987 in Kyiv. Her father, Alexei Zhmur, served in the KGB, and then he was appointed concert director in the G. Verevka choir. It was there that he met his future wife, Lydia Kamensky, the mother of the singer, who was a soloist. Little Nastya traveled to European countries from the age of five on a child exchange program. First she visited a French family, and then went to Italy, where she skated regularly for seven years. The future artist has the best childhood memories associated with Naples.

In the photo Nastya Kamensky in childhood and adolescence

Parents developed their daughter comprehensively: she began to study English quite early, studied ballet, sang in the choir, studied music and played the piano. After receiving a secondary education, Kamensky entered the Ukrainian-American university. Soon she took part in the Black Sea Games music competition, where she received the Grand Prix. Thanks to this event, the girl took up a musical career, collaborating with a well-known production center.

Participation in the Potap and Nastya group

Nastya received her second music award in 2005, when she was in London for the "Discovery of the Year", and soon she met the musician Alexei Potapenko. Having created the duet "Potap and Nastya", the young musicians recorded a joint song "Without Love", and then the single "Not a Couple", which quickly became a hit. A year later, the couple won a stay at the Sochi Five Star contest. In 2008, they released their debut album "Not a Couple", thanks to which they only reinforced their popularity among music lovers. A year later, the duo's fans were able to purchase their new album called "Don't Love My Brains", which included the song "Crazy Spring", which has not lost its popularity so far.

In the photo Nastya Kamensky and Potap

During their career, the artists released five albums and recorded videos for such compositions as "On the District", "Freaks", "Love at a Discount", "Udi Udi" and others. In addition, four times their songs were awarded the Golden Gramophone award. In the creative biography of Kamensky there are shootings in the musical "Little Red Riding Hood", as well as participation in the First Channel show "Two Stars". More than once she was a participant and host of various shows on Ukrainian TV channels, and in 2017 she became a member of the jury of the Ukrainian project X-Factor-8. From the latest news for 2017, it is known that the members of the Potap and Nastya duet announced that they had decided to interrupt their joint activities and pursue a solo career. Now Nastya performs under the pseudonym NK and has already submitted a new video for the song "This is my night" to the fans.

Personal life

The personal life of the artist is no less interesting than her work, however, the Ukrainian beauty herself does not like to share the details of her love stories. Even in his student years, the future star had a romantic relationship with a young man named Vladimir. But soon he left Nikolaev, where he continued his studies. The couple still maintains friendly relations.

For a long time, Kamensky was credited with an affair with a duet colleague, with whom she not only worked, but also spent time outside the stage, attending various events. However, the artists themselves denied a close relationship, considering themselves close friends. There was a period in their lives when, due to a busy work schedule, Nastya and Potap gained excess weight. Then, with a height of 175 cm, her weight was 80 kg. Later, the artist was able to put her figure in order, and Potap also made her company in this. Now she weighs only 60 kg, thanks to which the appearance of the girl pleases her fans.

In recent years, rumors have not subsided that Kamensky is pregnant and will soon give birth to a child. At first, these speculations only annoyed the singer, however, in 2017 she told her fans that she was thinking about children. According to Nastya, earlier she did not understand how to combine her career with her family, but now everything has changed, and the artist is ready to become a mother. Kamenskikh also often posts videos on her page in which she is captured in her house in the kitchen or at a doctor's appointment. At the same time, the singer does not hesitate to show herself without makeup and without hair.

A popular duet that for 11 years gave famous hits such as "Not a Couple", "Don't Love My Brains", "Crazy Spring", "Bumdiggibay", "Doggy Style" and many others, Potap and Nastya repeatedly forced their fans to think that between the artists there is something more than just a job or friendship. More details further in the material.

Rumors about a love relationship between often became an occasion for conversations in the press, but that Kamensky and Potap never disclosed the details of their personal lives. Therefore, the romantic connection of these two remained a mystery. And especially now that the duet has ceased its work.

In the picture of producer Alexei Potapenko with Nastya Kamensky, subscribers noticed an engagement ring and immediately began to comment on the publication.

Engagement ring? nice couple!!!

Other fans also noted that Nastya and Potap look good together and they would only be happy with their relationship.

Yes, it's no secret that they have been a couple for a long time, everyone knows about it.

Whether the guys really got married is not yet known, because these two are reluctant to share details. In any case, the work of Kamensky and Potap only gets better over the years and they give it with great pleasure.

Photo source: Instagram Potap and Nastya Kamensky.

Nastya Kamensky is a talented Ukrainian singer, whose popularity came with her participation in the Potap and Nastya group. All the songs performed by this group were incredibly successful and were very fond of the Ukrainian and Russian audience of listeners. Among other things, Nastya Kamensky is one of the most attractive and sexy women in the country. The singer is not just a "decoration" of the group, she has a good voice and excellent hearing. Fans of the song group idolize Nastya Kamensky, admiring not only her vocals, but also her charisma.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nastya Kamensky

As soon as the first rays of fame fell on the singer, all the fans rushed to find out the details from her life, such as height, weight, age. How old is Nastya Kamensky? Great interest in the parameters of the girl is manifested due to the fact that she periodically gains weight. True, recently, the singer has been actively working on her body, visiting the gym. She has lost a lot of weight and looks great. Today, her height is 174 cm, and her weight is 64 kg. In May, she celebrated her 31st birthday. Nastya Kamensky looks great, and therefore she is often invited to shoot various glossy magazines.

Biography of Nastya Kamensky

The biography of Nastya Kamensky dates back to 1987, from the day she was born. The singer is a native of Kiev, her mother was a singer (the place of work of the National Academic Choir), and her father was a football player. The current surname of the singer is the mother's maiden name, which Nastya took for herself, and she was forced to abandon her father's surname, which was not consonant with the stage.

The mother of Nastya Kamensky insisted on learning music, and at the age of 6 she sends her daughter to a music school. In addition, individual vocal lessons were held with her. Most likely, the mother recognized her daughter's talent and decided to develop it.

Nastya Kamensky was involved in the exchange program for preschoolers, and then, while still very young, she visited France, Italy and other countries. Parents lived modestly, but they really wanted their daughter to live differently. True, Nastya did not like France, from where she quickly returned home. But Italy left an indelible impression on Nastya Kamensky, where she will return more than once.

In addition to music, the future celebrity was engaged in ballet for a long time, and also plays tennis well. Then she had a rather tight schedule, because she still had to be in time for classes at the gymnasium. The singer recalls these times with nostalgia, thanks her mother, who made her childhood bright and colorful.

When Nastya Kamensky received a certificate, she decided to enter the Ukrainian-American Institute for the Humanities, the Faculty of Economics. Education here was conducted entirely in English.

Nastya Kamensky's career began in 2004, when she managed to take the Grand Prix at the Black Sea Games. The following year, the Ukrainian singer wins the prestigious UBN Awords song contest. Then Nastya was named the discovery of the year. It was a valuable and significant victory for me at the start of the young singer's song career.

Nastya Kamensky at the 'Black Sea Games 2004'

After some two years, Nastya Kamensky is invited to the group to Potap, who was just looking for an interesting and talented singer. Potap or Alexey Potapenko, was not only a vocalist, but also wrote songs himself, directed clips. Although, at first, Nastya Kamensky did not impress Potap, with whom they had frequent quarrels, but, over time, they not only became an excellent team, but also good friends. Moreover, due to the difficult nature of the singer, the couple quarreled almost every day for at least the first couple of years of cooperation. Nevertheless, this did not become an obstacle to the creation of masterpiece songs and their incredible popularity.

Nastya Kamensky also had several tragic episodes. One of these is a terrible accident, in which the Ukrainian singer was also a participant. Then the relatives of her lover died.

Once, Nastya Kamensky wanted extreme sports, deciding to jump with a parachute. Due to inexplicable circumstances, during the singer's jump, her parachute did not open. She survived, but suffered a compound leg fracture.

The first song "Without Love" was warmly received by domestic listeners, and also occupied the first lines of the country's charts for a long time. The following songs "Not a couple" and "Khutorok" simply blew up the Ukrainian public and made Potap and Nastya popular.

Each next composition of the duet instantly became a hit and sounded from all radio stations not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. The special manner of performance and the humor of the songs allowed Potap and Nastya to stand out from the mass of other song groups, falling in love with millions of music lovers.

One of the brightest works of the couple is the composition “In our area”, soon, not a single disco and party could do without these incendiary songs.

All the hits of Potap and Nastya Kamensky broke sales records and were very popular far beyond the borders of Ukraine. This was facilitated not only by the talent of the singers, but also by a special manner of performance with inherent humor and ridicule of the most diverse and stupid tricks of modern society.

In addition to her singing career, Nastya Kamensky successfully developed as a TV star. After the first popular songs of the group, the singer began to be invited to film in the musical, as well as to record the soundtrack for the film "Freaks". Also, Nastya Kamensky very successfully participated in several Ukrainian television projects.

Last year, the duo announced the suspension of their song activities. At the same time, Potap and Nastya promised their fans a surprise that they would all see soon.

According to some reports, the reason for the cessation of the existence of the group is the desire of Nastya Kamensky to develop in a solo direction. Another version is the creation of a family and the singer's pregnancy.

For 11 years, the duo released five albums, each of which consisted of over 15 songs.

Today, Nastya Kamensky continues to participate in a variety of TV shows, and has also released her own clothing line.

Although the duet broke up for an indefinite time, nevertheless, Potap and Nastya often see each other and maintain friendly relations.

Personal life of Nastya Kamensky and Potap

The personal life of Nastya Kamensky and Potap is often considered in the press. Despite the fact that the duet in every possible way denies the relationship, nevertheless, loud statements about their romance are heard in the press every now and then.

Yes, indeed, Potap and Nastya often spend time together, go on tour, constantly attend all social events and parties together. But this is rather part of their work, and not their own initiative. Despite this, fans of the song group see them not just as a duet, but as a couple. Even when Potap was married, and Nastya Kamensky had a long and serious relationship, the media and the public were full of rumors about the affair.

After several years of violent quarrels, Potap and Nastya began to work as a whole, complementing each other, and therefore, it is not surprising that everyone considers them a couple. Moreover, Nastya Kamensky is a very spectacular and beautiful woman who drives millions of men crazy.

Although the singer is popular with men, she does not have variety in her personal life. The press knows only one serious relationship of Nastya Kamensky. For a long time she met with a certain Vladimir Dyatlov, who had to leave Kyiv. This was the reason for the breakup of the couple, which now only maintains friendly relations at a distance.

As for the partner of the singer Potap, he has long been married to Irina Gorova, they are raising two children. Potap, aka Aleksey Potapenko, currently continues to work on his own production center and is actively promoting the well-known Ukrainian group Time and Glass. Also, Potap is in demand on Ukrainian television as a showman and host of major musical projects.

As follows from the latest news, rumors that the Potap-Nastya Kamensky couple were only connected by a working relationship turned out to be premature. From the publications of the singer's Instagram account, it can be concluded that the couple spends a lot of time together.

The lovers ceased to hide their relationship only on the day of their wedding, May 23, 2019, on the same day, a video for the song “Constant” appeared on the network, the theme of which is dedicated to the wedding celebration.

Wedding of Nastya Kamensky and Alexei Potapenko

The media, and the fans themselves, for a long time claimed that Potap and Nastya played a secret wedding from everyone. A lot of gossip revolved around their romance, but the performers themselves denied this in every possible way until the day of the official marriage. Of course, the ground for conversation is not only the beautiful and sexy Nastya Kamensky, but also Potap's frequent flattering comments about his work partner. On the network, he often warmly comments on the photo of Nastya Kamensky. And finally, the most daring guesses of the fans came true - their idols played a magnificent wedding.

The newlyweds had a celebration at the Fabius restaurant, located in a picturesque suburb of Kyiv in a pine forest. About 250 guests were invited to the landmark event, including the stars of Ukrainian show business and Potap's wards - the Time and Glass group. One could also notice the now ex-wife of Alexei - Irina Gorovaya.

The couple approached the organization of the main event in their life more than responsibly - the images of both "culprits" of the celebration were thought out to the smallest detail - Nastya appeared in a luxurious lace dress with a deep neckline to the waist, while the groom remained true to his stage style and put on a beige formal suit sneakers.

The place of celebration was also carefully decorated in a romantic style - fringe chandeliers hung from the ceiling, candles and white roses flaunted on the tables, the newlyweds preferred natural motifs and natural materials in the design of the exit registration arch and photo zone.

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