Perspectives of urban residents moving to the countryside. Life in the village - pros and cons

Russia has always been considered an agrarian-type state, the bulk of whose population lives in rural areas. The situation has changed somewhat only in recent years after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

For Russia, the rural way of life has always been the leading and predominant among the population. At all times, Russia has been an agrarian-type country, and today the share of agriculture in the economy remains quite significant. This is due to many features of the geographical and political situation of the country. Firstly, the vast territories and favorable climate of the central part of the state have always created appropriate conditions for the development of agriculture. Secondly, from time immemorial, Russian people have been inextricably linked with land and agriculture - many folk epics, fairy tales and songs confirm the special love and tenderness experienced by Russian people for their native land.

Even in ancient times, Russian society was characterized by a special commitment to agriculture. Subsistence farming and natural exchange were widespread among the peasants. Where the climatic conditions were most favorable, the peasant communities produced grain both for personal consumption and for sale.

Later, in the Middle Ages and during the existence of the Russian Empire, serfdom became especially widespread, which was inextricably linked with the rural way of life. The landowners owned large villages and villages, whose inhabitants were engaged in the production of grain, meat and other products. The percentage of rural residents has always been high, so even at the beginning of the 20th century the proportion of rural residents in the Russian Empire was more than 80%.

In the USSR, a mass policy was pursued to develop agriculture and unite small private producers into large collective farms. Many peasants resisted such transformations, as wealthy villagers did not want to share their property with poor and lazy neighbors. This revealed the main problem of the Russian village. Rural residents, able to provide for themselves with subsistence farms and produce products for sale, most often worked hard and amassed a large farm through their labor. But there were also poor families who, at best, could produce food only for their own survival. The collectivization reform was designed to equalize the property of these two classes, which led to conflict in society and resistance from the rich peasants.

Advantages and disadvantages of the rural lifestyle

The rural way of life at all times attracted the population of the country. But lately, city life has become more and more attractive and easy. What are the pros and cons of the rural lifestyle today?

Benefits of rural life

    A village or village is distinguished by a high level of ecology, which is quite important these days. A healthy lifestyle attracts many people - clean air, proximity to a river or other body of water, the absence of large factories and factories that produce harmful emissions - all this has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the human body.

    The ability to produce your own food is also attractive to many. It's no secret that products sold in stores contain practically no vitamins and may contain various harmful impurities. Village products, on the other hand, have special health benefits.

    Calmness, silence and remoteness from the bustle of the city are a huge advantage for many people these days.

Disadvantages of a rural lifestyle

    Remoteness from communications and organizations of public importance is perhaps one of the biggest disadvantages. The need to take children to school, to go shopping or to work is one of the reasons why urban residents do not want to move to the countryside.

    For most people, subsistence farming and full self-sufficiency with food is a significant difficulty.

Probably, each of us thought about the conditions in which - rural or urban - it is better to live.

Cities attract many people with their wide range of opportunities for education and study, work and part-time work, entertainment, leisure and much more. However, life in the countryside is not without its advantages.

Pros of country life

  • The most important advantage of living in the countryside is positive environmental situation. Clean air, wildlife, blue sky not covered with black smoke, clear water without impurities and the smell of chlorine ... These conditions ensure healthy sleep, excellent health and, as a result, good mood!
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits grown on their own plot also have a positive effect on human health. You can be absolutely sure of the quality of the products you eat. You can not only make them yourself, but also buy from neighbors. Organic food is the key to health and longevity.
  • Pets is a special advantage. Living in the countryside, you can have as many furry pets as you can feed. They will not have to sit still in a stuffy apartment, being content with moving only from one wall to another and walking on a schedule. Moreover, a villager can afford not only a cat, a dog, a turtle or a guinea pig, but also a much larger animal - for example, a horse. Of course, she needs special care, special conditions of detention are also required, but it is much easier to create them in the village than in the city. Separately, it is worth highlighting the opportunity to get a cow or a goat - these creatures will delight you daily with fresh milk.
  • cannot but rejoice and environment, in which the villager is located. Everybody knows each other. In such conditions, it is much easier to find good friends. Enemies, of course, can also show up ... But more on that later.
  • Real estate prices are also the criterion by which the village, in most cases, bypasses the city. A house in a small village will cost less than an apartment in a city high-rise building. There are exceptions to this rule, but they are rare.
  • General atmosphere of calm- it is she who reigns inside the village borders. Cars are rare, there are very few of them. Neighbors do not knock on batteries. The workers on the street do not make any noise while changing the asphalt or repairing the tram rails... The singing of birds, the swaying of blades of grass in the wind and the sound of water in the local narrow river - these are the sounds that a villager hears.

Life in the village is good in its own way: it is measured and calm, simple and much closer to the way of life that our distant ancestors led ... But it has a number of significant drawbacks, because of which many prefer not to move outside the city limits.

Cons of country life

  • Few opportunities for development- this is the main negative characteristic that the village has. Usually, residents of such settlements have to travel to the city in order to get a good education, and then a well-paid job. Jobs in the village are usually selling their own food products, physical labor, a position as a seller in a small store, a waiter in a local cafe, or a librarian in one of the premises of a village club. You can count on a more prestigious job only within the city limits.
  • Here no big mall, an amusement park, a club for young skaters, a music recording studio, and a mobile device repair service. Colorful, fun, educational festivals are not held here - local authorities rarely arrange such things. If you want to visit the cinema, buy a new TV or get a massage, you have to go to the city. It is worth noting that usually the cost of moving from the village to the nearest urban settlement is very high, especially when it comes to public transport. Moreover, the journey takes a lot of time.
  • It will be difficult for an unprepared person to arrange a good village life. The cow and goat must be milked, and the potatoes must be planted and dug. The villager has many more daily routines than the average city dweller. You will have to do a lot on your own, including entertaining yourself, which follows from the previous paragraph. Can you fix the roof if it suddenly starts leaking? Of course, you can call a repair outfit from the nearest city, but how long will it have to wait?
  • The elementary lack of amenities familiar to a city dweller can also please few people. It is possible that the toilet will need to go outside. Water supply is not available in all villages. For water you will need to go to the well. Would you like a shower? Heat up the bath. Electricity is now available almost everywhere, but in the village it is much more likely to have interruptions.
  • Building relationships with others can be difficult. This factor is individual, but if you compare the existence of a village with life in a city, the main difference is that here you are unlikely to be able to exist apart from your neighbors. Villagers love to be interested in each other's lives... Will you be lucky with your surroundings if you move to live in the village?


So let's sum it up. Rural life is fundamentally different from urban life - this can be said for sure. Perhaps that is why among the inhabitants of rural areas one can always see a resident of a metropolis, and, conversely, a village resident is very easy to detect when he is surrounded by townspeople. Someone will consider it a plus that for life in the village it is necessary to have a wide range of different skills and abilities, to someone, on the contrary, it will seem very difficult or even overwhelming.

But what should you choose? Traditional economy or modern opportunities and technologies? Entertainment created by you or entertainment created for you? Clean air and lack of fuss or career and prospects?

The main advantage of rural life, of course, is the closeness to nature. Clean air, a river, a forest, the opportunity to grow natural products - this is what attracts urban residents to the village.

An important point is the tranquility of village life, her. Tired of the endless bustle of the city, traffic jams and stress, the townspeople strive for peace and quiet. It's really great - not from the noise of cars outside the window, but from the singing of birds. Have the opportunity to walk through the forest, sit with a fishing rod by the river.

One of the most important features of rural life is the absence of many of the stressful situations familiar to city dwellers. Village life is much calmer, therefore, with its proper organization, it contributes to health and longevity.

Disadvantages of living in the countryside

Village flaws are fairly traditional. First of all, these are questions of everyday life. Far from all rural houses have gas and running water, the voltage in the electrical network often does not stand up to scrutiny. Bad roads, low wages, high prices for food and manufactured goods - all this pushes many people away from the countryside.

Some advantages also turn into their shortcomings. Yes, in the village you can eat natural products that do not contain any chemicals. But they need to be grown, and this is also a constant work.

Creating comfort

So is it possible to feel satisfaction from life in the countryside? Yes, but this requires some effort. First of all, it is necessary to establish a normal life, this is feasible even in the absence of gas supply, centralized water supply and sewerage. For example, it is not so difficult to make normal water heating with radiators and a coal-fired boiler.

There are no problems with the water supply either - just install a pump in the well or, mount a hydraulic accumulator and control equipment. All this is quite inexpensive, installation is within the power of even a non-specialist. Even modern washing machines and dishwashers work great with such plumbing.

It is not difficult to make sewerage, all the necessary equipment for this is also sold. Problems with voltage drops, if any, can be solved by installing a powerful stabilizer. The result is a level of comfort that is indistinguishable from the city.

Sources of income

One of the most difficult problems in the countryside is finding a source of normal income. Work on a state farm or collective farm, as a rule, does not bring either normal money or moral satisfaction. The best option is to work for yourself. But work should be such that it brings joy and leaves time for rest. For example, you can keep an apiary, this is one of the most successful options. But fattening pigs or bulls is not only much more laborious, but also much less aesthetic.

There are other options. Almost every village now has the Internet - and hence the opportunity to earn money. Programmers, website creators, and many other specialists can live perfectly in the countryside, earning money online. At the same time, they will have time to arrange a personal plot, cultivate a small garden, care for small domestic animals - chickens, ducks, etc.

The experience of many people says that it is possible to live wonderfully in the countryside. Moreover, after several years of village life, a person is unlikely to want to return to the city. Why? The answer is very simple - in the village he is better off!

Urban and rural life: advantages and disadvantages

Some people prefer hustle and bustle of big cities, while others prefer peaceful lifestyle of rural areas. Taste differ. There is no definite answer which lifestyle is better. In my opinion, everything depends on personality. Let us examine more thoroughly some of the advantages and disadvantages of both rural and urban life.

Living in a city can be very convenient. There are a lot of opportunities of education, career and social life. If you live in a big city, you have many education options to choose from. You can graduate from the most renowned and reputed universities or educational institutions, find a well-paid job and have more opportunities for personal development. Besides, the social life is so diverse. There are lots of theaters, museums, cinemas, exhibitions and art galleries. Urban life will definitely suit an individual who prefers to lead an active lifestyle and who think that there are too few hours in a day.

However, there are lots of disadvantages of urban life. One of the most burning problems a city dweller faces every day is heavy traffic. People who are stuck in traffic jams have to delay their plans or even miss important meetings. People are always in a hurry and pressed for time. Besides, big cities are overcrowded and its population is growing with every passing day. Another problem of big cities is air and water pollution caused by industrial plants, domestic heating and traffic. It is generally agreed that air pollution as well as could have harmful impacts on health. Thus, in recent years people are getting more and more concerned about ecological problems. I am sure all people must unite efforts to save our Planet. Moreover, urban poverty can be the reason of many crimes, such as burglary, pickpocketing and robbery. The last but not the least, gambling, drug addiction, unemployment are just a few big problems that have become acute in almost all big cities.
There are a lot of advantages of rural life. The rural areas are not as crowded as urban ones. People live in harmony with nature.

Just imagine, how awesome is to wake up with birds singing and the first rays of sunlight and go fishing. You can walk barefoot or sleep in a hammock. Village people keep the livestock and do gardening. Undoubtedly, all homemade products, like sour cream or cottage cheese, do taste better. Moreover, people who live in the country are more open, friendly and warm-hearted. They are one big family. The last but not the least, living in a country is good for health. People eat fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy products and meat. The air is fresh and less polluted. The roads are less dangerous and you can safely ride a bike.

However, there are also some disadvantages of living in the village. First of all, it is a commuting problem. There is a lack of public transport in the country and that can be a great problem for people who need emergency assistance. Besides, if you want to make a career or get a higher education, you'll have to commute between your home in the country and your office in the city.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I think that people should choose where to live, in or out of town, according to their preferences, lifestyle and vocation.

Life in the city and in the countryside: advantages and disadvantages

Some people prefer the hustle and bustle of big cities, while others love the peace and quiet of country life. Tastes could not be discussed. There is no exact answer to the question of where it is better to live: in the city or in the countryside. I think it all depends on the temperament of the individual. Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of urban and rural life.

Life in the city is convenient, as it provides a lot of opportunities for education, career and social life. If you live in a big city, you can choose any education that suits your requirements. You can graduate from a prestigious university or other educational institution, find a high-paying job, and you have plenty of opportunities for personal growth. In addition, social life is very diverse. There are numerous theatres, museums, cinemas and art exhibitions. Life in a big city is definitely suitable for those who prefer an active lifestyle and who do not have enough twenty-four hours a day.

However, living in a big city also has its downsides. One of the most pressing problems that urban dwellers face daily is heavy traffic. Those who are forced to stand in traffic jams have to postpone their plans or even miss important meetings. People always do not have enough time, and everyone is in a hurry somewhere. In addition, another problem of large cities is overcrowding, while the population continues to grow. In addition, the main sources of water and atmospheric air pollution are industrial enterprises, home heating and transport. But it is generally known that polluted air, like smog, has a detrimental effect on the human body as a whole. Recently, however, people have become more and more interested in environmental issues. I am sure that if all people join forces, we will be able to save the planet. In addition, the urban poor can become the cause of crimes such as burglary, pickpocketing, and robbery. Last but not least, gambling, drug addiction, unemployment are just a few of the pressing problems that city dwellers have to deal with.

Living in the countryside has its advantages. The countryside is not as populated as the urban areas. People live in harmony with nature. Just imagine how pleasant it is to wake up with the first rays of the sun to the singing of birds and go fishing. You can walk barefoot and sleep in a hammock. The villagers keep livestock and are engaged in gardening. Without a doubt, all homemade products, such as sour cream or cottage cheese, are much tastier. Moreover, villagers are usually more open, friendly and good-natured. They all live as one big family. Last but not least, living in the countryside is good for health. After all, people eat fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products and meat. The air is also fresh and less polluted. The roads are not so dangerous and you can safely ride a bike.

However, life in the countryside also has its drawbacks. First of all, it is a problem with transport. Due to the lack of public transport, this problem can become especially acute for people in need of emergency medical care. In addition, if you want to build a career or get a higher education, then you will have to travel daily from the suburbs to the city and back.

Taking into account all of the above, I believe that people should choose between life in the city and the country, based on their preferences, lifestyle and vocation.


1) rural ["gshg (e) 1] - rural, rural
2) urban ["z: b (e) p] - urban
3) hustle and bustle of a big city
4) convenient - convenient
5) to graduate from a university - graduate from university
6) renowned - famous, famous
7) reputed - having a good reputation; famous
8) educational institution - educational institution
9) personal development - personal growth
10) there are too few hours in a day - there are not enough 24 hours in a day
11) city dweller ["dwela] - city dweller, city dweller
12) heavy traffic - heavy traffic
13) traffic jam - traffic jam, traffic jam
14) to delay
15) to be in a hurry - hurry
16) to be pressed for time - absolutely no time; time is running out
17) overcrowded cities [.auvs"kraudid] - overcrowded cities
18) overpopulation [.auva.popju"leijl^n] - overpopulation
19) air / water pollution - air / water pollution
20) domestic heating - home heating
21) harmful - harmful
22) ecological problems - environmental problems
23) to unite efforts - to unite efforts
24) urban poverty ["povati] - urban poverty
25) crime - crime
26) burglary ["b3: gtan] - illegal entry into the premises (for criminal purposes); burglary
27) burglar
28) pickpocketing - pickpocketing
29) pickpocket ["pik, pokit] - pickpocket
30) robbery [!geb (e) p] - robbery, robbery, robbery (with the use of violence)
31) robber [tebe] - robber, thief
32) gambling ["gaemblin] - gambling
33) drug addiction
34) unemployment [.lsht "rbppepg] - unemployment
35) barefoot ["beafoot] - barefoot
36) hammock
37) livestock - livestock
38) sour cream ["saua kri: m] - sour cream
39) cottage cheese
40) dairy products - dairy products
41) commuting - daily trips to work (from the suburbs to the city and back)
42) to commute
43) emergency assistance

plotnikk in

Original taken from a_forester in Prospects for urban residents to move to the countryside

Original taken from sterligov in New come in large numbers - Newspaper Trud

Almost a third of urban residents dream of moving to the countryside if there is a school for children, a shop, the Internet and a decent salary
Sociologists have found out what drives the fugitives from cities and towns. And they were very surprised that none of the “come in large numbers in the village” regretted the step they had taken.

In the philistine minds, those who left the city for the countryside are perceived as losers or eccentrics. Like the outrageous German Sterligov, a former multimillionaire who took his family to the Istra region, bought land with a farm and, they say, sells milk and ecological rolls to the inhabitants of Rublyovka.

Meanwhile, the exodus from the city is no longer exotic. According to a sociological study by experts from the Higher School of Economics, almost 25 million city dwellers (29%) are ready to follow his example and move to the countryside. But under certain conditions. Most of all, people want to have a decent salary, benefits in purchasing housing and land, social infrastructure in the form of a kindergarten, school and hospital, as well as assistance in modernizing farming. All conditions are not taken from the ceiling - they were prompted by immigrants who, without waiting for the link between the city and the countryside promised by the state, are establishing life in a new place with their own hands.

What prompted them to take this step, what difficulties they encountered - the settlers frankly told sociologists about this.

Sergey Soldatov, 43 years old, former officer and businessman, now a farmer, Vladimir region. - In civilian life, I was the director of a commercial organization, my wife was in a bank. The work is not dusty, the earnings are decent. But when the fourth child was born in the family, we thought about a house in the countryside. At first they just lived in the summer as in a country house, until they realized that this is real life. They bought the premises of the devastated collective farm, purchased agricultural machinery. Now we are plowing the land, raising livestock, making mixed fodder for sale. The wife does the bookkeeping. Children go to school, but at the same time they help with the housework, they know all the equipment. And I am very glad that they live a real life, and not the one that is shown on TV. When they grow up, they will be able to build a house, plow the land and raise their children. Even for that, it was worth leaving.

Yes, in Murom I drove a cool jeep and wore expensive suits. Now I get by with a modest Ford and simple clothes. But I am responsible for myself and for my work. It's more important than a bank account.

The only thing missing is government assistance. In terms of housing, amenities, organization. No need to offer loans, because this is a collar around the neck. Help is needed in obtaining land, developing a business plan. For example, to determine what is better to do: grow cabbage or rabbits - what is more needed for the district and region.

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