On the influence of environmental factors on the prospects for the development of pharmacy organizations.

Absolutely all organizations are worried about the external environment in their environment. This is done in order to identify favorable opportunities and use them in the future to achieve all sorts of corporate goals and at the same time avoid the threat of obstacles. This process is the analysis of the factors of the external environment of the organization.

The very first step in the analysis of environmental factors is the collection of information about economic, social, technological and political trends that relate to changes in the environment of existence of an organization. For this, a certain employee can be appointed or an external consultant is invited, who must follow different sources of information, these can be:

  • newspapers and books
  • professional magazines,
  • Information Systems,
  • Scientific research,
  • the Internet,
  • libraries,
  • buyers, competitors, suppliers, etc.

It is these specialists who submit review reports to the management, which is responsible for organizing research on environmental factors. It should be noted that in very large organizations this is done all the time.

After the work done on collecting information, it is being discussed and evaluated. If questions arise, they are raised at meetings with managers. Because their task is to identify opportunities and threats and develop baselines of high performance depending on the identified opportunities and threats. As an example, an analysis of the environment can easily determine an increase in base interest rates, and as a result, an organization could, based on these indicators, reduce the amount of borrowed funds, which in turn would increase its profit and income. Once processed, managers prioritize all of these metrics and thus compile a list of important success factors. After that, it is transferred to the departments of the organization itself.

Characteristics of factors

All factors of the external environment of the organization are divided into 4 large groups:

  1. Legal and political.
  2. Economic.
  3. Cultural and social.
  4. Technological.

Each of them, in its own way, is part of the analysis of the environment; taken together, they provide a complete analysis of it.

Legal and political

Various factors of a state and legislative nature affect the level of opportunities and threats directly in the organization's activities. Foreign and national governments may well be for some organizations the most important regulators of their activities. This means that it is very important to see the influence of external factors on the organization in advance. Thus, the most important aspect of a complete analysis of the external environment may be an assessment of the political situation.

There are a lot of such factors, but their combinations are even more common. Here are the most common combinations in the process of conducting an analysis of the external environment.

  • The alignment of political forces,
  • changes in tax legislation,
  • patent law,
  • government spending,
  • federal Election,
  • money-credit policy,
  • government budgets,
  • political conditions in foreign countries,
  • government relations with other states.

Some of these factors have an impact on commercial organizations. It could even be a change in current tax laws. Some affect only a small number of firms in the market (antitrust laws). The rest are important for political organizations (election results or the alignment of political forces).

But in spite of everything, to one degree or another, directly or indirectly, legal and political factors have an impact on all organizations, because laws apply to the quality of a particular raw material and to the import and export of goods.

Economic forces

There are a large number of economic factors that have an impact on an organization. This includes currency exchange, and lending, and taxes, and much more. The very ability of an organization to be profitable is particularly influenced by the state of the economy and the stage of development of its cycle. The macroeconomic climate will primarily determine how high an organization's ability to achieve its economic goals is. Naturally, bad economic conditions will reduce the demand for both goods and services of organizations, while good ones, of course, will increase it.

Also, economical external factors affecting the organization have a number of indicators, which in turn are also important.

These are such as:

  • interest rate (in the economy has a great influence on consumer demand). This means that often the buyer takes out a loan before purchasing the goods. But, if the interest is large, then he will not do this, since he simply cannot pay it.
  • currency exchange and its exchange rate (the value of the ruble in relation to the European currency and other monetary units of different countries). Everything is connected with export and import to the world market. If the value of the ruble is too low or too high, then the benefits of both the export and import of various goods are lost.
  • economic growth, its pace (with an increase in growth in the economy, consumers' expenses automatically increase, and this, in turn, puts pressure on the organization; and a decrease in economic growth leads to competitive pressure and the threat of a crisis).
  • inflation (with inflation, organizations cannot plan further actions, because they do not know how much the value of money will increase, so to speak.)
  • economic conditions in other states;
  • consumption structure, its dynamics;
  • change in demand;
  • trade balance indicators;
  • trends in the securities market;
  • monetary and financial policy;
  • GNP dynamics;
  • tax rates;
  • the level of labor productivity.

Cultural and social

Cultural and social factors of external influence on the organization, in turn, shape our life, or rather its style (consumption, work). They have a great impact on all organizations. An example is the fact that many have moved away from using CFCs in their production and have switched to recyclable packaging. That influenced both the cultural and social environment. When identifying the most significant opportunities, the fact of an aging population and the increased number of women who work should be taken into account.

The main socio-cultural factors include:

  • fertility,
  • mortality,
  • disposable income,
  • quality attitude,
  • energy saving,
  • shopping habits,
  • educational standards,
  • life expectancy rate,
  • attitude towards work
  • goods and services,
  • life style,
  • problems of interethnic relations,
  • social welfare,
  • relation to the government
  • Social responsibility,
  • attitude towards rest.

Technological factors

It so happened that their influence on organizations is the most basic. The revolutionary change in technological processes has greatly affected organizations. With the advent of nanotechnology, everything has changed. For example, record and cassette factories have closed because computers and other inventions of modern science have replaced everything.

Thus, the factors of the external environment of the organization are very important for its productive work. And when observing them, it is much easier to help improve the work of an organization.

In the course of its activities, Tsvetnaya LLP, like any other operating enterprise, is exposed to the external environment. As you know, the most important characteristics of the external environment are its complexity, dynamism and uncertainty. Considering the complexity of the external environment, it can be distinguished that it has many elements, each of which is a subsystem, and also has relationships between these elements. The second significant characteristic of the external environment is its dynamism. Dynamism manifests itself as a constant change in the external environment, that is, there are various processes that affect the enterprise. The third, no less significant characteristic of the external environment is its uncertainty. This characteristic implies that the information that the organization has can be changeable, unreliable or untimely, which contributes to the emergence of uncertainty in the enterprise.

The external environment is an important component for the existence and development of the enterprise. It has certain factors that both directly and indirectly affect the firm. Factors of direct impact include: suppliers and consumers of products, competitors, as well as state and non-state bodies that have an impact on Tsvetnaya LLP.

In the process of working with suppliers and consumers, economic relations are formed in Tsvetnaya LLP. Suppliers of LLP "Tsvetnaya" are engaged in meeting the needs of the organization in the product. Providing the enterprise with resources includes the supply of medicines and medical devices in accordance with the agreed volumes and on time. To date, Tsvetnaya LLP has responsive and regular suppliers (see Table 8).

Table 8 Suppliers of resources LLP "Tsvetnaya"

Name of suppliers

Purchased products

LLP "Stofarm"


LLP "Gelika"


LLP "GreenHouse"

Hygiene products

LLP "Humana"

Children food

LLP "Zerde-Fito"

Medicinal herbs

"Amity-International" LLP


LLP "Inkar"


LLP "KF Medservice plus"


LLP "Medicuscentre"


LLP "Applecity"

Hygiene products

LLP "Kazmedimport"

Wellness products

LLP "Asel"

Children food

LLP "Elitprodukt"

Hygiene products

LLC "Pierre Fabre"

Cosmetic products

Considering Table 8, it should be noted that the main supplier for LLP "Tsvetnaya" is LLP "Stopharm", with this enterprise for 11 years the strongest relations have developed. It is also important to note that among the suppliers, not all are domestic companies, for example, Pierre Fabre LLC is a French enterprise and equips Tsvetnaya LLP with cosmetic products of its own production.

Basically, work with resource suppliers is carried out by managers and supply specialists. The work is based on a contractual relationship with a delay for payment for the goods received. Delivery of goods is made by the supplier to the warehouse leased by Tsvetnaya LLP, and from the warehouse it is already transported to pharmacies. Payment for the received goods is carried out by transferring funds to the account of the supplier.

In addition to the fact that Tsvetnaya LLP must provide itself with finished products for sale, it must also provide itself with labor resources. Human resources are understood as the personnel necessary for the organization, which will perform the assigned tasks for the further development of the organization as a whole. In order to provide itself with personnel in the required time frame, the organization uses certain methods, such methods include: posting ads on the Internet and newspapers about the necessary and free vacancies, poaching employees, motivating them from other companies with career growth and wages, as well as accepting interns for practice and trainees for their training and further employment in Tsvetnaya LLP. An analysis of the sources of attracting labor resources for 2012 - 2013 is provided in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Analysis of sources of attracting labor resources

Considering the analysis of the sources of labor resources, it can be noted that LLP "Tsvetnaya" has 3 sources for attracting labor resources. The largest share for 2012 and 2013 is vacancy announcements in newspapers and the Internet - this is 50 - 55%. The number of trainees and trainees in 2013 decreased by 20% due to the increase in employees who came from other companies by 15%.

For the functioning of Tsvetnaya LLP, it must provide itself with financial resources. To do this, the required amount of finance is determined, then this need is justified in the financial and commercial departments, then there is a request for the formation of financial resources.

The formation of financial resources in Tsvetnaya LLP comes from:

  • - financial sources within the organization, which include: profit received from the sale of products and finances that were invested by the founders of the organization;
  • - borrowed funds consisting of attracted investments and loans, which Tsvetnoy LLP provides to Kazkommertsbank CF.

To ensure high competitiveness, Tsvetnaya LLP must have reliable and timely information. The information includes: information about competitors, sales markets and new types of products. LLP "Tsvetnaya" receives information about its competitors with the help of mystery shoppers, using the services of consulting organizations. To study the product sales market, the employees of the enterprise conduct written and oral surveys of the population, analyze the needs of the population. Tsvetnaya LLP receives information about new types of products directly from its suppliers, and also studies the latest information from the media.

The activity of LLP "Tsvetnaya" is under the close supervision of state executive and legislative bodies, as it is engaged in pharmaceutical activities and sells medicines and provides medical and health services to the population. Thus, the state has a direct impact on the organization through specialized bodies and documents. These authorities include: tax authorities, statistical accounting authorities, state authorities for the management of pharmaceutical control, and many others. From the legislation, it is necessary to highlight such regulatory documents as: the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the health care system", the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the health of the people and the health care system", Order acting. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On approval of the rules for the wholesale and retail sale of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment" .

The market for pharmaceutical products in Kostanay is quite wide and well developed, therefore, in the course of its activities, Tsvetnaya LLP is fighting against competing firms. In order to study the competitors of Tsvetnaya LLP, it is necessary to analyze the market for pharmaceutical products in the city of Kostanay, which is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. The market of pharmaceutical products in the city of Kostanay in 2013

Having considered the analysis of the market of pharmaceutical products in the city of Kostanay, it should be noted that the largest market share - 20%, is occupied by the network of pharmacies "Tsvetnaya". This is justified by the fact that LLP "Tsvetnaya" is the largest pharmaceutical company with a large assortment of goods in this region. The greatest competition of the "Tsvetnaya" drugstore network is made by the "Logos" LLP drugstores, their market share is 12%. The following in terms of competitiveness are: Aibolit LLP - 1%, Aptekar's House - 10%, Hippocrates LLP - 10% and Care LLP. Such a low percentage of the market share of these pharmacies is due to the smaller number of pharmacies. The remaining pharmacies are mostly not network pharmacies and have a market size of 2 to 5%.

External factors of indirect influence also have an impact on the organization. Indirect environmental factors have a more global meaning. The level of unemployment, depreciation of the currency, inflation rates, changes in demographic indicators, all these, as well as many other factors, have a direct impact on the network of pharmacies of Tsvetnaya LLP and other organizations. In order to find out how this or that environmental factor of indirect impact can affect the organization, a PEST analysis is carried out.

PEST analysis is an analysis based on the compilation of a list of possible threats in the following areas: political, economic, social and technological factors.

In the PEST analysis for each of the factors, we considered three spheres of influence (see Table 9).

Table 9 PEST-analysis of the environment of indirect impact on LLP "Tsvetnaya"


Regulatory measures



Changes in legislation, bans on certain types of products may be considered

Replacing prohibited types of products with analogues, or purchasing new types of goods

Government relations with foreign countries

Relationships with foreign suppliers may be disrupted due to government relations

Finding and establishing relationships with new suppliers engaged in the production of similar products

State regulation

State regulation in the industry, the growth of customs duties will lead to an increase in product prices

Revision of the existing pricing policy: reduction in prices for goods and increase in prices for services


Devaluation rate

Price increase by 20% for all types of products

Holding special events and promotions with discounts up to 20% on certain days of the week

Investment policy

The introduction of investments will lead to market expansion, increase in production volumes and provide the population with new jobs

Organization of marketing measures to attract domestic and foreign investors

Economic growth rate

The pace of economic growth allows buyers to purchase more expensive products

Acquisition and provision of new goods and services of higher quality and higher cost


Population growth rate

An increase in population will lead to an increase in the need for medicines

Increasing the volume of purchases and sales of products

average life expectancy

Increasing the average duration will lead to an increase in the need for drugs among people of retirement age

Increase in products for people of retirement age, holding special promotions to provide pensioners with medicines at a lower price

Providing bonuses

Increasing staff motivation and aspirations

Creation of rewards for the performance of work in a short time


World Wide Web

The presence of a personal website of the organization, the availability of programs and Internet technologies

Expansion of the sales market and suppliers, sale and purchase through Internet shops

Technology Development

Automation of processes and the development of technologies for the acquisition and marketing of products will lead to improved processes in the organization

Development of automation programs for accounting and control of production and sales of products

New types of goods and services

The acquisition of new products and the emergence of new services can increase the number of pharmacy customers

Acquisition of new types of goods and provision of new services

Considering the conducted PEST-analysis, it can be seen that among the political factors, state regulation is most likely to manifest itself, for example, an increase in customs duties on medical and pharmaceutical products is expected in 2014. With the manifestation of this factor, the company needs to revise its pricing policy, minimize the rise in prices for goods and increase prices for the services provided. The middle one among the political factors is a change in the legislation, for example, certain types of products may be prohibited, in this case the organization will need to replace the prohibited types of products with their analogues. The lowest probability of manifestation is likely to be such a factor as the relationship of the government with foreign countries. Relations with foreign suppliers may be disrupted due to government relations between countries. If, nevertheless, this factor occurs, then the enterprise needs to search for and establish relationships with new suppliers involved in the production of similar products.

Among the economic factors, the most likely manifestation is devaluation. Due to the fact that the level of the national currency fell compared to the dollar, there will be an increase in prices up to 20%. In order to combat this factor, the company needs to hold special events and promotions with discounts up to 20% on certain days of the week. The lowest manifestation factors are investment policy and the rate of economic growth. With the emergence of a sustainable investment policy, investments will be introduced, which will lead to market expansion, increase in production volumes and provide the population with new jobs. For the emergence of investors, the enterprise needs to organize marketing measures to attract domestic and foreign investors. Economic growth rates allow buyers to purchase more expensive products, if this factor still manifests itself, then the organization can purchase and provide new goods and services of better quality and more expensive.

Of the social factors, the population growth rate and average life expectancy have a low probability of manifestation. The highest probability of manifestation of such a factor as the provision of bonuses, this factor will increase the level of motivation of the personnel at the enterprise. entrepreneurship pharmaceutical business

Looking at technological factors, the Internet has the highest probability of manifestation, this factor is very important for modern enterprises, since the presence of a personal website of the organization, the availability of programs and Internet technologies allows you to declare your organization, and also serves as a fundamental factor for expanding the sales market and suppliers, sale and purchase through online stores. Factors such as technological developments and new types of goods and services will have an average degree of probability of occurrence. Technology development refers to the automation of processes and the development of technologies for the acquisition and marketing of products will lead to improved processes in the organization. For the manifestation of this factor, it is necessary to develop automation programs for recording and controlling the production and sale of products. The acquisition of new products and the emergence of new services can increase the number of pharmacy consumers; in order to regulate this factor, the organization needs to purchase new types of goods and provide new services.

An organization is a group of people whose activities are coordinated to achieve common goals.

The external environment of the organization is the conditions and factors that arise independently of its activities and have a significant impact on it. External factors are divided into:

1. direct exposure environment;

2. environment of indirect influence.

The direct impact environment is the factors in the immediate vicinity of the organization that directly affect it, but the organization also influences such factors. We get the mutual influence of the factor on the organization and the organization on the factor.

Elements of the external environment of the organization of direct impact:

Competitors - offer similar products, distract our potential consumers, offer them more interesting products;

Consumers - those who bring us the main profit, buy our products, but may also leave the organization after competitors;

Suppliers - enable the organization to work by providing the necessary materials, but they may not provide it, and then the organization will have difficulties, infrastructure organizations are also referred to as suppliers;

labor resources - the most unique factor, present both in the internal environment and in the external one, in this case, those who can come to the organization, influence the level of qualification or vice versa by its absence, improving or worsening the efficiency of the company;

· Laws and state regulation and control bodies - set the rules of the game for all organizations, oblige them to comply and punish non-compliance with the law.

The indirect impact environment is macro factors that influence the activities of organizations, not always immediately, but the organizations themselves cannot oppose them. The indirect environment forces the organization to play by the rules of the environment. An organization can anticipate and prepare or already adapt to change. Well, if it didn’t work out, then it means that the organization is waiting for destruction.

The main elements of the environment of indirect impact and their impact on the organization:

economic environment - the impact of economic processes;

· political environment - the impact of political processes and transformations;

scientific and technical environment - the impact of new technologies and innovations;

socio-cultural environment - the influence of society, fashion in society, cultural structure;

natural environment - the influence of various natural and man-made factors;

· international environment - the impact of events taking place in the life of the world community.

In total, we can conclude that the external environment of the organization has a serious impact on all processes occurring in the life of any organization. Modern management speaks of the need to constantly and systematically collect and analyze data about the external environment.
The process of collecting information about the environment and especially its analysis for modern management is extremely important, all this provides a field for further management procedures and actions.

The internal environment of the organization is the environment that determines the technical and organizational conditions of the organization and is the result of management decisions.

The internal environment of the organization is formed depending on its mission and goals, which, in turn, are largely determined by the external environment. The internal environment of the organization can be considered from the point of view of statics, highlighting the composition of its elements and structure, and from the point of view of dynamics, i.e. from the point of view of the processes taking place in it. It includes all the main elements and subsystems that provide the process of production of goods and services, the management process, which consists in the development and implementation of management decisions, as well as social, economic and other processes that take place in the organization.

The internal environment includes:

The goals of the organization

organization structure (both formal and informal);

The people working in the organization

technologies used as ways of processing raw materials and obtaining specific products;

management tasks;

organizational culture.

All internal processes in the organization proceed within the organizational structure. The organizational structure assigns tasks, management functions, rights and obligations to each structural unit.

The process of forming the organizational structure includes the formulation of goals and objectives, determining the composition and place of units, their resource support (including the number of employees), the development of regulatory procedures, documents, provisions that fix and regulate the forms, methods, processes that are carried out in the organizational management system .

The formation of a general structural scheme in all cases is of fundamental importance, since this determines the main characteristics of the organization, as well as the directions in which a more in-depth design of both the organizational structure and other most important aspects of the system should be carried out.

The development of the composition of the main divisions and the links between them consists in the fact that it provides for the implementation of organizational decisions not only in general for large linear-functional and program-target blocks, but also up to independent (basic) divisions of the management apparatus, the distribution of specific tasks between them and building intra-organizational relationships. Basic subdivisions are understood as independent structural units (departments, bureaus, departments, sectors, laboratories), into which linear-functional and program-targeted subsystems are organizationally divided. Base units may have their own internal structure.

Regulation of the organizational structure - provides for the development of quantitative characteristics of the management apparatus and procedures for management activities. It includes: determination of the composition of the internal elements of the basic units (bureaus, groups and positions); determination of the design number of units; distribution of tasks and work between specific performers; establishing responsibility for their implementation; development of procedures for performing managerial work in departments; calculations of management costs and performance indicators of the management apparatus in the conditions of the designed organizational structure.

6. Function of planning in management. Intra-company planning of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization: essence, functions, stages.

Planning as a management function provides the basis for the day's other functions and is considered the most important of them.

Planning as a function of management is a process of developing goals, activities and indicators for the development of the entire organization and its structural divisions, determining the means (resources), timing and sequence of their implementation. This is a set of works on analyzing situations and facts of the external environment, forecasting, optimizing and evaluating alternative options for achieving goals, choosing the best plan option. This is the formation and selection of the policy and strategy of the organization.

There are strategic, tactical and operational planning.

Strategic planning solves the problems of tomorrow and is built on a long-term perspective. Such a plan strengthens confidence in the future.

Tactical planning solves current problems and defines intermediate goals on the way to achieving strategic goals and objectives.

Operational plans include a description of specific work, the implementation of which ensures the achievement of the general and main goals of the organization.

Planning always focuses on past data, but seeks to determine and control the development of the organization in the future. Therefore, the reliability of planning depends on the accuracy of the actual indicators of the past. It is impossible to ensure this accuracy without accurate accounting and an extensive statistical base obtained with the help of management accounting.

Thus, planning allows you to take into account as much as possible all internal and external factors that provide optimal conditions for the development of the organization. Being the basis of the effective operation of the organization, planning performs the following functions:

1. promotes the rational use of limited resources;

2. establishes optimal indicators of economic activity with subsequent monitoring of their dynamics;

3. reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the activity;

4. affects the degree of adaptation of the organization to changes in the external and internal environment;

5. coordinates the goals and objectives of the enterprise and its individual divisions;

6. improves the coordination of the actions of performers.

The planning process includes the following stages:

1. Organizational stage of planning (determination of final and intermediate goals, setting tasks, the solution of which is necessary to achieve the goals).

2. Analytical stage of planning (analysis of external and internal conditions and resources to fulfill the tasks);

3. Predictive stage of planning (determination of planning methods for planned indicators);

4. The control stage of planning (monitoring the implementation of the plan and its adjustment).

7. The function of the organization in management. Types of organizational structures, selection criteria. Organizational and legal forms of ownership of organizations: the procedure for establishment and registration.

An important function of management is the function of the organization, which consists in establishing permanent and temporary relationships between all departments of the company, determining the procedure and conditions for the functioning of firms. An organization as a process is a function of coordinating many tasks.

This is, first of all, determining the type of management structure, the composition and number of departments by levels of management, the number of administrative and managerial personnel, determining the nature of subordination between the links of the organization, and calculating the costs of maintaining the management apparatus. Management functions are established for each structural unit, information flows, relationships and workflow, powers, responsibilities and rights of units and specific employees.

The function of the organization is realized in two ways: through administrative and organizational management and through operational management.

Administrative and organizational management involves determining the structure of the company, establishing relationships and distributing functions between all departments, granting rights and establishing responsibilities between employees of the management apparatus.

Operational management ensures the functioning of the company in accordance with the approved plan. It consists in a periodic or continuous comparison of the actual results obtained with the results planned by the plan, and their subsequent adjustment. Operational management is closely related to current planning.

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education

"Ryazan State Medical University named after I.I. acad. I. P. Pavlova

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy

Course work

Subject: Management and Economics of Pharmacy

Topic: The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

Completed by: Yulia Nikolaevna Komova

Ryazan, 2014

List of abbreviations

GDP - gross domestic product

Vital and essential drugs - vital and essential medicines

R&D - Research and Development

Scientific and technological revolution - scientific and technological revolution

LS - medicines

Mass media - mass media


Chapter 1. The external environment of the enterprise

1 General characteristics of the external environment

2 Classification of the environment

Chapter 2. The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

1 General characteristics of the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

2 Analysis of the elements of the external environment

3 Methods of analysis of the external environment

4 Factors of direct and indirect influence of a pharmaceutical organization

Chapter 3. State regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization

1 Government regulators

2 State regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization


List of used literature



The enterprise today is an independent, organized, separate business entity with the rights of a legal entity that sells products, performs work, and provides services.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that globalization, the deployment of the scientific and technological revolution (STR), the saturation of markets increase the pressure on organizations from the external environment. The requirements for the quality of products put forward by consumers are becoming more stringent, there are requirements from society, etc. The enterprise management system is becoming more complex again. The scope of the external environment is becoming much wider, and the predictability of changes is less.

The textbook "Economics of Enterprises" defines the concept of "external environment of an enterprise": "This is a combination of economic, political, legal, scientific, technical, communication, natural-geographical and other conditions and factors that have a direct or indirect impact on the activities of an entrepreneurial enterprise" .

Many scientists around the world are studying the external environment, developing scenarios for its development. The scenario is a realistic description of what trends may appear in a particular industry, including pharmaceuticals, in the future. Scenarios provide an opportunity to determine the most important environmental factor that an enterprise needs to consider. Along with the analysis of the external environment of the enterprise, it is important to conduct an in-depth study of its current state.

The purpose of the work: to study the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

Conduct a theoretical analysis of data on the problems of the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

Give a description of the external environment and the classification of the external environment

Consider the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization, the functions of the tax system of the Russian Federation

Consider state regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization

Structurally, this course work contains an introduction, the main part, which consists of three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, applications. The work contains charts and tables.

Chapter 1. The external environment of the enterprise

.1 General characteristics of the external environment

Globalization, the deployment of scientific and technological revolution, the saturation of markets increase the pressure on organizations from the external environment. The requirements for the quality of products put forward by consumers are becoming more stringent, there are requirements from society, etc. The enterprise management system is becoming more complex. The scope of the external environment is becoming much wider, and the predictability of changes is less.

The high level of impact of environmental factors on the activities of enterprises causes an increased interest in the study of the external environment. Timely received information allows to respond adequately to ongoing and expected changes, to make the necessary decisions aimed at maintaining a balance with the external environment.

Before isolating individual elements of the external environment as a system, determining its factors, it is necessary to reveal its essential features. The characteristics of the external environment include:

.The interrelationship of environmental factors is the level of force with which a change in one factor affects other factors. The interconnectedness of environmental factors leads to the need for their comprehensive, systematic study.

.The complexity of the external environment is the number of factors to which the organization must respond, as well as the level of variability of each of them. An enterprise that has a more complex production, resulting in a greater number of goods, using more different technologies, will feel the influence of more factors.

.Mobility of the environment - the speed with which changes occur in the environment of the organization. This characteristic, like all others, will be specific. It was revealed that in the pharmaceutical industry the rate of technology change is high.

.The uncertainty of the external environment is a function of the amount of information that an organization has about a particular factor, as well as a function of confidence in this information. If there is not enough information and there are certain doubts about its accuracy, the external environment becomes less certain and it becomes more difficult to make the right management decisions.

Summarizing the above features, we can give the following definition of the external environment as an economic category: the external environment is a dynamically changing set of factors and conditions of artificial or objectively independent origin, which the organization is unable to control, but which directly or indirectly have a positive or negative impact on it.

The features listed above remain of fundamental importance for characterizing the external environment in the conditions of Russian reality, they require rethinking, expansion and projection onto the object of study. The content of environmental factors is determined by the level of research (enterprise, a separate function of the enterprise, etc.).

1.2 Classification of the environment

Currently, there is no generally accepted classification of the factors of the external environment of the enterprise. Many domestic specialists in the field of management give their own grouping of factors. At the same time, the number of distinguished groups rarely exceeds three or four.

A.T. Zub proposed a classification of factors, consisting of four groups:

· political and legal;


· social and cultural;

· technological .

There are also general economic, state, market, and other factors. From the author's point of view, the grouping of environmental factors can be represented as follows:

Political and administrative

Legislative and regulatory


Institutional factors

Public environment


Scientific and technical

Natural (geographic)


Socio-demographic and socio-cultural factors


Factors of criminal origin

The grouping of environmental factors presented above is an attempt to cover all kinds of influences on the organization from the outside. There is a gradation of environmental factors into direct and indirect, macro- and microenvironment, near and far environment.

Microenvironment - the environment of direct impact includes factors that directly affect the organization and experience their direct impact. The "near" environment increases or reduces the efficiency of the organization, brings or delays the achievement of its goals. It typically includes customers, suppliers, competitors, government and local government regulations, labor unions, and trade associations. The macro-environment - the environment of indirect impact includes factors that may not have a direct immediate impact on operations, but nevertheless affect them. The "far" environment is, for example, macroeconomic factors, legal requirements, changes in state or regional policy, social and cultural characteristics. The impact of these factors on the organization is more difficult to identify and study, but cannot be ignored, as they often determine the trends that will eventually affect the “near” organizational environment. The study of macro-environment factors will help the organization to adapt in advance, to respond to their influence.

Enterprises that adequately respond to threats from the external environment are in a better competitive position. However, in order to react, you need to know in which directions you need to concentrate efforts.

Chapter 2. The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

.1 General characteristics of the external environment of the pharmaceutical organization

The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization is all the conditions and factors that arise in the environment, regardless of the activities of a particular organization, but which have or can affect its functioning. The external environment in which organizations have to work is in constant motion and subject to change.

One of the most important components of the success of an organization is its ability to respond and cope with changes in the external environment. The external environment of an organization includes elements such as customers, competitors, government agencies, suppliers, financial institutions, and labor sources. The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization is divided into the environment of indirect and direct impact.

The external environment of indirect impact - includes political factors, i.e. changes in the legal framework, economic factors, the level of technology, etc. The indirect impact environment refers to factors that may not have a direct immediate impact on the organization's operations, but nevertheless affect them.

The external environment of direct impact is competitors, suppliers, consumers, i.e. those objects, on the action of which the profit of the pharmacy organization directly depends. The direct impact environment includes factors that directly affect the operations of the entity and are directly affected by the operations of the entity. The external and internal environments of the organization are schematically presented in Diagram 1:

Rice. 1. External and internal environment of the organization

Examples of political factors:

· Changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation (adoption of a new edition or additions/amendments to laws and regulations governing the circulation of medicines, consumer protection, approval and revision of vital drugs lists, etc.)

· State regulation in the industry

· State regulation of competition

· Change of regional legislation

Examples of economic factors:

GDP dynamics


· Ruble exchange rate dynamics

· Employment dynamics

· Change in the purchasing power of the population

· Market and trading cycles

Pharmacy costs

Examples of social factors:

· Changes in Core Values

· Changes in style and standard of living

· Attitude towards work and rest

· Demographic changes

· Religious factors

media influence

Examples of technological factors:

R&D trends

· New drugs, parapharmaceutical products, etc.

· Technology Development

The following categories are indicators of the external environment:

Environment fluidity is the rate at which changes occur in an organization's environment. Around pharmaceutical companies, the external environment is particularly fluid. Given the complexity of operating an organization in a highly mobile environment, manufacturers, wholesalers, pharmacies or their subsidiaries must rely on a variety of information to make effective decisions about their internal variables.

Given the diversity and volatility of the external world, leaders should limit their consideration of the external environment to only those aspects on which the success of the organization largely depends. One way to identify and take into account the factors that affect the organization is to distribute them into two groups: factors of direct influence and factors of indirect influence. Suppliers are one of the most important factors of direct influence.

There are suppliers of materials and finished products, capital and labor resources. The multifaceted activity of pharmaceutical organizations also requires the relationship with suppliers of various auxiliary materials, electricity, heat, water, packaging materials, equipment, marketing, consulting, utilities and transport services.

The growth and development of a pharmaceutical organization also depends on the providers of capital or financial resources. These include banks, insurance companies, shareholders, investment funds, sponsors.

For the implementation of tasks related to the achievement of the goals of the organization, qualified specialists of different profiles are needed. Without personnel capable of skillfully using complex technology, capital and materials, it is impossible to solve the issue of enterprise profitability. Currently, there have been changes in the formation of labor resources, the labor market and the structure of positions in pharmaceutical organizations have expanded.

Pharmacy enterprises of various forms of ownership of the Russian Federation have their own circle of consumers, which include medical and preventive and health institutions, outpatients and inpatients, non-medical organizations and institutions.

2.2 Analysis of the elements of the external environment

The scheme of analysis of the external environment is shown in fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Analysis of the external environment

After defining corporate goals and corporate policies, the development of working marketing goals begins, covering the same points as corporate goals: profit, profitability, market share, etc. As with strategic planning, work begins with market analysis.

Market analysis is carried out in two main areas:

Environmental analysis

Competitor analysis

Environmental analysis should take into account the various characteristics of the health system:

· General health budget

· Price control system

· Permissive and restrictive lists

· Encouragement of competition

· Social insurance system

· Co-payment system for medicines

· Pharmaceutical protocol system

· New entrants in the pharmaceutical sector (care management organizations, pharmacy management organizations, private insurance systems)

· Socio-cultural level of consumers.

· Political situation

· Centralized social actions of the municipality, etc.

.3 Environmental Analysis Methods

There are the following methods of analyzing the external environment: analysis or STEP-analysis is designed to identify political (Political), economic (Economic), social (Social) and technological (Technological) aspects of the external environment, which to a greater or lesser extent affect the activities and efficiency of any commercial organization, including pharmacy.

The political situation is being studied, and is currently quite active. The direction of social and economic programs with the establishment of mandatory priorities depends on political decisions and trends. The influence of this environmental factor is clearly visible on the functioning of large companies, at the same time, in this case, pharmacy organizations fully feel the influence of this factor (the introduction of a list of vital and essential medicines (VED), etc.). The main reason for studying the economic situation is to create a picture of the distribution of finance at the state level. No less important consumer preferences are determined using the social component of PEST analysis.

The last factor is the technological component. The purpose of his research is considered to be the identification of trends in technological development, which are often the causes of changes and market losses, as well as the emergence of new products and technologies for their implementation.

The analysis is performed according to the "factor - pharmacy" scheme. The results of the analysis are drawn up in the form of a “matrix”, the subject of which are the factors of the macro environment, the predicate is the strength of their influence, assessed in points, ranks and other units of measurement.

The version of PEST-analysis is PESTLE-analysis, it is extended by two factors (Legal and Environmental). Other formats are sometimes used, for example, SLEPT analysis (plus legal factor) or STEEPLE analysis, which includes: socio-demographic, technological, economic, environmental (natural), political, legal and ethnic factors.

Porter's five forces analysis is the second most common method of analyzing the influence of environmental factors in modern entrepreneurship. A methodology for industry analysis and business strategy development developed by Michael Porter at Harvard Business School in 1979. Porter's five forces analysis includes three forces of "horizontal" competition:

ü the threat of the emergence of substitute products (online pharmacies), the threat of the emergence of new players, the level of competition;

ü two forces of "vertical" competition: the bargaining power of suppliers and the bargaining power of consumers.

This analysis is used in a qualitative assessment of the company's strategic position in the industry and is most interesting in the field of planning to open or expand a company in a competitor's territory. The applicability of the analysis requires conditions: buyers, competitors and suppliers are not connected, interact or collude. As a result of the analysis, the attractiveness of doing business in this industry is revealed, in this context, attractiveness means the profitability of the industry. An "unattractive" industry is one in which the combination of forces reduces profitability. The most "unattractive" is the industry that approaches perfect competition.

As mentioned above, this analysis is used in a qualitative assessment of the company's strategic position in the industry and is most interesting in the field of planning the opening or expansion of a company in a competitor's territory. However, for most, this technique is only the starting point in a list of tools or techniques they can use. Like all generalizing techniques, an analysis that does not take into account exceptions and particulars is considered as simplistic. The model is not intended to be used for a group of industries or any part of one industry. A company that does business in one industry must develop at least one "Porter's Five Forces Analysis" for that industry.

A schematic representation of Porter's five forces is shown in fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Schematic representation of Porter's five forces

analysis is the definition of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as the opportunities and threats emanating from its immediate environment (external environment). The use of SWOT analysis will allow you to systematize all available information and more clearly imagine the advantages and disadvantages of the organization, will allow you to choose the best path for development, avoid dangers and make the most efficient use of available resources.

external environment pharmaceutical government

2.4 Factors of direct and indirect influence of a pharmaceutical organization

Given the diversity and volatility of the external world, leaders should limit their consideration of the external environment to only those aspects on which the success of the organization largely depends.

One way to identify and take into account the factors that affect the organization is to distribute them into two groups: factors of direct influence and factors of indirect influence.

Factors of direct influence

Suppliers are one of the most important factors of direct influence. There are suppliers of materials and finished products, capital and labor resources.

Domestic suppliers of medicines and medical products to the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation are pharmaceutical enterprises, pharmaceutical factories, as well as enterprises and associations of medical equipment, glass and plastics, etc.

In addition, there are more than 700 foreign companies that supply pharmaceutical products on the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation. Decentralization of supplies contributed to a significant expansion of the network of suppliers of pharmacy enterprises.

The multifaceted activity of pharmaceutical organizations also requires the relationship with suppliers of various auxiliary materials, electricity, heat, water, packaging materials, equipment, marketing, consulting, utilities and transport services.

The growth and development of a pharmaceutical organization also depends on the providers of capital or financial resources. These include banks, insurance companies, shareholders, investment funds, sponsors. For the implementation of tasks related to the achievement of the goals of the organization, qualified specialists of different profiles are needed.

Without personnel capable of skillfully using complex technology, capital and materials, it is impossible to solve the issue of enterprise profitability. Talented managers, economists, programmers, developers of information systems, etc. are needed today.

Currently, there have been changes in the formation of labor resources, the labor market and the structure of positions in pharmaceutical organizations have expanded.

In the conditions of market relations, the state is required to pursue an active social policy: providing social benefits to young professionals, determining the main social guarantees, mechanisms for their implementation and the function of providing social support to persons who are released during the restructuring of enterprises.

The survival and existence of an organization depends on its ability to find consumers of the results of its activities and satisfy their needs.

Consumers, deciding which goods and services are desirable for them and at what price, determine the program for the organization of its activities. Thus, the need to meet the needs of consumers affects the interaction of the organization with suppliers of materials and labor resources. Customers, as an external factor, influence almost all other organizational variables.

With the development of the pharmaceutical market, the structure of consumer organizations of pharmaceutical enterprises has changed. Among them are wholesale and intermediary firms, pharmacy warehouses and bases, economic wholesale and retail associations (utilities, joint-stock companies, holdings, concerns, corporations, etc.), individual pharmaceutical enterprises, medical institutions, etc. At the same time, the advantages of marketing pharmaceutical products through wholesale structures remain and should remain.

Features of organizations of consumers of products of foreign pharmaceutical companies confirm this. In the UK, 80% of all medicines are sold through wholesalers, in Sweden - wholesale through the state warehouse is 80% of medicines and through the private sector ? 20%, in the US, wholesalers account for 50%, pharmacies ? 27%, medical institutions ? 12%, government organizations ? 8%, private practitioners ? 3%.Pharmacy enterprises of various forms of ownership of the Russian Federation have their own circle of consumers, which include medical and preventive and health institutions, outpatients and inpatients, non-medical organizations and institutions.

The direct exposure environment is presented in Annex 3.

Factors of indirect influence

No less important factors of direct influence are laws and state bodies. Each organization has its own legal status, which determines the procedure for its activities, the types and amounts of taxes transferred. But the actual operating mechanism of management in an organization is determined by the knowledge and correct use of laws in specific conditions and at different levels of management. Taking into account the action of objective laws, a strategy and tactics for managing an organization are developed, which are based on the compliance of a law or a set of laws in their relationship.

Organizations are required to comply not only with laws, but also with the requirements of state regulatory bodies. These bodies provide enforcement of laws in their respective areas of competence, and also propose their own requirements, which have the force of law. Coordination of the activities of enterprises regarding compliance with laws is carried out by the Ministries and bodies authorized by them.

Legislative and supervisory functions in the financial sphere of enterprises and organizations are performed by financial authorities and banks.

Chapter 3. State regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization

.1 Government regulators

Organizations are required to comply with laws and government regulatory requirements. These bodies provide enforcement of laws in their respective areas of competence, and also propose their own requirements, which have the force of law.

Coordination of the activities of enterprises regarding compliance with laws is carried out by the Ministries and bodies authorized by them.

Pharmaceutical activity in most countries is one of the most regulated activities by the state. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is the federal body responsible for the implementation of the state policy in the field of protecting the health of Russian citizens and ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.

Subjects of the Federation have the right to develop, within their competence, normative documents that do not reduce the requirements established by the federal ones.

State authorities regulate the activities of a pharmaceutical organization through a licensing mechanism. The licensing system provides the only effective opportunity to influence the pharmaceutical organization.

The regulatory function of the state in the field of drug sales is the establishment of fixed margins. Assortment policy is subject to state regulation, as a rule, in three directions:

· formation of formulary lists;

· formation of lists of drugs dispensed under free and subsidized prescriptions;

· obligatory range of pharmacies.

3.2 State regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization

State regulation is a set of forms and methods of state influence on the economic system in specific conditions, complementing the operation of the market mechanism of self-regulation.

The main directions of state regulation are:

· development of laws and standards governing the procedure for the circulation of drugs, licensing of pharmaceutical activities, the procedure for admission to pharmaceutical activities;

· regulation of export and import of pharmaceutical products;

· standardization of the volume and quality of pharmaceutical care in the form of treatment standards, formularies, lists of essential drugs, as well as financing of their production and purchase;

· development and improvement of the registration and certification system for drugs and other products that affect public health;

· financial and tax policy - control over the rational use of funds for the purchase of drugs;

· provision of tax benefits to domestic enterprises producing and selling medicines;

· pricing policy (state regulation of drug prices);

· patent and licensing policy;


Today, a pharmaceutical organization is an independent, organized, separate business entity with the rights of a legal entity that sells products, performs work, and provides services.

Speaking about the functioning of the organization today, it is impossible not to touch upon the problem of the internal and external environment in which it operates. Activity directly depends on the totality of ongoing processes both in the internal environment of the enterprise and in the external one.

Time passes, and the processes taking place in a market economy force the organization's external environment to change under the influence of a combination of various factors. Unfortunately, today it is difficult to single out the fundamental factor, since all factors together form a system and in the process of development lead it to various states, favorable or vice versa.

Many scientists around the world are studying the external environment, developing scenarios for its development. Scenarios provide an opportunity to determine the most important environmental factor that an enterprise needs to consider. Along with the analysis of the external environment of the enterprise, it is important to conduct an in-depth study of its current state.

The external environment should not be regarded as a permanent system of conditions. This structure is very dynamic, just like the entire economy of the world is dynamic, and if we consider the current situation, we will immediately notice such processes as the instability of the European economy and the financial market, etc.

The problem of the external environment is considered in sufficient detail in the works of A. Ya. Gorfinkel, S. B. Zainulin, N. A. Breslavtsev, Yu. N. Vasyutin, and others. But at the same time, new factors arise and the role becomes more and more influential. In order to achieve high accuracy, it is important to understand what factors make up the overall picture of the external environment.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the external environment is the environment in which an enterprise conducts its activities, based on a system of financial, raw material flows with a coordination-stimulating structure, forming an economic, political, legal, scientific and technical, communication, natural geographic and intermediary factors that have a direct impact on the means of changing flows or indirectly - due to the coordinating and stimulating effect on the system of flows.

List of used literature

1.Breslavtseva N. A., Vasyutina Yu. N. Analysis of the external environment as part of the scientific and analytical support of the strategic management accounting system at a printing enterprise / N.A. Breslavtseva // Accounting and statistics. - 2011. - No. 3. - S. 17-18.

.Gorfinkel V.Ya., Shvandara V.A. Economics of enterprises. - Moscow: UNITI-DANA, 2007. - 607 p.

.Zainulin S. B. Problems of interaction between the interests of the enterprise and the subjects that make up the external and internal corporate environment of the enterprise / S.B. Zainulin // Vestnik SamGU. - 2007. - No. 3. - S. 120-121.

.Tooth A.T. Strategic Management: Theory and Practice. - Moscow: Aspect Press, 2002. - 415 p.

.Kokarev D.V. External environment and competitiveness of the enterprise / D.V. Kokarev // Bulletin of OSU. - 2008. - No. 81. - S. 59-60.

.Kotler F.S. Marketing management". - St. Petersburg: PETER, 2000. - 321 p.

.Liansky M.E. Reengineering of business processes for effective adaptation of enterprises to changes in the external environment / M.E. Lianskiy // Innovations. - 2006. - No. 5. - S. 87-89.

.Matantsev A.N. Market analysis: Handbook of a marketer. - Moscow: Alfa-Press, 2007. - 201 p.

.Yudanov A.Yu., Volskaya E.A., Ishmukhamedov A.A., Denisova M.N. pharmaceutical marketing. - Moscow: Remedium, 2008. - 291 p.


Attachment 1

Destabilizing environmental factors

Appendix 2

Model of the influence of the external environment on the organization

Annex 3

Direct impact environment

Appendix 4

Environment of indirect influence


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State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education

"Ryazan State Medical University named after I.I. acad. I. P. Pavlova

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy

Course work

Subject: Management and Economics of Pharmacy

Topic: The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

Completed by: Yulia Nikolaevna Komova

Ryazan, 2014

List of abbreviations

GDP - gross domestic product

Vital and essential drugs - vital and essential medicines

R&D - Research and Development

Scientific and technological revolution - scientific and technological revolution

LS - medicines

Mass media - mass media


Chapter 1. The external environment of the enterprise

1.1 General characteristics of the external environment

1.2 Classification of the environment

Chapter 2. The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

2.1 General characteristics of the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

2.2 Analysis of the elements of the external environment

2.3 Methods of analysis of the external environment

2.4 Factors of direct and indirect influence of a pharmaceutical organization

Chapter 3. State regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization

3.1 Government regulators

3.2 State regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization


List of used literature



The enterprise today is an independent, organized, separate business entity with the rights of a legal entity that sells products, performs work, and provides services.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that globalization, the deployment of the scientific and technological revolution (STR), the saturation of markets increase the pressure on organizations from the external environment. The requirements for the quality of products put forward by consumers are becoming more stringent, there are requirements from society, etc. The enterprise management system is becoming more complex again. The scope of the external environment is becoming much wider, and the predictability of changes is less.

The textbook "Economics of Enterprises" defines the concept of "external environment of an enterprise": "This is a combination of economic, political, legal, scientific, technical, communication, natural-geographical and other conditions and factors that have a direct or indirect impact on the activities of an entrepreneurial enterprise" .

Many scientists around the world are studying the external environment, developing scenarios for its development. The scenario is a realistic description of what trends may appear in a particular industry, including pharmaceuticals, in the future. Scenarios provide an opportunity to determine the most important environmental factor that an enterprise needs to consider. Along with the analysis of the external environment of the enterprise, it is important to conduct an in-depth study of its current state.

The purpose of the work: to study the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

1. Conduct a theoretical analysis of data on the problems of the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

2. Give a description of the external environment and the classification of the external environment

3. Consider the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization, the functions of the tax system of the Russian Federation

5. Consider state regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization

Structurally, this course work contains an introduction, the main part, which consists of three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, applications. The work contains charts and tables.

Chapter 1. The external environment of the enterprise

1.1 General characteristics of the external environment

Globalization, the deployment of scientific and technological revolution, the saturation of markets increase the pressure on organizations from the external environment. The requirements for the quality of products put forward by consumers are becoming more stringent, there are requirements from society, etc. The enterprise management system is becoming more complex. The scope of the external environment is becoming much wider, and the predictability of changes is less.

The high level of impact of environmental factors on the activities of enterprises causes an increased interest in the study of the external environment. Timely received information allows to respond adequately to ongoing and expected changes, to make the necessary decisions aimed at maintaining a balance with the external environment.

Before isolating individual elements of the external environment as a system, determining its factors, it is necessary to reveal its essential features. The characteristics of the external environment include:

1. Interconnection of environmental factors - the level of force with which a change in one factor affects other factors. The interconnectedness of environmental factors leads to the need for their comprehensive, systematic study.

2. The complexity of the external environment - the number of factors to which the organization is obliged to respond, as well as the level of variation of each of them. An enterprise that has a more complex production, resulting in a greater number of goods, using more different technologies, will feel the influence of more factors.

3. The mobility of the environment - the speed with which changes occur in the environment of the organization. This characteristic, like all others, will be specific. It was revealed that in the pharmaceutical industry the rate of technology change is high.

4. The uncertainty of the external environment is a function of the amount of information that the organization has about a particular factor, as well as a function of confidence in this information. If there is not enough information and there are certain doubts about its accuracy, the external environment becomes less certain and it becomes more difficult to make the right management decisions.

Summarizing the above features, we can give the following definition of the external environment as an economic category: the external environment is a dynamically changing set of factors and conditions of artificial or objectively independent origin, which the organization is unable to control, but which directly or indirectly have a positive or negative impact on it.

The features listed above remain of fundamental importance for characterizing the external environment in the conditions of Russian reality, they require rethinking, expansion and projection onto the object of study. The content of environmental factors is determined by the level of research (enterprise, a separate function of the enterprise, etc.).

1.2 Classification of the environment

Currently, there is no generally accepted classification of the factors of the external environment of the enterprise. Many domestic specialists in the field of management give their own grouping of factors. At the same time, the number of distinguished groups rarely exceeds three or four.

A.T. Zub proposed a classification of factors, consisting of four groups:

· political and legal;


social and cultural;

· technological .

There are also general economic, state, market, and other factors. From the author's point of view, the grouping of environmental factors can be represented as follows:

1.Political and administrative

2. Legislative and regulatory


4. Institutional factors

5.Public environment


7.Scientific and technical

8. Natural (geographical)


10. Socio-demographic and socio-cultural factors


12. Factors of criminal origin

The grouping of environmental factors presented above is an attempt to cover all kinds of influences on the organization from the outside. There is a gradation of environmental factors into direct and indirect, macro- and microenvironment, near and far environment.

Microenvironment - the environment of direct impact includes factors that directly affect the organization and experience their direct impact. The "near" environment increases or reduces the efficiency of the organization, brings or delays the achievement of its goals. It typically includes customers, suppliers, competitors, government and local government regulations, labor unions, and trade associations. The macro-environment - the environment of indirect impact includes factors that may not have a direct immediate impact on operations, but nevertheless affect them. The "far" environment is, for example, macroeconomic factors, legal requirements, changes in state or regional policy, social and cultural characteristics. The impact of these factors on the organization is more difficult to identify and study, but cannot be ignored, as they often determine the trends that will eventually affect the “near” organizational environment. The study of macro-environment factors will help the organization to adapt in advance, to respond to their influence.

Enterprises that adequately respond to threats from the external environment are in a better competitive position. However, in order to react, you need to know in which directions you need to concentrate efforts.

Chapter 2. The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

2.1 General characteristics of the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization is all the conditions and factors that arise in the environment, regardless of the activities of a particular organization, but which have or can affect its functioning. The external environment in which organizations have to work is in constant motion and subject to change.

One of the most important components of the success of an organization is its ability to respond and cope with changes in the external environment. The external environment of an organization includes elements such as customers, competitors, government agencies, suppliers, financial institutions, and labor sources. The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization is divided into the environment of indirect and direct impact.

The external environment of indirect impact - includes political factors, i.e. changes in the legal framework, economic factors, the level of technology, etc. The indirect impact environment refers to factors that may not have a direct immediate impact on the organization's operations, but nevertheless affect them.

The external environment of direct impact is competitors, suppliers, consumers, i.e. those objects, on the action of which the profit of the pharmacy organization directly depends. The direct impact environment includes factors that directly affect the operations of the entity and are directly affected by the operations of the entity. The external and internal environments of the organization are schematically presented in Diagram 1:

Rice. 1. External and internal environment of the organization

Examples of political factors:

Changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation (adoption of a new edition or additions/amendments to laws and regulations governing the circulation of medicines, consumer protection, approval and revision of lists of essential drugs, etc.)

State regulation in the industry

State regulation of competition

Change of regional legislation

Examples of economic factors:

· Dynamics of GDP


The dynamics of the ruble exchange rate

Employment dynamics

Changes in the purchasing power of the population

Market and trading cycles

Pharmacy costs

Examples of social factors:

Changes in core values

Changes in style and standard of living

Attitude towards work and leisure

Demographic changes

Religious factors

Media influence

Examples of technological factors:

・R&D trends

· New drugs, parapharmaceutical products, etc.

· Development of technologies

The following categories are indicators of the external environment:

Environment fluidity is the rate at which changes occur in an organization's environment. Around pharmaceutical companies, the external environment is particularly fluid. Given the complexity of operating an organization in a highly mobile environment, manufacturers, wholesalers, pharmacies or their subsidiaries must rely on a variety of information to make effective decisions about their internal variables.

Given the diversity and volatility of the external world, leaders should limit their consideration of the external environment to only those aspects on which the success of the organization largely depends. One way to identify and take into account the factors that affect the organization is to distribute them into two groups: factors of direct influence and factors of indirect influence. Suppliers are one of the most important factors of direct influence.

There are suppliers of materials and finished products, capital and labor resources. The multifaceted activity of pharmaceutical organizations also requires the relationship with suppliers of various auxiliary materials, electricity, heat, water, packaging materials, equipment, marketing, consulting, utilities and transport services.

The growth and development of a pharmaceutical organization also depends on the providers of capital or financial resources. These include banks, insurance companies, shareholders, investment funds, sponsors.

For the implementation of tasks related to the achievement of the goals of the organization, qualified specialists of different profiles are needed. Without personnel capable of skillfully using complex technology, capital and materials, it is impossible to solve the issue of enterprise profitability. Currently, there have been changes in the formation of labor resources, the labor market and the structure of positions in pharmaceutical organizations have expanded.

Pharmacy enterprises of various forms of ownership of the Russian Federation have their own circle of consumers, which include medical and preventive and health institutions, outpatients and inpatients, non-medical organizations and institutions.

2.2 Analysis of the elements of the external environment

The scheme of analysis of the external environment is shown in fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Analysis of the external environment

After defining corporate goals and corporate policies, the development of working marketing goals begins, covering the same points as corporate goals: profit, profitability, market share, etc. As with strategic planning, work begins with market analysis.

Market analysis is carried out in two main areas:

1.Environmental analysis

2. Analysis of competitors

Environmental analysis should take into account the various characteristics of the health system:

The overall health budget

Price control system

Permissive and restrictive lists

Encouragement of competition

· Social security system

Co-payment system for medicines

Pharmaceutical protocol system

· New entrants in the pharmaceutical sector (care management organizations, pharmacy management organizations, private insurance systems)

· Socio-cultural level of consumers.

· Political situation

· Centralized social actions of the municipality, etc.

2.3 Methods of analysis of the external environment

There are the following methods of analysis of the external environment:

PEST-analysis or STEP-analysis is designed to identify political (Political), economic (Economic), social (Social) and technological (Technological) aspects of the external environment, which to a greater or lesser extent affect the activities and efficiency of any commercial organization, including including a pharmacy.

The political situation is being studied, and is currently quite active. The direction of social and economic programs with the establishment of mandatory priorities depends on political decisions and trends. The influence of this environmental factor is clearly visible on the functioning of large companies, at the same time, in this case, pharmacy organizations fully feel the influence of this factor (the introduction of a list of vital and essential medicines (VED), etc.). The main reason for studying the economic situation is to create a picture of the distribution of finance at the state level. No less important consumer preferences are determined using the social component of PEST analysis.

The last factor is the technological component. The purpose of his research is considered to be the identification of trends in technological development, which are often the causes of changes and market losses, as well as the emergence of new products and technologies for their implementation.

The analysis is performed according to the "factor - pharmacy" scheme. The results of the analysis are drawn up in the form of a “matrix”, the subject of which are the factors of the macro environment, the predicate is the strength of their influence, assessed in points, ranks and other units of measurement.

The version of PEST-analysis is PESTLE-analysis, it is extended by two factors (Legal and Environmental). Other formats are sometimes used, for example, SLEPT analysis (plus legal factor) or STEEPLE analysis, which includes: socio-demographic, technological, economic, environmental (natural), political, legal and ethnic factors.

Porter's five forces analysis is the second most common method of analyzing the influence of environmental factors in modern entrepreneurship. A methodology for industry analysis and business strategy development developed by Michael Porter at Harvard Business School in 1979. Porter's five forces analysis includes three forces of "horizontal" competition:

l the threat of the emergence of substitute products (online pharmacies), the threat of the emergence of new players, the level of competition;

and the two forces of "vertical" competition: the bargaining power of suppliers and the bargaining power of consumers.

This analysis is used in a qualitative assessment of the company's strategic position in the industry and is most interesting in the field of planning to open or expand a company in a competitor's territory. The applicability of the analysis requires conditions: buyers, competitors and suppliers are not connected, interact or collude. As a result of the analysis, the attractiveness of doing business in this industry is revealed, in this context, attractiveness means the profitability of the industry. An "unattractive" industry is one in which the combination of forces reduces profitability. The most "unattractive" is the industry that approaches perfect competition.

As mentioned above, this analysis is used in a qualitative assessment of the company's strategic position in the industry and is most interesting in the field of planning the opening or expansion of a company in a competitor's territory. However, for most, this technique is only the starting point in a list of tools or techniques they can use. Like all generalizing techniques, an analysis that does not take into account exceptions and particulars is considered as simplistic. The model is not intended to be used for a group of industries or any part of one industry. A company that does business in one industry must develop at least one "Porter's Five Forces Analysis" for that industry.

A schematic representation of Porter's five forces is shown in fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Schematic representation of Porter's five forces

SWOT analysis is the definition of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as the opportunities and threats coming from its immediate environment (external environment). The use of SWOT analysis will allow you to systematize all available information and more clearly imagine the advantages and disadvantages of the organization, will allow you to choose the best path for development, avoid dangers and make the most efficient use of available resources.

external environment pharmaceutical government

2.4 Factors of direct and indirect influence of a pharmaceutical organization

Given the diversity and volatility of the external world, leaders should limit their consideration of the external environment to only those aspects on which the success of the organization largely depends.

One way to identify and take into account the factors that affect the organization is to distribute them into two groups: factors of direct influence and factors of indirect influence.

Factors of direct influence

Suppliers are one of the most important factors of direct influence. There are suppliers of materials and finished products, capital and labor resources.

Domestic suppliers of medicines and medical products to the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation are pharmaceutical enterprises, pharmaceutical factories, as well as enterprises and associations of medical equipment, glass and plastics, etc.

In addition, there are more than 700 foreign companies that supply pharmaceutical products on the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation. Decentralization of supplies contributed to a significant expansion of the network of suppliers of pharmacy enterprises.

The multifaceted activity of pharmaceutical organizations also requires the relationship with suppliers of various auxiliary materials, electricity, heat, water, packaging materials, equipment, marketing, consulting, utilities and transport services.

The growth and development of a pharmaceutical organization also depends on the providers of capital or financial resources. These include banks, insurance companies, shareholders, investment funds, sponsors. For the implementation of tasks related to the achievement of the goals of the organization, qualified specialists of different profiles are needed.

Without personnel capable of skillfully using complex technology, capital and materials, it is impossible to solve the issue of enterprise profitability. Talented managers, economists, programmers, developers of information systems, etc. are needed today.

Currently, there have been changes in the formation of labor resources, the labor market and the structure of positions in pharmaceutical organizations have expanded.

In the conditions of market relations, the state is required to pursue an active social policy: providing social benefits to young professionals, determining the main social guarantees, mechanisms for their implementation and the function of providing social support to persons who are released during the restructuring of enterprises.

The survival and existence of an organization depends on its ability to find consumers of the results of its activities and satisfy their needs.

Consumers, deciding which goods and services are desirable for them and at what price, determine the program for the organization of its activities. Thus, the need to meet the needs of consumers affects the interaction of the organization with suppliers of materials and labor resources. Customers, as an external factor, influence almost all other organizational variables.

With the development of the pharmaceutical market, the structure of consumer organizations of pharmaceutical enterprises has changed. Among them are wholesale and intermediary firms, pharmacy warehouses and bases, economic wholesale and retail associations (utilities, joint-stock companies, holdings, concerns, corporations, etc.), individual pharmaceutical enterprises, medical institutions, etc. At the same time, the advantages of marketing pharmaceutical products through wholesale structures remain and should remain.

Features of organizations of consumers of products of foreign pharmaceutical companies confirm this. In the UK, 80% of all medicines are sold through wholesalers, in Sweden - wholesale through the state warehouse is 80% of medicines and through the private sector - 20%, in the USA wholesalers make up 50%, pharmacies - 27%, medical and preventive institutions Ї 12%, government organizations Ї 8%, private practitioners Ї 3%. Pharmacy enterprises of various forms of ownership of the Russian Federation have their own circle of consumers, which include medical and preventive and health institutions, outpatients and inpatients, non-medical organizations and institutions.

The direct exposure environment is presented in Annex 3.

Factors of indirect influence

No less important factors of direct influence are laws and state bodies. Each organization has its own legal status, which determines the procedure for its activities, the types and amounts of taxes transferred. But the actual operating mechanism of management in an organization is determined by the knowledge and correct use of laws in specific conditions and at different levels of management. Taking into account the action of objective laws, a strategy and tactics for managing an organization are developed, which are based on the compliance of a law or a set of laws in their relationship.

Organizations are required to comply not only with laws, but also with the requirements of state regulatory bodies. These bodies provide enforcement of laws in their respective areas of competence, and also propose their own requirements, which have the force of law. Coordination of the activities of enterprises regarding compliance with laws is carried out by the Ministries and bodies authorized by them.

Legislative and supervisory functions in the financial sphere of enterprises and organizations are performed by financial authorities and banks.

Chapter 3. State regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization

3.1 Government regulators

Organizations are required to comply with laws and government regulatory requirements. These bodies provide enforcement of laws in their respective areas of competence, and also propose their own requirements, which have the force of law.

Coordination of the activities of enterprises regarding compliance with laws is carried out by the Ministries and bodies authorized by them.

Pharmaceutical activity in most countries is one of the most regulated activities by the state. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is the federal body responsible for the implementation of the state policy in the field of protecting the health of Russian citizens and ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.

Subjects of the Federation have the right to develop, within their competence, normative documents that do not reduce the requirements established by the federal ones.

State authorities regulate the activities of a pharmaceutical organization through a licensing mechanism. The licensing system provides the only effective opportunity to influence the pharmaceutical organization.

The regulatory function of the state in the field of drug sales is the establishment of fixed margins. Assortment policy is subject to state regulation, as a rule, in three directions:

Formation of formulary lists;

· formation of lists of drugs dispensed under free and subsidized prescriptions;

Mandatory assortment of pharmacies.

3.2 State regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization

State regulation is a set of forms and methods of state influence on the economic system in specific conditions, complementing the operation of the market mechanism of self-regulation.

The main directions of state regulation are:

· development of laws and standards governing the procedure for the circulation of drugs, licensing of pharmaceutical activities, the procedure for admission to pharmaceutical activities;

· regulation of export and import of pharmaceutical products;

· standardization of the volume and quality of pharmaceutical care in the form of treatment standards, formularies, lists of essential drugs, as well as financing of their production and purchase;

· development and improvement of the system of registration and certification of drugs and other products that have an impact on public health;

· financial and tax policy - control over the rational use of funds for the purchase of drugs;

provision of tax benefits to domestic enterprises producing and selling medicines;

· pricing policy (state regulation of drug prices);

· patent and license policy;


Today, a pharmaceutical organization is an independent, organized, separate business entity with the rights of a legal entity that sells products, performs work, and provides services.

Speaking about the functioning of the organization today, it is impossible not to touch upon the problem of the internal and external environment in which it operates. Activity directly depends on the totality of ongoing processes both in the internal environment of the enterprise and in the external one.

Time passes, and the processes taking place in a market economy force the organization's external environment to change under the influence of a combination of various factors. Unfortunately, today it is difficult to single out the fundamental factor, since all factors together form a system and in the process of development lead it to various states, favorable or vice versa.

Many scientists around the world are studying the external environment, developing scenarios for its development. Scenarios provide an opportunity to determine the most important environmental factor that an enterprise needs to consider. Along with the analysis of the external environment of the enterprise, it is important to conduct an in-depth study of its current state.

The external environment should not be regarded as a permanent system of conditions. This structure is very dynamic, just like the entire economy of the world is dynamic, and if we consider the current situation, we will immediately notice such processes as the instability of the European economy and the financial market, etc.

The problem of the external environment is considered in sufficient detail in the works of A. Ya. Gorfinkel, S. B. Zainulin, N. A. Breslavtsev, Yu. N. Vasyutin, and others. But at the same time, new factors arise and the role becomes more and more influential. In order to achieve high accuracy, it is important to understand what factors make up the overall picture of the external environment.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the external environment is the environment in which an enterprise conducts its activities, based on a system of financial, raw material flows with a coordination-stimulating structure, forming an economic, political, legal, scientific and technical, communication, natural geographic and intermediary factors that have a direct impact on the means of changing flows or indirectly - due to the coordinating and stimulating effect on the system of flows.

List of used literature

1. Breslavtseva N. A., Vasyutina Yu. N. Analysis of the external environment as part of the scientific and analytical support of the strategic management accounting system at a printing enterprise / N.A. Breslavtseva // Accounting and statistics. - 2011. - No. 3. - S. 17-18.

2. Gorfinkel V.Ya., Shvandara V.A. Economics of enterprises. - Moscow: UNITI-DANA, 2007. - 607 p.

3. Zainulin S. B. Problems of interaction between the interests of the enterprise and the subjects that make up the external and internal corporate environment of the enterprise / S.B. Zainulin // Vestnik SamGU. - 2007. - No. 3. - S. 120-121.

4. Zub A.T. Strategic Management: Theory and Practice. - Moscow: Aspect Press, 2002. - 415 p.

5. Kokarev D.V. External environment and competitiveness of the enterprise / D.V. Kokarev // Bulletin of OSU. - 2008. - No. 81. - S. 59-60.

6. Kotler F.S. Marketing management". - St. Petersburg: PETER, 2000. - 321 p.

7. Liansky M.E. Reengineering of business processes for effective adaptation of enterprises to changes in the external environment / M.E. Lianskiy // Innovations. - 2006. - No. 5. - S. 87-89.

8. Matantsev A.N. Market analysis: Handbook of a marketer. - Moscow: Alfa-Press, 2007. - 201 p.

9. Yudanov A.Yu., Volskaya E.A., Ishmukhamedov A.A., Denisova M.N. pharmaceutical marketing. - Moscow: Remedium, 2008. - 291 p.


Attachment 1

Destabilizing environmental factors

Appendix 2

Model of the influence of the external environment on the organization

Annex 3

Direct impact environment

Appendix 4

Environment of indirect influence

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