Yulia proskuryakova and natasha queen comparison. Igor Nikolaev: three wives of the composer

Julia Proskuryakova and Igor Nikolaev.

“Natasha and I never had conflicts. I appeared in Igor’s life when Natasha was no longer his wife. Of course, there are fans who still have not come to terms with their separation, and they write nasty things about me on the forums. But this could be addressed not only to me, but also to any other woman who would appear next to Igor. For them, everything automatically becomes bad. These are people living in the past. We met Natasha Koroleva at one of the events. And this meeting was normal. Like between adults. We rarely contact. But there is no negativity between us," Yulia told reporters.

That she was very lucky with her husband. For ten years, lovers have been trying to have a baby, and only two years ago, Julia gave birth to a daughter, Nika. For Igor Nikolaev, the girl became the second child, the composer repeatedly admitted that he was happy to become a dad again. Also, the couple continues to work together. "And we are planning joint duets and concerts with my husband Igor Nikolaev. Recently, a video clip for the duet song "I'm a mother" was released, which we recorded with Elena Yesenina. The song became very popular on the Internet, and flash mobs were made all over the country, " - Julia emphasized in an interview

The fact that the personal life of Igor Nikolaev is no less bright than his work is evidenced by the composer's three official marriages. Only his first wife was far from show business, and for the other two, he became the reason for meeting and starting a romantic relationship with a famous musician. And Nikolaev experienced his first great love thousands of kilometers from the Russian capital, in his homeland.

Where is Igor Nikolaev from?

Igor Nikolaev was born in Kholmsk on Sakhalin. His mother worked as an accountant, and his father, Yuri Ivanovich, was a sea captain, a marine painter, so Igor inherited his penchant for creativity from him.

Noticing his son's creative abilities, his parents sent him to a music school, where he learned to play the violin, and as a teenager he began to earn money with his creativity, playing in restaurants and bringing home good money. After graduating from school, Nikolaev entered the Sakhalin College of Music in the Department of Music Theory.

The first wife of Igor Nikolaev Elena Kudryasheva

Yuri met Elena Kudryashova as a child, at school they sat at the same desk. This youthful romance lasted until graduation, and as soon as they crossed the threshold of adulthood, they hurried to sign, and the reason for this was very significant - Elena's pregnancy.

Then Igor studied in Moscow, at the Musical College at the Moscow Conservatory. Tchaikovsky and very often came home, including in order to see his beloved, and after the next vacation, the girl announced that she was expecting a child - so, at the age of eighteen, Elena and Igor became the parents of a little daughter, Yulia.

In 1983, Nikolaev moved his family to Moscow, and at first their life together in the capital was successful - Igor Nikolaev's first wife was always proud of her talented husband, supported him in everything, providing a reliable rear for her husband, who was actively building a musical career. However, their marriage turned out to be significantly shorter than the romance that had lasted before, and the composer's new love became the cause of the break.

Igor Nikolaev and Natasha Koroleva - wedding and divorce

Young Natasha Poryvai, who at the time she met the musician was only sixteen, was one of the many aspiring singers who were casting for Nikolaev's group. The audition did not give the expected results, and then the mother of the future star got down to business, who managed to get backstage to personally talk with Igor.

Thanks to her feminine instinct and sociability, she managed to establish close contact with the composer - Break the elder fed Nikolaev with sandwiches and was able to convince him to take his daughter on a tour. Thus began Natasha Koroleva's romance with a popular musician, whose age difference was fourteen years.

Nikolaev fell head over heels in love with her and tried with all his might to win the heart of the Queen - he gave expensive gifts, waited at the entrance, fell asleep with flowers. Natasha, who was then only sixteen, did not immediately agree to a relationship with an adult man, she knew that he was married, and therefore, when a serious romance broke out between them, she began to insist that he divorce Elena.

The first wife of Nikolaev did not give up right away - she was already used to the fact that Igor turned intrigues right and left, so she was ready to endure relations with the Queen, but after three years Natasha, nevertheless, managed to win the fight for Nikolaev. To seal the relationship officially, Natasha Koroleva called the registry office workers home to Igor, and they were painted there.

There were loud quarrels and violent reconciliations in their family life, and one of the serious reasons for the disagreements was Igor's desire to become a father, but the Queen delayed this event, saying that she was not yet ready for motherhood.

Igor helped his second wife become a real star, for a long time she remained his muse, he dedicated his songs to her, but after a few years of marriage, his personal life cracked at the seams, and in 2001 they broke up. True, Nikolaev, who was almost openly having an affair with his director Angela Kulakovskaya, was not going to divorce, but Natasha did not like this, and, in the end, the couple divorced.

The third wife of Igor Nikolaev Yulia Proskuryakova

The divorce from the Queen hit Igor Nikolaev's pride, despite the fact that he continued to have an affair with Kulakovskaya, especially since Natasha did not remain in debt and began dating Tarzan, to whom she gave birth to a child a year later.

Nikolaev broke up with Angela Kulakovskaya, as with his first wife, because of the young singer Yulia Proskuryakova, whom he met almost the same way as Natasha.

The aspiring Ural singer, following the example of her predecessor, ambushed the star backstage and invited Nikolaev to evaluate her vocal abilities. The audition was successful, and the composer helped Proskuryakova get on the People's Artist project.

The debut on the big stage turned out to be unsuccessful for Yulia, but she found much more - the love of a popular musician, who six months later offered her to move into his apartment.

She was not going to return to her hometown, so she happily agreed. Before that, Proskuryakova got a job in one of the capital's law firms - she is a lawyer by training, and the first one decided to call Nikolaev, hoping for a continuation of the acquaintance, and she was not mistaken.

The fact that Proskuryakova was four years younger than Igor Nikolaev’s daughter from his first marriage embarrassed him at first, but over time he reconciled himself, and they began to live together, and Yulia exchanged her dreams of a career as a singer for the role of the common-law wife of a Russian show business star.

It was destined to become the official wife of the composer Proskuryakova a few years after the start of their relationship - they signed in 2010, and their wedding took place in the Vegas shopping and entertainment center. Three hundred guests were invited to the celebration, including the brightest stars of the national stage.

The third wife of Igor Nikolaev, Yulia Proskuryakova, decided that since the wedding was arranged on such a grand scale, then she should be dressed accordingly - the wedding dress was ordered in the workshop of the famous Italian designer Tory Ward, who specially flew to her to make a fitting. The luxurious Milanese dress was made in Beirut and embroidered in Switzerland.

Instead of a honeymoon, the newlyweds went on tour to America.

Daughter of Igor Nikolaev

Nikolaev still dreamed of another child, and five years after the marriage, Yulia made him happy with the birth of her daughter Veronica. The girl was born premature and very weak.

Little Nika at first could not even eat on her own, and Yulia, with the help of doctors, had to do a lot in order for her daughter to finally begin to develop normally.

Now Veronika pleases Igor and Yulia with her achievements, and they do everything to make her happy.

The eldest daughter of the composer Yulia, after the divorce of her parents, stayed with her dad, having matured, she studied at the American High School of Arts and, like her father, composes and performs songs.

Fans of Igor Nikolaev have been arguing for the fourth day already because of his performance on the Kremlin stage with Natasha Koroleva. As you know, this star couple broke up 15 years ago, for more than ten years they have never appeared on stage together. But on December 10, at the first solo concert of Natasha Koroleva in the Kremlin, something happened that most admirers of the national stage did not expect - Nikolaev and Koroleva performed the hit "Dolphin and the Mermaid" together.

"Here you go. We performed together, - Igor Nikolaev wrote on his page on the social network after the concert. - Feel better, fans. @natellanatella? No. They didn't feel better. At the beginning of the year, they bombarded me with angry letters in advance, they say, how can you not perform at HER concert (without even knowing whether I will perform or not). Now, when he nevertheless spoke, there is no less shit ... The meaning of the post is different: Natasha @natellanatella! You are great, you are a hard worker, you tried very hard, and this concert is a big milestone in your life. Congratulations!"

Many representatives of the multi-million army of fans of Igor Nikolaev were happy to see their favorite duet again. But there were also reasons for criticism. The main attention of dissatisfied commentators focused on the topic of the singer's relationship with ex-wife Natasha Koroleva and current wife Yulia Proskuryakova. On this basis, a whole war broke out on Nikolaev's Instagram page.

It seemed to someone that at the concert in the Kremlin, both performers behaved rather aloofly and coldly towards each other, which is why the performance of the song failed. “The really dismissive attitude of I.Yu. towards Natalia was discouraged during the speech,” one of the subscribers noted. Others noticed how Nikolaev quickly went backstage when the number ended. From this, the fans concluded that the Queen treats her ex-husband badly, and she pulled him onto the stage solely for the sake of PR. Others do not exclude that it was the idea of ​​the composer himself.

Some fans, on the contrary, argued that Igor Nikolaev still retained love for the Queen. “Once Natasha came to Malakhov for a program tonight, Igor’s eyes burned looking at her, and when he looks at his wife, he has such an extinct look. He once said himself that he realized that love and passion do not make him happy like the light of a lamp in the evening, ”wrote one of the fans (the author’s style and spelling are preserved. - Approx. ed.).

The current wife of Igor Nikolaev, Yulia Proskuryakova, got the most, who decided to defend her husband's honest name in the comments: “Guys, girls, let's stop bugging a person already. You are only making it worse… please leave Him alone… it is impossible to bring back 20 years that have not already been lived together and the effect of this will never happen again, but if it makes you feel better, you keep it in your hearts, but you don’t have to come here to tell Igor with whom he should sing, live and what he should do! And He and Natasha and We, their close and dear people, are smart enough to build our lives without advice and wishes ... ”(The author’s style and spelling are preserved. - Approx. ed.)

Proskuryakova responded to individual people’s attacks and criticism, in response new comments were heard, just as negative, sometimes even outright offensive. “Julia mediocrity compared to Natalia. Its pathetic likeness, ”users compared.

In order to somehow stop the flow of indignation, Igor Nikolaev published a new photo, which showed a positive comment about the performance with him from Natasha Koroleva herself. However, the wave already seems to be unstoppable.

“Igor, why is it so hard? I loved the duet, the story that both of you represented to the country. And when your union broke up, I was at a loss - with whom to stay ???😁😁😁. I love both. Why should I leave your page if I like NK too???” fans ask.

Others are trying to sum up in the spirit: “Yes, fans, this is a diagnosis, and doubly Royal. Why do you have to impose your opinion? As for me, Julia is better, beautiful, modest, sweet, intelligent, with a clear, strong voice, and there are a lot of people like me! ... And there have been and will be comparisons, on the simple basis that Yulia became Igor's beloved wife, and N. K.'s fans do not want or cannot accept this! (Style and spelling of the author preserved. - Approx. ed.)

To be continued, presumably...

Yulia Proskuryakova, Igor Nikolaev and their daughter Veronica

35 year old Julia Proskuryakova since 2010 married to a 57-year-old Igor Nikolaev. The composer's third wife gave him a daughter, Veronica, two years ago. Recently, the singer and happy mother told the Argumenty Nedeli portal about her life with her star husband:

“I am really lucky in many ways, and miracles happen in my life. One of them is the birth of our daughter with Igor. We have been waiting for this miracle for almost ten years. As for my creative life, in order to achieve results, I had to work very hard. And I continue to actively develop myself in this direction. This year I entered GITIS.

Julia admitted that vocal creativity remains her priority. The artist is planning joint concerts and duets with her husband. In early October, a video clip was released for the song "I'm a Mother", recorded by Yulia together with Elena Yesenina and Maxim Galkin.

Clip for the song by Yulia Proskuryakova and Elena Yesenina "I am a mother"

Julia said that Maksim Galkin read rap for her video is not at all for crazy fees. Her husband Igor Nikolaev is the godfather of the four-year-old Liza Galkina, so the showman agreed to help without hesitation simply out of friendship with the composer's family.

The singer does not hide the fact that she was very pleased to participate Natasha Koroleva in a flash mob for her song. She added that she met Igor after his separation from the star wife: “I appeared in Igor’s life when Natasha was no longer his wife. Of course, there are fans who still have not come to terms with their separation, and they write nasty things about me on the forums. But this could be addressed not only to me, but also to any other woman who would appear next to Igor. Everything automatically becomes bad for them. These are people living in the past. We met Natasha Koroleva at one of the events. And this meeting was normal. Like between adults.

The artist called the perception of the second and third wives of Nikolaev as "fierce friends" erroneous. In fact, she never had conflicts with her husband's ex-wife. Julia and Natasha rarely contact, but there is no negativity between them.

A post shared by Julia Proskuryakova(@uliaveronika) on Oct 8, 2017 at 3:39pm PDT

When asked about her attitude to guest relations and the life of a man for two or three families, Yulia answered categorically: “I think that a man should take on obligations. The proof of a man's love is marriage."

The singer is sure that she could not forgive the betrayal: “Perhaps life will somehow change my ideas in this matter over time. Today, I do not divide treason into physical and other. And to be honest, I think that this is such a specific end of the relationship. Maybe you will make peace and forgive each other in words, but you will not forgive a person in your soul. You will live and suffer all the time - to see in every woman a potential rival with whom he sleeps. That is, it is a mockery of their feelings. You will no longer feel confident in a man and your important place in his life.

Julia believes that you need to be happy, because only one life is given to a person: “Even if feelings have passed, you need to let the person go. What is the point of holding and torturing him? If he meets for an intimate relationship with another person, then you do not suit him. So I think this is the end of the relationship. For me, for sure."

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