Personal life of Ivan Okhlobystin: wife and children of the actor. Personal life of Ivan Okhlobystin: wife and children of the actor Hobbies and hobbies of Okhlobystin's eldest daughter

Sharks of the pen reported that Ilya was spotted with a mysterious blonde on Easter. Like, 32-year-old Glinnikov and his "lover" consecrated Easter cakes for the holiday and left the Church of St. Sophia in the center of Moscow, holding hands. On the street, the artist, who became the new "Bachelor" in the TNT marriage show, supposedly even allowed himself to put his arm around the girl's shoulders.


Not having seen the companion of the star of "Interns", the reporters for some reason decided that this was a 21-year-old participant in the project, claiming a rose, the hand and heart of an enviable groom, Ekaterina Nikulina. It is from her hot looks that Ilya "melts" like ice cream in a southern resort. Fans of the show have long noticed that there is some kind of crazy chemistry between young people.

It is known about Nikulina that she is from Moscow, studied at the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov. Works as an art director of a cafe. In her opinion, the ideal man should be kind and patient. The spectacular blonde is fond of equestrian sports and is actively engaged in self-knowledge. Ekaterina considers her tendency to think a lot as her bad habit. She went to the show "The Bachelor" because she wants to "start a family as soon as possible in order to become a young mother."

However, as it turned out later, the blind-sighted journalists mistook Ivan Okhlobystin's daughter Varvara for Glinnikov's beloved woman. The heiress of the eminent actor and former priest, with whom Ilya starred in the TV series "Interns", shared on Instagram a frame from a video showing young people leaving the temple.

“Ilya Glinnikov celebrated Easter with a member of the Bachelor,” reads the headline. “Hahah, yell. I don’t remember that I fought for Uncle Ilya’s heart! 😂😂😂,” Varvara commented with a laugh. after recording the clip, light up Easter cakes))".

First, after receiving an invitation, he decided to see what kind of show it was. “It took me six minutes 53 seconds. After that, I turned off the TV, called the agent and asked if she had lost her mind,” Glinnikov said in a recent interview. The agent replied that it was her job to deliver the offer. Then the producers attacked the artist. "I refused:" Guys, you chose the wrong person! I'm not a playboy, I'm not a heartthrob. I’m completely different in life, I’ll ruin everything for you. “But in the end they still persuaded me,” said the former lover of Aglaya Tarasova.

Ilya decided to be sincere with the participants of the marriage show. "On the very first day of shooting, I said to the girls, 'It's sacrilegious to me that you girls are fighting here for a man. I have to do it. Let me woo you." I have different feelings for all the participants in the project, but from the very first day I singled out one for myself ... "the artist intrigued, without giving the name of his sweetheart.

The paparazzi filmed how the bachelor Ilya Glinnikov hugs the daughter of Ivan Okhlobystin and decided that there was an affair between them.

The paparazzi photographed the star of the show "The Bachelor" Ilya Glinnikov in a Moscow church with a girl. The journalists decided that this was one of the participants in the project, but in fact it turned out that the actor was hugging the daughter of Ivan Okhlobystin.

Sharks of the pen reported that Ilya was spotted with a mysterious blonde on Easter. Like, 32-year-old Glinnikov and his "lover" consecrated Easter cakes for the holiday and left the Church of St. Sophia in the center of Moscow, holding hands. On the street, the artist, who became the new "Bachelor" in the TNT marriage show, allegedly even allowed himself to put his arm around the girl's shoulders.

Not having seen the companion of the Interns star, the reporters for some reason decided that this was a 21-year-old participant in the project, claiming a rose, the hand and heart of an enviable groom, Ekaterina Nikulina. It is from her hot looks that Ilya “melts” like ice cream in a southern resort. Fans of the show have long noticed that there is some kind of crazy chemistry between young people.

It is known about Nikulina that she is from Moscow, studied at the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov. Works as an art director of a cafe. In her opinion, the ideal man should be kind and patient. The spectacular blonde is fond of equestrian sports and is actively engaged in self-knowledge. Ekaterina considers her tendency to think a lot as her bad habit. She went to the show "The Bachelor" because she wants to "start a family as soon as possible in order to become a young mother."

However, as it turned out later, the blind-sighted journalists mistook Ivan Okhlobystin's daughter Varvara for Glinnikov's beloved woman. The heiress of the eminent actor and former priest, with whom Ilya starred in the TV series Interns, shared on Instagram a frame from a video showing how young people leave the temple.

“Ilya Glinnikov celebrated Easter with a member of the Bachelor,” reads the headline. “Hahah, yell. I don’t remember that I fought for Uncle Ilya’s heart!???”, Varvara commented with a laugh on the newspaper duck. Later, the actor quoted her message on Instagram and added on his own: “Don’t go crazy, Varya Okhlobystina and I just came after recording the video to light up Easter cakes))”.

The film "Bird" with Ivan Okhlobystin in the title role, which will be released on May 18, may be the last in his career. The actor said that he is leaving the cinema and will focus on writing. Recently, Ivan published the fourth book, Songs of the Constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs. In an interview with StarHit, Okhlobystin shared why he quit filming, how he raises his daughters and why he calls his wife a drowned woman.

"Santa Barbara" with diaper rash

Ivan, are you afraid to leave a profitable movie?

We are Tushino punks. We were and remain so. During the period of lack of money, we lived as comfortably as when the funds appeared. They just allowed themselves a little more. At the moment, I'm more interested in writing. It has many advantages. I will be at home. My wife and children and I will be able to organize hikes more often, ride bikes and get out to our favorite dacha. I decided to finish acting out of gratitude to the viewer. Television is a cruel thing. It will squeeze you out like a wet rag until you go into minus 20 ratings, and people start spitting in your face. You have to be able to draw the line. By the way, it was the same with the series "Interns". On the 300th episode, we all the creative team, stunned by the filming, went to the producer and said that it was time to close the project, otherwise the sitcom would turn into Santa Barbara, and even with diaper rash. If in the future I am offered a worthwhile movie with good money, then perhaps I will agree.

Filming, writing. Do your children gravitate toward creativity?

My daughter Varya sings. When she was 7 years old, she told my mother and me that she wanted to learn how to play the guitar. I followed the platinum proven scheme, a kind of Cartier version: I found the Palace of Pioneers, a teacher in a bow tie and with crimson cheeks. Varya studied there for four years, and then took up vocals. Now she is 18 years old and she sings. I advise: “Do not tear your voice. It should be tuned like a harpsichord, gradually.

Will Varya go to Gnesinka?

No. She is graduating this year and has chosen medical school. We don't tolerate educational protégés. It's all to the detriment. My daughters are the children of the new generation. Varya believes that the earthly profession will not prevent her from doing vocals. Her sister Dusya is 19 years old and shares the same opinion. Evdokia plays the electric guitar and studies as an ornithologist, studies birds. At the same time, she is a fashionista with me, she is good at dancing flamenco - dark, beautiful. The eldest daughter Anfisa, she is 20 years old, chose the specialty of a marketer. Younger children, sons - 11-year-old Savva and 16-year-old Vasya - have not yet decided on a profession.

Are they not interested in their dad's job?

Indifferent. But if one of the children wants to, I will not interfere. Anfiska is an adult at all, she can call the police on me. Being religious people, we remember one of the main postulates - one cannot come to the Lord by force. God is always a paradox. You understand that everything around is made by a personality, and you also respect the personality in your children. They know that my mother and I respect them too much to be a nuisance.

Do Anfisa and Evdokia have young people?

I think so, but so far I have not been introduced. They are sensitive to this issue. I am also shy, because there is an agreement that I will not influence their choice. I said: "When you realize that you are in love and ready to create relationships, then I will have to participate." But they are girls of steel. And their mother is a woman from an ancient pagan legend. At the same time, nothing modern is alien to daughters. They are interested in rags, rubbing dresses from their mother. They have similar tastes, but there is a difference. Evdokia likes something gothic. Varvara is fascinated by the Normans and everything Scandinavian. Anfiska prefers the New York style, a kind of hipster girl. And their younger sister Nyushka loves science. She is our space Elfina.

Oksanka is a modest woman. She should have played Trinity in The Matrix. When we are in shopping centers, I provoke her all the time: let's buy you an elegant dress so that there is no feeling that you are a drowned woman. Agrees. At the same time, the wife is a mischievous girl. Of course, I put the burden of raising six children on her shoulders, but she copes. If not for Oksana, I would have died long ago.

Genghis Syndrome

Do you feel fear or jealousy that your daughters will soon fly out of the nest?

I don't worry about life. I know that they will get out of any situation, ten more people will be saved from the flood. As for human relations, sooner or later they will suffer. Like everyone else, they will face disappointments, unrequited love. They will arrange small rebellions, do stupid things. But here I am not worried. The samurai Orthodox component makes itself felt. Well done Oksanka! As a family, we take communion and observe fasts. Both of our sons, Savva and Vasya, serve as altar boys in the church of Sophia the Wisdom of God, which we have been attending for 20 years. For boys, this is a fairy tale.

The children have grown up. Do you feel that there are fewer problems?

Others have appeared. But I have Genghisides syndrome, I am thick-skinned. If earlier I was upset because of the loss of a suitcase, now, due to the loss of two, not a single muscle will flinch on my face. Forced to live in broad categories. Children first get sick, then they need to be taught, then all these loves ... I also walked this path. I understand what's in their hearts.

Ivan Okhlobystin is one of the brightest and most unconventional representatives in the domestic show business. Unconventional, however, is not at all his orientation (with this, everything is in perfect order), but in general his whole way of life and worldview. The actor, who is also a writer, musician and clergyman, is the father of six children! His eldest daughter is Anfisa Okhlobystin. The girl has already grown up, prettier, and all Russian tabloids rank her among the most enviable brides from among the "star" daddy's daughters.

Alice Through the Looking Glass

Once upon a time, in order to find out any personal information about a person, it was necessary to deceive. Surveillance, espionage, data mining - all this has sunk into oblivion, because now we all have social networks. Experienced users are able to scout out all the ins and outs about a person using their Facebook or VKontakte account.

Those who are related to the world of show business are also people, and therefore it is not alien to them to register on sites where you can chat with friends and share your posts and photos with subscribers.

Pages of children of stars on various public sites help fans learn more about their idols, but not all of them are open to the public. Moreover, some offspring of celebrities, wanting to hide from the annoying attention of the public, are registered in social networks under fake names. Anfisa Ivanovna Okhlobystina is one of them: the name that the girl indicated on the Web instead of her own is Alisa Belova. Probably, she does not really strive to get closer to her father's glory, which is why she hides under this pseudonym.

Daddy's mother's daughter

Nevertheless, users still managed to find her on the World Wide Web, and therefore Anfisa Okhlobystin is simply not able to hide from the public completely. In addition, all the curious can learn a lot of interesting things about her from her father's interview. Ivan loves his children, he is proud of them, and therefore he is happy to talk about their successes (and sometimes failures) to journalists.

According to her father, Anfisa Okhlobystin is very similar to her mother, Oksana Arbuzova, and the latest photos of the girl prove this. However, in childhood, the daughter outwardly looked more like a dad, and many social media users spoke out about this, considering her not attractive enough.

Nevertheless, time has shown that the ugly duckling turns into a beautiful swan. Anfisa Okhlobystin has changed a lot, she is not averse to experimenting with her appearance, which at the moment is most in line with what is popular with young people

Biographical information

This year (2017) the daughter of the famous doctor Bykov turned 21 years old. The girl is a student of Moscow State University. Her area of ​​expertise is marketing. Anfisa's father notes that she is a girl with an iron character, purposeful, but at the same time very kind and faithful.

Anfisa is a diligent student and mother's assistant. Since there are many children in the Okhlobystin family, their mother Oksana always has enough work. So that she does not bear the burden of responsibility over her offspring alone, the younger members of the family are used to fulfilling obligations from an early age, they have a schedule of housekeeping duties, in accordance with which the dishes are washed and cleaned. Note that the Okhlobystins live in a three-story townhouse, and therefore Anfisa, her three younger sisters and two brothers have something to do.

Many fans of the actor are interested in who Anfisa Okhlobystin works for. The girl devotes all her time to studying and does not yet earn her living on her own, she thinks about employment, but wants to graduate from the university first.

mch girls

Ivan Okhlobystin's daughter Anfisa is already dating a young man. The actor himself spoke about this, noting that he was not familiar with the chosen one of the girl. An agreement was drawn up between the father and his girl that she would introduce her MCH to her parents when it was a truly serious relationship. Then Okhlobystin undertakes to talk with a potential son-in-law, but until then he prefers not to interfere.

Despite his tough temper, Ivan Okhlobystin is quite loyal to the personal freedom of his children. As a believer, he would like his daughters and sons to come to God as soon as possible, but does not put pressure on them and allows them to lead a completely worldly lifestyle. As for the marriage of his offspring, he is also very calm. Ivan would not want Anfisa to marry before the age of 18, but as you can see, this did not happen, because the girl is already 21 years old, and she is still a bachelor.

Hobbies and hobbies of the eldest daughter of Okhlobystin

Surely readers are curious to know what Anfisa Okhlobystin is interested in. The biography of the actor's daughter is directly related to the life of the famous father, who himself is familiar with many curious personalities, and does not hide his children from them.

So, his daughter loves to listen to the songs of Garik Sukachev, and from the foreign stage, the legendary Queen and the newcomer to the world musical Olympus - Muse are on the list of her preferences.

The girl also loves world cinema, preferring tapes that have already become modern classics. For example, on her page on the social network, she noted that the films "The Matrix", "Dracula" and the horror movie about Freddy Krueger "A Nightmare on Elm Street" are her favorites.

Okhlobystin has repeatedly said that, despite his current success, demand from producers and good well-being, his family is quite ready to give up the benefits that it currently has. They are punks by nature, and therefore do not require anything impossible from life. And this statement applies not only to Ivan and Oksana, but also to all their children.

Serious parents = serious daughter?

Anfisa's parents are very specific people, but they cannot be called evil or unloving people for their children. On the contrary, they try to instill in their daughters the virtue forgotten by many, and in their sons - fortitude and endurance. It is likely that they succeed, because none of the offspring of Okhlobystin has so far been seen in alcohol scandals or in any other dirty stories.

Anfisa Ivanovna Okhlobystin, as the eldest child in the family, will be the first to fly out of the family nest, and her parents are mentally ready for this, hoping, nevertheless, that her strength of character will be enough to face adult life with courage and dignity.

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