Top most powerful kicks in football. The strongest blow

Football players participate in one of the most grueling sports in the world and strong legs are one of the prerequisites for the success of their careers. All famous football players can boast of a fairly powerful kick, but some of them can hit the ball so hard that it will fly at the speed of a car rushing along the track - 150 kilometers per hour or even faster.

Get comfortable with your feet and we'll tell you who owns the biggest shot in football.

The strongest kicker in football

When the Brazilian coach was asked what striker Hulk is adding to the team, he answered briefly and succinctly: “ Strength».  « He gives us more strength”, Mano Menezes added with a grin about the man named after the comic book superhero. Although not among the most popular Brazilian football stars, 31-year-old Givanildo Vieira de Souza continues to work hard to silence his critics and prove his worth to fans.

He was nicknamed "The Hulk" when he was a child. As the football player explains, he really liked this superhero, and his father still calls him by this nickname.

« I am big and strong”, says the Hulk himself, who looks more like a rugby player or an NFL defender. " And I use this power when I'm on the field to help my team.».

The strongest kick in the history of football Hulk committed while playing for the Portuguese club Porto against the Donetsk team Shakhtar. In September 2011, during a Champions League match, the Brazilian hit the ball so hard that at some point it flew at a speed of 214 km/h. And all this from a distance of just 34 meters.

Shakhtar's goal was defended by Ukrainian national team goalkeeper Andriy Pyatov. But what could he do against such a shot, which almost knocked out the goal net?

The incredible Hulk scored another cosmic goal while playing for the Russian club Zenit. In the match against Amkar, the ball sent by the Brazilian to the opponents' goal accelerated to 176 km/h.

The Brazilian currently plays for the Chinese team Shanghai SIPG and earns around $21.4 million a year. The amount of his transfer from Zenit to the Chinese club amounted to 55.8 million euros. This is a record for the Russian Premier League.

Football players with the most powerful shot

  1. Hulk (Shanghai SIPG Club) - 214 km / h.
  2. Ronnie Eberson (Fortaleza) - 210 km/h
  3. Lukasz Podolski (retired) - 202 km / h.
  4. Roberto Carlos (retired) - 198 km / h.
  5. Stephen Reid (retired) - 189 km / h
  6. Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid) - 186 km / h.
  7. Wayne Rooney (Everton) - 180 km / h.
  8. Lionel Messi (Barcelona) - 179 km / h.
  9. Paul Scholes (retired) - 170 km / h.
  10. Alex Rodrigo Diaz da Costa (retired) - 165 km / h.

Although the most powerful kick in football so far belongs to the Hulk, the longest shot in football was not scored by the mighty Brazilian. This achievement belongs to Stoke City goalkeeper Asmir Begovic. During the match of the English Premier League (season 2013-2014), the ball sent by Asmir Begovic covered a distance of 91.9 meters and flew into the Southampton goal.

And the most spectacular and beautiful blows were made by Roberto Carlos. His free kick, at the 1997 World Cup, in the Brazil-France match, became one of the legends of the sport. Fabien Barthez, the goalkeeper of the French national team, just stood there and watched the ball fly in an unthinkable arc into his goal.

People have always wanted to be famous, popular and recognized. Someone achieves this through acting, others through the talent to earn money.

But there are those who have the physical ability to do incredible things that are impossible or very difficult to repeat. They set all sorts of records that glorify their skills throughout the world.

The Guinness Book of Records collects and records such achievements throughout the planet Earth, bringing considerable pleasure to its readers. But many do not like the fact that there are such records that cannot be attributed to competitive or sports - they are just crazy or meaningless so that no one even wants to repeat them.

Also, the Guinness Book of Records does not record the force of impact in a particular sport. Often this is due to the impossibility of instantly determining the force of impact, as this forces a bunch of sensors to be attached, which can be dangerous to the life of an athlete during a fight.

But do not be upset, in this article you can find answers to such questions and understand who has the strongest blow in history.

hard to judge

As already mentioned, it is very difficult to determine the force of impact. For example, in football it is impossible to run all the time with a football player and measure the speed of the ball, or in boxing it is impossible to stand in the ring with athletes and record the power of each blow.

But sports fans, as well as experts and observers, often make their own ratings in which they note the achievements in strength of certain athletes.

Answering the question of who has the strongest blow, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, since strength depends on many factors. An important point is which limb was struck and under what circumstances.

In addition, an important point is the ratio of the weight of the athlete to the force of his blow. Of course, the ejected mass and impact velocity affect the outgoing force. But it often happens when an athlete weighs 50 kg less, and his impact force approaches heavyweights over 120 kilograms.

Who owns the strongest punch?

There are many varieties of martial arts in the world where they teach to hit hard. But, in order to measure the force of impact during a fight, you must have special equipment. In this matter, only boxing and kickboxing are progressing.

Boxers have always been considered athletes who can deliver powerful punches. The most famous representative of the boxing world is Mike Tyson, whom absolutely everyone knows, despite the fact that he ended his professional career a long time ago.

Powerful Mike

It was believed that he has the strongest hand punch. On many rides where you need to hit a special bag to test the force of the blow, there is a photo of Mike. It is written on them that the force of his hand strike is 800 kg.

Such an indicator is truly outstanding, and we can say that he has the strongest punch in boxing. Considering the fact that to knock out another person it is enough to have a blow with a force of about 15 kilograms, but you need to hit the jaw clearly with a sharp throw of the arm along a circular trajectory - this is really amazing power.

David Tua

Answering the question of who has the strongest punch in boxing, many people name David Tua, a Samoan boxer. Experts believe that with his left hand he struck with a power of 1024 kilograms.

You will not envy his rivals. If today he was in the same shape as in his best years, then perhaps he would be a good opponent for Wladimir Klitschko, otherwise he comes across weak opponents too often.

Who owns the strongest kick?

No less worried about the issue of incredibly strong kicks. Initially, it was believed that only karate and taekwondo fighters become the owners of such blows with the lower limbs.

But recently, thanks to mixed tournaments, muay thai and fights without rules have been added to martial arts in which they kick the most.

From time to time, various TV shows are shown with popular fighters in which they compare the strength of their punches. But the results of such experiments are often subjective. After all, each of them has his own technique of performance, and this greatly affects the outgoing power.

So, for example, a kick performed by a heavy league fighter of mixed style Mirko Cro Cop reaches a power of 2703 kg! Let's compare the strength of this strike with the capabilities of Mike Zambidis, who, with a weight of 70 kilograms, manages to hit with his right foot with a force of 1870 kg.

Of course, it is not clear how and where the strength of the blows of the fighters is measured, but it is difficult to deny that it is better not to pester them in a dark alley.

Elbow and knee strikes

Muay Thai style fighters are considered to be true masters of striking with knees and elbows. In competitions, very often with such blows they literally cut the opponent's skin.

Because of this, it is very often possible to observe a bloody spectacle, and not a duel. Some people like it, and some don't. Of course, because of the smaller leverage, the blow is more powerful.

But can everything be measured in kilograms per square centimeter? Impact strength is a relative indicator that must be matched with efficiency. Thais prove that with a weight of 40-50 kilograms it is possible to inflict such blows that are capable of knocking out the enemy the first time.

What have the players been able to do

Football bears the title of the game of millions. Indeed, millions of viewers gather to watch football matches, not to mention tens of thousands of fans on the football fields.

Football is the most popular game. Football players must have a strong and accurate kick on the ball in order to score a goal.

And in this field very often football experts, journalists note the players who inflict blows that are simply incredible in strength.

To date, the Brazilian midfielder Zhivanildo Vieira de Souza is the holder of the title "The strongest kick of a football player". He is known to everyone as the Hulk.

Incredibly, while playing against the Shakhtar-Donetsk team, he was able to score a goal with a ball that flew into the net at a speed of 214 km/h. The goalkeeper, of course, could not do anything.

For example, the legendary football player Roberto Carlos, who was also at one time a football player of the national team from Brazil, was able to hit the ball at a speed of 198 kilometers per hour. Since then, he has long been considered the player with the most powerful shot in the history of football.

Of course, such records of football players are not included in the Guinness Book of Records, but it is simply impossible not to talk about them.


New records are set every day in the world. Thanks to Guinness for coming up with a great way to keep people informed about someone's interesting accomplishments.

Not all records of people can be entered in one book. Such a nomination as the strongest blow cannot be found there. But for this there are sports experts who somehow manage to record more and more champion records. And although such figures can be criticized and doubted in their correctness, they make one think about the physical capabilities of a person.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the people who have set and continue to set such records. And it doesn't matter if you have the strongest punch or can jump the highest - you will always inspire people to overcome impassable obstacles and become better.

Each of the famous football players has their own secrets and their own characteristics when delivering a crushing blow to the opponent's goal. So Cristiano Ronaldo usually spreads his legs wide before a run, David Beckham somehow especially flexed his body, Roberto Carlos swiftly minced his legs.

By itself, measuring the impact force is far from easy. In addition, information of this kind is not always systematized and analyzed. However, Roberto Carlos has gone down in football history as a master of incredible long and medium range shots. His unsurpassed qualities allowed him to become a free kick master. Almost half of the free kicks scored by Carlos ended in goals.

But the main highlight of his strikes was the unpredictable trajectory of the ball. Scientific luminaries many times tried to explain the essence of this miracle, but each time they agreed that the reason was turbulence and gravity.

As for the speed of the ball, Carlos usually achieved an average speed of 136 km / h.

The best of the best

In 2010, the star Lukasz Podolski, of Polish origin, rose. His result, recorded in the match between the national teams of Germany and Austria, struck all football.
201 km/h! And this is at a distance of only sixteen meters!

David Beckham has long been the owner of the most powerful kick on the ball. He, like Carlos, was considered a master of free kicks. Their main feature was sniper accuracy, but if necessary, he could hit incredibly hard. In this case, the opposing goalkeeper had no chance to save the gate. In 1997, the ball after being hit by Beckham flew at a speed of 156 km / h and ended up in the gates of London Chelsea.

Ritchie John Hamreis rose to fame on his debut against Aston Villa of Birmingham by hitting the ball into the net at 154 km/h.

Alan Shearer, well known in England, Newcastle and England footballer. His shot, from a distance of 23 meters and a speed of 136 km / h, easily reached the Leicester City goal net.

Cristiano Ronaldo is considered one of the best football players of our time for a reason. The Golden Ball he received at the end of 2013 is proof of this.

To date, the ranking of the players with the hardest hit is as follows: Lukas Podolski (Germany), Roberto Carlos (Brazil), Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal), Wayne Rooney (England), Paul Scholes (England), Alex (Brazil), David Beckham (England), Steven Gerrard (England), Jon-Arne Riise (Norway), Hamit Altintop (Turkey).

The Nigerian striker is remembered by many for his somersaults. He is a real master of performing acrobatic numbers after goals are scored. But Martins also stands out with a pretty powerful punch. In 2006, Newcastle acquired Obafemi from Inter for a whopping €15m. Much was expected from the newcomer, but he could not fully justify the hopes of the fans. Nevertheless, Martins scored at least one memorable goal with the Forties. The ball after his impact flew into the goal of Tottenham at a speed of 135 km / h. Not weak!

9. Tugay Kerimoglu

The former Turkey midfielder scored just 12 goals in his eight years with Blackburn. But his magnificent strike against Southampton in 2001 adorned Tugai's career and was remembered by many. In a meeting with the "saints", the Turks wholeheartedly hit the opponent's goal, after which the ball picked up a speed of 135.5 km / h. This was enough to get into the top ten most lethal shots. Now Tugay works as a coach in his homeland and teaches his wards to hit the target with strong and accurate blows.


The legend of Real Madrid and the Brazilian national team is deservedly considered one of the best free-kick takers in the history of football. In 1997, he hit the gates of the French national team with a crazy blow - and this episode was one of the most spectacular in the career of an attacking defender. The cunningly twisted ball flew along a peculiar trajectory, turning goalkeeper Fabien Barthez into a mere spectator. At the same time, the ball gained a speed of 137.1 km / h. Now, having played for some time in the Russian Premier League,.


Shearer is a great striker in the past,. The 18-year career of this bright player was Southampton, Blackburn and Newcastle. Alan always "carried with him" the key to the opponent's goal. He scored a lot of goals, and the goal against Leicester from a free kick in 1997 went down in history thanks to the crazy power of Shearer's kick - the ball was launched at a speed of 138 km / h. In that match, the Englishman scored a hat-trick, bringing Newcastle a 4-3 victory over the Foxes. No one could resist such a Shearer!

6. Matthew Le Tissier

Le Tissier is a legend of Southampton, for 16 seasons the attacking midfielder played in this team 456 matches and scored 161 goals in the Premier League. He was among the most gifted players to ever play in the Premier League. Those who watched his actions were truly pleased. In 1997, Le Tissier scored a superb goal against Newcastle United at 139.6 km/h. Now Matt works as a football expert in the media. He has something to tell and something to remember by his own example.

5. Richie Humphreys

Everyone remembers Roberto Carlos and Shearer, but few know Humphreys outside of his native England. The 38-year-old versatile player is still on the pitch with Chesterfield. His best days were early in his career when Ritchie was called up to the England Under-21 squad and played four seasons in the Premier League for Sheffield Wednesday. In 1996, the young Humphreys amazed the public with a goal against Aston Villa. The ball as a result of his lethal shot flew into the net at a speed of 154.3 km / h. The beginning turned out promising, but a good continuation did not follow.


The French striker was a born scorer, at one time scored more than a hundred goals for Juventus in Serie A. Trezeguet was distinguished by his scoring instinct, he played remarkably on the “second floor”. Even before moving to Italy, David made a name for himself at Monaco. It was with the Monegasques that Trezeguet scored a wonderful goal against Manchester United at Old Trafford in 1998. The ball almost broke the net in the upper corner, gaining a speed of 154.4 km / h in flight. With such achievements in a career, it was possible to leave the fields with peace of mind.


The name of 40-year-old Beckham is known even to people far from football. During his 20-year career, the Englishman has won 19 major trophies, leaving his mark on clubs such as Manchester United, Real Madrid and AC Milan. Scored 17 goals in 115 England caps. Free kicks performed by Beckham scared all the goalkeepers in the world. But that goal, which we will remember, was scored from outside the penalty area. In 1997, in a meeting with Chelsea, David hit the target with a powerful shot, after which the ball picked up a speed of 157.5 km / h. It seems that Beckham wanted to be the best in everything on the field.

2. David Hirst

In the early 1990s, Hirst was considered a promising English player, he even played three matches for the national team, but failed to fully reveal himself due to injuries. David spent most of his career at Sheffield Wednesday, playing 294 Premier League games for the team and scoring 106 goals. In the ranking of "beaters" he takes an honorable second place. In a match with London's Arsenal in the 1996/97 season, he, however, failed to score: the ball after Hirst's strike flew at a speed of 183.4 km / h and landed on the crossbar. However, this shot still went down in history.

Until 2006, the recorded record for the impact force belonged to Hirst, but 10 years ago, the Brazilian Eberson surpassed him. Not the most famous player, but nevertheless won his moment of fame. Then Ronnie played for the Portuguese Sporting, and today the 29-year-old midfielder defends the colors of the German Hertha. Eberson succeeded with an absolutely incredible free-kick against Naval. The ball whistled past all the players and the goalkeeper and flew into the net at an amazing speed - 210.8 km / h. Perhaps someone once managed to break through more powerfully, but this is unknown. Ronnie is gun number one!

Every professional football player, especially from the attacking line and midfield, must have an accurate and at the same time strong kick. Those who have both the first and the second very often score the most beautiful goals that are admired by millions. In our article today, we will tell you which player has the most powerful shot in history.

Which player has the strongest kick in football?

Throughout the history of football, there have been many cannon strikes that have achieved their goal. We have collected information about the 5 players with the most powerful kick.

David Beckham

Back in 1997, the legendary midfielder of Manchester United and the England national team kicked the ball into the goal of the London Chelsea, which stuck into the goal net at a speed of about 156 km / h. It was a phenomenal goal. The Chelsea goalkeeper simply did not have the reaction to parry the ball flying at such a speed. It is worth noting that during his football career, Beckham scored a lot of beautiful goals from free kicks, and contrary to the created phenomenon, he was more famous for the accuracy of the strike than for strength.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo has not yet completed his career, but has already managed to collect a lot of individual and club trophies. He scored hundreds of goals, is considered one of the most technical football players of our time, and also managed to distinguish himself with one of the most powerful shots in football. Just like Beckham, Ronaldo is considered a master of free kicks, but the Portuguese sent his fastest ball into the goal from the field. According to rough data, the ball after being hit by Ronaldo flew at a speed of 185 km / h.

Roberto Carlos

This Brazilian has long been the title holder with the most powerful shot in football history. He scored a masterpiece ball of incredible power against the French team at the Confederations Cup. This creation is admired to this day, and coaches of sports schools use it as a good example of hitting the “outside of the foot”.

The goal was scored like this: it was about 35 meters from the goal, the free kick was carried out closer to the right post from the kicker, there was a wall of several players, Roberto Carlos made a long run and hit the ball with the outer part of his left foot. The French goalkeeper did not even have time to jump towards the ball, but only watched him go. Then this blow was discussed more not from the side of force, but from the side of the trajectory of the ball.

Lukas Podolsky

Roberto Carlos' record held until 2010, when Lukas Podolski hit the ball at 202 km/h against Australia at the World Cup in South Africa. This goal was not as colorful as that of the other above-mentioned persons, as it was scored from the penalty area and flew into the net very quickly. But still, then Lucas set a new record for punching power.


Well, here comes the moment of truth. We present to your attention the player who owns the strongest kick in football. The Brazilian managed to beat the achievement of Beckham, Ronaldo, Carlos and Podolski. This football player almost tore the net of the goal, in which the goalkeeper of Shakhtar Donetsk Andriy Pyatov was standing. After being hit by the Hulk, the ball flew at a speed of 214 km / h, and this figure became a new world record, which holds to this day.

Let's hope that new masters of strong, accurate and beautiful strikes will appear in football, which will delight the fans.

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