Methodical structure of the lesson in drawing. Abstract of a drawing lesson in the second junior group "decorating a plate in different ways of drawing"


Summary of the lesson "Drawing an apple with cotton swabs."

Purpose: gift, interior decoration
Target: development of children's creative abilities through acquaintance with the technique of drawing with cotton swabs.
- master the technique of drawing with cotton swabs;
- develop fine motor skills, creativity, imagination, fantasy, aesthetic taste;
- to cultivate accuracy, diligence, composure in the performance of work methods.
Equipment: a sheet of paper, paints, cotton buds, a container of water, drawings by artists.

Course progress.
1. Introduction.
The technique of drawing with cotton swabs has deep roots. Our ancestors painted pictures with a vise - a soaked stick pulled out of an ordinary broom. In painting, there is such a stylistic direction - pointillism. It is based on the manner of writing with separate strokes of the correct, dotted or rectangular shape.

2. Preparing children for a practical lesson.
High on the tree the apples are ripe,
The ripe sides are saturated with the sun;
We have never eaten such apples.
And no one tried, for sure.
Sweet and delicious, golden red,
The smell is amazing, warm in the hand.
The apple tree gave birth to beautiful apples,
Not tastier than apples on our farm!

Guys, today we will draw an apple using cotton swabs. The principle is very simple: dunk cotton swab into the paint and put dots on the drawing. For different color You need your own cotton swab. And if you place the dots more often, then the color will turn out to be more saturated.

3. Practical lesson.
Guys, we start drawing with cotton swabs. We take a sheet of paper with a contour blank.

Draw the outline of the apple. We take a cotton swab, dip it in red paint and put dots along the outline of the picture.

To make the prints even and round, the cotton swab must be held strictly vertically and pressed against the sheet with sufficient pressure.
Draw the stem in the same way brown paint, leaf - green.

Fill the inside of the apple with red dots. Older children can be offered to use 2-3 colors to fill.

The sheet is filled with green dots. Our apple is ready.


Abstract of the lesson on unconventional drawing in senior group: (blotography-experimentation)

"Spring Tree"

Target : Continue to consolidate the ability to perform work in non-traditional techniques.

Artistic Creativity:

  • Introduce children to a new species non-traditional technique drawing "blotography".
  • To introduce the method of drawing with a tube and the method of drawing with napkins.
  • Develop the ability to convey colors.
  • Develop color perception, a sense of composition.
  • Arouse the desire of children to convey their impressions of the perception of objects in iso-activity to bring them to the realization of an expressive image.


  • Develop educational and research activities.
  • Develop imagination, attention, memory and thinking.
  • Develop the respiratory system.


  • Improve speech as a means of communication.
  • Improve the ability to accurately characterize an object, make assumptions and draw simple conclusions.

Dictionary activation: straw for a cocktail.

Dictionary Enrichment: blotography.

Preliminary work:

  • Excursion in the spring park.
  • Examination of illustrations on the theme "Spring has come."
  • Games with water and a straw for a cocktail "sea battle"
  • Blowing air through a tube.
  • Making a background in the technique "Wet".


  • toned sheets
  • Diluted gouache
  • Watercolor, brush for drawing (squirrel)
  • Cocktail tubes.
  • Water in jars
  • River sand on plates.
  • Paper napkins.

Lesson progress:

  1. Organizing time.

Do you guys believe in magic?

(children's answers)

What wizards or magic items you know?

(children's answers)

Where are wizards found?

In your fantasies!

Who do wizards hang out with?

And with those who believe in them!

Today we will be magicians, and the cocktail tube will be magic wand.

  1. Experimentation:

We are the magic wand

Quietly wave

And miracles in a bowl

We will find from the sand.

Move the plate of sand towards you and try to blow into the stick, what do you see? (sand swells). Try to draw with the help of a tube and air the sun you blow out (children draw). Now try this in a bowl of water (kids do). Does not work. And I suggest you draw on paper with the help of our magic wand, and not just draw, but blow out the drawing, but first we will talk with you.

  1. Conversation:

Let's remember together and list the seasons.

What time of year is it now?

What do you like or dislike about spring?

What can you say about trees?

(children's answers)

Reading a poem by T. Dmitriev

Buds swell in spring

And the leaves have hatched

Look at the branches of the maple

How many spouts are green.

Guys, I invite you for a walk along the spring path. Let's go to?

Look, there are some footprints here. Whose do you think? (there are painted traces of a hare on the floor). Probably the hares played in this clearing and left many traces.

And let's play with you like bunnies.

Jumping, jumping in the woods

Hares - gray balls

Jump - jump, jump - jump -

The hare stood up on a stump

He built everyone in order, began to show exercises.

Once! Everyone walks in place.

Two! They wave their hands together.

Three! Sit down, stand up together.

Everyone scratched behind the ear.

Stretched for four.

Five! Bent over and bent over.

Six! Everyone lined up again

They marched like a squad.

We had a nice walk, played enough, and now we can get down to business.

Look what we have on the table.

(album sheets with a prepared background, watercolor, brushes, diluted gouache, spoons, jars of water, paper napkins)

We will draw trees with our magic wand-pipe. First, we will take the paint with a spoon and make a blot in the place where the tree trunk will begin. Then we begin to inflate the blot with a tube, without touching it with either paint or paper. The leaf can be rotated to create a trunk. Next, draw the crown of the tree with a napkin (take a napkin, crumple it and dip it in the paint, draw the crown of the tree (we stick it) or draw the leaves with a brush using the sticking method, but first the drawing should dry. In the meantime, we will rest a little. Lie down on the carpet with eyes closed and imagine the beauty of the spring forest.

(music recording sounds - relaxation “Sounds of the spring forest)

  1. What needs to be done to make the drawing beautiful?

You need to try hard and do the drawing with love. Children draw. Independent activity.

Summary of the lesson:

So our drawings are ready, bright, elegant!

In conclusion, physical education:

We drew today

We drew today

Our fingers are tired.

Let them rest a little

Start drawing again

Let's take our elbows together

Let's start drawing again (stroked the hands, shook them, kneaded them.)

We drew today

Our fingers are tired.

Shake our fingers

Let's start drawing again.

Feet together, feet apart

We drive in nails (children smoothly raise their hands in front of them, shake with brushes, stomp.)

We tried, we drew

And now everyone stood up together,

They stamped their feet, clapped their hands,

Then we squeeze our fingers

Let's start drawing again.

We tried, we drew

Our fingers are tired.

And now we'll rest

Let's start drawing again

(Reciting a poem, the children perform movements, repeating after the teacher.)

If one of the children did not have time to finish drawing, they finish drawing. At the end of the lesson - an exhibition of the resulting work. Viewing children's drawings is carried out with the task of choosing expressive images: the most unusual, bright, elegant, cheerful tree. The realism of the image is noted. Each child finds out what materials and techniques he used.


Topic: "Undersea world".



Types of children's activities:

Materials and equipment:

Course progress.

The riddle is for the mind charging.

1. It contains salt water,

There are courts on it.

In summer adults and children

They go there to rest. (Sea)

2. For parents and children

3. A forest grew in the sea,

He is all green. (Seaweed)

Finger gymnastics.

Two sisters, two hands(Children show hands)

Cutting, building, digging,(Imitate actions)

Weeds are falling together(lean down)

And wash each other(Palm wash fist)

Two hands knead the dough(Imitate actions)

Sea and river water

Rake while swimming(mean actions)

Stages of work:

3. Analysis of work.

Summary of the lesson.

well done!


Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the senior group

Topic: "Undersea world".

Integration of educational areas:"Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication".

Target: develop in children cognitive interest, Creative skills.


Systematize and expand children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the underwater world;

Develop speech activity, enrich vocabulary (starfish, octopus, jellyfish);

Improve children's ability to draw in non-traditional techniques (wax crayons + watercolor), create a composition of a given theme;

To carry out aesthetic education; bring up careful attitude to natural objects.

Types of children's activities:cognitive-research, communicative, art-musical, productive, game.

Materials and equipment:photo with the image of the inhabitants of the underwater world, the picture "Disgruntled fish", the audio recording "The sound of the sea", A4 sheets, wax crayons, watercolor, brushes, cups of water.

Course progress.

Guys, today we will go on an exciting journey with you. Look carefully at the photo. What is shown on it? (Answers of children). I propose to turn into fish and find yourself at the bottom of the sea. (The teacher turns on the audio recording "The Sound of the Sea").

Did you enjoy being a fish? What kind of fish did you imagine, funny or sad? (Children's statements)

Now look closely at the picture. What is the mood of the fish? What could upset them? (Children's statements)

Let's remember the rules of behavior at the pond together. (Children tell how to behave near a pond)

In addition to fish, in the sea we can meetstarfish, jellyfish, octopus.

(The teacher shows a photo with their image)

Look guys, how beautiful they are! We will not meet such interesting inhabitants on land. These are the inhabitants of the deep sea.

The riddle is for the mind charging.

Guys, I will make riddles for you, and you must find answers in our marine picture.

1. It contains salt water,

There are courts on it.

In summer adults and children

They go there to rest. (Sea)

2. For parents and children

All clothing made from coins. (Fish)

3. A forest grew in the sea,

He is all green. (Seaweed)

Guys, the world of the deep sea is rich, beautiful and diverse. Today I propose to depict with the help of wax crayons and watercolors my undersea world.

Finger gymnastics.

Two sisters, two hands(Children show hands)

Cutting, building, digging,(Imitate actions)

Weeds are falling together(lean down)

And wash each other(Palm wash fist)

Two hands knead the dough(Imitate actions)

Left and right, (Show one, then the other hand)

Sea and river water (Make wave-like movements with the hands)

Rake while swimming(mean actions)

Independent activity of children.

Stages of work:

1. Draw wax crayons fish, rocks, algae...

2. Color the entire sheet of paper with blue paint.

3. Analysis of work.

Summary of the lesson.

Guys, let's show each other what wonderful drawings we got. Each of you has your own unique underwater world. All the guys tried, showed their imagination and showed their knowledge of marine life. Everything today well done!


Summary of GCD for drawing in an unconventional form "Pictures from the sand" in the senior group

Target : introduce children to unconventional form sand drawing;

Develop artistic skills visual activity ability to accept and implement creative task, creative imagination.

preliminary work: drawing with sticks in the sand. Sandbox games. Summer vacation talk.

Equipment : sheets of yellow, orange, beige paper of different sizes, felt-tip pens. Sandboxes, sheets of paper white color, glue sticks, oilcloth.

GCD progress

caregiver : guys, listen to a poem by V. Shipunova"Palms":

I stroke my hands

Warm sand.

I draw a boat

And next to a flower

And my mother's cat

And grandfather accordion,

flying crane

And the letter is Antoshka.

streaming sand...

I sit - I do not breathe,

after all the world pictures

I hold in my hands.

Guys, what season is it now?

That's right, summer. What games can be played on the playground?

In addition to the games you listed, you can not only play with sand, but also draw on it, how can you draw on sand?(Chopsticks or fingers)

caregiver : Guys, we have yellow, orange, beige paper, let's imagine that it is sand, and pencils are shelves.

Imagine that you and I are sitting on the shore of the sea or river, stroking the yellow sand with our palms and drawing the most beautiful pictures in the world. Choose sandy colored paper. It can be one large sheet - many pictures will fit on it. Or a few small leaves - one for each picture.

Sit down as you like, because we are with you on the beach and draw any picture. Think about what you would like to draw and be sure to come up with a name for your picture.

The teacher asks who will draw what and writes down the name of the picture on each piece of paper.

Physical education minute:

Like the sea on our

The golden fish are dancing.

They play merrily

In clean warm water

They will shrink, they will unclench,

They burrow in the sand

They wave their fins

They spin in circles.

Children depict frolicking fish.

caregiver : Guys, now we will turn your pictures into unusual"sandy" . I have a magic box, what do you think is in it?(sand)

There is one unusual way creation"sandy" paintings -

With paper and glue. It is necessary to draw a glue stick along all the lines of the picture and quickly put the picture flat in a box with sand with the image down, lightly pat and raise the picture.

Children master new way, located near the boxes with sand.

Upon completion of the work, the teacher with the children draws up an exhibition of children's works"Sand Pictures".


Summary of drawing classes in the senior group

on the topic: "Wonderful transformations of the blot"


Tasks. Create conditions for free experimentation with different materials and tools (artistic and household). Show new ways of obtaining abstract images (blot). Arouse interest in the objectification and "revitalization" of unusual forms (blot).

Develop creative imagination.

Preliminary work.

Observations on a walk and a conversation about what clouds look like, what puddles look like?

The teacher reads to the children an excerpt from "The Story of the Boy Who Wanted to Become an Artist" (book by I.A. Lykova "Colored Hands").


Paints - watercolor, gouache; colored ink, soft brushes different sizes, old toothbrushes, slices of vegetables (potatoes, beets), rags, sponges, newspapers for crushing and stamping; jars of water, cocktail tubes (straws).

Course progress.

The teacher reads to the children a poem by D. Ciardi "About who came out of the blot."

Yesterday my sister brought me a gift

A bottle of black - black ink.

I began to draw, but immediately from the pen

Dropped a huge blot.

And a spot blurred on the sheet,

It began to grow little by little:

On the left is the trunk, and on the right is the tail,

Legs - like pedestals, high growth ...

I immediately go to black ink

I drew huge ears,

And it turned out, of course, he, -

You guessed it, Indian elephant.

Guys, what is a blot?

Yes, a blot is a stain indefinite form, which is obtained if you accidentally spill a colored liquid - paint or ink. Due to the fact that the spot does not have an exact shape, it can be turned into anything or anyone.

Let's first draw blots today, and then turn them into whoever we want or into whoever they look like.

How do you think, how can you put or receive, or draw a blot?

That's right: you can make an imprint with a sponge, a cloth, a piece of paper.

Stamp with a slice of beetroot, which leaves traces of its juice.

Draw a puddle with a soft brush, a toothbrush.

Put a little ink on a sheet of paper and blow it up from a tube or straw in different sides.

Let's draw different blots on separate sheets of paper. different ways. Children are experimenting. The teacher reminds that the main thing in the blot is uncertainty, surprise, unusual form.

Physical education minute

After the children have mastered several methods and created several blots, I propose to revive the blots - turn them into living beings or objects.

Children, carefully examine your blots, turn the sheets of paper in different directions. Here, for example, is my inkblot: if you look at it like this, it looks like a little man, you just need to finish the eyes and mouth; and if you turn the blot over, it resembles a flower, I just add a stem and leaves.

And who will your blots turn into? (Quietly I ask each child about his associations, intentions, I help indecisive children)

The children are doing the work. A general exhibition of "live" blots is arranged.


Topic: “Object monotype “Butterfly”.
Age group: senior group.

Purpose: to develop children's interest in visual activity. To introduce children to the world of art through the knowledge of the world around them, its artistic meaning. Program objectives of educational areas:
Artistic and aesthetic development: to acquaint children with the "monotype" visual technique, to activate the manifestation of an aesthetic attitude to the natural world, to develop an emotional response to the manifestation of beauty in the world around. Develop imagination.
Cognitive development: to consolidate children's knowledge of butterflies as representatives of the insect class, to continue to form children's knowledge about the three phases of butterfly development, to cultivate a caring attitude towards the world of insects.
Physical development: develop fine motor skills of hands, develop coordination abilities.
Preliminary work: viewing the presentation "Insects". Lexical and grammatical exercises on the topic "Butterflies", "Insects". Conversation "How a butterfly appears." Board-printed games: lotto "Insects", "Harm and benefit", "Who lives where", "Collect from parts". Discussion of the stories of V. S. Grebennikov "Secrets of the world of insects."
Methods and techniques:
Visual: showing a scheme for turning a caterpillar into a butterfly, showing techniques for depicting a butterfly using the “monotype” technique.
Verbal: conversation, questions to children, pronunciation of the words of a physical education minute, instruction, explanation, verbal description the process of turning a caterpillar into a butterfly.
Practical: productive activity, physical education.
Equipment: watercolor paints, brushes of different thicknesses, napkins, water containers, sheets of A4 white paper, cards depicting the stages of butterfly development, picture material on the topic “Butterflies”, easel.
The teacher invites the children to wish the guests good morning:
Educator: The guys all get up in a circle and wish each other good morning. All together: All the children gathered in a circle I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. Hello, dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world! The activities of pupils.
Greeting, children greet, give guests smiles, perform movements in accordance with the words of the text.
Methods, forms, techniques,
possible types
activities. Result.
Children develop psychological readiness for educational activities.
The teacher makes a riddle about the caterpillar, makes fairy tale character and beats him, invites the children to get acquainted with the caterpillar. Children listen attentively, guess the riddle, agree to get acquainted, get acquainted with the fairy-tale caterpillar character. They focus attention, emotionally express their attitude to the activity.
A surprise moment is the appearance of the caterpillar hero. Mutual greeting.
Children are ready for the upcoming activity.
We all have fun, but the caterpillar is sad,
(asks the children to answer why? Because everyone thinks the caterpillar is ugly, clumsy, some want to crush it). - Think, please, how can we help the caterpillar? Cheer her up. Do you want to help the caterpillar? Respects children's statements, helps children draw conclusions. Children notice a sad caterpillar, call possible reasons sad mood caterpillars. They make judgments about how to help the caterpillar, express their own thoughts, draw conclusions based on their own experience. Statement of the problem: help the caterpillar to find a good mood.
staging problematic issues: what can be done, how can you help the caterpillar. Discussion.
Children have an internal motivation for activity, a desire is formed to help the caterpillar - to tell it that the caterpillar can turn into a beautiful butterfly.
I made sure that you are really ready to help the caterpillar turn into a butterfly, but for this we need to remember the stages of turning a caterpillar into a butterfly (offer the children a game task “Name the stage of turning a caterpillar into a butterfly”, based on visual material).
Systematizes the answers of children, summarizes, asks children questions that stimulate the process of thinking. Children participate in dialogue
express their opinion
based on available
representations, recall previously learned, ask
and answer the questions:
Where does the caterpillar come from? Where do butterflies lay their eggs? What happens to the caterpillar, what does it turn into? When does the chrysalis turn into a butterfly?, they perform a game task: they name the stages of turning a caterpillar into a butterfly. The conversation is accompanied by a display on an easel
pictures depicting the stages of transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Children reproduce information
for a successful
learning new things, correct answers show that children have knowledge on the topic "Reproduction and development of insects."

The teacher pronounces and shows the movements of the physical education minute “The flower was sleeping and, suddenly, woke up”
together with the children performs movements, in accordance with the words of the text. Children perform the movements of the physical education minute, in accordance with the words of the text, the children liked the physical education minute, they carefully follow the teacher, listen to the text, repeat the movements. Showing the movements of the physical education minute "A flower was sleeping and, suddenly, woke up."
Performing movements, in accordance with the words of the text. Relieve stress, emotional and physical release.
Mastering methods of action, applying knowledge, skills and
skills. The teacher tells
shows the children the sequence,
non-traditional techniques
drawing "subject monotype", pronounces the name of non-traditional technique with the children. Offers to draw with a thin brush small parts: pattern on the wings, antennae, limbs. Provides necessary assistance and emotional support.
Children carefully listen to the teacher, pronounce the stages and sequence of work, do practical work on their own - draw a butterfly using the “subject monotype” technique, draw small details with a thin brush.

The teacher organizes the analysis practical work, discussion of the most successful and interesting, notes each child that he drew interesting, listens to the opinion of children in discussing their work and the work of their peers. Invites children to create an album with drawings and give it to the caterpillar. Children talk about their completed work, what, in their opinion, was the most successful for them, and what was the idea. Prepare drawings for the album as a gift to the caterpillar. Analysis, active discussion. Children recognize themselves as participants creative process. Children develop elementary self-esteem skills and the ability to evaluate the work of their peers. Children see the result of their work.
Summing up the results of the GCD, summarizing the experience gained by the child.
The teacher asks the children questions:
- Was it difficult to do the job? What did you like the most? Which of the non-traditional techniques do you enjoy working with the most? Have we helped the caterpillar? The teacher offers to draw a caterpillar smile, attracts children to summing up. Children emotionally react to the work done. Answer the teacher's questions. Evaluation, praise, approval. Children are able to analyze their work, the children received satisfaction from joint activities with the teacher and are satisfied with the result of their activities.

It is rather difficult to say what the educator should do more today in kindergarten- the development of a baby or paperwork. If he is going to hold an open event, then he cannot do without a detailed plan-outline. Moreover, this is required by law, and not at the whim of the authorities.


In order for you to better understand what an outline plan should be, let's look at a real situation. For example, the next lesson is on the topic "Winter". And not simple, but open. So in any case, you will have to make a plan so as not to blunder in front of your parents.

To get started, you need to write down two points:

  1. Lesson type. Here you must indicate in what manner the lesson will be conducted: generalization of knowledge, their consolidation, or, perhaps, the study of new material.
  2. Objectives of the lesson. In general terms, describe what you want to achieve during the course open event. In our case, variations like: the creation of collective and individual drawings on the theme "Winter" are suitable.

By specifying these two points, you create a basis for reflection. Based on them, you can think about the future course of the lesson. However, this outline of the drawing lesson is just beginning.


We figured out the practical goals that you want to achieve. Next, set yourself experiential goals that you want to accomplish with your children. GEF and FGT insist that the development of preschoolers should be comprehensive and versatile. Based on this, three areas of tasks can be distinguished:

  1. Educational. Specify what your pupils should learn during the lesson. What practical skills should be obtained or consolidated: consolidating artistic skills and techniques, improving the quality of introspection and criticism of other people's work, the ability to independently choose the materials necessary for work.
  2. Educational. What character traits would you like to instill in your child through this activity? A careful attitude to wildlife is well suited to our topic.
  3. Developing. It may seem that this is the same as in the first paragraph. But if there you indicated practical skills, then here it is better to focus on mental ones. Show that you are striving to develop in children an interest in the environment and nature, artistic flair, initiative and imagination.

Thus, you will form the "third pillar" on which the entire learning process and your future outline of the drawing lesson will be based.

preliminary work

Since an open drawing lesson in the senior group is usually held at the end of quarters or a year, here you will have to indicate all the material covered that could be attributed to the topic under consideration.

What can be used in our case? Let's make a list of study materials to make it easier to draw in the senior group on the theme "Winter".

  1. Reading fairy tales "Snegurochka" and "12 months".
  2. Examination and discussion of photographs and paintings with a winter landscape.
  3. Study of the properties of water and its states of aggregation.
  4. Conversations about the features of animal life in winter. Change of color, hibernation.
  5. Sketching animals with geometric shapes.

Only by providing the children with the necessary baggage of knowledge, you can conduct an open drawing lesson in the older group.

Lesson progress

From this moment, the most ambiguous and variable part begins in your outline plan. You need to plan in advance what you will say, and most importantly, what the children will answer. This is your main task. In order to prevent the development of events that could get out of control, it is necessary to analyze the entire future lesson and draw up a plan.

  1. Greetings.
  2. Dialogue with children.
  3. Collective work.
  4. Fizminutka.
  5. Individual creativity.
  6. Summing up and analysis of works.

Remember, you need to describe in detail what will happen in the lesson. For example:

Hello children! Today a snowman came to visit us! And it's already summer outside! Let's help him cool down and draw (drawing with crayons on the board, the children make a joint composition).

In this vein, you need to think through the entire lesson. An open drawing lesson in the older group should be planned and conducted very accurately, because the older the children, the more unexpected questions may come up that the teacher should have an answer to.

Used materials

We have already found out what children need to know before conducting such a open lesson. But that's not all. The teacher also needs to prepare and bring everything necessary materials. Or ask the children to prepare some equipment themselves. In order not to forget anything, make a list and also include it in the plan.

  1. Photos and paintings depicting winter.
  2. Multimedia equipment as needed. You can limit yourself to a projector and show slides instead of paperwork with pictures. Music player and records. For example, Vivaldi's The Four Seasons.
  3. Children will need art supplies. Pencils, paints, crayons. Album.
  4. Specify which drawing technique will be used. The older group has a wide choice in this aspect - pointillism (dots), plasticineography, inkblotography, fingers, scratching.
  5. You may want to create an application. Then you will need other materials - glue, cotton wool and so on.

This point is very important. If you miss something important, the lesson can completely go down the drain. Also, indicate which teaching aids you were preparing for the lesson. It doesn't matter if you did it or not. Just for reporting, so that your bosses can’t find fault with you that you don’t conduct training according to standards.


The topic we have considered "Winter" is not always well suited for open classes. No matter how you strive to develop the imagination of children, there are more "convenient" topics for drawing classes in the older group. A wide variety of options may be suitable.

  • "Salute". For the practice of drawing with a poke.
  • "Forest". Allows you to get to know animals and plants better.
  • "My family". Drawing a person is much more difficult. This topic good for practicing complex patterns.
  • Drawing in an unconventional style. Teach children to draw pictures with improvised means. For example, if there is no watercolor, but there is an iron and wax (encaustic).
  • "Rules traffic". Allow children to better understand the need to comply with them.

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Drawing. Summaries of drawing classes, GCD - Photo report on the lesson in the middle group on drawing "Penguin"

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Synopsis of OOD for drawing "Gift for dad" Synopsis of OOD: Artistic and aesthetic development-drawing "Gift for dad" Topic: drawing "Gift for dad" Age group: first junior goal: the creation of a social situation of development in the process of productive activity. Tasks: - create conditions for the formation of skills ...

Master class: "Magic transformation"

Abstract of a drawing lesson

Program: Additional educational program for preschoolers "Tassel", designed for 3 years of study, 3 hours a week.

Group: 3 year of study (6 years)

Theme of the program section:"Painting. Color as a means of expression

Purpose of the lesson: teach children to draw a butterfly based on their own ideas.

Lesson objectives:

educational: learn to convey the correct structure of a butterfly, draw patterns various methods- infusion of color into color, the use of geometric shapes, monotype;

developing: develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination, sense of color, interest in creative activity;

educational: to cultivate aesthetic feelings, independence, accuracy, the ability to evaluate their own work and the work of others, a positive attitude towards all living things.

Equipment: illustrations depicting butterflies, paper blanks of butterfly silhouettes, a panel "Meadow with flowers", watercolor, palettes, brushes with soft bristles, water jars, paper napkins, music. accompaniment "Sounds of the forest", didactic game on the symmetry "Find the other half of the butterfly."

Methods and techniques: game - a surprise moment, verbal, visual - show.

Preliminary work: reading educational literature about butterflies "How butterflies appear", looking at pictures "Butterflies".

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment(game)

Teacher: - Guys, today I will tell you one interesting story(the story is accompanied by a fairy tale).

In one wonderful garden there lived a caterpillar. Every morning she woke up and looked at herself in a drop of dew, as in a mirror. What reflection did she see in the droplet? Of course it's not pretty. The caterpillar was very upset by its ugliness, sat down on the edge of the leaf and wept bitterly.

But one day a spider ran past. It was a pity for the spider neighbor. And he decided to help her. I wove a veil of silver threads to hide her from prying eyes. The caterpillar wrapped itself in it and fell asleep.

The sorceress found out - Spring about this, she touched the cocoon with a magic wand, and the caterpillar woke up from sleep.

- “Oh, what a beautiful butterfly, what beautiful wings it has!” birds chirped.

The caterpillar looked around, but there was no one around except for it. She turned into a beautiful butterfly.

The teacher shows a butterfly and reads a poem on her behalf.


You're right. One aerial outline

I'm so sweet

All my velvet with its live blinking -

Only two wings.

Don't ask: where did it come from?

Where am I in a hurry?

Here on a flower I lightly sank

And here I am breathing.

For a long time, without purpose, without effort.

Do you want to breathe?

Here, now, flashing, I will spread my wings

And I'll fly away.

2. Explanation.

The beauty of butterflies is given by their elegant wings. Each butterfly has its own unique pattern on its wings.

(Review of samples of painted butterflies).

What elements does the pattern of each butterfly consist of? (rings, circles, rhombuses, dots, straight and wavy lines).

What colors are used in the painting: dull or bright? (bright)

(Didactic symmetry game "Find the other half of the butterfly")

Conclusion: Objects are said to be symmetrical if the two sides of the object are the same.

Teacher. - Let's become magicians for a few minutes today and help the unfortunate caterpillars turn into beautiful butterflies - girlfriends for our butterfly. We have butterflies, and we will make their wings bright and beautiful. Magic colors will help us.

Wings will be painted in different ways.


1. To consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables (color, shape, place of growth).

2. Develop technical skills in drawing with pencils, paints and other materials, attention, memory, logical thinking.

3. To cultivate industriousness, a positive attitude towards nature and a desire to take care of it.

Equipment: brushes, simple pencils, oilcloths, napkins, paints (gouache), palette, jars of water, sheets of paper, basket, vegetables (zucchini, cucumber, onion, garlic, carrot, tomato, cabbage, potato), ICT.

Preliminary work: observing the growth of vegetables in the garden, harvesting, looking at and comparing pictures with real vegetables, solving riddles, watching an excerpt from the Chipolino cartoon (IKT).

Lesson progress:

Educator: “Guys, they sent us a letter. But from whom it is not clear. Can we read it?"

Children: "Come on!"

Educator: “Oh, guys, in the letter someone asks for help, it says here that he was bewitched by a forest sorceress. In order to destroy the witchcraft, you need to guess the riddle!

Bunny riddle:

He likes to gnaw carrots,

He eats cabbage very cleverly,

He jumps here and there,

Through fields and forests

Grey, white and oblique

Who, say he is?

Educator: "Guys, do you hear anything?".

Children: Yes, this is music.

A bunny appears to the music, he carries a large basket, it’s hard for him, the children help him. Bunny thanks the guys for guessing the riddle and thereby disenchanting him.

Children: “Bunny, why did the witch bewitch you?”

Bunny: "Because she does not like good deeds, but I wanted to do a good deed, I wanted to help my mother while she was at work."

Educator: “Guys, look what the bunny has in the basket?”.

Children: Vegetables.

Teacher: What kind of vegetables are these? (children list). "Where did the bunny get them?"

Children: "In the garden."

Educator: "And how do these vegetables grow?".

Children: "On the bushes, in the ground."

Educator: “Which of these vegetables grows on a tree?”

Children: "None. Only fruits and berries grow on trees!

Teacher: "That's right!"

Educator: “Guys, what color and what shape are these vegetables?”.

Children: "Round, oval, red, yellow, green, orange, white, gray, brown."

Teacher: "Yes."

Educator: "Bunny, why do you need these vegetables?".

Bunny: “I wanted to cook something, but I don’t know what!”.

Educator: "Guys, what can I cook?".

Children: "Shi".

Educator: “And what exactly do we put in cabbage soup?”

Children: "onion, garlic, cabbage, tomato, potato, carrot."

Educator: “Yes, we will also put the zucchini and cucumber that we have.”

Children: “No, we don’t need zucchini and cucumber, they don’t put them in cabbage soup!”.

Educator: “Yes, they don’t. Bunny, did you understand that you don’t need to put it in cabbage soup?

Bunny: "Got it! Oh, I'll forget by the time I get home!

Educator: "Guys, what can we do with you so that the bunny does not forget anything?".

Children: “We can draw all the vegetables that need to be put in cabbage soup. Bunny will come home, look at our drawings and remember everything.

Teacher: Yes, you are right! Guys, choose by yourself any vegetables that you would like to draw.


Summary of the lesson:

Educator: "Guys, you did a good job, your vegetables turned out beautiful and bright."

Educator: "Guys, tell me what we did with you today?".

Children: “They helped the bunny: they solved the riddle, named and drew all the vegetables, told what they could cook from them.”

Educator: “What else can we call what we did?”.

Children: "We did - a good deed!".

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