How to master power asanas? Basic exercises from power yoga for weight loss and endurance development.

The dream of having a beautiful toned body is quite feasible, you should think about doing power yoga. Combining yoga and strength training, the direction appeared in 1995. Its main characteristic is the performance of special exercises interconnected by a short-term connecting element. To harmonize the process, melodic, quiet, relaxing music sounds. The connecting element between the series of exercises is pranayama, which is performed to restore lost strength and regulate the respiratory rhythm.

Who Does Power Yoga?

In power yoga, poses or asanas are aimed at both the development of plasticity and the formation of muscle strength. Particular attention in this practice is given to breathing. Exercises should be performed at a fairly fast pace, while the person’s breathing does not go astray, his pace is maintained.

Power yoga can be practiced by anyone. But there are special groups of people to whom this direction will be closest.

Power yoga exercises are suitable for:

  1. People who appreciate strenuous and enhanced physical activity, enjoy self-improvement and improving the shape of their body.
  2. Athletes involved in martial arts who are able to combine their sport with other training.
  3. For former athletes who want to keep in good athletic shape.
  4. Power yoga for weight loss with exercises is suitable for women who want to get rid of extra pounds. In addition to weight stabilization, power yoga is indispensable as a powerful source of spiritual strength, establishing self-control and self-confidence.
  5. Power dynamic yoga will appeal to men seeking to increase the endurance of the body and form a relief muscular frame. Unlike strength training, which is aimed only at pumping certain muscles, power yoga helps to maintain flexibility and plasticity, and with it, impressive muscle strength will appear.

Power yoga for beginners is like a workout consisting of a specific series of exercises that must be performed at a given speed. According to experts, power yoga contributes not only to the formation of a strong beautiful body, but also affects the development of internal personality traits, such as: endurance and willpower.

Exercises and complexes

There are several main stages corresponding to certain physical skills of people. It is impossible at the initial stage to proceed immediately to power yoga, while excluding the initial skills of power hatha yoga.

Power yoga for beginners includes:

  1. They begin to engage in the task of rudrasana or power asanas of a sumo wrestler. To do this, put your feet about 75 cm wide, the heels should be directed at each other. Connect both hands in the chest area - this pose is called namaste or greeting (palms should rest tightly against each other). Gradually, the legs bend, and the body falls down. Pay special attention to the position of the hips: they are turned outward. Performing this technique, the calf and thigh muscles are strengthened.
  2. The next task is virabhadrasana or power asanas of a warrior. Performing them, you need to lunge forward. The leg that is in front should be bent 90 °. Keep the other leg straight, her heel firmly pressed to the floor. Hands must be bent, elbows point back. The legs change alternately, it is important to lunge first with one, then with the second leg. Strengthens: dorsal, calf and thigh muscles.
  3. This is followed by Ashtanga Namaskar Asana or Six Points Pose by taking a lying position on the stomach. Raise the pelvis above the horizontal surface, while you need to rest on your knees. Bend your arms, palms should be located strictly under the shoulders. Tear off the body body by at least 6 cm. Thanks to the exercise, triceps are trained in a person.
  4. Vasisthasana, an exercise known as the power asanas of the sage, is performed interestingly. Lunge forward with your left foot. The right hand is placed perpendicularly on a flat floor. The body itself must be turned to the left, the left foot is turned to the left side, and the right foot is placed on the floor on the outer edge. In order not to lose balance, you need to reach up with your left hand, while tightening the abdominal muscles. This exercise is done on both sides. At the same time, the abdominals and forearm muscles are trained.
  5. The well-known bar is made as follows - to perform the exercise, you need to lie on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows. Raise the body, pelvis, legs above the floor. Elbows and socks will be the fulcrum of the body. The stomach is pulled in, the buttocks are maximally tense. The muscles of the hands and the abdominal press are strengthened.
  6. Then it is necessary to perform the navasana exercise or power asanas of the boat. The initial posture of this technique is to lie on your back, raise your straight legs and body at least 10 cm. Press your lower back firmly against the floor. The hands of a person doing power yoga are reaching for their legs. At the same time, the abdominal press is intensively trained.
  7. The last task is shalabhasana, which is also called grasshopper power asanas. This technique is very similar to boat pose. To perform it, you need to lie on your stomach, and lift your legs and body off the floor. Arms extended up and back, legs should be held together.

It is very important to maintain a respiratory pace throughout the entire gymnastic complex. After all the exercises are done, it is recommended to drink water and lie down, taking a pose that will contribute to the overall relaxation of the body. This body position is called shavasana or corpse pose.

Benefits of Power Yoga

Regular performance of strength exercises in yoga with a gradual increase in the number of approaches made and an increase in the load on the body contribute to the formation of a strong, beautifully built figure.

The main advantages of such exercises are:

  • lack of shells needed for the training process;
  • power yoga for weight loss replaces following strict debilitating diets;
  • excess weight disappears, the figure acquires more plasticity, grace and grace;
  • power yoga contributes to the formation of correct views on healthy nutrition.

In addition, power yoga has a beneficial effect on human health. Regular exercise helps:

  • muscle strengthening;
  • the appearance and preservation of an even beautiful posture;
  • improvement of coordination of movements;
  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • improvement of the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Exercises can be performed daily without causing overload, strengthening the tone of the body and improving mood.

Possible disadvantages

But, starting to practice power yoga, you need to know that the exercises only seem easy to perform and absolutely harmless to the body. You can not start classes without consulting an instructor. A competent specialist will be able to help in working on the muscles at the initial stage. Otherwise, power yoga can bring not benefit, but harm.

Power yoga is available to everyone, but despite this, it requires a certain physical form. People who have not previously played sports or did not adhere to an active lifestyle will find it quite difficult to cope with heavy loads.

It won't be easy, but it's still worth a try. The beginner's loads should increase gradually, and then the desired rhythm of the exercises will soon be mastered. Working with a good instructor, a beginner will easily master the basic asanas and will get real pleasure from classes.

People have been practicing yoga for thousands of years. In medicine, there is even a special definition called “Yogotherapy”. It involves the treatment and deliverance of the human body from various diseases and pathologies that negatively affect the general condition of a person. What is power yoga? Her Principles. How to start healing with power yoga? What are its advantages? This and much more will be covered in this article.

Yoga principle

The main task of yoga is to change and expand the creation of a person, in addition to this, it has a great influence on the body, the physical condition of a person, stretching all the muscles and giving them a special tone.

For example, yoga will be useful for people who have:

  • Blood stasis.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Back pain .
  • Spasms.
  • And other symptoms that are no less dangerous for the state of the body.


Breathing is an essential element of yoga. Proper breathing contributes to complete relaxation, and what is very important - it changes the chemical properties of the blood. A person who breathes correctly during a yoga session helps his body to strengthen, improve and rejuvenate.


Adhering to the correctness in doing yoga, a person not only improves his physical condition, but also strengthens his spirit. Yoga is the best way to get rid of many diseases that absolutely every person on Earth has.


Sleep improvement. Poor sleep quality or lack thereof is a direct road to rapid aging and poor looking skin. Thanks to yoga, a person is able to restore his regimen and get rid of insomnia, which is the main factor provoking the appearance of various diseases.

Getting rid of a headache. Most people experience headaches every day. It can appear due to many factors, poor nutrition, stress, nervousness, etc. To improve well-being and get rid of headaches, yoga will be more useful than ever. One has only to perform a few exercises to stretch the spine, neck, and a person feels much better.

Power yoga for beginners is not magic, the principle of its work is very simple. Thanks to stretching, performing various exercises, the blood flow of the whole body improves, a person manages to get rid of spasms and strengthen the general physical condition of the body.

Posture improvement. Power yoga for men not only strengthens the muscles and bones of a person, but also has a great influence on creating the correct posture. In just a few weeks - a month of yoga classes, you will notice that your posture is much better and more beautiful than it was before. A good, and most importantly, correct posture will give the body not only beauty and attractiveness, but also self-confidence.

Achieving harmony. In addition to the physical impact on the human body, yoga also has the most important positive impact on achieving the correct harmony of a person. Regular yoga classes will allow you to know your body and know your inner world even better.

Relaxation is the main element of yoga. It will allow you to get rid of negative thoughts and various experiences. Deep breathing (an obligatory element of yoga) will help bring the mind to calmness, become much more reasonable and approach all problems “With a cool head”.

Getting rid of protrusion and hernia. A herniated disc is a very common disease that occurs in 10 out of 1000 people.

What is an intervertebral hernia? - Each person has a spine, the spinal column consists of vertebrae, between which there is an intervertebral disc. It performs a shock-absorbing function, gives the spine flexibility and strength. The intervertebral disc has a fibrous ring with fluid inside, called the annulus pulposus. Sometimes, one inaccurate movement or spinal injury is enough, and the pulpous ring can rupture. The fluid from it flows out and pinches the nerve roots that are located and enveloping the spine.

Many people argue that the disease cannot be cured conservatively and surgery is required to completely heal and get rid of the hernia. Such statements take place, but surgery for intervertebral hernia does not carry any guarantee to the sick person that he can become a full-fledged and absolutely healthy person. Unfortunately, statistics prove otherwise. The most suitable, really useful and effective way of treatment is yoga.

The healing yoga course should take at least six months. It is necessary to perform exercises every day, after waking up and in the evening (not before bedtime). Performing exercises during the first weeks, the sick person feels much better, and the progress of rehabilitation continues actively from day to day. Of course, the disease cannot be eliminated with the help of yoga, but you can save yourself from constant pain, discomfort and inconvenience.

Metabolism and weight loss. In addition to all the above benefits, yoga has a positive effect on accelerating metabolism and eliminating problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Constant and regular yoga classes will not only truly improve your body and feel your best 24 hours a day, but will also save you from problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and if you have a copious amount of excess weight, yoga will help put your body in order.


To achieve positive results in the treatment of physical diseases with the help of yoga, the course of treatment should last at least three months. It is necessary to deal with it responsibly and for your own pleasure, it is these 2 moments that will allow you to get rid of all ailments as soon as possible and become an absolutely healthy and happy person.


Those who want to keep the body in good shape and engage in spiritual self-improvement are torn between strength training in the gym and yoga. To combine the benefits of both systems, Beryl Burch, more than twenty years ago, developed a technique that was called "power yoga".

What is power yoga

The difference between power yoga and classical yoga is great. While classical yoga is designed to develop the flexibility of the body and mind, strength yoga is designed to lose weight and improve the muscular frame. Using the Birch technique, you can make the body more prominent and muscular without resorting to strict diets or heavy physical exertion.

The sets of exercises are thought out in such a way that the asanas alternate correctly and help the practitioner to lose weight, train endurance and plasticity. Workouts are universal and can be customized for anyone. Even those who have never done sports or yoga can try this form of physical activity and benefit from it.

Trainings are organized in such a way as to take into account the age, weight, physical form, experience of the students. Beginners cannot appreciate the degree of difficulty of certain asanas and their effect on the body. If you approach the training process correctly, then the student will gradually have a well-developed muscle mass. The fat layer, on the contrary, will become thinner, the body will actively extract energy from it for its life activity. Therefore, a person will not only lose weight, but also preserve the skin, preventing it from becoming flabby, and acquire a muscular corset.

A set of exercises

The yoga exercises included in the power yoga program are divided into several levels of difficulty, so anyone can train. Complexes of exercises differ depending on the experience of the trainees and their sports form. Those who are familiar with this practice and have a sufficiently trained body can add the following strength yoga asanas to their training program:

  1. Asana "Grasshopper". Allows you to strengthen the abdominal muscles and improve posture with regular exercise. To take the correct posture, you need to lie on your stomach on the floor and stretch your arms at your sides. Legs and arms come off the floor at the same time, stretching back with force. It is necessary that the legs be raised above the ground by at least 10 cm.
  2. Plank. Popular and known to many athletes, the bar came from yogic practices. To properly perform it, you need to rest your elbows and palms on the floor, and raise the body. Feet are on the floor, resting on the tips of the fingers. All muscles are in tension, which is especially noticeable in the buttocks and abs. Chest, abdomen and legs form a single line. After 80 seconds, you can sink to the floor completely.
  3. Asana "Triangle Pose". The practitioner should stand with the legs spread as wide as possible and with the feet so that they are perpendicular to each other. The body must be slowly turned towards one of the legs, while the palm of one hand touches the heel, and the other is raised above the head. Every muscle is tense.
  4. Asana "Cobra". You should lie on your stomach and put your palms forward. Feet and hips should be on the floor. Then it is necessary to gradually raise the body so that a sharp deflection appears in the lower back.
  5. Asana "King of fishes". The practitioner sits on the buttocks, legs crossed and feet pressed to the hips. The right hand is wound back and placed on the floor, and the left elbow rests on the right thigh. The head and back are turned towards the left hand.

Muscle development and weight loss are achieved by alternating tension of different muscle groups. For the best result, it is necessary to correctly compose a program for each workout. The duration of the lesson should not be less than half an hour a day. It is important to follow the regularity of classes. A man can train for a full month, a woman takes breaks during menstrual bleeding. Training should not exceed 60 minutes.

Asanas for beginners

Exercises for beginners differ in that they are not only effective, but also quite simple. If they are performed correctly, the muscles of all groups can be made to work. Namely, with asanas for beginners, it is necessary to get acquainted with power yoga for neophytes. Then they move on to the basic course.

There are five most popular, simple and useful exercises for the figure:

  1. Warrior position. It is necessary to stand up straight, stretching your arms along the body. Then a lunge is made with one leg, while it bends at the knee so that a right angle is formed in the knee area. During lunges, the second leg does not change its location. Taking a step forward, the practitioner should raise his hands up. During each lunge, it is necessary to keep the body in a stationary position for 80 seconds.
  2. Asana "Sumo wrestler". The student stands up straight, legs wide apart and feet turned away from him. This position is similar to the one taken by sumo wrestlers before a fight. Hands with palms are connected where the thoracic region of the body is located. The goal is to go down as hard as you can, bending your knees. Having descended as much as possible, you need to stay in the position for 80 seconds before returning to a standing position.
  3. Asana "Six points". As the name implies, the essence of the asana is to touch the ground with six points on the body. To do this, you should lie on your stomach, put your palms on the floor, pressing your shoulders to the body. Then, the pelvis rises up, the head looks forward, and the knees touch the floor, the toes of the feet and the palms.
  4. Asana "Sage". To perform it, you need to sit on the floor on one thigh, stretching your leg. The second leg is lunged so that it crosses with the one that lies on the floor. The body is straight and looks forward. One arm - the outer one - is straightened and rests on the floor. The second hand - the one closer to the legs - rises above the head so that an even line is formed that could be drawn from the hand of one hand to the other.
  5. Asana "Boat". This exercise is great for training the press. The student should lie on his back with his arms extended along the body. Then the head is raised above the floor so that the chin reaches for the chest. The legs, while remaining extended, also rise above the ground to a height of at least 10 cm. The arms reach for the legs. Muscles should be tense for all 80 seconds while the person is in this position.

As the novice yogi improves the skills of performing the proposed exercises, the trainer can complicate them and increase the time during which the body is in a static position. The main thing is that the beginner's body does not feel overstrain and the loads are the same for all muscle groups. Warm-up exercises are performed before asanas.

In the future, the lesson can take place at home if the beginner has mastered the performance of asanas. It is better to start studying under the guidance of a professional who will write out the program step by step.

When starting to practice, one must not forget that the peculiarity of this type of physical activity is the absence of shells, horizontal bars, exercise equipment, dumbbells and other attributes that are commonly used for fitness. The whole result depends entirely on how much a person owns the body and gives all the best at each workout. At the same time, the mass is not gained, the musculature is manifested due to the increase in muscles, and not fat.

Therefore, you need to monitor the regularity of training. To make them more useful, you do not need to spend them after eating - at least two hours should pass after the last meal. According to Eastern philosophy, the ideal time for yoga is early morning. This is due to the state of energy in the surrounding world during these hours - it is the purest.

The trainer will also tell you about the diet that should be followed. It's not like the many grueling nutrition programs that many fall off of within the first few weeks. But to achieve plasticity, grace and flexibility is impossible with the help of training alone. It is important to control nutrition. Power yoga helps to correct eating habits and learn how to treat the process of eating food correctly.


As already noted, doing power yoga can reduce body fat. In a short time, a person can change. Muscle mass during exercise increases gradually and evenly. Due to this, muscle relief is created.

In addition, the following advantages of this type of physical activity can be noted:

  • uniform strengthening of all muscle groups;
  • improvement of the vestibular apparatus due to inverted asanas;
  • achieving better coordination of movements;
  • development of such qualities as flexibility, grace and plasticity;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • mood improvement;
  • perfection not only of the body, but also of the soul;
  • the acquisition of a beautiful posture;
  • stabilization of the cardiac system.

A modern person suffers from sleep problems: someone cannot fall asleep due to insomnia, and someone does not get enough sleep and feels drowsy and lethargic all day. As a result, the appearance worsens, the skin ages faster, the mood deteriorates. Yoga restores the daily routine, saturating with energy in the morning and regulating the emotional state during the day. It is no secret that doctors have seen in practice that diseases are caused, among other things, by psychogenic factors. Regular training and correct asanas can defeat them.

Yoga is also effective in the fight against headaches and migraines, regardless of the cause. During asanas, the spine stretches, the cervical vertebrae straighten, during inverted positions, blood flows intensively to the brain, and proper breathing saturates the body with oxygen.

Stretching the spine and the formation of a muscular corset lead to the formation of a good posture. A few months of classes are enough for the back to straighten and the movements to become coordinated. Posture determines how others perceive a person and how beautiful they find him.

Power yoga helps fight hernias and protrusions when it happens under the supervision of a doctor.

But for the greatest benefit, you need to do the exercises correctly. An experienced coach can teach this. It is necessary to maintain the position of the body in each of the positions for at least 80 seconds. In this case, breathing should be correct. Properly constructed workouts minimize the likelihood of injury or sprains.


This type of sports technique has few drawbacks. But you need to understand that you should adhere to the correct lesson plan, moving from easier sets of exercises to complex ones. Only in this way, the body will get used to new loads for it without harm to itself.

If you start practicing incorrectly, on a full stomach, trying to perform complex asanas right away, there is a possibility of injuries and sprains. People who have recently undergone surgery, serious illness or feel unwell should delay their classes.

Despite the fact that power yoga copes with a dozen health problems, before starting to deal with pathologies in this way, a consultation with a doctor is required. Power yoga helps to relieve tension and pain localized in the spinal column. But first you need to determine the cause of the problem. If the matter is a pinched vertebrae or a hernia, then strength training should not be started until the problem is eliminated - the patient's condition will worsen.

Performing a complex of strength exercises leads to the achievement of internal harmony and external beauty and flexibility. Power yoga is a great solution for people who want to combine oriental practices with strength exercises.

In recent years, it has become more and more popular. Yoga workouts are held in many studios and fitness clubs, and now, with the development of video technology, it is possible even at home. But until now, people have a question about what it really is.

During power yoga classes, many teachers use a fixed sequence of asanas (same as in Ashtanga), while others, like students, guide their students through a new stream of exercises.

There are some common elements that underlie power yoga. They are worth knowing before you set foot on this intense, but very rewarding path.

Power yoga became known to the world in the early 90s and began its journey around the world from the USA. The roots of power yoga come from the old traditional yoga - ashtanga (Sri K. Pattabhi. Jois).

The most influential contribution to the development of the training was made by students from the USA: Brian Kest (Los Angeles), Bender Birch (New York) and Baron Baptiste (Boston). These yoga masters decided to develop a new concept of yoga, which would be closer and more accessible to people of Western civilization. They used the teachings of their teacher Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, but created an even more dynamic version of the exercises, containing elements of fitness.

To achieve their goal, they reduced pranayamas (breathing exercises and techniques), meditations and mantras to a minimum. Their yogic set of power yoga exercises has become a training system for one and all.

Power yoga for beginners and advanced practitioners takes us on a long journey of self-perception, empowerment, and removal of emotional and physical blockages. Movement, as a form of meditation, calms the spirit and opens the heart.

Vinyasa or sequence of asanas and breathing

"Movement - breathing" is called vinyasa and gives the body exceptional lightness and strength. Smooth combined asanas, the alternation of which one after another sets the rhythm of breathing, is another characteristic of these postures. It is safe to say that the intensive change of vinyasa is a bit of a "dance" that does not get boring and is never boring. Although during practice one must follow the teacher step by step, the given rhythm does not allow one to delve into one's own “here and now”. Yoga video sessions and practices have been developed, according to which you can practice on your own at home.

The aesthetic lies in dance-like movements that are closely related to the rhythm of breathing.

Unlike such forms as classical hatha, vinyasa, great importance is attached to smooth transitions between exercises.

Fast and intense

The term "strength" comes from the fact that this form, much more than the other, increases the level of energy perception and is much more fitness-oriented and consists of dynamic elements.

  1. This is an intense and dynamic session that makes a person sweat well.
  2. Power yoga for weight loss is an intense and dynamic form of burning calories and turning off the body's emotional responses.
  3. Strength poses are more than just workouts - they are an art form that allows us to rediscover our relationship with our own bodies.

Yoga that adds energy

In contrast to the fact that the practice of other types gives peace and relaxation (many people think about a bath, aroma massage and even sleep). After a yogic session of power yoga, you feel a surge of energy, even if you had a hard time. Here the principle works: The more energy is used, the more is returned.

Power yoga exercises are the perfect way to get great looks, maximum flexibility and durability. It is characterized by the following elements:

  • exercises are related to your own body weight.
  • powerful breathing, which determines the rhythm of training and the duration of one position (usually asana takes no more than 5 breaths);
  • fast and smooth transitions between asanas, similar to a dance;
  • incorporating Pilates and fitness movements into the sequence of exercises.

The effect of exercise

Increased movement dynamics accelerates the heart rate and improves blood circulation.

  1. Each asana requires a lot of strength, the muscles are strengthened and the body becomes more elastic and resilient.
  2. The need to move from one position to another improves coordination of movements and affects the functionality of movements.
  3. In addition, most power yoga asanas require balance to help strengthen the deep muscles and stabilize the body.
  4. Regular exercise increases strength and endurance, promotes weight loss and improves body flexibility.

Power yoga - for whom?

Power yoga is recommended for people who have some experience in classical yoga coaching. It should not be practiced by people who have never practiced asanas before, as it will be too difficult to adapt to the fast pace of learning.

Power yoga is not suitable for those who expect relaxation from physical exercises after a busy day. It was created for people who love yoga and want in the first place:

  • strengthen muscles;
  • burn calories;
  • increase endurance;
  • increase the level of coordination.

After the practice of power yoga, they come out tired and sweaty, but full of positive energy and cheerfulness.

For men

She acts a little differently than for women. The emphasis of the exercises is on strengthening endurance and building muscle mass while maintaining ease of movement, improving joint mobility and increasing body plasticity with a simultaneous healing effect.

What does medicine show

In recent years, there has been an increased interest in Western medicine in the effects of yoga on the body. Regular exercise improves indications for: chronic fatigue, asthma, varicose veins, diseases associated with the cardiovascular system, arthritis.

Laboratory tests have confirmed that yoga practice affects even such body functions that are not subject to volitional control: body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, increased lung capacity (especially respiratory volume), body weight and waist circumference, increase resistance to stress, reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Research lab results have shown that regular power yoga sessions lead to an overall improvement in the health and stability of the entire body.


  • Initial preparation required.
  • Before starting strength exercises, they need to be adjusted by a specialist in each case.
  • Only a power yoga instructor can choose the right exercises and work with the training of external and internal muscles.
  • It is illogical to start strength exercises, bypassing the initial stages.

Power yoga exercises

They form a sculpture of the body, develop strength and stability, improve mood. Before starting the practice, you should perform several exercises to warm up the body.

To become a real pro in power yoga, you need to:

  1. Increase your level of fitness and endurance.
  2. Perform complicated yoga poses with maximum load for a long time.
  3. Start climbing to the heights of spiritual development.

Tadasana (mountain position)

All types of yoga begin with it. Children, old people, pregnant women perform the exercise.

  1. Stand up straight. Legs together.
  2. Tighten your thigh muscles, straighten your back and lift your chin up.
  3. Hands freely along the body. The palms are turned inward.
  4. Relax your facial muscles, look straight ahead.
  5. Hold the position for 60-90 seconds.

Vrishkasana (tree pose)

The pose is beneficial for children and the elderly. Strengthens the vestibular apparatus, improves joint mobility and promotes the restoration of the central nervous system.

  1. Stand in Tadasana.
  2. Bend your left leg at the knee and take it to the side.
  3. Wrap your hands around the foot and place it on the right thigh as close to the groin as possible.
  4. Take a breath. Clasp your palms together and raise your arms above your head.
  5. Hold the position for 60-90 seconds and repeat for the other leg.

The pose strengthens the leg muscles.

  1. Place your feet 10-15 cm wider than your shoulders.
  2. Turn your feet in opposite directions.
  3. Put your palms together at chest level in an oriental greeting (namaste).
  4. Squat down, bending your knees to a right angle. Turn your hips in opposite directions.
  5. Make sure your knees don't come forward.
  6. Hold the position for 1-1.5 minutes.

Ashtanga Namaskar Asana

The pose strengthens and trains the triceps.

  1. Lay down a yoga mat.
  2. Lie on your stomach. Lean on your knees and lift your pelvis 10-12 cm up.
  3. Bend your arms at the elbows, place your palms at shoulder level.
  4. Raise the chest from the floor by 7-10 cm. Emphasis on the knees, socks and palms.
  5. Hold the position for 1-2 minutes.

Vasishthasana (sage posture)

Strengthens arms, torso, legs and wrists. Improves balance and concentration, relieves depression and anxiety. If you have had a wrist injury or carpal tunnel syndrome, this position should be avoided.

  1. Start in plank position.
  2. Shift your weight onto your left hand and the outer edge of your left foot.
  3. The tense foot of the right leg is on the left leg. The toes are bent upwards.
  4. Right arm, bent at the elbow, loosely on the right thigh.
  5. Stretch your right hand up. Look at your right thumb and lift your hips off the ground.
  6. Take 3-4 deep breaths and repeat the position on the other side.

You can ease the position by lowering the lower leg to the ground.

Remember that life is simple. Let new things into your mind and do what you love, do it often. Change things in your life that you don't like.

Just start to continue your hobby, your passion...

In 1995, the girl Beryl Bender Birch developed a new direction of power yoga (power yoga), called power yoga. It resembles the traditional ashtanga vinyasa, but the emphasis in it is aimed at losing weight, it helps to work out the muscles of the whole body. Asanas are done continuously, connected by dynamic ligaments, and train the body's endurance and strength.

Power yoga for weight loss

The direction includes training in blocks, culminating in breathing exercises. Power yoga for weight loss, in addition to everything, allows the body to become flexible, quickly remove excess mass with minimal trauma. Due to the complex of breathing exercises, muscles and blood are saturated with oxygen faster, which provides the body with energy to perform asanas and improves the result of their performance.

  • general strengthening of the muscles of the body, joints, the healing effect of the heart and blood vessels, you can lose weight;
  • impact on the nervous system, the combination of spiritual and physical skills;
  • development of flexibility, balance.

There are not so many disadvantages of power movement yoga in reviews, but they are:

  • it is difficult to do it correctly, observing the exact technique, on your own;
  • the need to concentrate on the correct functioning of muscles, internal sensations;
  • a common problem in self-practice is fixing incorrectly taken asanas, pain, muscle damage.

Power yoga for men

Combat or power yoga for men helps them lose weight, strengthen the muscular frame. You need to start asanas after studying all the subtleties in which the instructor helps, and the basic methods of hatha yoga. If a person immediately engages in such a direction of yoga, then, according to reviews, it will be difficult for him. Here are some strength exercises for men with basic training:

  1. Mountain - strengthens the legs, posture. Stand straight, bring your feet together with your heels, touch your big toes, transfer your body weight to the center of the foot. Tighten your legs, stretch your hips, stretch your body. Pull in your stomach, straighten your chest and shoulders, lower your arms, tighten your fingers. While inhaling, stretch the spine with relaxed shoulders.
  2. Wood - for ankles, shins, thighs, balance. Shift your body weight to the right side, pressing the foot to the floor. Bend your left knee and place the sole on the inside of your right thigh. Balance by joining your palms, lift them up.
  3. Downward facing dog - for arms, shoulders, thighs, shins. Get on your knees, palms wider than shoulders, fingers pointing up. Bend at the waist, exhale, rest on the floor, straightening your arms and legs, pushing your buttocks up.
  4. Locust - help for the back, spine, bladder, prostate. Lie on your stomach, pull your arms back, exhale. Raise your head, chest, and legs at the same time.

Power yoga for women

Makes the body slim and toned without muscle gain power yoga for women. The benefit of classes is also that extra pounds are burned, a figure is formed. Here are some exercises for women:

  1. The forward bend, an exercise for the hips, will calm the mind. Stand up straight, spread your legs, relax your arms. Inhale, bend down as deep as possible. Grasp your shins with your hands, linger for half a minute.
  2. Cobra - for the buttocks, spine, shoulders. Lie face down, rise to the level of your forearms, resting them on the floor. Inhale, straighten your arms, hold for 30 seconds.
  3. Triangle - stand up, spread your legs a meter, turn your left leg at a right angle outside, and your right leg 45 degrees inward. Exhale, turn your head to the left, touch your leg, stretch your arm up.
  4. King of fish - for muscle lengthening. Sit cross-legged, place the right foot on the outer surface of the left, place the foot to the buttocks. Press the left elbow to the right thigh, put the right hand back. Turn your head, increase the turn of your back with your left hand.

Power asanas in yoga

There are useful basic power yoga exercises that are suitable for men and women to help you lose weight:

  1. Warrior pose - strengthens the legs, back, lower back. Sit down, bending your knee at a right angle, straighten the second one, put your heel on the floor. Clench your fists, raise to your chest, bend your arms with your elbows pulled back. Hold on until it burns.
  2. Boat pose - improves the press. Lie on your back, raise your arms and body, reach for your legs.
  3. Sage Pose – Works the arms and shoulders. Lunge forward with your left foot, bend over, put your hand on the other side so that the palm looks at the shoulder. Turn your body to the left, foot to the right, stretch your arm up. Push your pelvis forward.
  4. Sumo pose - against cellulite. Spread your legs wide, spread your feet, fold your arms on your chest. Slowly squat down, bending your knees to 90 degrees. Spread your arms out to the sides.
  5. The six-point pose, or plank, is a general strengthening pose for muscle development. Lie on your stomach, bend your elbows, lift your body, leaning on your forearms. Straighten your neck and feet, tighten your abs and pelvis.

Video: power yoga for beginners

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