“Waiting for Mom”: MakSim showed a photo of her youngest daughter for the first time. Common-law husband MakSim left her with the child and married another woman Singer Maksim and her daughter Sasha

Singer and composer Marina Maksimova (MakSim) was born on June 10, 1983 in Kazan. A name familiar to many is just stage name, at birth the girl was registered as Marina Abrosimova. Her father worked as a car mechanic, and her mother worked as a teacher in kindergarten. Marina Maximova's children appeared in different marriages, the girl was never able to find happiness in her personal life. However, she loves her daughters immensely and is ready to do anything for them.

WITH early childhood Marina began to get involved in music. She liked not only vocals, but also playing the musical instruments, in particular on the piano. The young lady’s interests were not limited to music: she also attended the karate section. In this type of martial arts, she managed to achieve quite impressive results.

While still a schoolgirl, Marina began to engage in her own musical career. The girl took an active part in many music competitions, took first places, won prestigious prizes. At the same time, she began to write her own songs, which could not go unnoticed. Some of her first works were subsequently included in the singer’s albums.

At the age of fifteen, Marina had already definitely decided on her choice of profession and was moving in the right direction. Together with musical group“Pro-Z” she recorded several tracks. The song “Zavedi” gained enormous popularity in the territory native Tatarstan. However, making it to the pinnacle of fame was not so easy. Simultaneously to musical Olympus The now popular group TATU also tried to rise. It even got to the point where singer Maxim was accused of imitating the group. However, this was wrong.

The first steps on the path to success were very difficult. But Marina did not give up and continued to build her career. In 2003, the girl decides to move to Moscow. This is where the troubles have just begun. The relatives who were supposed to shelter the young star abandoned her. I had to spend the night at the station for several days, and then I met a dancer. It was she who suggested that Marina rent an apartment together, in which Maksimova lived for the next six years. Now she remembers this with a smile in her eyes, but at that time there was no time for laughter. Difficulties helped to significantly strengthen character and achieve success with even greater persistence.

The personal life of Marina Maksimova was not very rosy. She repeatedly tried to create happy family, but these attempts were unsuccessful. After working on the “Letting Go” video, the star was credited with an affair with actor Denis Nikiforov. Nevertheless, the guys did not give any comments about this. First official husband Maxim became the sound engineer Alexey Lugovtsev. Very soon, a daughter, Alexandra, was born into the young family. A few years later, the couple finally decided to separate. Despite severe stress After the divorce, Marina did not give up on love and the possibility of a new relationship. After the breakup, she completely immersed herself in work.

Some time after the divorce, Marina began an affair with musician Alexander Krasovitsky. This did not lead to anything serious and the couple decided to separate. In 2014, the singer remarried businessman Anton Petrov. From him was born the second daughter of the artist named Maria. But this time it was not possible to create a strong and happy family.

IN Lately Rumors began to actively spread that Marina had resumed her relationship with her ex-boyfriend Alexander Krasovitsky. The guys give neither refutations nor confirmations about this.


Recently, singer MakSim gave birth to her second daughter. Today she is almost ready new album, she travels a lot, is preparing for a tour in China and is going to open an art school in the center of Moscow. About myself and my life - for the first time, perhaps, so openly! – Marina Maksimova told Woman's Day.

Both my girls are completely different. I'll say even more. All three of us are very different! I, like any mother, really wanted my child to be like me, to play football together, wear funny pants and caps. But Sasha already told me at the age of two that she would not wear any shorts, she only wears dresses, her wardrobe of dresses is larger than mine, she is a real girl! She is now six years old - and she cooks great. She can make pancakes, bake something. To the question “Who do you want to be?” she replies: “Mom!” At her age, I wanted to be anyone - from a clown to Joan of Arc, but not a mother! She is completely different. And for me this is a big surprise.

Mashenka was born now, this is the third female type In my family. A completely different breed. She will be a very sophisticated, calm, balanced girl with a big soul and with an open heart. I look into her eyes - it’s all there already. Now she is a completely calm child, unlike Sasha. Sasha didn’t let me sleep at all, Masha - pah-pah-pah, I’ve never seen better children. The perfect child.

Most often, our grandparents help us - our parents on both sides are in touch with us all the time, they always give a lot of excellent advice. And a nanny. This is ours close person, knows Sasha very well, sincerely loves girls, I trust her. Sasha is now engaged in education, and she needs more mother and teachers. But I need a nanny more. To the question “Is this your children’s nanny?” I usually answer: this is my nanny! She raises me too, teaches me life sometimes. I want to gain wisdom, but somehow it doesn’t come quickly. And I’m still just learning this wisdom. And sometimes she gives very correct advice.

If I’m away, I call several times a day, I miss her terribly, of course, because Mashenka is still a small creature completely inseparable from me, I feel her so much, I feel her, she’s still completely part of me. It is very difficult to be away from her, even for one day.

I finally felt like a weak woman

It’s difficult to say what has changed in my worldview with the advent of my second child. I definitely changed a lot, but not after Masha was born, but in connection with the appearance in my life true love. With the understanding that you can be a woman - real, weak, flexible, homely. I had never had this feeling before; there was some uncertainty about everything.

Maternal instinct shocked me on the third day after Sasha was born. Before that, I didn’t understand at all what pregnancy was or what children were. I continued touring until last month. And when this feeling hit me over the head, I realized that this uncontrollable feeling was stronger than me - and I panicked. I didn’t understand how to live with all this now. Masha was a planned, much loved, long-awaited child. And as soon as I realized that I was pregnant again, some other consciousness appeared. For example, I thought it wasn’t very nice when you go on stage while expecting a child. And when my belly started to grow, I stopped touring and going to any events.

I traveled a lot during my pregnancy. I was practically not in Moscow, I traveled almost all over Russia. By the end of the week I didn’t always remember when it started and in which city – I moved around very actively. In the seventh month I even went to the races... Still, at some points I cannot be stopped. As my mother says, I have no self-preservation instinct at all. On the other hand, I began to be afraid of flying. That is, the instinct still manifests itself, along with responsibility for the children.

Well, my pregnancy was very, very beautiful: I had a small, neat belly, my relatives said that they had never seen such beautiful pregnant women. I started looking in the mirror and really liking myself. And then the child was born, but this feeling did not go away! That's why the eyes burn. The second birth was completely different. With Sasha everything was much more complicated, but Masha really wanted to be born.

Motherhood inspires

Does motherhood distract from creativity? Not at all! On the contrary, it inspires! During pregnancy, I didn’t write a single song. I began to look at the world with a wide open gaze and perceived everything with such crazy positivity! I would start writing a song, but by the third line I would forget what the first line was about. But when the child was born, I was so carried away that by that moment almost the entire album was already ready. I, of course, plan to write more to choose the best.

And now I sing with children. Fortunately Masha loves it. And if Sasha asked me: “Just don’t sing, mom!” – then Masha looks at me with her blue and so loving eyes when I start singing to her. She looks at me, falls silent - she really likes me. Now, of course, Sasha has matured and plays her mother’s CDs on her own and dances to them. True, I ask her to do this while mom is not at home. I can’t calmly listen to the material that I’ve already experienced. Firstly, I perform all this at concerts and just as a listener I can’t relate to what I’m doing; my inner critic immediately kicks in: I’m distracted and can’t do other things. And Masha is a very romantic girl. She's a love child.

The eldest daughter was being prepared for the birth of the youngest

The difference between the children is five and a half years. I consulted a lot, asked what to do in our case to avoid jealousy. But everything turned out to be simpler. Sasha has been asking for a brother or sister for a long time, every evening she literally said: “I will tell her this, I will show her this, I will definitely give her my toy.” I was really looking forward to it. When Masha appeared, I remember well the moment of their first meeting. When Sasha was allowed into my room, she was not interested in how her mother was feeling, or her grandparents who came with her, she ran in with wild eyes and shouted: “Where is she?” They have an amazing love that cannot be expressed in words! She hugs Masha constantly, they have their own communication, they spend a lot of time together, Sasha is ready to devote maximum of her time to her and even gets upset when Masha sleeps.

Of course, we prepared her for the baby’s arrival in advance: we gave her a doll that looked very much like a child. The doll has many functions that she has to perform as a mother. And they said: here is your child. And while we bathe Masha and tell her how beautiful, sweet, the most best girl, Sasha bathes her girl and says the same words to her. Sometimes she bathes Masha with us. She does everything to keep Mashenka from crying and smiles: he tells her something, jumps with her, does what she wants. And every time he goes out into the yard, he tells everyone: “Do you know what kind of sister I have!” Extremely proud of her.

Of course, we understand that the child will grow up and tear her notebooks, we are preparing her for this too. To which she replies: “Let him vomit, it’s my sister!” She always joins my tenderness and says: “This is my sister, she is the best - our Masha!” We have a very gentle girl.

Who do I consult with? With mom, of course. She also raised two children 3.5 years apart, so my brother and I were very close as children. We are still the closest people. And when there are such moments when no one except my loved ones can help, I can in a second buy the nearest ticket to Kazan, and where I go first - to my brother. And he will meet me, cancel all his affairs. We don’t even need to talk to him much or discuss anything. We can exchange some phrases with him, and everything is clear. I can just sleep with him. Because in childhood they were very close and there were no jealous relationships. By the way, my brother has two sons, 3 and 10 years old, I adore my nephews.

About your art school

Another trait passed from my mother to me. As it turned out, I am a person who loves children very much - and not only my own. My mother worked as a kindergarten teacher all her life, and her love for children was passed on to me. Therefore, I am now devoting a lot of time to opening an art school, in which, with my great love I will give away my knowledge. It’s clear that I won’t be able to fully teach any discipline, but I can do it open classes, master classes, writing songs for someone, helping to become real professional artist- my task.

School is my long-time dream. Until now I couldn’t imagine how all this could exist, but now everything has fallen into place and good company assistants We know exactly how to do it. This will be an art school, with full-fledged classical disciplines music school- And musical literature, and solfeggio, and separate vocal lessons, and individual sessions in all subjects. We will have a full sound recording studio For talented people– with whom it will be possible to cooperate in the future. The teachers will be respected people whom I know well and in whom I am confident. Now the project is in a completely uncreative state: we are concluding a mountain of contracts, selecting teaching staff, finishing redecorating. The opening is planned for September this year. The school will focus on the middle class. Because people who initially have great amount possibilities, very few desires remain. It seems to me that those who want to achieve a lot in life have more potential.

My daughter is growing up, she attends many clubs, and I am faced with the fact that most of them are entertainment and a waste of time, and for me, as a mother. I wouldn't want to waste time. And we are constantly looking for something, selecting something new, so that some knowledge remains in her head. My task is to give something constructive, not to engage in sloppiness to pass the time, but in a way that is both interesting and necessary for development. I think my daughters will study there too.

I want to be successful for my daughters

I have a clear conviction that mother can only by example give some correct advice, life guidelines, and you cannot give this to children with any instructions. I wouldn’t want my girls to make a lot of mistakes—all of us moms don’t want that. God grant that at least our mistakes are not repeated. Therefore, I want to be a bright image for them, from whom they want to follow an example. Of course, they will find out about my youth, dreadlocks and some actions, and I am not going to hide this from them - because I myself do not regret anything. But while they are growing up, they should have people to follow as examples.

How do I want my daughters to see me? A strong woman who knows her worth and knows what she wants from life. Educated is important if I want my children to receive a good education and want to be successful. Now I’m catching up on some of my gaps: I study a lot in English, Spanish, study the history of art, I’m passionate about a lot of things. In addition, I actively engage in sports and take my eldest daughter with me so that sports can also become a way of life for her.

How to quickly get in shape after childbirth

The main thing is to stop panicking, calm down and try to plan everything. Gradually it comes: the eyes are afraid - the hands do it. If you can delegate, then two children is quite easy and even fun. For example, while playing hide and seek with my eldest daughter, I can make some business calls while sitting in the closet.

In January, I went on vacation calmly. Masha felt great! She had no acclimatization, no consequences, nothing to scare us with. And I realized that vacationing with children also greatly rehabilitates me. Not only travel and tours - until now it was they that brought me back to normal, to the state in which I should be. But also a full-fledged children's holiday - with all children's discos and events.

I think, Any person can find one hour a day to devote to sports. And I do the same. Sport is a natural environment for me: I lived in it and grew up in it. I need to give all my best - physically, in order to get rid of negative emotions and impressions, and I am very impressionable. And sport helps a lot.

It's better not to ask me about food– I eat everything, I love sweets very much, I can’t live without cakes. Maybe two more children - I live a very active life, a lot of plans and thoughts. It seems to me that the whole world can be embraced by me! That's why I want to do a lot of things now! In May we will go to the first big tour– it will be China. There are a lot of flights, but I’m already in control, knowing exactly how many concerts I can physically and mentally give.

For me, it is still important to remain an artist who is on fire for listeners. There was a time when we worked 30 concerts, and they were already turning into a conveyor belt, and we were very tired, both morally and physically, and our health had weakened. Therefore, I decided to do no more than 12 concerts a month. This is enough to give the maximum of your emotions.

Singer MakSim told how her daughters are growing up. According to the artist, the girls are completely different, and none of them are like her.

Singer MakSim (real name Marina Maksimova) is raising two daughters: seven-year-old Alexandra and two-year-old Maria. According to the singer, the girls are completely different. “Sasha and Masha are absolutely not alike, neither in appearance, nor in character, nor in behavior. Moreover, no matter how much I would like my daughters to be like me, all three of us are completely different,” Maksimova noted.

The artist said that Alexandra dreamed of a sister. “It was Sasha who first ran into my room, and, without even asking how I was doing, how I was feeling, she ran to look at her sister, looked at her for a long time, smiled. At the crib, she promised to always protect her and not let her be offended. There is no jealousy between them. We were very prepared for Mashenka’s appearance, we had many conversations with Sasha, we even bought her a doll that looked like a child so that she could learn to take care of it. Now Sashka allows Masha to do absolutely everything with her, and even when she accidentally tore her school notebooks, Sasha just shook her head,” the artist was quoted as saying by Childhood magazine.

Marina Maksimova is not one of those celebrities who have pushed their personal life into the background for the sake of their career. “I spend more time with children than mothers who work in the office from eight in the morning until the evening. I can be there for you important events, school events. I used to give 30 concerts a month, and at some point I dreamed of having a child in order to have at least a little rest. Now I draw up my own concert schedule in order to be able to plan and manage everything, and I take on as many concerts as possible to remain an adequate mother,” the singer emphasized.

Marina is helped to raise her daughters by her grandparents, as well as a nanny, when the singer goes on tour.

// Photo: Vladimir Andreev/Starface.ru

Last week, the country was shocked by the news about the difficult situation in the family of singer MakSim. The father of her second daughter, businessman Anton Petrov, left her with an 11-month-old child for the sake of the 21-year-old daughter of deputy Liza Bryksina. The spectacular beauty has not hidden her relationship with an influential entrepreneur for a long time and willingly shares information about him on social networks. "StarHit" was the first to report that in this moment MakSim is going through a personal drama and spoke in detail about how this story developed.

The father of the artist’s second daughter became interested in the young lady when his chosen one was seven months pregnant. True, for a long time MakSim did not show that she knew about the adventures of her beloved. Well, later, when Anton Petrov finally left the family, the singer found out that he would soon marry his young lover. According to the star’s friends, she was having a hard time with the breakup with the businessman and tried her best to hold on.

Today, the young chosen one of the artist’s child’s father, the 21-year-old daughter of deputy Alexander Bryksin, married Anton Petrov, which she spoke about on her microblog. The girl published several photos from the celebration, where she shone in a luxurious wedding dress against the backdrop of a flower arch, in the center of which were the first letters of the names of the happy newlyweds. It’s interesting that the bride didn’t post a single photo with her new husband, but she willingly shared photos with her friends.

Earlier, StarHit wrote what the singer MakSim herself thinks about what is happening. The artist, who experienced the departure of her loved one, found the strength to comment on this situation. “Unfortunately, we could not become a family, what to hide,” she shared with StarHit. - Life is unpredictable. Love passes. Let him be happy."

By the way, the celebrity’s friends openly talked about how difficult it was for her to come to terms with the idea of ​​breaking up with Petrov and how she found the strength to move on happily. “Marina took the betrayal very hard,” her friend Regina shared with StarHit. “She was terribly jealous, didn’t sleep at night, cried into her pillow, but she kept the pain inside - at first she didn’t even show that she knew everything. Of course she loved him. And I think he still loves me. She never said a single bad word about him. Caring, attentive, with a sense of humor, smart, generous... Marina dreamed of a full-fledged family. But Anton apparently decided otherwise. He good father, helps her with little Mashenka - often comes to visit, babysits, carries in her arms, watches her daughter grow. He buys her toys and gives Marina flowers. But can you imagine what it’s like to share your loved one with another! Until the last moment, she hoped that Anton would return. But this spring he suddenly put an end to it - he signed with Lisa. For Marina, who learned about the event through those around her, this was a terrible blow. But she found the strength to live on. Young, beautiful, successful - I’m sure she will find her happiness.”

MakSim rarely shows his eldest daughter Alexandra to fans, and hides his youngest Masha from prying eyes. However, the other day a long-awaited photo of a baby looking out the window in the company of a dog appeared on the singer’s microblog. Of course, many fans immediately assumed that Masha was expecting her mother.

“How cute... Waiting for mommy?”

“When will we see the second princess’s face?”

“The photo is so touching! Waiting for mom..."

MakSim often hears surprised questions from fans about why she publishes photos of her eldest daughter, but stubbornly hides the baby’s face. The singer herself reported that this was a personal request from the girl’s father, whose opinion Marina takes into account.

Let us remind you that MakSim is raising two daughters alone – Alexandra and Maria. Eldest daughter The singer was born in 2009 from Marina’s first husband Alexei Lugovtsov, with whom the artist divorced at the end of 2010.

The celebrity's youngest daughter Masha will celebrate her third birthday in a couple of weeks. The baby's father, businessman Anton Petrov, broke off relations with Maximova even before the birth of his daughter, in whose upbringing he still takes part.

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