Heaviness in the legs in various diseases. How to relieve tired legs

Our feet are exposed to the most daily impact. No wonder that by the evening after work they are buzzing, hurting and feeling very tired.

It does not matter what is the reason: standing work, tight shoes, walking a lot. If you do not pay attention to them, accumulating, it can lead to more serious problems in the future.

Fatigue in the legs causes

When your legs hurt from fatigue, there are several reasons for this.


Excess weight has become a serious problem in the modern world. It increases the risk:

Cardiovascular diseases;

Ultimately, by putting constant pressure on the knee joints, there will always be a feeling of heaviness and pain in the lower extremities, starting from the knees.


Being overweight during pregnancy adds stress to the legs. Pregnant women should give them more rest so that they do not face more serious health problems in the future.

Other reasons are:

Shoes with high heels;

flat feet;

Work associated with prolonged stay on the legs;

Sedentary work;

Incorrectly selected shoes: narrow, high thin heels that violate the distribution of weight;

Uncomfortable shoes for your work;

Joint diseases;



Violation of blood circulation in the limbs;

Multiple sclerosis.

How to quickly relieve tired legs

There are several simple ways to quickly get rid of fatigue in the legs. All of them are aimed at improving blood circulation in the limbs. As a result, swelling is removed, heaviness and fatigue disappear. You no longer fall off your feet after work.

The fastest is to dip them in a bowl of cold water. This treatment instantly revitalizes aching feet. Additionally, you can rub the soles with ice cubes.

The second excellent method is contrast baths. Pour one bowl of cold water. The second is hot. Dip your feet first in a bowl of cold water for 2-3 minutes. Then - in cold water for 10-60 seconds.

Drop a few ice cubes into cold water. Hot water increases blood flow. Cold - relieves heaviness.

The third effective way is to put your legs at an angle of 45 degrees on a pillow or roller to a height of about 15 cm and rest for 10-15 minutes.

In the absence of any contraindications, you can wrap your feet and calves with an ice towel. Put a heating pad filled with ice on them. Hold on for a few minutes.

Baths for tired legs at home

Sometimes fatigue in the legs is the result of overstrain of muscles and connective tissues. Baths are a great way to get rid of it.

bath with vinegar

Vinegar helps relieve pain and tension, helps with sprains, reduces inflammation.

Pour warm water into a bowl and add two tablespoons of 9% vinegar. The duration of the reception is 20 minutes.

Sea salt bath

Sea salt flavored with essential oils can also be used. Replace with English (epsom salt or magnesia). Magnesium sulfate soothes, relieves fatigue, relieves pain.

On a basin (about 10 liters of water) you need to take two, three tablespoons of sea or Epsom salts. Hold your legs for 10-15 minutes.

Dry your feet after bathing. Apply moisturizer or gel as salt dries out skin. It is desirable that they contain menthol.

If your legs are very swollen, tired, use cool water instead of warm.

Foot massage for fatigue

It can be done by hand or with a special massager.

Before the massage, apply warm olive oil, any other oil on the feet and ankles. The warm oil will help relieve stress in the leg muscles.

Start massaging in a circular motion from the toes to the heel and above. Pay special attention to the hollow in the middle of the foot. Massage this area by lightly pressing and rubbing.

This technique will relieve stress and pain. Especially when walking all day long in high heels.

If there is a special massager, put your feet alternately on it and roll it on the floor for several minutes.

Massage with roller massagers expands blood vessels, providing good blood flow, relieves pain, heaviness and swelling.

No massager, try rolling a small golf ball with light pressure. It will also help improve circulation in the feet and reduce discomfort.

Another way to get a massage. It is especially useful for the fingers, which will relieve pain and improve their mobility. Scatter beans or beans on the floor. Try to pick them up with your fingers.

leg fatigue exercises

Exercise is another remedy for leg fatigue at home. They improve joint mobility, flexibility, and strengthen calf muscles.

Sit on a chair. Stretch your leg forward, slightly lifting it off the floor. Make alternate circular movements first with the foot of one leg. Then another. Repeat the exercise four to five times with each leg.

Squeeze your toes as hard as you can, stretching your feet away from you, as if you are trying to reach something. Then straighten your fingers and pull your feet towards you. You can do it sitting or lying down.

How to relieve fatigue during long walking

Long walks can be enjoyable. But it has one drawback - severe fatigue, which literally knocks you down. Many vacationers face this problem. But I really want to go everywhere and see everything. What to do to get rid of it and get up the next day?

You can use the tips above:

Make a bath


Stretch your calves by doing the exercises;

Just let them rest by laying on a pillow.

The main thing is to quickly improve blood circulation in the limbs. Good circulation will quickly relieve pain, swelling and fatigue after walking all day.

Another way is to wear compression stockings or claws. Comfortable walking shoes are a must to avoid or minimize this problem.

Text: Evgenia Bagma

Most modern women, even young ones, can complain to you that their legs are tired. This is due to many factors - fashionable high-heeled shoes, reduced physical activity, abuse of bad habits and unhealthy food. How to return the former lightness to the legs, and to yourself - good health and mood?

Why do legs get tired?

The reasons that you tired legs, may be a huge number. Today it is difficult to meet at least one woman who would not complain of pain in her legs - frequent or periodic. First of all, it is, of course, the wrong shoes. Unfortunately, most modern manufacturers, especially when it comes to shoes of a low or medium price category, do not think at all about whether their shoes are comfortable for walking. Most often, choosing new shoes, modern girls are guided not by convenience, but solely by the beauty of shoes, believing that beauty requires sacrifice. Apparently, they do not think about whether the dubious beauty is worth such a sacrifice as their health? If you do not want your legs to get tired when walking, and so that over time this does not lead to the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities, make sure that your shoes are not only fashionable, but also comfortable for walking. So, when trying on shoes, pay attention that the foot fits completely and tightly on the insole, especially its middle side. Do not buy shoes one size smaller, with the expectation of "breaking in" - good quality shoes should not be broken in a whole size! Finally, do not buy shoes with a heel of more than 4-5 cm for daily use - leave stilettos and high heels for parties and social events.

It is possible that your legs are tired due to your lifestyle - for example, sedentary work or work that requires you to be on your feet for a long time. Then preventive gymnastics will help you, as well as sports - running, swimming in the pool. Take prophylactic cool foot baths in the evening, use creams for tired legs, etc. Remember that such pain can signal the onset of varicose veins, so preventive measures will not interfere with you at all.

What to do if your legs get tired?

There are several proven methods and procedures that should be applied if your legs are tired:

  • gymnastics - improve blood circulation in the legs and relax tense muscles such simple exercises as walking on tiptoe, walking barefoot with rolling from heel to toe, pulling the toes of the fingers away from you and towards you, as well as rotating the feet in one direction and the other;

  • therapeutic baths - if the legs get tired, then relaxing baths with infusions of linden flowers, chamomile or sea salt effectively relieve heaviness and buzz;

  • massage or self-massage - any woman whose legs are tired knows how easing and pleasant a foot massage can be for her. Unfortunately, not all of us have personal massage therapists, so it will not be superfluous to learn the basics of self-massage of the feet - first you should stretch the entire foot, then each toe; massage is useful to do after the bath, and after its completion - raise your legs up and lie down in this position for 10-15 minutes.

If your feet are tired - change your shoes, go in for sports and do not neglect simple and effective procedures. But even better - contact an orthopedist and phlebologist: perhaps you have a problem in the structure of the foot, or maybe fatigue in the legs signals developing varicose veins.

Heaviness in the legs is a completely harmless phenomenon. Very often it is a symptom of quite serious problems. If you find such a problem in yourself, then it is better to consult a doctor. But, do not worry ahead of time, leg fatigue is a fairly common phenomenon and is very often solved at home.

There are several reasons that cause fatigue and heaviness in the legs. The wrong choice of shoes leads to such consequences. It can be tight or made of artificial materials. If you spend a lot of time in such shoes, it will affect the health of your feet.

A very often described problem "traps" athletes or fitness enthusiasts. Hard training is stressful for the whole body and very often it is the legs that suffer from overestimation of their strength.

For women, the most common problem of leg fatigue is high heels. Of course, such shoes are able to emphasize the style and taste of their owner. But, you don’t need to use stilettos as shoes for everyday wear.

Fatigue in the legs can very often be a syndrome of serious diseases associated with insufficient blood flow to the legs. This may be due to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. This problem often occurs in people with high cholesterol, smokers and diabetics.

Fatigue and fatigue in the legs can be affected by flat feet, varicose veins and other problems. Often they are manifested by pain and the appearance of cramps in the calf muscles.

IMPORTANT: Diseases of the vessels, joints and muscles of the legs can lead to heaviness in the legs and fatigue. Often this problem is caused by a disease of the spine. If such heaviness in the legs is accompanied by pain in the region of the heart, then this may be a symptom of cardiovascular disease.

How to quickly relieve leg fatigue at home?

There are several ways to relieve leg fatigue at home. One of them is contrast baths. You need to take two containers. Pour cold water into one and warm water into the other. You need to alternately lower your legs into one and the second container. The duration of this procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. After it is carried out, you need to dry your feet with a towel and rub a nourishing cream into the muscles.

They showed themselves well in solving such a problem, baths made from infusion of chamomile, mint and sage. Herbs are poured with boiling water and infused for an hour. The resulting product should be poured into the bath and lower your legs into it for 15 minutes. This infusion has a relaxing effect, so it is better to use it before bedtime.

If the problems of tired legs are not rare for you, then you can prepare and keep ice from the above decoction in the refrigerator. Use it to soothe tired feet. The effect is similar to relaxing foot baths. A frozen decoction of sage, mountain arnica, yarrow and dyer has a similar effect.

Very good for solving the problem of heaviness in the legs - massage. Before such a procedure, you need to take a shower and apply oil or a special cream to the skin of the legs. The massage starts from the feet. In circular motions, you need to massage your fingers and ankles. Then you need to go up. Massage your feet thoroughly. The load must be increased gradually. Massage will improve blood circulation and help relieve fatigue.

Ordinary alcohol effectively and quickly copes with leg fatigue. With it, you need to rub your legs. You need to start with the feet, gradually rising higher. After such rubbing, you need to rest for 15-20 minutes.

How to relieve leg fatigue during pregnancy?

Pregnancy causes additional stress on the legs. Having a baby can lead to varicose veins and other problems. If the pregnancy takes place in the summer, then you can remove fatigue from your legs by walking barefoot on river or sea sand. No beach nearby? It doesn't matter, you can use grass for this purpose. Such “barefoot” walks are especially useful at a time when the morning dew has not yet had time to disappear.

  • Well relieves pain and heaviness in the legs during pregnancy massage. But, it should not be done very intensively. Start with strokes from the feet to the calves. Then they move on to patting and kneading with fingertips from the bottom up with pressure. For this procedure, it is desirable to use a cream with a cooling effect. However, you should consult your doctor about its use.
  • Pain and heaviness in the legs during pregnancy are very often due to a lack of calcium. The female body gives this macronutrient to the child. Its deficiency can be replenished with the help of additional intake of vitamins with calcium.
  • During pregnancy, high heels should be avoided. It is advisable to choose one that will not cause discomfort during walks. The best choice is flat shoes
  • If leg fatigue is caused by swelling, then you need to limit the amount of fluid you drink. Edema during pregnancy is a rather serious problem that needs to be addressed together with your doctor.

How to relieve fatigue from the legs while standing?

Every profession has its pros and cons. And some of them have such "harmfulness" as standing work. For representatives of such professions and specialties, it is very important to put their legs in order after work. And that means taking away their fatigue. This can be done in several ways.

First of all, you need to properly prepare for such work. Buy comfortable shoes for work. If it is given to you at work, then you can purchase special insoles in an orthopedic store that will help reduce fatigue.

doorman - standing job

Immediately after work, you can relax the muscles of the legs with the help of special exercises. The most effective of these is the popular "bike". To do this, lie on your back, raise your legs and imitate pedaling with their help. This exercise can remove the stagnation of blood in the veins of the legs and improve its circulation.

How to relieve fatigue from the legs after a workout?

After heavy loads during training, lactic acid is formed in the muscles. It disrupts the muscles and causes painful processes. At the same time, a large amount of lactic acid slows down muscle recovery. Therefore, the main task for recovery after training is getting rid of lactic acid in the muscles.

To solve this problem, first of all, you need to eat right. After a hard workout, it's important to recuperate with protein and low glycemic carbohydrates. They will help fill the muscles with glycogen and reduce the level of lactic acid.

A cold compress helps to relieve fatigue from the legs after a workout. It can help relieve pain and discomfort in stressed muscles. It is necessary to use such a compress for no longer than 20 minutes every 5 hours.

Pain can also be reduced with the help of drugs that dilate the vessels in the legs. For this purpose, you can take warm baths or apply hot water bottles to sore leg muscles.

IMPORTANT: The alternation of heat and cold is an excellent recovery procedure for tired legs. With the help of cold, inflammation is removed, and with the help of heat, blood circulation is improved. You should always start using such an alternation with a cold compress.

Another effective method of getting rid of leg fatigue after a workout is massage. This effect on the muscles after training improves blood flow in them, relieves tension and stiffness, and also increases elasticity.

In addition, you need to remember that muscles need time to recover. Especially the leg muscles. If you feel that the muscles have not yet recovered, then the next workout should be postponed.

Baths to relieve fatigue from the legs video

There are several recipes for foot baths. With the help of salt baths, stagnation in the circulatory system can be eliminated. In addition to the main task, such procedures can also relieve emotional stress. To prepare such a bath, you need to dilute a few drops of coniferous oil in water and dissolve coarse sea salt in it. For a liter of water, you need to use 1 drop of oil and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt.

  • Soak your feet in this bath for 30 minutes. If you feel that the water is cooling down, add boiling water to it.
  • Well help to cope with tired legs herbal baths. Pour into the container 2 tbsp. spoons of lime blossom and chamomile. Pour boiling water over and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Then you need to add another liter of warm water, mix and immerse your feet for 20 minutes
  • From swelling of the legs, you can use baths with apple cider vinegar. It is advisable to use homemade vinegar. Only then can its effectiveness be guaranteed. In a liter of water, you need to dilute 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, mix and immerse your feet for 20 minutes

Ointment to relieve fatigue from the legs

"Troxevasin". Clear yellowish gel. Great for early stage varicose veins. Very often, leg fatigue is just a symptom of this disease. "Troxevasin" is quickly absorbed into the skin and has a healing effect.

"Antistax". Gel that improves the elasticity and tone of blood vessels. The drug is made on the basis of an extract of dried red grape leaves. This ointment also contains quercetin. This substance has an analgesic effect.

"Dr. Theis Venen Gel". Ointment used for swelling and heaviness in the legs. The composition of this drug includes plant components that have venotonic and analgesic properties.

Venolife Gel. Gel with antithrombotic, venotonic and improving tissue regeneration action.

Cream for quick relief of fatigue from the legs

"Virta Cooling Cream-Gel". The composition of this drug includes natural plant extracts and menthol. This cream-gel helps to quickly relax the muscles and restore lightness and comfort to the legs.

The composition of this cream includes such herbal ingredients as mint, currant and horse chestnut. With this cream, you can effectively fight leg fatigue and varicose veins.

"Youngfaces foot cream". Foot fatigue cream based on essential oil of juniper, menthol, camphor oil and shea butter. The composition of this cream also includes allantoin and L-arginine. Relieves pain and heaviness in the legs. Indicated for the prevention of varicose veins.

Oriflame "Mint watermelon". Cream for tired legs. It has an instant effect, eliminates discomfort and muscle tension. Has a pleasant smell. Thanks to menthol, when applied, it has a cooling effect.

Means for quickly relieving fatigue from the legs: tips and reviews

Elena. I always do relaxing foot baths before bed. Their effect helps not only the legs. I noticed that with the help of such procedures, I even began to fall asleep better.

Andrew. After a hard workout, I make sure to spend 10 minutes in the pool. Its cool water perfectly helps to recover leg muscles. Once I was in a hurry and decided not to go to the pool. So the next day after training, I could hardly move.

In the daily life of modern people, the problem of tired legs is very common. Recently, people are leading more and more "sedentary" lives: at office work, at home or in entertainment venues.

Therefore, at the slightest load, the legs are overstrained, very tired and often whine. Many people have to walk long distances every day, excessively increasing the load on the lower limbs. In this case, it is important to know how to relieve leg fatigue after a long walk.

The main causes of pain in the legs

Why does leg pain occur?

  1. With a sharp and heavy load, lactic acid is produced and concentrated in the muscles of the legs. It is removed from the muscles slowly, resulting in heaviness and discomfort in the legs.
  2. Sharp loads on the legs cause micro-ruptures of muscles and injuries of small vessels. In this state, they cannot recover quickly, it takes time.

In summer, a person's legs get tired more than in winter. The reason for this is in shoes, flat feet, in an increase in the load on the legs. In summer, a person walks more: someone walks in the park, someone works in the garden in the country or goes in for sports intensively. As a result, before going to bed, the legs begin to hurt, they ache from fatigue.

Self-massage will help to quickly relieve leg fatigue

Chiropractor Anatoly Sitel in his popular book "Solo for the spine" gives advice on how to quickly relieve leg fatigue.

This is a self-massage: for this you will need to sit on a chair or bed. Cross and put one leg on the other. Find the middle on the inner arch of the foot, then with slow movements rotate the finger of the hand, counterclockwise. This self-massage is done for 2 minutes with a break of one minute, up to 6 times.

If you have to stand in one place for a long time:

  • it is recommended to change the position of the body every 10 minutes;
  • change the point of support;
  • it is recommended to walk on the spot, alternately moving your legs, changing the position of the body, standing on your heels and on your toes.

Another important advice of the therapist is the recommendation train the feet and calves of the legs, walk barefoot, training the ankle. For example, on small stones or on sand, but if this is not possible, there are special massage mats.

This is a kind of therapeutic massage that has a beneficial effect not only on the legs, but on the whole body.

Relieve fatigue but easily

Folk remedies for relieving restless legs syndrome

Recipes for pain in the legs have long been collected by people. They used them as an alternative method of treatment. How to relieve leg fatigue after a long walk using folk remedies?

Here are some recipes.

cabbage leaf and garlic

This recipe used for severe fatigue of the legs and from their edema. First of all, they take cabbage leaves, crush them with a rolling pin until the first juice appears. Then applied to the legs and fixed with an elastic or simple bandage for half an hour.

At this time, a whole head of garlic is ground with a blender, everything is poured with 200 g of boiling water and left to infuse for one hour. The resulting slurry is applied to the feet and to the place where there is swelling on the legs.

Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly with warm water. How often to use this recipe to relieve tired legs after a long walk, the person decides.

Ice and grass

This recipe is easy to perform, take two tablespoons of herbal tea and pour a glass of boiling water. When the herb is brewed, the liquid is poured into molds and put in the refrigerator.

Lime blossom perfectly relieves tired legs after a long walk.

If necessary, take ice and wipe the feet. Herbal collection consists of an equal amount: yarrow, herbs such as mountain arnica and sage. You can use other herbs to make ice, such as chamomile, lemon balm or lime blossom. It perfectly relieves tired legs after a long walk.


Great for combating leg fatigue. The sole is wiped with chilled alcohol, they lie down on the bed, and the legs are raised by 45 degrees. The result comes in 15 minutes.


It is important to know how to relieve leg fatigue after a long walk, using masks. Take 3 dessert spoons of blue clay and dilute with water. It turns out a mushy mass. Apply a layer on the sole and leave for a quarter of an hour. At the end of the procedure, it is well washed off with warm water. It is also used for sweating feet.

There is another mask using bananas. To do this, mix chopped banana, cornmeal and add about 50 grams of kefir. After applying any bath, a mask is applied to the foot for 20 minutes. Then wash off. The heaviness in the legs goes away.

Self massage

If the legs are tired from constant walking, self-massage will help to cope with this problem. Apply massage cream or oil generously on the feet. Begin to perform it from the heel area, gradually moving towards the toes. It is worth considering that the skin on the foot is different, so it is not worth it to intensively massage in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner arch.

After the turn of the toes has come up, each toe is massaged separately with smooth circular movements. The whole procedure takes a little over a quarter of an hour.

The second option for self-massage: lubricate your hands with vegetable oil, which is in the house and start massaging on both sides from the ankle to the knee. Thus, improving blood circulation, as a result, leg fatigue is relieved after a long walk.

A pebble rug is a great way to relieve tired legs at home

The easiest option for self-massage is walking barefoot. When you come home from work, walk barefoot on the floor, you can use a special massage mat or buy medium-sized pebbles at the pet store. Walking barefoot stimulates all the nerve endings, has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Important: if a person has varicose veins, then when choosing self-massage, you should consult a doctor!

Beneficial sea salt baths

A simple sea salt bath is very easy to prepare. For her, salt is dissolved in warm water, in the proportion of 3 tablespoons per 3 liters of water. Duration 20 minutes, after which they are washed and smeared with cream.

Baths with herbs

People have long known recipes for relieving fatigue and swelling of the legs with the help of herbal baths. The water temperature is equal to body temperature, and the duration of the procedure is a little more than a quarter of an hour.

Foot baths help relieve fatigue

The composition of the baths:

  • prepare a decoction of string, wormwood or St. John's wort. Cool and strain it. Pour into a container with warm water. To have the best effect, pour a little sea salt;
  • prepare an infusion on water from linden and chamomile. Add a tablespoon of honey and pour everything into warm water;
  • prepare a decoction of mint and nettle leaves, filter and add to warm water. This composition improves blood circulation and removes puffiness;
  • chopped field horsetail and a half cup pour a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Filter and add to one liter of warm water;
  • a mixture of bitter wormwood, mountain ash and calendula, relieve legs from fatigue, pain and swelling. To do this, plants are taken in equal proportions and poured with boiling water: a tablespoon of the collection in a glass of water. Insist 10 min. After that, an infusion is added to warm water: the proportion is a tablespoon of infusion per liter of water.

After all the procedures, the legs must be wiped with a towel, apply a nourishing cream with massaging movements and put on warm socks.

Baths with essential oils

When preparing these baths, you must strictly follow the recipe. To properly add any essential oil to the bath, you need to dissolve a little baking soda or sea salt in water. Only then add a couple of drops of essential oil.

Contrast baths are used to relieve fatigue from the legs after a long walk. how they do it: for this they take two containers. One is filled with cold water, the other hot. The greater the difference in temperature, the better. But it is suitable for those people who have been taking contrast foot baths for a long time.

To properly add any essential oil to the bath, you need to dissolve a little baking soda or sea salt in water.

For beginners in this matter, the temperature does not fluctuate so much: hot is 40 degrees, and cold is 20. They alternately lower their legs first into hot water, and then into cold water. The time the legs stay in the water is 20–30 seconds. The procedure is performed 20 times, while finishing with cold water, wipe and apply cream.

This procedure dilates blood vessels, and fatigue recedes. But if the kidneys are sick, then it is better not to perform this procedure.

Rice water baths

To prepare this bath, you will need two cups of rice decoction and three tablespoons of baking soda. The legs are kept for about 20 minutes, then they are wiped dry with a towel and a special cream is applied.

Use of ointments and gels

People who spend the whole working day on their feet, coming home, are very tired. Their legs hurt a lot, in this case ointments or gels will help to instantly relieve fatigue that are sold in pharmacies.

Those who spend the whole day on their feet get very tired

They differ in composition and density. Ointments are made more fatty in composition, and gels are more liquid, but they are better absorbed. They have the same principle of influencing a person: they restore blood circulation, reduce spasms in the legs and thin the blood in the vessels.

Ointments and gels are produced in two types:

  • warming - they restore blood circulation, thereby removing lactic acid from the body;
  • cooling - they contain anti-inflammatory substances.

Warming medications

Warming gels and ointments consist of substances that improve blood flow to the legs. They include: snake venom, red pepper, bee venom, mustard or methyl salicylate. These ointments increase blood flow and give a comfortable feeling of warmth.

Ointment is used for muscle pain

These include:

  • Kapsikam is an ointment used for massage by athletes;
  • Apizartron is an ointment based on bee venom that has an irritating effect. After applying to the feet, wear socks;
  • Viprosal - this ointment is used for muscle pain. After application, the diseased area is kept in a warm place, but not bandaged.

You can list their names for a long time, because the principle of action on the muscles is the same. How to relieve leg fatigue after a long walk with the help of these ointments, the doctor will tell. But if it is not possible to consult, then an allergy test is carried out.

To do this, spread a thin layer on the bend of the elbow and stand for half an hour. If the area turns red, everything is fine. If a rash or a slight swelling suddenly appeared, then it is not recommended to use the ointment.

Cooling medicines

Cooling ointments restore blood circulation, remove swelling and remove tired leg syndrome, in addition, they cause a feeling of coolness. They contain: menthol, eucalyptus, as well as essential oils of mint, arnica extract, alcohol, heparin and analgesics. These ointments can not be rubbed hard into the skin, they are applied in a thin layer, and they are gradually absorbed by themselves.

These include:

  • IvRocher SOS is a preparation made on herbal ingredients;
  • Virta is a cream, it contains menthol;
  • Efkamon is an ointment containing essential oils of mustard, eucalyptus and menthol.

Ointments and creams that are used for varicose veins have proven themselves well. They are great for Restless Leg Syndrome. it cream "Chestnut and Propolis", it is recommended to use it after contrast baths. Troxevasin gel has proven itself in relieving restless legs syndrome.

Before applying recipes to relieve fatigue from the legs after a long walk, you should consult your doctor. He will recommend how best to use these methods and establish the reason why the legs get tired.

How to do a foot massage yourself, look at the video

How to relieve leg fatigue at home - you will find a great recipe in the video

Your legs are tired and you do not know what to do - here are some useful tips that will help you quickly solve this problem, take them into service if your legs are very tired.

What to do first if your legs get tired

1. As you entered the house, put fresh, clean socks in the refrigerator.

2. Next, you need to lie down and raise your legs up, to some kind of elevation. The legs should be above the level of the body so that the outflow of fluid occurs, say, on the back of a sofa or chair. Time - 5-7 minutes.

3. Then we make a bath to relieve fatigue of the legs - pour cool and warm water into basins, hold the legs for 30 seconds in warm water, then one and a half to two minutes in cool water. Please note that the water should be exactly warm and cool, and not hot and cold, in order to avoid possible vasospasm. We do this for 3 rounds.

4. After the baths, the legs need a simple massage to relieve them of the stress accumulated during the day. Massage your legs for 2-3 minutes, starting from the heel to the toes. Do not press hard and quickly, on the contrary, tired legs need a calm, smooth massage, because our task is to relax them.

5. Get out of the bathroom, take cold socks from the refrigerator, put them on and for another 5-7 minutes, as at the beginning, you need to lie down with your legs up. Thus, in 20-25 minutes you will not only get rid of tired legs, but also rest yourself.

What to do so that the legs do not get tired quickly

If you want to do a number of home treatments in advance to protect yourself from severe leg fatigue, we recommend you a few home recipes that will help you. So:

1. Tomato-salt mask - accelerates metabolism, relieves fatigue, cleanses the vessels of the legs. It is recommended to do it 2-3 times a week. Take a couple of tomatoes, mash, mix with a handful of salt and rub your legs with the resulting composition, wrap with polyethylene, cover with a blanket or blanket and lie down in this form for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

2. Very often, the legs get tired due to the banal weakness of the muscles, and here simple home exercises will come to the rescue. For example, take an ordinary rolling pin, put it on the floor and, while watching TV, just roll it on the floor with one or the other foot. The rolling pin can be replaced with a small ball. For the second exercise, you need a medical tourniquet - tie one end to the leg, the other to the leg of the furniture, and pull it slightly to create a slight tension, wait a minute and release, so on each leg 5 times.

3. Tired legs will thank you if you help them recover with 15-20 minute healing baths. Here are the recipes:

  • Make an infusion of linden flowers: 4 tbsp. spoons of pre-chopped herbs are poured with 3 cups of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes, filtered and then poured into warm water for a bath.
  • A good relaxing effect for tired legs has a decoction of chamomile: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of grass with 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and boil for several minutes, then add a little salt to the cooled and strained broth and use the decoction for foot baths.
  • Sea salt will also help relieve tired legs. To do this, you just need to add 1-2 tbsp to warm water. tablespoons of sea salt and mix well.

4. In your free time, you can do a more serious massage. To do this, slightly steam out the leg, take a washcloth in your hand and massage your legs in the area from the feet to the heels. Feet, heels, fingers are massaged at the very beginning of the procedure with fairly strong circular and pressing movements, and as you move higher, to the calves and knee, the movements should become smoother.

Doctor if your legs get tired

If your legs are constantly tired, we recommend that you see a doctor, a specialist in vascular surgery, he is called a phlebologist. Its task is to find out if you have problems with the vessels of the lower extremities, and if so, take measures to eliminate them. A feeling of heaviness, fatigue in the legs is often experienced by many women, so experts recommend regularly doing gymnastics, therapeutic baths and massage for tired legs.

Ekaterina Beautiful All rights reserved

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I liked the mask of tomatoes and salt - I always have all this at home, it's simple and helps great. And now I always keep socks in the fridge!

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