The strongest and most beautiful men. The most handsome male actors

There are many selections of countries where the most beautiful women live, but for some reason there are very few similar lists about. But women also need to know where to go in order to accurately find attractive male representatives. That is why we have selected 10 countries where you will definitely be in the company!


Tanned Latinos live on Liberty Island, who will give you an unforgettable vacation. Men in this country are swarthy, dark-haired, have a strong physique and beautiful eyes. You will not be left indifferent by their accent and firm character. In addition, Cuba is a great place for relaxation and romantic adventures.


Passionate Spain - the birthplace of bullfighters and the best football players peace. The men here have excellent manners and plasticity. After all, it is not for nothing that Spain is also the birthplace of the paso doble - a dance in which partners imitate the movements of a bullfight. To better imagine a Spanish man, just remember Enrique Iglesias, who has been recognized many times as the sexiest singer.


Sun, sea and temperamental oriental men - this is waiting for you in Turkey. Tall, brown-eyed and dark-haired handsome men will be glad to have your company and will gladly give you a tour. After all, the Turks are very hospitable, especially when it comes to beautiful woman. With such a man you feel safe!


Guys with a Hollywood smile and a pumped-up torso are business card American coasts. Remember the fit Malibu rescuers or your favorite actors! In the value system of American men, the family comes first, and besides, they are very hardworking and persistent.

Puerto Rico

Next door to Cuba live no less beautiful neighbors - Puerto Ricans. Tanned, muscular and strong - they will win the heart of any woman. In addition, Puerto Rico is the birthplace of Ricky Martin, and this is one of the most beautiful men on the planet. You can safely plan a vacation in Puerto Rico - there you will find strong hugs of real machos.


In this country, not only an unusual and colorful culture, but also very handsome men. They have big dark eyes in which you risk drowning. Indians are also very smart and hardy. They will open to you not only their country, but also a big heart!


Real gentlemen who know how to treat a lady live in this country. An Englishman will never be late for a meeting with you and will definitely have a stunning look to blow you away. In a word, it can be called an English charm that works flawlessly on women!


The birthplace of not only the most famous female models, but also men. They take great care of themselves - go to the gym, eat right and follow the latest fashion trends. You will be surprised by their charm and erudition!

South Korea

Korean music, food, technology - this has already entered our life, but Korean men are also worthy of attention! It seems that they do not age at all. Even at the age of forty, they still have a boyish appearance. You can learn the secret of their youth by visiting South Korea.


redhead handsome men green eyes and a great sense of humor - this is how the Irish can be briefly described. As a bonus to their bright appearance, they are also hardy and hardworking. Maybe it's because the Vikings once lived on the Emerald Isle?

Of course, all felt-tip pens are different in taste and color, and it is impossible to appreciate the beauty of certain men, but everything is in your hands! You can visit each country from this list and see for yourself where the most beautiful men really are.

Over 80,000 readers of the magazine GLAMOR(mainly readers Western countries) voted in an annual poll to find out who is the sexiest man in the world.

So, before you a hundred winners:

# # #

100. Ashton Kutcher

Pictured: Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis

Age: 37 years

American actor, producer and television host. In March 2015, he upset millions of his fans by marrying actress Mila Kunis.

# # #

99. Kellan Lutz

Pictured: Kellan Christopher Lutz

Age: 30 years

Popular American actor and model. Gained wide popularity after filming in a series of films "Twilight" in the role of Emmett Cullen. Is the face of a new brand of clothing from Calvin Klein.

# # #

98. Jeremy Renner

Pictured: Jeremy Lee Renner

Age: 44 years old

An American actor who has played various roles in popular films such as The Hurt Locker, City of Thieves, Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol, The Avengers, Witch Hunters, Avengers: Age of Ultron.

# # #

97. James Franco

Pictured: James Edward Franco

Age: 37 years

American actor, producer, screenwriter, director, writer, artist, filmmaker. Known for leading roles in the films Spider-Man, The Great Raid, Tristan and Iseult, Duel and Lafayette Squadron.

# # #

96. Garrett Hedlund

Pictured: Garrett John Hedlund

Age: 30 years

American actor who gained popularity after playing Patroclus in Wolfgang Petersen's Troy and Sam Flynn in Tron: Legacy.

# # #

95. Justin Theroux

Pictured: Justin Theroux

Age: 43 years

American actor, director, screenwriter. He made his film debut as an actor in 1996. In 2006, he directed his own film Dedication. And in 2010, the film " iron Man 2, which was written by Justin Theroux. Since 2011, he has been dating famous actress Jennifer Aniston.

# # #

94. Jason Momoa

Pictured: Joseph Jason Namakeaha Momoa

Age: 35 years

American actor best known for starring in Conan the Barbarian as Conan, as Uhal Drogo in Game of Thrones, and as Ronon Dex in Stargate: Atlantis.

# # #

93. Tom Odell

Pictured: Tom Peter Odell

Age: 24 years

English singer, composer and musician. His first album was released in June 2013. Since then, his popularity has only grown.

# # #

92. Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Pictured: Joseph Leonard Gordon-Levitt

Age: 34 years

American actor and film director. He started acting in films at the age of 7. Known to the Russian public for the TV series "The Third Planet from the Sun". In 2005, Joseph Gordon-Levitt became widely known and received recognition from the public around the world for his role as a street hustler in the movie Mysterious Skin. Has a huge filmography. Starred in leading role in the movie Snowden.

# # #

91. Jon Hamm

Pictured: Jonathan Daniel Hamm

Age: 44 years old

An American actor who rose to fame after starring as Don Draper in the television series Mad Men. For this role, he even received a Golden Globe.

Remember "People Magazine's Top 12 Sexiest Men of 2011"? Then many of the sexiest ones could be easily weeded out, because. we didn’t even know the names of the majority, but this year the British edition of Heat World decided to publish a much more adequate and fair rating of the most charming, attractive and sexy men on the planet. This, of course, is not "People", but also nothing. The list includes 25 men, some of whom are “neither to the village nor to the city”, but the rest are very hot, even despite their age (after all, men tend to get better over the years if they do not forget about basic self-care ).

25th place

24th place

Volpi Cup winner for Best Actor, Golden Globe and BAFTA nominee Michael Fassbender is the new female idol. He is charismatic and good-looking. He is 34 years old.

23rd place

Something far Ian Somerhalder is from the top three. It could have been higher for such and such eyes, figure, charm ... you can endlessly enumerate for what, but he is only twenty-third. By the way, I didn’t think that Ian was already 33 years old.

22nd place

27-year-old UK performer Olly Mars, who won second place in the musical television show "The X Factor", was awarded the 22nd line of the rating. For what? Omg.

21st place

31 year old Justin Timberlake decided to marry his longtime lover Jessica Biel, with which I congratulate him. The boy is finally mature!

20th place

35-year-old actor and husband of one of the most beautiful models of our time Miranda Kerr Orlando Bloom is in 20th place in the ranking. He reminds me of a sparrow.

19th place

Husband of Angelina Jolie 48-year-old Brad Pitt is not the same as before ... To my deepest regret. He used to be a sexy handsome man, but now he is a family man (6 children, you can check it out). In the list, he is apparently for "past merits."

18th place

Boy, who are you? How Harry Styles wormed his way into the ranks of these handsome men who are already over 20, 30 and even 40, I don’t know ... So, I passed by.

17th place

Aim sorry, Taylor Lautner fans, but he's the spitting image of a pig. This is me, kindly. His face does not attract me, but if you cover it with cardboard, then he is very personal. 20 years old, grow up, then we'll see what comes of it.

16th place

Handsome, you can't argue with that. The main thing is that 33-year-old James Franco does not turn out to be gay, like Ricky Martin, otherwise they will peck and trample. There are many suspicions about his wrong orientation.

15th place

Gerard Butler, 42, seems to me to be aging ugly. It used to be better, but you can still change. In these photos, he is shaved and well dressed/undressed, but currently he has lost his shape and has acquired many wrinkles.

14th place

32-year-old Maroon 5 lead singer Adam Levine is truly sexy, just like Gerard Butler. And the point here is not even so much in an excellent figure (on the second photo there is a hard photoshop, do not believe it), but in the look. There is in it, something cheeky, but at the same time alluring. In short, it is not in vain that he is in this ranking.

13th place

I know 41-year-old Harry Barlow exclusively from his duet with Robbie Williams. In the video for the song "Shame" he was gay, but in real life Harry has normal orientation. A hammer!

12th place

26-year-old Harry Judd is very handsome, but alas, I don’t even know who he is by profession. Most likely a showman.

11th place

The eternal bachelor 50-year-old George Clooney, as the all-powerful Wikipedia told me, is also childfree, that is, he does not have the slightest desire to have children. How so? Such a handsome man will not have offspring? Oh, what a mistake on his part ... especially since anyone is ready to have children from him.

10th place

I already described 24-year-old Zach in one of my recent posts, so in summary, he is too, too, too good to be sexy. As they say, “he doesn’t smell of sex” (we didn’t sniff, but we can guess). Although the guy is trying!

9th place

43 years old, but how beautiful he is. All men should learn from him to maintain their body in SUCH a state. Hugh Jackman is a dream man! Bravo!

8th place

What a pity that nothing lasts forever. Even the beauty and sexuality of Johnny Depp. The actor is already 48 years old, he looks good, but the hour is not even when Depp will have to stop shining on the screens and excite women's hearts. It sounds sad, but it's true. A worthy replacement is growing up, but in any case, we will not forget Johnny. "Smart?", as Jack Sparrow would say.

7th place

Oh yeah! 7th place for . I consider him one of the sexiest men on this list, because. brutality and childish spontaneity coexist perfectly in it. Plus, 34-year-old Tom wonderful actor and again British. The British are very cool men :)

6th place

Without Pati, we are like without hands. The star of the film "Twilight", and part-time the main vampire of our time, 25-year-old Robert Pattinson is located in 6th place. I don’t understand what is so special about him, but the compilers of the list know better, because Robert is British. The pride of the state, you know!

5th place

Good man. I think the dream of all future mothers-in-law. 31-year-old Jake Gyllenhaal is very peculiar in choosing girls, so his passions in different time became Kirsten Dunst, Reese Witherspoon and Taylor Swift. In this, by the way, he is very similar to his now deceased friend Heath Ledger, who suffered for several years due to a breakup with Michelle Williams - she was very mediocre in appearance (I don’t know about the internal content).

4th place

People leader Bradley Cooper is not the least bit sexy in my opinion, although women find something special in him and love him to memory loss. Bradley is 37 years old, but he looks a little older, which adds a few points to him, because. with his "pretty face" look older = look better.

3rd place

Scarlett Johansson blew her happiness ... Now 35-year-old Ryan is dating the young beauty Blake Lively, and Scar, although she found another gentleman, has noticeably grown uglier. Love, of course, paints a person, maybe she will even get prettier in the future, but not yet, no and no ... Ryan is full of health and demonstrates a wonderful appearance, for which he is awarded third place.

2nd place

Maybe Ryan Gosling's face is not a written handsome man, but his body is amazing. Girls all over the world appreciated this and quietly drool while watching the next movie with Ryan. I will say for sure that he is a good actor, and the man is probably even better. 31 years old, but he is not married, so Hollywood beauties have every chance to win such an enviable groom. Eva Mendes, in my opinion, he is not a couple.

1 place

And the British, it turns out, are patriots, otherwise how to explain the fact that the English football player David Beckham turned out to be the sexiest on the list? Of course, he is damn good-looking, but I would not call him the sexiest. Although ... He combines all the professions that a star can only comprehend. He is a model, a designer, a businessman, and is this not an indicator of the success of a 36-year-old man who shows good shape on football matches and great off-pitch style? Definitely, Victoria was lucky, because David is also an exemplary family man. Father, yes he is the ideal!

According to statistics, there are 3.7 billion men in the world, each of which has its own individual characteristics.

Most of them - ordinary people. But among these billions there are those who sing and dance excellently, others play excellently in cinema or theater, are professionally involved in sports, and still others are simply the most attractive men - handsome men that women are simply crazy about.

Attractiveness and beauty are, of course, subjective concepts. Some people like brown eyes, others like blue ones, some are delighted with lush lips, others - with stubble, someone likes pumped up men, and someone is not at all afraid even of a beer belly. How many women, so many tastes.

A beautiful body deserves attention, as pumping up the press and muscles is not easy. Ideally, when a man has not only a pumped up body, but also a mind.

Smart, decisive, strong-willed and strong male representatives will conquer any female heart.

Now we will talk about those stars who do not take steroids, but train hard in the gym.

A pumped-up body will not go unnoticed by the weaker sex, but in order to interest a worthy woman, you need to differ not only in figure, but also in high intelligence.

The most handsome men in the world 2019-2020: TOP 50

Every year, well-known glossy publications present ratings of the Most Handsome Men in the World.

We also decided to create our own interesting rating handsome men, dividing the nominees into several categories.

To hell with words, better watch and enjoy the photo review of "The Most Handsome Men in the World."

The most handsome men in the world 2019-2020

Bradley Cooper is an American film actor, four-time Oscar nominee.
Channing Tatum is an American film actor, filmmaker and fashion model.
Daniel Craig is an English film actor who is better known as the "new" James Bond. James Franco - american master screen, screenwriter and filmmaker. Jason Statham is an English actor.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt is an American film actor and director. famous films.
Andrew Garfield is a British film actor who is known as Spider-Man.
Ryan Gosling is a Canadian film actor and director. Ryan Reynolds is a Canadian film actor and film producer.
Tom Ford is an American filmmaker and fashion designer for Gucci.

The most attractive men in the world 2019-2020

Hugh Jackman is an Australian screen maestro and filmmaker.
Alexander Skarsgård is a Swedish actor who has played in theater and cinema, director of mega cool films.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers is an Irish actor. Jude Law - British actor, became famous after the movie "Sherlock Holmes". David Beckham is an English footballer who starred in King Arthur of the Sword this year. Armie Hammer - American famous actor movie. Leonardo DiCaprio is an American screen maestro who still waited for his Oscar. Oscar Isaac is an American film actor and amazing musician. Robert Sheehan is an Irish film actor. Ian Somerhalder is an American actor who has played in film and theater.

Handsome men of the world 2019-2020

Brad Pitt is an American film actor and creator of several films, by the way, he is divorcing his wife Angelina Jolie.
Jake Gyllenhaal is an American actor who has played in film and theater, and also created his own movie masterpieces.
Robert Downey Jr. is an American film actor, film producer and musician.
Johnny Depp is an American film actor, director and musician. Til Schweiger is a German film and theater actor, film producer and screenwriter. Guillaume Canet is a French film actor, director and screenwriter.
David Duchovny is an American actor, director and writer. Jensen Ackles is an American theater and film actor, director and musician. Hugh Laurie is a British film actor, film director, screenwriter, famous singer and pianist, became known as Dr. House. Cristiano Ronaldo - Portuguese famous master leather ball, there are rumors that the athlete gay.

Famous men of the world 2019-2020

Al Santos is an American film actor and producer of famous films.
Ben Affleck is an American film actor, screenwriter and winner of two Oscars.
Baptiste Giabiconi is a French instrumentalist and model. George Butler - Scottish famous artist theater and cinema. Mark Wahlberg is an American film and theater actor, two-time Oscar nominee. Cillian Murphy is an Irish film actor and music maestro with deep blue eyes. Ed Westwick is a British film actor and musician. Matt Damon is an American film actor, producer of many films and an Oscar winner.
Simon Baker is an Australian popular film actor and director of several films.
Robert Pattinson is a British film actor, musician and fashion model.

Handsome men of Russia 2019-2020

Yegor Creed - contemporary singer won more than one woman's heart. Alexey Vorobyov - singer, film actor, film director, UN Ambassador. Sergey Lazarev is a musician, film and theater actor, TV and radio host. Dima Bilan is a musician and actor, he liked the pseudonym so much that he took a fictitious name for a real one. Anton Sevidov - famous musician and composer.
Alexander Tarasov - rapper, showman, known under the pseudonym T-killah. Nikita Panfilov is a film and theater actor, showman and TV presenter.
Daniil Strakhov is a showman, theater and film actor, a patriot of his country. Konstantin Kryukov is a theater and film actor, producer, and an excellent jeweler.
Vyacheslav Malafeev is a football player for the Zenit club.

1 week ago

People magazine annually publishes a list of the most attractive men in the world. BeautyHack studied the ratings of reputable publications and compiled its own selection of the most beautiful men in 18 years. , and read parts via active links.

Jamie Dornan

This year, British Glamor named Jamie the most attractive man, putting his name at the top of the top 100 list. The 34-year-old actor has already received this award in 2015. Jamie has been married to actress Amelia Warner for four years and very soon you will see him again on the big screen. 50 Shades Freed is released February 14th. And in September, Jamie will present the film "Robin Hood: The Beginning."

Milo Ventimiglia, Justin Hartley and Sterling Kelby Brown

These three were included in the list of the most attractive men of 2017 by People magazine for good reason. The actors did not receive the main award, but they definitely became one of the recognizable faces of the 21st century. All three are the main characters of the series This Is Us, which has already received two Emmy statuettes.

Prior to This Is Us, 40-year-old Milo Ventimiglia starred in Heroes for four years, where he gained fame. Justin Hartley is also known as a TV series actor. His portfolio includes roles in The Young and the Restless and Smallville. And Sterling Kelby Brown in 2016 received an Emmy for his role in " American history crimes” and since 2014 has been playing at the Public Theatre.

Blake Shelton

But the American country singer Blake Shelton still got the award from People. He was called the most sexy man 2017. The 41-year-old singer has ten platinum and gold albums and the best girl in the world is Gwen Stefani. Forbes magazine ranked Blake as the 9th highest paid country artist, earning $24 million in 2016.

Zac Efron

He jumped off a cliff and swam with a tiger shark. The protagonist of the films "Rescuers Malibu" and "The Greatest Showman" Zac Efron turned 30 this year. "I want to be involved in projects that take me out of my comfort zone, so I'm really looking forward to the next decade," the actor told People magazine. We think that the fans are also waiting for new achievements - Zach has them only in Instagram 31.6 million.

Ryan Gosling

The Blade Runner 2049 and La La Land star has mastered the art of charm without effort. When Ellen DeGeneres asked Ryan to name his favorite body part, he replied: " Thumb left hand." Although in the top 100 British Glamor Ryan takes only 42nd place.

The actor has been married to Eva Mendes for five years, together they raise two daughters.

Justin Timberlake

Justin has been married to Jessica Biel for three years and has a son, Silas. Last work actor and singer - the film "Wonder Wheel" by Woody Allen, where Justin's shooting partner was Kate Winslet.

Adam Levine

The Maroon 5 frontman was named People Magazine's Sexiest Man in 2013. Since then, a lot of changes have taken place in Adam's life. He married model Behati Prislu, became the father of his daughter Dusty Rose, and next year he and Behati are expecting another baby. The model announced this in September in her Instagram.

Channing Tatum

It was he who in 2013 lost the title of the most attractive man to Adam Levine. Now the actor is 37 years old, and he has been happily married to Jenna Dewan for 8 years (they met on the set of the movie Step Up). Together, the couple has a 4-year-old daughter, Everly.

Hugh Jackman

Officially, Hugh was the most attractive man on the planet in 2008 (again thanks to People magazine). But even after the actor constantly gets into male ratings. At the same time, Hugh has been married to actress and producer Deborra-Lee Furness for 21 years and willingly shares secrets. happy marriage: "Never spend more than two weeks apart and don't go to bed angry at your other half."

George Clooney

Over the past 30 years, George Clooney has been ranked #1 by People twice: in 1997 and 2006.

Until 2014, the actor steadfastly held the title of the main Hollywood bachelor (in the 90s, George was married to actress Talia Balsam for four years), until he met Amal Alamuddin and became the father of twins.

Johnny Depp

In the 2000s, the name of Johnny Depp was not bypassed by any glossy magazine. In 2009, People named him the sexiest man of the year. True, in 2012 the actor spoiled his reputation by breaking up with Vanessa Paradis after 14 years of relationship, and then divorcing Amber Heard with a scandal.

The actor is currently busy working on the films Gnomeo and Juliet, Richard Says Goodbye and Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, which will be released in 2018.

Ryan Reynolds

In 2010, Ryan proudly bore the title of "the sexiest man on the planet", and two years later he easily retrained as an ideal husband and father. Together with Blake Lively, with whom they have been married for five years, he is raising two daughters. The couple lead a secretive life and appear in public a couple of times a year in in full force. In 2016, the stars had a serious reason: Blake and her children supported Ryan while receiving her own star on the Walk of Fame.

Bradley Cooper

People named Bradley the Sexiest Man of 2011. Since then, the actor starred in 22 successful films and got one of the most beautiful girls planets - Irina Shayk! Bravo, Bradley!

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