Urination exercises. Weak bladder in women and men - treatment with pills

The adult bladder normally has a volume of about half a liter, but if necessary, it can stretch a little. At the same time, the frequency of the urge to excrete urine increases. In diseases of the bladder, its volume may decrease.

If inflammation occurs, the need to urinate appears even with a low content of urinary fluid. So, how to strengthen the bladder so that there is no need to run to the toilet often? First of all, it is necessary to find out the reasons for the decrease in the size of the organ and undergo the necessary treatment to help eliminate urinary disorders.

The causes of the development of pathologies of the urinary system are very diverse - from hypothermia to malignant neoplasms. But also an increase in the frequency of urination is due to changes in the human body due to age.

More often, this problem manifests itself in patients with prolapse of the bladder, which is associated with a decrease in muscle tone. Weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor and bladder provokes involuntary excretion of urine with slight pressure and tension of the abdominal wall - when sneezing, laughing, coughing.
The causes of urinary incontinence of varying degrees, in addition to bladder disease, are other factors:

  • complicated childbirth;
  • consequences of cystitis;
  • change in the physiological position of internal organs;
  • menopause;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • hypothermia.

Also, after childbirth, the tone of the muscles of the urinary system may decrease. Muscle recovery takes time. You can speed up the process through special exercises and the use of medications.

Symptoms of a Weak Bladder

One of the most obvious signs of weakening of the muscles of the bladder is involuntary urination. Doctors call additional symptoms of weakness signs that are characteristic of certain diseases:

  • constant feeling of a full bladder, accompanied by an urge to go to the toilet;
  • the appearance of pain during urination.

These symptoms will help determine the underlying disease, and timely prescribed treatment will quickly eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of weakening of the bladder muscles.

How to strengthen the bladder

How to help with urinary incontinence caused by somatic pathologies? It is necessary to take measures to eliminate this symptom. To do this, you can do therapeutic exercises aimed at restoring the tone of the muscles of the pelvis and perineum.

Medical treatment

Medicines should be taken only when absolutely necessary, only a doctor should diagnose a disease of the urinary system and prescribe a course of treatment.

The use of drugs to strengthen the bladder is advised only when other methods have not brought the desired result. These drugs include drugs containing oxybutynin, as well as antimuscarinic agents.

Complex therapy may include:

  • hormonal medications;
  • adrenergic agents.

How to strengthen the bladder for a woman? Hormonal drugs can provoke a violation of the menstrual cycle or lead to significant hormonal disorders, patients prefer vitamin complexes with minerals, specially designed exercises to train muscles and strengthen the sphincter of the bladder, folk recipes.

A set of exercises

A combination of several methods contributes to strengthening and increasing the tone of the muscles of the bladder. An important part of this complex is therapeutic gymnastics (LFK).

To achieve a positive and quick effect, it is necessary to regularly perform exercises for the bladder. These exercises are based on alternate tension / relaxation of some muscle groups, in particular the perineum. As part of gymnastics, it is also recommended that you lean forward while sitting on a chair or standing.

Strengthening the muscles and training the bladder consists of several categories of exercises:

  1. Rapid reduction. This exercise strengthens the muscle fibers of the bladder, helps women get rid of intimate problems by strengthening the walls of the vagina. Alternate tension and relaxation of the muscular apparatus of the perineum allows you to quickly achieve a positive result.
  2. Slow contraction of the muscles of the perineum allows you to more effectively train the muscular apparatus. But at the same time, you should reduce the time of the exercises, because excessive loads can cause negative consequences.
  3. Pushing exercises for the bladder. These movements mimic childbirth or the act of defecation.
    Bladder weakness in women also responds well to ball exercises held by the hips or knees.

Exercises to strengthen the bladder for women of middle and older age must be dosed and carefully monitored for well-being, since excessive physical activity can further damage the muscular apparatus of the internal organs, the tissues of the genitourinary system. You can perform exercises using a special simulator, which, in addition to physical, has an electrically stimulating effect.

Kegel exercises

In order to strengthen the bladder, doctors recommend regularly performing a set of Kegel exercises. This technique is effective both in the first stages of incontinence and in severe cases.

  1. The first exercise is a slow tension of the anus, the muscles of the perineum. The state of tension is held for a couple of seconds, after which you can relax the muscles. It is enough to repeat the exercise for 1 minute. It can be done while standing at a bus stop or in an elevator, sitting in a car or in an office room.
  2. The second exercise should be done in the supine position, face up. We raise our legs at a right angle, first the left, then the right. Further, the angle changes, the legs should be raised 45 degrees from the floor. The third time, the legs are raised 30 degrees in relation to the floor. Raising one leg, it should be fixed for 4-5 seconds, lower and raise the other.
  3. Kneeling, perform squats to the right and left sides. You need to stay in the squat for five seconds, repeat the exercise in each direction 5 times.
  4. Standing, lean forward, trying to touch the floor with your hands.
  5. Lying face up, spread your bent legs to the sides as much as possible, feet should be tightly closed.
  6. Squats with legs apart. The exercise is repeated about 10 times.
  7. Performing the following exercise, you need to net on the mat, stretch your legs forward, rest your hands on your knees and, bending forward, slide your hands to your toes. In a deep slope, it is necessary to linger for a while and return to its original position. Repeat - 10 times.
  8. Charging with the ball, lying face up. The ball should be well clamped between the knees. Raising the pelvis, you need to swing to the right and left, 8-10 times in each direction.
  9. Walking with a ball between the thighs for several minutes.

A positive result will be noticeable in about a month with daily gymnastics. In this case, an important factor is the control of fluid intake. But this does not mean that you should reduce the amount of water you drink per day to a minimum - this can provoke the development of dehydration. It is enough just to control the amount of fluid you drink and urine output.

Folk remedies

It is possible to strengthen the muscles of the bladder faster when the main treatment is combined with some folk remedies. The most commonly used:

  • yarrow;
  • plantain;
  • hypericum herb;
  • digitalis;
  • leaves of mountain ash, willow, ash, viburnum;

The preparation of medicines from herbal ingredients requires adherence to technique and dosage. The use of too concentrated decoctions of herbs or exceeding the recommended dose can lead to a negative result and deterioration of the bladder.
Therapy with folk remedies is carried out after consultation with the doctor and under his supervision. How to prepare decoctions, infusions from plants:

  • 10 g of dried yarrow inflorescences should be poured with a glass of clean water and brought to a boil. The broth is infused for 60 minutes, and before use it must be filtered. Take this remedy three times a day for half a cup (100 g).
  • It is necessary to prepare the dried leaves of the following plants: ash, mountain ash, elm, viburnum. A tablespoon of the collection should be poured with a liter of boiling water, left to infuse for a while. The product is taken chilled.
  • 50 g of dried sage leaves are poured with a liter of hot water. Reception mode - 100 g (half a glass) after meals, three times a day.
  • The next remedy is prepared at one time - the peeled half of the onion is dried, finely chopped, poured into hot boiled water, mixed thoroughly. The infusion should be drunk at a time.
  • Plantain tea. Unlike previous recipes, fresh leaves are used here. So, one sheet is poured with boiling water (200 g), infused for 60 minutes.

Additional ways

Too frequent need to urinate introduces significant adjustments to the daily routine that can interfere with the usual rhythm of life. A weak muscular apparatus of the bladder can interfere with sports training, a meeting in the office, and public transport.

In order not to have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, it is recommended to eat a tablespoon of honey before going to bed, which helps to relax the muscle fibers of the bladder.
To reduce the discomfort of the symptoms of a weak bladder, experts strongly recommend following a few guidelines:

  • reduce physical activity;
  • clothing should be light and comfortable;
  • maintain water balance - you need to drink filtered water or herbal teas throughout the day;
  • lower back, legs should be kept warm, not exposed to hypothermia;
  • use urological pads to eliminate the unpleasant smell of urine and retain moisture.

During the treatment, the bladder gradually strengthens, the frequency of urges decreases. In this case, you can start training to increase the time intervals between urination. But don't wait too long. At first, 5 minutes is enough, gradually this interval increases, which significantly strengthens the bladder and its tissues.

In order to strengthen a weak bladder, urologists recommend sticking to a diet that helps to normalize the functioning of the urinary system. Diet helps to eliminate excess weight, which also has a negative effect on the bladder.

To normalize the bladder, it is necessary to increase the amount in the daily diet:

  • white fish of low-fat species;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • herbal teas.

It is recommended to consume foods rich in zinc (Zn):

  • seafood;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • various cereals;
  • red fish.

Providing the body with vitamins is not in last place, and it is better to get them from natural products:

  • various nuts;
  • wheat oils;
  • green vegetables.

Daily nutrition should be organized in such a way as to minimize the use of dishes containing spices, since spices and seasonings have a diuretic effect on the human body.
It is highly advisable to give up certain foods and drinks:

  • coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • fresh celery;
  • asparagus;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • watermelon;
  • grape.

If frequent urination is associated with surgery, the nuances of the diet should be discussed with the attending doctor. It is recommended to follow the diet until the expected result is achieved and there is a noticeable improvement in the condition.

Specialists in therapeutic gymnastics advise paying attention to yogic asanas, which can also strengthen the bladder and eliminate the need to go to the toilet often. But this type of exercise also needs professional supervision. The first classes are best done under the guidance of a yoga master.

Weak bladder is common. Voluntary urination (or incontinence) occurs when one of the elements of the urinary system is not functioning. More often than not, it's the muscles themselves. Urine is excreted during exercise, coughing, sex, or laughter.

Before starting to treat urinary incontinence, the doctor needs to determine the cause of the disease. Often women experience this during menopause or after gynecological operations (removal of cysts, malignant tumors). Muscle weakness is possible after or during pregnancy. When the fetus grows in the body, the organs begin to rebuild and put pressure on the urinary system, causing involuntary discharge. If weakness caused chronic cystitis, unpleasant symptoms may appear on their own. The same applies to severe irritation of the bladder. For many girls, the weakness of this organ is also caused by being overweight.

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    How to understand that the bladder is weak?

    There are several clear signs by which you can determine the weakness of the bladder. These include:

    • frequent desire to go to the toilet;
    • urge to urinate even at night;
    • voluntary excretion of urine.

    Many women, embarrassed by the problem, prefer to remain silent by buying special urological pads, but this is the wrong approach. If a disease has arisen, then you need to get rid of it before it becomes neglected.

    How is pathology treated?

    After the cause is established, the attending physician can prescribe measures to prevent the disease. This is important, because if the cause of incontinence is a sexual infection, then there will be no point in doing muscle exercises.

    Non-surgical procedures include:

    • physical exercises to strengthen the bladder;
    • organ training;
    • physiotherapy.

    Physiotherapy well improves blood circulation in the pelvic muscles, making the ligaments more elastic. Doctors most often resort to the following methods:

    • warming up;
    • microcurrents;
    • electromagnetic impulses.

    In the event that the doctor decides to prescribe pills to the patient, antispasmodics and antidepressants are more often prescribed. Drug treatment is effective if the main cause of the disease is excessive bladder activity (relevant for infections and injuries). So, for example, doctors often prescribe the drug Driptan - it helps to relax the pelvic muscles and reduces the urge to urinate, which happens very often. The course of treatment usually lasts a month, but you should not set the dosage yourself.

    The operation is more often done in cases where involuntary urination occurs due to physical exertion (due to increased intra-abdominal pressure), but in some cases - with an advanced form of infectious inflammation. Most techniques do not involve a large incision: for example, there is such a minimally invasive technique as throwing a synthetic loop. The operation is so simple that the patient can be discharged from the hospital the next day.

    85% of women who have undergone surgery no longer face the problem of a weak bladder. The only thing that can happen is cystitis that occurs after hypothermia.

    Muscle exercises

    If you need muscle strengthening, there is a simple and very effective way: physical exercises on the muscles in the pelvic area. Sensitive muscles should contract 100 to 200 times a day. You can divide the set of exercises into two approaches: one to do as a charge, the second - to warm up before bedtime. This is also very important for pregnant women, as it helps to stretch the pelvic muscles without the use of various medications.

    To understand which muscles you need to strain, it is enough to try to stop it during urination. Later, during the exercises, you will have to repeat these steps: this will be the main workout.

    This course continues for about a month. This is enough for the muscles to tone up and stop contracting on their own. It must be remembered that it is impossible to stop the course immediately after it has given the first positive results - it is likely that the restored ability of the muscles to keep the urethra closed will disappear again.

    There are also workouts: they are set by the attending physician. Duration, degree of load, active muscle groups - all this is decided individually. For acquaintance, you can ask about a complex called "Kegel exercises": it is often used to prevent diseases of the genitourinary tract and get rid of existing ones. It helps to stretch the muscles, restore their elasticity and give more tone.

    Bladder training

    By "training" is meant a special plan drawn up by the attending physician. The plan prescribes the time at which a woman should go to the toilet. You should not succumb to the completely logical desire to go to the toilet every time there is such an urge, so as not to embarrass yourself in front of everyone. However, the plan stipulates that such urges must be withheld. With each week, the time interval between urination should increase and be 3-3.5 hours. With this approach, the old pattern of behavior is changed, and the bladder is forced to get used to the new one.

    The training course lasts about three months and is often accompanied by medication.


    Do not hope that it will be possible to fully get rid of the disease exclusively at home with folk remedies. But using simple means, you can alleviate discomfort, strengthen the bladder and maintain the tone of the body.

    The simplest and most effective traditional medicine recipes include the following:

    1. 1. Dry the sage leaves. Pour water in proportions of 40-50 g per 1 liter. Drink half a glass three times a day.
    2. 2. Dry yarrow flowers (10 g). Pour a glass of filtered water, boil, leave for an hour and strain. Drink three times a day for half a glass.
    3. 3. Put fresh plantain in a glass, pour 200 ml of boiled water, leave for an hour. Drink 2-3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l.
    4. 4. Peel the bulb, dry it. Finely chop (wipe), pour into boiling water, stir and drink.
    5. 5. Grind rose hips with foxglove fruits in a ratio of 1:4, cook for about 30 minutes. Add rosehip flowers, boil again, strain. Cool and drink one glass a day.
    6. 6. Dry the leaves of viburnum, elm, ash and mountain ash. Take 1 tbsp. l. mixture, pour boiling water (1 l). Decoction to drink chilled.

    If the desire to go to the toilet arises very often, you can prepare a decoction of young cherry branches, add a spoonful of honey and drink several times a day. Before going to bed, you can eat 1 tsp. honey - this will soothe and relax the bladder.

    Lifestyle change

    When faced with urinary incontinence, it is necessary to follow simple recommendations:

    What to eat?

    In the process of getting rid of involuntary urination in women, it is advisable to follow a certain diet, the main principle of which will be an abundance of fiber. It will help stimulate the digestive processes and disperse constipation, which inhibits the normal processes of digestion and emptying.

    • pumpkin seeds;
    • dishes from white, low-fat fish;
    • herbal tea made from the collection of horsetail and lemon balm.

    Zinc is also important, which can be found in abundance in:

    • seeds;
    • different types of red fish;
    • processed cereals;
    • seafood.

    You can meet your vitamin E needs by adding the following foods to your diet:

    • green vegetables;
    • nuts;
    • wheat oil.

A weak bladder is more common in the fairer sex, as this is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure.

This topic is especially relevant for older women. Bladder problems cause significant discomfort in everyday life. To deal with such a problem, you first need to figure out what caused such a violation. And only then start solving the problem.

Provoking factors

The bladder is an unpaired muscular organ of the urinary system. It is a container in which urine coming from the ureters accumulates. After filling the bladder in the body, certain receptors located on its walls are triggered. The receptors send signals about the overcrowding of the organ to the brain, which in turn signals the need to urinate, which manifests itself in a feeling of some heaviness in the bladder area.

After emptying due to nerves and contraction of the muscular walls and sphincter, the size of the bladder decreases. Then the process is repeated. As soon as the well-coordinated process of all organs and systems involved in the urinary process is disturbed, a person begins to have problems with the process of urination.

If the tone of the sphincter of the organ is weakened, involuntary urination can occur due to coughing, strong laughter, heavy lifting, etc.

A weak bladder in women can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body during menopause.
  2. Pregnancy period. The muscles of the perineum during the bearing of the child weaken. Unlike men, who have a small intestine above the bladder, women have a uterus. The child displaces the internal organs and they, like the fetus, begin to put pressure on the bladder. Hormonal changes in the body of pregnant women also provoke incontinence.
  3. Diseases of the bladder, for example, cystitis.
  4. Irritation of the bladder under the influence of great stress or fear.

Knowing how to strengthen the bladder will allow you to maintain women's health for a long time.

Muscle Strengthening Exercises

Training the muscles of the pelvis and perineum is a rather laborious process, but the results are worth it. You can feel the muscles of the perineum and understand how developed they are at the time of visiting the restroom. In the process of urination, you need to try to stop the stream of urine. The more difficult it is given, the weaker the muscles.

Relaxation and muscle tension will initially be difficult. The first results of training can be observed after about 3 weeks, provided that all actions are performed correctly and in good faith. Before proceeding, you should take into account the fact that after each exercise you need to take a 3-minute break.

  1. You need to lie on your back on a flat surface and relax. Next, you should try to tighten the muscles of the pelvis and perineum and hold them in tension for about 5-6 seconds, and then relax and tighten again. The exercise is performed 5-7 times in a row without a break for rest.
  2. An exercise to contract and relax the muscles, such as the first, but the legs must be bent at the knees, and the feet must be completely on the floor.
  3. Body position - lying on the back. One leg is pulled up to the stomach and lowered (stretched). The exercise is repeated for each leg 5 times. At the moment of pulling up and lowering the leg, the muscles of the perineum should be tense.
  4. The exercise is performed lying on your back with knees bent, between which a small ball is clamped. The technique is to turn the knees from side to side, slowly. In this case, the pelvis must be raised so that it does not touch the floor.
  5. Squats holding on to the back of a chair. In this case, you need to spread your legs to the sides.

Another exercise that will strengthen the bladder can be performed anytime and anywhere. It does not require much effort from a woman. It is required to strain the muscles of the perineum and hold in this state for about 5-6 seconds, sitting on a chair (it is not recommended to lean on the back) or while walking down the street.

Other treatments

To strengthen the bladder in women, the doctor prescribes pills if the problem is associated with a disease of the urinary system.

Regardless of the disease, all medications should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Proper treatment is the key to a successful recovery. If the treatment was carried out incorrectly, then the disease can give complications to the reproductive organs or transform into a chronic form, which is very difficult to treat. In addition, if you try to cope with the problem on your own and use certain drugs uncontrollably, there is a risk of allergic reactions or other complications associated with intolerance to one of the components that make up the drug.

Drug therapy involves the use of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, firming and hormonal agents. Physical therapy is also recommended.

Traditional medicine recipes are also often used for bladder problems. But treatment with folk remedies should also be carried out under the guidance of the attending physician.

A decoction of rue and wormwood will help strengthen and relieve the inflammatory process in the kidneys and bladder. Sage and chicory have the same anti-inflammatory properties. For urinary incontinence, you can prepare a decoction of dill seeds or a collection of violet, yarrow and wheatgrass herbs. Diuretic drinks are recommended to be avoided, so it is better to refuse tea and coffee.

In addition to the main treatment and performing strengthening exercises, a woman needs to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, and also give preference to underwear made from natural fabrics.

For many older people, a weak bladder becomes a big problem. Fearing public embarrassment, they try to be less likely to be in crowded places, refuse to travel, and are anxious when they even have to leave the house for a short time. However, one should not overdramatize the situation. Special exercises and properly selected nutrition will help get rid of an unpleasant problem and return to an active life.

Why does this happen

In a healthy bladder, urine accumulates until a certain volume is reached, at which point the bladder contracts to empty itself. People begin to feel the urge to urinate. But due to volitional contractions of the muscles of the perineum and urethra, it can be held. This requires the coordinated work of the muscles of the walls of the bladder, the sphincter that locks it, and the nerves through which the signal is transmitted to the muscles.

Suppose that if one of the links of this subtle mechanism does not cope with the task, the bladder will become unreliable, and as a result, its contents will involuntarily be released if pressure rises in the abdominal cavity - for example, when coughing, sneezing, laughing, when lifting weights.

In women, bladder weakness is observed almost three times more often than men. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy and childbirth, the muscles of the pelvis and perineum are stretched and weakened, the internal organs descend and begin to put pressure on the bladder. Menopause adds new problems: due to the restructuring of the female body, the muscular sphincter, which “locks” the bladder, weakens.

By regularly training the muscles of the perineum, you can achieve a significant improvement in your condition.

In especially severe cases resort to surgery. The operation brought relief to many women, although not everyone decides on surgery.

A sharp urge to urinate can also occur without sufficient filling of the bladder, for example, when it is inflamed - cystitis. Frequent urges are also with an excited bladder. Its contractions begin with the accumulation of small volumes of urine, when a person experiences fear or great excitement, for example, when passing exams. This state is helped to remove special relaxation exercises.

Without consulting a doctor, it is not easy to distinguish cystitis from an excited bladder, since an excited bladder can also be the result of chronic or acute inflammation, the same cystitis.

In men, in most cases, urination disorders are associated with an enlarged prostate gland. Prostate adenomas are benign tumors, in men older than 50 years they occur in approximately 60%. An enlarged gland creates an obstacle to the flow of urine, pinching the urethra.

Frequent urge to urinate - are the very first symptoms of the disease. The weakening of the jet, as well as the leakage of urine, create a very unpleasant sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Of course, it is more difficult for men in this situation, since it is necessary to treat a diseased prostate.

In men, as well as in women, there are both cystitis and a hyperreflex bladder. There may also be a weakening of the sphincter, for example, during heavy physical work.
But it is possible to deal with the situation. Both women and men should strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and perineum to give them the necessary tone. This is achieved through targeted training. Special relaxation exercises will remove the phenomena of excitation of the bladder, and proper nutrition will complement the treatment program.

muscle training

In order for the pelvic organs to function normally, their anatomical location must be correct, the state of the muscles of the pelvic floor is determined precisely by this. Based on these facts, with a weak bladder, it is important to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.

In order for you to feel the muscles of the perineum, which you also need to work on, the next time you visit the toilet, you must try to consciously interrupt urination.

Muscle training is a long process. After three weeks of training, you will feel how your problems recede.

Exercise daily, at least once a day. With a 3-4 minute rest after each exercise.

  1. Lying on your back, relax. Try to tighten the muscles of the pelvis and perineum at the same time. Make sure that the lower abdominal muscles are also tense. The tension must be held for 5-7 seconds, then relax. Breathing during exercise is even. Repeat up to 5 times.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your knees, feet flat on the floor. Squeeze your knees tightly, maintaining the overall tension of the muscles of the perineum. Hold the tension for 5-7 seconds, then relax. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Lying on your back, pull your left leg to your stomach and tighten the muscles of the perineum, then straighten it and lay it on the floor. Repeat the exercise with the right leg. Repeat up to 5 times for each leg.
  4. Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body and relax them. Tighten the muscles of the perineum. Repeat 8 times.
  5. Lying on your back, bend your knees, feet flat on the floor. Hold the ball between your knees and hold it. Lift your head and upper back off the floor to the shoulder blades and simultaneously raise your knees. Repeat 8 times.
  6. Lying on your back, hold a small ball between your knees. Slowly lift the pelvis up and in the highest position (otherwise the ball will slip out) move the pelvis to the right, then to the middle position and then to the left. Repeat 8 times. When performing these exercises, it is very important to breathe evenly - this is the only way you can maintain tension in the muscles of the perineum.
  7. Sit on a chair without leaning back. Place your feet on the towel. Relax your hands and put them on your hips and at the same time tighten the muscles of the perineum. Maintaining muscle tension, lightly step your feet in place. Press the towel with your feet to the floor, moving it back and forth, in a circle, as if you were mopping the floor. 3 minutes walk in place, 2 minutes - "rub the floor."

Easy to match with everyday activities exercises for the muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum

When traveling in transport, standing in lines, ironing clothes, washing dishes, climbing stairs, or just walking, choose the moments to perform a simple exercise:

Tighten the muscles of the perineum and pull up the bottom of the pelvis a little, then relax.

When you carry a heavy bag, tighten your perineal muscles. This is a good prevention of bladder prolapse.

Tiptoe walking can also help. Gradually increase the intervals between toilet visits.

Getting rid of stress

The problem with the bladder is very often caused by various stressful situations. Consequences can be minimized, even when they are not always eliminated.

A good result gives a reflex massage. The movement of the hands that smooth and stretch the tissues in a certain area, stimulating them, stimulating the nerves that coordinate the work of the muscles of the bladder.

An additional calming effect, has an alternation of muscle tension and relaxation.

  1. Lie on your stomach or sit down, relax. Gently pull the skin in the area of ​​the sacrum with the thumb, middle and index fingers. It is necessary to smooth the formed fold in the direction of the spine. Perform for 5-6 minutes. Such a massage is very effective if the movement is performed abruptly.
  2. Perform a similar massage technique in the lumbar region, rising 3-4 vertebrae higher.
  3. Sit on the floor, pull your legs to the body, connect the soles. Grasping your ankles, lightly press your elbows on your knees, lowering them to the floor. The legs must resist. Hold this position for 5-7 seconds, then relax, lower your legs, shake them. Repeat 8 times.
  4. Lie on your back, relax. Place your legs in a "house", then spread your knees to the sides with a little effort and return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times.

Warmth will help to get rid of the effects of stress.

  1. Take warm sitz or foot baths with hay or chamomile. To do this, put a handful of dry herbs in a bath with water temperature of 36 ° C. Take such baths every evening for 10-12 minutes.
  2. Apply a water or electric heating pad to your lower abdomen before going to bed for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Go to the sauna once a week. Do not take cold showers between visits to the steam room.

How to eat right

You need a balanced diet rich in dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on bladder function. Eat more foods containing zinc (shellfish, red fish, sunflower seeds, cereals) and vitamin E (wheat germ oil, nuts, seeds, and green vegetables). Useful fish dishes, pumpkin seeds, teas from lemon balm and horsetail. Enrichment of the diet with zinc is especially recommended for men - it is necessary to maintain the health of the prostate gland.

Avoid hot spices and spices as they are stimulating and diuretic. Table salt, on the contrary, contributes to fluid retention in the body, so before going to bed, so that the bladder does not disturb you at night, you can eat salty. Drink at least a liter of mineral water or herbal teas daily.

For three weeks, while you are doing the above exercises, drink tea that improves bladder function. Mix St. John's wort, highlander, bearberry and oak bark (all 25 g each). 2 teaspoons of the mixture, brew 1 liter of hot water, insist under the lid, strain. Drink 1 cup in small sips 3 times daily with meals.
Keep in mind that being overweight increases bladder weakness as the fat ballast puts extra pressure on it. If you lose weight, not only will your general condition improve, but the muscles of the pelvic floor will also be unloaded. Less weight - less stress on the muscles of the perineum.

  • If the urge to urinate catches you on the road, bend over and pretend to tie your shoelaces or straighten your shoes. In this position, the pressure on the bubble will decrease.
  • If possible, do some pelvic and thigh stretching exercises. This will prevent their spasm, which disrupts the functioning of the bladder.
  • Always have a change of underwear on hand, it will give you confidence, as well as pads, diapers and other aids.
  • It is better to choose trousers or a skirt from dark natural fabrics.
  • Try not to drink a lot before the road or a responsible event.

Food for the bladder. Products to strengthen the bladder. Healthy Living Program

One of the most popular and relevant non-drug methods of light or drip therapy today is the Kegel technique. According to statistics, Kegel exercises are quite effective, since 70% of women have already been saved from this unpleasant ailment.

A few words about the methodology

Kegel exercises for women with urinary incontinence are the most effective among all types of intimate gymnastics. The main advantage of this method is the possibility of its implementation at any time and in any place.

It should be noted that the author of gymnastics is the American gynecologist-obstetrician Arnold Kegel. Initially, the technique was dedicated to pregnant women who, during the period of gestation, could not restrain urination. But, as it turned out later, the exercises were effective for other categories of people. Thus, the regular performance of Kegel gymnastics will help to return the sagging uterus to its place, strengthen the pelvic muscles before childbirth, and also saturate the sexual life with bright colors, increasing the possibility of obtaining multiple orgasms during an intimate act.

Basic performance requirements

In order for women to benefit from it, several useful recommendations for implementation should be followed.

  1. You should start doing exercises without much effort. It is better to devote the first day to mastering the basic techniques of the technique. As soon as the process itself is more or less clear, you can begin to increase and complicate the gymnastic complex. For example, a week after the constant exercise, each approach must be increased by 5, then by 10, and so on until the total number of repetitions reaches 30.
  2. Perform Kegel exercises for women with urinary incontinence should be systematic. First, start with a squeeze, then contraction and pushing follow.

The maximum and allowable load should be 30 repetitions in 3 sets. This will be enough to fully maintain the tone.

  1. It is not recommended to carry out with urinary incontinence with a filled or partially filled bladder, intestines. Ignoring this rule can lead to pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. It is necessary to carry out gymnastics at the primary stage in a horizontal position. This is necessary to feel the necessary concentration.
  3. It is not recommended to hold your breath during exercise. It should be calm and uninterrupted.
  4. It is important during gymnastics not to strain the abdominal muscles. The same applies to the hips and buttocks.
  5. If at the initial stage of performing gymnastics it is not possible to recognize the necessary muscles, a finger should be inserted into the vagina. In this case, the buttocks should not be involved. As soon as the goal is achieved, you can try to delay urination. You should not stop the act regularly, otherwise problems with the urinary system may appear.

Perform Kegel exercises for women with urinary incontinence (reviews, by the way, about this technique are only positive) should be in a good mood and in a convenient place.

Why perform

The complex includes exercises that are aimed at preventing mild and drip urinary incontinence. Pregnant women can also do it. The only contraindication is the threat of miscarriage, abortion, uterine tone and other complications during childbearing.

Kegel exercises for women with urinary incontinence at home vary in degree of difficulty, but they are all aimed at training the muscles of the pelvic floor. It is recommended to perform gymnastics regularly and without interruptions, gradually increasing the level of difficulty and load.

The main movements included in Kegel gymnastics

So, the technique includes the following exercises.

It should be noted that Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence in women should be performed with concentration and in a comfortable body position.

What postures are most comfortable?

So, let's get straight to the lessons themselves.

  1. Take a standing position. Spread your legs at shoulder level. Place your hands on your buttocks. Tighten your pelvic muscles inward upwards. Such Kegel exercises are performed for women with urinary incontinence after removal of the uterus.
  2. rest your head on your hands. Then tighten your pelvic floor (muscles) up and in.
  3. Lie on your stomach. Bend your legs at the knee. Alternately tense your muscles and relax.
  4. Take a supine position. Bend your legs at the knees and spread them apart. Place one hand on the buttocks, the second - in the lower abdomen. Squeeze the muscles, "pulling" them up.
  5. Sit down and cross your legs. Your back should be straight at this point. Tighten your muscles up and in, mentally imagining that your legs are off the floor.
  6. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your knees. Straighten your back and tighten the muscles inward and upward.


Remember: only the pelvic muscles should be strained. If this rule is not followed, the expected result will not be achieved. By correctly and regularly applying Kegel exercises, you can learn to control the process of voluntary urination.

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