The power and strength of feminine energy. Feminine Energy: Venus or Moon

Venus in every woman is that external picture that we show or strive to show to the world. It is the Venusian qualities that are expressed in the desire to dress up, adorn yourself, do your hair, take care of your face and body.

Venus in a woman can manifest itself on three levels.

Venus in harmony (I am worthy of love by birthright - I give love).

Love for your body, attention to its condition and health, self-care. At the level of relationships, this is the desire to please a man, the ability to flirt, give love, joy, lightness, a radiant smile, self-confidence, self-esteem, sexuality, naturalness, romance. At the level of space, it is the ability to bring harmony to your surroundings, the desire to decorate your home. Mission - giving beauty to the world through yourself.

Venus is out of balance (I want love and recognition - I expect to be loved).

This is an over-reliance on looks. The race for fashion, youth, comparing yourself with other women, envy. At the level of relationships, this is a bulging sensuality, a certain aggressiveness towards men, promiscuity in sex, hidden disrespect for men, manipulation, pride, sometimes bitchiness, an excessive desire to please. At the level of space, this is the priority of high cost, the desire to be on top, the inability to enjoy the beauty of nature, the gradual loss of naturalness and flexibility.

Venus in oppression (I am not sure that I can be loved - I do not believe in love).

This is painful self-doubt, rejection of one's appearance, sacrifice. At the level of relationships - indifference to men - "no one notices me", suppressed sexuality, dependence on a man. At the level of space - "dullness" in a woman's house, unisex style in clothes, preference for practicality - feminine things that are "for one day", a strict "no" is said.

The goddess of love Venus is in every woman, regardless of whether she thought about it or not. Having determined the image of your Venus, you can find out the answer to the question: why do my relationships with men develop one way or another? And am I the goddess of love? Can I give love?

The goddess of love is a smile, an infectious laugh, feeling like a woman, the ability to see men and trust them, the desire to love and be loved and the absence of tension.

Do you imagine the goddess of love who lives with difficulty or, also making maximum efforts, tries to attract the attention of a man? .. Venus is the natural flow of female energy ..

Venus in our soul directs us to the outside world - this is how we realize our destiny - to be the personification of femininity in the social environment. If you do not have relationships with men, if you do not see men, then your Venus is sleeping. And it's time to wake her up and bring her out of the world of dreams ..

Disclosure of the qualities of Venus.

1. Since Venus is responsible for the area of ​​all kinds of arts and creativity, a good way to reveal the qualities of Venus is to develop artistic taste.
It is necessary to learn to combine various interior items, to choose clothes with taste. Drawing, needlework, jewelry making and other creative activities are very favorable.

Learning to combine various details in an outfit, choosing jewelry, it is very important for a woman to choose clothes, first of all, so that she is beautiful, and not just comfortable. Also clothing for the home. A woman should not go home in T-shirts and pants, in an untidy, unkempt form, so as not to destroy her Venus. Beautiful clothes inspire to be a woman and make the world happy.

2. Don't skimp on yourself.
It is important for a woman to learn to invest in herself, not only financially. The most valuable thing is our experience and knowledge. Learn to fill yourself up.

3. Use the power of stones and minerals, wear jewelry.
Allow yourself to experiment with images. Look for beads, bracelets, rings for your different outfits, develop your creative energy.

4. Surround yourself with beautiful things.
A cozy, pleasant environment nourishes a woman and helps her to maintain relaxation and good mood.

5. Move gracefully and smoothly.
The first thing to remember is no rush. If we are active, moving fast, in a hurry, then we strengthen the masculine qualities in ourselves. Try to take each step, directing your movement "out of the uterus." Focus on this center in the lower abdomen, and you will naturally want to be feminine in your every gesture.

6. Give thanks.
Wonderful Venusian quality. A grateful woman is a rich woman. She knows how to accept the generous gifts of the universe. Try to thank people as often as possible, sincerely and from the heart. And you will see how your life becomes blessed. And on fertile soil, seeds germinate very quickly - our desires.

7. Listen to beautiful music.
Especially the sounds of nature, prayers, mantras. Light music cleanses on a subtle plane, filling a woman with light and melody.

8. Do not use harsh words.
Obscene language, criticism, condemnation destroy female energy. No matter how beautiful a woman looks, if she condemns and scolds someone, her attractiveness is greatly reduced. Thus, she repels worthy men and the help of the Universe from herself.

9. Build harmonious relationships with women, communicate with friends.
It is important to stop seeing other women as rivals. Friends help us share the joy and endure the pain. Surround yourself with like-minded friends, and you will get that circle of female power where each of us is born and reborn.

10. Wear feminine clothes, long skirts.
Men's clothes worn by a woman: trousers, jeans, shorts, deprive her of her feminine energy, she becomes less attractive to the opposite sex, and there are fewer feminine qualities in her, she begins to live in male active energies.

Feminine clothes, especially long skirts, dresses, allow us to touch our feminine essence, to feel feminine. A long skirt is the "keeper" of female energy, and it also helps to keep in touch with the earth, and according to many men is the most feminine outfit.

11. Take care of your hair.
Hair is the key to healthy energy. It is good for a woman to have long hair. It used to be that the longer a woman's braid, the longer her husband's life would be. In public, it is better to keep your hair tied up so as not to spill your strength and not absorb the negative energy of strangers ...

Real women don't sleep alone. The energy of femininity and the secrets of seduction Oksana Spivakovskaya

Venus Energy

Venus Energy

Venus, the planet of female sensuality in a harmonious state, gives a woman the ability to please, be content with her appearance and the ability to profitably present all the resources given by nature, the ability not to compare herself with others and not envy, and the ability to love life. It makes people, both men and women, sexually attractive to members of the opposite sex. A woman with well-developed qualities of the planet Venus is noticeable to men, knows how to please, choose the best, easily realizes the opportunities to create material well-being around her. In the energy of the planet Venus are women's money.

There are certain actions, my dear, in which we can direct our attention and through this awaken the qualities of this planet and, accordingly, its energies in us. Now I will give a list of pleasant actions that will help you become tastier and more noticeable:

Pay special attention to yourself and to self-care on Friday. Friday is the day of Venus. All pastel colors in clothes correspond to her, honor this in drawing up a Friday wardrobe. On such a day, it would be right to go to a beauty salon or enjoy something beautiful. Another great tip is that it’s good to ask men on Friday. Remember, we talked with you about the fact that this is a habit of happy femininity?

Create time for yourself to get in touch with the beautiful even in a series of busy everyday life and a high pace of life. It can be an opportunity to admire great masterpieces or self-creation through creativity. Find an opportunity to let into your life a lot of things that develop the ability to see color, hear sound, combine colors and paints, decorate the mediocre. Good designers and image makers, stylists, architects spend a lot of time in museums in order to get a portion of beauty for inspiration. Take note of this technique, and you will sound more expensive, more refined, more chic.

Choose beautiful, and not just comfortable, clothes not only for work, but, which is very important, for home and walking. For married beauties, home wardrobe is of extraordinary importance. It should be more beautiful than "working". This creates a man's inner confidence in his importance. A simple gesture helps to prioritize, does not give rise to a destructive thought for a relationship in a man’s head: “The most important thing for her is where she dresses up.”

Create luxury. This is not an abundance of diamonds, because a luxurious life is luxurious in small things. Leisurely coffee in the morning without fuss from a special exquisite cup is a luxurious gesture, as opposed to "sips on the run" from a versatile cup. Take a look at your every thing, action and bring luxury there. It can be a special bag of lavender in bed, or an unusually tasteful composition of creams in the bathroom. It can be anything that does not belong to the phrase "I'll do it anyway."

Love diamonds, wear them with pleasure. This stone is actually a great friend of girls, as the diamond is the stone of Venus. Improve your skill in choosing and wearing jewelry. All astrologers agree on one thing: a woman without jewelry has problems with Venus, just like a woman who is overly decorated with them.

Surround yourself with beautiful things. A cozy, pleasant environment nourishes a woman and helps her to maintain relaxation and good mood. Give beautifully wrapped gifts, never be cheap. This is your calling card and the trail that you leave in your memory.

Create new ways to create money. Venus is the planet that oversees our finances as well. Love them and skillfully translate them into pleasure. Feed your home with enchanting scents. Money places love delicious smells. With special pleasure, money comes to places in the smell of orange and other citrus and lush flowers.

Develop your sexuality, treat intimacy with your beloved man as an art. Improve the capabilities of your body, attend classes of masters in similar practices. Sexual art is an initiation through special women, it is passed from mouth to mouth. Previously, it was hidden and was the lot of knowledge only of the emperor's concubines. Now this knowledge and practice has become available, use this happy opportunity to the maximum.

Drink tea with raspberry leaves or berries. This gives resonance with the energies of Venus. Eat "foods of Venus": pomegranate, gooseberries, grapes, sweet and sour fruit juices (best between 11:00 and 14:00), mild-tasting oriental spices (not spicy or bitter).

Did you like the practices of developing Venus, dear? I'm very happy. But, as you remember, we still have one more intrigue: "the possibility of your man becomes through your requests." How to implement it? Look, the Moon is responsible for how we spend money, and Venus is responsible for how we create money. This applies to both men and women. For a man, a woman is his Venus in the horoscope, if you add a little detail, then the position of Venus in the zodiac sign of the man’s horoscope indicates what type of women he is most attracted to and what type of request he is most responsive to. So, your requests are his success. Venus gives material goods for what is a luxury, and not for daily survival, this is money for pleasures, for surpluses, and the more attention a man has in this surplus, the more money his Venus will give him. Do you remember the principle: “where attention goes, energy goes there”? This is the same principle when, giving him what he needs (success and triumph from the state of the breadwinner and winner, hegemon and ruler), you get what you need for yourself - events, impressions and objects that please you. And this is the very principle of "win - win", to which all conscious humanity strives.

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Let's talk about lunar and Venusian energies in more detail.

Venus in every woman is that external picture that we show and / or strive to show to the world. It is the Venusian qualities that are expressed in the desire to dress up, adorn yourself, do your hair, take care of your face and body.

External beauty is always connected with the internal state. This is true, but sometimes a woman, focusing on the outside, forgets about the inner essence. And this imbalance will manifest itself sooner or later. For example, when a woman notices the first wrinkles, starts to gain weight... At these moments, our inner Venus panics. And naturally, we begin to work hard on our appearance.

In general, Venus in a woman can manifest itself on three levels:

  1. Venus in harmony (I am worthy of love by birthright - I give love)- love for your body, attention to its condition and health, self-care. At the level of relationships, this is the desire to please a man, the ability to flirt, give love, joy, lightness, a radiant smile, self-confidence, self-esteem, sexuality, naturalness, romance. At the level of space, it is the ability to bring harmony to your surroundings, the desire to decorate your home. Mission - giving beauty to the world through yourself.
  2. Venus in imbalance (I want love and recognition - I expect to be loved) It's an over-reliance on looks. The race for fashion, youth, comparing yourself with other women, envy. At the level of relationships, this is a bulging sensuality, a certain aggressiveness towards men, promiscuity in sex, hidden disrespect for men, manipulation, pride, sometimes bitchiness, an excessive desire to please. At the level of space, this is the priority of high cost, the desire to be on top, the inability to enjoy the beauty of nature, the gradual loss of naturalness and flexibility.
  3. Venus in oppression (I'm not sure that I can be loved - I don't believe in love)- this is a painful self-doubt, rejection of one's appearance, sacrifice. At the level of relationships - indifference to men - "no one notices me", crushed sexuality, dependence on a man. At the level of space - "dullness" in a woman's house, unisex style in clothes, preference for practicality - feminine things that are "for one day", a strict "no" is said.

As you can see, the goddess of love Venus is in every woman, regardless of whether she thought about it or not. Having determined the image of your Venus, you can find out the answer to the question: why do my relationships with men develop one way or another? And whether I am the goddess of love or drag out a miserable existence. Can I give love?

It may seem that the traits of the Goddess of Love, the Venusian traits, are difficult to develop. One of the most common answers here is no money for beautiful clothes, no time to go to beauty salons, etc.

In fact, Venus has the main features that do not need to be acquired for fabulous money.

The goddess of love is a smile, an infectious laugh, feeling like a woman, the ability to see men and trust them, the desire to love and be loved and the absence of tension.

Do you imagine the goddess of love who lives with difficulty or, also putting maximum effort, trying to attract the attention of a man?

All of the above is nonsense. Venus is the natural flow of feminine energy. With her indispensable interaction with men.

If you do not have relationships with men, if you do not see men, then your Venus is sleeping..

And it's time to wake her up and bring her out of the world of dreams.

Let's move on to lunar energies. It is the Moon that reflects the full power of female energy and the depth of the female soul. The image of the Moon is the state of a woman, her thoughts, feelings, sensations, feeling herself a part of Nature and owning her power. Lunar energy is the role of mother and wife-mistress, the image of a sorceress or a sorceress - who will choose what?

And regardless of the quality of the lunar energies in a woman. they can suppress the Venusian ones. For example, a woman is used to suffering (Moon in oppression), but at the same time she longs to be loved (the desire of inner Venus).

Why is this happening? Firstly, because girls are taught from an early age to be correct and afraid of their "dark side" and, secondly, the priority of the role of the mother, and not the woman in the couple. Therefore, sometimes growing up to 30 or more years, we are halfway able to show Venusian qualities - to dress ourselves up and charm a man, but we don’t know how to create a strong relationship with him and overcome an eternal inferiority complex or a good girl.

Venus in our soul directs us to the outside world - this is how we realize our destiny - to be the personification of femininity in the social environment. The moon, on the contrary, directs us to our own soul, where the value and understanding of oneself is acquired.

Now I suggest you take a closer look at how freely you manifest these two hypostases - the energy of the Moon and Venus? Which of these goddesses of female nature is manifested stronger or weaker?

On the way to harmonious Venus (revealing feminine qualities)

purpose Venus(the second important planet for a Woman) in giving beauty and love to the world.

Revealed in a woman Venus- this is the beauty of the body and the harmony of the soul, contentment with one's appearance, joy, a sense of taste, good manners, the ability to create a space of love anywhere, the ability to choose a man to create a family, the ability not to compare oneself with others and not to envy, love of life.

inharmonious Venus can lead a woman down the wrong path. Such a woman tries to dress brightly, be very sexy in appearance, seduce men, initiate sexual relationships, chase fashion, youth ...

All of the above actually does little to help reveal the qualities Venus.

Actually harmonious. Venus does not need to be desired by everyone. woman with open Venus easily finds a man who will become for her a loving, caring husband, ready to take responsibility for the family.

How to discover qualities in yourself Venus? Here are the simplest and most effective ways.

1. Develop artistic taste.

Choose clothes to match , learn to combine interior items, draw, do needlework, sculpt, create jewelry.

2. Move gracefully and smoothly.

The first thing to remember no rush.Feminine in every gesture.

Try to take each step, directing your movement "out of the uterus." Focus on this center in the lower abdomen and you will naturally want to be feminine in your every gesture.

3. Choose beautiful, not just comfortable clothes.

This rule also applies to clothing for the home. Throw away worn T-shirts and sweatpants. Beautiful clothes inspire to be a woman and make the world happy.

4. Don't skimp on yourself.

Give up the words: I'll do it! Learn to invest in yourself. And not only financially.

The most valuable thing is our experience and knowledge. Learn to fill yourself, rather than waiting for input from others.

5. Give thanks.

Wonderful Venusian quality. A grateful woman is a rich woman. She knows how to accept the generous gifts of the universe. Try to thank people as often as possible, from the heart. And you will see how your life becomes blessed. And on fertile soil, seeds germinate very quickly - our desires.

6. Listen to beautiful music.

Especially the sounds of nature, prayers, mantras. Light music cleanses on a subtle plane, filling a woman with light and melody.

7. Know and use the power of stones and minerals.

And wear jewelry. The desire to go everywhere in the same earrings greatly limits the creative energy of a woman. Allow yourself to experiment with images. And look for beads, bracelets, rings for your different outfits.

8. Do not use harsh words.

Obscene scolding, criticism, condemnation destroy the feminine energy. No matter how beautiful a woman looks, if she scolds someone, then her attractiveness decreases significantly! Thus, she repels worthy men and the help of the Universe from herself.

9. Surround yourself with beautiful things.

A cozy, pleasant environment nourishes a woman and helps her to maintain relaxation and good mood.

10. Smile and laugh heartily.

Down with excessive seriousness! The smile of a woman adorns the whole world!

11. Communicate with friends, build harmonious relationships with women.

The most important - stop seeing other women as rivals. Friends help us share the joy and endure the pain.

Surround yourself with like-minded friends, and you will receive that circle of female power, where each of us is born and reborn.

12. Wear long skirts.

Such a skirt is not only a "keeper" of female energy, but also helps us to keep contact with the ground, that is, not to fly away into the clouds. A long skirt is one of the most feminine outfits. By the way, this is confirmed by many men.

13. Make various hairstyles, braid braids.

Take care of your hair with love and care. Hair is the key to healthy energy. Therefore, it is better to let them go authentically, and in public try to keep cleaned.

14. Show modesty.

This quality heals us from greed. After all, greed gives rise to a state in a woman that makes her work hard, strain and, thereby, become empty. Because you want a lot, even if you don’t need more. The modesty of a woman is a protection against excess, envy, someone's aggression and disappointment.

15. Create coziness and comfort, create a space of love.

It doesn't matter if it's your apartment or you're renting. A woman has an amazing gift to bring warmth, comfort into the space, or vice versa, to saturate everything around with negative vibrations. How is the space of love created? Through moods, feelings, actions. Sometimes a woman just needs a wave of her hand to change everything around her. Therein lies her mystery.

The house is like a full bowl.

If the house is always clean, pleasant aromas are hovering, there are bouquets of fresh flowers, vases with fresh fruits are on the table. If the hostess is always beautiful, well-groomed, pleasant in speech and address, trained and smart, soft and feminine, can sing, dance, knows how to entertain guests with needlework. Then the grace of Venus and the Goddess of prosperity will always be present in such a house.

16. Respect men.

Don't judge, don't criticize, don't look for flaws. It is important to learn to communicate with a man joyfully, without expectations.

Remove from thoughts the installation: I give you, and you give me what in return?

Do not drive away men who “do not like”, do not wait for the prince. Instead, see the best qualities in everyone, showing justice and dignity.

17. Be empathetic.

Treat someone else's world with trepidation, someone else's joy and pain. And that means do not rush to conclusions and advice.

Be tactful not only to attractive features, but also to the shortcomings of others. Do not judge, do not look down on someone. Show empathy and love for others.

18. Treat intimacy with the man you love like meditation.

Remove haste, fuss, "duty", reticence from one of the most reverent areas of relationships. Reveal yourself in love for the body of a loved one. Give pleasure and be it.

19. Love the world!

First of all, do not divide it into parts.

Don't like it - leave. Why get angry?

20. Surround yourself with light and pleasant bright colors.

This relaxes and sets you up for rest (it is important for a woman to remember that there is no tension even at work!). Avoid dark tones! For example, a bathroom in dark colors negatively affects the energy of Venus. And bathing in this case will not bring lightness and renewal, will not be able to give the mood necessary for a woman.

21. Be faithful.

Quality that brings great happiness! A woman who is faithful to her husband (faithful, first of all, because she does not think that there are better men somewhere!) Gives him strength, support, which means that such a man will be successful and healthy. Loyalty is a guarantee of support from the Higher Forces, a guarantee of well-being, even if not the best times that happen in our lives have come.

22. Use sweet scents: rose, iris, saffron. To increase sensibility.

Know how to use scents.
Not to buy an industrial chemical perfume based on synthetics and alcohol, but to study aromatherapy, properties of oils. Learn to create your own fragrances, and use them at the right moment.
The most Venusian fragrance - jasmine. All floral, sweet aromas are good for maintaining the energies of Venus.

23. Drink tea with raspberry leaves.

In order to easily enter into resonance with the energies of Venus. Very convenient - a bag of "raspberry" tea, and the soul became lighter.

24. Skillfully use cosmetics.

The contents of your cosmetic bag introduce you daily to the energies of Venus. Which makeup to choose - you choose. The main thing is not to forget that you need to be beautiful not for others, but for your inner comfort. And, of course, for the beloved man.

25 . There are sweets.

Right, blissful sweets and at the right time. Honey, dates, grapes, raisins, all sweet fruits. And it is better to eat them at breakfast, before 11 o'clock in the morning.

26. Consume milk.

Also important drink milk with spices. A glass of hot milk at night with a spoonful of honey and 3 veins of saffron - the best elixir of Eternal beauty and Venusian energy! It is very important to drink milk at a time when the Sun is not active (early in the morning or late in the evening) and always with spices.

Especially good for women: saffron, cardamom, cinnamon, turmeric.

27. Learn the art of proper handling of fresh flowers.

Vivid, fragrant flowers, intelligently arranged into beautiful bouquets, are an excellent catalyst for Venusian energy.
Composing bouquets, we propitiate the planet, gain Feminine energy and call prosperity to the house.

Let the energies Venus will give you inspiration.

Series of messages " ":
Part 26 -

How to increase your energy? Weak planets in the horoscope can be the cause of weak, low energy and be the cause of failures and problems in a person's life. In this case, you can strengthen your energy with the help of jewelry.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Sun

Signs of a weak Sun in the horoscope

Lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem or self-respect are the main signs of a weak Sun in the horoscope. A person who is not able to appreciate himself, with an established negative image of the "I", is accordingly not able to achieve success and recognition.

He is weak-willed and timid, prone to fears and doubts. He lacks purpose and motivation and is emotionally and materially dependent on others.

He acquires a sense of his own individuality only with an eye on other people (most often relatives and friends), and it is difficult for him to work independently. The fate of the father of such a man was hardly easy.

On the physical level, a person suffers from a lack of energy. He is pale and anemic, has cold hands and feet, poor digestion and poor appetite, weak or slow pulse, weak heart and poor circulation.

Edema, accumulation of fluids and mucus, general hypofunction of organs and the nervous system are possible. Possibly impaired vision. A person with a weakened Sun may have too brittle bones and susceptibility to arthritis. The body's resistance is low, especially this person is defenseless against cold and dampness.

Astrological indications of the weak Sun in the horoscope

The Sun weakens in its debilitating sign (in Libra), in the signs of planets hostile to it (especially Saturn), in troubled houses (primarily in the eighth and twelfth), and also under the influence of malefic planets.

With ascending Aries, Leo, Scorpio or Sagittarius, the Sun is a benefic planet. In these cases, provided that the Sun is not weakened, astrological healing means can enhance the positive solar qualities - leadership, independence, strength of the intellect and clairvoyance.

How to increase your energy? Sun Stones

The main gem of the Sun is the ruby. The weight of the stone must be at least two carats; it must be set in gold not lower than the 583rd test. It should be worn on the ring finger of the right hand. The ruby ​​must be of high quality, transparent and free from defects.

As a substitute, you can use a high-quality dark red garnet (at least three carats; preferably five). You can wear a large garnet pendant or necklace around your neck.

How to increase your energy? The stone should be put on for the first time on Sunday, preferably at sunrise. It is best that at the same time the Sun be strong in transits. An astrologer can specifically choose a good time for this - muhurta.

Sun stones are not recommended for fever, high temperature, inflammatory diseases, bleeding, ulcers, high blood pressure and infectious diseases. Psychological contraindications: excessive ambition, the desire for power and domination over people, a strong ego, pride and vanity.

Stones of the Sun are contraindicated when the Sun is the ruler of an evil house (third, sixth or eleventh). Care must be taken when Mercury or Jupiter is combust or in opposition to the Sun.

It should not be forgotten that the Sun is a malefic planet that negatively affects the affairs of the house in which it is located.

Wearing a Sun stone can damage the affairs of the house in which the Sun is located in the natal chart, especially if this house is angular or trine; exceptions are the third, sixth, tenth and eleventh houses, in which the Sun manifests itself on the good side.

To strengthen the Sun, a person must develop independence and courage in himself, fight his fears. He must illuminate with bright light all the dark recesses of his consciousness. He must learn to appear in public without companions. He must learn to be alone.

He should take the initiative more often and take on the role of leader. You need to spend more time outdoors in the bright Sun and sunbathe daily (about twenty minutes). In the morning it is advisable to get up at sunrise.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Mercury

Signs of a weak Mercury in the horoscope

The main signs of Mercury's weakness are a lack of intelligence and communication skills, speech defects, poor memory and an inability to make calculations. Characterized by immaturity, childishness, recklessness, lack of self-control, bad habits and addictions.

The person may be slow, dull, distracted, or prone to irrational acts. Sluggish thinking or confusion in thoughts, inexpressive speech are also typical.

On the physical level, the signs of a weak Mercury are manifested through a weakened nervous system, neuralgia, trembling of the limbs, anxiety, insomnia, and rapid heartbeat.

Often this is accompanied by dry skin, itching, hypersensitivity, nervous indigestion, allergic manifestations. Perhaps - weak lungs and heart. As a rule, in childhood, such people often get sick.

Astrological indications of weak Mercury in the horoscope

Mercury is weakened by aspects from malefics (Saturn, Mars, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu), in the sign of its fall (Pisces), in the signs of planets hostile to it, as well as in problematic houses (sixth, eighth, twelfth). In addition, aspects from the Moon and conjunctions with the Moon can bring trouble to Mercury.

With ascending Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius, Mercury is a benefic planet. In these cases, with the help of astrological healing means, you can enhance the highest qualities of Mercury - insight, strength of mind and ability to communicate.

Gems of Mercury are relatively safe, harmonious and balanced. However, they have the same dual nature as Mercury, and therefore you should not wear them with the stones of the malefic planets - Saturn, Mars, and the Sun. Care must be taken to ensure that the Mercury stone does not perceive bad influences.

Before using such a stone, it is advisable to make sure that it has not experienced negative influences in the past. Very dangerous, therefore, ancient jewelry can turn out to be, especially if their previous owners were not very happy or the history of the stone is associated with some negative events.

Astrological contraindications: Mercury rules an evil house (sixth or eleventh, especially with Aries or Scorpio ascendant) or has an association with Saturn or Rahu.

How to increase your energy? Mercury stones

The main gemstone of Mercury is an emerald. It must weigh at least one and a half carats. It should be set in gold and worn on the middle or ring finger of the right or left hand, or on the little finger - the finger of Mercury.

Substitutes include peridot (a precious variety of olivine, the yellow-green peridot is commonly known as "chrysolite"), jadeite or jade, green zircon, or green tourmaline.

All these stones can also be worn in pendants or necklaces, which should be located at the level of the base of the neck. In rings, they must have a size of at least three carats, and in pendants - at least five.

The first time to put on a stone should be on Wednesday, with the growing moon. It is desirable that transiting Mercury be strong at this time - be in the sign of a friendly planet, in its own abode or in a sign of exaltation. An astrologer can choose a suitable muhurta for this.

How to increase your energy? Lifestyle

To strengthen Mercury, one should read and write more, study and reflect. Useful lessons in mathematics and philosophy. You can attend courses, seminars and lectures. You should expand your knowledge of the world as a whole and the possibilities of self-expression. You can take up the study of a foreign language.

However, you should always leave time for peace of mind and calm contemplation of nature. The highest dignity of the intellect is the ability to know the inner world, and not the outer one.

How to increase your energy? It is necessary to abandon the notion of the reality of sensory sensations and turn to the search for the inner light of truth.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Jupiter

Signs of a weak Jupiter in the horoscope

The main symptoms of Jupiter's weakness are lack of joy and enthusiasm, weakness of will and unsteadiness of faith. A person feels squeezed and limited, life seems meaningless to him. Characterized by pessimism, depression, anxiety, melancholy, despondency and self-pity.

A person lacks compassion for others, friendliness and a sense of comradeship. Possible material and financial difficulties. The level of creative energy is low. Childlessness or grief associated with children is possible. A woman may experience suffering or hardship due to the fault of her husband.

On the physical level, signs of Jupiter's weakness are a lack of vital energy, a weak immune system, a lack of adipose tissue or low body weight, problems with digestion of food, functional disorders of the liver and pancreas.

Often - chronic diseases and functional disorders of the nervous system, endocrine glands. A person rarely feels healthy, vigorous and full of energy.

(It should be noted that these signs are similar to the manifestation of an overly strong or afflicted Saturn, since in their normal state Saturn and Jupiter are opposite in action.

Astrological indications of weak Jupiter in the horoscope

Jupiter weakens in its fall sign (Capricorn), when aspected by malefics (Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mars), as well as in troubled houses (sixth, eighth and twelfth).

With ascending Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces, Jupiter is a benefic planet. In these cases, with the help of astrological healing means, it is possible to strengthen the positive qualities of Jupiter (the ability to enjoy life, creativity and mental strength), even if the person already does not lack them.

Jupiter stones are the safest and most balanced of all gems because Jupiter is the best of the benefic planets. Almost the only contraindication is the dominance of Jupiter over malefic houses (as happens with the ascendant in Taurus or Libra).

How to increase your energy? Jupiter stones

Jupiter's main gemstone is yellow sapphire. It should be set in gold and worn on the index finger of the right hand. Its weight must be at least two carats.

An almost equivalent substitute is yellow topaz. Citrine has a weaker effect and should be worn in a large ring (about five carats), pendant or necklace. You can also use yellow zircon.

For the first time, the stone should be put on on Thursday, preferably on the growing Moon and when the transit Jupiter is in its own abode, exaltation or in the sign of a friendly planet. It is best if Jupiter is in conjunction with the Moon or in an angular house from it. One can also choose an auspicious muhurta.


How to increase your energy? To strengthen the energy of Jupiter, it is necessary to cultivate optimism in yourself and cultivate faith, perform rituals and do good deeds. A person should become more friendly, sociable and contact, but at the same time not compromise his highest principles.

He must act in alliance with the forces of good. Any action that is done for the benefit of other people, or taken to raise the level of consciousness around the world, is useful here.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Moon

Signs of a weak moon in the horoscope

The main symptoms of a weak Moon are emotional instability, lack of ground underfoot, anxiety, fear of close relationships, lack of friendliness and poverty of emotions. The person constantly feels dissatisfied. He can hardly endure the stress and tension associated with communication.

Tendency to despondency, depression, pessimism, as well as to neuroses and mental disorders. Confusion, gloom or anxiety reign in thoughts. The mother of such a person was hardly happy in life.

The physical signs of a weak Moon are anemia, lack of fluid in the tissues (tendency to dehydration), low body weight, dry skin, constipation, weak lungs and weak kidneys. It is difficult for a person to endure dry and hot weather.

Astrological indications of a weak moon in a horoscope

The Moon weakens in the sign of the fall of Scorpio, in the signs of hostile planets, with aspects from malefic planets, as well as in problematic houses (sixth, eighth, twelfth). The aspects of Rahu and Saturn are most difficult to bear, especially if they are not softened by the aspect of Jupiter or the position of Jupiter in the angular house from the Moon.

The Moon becomes especially weak near the Sun and when burned (new moon). In addition, the Moon weakens when she is alone, that is, when no beneficent planet is near her and does not aspect her.

With an ascendant in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, the Moon is a benefic planet. In these cases, with the help of astrological healing tools, you can enhance its positive qualities - the strength of emotions, friendliness and love.

But, since the Moon is the "second Ascendant", it, like the ruler of the ascendant, can be strengthened in many other cases.

How to increase your energy? moon stones

The main gemstone of the Moon is natural sea pearls. The pearl must be at least two carats. It should be set in silver or white gold and worn on the ring finger.

Cultured pearls or moonstones can be used as substitutes, but they must either be larger - three to five carats - or used in large pendants and necklaces.

The first time to put on a stone should be on Monday with the growing moon. The transiting Moon should at this moment be in Taurus, Cancer, Pisces or in one of the signs of friendly planets.

It should not be in conjunction with malefics or strongly aspected by any malefic planet. With the help of an astrologer, you can choose a favorable muhurta for this, paying attention first of all to the fact that the Moon is in a favorable nakshatra (Rohini, Pushya, Punarvasu, Chitra, Hasta or Shravana).

Psychological contraindications: increased emotionality, sentimentality, greed or affection, as well as too active involvement in family or social affairs.

Astrological contraindications: The Moon is the ruler of the third, sixth or eighth house. In these cases, even the full moon can cause trouble.

How to increase your energy? Lifestyle

Lunar energy is enhanced in an atmosphere of faith, devotion and loving care. It is desirable that a person finds maternal care and support in the circle of family and friends. One should also take care of other people and help them by rendering selfless services. How to increase your energy? You need to communicate with people and open your heart to the needs of others.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Mars

Signs of weak Mars in the horoscope

The main symptoms of a weak Mars are a lack of energy and motivation, an inability to work consistently and hard. It is difficult for a person to defend his position and defend his rights. He is fearful and tends to obey someone else's will.

He does not know how to adequately express his anger or displeasure and is not able to recognize that he is being manipulated. He is overly passive and controllable. He can easily become a victim of abuse and physical abuse.

On the physical level, signs of a weak Mars are a weak immune system, poor appetite and digestion problems, low body weight, weakness of the muscles, liver and small intestine. A tendency to bleeding or injury is characteristic, wounds and ulcers heal slowly, anemia is not excluded.

A man may suffer from a lack of sexual energy or positive stimuli in life. A woman can suffer from a weak-willed spouse or partner in a love relationship.

Astrological indications of weak Mars in the horoscope

Mars is weakened in a debilitating sign (Cancer), when aspected by malefic planets (Saturn and Rahu), when burned, and also in troubled houses (especially in the eighth and twelfth).

With ascending Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces, Mars is a beneficent planet. In these cases, provided that it is not weakened, with the help of astrological healing means, it is possible to strengthen the positive qualities associated with it - energy, insight, etc.

Jewels of Mars should not be worn in case of fever, high temperature, inflammatory diseases, bleeding, ulcers and excessive sexual desire.

Psychological contraindications: excessively self-willed or impulsive character, as well as aggressiveness, anger and militancy.

Astrological contraindications: Mars rules a malefic house (especially with Gemini or Virgo ascendant) or is in conjunction with a benefic planet (Moon, Mercury or Venus), thus suppressing its energy.

Gems of Mars should be avoided if in the natal chart Mars is in the seventh house or has a strong position in one of the angular or trine houses. Usually Mars negatively affects the affairs of the house in which it is located; the exception is the third, sixth, tenth and eleventh houses.

How to increase your energy? Stones of Mars

The main gem of Mars is red coral. It must be at least three carats. It should be set in white gold or silver and worn on the index or ring finger of the right hand. Since red coral is a fairly affordable and inexpensive stone, there is likely to be little need for substitutes.

However, if desired, you can use carnelian instead (best in the form of a large pendant). Pink coral has a balancing rather than strengthening effect on the Martian energy.

The first time you put on a stone should be on Tuesday. It is desirable that at the same time transiting Mars be in the sign of its abode or exaltation. Signs of planets friendly to him, especially Jupiter, will also do. But it is best to choose a favorable muhurta with the help of an astrologer.

How to increase your energy? Lifestyle

In order to strengthen the Martian energy, a person should try to become more assertive, bold, active, expressive and energetic. It is also desirable to show more physical activity and strengthen the body.

How to increase your energy? Discipline is needed on all levels - physical, emotional and spiritual. However, this discipline should not be rigid, but reasonable and flexible.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Saturn

Signs of a weak Saturn in the horoscope

The main symptoms of Saturn's weakness are restlessness, nervous trembling, inability to cope with stress, insomnia, and generally lack of ground under your feet. Such a person easily sees a threat to himself in other people and in a wide variety of situations.

He is not practical enough, his perception of reality is distorted. He may be in trouble from the authorities or official institutions; it is difficult for him to earn money.

He is not consistent enough in actions, does not have endurance and is unable to courageously cope with difficulties. He easily gives up and retreats. His urges are quickly fading away, he is unable to fulfill long-term plans.

On the physical level, the signs of Saturn's weakness are weak or abnormal bone development, weak nerves, and a general lack of vitality that threatens early death.

Characterized by constipation, accumulation of toxins in the body; purulent processes and necrosis of body tissues are possible. Such a person recovers slowly, and his resistance to infection is low. In especially severe cases, diseases such as epilepsy, paralysis or cancer are possible.

Astrological indications of weak Saturn in the horoscope

Saturn weakens in its fall (Aries), in hostile planetary signs, when aspected by malefics (Sun, Mars, Rahu or Ketu), as well as in troubled houses (eighth and twelfth).

With ascending Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius, Saturn is a favorable planet (especially with ascending Taurus or Libra). In these cases, the gems of Saturn stimulate his best qualities - objectivity, impartiality, independence and authority.

The stones will work well even if Saturn is strong in the natal chart. However, they should be used with caution and balanced with stones of planets friendly to Saturn (Venus or Mercury).

Gems of Saturn always require great care as Saturn is the main malefactor. Even if all factors are favorable, it is best to give the Saturnian stone a "test run" and see how it affects your life.

Psychological contraindications: selfishness, inertia, possessive instincts, coldness, prudence, as well as pride and a tendency to manipulate people.

Astrological contraindications: Saturn rules troubled houses (as in ascending Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces) or is associated with beneficent planets (Moon, Venus, Jupiter or Mercury), connecting with them or forming a strong aspect to them.

Saturn negatively affects the affairs of beneficent (trigonal and angular) houses, therefore, if he is in such a house, his stones should be worn with caution.

How to increase your energy? Stones of Saturn

Saturn's main gemstone is the blue Sapphire. It must weigh at least two carats. It should be set in gold and worn on the middle finger.

Substitutes - lapis lazuli, malachite or amethyst - should be larger (from three to five carats). You can wear them in a ring, and in a pendant, and in a necklace.

The first time you put on a stone should be on Saturday. In this case, transit Saturn should be located favorably, (an aspect from Jupiter is desirable). Along with the Saturn stone, it is usually recommended to wear an additional gemstone associated with a planet friendly to Saturn (Venus, Jupiter or Mercury).

How to increase your energy? Lifestyle

With a weak Saturn, it is necessary to develop peace of mind, impartiality, composure and self-control. One should adhere to a strict routine in life and follow any authority or tradition.

How to increase your energy? It is advisable to avoid strong emotional outbursts, stressful and tense situations. You need to spend more time in nature and in solitude. It will be useful to slow down the pace of life, calm down and relax.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Venus

Signs of weak Venus in the horoscope

The main symptoms of weakness of Venus are the lack of beauty, charm and grace, as well as taste and refinement. Such a person may be rude, aggressive, impolite or vulgar. There may be problems in a romantic life, a lack of love and tender feelings. A woman may lack femininity or happiness in her personal life.

A man either has difficulties in relations with women, or for some reason his wife suffers. People with weak Venus find it difficult to express their feelings.

On the physical level, signs of Venus weakness are impaired kidney and genital function, infertility or impotence. These people have weak bones. There may be a breakdown or weakness of the immune system, a tendency to bleed.

Astrological indications of weak Venus in the horoscope

Venus weakens in its fall sign (Virgo), in the signs of hostile planets, in aspects from malefics (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu) and in troubled houses (sixth and eighth).

With Taurus ascendant, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and especially Capricorn and Aquarius, Venus is a benefic planet. In these cases, with the help of astrological healing means, you can enhance the highest qualities of Venus - love and devotion, the ability to enjoy life and creative forces.

Venus is a benefic planet, and therefore its stones are relatively safe. However, in a person trapped in the lower Venusian energies, they can increase sexuality, ego strength, attachment to material things and sensual pleasures.

Therefore, one should strive for the highest manifestations of Venus - for the energies of higher love, meekness and humility. Those who have an increased sexual desire or a strong need for comfort and luxury should not wear Venus stones.

Astrological contraindications: Venus - the ruler of malefic houses (as in the ascendant Sagittarius or Pisces) or too sensual Venus (Venus in fixed signs; in the fifth, seventh or twelfth house, and moreover with an aspect from Mars).

Stones of Venus

The main gem of Venus is a diamond. It must be at least one carat in size. It should be set in gold or white gold and worn on the middle or little fingers.

Substitutes can be white sapphire, clear zircon (at least three carats) or quartz crystal. The latter is best used in a pendant (at least five carats, and ten is best) or in a necklace.

The first time you put on a stone should be on Friday. It is desirable that the transiting Venus at the same time be in exaltation, in its own abode or in the sign of a friendly planet (Mercury or Saturn) and not too close to the Sun.


How to increase your energy? To strengthen the energy of Venus, it is necessary to cultivate refinement and sensitivity, as well as sensitivity and the ability to love. It is necessary to develop creative and artistic abilities and strive for more accurate and vivid self-expression.

It is useful to surround yourself with beautiful things and light, pleasant colors. A woman should develop purely feminine qualities in herself. A man should pay more attention to women who play an important role in his life - a spouse, a muse on an intellectual plane or a Goddess whom he worships.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Rahu (North Node)

Signs of a weak or afflicted Rahu in the horoscope

The weakness of Rahu is indicated by increased sensitivity and excitability, fears and anxieties. Hallucinations, drug addiction, despondency and gloom, strange, bizarre fantasies are possible. A person may not understand who he is, and easily succumb to any influences and suggestions, preferring the most awkward and unrealistic among them.

Such people are usually unpopular, they have few friends, it is difficult for them to fit into the modern world. They exhaust their strength and nerves in the pursuit of unhealthy pleasures and waste their lives in useless pursuits.

Physical indicators - weakness of the immune system, increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, nervousness, trembling of the limbs, insomnia, pallor and indigestion on a nervous basis.

Communication with the physical body is weakened, loss of control over body functions is possible. This can lead to various nervous and mental illnesses.

Astrological indicators of weak Rahu in the horoscope

Rahu is weakened in troubled houses (especially in the eighth) and under the influence of malefic aspects (Saturn, Mars and the Sun). In order for Rahu to be considered truly weak, the planet that rules it must also be weak (be in a fall, be burned or weakly aspected).

If Rahu is in a strong house (for example, in the tenth), and its dispositor is a strong and auspicious planet, then with the help of Rahu gems one can enhance its positive qualities, such as the ability to have a beneficial effect on society.

Rahu stones

The main gemstone of Rahu is hessonite (a kind of grossular garnet, the Indian name is gomedha). There are two main varieties of hessonite, one is light brown in color and the other is golden. Other golden or light brown grossulars can be used as substitutes. The stone must be at least three carats in weight.

It should be set in gold or silver and worn on the middle finger of the right or left hand. Darker red or opaque garnets should not be used, as they increase the negative energy ("overshadowing" ability) of Rahu.

For the first time, a stone should be put on on Saturday or on the day of the planet, under the control of which Rahu is in the natal chart. It is desirable that the transiting Rahu be in a favorable sign or in a sign favorable for the planet that rules it. You can also choose a suitable muhurta.

Rahu gemstones are relatively safe (other than being too dark). In our materialistic age, Rahu is very strong, and light, bright stones help to highlight its action. But if Rahu is in a trigonal house or affects the favorable planets of the natal chart, it is better not to wear his stones.


How to increase your energy? If Rahu is weak, too strong impressions, media and influences of modern technology, drugs and sexual excesses should be avoided. You should also talk less and not give free rein to fantasies.

With a weak Rahu, everything artificial is dangerous - from surrogate food from snack bars to synthetic materials in the environment. It is necessary to strive for peace, peace and quiet, as well as for the perception of Jupiterian influences - love, faith and compassion.

It is necessary to provide ourselves with a supportive and nourishing environment that will strengthen our physical strength and protect us from negative influences on the psyche.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Ketu (South Node)

Signs of a weak or afflicted Ketu in the horoscope

Typical signs of a weak Ketu are undeveloped intuition, lack of insight, inability to clearly discern the truth and illegibility, self-doubt, self-doubt and inability to concentrate, clouded or distorted perception of reality, short-sightedness.

Self-destructive tendencies are possible. There is a danger of violence or serious bodily injury. The weakness of Ketu appears here in the same way as the weakness of Mars, but with a touch of collective influences: a person can be injured in a war or suffer during riots.

There may be a feeling of tightness and lack of freedom. A person can join the struggle for some obviously losing cause or for outdated values.

At the physical level, digestive and circulatory disorders, ulcers, anemia and chronic bleeding are characteristic. Muscular or nervous disorders are possible, as well as intractable or mysterious diseases (multiple sclerosis, cancer, etc.), as with weak Rahu.

Astrological indications of weak Ketu in the horoscope

Ketu weakens in problem houses (especially in the eighth), with aspects from malefics (Saturn or Mars), and also if the dispositor planet of Ketu turned out to be weak.

In cases where Ketu is strong (that is, it is influenced by a beneficent planet that is in its abode or in exaltation, or is located in the twelfth house and has no aspects from pests), Ketu gems stimulate its highest qualities - the ability to assimilate knowledge, to spiritual insight and concentration.

Ketu stones

Ketu's gemstone is the cat's eye (a type of chrysoberyl). It must be at least two carats in size. It is desirable to send it to gold. It should be worn on the middle finger of the right hand. All varieties of cat's eye can be used.

The first time to put on a stone should be on Saturday or on the day of the planet-dispositor Ketu in the natal chart. Transiting Ketu must be in a favorable sign for itself or in a sign favorable for the planet that controls it. You can also choose a suitable muhurta.

Ketu stones should not be worn by people suffering from bleeding, infectious diseases, ulcers, fevers or pain in the eyes (increased pitta).

Astrological contraindications: Ketu in conjunction with a benefic planet (unless it is in its own abode or exaltation sign.

In addition, Ketu stones should not be worn if its ruling planet also rules a malefic house (sixth or eleventh). Ketu stones should be handled with care. It is generally recommended to use them as an astrological healing agent less often than the stones of any other planet.


A person with weak Ketu must learn to trust his thoughts and feelings. In this he can be helped by spiritual and occult research, as well as targeted research in any field, developing control over intuition and insight.

How to increase your energy? Astrology is often beneficial. However, it is best to follow some traditional teaching or act under the guidance of a mentor.

At the very least, you need to make your life more disciplined, develop your willpower and determination along with the freedom of spirit and the ability to sympathize with people.

Where is the mystery of femininity? If we turn to myths with this question, we can see that female energy is everything that relates to the goddess of love - Aphrodite. She is the Venus of the Romans.

Beautiful, seductive, sexy, charming ... Such a goddess of love will not go unnoticed. However, if we go a little deeper into the study of female images in the same ancient legends and tales, then femininity is mentioned with equal frequency in connection with the image of the Moon. Mysterious and languishing, thoughtful, self-absorbed, possessing secret knowledge…

In other words, a woman whose energies are incomprehensible, sometimes foggy and even dark, but still attractive to men.

When a woman asks the question: where is the source of my feminine strength, she often runs into contradictions, for example, is meek - is it obedient or wise? To be able to express yourself - is it only your positive properties or to give free rein to your character? Is crying good or bad? And what if men don’t want to smile at all. There is no mood and that's it ...

All these questions turn us to the duality of the feminine essence. Indeed, in each of us lies two main images: a woman playing and a woman-sorceress. Both of these images are due to the mixing of the energies of Venus and the Moon. And since it is naturally difficult for a woman to divide herself into parts (every woman strives for integrity and reunification), then in search of femininity, doubts and throwing begin.

Let's talk about lunar and Venusian energies in more detail.

Venus in every woman is that external picture that we show and / or strive to show to the world. It is the Venusian qualities that are expressed in the desire to dress up, adorn yourself, do your hair, take care of your face and body.

External beauty is always connected with the internal state. This is true, but sometimes a woman, focusing on the outside, forgets about the inner essence. And this imbalance will manifest itself sooner or later. For example, when a woman notices the first wrinkles, starts to gain weight... At these moments, our inner Venus panics. And naturally, we begin to work hard on our appearance.

In general, Venus in a woman can manifest itself on three levels:

  1. Venus in harmony (I am worthy of love by birthright - I give love)- love for your body, attention to its condition and health, self-care. At the level of relationships, this is the desire to please a man, the ability to flirt, give love, joy, lightness, a radiant smile, self-confidence, self-esteem, sexuality, naturalness, romance. At the level of space, it is the ability to bring harmony to your surroundings, the desire to decorate your home. Mission - giving beauty to the world through yourself.
  2. Venus is out of balance (I want love and acceptance - I'm waiting to be loved) It's an over-reliance on looks. The race for fashion, youth, comparing yourself with other women, envy. At the level of relationships, this is a bulging sensuality, a certain aggressiveness towards men, promiscuity in sex, hidden disrespect for men, manipulation, pride, sometimes bitchiness, an excessive desire to please. At the level of space, this is the priority of high cost, the desire to be on top, the inability to enjoy the beauty of nature, the gradual loss of naturalness and flexibility.
  3. Venus in oppression (I'm not sure that I can be loved - I don't believe in love)- this is a painful self-doubt, rejection of one's appearance, sacrifice. At the level of relationships - indifference to men - "no one notices me", crushed sexuality, dependence on a man. At the level of space - "dullness" in a woman's house, unisex style in clothes, preference for practicality - feminine things that are "for one day", a strict "no" is said.

As you can see, the goddess of love Venus is in every woman, regardless of whether she thought about it or not. Having determined the image of your Venus, you can find out the answer to the question: why do my relationships with men develop one way or another? And whether I am the goddess of love or drag out a miserable existence. Can I give love?

It may seem that the traits of the Goddess of Love, the Venusian traits, are difficult to develop. One of the most common excuses here is no money for nice clothes, no time to go to beauty salons, etc.

In fact, Venus has the main features that do not need to be acquired for fabulous money. The goddess of love is a smile, an infectious laugh, feeling like a woman, the ability to see men and trust them, the desire to love and be loved and the absence of tension.

Do you imagine the goddess of love who lives with difficulty or, also putting maximum effort, trying to attract the attention of a man? All of the above is nonsense. Venus is the natural flow of feminine energy. With her indispensable interaction with men.

If you do not have relationships with men, if you do not see men, then your Venus is sleeping. And it's time to wake her up and bring her out of the world of dreams.

Let's move on to lunar energies. It is the Moon that reflects the full power of female energy and the depth of the female soul. The image of the Moon is the state of a woman, her thoughts, feelings, sensations, feeling herself a part of Nature and owning her power. Lunar energy is the role of mother and wife-mistress, the image of a sorceress or a sorceress - who will choose what?

1.Moon in harmony (I accept myself completely and completely - wisdom)- this is the acceptance of all one's qualities, including "negative", wisdom, the ability to support and listen, inner flexibility, gentleness, courage when immersed in one's "inner hell", calm living of the physiological processes of the female body, acceptance of one's age, possession of inner calmness, the ability to focus on oneself, knowledge of what a state is.

At the level of relationships, it is following your desires in a relationship, the ability to listen to your soul, the support of a man, the ability to develop relationships in a feminine way, respect for a man, accepting the role of motherhood and harmonious relations with your mother, the ability to live through difficult periods with confidence in a positive outcome.

At the level of space, this is the creation of that space of love, in which both the woman herself and the man are comfortable. The ability to create small and large magic, trust in the world. The ability to create a "house" and fill it with comfort. The ability to be filled with power from the elements: water, fire, air, earth. Parenting.

2.Moon in imbalance (I doubt what I really need - search)- These are frequent mood swings: either melancholy, or euphoria. Often denial or ignorance of the role of such feminine qualities as flexibility and meekness, desire for activity and excessive control, anxiety and inability to sit still - a desire to run away and do something, an endless search for oneself. At the level of relationships, such a Moon manifests itself as resentment against a man, a misunderstanding of male nature, a denial of one's "negative" qualities - a struggle with oneself. At the level of space, this is instability in the main areas of life: family, health, finances, occupations. Chaos in the house. Difficulties with children and childbearing.

3. Moon in oppression (I'm lost in this life - a dead end)- this is a manifestation of the dark side of the feminine in an excessive form. Such a Moon is expressed through depression, tears, disappointment in oneself, in life, self-hatred. The female energy here is manifested in the desire to bind a man, for example, through sex. Although sex the woman herself may not please. Women's health problems, infertility. At the level of relationships - conflicts with the mother, men - when a woman plays the role of a mother for a man; frequent breakups and inability to survive a divorce or temporary crises, coldness in sex.

At the level of space - there is no feeling of one's place in the world, loss. Rejection of women's duties at home - the perception of this side of life as slave labor.

Lunar energies in women are what allows you to maintain contact with your soul. And perceive the world as a woman. Therefore, the weakness of the lunar energies greatly prevents a woman from understanding and accepting herself.

And regardless of the quality of the lunar energies in a woman. they can suppress the Venusian ones. For example, a woman is used to suffering (Moon in oppression), but at the same time she longs to be loved (the desire of inner Venus).

Why is this happening? Firstly, because girls are taught from an early age to be correct and afraid of their "dark side" and, secondly, the priority of the role of the mother, and not the woman in the couple. Therefore, sometimes growing up to 30 or more years, we are halfway able to show Venusian qualities - to dress ourselves up and charm a man, but we don’t know how to create a strong relationship with him and overcome an eternal inferiority complex or a good girl.

Venus in our soul directs us to the outside world - this is how we realize our destiny - to be the personification of femininity in the social environment. The moon, on the contrary, directs us to our own soul, where the value and understanding of oneself is acquired.

Now I suggest you take a closer look at how freely you manifest these two hypostases - the energy of the Moon and Venus? Which of these goddesses of female nature is manifested stronger or weaker?

With love, Tatyana

Read more in the topics (available for registered users):

(To increase female, lunar energy (wife's energy))

(The energy of pleasure, Venus is the energy of a lover)

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