Katya Gershuni: Sitting down on a scalpel, women stop evaluating themselves objectively. Katya gershuni showed an apartment with a unique interior Katya gershuni maiden name

After 12 years of marriage, fashion expert Katya Gershuni decided to leave her husband.

In star families, as in ordinary ones, not everything is always smooth. The stylist of the program “Ten Years Younger” (Channel One) Katya Gershuni and her husband, psychoanalyst Roman Gershuni, moved out of a common apartment in the Moscow region and seriously thought about divorce. The couple rented two apartments in neighboring houses in the center of Moscow.

I was the initiator of the divorce. When we met Roma, I was 17 years old, he was 27, - said Katya. - We lived together for 12 years. Over the years, both I and he have changed a lot. Previously, we had a lot in common, but over time, our tastes and views ceased to coincide. We stopped going to the places we both liked before, we no longer watch the movies we loved. Even the acquaintances we used to see every weekend faded into the background. Everyone has their own social circle, their own affairs. Having lived together for so many years, we became completely different. Of the total, only a son and housing remained. While we live nearby, so that David can more easily endure the divorce of his parents. He can go to dad at any moment.

The couple has not yet filed for divorce - they decided to give each other time.
“Although hardly anything will change,” the stylist sighs. - My husband and I have a great relationship. He still helps me. For example, with car repair or moving.

The TV presenter shared her memories of meeting her husband:
- Roma did everything according to the rules: he asked my father for my hand, introduced me to his parents. He made a very unusual offer: he said that he went for bread, and returned with a ring. We got married a year after we met, and at 21 I became a mother. Our only son David was born, who is now 9 years old. To be honest, it seems to me that Roma and I still love each other, but we can no longer live together. Alas…


Katya Gershuni: biography

Katya Gershuni is a Russian fashion stylist and TV presenter, familiar to viewers from the popular style and transformation programs New Life and 10 Years Younger.

Catherine was born in Tashkent in an international family, so Catherine's nationality subsequently constantly raised questions from ill-wishers. The girl had not yet gone to school when her parents moved Katya to the capital of Russia. This happened shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Katya spent her childhood and youth in Moscow.

Ekaterina felt an early interest in the world of women's fashion, and already in childhood it became clear that Ekaterina would connect her biography with style and fashion. As a little girl, she sewed bright outfits for dolls, a little later she made dresses for girlfriends or assembled fashionable looks from ready-made clothes.

Also, Katya was always ready to give practical advice to her mother, who was happy to listen to her daughter's opinion, because Catherine's taste had already been recognized by all family friends. Even a teenage hobby - ballroom dancing - Katya Gershuni chose because the participants in the competition must perform in bright costumes that the girl sewed for herself.

However, the girl went to get her first higher education at a university that had nothing to do with fashion and clothing creation. Ekaterina entered the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and today is fluent in English and German. This knowledge did not turn out to be superfluous, because after receiving a second higher education at the Faculty of Image Science at the Institute of Culture and Art, Catherine went to the English capital, where she studied with famous couturiers and image makers at the University of the Arts in London.

Style and fashion

Today, Gershuni collaborates with Russian and foreign designers, as well as film and television stars, and conducts her own course "Image and Style" at the Beauty Academy. Katya's collection items have repeatedly appeared on the covers of various glossy magazines.

Katya Gershuni was repeatedly invited to various television projects as a participant or expert. For example, viewers could see her in the programs "Congratulations Bureau with Zhanna Epple", "Beauty Queen with Oksana Fedorova", in the fashion section in "Good Morning" on Channel One, in the show "Too Beautiful" on the MTV channel.

One of the first independent programs was the Glyanec fashion show, which aired on the Sony Entertainment Television channel. Then Katya shared her ideas in the programs “If there was a reason”, “There is one secret” and in many others.

The rating program “Ten Years Younger” became very popular, in which ordinary women from the provinces were invited and their image was completely changed. The transformation of mature ladies was really so significant that visually they lost at least a dozen years. Katya Gershuni acted as the main stylist, and Svetlana Abramova hosted the show.

Katya Gershuni shares her knowledge in the field of style not only with the guests of the show. The stylist conducts professional courses in his own "School of Style". This educational institution has both full-time and part-time programs in various specialties and programs: "Professional Image Maker", "Style + I", "Wardrobe of Colors".

At the same time, Katya Gershuni promises to introduce students to the creative process, the skills of professional shopping, and even the basics of shooting TV shows about fashion and style. The school also has an official website and its own Instagram account.

Personal life

Ekaterina met her husband Roman Gershuni when the girl was only 17 years old. The girl's chosen one turned out to be 10 years older than Katya, a psychoanalyst by education, and also develops his own restaurant business. Young people met for two years, after which they got married. By the way, Katya's husband is an Israeli citizen and works in Russia under a contract.

In 2004, the couple had a son, David. For many years the family lived happily, soul to soul. But in June 2016, in an interview, Katya Gershuni said that she and her husband decided to live separately. His own apartment is now exchanged for two smaller ones, but they are not far from each other so that his father visits David as often as possible. Officially, Katya and Roman have not yet filed for divorce, so they continue to be considered married people.

Ekaterina's hobby is collecting watches from different companies. Also, a woman likes to change the situation, to do interior design. The greatest pleasure for a young woman is the creation of a new and unusual from ordinary things.

Katya Gershuni promotes her own image both on television and on the Internet. The stylist maintains a popular page on Instagram, which has 150,000 followers. The girl regularly posts selfies and photos with friends, but in all frames Ekaterina appears fully armed: with makeup, neat styling, in fashionable, harmoniously selected clothes.

In most of the photos, Katya Gershuni appears in large glasses with a bright frame, which have long become a hallmark of the stylist. Also, the woman is not afraid to experiment with haircuts and styling, and then share the result with fans. In a word, Gershuni's Instagram is a working and PR tool, and not a personal page, like a number of other stars.

Katya Gershuni now

In the spring of 2016, Katya joined a new television project. This is a popular show of transformations "New Life", in which women change their image, select a new style of clothing and makeup, and also make repairs to the apartment. Together with Gershuni, TV presenter Tatyana Arno, architect Andrei Karpov and plastic surgeon Andrei Iskornev participate in the program.

At the end of 2017, it became known that Katya Gershuni's popular show Ten Years Younger would return to Channel One. This television show from a galaxy of fashion shows, in which guests from a number of average people changed their image and appearance, captivated the audience with courage and lack of fear of drastic measures. The stylists of the TV show changed the guests' hairstyles and wardrobe, and also used the services of cosmetologists and dentists, and even resorted to plastic surgery.

The new season of the show started on December 9th. The role of the TV presenter of the program remained with Svetlana Abramova, and Katya Gershuni continued to act as the main stylist of the TV show.

The film crew promises viewers new non-standard formats for working with guests who came to the show to change their own lives. Some heroes will receive original tasks that will help people who have changed their appearance to start a new life faster.

Others will get a hot air balloon vacation or a dream meeting, and one episode of the show will even be dedicated to the wedding of TV presenter Svetlana Abramova, who married Anton Shkurenko on July 14, 2017. Fragments of the show were filmed right during the wedding celebration.

The heroine of the first issue in 2017 was a 49-year-old woman who dreams of meeting a man and starting a family. The transmission team gave the heroine a facelift and breast lift and developed a sophisticated and elegant image for the woman in which she can go on dates.


  • 2014 - "Bureau of congratulations with Zhanna Epple"
  • 2014 - "Beauty Queen with Oksana Fedorova"
  • 2015 - "Ten years younger"
  • 2016 - "New Life"


Talent from an early age

The girl was born in the famous city of Tashkent, it happened in 1986 on the twenty-sixth of May, according to Katya's mother, from early childhood she loved to play with dolls, and also often tried to sew new dresses for them. But even at such an early age, young Ekaterina's doll clothes turned out to be unusual, so her friends often asked Katya to make the same dresses for them. When Ekaterina became a teenager and learned how to use a needle and a sewing machine, she helped her friends choose new outfits, and often altered dresses to make the outfit more unique and stylish.

Since the girl was very fond of sewing, she decided to enroll in a studio where they taught ballroom dancing, because training there meant constant performances in beautiful dresses, and for each performance, Katya sewed a new outfit for herself with her own hands.

First education and the path to success

Today, the biography and personal life of Katya Garshuni is of great interest to viewers, but in her youth, the girl did not even initially think that she would become a famous fashion designer and stylist very soon. Sewing was just an ordinary hobby, and after graduating from school, the girl decided to get a completely different education, Katya entered the faculty, where students were taught foreign languages, thanks to training, today the stylist is fluent not only in Russian, but also in English, as well as German.

Very soon, such knowledge of languages ​​turned out to be useful for the girl, since Katya decided to go abroad to England in order to continue developing her talent, before that, Ekaterina unlearned the profession of imageology. Upon arrival in London, the woman began her fashion training with the most famous couturiers and designers, but after gaining new knowledge, Katya decided to go back to her homeland to show her talent. Today, many want to see Katya Gershuni before and after plastic surgery, as well as find out more details of her personal life.

How did you get started in television?

The personal life of Katya Gershuni began to be often discussed immediately after she appeared on television, especially since the stylist became incredibly popular in just a few months of work. Many TV projects tried to get the attention of the presenter so that the girl starred in the program as an expert, or they offered to conduct some kind of program on their own. There are several famous TV projects in which Catherine often takes part even today, but the program called “10 Years Younger” brought the greatest popularity to the stylist.

When this program first appeared on television, it became very popular, because Ekaterina, with a team of professionals, helped already mature women to easily eliminate ten extra years in order to feel young and stylish. Participants are helped not only to change their appearance and style, but also taught to speak correctly, change certain manners and habits. The heroine of such a program can be the simplest woman, but only if she is ready for cardinal changes in her life.

Great popularity

It is also worth mentioning that at the moment Ekaterina is a sought-after stylist not only in our country, but also abroad, very often a woman receives offers to work with the most famous couturiers in the world. It is not uncommon for a girl to be offered to work together with well-known personalities of show business, the stylist creates her own outfits so that a popular star will perform in a new dress at some show or star in a movie. At the moment, Ekaterina is not only a stylist and designer, but also a teacher, a woman conducts image and style courses at the Academy of Beauty.

Personal life of a famous stylist

In the past, Roman was a very successful psychoanalyst, but today he has already opened a whole chain of restaurants, Catherine's husband is an Israeli citizen, for this reason he works in our country under a contract.

Relations with this couple did not begin to develop immediately, only after two years of communication, Roman and Catherine finally confessed their feelings to each other. As the TV presenter herself says, the whole family life with her husband was happy, because the warm relationship did not lose its romanticism even after several years of marriage. But quite often it happens that a discord happens in a couple, this also affected the marriage of the TV presenter, the couple decided to exchange a large apartment for two smaller ones and live separately, while the apartments are located nearby so that the son can communicate with his father more often. According to official figures, the spouses are still married, but as the TV presenter herself says, they simply have no time to file a divorce. Ekaterina has a personal hobby, she collects collections of watches from various famous companies, the stylist loves to rearrange her apartment, and Katya often makes something new and stylish out of outdated things.

The height and weight of the TV presenter

We should also talk about the height and weight of Ekaterina Gershuni, because many viewers probably noticed that the TV presenter often changes in appearance, she either gains weight a lot, or rapidly reduces it. Katya has a height of 170 centimeters, and as the TV presenter herself says, she wants to see no more than sixty kilograms of her weight on the scales. In addition, it is worth mentioning that Catherine loves to eat deliciously, while her favorite foods are sausage, smoked meats and other foods that are very harmful to the female figure.

As the TV presenter herself says, it was extremely difficult for her to give up all her favorite dishes, and also to do complex exercises every day, but thanks to her willpower, the girl was able to get rid of extra pounds in six months, returning her body to perfect shape. And although the girl was offered to use modern diets for weight loss, Katya decided to use a proven and safe method of losing weight, since the TV presenter does not trust diets. But a team of trainers and the best nutritionists helped the TV presenter to reduce weight in the shortest possible time without harming her health.

Why did the weight come back?

Immediately after the breakdown in marriage, Katya Gershuni began to gain back the lost kilograms, as the TV presenter says, she constantly ate depressive and stressful food with delicious food. In a few months, the weight of the stylist increased to sixty-nine kilograms, but since there were not so many kilograms, the girl preferred to lose weight measuredly and gradually. You can follow the process of losing weight from the photos of Ekaterina, which she posts on Instagram, there is a significantly noticeable positive trend. At the moment, Katya has already eliminated four extra pounds, but is not going to stop there. The TV presenter is not afraid to experiment with her appearance, she recently shone on the screen with a light shade of hair, and today she is the owner of dark curls and a very interesting hairstyle. As the girl says, she is not at all afraid of getting fat, because she is sure that she will be able to bring herself into shape in a few months.


Katya Gershuni - Punishment for the son.

Katya, what time does your day start?

— I wake up without an alarm, sometimes even earlier than necessary. My ten-year-old son David is a completely independent guy, he can do everything himself: have breakfast, get ready for school. But I always follow him. Plus, it's so nice to have breakfast together!

— What do you prefer for breakfast?

- Cottage cheese with berries or with avocado and a piece of red fish. And black coffee.

- Apparently, you are a supporter of proper nutrition?

- At some point, I just forced myself to switch to a healthy lifestyle. Due to the specifics of my work, I often communicate with nutritionists and try to follow their recommendations. For example, drinking plenty of water and green tea, taking vitamins, avoiding foods containing gluten and casein are really very effective! When I stopped drinking milk, which, by the way, is not very useful for an adult body, it immediately affected my skin - it became smoother.

— And how do you explain to your son what products are useful? After all, all children love sweets, pizza and pasta with sausages ...

- Due to my busy schedule, a nanny cooks for my son, but, of course, I watch what he eats. You correctly noticed: children love tasty and harmful things, and David is no exception. For example, this morning I found two empty candy boxes. The son quietly ate the sweets, and put the boxes back ... In the evening we have a serious conversation!

- The most severe punishment for David is ...

- When mom swears. It is better not to bring me to such a state. In addition, I can temporarily deprive him of his iPad or phone. But I definitely encourage you for good deeds - I take David with me on interesting trips.

Do you scold your son for bad grades?

No, he's a smart little boy. I always inspired David: in order to achieve something in life, you need to study. For example, foreign languages ​​are difficult for him, despite the fact that I am a teacher of English and German by my first education, and his dad is fluent in several languages. We had the opportunity to send our son abroad for a short time. We settled on London - I was sure that David would like it, since I myself once studied there. The result exceeded all our expectations: the son returned full of impressions and began to intensively cram English. I was happy!

What else is David interested in?

He plays the piano and composes music himself. So, perhaps, a composer is growing up with us (smiles).

- Katya, almost a year ago you and your husband broke up. Are you ready for a new relationship?

I'm getting to know I go on dates and I get a kick out of it.

Katya Gershuni: “The main thing is the result!”

You seem to be a very cheerful person. What can ruin your mood?

- Perhaps, only the number on the scales (smiles). The profession obliges me to look good. It's no secret that the screen adds kilograms, so often people, when they see me "live", are surprised: "Oh, it turns out you are so thin!" To be honest, I don’t know how to react to this: be happy that I’m slim, or grieve that I look bigger in the frame? (Laughs.) As a child, I was very thin, I was engaged in ballroom dancing. But in my teens, I suddenly started to get better, and this became a problem - for me, for my partner, for the coaches. Since then, I have been forced to control my weight.

How much time do you usually spend in front of a mirror?

Everything depends on the plans for the day. For example, today I did not linger in front of the mirror for a minute, because I was on my way to your shooting and I knew that my favorite makeup artist Olga Veraksich would do everything in the best possible way! And when Olga, unfortunately, is not around, and there are important meetings ahead, it takes me about an hour to make-up.

Do you use luxury cosmetics or do you have budget funds in your arsenal?

- Almost all the cosmetics that I have are donated by my makeup artist (smiles). But in fact, the price is not important to me at all, the main thing is that these funds work!

- What do you think, what things are worth spending money on, and what are you buying in the mass market?

- In the mass market you can buy everything except shoes and bags - it is better to buy them in good specialized stores. Beautiful and high-quality accessories are also an investment. As for clothes, the basic wardrobe should be well thought out. Invest in something you use regularly. Shoes you wear six times a week should cost more than shoes you wear once a month for a special occasion.

- Katya, you encourage your wards in the Ten Years Younger project to experiment. Can you remember your most daring experiment?

- Oh, there are so many! When I went blonde, it was bold. When I put on a turban and zouaves (oriental trousers) - it was also bold. I remember the periods of pink and red totaluks. In general, it is enough to go to my Instagram to understand how I feel about experiments (smiles).

- During the existence of the project, you managed to transform more than one hundred women. Which heroine do you remember the most?

Ksenia Strizh. It was great to work with her! Ksyusha dressed beautifully even without me, she never had problems with style. What is the most important thing for a woman? Youth of the soul. Happy is a woman who is confident in herself, her beauty, health, living in harmony with herself and the world around her!


Talented since childhood

Ekaterina was born in Tashkent on May 26, 1986. Ekaterina Gershuni, like all girls, loved to play with dolls and sew clothes for them. Only now her clothes were very different from the dresses sewn by her friends, and the girls often asked her to create a beautiful outfit for their toys.

Later, already in her teens, the girl helped her friends pick out dresses, altered them, making them more unique. She always told her mother what clothes to buy, advised the best outfits that were more suitable for her.

Because of her love for creating dresses, the girl enrolled in a ballroom dance school, since all the dancers' performances implied beautiful outfits. Ekaterina Gershuni sewed costumes for her performances herself.


Despite her hobby, the girl received her first higher education in a completely different field. She studied at the Institute at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, and is now fluent in German and English. Oddly enough, but this knowledge was useful to her in her further studies, because she left for England after graduating from the Institute of Art with a degree in imageology.

In London, Ekaterina Gershuni received knowledge in the world of design and fashion from the most famous image makers and couturiers. With new knowledge, the girl returned to Russia, and soon became a popular stylist.

TV work

Stylist Ekaterina Gershuni became famous among the masses for many television projects, in which she was invited as a host or an expert. So you can see her in the project “Congratulations Bureau with Zhanna Epple”, in “Good Morning” (fashion section), in “The Beauty Queen with Oksana Fedorova”, on MTV in the show “Too Beautiful”.

The most popular TV project with the participation of a stylist was the program “10 years younger”. Ekaterina Gershuni with her team of professionals in the world of beauty helps women of mature age to become really younger. The participants completely change their style, manner of speaking, makeup, hairstyle and gait! Any woman who is ready for big changes in order to become prettier, become better in everything, more confident in herself can become the heroine of this project.

Worldwide popularity

Ekaterina Gershuni, whose photo is provided in our article, collaborates not only with Russian stylists and designers. She is also popular abroad, working with famous couturiers.

Celebrities also love Catherine. The outfits created by Gershuni can be seen on many television, film and pop stars.

Now Ekaterina Gershuni is engaged in teaching activities. She teaches a course called "Image and Style" at the Academy of Beauty.

Personal life of Ekaterina Gershuni

Ekaterina Gershuni is married, the couple has a son. Ekaterina met her husband when she was very young, at that time she was seventeen years old. Roman is ten years older than his chosen one, and at that time he was already an established psychoanalyst, and now he has his own restaurant business. This man is an Israeli citizen and works in Russia on a contract basis.

The relationship between Roman and Catherine did not begin immediately, but only two years after they met. Throughout their family life, they had a warm relationship. But, as it often happens, they decided to leave, exchanged their large apartment for two smaller ones, and live nearby so that David (Gershuni's son) can communicate with his father more often.

The couple are not yet officially divorced, and who knows, perhaps this once happy couple will reunite.

One of Ekaterina's biggest hobbies is collecting watches from various companies. She also just loves to rearrange the house, create real stylish designer crafts from the most ordinary things.

Ekaterina Gershuni: height and weight

Surely, everyone who knows the stylist Gershuni noticed the incredibly changing image of a woman. She is gaining weight, she is losing weight. Katya's height is 170 centimeters, and she considers her normal weight to be no more than sixty kilograms on the scales. Also, Ekaterina Gershuni simply loves to eat deliciously, and is a lover of the most unhealthy food: fried, smoked, salty and fatty. One day, she was horrified to find that she became the owner of as much as eighty-six kilograms of weight! This fact brought her into real horror, and the woman decided, by all means, to return her graceful figure. She turned to nutritionists and trainers for help. But, as Gershuni herself admits, she herself became the most important assistant in the struggle for a slender silhouette. She had to radically change her eating habits, go in for sports intensively. The efforts were not in vain, and after six months she was able to get rid of those very twenty-six kilograms that were undesirable.

Ekaterina Gershuni says that she was able to regain her normal weight only by overcoming herself. It was difficult for her to live without her favorite dishes, and to exhaust herself with exercises every day. She also says that she does not believe in diets, and not hunger can help in losing weight, but proper nutrition, sports, and specialists developing a special program.

Returned weight

After Ekaterina and Roman decided to break up, the stylist Gershuni began to recover again. As she said in an interview, she ate her depression and stress with food. As a result, her weight after that began to increase, and reached the mark of sixty-nine kilograms. This time, Catherine decided not to lose weight so actively, but to do it measuredly. You can follow her progress on Instagram, where Gershuni posts photos showing a positive trend. Now she was able to get rid of already four kilograms, and is not going to stop there. The woman’s plans include reaching the usual sixty, and trying not to gain weight in the future.

Ekaterina Gershuni is not afraid to experiment with her appearance. Now she is known as a burning brunette, but more recently she was a cute blonde, and had a completely different hairstyle. The same applies to excess weight. Ekaterina is not afraid to gain weight, she knows that she will be able to put herself in order again. The only thing is that now she began to deny herself another portion of fried food. The stylist indulges himself less often with his favorite food.

Katya Gershuni's profession is to transform people, and she masterfully copes with this. About his own style, the fight against complexes, bold experiments and talents of his son, the fashion expert of the Channel One project " ten years younger"said in an interview.

- Katya, what should be in the wardrobe of every girl this spring-summer season?

— Trench coat, cropped jeans or trousers, pleated skirt, hoodie, t-shirt with some slogan, oversize top or blouse with flounces, shoes — mules, shoes with open heels, and always high-quality, stylish sunglasses.

- Is it possible to wear cropped trousers for girls of short stature?

- Of course! Height doesn't matter - what matters is how graceful your ankles are. If this is a problem area, then it is better to choose longer trousers.

What clothes do you think make you look younger?

- First, things in light or bright colors. Especially in natural fabrics - silk, satin, cashmere with silk, they reflect light and give freshness to the image as a whole. Dark clothing, on the other hand, adds age. Secondly, do not be afraid to experiment - sneakers, sneakers, slip-ons are not only fashionable, but also very comfortable.

Katya, what time does your day start?

— I wake up without an alarm, sometimes even earlier than necessary. My ten-year-old son David is a completely independent guy, he can do everything himself: have breakfast, get ready for school. But I always follow him. Plus, it's so nice to have breakfast together!

— What do you prefer for breakfast?

- Cottage cheese with berries or with avocado and a piece of red fish. And black coffee.

- Apparently, you are a supporter of proper nutrition?

- At some point, I just forced myself to switch to a healthy lifestyle. Due to the specifics of my work, I often communicate with nutritionists and try to follow their recommendations. For example, drinking plenty of water and green tea, taking vitamins, avoiding foods containing gluten and casein are really very effective! When I stopped drinking milk, which, by the way, is not very useful for an adult body, it immediately affected my skin - it became smoother.

— And how do you explain to your son what products are useful? After all, all children love sweets, pizza and pasta with sausages ...

- Due to my busy schedule, a nanny cooks for my son, but, of course, I watch what he eats. You correctly noticed: children love tasty and harmful things, and David is no exception. For example, this morning I found two empty candy boxes. The son quietly ate the sweets, and put the boxes back ... In the evening we have a serious conversation!

- The most severe punishment for David is ...

- When mom swears. It is better not to bring me to such a state. In addition, I can temporarily deprive him of his iPad or phone. But I definitely encourage you for good deeds - I take David with me on interesting trips.

Do you scold your son for bad grades?

No, he's a smart little boy. I always inspired David: in order to achieve something in life, you need to study. For example, foreign languages ​​are difficult for him, despite the fact that I am a teacher of English and German by my first education, and his dad is fluent in several languages. We had the opportunity to send our son abroad for a short time. We settled on London - I was sure that David would like it, since I myself once studied there. The result exceeded all our expectations: the son returned full of impressions and began to intensively cram English. I was happy!

What else is David interested in?

He plays the piano and composes music himself. So, perhaps, a composer is growing up with us (smiles).

- Katya, almost a year ago you and your husband broke up. Are you ready for a new relationship?

I'm getting to know I go on dates and I get a kick out of it.

You seem to be a very cheerful person. What can ruin your mood?

- Perhaps, only the number on the scales (smiles). The profession obliges me to look good. It's no secret that the screen adds kilograms, so often people, when they see me "live", are surprised: "Oh, it turns out you are so thin!" To be honest, I don’t know how to react to this: be happy that I’m slim, or grieve that I look bigger in the frame? (Laughs.) As a child, I was very thin, I was engaged in ballroom dancing. But in my teens, I suddenly started to get better, and this became a problem - for me, for my partner, for the coaches. Since then, I have been forced to control my weight.

How much time do you usually spend in front of a mirror?

Everything depends on the plans for the day. For example, today I did not linger in front of the mirror for a minute, because I was on my way to your shooting and I knew that my favorite makeup artist Olga Veraksich would do everything in the best possible way! And when Olga, unfortunately, is not around, and there are important meetings ahead, it takes me about an hour to make-up.

Do you use luxury cosmetics or do you have budget funds in your arsenal?

- Almost all the cosmetics that I have are donated by my makeup artist (smiles). But in fact, the price is not important to me at all, the main thing is that these funds work!

- What do you think, what things are worth spending money on, and what are you buying in the mass market?

- In the mass market you can buy everything except shoes and bags - it is better to buy them in good specialized stores. Beautiful and high-quality accessories are also an investment. As for clothes, the basic wardrobe should be well thought out. Invest in something you use regularly. Shoes you wear six times a week should cost more than shoes you wear once a month for a special occasion.

- Katya, you encourage your wards in the Ten Years Younger project to experiment. Can you remember your most daring experiment?

- Oh, there are so many! When I went blonde, it was bold. When I put on a turban and zouaves (oriental trousers) - it was also bold. I remember the periods of pink and red totaluks. In general, it is enough to go to my Instagram to understand how I feel about experiments (smiles).

- During the existence of the project, you managed to transform more than one hundred women. Which heroine do you remember the most?

Ksenia Strizh. It was great to work with her! Ksyusha dressed beautifully even without me, she never had problems with style. What is the most important thing for a woman? Youth of the soul. Happy is a woman who is confident in herself, her beauty, health, living in harmony with herself and the world around her!

Video with Katya Gershuni:

I reflect on the fact that not only every time has its own relevance. But also in every place of residence 🏚⛩💒🏘 . I remember when I first came to Israel as a child, I was amazed that everyone was wearing crumpled T-shirts 👚 . Yes, yes, clean, but not ironed). My mother didn't allow me to do that. T-shirts are not ironed, but everyone's hairstyles are very thoughtful. Both women and men are painted, laid. . And when I traveled with master classes in different cities of Russia, I realized that in Moscow we have a slightly different look at fashion. . A lot depends on lifestyle and environment. . Therefore, I propose to arrange a month. With the hashtag #giftgershuni you now put a photo ❌ and ✅ Write what city you are from. And where is it supposed to go in these images. . And, of course, there will be a winner 🏆🎖 I could give him the online course "Style + Me", but the winner does not need it). He/she already understands the style. Then we can arrange a joint live broadcast. Or my advice on a career as a stylist. Well, let's agree. But the most active participant, for sure, I will give an online style course. . I’ll throw 500 rubles to the phone for two more 📲 .

  • 6 days ago
  • 8 days ago


  • 8 days ago

Reworked by wonderful actors Dmitry Miller @dartmill and Yulia Dellos @cosmopolitjd . Great people. Star actors 🌟💫✨ Warm, friendly attitude towards the film crew. . Like a trifle. But the mood on the set has an impact on the result. . So, our dear heroes and heroines 🦸‍♀️ Stop being capricious, and let's cooperate! ❤️ Not only you give us points, but we give you 😎 . Am I right?) Or not? Explain to me. --------- See the full version in the program @maltseva.tv on @ntv Designer @diana_balashova


  • 11 days ago


  • 15 days ago

Choose a white T-shirt 💟 . 🔎 The first thing we look at is Croy. We fold the sleeve into the sleeve, check the symmetry. Otherwise, after washing, it will warp completely. . 🔎 Next, Composition. Your white T-shirt is closer to your body 😊, so the composition is important. Cotton is the most common. It is breathable and adherent to the body. . Polyester - differs in quality and price. High-quality and expensive polyester allows heat, air and moisture to pass through☀️🌬💧 Ideal for sports. . Viscose - Hygienic, pleasant to the body, but wear is not very good. . Linen - Good, but crumpled and rough in texture. . Silk is the most chic option. But hard to find and expensive. . 🔎 Quality. The very first thing is to look at the processing of seams. They are even and the threads do not stick out. . Next, stretch along, then across. Good fabric will shrink back. . Look through the shirt at the light. In high-quality light passes evenly. . 🔎 Appearances and passwords)) Rag & Bone- fit well, seam on the back. So expensive to wash by hand. . Benetton are quite good. . Asos- you need to look at the composition (cotton or a mixture of linen and cotton, without viscose). Uniqlo- The female version is not at all. Therefore, we boldly buy from the men's department. . Zara-narrow

Together with Katya, a dentist, a plastic surgeon and a hair and makeup stylist are engaged in the rejuvenation of the heroes of the program

- Katya, how long have you shown the ability of a stylist?

I remember that at the age of four I started performing, presenting outfits. I could not imagine my life without beautiful clothes. It was stronger than me. However, I didn’t learn to sew for myself, to my great regret. I keep dreaming that one day I will have my own clothing line, where I can at least draw, and this can come true.

- But you entered the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​...

In general, I thought to connect my life with ballroom dancing. My parents, of course, believed that this is not a profession and you need to have a normal human job. For a girl, being a teacher of foreign languages ​​is a great option: she can earn extra money as a tutor and as a translator. Can travel to different countries. And I entered the Institute of Foreign Languages, graduated from it. I know English, German. But then she entered the Institute of Culture and Art at the image faculty. At that time, I had just given birth to a child, he was not yet a year old. I already felt that I had taken place as a woman, but I also wanted to take place in the profession and do what I like. And so I meditated and realized that I want to do things like style, fashion, beauty.

- How did you get into the show?

Before I got into the 10 Years Younger program, I went through a huge number of other projects. At first, I hosted a program about transformation, talked about fashion and life hacks in another program. It so happened that the director of this program saw me and invited me to the casting of a new project. But I was in Israel on vacation with my family. As a result, we talked on Skype for half an hour, and after the vacation, I immediately arrived at the set.

Many women want to look younger, but, most likely, you can’t help everyone. Who do you usually turn down?

For me, the more complex the character, the more interesting. But if a woman is corpulent and her clothing size is larger than the fiftieth, then it is difficult to cope with the task, and it will be very difficult for me to choose clothes that can rejuvenate the character. Sometimes people need help urgently. And it is felt. Sometimes psychologists talk to people from other regions. If all is well, then the person is helped to move to Moscow. If, of course, he has such an opportunity, because the work on the episode lasts two months, not everyone can leave for such a long time.

- They say that you have a very unusual fitting ...

They always pass with their eyes closed. We follow this very strictly. We have special masks for sleeping. Of course, when the heroine has her eyes closed, it is difficult for her, she is nervous, because she has left her comfort zone. And the stylist is not easy. You are forced to crawl on all fours in the fitting room, constantly something does not fit or there is no size. By the way, we specially dress women in ordinary stores to show that you don’t need to spend a lot of money on clothes.

- Do you often go shopping?

I don't go shopping for clothes at all. For me shopping is a big trauma. Moreover, I cannot force myself to go to the store with the child to prepare him for the summer season. If I really need something, during the workflow I run past some showcase and see that the black top I need is hanging, which seems to be my size, so I won’t even measure it. I grab, cry at the checkout and run home to my son as soon as possible.

- Katya, there are legends about your snow-white smile. Are these your teeth or did the dentists conjure them up?

I say in almost every program that these are my teeth. And it is true. Recently, our dentist was on the air on the radio - and he was asked the question: “Oleg, whose smile do you like the most among media faces”? He replied: “Katya Gershuni. Because the teeth are natural. He often makes teeth for the heroines, following the example of mine. He has fine teeth himself, but he makes casts of me. (Smiling.)

- Sometimes it seems that the plastic surgeon on the program is a rather gloomy person ...

Sergey Nikolaevich is a very kind, sincere person. But visually at first glance, of course, it seems harsh. Surgeons are different. If they did not have such a character, they would not be able to become professionals.

Have you consulted him yet?

Until I approached him with such a question. He, of course, teases me, they say, you will come soon. But I'm holding on When the moment comes, I will decide, but for now you need to live and enjoy.

- Last year there were rumors that you again became an enviable bride. Is your heart busy right now?

I just got out of a divorce and I feel really free. It was not easy for me emotionally, because I spent fifteen years in a very happy and prosperous marriage, and besides, we have a great son.

- Do you think about a new marriage?

For a year, I drove this thought from myself. But now I am at the stage where I can imagine that I have a person with whom I am in touch around the clock, for whom I hurry home, cook a delicious dinner, light candles and pour wine. I am more than ready for another marriage and even a child. For example, to a girl.

Many people know the stylist Katya Gershuni - her biography is very interesting, as, indeed, of any creative person. Recently, she has gained popularity and sympathy from the audience of Channel One with her participation in the 10 years younger mega show. There she acts as an experienced stylist, which, in fact, she is.

Her character is very positive and frank, she looks at life in general, and at her work in particular, outside the box. As you know, in this TV project, women of middle age, and seemingly unattractive appearance, are made into charming beauties with impeccable style.

As a child, Katya loved to sew fashionable and beautiful clothes, helped her mother choose clothes, and in her youth she already came up with original and unusual images for her friends, who were very grateful to her.

She married early, and at the age of 21 she already had a son. It was not love at first sight, but after talking with her future husband Roman for a while, they fell in love with each other. Now in Internet search engines often appear queries "Katya Gershuni age", as well as "Katya Gershuni nationality". Well, you can calculate for yourself - she has been married for 11 years, and when she got married, she was about twenty.

And, of course, about nationality. Katya was born in sunny Tashkent in a rather big international family. What nationality is in her passport? Alas, the sources are silent about this.

Initially, Katya studied to be a teacher of foreign languages, but then she decided to plunge into the field of fashion and beauty, and was trained as a stylist. First in Russia, and then in England, from where she brought her inspiration, originality and super ideas.

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