Why Mikhalkov called the story a New Year's story. Encyclopedia of fairy tale characters: "Herringbone

Lesson of literary reading in the 2nd grade.

Topic: "S. Mikhalkov" New Year's story "


Subject: to acquaint students with the work of S. Mikhalkov “New Year's story; develop reading comprehension skills.

Metasubject: develop the ability to determine the topic of the lesson; learn to work in pairs, groups.

Personal: to cultivate the ability to listen and hear, to correctly express and prove one's opinion, to answer reasonedly, to prove one's opinion, to respect the opinion of classmates.

Predicted results: students should be able to predict the content of the work; to understand the features of the fairy tale text; compare and characterize the heroes of the work on the basis of their actions; read expressively; correlate the meaning of the proverb and the main idea of ​​the work.

Equipment: a textbook of literary reading by L.F. Klimanova and others, an exhibition of drawings based on the fairy tale "Two Frosts" (homework); portrait of S. Mikhalkov; cards for work in pairs and groups.

During the classes:

I. Organizing time. ethical charge.

Smell of winter cold

In fields and forests.

Lit up with bright purple

Heaven before sunset ... (I. Bunin)

What did you feel when you heard these lines? (Summarize children's answers).

- What section of literary reading do we continue to study?

II. Checking homework.

Consider an exhibition of drawings for the Russian folk tale "Two Frosts".

- You had to not only draw a picture, but also prepare an expressive reading of an excerpt from a fairy tale for your drawing.

Ask 5 students, invite each to explain one of the proverbs:

“The frost is great, but it doesn’t order to stand”, “Where it’s warm, there’s good”, “If you want to eat kalachi, don’t sit on the stove”, “The worker’s work is on fire in his hands”, “Take care of your nose in a big frost”.

III. Speech workout.

The following lines are written on the blackboard:

There was a Christmas tree in the snow -

green needle,



One and a half meter.

- Read in a whisper.

- What word do you not understand?

- Read with a questioning tone.

- Read with an exclamatory intonation.

Read in surprise.

- Read it out loud.

IV . Work on the topic of the lesson.

Today we are reading with you the fairy tale "New Year's Story" the main character, who will be Yolochka, and Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov wrote it. (Hang a portrait of the writer and the title of the work on the board).

Raise your hand if you haven't read this book yet.

What do you think this piece is about?

The fairy tale is read by the teacher, prepared children of the role of the Christmas tree, Magpie, man and boy.

- Did you like the work?

- Express your opinion about the work in one word.

Prove that this is a fairy tale.

What did you especially like about this story?

- What is the main idea of ​​the story?

What does this work teach?

- From whose perspective is the story being told?

V. Group work.

Collect the words and explain what they mean and how they are related to the topic of our lesson: ecology, flora, fauna.

VI. Consolidation of what has been learned. Selective reading and discussion.

- Where are the events taking place?

- Where did the Christmas tree live? Read out.

- Read the description of the Christmas tree.

Did she have any friends?

- How did Yolochka live alone in the forest? Read out.

- What made the Christmas tree worry?

- What feelings did Yolochka have? Imagine yourself in her place.

- Look at the illustration on page 205. What episode of the fairy tale is depicted? Let's read by role in groups 3 people each, distribute the roles yourself.

What happened to her when she woke up?

- Has the Christmas tree brought joy to anyone? Why?

- What character was Yolochka?

- S. Mikhalkov wrote down this story in verse. We met the beginning of this poem at a speech warm-up.

Listen to the entire poem (read by a trained student).

There was a Christmas tree in the snow -

green needle,



One and a half meter.

An event happened

On one of the winter days:

The forester decided to cut it down! -

So it seemed to her.

She was seen

Was surrounded...

And only late at night

She came to herself.

What a strange feeling!

Gone is the fear...

Glass lanterns

Burning in its branches.

Glittering decorations -

What an elegant look!

At the same time, without a doubt,

She is standing in the forest.

Not cut down! Whole!

Beautiful and strong!…

Who saved, who undressed her?

The forester's son!

Which version of the story did you like best? Why?

VII. Phys. minute.

Children recite verses and perform movements:

There are three shelves in the forest

Ate, fir-trees, fir-trees.

Heaven hangs on firs,

Dew in the branches on the Christmas trees.

VIII. Consolidation of what has been learned. Test.

Children work on the test in pairs.

a) S. Marshak;

b) S. Mikhalkov;

c) N. Sladkov.

    Where did the Christmas tree grow from?

a) from the forest;

b) from the city;

c) from the forester's house.

    Who did she meet once?

a) with a rabbit

b) with a fox;

c) wolf.

    Who told the Christmas tree about the New Year?

a) a crow;

b) forty;

c) an owl.

    The Christmas tree lived in fear and anxiety:

a) spring and summer

b) summer and autumn;

c) autumn and winter.

    When was the Christmas tree found?

    Christmas tree:

a) cut down;

b) dressed up;

c) cut down and dressed up.

- We will check it frontally, checking the answers from the board.

Stand up the group that didn't make a single mistake. Let's clap guys.

IX. Reflection.

What did you do especially well in the lesson?

What would you commend yourself for?

Who do you think deserves special praise? Why?

- The knowledge gained in the lesson will come in handy, where?

x. Summing up the lesson.

What work did you read in class?

- What did S. Mikhalkov want to convey to us?

- What should every person on the planet remember?

Lesson grades.

XI. Homework.

Prepare an expressive reading of the tale and retelling on behalf of the Christmas tree.


SV Kutyavina Pourochnye development of literary reading. To the textbook L.F. Klimanova and others, 2nd grade. Moscow "Wako" 2012

Lesson of literary reading in the 2nd grade.
Topic: S. Mikhalkov "New Year's story" (slide 1)
The goals of the teacher's activity: to create conditions for the development of interest in
literary creativity and reading speech skills, phonemic hearing,
memory and thinking; to introduce students to the work of S. Mikhalkov
"New Year's story", to improve the ability to work with illustrations.
Type of lesson: setting and solving a learning problem.
Planned results of education:
Subject: the ability to expressively read and retell the work,
using the appropriate vocabulary.
Personal: interest in educational work; the ability to evaluate one's actions and
knowledge; attention to the experiences of other people; feeling of empathy.
Meta-subject (criteria for the formation / evaluation of components
universal training activities - UUD):
Cognitive: the ability to analyze and compare works and characters.
Regulatory: the ability to independently assess the correctness of performance
actions; plan your actions in accordance with the set educational
Communicative: the ability to express one's attitude to literary
works and heroes, focus on the position of the partner, developing
general position.
Forms and methods of teaching: group, individual; unproductive.
Educational resources: cards with games; cash desk of letters; album sheets
for each student; Russian language dictionaries; exhibition of drawings
students, pencils.
I. Motivation of educational activity.
Personal UUD: positive attitude and interest in lessons
literary reading.
Regulatory TOS
D: accept and save the learning task; be able to make adjustments
action after it is completed based on the teacher's assessment.
Communicative UUD: be able to build a monologue statement according to
topic of the lesson, get the necessary information by asking questions to the teacher and
comparing his answers.

During the classes:
Organizing time. Psychological attitude to the lesson.
Snow flutters, spins,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In cold glass
(N. Nekrasov)
What did you feel when you heard these lines? (Summarize children's answers).
II. Checking homework.
1) Consider an exhibition of drawings for the Russian folk tale "Two Frosts".
2) Explain one of the proverbs:
“The frost is great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand”, “Where it’s warm, there is good”, “Do you want to eat
kalachi, so don’t sit on the stove”, “The working case burns with fire in the hands”,
"Take care of your nose in a big frost."
III.Knowledge actualization.
Tell me, please, what time of the year did you read the works on
the last lessons of literary reading? (about winter) Slad 2
Do you love winter? Why?
Guys. This morning, on the way, I saw strange things in the snow under a tree.
the words. I couldn't read them completely because the snowball covered them.
slide 3
Help me. Let's decipher these words (holiday, gifts, fun)
Why would it? What holiday can we remember after reading these
the words? (About the New Year)
Did you know that in ancient times, the New Year was celebrated first on March 1
(beginning of spring, awakening of nature), then they began to celebrate the New Year 1
September (when harvesting from the fields ended, and only 300 years ago
Tsar Peter I ordered to celebrate the New Year from December 31 to January 1. On new
year it is customary to give gifts, rejoice, have fun, and talk with the “New
year!”, “With new happiness!”
1V. Setting lesson goals.
The New Year holiday is approaching. What is special about this holiday?
(It's a magical holiday, we make wishes or send letters

Santa Claus and wishes come true, even incredible things happen -
fabulous events.)
Today at the lesson we will read a New Year's fairy tale.
Determining the topic of the lesson.
Open your textbook to page 203.
Determine the topic of the lesson.
V Organization of cognitive activity
1) Introduction to the topic of the lesson. Updating of basic knowledge.
Try to guess what the story is about by looking at the title.
Who is the author of the work?
What works of S. Mikhalkov do you remember? (slide 46)
Sergei Mikhalkov was born on March 13, 1913 in Moscow. In addition to Sergei
the family brought up two more boys: Mikhail, Alexander. write poetry
Sergei started as a child. Mikhalkov spent his school years in Pyatigorsk.
In 1930 he graduated from high school, but two years before that
published his first poem "The Road". Then Mikhalkov studied
at the Gorky Literary Institute. At the same time Mikhalkov
published the first book of poetry. During the Great Patriotic War, the poet
was in the ranks of the Red Army, worked in the army press.
The famous lines on the granite slab of the Eternal Flame near the Kremlin wall:
"Your name is unknown, your deed is immortal", also belongs to
After the Great Patriotic War, Mikhalkov continued his
literary activity and lived a long interesting life.
2) Preparatory work before reading. (slide 7)
a) Speak the tongue twister
Spruce looks like a hedgehog:
Hedgehog in needles, Christmas tree too
Start reading slowly and gradually pick up the pace.
b) Read first in syllables, then in whole words.
to fall in love - to fall in love
met - met
Swing - Swing
Anxiety - anxiety
hide - hide
Broke off - broke off
approaching - approaching
Read in full words: (slide 8)

Forest - forest, forester
Night - spent the night
Color - colored
Glass - glass
Silver - silver
What are these words? (single root)
V1 Stage of primary perception of the text
1) Discovery of new knowledge. Initial acquaintance with the story of S.
The teacher reads the fairy tale, Checking the assimilation of understanding
1 part
 Where did the Christmas tree live?
 Why did the Christmas tree not feel lonely?
 Did she have any friends?
part 2
 Why did the Christmas tree live through summer and autumn in fear and anxiety?
 What did the magpie say?
 How would you feel in this situation?
 What was the nature of the Christmas tree?
(She was kind, modest, well-mannered, polite - politely asked,
whispered softly, hesitantly objected)
 What can you say about the magpie? (talks quickly - chirped)
part 3
 What did the Christmas tree dream about until the last day of the outgoing year?
 What do you think, with what intentions could a person go to her?
Why are Christmas trees cut down for the New Year?
 What can happen if before the new year they produce
mass cutting down of trees?
 Why do we need these trees? (wood is used in
construction, in the production of paper, musical instruments;
resin, turpentine, etc.)
 What needs to be done to grow Christmas trees?

 What happened on the first day of the new year? (the children and the forester came to
 Since this happened many years ago, what happened to the Christmas tree? (increased)
 How long do you think spruces live? (Lives 250-300, rarely 500 years,
reaches a height of 20-50 m and a diameter of up to 1 m.)
VII Phys. minute.
Children pronounce tongue twisters and perform synchronous movements
mom - snowy winter has come,
- egegeg - everything was covered with white snow,
- kikiki - we love to play snowballs,
- ozozoz - frost stings our cheeks,
- I love - I love snowy winter.
Stage of Comprehension, analysis of a literary text
Help me figure out some words: Slide 6
1. Forester 1. The upper extremity, the top of something.
2. Fumbling 2. Specialist in protection, use and conservation
3. Crown 3. Move, move in different directions.
(read the word and the corresponding meaning
secondary reading.
Express your opinion about the work in one word.
Prove that this is a fairy tale.
Why did the author call this story true?
Look at the illustration on page 205. Which episode of the fairy tale
What happened to Yolochka next?
What happened to her when she woke up?
What did you especially like about this story?
What is the main idea of ​​the tale?
From whom is the story being told?
What does this work teach?

Did the Christmas tree bring anyone joy? Why?
Raise your hands those who experienced with the Christmas tree
3) Artistic analysis
Selective reading
Open your textbooks to page 203.
What kind of work can we do right now?
Where did Yolochka live? (In the forest, not far from the forester's house)
Read how the author describes the Christmas tree. What was she like?
(She was slim and beautiful)
Did the Christmas tree feel lonely? Prove with words from the text.
Why is the word Yolochka capitalized in the text?
The author endowed the Christmas tree with human features.
Remember what this technique is called in literature (personification)
What made Elochka worried?
Find in the text the dialogue of Christmas trees and Magpies.
Which one did you present the Christmas tree, and which Magpie? (Christmas tree is kind, quiet,
polite, trusting; forty talkative, importunate)
Who can read expressively for everyone the conversation between the Christmas tree and the Magpie,
read to express their attitude towards them? (read in masks)
Evaluate the work of your comrades, clap your hands if you
enjoyed reading them.
The magpie flew away. And how did Elochka begin to live after a conversation with Magpie?
How long did the Christmas tree live in anxiety and anxiety? (until the thirty-first
What happened on December 31st? (a man came into the forest)
How did the person who came to the forest behave? Read.

I will start the sentence, and you will end it with the words from the text:
"He didn't even notice..."
What does "lost consciousness" mean? (didn't see or hear anything)
What can you say about this forester? (kind)
What word did the author use, after reading which it became clear
what kind of person came to the forest? (smiled)
What did the Christmas tree see when she woke up? Read.
What feelings did the Christmas tree experience?
What gift did the forester make to Elochka? (toys, life is the best
Who rejoiced with the Christmas tree?
Work with a picture plan. (slide 9)
I have prepared illustrations for “New Year's Eve” for you.
Name them in order.
There is a piece of paper with 3 proverbs on your tables. You need to choose which
of which reflects the main idea of ​​“New Year's Eve”?
 Remember good, but forget evil.
 Handle every task skillfully
 All's well that ends well.
S. Mikhalkov recorded this story in verse. Listen to the entire poem
(read by a trained student).
There was a Christmas tree in the snow -
green needle,
One and a half meter.
An event happened
On one of the winter days:
The forester decided to cut it down! -
So it seemed to her.
She was seen
Was surrounded...

And only late at night
She came to herself.
What a strange feeling!
Gone is the fear...
Glass lanterns
Burning in its branches.
Glittering decorations -
What an elegant look!
At the same time, without a doubt,
She is standing in the forest.
Not cut down! Whole!
Beautiful and strong!...
Who saved, who undressed her?
The forester's son!
Which version of the story did you like best? Why?
X. Statement of the educational problem. Application of new knowledge. . Test.
(slide 10)
Children work on the test in pairs.
1. Who is the author of the fairy tale?
a) S. Marshak;
b) S. Mikhalkov;
c) N. Sladkov.
2. Where did the Christmas tree grow from?
a) from the forest;
b) from the city;
c) from the forester's house.
3. Who did she meet once?
a) with a rabbit
b) with a fox;
c) wolf.
4. Who told the Christmas tree about the New Year?
a) a crow;
b) forty;
c) an owl.
5. The Christmas tree lived in fear and anxiety:
a) spring and summer
b) summer and autumn;
c) autumn and winter.
6. When was the Christmas tree found?
a) December 30;
b) December 31;
c) January 1st.

7. Herringbone:
a) cut down;
b) dressed up;
c) cut down and dressed up.
Let's check it frontally, checking the answers from the board.
XI. Reflection.
What did you do especially well in the lesson?
What would you commend yourself for?
Where will the knowledge gained in the lesson be useful?
XII. Summing up the lesson.
What book did you read in class?
What did S. Mikhalkov want to convey to us?
What should every person on the planet remember?
Prepare an expressive reading of the tale and retelling on behalf of the Christmas tree.

Lesson of literary reading in the 2nd grade.

Topic: S. Mikhalkov "New Year's story" (slide 1)

The goals of the teacher's activity:create conditions for the development of interest in literary creativity and reading speech skills, phonemic hearing, memory and thinking; to introduce students to the work of S. Mikhalkov "New Year's story", to improve the ability to work with illustrations.

Lesson type: setting and solving a learning problem.

Planned results of education:

Personal: interest in educational work; the ability to evaluate their actions and knowledge; attention to the experiences of other people; feeling of empathy.

Meta-subject (criteria for the formation / evaluation of the components of universal educational activities - UUD):

Cognitive: the ability to analyze and compare works and characters.

Regulatory: the ability to independently assess the correctness of the performance of actions; plan their actions in accordance with the set educational task.

Communicative:the ability to express one's attitude to literary works and heroes, to focus on the partner's position, developing a common position.

Forms and methods of teaching:group, individual; unproductive.

Educational Resources:game cards; cash desk of letters; album sheets for each student; dictionaries for; exhibition of students' drawings, pencils.

I. Motivation of educational activity.

Personal UUD: positive attitude and interest in the lessons of literary reading.

Regulatory TOS

D: accept and save the learning task; be able to make adjustments to the action after it is completed based on the teacher's assessment.

Communicative UUD: be able to build a monologue statement on the topic of the lesson, get the necessary information by asking questions to the teacher and comparing his answers.

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time.

Snow flutters, spins,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In cold glass

(N. Nekrasov)

What did you feel when you heard these lines? (Summarize children's answers).

What section of literary reading do we continue to study?

II. Checking homework.

1) Consider an exhibition of drawings for the Russian folk tale "Two Frosts". 2) Explain one of the proverbs:

“The frost is great, but it doesn’t order to stand”, “Where it’s warm, there’s good”, “If you want to eat kalachi, don’t sit on the stove”, “The worker’s work is on fire in his hands”, “Take care of your nose in a big frost”.

III. Speech warm-up. (slide 2)

a) Children speak tongue twisters:

Ma-ma-ma - snowy winter has come,

- er-er-er - everything was covered with white snow,

- ki-ki-ki - we loveplay snowballs,

- oz-oz-oz - frost stings our cheeks,

- lu-lu-lu - I love snowy winter.

b) Speak a tongue twister(slide 3)

Spruce looks like a hedgehog:

Hedgehog in needles, Christmas tree too

IV. Setting lesson goals.

The New Year holiday is approaching. What is special about this holiday? (This is a magical holiday, we make wishes or send letters to Santa Claus and wishes come true, even incredible fairy-tale events happen.)

Today at the lesson we will read a New Year's fairy tale.

V. Determining the topic of the lesson.

Open your textbook to page 203.

Determine the topic of the lesson.

Try to guess what the story is about by looking at the title.

What works of S. Mikhalkov do you remember? (slide 4-6)

Sergei Mikhalkov was born on March 13, 1913 in Moscow. In addition to Sergei, two more boys were brought up in the family: Mikhail, Alexander. Sergei began writing poetry as a child.Mikhalkov spent his school years in Pyatigorsk. In 1930, he graduated from high school, but two years before that, his first poem, "The Road", was published.Then Mikhalkov studied at the Gorky Literary Institute. At the same time, Mikhalkov published the first book of poems.During the Great Patriotic War, Mikhalkov was in the ranks of the Red Army, worked in the army press.

The famous lines on the granite slab of the Eternal Flame near the Kremlin wall:"Your name is unknown, your deed is immortal", - also belongs to Mikhalkov.

After the Great Patriotic War, Mikhalkov continued his literary activity.

VI. Preparatory work before reading. (slide 7)

Read first in syllables, then in whole words.

On-lu-bo-vat-sya - admire

I-knew-to-mi-las - met

Ras-ka-chi-wai-sya - swing

Po-ko-stvo - anxiety

Hide-tat-sya - hide

About-la-we-wa-lis - broke off


Read in full:(slide 8)

Forest - forest, forester

Night - spent the night

Color - colored

Glass - glass

Silver - silver

What are these words? (single root)

VII. The fairy tale is read by the teacher, prepared children of the role of the Christmas tree, Magpie, man and boy.Comprehension test

1 part

  • Where did the fir tree live?
  • Why did the Christmas tree not feel lonely?
  • Did she have friends?
  • Attachment 1.

part 2

  • Why did the Christmas tree live through summer and autumn in fear and anxiety?
  • What did the magpie say?
  • What feelings might you have in such a situation?
  • What was the nature of the Christmas tree?

(She was kind, modest, well-mannered, polite - asked politely, whispered softly, objected uncertainly)

  • What can you say about the magpie? (talks quickly - chirped)
  • With the help of an emotional sign, show the mood of the Christmas tree at the moment.Attachment 1.

part 3

  • What did the Christmas tree dream about until the last day of the outgoing year?
  • With the help of an emotional sign, show the mood of the Christmas tree at the moment.
  • What do you think, with what intentions could a person go to her?
  • Why are Christmas trees cut down on New Year's Eve?
  • What can happen if before the new year they make a massive cutting down of Christmas trees?
  • Why do we need these trees? (wood is used in construction, in the manufacture of paper, musical instruments; resin, turpentine, etc. are extracted from it.)
  • What needs to be done to grow Christmas trees?

part 4

  • What happened on the first day of the new year? (children and the forester came to the Christmas tree)
  • With the help of an emotional sign, show the mood of the Christmas tree at the moment.Attachment 1.
  • Since this happened many years ago, what happened to the Christmas tree? (increased)
  • How long do you think spruces live? (Lives 250-300, rarely 500 years, reaches a height of 20-50 m and in diameter up to 1 m.)

VIII. Phys. minute.


In small children

The tree is big.

Fires and balls

The tree is sparkling.

Hey Christmas tree!

Look, look!

For children, Christmas tree,

Shine, shine! (Children raise their hands above their heads and turn their palms to the right and left, then they read poetry. They threaten with a finger.)

Do not hit us, Christmas tree,

A shaggy branch.

Remove the needles

IX. Conversation after reading

Did you like the work?

Express your opinion about the work in one word.

Prove that this is a fairy tale.

Look at the illustration on page 205. What episode of the fairy tale is depicted?

What happened to her when she woke up?

What did you especially like about this story?

What is the main idea of ​​the tale?

From whom is the story being told?

What does this work teach?

Has the Christmas tree brought joy to anyone? Why?

Raise your hands those who experienced with the Christmas tree

Work with picturesque plan. (slide 9)

I have prepared for you 5 illustrations for “New Year's Eve”.

Name them in order

On your tables there is a leaflet with 3 proverbs. You need to choose which of them reflects the main idea of ​​“New Year's Eve”?

  • Remember good, but forget evil.
  • Take on every task skillfully
  • All is well that ends well.

S. Mikhalkov recorded this story in verse. Listen to the entire poem (read by a trained student).

There was a Christmas tree in the snow -

green needle,



One and a half meter.

An event happened

On one of the winter days:

The forester decided to cut it down! -

So it seemed to her.

She was seen

Was surrounded...

And only late at night

She came to herself.

What a strange feeling!

Gone is the fear...

Glass lanterns

Burning in its branches.

Glittering decorations -

What an elegant look!

At the same time, without a doubt,

She is standing in the forest.

Not cut down! Whole!

Beautiful and strong!...

Who saved, who undressed her?

The forester's son!

Which version of the story did you like best? Why?

X. Consolidation of the studied. Test. (slide 10)

Children work on the test in pairs.

  1. Who is the author of the story?

a) S. Marshak;

b) S. Mikhalkov;

c) N. Sladkov.

  1. Where did the Christmas tree grow from?

a) from the forest;

b) from the city;

c) from the forester's house.

  1. Who did she meet once?

a) with a rabbit

b) with a fox;

c) wolf.

  1. Who told the Christmas tree about the New Year?

a) a crow;

b) forty;

c) an owl.

  1. The Christmas tree lived in fear and anxiety:

a) spring and summer

b) summer and autumn;

c) autumn and winter.

  1. When was the Christmas tree found?
  1. Christmas tree:

a) cut down;

b) dressed up;

c) cut down and dressed up.

Spruce looks like a hedgehog: A hedgehog in needles, a Christmas tree too
Literary activity of S. V. Mikhalkov
PoetWriterFable writerDramaturgTranslatorScreenwriterJournalistAuthor of the Russian anthem
On-lu-bo-wa-sya - admire Ras-ka-chi-wai-sya - sway Demon-for-some-ness - anxiety sya - approaching
Forest - forestry, foresterNight - spent the nightColor - coloredGlass - glassSilver - silver
All is well that ends well.
Who is the author of the fairy tale? a) S. Marshak; b) S. Mikhalkov; c) N. Sladkov. Not far from where did the Christmas tree grow? a) with a hare; b) with a fox; c) with a wolf.
Who told the Christmas tree about the New Year? a) crow; b) magpie; c) owl. The Christmas tree lived in fear and anxiety: a) spring and summer; b) summer and autumn; c) autumn and winter. When did they find the Christmas tree? a) December 30; b) December 31; c) January 1. The Christmas tree: b) dressed up; c) cut down and dressed up.

Abstract of the work. The plan-outline of the lesson of literary reading for grade 2 (for schools with the Russian language of instruction) was compiled in accordance with the requirements for teaching Russian reading of the current program of 2015 and is based on L.F. Klimanov's textbook "Literary Reading" for grade 2 (part 1). In the summary of the lesson, tasks are proposed that contribute to the development of students' interest in studying the subject. Particular attention is paid to: the development of speed reading skills, the work on vocabulary words is described, lexical material is given. The lesson is aimed at developing the perception and analysis of the text, as well as predicting it, at correcting the emotional-volitional sphere through various tasks. The lesson uses a variety of forms of working with text, a multimedia presentation is used.

Piven Oksana Anatolyevna

Donetsk secondary school of І-ІІІ levels № 72

Ministry of Education and Science

Donetsk People's Republic

Literary reading lesson

Topic. S. V. Mikhalkov "New Year's story" Features of this genre. Role reading.

Developed by:

Piven Oksana Anatolyevna,

primary school teacher

Reading lesson 2nd grade

Topic. S. V. Mikhalkov "New Year's story" Features of this genre. Role reading.

Lesson type: learning new material

Type of lesson: an integrated lesson in Russian reading and Christian ethics.

Methods and techniques: comparison method, conversation, work in groups, independent work, technology "Associative bush", games "Learn words at a glance", "Head and tail".

Expected results:

Increasing erudition.

The development of a culture of speech.

Development of analytical skills.

Development of creative abilities, activation of mental activity.

Development of communication skills.

Acquisition of experience of independence.

Achieve goodwill, trusting cooperation when working in pairs and groups.

Promote willingness to help each other.

To form a cognitive interest, an idea of ​​the basic Christian values

Contribute to a better assimilation of Christian values ​​by students and the formation of life competencies.

Knowledge and understanding of Christian values ​​by students.

Lesson Objectives:

Cognitive: to acquaint children with the work of S. V. Mikhalkov; practice fluent reading skills.

Developing: to develop the ability of children to work with text, isolate the main thing, analyze, draw conclusions, develop attention, memory, speech of students; practice illustration skills.

Educational: to cultivate love for nature through the artistic word, to instill a good attitude towards all living things.


Portrait of S.V. Mikhalkov, Shainsky's song "Smile", a drawing of a snail, proverbs, a drawing of a Christmas tree, 9 balls-cards with excerpts from poets' poems, cards for developing speed reading skills, a presentation, an envelope with tasks for working in groups, balls for each child, reading cards text from the magazine "Shishkin Forest", a reproduction of the Christmas icon, a Christmas tree, a snowflake for an associative bush, a textbook, a computer, a projector, music from the cycle "Seasons." the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky about winter.

During the classes

I. Class Organization

The bell has already rung

The lesson starts.

Sit straight kids

It's time to start the reading lesson.

What do you expect from this lesson?

Emotional entry into the lesson.

An excerpt from a song by V.Ya. Shainsky "Smile", on the board is an image of a snail.

What is the mood of our snail? (Cheerful, joyful, sunny) How did you define it? (She smiles at us)

A smile can warm others with its warmth, show your friendliness and improve your mood. Smile at each other.

Touch each other with your palms, give a feeling of confidence that you will succeed, support each other before work.

II. Updating of basic knowledge.

At the beginning of the lesson, we will play the game "Learn words at a glance"

Reading words on cards.

Reading words in columns, in rows, in chorus, in rows, in pairs.

Words made up of syllables.

What method did you use?

ІІІ .Repetition of the material studied in the last lesson.

1. Work with proverbs(proverbs are written on cones).

4 people at the blackboard read the beginning, couples continue to approach them. (Give the compiled proverb to the teacher)

An ax warms a fur coat better.

A person is sick from laziness.

The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

In the hands of the worker, the work burns with fire.

2. Checking the knowledge of the fairy tale "Two Frosts"

Who are these lines about?

"-The short fur coat on him is old and torn, the hat is thin, the mittens are full of holes." (Woodcutter)

"He is wearing a bear's coat, a fox's hat, and wolf's boots." (Merchant)

c) To whom do these words belong?

“-He should get out of the sleigh, stomp his feet, clap his hands, and he lies to himself and wraps himself up.” (Frost Blue nose)

“-And he’s getting hotter and hotter from work, it’s like I don’t even exist in the world.” (Jack Frost)

d) What is the main idea of ​​the story?

A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work.

IV. Motivation of educational activity.

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson.

How beautiful in the winter in the forest! It would be nice to visit the winter forest! Yes? Let's go to the winter forest.

Children, why do people go to the forest in winter? (behind the tree)

Wow, and snow has piled up,

all the tracks are covered.

Can't see because of the snow

Where can we look for a Christmas tree.

(The teacher hangs a drawn Christmas tree on the board)

Here is the beauty tree - it's just miracles!

I invite you, without leaving the classroom, to take a walk into the wonderful magical world of nature. And I want the words of the great Russian artist Isaac Levitan to become the motto of our lesson: “What beauty surrounds us everywhere! What greatness!

The beauty of nature in all seasons has been a source of inspiration for great poets, musicians and artists.

And the silvery veil will spread over the trees -
Snow-white, fluffy, lacy beauty!
And the sad birch could not recognize herself -
So the skillful branches of the tree decorated ...

What season are you talking about?

Today we continue to work on the section " I love native nature. Winter».

What signs of winter do you know?

Listen to amazing music from the series "Seasons." the great Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky about winter nature.

What mood did this music evoke in you?

Is winter always like this?

  1. 1. Associative bush technology.

What associations do you have when they say the word autumn?

How many associations! And all this in winter.

2. The story of the feast of St. Nicholas.

On December 19, we celebrated a big holiday - the Feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This is one of the most revered winter church holidays among the people. Let's tell the poems that we are preparing for the holiday. ( Presentation)

Many good holidays
We have friends
But one of them is probably
The best for me.
December is on the street.
And cold and snowy
But from parental love
I am warm, serene.
I go to bed in the evening
I sleep peacefully.
And in the morning look under the pillow -
I freeze with excitement.
Lie there pen, marker
And a notebook.
After all, these are all gifts.
Saint Nicholas.

About sixteen centuries have passed since the time when Saint Nicholas, the Great Wonderworker, the Archbishop of Myra, lived and labored on earth, the great Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra, who is now honored and glorified by the entire Christian world for his zeal for faith, a virtuous life and countless miracles performed by him and up to to all who resort to him with faith in his help and the mercy of God.

All Russia loved this saint

And loves now in the age of speed,

He saves people from the bottom of the sea,

From the bottom of the worldly and from the bottom of passions.

The old woman prays - she will be in consolation,

The child asks - and he gives,

And he will send release to the prisoner,

And he will lead the traveler on the road.

Not everything has died in this world yet,

Not all patience is over the edge -

Hurries in trouble to help with a quiet light

Holy Pleaser of God - Nicholas.

Nina Kartasheva

Be merciful, kind, honest, sincere, fair, faithful friends, loving children. Remember St. Nicholas, do not forget to do good to people, to give joy to others.

V. Primary perception and awareness of new material.

1. Setting the goal of the lesson.

What do you think we will learn in the lesson?

The holiday that you all are waiting for and love is approaching. Why is he unusual?

Wishes come true, even incredible fairy-tale events occur.

Today at the lesson we will read a New Year's fairy tale.

What do you know about this writer? (The legendary Sergei Mikhalkov is rightfully considered a man of three eras - after all, he was born under tsarism. And, following the tradition of his ancestors, Sergei Vladimirovich considers serving the Russian state the main business of his life. Mikhalkov is the author of three state hymns, a poet and the playwright, a major public figure who personally knew all the leaders of the country - from Stalin to Putin - despite his honorable age - 96 years! - is still in the ranks.
He heads the largest writing organization, travels a lot around the world. The fables of this author are interesting and popular. His animals are cited as an example of "how not to".)

How do you think, is it possible to determine by the title of the work what or who the story will be about?

- Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the work of Sergei Mikhalkov "New Year's Story", where the main character is our Christmas tree.

Open textbooks, read the title.

Work in pairs. (Working with a dictionary)

What do you think the meaning of this word "real"

2. Learning new material.

1. Teacher's primary reading.

What is real in this story and what is fictional?

(Forest, forester with family, Christmas tree) (Christmas tree and magpie are talking, Christmas tree thinks, worries)

Did you like the fairy tale?

What feelings did this story awaken in you?

Were there moments when you were very sorry for the Christmas tree?

Describe this moment.

3. Physical education minute.

On our Christmas tree

funny toys,

funny hedgehogs

And funny frogs
funny bears,

funny deer,

funny walruses

And funny seals!

The ball flies striped,

Bear cubs play ball.

"May I?"-

The mouse asked

You are still a baby.

4. Consolidation of new material.

-Preparatory work before reading.







coming closer

-Expressive reading. Role reading.

-Analysis of the work.

Where did Yolochka live? (In the forest, not far from the forester's house)

(p.203 She was slim and beautiful)

Did she have friends? (hare)

How did the Christmas tree live alone in the forest?

(She didn't feel alone)

What made the Christmas tree worry?

(a magpie flew in and told her that they would cut it down on New Year's Eve)

What was the nature of the Christmas tree?

(kind, modest, polite, educated)

How did the Christmas tree begin to live after the story of the magpie?

(In fear and anxiety)

Has the Christmas tree brought joy to anyone? Why?

5. Physical education (for the regulation of the mental state).


The teacher says the words, and the children perform actions that express the meaning of the words. Everyone chooses a comfortable sitting position.

We are happy, we are happy!

We laugh in the morning.

But now the moment has come

It's time to be serious.

Eyes closed, hands folded,

Heads lowered, mouth closed.

And quiet for a minute

To not even hear a joke,

To not see anyone

And only one myself!

After slowly pronouncing these words, a pause is maintained, after which the children begin to work.

6. Work on the illustration p. 205.

Look at the illustration in the textbook.

Who is pictured?

What episode did the artist depict?

Find and read in the text.

How do you think she feels at this moment.

How did the artist help us to see these feelings?

7. Educational conversation

No wonder the Christmas tree was afraid of people. After all, everyone knows that on New Year's Eve people cut down Christmas trees to decorate their holiday, their home. Everyone understands that if you cut down a Christmas tree, the tree will die. But many do not want to give up a real, fresh Christmas tree. And you can hear such words: "I love it when the house smells like fresh spruce for the New Year."

Children, raise your hands, those who love to have a real tree on the New Year's holiday?

Raise your hands, those who think that you can do without a live Christmas tree, replace it with an artificial one.

And who doubts which Christmas tree to choose for the holiday - real or artificial.

8. Expanding horizons.

The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for Christmas dates back to pagan times and is associated with the cult of greenery.

With the advent of the new year, houses were decorated with green branches, it was believed that they would bring health and happiness next year.

The custom of decorating trees existed among our ancestors even before the advent of a new era. In those days, it was believed that good and evil spirits found shelter in the branches, in order to negotiate with them, they brought gifts, hanging them on the branches.

In Russia, the first New Year's celebration took place in Moscow in honor of the New Year of 1700.

9. Reading by students on cards of an excerpt from the magazine "Shishkin Forest"

Every year we celebrate Christmas: we put a Christmas tree at home, decorate it with shiny balls, colorful toys and lights, and decorate the top with an eight-pointed star, in memory of the star that showed the way to the cradle of Jesus. On this day, we lay a rich table, give each other gifts and wish happiness. And we try to be kinder and help those who need help.

Look, we also have a Christmas tree on the board, but it is not decorated with toys, let's help her become beautiful.

But before you decorate it with balls, you need to solve a crossword puzzle.

10. Christmas crossword

The next game is a crossword puzzle

1. Travelers went to the census for a long time, they did not find a place in the city. Near Bethlehem - the bare steppe, the poor became their shelter ... (Nativity scene)

2. Cave, manger, haystack,

Today on earth was born ... (God)

3. In the temples, the face of those who sing sings:

"The Virgin of the Most Substantial..." (Gives birth)

4. This song, we know so

It's called - ... (Kondak)

5. She shone in the dark sky then,

Lighting the way, holy ... (Star)

6. Ordinary people learned the message.

In the night when the roosters did not sing yet,

They hurried to the baby's manger

And they glorified God ... (Shepherds)

7. From the distant countries of the East, the wise men came

Myrrh, ... and frankincense brought. (Gold)

8. Behind the star, appearing from the road blue,

They ride camels to Bethlehem ... (Magi)

9. Angels flew over Bethlehem.

Their chants brought sweetness to the heart.

And "Glory to God in the highest!" chanted,

And they proclaimed to people ... (Joy)

Well done!

10. Work on poems.

Each row receives three colored balls. On the back of the balloon are excerpts of poems.

Smell of winter cold

In fields and forests.

Lit up with bright purple

Before sunset...

Light fluffy

snowflake white,

What a pure

Enchanted winter

Bewitched, the forest stands

And under the snowy fringe,

Motionless, dumb

He has a wonderful life...

Is the sun in winter

On him his ray oblique -

Nothing trembles in it

He will flare up and shine


The storm blew through the night,

And with the dawn on the village,

To the fields, to the deserted garden

First snow...

White birch

under my window

covered with snow,

Winter sings - calls out,

Shaggy forest cradles

The call of a pine forest.

Around with deep longing

Sailing to a distant land

He's spinning

light, new,

The guys are over their heads.

Down scarf


And in the yard a snowstorm

Spreads like a silk carpet,

But it's painfully cold.

Sparrows are playful

Like orphan children

And now we will decorate the Christmas tree with balls by reading poems on them.

11. Matching method

Comparison of a fairy tale and a poem

Did you know that S. Mikhalkov wrote the same story in verse. And what he did, we will find out when we work in groups and complete one more task)

Group work

Each group is given an envelope in which a split picture with part of the poem, students put the picture together, read the poem in order.

Let's hear what he did.

S.V. Mikhalkov "Event"

There was a Christmas tree in the snow

green bang,



One and a half meter.

An event happened

On one of the winter days:

The forester decided to cut it down -

So it seemed to her.

She was seen

Was surrounded...

And only late at night

She came to herself.

What a strange feeling!

Gone is the fear...

Glass lanterns

Burning in its branches.

Glittering decorations -

What an elegant look!

At the same time, without a doubt,

She is standing in the forest.

Uncut! Whole!

Beautiful and strong!

Who saved, who undressed her?

The forester's son!

What did you like more the fairy tale or the poem?

VI . Outcome.

Do you think the Christmas tree was happy that it became a New Year's Tree?


Children work on the test in pairs.

  1. Who is the author of the story?

a) S. Marshak;

b) S. Mikhalkov;

c) N. Sladkov.

  1. Where did the Christmas tree grow from?

a) from the forest;

b) from the city;

c) from the forester's house.

  1. Who did she meet once?

a) with a rabbit

b) with a fox;

c) wolf.

  1. Who told the Christmas tree about the New Year?

a) a crow;

b) forty;

  1. The Christmas tree lived in fear and anxiety:

a) spring and summer

b) summer and autumn;

c) autumn and winter.

  1. When was the Christmas tree found?
  1. Christmas tree:

a) cut down;

b) dressed up;

c) cut down and dressed up.

Let's check it frontally, checking the answers from the board.

VII. Homework.

D / z (differentiated) On the board:

2. Draw a Christmas tree.

3. Retell on behalf of the Christmas tree

VIII. Reflection.

Why do we need today's lesson?

What book did you read in class?

What did S. Mikhalkov want to convey to us?

What should every person on the planet remember?

If you are in a happy mood, then hang a blue snowflake on the Christmas tree, and if you are sad, then white.

In the forest, not far from the forester's house, a Christmas tree grew. Mature trees - pines and firs - looked at her from a distance and could not stop looking at her - she was so slender and beautiful. The little Christmas tree grew like all Christmas trees at her age: in summer it was watered with rain, in winter it was covered with snow. She basked in the spring sun and shivered during a thunderstorm. Around it is the usual forest life: field mice ran back and forth, various insects and ants swarm, birds flew. During her short life, Yolochka met a real hare, who once spent the night under her branches. Despite the fact that Yolochka grew up alone in the middle of a clearing, she did not feel lonely ...

But somehow in the summer, out of nowhere, an unfamiliar Magpie flew in, without thinking twice, sat on the top of a small Christmas tree and began to swing on it.
"Please don't swing on me!" Yolochka asked politely. "You're breaking my head!"
- And what do you need your top of your head for! Magpie chirped rudely. “You’ll still be cut down on New Year’s Eve!”
- Who will cut me down? Why! Yolochka whispered.
- And who needs it, he will cut it down! Magpie replied. “Don’t you know that on New Year’s Eve people come to the forest for people like you!” And you are growing in front of everyone! ..
- But I've been in this place for more than a year, and no one touched me! - Yolochka uncertainly objected.
- So touched! - said Magpie and flew off into the forest ...
The Christmas tree lived in fear summer and autumn, and when the first snow fell, she completely lost her peace: after all, she couldn’t run away anywhere to hide, they would get lost in the forest among the same Christmas trees.
In December, so much snow fell that even mature trees broke branches with a crack under its weight. And the little Christmas tree was completely covered up to the very top.
- It's even good! Yolochka decided. Now no one will notice me! The last day of the outgoing year has come - the thirty-first of December. “Just to survive this day!” Yolochka barely had time to think when she saw a man approaching. He walked straight towards her. The man grabbed the top of it and shook the Christmas tree hard. Heavy layers of snow fell off, hanging on the branches of the Christmas Tree, and she defenselessly straightened her fluffy green branches in front of the man.
I chose you right! the man said cheerfully and smiled. He did not notice that at these words the Christmas tree lost consciousness ...
When the Christmas Tree woke up, she could not understand anything: she was alive and stood in the same place, only light, colored, glass balls hung on her branches, and she was all wrapped in thin silver threads, and the very top was adorned with a large golden star. .
And in the morning, on the first day of the New Year, his children, brother and sister, came out of the forester's house. They got on their skis and headed for the Christmas tree. When they approached her, the boy said to the girl: “Now this will be our Christmas Tree!” We will decorate it like this every year! ..
This story happened many, many years ago. The old forester had long since died. His adult children live in the city, who, in turn, also have children. And in the forest, in the middle of the clearing, opposite the new forester, a tall, slender fir tree rises, and on New Year's Eve, she recalls her childhood ...

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