Drawing in the middle group on the theme of Cheburashka. GCD abstract for drawing in the senior group "Cheburashka

Ochichenko Inessa Valerievna, Caretaker
Toki, Vaninsky District, Khabarovsk Territory

Purpose: to form the ability of children to create in the drawing the image of their favorite fairy-tale hero: to convey the shape of the body, head and other characteristic features. Tasks: learn to draw a contour with a simple pencil (do not press hard, do not trace the lines twice). to consolidate the ability to accurately paint over the image, without going beyond the contour, evenly, without gaps, applying strokes in one direction: from top to bottom or from left to right, or obliquely, with continuous movements of the hand.

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Technological map of directly educational activities in the senior group.

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development."

Integration of educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "Speech development".

MBDOU kindergarten of the combined type "Topolek".

Educator: Ochichenko I.V.

Theme: "Cheburashka".

Purpose: to form the ability of children to create in the drawing the image of their favorite fairy-tale hero: to convey the shape of the body, head and other characteristic features.

learn to draw a contour with a simple pencil (do not press hard, do not trace the lines twice).

to consolidate the ability to accurately paint over the image, without going beyond the contour, evenly, without gaps, applying strokes in one direction: from top to bottom or from left to right, or obliquely, with continuous movements of the hand.

Material: Landscape sheet of paper, pencil, colored pencils, crayons, Cheburashka toy.

Stages of activity

The activities of the educator

Children activities

Psychological attitude

Guys, look at each other and smile, you go to the Iskorka kindergarten together and live in the same village.

In a wide circle, I see, all my friends stood up. We will now go to the right, and then we will go to the left, we will gather in the center of the circle, smile, wink and we will start working.

Introductory organizational

Guys, do you like puzzles?

I will now give you a riddle, and you try to guess it, just listen very carefully!

This sweet, strange darling

Nameless toy

Was once in a store

He was waiting for a fairy tale in the window

And waited. Became famous

With his wonderful fairy tale

You me, baby, listen:

He has a big ears,

He is brown

Everyone in the world loves him!

Every mongrel knows

Friend of Gena………(Cheburashka)

That's right, well done! Of course, this is Cheburashka! Guessed!

Children's answers


Motivational and incentive

Guys, but you know, this Cheburashka himself does not have a mirror in his house, and he cannot look at himself. He never saw himself! And not even what color it is, and that it is very cute and beautiful!

How to help him?

Maybe we can help him?

Children's answers.

Children's answers.

Update. Perception and assimilation of the new, expansion of existing ideas.

Let's think together what needs to be done so that he sees himself.

Yes guys, he can see himself in the reflection of the water or look

cartoon "About crocodile Gena and Cheburashka", you can give him a mirror, and he will see himself in it, or you can draw him.

What do we need to draw Cheburashka?

Children's answers.

Update. Perception and assimilation of the new, expansion of existing ideas

What color do you think we should take a pencil?

Zhora, how do you start drawing Cheburashka?

What should I draw next?

Guys, while we were talking about Cheburashka. He was sitting on a shelf and we

listened. Let's take him to our class, shall we?

Now you can take a closer look at it. Notice how his ears are.

How many paws does he have?

What else do we see?

Does he have a tail?

Why is Cheburashka so sad?

Children's answers.

Children's answers.

Children's answers: large, located on the sides of the head, reminiscent of

semicircle shape.

Children's answers: he has kind and beautiful eyes, a triangle nose.

Children's answers.

Independent work of children.

So let's get to work quickly. Let's draw Cheburashka and

let's give it to him. You just need to remember one important rule: first we draw the outline with a simple pencil, and then very carefully paint over the image.

I remind the children: we put strokes, not in one direction

out of the loop.

Grab your papers and pencils and get to work.

Children draw.

The final stage

Review of works.

Do you think Cheburashka liked your work?

Which Cheburashka did you like more and why?

Guys, who did we draw today?

Why did we draw it?

Do you think we helped Cheburashka?

Let's say goodbye to Cheburashka, let him show his friend Gene

What kind of artists do we have in the group.

Children's answers.

Children's answers.


Tatyana Kiseleva
"Cheburashka". Summary of drawing classes in the senior group

Program content: continue to develop children's interest in fine arts. Improve visual skills and abilities, convey in the drawing images of objects, characters of fairy tales. To draw the attention of children to differences in shape, size, proportions of parts, to encourage them to convey these differences in the drawing. Learn paint with watercolor. Learn paint brush different ways: wide lines - with the whole pile, thin - with the end of the brush. Paint small specks at the end of the brush (eyes, nose). Continue to improve the ability of children to consider work, enjoy the result achieved.

Material for work: a sheet of white paper A-4, watercolor, brush.

visual material: portrait Cheburashki, a toy Cheburashka.

move lessons: a picture with an image hangs on the board Cheburashki. Show children a toy Cheburashka.

caregiver: children, you all know Cheburashka, like to watch cartoons about him. BUT Cheburashka loves to visit children in kindergarten. Today he came to us and was very happy when he saw his portrait (pointing to the picture Cheburashki) . Do you guys like his portrait? Let's do Cheburashka gift, let each of you draw a portrait Cheburashki so that he can give the drawing to all his friends. And for this you need to take a good look at the toy.

I clarify with the children the shape and size parts: round head; the body is oval; ears are oval, large; paws are oval, small.

I show tricks on a large sheet drawing, I pay attention to how to properly pick up paint, dip the brush on a napkin, do not draw on wet paint. I emphasize that for a portrait Cheburashki we will need brown paint, and when the drawing dries, we will finish the eyes and nose with black paint, and the mouth with red.

I propose to start independent work, I make sure that the children complete the task correctly.

When the children draw a toy, I suggest that they wait until the paint dries and play along with Cheburashka.

Children stand in a circle.

caregiver: children, each of you has a box on the table in which there are a lot of multi-colored paints, but you painted only brown. Cheburashka wants to know what color the other paints are, let's tell him.

I give it to one of the children Cheburashka.

Child: “I have yellow paint in the box”.

Pass the toy to the next to kid: “I have green paint in the box” etc.

caregiver: Guys, now Cheburashka will guess riddles for you, and you try to guess from which cartoons these characters are.

1. He plays the harmonica,

The song is fun to sing.

And don't be discouraged

Likes to listen to all the people.

He will promise you

That once a year will play for you.

(Crocodile Gena)

2. Long nose, sly look,

He loves all the guys

Karabas is not afraid

And he's ready to fight (Pinocchio)

3. Here is a funny little man

On the back of his motor

He lives under the roof

He loves to eat delicious cake.

Comes to visit the children,

And eats everyone away


4. The little bear loves honey,

Loudly sings a song

Bees hear - do not understand

Who is so mad here

(Winnie the Pooh)

5. He runs after a hare

For many years,

And can't catch

Everything loses track.

What's the use of running around,

Let's say guys (to the wolf)

6. The old woman lives 300 years

In a pond with green slime

She will sing you a song

About friendship with Pinocchio

(Turtle Tortilla) (1)

Cheburashka: what good fellows you are, you guessed all the riddles correctly

I invite the children to sit down at the tables again and draw eyes, nose and mouth. I draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to rinse the brush well before picking up paint of a different color.

In the end activities Cheburashka examines his portraits together with the children, praises the children, wonders how well they can paint.

caregiver: children, let's sing a song for our guest. I turn on the song from the cartoon about Cheburashka. Children come out on the carpet, dance and sing along with Cheburashka.

Cheburashka thanks the children, collects drawings, says goodbye and leaves.

(1) all riddles used in lesson, invented personally by the author abstract

Lesson in the senior group on subject drawing "Cheburashka"

Purpose: To teach children draw Cheburashkafrom geometric shapes(ovals and circles)

Tasks : Learn to create an image of your favorite hero in a drawing, conveying the shape and size of the head, torso and other characteristic features.

Strengthen the ability to transfer position subject in space on a sheet of paper, taking into account its proportions ((the object is stretched out, so we place it vertically on the sheet)

Learn to draw contour with a simple pencil with light pressure, so that when painting over, there are no hard lines that stain the drawing.

Material for work: a sheet of white paper A-4, simple pencils (for drawing the outline of cheburashka) and colored pencils (for coloring)

visual material: portrait of Cheburashka or Cheburashka toy.

A song about Cheburashka sounds, the children sit down at the tables

Children guess the riddle.

This sweet, strange darling

Nameless toy

Was once in a store

He was waiting for a fairy tale in the window,

And waited.

You me, baby, listen:

He has a big ears,

He is brown

He is loved by everyone in the world

Every motherfucker knows

Gene's friend....


Educator: Guys, let's all watch the cartoon "Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka" together.

After watching the cartoon, invite the children to draw Cheburashka.

We inform you that we will draw Cheburashka from geometric shapes Examining the sample.

Questions of the educator-answers of children

1. What parts does Cheburashka consist of(head, paws, torso)

2. What is the shape of the head?(round)

3. What else does Cheburashka have a round shape(at Cheburashki round ears and eyes)

4. Which is larger head or ears(head bigger than ears)

5. What can we say about our friend's torso? What shape is it(oval body)

6. What can we say about the size of the torso?(the body is larger than the head and it is oval)

7. Look carefully at what geometric figure Cheburashka's legs look like? (legs look like ovals)

8. Paws of Cheburashka also resemble…. (ovals)

9. Legs and paws are the same?(legs are bigger than paws)

10. Right. Paws of Cheburashkalook like elongated ovals.

11. Let's take a closer look at what else is on Cheburashka's head(eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows)

12. Right. Eyes, mouth and nose are located on the muzzle of our guest. What shape is the muzzle(round muzzle)

13. Look carefully at the body of our guest, what detail have we not mentioned yet?


14. What kind of breast? (The breast is small, oval, orange.)

15. What is Cheburashka's body covered with?

(The body of Cheburashka is covered with wool.)

16. What color is the wool?(Wool is dark brown.)

17. Is Cheburashka all brown?(.No, his muzzle and chest are orange)

We will draw the outline of Cheburashka with a simple pencil.

I propose to turn the sheet of paper vertically, as the hero is elongated in height.

1st step At the top of the sheet, draw a large round head.(large circle).

Inside this circle, a smaller circle is the muzzle.

2 step. Draw ears on both sides of the head: two circles are slightly smaller than the head.

3 step. Draw a large, oval body under the head(large oval) .And then we draw the breast in the form of a small oval, Cheburashka has no neck.

4 step. Then we will draw two small ovals at the bottom of the torso - these are the legs.

5 step. It remains to depict the paws. They will resemble elongated ovals. Paws can take any position : be lowered to the bottom, directed to the sides, hidden behind the back.

On the paws there are cocottes, with which he clings to the branches of trees.

Look, our Cheburashka is ready.

It remains to paint it.

Finishing the details.

Works are placed on the exhibition for consideration.

Guys, what is another name for our drawings(Our drawings are also called portraits.)



"Cheburashka". Summary of drawing classes in the senior groupcompleted by: puzachkova.i.a

Program content: continue to develop children's interest in visual activity. Improve visual skills and abilities, convey in the drawing images of objects, characters of fairy tales. To draw the attention of children to differences in shape, size, proportions of parts, to encourage them to convey these differences in the drawing. Learn to paint with watercolors. Learn to draw with a brush in different ways: wide lines - with the whole pile, thin - with the end of the brush. Draw small spots with the end of the brush (eyes, nose). Continue to improve the ability of children to consider work, enjoy the result achieved.

Material for work: a sheet of white paper A-4, watercolor, brush. Visual material: portrait of Cheburashka, toy Cheburashka.

The course of the lesson: a picture with the image of Cheburashka hangs on the board. I show the children a toy Cheburashka.

Educator: children, you all know Cheburashka, love to watch cartoons about him. And Cheburashka loves to visit children in kindergarten. Today he came to us and was very happy when he saw his portrait (I point to a picture of Cheburashka). Do you guys like his portrait? Let's make Cheburashka a gift, let each of you draw a portrait of Cheburashka so that he can give the drawing to all his friends. And for this you need to take a good look at the toy.

I clarify with the children the shape and size of the parts: the head is round; the body is oval; ears are oval, large; paws are oval, small.

On a large sheet I show drawing techniques, I pay attention to how to correctly draw paint, dip the brush on a napkin, and not draw on wet paint. I emphasize that for the portrait of Cheburashka we need brown paint, and when the drawing dries, we will finish the eyes and nose with black paint, and the mouth with red.

I propose to start independent work, I make sure that the children complete the task correctly.

When the children draw a toy, I suggest that they wait until the paint dries and play with Cheburashka. Children stand in a circle.

Educator: children, each of you has a box on the table, in which there are a lot of multi-colored paints, but you painted only brown. Cheburashka wants to know what color other paints are, let's tell him.

I give Cheburashka into the hands of one of the children. Child: "I have yellow paint in the box." Passes the toy to the next child: “I have green paint in the box”, etc.

Educator: guys, and now Cheburashka will tell you riddles, and you try to guess which cartoons these characters are from.

1. He plays the harmonica, He sings the song cheerfully. And he does not lose heart, He loves to listen to all the people. He will promise you, That once a year he will play for you. (Crocodile Gena)

2. Long nose, sly look, He loves all the guys Karabas is not afraid And he is ready to fight him (Pinocchio)

3. Here is a funny little man On his back is a motor He lives under the very roof, He loves to eat delicious cake. He flies to visit the children, And eats everyone away (Carlson)

4. The little bear loves honey, He sings a song loudly. Bees hear - they won’t understand Who is so sung here (Winnie the Pooh)

5. He's been running after a hare For many years, But he can't catch it, Everything loses track. What's the use of running for you, Let's say, guys, (to the wolf) 6. An old woman has been living in a pond with green mud for 300 years. She will sing a song to you About friendship with Pinocchio (Turtle Tortilla) (1) Cheburashka: what good fellows you are, you guessed all the riddles right

I invite the children to sit down at the tables again and finish drawing the eyes, nose and mouth. I draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to rinse the brush well before picking up paint of a different color. At the end of the lesson, Cheburashka, together with the children, examines her portraits, praises the children, and is surprised at how well they can draw. Educator: children, let's sing a song for our guest. I turn on a song from the cartoon about Cheburashka. Children go out on the carpet, dance and sing along with Cheburashka.

Cheburashka thanks the children, collects drawings, says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson notes

Educator Marchenko Tatyana Sergeevna

"Cheburashka". Summary of drawing classes in the senior group

Program content: continue to develop children's interest in visual activity. Improve visual skills and abilities, convey in the drawing images of objects, characters of fairy tales. To draw the attention of children to differences in shape, size, proportions of parts, to encourage them to convey these differences in the drawing. Learn to paint with watercolors. Learn to draw with a brush in different ways: wide lines - with the whole pile, thin - with the end of the brush. Draw small spots with the end of the brush (eyes, nose). Continue to improve the ability of children to consider work, enjoy the result achieved.

Material for work: a sheet of white paper A-4, watercolor, brush. Visual material: portrait of Cheburashka, toy Cheburashka.

The course of the lesson: a picture with the image of Cheburashka hangs on the board. I show the children a toy Cheburashka.

Educator: children, you all know Cheburashka, love to watch cartoons about him. And Cheburashka loves to visit children in kindergarten. Today he came to us and was very happy when he saw his portrait (I point to a picture of Cheburashka). Do you guys like his portrait? Let's make Cheburashka a gift, let each of you draw a portrait of Cheburashka so that he can give the drawing to all his friends. And for this you need to take a good look at the toy.

I clarify with the children the shape and size of the parts: the head is round; the body is oval; ears are oval, large; paws are oval, small.

On a large sheet I show drawing techniques, I pay attention to how to correctly draw paint, dip the brush on a napkin, and not draw on wet paint. I emphasize that for the portrait of Cheburashka we need brown paint, and when the drawing dries, we will finish the eyes and nose with black paint, and the mouth with red.

I propose to start independent work, I make sure that the children complete the task correctly.

When the children draw a toy, I suggest that they wait until the paint dries and play with Cheburashka. Children stand in a circle.

Educator: children, each of you has a box on the table, in which there are a lot of multi-colored paints, but you painted only brown. Cheburashka wants to know what color other paints are, let's tell him.

I give Cheburashka into the hands of one of the children. Child: "I have yellow paint in the box." Passes the toy to the next child: “I have green paint in the box”, etc.

Educator: guys, and now Cheburashka will tell you riddles, and you try to guess which cartoons these characters are from.

1. He plays the harmonica, He sings the song cheerfully. And he does not lose heart, He loves to listen to all the people. He will promise you, That once a year he will play for you. (Crocodile Gena)

2. Long nose, sly look, He loves all the guys Karabas is not afraid And he is ready to fight him (Pinocchio)

I invite the children to sit down at the tables again and finish drawing the eyes, nose and mouth. I draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to rinse the brush well before picking up paint of a different color. At the end of the lesson, Cheburashka, together with the children, examines her portraits, praises the children, and is surprised at how well they can draw. Educator: children, let's sing a song for our guest. I turn on a song from the cartoon about Cheburashka. Children go out on the carpet, dance and sing along with Cheburashka.

Cheburashka thanks the children

collects drawings,

says goodbye and leaves.

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